#nice news is where i live is like smack dab in the middle of a blue zone
its--ali · 1 year
Ah yes, it's hell simulator season
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clickerflight · 7 months
Clove: Part 15 - Quiet Pains
Hello hello! I swear I'll get back on my writing game soon. I have learned I need to write before I draw. And definitely before playing minecraft lol.
Part 14
Content: Sunburns, grief, watching a friend get old without you. Honestly a soft one for you guys this time.
Hyrum woke up, still held in Ephraim’s arms. It would be nice if pain wasn’t still radiating from his skin. It was not the worst pain he’d ever experienced, but it was scary either way. 
Hyrum stirred a little, stretching out his legs, kneading at his stomach until he was satisfied with the stretch in his muscles. He loosened again, and while he was a little tired still, he was more tired of sleeping. 
He rolled in Ephraim’s arms to get away, but the grip only tightened as Ephraim stirred awake. Hyrum whined and Ephraim chirped at him, pulling him a little closer and nuzzling against Hyrum’s head, still chirping. 
“Ephraim,” Hyrum whined, wriggling to get away. 
“Go back to bed, Benny,” Ephraim said softly and Hyrum realized Ephraim was still somewhat asleep. “It’s still day.”
“Ephraim, it’s me,” Hyrum said, rolling again so he could bat at Ephraim’s face. 
The vampire opened his eye, the other still glued shut, his hair a mess. “Mmm? Oh….” he let go of Hyrum as the werewolf sat up, stretching again on all fours. 
Ephraim sighed heavily before he sat up, running his hand through his hair. “Are you alright?”
“Yes. My skin is hot.”
“Yeah. Looks like you got a sunburn, bud.”
Hyrum hummed. “I don't like it.”
Ephraim chuckled. “No, I imagine not. How about you put your clothes back on and we can see if there is still food from last night we can have and go talk to Margie.”
“Why would we need to talk to Margie?”
“She would have some creams to soothe your burns,” Ephraim said as he got up, rearranging his own shirt, tying the collar a bit tighter. 
Hyrum nodded eagerly. He liked Margie’s potions and creams. He didn’t itch nearly as much and she did have things that really soothed his pains when he had them, even if he didn’t really like her. 
He grabbed his clothing and put it on, discovering a new sensation of pain as it brushed over his burns. 
He came out to a sandwich made with leftovers, the bottom wrapped in a cheese cloth to keep everything together. He took it happily as Ephraim finished eating his own sandwich as he put his shoes on. He held his hand out for Hyrum, who took it while eating his sandwich with the other. 
They stepped out into the morning sunlight where people were out and about, working on their morning chores. They waved at the two of them as they passed. 
“Good morning, Ephraim,” Anna called, her eldest hanging off of her skirts sleepily. 
“Good morning, Anna,” he replied. “I should be moving up to my cabin again today. I’ll have your Dimitri’s blanket done soon after that.”
“Oh, thank you, Ephraim. Don’t feel like you need to rush. I know that children require extra time,” she said, smiling at Hyrum who smiled back hesitantly. 
“That they are,” Ephraim said lovingly, squeezing Hyrum’s hand gently. “Have a good day, dear.”
“Thank you,” she replied with a smile. 
They walked past towards Margie’s cottage. It was a little more weathered, one of the older cottages in the villages. Ephraim walked up and knocked as Hyrum took another bite of his sandwich. He waited until he heard Margie inside shout, “I’m decent!”
He rolled his eyes and opened the door, coming in with Hyrum close behind him, still holding Ephraim’s hand. 
“Good morning, Margie,” Ephraim said warmly. “We’re here for some balms or creams for Hyrum here. He played out in the sun for a bit too long today.”
Margie sighed from where she was sitting at a long table smack dab in the middle of the living room picking out herbs and crushing them in different mortars. “Yeah, I should have something for that in the pantry.”
“What container is it in? I can go grab it,” Ephraim said, moving as if to do so, but Margie put her hands on the table, hauling herself up. 
“No no, I’m not that old quite yet, Ephraim,” she said in a scolding tone of voice. “I can get you things from my own pantry.”
“Of course,” Ephraim said, though Hyrum saw the way his eyes trailed after the old lady, as though worried for her safety as she left the room. 
“How old is she?” Hyrum asked curiously, taking another bite of his sandwich.
Ephraim sighed. “Nearly seventy.”
“Is that a lot?”
“Yes,” Ephraim said wistfully. “It is a lot. Vampires live until they are killed, werewolves tend to live for about 4 centuries if they do not die from disease or battle before that, and humans only live for about 80 years. Less, if their lives have been tough or if they get sick in their later years and no one is there to care for them. And out here, away from the cities, it is usually less. I worry about her.”
Hyrum hummed. Margie did look rather fragile. “So, she did not always look like that?”
“Oh, no, my dear. She used to be a force to be reckoned with. She still is. Just in different ways now.”
“Oh… okay….. Ephraim? How old am I?”
Ephraim looked down at Hyrum in surprise. “Oh, I am not too certain. Do you remember how many winters or summers you have experienced?”
Hyrum frowned and shook his head. 
Ephraim nodded, judging Hyrum’s features. He was starting to look much younger than he had seemed at first now that he was healed and fed, but Ephraim was not very sure he could guess an age. The scars made Hyrum look so much older. There was something in his eyes that spoke of sufferings untold.
“Well…. You don’t look as hold as Isaac. Perhaps… Simon’s age? If I remember correctly he should be coming up on his 15th winter here shortly.”
Hyrum thought about it for a moment before he realized it didn’t really matter and he shrugged, going back to finishing his sandwich. 
The two waited in silence for Margie to come back, listening to her faintly moving things back and forth and grumbling things to herself. Hyrum, with his big fluffy ears, was learning a lot of words he didn’t really know the meanings of. They sounded like hexes so he would likely have to be careful speaking them. 
Margie finally came back with a small tub of something, giving it to Ephraim. “Now get out,” she said with a grumble. 
Ephraim frowned. She was getting grumpier in her age, but this was a lot more grumpy than he was used to. 
“Margie? Are you alrig-”
“Get!” she barked. She groaned as she sat back down. “My knees are aching and I don’t want to talk to anyone until I’ve had enough willow bark tea to actually get to my chores.”
That made sense. It was early in the morning and she did tend to be pretty grumpy when she was in pain. Ephraim thought about asking her why she didn’t let him go into the pantry, or if there was anything he could do, but he knew not to ask at this point, so he nodded, said a quiet goodbye and left, tub in hand. 
They went back to Guntar’s house and Epraim had Hyrum sit down, pulling the lid off the tub so he could get some of the cooling cream out with his fingers and rub it into Hyrum’s skin. 
Hyrum had finished his food and was folding the cloth as tightly as he could before letting it spring back out, kicking his legs and swishing his tail as Ephraim applied the medicine. 
“Who’s Benny?”
Ephraim’s cool hands froze. He stared down at the pup before he slowly continued in his work. “Where did you hear that name?”
“This morning. You called me Benny.”
Ephraim winced. He’d had a dream he was taking care of Benjamin when he was just barely fledged. 
He cleared his throat and said, “Ah, Benjamin. He was Margie’s brother. He and I were friends.”
“Oh. Did he get old and die?”
Ephraim wondered how much to tell. He wanted to lock the topic away, to keep trying to grieve and heal in silence like Margie had, but he was feeling nostalgic. He could still picture Benjamin’s smiling face in his mind, his fangs shining in the sun. two pairs of them instead of the regular set. Ephraim had been so proud of the power Benjamin demonstrated nearly right away, at how quickly his fledgling took to being a vampire. 
“Not quite…. He would leave the village and go on adventures. He would come back with wonderful things, but he had an accident coming home one day. A tree fell on him and he was going to die. I decided to turn him into a vampire so he could keep living. He agreed.”
“Oh, you can make vampires?”
“Yes. All vampires can.”
“Could I be a vampire?”
“I am…. Not certain. Being a werewolf might mean you cannot be a vampire.”
Hyrum huffed, disappointed. “Well, where is Benjamin, then?”
Ephraim took extra care rubbing the cream on Hyrum’s face, avoiding looking into his golden eyes. “He… Margie and I had to fight some fae to get back a child of the village and Benjamin helped. We got the child back but Benjamin was taken in his place. The fae…. Do not like vampires. He is likely dead.”
“Oh. Was it… sad?”
“Yes,” Ephraim said in a heavy tone. “Sadder than anything else that has happened to me.”
Hyrum stared up at Ephraim in shock. Ephraim had lived a long time, so a lot of sad things probably happened if Hyrum’s own life was anything to gauge from. That was hard to imagine. The two must have been close. Hyrum wondered if Ephraim treated Hyrum the same way he treated Benjamin. 
“Can you ever forget how sad it was?” Hyrum asked. He was wondering for himself as well. He had been through many many sad things. Through things that hurt him in all the different ways he could possibly be hurt. Could he ever forget it?
Ephraim sighed. He cupped Hyrum’s face in his hands and said, “I will never forget how sad it was, but there will always be things that can help me remember how happy I am too. Like you, dear Goldenrod.”
Hyrum leaned into Ephraim’s touch and closed his eyes with a soft sigh. He was pretty sure he was beginning to understand that. 
Part 16
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff @honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps @mj-or-say10 @percy-frayer
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Piece of peace Ch 1
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Piece of Heaven.
Summary: Park Jimin and Min Yoongi had forgone the city life months ago, opting to settle into their dream cottage in the woods born of dreams and furnished with love. And it was always going to be them. Until the biggest thunderstorm of the year carried an unexpected guest to their door smack dab in the middle of them living their isolated dream.
Pairing: Yoongi x Jimin, Yoongi x Jimin x reader
WARNINGS: Mentions of toxic family left behind, drastic weather conditions.
Word count: 1k words
Taglist open
These cookies better come out well, considering Yoongi strongly suspected he had messed up with the butter measurement. And to think Jimin had so fondly asked him to make some cookies for dessert tonight. 
He said a little farewell to the cookie dough sitting on the tray innocently and slipped it into the oven, making sure to ask it very nicely to be good.
Well, now that that was done, all he really had to do was make sure the stack of firewood was covered well under the tarp and he'd be done with his chores for the day. 
He tossed off his apron and slipped into his boots, stepping out to the dim day, as he stopped to consider the strange stillness in the air that was almost charged. It was going to be a big storm. 
Jimin came home earlier that day, too. 
"I was worried about the thunderstorm," he said softly as he toed off his shoes and stepped closer to kiss Yoongi's temple, "they were saying it'd hit by nightfall and I didn't wanna get caught out when it did. Oh… is that cookies I smell?"
Yoongi smiled at his lover fondly. They'd been living in this cottage for about three months now, and it was really almost too good to be true. Ever since Jimin had found out he had always wanted a cozy place away from town to call his own, and focus on his work, he had worked double time to save up enough money to build his little dream cottage for Yoongi. And with the advance deposit on the book deal Yoongi had gotten shortly after, they had furnished their peace of heaven and moved in at the earliest possible time. 
And it really was Heaven. 
They were self sufficient enough to only go into town for groceries and fuel for their generators or refill their gas cylinders for their stove, and that too, Yoongi often missed out on, choosing rather to go do chores where he could have his bare feet on mossy ground like collecting the emergency supply of firewood or fixing the water pipe in the freshwater stream nearby, or simply roaming around the now familiar parts of the woods. 
Jimin, hardworking and resilient, was the one who "wore the pants" as the townsfolk would say, in the relationship. He was the one with the office job, the one who had insisted they keep the car and their bank accounts because they weren't becoming forest fairies, much to Yoongi's chagrin. 
Jimin, who was currently smiling wide enough to have his eyes disappear, as he regarded the pile of warm cookies on the kitchen counter like a little kid who had just seen Halloween come earlier this year. 
The sight tugged at Yoongi's heartstrings, to see his beloved stoked over mere cookies. After all, Jimin had always been the one to appreciate the smallest of happy things. Like the butterflies that came to play among Yoongi's little flower bed outside, or the way the soft purple lamp in their bedroom threw shadows over Yoongi's face. 
Come to think of it, most of Jimin's happy noticings were somehow linked to Yoongi.
Well, if you asked Jimin, it was because Yoongi was his happiness. 
But let's not tell Yoongi that for now, unless we want to see Yoongi roll his eyes and grumble about the fact that it was literally impossible to be sad in a place as pretty as this, with a proud tug onto his lips, only half a smirk. 
Welcome to Yoongi and Jimin's little piece of Heaven.
But where are you? 
You followed the stream down, making sure to stay on the dry land so as not to leave any footsteps. You had been following this stream for almost two days now, never letting the trickling water stray too far lest you got lost. You were determined to find civilization by now, especially with the rumbling clouds rolling in behind you, almost as close as you imagined your wretched family to be. 
You'd run away from them the day your mom had left you alone with them, not trusting them enough to even spend another night under the same roof as your step father and his sister. All you had in the world was on your back, and well, your tiny Chimmy hanging from your waist, still smiling at you whenever you looked at him for comfort. 
The place you had called "home" was far behind you, and the very thought of that gave you enough confidence and happiness to still keep a spring in your step as you determinedly marched to freedom. 
But it did falter a bit when the first few drops of cold rain started pelting down. 
Meanwhile back in the cabin, Jimin was tucked into Yoongi's arms, as the older boy ran his firm fingers through the younger's hair almost absent-mindedly as they watched a horror movie together. 
When what was supposed to be a jump scare came up on screen and Jimin yawned though, Yoongi chuckled, "Is my big boy tired already?"
Jimin hummed, "I'm sorry babe, it's just too cozy here."
"You were up early Jiminie, it's okay, let's go to bed."
"No, I can just sleep here, you can finish the movie."
Yoongi silently shook his head, and Jimin already knew he wouldn't listen to any protests when he held out his hand for Jimin to take. As they walked to their bed hand in hand, Yoongi took a peek outside, "It's coming down pretty hard out there, I hope everyone's safe."
"In the forest? Who'd be in the forest at this hour?"
Yoongi shrugged, "Forest, town, wherever. I hope no one's stuck outside in this weather."
"I'm sure they're fine lovie, you worry too much." Jimin yawned again and grunted as he threw himself onto the bed, "C'mere, I can't sleep without you."
That had Yoongi's lips curling as he stepped away from the window and joined his man in bed. 
Unbeknownst to the comfortable couple, you huddled under a tree not two miles upstream from them, wondering how long you could weather out a storm this massive and cold. 
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thunderbunny24 · 2 months
Second Chance at Love
I have to give credit to Jelly Roll for his song Save Me. I stole it for my OC.
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Part 10
            You pulled up to Matt’s house and before you could get your car door opened, he was outside waiting for you.  As soon as you shut the car door Matt picked you up, swung you in circles and started kissing you as you wrapped your legs and arms around him.  He carried you in the house and set you down.
            “I have missed you so much this last 2 weeks.”  He pulled you back into his chest.
            “I was only gone for like 9 days.  It’s the joys of having to actually work.”  You looked over towards the bar in Matt’s kitchen where Addison was sitting.  You smiled and waved at her.  “Hi!  It’s nice to finally meet you.”
            Addison’s cheeks turned bright red.  She got up from her seat and walked over to you.  You opened up your arms to offer her a hug.  She took the hug but her body was stiff and she was giggling nervously.  “It’s nice to meet you too.”
            Matt nudged Addison’s arm.  “Don’t tell me you are star struck kiddo.”  He winked at you.
            “Dad!”  She shook her head but the teasing seemed to relax her a bit.
            “Don’t feel bad Addison.  I still get star struck and I’ve been in the business for almost 30 years.”  You smiled sweetly at her.  “And if it helps, I’ve been nervous to meet you.  I’m scared I’m going to make an ass out of myself and you won’t like me.”
            “If you are a fraction as cool as Dad says, you are good.”  You blush.  “And you can call me Addi if you want.”  You nod.  You both go sit at the bar while Matt started cooking.  “You said it’s been about 9 days.  I know Dad had that horror con in Ontario weekend before last.  Where have you been?  I don’t think he told me.”
            “Well,” you pulled out your phone and opened your calendar app.  “Last week I was in Arkansas for a few days with my daughter because my mom had a doctor’s appointment she wanted me at and to get Violet some grandparent time.  Mom is getting ready to have carpel tunnel surgery next month and wanted me to be at her last appointment to hear everything the doctor said since I’ll be going down for the surgery.  The rest of the time I was in New York City.  I worked a few days at my security company there and shot the music video for my first single of this new album.  I just got back in yesterday.”
            Addi nodded.  “When is the video and album coming out?”
            “The video drops Wednesday, Valentine’s Day.  The album,” you scroll on your phone, “it drops on March 15th.”
            “Damn.”  Matt said.  “I was going to ask you to come with me to the convention I have in Kansas City on March 8th.”
            You shook your head.  “I wish I could but that is smack dab in the middle of the press tour.  I’m sorry.”  You gave him a little pout.  “Good news though.  I’ll be at Texas Frightmare Weekend in May.”
            Addi asked.  “Are you one of the guests they haven’t announced yet?”
            You shook your head.  “No.  I’m actually going as a fan.  I went last year for the first time with some friends and loved it.  Plus, I have family that lives in the area so it gives me a reason to see them and have Violet have some Great Aunt and Uncle time.”  You looked over at Matt.  “And maybe we can get there a day or so early so you can meet my family.  Their approval is kind of important to me.”  You bit your lip.
            “Approval, huh?”  Matt winked at you.  “Moreso than your parents’ approval?”
            Addi saw you blushing and decided to change the topic.  “So, do you and Dad have any special plans for Valentine’s Day?”
            You nod.  “I’m actually going to take him out.  Flowers, chocolates, date planned around things I know he enjoys.  I plan on being a romance ninja.”  Matt gave you a questioning look and you winked at him.  “I have a rough cut of the music video.  Would you both like to see it?”
            “Of course.”
