#niani feelings
reginaisafuglycow · 2 years
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tranakin-skywalker · 1 year
instead of working on the next chapter of Star-Birth, my hell brain is insisting I go back and write more in chapter one, because it is unreasonable and refuses to do what I want.
But it does mean I get to write stuff like this
The hovel that Watto lets them live in is small, as all slave houses are, but it is theirs and theirs alone, and for that Anakin loves it. It is better than being wedged in tight with a dozen other hot bodies, the stink of sweat and blood and sick heavy in the air. It is alien at first, to live alone in a house with only his mother. Anakin has spent all the life that he can remember in Gardulla’s palace. He finds their new home too quiet, too empty. Lying beside his mother on the floor pallet, it is quiet enough that sometimes he thinks he can hear the soft beeping of the chip in his body relaying with the transmission tower.  Sometimes, he thinks it’s enough for him to find the chip and cut it out of him. There are a few times he tries, when Watto is in a mood and beats him or his mother hard enough to bruise. He’ll take the knife his mother keeps in a hidden hole in the wall and begin to cut into his belly, right over where he thinks his chip must be. He never makes it very far before his nerve leaves him, a long red cut over his stomach and shaking hands to show for it. The cuts always heal over by the time his mother is awake the next morning, like they were never there at all. Anakin knows that healing that quickly isn’t normal. There’s a lot of things about him that aren’t normal. He remembers being younger, back when they still belonged to Gardulla, and looking at a bounty hunter who has visiting the palace and seeing time stretch out before him, remembers seeing the bloody bits that the bounty hunter’s body would be, the hole blown out of his chest, chunky red meat and the white glimmer of a ribcage. A dead man walking, his body just hadn’t caught up to the fact yet. Anakin hadn’t thought before blurting out, “you’re gonna die tomorrow.” The bounty hunter had thought it was a threat, or an insult, or maybe he was just pissed that a little slave boy had spoken to him. He’d backhanded Anakin hard enough that a couple of tiny baby teeth had been ripped right out of his mouth, torn lip staining what teeth remained red. His smile had been bright and bloody as he lay on the ground, grinning up at the bounty hunter. It hadn’t been a nice smile. The bounty hunter died the next day, just as Anakin knew he would. His lip had been healed by that point, the open gaps where his teeth had been already starting to show white enamel poking through his gums, but the taste of blood didn’t leave his mouth even after it had been washed away. He tries not to tell people about the things he sees in their futures, but sometimes the words come slipping out anyway. When his mother brings him with her to help on of their neighbors, he looks at the large swell of Niani’s pregnant stomach and blurts out, “it’s gonna be a girl you know.” Niani smiles at him and tells him “maybe. There’s no real way to know.” “It is,” he insists. “I can feel it. She’s going to grow up really pretty, but you’re not going to be alive to see it.” He regrets the words as soon as he says them. Niani goes white and afraid and beside him, his mother gets very very still. Mom has never, ever once hit him, but then and there, Anakin thinks this is the closest she has ever gotten to it. After they leave, Mom takes him by the shoulders and holds on a little too tight, her brittle nails cutting into his skin but he doesn’t make a sound of complaint. “Anakin, never, ever do anything like that again. Promise me, promise me you will never say things like that to anyone but me.” “I promise,” he croaks out, frightened and not sure why. “No one can know what you can do. No one, not even people you trust. And especially not the master. If they find out,” she chokes a moment, her anger dissolving beneath the power of her terror, “they cannot find out.” He promises. Over and over and over he promises her. Two months later, Niani gives birth to a healthy baby girl. Two weeks after that, they bury Niani in the desert, the birth gone bad. Infection. Anakin can smell it even if he never sees the body. Very few women on Tatooine survive their first child.
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rndyounghowze · 8 months
The Fire This Time Festival 2024
This is an accessible version of the review posted on our instagram. To see the post go to @rndyounghowze.
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NYC-4: What's Love Got To Do With It
Leelee Jackson wrote this piece for the millions of women who have had to constantly contend with the frailty of men who take up so much space in one’s life without giving one little scrap of it back. Jackson had all the women, most of the men, and all the rest of us eating out of the palm of her hand. We would encourage her to think of the forward momentum that she builds with the action of the play. It’s telling that our lead shows compassion to the man to tend to a wound that she gave him. Yet that moment pays off more when she leaves anyway. Anything keeping her from walking towards the door is delaying one of the best payoffs we’ve seen in a short play.
NYC-5: Mamas and Papas
We are big fans of stories of people having to create a family out of the ashes of disaster. Kamilah Bush is telling a gripping story about Charles who has to learn to be a father to Dottie a child he created when he was just a baby himself. She’s also telling the story of a Dottie who desperately needs stability after losing her mother who was her anchor. We felt that tension hanging over everything yet we were torn from the journey with moments that lagged (such as the father waiting for Billie Holiday to come over). We would encourage Bush to focus on distilling this amazing story into as few plot points as possible or expand them all into a full-length play. We connected enough with the characters and the premise that we will go in whichever direction that Bush decides to take us with the script.
NYC-6: It's Karen B****
This play is a wonderful illustration of how punchlines work. Many plays set up premises where the punchline seems like a subway car. You know that it’s coming eventually so you’re just sitting and waiting until it gets here so you can get to where you’re going. The best premises will take you on an unexpected and pleasant detour. Taylor A. Blackman’s detour was one that Dana the ex-honor student from a private PWI resonated with Niani immediately. What black “gifted” child hasn’t longed to “just” exist, to be mediocre, and NOT be placed on a pillar just to be knocked off the next time a Karen decides we are beneath her? We would beg Blackman to focus on pacing and refining the journey that the audience takes through the play when (or if) he decides to do a rewrite.
