#frances and rowan
ezrasageisajellyfish · 9 months
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I will take no criticism at this time or ever
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thediamondarcher · 1 year
okay, i want to know this now
guess what my favorite is 💀
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elderwisp · 2 months
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ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔣𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔬𝔫 𝔞 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔉𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔯
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ur-moms-hairline · 1 year
osemanverse playlists part 2
this post is long overdue
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kippyzzworld · 8 months
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Worlds most sane Alice Oseman fan
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vague-bisexual-crimes · 8 months
hiiii I wrote this at midnight last night and edited it like five minutes after I woke up so please be nice and forgive any grammatical errors 🙏
Description: almost 3k words of post-hiatus, pre-relationship Jimmy and Lister, ft. pining and background Frances and Rowan.
Rated: G
TWs: canon-typical anxiety, brief mentions of alcohol and drinking
Without any further ado my first (bicci) fanfic ever!
sleepless nights (as long as they’re with you)
Somewhere between Lister almost dying, drunk and alone in a river some short ways from Pierro’s and the release of The Ark’s first post-hiatus album, Jimmy realized something. Jimmy realized that maybe, just maybe, Lister wasn’t just objectively attractive, but, in fact, Jimmy was attracted to him. Jimmy tries to think back to when they were younger, or even just a few years ago to try to figure out if the attraction is recent or had always been there. Either way, the romantic feelings began to develop a few months after they’d brought Lister home from the hospital.
Rowan is gone visiting his not-girlfriend Frances Janvier, so it’s just Jimmy and Lister in their new-ish apartment. It’s just outside London, close enough for them to be in London on short notice, far enough that they can breathe.
None of the three boys have technically dated during or after the hiatus, but Rowan has been talking to Frances Janvier for a few months, since they’d met at a movie premiere and she had no idea who The Ark was aside from “that’s a band, isn’t it?”, and Rowan was immediately enamored. Jimmy and Lister had placed bets on how soon Rowan and Frances would get together that same night.
It’s getting to be late for Jimmy and Lister. A few weeks into the hiatus they had all begun to put in a genuine effort to get a solid 8 hours of sleep a night, but tomorrow is a day off, and tonight they just don’t care.
The two of them are laying on Jimmy’s bed while Brooklyn 99 episodes auto-play in the background, although they haven’t been watching for some time now.
Lister is ranting about the book series he’s just finished, one that Jimmy read a few years ago and remembers very little of, but is content to listen to Lister tell him the entire plot, along with all of his opinions.
That said, Jimmy is finding it difficult to pay attention to what Lister was saying. Lister’s sitting next to him, wearing Jimmy’s well-loved Black Parade hoodie that Jimmy pulled up from the floor after Lister kept complaining about being cold, but not wanting to get up. Something that should be known about Lister is that whenever he speaks enthusiastically about something, his hands and his arms move a lot. Normally, this is fine and not really notable to Jimmy, however tonight, every time Lister raises an arm, Jimmy’s hair-too-small hoodies rises up and a sliver of Lister’s bare stomach becomes visible.
You would think that when Lister had been laying in his bed shirtless, Jimmy would have been distracted, but Lister had so rarely ever worn anything more than boxers that the sight no longer phased Jimmy. But Lister was in Jimmy’s bed, in Jimmy’s hoodie, and Jimmy was struggling to not stare at his stomach.
“—and I despise love triangles, they’re entirely unnecessary and frankly annoying, but somehow this book did it well?” Lister says, sounding mildly distressed at his own statement.
“Yeah, it’s not like an Edward and Jacob love triangle at all.” Jimmy replies before Lister is rushing off on an entirely different tangent about Twilight.
Blame the Twilight talk, but now Jimmy can’t help but notice Lister’s newest tattoo, a floral piece on the side of his neck. It looks pretty—Lister looks pretty.
