#ngl this is the special i'm most excited for
Hi wackus have you heard about the new multiverse special Shadybug and Claw Noir that releases in November?
Personally I can't wait to see it as an evil Lb and Cn is always something I've wanted to see for years.
In my pov i see them as not really complete alternate versions but the worst aspects of their personality taken to the extreme,like they've suffered through things our Adrien and Mari did but were unable to overcome them and kind of snapped midway,but that's just my view what's yours?
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🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 I'M SO FRIKIN EXCITED 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
here's my theory. i don't really think they're gonna be like, evil evil. their costumes are too silly for that and the show has usually made villain character design very subtle and nondescript, like gabriel's s5 all-white suit, tomoe's traditional cheongsam & culottes thing, and lila's little middle school girl outfit. toxinelle and griffe noir are having way too much fun with their costumes, making me believe they only look evil on the outside.
as to what could have led to them becoming "villains," hm. what i'd LIKE to think is that...they know things 👀 they know things, they're rebelling, and it only looks like they're on the bad side bc they're trying to get the butterfly miraculous (?) but like...knowing what we know now, why wouldn't they? it's the two of them against the world, as always, so my best guess is that the world is against them in this universe. and ladynoir are sticking together bc they're partners and besties and totally and completely in love.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
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awearywritersworld · 7 months
she mumbled that i was peculiar
sukuna x reader summary: impressively, sukuna is still trying to find ways to deny his feelings for you. nevertheless, he keeps you safe from harm when a late night trip to the store doesn't go as planned. will seeing his violent nature for yourself change the way you feel about him? he seems to think so. w/c: 4.2k (oops) tags/warnings: angst to fluff. attempted kidnapping. canon typical violence. depictions of blood. reader throws up. reader is in shock for a bit. cursing. aged up!yuuji. not canon compliant. fem!reader. no use of y/n. *please mind the warnings for this chapter* a/n: i'm sorry this took so long! im ngl, i struggled quite a bit to write this chapter. i'm still unsure about the pacing, but here it is anyway. thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy! series masterlist // masterlist
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it's not often that you go out for the evening, but tonight is one such occasion. you leave around seven, excited to meet nobara and maki for dinner.
when yuuji falls asleep a few hours later, sukuna doesn't take over right away. he spends a while in his domain, engaging in what some people might call sulking.
before long, however, he begins to feel restless and he tells himself it's because he's grown accustomed to his finite hours of freedom. of course, it has nothing to do with your absence.
so he assumes control of his vessel's body and pulls a short novel from your bookshelf. settling on the couch, his fingertips brush over the cover: the stranger by albert camus
it's the first time he's ever been alone in your apartment, a fact he's well aware of, and his eyes wander to the front door. it'd be all too easy to pull it open, to make his way downstairs and out onto the street.
how long would it last before yuuji regained control? are you nearby? would you get caught up in the havoc he'd doubtlessly wreak?
the thought makes him grimace. returning his focus to the book in his hands, time seems to pass by faster as he makes his way through the pages.
even so, he deems the narrative a bit boring. in his (what's the opposite of humble?) opinion, dead mothers and nagging girlfriends don't make for the most captivating story, so his mind begins to wander once he happens upon the quote:
"so why marry me, then?" she said. i explained to her that it didn't really matter and that if she wanted to, we could get married. besides, she was the one who was doing the asking and all i was saying was yes. then she pointed out that marriage was a serious thing. i said, "no." she stopped talking for a minute and looked at me without saying anything. then she spoke. she just wanted to know if i would have accepted the same proposal from another woman, with whom I was involved in the same way. i said, "sure." then she said she wondered if she loved me, and there was no way i could know about that. after another moment's silence, she mumbled that i was peculiar, that that was probably why she loved me but that one day i might disgust her for the same reason.
sukuna thinks about you— the woman who forced her way into his solitude.
although, what if it hadn't been you? what if the brat had been involved with another woman? would he have eventually taken an interest in her too?
are you really that special, or is he just going crazy inside the cage that is itadori yuuji? the latter is much more likely, right?
he supposes he prefers the idea of madness over... feelings for some human.
all of a sudden, your apartment door seems much more inviting. would it be so bad if he were to step through it? what did he really have to lose?
yeah, that's right. he'll get up any second now and act on every horrible impulse he's been repressing. any second now... any second...
he can't quite figure out why he's unable to bring his limbs to move, weighed down by some force that's beyond him.
it's at that moment the door clicks open and for a split second, he thinks it must be his sign to go, but then you come waltzing in.
"'kuna!" you greet in an excited manner, disrupting the peaceful quiet.
kicking off your shoes haphazardly, you make your way over to him and promptly drop yourself into his lap. it elicits a bout of unwelcome clarity for the king of curses.
no, he wouldn't have taken an interest in just anyone, that much becomes obvious. it wasn't through a medium as flawed as chance that he came to... tolerate you. you're much too annoying for that to be the case.
"hello???" you wave your hand in front of his face. "i'm home."
"i can see that."
"welcome home, darling," you say in a deep voice, a poor imitation of him. "i missed you so much— that's what you're supposed to say."
yeah, definitely too annoying.
"but i didn't miss you." one of his hands comes to rest on your thigh, a betrayal of his preceding assertion.
"you're sitting alone reading—" you pause to inspect the book lying open beside him. "existential fiction about a nihilistic frenchman. of course you missed me."
he changes the topic rather swiftly. "you're drunk."
"i'm tipsy, at best." you roll your eyes. "can't i just be happy to see you?"
"you'd be the first."
"i don't mind making history."
you place a kiss on his lips, casual and affectionate in way that makes sukuna's body stiffen, and stand up.
"i need to get ready for bed, then we're gonna watch tv together because i missed you— gosh, see how easy that was?"
you run off to the bathroom and his body doesn't fully relax until he hears the shower turn on.
the thought of missing someone is a strange notion to him, because it implies eagerness and desire. for as long as he cares to remember, those emotions have been reserved for proclivities much more sinister.
so he hadn't missed you. he just would have preferred it if you stayed home. that's all.
when you return to the living room around fifteen minutes later, you're wearing one of yuuji's shirts, and as far as sukuna can tell, very little otherwise.
making yourself comfortable on the floor between his legs, you pass a hair tie behind you. "can you braid my hair?"
he's watched you get ready for bed enough times that he's fairly certain he can manage it. taking the tie from you, he still asks "why can't you do it?"
"because i'm sleepy," you frown, reaching for the tv remote.
gathering your hair in his hands and carefully dividing it into sections, he sighs. "you require so much looking after."
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"you're not going to die if you can't have cookies tonight." sukuna states dryly, glancing at the clock that reads eleven o'clock.
"please don't trivialize my struggle," you begin, pulling on your jacket. "i want miso butter cookies— my grandma's secret recipe."
most of what you need can be found in the kitchen, but a trip to the store is in order for a few final ingredients.
"my mistake," he huffs, rising to his feet. "how insensitive of me."
"oh, it's alright. just don't let it happen again."
"sure. i'll keep that in mind, princess." sliding the apartment door's chain lock off the track, he does little to hide the vexation in his tone.
just as he reaches for the handle, you stop him and wrap a scarf around his neck, forcing a hoodie into his hands. "put this on. you'll be cold."
he looks at you as if you're crazy. "i don't have to worry about things as insignificant as the weather."
"well, put it on anyway," you insist.
he decides that acquiescing will be easier than arguing for the next five minutes and slips the hoodie over head. when you both step out into the chilly air of night, there are still a decent number of people traveling the streets.
stopping at a crosswalk the next block over, you begin to prattle on about what you need to pick up and the different steps in your recipe. naturally, you completely miss it when the pedestrian sign turns green.
"come on," sukuna commands, his hand wrapping around your wrist and tugging you along with him. "i don't have all night."
you scoff. "to be fair, i didn't say you had to come with me."
"yeah well it's late. you shouldn't be out alone." there's a hint of exasperation in his voice, like he truly had no choice in the matter.
despite that, once you reach the other side of the street, his fingers slide down your palm and thread through yours.
you glance over at him and find he's looking off to the side, so you bite your lip to suppress your pleased smile. is he avoiding your gaze intentionally? you decide that bashfulness suits him better than you would have expected.
offering him a light squeeze of the hand, you hope it conveys your appreciation of his small display of affection.
"so, are you going to help me make the cookies?"
his lips press into a thin line. "as thrilling as that seems, i don't particularly have a penchant for baking."
