#nick burkhardt imagine
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That’s My Sister
Relationship: Sean Renard x Reader, Monroe x Monroe!Reader
Fandom: Grimm
Request: No
Warnings: Brief Strong Language, Fluff, Light Angst
Word Count: 3,540
Main Masterlist: Here
Grimm Masterlist: Here
Summary: Bringing home your significant other for the holidays is always stressful. Even more so when you are a wesen, with another wesen coming, and a Grimm to top it all off!
Love is like death, it must come to us all, but to each his own unique way and time, sometimes it will be avoided, but never can it be cheated, and never will it be forgotten.
The spice shop was gorgeous this time of year. Smells of nutmeg, cinnamon, and juniper with just a hint of pine filled the room. Lights strung up along the banners and shelves. There were not enough to distract or take away from the business, but it added just enough of Yuletide cheer to the area.
“Rosalee? Are you in?” Someone called out into the shop. She looked around in wonder as she waited for the person to appear.
“Hey, it’s my favorite Monroe. What can I do for you?” Said Fuchsbau emerged from the back, dressed in a cozy cardigan.
“Don’t let my brother hear you say that,” the Blutbad teased, “but seriously. I’m looking for a gift for my boyfriend and was wondering if maybe I could poke around and see what I could find?” Her timid tone, and now shy demeanor intrigued Rosalee as she watched the woman.
“Oh. Your mysterious boyfriend that we have yet to meet. I’m sure we could find something. Tell me a little bit about him.” Breathing a sigh of relief, the Blutbad relaxed and went back to her usual self.
“Well, he’s super sweet and oddly loaded. Which makes it difficult to buy him a gift because if he wants something, he already has it. I just- I want this to be good because it’s our first Christmas. But he does like tea when he’s not working to wind down. So maybe something to do with that?” Her rambling encouraged the other woman to begin scouring the shelves for something that might peek her interest.
“Is he wesen? Just incase I give him something poisonous.” Rosalee stopped to look at the sister in her shop.
“He’s half zauberbiest, if that helps.” She offered, to which Rosalee confirmed that it did, in fact, help in her search. But all the while the Fuchsbau’s thoughts were racing as she tried to think of anyone who was half zauberbiest. It was not a very common type of wesen, especially if he’s half.
“Aha! This might do the trick,” she pulled something from a shelf in a glass container, “it’s a calming blend. Rose, chamomile, lavender, mint, and green tea. It’s delicious and should help calm him down from stressful days.” The other woman’s face perked up, and she excitedly followed Rosalee to the counter, where she began to dispense an amount to take with her.
“So this boyfriend of yours, are you bringing him to dinner tomorrow night?” Rosalee tried to sound nonchalant, but her curiosity was eating away at her.
“Maybe. We’ve only been dating a few months. I’m just worried about my brother going off on him.” She pulled out her wallet as she continued to speak.
“I mean, the last time I was dating someone, Roe went full Blutbad on the guy and I could never get a date after that. This is the first guy I’ve dated in years, and I really like him. I don’t want to mess that up.” Taking to leaning against the counter and watching the Fuchsbau measure out the tea and square it away, she continued her lament. Rosalee looked up at her future sister-in-law.
“Look, I get it with your brother. He can be a bit intense. But I will keep him on his best behavior. Is that why you don’t want to introduce them?” She asked, ringing up her family discount for the tea.
“Yeah. That last guy, he looked at me like I was a freak after my brother woged at him. Haven’t been able to get over that stare since. And then he told every other wesen at our school to stay away from me and my ‘psycho’ brother. Never wanted to hurt a Hundjäger so badly in my life.” Placing some bills on the counter, she grabbed the package of tea from the woman, who held her hand gently.
“Bring him to dinner tomorrow. Juliette and I will make sure everyone is on their best behavior. There won’t be a repeat of that.” Rosalee reassured the Blutbad in her care. The other wesen nodded, and placed a hand on top of the other.
“I will, Rosalee.” They both smiled, and let each other go. As the female Blutbad left her shop, the Fuchsbau could not help but let her mind wander as she began to clean up a little bit. Did she even have zauberbiest come into the shop? It’s so hard to tell sometimes, let alone if they are half. All at once, Rosalee had a revelation. She knew who it was.
“Oh no.”
Meanwhile, in the precinct Nick watched from his desk as his captain seemed preoccupied with his phone. It was an unusual behavior which is why it drew the young man’s attention.
“What are you staring at so intensely, Nick?” Hank asked from his desk right next to him.
“It’s the captain. He’s been on his phone more and more today.” The detective pointed out.
“Maybe he’s making plans for Christmas dinner tomorrow night. It’s not a crime for him to be on his phone to make plans Nick.” He tried to explain the behavior away, but Burkhardt shook his head.
“See that?” He called attention to a certain quirk of the face. “He’s smiling. There’s no one in his life that he smiles genuinely for anymore. I think he’s got a girlfriend.” Nick said finally in disbelief.
“If anyone needs a good woman to keep him grounded, it’s definitely the captain. Just be happy for once and don’t profile the man.” Griffin shook his head and turned back to his files, prompting his partner to follow suit. But their attention was called away again as the captain’s office door was flung open.
“Where are you going?” Hank asked, watching the man move fast; it was as fast as he would move if they were on a case.
“Oh, I need to go pick up something for someone. You two should go home, and enjoy Christmas Eve with your families. I’ll see you later.” And with that, he was gone. The two detectives sat there, dumbfounded.
“I’ll be damned; the captain has a lady.” Hank muttered to himself, stopping his work for a moment. Checking the time, Nick stretched his back while standing from the chair.
“Alright, you heard the man. Let’s get out of here. Hey, see you at dinner tomorrow night?” Burkhardt asked of his partner. Griffin nodded and followed suit; both men grabbing their jackets from the back of their chairs in order to leave.
“You know it. I’m not one to turn down a free meal.” Hank joked, stepping out into the parking lot of the precinct. The men said their goodbyes and made their ways home.
In the Calvert-Monroe household though, a full blown argument was about to boil over. They had been going at it since the subject was brought up at dinner. It had lasted from the appetizer, all the way to clean up before dessert.
“All I’m saying is that I would like to meet her boyfriend before he comes over. What if he’s a lowen?” Monroe complained, handing washed dishes to his girlfriend.
“Do you honestly think your sister would date a lowen?” Rosalee countered, drying off the plate to stack.
“You’re right. Still,” he continued, “I just don’t want her to date someone that’s just going to break her heart. I mean, all the guys in high school she liked were totally not for her.” The Blutbad paused for a moment, and rested his soapy wet hands against the sink. Setting down the towel, Rosalee wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and cradled his face.
“She really likes this guy, Monroe. Don’t go over board. Besides, he’s not the worst choice for her.” Turning back to the task at hand, it took the man a second too long to process what the Fuchsbau had said.
“Wait, do you know who she’s dating?” Monroe questioned, watching Rosalee’s face take on an air of faux innocence.
“Maybe. Maybe not. She didn’t explicitly tell me who it was. I just worked it out from what little she did tell me.” She began to place her dishes away, but it seemed that Monroe was not yet done.
“Come on, who is it? Who is she dating?” But the woman said nothing.
“Rosalee.” He growled out in a warning tone, to which she finally faced her boyfriend and rested her hands on her hips.
“The only thing I will say, is that you have met him before. That is it. Now, cake?” Rosalee went to retrieve the chocolate cake from the fridge, leaving Monroe there in the kitchen.
“I’m gonna be kept up all night now.” He complained, but followed his girlfriend into the dining room to have dessert.
The next morning, was a morning of rest. Christmas had come, and everyone was preparing for the festivities that would soon come. Sneaking out of her shared bedroom, a Blutbad began to make breakfast for her lover that was still asleep in their bed. It still astounded her that she could even call this place, this bed, this man, her’s.
Vegan sausages were being fried, toast, pancakes, and several smaller side dishes covered the counter in the kitchen. It continued to shock her at how far vegan alternatives had come as she put the fake eggs in the pan to scramble. As she cooked, two strong bare arms wrapped around her waist. A kiss was placed to her head from behind as the mystery arms relaxed.
“Good morning. It’s not often that I get breakfast made for me.” The voice grumbled out, still thick with sleep.
“Who says this is for you?” She teased. Making sure that nothing would burn, she turned briefly in the man’s arms to come face to face with him. Sage green eyes gazed lovingly into her own, but shut momentarily as they met for a kiss. Her lips molded to her own, and reluctantly she pulled away from the beautiful shirtless man before her, in favor of ensuring their breakfast would not be wasted.
“It’s almost done. Want to go ahead and start putting food on the table?” One last kiss was pressed to her head, along with a squeeze at her waist, and he was off. Soon, the whole table was littered with food.
“Thank you for making this.” He commented genuinely, holding her hand over the steaming food. Suddenly, she hoped up as if a light bulb went off in her head, and she made her way to the kitchen. When she came out yet again, a mug was in her hands this time around.
“What is that?” Came his question, taking the mug and maneuvering it next to his other cup of coffee.
“It’s one of your Christmas presents. Try it.” Sitting down, she watched with bated breath as he brought the mug to his lips, and took a tentative sip. His face lit up and he eagerly took another sip.
“This is delicious. What is it?” Another question, and he was reaching for her hand once more.