Lister looks healthier than Jimmy thinks he’s ever seen him. He’d stopped drinking and was beginning to put on a bit of muscle. But it’s not only that, he has this look in his eye that Jimmy hasn’t seen since The Ark finished recording their first EP Kill It. Like he’s really happy.
Jimmy shakes his head to himself, tears his eyes away from Lister’s neck, and his eyes land on the long forgotten television.
He got over you years ago. Jimmy reminds himself. It would be cruel to do this to him years after the fact. Lister doesn’t deserve that, and Jimmy isn’t going to do that to him.
“—Jim-jam?” Lister’s voice breaks through his thoughts.
Jimmy turns his eyes back to Lister, who seems mildly amused as he takes in Jimmy’s expression.
“Were you listening?” Lister asks, not upset but genuinely inquiring.
“Sorry, I got caught up in my head.” Jimmy replies, which is not technically untrue.
“Are you alright?” Lister asks, his expression shifting just so slightly from amusement to worry, now.
“Yeah, yeah, go on, I’m listening now.” Jimmy coaxes Lister to keep talking and forget his concern.
“Are you sure? You looked upset?” Lister asks. A good and bad thing from The Ark all getting some therapy during the hiatus was that Lister was keen to communicate now. Which was good most of the time, and bad right now.
Jimmy doesn’t say anything, he just looks at Lister. At his Black Parade hoodie, the sleeves fitted where they should be baggy, Lister’s hands no longer moving, but tucked into its pocket. At Lister’s floral tattoo on the side of his neck that Jimmy has wanted to kiss since Lister came home and showed Jimmy and Rowan the piece in the middle of their kitchen while Rowan was making tea and Jimmy was sitting on the counter listening to Rowan go on and on about Frances.
Jimmy’s eyes finally slid up to look at Lister’s face. At the lips he kissed once, in a bathroom, years ago, when Lister had been drunk, and Jimmy didn’t feel that way about him. Where Lister had profusely apologized and begged Jimmy not to hate him. It was an absurd statement then, and it still was. How could Jimmy hate Allister Bird?
Jimmy’s eyes find Lister’s. Lister’s gaze is unwavering and kind. Sometimes Jimmy wonders what his relationship would be to Lister if The Ark hadn’t become what it did.
Therapy also means that Jimmy has learned how to properly communicate. Still, that doesn’t mean he wants to.
Jimmy can feel the panic start to actually build in his chest, the real panic, lively and nauseous, not the thought spiral that Lister had seen moments prior.
It’s now or never. Jimmy seems to realize all at once. He can tell Lister how he feels, potentially ruining the closest relationship he has ever had, that isn’t Rowan or Pierro and Joan, potentially distancing himself from one of the two people in the world who actually know him and understand his life, potentially ruining everything that they had spent the past six months building back up for the band, the band which had managed to have wildly unprecedented success after what their management had considered a far-too-long hiatus.
Or he can tell Lister how he feels and Lister could feel the same way and they can live happily-ever-after.
The latter seems too good to be true.
Lister has always been too good for Jimmy. He always will be. Jimmy is a mess. Even now, when he’s at the best place he has ever been with his mental health and The Ark is doing better than it ever has, what with the new album doing even better than Joan of Arc had at release, Jimmy is still a mess.
But Lister is still looking at him like that. Looking at him like he cares.
“I’m okay, Lister.” Jimmy puts on a weak smile to combat the lumb in his throat. “Do y’want some tea?” Jimmy asks, already halfway out of bed.
“I can do it, watch Brooklyn 99.” Lister says, his hand on Jimmy’s shoulder, gently coaxing him to sit back down.
“You didn’t want to get up—” Jimmy begins to protest.
“I don’t mind.” Lister says so simply that Jimmy nearly begins to cry.
Jimmy says a much-too-quiet “okay”, and Lister slips out into the hallway.
Jimmy tries for a brief moment to actually watch Brooklyn 99 and wait for Lister to get back so he can tell Jimmy about his books. It doesn’t work.