"you think you'd humor me a little! you know, since i'm your only friend and all."
"if anyone else asked me such a ridiculous question, they wouldn't live to see tomorrow." you ponder whether he's joking and quickly decide that he isn't. "this is me humoring you."
"you're so mean to me."
"fine," you pout. "then you can't have any!"
"now, hold on." the threat does make him hesitate. you've come to learn that if there's one thing he loves as much as reading, it's food. "let's not be hasty."
you're approaching the store, the sliding doors just a few strides away.
"it's only fair! besides, you're not going to die if you can't have cookies," you throw his earlier words in his face.
he exhales deeply. "have i ever told you how irritating you are?"
"woah! now you're definitely not getting any, mister!"
"alright, alright," he groans as you step inside. "i'll help you bake your stupid cookies."
"perfect!" you exclaim as if you knew he'd give in eventually (you did). "then you can start by finding the miso paste while i get everything else!"
you scamper off before he can tell you not to order him around like some common servant. he's never even been grocery shopping, how the hell is he supposed to find anything in here?
wandering the aisles, he stews over how domestic this is. for god's sake— the king of curses, shopping for ingredients and making baked goods. what have you reduced him to?
just as he considers giving up, he spots the item he's looking for and grabs it so aggressively that it knocks a few packets of instant miso soup to the floor. wrinkling his nose in distaste for the entire experience, he sets off looking for you, though his efforts are to no avail.
he wonders where the hell you could have gone off to when a flickering light catches his eye, filling him with a strange sort of unease.
it's emanating from a narrow hallway tucked away in the back corner of the store. at the very edge of the hall, a phone with a familiar case is lying on the floor, the screen shattered.
his blood runs cold, a sensation that is fully unknown to him, and the miso paste slips from his fingers. he appears in the hallway the very next second and the sight that greets him ignites a furious hostility in the center of his being— heavy and consuming.
you're struggling against one man as he drags you out of the backdoor and into an alley. another man is holding the door open, urging his partner to hurry up.
the hand over your mouth keeps you from yelling, but you're unsure you would have been able to make a sound regardless.
one second you're cast into darkness, and the next, the light seems blinding. the flashing is unceasing and it makes your head hurt.
two limbs are wrapped around your torso, keeping you firmly in place, and your arms are trapped at your sides. you might be kicking your legs, but they may just be dragging along too. you really can't be sure.
there's a thrum of a heartbeat at your back. it's pace is unforgiving, the intensity mirroring that of your own. you've a vague concern that your heart may very well beat right out of your chest.
then there's an abrupt shift in the air and a sickening crack echoes through out the night. crumpling onto the concrete, you think it must have started raining before you realize that the droplets on your face are warm.
you wipe at your cheek and your fingers stain crimson, the color matching that of an increasingly large puddle seeping across the pavement beside you.
there's a heap lying a few feet away and you recognize that it's wearing clothes. it's a sight you struggle to make sense of.
needing to focus on something else, your eyes find sukuna and the expression he's wearing is fierce and unreserved. "tell me what you wanted with her."
you've never heard him speak in such a way. his tone is low, his cadence nothing short of threatening.
"s-s'kuna?" your own voice sounds foreign to you and it goes unheard by him.
he has your attacker pressed against the brick wall of the alley, both hands wrapped around his throat. he's too livid to realize the pressure on his windpipe is preventing him from answering.
sukuna throws him to the other side of the alleyway out of frustration, the man rolling onto his back and wheezing to appease his lungs.
"tell me!" sukuna commands again, louder this time. less collected.
the man scrambles away from his looming figure. "th-they sent us, told us they needed her for an important matter."
"they'll kill me if i tell you—"
sukuna crouches down, laughing dryly. "and what do you suppose i'm going to do?"
his eyes are almost unrecognizable to you. they're frenzied— a few shades deeper than the scarlet you've grown so fond of.
"you'll k-kill me either way, so at least i'll die with honor—"
"tch. useless." sukuna waves his hand, and you can hardly comprehend what happens right in front of you.
neat red lines appear across the man's body, then it ruptures into nothing at all. the only evidence that he was ever there in the first place is his blood.
the stench of which is perhaps the worst part— intense, coppery, and hot. it makes your eyes water, and before you know it, you're hunched over and emptying the contents of your stomach onto the ground.
sukuna is at your side in an instant, pulling your hair away from your face, but while one of your hands is braced against the concrete, the other endeavors to push him away.
his body doesn't budge at the contact, but he takes a step back anyway in an attempt to respect your wishes.
your mind is a mess filled with racing thoughts— what the fuck? this cannot be happening. what the hell even happened in this first place? that man was there and then he wasn't.
inhaling sharply, you wipe at your mouth and shift to pull your knees to your chest.
"what..." you trail off, surveying the unutterable, incomprehensible scene before you. "what did you do?"
he doesn't respond, though his features noticeably soften. somewhere in the back of your mind, you know very well what he did, but you can't help repeating. "what did you do?"
"we need to leave." it's not that sukuna couldn't handle whoever might show up, but seeing as this is your reaction, he has no desire to. "if you let me touch you, i can take us home."
you take a moment to think about it, then nod wordlessly. as soon as his hand falls on your shoulder, you're met with that same sensation you felt the night gojo teleported you and yuuji home after one too many drinks.
though this time, the sick feeling in your stomach isn't caused by liquor. you don't stand up, you don't so much as move a muscle when you feel the surface beneath you shift from concrete to carpet.
sukuna breathes out your name, his uncertainty evidenced by the way he's shoved his hands into his pockets. meeting his eye, you reiterate the same inquiry once more. "what did you do?"
it's almost as if you want him to tell you that he didn't do anything. that the whole experience was some disturbing nightmare.
"those men would have hurt you."
"that doesn't mean they deserved to die." you choke on the final word.
"yes— it does."
with that, silence hangs in the air like a suffocating miasma.
looking to your hands, you're reminded of the blood you've been spattered with. "i need to wash up."
you still don't move from your spot, too fixated on your flesh and the dreadful hue that it's been painted with. sukuna notices now that you're trembling.
he approaches you hesitantly before extending his hand. "let me help you."
you decline his offer, shying away from him. "i think you've done enough already."
god, the look in your eye is utterly despondent. he struggles to swallow the lump that forms in his throat.
his arm falls limply to his side and he looks across the room, your copy of the stranger earning his attention.
he's overcome with chagrin when he realizes that his concern brought about by camus' quote the other night was wholly misguided. he'd been focused on his own feelings, whether they were genuine or simply wrought by his isolation.
how foolish was he to ever question what you truly mean to him? with the anguish that's settled in his chest at the sight of your current state, the fact he ever doubted it makes him feel like a hopeless idiot.
had he any sense at all, the part that resonated with him would have been—
she mumbled that i was peculiar, that that was probably why she loved me but that one day i might disgust her for the same reason.
disgust. is that what you're feeling now? he's certain it is.
it was just last week that he relayed the story of his past. you're the only person alive to know the truth of how his wickedness came to be, and you met him with unconditional sympathy and understanding.
you pulled him close and embraced him, but now that you've seen him for what he truly is...? you can barely stand to touch him and it's like a knife to his heart.
you're so fucking warm— like the sun against his skin after weeks of endless rain.
and if you're the sun, surely he is the moon— cold and barren on his own, but brilliant when in the presence of your light.
to be without that? to be without you? it's a prospect too terrible for him to bear. it makes his stomach twist miserably.
you're startled (as is he) when his form falls to the floor, his knees meeting the carpet with a dull thud. he calls out your name again, but this time, his voice cracks as he speaks. "please."
he doesn't have a clue what he's even asking for. a chance to explain? forgiveness? a way to turn back time?
you don't say anything, but you do shift your gaze to him. he knows that he needs to fix this, so he wracks his mind for the right words.
"i didn't enjoy killing those men." he's somewhat surprised to find he's telling the truth.
"you didn't?" your voice is so small and timid that he can hardly decipher your words.
"no. my only concern was to keep you safe— to make sure they never put their hands on you ever again. all i felt was rage and... and... guilt. i should have never left you alone and it's my fault—"
"stop," you interrupt him.
there are tears welling in your eyes, making it difficult for sukuna to breathe. he's positive you're going to tell him that his intentions were of little consequence and that you never want to see him ever again.
instead, you push yourself forward and collapse against his body, your own wracked with violent sobs. the reality of the situation is only just now hitting you. it'd been much easier to focus on what sukuna had done, rather than what almost happened to you.