NYC-7: Ethel and Ethel
Joël René Scoville has an unfair advantage in that Ricky LOVES Ethel Mae Waters. We appreciated that Scoville gave us a script that lived in tenderness and caring. One of the things that was hard to understand was why they were holding themselves back. We are well aware of the realities of the time period but the play didn’t really talk about those nor did they seem as looming of a threat as they could have been. Case in point the calls from the gentleman caller did not feel like the looming threat to the relationship that Scoville intended them to be. The piece needed that ticking time bomb to make the gravity of their secret meetings hit home. That makes the payoff of the key to an apartment feel way more sweet and fulfilling. This piece is so good that we would love to see how far it could go with some more development.
NYC-8: Why Jamira Gotta Do All Da Werk?
Every time we feel the NYC cold chilling our bones Dana likes to recall one of their many escapades wearing next to nothing to avoid paying a coat check fee and playing mother hen to a gaggle of gal pals headed to one Hell’s Kitchen club or another. This play immediately rang a bell with them. Nia Akilah Robinson created two characters we understood immediately and acted like our handholds in the story. Jamira and Kiana were very real and endearing. Taking something as simple as hanging out in the club and adding emotional resonance to it is no easy feat. We’d love to see what Scoville does next.
NYC-9: The Mural
The greatest compliment that we can give Pappas-Williams is that there seems to be too much story going on to be contained in such a small package. Monique Pappas-Williams presents a piece with so many wonderful moments and images between Nia and Riz but we can tell she had way more story that she wanted to tell than what we saw. This will be the first time in RnD history that we will say (we think) we would love to see “Act Zero” as a longer version of this play. This is an interesting and dynamic story. We would love to see where it goes from here.
Nailah Carrie:
On top of New Work The Fire This Time Festival also featured the music of Nailah Carrie. Carrie started her music career doing an open mic at Frigid NYC. Opening for Fire This Time she regaled us with two pieces, one of them her original work called “Bad Girl”. This song immediately brought tears to Ricky’s eyes. We could feel the soul of her music as she set the mood. We hope to see her be even bolder and more powerful the next time we see her.
The Ensemble:
In our minds we see this cast as an ensemble. Even though each piece had different characters and extremely different parts that needed to be played this small handful of actors stepped up where they needed to be. Each one so seamlessly fit into each role that it was like a new person onstage every time.
Cezar Williams:
As the director, we can tell that Wlliams enjoys both character-driven drama and big visual statements. He’s not afraid of letting characters stand and talk while withstanding the tension that wants to pull them together or the sense of repulsion pushing them away. Then there are big character moments being highlighted with costumes, props, or huuuge rainbow banners on the walls. Williams brings practical guidance that perfectly matches artists debuting their new works for the first time. It’s one of those things that make Fire This Time Festival a perfect match for emerging writers.
In Closing:
We have attended several festivals before in-person and online and one of the things we like to talk about amongst each other is the festival's atmosphere. The minute we walked in the door of The Fire This Time Festival we noticed that the “fire” also could describe the warmth of the artists involved. Literary Manager AJ Mohammad is walking around, shaking hands, and scoops us up in a bear hug when he sees us. Director Cezar Williams is constantly greeting audience members as they enter to sit down. We can immediately tell that this is a place where long-time donors, fellow artists, and new audiences can gather and watch new works, sing out to the music, and cheer for our favorite characters. The Fire This Time Festival has been keeping these home fires burning for 15 years and with an atmosphere like this we hope that they’ll keep a blaze burning in winter for the next 50 years.
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scene-kween-xd · 1 year
Day 3
Been working a lot on world building for my story and making sure Niani feels loved and appreciated. Sometimes I still feel bad things because my brain goes to Adolpho, but I'm getting better at that part so far
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asyoulisten · 2 years
Back to the boom stuff
New Kaylock add-ons
Riona is currently pregnant with what is presumably twins if unknown gender.
They are to believed to be a new addition to the Fairisles and Kaylock bound family
Riona is the second lady of the house of Fairisles but doesn’t take the last name and nor does her son
The first son Herrick of the First Lady Isolde very much resents and has a strong disliking for Riona.
The only daughter of the house Niani feels more indifferent about the entire situation
The First Lady Isolde Fairisles died under mysterious circumstances says many of the elder head house keepers.
Avan is the youngest lady in waiting to a Lady if a House.
Avan listens and reports quietly to keep Lady Riona in good standing with houses.
Avans full honest given name is Evangeline Avanna La'Guichard.
She does not use her honest name for unused fir unknown reasons.
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dailypocsix · 3 years
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Niani Feelings as Anna Of Cleves
Name: Niani Feelings
DOB: December 20th 1994 (27)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African American
Credits: Mean Girls (Ensemble, Mrs. Duvall u/s), Oaklahoma! (Kate), Hairspray (Lorraine)
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meangirlsontour · 5 years
please welcome our newest class of students to north shore !
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becca-petersen · 5 years
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“So you probably won’t see a lot of me in this video, but you’re going to see the amazing people who dance and sing every night, eight shows a week, with me, who inspire me to be the best me on stage that I can possibly be. They’re incredible, they’re wonderful, they’re hilarious and I am honored every single day to be doing this show with them, I cannot stress this enough.”
