#ngl i wish i could give no fucks like some ppl but my problem is i guve too many fucks
trickstarbrave · 2 years
after playing morrowind (im not finished i am just too exhausted to play rn) i am just overwhelmed with the desire to take a hammer to skyrim, rip it up, and build smth new
i dont hate the setting of skyrim. i dont hate the main ideas behind it. i just think it was done dirty by oversimplification of the plot progression. the way it is structured and written feels like it presumed the player is a lazy moron incapable of thinking things through or making choices. there is rarely ever 2 ways to solve a problem. not to mention it is mostly annoying dungeon crawling with little justification. just go to this nordic tomb and get this thing. only exceptions are thieves guild and dark brotherhood missions only because it would make less than 0 sense. but the mages college? main story? BARDS COLLEGE? dungeon crawling baby hope you arent fucking sick of draugar by now bc you’ll be seeing a bunch of them. most of the time in morrowind i wasn’t in random dungeons or caves. people sent me to track down other people, solve problems for them. you can wipe out a mine or you can extort money from the owner. you can talk your way out of problems. in some sections you can kill ppl annoying you who wont name you horator.
some suggestions i have to make skyrim feel more alive and complex (under the cut bc i wrote too much) based on now other elder scrolls games so i know these things arent impossible or never occurred to anyone at bethesda:
>reputation and disposition should come back. why are these random ppl answering all my questions? if im a nobody except named dragonborn by some monks in a monastery no one really does to, why does anyone give a shit i say stop the civil war?
>much like the nerevarine, people don’t believe you are dragonborn right off the bat. hell, even if they DO, that doesn’t make you THE dragonborn. many dragonborns have exists. you claiming to be one more so makes you a potential problem for politics--the empire could be weary of you trying to drum up support to overthrow the empire, something they DONT NEED. the monks meanwhile ask you to do a VARIETY of spiritual tasks before they will begin training you. gather artifacts not just in tombs. go to various locations around the world. after every shout they teach you they don’t just give you a tutorial but then set you on a clear task to use it. maybe i need to go find a fox that is an avatar of lorkhan, or travel to that tree to speak to kyne. and even after they name you dragonborn, see above, not everyone is going to agree with their judgement or necessarily care. but also if you DO prove yourself, you could gain a lot of respect and reputation around various factions. this would also incentivize exploring instead of just fast traveling to your next dungeon.
>a dragon cult that isn’t undead as an overworld faction. im sick and tired of all dragons being mindless killing machines with few exceptions. im sick of all the dragon cultists being basically zombies and liches. if theyre a real threat, they should have a bigger presence. dragons taking over towns and small settlements where there are acting priests or priests in training. cultists taking people captive. draugar waking from their tombs and wandering into town to kill people. make them a third player in the ‘civil war’. maybe some dragons ruling these towns dont even kill you on sight--to them you are a weak little baby dragon who poses no threat. the soul of a human in a weak, fragile body who does not understand what true power you could attain, a pitiful creature who doesn’t even know flight or the full extent of their knowledge. they are sentient beings with their own culture and ideas after all. and the cultists could have a very real motivations for joining like being fed up with both the empire AND stormcloaks, or not wanting to be the next helgen.
>i actually liked morrowind’s dialogue system ngl. i understand the limitations of a fully verse voice cast, but they already reuse voices and dialogue. i wish we could just ask more conversation topics and get more varied answers. weird responses from npcs made interacting with characters more memorable and enjoyable than a basic stupid fetch quest. caius being like “uhhh you’re starting to scare me” when i questioned him about my weird dreams made it feel like we were actually having a conversation and i was asking questions not just “this is scripted dialogue and i am basically a story prop with no thoughts or feelings” like i often get in skyrim (with a few exceptions)
>more weird shit. frankly we just need more weird shit in skyrim. i wanna see funny in jokes or weird things that add depth. there is no scamp serving drinks or a sheogorath cultist that only meows. no woman on the side of the road who fell in love with the rogue that robbed her and begs me to reunite them. i want more intentionally weird things. no necrophiliac saying “im not a necrophiliac BUT what is the punishment if you were one lol”. no town based off of lovecraft’s work in the middle of nowhere. the elder scrolls series used to have SO MANY weird things in it and frankly those were the best parts.
>the blades should be introduced later. I think, as annoying as it might be, you should only be contacted by Delphine when you have enough reputation in the world. she’s supposed to be a cautious woman. why leave a note like that in a random tomb and then have you do a test AFTER revealing she’s a blade basically. she holds the key to moving forward, only after you do various tasks for her that you then realize only after the fact was gathering up various blades members who are in hiding. i know the network is being hunted down, but i think there should be more than like. 2. give us some people pretending to be crazy skooma junkies, or people who have integrated themselves into various jarls’ courts. she seems like a random innkeeper with a penchant for archaeology and might have secrets of the dragons you’re looking for, asking you to deliver mail in exchange for some information, but in reality you’re contacting her allies she hasn’t been able to speak with out of fear because by this point she thinks you won’t be killed by the thalmor very easily or are a plant for them.
>breaking into the thalmor embassy should just be redone or have multiple ways of going about it tbh. i can also be the most stealthy person alive literally invisible yet the thalmor just fucking know i am a spy and they have captured my accomplice so it doesnt matter if i hack and slash my way out of there or not. so it just feels like a lazy way of trying to be interesting while giving you basically nothing they couldnt have done another way. all you learn is esbern is alive and the thalmor have manipulated ulfric against his will for their own agenda and dont know shit about dragons. why would they EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE DRAGONS I DONT GET IT. it doesnt make the thamlor seem more intimidating, doesn’t teach us anything about their goals, nothing.
>furthermore the blades’ motivations and history should be told more clearly. after the septims they basically refused to directly serve the emperor apparently. but their spy network was still there for 170 years???? they still served in the army???? why do the thalmor wanna hunt them down if they don’t seem to like the current empire either. i know its to fuck over the empire and tie them in like previous games but the blades were already a cool intelligence gathering faction living covertly among the people to monitor various powers for the benefit of the empire and emperor. if they are a threat to the thalmor still, why have them have a fall from grace prior to this? why are they even still working for the empire? if anything they should have been using this dynasty’s imperial family as puppet rulers after the whole oblivion gates thing. see above: even if the thalmor have been hunting them i find it hard to believe there are only fucking 2 left. the blades were pervasive in the empire. most having been wiped out doesnt leave only 2 left. there should be more. enough to give them weight.
>redo the mages guild entirely. and most faction guild questlines but ESPECIALLY mages guild. bring back needing a staff. rising in ranks bc you had to do things for the guild and work at it and level up your skills. how am i archmage when i know like 5 spells? what??? i also think there should be more outposts for the college across skyrim. “but the nords hate magic” well having more mages around would certainly show that more wouldn’t it???? have there be tension still. random mages hating being assigned outside the college bc nords are assholes. preferring places close to the border or solitude where they are less in the heartland of nord pride. there being shut down mages guild buildings in some areas left abandoned.