"i was so scared, 'kuna."
and still, despite the way you're clinging to his shirt and burying your face in chest, he's under the impression that it's him you were afraid of.
"i'm sorry," he tells you earnestly. "i never meant to frighten you."
"n-not of you. those men." you're struggling to speak in between desperate gasps. "why did they do that? what did they want with me?"
"i don't know." though, he is going to find out.
sukuna is not a man well versed in comfort, so he's not entirely sure why he begins rocking you back and forth, but he does it anyway.
when you finally start to breathe a little easier, he mumbles into your hair, "come on. let's get you cleaned up."
he doesn't give you a chance to respond before he scoops you up in his arms and carries you to the bathroom. setting you down on the counter gently, he searches the linen closet for a cloth.
it's quiet, save for your intermittent sniffling, as he runs it under warm water and wrings it out. his free hand moves to rest against the side of your neck and he dabs at the blood on your face, rinsing the washcloth every now and then.
he tries his best not to show it, but sukuna is agonizing over what might be going through your mind.
do you still feel safe with him? have your feelings changed? do you still love him, even when you've been so harshly reminded what he's capable of?
when you speak for the first time your words are hoarse, barely above a whisper. "thank you for saving me, sukuna."
he thinks about telling you not to thank him, not when it shouldn't have happened in the first place. he left your side, an error in judgement he'll never forgive himself for.
he considers your mortality— your weakness— in relation to his feelings for you. he's always seen this exceptionally human quality as despicable.
but now? all it does is terrify him.
"in the past, i was only concerned with my own whims and desires." his hand moves to cradle your face, his thumb running over your cheekbone. "though after tonight... you have to know..."
it's clear that he's struggling. his eyebrows draw together and his mouth twitches as he ponders his next words.
"i care about you, angel." his voice is hushed when he adds, "very much."
your eyes widen briefly and you murmur his name, but your mind is still reeling from the events of the past twenty minutes and you can't think of anything more to say. you're emotionally exhausted in a way you would have never thought possible.
it's plain to him too, so he knows his next question is selfish, but he can't go on without knowing. "does what you saw tonight change things between us?"
the silence preceding your answer seems to stretch on forever.
"i thought it would," you confess eventually. it was as if you'd put up a wall in your mind separating sukuna the king of curses from sukuna the man you spend your evenings with.
and it's difficult to reconcile the fact that the hands you saw used to murder two men are the same hands that are caressing your face so delicately.
at some point, however, you realized that the only time you felt fear tonight was when you were without him. his arrival and ensuing actions inspired shock and apprehension, though in some twisted way, you knew it meant you were safe. "but it doesn't."
the next question tumbles from your lips thoughtlessly. "does that make me a bad person?"
he chuckles and some of the tension in the room dissipates. "i think i'm the last one on earth that can pass moral judgement on you."
he tucks your hair behind your ear and scans your face, relief coursing through his body when he sees you smile. in this moment, there isn't anything else in the world he would have asked for.
"i guess you're right."
and now, the hand over your mouth is your own, an attempt to stifle your tired giggles. the light of the bathroom is warm and steady. sukuna's hands rest atop your hips, his touch firm but comforting. while you can't feel your own heartbeat, you're positive it must be beating in time with his.
when you crawl into bed that night sukuna pulls you close, your back pressed to his bare chest. you're thankful for the softness of his demeanor, because you need it tonight more than ever.
he doesn't recede to his domain until yuuji wakes up the following morning. he's determined to keep an eye on you as you sleep, to watch the slow rise and fall of your chest with newfound gratitude.
he knows he needs to speak with the brat about what happened. someone is after you and while he hates to admit it, he knows he can't ensure your safety alone.
and he will keep you safe, no matter the cost.
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taglist: @96jnie @ay0nha @sad-darksoul @bbysatoruuu @luciiferian @risuola @lirasmoon @disaster-rose @archivist-ghoul606 @creative1writings @sloppyzengarden @omismicrowave @cecesharktales @tanyeonn @hiqhkey @ruixrei @yellowsubiesdance @thefallofruins @anything-and-everything-here69 @emzalot @elusivemoon @annoyingstrawberryballoon @miabiar @hyeon-yi @iluv-ace @thepup356 @browneyedgirl22 @lantsovheiress // users in bold could not be tagged. if i forgot to tag anyone, my apologies!! just give me a heads up.
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I really like South Park fractured but whole, so maybe you could do Team Stan + Butters reacting to their s/o wanting to be their hero sidekick?
Ughhhhh that’s such a good request. I was like, about to say that my requests are closed but lately I’ve been in a funk and really obsessed with tfbw so NVM I’M WRITING THIS! It might get me out of that funk I was talking about, I need to write anyways. Btw this is all like, aged up to highschool at the very least. You can't tell me they wouldn't still roleplay during highschool because I know damn well they would
You can kinda tell which ones I didn't put too much effort in sorryyyy I just didn't know what to write also also also ignore any mistakes
Cartman, The Raccoon
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• Cartman literally gets so excited it's funny, but if you say anything about him being excited he flips you off and tells you that you can't be his sidekick (he's lying)
• He kinda thinks of everyone on the team as his sidekicks but you're like, his special sidekick and he'll never admit it
• He loves having you as his sidekick, NOW IT'S LIKE ALL OF YOUR MISSIONS ARE DATES!
• Cartman literally throws a fit anytime he has a mission you can't go on, he wants you there SO FUCKING BAD but he'll never tell you that
• He's weirdly protective of you but it's really nice (this totally isn't based off me talking to the Cartman character ai)
• You definitely bring snacks for you guys during patrol and I swear to god his pupils are hearts I'm not even kidding
• In my opinion, patrols and stakeouts with Cartman would be the best
• Out of all of them, he's the one you do the most with. Every other night there's some sort of crazy bullshit y'all deal with
• Most of the crazy bullshit being because Cartman caused it but shhhhh we don't talk about it
• Being his sidekick is a soild 7/10, he can get a lil selfish but he's really fun
Kyle, Human Kite
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• Kyle's excited but more nervous than anything, he doesn't have anything to worry about tho!
• Y'all are a pretty good duo, even though you don't normally go on missions where y'all have to fight
• You guys work more with damage control, I mean kites are pretty fragile and mans is a human kite alien so like
• Not to say he's weak, he's far from it actually! He just has pretty low health and stuff ya know?
• HOWEVER! You're a pretty good healer so it just makes sense that y'all are always near each other on the battlefield, plus sidekick so yeah
• Not only do y'all usually do damage control but also a pretty good amount of recon
• Half of the time you guys end up getting caught and have to run away so you get to be on Kyle's back as y'all are gliding the hell out of there
• Its like, surprisingly fun to be gliding. The wind in your hair and the excitement is the best
• Anyways, because y'all don't see combat too often the patrols are really calm. Sometimes even a little boring but you don't mind, neither of you are getting hurt and that's all that matters
• 9/10, it's kinda boring sometimes but it's pretty nice to be with your bf. At least y'all don't get hurt and can goof off during patrol
Stan, Toolshed
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• Stan's kinda indifferent about it, he's like "cool you're joining me... why?"
• Don't get me wrong, he thinks it's cool you wanna join him! He just doesn't get it too much, isn't it gonna be boring for you?
• Well, ya know what? Now he has someone to spend sleepless nights with when he's on patrol!
• Ngl he underestimated how much he would enjoy having you by his side, he's not lonely anymore AND SOMEHOW HE DIDN'T NOTICE HOW LONELY HE WAS TILL YOU JOINED HIM
• Ahhh, imagine if you had tool themed super powers too?? Y'all share some of his dads power tools and have to awkwardly try fixing them when they somehow break during battle
• You can't tell me Stan hasn't broken them before! He literally throws screwdrivers at people and shoves power tools into the ground, they have to break at some point
• Good thing you guys somewhat know how to fix things, y'all both probably would've been dead multiple times if you didn't know how to repair the shit y'all break
• Y'all have definitely had to clean blood off the tools at the end of patrols/nights. Literally almost every time, he really has to stop throwing screwdrivers at people
• Anyways, Stan thinks you're the best sidekick ever and he loves having you around. Having you as his sidekick is really fun overall, he wouldn't trade you for literally any other
• Being his sidekick is a good 8/10, it's not the best thing to clean blood off tools at 2 am but you don't mind too much
Kenny, Mysterion
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• Part of Kenny is over the moon! The other part, not so much
• He doesn't want you to get hurt while you're his sidekick so he's probably a lot more careful on his missions than he usually is
• There's definitely a lot of flirting between y'all tho, he gets SO cocky when he's Mysterion. Its one of his favorite things to get you flustered and flirt with you like, mid battle
• He doesn't die as much as he used to now that you're there so that's nice! He can't bare having you see him die tbh
• Y'all often patrol more dangerous parts of town so you guys see combat REALLY often
• I mean it's not Kenny's fault that homeless methheads and rednecks keep trying to kill you guys. It's whatever, he's good at fighting and so are you!