“It’s a tea blend from a friend’s shop. I thought it’d be nice to help you wind down after work.” She explained, happy that she was able to get one of two correct.
“This is wonderful. I genuinely appreciate this. Let’s eat though. You went through all this work.” And with that, they dug into the food that littered the table before them. It was not too much longer before they sat themselves on the couch, and enjoyed each others company with presents to either side.
“Here you go.” The man placed a rather heavy wrapped present in her lap, and watched her with eager eyes. She tore into the paper, and leveled her boyfriend with a look as she saw what she had.
“Really, Sean?” Her tone was dry, and she tried to fight the smile coming onto her face. However, with her boyfriend sporting one himself, it was rather hard.
“What? You could always use another book, and I thought you might enjoy the stories.” Said man tried to explain away.
“You gave me a collection of brothers Grimm fairytales!” She exclaimed.
“And you’re not wanting to read them?” He leveled her with another look, which made her shrink down into herself.
“Yes. I’m going to read them.” Muttering under her breath, she placed the book to her side and grasped the other box that was next to her. She placed it in her lover’s lap, and awaited his reaction. Sean gently unwrapped the present, and opened the box that was in his hands. His face dropped in surprise, and his eyes danced over the present he had.
“Do you like it?” Timidly, she inquired. There was no telling what his reaction was going to be. Sean’s hand reached in and pulled out the small object that was awaiting him. It was a ring. Tiny and unassuming, which described his lover but that was not what caught his attention. It was what was on the inside of the ring. An inscription dated September 23rd of that year; their anniversary.
“You don’t like it? It’s fine if you don’t. I just thought maybe you would. I can take it back though if you don’t want it. I’m sure I could at least get store-” she never finished her rambling, because her boyfriend had surged forward and captured her lips in his. They remained locked in their embrace for who knows how long, but she was pushed against the couch in the midst of it. Alas, they pulled away for some much needed oxygen.
“Do you like it?” She repeated her inquiry.
“I love it.” He replied, breathlessly. Helping her back up, Sean allowed her to slip the ring on to his left pinky finger. On the outside, it just looked like a simple silver band, but the fact that he knew that there was that inscription inside made it feel like a known secret. And it was all his.
“This is funny actually.” Sean reached behind him and found the box next to him once more. She was confused as to what he was talking about, and took the box gingerly from his hands. Opening, she let out a small chuckle as to what was inside.
“Now, now, you still have to get my brother on your side.” Once again, she was teasing him. He chuckled as well, but pulled the ring from the box.
“It’s a promise ring.” Sean slipped the ring on to her right ring finger. The emerald in the center, with the silver surrounding it instantly drew her eyes to the sparkling stone.
“This is going to turn some heads at dinner tonight.” Her mind could not help but think about what was going to happen.
“I’ll be right by your side.” Drawing her into his arms, Sean pressed a kiss to her head, and cradled her close.
A few hours later, the couple was dressed up and ready to leave. One last spray of perfume and the jewelry was placed on her body before they left for the evening. Her leg could not stop bouncing as they neared their destination. Sean reached over and held her thigh in hi grasp, which allowed her to calm down just enough. He parked on the side of the road and helped his girlfriend safely exit the car onto the icy sidewalks. They walked up to the door with stained glass, and she took a deep breath.
“You can still back out, you know?” She tried to tell her boyfriend, but he just held her by the shoulders and looking into her eyes.
“I’m not scared by meeting your family. It’s going to be fine.” Sean tried to reassure her.
“Alright. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” And with that, she knocked. Just a moment later, the door opened and revealed a festive looking Fuchsbau.
“You made it!” Rosalee cheered, hugging her boyfriend’s sister close. Letting go, she turned to face the man standing next to her.
“Captain.” She greeted politely, and held out her hand for him to shake.
“Rosalee. It’s good to see you again.” This confused the Blutbad standing between them.
“You know each other?” She wondered aloud. Renard and Rosalee looked at each other.
“I think you’ll find a lot of the people here have met each other at least once.” Rosalee responded cryptically. She pulled them in and out of the cold, before taking their coats to their spare room. The couple wandered through the house and found where the rest of the group was hanging around. She got to watch Sean’s eyes take in her brother’s Christmas decorations that littered the room. The sheer amount of tinsel, lights, and fake snow that was around the house was enough to make even the most Christmasy person take a step back. There was a pause as everyone stopped to stare at the couple.
“You’ve got to be joking.” Monroe stated, setting down his beer. Nick, Juliette, and Hank all turned to face where the Blutbad was staring.
“Captain? Nice to see you?” Nick drawled out confused, and followed his friend’s motion.
“Roe, everyone, this is Sean. But I’m guessing that you all know each other.” She was looking around at the rest of the guests.
“Oh, you’re dying now.” Rounding the corner at an incredible speed, there were shouts as Monroe grabbed the collar of Sean’s more casual sweater she had convinced him to wear instead of his suit. He shoved the zauberbiest against a wall, narrowly missing some decorations as he woged. By this point, Nick and Hank were trying desperately to pull him off of the man, while Juliette and Rosalee were holding and shielding the other Blutbad.
“What are you playing at? What do you want that you feel the need to date my sister?” Monroe growled out, eyes no longer human but red and black and unearthly.
“I am not dating her for a plan. I love her for her.” Sean held up his hands in surrender.
“Roe, let him go.” His sister growled, stepping out from behind the women. The man in question turned his head and let the woge fade back into his skin
“This man is not who he says he is. He’s a royal, little sis. He only told you he loves you to find a way to fit into his plans. Whatever they are.” The longer he spoke, the angrier his sister became.
“I know he’s half-royal, Roe. But that doesn’t mean that Sean doesn’t love me. Now get off of him.” Fully woge out, she grabbed her brother’s arm and threw him back enough to create some distance. The three men that were currently in front of Sean were replaced by one angry Blutbad woman. Her woge disappeared as soon as it came, and she checked in on her boyfriend.
“It’s been lovely seeing everyone, but if this is how it’s going to be, we’ll be leaving.” She said after whispering to Sean for a few moments. It shocked everyone in the room. Rosalee went to reluctantly grab their coats, while everyone else stared at Monroe with pointed glares.
“Wait!” The Blutbad called just before the couple left the party. Sean was helping her into her coat when they paused. He was entirely following her lead on this, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable or unwanted.
“I’m- I’m sorry, okay? You’re my sister and I’m always going to be protective of you. But you are an adult so I need to accept your choice. I’ll tone it down just, please, stay for dinner?” He was keeping his eyes on his sister, who returned with a less believable stare.
“You’re allowed to ask him three questions about our relationship, and three about himself. That’s it.” She replied, allowing Sean to once again, help her out of her coat. Rosalee took it back and happily went to set them on the bed once more. Monroe pulled his sister into a bear hug in the foyer of his home. When they pulled away, Sean stepped up to properly greet the Blutbad.
“You hurt my sister, I’ll break my pledge.” Monroe stared the half zauberbiest dead in the eye as he shook his hand. Renard brought out a smirk, and shook the man’s hand firmly.
“I’m slowly starting to realize the amount of people who will hurt me if I hurt her, including her.” He replied smoothly. The couple were pulled back into the fray easily. Everyone was laughing and eating, and in general, just having a great time. Looking at each other over their glasses of wine, and plates of food, Sean gave her a small wink, and held her hand. With the other, he thumbed a small velvet box the was in the pocket of his slacks. Perhaps next Christmas she would be more than a girlfriend. He needs to get through to her brother first.
#rebelliousstories#writing#grimm imagine#grimm#hank griffin grimm#hank griffin#monroe x reader#monroe grimm#nick burkhardt x reader#nick burkhardt#nick burkhardt imagine#sean renard imagine#sean renard#sean renard x reader#juliette silverton#rosalee calvert
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Gracie Abrams Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with Nick Burkhardt - Nick Burkhardt Imagine [Grimm]
Title: Gracie Abrams Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with Nick Burkhardt
Pairing: Nick Burkhardt X Reader
Word Count: 2,197 words
Warning(s): brief mention of past trauma (non-specific), fear of commitment, fear of death/injury, Wesen racism
Summary: Three songs by Gracie Abrams that would describe a relationship with Nick Burkhardt.
Author's Note: I hope this will somewhat make up for the fact that I haven't been able to do a writing challenge for Gracie's newest album.
I could've put Tough Love in here to talk about (Y/n) and Monroe, but I only do three at a time, y'know?
Let It Happen
No, I know I'm a walking contradiction and it shows Got a history of being in control I'm aware that I could end up here alone
-- third person p.o.v --
Usually when Nick found himself sitting in Monroe's house, it was to find out the truth about some kind of Wesen that was attacking people.
This conversation was something different entirely. Somehow less serious but more tense. A feeling that Nick would be happy to never experience again.
Monroe called him over, saying that they needed to talk about something important. There wasn't much more said on the phone except for the preface that the talk was going to be focused on (Y/n), which was enough to get Nick to go over as fast as possible.
Monroe and Nick sat at Monroe's table for what felt like hours. A strange silence settled over them. For Nick, it was tense. He was worried that (Y/n) had gotten hurt or that he had done something to upset them. For Monroe, it was awkward. He wasn't sure that this conversation was his to have but felt like he should. He saw (Y/n) as a sibling and siblings were supposed to protect each other.