>bigger guilds. bigger towns. i dont need daggerfall sized cities but at least oblivion or morrowind sizes. yknow. just bigger. i feel like we were allowed stuff like guild outposts bc of the town sizes. whiterun does not feel like a hub of trade. its rarely even mentioned despite it being a key point of the civil war both sides want for that reason.
>more settlements and places. vvardenfell is smaller than skyrim. why is there more shit to do. more places to be with more variety and interest. fix that too
>civil war needs to be redone in the fact there is frankly nothing to do. use the camps and outposts. have us clear out bandits to make a new base. negotiate trade. escort caravans that carry supply. take out smuggling operations. spy on the other side using their armor. we have bits of this with taking out agents and stealing papers but i want More. also ideally have different play-styles incorporated into it like you can be an archer, or steal and gather intelligence, or even just different ways to solve the same problems. maybe you threaten someone selling supplies to the other side, or kill them, or destroy their business, or convince them not to. you burn enemy fields so their troops have less food in a really fucked up battle system, or you can refuse those orders if you find them morally repugnant and either get punished for it or have to find a work around through another commanding officer who gives you an alternative. consciously make the choice to just follow orders or think through your actions and refuse. war is ugly and some sides will do anything to win. wouldnt it be interesting to fight dirty one playthrough and the next choose to try and only fight fair and just?
>i know some characters must die because the plot has demanded it. but frankly i feel it is overused sometimes. mages guild, companions, etc. you are promoted bc everyone else died or whatever. can i save them even if i like them as characters? no. nothing i can do can change that for them, even if them being alive could very well be possible and interesting. exception to this is the woman abt to be murdered in markarth when you walk in. why CANT i save skjor if i am fast enough. why cant my choices effect if the arch mage dies or not. it doesnt matter what i do or how fast i do it, they die, so whats the point of trying to do it different ways or try harder. see above for how you always get caught along with your accomplice when breaking into the embassy. it just robs the player of agency. their choices, performance, play style, and skills don’t matter. they will always be arbitrarily rewarded or punished in the linear narrative the devs have decided to make things as simple as possible bc every day people cant make choices and think things through or accept consequences of their actions they might have to live with. they cant want to craft their own narrative, it needs to be as simple as possible, people only like simple things.
if i think of more i can add more but most of these things have core issues behind them that i think if addressed could fix large swaths of issues.
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baeshijima · 4 years
does anyone else suffer from being a model student that’s dedicated and a perfectionist who has to have everything done and handed in no matter what and pushes themself to the point they get overwhelmed but pass it off as nothing bc ur in the mindset that if u don’t complete everything then ur a failure and the expectations just keep piling up and u shoulder them bc that’s all u know or are u normal
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juiceastronaut · 3 years
Okay so. I watched Q-force. And I have no idea what I think about it.
Imma just be rambling so I'll break down the characters and my likes/dislikes about them before giving my plot breakdown at the end. Only the main/prominent ones because I don't have time.
Steve Maryweather-Easily the best character out of them, with Deb being a close second. He could've very easily fallen into the trope of being someone who was incompetent but expected the world anyway, but he doesn't. He graduated top of his class, and despite his quirks is a genuinely competent team leader, and wants the best for his team. He wants to prove that he and his team are competent enough to get recognition, and has a genuine faith in the people around him. It was refreshing to see him hold his team in a genuine high regard, where a lot of times it's like "We're shit but lets do this thing now" He's a genuinely well-rounded character, and (and forgive me if this isn't the best way to frame this) it feels like being gay is an important part of his character, without encompassing the whole thing. I thought Benji and his relationship was super cute and I was sad when they broke up. I was afraid he was going to be, like a second but worse Twink with the stereotyping but gladly fell away from that.
Deb-I thought her and her wife were super cute (though I hate how the wife is designed ngl adjafkldajfd). I liked Debs character, but I feel like she had a lot of racial stereotyping that wouldn't be inherently obvious unless you were looking for them, her being the strong one, and also the "mama" type at the same time. No one treated her with disrespect, and her lesbianism seemed to be more authentic but I feel like there wasn't a lot of thought put into what these tropes were and why they were bad. Her being black and making her the mama type, as well as the big strong type could be read as tasteless. Again, I really liked her character but these were some things I noticed while watching.
Twink- You know, I didn't really like him at first, I thought he was the epitome of all the bad stereotyping (though I'm just glad him and Mary didn't get put into the same category). His humor isn't my taste, and it just kinda seemed like someone for half of his lines went "what twitter stan language can we put in here?" And sometimes it was a bit too random for my tastes. However! I do like that his drag was considered important and was an integral part to a lot of missions they went on, and not just "Ah look at that dumb gay trying to find reasons to dress in drag." His talents and expertise were both respected and, save for Buck (which his whole point was supposed to be offensive anyway) no one undermined Twink for his femininity. His back story is also kinda random but did play a role in the missions as well. Still, personally think he's the worst character. Plus, he's French so minus four-twenties amount of points.
Stat-You know, in a show where everyone was stating what letter they were every few seconds I was surprised that I had to look up that Stat was trans. I...liked her character for the most part, except the part where she was fucking a robot. Kinda weird ngl, outta left field, and with her being trans I wonder if her having that sort of relationship is problematic for her. Love her design tho, love me a hacker girl. She's also listed as "ambiguously gay" tho showed to have mostly girl love interests but, okay.
Buck-He's the straight guy, emotionally repressed haha and he's bigoted. Did think it was funny later on when he was more "accepting" but managed to be even more infuriating about it. Tied with Twink as worse character but you know they tried to do stuff with him.
Vee-Really liked me a boss lady, but kinda weird how they bait-and-switched us with her actually being a lesbian, then go "no she's straight tho" in regards to Karen. I thought her and Mary's relationship was cute, wish I saw more of it. But she did feel like a random plot device in later seasons, what with her disappearing and reappearing when it was plot relevant. (Tho she HOTOHOTHOTHOT bikini episode WOOOWEEEE)
Okay, so now the plot....which. it had one?
It felt like it was flip flopping back n forth about whether it wanted to take itself seriously or not, and it seemed to decide on serious more towards the end, but then it would have this random plot element that would be so out of left field it would pull me out of my suspension of disbelief. See the whole "Back cracking to unlock memories" plot point. This back and forth on whether it would be a comedy or not I think weakened both categories it tried to play into.
If I had to compare the show to anything it would probably be Futurama, but the thing with Futurma is, its set in the future, so you're suspension of disbelief is allowed to stretch a bit more because all the wacky quirky stuff can be attributed to future shenanigans. Q-force, to my knowledge, is set in the modern day, which makes the wacky stuff that much wacker, because it's set in our modern times, which you apply the rules of everyday life to.
A lot of the problems that I had with Q-Force is, in the attempt to write specifically about the "gay experience" revealed that the writers have really only had a very specific experience of interacting with gay ppl, what I call the "Urban Gay" experience.
The fact they're in West Hollywood, and all the things that were listed as "universal gay experiences" but were only things that you'd be exposed to if you were in the city. I think a flavor of "white gay" can be implemented here too, which Q force has exactly one black woman, who manages to be the only lesbian.