Jimmy sighs in frustration and puts his head between his knees like he can cure romantic feelings in the same way as motion sickness.
Lister either makes the quickest cup of tea known to man, or Jimmy doesn’t notice how long he’s been staring at his fitted sheet, his mind somewhere between a panic attack and a confession.
“Jimmy?” Jimmy wishes he would stop doing things to make his name sound so laced with concern every time it falls off Lister’s lips. “You alright?”
Jimmy sits up and quickly takes the cup of tea from Lister.
“You look like you're about to be sick.” Lister says. “Do you want me to hand you the bin?” Jimmy shakes his head. “Do y’want me to call Rowan?”
“Please, don’t.” Jimmy finally says. He takes a sip of tea if only to avoid this conversation for a moment longer. Chamomile vanilla. Jimmy’s favorite.
He looks up at Lister who’s still standing next to Jimmy’s bed watching him. “You know you can talk to me, yeah?” Lister says, and god there’s a tinge of hurt in his voice that Jimmy knows he didn’t intend to slip through.
“Of course,” Jimmy says, his voice more level than it’s been since the start of this evening. “I tell you everything.” Not necessarily true, but not a lie either. He tells Lister everything…except this.
Lister crawls over Jimmy to get to the other side of the bed, not spilling Jimmy’s tea by some miracle, and immediately wraps his arm around Jimmy. “I love you, you know that?” Lister says with his cheek pressed into Jimmy’s hair.
“I love you, too, Lister.” This doesn’t really feel like a lie. Jimmy, Rowan, and Lister had loved each other for as long as they’d been friends. They haven’t been so vocal about it until their early twenties, but that has never made it any less true.
Jimmy drinks his tea in silence, the only noise in the entire apartment being Jimmy’s TV, and the soft rhythm of Lister’s breath in his ear.
When Jimmy sets his mug on his bedside table, Lister asks, “Want to go to bed?”
It is properly late now and all of Jimmy’s panic has made him exhausted.
“Yeah,” Jimmy answers and Lister’s arm falls away from Jimmy and he begins to crawl out of bed.
Jimmy catches Lister’s arm, moving a bit too fast, and says. “You don’t need to get up. My bed’s big enough for both of us.”
“It’s okay,” Lister begins to slide his arm from Jimmy’s hand.
“Your bed isn’t even made and you’re already here.” Jimmy tries to shrug nonchalantly and sets the TV to turn off after an hour.
“Okay,” Lister says only a bit louder than a whisper.
Jimmy lays down and pulls the covers up and around him, pretending he isn’t aware of every move Lister makes as he sets his phone on the floor by the bed, takes off Jimmy’s Black Parade hoodie and crawls fully under the covers.
Jimmy wasn’t lying when he said his bed was big enough for both of them, there’s a solid foot of bed between them and they still have wiggle room on the other side.
It never takes Jimmy long to fall asleep whenever Lister is there.
Rowan comes home the next morning with the news that he’s officially going out with Frances Janvier and Lister slyly hands Jimmy a twenty under the table when Rowan isn’t looking.
“Is she gonna be coming ‘round then?” Jimmy asks between bites of cereal.
“She’ll be ‘round next week, but not for a while after that, she and Aled have some Universe City stuff to do.” Rowan replies.
“That’s great, Ro,” Lister says. “‘Bit jealous that you’re the first one of us to be in a relationship since the hiatus but still.”
Rowan rolls his eyes but his smile doesn’t waver. Rowan and Lister’s relationship has massively improved over the past few years. Partially from Rowan learning that he doesn’t need to take care of Lister all the time, partially because Lister has learned to take care of himself.
“You could date anyone.” Rowan says.
“Of course I could, have you considered none of them are good enough for Allister Bird?” Lister replies instantly.
“Yes, that’s the problem,” Rowan says.
“I’m with Lister on this one, Rowan, how come you’re the one who always ends up in good, long-term relationships?” Jimmy says as he puts his empty bowl in the dishwasher.