Monroe nervously cleared his throat before finally speaking up, "I... I have a question to ask."
"Okay," Nick replied, feeling his leg shaking as he tried to stop overthinking how this conversation was going to go.
"And it might be a weird question," Monroe added. "I don't even know if it's my business and you don't need to tell me anything. I would like if you did because the rest of the conversation kinda relies on that-"
"Monroe," Nick cut him off. "What is it?"
"Do you... have feelings for (Y/n)?"
There was a brief moment where it felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. So much for thinking he had been subtle. "Uh, yeah. Lucky guess."
"Well... it was Rosalee's guess more than mine," Monroe admitted.
"Great, so everyone just knows?"
"I didn't say that. The two of us had been talking about it and I got worried."
"Worried?" Nick could've scoffed. "You don't think that I'd do something-"
"No, no, of course not." Monroe shook his head. "It's just that I've (Y/n) for a while now. They've been through... a lot."
"Okay." Nick nodded slowly.
"They don't trust a lot of people. I mean, even getting them to trust me was a long process. I mean, seriously, years. But... that's not important right now. What is important is that I care about them. I've seen them get through a lot of crap and I want to see them happy. They deserve it.
"And I can see it when you two talk sometimes. They want... something. Maybe it's just to open up. Maybe it's something more. I'm not sure, but I can see it. I just..."
"What," Nick asked.
"I don't want you to get (Y/n) to trust you just for something to happen that'll screw that up."
"Monroe," Nick leaned forward on the table. "I care about (Y/n) a lot. I know that you do too. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I don't know how they feel yet or if it would be safe. But I promise, if something happens, I'll do everything in my power to make sure that I never let them down."
"Thank you."
"There's nothing to thank me for-"
Monroe held his hand up. "You gave me a little peace of mind... that's enough."
There was a pause between them before Nick spoke up again, "So, when do I get threatened that you'll kill me if I hurt them?"
"Was that not implied," Monroe asked. He woged quickly.
"Message received."
The Blue
You came out of the blue like that I never could've seen you coming I think you're everything I've wanted
Rosalee's shop was a place of comfort. Maybe it was because it was more often filled with the few people that I considered to be my friends. Or maybe it was simply because it catered mostly to Wesen.
No matter what the reason. It felt natural to find my way there after I had almost been killed.
"How are you feeling," Rosalee asked as she handed me a mug of tea.
"Fine," I muttered. "I... I don't know if it's really hit me yet."
"That's understandable," she replied. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you need. Let me know if you need me, okay? I'll just be out front."
"Thank you," I said. "For all of this."
"You're welcome." she grinned.
As she turned around to walk to the front, I heard the bell above the door ringing. A few seconds later, Nick was rushing into the room.
"Are you okay," he asked. "I told you to get checked by the paramedics."
"I'm fine," I insisted. "It was just a little shock. Those assholes didn't get a chance to hurt me. How did you even find out I was here?"
"It doesn't matter-"
"Did Rosalee call you?"
"(Y/n), it doesn't matter," he said. "You were almost killed."
"They wish that they could get that close."
He ran his hands over his face.
"Nick, look at me." I stood up, walking over to him. "I'm fine. Might have a bruise or two but other than that, I'm perfectly fine. I'm healthy and safe."
I watched his eyes scan over me.
"You've been in much worse shape than I am right now." I shrugged.
I tensed when he stepped forward and hugged me. My face felt warm. My thoughts were going at a hundred miles an hour. I had spent a long time avoiding my feelings and a major part of that was avoiding any physical touch when I could. I awkwardly hugged him back.
"I'm happy that you're okay," he mumbled. I closed my eyes for a moment.
"Thanks," I replied before abruptly stepping back.
I felt like I could've been knocked over by how he was looking at me. There was just so much worry and care. I hadn't seen that look in a very long time. Even then, it wasn't nearly as intense as this.
I don't know what came over me. I don't think that I even thought about my actions before I had committed to them. All I knew was that one moment I was looking at Nick and the next moment I was leaning forward and kissing him.
I was going to pull away a second after I had done it. But I couldn't before Nick had the chance to pull me closer to him.
I had never experienced a time where something felt so tense yet so correct. Like this was going to happen no matter what. A question of when instead of if. It was all depending on how long it took me to do something about it.
Nick pulled back a few moments later, slowly grinning at me.
It felt like it took ages for my mind to catch up to what had happened.
"Sorry," I mumbled, not fully convinced that I had caught my breath. "I... I don't know what came over me-"
"Don't apologize," he cut me off. "I'm glad that you did."
"Oh," I replied, slowly nodding. "I... I really like you, Nick."
"I'd be a bit confused if you didn't."
I felt my face warm up again as I looked away from him. "I'm telling you how I feel about you and you're being a smartass."
He chuckled. "I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you."
"How do you plan to do that?"
"Over dinner. If you'd like."
I grinned. "That sounds nice."
He leaned forward and kissed me again. Suddenly, I felt like I was completely certain of a choice that I had made.
The Bottom
You could do better You should walk out It's now or never I took the most that you could offer I'm gonna drag you right down to the bottom
I let out a huff as I tossed the unopened envelope on the counter.
All it took was the lack of information on the outside for me to know what it was. I was simply too tired to deal with it today.
"That sigh rattled the house."
I jumped when I heard Nick's voice. "Holy shit!"
He held his hands up. "Sorry, sorry! Didn't mean to spook you."
"Why aren't you at work? It's 2 in the afternoon."
"Case got solved this morning, took the rest of the day off," he said simply. "What was that sigh about?"
"Nothing important," I replied.
"It's not that unmarked envelope?"
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"What? I'm a detective, I see things." he shrugged. "Let me see it."
He reached over and grabbed it before I had a chance to stop him. If I didn't trust him so much, I would have been a little bit quicker.
I watched his face change from when he opened the letter to when he finished reading it. It wasn't a long note. None of them had been. They were only ever a few lines about the purity of Wesen and how sorry I would be if I didn't listen to them. At first, they churned my stomach, but after a while, they just became a nuisance. Whoever was giving them to me was a coward anyway; they never fulfilled their threats.
"Is this the first note that you've gotten like this," Nick asked after a moment.
"No," I admitted. "I've gotten a few of them. I just throw them out."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Why worry you with them? Whoever sent them hasn't actually done anything besides send the notes. Not much we could do about it."
"I could have," he argued. "I'm a cop. I could've... I could've tried to do something."
There was a long pause. I watched Nick's eyes scan over the note over and over again. As if he was looking for the identity of the writer to just pop out at him. I sighed, snatching it from his hands. I did what I had done with the rest of those notes: threw it in the trash to never be looked at again.
"Maybe you should go," Nick muttered.
"I think that you should go," he repeated.
"Go where?"
"I think it would be for the best if we separated," he explained.
I scoffed. "Bullshit!"
"Nick, I'm not going to leave because of a few vague threats-"
"And what happens when I get you killed?" he cut me off. I furrowed my eyebrows. "We've... We've seen what's happening with Rosalee and Monroe. Rosalee had a brick thrown through the shop window! And that's just because they're two different kinds of Wesen! Imagine what they would do to someone who's with a Grimm!"
I ran my hands over my face. I understood that he was scared but this all seemed crazy.
"I... I won't be the reason that you get hurt. I'm already putting you in enough danger because of the keys and the royals and all of the other crap that comes with this life. And maybe it's too late to protect you from that. Maybe they know too much about you already and that's my fault. But this... I could protect you fully from this if I let you go."
"Nick..." I stepped forward. "If... If you want me to go, then I will. But only if you want me to. I'm not going to leave you just because some idiots think that I should be with 'my own kind'. I... I love you, Nick. I'm not going to let someone chase me away from that."
He didn't respond for a moment. He just stared at me. As if he was testing me. Testing how long I would stand there without him saying whether or not he wanted me there.
"Tell me what you want-"
My words were cut short by him pulling me forward and kissing me. I froze for a moment before touching the sides of his face. He pulled back a few seconds later, not moving very far away from me. My arms moved around his neck.
"I don't want you to leave," he muttered to me.
"Good," I replied. "I didn't want to leave. Plus, I'm pretty sure that I'd be safer with you than on my own."
He leaned his forehead against mine, closing his eyes.
"We'll be okay," I almost whispered. "No matter what."
He grinned at me as his eyes opened again.
"I don't care what danger I'm in when I'm with you," I promised. "I just care that I'm with you."
"I'm sorry. God, I'm an idiot."
"Sometimes." I nodded. I kissed his cheek. "But that's okay."
"Thanks," he mumbled sarcastically before pulling into a hug.
I closed my eyes, hiding my face in his shoulder.
"I love you too," he muttered. As if he was keeping it a secret from someone even though we were the only people in the house. "Didn't say it earlier."
I smiled to myself. I had never doubted that for a second.
Everything - @geeksareunique
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Cooking for Nick after a long day
Nick X Female reader
Word Count:547
Nick’s kitchen was filled with an amazing smell. As he turned the corner, he understood why. She stood in front of the stove, dancing along to the music that only she could hear. He smiled to himself. No matter how bad his day had been, she was always there to brighten his mood.
“Hello, beautiful,” he grabbed a cookie off the tray and popped it into his mouth.
She smiled. “Nick,” she said, looking over at him without losing focus on the dish in front of her. It looked like some type of pasta, but Nick couldn’t be sure. “How was Monroe?”