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deerlyloved · 3 years
Talvak Lore
Below cut: A long bit of lore about my original alien species, the Talvak
They descended on our troops in an instant, there was no warning, no signs, and my men were screaming, shots firing all around me. We had heard tales of them, the ravagers in the Zarriah System. Silent and deadly, like the mist that surrounded so many of the lands on Yukk. I didn’t believe them, told my men it was superstition, whatever took over this star system wasn’t going to wait around in the mist and wait for us to show up.
God, why didn’t I listen? There’s been talks of them for decades, maybe even centuries. The Talvak, a war species that did nothing be plunder, pillage, invade.
They were so familiar, yet so distant from what I knew, claws like beast, tails like one too, bony crests painted for war as they tore through my battalion like paper. May the stars forgive me for leading those poor men into that slaughter.
-The translated message from Commander Izbe of HMS Nobel, now presumed dead.
The Talvaki people are an interesting case of nature vs nurture. Their very brains are leveled against them from birth, an overwhelming prey drive influencing them to seek out prey for food mixes with the brain consistently and easily triggering what we understand to be the amygdala. This means a Talvak will, from birth, be wired to hunt for survival, as well as consistently be enraged by small things. The final metaphorical nail in the metaphorical coffin for the Talvaki is simple: they are all born with similarly malformed brains that influence the initial triggering of the amygdala, as well as give them increasingly common intrusive thoughts.
With no way to effectively cope due to how their society was set up, the species as a whole became known as a war species as they began to enact violence on planets all across their star system, and now they are quite possibly one of the most notorious war species in the galaxy.
We stood no chance against them, I see that now. Even though they present as an army, it’s a trick, they present as an army to make you think they need one. In a blink of an eye, they took our unsuspecting fleet for all they had, half of them were destroyed before my commands were even put to motion ... Their leader took to my ship, and she walked through without a care, disposed of my people without a blink of her eyes. She stood high, a bony crest hiding her face, six unblinking eyes that I swear glowed a fiery orange … Tall and covered in a vaguely colored fur under the lights, and the truly eye drawing thing, even among the claws on all four hands and feet. A large, curled tail that stayed behind her, tipped with a long stinger that seemed to twitch the longer the silence stayed. What did the venom do?
-Excerpts from Commander Ki’s report on the Gold Rush System Incident
Soon, the reign of the Talvaki slowed to a halt as they carved out their own kingdom in the universe, occupying three star systems with the ever looming threat of expanding to more. Through the passage of time, with no where else to expand to without encroaching on Citadel territory, the Talvaki became known as a legend, a species on the far reaches of the universe who could destroy civilization if they saw fit… Who were forced into content with their area by the Citadel’s presence.
After decades, the horrors committed by the Talvaki were spread, and braver adventurers began to explore the area despite warnings, governments seeking to overthrow the Talvaki and claim the resource rich planets for themselves, and officials looking to negotiate for the lands.
None ever returned, and rumor states that they were either indoctrinated into Talvaki belief, or outright killed.
The Citadel stepped in after years of this, putting an outright ban on anyone, diplomat, mercenary, or scrapper alike, on entering the star systems under Talvaki rule. They set up a large patrol route around the areas and set to doing what the Citadel does best… Negotiate.
While the interactions between the Talvaki and the Citadel are largely unknown, it’s rumored that their leader at the time, a large and intimidating creature named Nkae (Nee-kay), was considered odd among his people, understood to be soft. Perhaps this supposed softness was what convinced him to allow the Citadel to tread in their territory.
What is known fully is that nearly a year later, the Citadel announced its latest accomplishment: they convinced the Talvaki to join the Citadel Reformation Program.
We are pleased to announce that Jaa’la Ke has reported that the Talvaki people are willing to join the Citadel Reformation Program, and we consider it a great victory for the Citadel and everyone united under it as well. Hopefully, others will join the program after seeing this, not just war species, but those who simply need a chance to be redeemed.
- A quote taken from Rix, the voice of the main branch of Citadel
As we know (or might not know), the Citadel Reformation Program, lovingly acronymed the CRP, is a program in which the Citadel ‘reforms’ former war species, quarantining them at their own consent to allow them to better interact with the world. Many leaders of former war species understand that it would lead to the end of their kind to continue on the path of destruction, and as such they volunteer.
The Talvaki have been in reformation for roughly two decades now, and just like all others in the CRP, there has been no updates or word on their progress. A species either opts out of the CRP, where they are declared an official threat to the Citadel and all under its banner, or they emerge decades to centuries later, relatively… reformed.
A reformed war species known as Humans are the most notable example of this, a species of small and relatively weak when compared to others. When the Citadel first extended its hand to the Humans home of Earth A27, it was not hard to see what they were. A planet in shambles, lands that had been sparring for centuries, never ending fights and constant toiling brought down on those deemed unworthy by a distinct class of people. Planets based on class systems rarely work, though some surprise is like in the case of the Scacles homeplanet of Imsst, and Citadel officials began studying Earth A27 closely.
The class system it ran itself off of, the wars, the begrudging violence, and nonstop toil all mixed together to quickly classify the soon to be known Earthlings as a war species. Though they fought for peace, a curiosity to all, there was no doubt that they needed to be in the CRP now. Now, after spending decades in the CRP, Humans are well known contributors to the Citadel, offering it’s aid to all they can.
So can we expect the same of the Talvaki people? Can a species known for violent acts, for invading, pillaging, and destroying anyone they find ever truly become reformed, even when their very brains fight against the peace trying to be imposed upon them?