            You smiled and pulled it up on your phone.  “The song is called Save Me.  I wrote it with a newer artist named Jelly Roll.  It was the first track I wrote for this album, almost a year ago.”
            “I’ve heard of him.”  Addi said.  “He’s got a few songs I really like and his wife’s TikTok is awesome.”
            You smiled and nod.  “I love Bunnie!  She is one of the sweetest and most straight forward people I’ve ever met.”  You let out a nervous sigh.  “Remember, this is a rough cut.”  You hit play.  The video showed an empty bar besides yourself, a bartender and a guitarist sitting on the stage.  The visual goes between you sitting on the stage singing to you sitting at the bar taking shots with a cigarette burning in the ashtray.
Somebody save me, me from myself I've spent so long living in Hell They say my lifestyle is bad for my health It's the only thing that seems to help
All of this drinking and smoking is hopeless But feel like it's all that I need Something inside of me's broken I hold on to anything that sets me free
I'm a lost cause Baby, don't waste your time on me I'm so damaged beyond repair Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
I'm a lost cause Baby, don't waste your time on me I'm so damaged beyond repair Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
What if the night sky was missing the moon? There were no shooting stars to use wishing on you And all of my sorrows, I'd just wash them down It's the only peace, I've ever found
All of this drinking and smoking is hopeless But feel like it's all that I need Something inside of me's broken I hold on to anything that sets me free
I'm a lost cause Baby, don't waste your time on me I'm so damaged beyond repair Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
I'm a lost cause Baby, don't waste your time on me I'm so damaged beyond repair Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams
            Both Matt and Addi were quiet when the video ended.  Their silence felt like screaming to your heart.  “Thoughts?”
            Matt bit his cheek.  “You wrote this before we met?”  You nodded and look down at your hands.  “Do you still feel that way?”
            You glanced up at Matt then quickly back down to your hands.  “Not as much, but there is still some of that in me.  This whole album has that sense of I don’t feel worthy post-divorce.  But the last few tracks show some potential for hope.”
            There was an awkward silence as both you and Matt avoided eye contact.  Addi finally broke the silence.  “I think the vocals are lovely and to be only guitar with you is nice.”
            “Thank you.”  You looked up at her and gave her a small smile.  “I had a very clear view of what this album was going to be…and then things kind of changed a month or so ago.”  You gave a quick glance to Matt and saw a tiny smile cross his lips.  “I thought about scrapping the whole thing and starting over, but I loved the work I had put in, both musically and emotionally, and didn’t want to just ditch it.”
            Matt leaned over and put his chin on top of your head with his hands holding your upper arms.  “Your voice sounded beautiful in the song.”  He squeezed your arms.  “I look forward to hearing the whole album.”  Matt then kissed the top of your head.
            Addi cleared her throat.  “Well, while Dad finishes up dinner, do you think I could borrow you?”
            You nod.  “Sure.”  Addi opened the door to the backyard and led you to a table by the pool.  You both sat down and you started picking at the hem of your blouse.
            Addi cleared her throat again.  “So, things have moved kind of fast for you and Dad.”  You nod.  “He seems to really like you.”  You smiled and nod again.  “I have begged him to get back out there for years but he never really did.  Hell, he only quit wearing his wedding band a year or so ago.”  You sat quietly, making eye contact with Addi so she knew she was being heard.  “I want him to be happy but I also don’t want this first time he’s really putting himself out there for him to get his heart broken.  If you have any feeling like he’s not the one, please promise me that you will end things and not break his heart.  He deserves to be happy.”  Addi wiped a tear from her eye.
            You take a moment to breath then started to speak.  “I don’t know what the future holds for your dad and I.  What I do know is that I want to find out what could be there.  I am nowhere near perfect and your dad is pretty close to flawless and the last thing I want to do is hurt him.  It hasn’t been very long, but I have felt more seen, understood and cared for during our time together than I have felt my entire adult life.  He makes me want to write love songs.  He makes me look forward to every text and phone call.  He makes me want to better my mental health for more than just my daughter.  I don’t know if we will still be together next week, next month or even next year, but I sure hope to hell we are and I’m willing to put in the work to make each milestone happen.  I haven’t said this to Matt yet, but I’m in love with him.  Like head over heels, jump on couches, in love with him and I want to make sure he knows and feels that every day.”
            Addi smiled at you.  “You love Dad?”
            You nodded and chuckled.  “Yes ma’am.”
            “He is so in love with you it’s not even funny.”  Addi reached for your hand.  “Just make him happy.  That’s all I want for him.”
            You wiped a tear that had run down your cheek.  “I will do everything I can to make sure our good days outweigh our bad tenfold.  Can I give you a hug?”  Addi smiled and opened her arms.
            You both were hugging and crying when Matt stepped outside.  “Sorry to interrupt ladies, but dinner is about to be ready.”  You wave him off as you kept hugging Addi.
            A few moments later Addi broke the hug and asked, “When can I meet your daughter?”
            You looked surprised at her question.  “I’ll talk to Matt and if you guys aren’t busy tomorrow, you can come over for dinner.”
            Addi smiled.  “I’d really like that.  Dad talks about her like she was his and I want to meet both the women that have stolen his heart.”
            You blush.  “I don’t know that we’ve stolen his, but he has definitely stolen ours.  Violet is so happy to have a father figure around and the fact it is Shaggy doesn’t hurt either.”  You both laughed and got up to go inside to keep chatting and to enjoy the dinner Matt had prepared.
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editorandchief · 3 years
Mr. Gray | Michael Gray
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Summary: Michael and the reader where together before he left for America, when he returns thing aren't what he expects them to be.
Warning: None
Requested: No
It had been a week since Michael had returned to Small Heath with his new wife Gina and he had yet to see Y/N, not that he minded thinking it would be extremely awkward seeing as the two never really broke up in the first place.
Tommy, Michael and Polly were discussing business with Gina there close by his side.
Finishing up Tommy began to leave before turning to Polly.
"Have you taken him yet?" He asked glancing over to the couple.
"No." Polly replied. "Not yet."
"He need to know Polly." Tommy replied before exiting Michael's office leaving both him and Gina curious.
"What's he talking about?" Michael asked his mother. "Where does he want you to take me?"
"A lot of things have changed since you left Michael." Polly replied. "And some of those thing effect you more than you think."
"Things like what?" He asked running his hands over his face in frustration.
"More like who." Polly corrected." Y/N."
"Who's Y/N" Gina asked.
"You should go and see her." Polly said to her son ignoring Gina's question.
"I don't need to go see her mom, I'm with Gina now." Michael denied. "Its been five years I thinks its better we both stay out of each others lives."
"You won't feel that way after you see her."
"So what your trying to set Michael up to get back together with his ex?' Gina asked. " We're married. I'm pregnant."
"You need to go see her Michael." Polly asked once again choosing to ignore his wife. "We are going to go see her."
"I'm not going." Michael says shaking his head.
"Look Michael if it was up to me you wouldn't be but Tommy thinks this is necessary." Polly glared at her son. "He's given you this long but if you don't go he want you shipped back to America."
looking over to his wife before staring down at his feet in anger? frustration? Guilt?
"Fine we'll go." Gina answered causing both the grays to look at here. "If Michaels going to see the Y/N woman I'm coming too." She shrugged.
"We're going tomorrow." Polly says before grabbing her bag and taking her leave.
____________________The Next Day___________________
Polly drove the car with Michael in the Passenger seat and Gina in the back down the long rural road outside of small heath. the sun was shining and the grass was green a huge contrast from the consistent grey dull of the city it was a wonder how they were so close together.
Pulling into a huge house smack dab in the middle of nowhere Polly park near the door before exiting, Michael and Gina follow close behind gazing at the homes architecture and fountain sat a few feet from the main door.
"Now I want you on your best behavior do you hear me?" Polly called out walking up to the door fixing and straightening her clothes and hair before knocking on the large door.
"Yeah mom I hear you." Michael replied.
The door swing open as Y/N comes into view smiling brightly as she sees Polly.
"Hey your just in time they should be getting up from their nap." She said pulling the older woman into a hug. Pulling back her eyes drift over to the blonde woman she didn't before landing on a all to familiar face.
"Michael." She breathes out. "I didn't know...when did you...no one told me that you were back." She stuttered.
"Yeah, Its been just over a week." He informed you. "This is Gina my-."
"His wife." The blonde woman interrupted. "Its nice to meet you." She said with a tight lipped smile.
"You as well." You replied returning her smile. "Come on in, you must be tired from the ride." She says stepping away from the door.
"Yeah this is a bit out of the way from Small Heath." Michael said as she led them to the lounge taking a seat opposite the trio of Greys.
"You say that like it a bad thing." She joked leaning back in the chair crossing her legs.
"Yeah guess tommy finally promoted you from deliveries." Michael joked back it was an ongoing joke between the two that Tommy loved to have her pick up and drop off thing so much he didn't even need the postal service.
"More like I promoted myself." She corrected. "I figured I was so good at deliveries I should start making some real money from it. It took some persuasion to get Tommy to let go of the old ways."
"What do you mean?" Gina asked very interested in the topic of expanding and modernizing Shelby company Limited as she and Michael had come there to do.
"I specialize in the private transportation of certain good for my clients." She informed. "Instead of boats the cargo would travel by plane."
"Is that really anymore efficient?" Michael asked.
"Absolutely. not only are planes a hell of a lot faster than boats, but a plane can land and take off anywhere with enough space." She replied. "As well as no boat inspection or manifest papers needed with that shipments can come and go more frequently and more discreetly meaning more money." She finished with a smirk.
"That was the part that really sold it to Tommy." Polly pointed out. "That and the fact he could never really say no to you."
"That's not true Pol." She scoffed.
"He moved his wedding back a whole month so it wouldn't come with you birthday." She reminded. "He's spoiled you since the moment you met I swear."
"Maybe you should try talking to him then." Gina states.
"About what?" Y/N asked though before anyone could answer the drumming of small feet entered the room.
"Mommy!" The little voices shout as two small figures collide with Y/N's body. "Mommy."
"Oh my babies how was your nap?" She asked squishing their faces one after the other and giving them kisses.
"I slept really good mommy." The young boy replied.
"I slept good too mommy." The girl interjected as if to not be left out.
"I'm sure you both did munchkins, but its not a competition." She informed. "now why don't you look who's here?" She said turning there shoulders to spin them around.
"Grandma Polly!" They shout rushing over to the woman who greeted them with the same excitement.
They talk adamantly about everything they had done that day and the days during her absents before Y/S/N walked over to the couple with a confused glare on his face.
"Who are you?" He asked tilting his head to the side. Anyone with eyes could see that this child was a spitting image of Michael himself. instead of answering Michael stares open mouthed at the young boy.
Y/N reached over and gently pulled her children back into the safety of her arms eyeing the man worriedly.
"Y/S/N, Y/DN this is Grandma Polly's son Michael and his wife Gina." She informed. "You can call them Mr. Gray and Mrs. Gray. Can you say hi?" She asked.
"Hi." Y/D/N says excitedly as Y/S/N just waves to the couple.
"Hello." Gina greeted back as Michael sat still frozen in shock.
"Yesterday, my mommy let us paint pictures." Y/D/N informed the couple.
"Is that so?" Michael finally speaks leaning forward smiling to the little girl while his eyes examined her features, She looked almost exactly like Y/N.
"mmhmm, I used green and yellow and blue and and-."
"You know what sweetheart I bet Mr. and Mrs. Gray would love to see both your paintings." Y/N interrupted. "Why don't you go with Christine and get them so they can see." She suggested wanting to get the kids out of the room if only for a little while so they could all talk.
"Okay." Y/S/N replied before leaning up and kissing her cheek. "I'll miss you mommy." He informed.
"Your coming right back but I'll miss you too baby." She replied watching as his sister comes and grabs his hand pulling him away towards the maid in order to retrieve their artwork.
Once the two were out of ear shot she looked back over to the male Gray as he glares down into space.
"Their mine aren't they?" He asked keeping his gaze towards the ground.
"Well that depends on what you mean by that." Y/ N replied.
"Did you have them after I fucked you?" Michael snapped now glaring at her.
"Don't you dare speak to me that way." Y/N replied returning his glare. "Yes, Okay?"
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"
"I tried Michael." She hissed back. "By the time I had gotten there it was too late, you had already fucked off to America. You never answered any of my calls after that, what was I supposed to do?" She asked.
"Send a fucking carrier Pigeon I don't know." Michael rebutted.
"And then what it wouldn't have changed anything."
"It would have changed everything, I would have been there for them...for you." He shouted. "Instead I missed it all, their first word, steps everything. We could have been a family!"
"Well what's done is done Michael what does it matter now?" Y/N asked.
"It matters because their my children."
"No!" Y/N shouted slamming her hand down on the coffee table. "They are MY children." She gritted out as the sound of the door opening and closing sounded through the room.
"I'm home." A voice called out causing Y/N to sit back once again in her seat her face now fixed with a smile.
"In the lounge." She called back to the voice before a man enters the room smiling back to her.
"How was your day?" The man asks leaning down and planting a kiss to her lips.
"It was great honey look who stopped by." She says gesturing to the sofa "This is Polly's son Michael and his Wife Gina visiting from America, this is James my husband." Y/N introduced as James shook hands with the couple Michael a bit reluctantly.
"So where are my little monsters." James asked looking around.
"They went to grab their artwork from yesterday to show off." Y/N replied. "Something they get from you no doubt."
"Well what can I say you've given me a lot to show off with." He replied gesturing to your body causing you to scoff at him. "I'm gonna go corral our wide herd." He informs quickly exiting the room in search for the twins.
"Does he know he's not the father?" Michael asks immediately.
"of course what kind of person do you think I am?" She asked slightly offended. "He knew I was pregnant before we started seeing each other, he doesn't care he loves the twins."
"Does he know that I am?"
"I didn't think you were ever coming back so there was no need to tell him your name." She answered.
"I want to be apart of their lives." Michael stated. "I want to see them."
"You can come around once or twice a week with Polly." Y/N agrees with a shrug.
"No. I want to be able to go places do things with them, they should know their father."
"James is there father Michael, the only one they have ever known. Maybe when they are older we can have this conversation but I will not rip the only father they have ever know away from them in favor of a man they don't even know."
"You expect me to sit back and watch another man raise my children?" He asks. "What kind of man would I be?"
"A good one." Y/N replied. "A man who is willing to admit that his children are better off living with a stable healthy family away from the murder and mayhem that is Small Heath...that is the Shelby/Gray name. You would be a good father."
"And if I try to take them?" He asks locking eyes with his ex as a look of surprise flashed over her face before it transformed into a glare.
"You wouldn't make it within five feet of them before you were dead on the floor." She replied menacingly.
"I'm not giving up on them." He informed accepting her words as a challenge instead of the warning that it was."
"Get the fuck out of my house Mr. Gray." Y/N replied before standing and exiting the room in search of her husband and children.
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bonvoyagenoona · 2 years
About Me 14 | When Fanfic Dating Comes to Life (or, I Met AMOMK Yoongi... for Real)
(TW: some discussion of a death in my family)
Where the hell have I been??
I don’t know! I don’t know where I am! But... I kinda like it here. 
I actually really like it here.
It’s light, and happy, and rewarding, and fulfilling. And still very full of BTS.
For one thing, I put up all my BTS posters that I was saving for when I finally have my own home office. But I figured... why wait?
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(you can buy these at ichoism.com! and it’s where my pfp comes from!)
I feel like that unlocked a lot of things for me.
Why wait?
And I think, to take a bit of a somber turn, that’s what hit me the most after my grandmother passed away about a month ago.
I’ve written about this in my fics quite a bit, and I think a lot of Millennials (certainly all of my Millennial friends) have been continuously grappling with unlearning of the toxic parts of the hustle, achiever mentality that defines us. The constant comparisons. The feeling like we’re not “doing enough”. The brass ring that we keep reaching for. The disheartening realization that there was never a brass ring to begin with.
I kept delaying any sort of non-career gratification until I reached some arbitrary level of success. I kept telling myself that I’d get to family, and friends, and dating once I established my 401k. Eventually, it got to the point where I told myself I didn’t want any family, friends, or partners at all. And some of that is still true. I still don’t want kids or marriage. But I do want more life experience. More time with loved ones. More moments to breathe.
My grandmother was the one person in my very “success”-oriented, driven family who sort of disapproved of me going to grad school. She would, in her way, tell me that there were other things in life. To make room for them. To enjoy them. 
One of the last things she told me was that she hoped that she’d live long enough to see me get married. Very Bongseon of her lol. Even with all of the confidence that I have in my life and independence, part of me feels like I failed her in some way by not getting married before she died. Part of me also feels like I’m failing my parents by choosing not to give them grandchildren. 
And part of me is questioning all of that after having met AMOMK Yoongi in real life.
Let me stress that this is all brand new. Like, one week new. I am not in love. I am not in a relationship. But I am dating again. I’m exploring what it is to share time and space with possibilities. 
This exploration is not the only thing that’s taken some time away from this blog. I recently got a promotion at work, and I am now the youngest person on the senior management team. And my team of direct reports has grown by four people in the past month alone, with more growth coming in the rest of the year. Along with that has come more responsibility and latitude, which has allowed me to start making moves that I’ve been dreaming of making since I first started this job five years ago. 
But, as with all things, it balances out. It comes with costs. I’ve been having more meetings. Lots more show-and-tell at work. I’ve definitely been writing, but I haven’t been posting. And I’ve missed you. 
Have I said that yet? I’ve missed you. 
Yes, You. 
You, with your beautiful brain and gorgeous smile and melodious laugh. I’ve missed reading your stories, seeing your art, reblogging your posts, and joining you in the comments. I’ve missed the inside jokes. I’ve missed the memes. I can’t imagine what brilliant things await me when things settle back down a bit.