That coupled with the fact that, there's a difference between having Twink naturally being a drag queen, the whole team being gay to some degree, and the fact they interact with the gay community often without Drawing Attention to all of those things and self-congratulating itself on concluding it. Funnily enough, Q-Force had examples of doing this right and doing this right. Right way: In the second or third episode where Mary found that guy with the flash drive to the uranium in it and seduced him in the gay bar. Relevant that it was gay without overtly drawing attention to it. Wrong-Way: Having Pride go on while Girl Boss was trying to take over the world.
And, for the show that promoted itself as representing the gay experience, there were...two gay men, one lesbian, one trans person, one straight guy and...no bisexual people. Also no nonbinary people. Like of course it's unrealistic to include every single identity but you're one bisexual person who appeared for one episode and was promptly blown up. And also showed to be...more off than the other characters, what with the stealing of silverware and all. Just, bisexual people are already forgotten enough as it is and not including them in the show, but you include two gay men just kinda reads as tasteless to me (as a bisexual person, obviously).
Which makes it so weird that Stat was left "ambiguously gay" when she could've easily been bisexual (which still would be problematic because of the robot-fucking but at least you got the B in there somewhere in the main group)
Overall, it tried to market itself as the "be all end all" of what it was like to be gay, but ended up excluding the exact people that get excluded in real-life lgbt spaces. This combined with the indecision with what kind of show it wanted to be managed to make it fall short. If you arent the very specific type of gay person who lives in a city environment and doesn't fit the stereotypes showed you're not going to feel "seen" by the show.
Weirdly though, I didn't hate watching it, and I would probably watch another season if they managed to make one. The parts that did work, I think worked really well, and even the bad parts just read as tasteless, and not actively terrible. If they focused less on making "hey I'm gay" jokes every three seconds and just let each character be what they are I think the show would be stronger for it. And I think they'd find less problems overall if they did that too. In the mean time I'll just be here side-eyeing the whole thing.
Edit: I forgot to mention, and this is a problem a lot of adult TV shows fall into, that because they got the clear to show nudity/sex they felt like they *had* to show nudity and to a lesser extent sex every episode. So just that whole "Haha adult=sex obviously."
Oh! And this generally goes for the whole "shove it in your face" part, but a lot of the characters who are bigoted were shown to be. Very blatantly so. And not to say there isn't blatantly bigoted ppl of course they are but I don't think that's where you see a lot of bigotry nowadays. This was sort of touched on during the show but more of a jokey manner, but I think it would've been more realistic if we had more "girl with a gay best friend" kinda bigotry as opposed to the "I'm literally hurling slurs at you" bigotry, especially since they're in Cali.
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grxceblqckthxrn · 5 years
hi @chocolatecarstairs came up with these post-CHOG questions and i really want to answer them because im sad that im finished reading it :((
what was your favorite part, 1 or 2?
Honestly I loved both parts, but I’d say I loved part two just a little bit more for the time that James wasn’t under the curse anymore and LOVED Cordelia
which scene in the book was your favorite?
EVERY scene that had Matthew and James being wholesome parabatai in it!!! my favourite chapter in this book was Blue Ruin, the one after Grace takes the bracelet back from James  (aside from the whispering room ofc).
what scene (or scenes) made you cry the most?
ok ngl i didnt spend much of this book crying, but the only scene that actually made me tear up was when james was dying and matthew could feel it and jesse (WHO I FUCKING LOVED MORE THAN I THOUGHT I WOULD) gave him his last breath :(((((
what scenes were unsatisfactory?
there were not enough Christopher scenes (but to be fair, even if the entire book was just Christopher it still wouldnt be enough for me)
but fr, i cant think of any off the top of my head but i’ll edit this if i do later
what made you laugh the most?
matthew!! james!! thomas!! christopher!! also some of the things Jesse said
what bored you?
this wasn’t boring, but the whole charles/alastair plot line didn’t have me very invested. I did love the alastair/ cordelia scenes tho, so it was just charles that was the problem
also no offense to james bc he was my first actual fictional crush after reading TMH/NBS but like whenever he talked about being in grace i would literally zone out lol the bracelet curse makes him so boring but whenever he isnt in the curse/ is with someone who is NOT grace i just!! love him!!
what disappointed you?
cassie honestly had me kinda shipping matthew/cordelia for a solid FIVE SECONDS there when he stepped in to dance with her after james left her standing there, but that was one of the only scenes that made me feel like they had natural chemistry (along with the scene where he drops her off at her house). I felt like the during the rest of their interactions in the book, cordelia was kind of uncomfortable, which made me really sad because even tho she has every right to feel that way, i felt bad for matthew. I kind of want him to fall for someone else completely and for it to be reciprocated. also, i just really want for matthew and cordelia to become good friends because i feel like they could have such great natural chemistry if matthew didnt love her.
what is the top thing you wish had been done differently?
see above.
what things did you predict that came true?
what are some things that were really unexpected?
ok there’s quite a few things here so bear w me babes:
- James genuinely loving cordelia from the start. I wasn’t expecting him to naturally feel nothing for grace at all, so i was expecting a slow burn jordelia, but finding out that he actually loves her makes me so happy but the end where cordelia thinks he was just pretending breaks my heart :(((
-matthew liking cordelia lol definitely was not expecting another parabatai love triangle but i hope it doesnt last. i do think it adds to the plot and i love it, it just hurts to see matthew so emo :(((
-I was expecting to like cordelia as a character, but i ended up LOVING her so fucking much???? she’s so three dimensional to me, and it’s interesting to see how her personality adapts around different characters as people adapt around different social circles irl
-liking jesse as much as i did
-ok so james’ entire character was a surprise to me. it’s so fascinating to see how the bracelet actually affected his personality.If you recall him in The Midnight Heir from TBC. he’s like an entirely different person. i still loved him in TMH but i went into CHOG thinking that if he was gonna be like that the entire time i’d probably get over him really quickly. i was pleasantly surprised by how much i ended up loving him even more tho
-i didn’t expect oliver hayward to die and im going to stay emo about it
- Christopher is so much more clear headed than he was made out to be prior?? like there were so many scenes where he was fully there and when he defended anna to alastair i just kfdsnfkld i love him
are there characters that you didn’t like before that you like now?
yikes umm... Alastair, maybe? he’s somewhat okay to me now, I dont dislike him as much as I used to. ooh and Hypatia Vex. the only scene i remember liking her in QOAAD was when she helped out kit, ty and dru (me, going a whole TSC post without somehow mentioning kit? not possible)
are there characters that you liked before that you don’t like now?