Well, like stated before, the Talvak are an amazing example of nature vs nurture.
Their young are incredibly dangerous, more ravenous than even a fully grown Talvak as they have not yet learned moderation. Born with fully formed, incredibly sharp teeth, potent venom in their stinger-tipped tails, and claws used to rend flesh in defense of their very lives, baby Talvak (otherwise referred to as Talvaa) are not something to be taken lightly… Or without a set of armor.
But despite their ravenous nature and lack of moderation in their hunting, a Talvaa was gifted to human diplomats during one of the initial meetings to join the CRP. Though the identity of the man gifted the Talvaa was kept secret, the name of the Talvaa was reported to be Niani, and the Talvaki people made it clear that the reason they were handing over such a creature was for the betterment in the Citadel’s understanding of them.
And Niani certainly helped to better understanding of the Talvak. Through various, non-invasive testing on Niani, the biology of the Talvak was understood more and more, and soon enough Niani was considered a healthy child. She was reported to take to the teachings of moderation, compassion, and a gentle nature, though she did so slowly. Eventually, she was just like your average child, and the supposed inherent nature of her species was forgotten.
Nature vs nurture, while the Talvak have thoughts and urges that would make them biologically predisposed to being more easily violent, the introduction of proper coping, healthy bonds, and a support system can help them.
No one is truly born evil. We Humans have words for everything that the Talvaki go through, and we understand that just because they were born angry doesn’t mean they’re bad. With help from the Citadel, I have no doubt the Talvaki will become just like us one day. They just need someone to explain why they feel this way and how to deal with it, just like us.
-Quote from the unnamed scientist that adopted Niani
But what took the Citadel so long to understand the Talvak? The question was on the minds of all, and soon it came to be understood why so much time had to pass before answers were reached on exactly what brought the Talvak to so much victory over the centuries of their reign…
Legends of how the Talvaki blended into their environment, of how they overthrew nations with no one the wiser until the ships landed and it was announced to the people, all thought to be just that, legends. Tall tales fabricated to make the Talvak seem a bigger threat than what they were, somehow more capable of unnatural things than others. It may not all be as big of a legend as first assumed, however.
They took the chief first, but we didn’t know about it for a while. They destroyed us from the inside out, and when the first ships landed we thought we’d be protected. By Kah, we weren’t, we weren’t.
-Quote from Xers Quq’s interview on how the Talvak took over xir home planet.
The Talvaki people have a unique and interesting part of their biology that has been the main contributing factor to a theory on why their brains form the way they do. Rapid evolution from DNA structured to be nothing short of easily manipulated and highly malleable, the Talvak can adapt to the environments within days. For other species, including animals and plants on most (if not all) planets, adaptation is a form of evolution that occurs over hundreds of generations with even the quickest being within 50 to 100 generations, and yet the Talvak can adapt to an entirely different, completely unique set of environmental factors within days of first encountering it.
This adaptation is remarkable as is, a completely astounding part of their biology, but what brings us to understand how they expanded so far, controlled so much, is that the Talvak are capable of the unthinkable, something that can only be considered shape-shifting. 
Changing their very biological structure on a whim seems preposterous, something whimsical rather than at all based in reality, and yet here we are, with evidence in front of us. 
To the Talvaki people, the process of changing one’s skin is called lahia talh, or becoming another. The process varies in time, though the quicker it is rushed, the bigger the chance of what is referred to as kanii, or fading away.
Kanii is the process in which a Talvak loses themself turing lahia talh, where their mind cannot take the strain of changing their entire form and begins to corrode, leaving the Talvak in a near animalistic state.
Lahia talh isn’t greatly researched, at least not in a way publically released yet, but from what was told to us to explain the legends we can understand that it is painful and dangerous. Only the strongest of Talvaki are allowed to attempt, and even then there should be a few expected casualties. Even so, lahia talh isn’t a complete overhaul of their very being, each Talvak that goes through the process retains their memories, thoughts, feelings, and personality-- they even retain the color of their blood and unique biology structure. 
Overall the lahia talh is nothing more than an aesthetic change, as when testing the DNA of a Vahl-- the word for a Talvak that underwent lahia talh, meaning hidden-- it is instantly obvious that they are not of whatever species they are imitating. Everything remains the same, the color of their blood and the composition of it, their unique ability to adapt to their surroundings, their so called hot-headedness.
A Vahl is recognized as different because they are, which is why only trained, strong Talvak are allowed to attempt lahia talh. You must survive the process and remain yourself, but just as well you imitate who you are becoming very, very well.
It was fascinating, watching the lahia talh. Bones broke and mended, stretched and tore before stitching back together, so intricately done despite the inherent brutality of watching someone’s entire body shrink twice its original size. The Talvak undergoing lahia talh was obviously in pain, though they bore the weight of it all with surprising grace. Suddenly, as quickly as it started, it was over, and there stood a creature the likes of--of me. Me! Not me exactly, of course, but of my species, different markings and golden skin.
-Quote from Jaa’la Ke on what they learned of lahia talh
So there it is. Shapeshifters, creatures able to adapt quicker than anyone ever has, a species built to fight, and wired from birth to kill. The legends around them sound just a little less dramatic when you understand all the Talvak are capable of, doesn’t it?
But this all only brings more questions, doesn’t it? How does a species like this not die off early on if they’re all at each other's throats, violent and angry? How do they not take over the universe? Why did the Citadel deter them?
