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shoku-and-awe · 1 year ago
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Some very tasty tsukemen! I loved the noodles, which were flat like linguine and had a dense texture. The broth was simple and refreshing, but also surprising because, in addition to leeks and chunks of chashu, it was full of shredded red onion(!). The one small disappointment was their egg: look how dry and crumbly it was compared to the last time!
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Not a bad egg by any means. Just not extraordinary like I was expecting. Oh well! I wonder if they save the gooey eggs for the ramen in broth?
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shineninrays · 2 years ago
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. . #来来亭岡山大供店 3/22(水)定休日 . 1/3 #ラーメン ワンタン・味玉子トッピング追加 麺硬め,醤油濃いめ,背脂普通,ネギ多め, 一味唐辛子・チャーシュー共に普通で注文 カキフライ定食 . 2/3 スープは鶏と濃いめ醤油味に 背脂の甘みは変わらず 醤油普通で注文するの忘れました😭 一口目辛かった… . 3/3 細めのストレート麺は キチンと硬めでした 餛飩(雲呑)は岡山のラーメン店では ほぼ見かけません スープと一緒に蓮華で頂きます 個人的には海老入⭕️ 目当てのメニューが 販売中止になっていた為、 ラーメン注文😢 精算時にスタッフに話すと店側が タッチパネル更新(手動)を忘れていた為でした… . #来来亭 #ラーメン部 #ラーメン倶楽部 #麺スタグラム #麺活 #岡山 #インスタグルメアワード2023 #일본라면 #맛있다 #拉麵 #ราเมง #ramen #instalike #instagood #instafood #food #foodie #nice #yummy #igers #syoyu #fatback #😍 #love #beautiful #photooftheday #japan #japanesefood . 2023.3.21 麺活No.56 . (来来亭 岡山大供店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDKgx0yVTl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dai640112 · 2 years ago
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青森から4度目の遠征🚗 半年に一度来てるかも🍜 遠くても来て食べたい1杯‼️ 福島県で1番好きなのが「丸信ラーメン」と坂内食堂の隣にある「松食堂」です。 福島県のラーメンはこだわりが凄い!だからリピート率が高いのかも😋 尊敬します✨🙏✨ メニューを見れば他県のラーメン店と何が違うかわかります🍜 また来ますよ!🚗 #男飯 #noodle #ramen #foods #yummy #yum #delicious #ラーメン #麺 #らーめん #拉麺 #美味しい #美味い #美味 #맛있는 #Délicieux #delicious #Lezat #amazing #nice #yummy #yum #foods #good #tasty #ラーメンインスタグラマー #thankgoditsramen #麺スタグラム #丸信ラーメン (丸信ラーメン船引店) https://www.instagram.com/p/ComugzkSyfR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pearnopear · 2 years ago
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佐野ラーメン CHECK ONE TWO  
にほんブログ村 :沖縄食べ歩き
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ya-da · 2 years ago
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Spaghetti Basilico is a friend of the poor. Boil the spaghetti with plenty of salted water, drain the water, spray it with olive oil, sprinkle it with dried basil, and voila! and it's ready to eat. It's delicious. I can eat as much as I want. I shouldn't have done anything else. Salt and olive oil. Just the taste of flour and olive. The basil flavor leaves a nice aftertaste. I don't need the “UMAMI” flavor (=Artificial seasoning UMAMI). Not basil, but SHISO leaves are also good. Shiso leaves might be tastier. But SHISO leaves are easily damaged. スパゲティ・バジリコ。 たっぷり塩入れたお湯を沸かして、スパゲティを茹でてて、湯をしっかり切って、オリーブ油まぶして、乾燥バジルを「これでもか!」ってほどにかけて、できあがり。 うまいねえ。 いくらでも食べられる。 余計なことしちゃいけない。 塩とオリーブ油。 小麦粉とオリーブ油の味だけ。 バジルの香りが後味に残っていいねえ。 「旨味」はいらない。 バジルじゃなくて、大葉も美味い。大葉の方が美味いかもしれない。 でも大葉はすぐ傷むからねえ。 #ズパゲッティ #スパゲッティバジリコ #キャンディ ##貧乏メシ #経堂 #麺スタグラム #spaghetti #spaghettibasilico #poorfood #affordable #affordablefood #basil #oliveoil #homecooking #tokyo #japan (Kiyoudou, Setagaya-ku) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqzOEc4Pegv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loganinjapan · 9 months ago
Tsukiji Honganji / Fish Market: So... we visited a temple. Woooo. Honestly, it was really beautiful and I popped seeing the church organ. The incense smelled really nice too. The rain wasn't fun at all though! After the temple, we visited a tourist trap. Woooo. The Tsukiji Fish Market is super super famous for having super fresh fish and all kinds of stuff. That'd be great... if it weren't for the fact that when we went, it was raining and packed to the brim with people. I didn't get fish, but I did get a gyu-don skewer, an egg & pork steamed bun, some melon, and 100% mandarin orange juice. I think the mandarin orange juice was my favorite. It's a cool place but I don't plan on returning. Lunch: I need a chair and to get away from the rain, so I headed inside a big building in Ginza and headed to Le Blanc. This place was pretty small and quaint but it actually turned out really nice! I loved the corn chowder, and while the salad was drenched in vinaigrette, I didn't mind because the corn chowder was just so awesome. Eventually my main course arrived - I ordered the Doria, a seafood gratin that's originally French, but modified for the Japanese palate. This had rice, seafood, cheese, other sauces, and it was just delicious. I could eat another one right now. After that, I got a cute little strawberry shortcake. It was such a tiny little slice, awww!!!! Tasted great too. Anyways, -1 point for the salad, but this meal was great. 