• You are by no means delicate, no matter how much he tries to protect you from all the battle you still end up seeing it anyways
• He kinda thinks it's hot that you're so good at fighting, he's literally like "damn bbg, you can beat my ass any day"
• Kenny never gets used to you flirting back with him, he practically short circuits. You think it's cute how he can flirt so easily but get so flustered when it's reciprocated
• In my opinion, being his sidekick is 8.5/10 because of all the fighting and flirting
Butters, Professor Chaos
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• Omg Butters is ecstatic! He didn't know how you knew he was Professor Chaos but he doesn't dwell on it too much
• Now you guys can bring all the chaos your little heart desires to South Park and he's so happy about it
• First South Park, then WORLD DOMINATION!
• You're not exactly one of his henchmen and he doesn't have the heart to call you his sidekick, you're something higher than henchman?
• Does it really matter? He's gonna bring chaos to the world with you by his side and that's all that really matters in his opinion
• Every time Cartman and his hero team beat him up after foiling his plans you always end up having to patch him up which is kinda annoying but it's fun to scheme with Butters during that time
• You definitely end up being the one who reminds him of his common sense, you're kinda like his rock in a way?
• He's so glad to have you by his side, plus now that you're here his plans actually succeed sometimes!
• The younger henchman all ship you guys considering most of them don't know y'all are actually dating, it's pretty endearing
• Solid 8/10, you rarely get hurt and it's kinda painful to see Butters hurt but y'all have a good time in general
No hear me out, like I wanna pick them all up and hug them like teddy bears. They're all so cute as kids even tho Cartman would probably and most likely has committed war crimes they're my lil cutie patooties. They're literally all really close to my height but I don't care I wanna hug them like teddy bears
If anyone has any recs for places to buy like, nice plushies of them I would appreciate it <3333
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reareaotaku · 1 month
hello!!! i love your works and am super happy to see you’re taking requests!! could i please request yandere x reader headcanons for mystery-incorporated era fred? thank you so much, i’m excited to read! ❤️
Oh! I'm glad you enjoy my works :) I hope you enjoy! [this request is so old lol- They probably don't even remember sending this. Can't wait to get the confused notification from requester wondering when they sent this]
[5/26/22 is when this was requested]
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Fred's not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to love
He thought his feelings for you were normal and friendly
Though he didn't feel this way about the rest of his friends, so it was strange
He's not to keen with his emotions, but he does understand that he feels something special for you- Kind of like how he feels about traps, but like more intense, if that was possible
He realizes these feelings when he loses you
Whether to someone else or a monster- Either or
He'll do anything to get you back
He doesn't care what it takes, he needs you in his life like he needs to breath
He can't live without you
He's a little co-dependent. He tries to find other outlets for his co-dependency, but he's always lead back to you
It's quite worrying how obsessed he is with you
But most people just see it as Fred being Fred
He obsesses over everything!
That's just who he is
But you're special- At least to him you are
The kind of special you get once in your life and he'll do anything to keep you in his life
Bro would go through hell and back if that meant he could keep you in his life
A little overboard with his love ngl
But he does try
Loses his mind if you go missing
He blames himself
Falls into a hole of self-pity and victimization
"It should have been me- Should have been me-"
He's super jealous
Can't stand men being around you. He's scared you'll leave him the team
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oceanwithinsblog · 21 days
every day that passes we're getting closer and closer to the final episodes of doctor who s14 (or s1, whatever) (i'm also in denial WTH does it mean that this season is almost over ????)
so before i forget (and before the last two episodes drop) i NEED to vent a bit about this season. the following are just my personal opinions (which might change after watching the season finale), please bear with me ^^
first of all - i am so glad doctor who is back !!! i must admit that my doctor who drought lasted for around 5 months as i got introduced to the show back in late summer 2023 and did a speed run of all nuwho seasons between september and november 2023. i got super excited for the december specials !! and i was even more surprised and thrilled when i found out a new season of dw was premiering in may 2024 !! i know i've been lucky to wait for so little to get immersed in a new dw season but i truly, truly missed it and i enjoyed every episode of s14 <3 now i'm sad to think that this is about to end, but it felt so good to finally see the doctor back in action and to get through each week thinking that one of my favorite characters/storylines/universes was gonna be there for me on the weekend <3 i love dw so much <3
#2 idk about you but i fell so easily for ncuti as the doctor and millie as ruby/the companion TT they're both so good, i really appreciated their acting this season and i would also say that it's probably one the (few) things that positively shocked me this time around. i guess it was a bit unfair for me to think that ruby wasn't my cup of tea after watching just 'the church on ruby road' ep because she totally surprised me this season. she's so great! millie's acting is on point, so captivating and funny to watch throughout the show. i can't wait to find out more about her character fr! well, what's to say about ncuti as the doctor .. ohmy oh my .. i don't think i've ever seen a doctor so confident, so flirtatious, so proud in themselves .. ncuti's doctor exudes charisma and i'm so here for it. that's absolutely not to say that the doctor's worries, traums etc. magically disappear (they're still very present and influence their every move), but what i loved the most about his acting is that he goes all the way into it. fifteen may become one of my favorite doctors ngl (say hi to eleven and ten) and i am so looking forward to where they're gonna take us next <3
#3 as for writing, i feel that something's missing ... don't get me wrong, i love rtd's cool nice funny episodes and seeing the doctor face a range of diverse situations (even the most unthinkable ones, e.g. space babies) is just priceless.. but there's some kind of void in it, too. now that i think about it, maybe it's not the writing itself but the length of the season - having less than 10 episodes doesn't really give us much time and space to properly explore the dynamics between characters, strengthen their relationships and make them grow both individually and as a whole. besides, i admit that i'm a bit biased, but i loved (most of) moffat's writing for the seasons he was a showrunner of and i personally would love to see ncuti bringing to life more stories written by moffat (yes..i know he wrote 'boom' for s14). basically, i miss 'old' nuwho seasons of 18+ episodes where we could get even more affectionate to the characters and the adventures that defined their journey through the multiverse T___T
before i move on to my last point, may i also add (storyline-wise) that i wished the episodes were more interconnected with each other? not necessarily with the narration, even just with easter eggs ^^" idk maybe moffat got me used to have high expectations lol (i'm still eager to find out who the lady appearing in all episodes is !!!! may this dw finale give us all the answers we need)
#4 i would have never thought i would write this (mainly because i would have never thought there could come a time when these gadget weren't going to be used as much) BUT I DEARLY MISS THE TARDIS AND THE SCREWDRIVER WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM ?!?!?! i loved previous doctors goofing around with their sonic screwdrivers and running in the tardis allowing us (the audience) to find out more and more about the endless number of rooms in it ... why does it seem like fourteen doesn't love their tools ?? why don't they show them more throughout the season ?? this is like classic items that can't miss in the episodes so WERE IS THAT SILLY GOOFY STUFF ?? also, as much as i enjoy fourteen and ruby going on adventures in different time periods etc. why aren't they EVER showed inside the TARDIS travelling and waiting to get to their destination ?? i'm just very nostalgic (i took this very personally, i'm sorry i'm just angry at rtd)
well - i guess that's it! if you've read this far, thank you for reading me <3 let me know what you think about it and what you're expecting for the next couple episodes of s14 <3
ps. i'm very hopeful that rogue will be a recurring character <3
pps. ncuti gave the queers the most fruity doctor ever (no shade to all previous doctors, you've served and delivered and we love u immensiely) <33
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ughgoaway · 7 months
the brainrot is so real all i’ve been thinking about is reader and matty taking annie to an amusement park like universal, six flags, or disneyland (ik they’re probably in the uk but oh well) and them just being so super cute like a little family. and people constantly complimenting them on how lovely of a family they are. maybe later at school they ask all the kids what they did on the weekend and annie is ECSTATIC to talk about her weekend with her dad and his “special friend” 🤭
as an English person, I have always wanted to go to Six Flags. idk why, but it looks so good. but since they are I'm the UK, I'm gonna base this at a UK theme park, Alton towers!!
so I think you're officially together, and annie knows, but she has been sworn to secrecy. She protests a little, "but I want to tell Lucy, Daddy!!"