These questions are unanswered for now, sadly, left to be nothing but debate and moral theory among everyone else until the fateful day that the Talvaki are released from their quarantine in the CRP and thrown into the world as new beings… Hopefully they will have recorded their history for others to learn from, else they may stay what they have always been.
Tall tales.
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thechainofiron · 4 years
Here’s the mean girls list if anyone is willing to trade message me here or email me [email protected]
Date: June 2018
Location: Broadway
Cast: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Taylor Louderman (Regina George), Ashley Park (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Kerry Butler (Mrs. Heron / Ms. Norbury / Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Principal Duvall)
Date: June 2019
Location: Broadway
Cast: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Reneé Rapp (t/r Regina George), Krystina Alabado (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Devon Hadsell (u/s Mrs. Heron / Ms. Norbury / Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Principal Duvall)
Date: September 2019
Location: Broadway
Cast: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Reneé Rapp (Regina George), Krystina Alabado (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen Smith), Gianna Yanelli (u/s Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Catherine Brunell (Mrs. Heron / Ms. Norbury / Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Principal Duvall)
Mean Girls - Broadway - February, 2020 (1) (StarCuffedJeans's master) video
CAST: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Reneé Rapp (Regina George), Krystina Alabado (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Catherine Brunell (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Principal Duvall), Drew Redington (Mr. Heron), Teddy Toye (Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator), Stephanie Lynn Bissonnette (Dawn Schweitzer), Collins Conley (Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft), Aaron Alcaraz (s/w Tyler Kimble), Darius Barnes (Christian Wiggins), Pascal Pastrana (Shane Oman), Riza Takahashi (Sophie Kawachi), Brittany Nicholas (s/w Caitlyn Caussin), Curtis Holland (Jason Weems), Daryl Tofa (Marwan Jitla), Becca Petersen (Taylor Wedell), Sasha Hollinger (Rachel Hamilton), Bria Jene Williams (Grace Akinola), Susie Carroll (s/w Sonja Acquino)
NOTES: Erika’s last
Mean Girls - Broadway - February, 2020 (2) (StarCuffedJeans's master) video
CAST: Olivia Kaufmann (s/b Cady Heron), Cailen Fu (s/b Regina George), Krystina Alabado (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Catherine Brunell (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Principal Duvall), Drew Redington (Mr. Heron), Teddy Toye (Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator), Stephanie Lynn Bissonnette (Dawn Schweitzer), Collins Conley (Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft), Tovi Wayne (s/w Tyler Kimble), Darius Barnes (Christian Wiggins), Pascal Pastrana (Shane Oman), Riza Takahashi (Sophie Kawachi), Devon Hadsell (Caitlyn Caussin), Curtis Holland (Jason Weems), Aaron Alcaraz (s/w Marwan Jitla), Maria Briggs (s/w Taylor Wedell), Sasha Hollinger (Rachel Hamilton), Bria Jene Williams (Grace Akinola)
NOTES: Olivia Kaufmann (S/B Cady Heron), Cailen Fu (S/B Regina George)
Mean Girls - Broadway - May, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
FORMAT: MP4 (HD) | TRADER'S NOTES: masters original format
CAST: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Ashley De La Rosa (s/b Regina George), Krystina Alabado (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Jennifer Simard (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Principal Duvall)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the new cast and Ashley as Regina. Erika flubs a line during "Whose House is This" and the cast spends the remainder of the song recovering. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don’t go linking things to actors and shows.
Mean Girls Broadway | Original HD MP4 | January 29th, 2020 (Matinee)
Cast: Erika Henningsen [Cady], Reneé Rapp [Regina], Cailen Fu [s/b Gretchen], Kate Rockwell [Karen], Barrett Wilbert Weed [Janis], Grey Henson [Damian], Catherine Brunell [Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George], Cameron Dallas [t/r Aaron Samuels], Cheech Manohar [Kevin G.], Rick Younger [Mr. Duvall], Drew Redintgon [Mr. Heron], Teddy Toye [Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator], Stephanie Lynn Bissonnette [Dawn Schweitzer], Collins Conley [Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft], Jake Swain [Tyler Kimble], Darius Barnes [Christian Wiggins], Pascal Pastrana [Shane Oman], Riza Takahashi [Sophie Kawachi], Brittany Nicholas [s/w Caitlyn Caussin], Curtis Holland [Jason Weems], Daryl Tofa [Martin Jitla], Susie Carroll [s/w Taylor Wedell], Sasha Hollinger [Rachel Hamilton], Maria Briggs [s/w Grace Akinola], Gianna Yanelli [Sonja Acquino].
Notes: Cameron didn't have time to learn all the choreography in time for his run, so instead of him dancing in "It Roars", Cheech is dancing in Aaron's place. Cameron doesn't sing either in "Someone Gets Hurt", instead Reneé does a little riff. StarCuffedJeans' Master.
Mean Girls Broadway | Original HD MP4 | September 29th, 2019 (2)
Cast: Becca Petersen [u/s Cady], Reneé Rapp [Regina], Krystina Alabado [Gretchen], Kate Rockwell [Karen], Gianna Yanelli [u/s Janis], Grey Henson [Damian], Jennifer Simard [Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George], Kyle Selig [Aaron Samuels], Cheech Manohar [Kevin G.], Rick Younger [Mr. Duvall], Brendon Stimpson [Mr. Heron], Myles Mchale [Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator], Morgan Cane Harrison [Dawn Schweitzer], Collins Conley [Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft], Jake Swain [Tyler Kimble], Darius Barnes [Christian Wiggins], Kevin Cosculluela [Shane Oman], Riza Takahashi [Sophie Kawachi], Devon Hadsell [Caitlyn Caussin], Curtis Holland [Jason Weems], Daryl Tofa [Martin Jitla], Brittany Nicholas [s/w Taylor Wedell], Christine Shepard [Rachel Hamilton], Bria Jene Williams [Grace Akinola], Susie Carroll [s/w Sonja Acquino].