I started CHOG ready to give Grace the benefit of the doubt, and I was surprised by how timid and shy she seemed at the start, but it was interesting to see how it was all an act and how she doesn’t have an actual personality yet. one could argue that she actually does love james, but i doubt it at this point. i dont hate her yet, even tho she IS fucking up james’ life, but she’s on thin fucking ice.
who was your favorite new character?
does new character mean completely new or just never been in a novella new? because for the first, it would be Cordelia (i LOVE her sm!!) and other wise it would be james, matthew and co. also!!! jesse!!
what places in the book would you like to visit?
that hell dimension sounds pretty lit ngl
did you like the ending?
ok so. we KNOW that jordelia is gonna be endgame. cassandra clare always takes the hardest path to get there, but when has she not delivered? it’s just a matter of waiting. so, yes, i did like the ending in sense of the plot because it was a great twist, but i also feel really bad for all of them even tho ik they’re eventually gonna be together :(((
what did you think of the epilogue?
i wasnt surprised, since we alr know that Tatiana is shady asf, but i just really wanna know how she partnered up with a GREATER demon like lol wtf. again, im really happy in terms of plot with this
what are your thoughts on the engagement?
i feel so. fucking bad. for cordelia. and james too, even tho he’s under the bracelet’s curse so he doesnt even KNOW he’s being manipulated. but i love how even through the curse, james still loves cordelia in his own way.
what did you want to see that didn’t happen?
matthew getting therapy periodt
umm honestly i just want more “merry thieves” content like i just love. all of them.
what do you wish had been resolved that wasn’t?
i really want matthew to tell james or cordelia what happened because i just need him to be loved and supported lol i want to give him a hug. 
what is your favorite pairing as of now?
jordelia!!! and lucie and jesse are kind cute rn, and i like them if theyre gonna be pining after eachother but i feel like if they actually get together i wont like the relationship as much.
which characters would you like to see more of in the next book?
ANNA!!! i lovED reading about her she’s so badass
matthew!! jesse!! also i wanna see more of those bitchy girls lol just so we can see anna or cordelia tell them to stfu
what is one character whose death you would undo if you could?
ok i know that jesse is still very much a conscious character despite being dead but like,,, i want him to be the way he was before and also i want him to come back to life
and barbara!! she seemed so sweet 
which characters got bad/unsatisfactory endings?
ummm barbara? i cant really say much on this yet bc its still only the first book and when has the first book ever ended up with anyone being happy.
oh but also can we sign a petition to make cassie let matthew actually survive the series because my heart aches just at the THOUGHT of eventually having to read a scene where he dies
which characters got what they deserved?
literally. none of them yet. :(
who should have died but didn’t?
Tatiana lol also lowkey charles but i also feel pity him to an extent 
what plotline are you most excited to see in the next book?
okay the entire jesse plot has me hooked because i LOVE his character. also i love the bracelet plot but its making me MAD because i just want james to be happy but
what is one scene that you wish hadn’t happened, but you know was unavoidable?
THE ONE WHERE GRACE PUTS THE BRACELET BACK ON JAMES. i mean obv there was no way he was completely done with grace, but i literally got so sad at that part like why HIM of all people smfh let him be happy
which pairing do you like the least?
alastair x charles, grace x james, lucie x matthew bc neither of them actually like either imo lol
what are some theories you have for chain of iron?
- not necessarily for COI but i think matthew is gonna get exiled and turned into made into a mundane
- the bracelet will break (?)
- jesse will come back to life (like actual life) at the end of the book
-grace is gonna do something to help the main characters, making it hard for us to hate her.
what characters do you think should have gotten more plot time?
lol are yall gonna hate me if i say christopher again (also anna)
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 09/21 NXT 09/23 NXT UK 09/24 Smackdown 09/25 Clash of Champions 09/27 + Main Event 09/24
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Billie’s not wrong. None of these people are wrong. That title has fallen so fucking far since Becky held it, Jesus.
Interesting to see Billie Kay be somewhat (?) supportive of Peyton. Manager?
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I implore women to stop using red eyeliner unless you’re trying to look possessed.
Oh at least Mickie’s gonna have her last match with her snazzy pants on.
God that theme music is so outdated.
If there was one person on the roster that could convince me they wrestled in the Diva’s era, it’d be Mickie James.
Beautiful Octopus, dare I say best in the division. Look at those crossed legs. Just beautiful, Zelina.
Man it was cool watching Zelina reverse the powerbomb attempt into a rollup, but Mickie couldn’t be bothered to get her shoulders down for a 2 count before the reversal. Shame.
Zelina needs an increase to her speed to pull off the style she’s going for, but it’s a fun style.
oof I think Mickie actually caught Zelina’s forehead with that high kick.
Seated Senton off the top rope is garbage and I hate it.
Lmfao Zelina won with a backstabber. She’s literally Sasha-lite. Okay.
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Word was Bianca was the star of the pc combine, right? So if you wanna showcase her strength, do it against someone I fucking know lmao. Who was this bro? Of course she’s stronger than a nobody in the pc. Friggin Alexa Bliss can effortlessly give piggy back rides to Sheamus. That’s impressive, because I know how strong and big he is. This could’ve been done better is all I’m saying. Maybe do a sitdown interview with her pc peeps hyping her up, or show footage of her blowing everyone in the combine out the park. Idk.
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Ruby stop hyping up Nia and Shayna individually, individually they suck lol lesbireal.
So did Ruby just give Liv her shirt? …You know what, it works, I’m not gonna dig into this.
I feel like all women use the same starting moves against Nia and it’s a little tired ngl. They do this headscissors into a standing crucifix hold, and then slide down to try and roll her up. Then she picks them up and headbutts them. Come on peeps.
Mk just throw Lana through another table, she’s as useless in the ring (kf wise) as Liv is on commentary (non-kf wise)
Let me rewind, how did Nattie get taken out this time? A punch again. COOL. Nattie confirmed worst tag partner in the history of the division.
Lmfao rip Lana. Bye.
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Wow we just said fuck entrances huh? Ugh God. Imagine Becky not getting an entrance as a damn champion.
So Peyton forgoes jumping for the German suplex, which could’ve resulted in her landing on Asuka’s head, and her reaction is to laugh. Consummate professional. Becky Lynch’s optic cranial nerve injury (caused by a failed German suplex) called, it can’t seem to find the humor.
Idk what that double underhooked move was by Peyton, but it was nice.
What bothers me about Peyton’s spinning heel kick, is as high as she gets it, she only hits people with her calf. Awkward to see.
That attempted transition into the Asuka Lock was... something.
Highlight: Lana going through the table
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Did Tegan say “why me” to Candice fucking her knee up with a metal pipe? Somebody get this girl some tissues.
Haha watching Tegan writhe in pain is funny. Candice gets points. And I do not like giving Candice points.
Really appreciate Rhea’s theme after hearing so much generic garbage lately. She’s so done with nxt as a performer, she has passed literally all of them by.
Not to be that person, but seeing so many people in the ring together bothers me. If one person was sick, literally all of them are sick now. It’s just kinda yikes.
Did they forego having a crowd? If so, wise. There’s enough ppl in the ring and at ringside.
Rhea fucking yeeted that girl into the barrier lmaooo.
“...Marina Shafir who’s done some great things on Raw Underground recently,” lmao sure.
The absolute half-assed attempt by that girl to pull herself up before Rhea booted her down to the floor was questionable.
So adding all these random peeps from the pc to this battle royal was done solely to have Raquel and Rhea flex for their feud in 4 months, huh.