And I keep thinking of what I was processing when BTS announced their hiatus. Specifically, what Yoongi and Namjoon said about regarding living more life in order to have something to say. And though I already had a lot to say, and was smack-dab in the middle of saying it, a dear friend told me last night, “If you spend a lot of time reading and writing about sex, it might be nice to have more opportunities to actually have it irl?”
It’s funny how this fanfiction thing has opened up my world. In addition to falling even deeper for our boys, I’ve gotten to meet You. All these wonderful people in our community. I’ve jumped into cars and onto planes to see you. To share ideas with you. To laugh with you. To learn and change with you. To be inspired by you. Hopefully you’ve had some fun, too.
But now, I’m changing in a different way. I’ve always written a lot, but I don’t say much. I’ve been told that I can be a lot (read: Kittenfishing, Hideaway, pretty much any one of my Y/Ns lol). But now, I’m talking more. Sharing more of myself. 
Not through Y/N. But as me.
I’m pleasantly surprised that people actually want to hear what I have to say... not just on the page, but nestled in the soft walla of forks scraping against plates and wine being poured and regulars seething about where the hell all these new people came from.
And I’m breaking out of that achiever cycle. That delayed gratification loop. There is an addictive thrill to staying up until 4 AM because I was on a writer’s high -- and PLEASE believe I will absolutely still do that lol. But I’m balancing that out with not waiting until I finish my next chapter before checking in with my friends or hanging with my family.
So a week after my grandmother passed away, two things happened. 
I got a promotion. 
And I got on Hinge.
We all know the steps. I’m admittedly a master at the first part. The resume-building part. Achiever Me has it down to a science. Literally. If you’ve read my fic Matchmaker, then you know, lol. 
I know my style. And I know the typical rules. I posted the necessary pics. Selfie, so you see my face. Wide shot, so you see my body. One cute. One flirty. Casual. Formal. With my family and friends, so you know my values. With emoji, so I protect their privacy. Blah blah blah.
I know the type of people who will gravitate toward me. Years of 20% wanted and 80% of unwanted advances have taught me a lot. 
But I had fun with it, too. 
Dearest Roomie / @mochilatae​ gave me 3 sets of numbers, and those determined what prompts I’d answer. When I got the prompt to do my best celebrity impression, I did one of Popeye.
Apart from all the fuckbois who liked my pics, only 3 responded to my impression in the first few days.
The Dad. 
The Grad Student. 
And The Teacher.
The Dad
The Dad was the first to reach out. In our BTS shorthand, he’s bboy Yoongi. Sneakers. Backwards fitted. Maybe a bit of Jungkook, what with his tattoos and a camera in hand. I shouldn’t have engaged, seeing that he has a kid. But he responded to my Popeye clip with, “ 🤔 Hmm, needs work. Jk.”
I’m an Asian, Millennial woman. I’m used to negging. And I love enemies to lovers tropes. So maybe I kinda like it, if done a certain way. The Dad is actually a sweet guy. So I Matched.
We’ve talked about a lot since then. Life’s funny turns. How tired we’re starting to feel at the end of the day. The best places to get Chinese food. 
Had it not been for this conversation, I would’ve deleted the app altogether.
The Grad Student
The Grad Student was the next to reach out. He isn’t actually a grad student, but he’s a carbon copy of an old labmate. Same cloth, mere threads apart. It’s very, very odd. Even his voice is the same as my labmate’s. I could hear it when he responded to my Popeye clip with, “My God that was perfect! Can you do Olive Oil as well? 😊”
He asked me out first, and he very interestingly suggested one of my usual hangouts from -- you guessed it -- when I was in grad school. It all seemed comfortable, and familiar. But almost too familiar. I told friends that it felt like I’d done all this before. I’m fluent in his language. I could tell his interests just by looking at him. I was feeling very Celeste in Celeste + Jesse Forever. But I also felt the cultural gulf that I sometimes feel in this situation -- most concerning, the fear of being fetishized as an Asian, Millenninal woman.
There’s an episode of the podcast Reply All called The Fever, which shares some stories about a creepy white dude who essentially socially collected Asian women. (Incidentally, this podcast episode was shown to me a few years ago by a white dude, but he did not collect me or any other Asian women.) Tbh, after listening to this episode, I kinda shut down the idea of dating at all.
Needless to say, being presented with The Grad Student made me a little nervous.
We got drinks last Thursday, and... it turned out to be a good time. He’s so... nice? But not braggadociously so. He’s not suave, like the dude from The Fever, or West Elm Caleb. He bumbles, which is funny, given that we’re on Hinge. The night started with him sincerely apologizing for getting a beer before I had arrived, and it ended with him texting me a sincere apology for not walking me to my car in the middle of the night in the middle of the city. Not that those things ultimately mattered to me though. I guess it’s a good sign that he thought of those things at all.
I’m not letting my guard down, but it’s starting to counter that fear of being fetishized. His genuineness has a charm. And we connected on a lot, most importantly the desire to lead a nontraditional kind of life. He doesn’t want kids either. He values his independence. And he’s tired of the expectations (and then mocking of those expectations) that have been foisted upon our generation. I left feeling confused... but optimistic that maybe I wasn’t too late to the scene... that I had something to offer... and that maybe I wouldn’t get fake-collected and real-murdered while out here trying to connect with people. 
That maybe people had something to offer me back.
He asked me out again for dinner on Wednesday. 
That was last night.
The Teacher
After things went well with the Grad Student, I wondered if I should set something up with the other two guys who had reached out. I was already hanging out with my brother and his girlfriend Saturday night and Sunday morning, so I decided I’d jam-pack the rest of that weekend with social activity. Like my 4am writer’s highs, I figured I’d just get it all done in one go. Ride the bit of extroverted energy that was propelling me forward. 
Why wait?
I asked The Dad, with whom I had been talking the longest, if he wanted to get coffee on Saturday afternoon. He said yes, and we picked a place.
I then asked The Teacher if he wanted to hang on Sunday. we had been talking a lot, ever since he said of my Popeye impression, “Pretty good lol”. He also said yes, and we picked a place.
On Saturday, I posted up at one of my favorite coffee shops and wrote for a little bit. 
20 mins before we were set to meet, I got a message from The Dad. He wasn’t going to be able to make it. Family stuff. Understandable.
When I got home from hanging out with my brother and his girlfriend, I checked in with The Teacher. He said he was definitely down to hang.
The Teacher scares me a little bit.
He’s 100% AMOMK Yoongi. Not just in personality, look, or style (and, trust me, eerily so, especially to Soundcheck Yoongi). But because of the connection that we seem to have regarding the core details from my life that I’ve injected into AMOMK. 
See, the Teacher really is a teacher. Specifically, he’s a middle school teacher. And he teaches at the middle school that I went to here in town. The middle school that is the basis for the school that AMOMK Namjoon and Yoongi teach at. Drive past it, and you’ll see the baseball diamond bleachers that AMOMK Jin gets ogled at in the beginning of Chapter 01, and the parking lot leading to the entrance to the band hall in the beginning of Chapter 03. You know what’s really scary? You might even see a red sedan. Like the one that AMOMK Yoongi and Namjoon share donuts on the hood of... and the one that The Teacher just happens to drive.
Have you seen the movie Ruby Sparks? (Another appearance of Chris Messina. Hmm. Interesting.) I certainly don’t advocate for the toxic aspects of control and will, but that awed feeling of seeming manifestation... I was starting to feel that awe when we were texting about these hometown details. And it was starting to solidify into a genuine feeling of bewilderment when we realized we also lived within 15 minutes of each other when we were younger, and that we went to the same high school at around same time. 
The Teacher showed up.
He showed up early, actually.
We originally planned for 4, but he said that he’d gotten done with his errands and would now be free at 3:30. 
We met for sushi, and I had one of the best conversations I’ve ever had in my entire life.
The content. Music, books, life, family, being Asian, being an immigrant, being first gen, being oldest siblings, being first gen oldest siblings, dating, movies, music, fashion, TV shows, comedy, writing, music, work, oh, and music. He said he listens to everything. I said I listen to everything. We both highly doubted that the other listened to everything. We both learned that we both listen to everything.
The little moments. Me accidentally dropping my phone, and then my chopsticks, and saying sorry or looking worried, and him just smiling and tilting his head and saying, “For what?” Or us talking about the disdain for how short songs are now to encourage streaming, Harry Styles’ use of a melody reminiscent of A-ha’s “Take on Me”, and the bright smile we’d flash each other as we stopped talking each one of the seven times the song played on the speakers during our-- 4-hour conversation? 
When did 4 hours pass??
Did I want to go somewhere to get drinks?
And the big moments. Us sitting down at another one of my old hangouts from grad school, which just happened to be 5 mins away, and us talking about our motivations. Passions. PDA.
The Teacher: I’m not really one for PDA.
Me: Me either. (remembering something) Ugggghh! OK, so my brother and his girlfriend do this thing when they’re hanging out where one of them will go, "Uh-oh! My love meter is empty!” And the other one will go, “Oh no!” And they’ll scurry over to them and hug them and kinda squeeze and jostle them while going, “boop-boOP-BOOP-BOOP-BOOP!” And then they’ll go, “All full!” and smile at each other.
The Teacher: Gross.
Me: I know! Remember how you said you wanted to emulate the relationship your parents have? I’m the same way, and I think I’ve only seen my parents kiss a handful of times. I think the most recent of them was in the Philippines during New Year’s Eve 1999.
The Teacher: Hey. Y2K. They had to. They could’ve died.
Me: (laughs) What specifically about PDA makes it uncomfortable for you, do you think? Is it like what you said about how you hate when people play their music super loud when they go to the gas station or are just out and about in public?
(The Teacher is also a grumbling grandpa, btw.)
The Teacher: Yeah, and it’s like... too showy. I like the sense that it’s saved for behind closed doors. It’s just for the other person.
Me: True. And... like... if you’re doing it all the time, it doesn’t seem as special. Not to be a huge cornball, but it loses some of its... I don’t know, it loses some of its---
Together: Magic.
I swear to you. I know I write romcom fanfiction. But this happened. 
Which is why The Teacher scares me.
When it was time to go, not as an afterthought, before we even got up from our seats, he said, “It’s late. I’ll walk you to your car.”
He was wearing black, pointy boots. I could see them in my periphery because I was kinda looking down as we walked. He walked to my left, and just behind me. Kind of letting me lead. But still next to me. Like a cat.
We lingered in the hug. I thought he might be interested in a kiss. I got shy. He respected it.
Me: This was really fun. Thanks for hanging out.
The Teacher: Yeah. It was a blast.
Me: Would you want to... maybe... hang out... again?
The Teacher: Absolutely not.
(When I tell you that I cannot stop thinking about this and laughing... ugh.)
The Teacher: No, seriously though. We could hang out this weekend... or we could do mid-week, even. How about...
Me: (internally) Don’t say Wednesday. Don’t say Wednesday. Don’t say---
The Teacher: ...Thursday?
(Why wait?)
Me: Yes. Thursday.
We have texted nearly nonstop everyday since.
And I’m going out with him again in about 5 hours.
Because it is Thursday.
And that’s when the AMOMK boys go on their dates.
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nagipops · 3 years
hii I love your blogs sooo much you're really talented (I just needed to say it sorry) so straight to the point, I already made 2 requests to you and I really enjoyed your writing so I would like to make another again. As I'm clueless about what to request I'll just ask for random hcs for konoha 11, idk if it's too much but if so then you can do with Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi and Naruto. Thank you in advance and sorry anything ^^
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, neji, rock lee, tenten, kiba, hinata, and shino
WARNINGS: mentions alcohol, drugs, food, bugs, and the tiniest nsfw mention if you get the joke. hehe
A/N: AHHHH ANONN this seriously made my day, im so so glad you enjoy my work!! 💖
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you know how we all have “the chair”, where we throw all of our dirty clothes onto?
yeah, imagine that, but from the seat to the fricking ceiling
its just a GINORMOUS MOUND of clothes, you wonder how he even goes through that many clothes so quickly???
definitely shoves it under his bed whenever guests come over (somehow)
holds chopsticks really weirdly. but it works.
asked tenten to put his hair into space buns to mimic his sexy jutsu and went around flirting with the village
jiraiya was so proud of him T-T
comes up with the WORST pickup lines
they’re so bad, its almost charming. almost
has gone AWOL multiple times, disappearing from everywhere, just everywhere
it scared you a little, so you searched the entire village for him
you finally found him sitting on the ledge of a cliff, gazing out at the vast sea
concerned and panicked, you cried out to ask him what was wrong
he turned to you with a crestfallen, devastated look on his face and said,
“i bought shrimp ramen instead of chicken ramen.”
you’ve never searched for him after his disappearance ever again.
100% makes origami shurikens and chucks them at you
they are deathly precise and deathly sharp. seriously, how are these not illegal weapons yet???
writes threatening motivational notes to herself on the mirror
“u got this!” “make sure to smack naruto today!” “ino sucks!”
her backpack would always be way too high up on her back. idk why but. it would
does her hair all nice and pretty before she goes out but once she arrives to her destination SHE KEEP. TAKING. IT OUT. and redoing it over and over and over again
like it’s impossible to make eye contact with her because she’s holding a bobby pin between her teeth while braiding her hair
her guilty pleasure would be hostess treats
ding dongs are her favorite. don’t ask me how i know, i just know.
eats the yellow starbursts just to spite naruto and all her haters
loves small lap dogs, she think’s they’re so cute and cuddly
but she especially loves chihuahuas
they’re so feisty and naruto HATES them, so of course she had to go and get one for herself
dresses the poor dog up in little bonnets and jackets and ties its tiny fuzzy hairs into pigtails
she and the chihuahua are not that much unlike <3
this man is a god at shogi but he absolutely SUCKSSSS at cup pong.
is this an ick? idk. but he is absolute trash at this game.
it gets even worse when he’s got a couple drinks in him
tries to calculate the velocity and acceleration and angle and shit but his shot is always a good two feet off BYE 😭
just mutters an “aw, shit” before awaiting his turn again
hates checkers, loves chess
“checkers is for WUSSIES” - shikamaru nara
i said this in another post, but he is Very Good at whistling
like that’s his hidden talent
can copy any tune with the perfect pitch and rhythm
speaking of, he can do really cool tricks with his tongue
like making a four leaf clover, touching the bridge of his nose with it, flipping it upside down, you name it
he has slanted, scrawled handwriting, to the point where it’s almost illegible
wbk he cheats in school SO OFTEN. but he never gets caught. he’s not stupid, he just couldn’t care less about his classes.
thinks weed and e-cigs are stupid, cigarettes are where it’s at
you just can’t replicate the feeling of taking a drag from a cig after a long, tiring day
plus he looks hella cool while doing it B)
teaches the boyz™️ how to braid their hair
like they all gather in a circle around this feisty fashionista and fail attempt to braid their hair
sakura was just fuming in the sidelines
yeah, ino 🙄
the only one that can actually do it is neji because a) this man is talented af and b) he’s got the long hairrr
ino probably envies his thick, sleek hair because hE’S a bOy
also asks everyone for their blood type and zodiac signs and tells them if they’re compatible with her or not
and definitely judges you for your sign 😣
“oh, you’re a gemini? hmm, what a shame...”
makes bouquets for her favorite people and kin assigns everyone a flower
only assigns the pretty nice ones to the people she likes (sorry sakura, you’re out of luck)
one of her favorite hobbies is crafting! she’s really good with details and small things so she loves making those miniature dollhouses and stuff
also really good at watercoloring. especially painting flowers and landscapes
also i feel like she would be really good at playing any instrument because of her skilled hands
can play a badass flute solo. period.
would honestly rather die than get anywhere NEAR an asparagus
he just thinks they’re so gross and bitter and NOT SALTY
he always eats his yakiniku a little bit undercooked because he’s way too impatient to wait for it to cook fully. who do you think he is??
whenever he cloud gazes with shikamaru, when asked what he thinks a cloud looks like, he just says some sort of food
“oi, choji, what does that one look like to you?”
“a... yakiniku grill... with... pineapple rings on it! ooh, and a wagyu steak right there!”
he thinks pringles are an abomination to society. where’s the crisp? where’s the grease? where’s the saltiness?!!!
asks ino to teach him how to do his hair all fancy and the two of them devote an entire day learning different hairstyles
it’s his new favorite thing to do now :D
he really likes crayons!!!!
like he’ll write with them, draw with them, color with them, do everything with them
he’s even tried to eat them. he said they tasted good.
definitely had the 128 crayon pack WITH THE BUILT-IN SHARPENER, and everyone thought he was the coolest kid in town
he ate it UP, he even scored some bbq dates with the ladies
i also feel like he loves basketball, and he has a MEAN slam dunk
like his vertical isn’t that high, but the man can REACH
he loves when people laugh at him when he challenges them to a 1v1 and then proceeds to absolutely destroy them <3
he seems like a cucumber kind of guy.
just cucumber
like i feel like he puts it in everything; soba, salads, sandwiches, his face, yeah
it’s mellow and cool, just like him!
speaking of, i feel like he lives for spa days and facials
it just lets him be alone in his little cucumber scented world for an hour or two and he gets damn clear skin from it as well
seriously he has PERFECT skin. flawless. not a single blemish. his cheeks feel like baby butts they’re so smooth.
i feel like he’d be a god at solving rubik’s cubes, don’t ask me why
like if anyone scrambled theirs on accident they would just take it to neji and he’d solve it in the blink of an eye
CAT PERSON!!! loves the little meow meows
who are we kidding, neji basically is a cat; agile, aloof, does silly things without trying to, very cute
he just feels akin to the little fuzzballs and he thinks petting cats are extremely therapeutic. good for the soul
he is a golf man. he would take his juniors golfing and everyone thinks he’s uncool. cmon neji let them go to the skate park at least T-T
also very good at karaoke, definitely surprised everyone once he got a few drinks in him since he started serenading you
LIGHTWEIGHT!!! do not get more than one shot of alcohol in him. he will go berserk.
i also feel like he’d really love photography; not taking pictures of people, but of nature
he loves taking a quiet stroll through a pretty forest and snapping pictures of all the unique flora and fauna
it’s so serene ︶ ‿ ︶
100% milly rocks everywhere
gai got in on it too once he asked what lee was doing
“is that what all the youthful cool kids do these days!”
they also dab together. a lot
DO NOT BE SEEN WITH THESE TWO!!! you are not associated with them.
definitely is the one breakdancing in the middle of the dance circle at a high school party
he’s mad skilled at it too
headspins and windmills galore
challenged naruto to a dance-off and completely OBLITERATED him
lee then asked if naruto wanted a rematch, this time with one hand tied behind lee’s back
naruto obliged, and he STILL lost
RIP naruto and his fangirls, they all scrambled to lee afterwards T-T
i feel like his favorite subject is science
not the boring physics equations and laws and theories but the fun EXPERIMENTS
definitely has singed all of his hair off one time and he went to gai blubbering to help him grow back his precious hair
but he loves experimenting with different combinations and chemicals to get different reactions each time
created a potent love potion and carried it around with him all day one day
and it was actually working
girls were flocking to him left and right, staring at his lips and his face
he was so abashed at the sudden attention
heck, it even worked on sakura
“oi, lee-san!”