​Notes: Beautiful HD capture of Becca as Cady! A very Becca-centric video, this is filmed from the left mezzanine without obstructions with a mix of wides, mediums, and many closeups! It's also Morgan Harrison's last! StarCuffedJeans' Master.
Mean girls (tour)
Mean Girls 1st National Tour; Cincinnati, OH | Original MP4 (5 parts) | November 10th, 2019
Cast: Danielle Wade [Cady], Mariah Rose Faith [Regina], Megan Masako Haley [Gretchen], Morgan Ashley Bryant [u/s Karen], Mary Kate Morrissey [Janis], Eric Huffman [Damian], Gaelen Gilliland [Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George], Adante Carter [Aaron Samuels], Kabir Bery [Kevin G.], Lawrence Street [Mr. Duvall], Will Branner [Mr. Heron/Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator], Grace Romanello [s/w Dawn Schweitzer], Sydney Mei Ruf-Wong [Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft], Sky Flaherty [Tyler Kimble], DeShawn Bowens [Christian Wiggins], Blake Zelesnikar [Shane Oman], Asia Kreitz [Sophie Kawachi], Mary Beth Donahoe [Caitlyn Caussin], David Wright Jr. [Jason Weems], Fernell Hogan [Martin Jitla], Olivia Renteria [Taylor Wedell], Ixchel Cuellar [s/w Rachel Hamilton], Niani Feelings [Grace Akinola], Kaitlyn Louise Smith [Sonja Acquin
Notes: Morgan's second show as Karen, Starts a few minutes into act 1. I was shooting around two poles so there are some occasional obstructions to bottom and side but they do not really interfere with viewing. Ixchel was on in the Rachel Hamilton track, but this track was split with Niani Feelings who delivered the lines in the cafeteria scene (Damian said “Hi Grace” instead of “Hi Rachel” and she delivered the mall line “okay white people) but Ixchel did the rest of the part. Instead of sexy Rosa Parks they had Sexy Joan of Arc. MyRoadofGoodIntention's Master.
Mean Girls 1st National Tour; Chicago, IL | Original MP4 (14.21 GB) | January 2020 (1)
Cast: Danielle Wade [Cady], English Bernhardt [s/b Regina ], Megan Masako Haley [Gretchen], Olivia Renteria [u/s Karen ], Mary Kate Morrissey [Janis], Eric Huffman [Damian], Gaelen Gilliland [Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George], Adante Carter [Aaron Samuels], Kabir Bery [Kevin G.], Lawrence Street [Mr. Duvall], Will Branner [Mr. Heron/Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator], Sarah Crane [Dawn Schweitzer], Sydney Mei Ruf-Wong [Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft], Sky Flaherty [Tyler Kimble], DeShawn Bowens [Christian Wiggins], Blake Zelesnikar [Shane Oman], Asia Kreitz [Sophie Kawachi], Mary Beth Donahoe [Caitlyn Caussin], David Wright Jr. [Jason Weems], Fernell Hogan [Martin Jitla], Ixchel Cuellar [s/w Taylor Wedell], Morgan Ashley Bryant [Rachel Hamilton], Niani Feelings [Grace Akinola], Kaitlyn Louise Smith [Sonja Acquino].
Notes: This is a good video for watching choreo and the ensemble, as there are zooms but they are minimal. The quality is a bit grainy, and there is some washout. Overall the sound quality is good except for occasional rustling noises. 5 videos. Musicals_Musicals' Master.
Mean Girls 1st National Tour; Chicago, IL | Original MP4 (14.51 GB) | January 2020 (2)
Cast: Danielle Wade [Cady], Mariah Rose Faith [Regina], Megan Masako Haley [Gretchen], Olivia Renteria [us Karen ], Mary Kate Morrissey [Janis], Eric Huffman [Damian], Gaelen Gilliland [Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George], Adante Carter [Aaron Samuels], Kabir Bery [Kevin G.], Lawrence Street [Mr. Duvall], Will Branner [Mr. Heron/Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator], Sarah Crane [Dawn Schweitzer], Sydney Mei Ruf-Wong [Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft], Sky Flaherty [Tyler Kimble], DeShawn Bowens [Christian Wiggins], Blake Zelesnikar [Shane Oman], Asia Kreitz [Sophie Kawachi], Mary Beth Donahoe [Caitlyn Caussin], David Wright Jr. [Jason Weems], Fernell Hogan [Martin Jitla], Ixchel Cuellar [s/w Taylor Wedell], Morgan Ashley Bryant [Rachel Hamilton], Niani Feelings [Grace Akinola], Kaitlyn Louise Smith [Sonja Acquino].
Notes: Unobstructed video with zooms. There are a couple of blackouts due to late comers and people bringing back drinks. There is some washout from when I was adjusting the light setting, but nothing too distracting. I was trying a thing, it didn’t work, so the first video is in a different video quality than the other four. Musicals_Musicals' Master.