9/10. I went back to the hotel and took a fat nap. Tells you all you need to know. Bunraku Performance: I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. While my main focus was to not fall asleep, I was somewhat invested in the story. The bar I set for this was VERY low. I lost track of the character names and the plot multiple times. The puppets were really cool though. I was very spooked at the sight of the men hooded in the black cloth (I know it's designed to keep them "off stage" while being on stage managing the puppets, but still). Also, props to the narrators and the dudes playing that instrument next to then! They all did a wonderful job. Dinner: It's late, not much is open, and I'm tired. Let's try something new! I finally got my hands on some Chinese food when I and 2 groupmates stopped at... uh... here's the name: "中華キッチン刀削麺 登龍閣". We all got lemon sours and I ordered steamed pork buns and shrimp fried rice. This was some of the best fried rice I've ever had. Just absolutely delicious. The pork buns were pretty good, although they were a bit flimsy. I want to give it a 10, but my gut says 9. Sorry. 9/10.
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cordilleraintern · 9 months ago
 海外に住むぞ!と決めて、いちばん気になることの一つが”治安”だと思います。渡航前、もちろん私自身も気になって「バギオ 治安」で検索しましたし、身近な人からも「フィリピンって治安悪いんじゃないの?」と心配されることがよくありました。
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  It has been two weeks since I have started living in Baguio. Baguio is nevertheless my first city to live abroad:)
 Today, I’m going to talk about my first impression to Baguio, as soon as it is a fresh feeling for me^^
 Before I came here, the biggest concern was “safety”. However, it can be said that Baguio is a safe place, in a sense.
 For example, CCTV cameras are monitoring around the city. When you are going to enter shopping malls or supermarkets, your baggage will be checked like check-in of the aircraft. If you don’t have exact money for the taxi fee, you don’t have to worry because the change will come back correctly. I felt relieved about the security here for the past two weeks.
 I was so shocked when my house owner told me that
“You should open the windows of your room so that fresh air can come in!”...!!
 I have to be careful to protect myself even if Baguio is a safe and nice city:)
 First of all, Filipino food is sweet!!
 I have learned in my Japanese uni that Filipino food is sweet, but I’ve thought
“I can still live there easily because I like sweets very much:)”
 But the biggest problem is everyday meals, not desserts,,,!
 Chicken, spaghetti, and even french fries are sweet, here in Baguio!
 When I went to have lunch with my house owner, I found everyone squeezing the caramansies on their meal, and I asked her whether Filipino people don’t like salty food.
 She said “Yes, I’m not good at salty food and that’s why I use caramansies to relieve the saltiness of the meal!”
 In conclusion, I already like Baguio! Most people here are very friendly, and it has great scenery✨ I want to spread the goodness of Baguio to people in Japan:)♬
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↑Great view from Aurora Hill, Baguio
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Gokkei, Ramen shop(Kyoto, Japan) 麺屋 極鶏★★
I ate ramen called Toridaku at Gokkei (^o^)
It's nice to eat noodles with a lot of muddy soup (^o^)v
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pez2001jp · 5 years ago
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山形市桧町 THE ザヴン さんごめんください。 気持ち良し🆕テラス席で大盛り盛り🐥イタダキマンモス。 #画像はイメージ です。 #モリモリジャパン #つったい肉そば #肉そばざぶん #肉そば鳥中華ざぶん #肉そばジャパン #親鶏ジャパン #親鶏おっさん #ざぶん #zabun #おっさん肉そば #肉そばおっさん #肉そば #冷たい肉そば #山形肉そば #山形名物 #山形 #旨 #nicemen #nice麺 #いい味夢気分 #いい店夢気分 #redhotchilipeppers #whitepepper (ざぶん 肉そば・鳥中華) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC2eQD-pazJ/?igshid=12umfmca3r6fw
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ramenmoonlight · 5 years ago
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. . #町田商店岡山平井店 営業時間11:00~24:00 年中無休 . 1/3 ラーメン 麺硬め, 味・油は普通 うずら5個, チャーシュー2枚, ほうれん草追加 ライスは ゴールドカード特典にて無料 . 2/3 麺を持ち上げたとこ . 3/3 スープは 豚骨醤油ベース . 最近のスープは 味バランス安定。麺は中太平打ち気味でモチモチ食感。卓上の刻みタマネギ投入後は 大蒜,豆板醤等で味変しながら完まく、ごちそうさまでした。 . #町田商店 #家系 #ラーメン #ラーメン部 #ラーメン倶楽部 #麺活 #麺スタグラム #岡山 #일본라면 #맛있다 #拉麵 #ราเมง #ramen #instalike #instagood #instafood #food #foodie #nice #yum #yummy #asian #😍 #tonkotsu #beautiful #love #photooftheday #japan #japanesefood . (町田商店 岡山平井店) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2tNhfMAivM/?igshid=1dnblllt8z6x2
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lagycart · 3 years ago
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dayone dayone  小時光 銷魂麺舖 伍号面铺, cheras traders square.