"I know, sweetheart, but if y/n's boss finds out, she might not be allowed to teach you anymore!" and this, of course, immediately convinces Annie, and she is ready to keep it locked up.
you all pack the car up to go, Annie is buzzing and is certain she will stay awake the whole drive. but she falls asleep about 30 mins in, which is ideal really because you need to conserve her energy!!
this is kinda similar to the winter wonderland fic I did but oh well I'm still gonna talk ab matty being fucking EXHAUSTED after a few rides. you all go on the teacups and annie is spinning it really fast, and matty has to sit the next couple of rides out. annie teases him for being old, and you and her go solo on a few rides. but secretly, matty kind of prefers getting to sit on the side lines and watch you bond.
now at alton Towers, there's this thing called the roller coaster restaurant where there's tracks all over the ceilings, and your food comes on its own little roller coaster carriage, ngl its very cool. so I imagine you all go there and annie is mesmerised by the carriages, just staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes. "woah, is that our food y/n???" she asks, bouncing up and down in her seat. you and matty are grinning like idiots at her excitement.
your waitress comes up and says, "I'm so sorry to interrupt," and matty immediately pulls his arm from around you, thinking it's a fan. He doesn't want people to know he's in a relationship just yet.
but it's not a fan, "I just wanted to say you're such a sweet family. you just seem so happy together, it's lovely to see, " the waitress says, giving annie a little wave.
you get slightly red and embarrassed, Annie is in her own world staring at the ceiling, but matty is over the fucking moon.
he swings his arm back around you and kisses your temple before simply saying, "Oh, thank you so much." he wants to say more, boast about how happy he is. but he can sense you getting flustered at the idea of being seen as a family, so he lets it slide.
you get mistaken as a family a couple more times, once when buying a photo from a ride, "Oh yeah, Jim? can you grab the picture of the family in cart 5?" one of the workers says, and matty squeezes your hand as soon as they say family.
a different staff member on a ride bends down to speak to Annie and says, "Are you excited to go on with your mummy and daddy, hmm?" and annie just nods excitedly, not really taking it in.
or at least matty didn't think she did. Later, when it's just her and matty whilst you're off getting a drink, she says to him, "they called y/n my mummy today."
and matty looks down but can't quite read the expression on her face so tentatively says, "yes they did peanut, when they see daddy and y/n with you, they just think she's your mummy because that's what most families look like" he explains.
she ponders for a few seconds and then says assuredly, "I'd like for y/n to be my mummy" and matty takes a deep breath and says "I'd like that too munchkin" and strokes her head. Annie doesn't dwell on it. she simply goes back to people watching, but matty thinks about it. he thinks about it for months, actually. not telling you the story until much later in your relationships.
walking around all day with Annie holding both your hands and walking between you is making you both giddy. you're swinging her between the two of you and revelling in her screams and giggles.
I think matty becomes determined to win you and annie a prize at one of those shit claw machines. and a long while later (and a lot of money later) his two girls are happy with their Teddy bears, he grins and presses a kiss to your head and says "so you like your bear won by your big strong boyfriend hmm?" and you look at him and obviously play it up, "Oh yes, I am just soooo lucky, " and give him a kiss. Annie is watching and just says "yuck" quietly to her bear, which has you breaking apart, laughing.
on the drive home, annie is fast asleep in the back, and you are drifting off in the passenger seat. just before you fall asleep though, you feel mattys hand slip from the gear stick to your thigh. he watches a sleepy smile come across your face at the contact, but you soon knock out for the remainder of the ride.
the next day is a Monday, and at the start of each week you ask the kids to write down what they did that weekend and then read it to their friends. it comes around to Annie and you have to fight every instinct to run over there and hug her.
in her little speech voice she stands up and says, "this weekend I went to Alton towers with my daddy and his... special friend." she looks at you when she says that with a grin, knowing you'll be proud of her for not saying your name. "we went on lots of rides and got really cool lunch. my daddy won me and her a Teddy bear and they swung me around. It was realllllly fun"
she finishes with a grin, and everyone claps, including you, but not before you shoot her a wink that has her giggling as she sits back down.
the whole day, she's talking about it to whoever will listen, and very strategically saying special friend. the other teachers gossip in the staff room about it...
"Did you hear Annie Healys dad has a new 'special friend'? what a lucky bitch!" and another teacher says "I know! I bet she's some ditzy model though, I doubt he's got much time for something serious." and all the teachers nod along.
you try (and fail) not to have an existential crisis over that comment and simply nod too...
blurb masterlist for this au here!
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merakiui · 4 months
MERAAAAA THAT AZUL BDAY FIC!! THAT AZUL BDAY FIC!!! Quite literally life changing mind altering brain melting life defining.
It was so good that I think I'm currently too excited about it to truly explain my feelings so apologies if I'm rambling nonsense😭
The way you wrote about the second years graduating and how their school life was slowly coming to an end made me nearly tear up ngl. All the heartfelt moment with the side characters were so good!! You truly capture them all so well. I like how you brought up Azul and Riddle's rivalry and Jamil's desire for a vacation. All those little moments added so much life to the fic.
this was such a sweet read, I must have squealed and rolled around in my bed out of excitement at least 10 times like a possessed maniac(it's 3 am in my region rn so I probably woke my neighbours up, whoopsies)
The way you write Azul is the best honestly, I think you capture Azul's smug loser energy so well. The two sides of him are balanced so well in your fics. I also liked the way you wrote about the reader and her experience of falling in love with Azul, and how she captured different sides of him with the photos. it was so precious to read about🥹
I'm so happy you wrote such a beautiful fic on Azul's bday!! He's truly worthy of it!! Thank you for your hard work and creating such a happy ending for him🫡 you deserve all the azul cards to come home to you the first roll, considering your services to Azul nation.
THANK YOU!!! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!! I am so honored it was an enjoyable fic that you could love so much!!!! It was so much fun to write!! Only the sweetest of stories for Zuzu. orz
I'm so glad you liked all of the interactions with the second years!!! Those were my favorite parts to write in the fic. Getting to write all of them was so fun. I love their interactions and how they're sort-of-but-not-quite-but-most-definitely in on Azul's crush on you mwahaha. Since the story is framed around graduation, I just had to include them! These are friends (all of NRC just visibly cringed at that word) they've known since the beginning and have attended classes with, school trips, etc etc. Of course they'd all feel sentimental at the thought of those four years finally coming to a close. T^T graduation days are always filled with lots of emotion, so I hoped to capture those bittersweet and exciting feelings in this story!
Omg,,, potentially waking the neighbors over Azul.... that is a very valid and completely normal thing LOL. Sometimes you just have to squeal over tako hehe. <3
Thank you for liking the way I write Azul!!!!! ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ഒ he is very smug loser all the time. I like his two sides!!!! And Reader falling in love with him AAAAAAA!!! >w< I wanted it to feel a little like a slap in the face. Whereas Azul's been marinating in this love for two years, Reader has never quite understood why she feels so drawn to him until she finds herself stuck between him and...him. Those two Azuls did a number on her heart. ;;;;
I'm pleased to serve Azul Nation delicious meals. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ he deserves the happiest of endings on his special day!!!!!!!! May you be blessed in gacha every time you pull for the beloved tako. :D
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naoknowswhat · 6 months
I made a Clover sketch tonight, look at him I love him (and i also really like how it turned out wth)
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and IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I FUCKING LOVE THIS ITTY BITTY TINY MAN. i would NOT hesitate to die for him in a situation where such methods are needed.
Now before you continue I warn you the following is basically me rambling about how much I fucking love undertale yellow heheheh (Also a lot of spoilers ahead).
I have spent the whole day playing this stupid (fantastic, amazing, marvelous) game, I kid you not that I went from the end of the ruins to the fucking steamworks, which said out loud doesn't sound like a lot of time but uhhh for me it was if you consider that I've investigated EVERY FUCKING INCH OF THE MAP.