“hehe, yes, sakura-san?”
her eyes shifted downwards to his lips and his heart thumped harder
“hey... lee-san?”
“what is it?”
“you have something on your lip. we’ve been trying to tell you all day but you just winked and blew kisses at us.”
legend has it lee has still not recovered to this day.
has THE prettiest handwriting. and she can write SUPER fast
it’s like a superpower
like she transcribed five pages of a report in less than two minutes with perfect handwriting
naruto is so jealous.
she is also super good at origami! those diligent, accurate hands aren’t just for throwing things
taught sakura how to make shurikens but does NOT endorse any violent uses of them
she can replicate all of her weapons with paper and they can actually function, it’s so cool
made paper kunai knives one day and the wholeee village wanted to get their hands on them
i feel like she’d listen to mitski. idk i just get those vibes
LOVES BIG DOGS!! especially fluffy wuffy samoyeds
like man’s best friend?? no, GIRL’S BEST FRIEND!!
hugs and cuddles and squishes all the big dogs
she thinks small dogs are spawns of satan
sakura and her have definitely quarreled over this
but at the end of the day, all dogs are adorable fur babies, so she lets it slide :,)
kiba always looks SO GOOD in photos you take of him, candid or not
like you could just whip out a camera and snap a photo of him at any given moment and he would look perfect
you framed a picture of him yelling at akamaru for peeing inside the house
it’s pure artwork
i feel like he tries to swagger around with his hands shoved in his pockets but it fails MISERABLY and the girls are wondering if he broke his leg or something 😭
kiba just walk normally. for the love of god please just walk normally.
he tries to slump back in his chair really low but one time he slouched way too low so he slipped off of his chair and onto the ground LMFAOOOO
he just wallowed there... in shame...
also.. he LOVES when the girls put makeup on him!!
he tries to act like he hates it. but it secretly gives him so much confidence
not to mention the girls hyping him up are a huge ego boost
okay the inside of his jacket hood is the warmest. thing. EVER!!!
seriously, no wonder this dude is so happy-go-lucky all the time, he’s living in literal heaven 24/7
it’s like you’re sleeping on a cloud inside a warm, cozy bed during a cold winter morning
10/10 would recommend letting him give you his sweatshirt when you’re chillin with a hair tie ❤️
always smells like lavender soap. always
also has the cutest pencil pouches with little puppy faces and kawaii things
oH and she has those mini yoobi highlighters, she thinks they’re so cute (and functional!)
everyone flocks to her to try them out and marvel at the cute tiny highlighters
and they try to steal them from her but she doesn’t even stop them because she’s too timid to 😭
naruto goes BALLISTIC over them
she lets him have all of them <3
tennis girl!!! tennis girl.
all of her opponents always underestimate her because she’s so timid and shy and quiet
but she has a KILLER serve
and then she takes her opponents to the slaughterhouse with a complete shutout ;)
she’s really athletic believe it or not, she can beat most of the boys in a mile run and she has incredible endurance
i feel like she really loves velvet scrunchies
she just thinks they’re so pretty and they keep her hair soft so they’re cute and functional
also takes the PRETTIEST notes!!
color codes, dividers, headers, you name it, it’s all super readable too its insane
everyone asks her for her notes, not to study but just to appreciate the pure artwork that it is ^w^
shino is SO easy to prank
“how do you catch an eyemaster?” *cue naruto and kiba snickering*
“eyemaster bait. that is because—”
even when everyone’s laughing their asses off, he still continues to explain his answer since he does NOT GET THE JOKE
tried his hand at writing haikus
here’s his best one so far:
“Bugs are amazing. That is because they are bugs. Bugs are very nice.” - Shino Aburame
VERY proud of it, since it took him weeks to perfect
praise it, pls
had one of those ant farms and bug-catching kits as a kid
he loves the little chitters of the different bugs
he had jars of different bugs all lined up on a wall shelf in his room
collects silkworms off of trees and sticks them into his pockets (no i definitely did not do this as a kid...)
HELP I FEEL LIKE he would record a timelapse of his ant farm growing and upload it to youtube with a movie maker title screen that says
“my ants”
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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btxtreads · 3 years
Breaking Free
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↳ Pairing: Hueningkai x Reader
↳ word count: 2.2k words
↳ rating: PG
↳ genre: Floof
↳ Warnings: BTS Maknae line are jerks but they mean well they’re just idiots, Kai is drinking alcohol idk if u guys can handle that yet
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“Kai, put down your phone and go talk to someone else other than the boys.” A scolding voice sounded out.
Kai flinched in surprise as he looked up, another red solo cup thrusted into his hands.
“Lea, I’m pretty sure drinking grape juice in a party is as lame as talking to my friends at a phone the whole time.” Kai said hesitantly.
“I’m still your older sister and I will not hand you alcohol willingly.” Lea rolled her eyes and propped a hand on her hip. “Still, we’ll be stuck in this resort for three more days—you’ve been refusing to talk to these kids after you played basketball with them once.”
“You don’t understand,” Kai whined before lowering his voice in a whisper. “They can’t even shoot a basket.”
Lea shakes her head.
“Kai,” she clicks her tongue. “For the love of god, please. Talk to other people.”
The boy only blinked as his older sister turned abruptly and left, swallowed by the crowd in seconds. Kai shook his head, placing the cup his sister handed him in one corner and running his hand through his freshly dyed blonde hair. His eyes fell on a girl at the side who was giving him heart-eyes, making him smile softly.
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“Jeon fucking Jungkook, set me free or I swear to god, I’m putting itch cream in your underwear drawer.”
Jungkook only cackled, hands flat on Y/N’s back as he pushed her forward. On either side of the teenage girl, the boy’s best friends Taehyung and Jimin held her arms and dragged her along with them.
“Guys, I don’t want to party.”
“You’re a teenager—what teenager doesn’t want to party?” Jimin snorted as they finally stopped walking smack-dab in the middle of the party.
“Here, drink this.” Taehyung said, patting her shoulder lightly.
“This is tequila.” Y/N deadpanned.
Taehyung shrugged as Jungkook raised his eyebrow, offering a cup he mysteriously had in his hand.
“Would you like something stronger?”
“Come on, you’re an adult.”
“It’s weird that you’re my older brother yet you’re encouraging me to drink.” Y/N sighed, smelling the content of her cup—surprisingly sweet. “This smells weird.”
“It has orange juice.” Jimin shrugged.
“I wouldn’t let you drink if you weren’t so uptight.” Jungkook shrugged. “Come on, you’re a kid. Have fun!”
Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes and tipping the cup back. The drink was surprisingly pleasant-tasting, save for the burn at the back of her throat.
“Oh dear god,” Y/N coughed, hand thumping on her chest. “That burns.”
“Alcohol is called liquid courage for a reason—“ Jungkook said, eyes trailing up to the ceiling in thought. “Definitely don’t tell mom I’m letting you do this, but for legal purposes, you are under my supervision.”
“Oh, mom’s going to fucking murder your ass.”
“And just for that—“ Jungkook snorted hand clasping on her arm as a bright light shone on him. “You know what I’m gonna do?”
“Oh, what are you gonna do tough guy?”
“Karaoke night!” Jungkook screamed, making Taehyung and Jimin laugh out loud as the former shoved his own sister in front of him. “She’s singing Start of Something New!”
“What?!” Y/N whirled around. “No, I’m not!”
As she turned back to berate her brother for shoving her in the spotlight, all three of her idiots were missing. The next thing she knew, hands were pulling her up to the stage.
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After trying (and failing) to flirt, Kai was sitting down in another chair—this time clutching a red solo cup with a coke and soju mix he remembered Yeonjun teaching him the last time they were in a party. His other hand held his phone in his hands again, having just pulled up his messages to send a text to the gc when he was almost blinded by a bright light.
“What?” He mumbled under his breath as he looked up to see a lot of faces peering down at him. “What did I do?”
“Karaoke night!” He heard a voice scream from nearby, followed by a girl screaming in protest.
“Wait, I don’t sing—“ Kai yelped as hands grasped onto him. “Wait—“
He felt himself shoved onto a small platform which acted as a makeshift stage.
“I don’t know how to sing.” Kai said, scratching his head.
A flailing girl was shoved onto the platform next to him. He can hear the girl mumble curses under her breath, her hands shaking in rage as she set down a cup of what looked like tequila in her hands. He watched the girl take the microphone in her hands, angrily speaking into it.
“Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin—You hope you all die very gruesome deaths within the next hour because you wouldn’t like it when I get my hands on your fucking asses.” She hissed, sighing as loud rambunctious laughter came back to her from somewhere in the room.
Kai smiled awkwardly as he gaze fell onto him, making her stumble back slightly. It was then that her face heated up, realizing that she was in front of an audience at the moment.
“Karaoke Night.” Kai mumbled, eyes falling over to the crowd and wincing once he saw Lea holding up her phone.
“I-I don’t sing.” The girl said weakly as another kid who was acting as the party host of the night arrived with another microphone, plopping it down into Kai’s hands.
“You guys will thank me for this one day, you know.” The boy snickered before sauntering off of the stage.
“I-I don’t think I will.” The girl spoke softly as she looked after the boy.
There was a brief silence between Kai and the girl as they waited for the music to begin, a familiar tune sounding out after a few seconds. Kai hesitated slightly, stepping back for a moment before releasing a heavy sigh and lifting the microphone to his lips.
Living in my own world,
Didn’t understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance
Kai’s face reddened when the girl lowered her head as he sang, her hair covering her face. Slightly embarrassed, especially when she saw Lea’s phone blink—signalling that she was recording—he sighed again, scratching the back of his neck as he moved to leave the stage. Before he could, he heard another voice filter through the speakers.
I never believed in
What I couldn’t see
Kai turned back to the girl, whose eyes are trained on the lyrics projected in a nearby screen—hands tightly clutching the microphone. Kai swore he could see three blinking phones from somewhere by the bar. Ignoring this, the boy stepped back to his spot next to the girl.
I never opened my heart,
to other possibilities.
The girl turned over to him with an unsure smile, making him smile kindly in encouragement. Their voices harmonized together in a beautiful melody as he lifted his own microphone to sing along.
I know that something has changed,
never felt this way.
Kai watched as the girl took an unsure glance off to the side—where the three recording phones were—before looking back at him with a bright, more confident smile.
And right here tonight,
This could be the start of something new.
It feels so right to be here with you, oh.
Kai could feel more people turning over to look at the two of them on stage. The song was getting more upbeat.
And now, looking in your eyes.
I feel in my heart, the start of something new.
Kai, perhaps feeling the effects of the alcohol he took a few minutes ago, felt heat wash over him. Feeling more confident than before, he pulled off his jacket and placed it on the floor as he took the girl’s hands in his. He grinned at the cheers from the crowd, and the light snort coming from the girl.
I never knew that it could happen till it happened to me.
The girl giggled as he spinned her around. She placed her hand on his shoulder as she stopped, grip still tight on the microphone as she sang.
I didn’t know it before, but now it’s easy to see.
At the high note, there were cheers erupting from the crowd. He can see his sister sway along with the crowd and the three men by the bar scream at the top of their lungs.
It’s the start of something new,
It feels so right to be here with you, oh.
The girl pulled away from him with a giddy smile.
And now looking in your eyes,
I feel in my heart.
The start of something new.
The start of something new.
He can hear the host coming up behind him as the song faded away.
The start of something new.
The two teens smiled at each other as claps erupted from the crowd.
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This time, Kai found himself lounging in a standing table with the girl he sang with right outside the venue. He was having a genuinely good time as he talked to the girl about the experience.
“That was honestly the first time I’ve ever done that.” He laughed, making the girl laugh.
“Same!” She giggled. “Honestly, I wasn’t even picked. My brother was, he just shoved me over instead.”
“Imagine if I sang with him instead,” Kai wondered to himself making the girl laugh.
The girl laughed as the host arrived to his table, setting down two cups.
“You guys did great earlier for two people who supposedly couldn’t sing,” The host joked, patting them on the back. “Good job.”
Kai and the girl exchanged glances before laughing as the host left them. She shook her head and offered her hand out.
“My name’s Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you,” Y/N grinned, taking a sip of her drink.
“You too, Y/N who doesn’t sing.” Kai snorts as he picked up his cup.
“No, I swear to god I don’t.” Y/N laughed. “That’s more of my brother’s alley—music and shit.”
“And what would be yours?”
“Math? Science?” Y/N chuckles. “Anything in a book.”
“Sounds fascinating.” Kai nodded. “Mine’s basketball.”
“Wait, wait—“ The girl almost choked, laughing. “You’re basketball dude?”
Kai blinked in confusion as the girl, almost lost in the sound of her laughter.
“You were the guy playing basketball with my brother and his friends the other day!” Y/N laughed, making Kai’s eyes widen.
“Your brother is the one who didn’t know what a point guard was!”
“Are you kidding me? Of course he knew what the was, the three of them were in the freaking basketball varsity team.” Y/N laughed out loud. “They were making fun of you, dude.”
“Oh my god.” Kai mumbled under his breath, laughing at himself.
“They do that a lot.” Y/N shook her head as she leaned back. “But they were right, you know. You do seem like a fun guy.”
“They deduced that from making me teach three varsity players how to shoot ball?”
“Yep,” Y/N giggled, making Kai smile widely.
The boy bit his lip to suppress how big his smile had gotten. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but that was the most fun he’s had ever since he was promoted captain of the basketball team.
“Hey, can I get your number?”
“I don’t know yet,” The girl shrugged, quirking her lips to a small smile. “I still haven’t figured out whether you’re a bonehead jock or not.”
“Would a bonehead jock go up to the stage and sing a love song with you?” Kai raised his eyebrow.
“Touche.” Y/N giggled, holding out her hand. “Give me your phone, then.”
Kai smiled, handing her his phone and taking hers in his hands.
“You know,” Kai said with a smile as he took a photo of himself for the contact. “I really enjoyed today with you.”
“Did you?”
“I did.” Kai hummed, giving back her phone and taking his.
Happy New Year!
He smiled at the photo of herself that she took on his phone. Y/N turned, eyebrows raising as she saw Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin at the side beckoning her over—Jungkook pointing over to his phone, showing their mother’s caller ID. She turned to say farewell to Kai, but he was too busy marvelling over his phone.
Taking one glance at the sky, covered in colorful fireworks, she shot one last smile Kai’s way before turning around and walking over to her brother and his friends.
“Is it okay if I text you tonight?” Kai asked after a few seconds, gaining his courage to face the girl—only to find no one. “Wh—Y/N?”
He sighed, rolling his eyes with a smile as Lea ran up towards him and slinging an arm around his torso.
“There’s my baby!” Lea greeted. “Who knew I’d see you actually be half-decent at something out of the basketball court? Why didn’t you tell me you could sing?”
Kai blinked over at the girl before looking down at his phone, smiling softly at the photo of Y/N.
“I really didn’t know.”
That night was the start of something new.
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cierrabiscuits · 4 years
Koutaro Bokuto x Fem Reader: Eligible Bachelor
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 Summary: Some of the MSBY team are scheduled at a charity event and are auctioned off for dates, you being the manager go with them. The team is well aware of your crush on Bokuto and put a plan in motion. What’s the worst that can happen. 
 Words: 5.1K
 Warnings: Angst if squint, happy ending, MSBY 4 being sold as dates for Charity.
 Authors Note: Hello! This is my first time posting a fic so go easy on me, I hope you all enjoy it and get a good laugh out of it like I did! This is part of a collab with @ambershaydeoffical! Please support all the talented writes who participated. 
Update: I made a route for Sakusa! Find that here
Update: I made a route for Atsumu! Finda that here
“Alrighty boys are you ready to go on in?” You said staring at the four well dressed men  behind you.
 “No, and I want to go home.” Sakusa adjusted his black facemask. He wasn’t keen on coming to this event whatsoever.
 “Sakusa I know, but I really need you! Besides what would you be doing anyway? It's Valentine's day and you're as single as single gets. Live a little. Maybe you will find your Mrs.Clean tonight! Ya never know!” You said as he rolled his eyes and scoffed.
 “Omi-Omi don't be that way. Our lovely manager here worked hard to get us this opportunity, and it's benefiting a charity you scrooge.” Atsumu smacked Sakusa’s back.”I think your just upset because you know all the ladies are going to bid on me.” The blond setter smirked at the very pissed Sakusa who just glared at him.
 “NOoO It's going to be me who gets all the bids. I still have my tan from Brazil and I’m alot cooler than all of you.” Hinata piped up, proudly adjusting his tie that had little volleyballs on it. 
 “Well if we don’t get our asses in that building, aint none of y’all getting any bids, besides I’m freezing to death,” You said rubbing your arms. The dress you wore done little to protect you from the cold night. 