Kacy does cool shit, wbk lmao. Gets kicked out, lands on her back, rolls into a handstand, rotates, pulls herself up into the ring using her feet on the ropes; gets kicked out, lands on the side of the guardrail, pulls herself up, uses the plexiglass to help balance herself, jumps onto the stairs; gets kicked out, lands on the side of the guardrail, stands on Kayden’s shoulders and gets chauffeured back to the ring. Brilliant. Would be overkill in a Royal Rumble, but it works here.
R&R eliminate each other/themselves together. Fitting. Dakota “help me I’m useless on my own” Kai is shook.
Why is Indi in the top 5? Or top 7? How is this girl so damn prestigious??
Kacy really just slung herself around the ringpost. I’m becoming a fan of her antics/performances in multiwomen matches.
I see Shotzi’s character is, “I come so close yet cannot manage to touch the gold.” I feel for her... cuz I can’t stand Candice.
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I love how Io carries herself. She’s a shining example of not allowing her heritage to hold her back or make her feel unimportant. She responds in Japanese, and without missing a beat, translates in perfectly spoken and quick English. Never dances, never smiles, never looks like a chump. Serious and answers the damn question. She gets points.
Highlight: Kacy shenanigans
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Lol I love KLR so much. Just ducks out of the ring the first time she’s bested.
“KLR is well versed in mental manipulation,” that she is. She’s honestly a top competitor in that sense; equal to the likes of Sasha and Charlotte when it comes to psychology.
Piper’s got power. Ragdolling KLR here.
That’s right, performing with Charlotte Flair at wm is an accolade one can only hope to achieve (I’m annoying I know) no but seriously, KLR vs Becky Lynch? Take my money.
Nice Superkick, nice Tornado ddt.
Dear ref, stop yelling at her and restart the count. Dweeb.
Lmao self inflicted wreckage of her knee. 
This ref is a walking headache. We’re now getting into the autumn of overbooked women’s matches. And UK’s first title match back. Yikes.
That senton was awkward and looked painful af for KLR’s neck. If you’re gonna risk that move while selling a leg injury, make sure you have more space to correct your landing.
I almost wish that turnbuckle came undone naturally because KLR is already such a good seller, but I’m gonna assume this is a worked move since it’s been left exposed.
Yeah see there are issues with that spot. Positives: KLR didn’t purposefully undo the turnbuckle, so it’s not on her to give another title match; the spot has potential, as I’m guessing that would be genuinely painful. Negatives: Piper is too big of a woman to hit the lower turnbuckle doing the cannonball, so she ended up hitting the middle... which was padded. Good ending on paper if you don’t do the equations, but poor execution. Not Piper nor KLR’s fault though.
Slow pacing and I hate overbooked garbage, but this obviously isn’t the only match they’re having so *shrug*
Highlight: Clean tornado ddt, and I do love KLR’s selling
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Lol Bayley has her chair. She automatically gets a point every time I see it.
Top of the ramp this time? Okay, sure.
Stop cutting to the fancams, production. I don’t care about their reactions.
A fine enough promo to move along both of her angles, but production sucks. Wbk though.
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“...one of the most complex personalities,” which personality of Alexa’s are we referring to, though?
Their timing on her pyro was off and now I’m sad. The pops during the breakdown leading into the fountains are fucking amazing and honestly cannot be topped by any of the other women.
When did Alexa stop wearing her gloves to the ring? Probably when she turned face. Shame.
She just called Lacey bitter, southern tea, and you know what? What a fucking drag. Imagine bitter southern tea. As someone who was raised in the south, that is a disgrace to southern tea. Sweet sun tea or pass.
Look at Alexa: selling Lacey’s strength, full of agile speed, and yet here’s Lacey not even bothering to put her shoulders down for her pin attempt. SAD.
A problem I consistently have with SD in particular is how they set up commercial breaks. They always do something dramatic, cut to commercial, come back and shit’s always completely different. How you gonna cut from Alexa leading and hearing the Fiend’s laugh, to return to Lacey in charge ???
Dear Cole, why are you calling her Alexis lol. Like I know that’s her real name but, hello??
oof Alexa’s midsection is beet red.
Lacey has not been putting on a “clinic” stop tossing that term around, Cole. Good bump by Alexa though.
Love how Lacey doesn’t mind landing flat when her moonsault misses. Respect. Her and Charlotte both eat that so perfectly.
LOVE how the monitors of people turned into Fiend’s face. POINTS.
It’s like she’s reverted back to her heel persona. This is literally 2016 Bliss, right? Right??
Roman is a large, strong, intimidating guy... but holy shit the visual of 5′1 Alexa staring daggers into the back of his head is intense af. I almost complained that he cut off her exit, but well done with the continuity.
Highlight: I’m really digging the Alexa/Fiend story
Clash of Champions:
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Loving the red roots, hate the eyeshadow.
See, if Asuka wants to fuck around in the ring, you won’t hear me complain. I just wish she took her non-wrestling segments more seriously.
The patience Asuka gave Zelina to set up the arm kick was dumb.
“A hard arm bar by Asuka,” he says, even though her legs were completely bent. Easy on the credit given plz.
Zelina telegraphs too much. None of the bumps she takes ever catch me by surprise.
In the spirit of being fair, put your fucking shoulders down and let her attempt a pinfall, Asuka.
Haha Sasha-lite did meteora in the corner.
Nice roll into a kick, half point for Zelina.
No you don’t get to sell frustration or disbelief yet, that’s not buyable.
I don’t know wtf Zelina was going for with that counter before the Asuka Lock, but honestly idc. Could’ve been a kickoff match indeed. State of Becky’s title btw.
Every week it’s the same shit with Asuka. She gets on the mic, speaks Japanese, barely accomplishes anything, then gets interrupted/slapped/attacked... with dancing and smiling inbetween. I really wish she was more like Io.
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Nikki isn’t “medically cleared to compete”, and the tag team titles aren’t being defended. My memory is fuzzy but wasn’t there some covid concerns going around back then? Was that just baseless speculation?
Love that Bayley turned this into an opportunity to be a bigger douche than she already was lol.
I want to hate this from a smarky “give other women a chance” perspective, but Bayley is an ass and this is great for Asuka to build credit as a face, and after being made to look foolish yet again. Lesgo.
Lol sounded like Bayley said, “you think you can cuck me?” I’m sure she didn’t. I’m choosing to believe she did though.
I never know exactly who to blame when Asuka’s Codebreaker looks ugly, but I swear Charlotte is the only one it looks impactful with. Sell job isn’t the problem, but taking that actual move is always dicey af.
Great kick by Asuka. Rekt.
Bayley says nah fuck this rofl. Fair ending; a fun little sprint of meaningless jabs.
“Chairwoman of SD” I like that too, Graves. Points to you.
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LMAOOO Bayley set that shit up perfectly kekekek what’s up Sasha.
She be looking fucking incredible, but that neckbrace is a mega bummer.
Character wise, I’m surprised Bayley’s choosing to dole out punishment rather than taking her title and bolting.
Welp maybe she should have, Sasha going to town lmao.
oof peep that red line going down Bayley’s arm. eesh. Welts all over her back.
Highlight: Sasha beating the shit out of Bayley with a kendo stick
Main Event:
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You don’t pan the camera over to fucking commentary during Bianca’s entrance. Do better @ production.