Mean Girls 1st National Tour; Boston, MA | Original HD MP4 | February 9th, 2020 (Matinee) (2)
Cast: Danielle Wade [Cady], Mariah Rose Faith [Regina], Megan Masako Haley [Gretchen], Jonalyn Saxer [Karen], English Bernhardt [sb janis ], Eric Huffman [Damian], Gaelen Gilliland [Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George], Adante Carter [Aaron Samuels], Kabir Bery [Kevin G.], Lawrence Street [Mr. Duvall], Will Branner [Mr. Heron/Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator], Sarah Crane [Dawn Schweitzer], Sydney Mei Ruf-Wong [Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft], Samuel Gerber [s/w Tyler Kimble], DeShawn Bowens [Christian Wiggins], Blake Zelesnikar [Shane Oman], Asia Kreitz [Sophie Kawachi], Mary Beth Donahoe [Caitlyn Caussin], David Wright Jr. [Jason Weems], Fernell Hogan [Martin Jitla], Olivia Renteria [Taylor Wedell], Morgan Ashley Bryant [Rachel Hamilton], Niani Feelings [Grace Akinola], Kaitlyn Louise Smith [Sonja Acquino].​
Mean Girls 1st National Tour; Tampa, FL | Original MP4 | February 23rd,2020 (Matinee)
Cast: Danielle Wade [Cady], Olivia Renteria [us Regina], Megan Masako Haley [Gretchen], Jonalyn Saxer [Karen], Mary Kate Morrissey [Janis], Eric Huffman [Damian], Gaelen Gilliland [Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George], Adante Carter [Aaron Samuels], Kabir Bery [Kevin G.], Lawrence Street [Mr. Duvall], Will Branner [Mr. Heron/Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator], Sarah Crane [Dawn Schweitzer], Sydney Mei Ruf-Wong [Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft], Sky Flaherty [Tyler Kimble], DeShawn Bowens [Christian Wiggins], Blake Zelesnikar [Shane Oman], Asia Kreitz [Sophie Kawachi], Mary Beth Donahoe [Caitlyn Caussin], David Wright Jr. [Jason Weems], Fernell Hogan [Martin Jitla], Ixchel Cuellar [s/w Taylor Wedell], Morgan Ashley Bryant [Rachel Hamilton], Niani Feelings [Grace Akinola], Kaitlyn Louise Smith [Sonja Acquino].​
Notes: Some shakiness in the beginning, obstructions on the right from a head that was difficult to shoot around, the last eight minutes of video is blurry, mix of wides and lots of really great zooms that capture all of olivia’s amazing facial expressions—she is a brilliant Regina—so terrifying she gives chills! MyRoadOfGoodIntentions' Master.
Mean Girls 1st National Tour; Tampa, FL | Original MP4 | February 23rd, 2020 (Evening)
Cast: Mary Beth Donahoe [us Cady ], English Bernhardt [sb regina ], Megan Masako Haley [Gretchen], Jonalyn Saxer [Karen], Mary Kate Morrissey [Janis], Eric Huffman [Damian], Gaelen Gilliland [Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George], Adante Carter [Aaron Samuels], Kabir Bery [Kevin G.], Lawrence Street [Mr. Duvall], Will Branner [Mr. Heron/Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator], Sarah Crane [DawnSchweitzer], Sydney Mei Ruf-Wong [Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft], Sky Flaherty [Tyler Kimble], DeShawn Bowens [Christian Wiggins], Blake Zelesnikar [Shane Oman], Asia Kreitz [Sophie Kawachi], Grace Romanello [s/w Caitlyn Caussin], David Wright Jr. [Jason Weems], Fernell Hogan [Martin Jitla], Ixchel Cuellar [s/w Taylor Wedell], Morgan Ashley Bryant [Rachel Hamilton], Niani Feelings [Grace Akinola], Kaitlyn Louise Smith [Sonja Acquino].
Notes: Super crisp and clear capture, a mix of wides of the whole stage and some great zooms zooms. Missing a few small pieces, namely part of What’s Wrong With Me and Sexy due to battery conservation efforts. Very few if any obstructions. MB and English were BRILLIANT together! MyRoadOfGoodIntentions' Master.
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reginaisafuglycow · 2 years
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erikahenningsen · 5 years
do you happen to know who are all the understudies for the mean girls tour & who they cover?
Cady Heron: English Bernhardt, Mary Beth Donahoe
Janis Sarkisian: Sarah Crane, Sydney Mei Ruf-Wong (and I heard English is going to start covering Janis too?)
Damian Hubbard: Will Branner, Samuel Gerber
Regina George: English Bernhardt, Olivia Renteria
Gretchen Wieners: Mary Beth Donahoe, Olivia Renteria
Karen Smith: Morgan Ashley Bryant, Olivia Renteria
Aaron Samuels: Will Branner, David Wright, Jr.
Kevin G: Marcus Shane, David Wright, Jr.
Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George: Mary Beth Donahoe, Sydney Mei Ruf-Wong
Mr. Duvall: Will Branner, Niani Feelings
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scene-kween-xd · 1 year
Day 2
Found out last night that I'll probable never talk to Adolpho again, which breaks my heart and makes me feel so angry at myself and so, so guilty, but that was also oddly freeing to learn.
It's weird, I love him to absolute pieces, and I may never even get him back as a friend, but it feels like now I almost have permission to stop constantly thinking about him. If he wants me to put in the work to gain forgiveness, I gladly will, but as it stands, it's unlikely. So, in my mind, if you love someone, set them free, and if having to contact with me would make him happier, then I'll withstand it for his sake.
Again, this does make it easier to stop obsessing over him, and to give Niani the attention he genuinely deserves, even though some of my hopes and dreams are crushed (all be it by my own doing).