 “Take this please, I don’t want to freeze to death. I like you warm and alive.” Bokuto, who's been oddly quiet, spoke up wrapping his grey tux jacket around your shoulders leaving him in his blue button up. You could smell his cologne on the jacket, you could drown in this and wouldn't complain. Your cheeks ran hot and you managed to let out a “thank you” through chattering teeth.
 “Okay let’s get going.” You said wrapping the jacket tighter around you as the boys followed you like baby ducks. Bokuto walked up beside you while the two boys bickered over who would have the most bids in the back, Sakusa wanted no part in it and stayed to himself. You look at Bokuto  who seemed nervous. You decided to hype him up a bit before he went into emo mode. “Bokuto you are going to have some gorgeous high profile women coming after you tonight, I’m jealous of them.” You didn't lie, you had the biggest crush on Bo, ever since you took the job as the MSBY manager. You never have a frown on your face next to him- until now. You knew he’d have a woman, that's not you, by his side tonight. You’d bid on him until your bank went in the negative but you don’t get paid like the women at this event do.
 “You wait and see, I’ll have the most beautiful one by time the night is out.” Bokuto said, smiling at you. You felt a pang of sadness creep on you, if he only knew. 
 The warm air of the ballroom felt nice against your cool body. You gave Bokuto his jacket back, you secretly wished you could keep it forever. You took in your surroundings, the ball room was filled with women in designer dresses and you could see the small stage in the middle of the room. 
 “Guys I have to find the event coordinator and see what time you guys need to get on stage. Please be on your best behavior, there are cameras everywhere. Atsumu keep the drinking to a minimum, Shoyo for the love of God go to the bathroom now, Omi keep these fools in line and you better be nice to people and last but never the least Bokuto, If you dance please be careful, I don’t want to take you to the ER again because you hit the Cha cha slide too hard. And with that I’m out. I’m counting on you guys.” You said giving them a thumbs up as you got lost into the sea of people to hunt the event coordinator. 
 “Thank you so much Y/N! Everyone is looking forward to the auction. We have some models and a couple pop stars who will be in the line up as well as a few volunteers . I want your boys to go at the end, as they say ‘always save the best for last’.” The coordinator spoke over the bustling crowd. She went over the rules and where they needed to go and what time to line up. You soaked in all the information the bubbly coordinator was giving you. “I have to go let the rest of the people know the game plan. Please have your guys here and lined up in half an hour. Thank you again!” And with that she disappeared into the crowd. Now here came the hard part.
You scanned the large ballroom to find your heathens. Sakusa would be the easiest to find because he is most likely on one of the four corners in the building. Hinata was most likely with Bokuto, and Atsumu was a wild card, he could be at the bar, maybe even on the dance floor trying to impress girls with his dance moves(That suck by the way). You recall the time you found him passed out in a bush drunk off ass at a gala last year. You make up a game plan, you would get Bo and Hinata first, then find a hopefully sober Tsumu and lastly get Sakusa (you figured it best not to drag him around the ballroom) You spot Bokuto’s tall figure next to a snack bar, and as you figured Hinata was with him. They were both stuffing their mouths with meat kebabs and other foods like wild animals, they sure love to eat you thought. 
 “Bokuto,Hinata, they are getting ready to line everyone up, wait for me over there.” You said pointing towards an area that was not  too terribly crowded.
 “HEY HEY HEY Y/N try one of these things, they are so freakin good.” He shoved a cake pop in front of your face. You took it from the gray haired boy.
 “Thank you Bo, but we really need to go.” You took a bite from the cake pop. “Wow that is really good.” You said finishing it in one bite. You heard some snickers from a group of girls, they made a smug comment about you eating it all at once. You normally would throw hands but you had an image to uphold. You shouldn't let it bother you but it did.
 “Hey don’t let that bother you, besides I like a girl that can eat.” Bokuto said, patting your head. He is literally the human version of sunshine. 
 “Thanks Bo. But really we need to get the move on, I still have to hunt Tsumu down. Can you and Hinata wait for me over there.” You said pointing to the area again.
 “Roger that.” They said unison. 
  “I’ll be right back.” You said going back into the crowd. You checked the dancefloor first and he wasn't there(You were relieved he was not.). You made your way to the bar and found him surrounded by women who were mesmerized by his thick accent. You waved him down and he nodded and turned his attention back to the group he had attracted.
 “It looks like It's time fer’ me to go, make sure you all bid for me. I’ll be a waitin’” He said getting up and following you. The women he had been entertaining giggled as he walked away.
 “Look at you being a player. I didn’t expect that from a man who yells at girls when they cheer for him.” You leaned into him so he could hear you over the crowd.
 “I’m just tryin’ to raise some money, it's strictly business. My heart belongs to volleyball for the most part.”He said winking at you. He truly is just a fool in love with the sport. 
You led Atsumu to the group and went to retrieve poor  Sakusa. You looked around for a few minutes and felt a tug at the back of your shirt. You turn around and see Sakusa towering over you. 
 “This is new, I’m used to finding you sulking in a corner.” You said staring into his black eyes. 
 “I watched you gather everyone up, I figured I would come on over to make it easier for you.” He began to walk towards the rest of the group.
 ���I guess being 6’4 has its perks huh Omi? You're like a watchtower.” You said looking up at the tall spiker.
 “Yeah, guess so.”He said playing with one of his dark curls.
 “Okay we have everyone, so you guys are going last, I’ll leave who goes first to you guys. Now let's go get lined up.” You lead them to the stage and let them line up. Atsumu insisted on going first, Hinata would go after him, then Sakusa and lastly Bokuto. 
 “You owe me some umeboshi after this.” Sakusa said, taking his mask off and putting it in the pocket of his tux.
 “Sure thing. I'll even throw in a thing of nice smelling hand sanitizer for the trouble.” You crossed your arms and smirked at him.
 “I’ll hold you to that.” He said, filing behind Hinata.
 You looked at Bokuto who appeared to be a nervous wreck. He had a small layer of sweat on his forehead and his hands were shaking slightly. “Hey it's going to be okay, I’ll be right here.” You said pulling out your handkerchief and dabbing the sweat off his forehead. “You're amazing and dare I say you're the best looking one.” You said making him blush.
 “Ummm HEY.” Atsumu said glaring at you, obviously butt hurt from your comment. Sakusa was unamused and took it upon himself to kick Atsumu. That gave you the opportunity to turn your attention back to the nervous male beside you. Before you could comfort him the loud speaker cut you off.
 “Ladies and gentleman, would you please give your attention to the center stage, the date auction will begin momentarily.” The coordinator announced causing everyone to tense up a bit.
 “Come on guys loosen up a bit, I’m going to be in the front taking pictures for our instagram page. So show off a little! Show them you are proud to be a part of such an awesome volleyball team!” You hyped them up one last team. “With that being said I want a group picture so bring it in guys.” You said pulling the camera and ushering the athletes into the frame. “Say cheese.” Atsumu wrapped his arm around Sakusa who didn’t have the chance to push him off, Bokuto gave Hinata bunny ears. It was a chaotic photo, but It caught their true essence. 
 “I want a picture with you before you go Y/N. Pleaseee.” Bokuto gave you puppy dogs eyes and you couldn't deny him.
 “Sure Bo. Atsumu here.” You handed him the camera and got beside Bokuto. He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close to him. You could feel his muscles through the tux that fit just a little too good. 
 “Aww you look like a cute couple.” Atsumu teased as he brought the camera up to snap a picture. You couldn't make a comeback as embarrassment washed over you. You looked up at Bokuto who had a blush adorning his handsome face.
 “Y/N I’m going to do something, don’t get mad.” Bokuto said, picking you up bridal style before you could even protest.
 “That’s what I’m talking about!” Atsumu said, snapping more pictures. 
 “Bokuto put me down, I'm heavy!” You shriked  gripping onto his tux.
 “No you're not. I could carry you around all night like this if you wanted me to!” He smiled down at you! You felt your face light up like a Christmas tree. No matter how big or small you were, Bokuto always made you feel like a princess. 
 “As much as I’d love you to, we gotta get this ball rolling.” You said as he gently placed you back on your feet. “I’ll be taking that.” You said snatching the camera from Atsumu who was smirking. He seemed to be hiding something from the way he was acting. He is definitely sus you thought. You waved the boys goodbye and made you way to the front of the crowd. You got the camera ready as the spotlight of the stage flickered on. 
 “Thank you all for coming out tonight! We hope you are ready to see the heartthrobs we have lined up for you!!” The announcer said setting the tone. “Valentine's day is all about love and being with one another. So if your single, ladies, pull those yen out and let’s get to business!” The crowd cheered and applauded as the auction began.
You didn’t pay much attention to the men coming on stage, your only worry was the last 4. You scrolled through the camera to see the pictures Atsumu took of you and Bokuto. Bokuto had such a wide smile on his face in the pictures, your smile was just as big, even though your face was full of panic in the one where he effortlessly picked you up. You’re pulled from your day dream when you heard the announcer’s voice.
 “We have some special guests tonight from the MSBY volleyball team! We’ll start first with Miya Atsumu!” The announcer said as Atsumu walked on the stage like he owned it. He flipped his hair and looked at the group of women he serenaded earlier and blew them a kiss. You got lucky and snapped a picture of it, he may be annoying as hell but he knows how to get women. He had about ten women fighting over him, his bids kept going up and up. After a cutthroat battle he was sold for roughly  200,000 yen. He smirked and walked off the stage. You couldn’t help but chuckled to yourself, he’d be one of a kind if he didn’t have a twin. 
 “Up next we have Hinata Shoyo!” She said as the tangerine headed boy shly walked on stage. He looked confident for the most part and he thankfully went to the bathroom before this. He had on one of his classic charming but cute smiles. You could hear girls behind you talk about how cute he was. His skin was glowing under the spotlight thanks to the Brazilian sun. His bids went up high, he ended up being sold for 120,000 yen. He waved at the audience and bounced off the stage.
 “Let’s welcome our next bachelor who just so happens to be the tallest one tonight, Sakusa Kiyoomi!” You watched on edge as Sakusa walked out, he didn’t seem nervous but he wasn’t all that interested either, he stood in the middle of the stage like a statue. To make matters worse he wasn’t smiling. You grabbed his attention for a moment and smiled as wide as you could and pointed at your face, you felt like one of the psychotic moms from toddlers and tiaras but you had to do something or he wasn't going to get any bids. You mouthed the words “Smile please” at him and he finally took the hint. He had an awkward but cute smile on his face finally. You relaxed a little and resumed taking pictures. His bids began to go up and quick. Sakusa looked at the exit of the stage and smirked at someone and turned his attention back to the crowd. You could only guess he was looking at Atsumu who was probably pissed at how high Sakusa’s bids were. Sakusa was sold for a whopping 500,000 yen. You know Tsumu’s ego was damaged beyond repair right now. Sakusa bowed and left the stage. 
 “Now let’s end this night right! We have one more contest so let’s welcome Bokuto Koutarou to the stage!” You felt your heart drop and the announcer said his name. You had to watch someone you loved dearly be bid off to some rich girl who would probably steal him away. You tried to knock away negative thoughts but you couldn’t help it. He looked sinfully good when he walked on stage. What nervousness he felt was gone and now it’s nothing but his overwhelming confidence. He carefully watched one specific area of the crowd. You snapped pictures of him (a lot of them being for your personal collection) as he walked around the stage flexing and showing off. His eyes met yours a lot and he seemed to be smirking at you. But his attention always went back to the one area of the crowd. You heard his bids go up, one particular girl was bidding for him like her life depended on having him. Her voice came from the direction he kept starting at. He looked nervous when anyone but her called out a bid. You began to get ate up with pure jealousy, you wish you could take him off the stage and run away with him right then and there. The bids kept going up and up and the girl that kept bidding on him got him for 150,000 yen. He looked ecstatic. He looked at you and smiled before he went off stage. Your heart dropped and you wanted to leave, but you still have work to do. 
 “That concludes the auction tonight! If you won you can meet up with your bachelor over here on the left.” The announcer pointed towards the group of men. You made your way to find the guys so you can take more pictures and let them know where you’ll be when they get done.
 “You guys did awesome!” You said running up to them. They gave you a soft smile. You notice Bokuto was MIA. “Umm guys, where is Bo?” They hesitated for a second but your conversation was cut short as the boys dates for the evening came up.
 “Sakusa was it?” A well dressed man walked up to the tall volleyball player. You noticed a small girl clutching his dress shirt. She couldn’t be any older than 8. “This is my daughter, she wanted someone to dance with her but in all honesty I’m trying to make some business deals while I’m here, keep her company for me.” The man patted his shoulder and slipped some extra money in Sakusa’s shirt pocket, leaving him slacked jawed. 
  “All the umeboshi your heart desires, a big box of the nice face masks you like, and whatever else you want, just please be nice to this poor girl. She looks sad.” You whispered into Omi’s ear trying to persuade him a little more.
 “I didn’t come here to babysit, but I guess I can.” He said low enough that the girl couldn’t hear. Omi peered down at the small girl, she actually had moles on her face kinda like he does but on the opposite side.
 “Umm hi.” She said looking up at the tall man. She seemed nervous. You nugged Omi in the side to get him to say anything.
 “When was the last time you washed your hands?” He asked the girl and you could have choked him. The girl giggled at his statement.
 “I wash my hands all the time! Look my mom even bought me this!” She pulled out a small key chain with a rabbit on it, attached was a small bottle of hand sanitizer. “Would you like some?” She said opening the cap. Sakusa held his hand as the small girl poured some into his hands and she gave herself some as well.
 “Good.” Sakusa said, pulling his mask from his pocket to put it back on. The little girl grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. You knew this was way out of his comfort zone, but he was still doing it. 
 “Omg your hair is so cute! Can I touch it?” You whipped your head around to see a young bubbly girl talking to Hinata. 
 “Umm s—s sure.” He said nervously as the girl ran and hand through his hair. You couldn’t help but laugh a little. The poor baby seemed so embarrassed. The dance floor was filled with couples and the girl dragged Hinata to the dance floor before he could even get her name. You turned to Atsumu who looked like he had seen a ghost.
 “Young man I’m getting my money's worth tonight so let's go dance.” An old lady who you thought resemble Baba Yaga from spirited away stood in front of poor Atsumu. 
 “Yes ma’am.” He said, forcing a smile.  He looked at you pleasing eyes that screamed “please save me Y/N”. You shook your head at him.
 “Pay attention to me boy, I paid good money for you.” The old lady said whacking Atsumu with the cane she carried.
 “Yes ma’am, sorry ma’am.” He said walking with the old woman to the dance floor. You had to turn your head and laugh, between Sakusa getting stuck babysitting a kid and Atsumu being stuck with a senior citizen after talking all that smack, it was priceless. You guess them ladies Atsumu talked to must not have liked him that much.
You searched around for Bokuto to make sure he got his date for the night, you were also curious who she was and how pretty she was. You felt that jealousy creep back on you. This was going to be a long night. You finally spot Bokuto talking to a drop dead beautiful girl, she looked familiar but you couldn’t quite place her. She and Bokuto seemed to be having a good time, she was laughing at something he had said. Your heart shattered. You look back up to see Bo making eye contact with you. All you could do was smile and get lost in the crowd before he could see the stray tear falling down your cheek. You needed to get outside for a bit, you felt like you were suffocating. You fought the crowd and finally made your way to the exit. You pushed the metal door open. The cold night felt good against your hot skin. You walked down a path in front of the building and tried to collect yourself. 
 “Another year alone and single.” You blurted out to yourself. You find a small bench and decide to sit down for a bit. The night sky brought a sort of comfort to you. The stars twinkled and the moon casted a peaceful light. The cold was getting to you but you were afraid to go back in. You mentally couldn’t handle it. 
 “PARKOUR.” You felt your soul leave your body as you saw a shadow jump over the bench you were sitting on. You flinched back ready to fight off the attacker only to be met with Bokuto standing in front.
 “BO you scared me to death!” You said inhaling a deep breath and clutching your chest.
 “I’m sorry my parkour was so awesome it scared you.” He said, taking his jacket off and draping it yet again around your cold body. Your nose flooded again with the scent of his cologne. It’s calmed you down in a bittersweet way. “But angel what are you doing out here, you’ll get sick if you're not careful.” He kneeled down a bit and pulled the jacket around your cold body more. 
 “I could ask you the same things Mr. Parkour, you have a beautiful woman in there waiting on you, so stop wasting your time on me.” You said trying to hold it together.
 “Well I’m more concerned with the real beautiful one sitting right in front of me.” He said grabbing your shaking hands. Your eyes went wide with what he said.
 “Bo I’m confused?” You said looking into his golden eyes.
 “Well that woman you saw me with is not really my date, yes she did bid on me, but she was never my real date. She is actually the guy who owns our gym's daughter! She agreed to bid on me, but in return she wanted a date with Atsumu’s brother and he agreed to do it! The team helped me do this so I could be with you tonight, but I guess it didn’t go as smoothly as I planned. I’m sorry I made you sad.” Bokuto sat beside you on the bench,
 “Bokuto are you low key confessing to me?” You looked over at him and he smiled and shook his head. 
 “Yes and let me do this properly.” He cleared his throat and held his hand out for you to grab, which you gladly accepted. “Y/N please let me be your date tonight and from here on out please!”  
 “So like boyfriend and girlfriend Bo?” You said wanting to make sure you got the message right.
 “Yes Y/N, please be my girlfriend. All that flexin on the stage was for you baby!” He stood up and flexed again making you laugh. “But in all seriousness, I freakin love you. So what do you say Y/N?” 