“He’s fine, he says hi, by the way. He wanted to know when you are coming over for dinner.”
She rolled her eyes. “You see each other at least once a week, but I have to plan anything that would be considered social.” She laughed as she moved from the stove with a pot to the sink. “I’ll call him tomorrow. Do I need to coordinate with Hank as well?”
Nick shrugged, “I’m sure he would love an invite. It isn’t often he has someone cook for him.” He reached around her and planted a kiss on her cheek. “What’s for dinner tonight?”
“It’s something new I wanted to try. It’s pasta, mushrooms, sausage, and garlic. I hope you don’t mind being my guinea pig.”
Nick sat down at the table as she busied herself in the kitchen. “Not at all. Everything you make is delicious.”
Blush spread across her cheeks. “Thank you. After a few more minutes, she sat down beside him and filled their plates with the mixture.
He tentatively chewed, and she watched expectly. After a few seconds, he smiled. “It’s good.”
She looked at him hopefully, “Really,” She took a bite herself and chewed slowly. “It needs something.” She got up, returned with the box of oregano, and sprinkled some on her plate, taking another bite. “Better.”
She sprinkled a little on Nick’s plate. “Try it.”
Nick obeyed. Once he swallowed, “I think I like it better without the oregano.” She took the plate from him. “Wait, don’t take it away.”
She laughed, placed the little he had left on his plate, and put it on her own, then dipped him out without the oregano. “So you do like it?”
“Yes!” as he practically took the plate from her. She laughed again, and they finished eating in comfortable silence.
Once they finished and started washing dishes, he smiled at her without saying anything.
“Thank you.”
“You're welcome, but it was just pasta. I’m glad you like it.”
“No, that’s not what I mean.”
“For what?”
“For not leaving me even after you found out what I am. Not everyone would have stayed.”
She stopped and looked at him, drying her hand. “Nick Burkhardt, you are the easiest man I’ve ever known to love. You are a strong, caring, compassionate, and kind man. Being a Grimm is part of who you are, and I love all of you.”
He wrapped his arms around her, “How I get so lucky as to find you.”
“I could ask you the same question.” She pulled him close and kissed him. It only took him a few seconds to respond to her touch.
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Reqeust for Anonymous Gif Source: Nick
Imagine being a fairy type Wesen and Nick's s/o and him finding out you've been getting death threats over your relationship with him.
------- Imagine -------
“What do you mean you have been getting death threats?” Nick said taking a step closer to where you sat at the table to sit across from you.
“It’s not a big deal Nick, I knew there would be…repercussions to being with you and I accepted that.”
“Well, I don’t.” He said shaking his head and pursing his lips.
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I saw someone say grimm has the biggest found family vibes ever, and I agree. Now that the captain and Hank are in the know, they just give me such silly, cozy vibes even tho they're literally solving murders. That scene where they're all having dinner at rosalees after helping get a guy that murdered his wife convicted? They're so silly. And now the captain hank and nick get to have their little chats in the office about how this is a wesen thing. I know we shouldn't trust him, but it's very silly to me. They really all make a great team. Can't wait for when Juliette finally believes
#julliette keeps taking L after L#and while yeah she's lowkey annoying me a little i cant imagine what id be like to be her rn#want them to HURRY UP and have her join the team#nbc grimm#nick burkhardt#eddie munroe#rosalee
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I’d die for a good Supernatural x Grimm crossover. These two shows are so, so good in their details to all things supernatural, it’ll be massive for some fans
#can you imagine s1-s4 supernatural and s1-s4 grimm???#idc if the timeline doesn’t align#2??? years ago I wrote a little crossover thing like a teaser ig with spn and grimm#and I still live for it!!!#dean and wu would be bff bc their sass is on the different level#supernatural#grimm#nbc grimm#dean winchester#sam winchester#nick burkhardt#btw dean in first seasons is on the fbi list
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Nick: uh, yeah i pull bitches
Nick, materializing a crossbow out of nowhere: i pull bitches into my dark realm of terrors
#incorrect grimm quotes#can you imagine if he said funny shit like this#i hope he does say funny shit like this at some point#nick burkhardt#grimm
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In my Grimm obsession and my Renhardt obsession I’ve made my first Renhardt edit with an unintentional emphasis on Sean Renard. I stand by Grimm underused him and cheated him by not making him full Zauberbiest but that’s a separate post. Anyway I hope there’s some fellow Renhardt enthusiasts out there! I just think they would have been such a good couple.
(Fav canon is Monroe/Rosalee. No one was more adorable than those two.)
#renhardt#grimm nick and sean#grimm#sean renard#nick and sean grimm#nick burkhardt#grimm nick/sean#nick burkhardt sean renard#nick/sean#zauberbiest#demons imagine dragons#demons#nbc grimm#sasha roiz#Eddie giuntoli#Youtube
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Me, a fanfic writer, seeing how many people like my Grimm content: oh this is wonderful. Surely there is no way this could seep into my other hobbies.
#grimm nbc#nick burkhardt#nick burkhardt grimm#monroe grimm#fanfiction#whump#oneshot#its slightly canon divergent bc you know me i just have to be Different#i think that the zombie episodes were the PEAK#monroe and rosalee had to be going tru it during those eps#like imagine youre friends with someone who horror stories have been told abt in ur cultures#and suddenly he goes into a murderous rage#and they were just like yeah#its fine
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The Long Wait - Chapter 2
Fandom: Grimm
Pairing: Sean Renard/OFC
The Long Wait Masterlist
I am using Danielle Campbell to help imagine what Lorelei looks like.
Lorelei Burkhardt had grown up hearing about soulmates. Her Aunt Marie would tell her and her brother Nick that their parents were soulmates, and how happy they had been. Lorelei didn’t remember her parents, as she had been a baby when they died. It was a few months before her first birthday when they had died in a car accident. Her aunt didn’t share a lot of stories about her late sister and her husband, so Lorelei had to rely on Nick and what he remembered about them.
Lorelei was four when she asked Aunt Marie about the mark on her arm. Marie had explained that it was her soulmate mark, and it would help her to find her soulmate. Lorelei had asked if Marie had one. Marie confirmed she did and when asked about her soulmate, the subject was swiftly changed. Her big brother was happy to show his soulmark to his sister and shared everything he knew about soulmates. Through Nick, Lorelei learnt that most soulmarks were a solid colour, while theirs (and as she later learned, Aunt Marie’s) had an ombre look to them. Similar colours that melded into each other. It wasn’t rare, but not exactly common.
When Lorelei started school, her soulmark wasn’t the only thing that made her different. Within weeks of starting kindergarten, it was obvious that Lorelei was gifted. As she grew up, she had spent a lot of time around her older brother, reading his textbooks and listening as he grumbled over algebra and calculus. She could already read at a level that far exceeded her peers and could do maths equations off the top of her head. Marie was encouraged to approve Lorelei being moved ahead to the third grade. She would only allow Lorelei to skip to the first grade for the time being, as she wanted Lorelei to have some normalcy. However, by the time Nick left for college, Marie conceded to have Lorelei start middle school. Lorelei had begun to misbehave and school administrators believed it was because she was bored with elementary school work. So, at the age of 8, Lorelei started middle school, three years before those who were the same age as her were due to start.
Being placed with students older than her, she would hear her classmates gush over the soulmates, wondering what their soulmate was like or wondering if the boy they a crush on had was their soulmate. It was the first time she was hearing about soulmates from a different perspective, that of a pre-teen and teenage girls. Lorelei started wondering about her own soulmate. She knew that she was born with her soulmark, so that meant her soulmate was older than her. She wondered what they were like, how much older than her they were, would they think she was weird for being smarter than most people. Although Lorelei did have friends from school, including a couple she made in kindergarten, she still felt different and there were people who treated her as if she was a freak due to her intelligence. However, she did not spend a lot of time dwelling on it as she was racing through middle school and started high school while Nick started his final year of college.
It was during high school, when colleges began to actively recruit Lorelei, when Lorelei began to put a lot of thought into what she wanted to do in the future. Thoughts of her soulmate were pushed to the back of mind, as her teachers encouraged her to consider medicine, physics, biology, or engineering. Medicine appealed the most, but she didn’t want to become Doogie Howser. She did, however, discover Public Health and something about it spoke to her.
By the time Lorelei had finished high school, she was almost thirteen and had been admitted to John Hopkins University to study Public Health. It had taken lots of begging for Aunt Marie to agree. Since Nick had finished college and was living his life as a rookie police officer, Aunt Marie and Lorelei left Portland and travelled across the country so Lorelei could attend the college of her choice.
College brought Lorelei back to thinking about her soulmate and dating in general. She had friends and classmates who were meeting their soulmates, some were getting married and starting families. Lorelei had never dated anyone, and there were not exactly people her own age at school that she could date. Nick had jokingly said she could date when she finished college. Marie however remembered being a teenager, and told Lorelei if she was going to date, make sure it was someone her own age.
Marie also had Lorelei slow down when it came to her studies. She encouraged Lorelei to join off-campus groups and activities that had people her own age. Taking a page out her brother’s book, she joined a youth theatre group as well as a local volleyball team. Marie also began to teach Lorelei martial arts and self-defence. “A girl needs to know how to protect herself.” Marie had said. Despite the involvement with people her own age, Lorelei never got around to dating. She didn’t have time, this made Nick happy as he wasn’t ready to see his baby sister dating.