I'm not complaining, oh ho ho (merry Xmas) I'm not complaining because its been the most fun I've had playing a game in a WHILE, its made my life better and now im gonna spend the rest of the year (and probably more) obsessed over all the characters and their stories (mostly Clover and Martlet ngl).
But I gotta admit that even if I find the Ut yellow's characters a lot different than the ones from the original game, I can't help but love them the same. Look, I'm no expert on character design but I smile every time I see Martlet comment something or simply being on screen, I start laughing whenever I see a hint of Mo on any frame, heck you mention any of the characters and I immediately start smiling like an idiot, and the whole scene with North Star? The Feisty Five?? CEROBA?? I died, the moment I stepped on the town I fucking died.
I remember being really, REALLY into undertale when I was like 10-11 years old, and suddenly opening yt one day and watching my favourite YouTuber play the demo of this fan game, and i remember thinking "oh wow that game looks really cool!" Simply because of the concept of watching how it was like for any of the other souls to go through the underground, instead of Frisk. AND NOW, YEARS LATER I GET TO PLAY IT BY MYSELF, you don't know how special this game is for me.
For me it isn't only a fan game, or the story of another fallen human, for me it's getting an opportunity to enjoy the main thing that inspired me back the from zero, getting to learn about new characters, about new stories, and new perspectives. For me it's also getting an opportunity to meet them all, to be their "friend" and to live an adventure all by myself because back then i could only sit and watch everyone else do all the things i wanted to do, because back then i could only look at them all having fun, laughing with the good things and crying with the bad memories while separated through a screen.
Today I got to meet them all and to laugh with the unexpected dialogue, while learning that even in a fictional story not everything is painted in bright pink, I saw them get into trouble and also helped them overcome it, and it was amazing.
I also got to die and die and die again and again because I realised at the beginning of the game that I'm really bad at it (i cant blame the controller, I know it :( ), but it also made me promise myself that i would keep going no matter what, because i really wanted to see what's next. Heck you could say I kept going because of my determination ;).
I haven't finished the game yet, but I already know I'm gonna replay it over and over, I wanna catch every detail, investigate and discover every mystery, and i wanna make so many theories already, I CAN'T WAIT TO LOVE THIS GAME.
So for now have a not-so-quick sketch of Clover, the bearer of the yellow soul, the one who has quickly made way into my heart, and it seems the little shit is now living there rent free.
If you've read all the way to the end wth is wrong with you, and also thanks a lot for the attention, I was really excited to talk about this game to someone but didn't know how to do it, so I figured tumblr was the place pla to write for an hour, so the short-drawing post is now my review of the game hehehehe.
Anyway thanks for reading to the very end, I hope you have an amazing rest of the year, and most importantly a great begining of the new one <3.
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crimsonedquill · 1 year
hello darling i hope you are well! i was hit with this idea at 3am and I have been restless since <3
so i was thinking of an imagine with Sebastian x gn!MC, the house can be your choice I'm not picky, where they're dating and MC loves herbology so they spend a lot of time in the greenhouse, one day they take seb to the greenhouse to show him a rose bed they're been growing without the use of magic and they're very proud of it. only to discover that it's been destroyed by some twats and MC is absolutely heartbroken about it to which Sebastian comforts them, just lots of comfort and even some fluffy smut if you'd like <3
Green Fingers (Sebastian Sallow x gn!Hufflepuff MC)
WARNING: Light fluffy smut, 18+.
I was already getting teary-eyed just reading this prompt ngl :')
Decided to get a little experimental with this as I'm trying out new formats. Really happy with how it turned out tbh! Also, MC is a Muggle-born for the sake of plot.
Thank you for the ask 🖤
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MC can barely contain their excitement as they drag Sebastian down to the greenhouse. This little project had consumed their attention for months, and finally, the day has arrived to unveil the fruits of their labour to their boyfriend.
“Bloody Hufflepuffs and their manic energy,” Sebastian mutters under his breath as he tries to match their stride. They have been together for a while, but he still struggles to keep up with them sometimes. Which isn’t to say that he doesn’t enjoy it. Especially moments like these, when it seems like nothing could spoil the radiant smile adorning their pretty face, make him feel lucky to be with them.
MC is bubbling over with a mix of excitement and anxiety. They’ve poured everything of themselves into this, which rings even more true on account of them not having employed any magical means. It’s a personal point of pride; they have inherited their green fingers from their Muggle parents, who taught them everything on their little farm growing up. In a way, MC realises, their surprise will be a tribute to their love as well.
They notice something is wrong when they arrive and notice the door of the greenhouse is unlocked. Sebastian feels a knot in his stomach upon seeing the look of concern on MC’s face. “Are you sure you locked it when you left?” Yes, they tell him; Professor Garlick insisted they paid close attention to it when she gave them special permission to use the greenhouse.
MC goes in first, not able to ignore the thickening sense of dread. Sebastian follows close behind. He’s wishing there’s something he could say, something to make that smile return. Perhaps it’s just a joke? He’s fairly certain he’s seen that bumbling Prewett skulking about the castle grounds lately –
He bumps into MC when they stop right in their tracks. They don’t say a word. They’re just looking at the scene of utter destruction in front of them. The roses they had spent months growing and watering… all ripped out and trampled over. The soil they had cultivated to the most minute detail… scorched. Even all of their garden equipment was smashed to pieces.
MC sinks to their knees and picks up the remains of one of the flowers. It’s only then that they notice the word someone had chalked on the floor: MUDBLOOD.
Sebastian is furious at first. So help him God if he finds the pathetic excuse for a human being behind this vile, cowardly act – The rage is palpable in his chest, like hot lead. It’s the same kind of anger he feels over what happened to his sister Anne.
But then he hears a sound that makes his heart shatter. It’s MC, quietly sobbing. They hadn’t meant to, not in front of Sebastian, but it’s just too much. All of their work, the surprise for their boyfriend, the tribute to their parents – gone. It feels like their heart has been ripped out of their chest and stomped on.
He kneels next to them and just holds them at first. No talking yet, just softly rubbing their shoulders and whispering soothing words in their ear to calm them down. He doesn’t mind if they just want to sit there and cry until they’ve got no tears left; whatever makes them feel better.
Eventually, MC wipes their eyes with their sleeve and sits quietly in his arms, their knees pulled up to their chest. Sebastian looks at the destroyed tools. “Did you grow all this for me… by hand?”
MC nods. They’ll tell him about their parents, even though that just makes them feel sadder in the end. They’ve let them down. The tears start flowing again, streaking their cheeks.
“Hey, hey.” He cups their face in his hands, looking them in the eye. “This isn’t your fault. You’re absolutely wonderful and I love you for it. No one else has ever gone to these lengths to surprise me.”
MC looks at him through their tears. How could they say that? Everything they could have given them is gone… Sebastian smiles at them. “But it’s not. Knowing that you put in all this effort to make something for me, the love and care you poured into this, all of that stands as a testament to how much you care about me. They’ll never be able to take that away.”
MC sniffles, but they’re not crying anymore. They lean into his embrace, enjoying the warm comfort of his arms. “You always know what to say to cheer me up, don’t you?”
Sebastian chuckles. “I like to consider it a talent.” He starts placing soft kisses on their head, moving from the top to their cheek. He brushes away a few strands of hair and lifts their chin to have a better look at them. They’re so beautiful. MC’s eyes linger on his lips, their heart beating fast in their chest.
“Sebastian…” they whisper, and that’s all the encouragement he needs. He leans forward, catching their lips with his own, finding his reward in a lovely sigh flowing from their mouth. He savours this part of their relationship. It’s the closest he gets to being able to take away their pain and sadness, something he’s never been able to do with Anne.
He goes slowly, allowing MC to set the pace, but it’s clear they want more. There is fervour in the way their tongue slips through to meet his, the way their sighing gradually swells to the volume of a soft moan.
Eventually, MC pulls back. “Sebastian, would you…” Their breath hitches; their request lost in hesitation. It’s all right, they don’t need to ask. His fingers begin to wander, feeling the delightful curves of their delicate frame. He kisses their neck, loving how they practically melt into his touch, how they close their eyes as they whimper softly.
Once his hand finds its way into their undergarments and they finally feel him in the place where they need him the most, it’s as if time stops. They cry out his name as he handles them with the love and respect they deserve, fully intent on leaving them in a hot mess by the time he’s done.