 “Yes. I would love nothing mo-“ Bokuto cut you off by lifting your body into his strong arms. You giggled as he swung you both in circles. He slowed down and seen you finally smile again
 “Now that’s a pretty sight, you're not going to be sad on my watch anymore. Now we better get back inside before we freeze to death!” Bokuto wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you two began to walk back. “Wait I have something for you!” He dug through his pockets and pulled out a small jewelry box and handed it to you. You opened it and there was a necklace with a small owl charm and a “B” charm next to it.
 “Bo this is so cute! Can you help me put it on!” You said handing him the necklace. He struggled to get it on but finally got it. The silver was cold on your skin, but you didn’t mind at all.
 “Omi actually helped me pick it out, believe it or not. He said if I would have went alone I would have got something stupid.” Bokuto said, sliding the jewelry box back into his coat pocket. You hate to admit it but Sakusa going was probably a good thing. 
 “Bo I really love it, thank you.” You said leaving up and kissing his cheek. “Now let’s go back, I’ve got to check in on everyone.” You walked into the ballroom with your arm hooked around Bokuto’s bicep. 
You scanned the room to see if you could find any of the guys and the only one you could see was Hinata laughing with his date. They seemed to be hitting it off pretty good. “Bokuto let’s go get something to drink.” You both walked towards the bar, you see that girl who bid on Bokuto sitting next to Osamu. They both seemed to be having a good time.
 “Thank you again! The planned worked Y/N is my girlfriend now!” Bokuto walked up to them and showed you off. 
 “I’m so glad!” The girl said, clasping her hands together. “You are a cute couple.” 
 “Speaking of a cute couple.” Osamu chimed in and pointed towards his brother Atsumu who was being dragged around by that old lady. “I may have given her some free Onigiri vouchers and a few hundred yen to bid on him.” The twin laughed at his brother's despair. 
 “Your evil, but I like it.” The girl said as they clinked their drinks together. 
 “You guys enjoy it, we still have to hunt for Omi.” You bowed and clung back on to Bokuto. 
After circulating the ballroom a few times you finally find Sakusa and the little girl sitting at a table. Sakusa looked dead tired and the little girl was stuffing her face with cake
 “Omi you look like a tired dad.” Bokuto said bursting out laughing at his teammate. 
 “I see your plan worked.” Sakusa said, looking at the necklace through tired eyes. 
 “Yes it did now this cutie is all mine.” Bokuto said peppering your cheek with kisses.
 “How disgusting, when you grow up don’t date idiots like him.” Sakusa looked at the child who just nodded her head. It was hilarious to see Omi so out of his element. “That was directed at you Bokuto not Y/N.” 
 “Omi, he is a idiot but he is my idiot.” You patted Bokuto's back. 
 “Omi-Omi let’s go dance some more. I like this song.” The little girl tugged on his jacket. 
 “Fine.” Omi sighed and followed her dance floor.
 “Now that we know everyone (for the most part) is okay let’s dance!” You said leading Bokuto to the dance floor.
 You danced to every single song and Bo didn’t break anything when the cha cha slide came on. He swung you around all night without a care in the world. 
 “Let’s end the night with something nice and slow.” The Dj said putting on (Insert your favorite slow song)
  “May I have this dance pretty girl?” Bokuto asked, holding his hand out to pull you closer to him.
 “The Macarena may have wore me out, but I guess I have enough wind in me for one last song.” You teased wrapping your arms around his neck. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and began to slowly dance you around the room. 
 You see that little girl struggling to keep up with Omi’s big steps as he attempted to dance with her, he was at least trying you thought. Hinata was slow dancing with his date of the night, they both seemed comfortable and content with each other. Atsumu was still with that granny but he seemed to have accepted defeat as he danced around with her. Osamu danced with the gym owner's daughter and made it a mission to kick his brother when they got close enough, he even messed him up enough to cause the old to hit him with the cane again. You felt Bokuto's grip tighten and he dipped you down enough to finally kiss you on the lips. He pulled away and brought you back up to continue dancing. 
“ I love you Y/N.” Bokuto spoke softly in your ear. 
 “I love you too.” You said as the song faded out.
   “And one more thing Y/N” Bokuto said, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “I told you I would have the most beautiful girl here.”
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crystalninjaphoenix · 2 years
MerMay 2022 Day Seven Quiet Moments
“Hey, uh, I wanted to ask you something.”
Jackie turned to look at Jack, swimming beside him. They weren’t neck-and-neck, since Jackie was a naturally faster swimmer, but he made sure to slow down so they could swim together. “Yeah? What is it?”
“Are you, uh...” Jack hesitated. Sam poked her head out of his bag where she was spending the journey. “Are you...alright?”
“Huh?” Jackie stopped. “What do you mean by that?”
“I don’t know, you just—you don’t seem as lively as you usually are,” Jack admitted. “I think you’re a little bit paler, too.”
“That’s probably just the new shirt,” Jackie said, pulling up the attached hood. “Red might make me look washed out.”
Jack shook his head. “No, it’s not that. Also, you didn’t answer the question. Are you doing okay?”
Jackie hesitated. “Yeah, of course,” he said, trying to sound casual. “I’ve just been busy recently. I’ve been looking everywhere for Anti, y’know. And it’s a big ocean, so you can imagine how much ground I have to cover. Haven’t seen sign of him, in case you’re wondering.”
This did not assure Jack at all. He hummed a little, then reached into his bag. “Excuse me, Sam,” he said as he took out a roll of preserved kelp. His map. Jackie waited silently as Jack unrolled it and stared at it for a while. “Oh, we’re close!” Jack grinned. “Alright. We’re going this way, now.” And he turned sharply to the left and swam away.
“What?” Jackie, confused, hurried to catch up. “What do you mean? I thought you wanted to see the city I found—”
“We can do that some other day,” Jack dismissed. “Come on.”
“But where are we going now?!” Jackie asked.
Jack smiled. “It’s a surprise.”
“I—okay, then.” Jackie wasn’t sure what this was all about, but he followed Jack anyway.
The two of them had been going deeper into the ocean, but now the ground beneath them was slowly slanting upwards. More sunlight filtered through the water, creating a pattern of rippling light and shadow on the sandy ocean floor. They swam for a while, and Jackie asked multiple times where they were going, but Jack always refused to answer. Until, finally, “Here it is!” he said.
There was a crater in the ocean floor, nearly perfectly circular with a diameter three times as big as Jackie was from head to tail. This crater was entirely filled with colorful plants and all sort of coral. Jackie stopped for a moment, in awe at all the colors smack dab in the middle of an empty ocean floor. Red and orange sea fans, white and yellow sea whip, giant green anemones, purple coral. It was beautiful, but also very strange. The miniature reef was oddly devoid of fish.
“C’mon.” Jack grabbed Jackie’s hand and pulled him closer. Smack dab in the middle of this crater was a bed of blue-green seaweed. He guided Jackie over to it, pushing him a little so he would lay down.
“Uh...alright. I’m here now, I guess.” Jackie looked around. “What...is this?”
“Okay. So.” Jack laid down on the seaweed bed next to Jackie, looking up at the distant waves. Sam popped out of his bag and began exploring the area. “This is an old rest-reef. They’re merm-made creations that used to be all over the ocean floor. But as time went on a lot of them got abandoned and died off and stuff.”
“Why aren’t there any fish?” Jackie asked. Sam bumped into the side of his head. “Ah, except for you, of course, Sam.”
“I dunno, I don’t know how they work,” Jack said. “Magic, probably. It’s just supposed to be, like, a peaceful place to relax.”
Jackie stared at him. He narrowed his eyes. “I told you, I’m fine.”
“Eh.” Jack waved his hand dismissively. “Like you said, you’ve been busy lately. You need a break. So just...even for, like, ten minutes. Just lie down and feel the current.”
Jackie sighed. “Alright, whatever.” He stretched his arms and tail out, deliberately taking up as much room as possible. It honestly wasn’t too bad here. There was a nice current flowing through the water. And the small crater must have been near a minor hot spring, because the ocean floor was warm. The seaweed waved gently in the current. Jackie watched the strands move, absentmindedly at first. Then he decided to close his eyes. Just for a little bit. Just for...a little...
Jack turned to look at Jackie, surprised to see him deeply asleep. He laughed softly. “I knew it,” he said, flicking his tail to gently nudge Jackie’s. “Go ahead and nap, big guy. I’ll wait.” He put his hands beneath his head and watched the sunlight create patterns on the waves.
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galactic-dragoness · 2 years
What's it like living in a big city? I visited one for a college tour and it was a very overwhelming experience. Do you ever feel like that? (I hope that's not too much)
Good question!
Well technically, I'm not smack dab in the middle of Manhattan, the main part of the city. I'm close to the Queens borough in a very quiet neighborhood. But yes, sometimes it can be overwhelming whenever I commute for my job. Loud noises and crowds can be scary sometimes!
But to be honest, since I've lived here most of my life, you kind of get used to it. You build up a tolerance, and you learn the unspoken rules (don't flash your cash, pay attention to your surroundings, etc).
Bottom line: if you find yourself in any city whatsoever, make sure you do your research beforehand! Subways and buses can be overwhelming, but if you look at the maps (which we have all over the walls in NYC), they're actually quite straightforward.
That aside, depending where you are, you can always stop and ask for directions to basically anyone. New yorkers are actually a friendly bunch (or maybe I'm biased lol), so it never hurts to ask for help.
Also, one perk about living in the city area is that there's always something you need right down the block! When I went out of state for my internship, I had to drive twenty minutes to get to the nearest grocery store! Here? You can just walk to it basically.
And the best part: if you want to get away from the city to the country, you can!
There's central park, which is convenient if you want a reset from all the concrete, even just for a day. There's also long island, which you can take the train to any beachside town and go to the beach. You can go a little bit upstate to a place like Yonkers or Poughkeepsie. You can also go to New Jersey! Once you get away from the urban parts of NJ, there's a reason why it's called the Garden State.
But I digress, the city is scary sometimes, but it can be a great place if you want something to do. However, I understand that NYC has a LOT of problems (increasing rent, crime spike, crooked cops, etc), so it may be a turn off for some people. All in all, it's a nice place to visit, but if you want to move to the city, you really need to sit down and think about it. You'd be surprised how many people don't think about the consequences of moving to the city beforehand.
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fratboykate · 3 years
Oh lord that ask tryna cover for millenials...I am smack dab in the middle of the millennial generation, and guess what? We are probably the most financially diverse generation atm. Half my friends have kids. 1/3 of them make 6 figures in their household, the remaining 2/3 either live paycheck to paycheck (the majority) or just eke into "middle-class." Cant pin down the actual #, but for sure at least 60% outta all of them have subscriptions to Disney+ regardless of income or family situation. The ones with the kids? Yeah their kids watch the Disney+ shows. BUT ALL THE PARENTS WATCH THE DISNEY+ SHOWS TOO. Without fail, every parent I know who subscribes said watching marvel/sw/etc played a big part of why they bought it. It was most assuredly not "just" for the kids. Also...who the fuck do you think started this whole superhero extravaganza? What generation blew their popularity outta proportion? ALSO MILLENIALS LOL. Listen, I like some of those movies (don't hate me papi). They're great escapism media (which, ngl, was one source of comfort the last 2 years). I'm also kinda impressed with the logistics behind managing such massive "universes." But its way outta hand and if that entire genre has to die to break up monopolies and shrink the stranglehold Disney has on the industry then so be it. Now, Millenials may be the cause of all this, but good news, we're also the solution! Because we were also the OG torrenters! Be like the Millenials of yore! Pirate that shit!
That ask was fucking BAFFLING to me. We're blaming Boomers/Gen X for Disney/Marvel's success now. In what world? lol.
Some Millenials are dead broke but also A LOT of Millenials are making 6-7 figures and have decently stable lives. I think you're looking at pretty even 1/3 at this point. Soooooooooooooooooo many of my friends have mortgages, kids, etc. And if they're single they still have nice jobs and can afford to go on vacations and live pretty okay lives. Obviously, social media lies and people don't always tell you their struggles but, for now, I don't know otherwise.
#BoycottDisney was trending on Twitter last night and the bootlickers were out in full force retweeting this image:
Tumblr media
Like "Good luck boycotting Disney! Look at all the companies they own! You can't escape them! HAHAHA" BITCH DO YOU NOT SEE THE FUCKING PROBLEM?!!! DO YOU NOT SEE HOW THEY'RE SWALLOWING MEDIA ALIVE? DO YOU NOT SEE HOW MONOPOLIES ARE FUCKING BAD??? LIKEEEEEE...IT'S IN FRONT OF YOU.......................????????? And these are only the ones we know of. We also know they own a bunch of shell companies with different names that own more shit that is impossible to tie back to them. And we know that they own stakes in other companies that own large portions of other companies. They have their hands in EVERYTHING.
If the company that is straight-up supporting the vilest legislation and politicians in the country is apparently too big to boycott and their response is "Subscribe to our platform :)" then it's fucking time to break it the fuck up. But y'all don't fucking care as long as you get your fucking fix. It doesn't matter. Your morals go out the window whenever the movies and the shows premiere because who gives a fuck about standing up for what's right when Marvel or SW is dropping something flashy and new, right? I need my "escapism". That's more important than the long-term damage my short-term "escapism" is doing. Yeah. That's what I thought.
Y'all just never put your money where your mouth is. Or...in this case, you actually put your money and that's a bad thing lol. Don't put your money. Speak with your fucking wallets. Stop supporting this shit.
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skeetlehand · 4 years
ghost!tommy au masterpost #2
ghost tommy au masterpost part one
I made another one. w hhh
au summary: tommy loses his final canon life during the explosion right after the pogtopia vs. manberg war
Nobody really knew where he’d gone either - Tommy had allegedly gone “missing” after the festival. In L’manberg, everyone figured that while it was odd, since tommy would usually be running down the Prime path shouting, or just being generally loud and annoying... he was just... missing. Nobody had seen him all week, but everyone had thought they were the singular individual who hadn’t seen him lately. Eventually when one of them asked where he’d been, everyone came to the consensus that they weren’t the only ones who hadn’t seen him. At first, they thought he was just grieving, since he spent the most time with wilbur. But then ghostbur shows up, which, while was a pretty sad/happy moment, it raised some sort of unease.... 
.... and then, ghost tommy shows up.
I put more details under the cut!!! enjoy pain yall
feel free to send asks about... well, anything! if you found something interesting here, share it! if you’ve got a completely unrelated idea, share it! i like to read your asks. I promise i’ll answer... eventually... (the five asks in my inbox @ me: 👀)
courtesy of @gheysnakelady and their great ideas 👀❤️(you have so many good ones!!!)
current table of contents:
ghost tommy’s appearance
relationships with the rest of the sbi
ghost tommy’s memories
other ghost tommy stuff (misc i guess)
a) presence 
b) connections 
c) blue/yellow 
d) body found
dreamon hunters...? (become basically bootleg ghostbusters. but just only one of them.)
TBC: to be touched upon in the next masterpost/page set
relationships with the rest of the smp
a) SAM SAM SAM BIG BROTHER SAM AAA; b) the cabinet + lmanberg... hhh tubbo n big q,,, fundy and niki,,, dream,, the badlands... i need ideAS
reactions to the reveal (at some point... big oof)
.... a revival? phil no -
1. Ghost!Tommy’s Appearance
(should... should I be calling him ghostinnit now? yall use that term a whole lot...)
before he meets anyone (excluding ghostbur and maybe philza. some others might’ve seen him lingering around certain places, faintly), he looked simultaneously exactly as he did before he died, overlaid by his prior deaths (an sword/axe(?) to the back when trying to escape dream during eret’s betrayal, an arrow wound that goes in deep, and currently, visible blast marks and the wither effect). He hadn’t figured out what he looked like yet, other than the noticeable vision problems, but when he did, he did his best to change his form (it’s my current theory that ghosts look like what they want to look like - ie. ghostbur’s nice yellow sweater being a choice on his end). It’s an effort, to look “okay”, and when he goes off the rails, there are hints to what he looks like. 
it’s mostly because... Tommy remembers his death vicariously.  All of them. This is not a good thing.
when he does meet people, his form is slightly transparent, but he looks almost normal. there’s that new hairstyle, which really isn’t a stylistic choice on my end ;’] ... there is a lot of sooty(?) grey patches on his sleeves, and a large black mark smack dab in the middle his shirt. The wither markings on his hands aren’t clear, but that they are there is visible. He hates the wither effects the most - no matter what he does, how hard he concentrates, they. don’t. go. away.
He’s got hair over his eye, like wilbur. Gets uncomfortable when it’s joked about, because that’s a part of his face that’s.... yknow.... and he can’t hide it otherwise
Since ghost!tommy is more emotionally gripped than ghostbur is, unable to let go of the past and all the memories + emotions from it (while ghostbur lets go of it Very Easily), his form shifts a lot. Not only to his “death form” (all of his canon deaths on one ‘current’ form), but to that of the different arcs - dirty long sleeves for pogtopia (it’s cold in the ravines, and he don’t got a coat), ripped revolutionary outfit (eret’s betrayal and the arrow both happened here)... and during his more mellower moments, a green bandana that goes around the neck. He’s constantly changing in clarity, too. It’s hard to focus on him at times.
2. Relationships with the SBI found family gang: pain
did you really think we could have nice things in this au? if so... ouch
tommy did see him sort of as a dad/some sort of older figure to come to for help. but phil has a history of not exactly being a Dad. sure, he basically adopted techno, and wilbur definitely saw him as a dad, but for tommy, it’s an unspoken relationship that they should be like that, that phil should have his back, that tommy can ask phil for help. yet, they don’t. Phil showed up way too late in the game to make an effort on all of the impacts the wars and pogtopia and wilbur have created, and maybe tommy resents him a little, for leaving him and his brothers alone on the server. maybe tommy saw wilbur die by philza’s hands, moments before he did the same point is, tommy was never a “difficult child” persay, he made all of his complaints loud and clear. philza didn’t expect to do any “underneath the underneath” with him... and didn’t feel like tommy needed the attention all that much, since he could basically occupy himself. 