Ruby puts her confidence in Liv even though everybody knows Bianca is winning this match lmao.
LOVE Liv’s boots.
like 20 seconds into the match and it’s already 10x better than the Bianca vs Billie Kay one. Don’t even waste a spot on Main Event for Billie Kay. No, I’m not not sorry for saying that.
It’s not that I hold issue with Bianca’s showboating or mannerisms, but it’s all so much more fitting for a heel.
Beautiful stalling suplex, but Liv is rather small.
Beautiful distance on that dropkick to Liv. Liv gets points for throwing herself so far.
We have enough women who rip their shirts off deep into matches, me thinks. Don’t need it from Liv as well.
Momentum could’ve been split better, but that was a decent match.
*Clash of Champions would be my highlighted event mostly thanks to Bayley, but if that’s a cop out, I’ll give a slight nod to Smackdown’s handling of Alexa.
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tayegi · 6 years
Ahhhh I love how u ended chapter 11 of NR!!! I am SO here for OC calling jk out on his bullshit 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Anonymous said:Lu, I think this was my favourite chapter of new rules so far. This one really hit home for me – a similar thing happened to me before with a guy, said he liked me, but treated me like a walking vagina and then he turned round and got a girlfriend like I meant nothing. And this chapter really brought it back for me, you wrote it so well and the emotions feel very raw. I also love the friendship portrayal of Yerin and Mijoo, it's nice to see that chicks before dicks mentality in a fic for once :)
thotitup said:the new chapter of NR is amazing!!! I usually finish chapters needing a new one for closure/satisfaction but this one could be the ending and i would be just fine!! girl said what she had to say and went into the storm (metaphor for heartbreak and epiphany journey?) by herself like a BOSS ASS BITCH. Jk is cancelled until he grows up, nice work xxx
Anonymous said:Jeon jungkook really is a fucking coward. I was crying with oc the whole time. What I really respect about her though is her bravery to tackle on her problems headon. She's afraid but that didn't stop her from confessing her feelings and calling jungkook out, laying her feelings out there in a room full of frat boys. I would neverbe able to do that. She shows her strengths even in her weakest moments. She's definitely one of my fav oc in existence. Thank you for writing this!!
Anonymous said:being a lesbian really do be the best thing to ever happen to me bc men AINT IT ! love ur fic x amazing as always :)))uwu
Anonymous said:The OC spitting the truth in JK's face?? "You're not the relationship type ? "..." You love that shit." & the "It'd be easier to get over you"? I could've cried it was amazing I love her so much. And JK too but she is right. She doesn't have to endure all of his insecurities & unsolved issues. Sure he very probably have his reasons. But if he doesn't try to work on them with her, she doesn't have to suffer from it. She grew up a lot during the series. Thanks to him for a part. It's his turn now.
Anonymous said:A thing that I really wanted to tell you is how the O/C of New Rules pushed me to be more vocal and supportive to other women. I honestly think that she is a person to look up to. Although she has flaws (as other humans), I consider her a role model for what she does for other women. Thank you so much for this story. ⭐️
Anonymous said:BITCH IM SCREAMING U UPDATED NEW RULES !!!!! Ok I just finished reading and like..... damn..... ur mind.... the way you've fleshed out ur characters is so incredible you've spent so much time carving these characters like they're 3d yo also y/n is such a bad bitch !! She needs to listen to that vibe "I'm a bad bitch! U cant kill me!" This ask is all over the place but just know uh I love this story the characters the writing the dialogue & u obviously. Thank u for sharing ur talent w us kween 💖
Anonymous said:This chapter squeezed my heart so bad but I am SO happy that OC stood up for herself in the end I literally LOVED her speech especially about the toxic masculinity, im proud that she was able to speak out what she was feeling and hopefully it got through to jk who obviously has some emotional barrier or something, this whole chapter is so relevant to hookup culture and young relationships and ppl often don’t confront others with their feelings so this was rlly refreshing
Anonymous said:I LOVE NR!!! I just love the new chapter. Expecially the last part where the OC finally call jungkook out! You really are amazing Lu
Anonymous said:I love how multidimensional all of the characters in NR are holy shit. I could probably go in depth on a bunch of examples, but I think the OC stood out to me the most in this chapter. I've read fics about strong women before which is awesome but sometimes they're just like... unrealistically strong where they can immediately brush off their feelings. I'm SO HAPPY you write the OC where she's obviously affected by the rejection but realizes that she has to be there for Yerin and wow I love her
Anonymous said:when the oc barged into the frat house I was so proud of her like yes queen! tell them how disgusting toxic masculinity is! go go go ❤️ thank you so much for updating lu 💛
Anonymous said:i thought that the oc was brave because she confessed her feeling and we all know how much courage you have to muster to let yourself be so vulnerable BUT when she called out jungkook???? in front of those frat fuckbois????? that was so fucking bad ass, i really love her with all my heart because it doesn’t matter how much she’s hurting, she’s always showing a confident & strong facade
lovemusicn1d said:Luuuu, I love the fact that the main character is subjected to the idea of "grow up and get your shit together" for having what I personally think is a normal reaction to being treated the way she was by Jungkook, whereas at the end she grabs the situation at hand and flings it back into the depths of hell where it belongs because fuck the idea that emotions are weak and THANK YOU for having her confront that issue and making it so she doesn't let herself be shamed for what she feels altogether.
Anonymous said:hi! thank you for updating us with such an empowering & strong chapter of new rules!!! i immediately told all my friends that u updated and was always amazed by ur characterization of the oc!!! she is such a boss i love ur work it really inspired me a lot thank you
Anonymous said:thanks for ch 11!! short but intense! i thought this chapter would make me feel sad in a way due to jungkook's actions, but instead it ended with me feeling empowered lmfao!!! rooting for the oc and how she stuck up for herself! i loved the part about the discord between giving and receiving love and toxic masculinity. it's something society still struggles with today ugh.
Anonymous said:Chapter 11 is my favorite of the story so far!!! So many things happened in one chapter aaahhhh. Go OC! Hit him with the truth!!! As what Red Velvet says "Shot another bad boy down."
bangtan-sai said:OC from the new chapter of new rules is incredibly brave! She confessed and didn't try to backtrack. Even when Jungkook avoided her she continued to try to talk to him. She called him out in front of all those people. She may have found it difficult to do these things but she still found the courage to do them and I think that's amazing 💖
Anonymous said:Chap 11 made me feel things and i really do admire the oc a lot after this chapter. I love that she stood up for herself when jk was trying to make her feel like it was a one-sided r/s. The way he reacted to her confession was uncalled for, and it was very brave of the oc to call him out for being a coward and pushing her away. It certainly wasn't easy given how his friends were "mocking" her towards the end and the fact that she held her head high makes me want to root for her even more!!💖 💖
taetata95 said:I feel so like !!!! idk like I’ve been waiting for oc to kick jungkooks ass and THE WAY SHE STORMED IN THERE I LOVED IT I’ve been meaning to message you about new rules I love it it breaks my heart ngl the way she thinks about herself but I want to see oc kick some ass and IM BASICALLY READING IT FOR OC I LOV HER
Anonymous said:YES GO GIRL JUST GET OVER THAT LIL SHIT. YOU DESERVE BETTER. men and their toxic masculinity can fuck off srsly ugh
Anonymous said:I finally got to reading ch 12 of NR tonight and ended up in tears at the last scene when oc stands up to jungkook in front of all his other frat brothers. Telling them they’re a bunch of children that clings to their toxic masculinity, that was really cool of her and i wish i could be as courageous. i’ve always been proud of NR oc but i love her even more!