It was near the end of her second last year of college, when Lorelei experienced something that would change her perspective of the world. Marie was at home one day, when she heard the front door bang open and Lorelei calling out for her in a panic. She met her niece at the bottom of the stairs. Lorelei was pacing around, running her hands through her long wavy hair, looking panicked.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Marie asked.
Lorelei continued pacing. “It’s happened. The curse of the gifted child. I’ve finally snapped. I’m losing my mind.”
“Woah, woah.” Marie said, grabbing Lorelei’s shoulders to stop her from moving around. “What do you mean, you’re losing your mind?”
Lorelei looked up at her aunt. “I’m hallucinating!”
She tried to start pacing again but Marie kept a firm grip on her. “Sweetheart, what do you mean you’re hallucinating? Tell me what happened? What did you see?”
Lorelei stopped trying to pace and took a deep breath. “It first happened yesterday. I was waiting for the bus. One had already left, just as this woman came running up. She had missed it. She angry, upset, I don’t know, but for a second her face…it changed before returning to normal. She looked like a lizard or something” Lorelei took another breath. “I didn’t think too much of it. I pulled an all-nighter the night before to finish one of my assignments, so I thought I was just tired. But then today, I was in the library with my study group; Toby and Amanda were arguing about something, and then Toby’s face changed. Again, it was just for second, before it turned back. And, and no one else seemed to see it. So, I must be losing my mind.”
Marie had let out a breath and her shoulders dropped. “Lorelei, I promise you, you are not losing your mind. There is something about our family that I need to tell you.”
That was when Lorelei learnt about Wesen, and the history of Grimm’s. Marie explained that her mother had been a Grimm, as was Marie. Nick wasn’t, but there was a good chance he would be. Marie had kept their family history from them so they could have a normal life. She showed Lorelei a trailer containing weapons and books about Wesen and Grimm’s. Marie explained that not all Wesen were bad and that it was their job to hunt those who were. Marie had Lorelei promise not to say anything to Nick until Marie had a chance to speak with him about it, even though Marie and Nick hadn’t really spoken much over the past few years.
Once she was aware she was not crazy, Lorelei felt a lot more prepared the next time she saw a Wesen woge. She continued with college, while pushing any thoughts of her soulmate to the back of her mind. Lorelei had reached the mind set of ‘if I meet them, I’ll meet them. If I do, then its ok.’
At the beginning of her final year of college, as she was deciding on her next step; Aunt Marie was diagnosed with cancer. Once it became obvious treatment was not working, Marie decided to return to Portland. She believed that when she died, Nick’s Grimm abilities would begin to appear and wanted to prepare him. Lorelei had already made plans to move back to Portland to complete grad school. She was finishing up at her part-time job, so Marie made the journey across the country herself.
The day before she was due to fly to Portland was when she received the news that her aunt had died. Nick didn’t provide much information, just that she had been attacked and was in hospital before she eventually passed. The flight back to Portland and the funeral were a blur. Nick and his girlfriend, Juliette, offered to let Lorelei live with them. Lorelei declined as she intended to stick to her plan of living on campus, something she had been wanting to do for years.
One day, Nick had picked his sister up with plans to get lunch together. He advised her that he had to stop in at the precinct to finish up a report. Lorelei decided to join him as she was eager to see where her brother worked. When they arrived, he introduced her to his partner, Hank Griffith.
“So, you’re Nick’s genius baby sister?”
Lorelei smiled up at the older man. “Yep, that’s me. And you’re his partner against crime?”
Hank smiled back. “Yep, that’s me.” He parroted back.
The two continued conversing, as Nick quickly finished up what he needed to do. Hank was filling her in on some of the precinct gossip, when a voice interrupted them.
“Burkhardt, you’re supposed to be on bereavement leave.”
Lorelei looked away from Hank and found a tall man standing beside her brother. Lorelei’s heart skipped a beat as she looked at what had to be the most handsome man she had ever seen. Nick began talking to the man, while Lorelei tried not to gawk at the man.
“And who might this?” the man asked.
“Oh yeah. This is my baby sister, Lorelei. Lore, this is Captain Sean Renard.”
Lorelei put out her hand for brother’s boss to shake. “It’s nice to meet you”. She said, keeping her voice and expression neutral. She felt a jolt of electricity shoot down her arm as their hands met. Lorelei fought to keep her expression neutral.
“Likewise.” Captain Renard replied after a moment, “My condolences for your aunts passing.”
Lorelei’s heart ached at the mention of her late Aunt. She gave him a small smile. “Thank you.”
“I didn’t realise Burkhardt had a younger sister.” The captain stated. “Do you live in Portland?”
“Yes, he does. He doesn’t talk about me much, because I am the smarter and better-looking Burkhardt sibling.” She said, throwing a teasing grin towards her brother, who uttered out a disgruntled “Hey!”. “And I’m in the process of moving to Portland. I finished up with school out east and decided to move to be closer to my big brother. I’m starting at Portland State.”
The captain nodded. “Well, welcome to Portland.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“And I am done.” Nick stated, closing the file he had been working on and stood up. Lorelei turned to look at her brother.
“Brilliant, you can buy me lunch.” She said, threading her arm through his.
“See you Hank, Captain.” Nick said, as he allowed his sister to drag him away from them. Lorelei gave both men a wave over her shoulder, as the siblings left the precinct.
Nick drove them to a nearby diner for lunch. As he drove, Lorelei stared out the window in silence, her mind, as usual was busy. ‘You cannot have a crush on your brothers boss’ she groused to herself. ‘He’s like 20 years old than you.’ Lorelei couldn’t remember the last time she had been attracted to someone, especially at first sight. Lorelei was so caught up in her thoughts she didn’t realise they had arrived at their destination until Nick waved his hand in her face. She apologised and followed him into the diner. They settled down and ordered drinks and food, making small talk as they did so. Their food arrived and just as Lorelei was about to dig, Nick interrupted her.
“Lore, did Aunt Marie ever tell you about our family’s history?” he asked.
Next Part
#grimm nbc#nbc grimm#sean renard#captain sean renard#sean renard/reader#sean renard x reader#sean renard/oc#sean renard x oc#sean renard/ofc#nick burkhardt#nick burkhardt sister#monroe grimm#monroe#fanfiction#grimm fanfiction#nbc grimm fanfiction
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1300 Follower Event!
Hello! I recently reached 1300 followers and am literally, like… lowkey crying?
I know I say this every time. But I seriously cannot imagine myself ever having gotten this far. I can’t imagine anyone actually enjoying what I write, much less wanting to follow my silly little writing blog.
But for this event! I’m hosting a cafe! Just like I did way back when! Basically, you guys order a drink, and I’ll write either headcanons, drabbles, scenarios, or one-shots!
The event will be open for two weeks starting today! It’ll be available from Monday, November 27th, 2023 to Monday, December 11th, 2023!
ALL ORDERS ARE UNDER #fairy1300followers
Rules are:
All orders are written as character x reader!
Everything is gender neutral reader unless specifically stated otherwise (ex: you request a female reader)
Please send them in separately so I can keep track of everything!
You don’t have to choose an add-on special. Those are just if you want to have some extra fun!
Any orders that do not follow the rules will be deleted.
I will write for the following people:
Arcane: League of Legends: Viktor, Silco, Jayce Talis, Vi, Vander, Caitlyn Kiramman, Mel Medarda
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Saigiku Jouno, Suehiro Tecchou
The Case Study of Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste, Roland Fortis, Dominique de Sade
Demon Slayer: All the Hashira (except for Muichiro), Akaza, Kokushibo, Douma, Kamado Tanjiro (aged up), Agatsuma Zenitsu (aged up), Hashibira Inosuke (aged up)
Doctor Who: The Doctor (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), Jack Harkness, River Song
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Greed (not Greedling), Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Envy, Alex Louis Armstrong, Olivier Armstrong, Edward Elric (post-FMAB), Alphonse Elric (post-FMAB), Ling Yao (post-FMAB)
Grimm (NBC): Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Sean Renard, Drew Wu, Monroe
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji (aged up), Fushiguro Megumi (aged up)
Moriarty the Patriot: William James Moriarty, Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, James Bonde
Tokyo Ghoul: Uta, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato (re: age), Nishio Nishiki, Tsukiyama Shuu
Large: Imagine (500-750 Words)
Medium: Scenario (350-500 Words)
Small: Drabble (250-350 Words)
Extra-Small: Headcanons (new headcanon style with a short blurb at the end)
Latte: Fluff
Black Coffee: Whump (physical pain)
Espresso: Angst (emotional pain)
Cappuccino: Hurt/Comfort
Mocha: Paranormal (idk what this entails, but I’ll figure it out, lol)
Americano: Platonic Relationships
Smoothie: My choice! Just send in a character and a size!
Add-On Specials:
With Spice: Victorian Era AU
With Sugar: Pirate AU
With Cream: Domestic AU
With Ice: Soulmate AU
Extra Hot: Fantasy AU
Example Order: Hello! Can I please get a large latte with spice with Tanjiro from Demon Slayer?
Translation: Hello! Can I get a fluffy Victorian AU imagine with Tanjiro from Demon Slayer?