Think of it like this, at least in my au, that phil was never meant to be a dad. He just chose to be some sort of strong figure in the boys’ lives (found family!!!!) - but he was a survivor first and foremost, and sometimes it shows. His habits rubbed off on his boys, and that shows too - him avoiding talking about Big Things with ghost tommy is reminiscent of how ghostbur dances around questions, and being pressured into doing things is reminiscent of techno.
Tommy, on the other hand, felt as if phil always favored techno, and if not techno, then wilbur, over him. it’s okay though! he doesn’t need phil, he’s a Big Man™! Look at him... dealing with... a war... exile... funky brother problems... more war... okay maybe if phil showed up sooner things would’ve been better but he didn’t so tommy had to be the bigger man! that’s... that’s okay...? hmm. okay maybe he’s mad at phil a little bit,,,,
ahh, complicated relationships *rubs hands*. 
tommy was proud of his brother, at first, the way only little brothers can be, bragging about their cooler bigger bro - that, and tommy lowkey thought there’d be someone to help him with wilbur’s decline. haha NOPE. techno don’t do emotional. thanks,,,,,
on the other hand, all ghost tommy can remember is techno being the unspoken favorite, the favorite child, the favorite brother, teasing and feelings of inadequacy (techno wasn’t a bad brother, though... just... better). And then…he remembers techno showing up well into wilbur’s long decline, techno’s silence when he could’ve used someone to speak up for him, techno’s passiveness towards the paranoia, techno’s stoicism when all tommy wanted was someone to be strong, someone else to be the better man. instead, the job was left to him. why was it always left to him? he wasn’t supposed to do all of this, right?
Techno doesn’t feel all too bad about it, before tommy’s death is discovered. He thinks that the impact of the statement was made through humiliation and violence enough (tommy being pinned down, the hero speech, the ruined victory, etc). What did tommy expect, using the Blade like that? honestly, techno’s a little offended, that tommy thought he could use his brother that easily, like some weapon made of more skill than any of them know what to do with. Techno had made his opinions very clear on government, and then they go on to appoint another one? (even though, it was sort of clear that the goal was to “go back” to the old lmanberg, government and all) so tommy kinda had it coming. besides, he’d respawn and they’d go back to normal.
but then wilbur dies, permanently, and techno has to watch his brother come undone into something else barely reminiscent of what he was momnents ago... ghostbur barely even resembles the wilbur techno used to remember. death matters, on this server, which is two blows in themselves that techno will have to deal with. and then... tommy doesn’t respawn.
techno was sure he’d seen tommy around lmanberg. albeit, like, kinda quiet, but maybe the kid was going through rough times since wilbur died. it wasn’t like techno was going to talk to him about it or anything, since his presence probably wouldn’t be welcomed anyway. tommy was kind of immature, in that regard - he’d be really annoying and yell, like he always did when something didn’t go his way. that, and he wasn’t exactly welcome in lmanberg anymore...
besides, if tommy had a problem, he’d make it clear himself, right?
There’s a lot tommy isn’t willing to talk, about wilbur. What could he even say? more than half of the things he did, challenges he stepped up to, were to make Wilbur proud (as he remembered him). He hated losing, because he liked winning more, sure, but also because he wanted to make wilbur proud of him. See: the bow duel, giving up his disc for freedom.
but pogtopia wilbur, well... things only got worse. sometimes, things looked a little better, but over time, tommy learned to expect what came after. even with techno there, tommy was always left to be the “bigger man” - in the aftermath of the festival, the pit, the final pet war - no matter how much he lost, it was always him having to move forward from that point. nobody really helped. it was just tommy and wilbur, and the sound of silence in the ravine.
tommy saw the final explosion of lmanberg as both the ultimate betrayal (the worst thing wilbur could’ve done, couldn’t he have waited, phil was here, surely phil couldve done what tommy spent months trying to do, what techno wouldn’t do, why couldn’t wilbur have this?) but at the same time, he... figured wilbur would pull sometime like this. at this point, the victory might’ve lightened his spirits a whole lot, but he spent months with wilbur alone and in the course of the preparatory week, wilbur didn’t miraculously get better. tommy wishes he did, and he can wish all he wants, but deep down, he knows that he didn’t. the others might’ve not noticed, since they weren’t there for that long.
as for ghostbur, it’s... awkward. 
With ghostbur, he’s stuck between wanting to reach out to his big brother and stay away due to alivebur’s memory living in constant loop in his head. Sad as it is to say, he was sort of… relieved, when ghostbur revealed the extent of his memory loss. after that point..  if ghostbur remembers all the happy bits of their time on the server, surely he could help fill in the gaps? 
Ghostbur was kind of the first person he saw when he resurfaced, and ghostbur then couldn’t really understand the gravity of the situation, nor who tommy was because of how he acted and looked before. tommy didn’t approach him either, mostly out of fear and anticipation. (he couldn’t imagine this of all things, being stuck with wilbur for all of his undying days, hadn’t he had enough?) 
At first, it’s awkward. He doesn’t know what to say, or when to say things, and he’s a lot quieter than in life, so it’s noticeable. He meets Ghostbur, who greets him with joy, until he realizes that Tommy is dead. Memories of the manberg v pogtopia war arise, and he flees. He does not come back, because looking at Tommy hurts. tommy doesn’t get it, really... but.....
and every moment after that, the way ghostbur looks at him, with the guilt in his eyes, the way that he looks away, unable to bear looking anymore… well, tommy is starting to think ghostbur remembers a lot more than what he’s willing to let on (he’s afraid he is). If wilbur doesn’t like him, that’s not… that’s nothing new, anyway. it’s probably one of the few things that didn’t change.
3. Ghost Tommy’s Memories
Going by the HC that they’re caused by how you feel when you die. ie. Wilbur dies happy because he is relieved by Phil stabbing him. That he can rest, while Tommy gets the opposite. Wanting to live but having it so cruelly taken by a loved one that you trusted, only feeling pain and betrayal and the feelings when they had while dying is the reason why they only hold certain memories.
Basically: like Wilbur, only remembers memories associated with a type of feeling. However, unlike Wilbur, Tommy only remembers the bad things.
Ghostbur suggested to phil, who in turn, suggested to tommy that he recorded his memories in a book, like he did! thus, tommy’s “What I remember” book: which is full of stuff he just wants to remember
Dream Good Times (this is just a lie, haha... but refers to the time (read: blank space) before the first disk war)
jokes! (when you make fun of someone, even in good jest, it’s possible they won’t take it that way themselves.)
My home (because it’s been griefed and destroyed so many times at this point)
The disks (not what they sound like though, just that they were apparently important, that he fought for them. he can’t remember what they sound like)
My pets (pet wars. can’t remember whose pet was whose. he remembers mars, though. he talked to mars a lot, on days that pogtopia was quiet... empty...)
the duel
Winning the war (trading the disks for freedom)
L’manberg (manberg)
… Tubbo (? ...dying at the festival.)
Techno & Wilbur  (and phil, and what they did to him, and what they didn’t do.)
pogtopia hanging out with friends (there was nothing good about pogtopia, so he crossed it off and wrote the most blandest happy thing he could replace it with. he wishes pogtopia was just that)
the pit
winning the war (the victory, the explosion his death. if you ask why he wrote it twice, he just.. hesitates. “we won, right?” you might nod along, assuming his memory was just being faulty, that all he could remember were the two victories, that like wilbur, nothing beyond the election/exile registered... but you could also note that neither of those “victories” really felt like winning, in the end. consider the cost...)
i have a secret second list for his “actual memories”. i call it “the list of grievances”. i am so clever haha
4. other ghost tommy stuff
since ghostbur had to go and add some stuff to ghost Lore™, i guess ghost tommy now melts in the rain and snow. not that he really... cares...
other things! these are ideas, idk...
1. presence
maybe whenever he gets near someone, the temperature drops and people feel overwhelmingly negative emotions (ie. sadness, pain, anger, guilt, etc). the intensity of the sadness effect depends on the person or if the person is near - the more that person had done, the more they felt.
Wilbur just feels like melancholy. nobody really notices, since it’s .... well.
2. connections to things?
maybe he’ll be found at certain locations, like his house/jukebox, the election podium, pogtopia, etc, etc... just, ghosting...
4. maybe he’s not actually dead
3. have some blue .... or yellow
a) ghostbur gives tommy some blue to hand out, trying to be nicer to him anyway, like “give people this, it makes people happier if you give them something to drain the sadness”!! but when tommy tries to hand it out, it’s already fully blue. If asked if it was supposed to be transparent, or why it’s already blue, or etc, he responds with “no it's always been blue for me!” because when he’s given it, it turns blue instantly. maybe he seems little sad it doesn’t work on him, but it must be because he’s a ghost, right?
b) maybe he makes yellow that gives people happiness (it turns transparent as it’s used), but when he holds it it stays yellow.... because really all it does is draw up previous feelings of contentment, but... can't feel happy if you've never felt it before :’]
4. his body discovery
his body can be found where it was last... left. since he didn’t respawn.
They find him while cleaning up the rest of the rubble. and it's evident how he died, because there are wither marks, explosion burns, and... a final injury that must’ve been the killing blow, since there’s no way he would’ve survived that. it's evident he suffered, but not from the killing blow. his face has that... expression. he looks as miserable as his ghost does, at times (contrary to wilbur's exact opposite). maybe techno is there. they're not sure if tommy just got caught in the crossfire. they think he did, because he was buried under all of this. who would have ... intentionally done this to him...? while he was trapped?
maybe techno approaches to see what everyone looks so wicked out by. and he sees his brother or more like, what was left of his brother. oof.
5. Pranks: completely out of chronological order i guess... BUT I WANTED TO INCLUDE IT AAA
tommy isn’t... peaceful. he’s not at peace. he’s surrounded by the people who he can remember taunting him, hurting him, betraying him, all he can remember feeling is anger, grief and resentment - how long do you think he’ll play nice for? even though he wants things to go back to normal, either he feels like he’s much too dead for anything to ever be the same, and/or everyone ... moved on pretty quick, huh.
tommy begins to prank the server, like he used to. but there’s a pattern to it, and it quickly devolves from seemingly light-hearted to borderline malicious and definitely inconveniencing/annoying.
ghost tommy filling dream's current base/go-to-residency (since this man canonically homeless) with clay... and then, later, other blocks, like tnt, obsidian... 
he sets up multiple jukeboxes when dream goes to sleep and have them all play cat/melohi at different intervals at once, kind of like. "you wanted this so bad, now eat it”.
misplace sapnap's current pets (if he has any). fill sapnap's house with horses, cows all named "h" names, and eventually turn it into an elaborate aquarium filled with tropical fish.
George’s house gets scrambled: like the blocks all get swapped and stuff, or replaced with lime wool/clay. maybe fill his house with alarm clocks or something? idk
He's hesitant about techno... so one of his earlier steps is: collaborate with sam with the horse maze (who sees it as a bonding activity! fun for the whole family!), but in the books, on the last page of all the books, he writes notes like "you know what you did" and stuff idk, i gotta come up with 8 of those. at the end, skeppy brings back the books and the hornse and techno's like haha i didn't write those books! and skeppy says, that makes sense! why would your write this... (he assumes the first few are threats, but then they reference techno in diff ways, so he gets confused), and then techno's like: wait what
maybe he probably releases all the horses n cows and other things techno’s got. or relocates them (cause he still cares about animals, he doesn't want to hurt them... he's not sapnap after all)
at first it's funny, normal. then it's annoying. and then it becomes worrying. it elevates in destructive tendencies, and also escalates in amount so people start going "tommy this is so annoying"-> exactly the reaction he wants, so he continues -> "this isn't funny anymore, tommy!" well, it never was supposed to be :)
....and they realize suddenly that none of it was meant to be a "prank" or a joke, tommy genuinely was trying to make their lives as hard as they did him.
ALSO EDIT: i bring you: dreamon hunters! part two! tubbo n fundy fight over what to do with ghost tommy, as tubbo doesn't think there's anything wrong with tommy (it’s his best friend, of course nothing’s wrong!), while fundy thinks he's a malicious poltergeist (with all the pranks.... that’s... that’s not tommy. tommy isn’t that spiteful... is he? )
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pressedinthepages · 4 years
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Lambert/Aiden
Rating: T
a/n:  It’s @sometimesiwrite Margaret’s birthday!!! In the spirit of such a marvelous occasion, I wrote this thingy!
(There is a link on my page where you can be added to my taglist :D)
Warnings: language
Modern AU. Lambert brings Aiden home for the first time.
    “So... what’s with the gate?” Aiden’s eyes darted around as Lambert stuck his hand out the window, punching in the code for the keypad. 
    “This place is centuries old, we’re lucky it was still standing when Vesemir inherited it. He spends most of the year here, doing repairs and maintenance and shit. He doesn’t want kids sneaking up here, so. Gate.”
    The metal gate creaked and groaned as it opened, yawning wide enough for their car to fit through into the shadows of the trees overhead. “Listen, Aiden, I know I told you that it’s kind of an...odd place to vacation, but-” Lambert mumbled as light filtered in through the pine needles, but was cut off as their destination suddenly loomed into view. 
    “Holy fuck,” Aiden breathed, leaning forward in his seat, “You didn’t tell me that you guys lived in a CASTLE?!?”
    “Well, I-”
    “No no, shut up. I need to take this in. This is insane, we’re staying here?”
    Lambert glanced over at Aiden, his green eyes shining with the frost glancing off the windshield. His dark curls were tucked up into a navy blue beanie, though a few tendrils escaped to drift down over the scar atop his nose. He wore a form-fitting brown leather jacket that emphasized his lean shoulders and his cheeks flushed pink from the warm air inside of the car.     “Yup. Old family home, tucked up in the mountains. Fuckin’ gorgeous sunrises, though we have to cut our own firewood ‘cause there’s not any heat.” The tires crunched over gravel as they drove over the bridge leading into the keep.
    Aiden’s hand shot out and grasped onto Lambert’s arm. “No heat?! And you didn’t maybe, think to tell me at some point? Lambert, I knew you were an idiot, but I can’t beli-”
    “Calm your tits, I was kidding,” Lambert chuckled as he threw the car into park. Aiden pouted over at him, his lower lip sticking out and his eyes narrowed. Lambert leaned over the center console and pecked him on the lips before undoing his seatbelt. “C’mon, you grump. Let’s bring all of this shit in.”
    The cold air nipped Lambert’s nose in a burst as he swung open his door. He shivered and popped the trunk, grabbing his one duffel bag and throwing it over his shoulder. Aiden appeared at his side and grabbed his luggage, setting it on the ground and pulling up the handle. “You got the wine?”
    “Yeah, I’ll grab it,” Lambert reached in for the bag that was almost the size of his duffel bag. Filled to the brim with various bottles of wines, this was to be their offering for the winter potlucks. Everyone brought something each year, and Lambert was always in charge of wine. 
    Aiden’s luggage left two little wheel tracks in the frosty grass as the two of them walked up the courtyard. The great oak doors to the castle were closed, likely keeping in as much warmth as they could. They reached the top of the stairs and Aiden grabbed Lambert’s hand, squeezing lightly to stop.
    Lambert looked back at him, his golden eyes soft in the setting sun. “Don’t worry that pretty little head,” he murmured, squeezing Aiden’s hand and pressing their foreheads together. “They’re going to love you.”
    Aiden swallowed thickly and shut his eyes for a moment, letting Lambert’s calm wash over him. “It’s gonna be fine.”
    “Mhm, and we get this nice big ass bed all to ourselves…” Lambert smirked, adorably crooking his head to the side. 
    “Does the room have its own fireplace?” Aiden smiled as he blinked his eyes open. 
    Lambert nodded, “Sure does, and enough furs to keep the whole of Skellige warm.”
    “That’s a lot of furs.”
    “C’mon, let’s go in, you big softie.”
    “Wait!” Aiden pulled Lambert back to him and pressed their lips together quickly. Lambert let out a surprised “mmph!” before melting into him, chasing his lips when Aiden broke away.
    “Okay,” he breathed, fixing Lambert’s coat on his shoulders, “now I’m ready.”
    Lambert smiled and pulled open the doors, ushering him in before slamming them shut behind them. He took Aiden’s free hand, feeling the welcome thrum of his heart beneath his skin as they walked through the quiet halls to the main living area. 
    They didn’t get far in, however, before Lambert was nearly tackled to the ground by a whirlwind of silver hair and flailing limbs. “Uncle Lamb!”
    Lambert laughed as he set down the bag of wine before wrapping his arms around Ciri’s waist. “Hey, pipsqueak. Keeping your old man on his toes?”
    “Always, gotta make sure he stays fresh.” Ciri smiled, her teeth still a little crooked from where she refused to wear her retainer a few years back. Now, just shy of 16, she was a hellion for her father, her mind much too large for the world around her. 
    “Please,” Geralt grumbled from the couch, glancing over at the two, shit no three, of them. He clearly did a double-take at Aiden, but offered no further comment on their newest arrival. “I can still run circles around you on the Comb.”
    “Uh-huh,” Eskel called from the kitchen nook where he and Vesemir were sorting through the pantry, “I’d like to see that. What’s it been, 8, 9 years since you got up on that thing?”
    Geralt hummed as Eskel walked in, his gaze immediately drawn to Aiden. Lambert cleared his throat and scratched at the back of his neck. “H-hey Vesemir? Would you come in here, please?”
    The old wolf’s brows raised at the shakiness (and politeness) of Lambert’s voice. He dusted off his hands and moved into the living area, finding his family with a new face smack dab in the middle of them all.
    “Well,” he shrugged, “I’m here.”
    Lambert nodded, “Yup. Sure are. Ah, this,” he grabbed Aiden’s hand again, holding on for dear life, “is Aiden. He uh, he’s a Witcher too, a-and he’s...fuck, he’s my boyfriend.”