He takes a momentary respite from suckling on the skin of their neck to gently coo in their ear. “You deserve to be loved, my dear. I want to love you, to care for you, to make you the happiest person in the world. But right now, I need you to do something for me.”
MC is breathing heavily. The touch of his hands on their body is almost too much. They shudder as they feel his words in a hot whisper: “I need you to come for me.”
That’s it. Their orgasm washes over them like a wave, their back coming off the wall as their head cranes back, a loud moan escaping their lips. Sebastian doesn’t stop, working them through their climax until they collapse against him, all sweaty and tired. He’ll hold them for a while, keeping them in the safety of his arms as they recover from their high.
After a while, he notices something lying in front of his feet. He reaches out and picks it up. It’s a beautiful red rose, its velvety petals and delicate scent seemingly imbued with the very essence of MC’s love and passion.
“Hey, look…” He holds the flower in front of MC. They take it and turn it around in their fingers before holding it close to their chest, letting out a soft chuckle. “What is it, my love?” Sebastian asks, happy to see them smiling.
“Nothing,” MC replies. “It just occurred to me… that… well, it appears I am not the only one with gifted hands in our relationship.”
Sebastian is momentarily lost for words. Then he simply laughs, and kisses them again.
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hollyhomburg · 2 months
Li !! You have no idea how excited I am for the next chapter !! I'm so happy that everyone gets to be happy again I just wanna wrap them all up in a warm blanket and never let anything bad happen to them again :( Also !! It's dropping on my bday !! I've always had kinda sucky bdays but I'm trying to fix that for myself by throwing myself lil parties and this next chapter will definitely help w that !!
Hope this lil bunny makes your day a lil nicer <3
( . .)
( づ ♡
ahhhh another little birthday present chapter <3 it makes me happy when people tell me this! it's happened a few times now where people have gotten a chapter on their birthday! please use it as an excuse to give yourself an extra special day, even if it's just you who gives it to you!
i think throwing yourself little parties is such a good way to do it- i really meant to do that for my last birthday but...ngl it was so sucky, my family guilted me into doing what they wanted to do and we went to a very shitty restaurant that did not have sushi when all i asked for was to go get sushi for my birthday. you should matter the most to you anon <3 make sure you celebrate with extra slices of cake.
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kazraza · 3 months
Omg I‘m so excited for you new fic, you can‘t even imagine <3 I love, love, love your writing and the universe you build so much and I can‘t wait to meet Link and Zelda again in this third installment :‘) Can you tell us a tiny bit about it? Does it take place during or after totk? Is it canon divergent? I‘m just happy, please don‘t take this as me pressuring you or anything, take as long as you need.
omg thank you so much!!! that means so much to me!!
YES i would love to talk about my fic lmaooo. it takes place during totk with some flashbacks to pre-totk/post-resonance. part one is going to follow zelda's journey in ancient hyrule and part 2 will be centered on link and the sages.
it is canon compliant--but i'm gonna be adding SO MUCH of my own flavor and worldbuilding to it. ngl i kinda went crazy with the lore 😂 might have to cut some of it on the second draft we'll see..... also i realize probably no one wants a blow-by-blow of the events that happen when you just play the game so i'm gonna try my hardest to make it something different and special!
anyway ty for the ask!! if you are still interested in reading more please accept a humble wip from ch 3..... under the cut hehe....
Dusk has fallen by the time they reach Woodland Stable, blanketing the trees in dim blue light. Link helps her from her mount, his hands lingering at her waist as he steadies her, then leads their horses to the stables. Zelda tucks her long hair behind her ear and looks around. A deck overlooks a large pond, and across the still water she sees the bright blue glow of a shrine. 
Link returns to her side, following her gaze. “Want to go check it out?” he asks.
“Sure,” she says, even though she really has no interest in the shrine.
But as it turns out, neither does Link. 
He presses her against the composite metal wall, the grooved designs digging into her back. Link’s mouth is hot against her neck, and the trees muffle most of the sounds of her gasps, and the evening wildlife swallows the rest. 
Two long weeks, and she’s forgotten what it’s like to have Link’s hands on her. 
She threads her fingers through his hair, undoing his ponytail. The light from the shrine floods his features, reflecting in his eyes when he fixes her with a gaze that arrests her where she stands. 
“I missed you,” Link breathes, touching his forehead against hers. 
“We’ve been by each other’s sides this whole time,” she says, giggling. 
“I missed this.”
Zelda grins. “Me too.” 
He grabs her by her thighs and lifts her up, holding her against the shrine, and she wraps her legs around him. His lips are on hers and he tastes the way a stormcloud feels, like something dangerous, something wild. 
“Zelda,” he says, a whisper against her throat, and she responds with his name, again and again, her fingers twisting in his hair, nails raking across the nape of his beautiful neck. “Zelda,” he says again, and it’s more insistent this time, a word that demands attention, and he isn’t kissing her anymore.
“Yes?” she says, breathless, distracted. 
His eyes are dark and glassy, but they’re not looking at her. She can barely see his features in the dimness, but he seems to be looking behind her.
Hold on, that’s not right. She could clearly see his face just a moment ago, lit by the shrine’s blue glow.
He realizes what it is, what’s different and what’s wrong, at the same time she does. She unwinds her legs from around his waist and he lowers her gently to the ground. It’s dark, completely dark.
The shrine is no longer lit.
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feysandfeels · 3 months
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Right fam, time for some dragon riding (non sexual… from what I have been able to gather)
Ngl, but reading (listening) the "a dragon without its rider is a tragedy, a rider without its dragon is dead" after seeing so many tiktoks about it and them being all epic, has me giddy, has me excited. Here we go.
So far we have a cunty yet caring elder sister, a dead dad, a rude as fuck mum, a dead brother (who apparently was beloved above all) and a girl severely lacking in calcium.
"you won't get any special treatment just for being my daughter" my sister in christ, what special treatment? so far you have been nothing like an ass.
I cannot judge Violet for wanting to take her books with her....but babygirl from what I have seen you truly have no strength.. so like..sugar.. either develop some muscle or like let it go.
What's so wrong about being a scribe? like what do you all have against academia?
Okay no wait... what are they prepping her for? What the fuck is this subscription day? isn't it like just first day of uni?? Is she fighting? is it a race? to like the first dragon they can find? the first tunnel of their respective career?
aaaaaaaand here comes the childhood friend with soft brown eyes that laughs with his whole body.
Seems like extremely poor parenting to send your extremly untrained daughter into such a challenge... like she has to climb some rocks... and like run a lot, there's going to be wind. Like no. And for what? for the glory of your name? SHE CAN'T EVEN LIFT HER OWN BOOKS!
Gotta love a "This isn't America's TOP BEST FRIEND" moment.
I'm sorry but how is conscribing (?) all children from the traitors to the best school in the kingdom/republic/empire/country and give them a solid ass chance of becoming riders, and therefore climb to the top of the social and military pyramid a fitting punishment? They should have ended their respective bloodlines. You rebel you and your entire bloodline die.
Colombian brain translating Xaden to Xavier.
I should have asked... can dragons talk in this world?
What is the parapit?? Is that how it is written?
Mira (?) is a badass. Queen behaviour.
Mira being like "don't die Violet, I'd hate to be an only child." And having seen her mother? Honestly same. Like no. Hard Pass.
Wait is the blonde guy she is befriending the one with the scar from the betrayal?? Dylan? yes? no?
Oh and they get to marry after graduating. Why do I feel I am walking straight into another early 20s marriage.
Most riders are legacies... good to see nepotism is alive and well. Neporiders.
Oh so Xaden has tattoos from his wrist up to his jaw.. okay, okay.
My girl really went "He is #SoTall and #HandsomeAsHell"
I don't get what this challenge is about and apparently Dylan is not making it, he liked slipped or smth and is like hanging...
yeah no he fell to his death. RIP Dylan.
My girl is like screaming history facts to distract herself while she [insert the challenge.... I think it's walking a very slippery bridge]
Okay so Jack is an asshole... it's giving Cato.
Kinda want to bet that he will try to eventually fight Violet and Xaden will defend her.
Got confirmation, it is in fact a bridge.
Rihannon made it. Which is a personal win because she seems sweet.
Oh my god Jack focus on your own thing, you are being and asshole, no one cares. Fuck off, fall to your death, shut up. Like why are you so pressed about this random ass calcium lacking girl. GET A JOB. STAY AWAY FROM HER.