Example Order: Can I please order a medium black coffee with Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul?
Translation: Can I please get a whump scenario with Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul?
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For His Sake
Relationship: Sean Renard x Reader, Nick Burkhardt x Sister!Reader
Fandom: Grimm
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Mentions of Violence and Blood
Word Count: 3,543
Main Masterlist: Here
Grimm Masterlist: Here
Summary: A Grimm and a zauberbiest can never get along… right?
I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.
In a quiet, sterile white lab, a woman sat hunched over a microscope. She was so deeply invested in her work that she did not notice that the door had been disturbed. The soft thudding of boots across the hard flooring did not reach her ears, nor did the calling over her name. However, when a hand was placed on her shoulder, the woman jumped, and spun the person around. Their face pressed against the cold, smooth table she had been working on, with their arm at an uncomfortable angle, threatening to break.
“Whoa! It’s okay, sis. Just us. You can let the captain go now.” Turning her head, her brother’s face greeted her, and below was the face of her boss. She immediately let go of the other man and leveled her sights on her brother.
“Couldn’t have knocked, Nicky?” She scoffed, turning back to whatever it was that she was examining.
“We did. Multiple times. And, before you ask, yes. We also called your name out. What are you so invested in over there?” Nick made his way over to where his sister had sat back down again. Their captain stood and was rubbing his right arm to ease the ache.
“I thought we were friends, Ms. Burkhardt.” Sean teased, finally getting some feeling back in his arm.
“Don’t sneak up on me and we wont have that problem.” Her voice was clipped, clearing not in the mood to entertain anyone at the moment. “To answer you, Nicky, I’m looking at some bacteria samples from a Vic that was brought in. They want a cause of death, and I would bet money that this guy injected some contaminated water. But I’ll have to watch for the tox screen to show up to make a full determination.”
“Well, that’s exciting. I guess. Listen, we got a tox screen that we need you to look at because it will cause to much attention going to someone else. What are we dealing with here?” The detective passed his sister a sheet and she scanned over it for a few minutes.
“Latroinsectotoxin. You’ve got a spinnetod on your hands. Kind of shocking considering how rare they are.” Passing the paper back, the woman dusted her hands off on her coat, and tried to go back to her work. But before she could, her brother caught her arm.
“One last thing, we’re going out tonight. Join us? Please.” Nick pleaded.
“Who’s all going?”
“Hank, Wu, Captain, Monroe and Rosalee. Then you and me. Come on, Rosalee is dying to see you again.”
The female Burkhardt was nodding back and forth, as if she was weighing her options literally. Silence kept ticking on which made her brother grow more and more nervous. It had been a really long time since they got to hang out with friends; her more so than him. She was always so busy with work and never seemed to have the time. Not to mention the fact that she made it very known her stance on Sean.
“Fine. But only for a few. I’ve got work in the morning.” With her concession to her brother’s plea, he bounced excitedly in his spot before wrapping his arms around his sister.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I swear you’re going to have a great time. Rosalee’s going to be so excited.” Nick began to walk out of the lab but only stopped when he did not hear a second set of footsteps following his. Turning around, he noticed that Sean and his sister were still standing there in silence, neither one quite knowing where to go from there.
“Captan, you coming?” He called out, breaking the taller man from his trance.
“Coming Nick.” Sean replied, letting his eyes stay on the other Burkhardt till he could no longer. If his staring had affected her, she did not let it show. She simply turned back to her work like nothing had ever happened. Nick supposed that this was better than her sending threatening glares towards the man; as she had been known to do in the past.
Later that day, Nick sent his sister a text of when and where to meet everyone. She was dreading going home and changing to go out. Not because she did not like to go out, because she did on occasion. But it was because Sean Renard was going to be there. If you had asked her even a year ago where she thought she would stand on the man, it would be a completely different answer. There was no longer any hostility from her, but definitely some trepidation. A zauberbiest working with a couple of Grimms was not how she had imagined her life to be going. And yet, there was something about Sean that she found intriguing.
Maybe it was his stature, the way he carried himself and projected his image. Or maybe it was the fact that he had not killed the Burkhardt’s when he found out they were Grimms. Whatever it was, she would never admit out loud that she found it interesting. For now, she remained cordial with him, purely for the sake of the workplace and her brother.
She parked her car along the street in front of the bar that they were all meeting at, and was pleasantly surprised to see that she was not the first one there. Monroe, Rosalee, Sean and Wu were already inside with a drink in hand when she opened the door. At the arrival of someone new, Rosalee stood and raced over like lightening to hug the new member of the party.
“Oh I’m so glad you could make it. We’ve missed you. Come one, have a drink.” She led the both of them over to a table in the corner. Rosalee was then replaced with her husband who hugged the female Burkhardt tight. By the time that she had ordered her first drink, Hank and Nick had shown up. Another round of greetings and hugs went around before the gang settled in for the night.
It had been a calm few weeks in terms of wesen. They had the odd killing here and there, but very little in wesen politics had actually occurred. It was a delightful change of pace. They laughed and caught up on what had been happening in the last few weeks. Throughout all of this, Nick’s sister was keeping a cordial stance towards Sean. But Sean was trying to interact with her. Every time he tried, something came up that prevented it.
He tried to get her to laugh, but all that was managed was a small smile. Sean refocused his efforts into keeping that smile on her face, but it dissolved into a grin the longer the night went on. Renard was not even sure why he was trying to get and keep her attention, but he had to have it.
“Alright, well I’m getting another drink. Do you want another on, hun?” Rosalee asked rubbing her shoulder gently.
“Yeah, another glass of wine please.” She passed her glass to the Fuchsbaus and watch as Rosalee and Monroe went up to the bar.
“I’m going to hit the head real quick. Be right back.” Hank declared, getting up as well. Wu followed him without a word and left the three at the table. Sensing the tension at the table, Nick stood.
“I’m getting another drink.” He went to go join Monroe and Rosalee at the bar, leaving his captain and his sister alone at the table. With no drink to distract herself, she began picking at her nails.
“How was your day?” Sean asked after a few minutes.
“Good. Yours?” She replied politely.
“Good.” He responded. Sean took a sip of his whiskey as they slipped back into silence.
“Do I make you uncomfortable?” The question came out of nowhere as they sat.
“What?” Her head shot up as he spoke, not quite catching what he said. Sean repeated his question.
“Oh, no. It’s not to do with you. I mean, it does a little but it’s mostly me.” He waited for a moment for her to continue on her explanation.
“Because of how we grew up, Nick and I have always been cautious and hesitant to trust someone. And with what we are, and what you are, well. I’m a little weary of you, captain.” She paused for a moment, desperately wishing she had a drink.
“A Grimm and zauberbiest?”
“Yeah. It’s nothing personal, captain.”
“Sean.” There was a pause.
“What?” She asked.
“You can call me Sean. We’re not at work.” Hs teasing little smirk made her feel something inside. Part of her wanted to see it more, the other wanted to slap it right off of his face. At that moment, everyone decided to come back to the table.
Hank and Wu were talking about something as they exited the bathrooms. Monroe, Rosalee, and Nick were also engaged in a conversation as they neared the table. Her brother passed her glass of wine back, and she eagerly took a sip.
“Hope we didn’t leave you two lovebirds alone too long.” Wu drawled, his face deadpan.
“Hey. That’s my sister.” Nick grumbled, even though his eyes were flickering between the two. Before she could respond to anyone, a phone rang out. It took a moment to react, but eventually she realized that it was her own.
“Excuse me.” She stood from her chair, and went to walk out of the front door. Sean’s eyes refused to leave her figure no matter how much he knew it would draw attention.
“Hello?” The phone clicked as she answered the call. A cool night breeze hit her in the face as she stepped outside of the bar.
“Hello?” She tried again.
“Count your days, Grimm.” A voice on the other end of the line growled. She gulped down the knot that was forming in her throat, and looked around in vigilance.
“Who is this?” There was only silence on the phone while she waited for an answer.
“See you soon, Grimm.” The line went dead. Burkhardt had clenched her jaw as she dropped her phone from her ear. There was a scuffle right behind her, but when she turned to catch what it was, something came in a clocked her across the face.
Falling to her knees, she tried to right her blurry vision in order to save herself. But another kick came in and hit her right across the ribs. It knocked her wind out of her lungs. A fist went to go connect with her face again, however, she grabbed it and yanked the person down. Standing, she was able to fix herself proper before the real event began.
A blutbad, skalengeck, and a klaustreich stood around her; and they looked angry. As she maneuvered around their hits and swipes, she tried to keep her back to the alley’s brick wall. The skalengeck held her hands and tried to bit her neck, but a push kick to his gut halted the movement. It allowed for the klaustriech to come in and swipe at her body with its sharpened claws. He managed to nick her arms with the tips, but the offending arm was twisted behind his back to the breaking point.
But while she was focused on those two, the blutbad managed to sneak up behind her. Burkhardt howled in pain as a bit was delivered to her shoulder. The Grimm slammed the blutbad into the brick wall behind them, causing it to disengage. Turning, she threw one, two, and three hits to the temples of the wesen. It dropped unconscious in the alley, and she turned her focus to the remaining two wesen.