I'm still making an attempt to improve myself, maybe a tiny bit in hopes Adolpho will forgive me, but mostly for Niani and preserving and improving our relationship.
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Beetlejuice 9/22/19
Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice) Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia) Adam Dannheisser (Charles) Rob McClure (Adam) Kerry Butler (Barbara) Leslie Kritzer (Delia/Miss Argentina) Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho) Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
Notes: Rob’s last show!
Beetlejuice 9/26/19
Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice) Dana Steingold (u/s Lydia) Adam Dannheisser (Charles) David Josefsberg (Adam) Kerry Butler (Barbara) Leslie Kritzer (Delia/Miss Argentina) Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho) Presley Ryan (u/s Girl Scout)
Beetlejuice 10/15/19
Will Blum (u/s Beetlejuice) Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia) Adam Dannheisser (Charles) Rob McClure (Adam) Kerry Butler (Barbara) Leslie Kritzer (Delia/Miss Argentina) Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho) Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
Beetlejuice 9/28/19
Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice) Presley Ryan (u/s Lydia) Adam Dannheisser (Charles) David Josefsberg (Adam) Kerry Butler (Barbara) Leslie Kritzer (Delia/Miss Argentina) Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho) Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
Beetlejuice Pre Broadway
Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice) Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia) Adam Dannheisser (Charles) Rob McClure (Adam) Kerry Butler (Barbara) Leslie Kritzer (Delia/Miss Argentina) Kelvin Moon Loh (Otho) Dana Steingold (Girl Scout)
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory 1st National Tour Philadelphia 11/15/18
Noah Weisberg (Willy Wonka) Collin Jeffery (Charlie Bucket) Daniel Quadrino (Mike TeeVee) Madeleine Doherty (Mrs TeeVee) Matt Wood (Augustus Gloop) Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs Gloop) Brynn Williams (Violet Beauregarde) David Samuel (Mr Beauregarde) Jessica Cohen (Veruca Salt) Nathaniel Hackman (Mr Salt) Amanda Rose (Mrs Bucket) James Young (Grandpa Joe) Clyde Voce, Jennifer Jill Malenke, Claire Neumann, Joel Newsome
Mean Girls 1st National Tour
Philadelphia 11/26/19
Danielle Wade (Cady Haron), Mariah Rose Faith (Regina George), Megan Masako Haley (Gretchen Wieners), Jonalyn Saxer (Karen Smith), Mary Kate Morrissey (Janis Sarkisian), Eric Huffman (Damian Hubbard), Gaelen Gilliland (Mrs. Haron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Adante Carter (Aaron Samuels), David Wright Jr (U/S Kevin Gnapoor), Lawrence E. Street (Mr. Duvall), Deshawn Bowens (Ensemble), Will Branner (Ensemble), Morgan Ashley Bryant (Ensemble), Sarah Crane (Ensemble), Mary Beth Donahoe (Ensemble), Niani Feelings (Ensemble), Sky Flaherty (Ensemble), Fernell Hogan II (Ensemble), Asia Marie Kreitz (Ensemble), Olivia Renteria (Ensemble), Sydney Mei Ruf-Wong (Ensemble), Kaitlyn Louise Smith (Ensemble), Blake Zelesnikar (Ensemble)
The Spongebob Musical 1st National Tour
Philadelphia 12/7/19
Lorenzo Pugliese (Spongebob Squarepants), Beau Bradshaw (Patrick Star), Cody Cooley (Squidward Tentacles), Daria Pilar Redus (Sandy Cheeks), Zach Kononov (Mr. Krabs), Tristan Mcintyre (Plankton), Natalie L. Chapman (Mrs. Puff), Meami Maszewski (Pearl), Caitlin Ort (Karen Plankton), Morgan Blanchard (Patchy the Pirate), Helen Regula (Mayor), Richie Dupkin (Perch Perkins)
Please direct ALL inquires to [email protected]. Any messages sent to this tumblr WILL NOT be opened.
Wants, Ratios & Pricing are located at the bottom of the page and will be reblogged occasionally ⇩
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whattradingcando · 5 years
Audio Release
Mean Girls - 11/5/19 - Cincinnati, OH (US Tour)
Danielle Wade (Cady Haron), Mariah Rose Faith (Regina George), Megan Masako Haley (Gretchen Wieners), Jonalyn Saxer (Karen Smith), Mary Kate Morrissey (Janis Sarkisian), Eric Huffman (Damian Hubbard), Gaelen Gilliland (Mrs. Haron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Adante Carter (Aaron Samuels), Kabir Bery (Kevin Gnapoor), Lawrence E. Street (Mr. Duvall), Deshawn Bowens (Ensemble), Will Branner (Ensemble), Morgan Ashley Bryant (Ensemble), Sarah Crane (Ensemble), Mary Beth Donahoe (Ensemble), Niani Feelings (Ensemble), Sky Flaherty (Ensemble), Fernell Hogan II (Ensemble), Asia Marie Kreitz (Ensemble), Olivia Renteria (Ensemble), Sydney Mei Ruf-Wong (Ensemble), Kaitlyn Louise Smith (Ensemble), David Wright Jr. (Ensemble), Blake Zelesnikar (Ensemble).
Note: Small technical difficulty shortly after "Meet the Plastics", the crew came out to work on the stage while wearing North Shore letterman jackets, it was a nice touch.  
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meangirlsontour · 5 years
they’re all stars✨
📷: ixchel cuellar
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