found this place by chance when passing by, and my friend said it’s a very popular taiwanese noodle store, so we decided to give it a try. the place has 2 floors, but the first floor has very limited seats, most customer would be seated upstairs, which has a really simple but nice interior with wood and bamboo materials.
ordered the noodles with minced meat and pork balls soup, minced pork rice with braised tofu and cabbage, and croquette. got their cold brew tea for drinks, which is bottled so you can take it with you instead of finishing on the spot.
the noodles and soup can be refilled once if you are not full, so it’s great for big eaters. the texture is bouncy and minced pork is flavorful so they compliment each other, same goes for the rice. side dishes also increase variety of food which makes the whole meal more appetizing.
the food is very enjoyable and does suit my taste well, definitely could see why this store is popular and have many branches around. it’s really comfortable and enjoyable, and the pricing is also reasonable with good service from the staff. definitely visiting again to try other food items as they seem to always have seasonal items as well.
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putschki1969 · 4 years ago
Part 3 of KEIKO’s appearance on TiARY TV
Part 1 | Part 2 | Google Drive Link Part 3
My detailed summary 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ 
KEIKO says that she loves to receive chocolate and accessories for Christmas. She LOVES chocolate and eats it every day. Of course everyone is shocked how she manages to stay so thin. Of course she also loves meat which is why she named her fan club “Meat & Chocolate”. KEIKO will now introduce her BEST 3 meat and chocolates which she would like to recommend to everyone.
1. 焼肉 冷麺 ユッチャン。Yakiniku Reimen Yu chun KEIKO is not a huge fan of reimen (chilled noodles) but she loves the meat there. 2. 焼肉ジャンボ Yakiniku Jumbo KEIKO loves the variety there, just by looking at the pictures she is filled with happiness. 3. GOLD RUSH A hamburger steak place and her favourite menu is the one with garlic and cheese.
1. Jean-Paul Hévin Store They have yummy chocolates and macarons 2. Bourbon Rumando Crepe Cookies The ones she also ate for her “Watch Along Party”. They are among her faves. She can eat an entire package in one sitting. One of the hosts, Buruma, likes to eat it out of the package, almost sucking the wafer out of it. No one can relate and wonders how exactly that’s gonna look like so she has to demonstrate. 3. PIERRE HERMÉ PARIS They have tons of fancy macarons but also chocolate sets. The TiARY team gives KEIKO a little present, one of those nice little chocolate boxes. KEIKO tries one with caramel. And then Tomomi Morisaki randomly turns the episode into a little porn film by deliverring an erotic show sucking and licking her piece of chocolate. Eating chocolate has never looked this sexy XD
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shineninrays · 2 years ago
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. . #豚平 此方のお店は11時頃(ピッタリではありません)開店ですが 日曜・祝日はお客さんが多い為 早めの訪問がお勧めです . 1/4 豚平ラーメン(数量限定) 特製餃子追加 土日祝が雷雨の場合を除き 開店約1時間で売り切れます 売り切れ次第、通常のラーメンが提供されます。 . 2/4 スープは拳骨主の動物系,野菜,ブレンド醤油、表面油脂と 動物,醤油等の均整のとれた コクのある味わいは好印象⭕️ 野菜からの甘みも加わった まろやかな優しい口当たり👍 一巡目のみ 青葱多めで提供して頂ける点は嬉しい限り😄 油脂で口の中が滑る為、さっぱりした後口になる点は良 . 3/4 自家製麺は中太ストレートタイプ、硬さ指定は特に無し もっちりとした食感で スープも適度にのった喉の通り👌 茹で加減はデフォ普通ですが、一口啜った時にスープと 馴染んでいる点では特に問題無し、麺大盛・替玉等も無し 此方のお店のチャーシュー各種は 超絶お勧めの一品😊 今回も低温調理タイプはロース系と国産豚モモ部位2種 手前左側の薄スライスがモモ しっとり食感で肉の旨みが 存分に感じられ美味 低温調理は熱が入る前に一番に頂く 煮豚は部位によって 旨み,食感,肉厚等が異なる点は好み 肉の旨みが凝縮された赤身と バラ脂身の甘みが口の中で トロっと溶ける柔らかい食感&食べ応えある肉厚で美味い 豚平ラーメン注文時 初訪と思われるお客さんに大将から お肉多めですけど大丈夫ですか? と声掛けされています . 