Not her reciting the codex lol it is giving Elizabeth Swann citing The Pirate Code to Captain Barbossa. Babygirl, bless you, but he clearly does not give a fuck.
Violet truly made that crossing out of delulu energy and history facts and honestly? respect.
Wait, hold the fuck on... this audiobook is 21h long? what on god's green earth is going to happen in this book? oh my god this thread is going to be huge. Apologies to all.
omg Jack why are you still talking? either shut up or jump infront of a dragon and die. LIKE WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH HER? He is giving blonde guy energy (but not the one you gave Dylan. RIP Dylan. You will never be forgotten)
aaaaaahhh there we go Jack threatened her and when he makes the move to kill her Xaden will be like "the fuck bro" and kill him instead.
Here comes the childhood best friend. I feel he is hot. Dane? Dane Atos?? Kinda hot of him. Wait he is Squad Leader? that's hot.
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freensrcha · 1 year
Which upcoming Thai gl series are you most excited about? For me it's 23.5 because I adore Milk and Love together, and they're probably going to properly kiss on screen, which makes me want to squeal into my pillow 🤗
thank you anon for this opportunity to scream about women kjsjksjkdsndj
23.5 is SO UP THERE cause i've been dying over milklove when all we had was inkpa crumbs and they're absolutely going to kill 23.5. ngl i was concerned 23.5 would be high-five drama but gmm has been acting a lil different lately so idk. and technically i said the same thing about bad buddy before it came out so... don't listen to me is the moral.
the last case cause I LOVE CRIME AND MURDER AND MYSTERY. it's just so up my alley. i hope there's women covered in blood GOD PLS. BE GAY DO CRIME
show me love!!! stalking lux (special shoutout to about galaxy which will probably star lux) on instagram for a week straight ended with my insta fyp being filled with thai pageantry content which is literally 90% englot. i mean i already knew them long back but now it's a different level and THEIR CHEMISTRY. yk it's gotta be good when they decide to make a show cause of your irl chemistry. and engfa is openly queer so yes to more queer people playing queer characters.
reverse 4 you had such a good pilot trailer and it has a very solid plot so i'm super excited for that too. i do love me a forbidden romance hehe
be mine/be my baby. i'm still confused about the different names forgive me but i'm still excited cause we HAVE FOUR WHOLE COUPLES. i'm most excited for the roommates (ormfolky) cause ROOMMATES hehe
special mentions to season 2 of both fragrance of the first flower and girlfriend project day 1. happy ending of fotff this time PLEASE.
also big shoutout to sofia (@ahxu-laowen) without whom i wouldn't even know about half of these. OUR SAPPHIC SAVIOUR ily 💖
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anglespin · 4 months
I'm magically back again ✨
How'd you think of your RE6/DI Leon AU thing? I know Chris is in there too but is there a special way RE6 Leon got brought into DI? Magically appearing one day? I wonder how RE6 felt meeting DI. (Vendetta too, seeing that he hit such a low point during it.)
Plus I can't wait to see more of your blender adventures! Honestly, Chreon is a pretty cute ship for me ngl :')
Originally it started out from how I'd really liked both Leons, then it became a "haha make them kiss" kind of thing-- and now I have brainrot for them. I'd always seen RE2xRE4/RE4RxOG4 all the time yet never anything for the older Leons... and I decided I WILL be that mf hehe. The RE6 Leon II use in my works is my own Plaga Leon so I have fanonized him a fair bit (and projected on him somewhat.. lol) I have only just something really basic for how it works/they meet, he just kinda gets thrown in there through universe shenanigans after getting caught in an explosion. He is very badly hurt when DI found him... they do fight hand to hand in the dark and RE6 gets overpowered since he's really too weak to fight back (DI is also pretty strong imo). They arent trying to kill each other nd DI realizes that: "hey this person just wants to get away from me... I shouldn't actually hurt them!" Then, its just a major oh shit moment that just goes on from there. RE6 frantically (hysterically) trying to escape and he's so scared :( It takes some coaxing to get him to cooperate despite being hurt. He doesn't understand what's going on and is so stressed out. DI and him bond a little here through some humor... well attempts at it. I love the idea of DI just being a big ol lovable guy who's super sweet and tries to help no matter what. Same with RE6 though shyer about it :3c I'm kind of working on DI/VD/RE6 shit in my head still.. I haven't decided how thats going to quite work yet... haha its alot I could do though. ALSO FDKJFKFDJLFD im so excited to keep working in blender... im learning alot and hope to make more stuff sometimes soon.. its just really time consuming at most. Thank you and Im super happy you think Chreon is cute :3c Feel free to ask me anything else. Sometimes I'll reply really dry, but don't worry!! I just sound like that even if I don't mean too!!
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@bluejaysgonerogue i wanted to do a proper post so:
more people can see it
people can add to the list
(this is my opinion, please please if you have other comics, add them to the list)
im actually a big fan of the "newer" stuff, we're talking new 52 onwards, purely bc it works nicely in the times
new 52 starts strong with a storyline that's all about dick's past, and given it ocvurred after a hard reset, it's easy to get into
nightwing 2011 (30 issues + 1 annual)
grayson (20 issues + 3 annuals + futures end, a weird special that i would honestly skip)
nightwing 2016 (109 issues and counting + 5 annuals + nightwing rebirth that comes before the run)
there's also the 2? previous nightwing runs:
nightwing 1995 (five issue limited run + alfred's return #1 special that comes first)
nightwing 1996 (153 issues + issue 1/2 + issue 1,000,000 + a whole host of specials)
2? because does nightwing 1995 actually count as a proper run???
you might also hear them referred to by volumes, 1995 is vol 1, 1996 is vol 2, 2011 is vol 3 or new-52, 2016 is vol 4 or rebirth
grayson is a bit weird but my absolute favourite dick ever. it's a spy thriller and doesn't have a lot of batfam/titans/yj characters in it BUT it does have a lot of dick being awesome. there's also an 'event' that takes place during grayson called robin war, very fun and a good show of dick's skills and manipulation.
to top it off, robin year one is always quoted as essential reading so i'd check it out too (before anyone shouts nightwing year one, it's issues 101-106 of vol 2)
there's also a lot of batman that features dick, he has a nice feature in both hush and under the (red) hood but nothing major, both giving us some nice interaction with bruce. both are also just incredible and deserving of being on the list of iconic batman
batman and robin 2009 is a lot of fun bc it features dick as batman, and damian wayne as his robin. this is a dynamic that i just love and is where episode 113 os WFA just hits hard (and why damian leans on dick so much, he is dick's robin)
oooooo and a lonely place of dying (1989) is brilliant. it's the introduction of tim drake and features dick. it's great, you should read it. it comes after a death in the family which is also just amazing. no dick, just jason, but fun (dick was in space at the time with the titans, tamaran i think)
i do just want to give a warning for nightwing 2016, it gets weird from issue 50 onwards. there's a period where the comics shift massively (#50-77 no spoilers) and then the current run by tom taylor is fine but misses a chunk of his character. i still like it but it's not the best thing for his character
OMG i forgot about titans runs lmao. ngl, i haven't read that much titans so i will leave that to one side so any experts can accurately recommend. i will say that i have enjoyed the very recent worlds finest: teen titans (2023) limited run a lot, back in the robin days, deals with dick and bruce's relationship and his relationships with the team. (also wally is there and i love wally)
start with nightwing 2011 and work forwards moving to grayson and then to nightwing 2016. then go back and read the older stuff
i have absolutely missed a lot BUT this is kind of my "short n sweet" run down, iconic dick grayson is like, most of dick grayson, so it's hard. the common advice (and what i did) was new 52, grayson, rebirth
tbh this is like a basics list, the required reading if you will, not that you need to read any of it but if you do want to, this is a good starting point. a lot of the runs have these crossovers, like robin war and death of the family (not the jason one, this is a weird vol 3 thing), so you get to read other comics too for those issues)
also sorry for the just random other non-nightwing comics, i got excited
i definitely forgot some stuff, again i'm sorry, but go vibe with dick and have a good time and also your fic?? if you'd be willing to share??? i'm always looking for new stuff to read (do not feel pressured into sharing it if you don't want to tho)
i hope you enjoy your nightwing experience, it can seem overwhelming but take it slow, comics aren't that long, and just remember that even yj and WFA are better than nothing (or the live action titans /hj)
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