Anonymous said:“Because it’ll be so easy getting over you.” Yaaaaaasss girl throw it in his face. This line made me want to both cry from the angst and jump up and down cheering OC on for her confidence. I know people are sad about them ending, but I'm excited for the next part of this fic. Jungkook really has been an asshat so I'm happy OC finally realized his issues and confronted him.
LAKSDJFLSDFJ this makes me so happy!!! there is nothing i love more than girls supporting girls
and this esp makes me happy bc i have been planning this exact confrontation scene since like sept 2017 and was so nervous about it! in fact, the last line “it’ll be so easy getting over you” was prob the one thing that inspired me to write this entire, enormous, monstrous fic in the first place. so im so relieved that it’s out there and more importantly, that you guys have related to it so much klasdjf you guys are the best and i love you all
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merlinthoughts · 6 years
Season 1 Episode 2 - Valiant
- ik for a fact that this one is the episode with the asshhoole. not bc i recognised it from the title but perhaps it was because i recognised it from the title u got me there
- i always go to mr clean too when i want protection, val, ur not alone
- yeah, this is harry potter l ma o
- the next thing u know theres a stone that makes arthur live forever and the snakes start joining into one and growing bigger until a phoenix (im dibbing on kilgie here), pops their corneas out
- okay but who names their son valiant
- he was probably named valerie and didnt like it so he said “woah imma be valiant like courage, thats sick”
- that was probably his superhero persona as a child ngl
- no, shev, no respect for val stop doing this
- ok a y but hear me out, merlins a servant. i have not seen any of these servants been asked to train with the royals??? like in the sense where it helps the servant train as well?? and the FIRST thing arthur does with merlin as his servant is train with him. not only is arthur a huge JOCK, he’s not using his manservant properly
- neverfuckingmind “most servants collapse after the first blow”, so it seems to be arthur likes to train with his servants. now that in itself is a question to be asked, but is he the only royal who trains with his servants??? how did this man survive on his own without a personal servant until merlin??? did he have a personal servant??? was it just regular servants?? who are those other servants he trained with??? did arthur just say hey lets go to the field in the morning, put on armour and let’s have a fun time?? UNLESS merlin literally just took someones job away from them kmao
- also my mind went right to the gutter guys, ngl, it sounded like an innuendo. it had me quaking i wish i was one of those servants
- “we all have our duties, even arthur” “it must be so tough for him, all the *hesitates* girl, all the glory”
- so we probably get at least 1 out of every 2 episodes where there’s a scene with merlin dressing arthur in his armour. bring the popcorn, lads.
- the reigning champion is arthur, wonder fucking w h y
- valiant is in fucking mustard, while arthur is fucking ketchup idk why i thought of that but it happened. my literature teacher always told me to look for symbolisms. guess we found one guys.
- merlin after hating on arthur for the past episode is literally just cheering arthur on like a good husband he is
- omg he hid it by telling merlin to do a full novel of chores
-  “are you using magic again” “no” merlin ffs he just saw you use magic, while the items fell and landed right in front of him while you didn’t move at aLL. they are nOT BLIND
- “very aggressive style” I MEAN SURE UTHER
- valerie be fuckboying morgana lmao with a “i saw you watching” and a, “then i will give everything to win the tournament”
- i wish this show was set in the early 2000s so i can see val in low sweatpants, a backwards cap with gelled spiky hair and cheap neon sunglasses (maybe even some gold teeth just for kicks), while hes trying to rap 50 cents or make a mixtape of brit pop songs. bc yes.
- honestly im loving my 2000 fuckboy au. gonna make an ao3 after this.
- of course merlin would be the one to find out the magic shit in valiants room, it just lures him. AND OF COURSE VALIANT IS THERE
- i'm so fucking glad arthur looks confused as to how merlin did what he asked. when u have this kind of hubby, arthur, its amazing what things he can do.
- i dont know why theres dramatic music as merlin put armour on arthur but im living for it
- “is it my imagination or are you beginning to enjoy yourself?” merlin doesn't know what to say to that bc he’s turning gay and doesn't know if that counts as enjoying oneself when the one you are gay for is the asshole prince
- typically enough, valiant and arthur never fight except for the finale. like with all conveniences in place, youd expect them to have at least fought at some point with as much knights as there to determine the final two but no, just the finale. k.
- this poor fucking purple knighted bloke didn’t need to be fucking demonstrated on, val. like you didn't need to kill him?? that could have blown ur cover
- oooh merlin found out what happened everyone gonna be fucked. nobody harms arthur is he has something to say about it
- if someone starts off a sentence with “i just saw someones snakes on their shield come alive” nobody would fucking believe you, merls. but given the fact that magic exist… mhh maybe it wouldn’t be too absurd. but ppl apparently are thick as hell
- “why were you in his chambers” well i know how id explain if i was in valiants chambers ;)
- jk i dont fall for this toxic shit
- imagine getting paid as an actor just just lie down there like this poisoned kid. “yeah, id like to audition for ewan’s role???” “why are you lying on the ground?”
- i hate those tropes where it's like “i know how to tell someones bad, here’s proof” and then nobody believes you and tells you you’re lying and should die or whatever but then you kNOW IT'S THE FUCKIN TRUTH BITCH that trope gives me damn anxiety >:((
- yes merlin, fucking slash the shield with your sword. i'm sure that's how it works. im sure it will kill the snakes.
- i think val would know that you cut off the snake’s head, merls, just saying. ur were the oNLY ONE.
- uhhh the anxiety is rolling up boys
- ewan is mcfuckingdead
- snake be sliding in like a hoe on a business
- bfehfjdjfskf i hate this part
- arthur's pride, merlin’s pride, fuck me
- i'm not even gonna write this part, it breaks my fragile heart when arthur sees the look of people not believing him, especially his dad, and merlin seeing how arthur doesn't trust him anymore like prepare the eulogies girlies
- okay but if arthur is struck and gaius has the antidote?? arthur aint gonna die technically
- but now val knows merlin knows
- why are royals so bitchy towards servants. like they do their best to help you??? they are loyal to you and are paid there to serve you and are often very kind, generous, passive, understanding people??? yet merlin interrupts uther and he fucking sends him to the pit
- he said allegations like four times, yes uther we know ur vocab is shining with intellect but seriously, there’s other synonyms that could still be acceptable and still sound fancy
- quick search on google bc my mind doesnt roll fast enough: claim, assertion, charge, accusation, declaration, statement, contention, deposition, argument, affirmation. see daddy uther, not hard to look up.