4/4 特製餃子は パリッとした皮に中身は たっぷりのあん入り ラーメンのスープと相性良い為 ほぼ毎回注文しています 先に酢醤油到着後 卓上の自家製辣油を入れるのが自己流 食後の甘いレモンティーで 口の中をさっぱりして完食。 ローカルルールは食べ終えた後 食器等はカウンター上に 周囲を拭いてから離席 (後でアルコール消毒されています) また啜りたくなる一杯で めっちゃ美味かったです 🍜😋 ごちそうさまでした . #ラーメン #ラーメン部 #ラーメン倶楽部 #麺活 #麺スタグラム #津山 #インスタグルメアワード2023 #일본라면 #맛있다 #拉麵 #ราเมง #ramen #instalike #instagood #instafood #food #foodie #nice #fantastic #yummy #igers #tonkotsu #gyoza #😍 #love #beautiful #photooftheday #japan #japanesefood . 2023.3.12 麺活No.51 . (豚平) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpsBDBZya50/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dai640112 · 2 years ago
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背脂が手に入ったので、醤油ラーメン作ってみた🍜😋👍 脂が入ると美味しいよね〜デブるけど 青森市は大きな流雪溝でも凍り、雪捨てが出ない状態が4日目!ヤバイ 青森市内 積雪88センチ☃️ #男飯 #noodle #ramen #foods #yummy #yum #delicious #ラーメン #麺 #らーめん #拉麺 #美味しい #美味い #美味 #맛있는 #Délicieux #delicious #Lezat #amazing #nice #yummy #yum #foods #good #tasty #ラーメンインスタグラマー #thankgoditsramen #麺スタグラム (ディーコム(青森)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn_DM0Qy2ju/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pearnopear · 3 years ago
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かき揚げそば CHECK ONE TWO  
にほんブログ村 :沖縄食べ歩き
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ya-da · 3 years ago
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Neapolitan, curry cutlet, and fresh vegetables at "Restaurant Yamaguchi" on Setagaya Boro Market Street. 1800 yen? Western-style restaurant in front of "Platino" on Setagaya Boro Market Street. I had a hard time deciding whether to have the Neapolitan(=A spaghetti dish created in Japan. It is a ketchup-based, not tomato, and includes stir-fried onion, pepper, and sausage) or "Katsu-Curry"(=the curry rice topped with breaded pork chop), so I ordered both. + After a long time, the raw vegetables arrived. Oh! It's so neat. It was very different from the impression I got from the interior of the restaurant. It was delicious. A raw vegetable salad from a Western-style restaurant in the Showa era. + Next was the Neapolitan.It was amazingly good. The sourness was nicely skipped, and it was a perfect Neapolitan. It's not on the same level as the Neapolitan at "Pancho" or "Pont Neuf" in Shimbashi. There was a perfect amount of ketchup sauce, and it was carefully fried. Yes, yes! This is the kind of Neapolitan I wanted to eat. It was served with Tabasco and cheese powder. + Finally, "Katsu-Curry". It was a crunchy curry with freshly breaded pork chop on top. The soup was made from ground meat, so the flavor was perfect. The spiciness was moderately spicy. The breade pork chop is thin and small, but this is the best topping for curry with "Katsu", because it's just "toppings" for the curry rice. The meat of the "Katsu", is also nice and soft. I love this cutlet curry. ・・・・・・. I was so satisfied that I thought, "Why doesn't this restaurant have much of a reputation?". A good restaurant. I think I'll be a repeat customer. Happiness found. 世田谷ボロ市通り「レストランやまぐち」で、ナポリタンとカツカレーと生野菜。 とっても美味しかった。 夜11時までやってるし、また来よう。 #ナポリタン #ポンヌフ #パンチョ #世田谷 #ボロ市 #レストランやまぐち #麺スタグラム #カツカレー #spaghetti #curry #breadedporkchops #setagaya #tokyo #japan #japanesefood ? #italianfood ? #indianfood ? (和風レストランやまぐち) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWGj-Ltv3sD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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