The klaustriech tried again to swipe at the Grimm with its one good arm. She remained outside of his range, and kicked in his knee. It crumpled down in pain, now with a broken leg, and broken arm. Before she could render the man unconscious like his blutbad counterpart, a set of arms came up to grab her. She had failed to eliminate the skalengeck, which was proving unfortunate for her. Thankfully the klaustriech stayed down while she dealt with the other. However, his arm was cutting off her airways which made it difficult for her to fight back.
All of the sudden, her airways opened back up now that it did not have something constricting it. Couching and hacking as she tried to regain her breath, she turned to see Nick, Hank, and Monroe. Just behind them and coming in hot, was Sean, Wu, and Rosalee. Nick and Hank were busy cuffing up the three assailants while Monroe turned to help the female Burkhardt.
“Hey. Are you okay?” Monroe scanned his eyes over her form, taking in every injury and scratch.
“Yeah, I’m…” but she never could finish that sentence. Before anyone could react, she had fallen down in the middle of the alley. Monroe tried to catch her, but it only resulted in them crouching down together. Sean and Rosalee ran over to help keep the other Burkhardt from falling completely, while the three officers called in the attack.
“Is she okay? What’s going on?” Nick ran over to his sister who was unconscious.
“She’s got a nasty bit on her shoulder. Who has blood on their mouth?” Rosalee looked as she questioned. Monroe joined in her search and sniffed deeply.
“This one,” they came across one of the perps with blood on her mouth, “she’s a blutbad. Oh. That’s not good.”
“What is it? What can we do?” Nick was about to be sent into a full blown panic over his sister, who was now in Sean’s arms as the others were busy.
“Well, if my nose is right, and it usually is, then we need to get her to the spice shop. They have a poison all over their mouths. All three.” His grim assessment was enough to send Nick into his full blown panic. He was flittering about, trying to decide where he was needed most. Red and blue lights flashed as they neared the alleyway.
“Nick. Nick!” Rosalee barked, catching his attention. “Deal with the cops. Get these guys arrested. We’re going to take her to the spice shop to treat the poison, and then we’re taking her to the hospital. Buy us some time.”
The male Grimm nodded and tried to get his mind in gear. He watched Monroe, Rosalee, and Sean carry his sister off to their car. Renard stayed in the background with the female Burkhardt as Monroe nearly broke every traffic law to get them to the shop. If they had not been in such dire straits, Sean definitely would have said something.
In the spice shop, the bed was immediately put to use to house the woman that had yet to awaken from the sleep she had slipped in to. Sean remained at her side and brushed her hair from her face. As he did, he noticed that she was growing paler and sweating more than before. Monroe and Rosalee’s voices faded into background noise as they tried to find a cure for the poison affecting their friend. In the meantime, Renard held her hand and kept his eyes on her breathing.
By the time the couple had found the cure, the other three members of their party had arrived. Nick had rushed over to his sister’s other side and held her hand. Hank and Wu stood nearby, offering help and morale support.
“Damn it!” Rosalee exclaimed after a while. Everyone’s head shot up and looked over to where the married couple was busy mixing ingredients.
“What’s going on?” Nick pressured, standing up but not letting his sister’s hand go.
“Ugh,” she growled, “I should have read the recipe better. It requires blood from a Hexenbiest or zauberbiest because of the magical properties in the blood. I’m such an idiot.”
“Will it work with something else?” Nick was scared for his sister now.
“No. it has to be blood from one of those two. There’s nothing I can do to substitute it. I’m sorry, Nick.” Rosalee lamented. Her hands rubbed over her face and through her hair in frustration over the entire fiasco. Monroe pulled his wife in close as she tried not to let tears fall from her eyes.
“Will it work with half?” Sean suddenly said, without taking his eyes off of the unconscious Grimm.
“It might. Better than nothing.” Rosalee turned to face the man. He stood, looked at her one last time, and went over to the couple. Renard was already rolling up his sleeves so as to not get them more stained than they already were. The fuchsbau prepared a small knife, and slice the tip of the man’s finger. He winced, but that was all he showed in discomfort. Once she had what she needed, Rosalee went about mixing the salve and liquid that she needed to give.
“Okay. I’m going to put one on the wound itself, and another she has to drink. Just be ready.” Rosalee instructed, bringing a bowl over in her hands. Her husband stood behind her with a bowl in his own hand. Everyone held their breath as she deposited a liquid of sorts on to her shoulder. Sean resumed his spot on her right side, while Nick sat by her left. Monroe passed the second bowl, and watched as Nick held open her mouth. Rosalee poured the liquid into her mouth; and everyone waited.
“How long is this supposed to take?” Nick asked, keeping his eyes on his sister.
“With full blood, it’s supposed to be immediate. But with half, I’m not sure.” Rosalee admitted. Everyone sat there in silence and watching the woman that was resting on the bed. No one chose to draw attention to the fact that Renard was still holding her hand the entire time.
It took an hour for anything to happen. First it was little hand twitches that alerted the two men, who then alerted the others. Then it was facial movements. And finally, a deep breath was taken, and her eyes began to flutter. She groaned as the light from beside her head blinded her, to which Sean immediately shut off.
“Wha- what’s going on?” Her speech was slurred, but the relief that came across everyone’s face was infectious.
“Hey, sis. How are you feeling?” Nick leaned over and brushed some hair out of her face.
“Like I got hit by a truck. What happened?” Her speech was starting to become clearer and clearer as she became more in touch with the waking world.
“You got attacked. By the looks of it, it was Black Claw. You’re lucky to be alive.” Sean commented. Their hands were still joined together, but no one cared at that moment.
“They had poisoned you with a bite to your shoulder area. We had to create a salve and potion that reversed the effects. It’s a good thing Sean was here with us, otherwise… well, let’s not think about that.” Rosalee piped up from where her and Monroe stood. He had his arms wrapped around his wife in a comforting embrace, and a relieved look on his face.
“Why would it matter if Sean was here?” She asked, trying to raise her body up in the bed. Nick and Sean helped her sit up and refused to let her go.
“Well,” Monroe looked around for someone else who wanted to answer. No one was itching for that position. “The recipe required the blood of a Hexenbiest or zauberbiest. Since he’s half, he was our best shot. I’m going to make some tea for everyone. It’s bee a stressful night. Glad you’re awake.”
And with that, Monroe and Rosalee left. Hank came over and patted her uninjured shoulder, before leaving to follow the couple. Wu smiled and gave her a thumbs up before catching up with Hank.
“Hey,” her attention was drawn over to her brother. “I’m glad you’re alright.”
Nick left the pair of them with a smile and a kiss to her drying forehead. He went to go where the rest of them had gone, and that only left Sean and the other Burkhardt. They sat in silence for a while, but did not let go of their hands throughout all of it.
“Did you really use your blood to heal me?” She asked in a quiet voice eventually. Sean’s face tried to remain neutral, but a worry creeped in.
“It was the only way for Rosalee to heal you.” He answered, but she was not going to take that.
“That’s not what I asked.” Her statement was far more direct.
“Yes. I did.” Finally, Sean stated.
“Thank you. I appreciate it.” Her other hand began to fidget as they continued to sit there.
“You’re welcome.” His voice raspy and low. Her eyes drifted over to the hand that Sean had occupied and squeezed. They did not speak, but they both had come to a mutual understanding. Perhaps this could morph into something else. Something closer than they had before.
#rebelliousstories#writing#sean renard imagine#sean renard#sean renard x reader#nick burkhardt x reader#nick burkhardt imagine#nick burkhardt#monroe grimm#drew wu#rosalee calvert#hank griffin grimm#hank griffin#grimm imagine#grimm
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Remember Khloe, the Musae in like S2? What if Nick DID sleep with her? And what if she was pregnant when Renard ran her out of town?
I can just imagine her having a girl. Fast-forward 12 years, and that girl turns out to a Grimm--she’s an early bloomer like her grandma Kelly Burkhardt. Khloe wouldn’t actually care that her daughter’s a Grimm, except half her lovers are wesen, and most of THEM certainly do care. It takes all her enchantment to convince them not to behead her daughter, and detracts from the energy she can put into inspiring her would-be artists. Clearly, this situation isn’t sustainable. So she ships the girl off to live with her father.
The girl herself had, up until this point, no idea who her father was, much less that he was a Grimm. Khloe expected her to be a Musae--she expected to be a Musae--so the fact that she had a father was pretty insignificant, right up until her eyes began turning rim-to-rim black. Her Mom ships her to Portland with a friend, since Renard still prohibits Musae from crossing into his Principality under pain of death, and she gets dropped unceremoniously on Nick and Juliette’s doorstep (bc Nick/Juliette, sue me).
Nothing too exciting happens after that.
Juliette’s nonchalant about the new addition to their household, because by this point, she’s basically spent ten years cooperatively parenting Kelly Schade-Burkhardt with Adalind Schade. The worst she does is jibe Nick as to when she can expect to learn about the rest of his love-children. Also, if some of the local wesen were displeased to hear about Blutbud/Fuchsbau babies, they (and not a few Grimm), were even more alarmed at the prospect of Grimm/Hexenbiest children. Since for safety reasons, neither Juliette nor Adalind could get a regular babysitter for their kids, the whole lot of them (and the Monroe/Calvert kids, because why not) grow up between their houses.