Everyone was silent for a moment, even Ciri, who was nearly vibrating with excitement. Vesemir stepped forward, resting his hand on Aiden’s shoulder and boring his eyes deep into his soul. Shit, don’t back down, everything’s fine, he’s just trying to protect his son, fuckfuckfuckfuck- 
“Good, welcome to the family.” Vesemir turned back to the kitchen, leaving everyone in a somewhat shocked silence. Geralt sipped from his mug, glancing up to Eskel. The two of them did their weird fuckin ‘talk without talking’ thing back and forth before Eskel leaned down and grabbed the wine.
“We’re glad he’s found someone he can count on,” Eskel smiled sincerely as he pulled out the bottle on top. “Toussaint?”
Aiden cleared his throat. “Y-yeah, that one’s my favorite.”
Eskel nodded thoughtfully. “Good, we’ll drink tonight. Gotta have a good welcome party.”
Geralt stood up and snatched the bottle from Eskel, squinting at the label, “Hey, this one’s my vineyard’s!”
Aiden’s jaw dropped, “Your vineyard?? Gods, Lambert! Why don’t you tell me anything?”
Lambert shrugged, “Have to keep some things a surprise.”
Ciri peered up at Aiden, her bright eyes calculating as she met Aiden’s. “What kind of swords do you use?”
Aiden was...taken aback by that question, but only floundered for a heartbeat. “I-well, I typically use short swords, though I carry throwing daggers too.”
“Fuck, that’s awesome!”
“Ciri, language,” Geralt growled, though he fell on deaf ears.
“Can you teach me to throw daggers? Please, Uncle Aiden?”
Geralt sighed as Ciri continued to beg, Aiden’s eyes shining a bit at having already earned the most glorious title in the keep. 
“Tomorrow, kid,” Geralt pulled Ciri’s elbow, leaving them with a smile, “let them unpack. They’ll be here all winter.” 
Aiden listened to the receding footsteps as he looked over at Lambert, who was still tightly holding his hand. “Well, that went pretty good.”
Lambert leaned down and captured his lips, still cold from the chill and so darn soft. His hands snaked up around Aiden’s neck as he held him close, desperately pouring himself into him. “You’re amazing.”
“We’re gonna have a great winter,” Aiden smirked, wrapping his arms around Lambert’s waist and pulling him back into his embrace. 
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laurelnose · 4 years
Different anon but please I would love a lecture about baby and adolescent drowner care
From an ethical perspective, can I domesticate them?
the main ethical issue with normal people keeping drowners in the witcherverse, I think, is that most people would either cull juveniles post-metamorphosis (workable... I guess... but this just feels like a really shitty thing to do) or they’d eventually release the adult drowners somewhere, creating a problem for their neighbors. highly unlikely that anyone in the witcherverse would be responsibly containing the adult drowners they raised! and of course the space required for large aquatic animals and the responsibilities of keeping an animal that can absolutely kill you or people around you.
...and also like, there’s the type of personality attracted in the real world to monster fishkeeping and venomous snakes. definitely not true of all monsterkeepers or people with hot snakes, but the people keeping redtail catfish in home aquaria and free-handling their hots in public? these guys (and it’s usually guys, lmao) are the types to be raising drowners. just a little bit more money than sense, a desire to seem badass (and masculine) to others, an attraction to the feeling of control stemming from keeping a dangerous animal, often more interested in the aesthetic of something than the reality, a fundamental lack of care or responsibility for the wellbeing of their animal... these guys are just assholes! they might not always have done anything wildly unethical yet but their vibes are simply the worst.
...that’s the lecture Geralt would have ready for 99% of people trying to raise drowners. or, well, he'd probably just have a bunch of extremely cutting remarks to make before getting rid of all their drowners, lmao.
but say we’re very responsible people, you and I, and we’re gonna be the one percent of drowner keepers. what can we do with drowners?
from a practical perspective, you might be able to tame one, but you couldn’t domesticate them; domestication is an intensive multi-generational process that results in an animal genetically distinct from the origin species, and drowners most likely have long enough generation times that you just wouldn’t have time within your lifespan*. unless you were like, a mage inexplicably willing to spend a century or two on the project (relatable).
* I’m aware that the silver fox experiment lasted only about 40 years, but whether or not Belyayev’s foxes are fully domesticated is somewhat controversial, and drowners are WAY more aggressive than foxes, so I suspect there would be additional complications along the way that would increase the number of required generations.
ethically... well, two big questions are whether it’s ethical to keep an undomesticated drowner, and what you plan to do with your domestic drowners. if you can’t ethically keep an undomesticated drowner, your plan is dead in the water. no way to get from point A to point B. for the question of what you plan to do with your domestics: you should always approach intensive breeding projects purposefully. if you’re breeding dogs, you should be thinking about what you want to produce—maybe dogs that better fit a breed standard, or which are sweeter pets, or better workers, or healthier in some way—and your intentions should be ethical as well (i.e. creating extremely flat-faced cats is purposeful, but unethical because it causes problems for the cats). and you should have plans to provide for the animals you produce; you don’t get to just dump your drowners off somewhere when you’re done! that’s the bare minimum of ethical qualifications you should meet for your drowner project; some people of course will say that one should consider whether any domestication is ethical but I don’t particularly want to get into that because that argument is huge and messy lmao.
to ethically keep an adult drowner doesn’t seem difficult, if you have resources; their living requirements don’t seem very complex or particular, as they like everything from sewers to coastlines and have very generalist carnivorous diets. you basically just need to be able to maintain a large enough water source for them and have some way to protect everyone who has to interact with them. we’ll say we’re a filthy rich mage, and since drowners aren’t that dangerous if you’re prepared, we’ll just buy a tract of land with a nice body of water, fence it off, build the facilities to separate drowners into breeding pairs, provide our employees with drowner pheromones and armor, and start selecting desirable drowners.
so...what counts as a desirable drowner? I mean, I think adult drowners are charming, but very few people share my aesthetic tastes, so you’re probably not going to break into the pet market. Possibly they could be used like cormorants to fish, though there are certainly more efficient ways to fish. maybe you want to breed trainable drowners to sell to moated castles as guard animals? or maybe their aquatic nature would make them useful as search-and-rescue or retrieval animals. i think there are some possibilities here!
...as a mage in the witcher world we also have the genetic and magical knowhow to create significant physical mutations, so we could probably create a neotenic drowner that, like an axolotl, never leaves the larval stage. permanent squishfriend. domestication is unnecessary then as you can just put them in tanks and keep your fingers out of the way. just saying.
whatever you want to do with your drowners, you start by picking the most amenable drowners out of every generation and breeding those until you get a set that doesn’t want to kill people on sight, and then work on selecting drowners that can perform to your desired specifications. I think it would be possible if one had enough time to devote to it—drowners are a social species, only found in groups and known to react strongly when they see other drowners dying, implying they have an amount of intelligence and cooperative ability that can be taken advantage of and selected for over generations!
as for drowner care, the tadpoles can be treated like ordinary tadpoles—clean water, regular feeding, and be careful not to disturb the mucus on their skin. unfortunately, squishing must occur infrequently and very gently with clean, damp hands. what you do with a juvenile is dependent on whether you’re domesticating or not. if not, you should provide it access to land and continue maintaining a minimal amount of contact to let it get on with its natural drowner business. if domesticating, post-metamorphosis is when you’d want to start evaluating the juvenile’s temperament and probably start socializing and training, introducing them to as many new experiences as possible to create an adult that isn’t reactive or fearful. wear heavy gloves, probably. be sure that your juveniles have access to other drowners, as drowners are prey species for many other monsters and being isolated is a source of stress for them!
(honestly you could also try training a fully wild drowner too (see the training work zookeepers do to make sure their wild animals can easily be given medical treatment and as enrichment), you’d just always be at more risk because of the aggression.)
and voila, you have a drowner project that probably won’t get a witcher sicced on you. no guarantees about witchers who just happen to be in the area poking their nose into other business and end up smack-dab in the middle of your drowner sanctuary where they put a major spanner in your works. certain unnamed white-haired individuals are just Like That.
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mysterioh · 4 years
hello neighbor [ 1 / 10 ]
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Pairing: Writer!Bucky Barnes x Single Mom!Reader
Summary: Brooklyn Heights’ residential playboy has got his eye set out on the new girl across the hall. She’s got it all. The looks. A killer smile. A pretty laugh. Two cute kids……………..wait a second.
Taglist Open! 
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Bucky wakes slowly, blinkingly. 
He slept a sleep that boasts of the bottled ruby red Burgundy sun, the whispered tune of slow jazz wafting in a dimly lit room, and her eager fingers running across his tailored suit. 
There’s a smear of red hot lipstick on his pillow with traces of it marking his cheek. Sunshine pours into the room through the window. The curtains add an orange glow to the morning sun. Warm in its color; cool in its embrace. The songbird beckons with a lively song but the air in the dull-colored room is thick with sleep, emptiness, and her. 
The slow rise and fall of her chest, naked against the white sheets. Bucky can hear her breaths, heavy and slow. He doesn’t need to turn over to picture her golden waves against sand-colored skin. The bed is enveloping, tempting, and teasing, but he slips out anyway. 
He rubs the side of his cheek, smearing the red onto his fingers as he exits his room and goes straight to the Keurig. After making a cup for himself, he slides open the door to the tiny balcony of his apartment and steps out. 
In an instant, the gentle summer sun warms his skin — like kisses from the divine. 
Kisses from the divine. 
That’s a good line, he thinks to himself and files it away for when he sits to write. 
A chorus of birds dancing in the breeze drone out the dull sound of ongoing traffic while the strong aroma of breakfast reaches his nostrils all the way from the cafe across the street. Leaving his mouth watering at the smell of warm bread, scrambled eggs, and sizzling bacon. 
Bucky leans against the railing, coffee mug in hand as he observes the start of the day for his neighbors. The owner of the corner store lifts the steel rolling door with ease while another shop owner pulls out a rack of clothes and tables of trinkets with eye-popping signs that denote some sort of sale when the prices weren’t really worth it. Children run by, hollering and teasing, heading towards the park and it’s like torture to his ears. Shrill and coarse. It ruins the delicate mood. He huffs while taking another sip of his coffee, hoping it’d help alleviate the pain. 
Sadly enough, it’s run cold and to make it even worse Charlotte from the night before finds him in the solace of his balcony. 
“Hey there,” she murmurs sleepily as she rests her chin on his shoulder. She’s wearing his shirt and he's trying to figure out who gave her the right to. “You left me all alone there,” she pouted. 
Oh God, she’s a clingy one. 
Bucky groans quietly, but she doesn’t notice. 
“I had fun last night,” she whispered into his ear, seductively like she’s begging him for more
Bucky chuckled at her. Maybe five years ago it would’ve been a huge boost in his ego but now it’s just another lackluster compliment. 
She slides her hand against his bare chest. “Come back to bed,” she cooed. 
Bucky turns towards her with a sardonic smile. 
“Listen, Amy,” he starts and her hopeful smile falls. 
“It’s Nora,” she replied as if he cared.
“Whatever,” he lifted his shoulder in a half shrug, shaking his coffee cup. She stands straight, sleepiness gone in an instant. “I had fun last night, but that’s it. We’re done here,” he said flatly.
She’s left in shock, mouth ajar and eyes wide. He was blunt and straight to the point, and it threw her off. 
“So, enjoy this cup of coffee,” he hands it to her, “while I go take a shower. And by the time I’m done, I better not see that pretty face of yours around here,” he ordered with a sweet smile. “You got that?” 
She nodded dumbfounded and slightly ashamed. 
“Good,” he walked inside, the sound of a moving truck rumbling down the street. “It was fun while it lasted. See ya.” 
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Bucky locks the door to his apartment before walking down the hall. He scrolls through his phone, searching for Sam’s number. 
The elevator bell rings signaling the doors to open. He hears footsteps exiting the elevator and quickens his speed to make it in before it closes. Eyes glued to his phone, Bucky doesn’t notice a small pair of brown eyes watching him from the corner of the hall. 
His little fingers were wrapped around the handles of the nerf gun. He aims his gun at Bucky walking down the hall, following his every step through the sight of the toy. Like a sniper ready to fire, he waits for the perfect moment to strike. Bucky pauses in the middle of the hallway to read something on his phone, giving the boy a perfect moment to take his shot. 
He pumps his rocket blaster back and aims straight for the head. He shoots at Bucky and it hits him smack dab in the middle of his face.
“Haha!” the boy jumps out from the bend at the end of the hallway with the gun in his hand. 
Bucky mutters a curse underneath his breath while rubbing his nose.
Oh, how he hated kids. 
“What’s the matter with you?” he questions the boy. “Watch where you’re shooting that thing!” 
The boy laughs with a smug grin. “Maybe you should watch where you’re going, grandpa!” 
Grandpa? Who the hell is he calling grandpa? 
“Don’t call me that,” Bucky snaps at the boy. 
“Oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it?” he boldly asked. 
“Ezra!” you shouted, stomping down the hall. 
The color fades from the child’s face and his confidence begins to diminish quickly. 
Bucky turns around to see who was calling and freezes the minute his eyes fell on you.
His world seems to slow down just a little as you walk towards them. Your sun-kissed skin shines under the dull lights of the hallway, rather distractingly. He’s caught in the wonder of your gentle features, the loose strands of hair that swept past your face, the crease in your lovely brows, and the down curve of your full lips.
Bucky remains still as you scold the boy. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” you ask him with your hands on your hips. 
“Nothing,” Ezra shrugs innocently. You press your lips together and just stare at him. He doesn’t falter but instead flashes the sweetest face he could muster up. 
You sigh, letting your hands drop, heart softening every time he blinks. You try your best to remain firm, but he knows he’s won. 
You point down the hallway. “Inside now,” you order. “I’ll talk to you later.” 
He nods and dashes down the hall. 
You turn to look at Bucky and there’s a shine in your eyes that has him falling closer. One full of mystery and the expanse of the galaxy hidden within.
“I’m really sorry,” you apologize, taking a step closer. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t do it again.” 
“Oh no, it’s okay,” Bucky smiles. “Kids will be kids, y’know? Just moved in?”
A smile stretches across your face. “Yeah,” you chuckled and it’s like a pretty melody to his ears. “Just down the hall. Apartment 216.” 
“No way,” he exclaims. “That’s right across from mine.” 
“Really?” you asked with twinkling eyes. Damn, she’s pretty. “Nice to meet you, neighbor,” you extended your hand. 
His hand slips into yours immediately and shakes it. “Nice to meet you, too,” he replied calmly, despite his insides twisting by the touch of your hand. “My name’s Bucky.” 
“Bucky?” you say with a bit of a chuckle. Your hand falls back to your side. 
His cheeks blush a soft pink as his hand goes to scratch the back of his neck. He lets out an embarrassed, breathy laugh. “It’s just a nickname from when I was a kid. My name is James, but everyone calls me Bucky,” he explains. 
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend—” 
“No, it’s totally fine, um?” 
“Y/N,” you replied, “I have no nickname, so just Y/N.” 
Bucky nods with a laugh. 
“Sorry about Ezra again” you repeated, still feeling guilty, “he’s a bit of a troublemaker.”
Bucky shakes his head with a wave of the hand. “He’s a kid. What would you expect?” he says, although inwardly he wanted to repay the action. “I’m guessing he’s your brother?” 
Your cheeks burn a bright red and bite the side of your lip. “Ah no,” you reply, “he’s my son.” 
“What? He’s your son?” Bucky blurted. It only made the red hue of your cheeks darken. 
“Is it really that hard to believe?” you questioned, with a slightly defensive tone and a scowl forming on your face. 
“No, no!” he puts his hands up in front of his chest. “I was just—I mean you’re so young.” 
The scowl on your face fades and an embarrassed smile appears in its place. Your blush is still a bright red. You shake your head with a chuckle. 
“I’m not as young as I look,” you state. 
“But you look great,” he exclaims.
Bucky screams inwardly. “Why did I just say that? Now she thinks I’m a creep!” 
Bucky didn’t like to brag, but he was a bit of a Casanova of modern times. A “gentleman in the streets and a freak in the sheets” sort of man. Although the past ten minutes could have proven otherwise.
“Um, thank you,” you reply sheepishly.
“Hey Y/N!” a voice calls from behind Bucky. 
Bucky turns his head to see a woman with brilliant red hair sticking her head out the door of your apartment. She has a box of books in her hand. 
“Where do I put these?” she asks.
“Oh, just put them anywhere for now,” you chuckled with a shrug. 
“I should let you unpack,” Bucky says, wanting to escape. “I think I’ve taken up enough of your time.” 
“Oh no,” you assured. “It’s fine!” You take a step past him as if you were running from him. 
Not like he wasn’t expecting that. 
“It was nice meeting you again,” you wave, “hope you have a nice day!” 
Bucky nods with a sheepish smile. “Yeah, you too.” 
He turns on his heel and walks towards the elevator. He pressed the button and waited silently for the doors to open. The metal doors slid open and he entered the elevator.
“If she has a son, that means she’s probably married.” he thought. He presses the main floor button and sighs. 
“What a tragedy.” 
The doors close as he leans against the wall. He can’t seem to get that pretty smile out of his mind. 
“But I don’t see why that should stop me.” He ruminates on that thought for a while and wonders where that will take him. He shakes his head in refusal.
“What the hell, dude, you’re disgusting,” he mutters.
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Permanent Taglist: @chuckennuggets1213 @murdermornings @marshyrebelcloud @miraclesoflove​  @fckdeusername​ @undiadeestos​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @andiebell2023​ @anjali750​
 Hello Neighbor Taglist: @disaffectedbarnes​ @rootcrop​ @nerdgirljen​ @simmisblog​ @supernatural-bangtanboys​ @marvelismysafezone​ @littlemissporter​ @dark-night-sky-99​ @justlovelifeblog​ 
Only Bucky Barnes: @infinity-saga​ @sebastian-stan-is-my-love  
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