“I dated Bliss for two years and I haven’t even been dating Frances for 24 hours.”
“That’s longer term than Jimmy and I for like five years running.” Lister points out.
“That’s a lie! I dated that guy for three weeks when I was 16.” Jimmy protests.
“Relationships from when you were 16 don’t count.” Lister shrugs as though it’s law. “And you can’t even remember his name, can you?”
Jimmy ignores the last part. “You’re counting Bliss!”
“Because they dated while Rowan was also 17 and 18.”
“Impeccable logic as always, Bird.” Rowan says with a pat on Lister’s shoulder. Lister grins smugly at Jimmy.
“Rowan agrees with me.”
“Don’t put words in my mouth.” Rowan says and then they’re all laughing.
Frances comes round the week later to stay for two nights. Jimmy and Lister gleefully tease Rowan about having a girlfriend (although they maintain that they’re perfectly nice and civil to Frances, who is lovely), but eventually the novelty begins to wear off and Jimmy and Lister decide to leave Rowan and Frances alone and retreat to Jimmy’s bedroom.
Watching Brooklyn 99 in Jimmy’s room has become something of a routine of theirs lately. Some nights they watch a few episodes until they actually feel tired and Lister will go to his own room to sleep, other nights he sleeps in Jimmy’s room.
Jimmy prefers the nights where Lister sleeps in Jimmy’s room. He can always sleep when Lister is there, despite the background anxiety about his feelings for Lister, he feels safe with him.
Tonight neither of them are really watching the show, instead they’re scrolling through their respective personal social media accounts that the fans somehow have yet to find. It’s a content silence and Jimmy is perfectly happy to continue to watch Brooklyn 99 and scroll through his phone until he falls asleep, but then Lister says,
“Tell me to shut up if I’ve got the wrong idea, but,” Lister pauses and takes a breath. “you seemed genuinely very stressed about something the other night, and you don’t have to tell me, but you haven’t seemed that stressed in so long and I’m worried about you.” Lister looks at him.
Jimmy means to say more, but all that comes out is, “Lister…”
“You don’t have to tell me just…I’m here for you, for anything. I need you to know that.”
Jimmy opens his mouth to speak and closes it.
“Do you remember when you were drunk and you kissed me?” It’s not at all what Jimmy means to say and as soon as it’s out of his mouth he feels shit for bringing it up.
“I—yeah,” Lister looks embarrassed and slightly pained at the memory.
“And I told you, more or less, that I didn’t feel that way about you,” Jimmy continues slowly.
“Jimmy, you don’t have to reject me again. I got it the first time, haha.” It’s the saddest laugh Jimmy’s ever heard and for a moment his entire train of thought derails.
“What?” Jimmy asks.
“I didn’t think I was being that obvious. God, I’m sorry, Jimmy, you must’ve been so uncomfortable.” Lister explains and he looks like he might start crying.
“D’you still like me?” Jimmy’s voice is soft.
“It feels a bit juvenile to say it that way but…but yeah…” Lister thinks for a moment. “What’d’you mean, did you not know?” Jimmy can see Lister trying to work out what the hell is happening and coming up more confused than before.
“No, no, Lister…” the words are still stuck in his throat. It’s now or never.
Jimmy turns to properly face Lister and puts his hands on his cheeks, the tips of his fingers brush against Lister’s soft blond hair. Lister leans in slightly to the touch, but confusion dances across his face.
Slowly, with plenty of time for Lister to stop him, Jimmy leans in. He stops a breath from Lister’s lips and presses his forehead against Lister’s. Lister’s hands come up to rest on Jimmy’s biceps, his breath quickens and seemingly against his will, his eyes flutter shut.
“Can I kiss you?” Jimmy whispers.
“God, please,” Lister whispers and then Jimmy’s lips meet Lister’s and this time it feels right.