Beyond all this, the rituals that changed Juliette into a Hexenbiest bind her close to Adalind as a sister. She shares the Schade family magic, and she even shares some genetics with Adalind--enough to be flagged as a cousin. Hexenbiest always raise their children with close female relatives. As far as Diana is concerned, Juliette’s daughters are her sisters.
Sean Renard also ends up babysitting. Partly, this is because he wants to be close to his daughter and heir, and Diana and her pseudo-siblings come as a package-deal. But it’s also because he can see the benefits of cultivating familial loyalty to himself and his daughter among a pack of baby Grimm and Hexenbiest. And, he supposes, the Monroe/Calvert children aren’t an unwise investment either. Their parents certainly proved their worth many times over in a thousand small demonstrations of skill and good sense.
The only person who ends up slightly annoyed with the whole arrangement is Nick’s son Kelly. He’s pissed because, like his father, he doesn’t Grimm up until well past the point anyone expected it to happen--long after his father and Juliette’s kids Grimm up or woge. Poor dude.
#Grimm#Nick Burkhardt#Juliette Silverton#Kelly Burkhardt#Nick Burkhardt/Juliette Silverton#Khloe Sedgewick#Sean Renard
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I will always protect you
Imagine Sean was hurt while you and he were on a date.
Sean x Female reader
Past Nick x Female reader
Word Count: 1240
Sean rolled over, his head pounding. “How long was asleep?” He looked over at the small table to his right, with a book, a bottle of water, and some pain reliever. He was in his bedroom, in loose-fitting clothes. He couldn’t remember how he got here. “What happened?” He asked to the empty room.
He tried to stand, knocked over the table, and cursed. Then she ran into the room, and he could breathe a little easier. “No, lay back down,” She had a cup of coffee in one hand, which she sat down to come to him. “That Löwen almost killed you. You took a nasty fall.”
Sean smiled at her despite his head pounding. He said, “I’m okay, love really.”
“No, you are not. You have a concussion. Take these.” She pushed three pills into his palm. Once he placed them in his mouth, she handed him the bottle of water. After he swallowed the pills, he looked at her up and down. “Are you okay?” She still wore the same red shirt and black pants she had worn on their date earlier in the evening, but now the pants were ripped, and the shirt was covered in dirt.
“Yes, my love. I’m fine, thanks to you.” She placed a hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. “You saved my life.”
“If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t need saving,” he said, his voice tinged with a mix of guilt and determination.
“That was your brother, not you.”
“But if you weren’t with me, Eric wouldn’t know you.”
She smiled softly at him. “I made my choices a long time ago.”
That’s when he saw Nick in the doorway with his own cup of coffee, “Why are you here? Sean growled, but she put a hand on his chest to stop him from moving.
“Love, please. I called him. I needed his help. You were unconscious, and I didn’t know if Eric followed us,” she said, standing. I’ll let you two talk; I need some sleep and a shower.” She kissed Sean’s forehead. Then, turning to Nick, who had stepped into the room, she said, “Thank you for coming.”
“Of course.” He nodded at her, his eyes softening. Anything for you. “She turned the corner, and a few minutes later, they both heard the water running.
Sean looked at Nick, “Did she really call you?”
Nick shrugged. “I almost didn’t answer, but I knew that it must be important if she was calling me. You almost gave her a heart attack, you know. You are both lucky to be alive.” Nick glanced back to where she had disappeared. “I'm surprised she was able to drag you to the car and up here without anyone seeing her.”
“Wait, she dragged me to the car?”
Nick laughed, “Hard to believe I know, I didn’t see it. But by the time I got here, you were in bed, asleep. She said she wanted me here in case the Royals came. She knew she couldn’t fight them off herself. She told me the Royals have been after you two for a while.”
Sean nodded and said, "Since that picture of us at the Christmas party. Despite my lineage, my family has never been keen on mixing bloodlines."
“You should have told me.”
Sean laughed, “Sure, so you could convince her to run back to you.”
“So I could help protect her!” Nick yelled.
“That’s not your job anymore, Nick!” Sean replied with the same force.
“I know, but if anything happens to her, I don’t think I’ll forgive myself…” He stopped making eye contact with Sean, “Or you.” Sean nodded, “If anything happens to her, and if I’m still alive, you will have my full cooperation when you cut off my head.” Sean reached out his hand, “Help me to the couch, will you?” Nick took it and helped him up. He gingerly tested his legs, and they walked into the living room together. Sean sat carefully on the couch, and Nick sat on a chair beside the door.
It didn’t take too long before she walked back into the room. Her hair was wet but pulled back away from her face. She had changed into one of his shirts, which he had forgotten about, and a pair of gray tights. He couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face. She made two cups of tea and handed one to him before settling beside him. She began talking with Nick about something, but Sean wasn’t listening.
He finished the cup quickly and could tell she had added something to help him sleep. He must have really worried her. With that thought, he set down the cup and grabbed hers. After taking her cup, he pulled her to his side. He draped his other arm across her, pulling her closer to him. He wasn't sure if she knew how she affected him. They had only been together a few months, but she was the ultimate medication anyone could offer him; only in her presence could Sean sense his heartbeat slow and his body ease into relaxation.
Nick took the hint and stood, clearing his throat. “Captain, now that you're awake. I’ll head home. Call if you need anything.” He approached the door but stopped, “Watch your back, Captain, and hers.” Sean nodded.
Nick walked out the door and down the hall before they spoke again. “Thank you for getting me out of there.” He spoke into her hair.
“You're welcome, she hummed, “Come on, let's get you to bed. I think we both could use the rest.”
“No,” If he hadn't been so comfortable, he would have pulled away to look at her face.
“No? What do you mean no?”
If I go to bed, you won’t be here when I wake up.”
Confused, she pulled away from him, “Sean, you wake up at 5 am every morning.”
“You aren’t going home tonight?” The implication caught him a little off guard. They had both decided to take their relationship slow. She had been very hesitant even to entertain the idea after her relationship with Nick had ended.
“Do you want me to?” She stood and pulled him up with her.
“No.” He pulled her towards him, and not expecting such a quick response, she stumbled into his chest.
She smiled sheepishly at him. “Then it’s settled. I’ll sleep on the couch. Just call if you need anything. You don’t want to overdo it after a head injury.” She moved away from his bedroom door, where they now stood. She was teasing him, and he knew it.
“Oh no, you won’t. My savior does not sleep on any couch.” He pulled her into the bedroom after him. “If you plan on staying over often, I need to consider adding more security.”
“Why are you afraid I will run away?”
He stopped momentarily, thinking, “That and I want to make sure you are safe.” He smiled, laid down, and pulled her close to him.
“Well, there is no need to add any extra security yet, but you may want to look into it."
He couldn't help but smile at the thought of her waking up with him becoming a regular occurrence. It took a few minutes for her breath to even out, and he knew she was asleep. It was only then that he let himself fall asleep, too.
#sean renard#sean renard x reader#grimm#grimm fanfiction#grimm imagine#grimm nbc#nick x reader#nick burkhardt
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Imagine: Your Brother Nick screaming when you get killed by Zerstörer
Y/N was fighting with her husband, brother, and best friends against Zerstörer. “Listen you Voldemort wannabe bitch! I have had a shit week, and in the wise words of JAY-Z: I got 99 problems...and right now you are number 1.”Y/N said as she aimed her gun at his head. Right as she went to pull the trigger she was hit with a surge of energy causing her to crash into her truck. “...son of a bitch...that hurt...” she said as she laid there contemplating her life choices. She then looked up to see her step-daughter looking at her. “Don’t hurt him.” Diana said as she started to choke Y/N. “Diana...Stop...please.” Y/N said while clawing at her throat. Diana let her go, but when Y/N got up she was staked in the stomach. “NO!!!” Nick shouted running to his sister “No no no no...stay with me Y/N. Stay with me. Hey sis look at me ok? You’re not gonna die.” Nick said to her “I am. Tell S-Se-Sean I love him so much. Tell Diana I forgive he-her. Tell Adalind, Rosalee, and Monroe they were the greatest best friends I could have asked for. Tell T I love her and that I’m proud of her. Nick you’re the best big brother I could ask for...marry Addie ok?”Y/N said as she took her final breath Nick dropped next to his sister and pulled her into his lap. To him it wasn’t fair that his baby sister was dead. He looked at Sean as he walked up to them, he had tears in his eyes as he looked at his dead love. He bent down and pulled her body to him as Nick stood up.
Note: This freaking broke me not only writing but also when creating the video
#I think I did something#grimm imagine#nick burkhardt imagine#nick burkhardt#adalind schade#sean renard imagine#sean renard x reader#sean renard#Grimm#rosalee calvert#Monroe#wesen#woge#juliette silverton
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Alexander Thain - Grimm (gifs are mine)
Reblog & like if you save and give credit if you use.
(Tumblr worsens the quality. Click on the gif and it will be shown in its full quality)
#grimm#grimm gif#alexander#alexander gif#grimm imagine#grimm x reader#nick burkhardt#nick burkhardt imagine#nick burkhardt x reader#adalind shade#sean renard#monroe#rosalee calvert#monroe x rosalee#nick x adalind#wesen#wesen council#spencer conway#martin meisner#meisner#meisner x reader#martin meisner x reader#meisner imagine#martin meisner imagine#sean renard x reader#sean renard imagine#alexander x reader#alexander imagine#grimm alexander imagine#grimm alexander x reader
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