Lister’s hands move from Jimmy’s arms to his waist, pulling him gently so that he’s sat in Lister’s lap. Jimmy’s thumbs stroke Lister’s cheeks as they kiss, every anxiety he’d had about telling Lister how he felt washing away with each brush of his lips against Lister’s.
After a moment their lips part from the other’s and Jimmy presses his forehead to Lister’s again as they breathe.
“That’s what you were having anxiety about?” Lister whispers, his breath fanning across Jimmy’s face.
Jimmy nods and slides his arms around Lister’s neck to rest on his shoulders.
Lister kisses him, once, chaste, before burying his face in the crook of Jimmy’s neck. Lister’s arms tighten around Jimmy’s waist and they hold each other for god-knows how long before they hear Frances and Rowan laughing at something in the living room.
They pull back just enough to see each other’s faces. Jimmy runs his fingers through Lister’s hair, pushing it out of his eyes and then kisses him.
“Stay with me tonight?” Jimmy asks.
“Always.” Lister replies and kisses him again.
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mediumdoodles · 2 months
thank you Alice oseman 💝
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toiletphotoshoot · 10 months
I like the head canon that prof. Rowan is from Galar AKA pokemon Britain, because that would make his interpretation of Lysandre when Augustine introduces him even funnier.
Augustine: Rowan! This is my boyfriend, Lysandre! :D
Rowan, knowing that Augustine lives and researches in Kalos AKA pokemon France, that Lysandre is Kalosian and therefore French: MY ‘SON’ IS DATING A FRENCHIE?????
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depressed-musiclover · 10 months
Dear heart, please let these feelings fade .
-Perry poetry
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a-linearis · 1 year
sometimes it feels like alice is trying to call me out or something-
by the time I'm reading loveless it's like "haha so relatable I'm aroace too, I love Georgia"
then I read radio silence and it's like "haha so relatable head girl who has no actual clue what they want to do with their life, I love Frances"
then I read iwbft and it's like "haha every member of the ark I somewhat relate to, I'm trans masc like Jimmy, black and working class like Rowan and I have an unrequited crush on my best friend like Lister"
girl what 💀😭
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pigeonviewing · 1 year
frances canonly stans the ark and makes fan art of them frfr
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fluffypencil · 1 year
debating rereading radio silence cuz ive only read it once orr....
rereading iwbft for like toe 7000000millionth time
i need to reread them all actually someone pick for me
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person4924 · 2 years
not me adding every osemanverse character’s birthday to my calendar so it looks like i have friends
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elderwisp · 2 months
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𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔭𝔩𝔢 𝔣𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢
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...If there is one rule in British TV series of the late 1960s to early 1980s, it is that if your series contains a character by the illustrious appellation of "Prince George", that character must
be of noble stock, and foreign(-ish) parentage.
be distinguishable from the rest of the cast by his fashionable attire of pastel colours garnished with the star of the Garter.
wear a blond wig of essentially period-appropriate, yet somehow irritating proportions and (suspected) powers; it is left for the viewer to decide whether the wig long ago devoured the Prince's brains, being a sentient creature in its own right, or whether it insulates the Prince's brain so well against matters beyond the tip of his own nose that he speaks ineloquently to the point of being perceived as being not quite the brightest candle on the royal wedding cake by all around him.
for the above reason be somewhat annoying at all times when he opens his mouth.
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...And for every Prince George, there is a somewhat less tall, soberly-attired dark-haired man in a black coat who, though inferior by birth, manages to obtain a certain standing in the world by way of a ruthless personality and razor-sharp wit, whom Prince George can turn to and accept as the actual brains of the operation.
The First Churchills aired in 1969, the third season of Blackadder in 1983. If this is a coincidence, I will tell you for the affordable price of one of Baldrick's turnips. ;-)
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normalpeoplethiings · 10 months
do you read any other authors other than Alice?
i have tried to read some other authors like casey mcquiston but i’m just a really big fan of alice’s novels!
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