- forget they didnt have internet whoopsies
- :((( arthur doesn't trust merlin anymore
- the husbands FIGHT
- not just a banter petty fight, this is a huge fight
- its been 2 minutes after i wrote that last sentence, and i am now okay
- “a half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole” iconic as hell. so many things could be said about that quote. either for innuendo purposes, love purposes, destiny purposes, how long it took me to say it right, just so many purposes man. it’s just iconic.
- merlin looks absolutely done with kilgaharama’s shit
- “just give me a straight answer” seems like kilgarass here is being too gay for merlin
- gwen already knows merlin’s the heroin of the series, saying everyone knows it's merlin who will save the day. but same tbh
- i dunno if this is like me or not but it says her nickname is gwyn in the subtitles but im typing it as gwen which i thought was how u wrote it, even if her full name is gwynevere but like gwen has a ring to it while gwyn sounds like gwin or smth and i dunno which one is right so ill just leave it alone ahjsjfk
- merlin trying one last time to convince his husband not to die, but at least this time arthur knows he’s up for val’s magic and is like “k iloveyou but i have to do this for the country not just bc of pride and thinking val is not magic”
- staring into the fire like he’s hoping it would suck him up into the void, not only is merlin a now confirmed emo, so is fucking arthur it seems. perfect for one another i'm telling you
- eerie music as morgana enters… wha suddenly i can't read
- i thought at first morgana and arthur were gonna end up together cause of the fucking weird tension going on and i was prepared to be disfuckinggusted but no! the show and producers actually put my expectations away and helped me see that it wasn’t going in that direction! thank fucking god! 
- k but arthur looks majestic in his gear im just a huge bi
- “don’t go into my room” he says then gaius peaks in and almost gets mauled by a large chihuahua
- me too val, id step on someone's toes then fuck them up with an undercut. thats the bad bitch way to go. unless it for arthur, then val hahaha you can go fuck yourself
- no one sees mErLin??
- but they now see the snakes smh fakes
- “what are you doing? i didn't summon you” i don't think that will work val cause you didn't say it with a serpent tongue, it has to sound more like “shhashhwhat ahhssare hiisssyou iisshhaadoing?”
- okay but i thought arthur was impaled for a half second until he started to talk then i screamed that he was aight and he would now believe merlin
- uther better give merlin an apology
- arthur just said he wouldnt
- “yknow i wish valiant was escorting me” “me too” i thought for a fricken moment arthur wished valiant would have escorted HIM. i'm dying.OMG
- “i wanted to say i made a mistake. it was unfair to sack you.” “don’t worry about it. buy me a drink and we’ll call it even.” DID YOU JUST SAY WHAT I THINK YOU JUST SAID MERLIN YOU SLY DOG OMG
- “i can’t really be seen to be buying drinks for my servant.” so if he wasn’t ur servant?? you’d say yes?? they are so fucking gay i can't anymore
- yeah, i literally fucking can't
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reallystellacadente · 7 years
1-3, 6, and 9?
1. How many characters do you have? 22 on Ebon Hawk and something like 50 across all servers. I acknowledge that I have a problem, yes. 
2. What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favorite. 
1. Sith Warrior favorite, hands down, 25/8/367. This one does it for me in all the ways and not just Because Quinn but ngl, that’s a big reason. Most interesting romance, however you choose to play it. And the end scene of the class story is just the best. Also my favorite play style, both adv. classes are love. 
I like all the classes, storywise, tbh.The rest, sort of in order: 
2. Imperial Agent – I love spy shit, Vector and all the different ways to play the story. Love the play style, too. 
3. Inquisitor/Jedi Knight – tied. Inquisitor is, I must say, the most unique story, the most likely to make a great movie or novelization. Also love to play. Though I still lovingly remember being a Sorc when everyone hated on us for being OP. Jedi Knight is a bit like SW just clunkier, playwise, but give me two lightsabers and the ability to jump on shit and I am happy as a clam. 
4. Smuggler – A fun story, I think I might have finally made a toon I feel could actually be in a romance with Corso. But I have yet to find a spec/play style I don’t loathe. It’s just me, I know. 
5. Bounty Hunter – Good story, good romance, good playstyle altho I’m just now playing a Merc for first time. 
6. Trooper – I don’t hate the story, actually, although it’s a bit repetitive and times when I want to scream at BioWare for getting military life, even in the GFFA, so wrong when it would have been easy to get it right. I love military stories so I really wish this one would have been perfect. Assault cannon attacks are so out of control, tho. 
7. Consular – Story is all over the place, feels like outtakes from the Jedi Knight as KOTOR3 story. But I adore my rock-throwing Barsen’thor and hope to some day raid Pubside with her. One day I hope to rewrite the consular story. 
3. Do you prefer to tank, DPS, or heal? DPS is my favorite. I just love to stomp around with my lightsabers. It makes me feel fearless. I also enjoy healing, though I’ve only done it full time on my Operative. I have only tanked a few times on heroics back in the H4 days; I really am not confident enough to pug an op. Maybe someday I’ll sign up with my guild’s ops training runs on a tank.
6. Do you primarily play Republic, Empire, or a mix of both sides? Is there a specific reason for this preference? Mostly Imp side. It just feels more exciting, more focused. A guildie who was in beta speculated that Pubside was designed first (makes sense given the origin of the game) but by the time they got to the Impside, they said FUCK IT LET’S NOT MAKE IT SO LONG AND DIFFICULT FOR NO REASON and it was better. I mean Pubside Corellia planetary questline is brutal. The Pubside heroics on Balmorra are a hot gooey mess, esp the collicoid ones. I could do the Impside ones in my sleep, tho. 
9. How about your least favorite companions? [just my opinions, I do not ship shame or piss on other ppl’s faves, so YMMV is my rule.] Aside from Skadge, I don’t dislike any of them vehemently. There are a few WTFs and just “personalities my toon and/or I can’t get along with” though. 
Doc is Doc and not the kind of man I ever want to have in my life on purpose. The fact that he looks way too much like my ex-husband does not help, lol. 
Ashara never meshed with my All Dark Side Sorc, but I have an all light side assassin – she’s level 61 and just started Alderaan, so maybe someday she’ll make it to Taris and we’ll see. Her story is great, don’t get me wrong. The real pebble in the boot with Ashara is what she says during gameplay. “I won’t give up my Jedi teachings” or whatever, six times in a row when you are a most Extra Sith is hella annoying. 
I’ve said many times Pierce disappoints in a number of ways; he never meshed with Xhareen but she respects him as a colleague, just not as a friend. 
I love Risha’s story, but not I’m keen on her personality. Thing is, I wouldn’t change it. She’s well done. 
There are a few who just are there, like furniture, like Tharan Cedrax (altho his personal story gets better); Tanno only works for a DS soldier, or if you go bad later on – not that that wouldn’t be interesting!; Rusk is just boring and could have been better written and Forex’s jingoism is just OUT THERE TONE IT DOWN BRAH. 
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berrymeter · 3 years
new onewe songs!!!!!!! i am, as always, slightly disappointed with the title track it’s so catchy but it seems so rushed i guess? but u should listen to this mini bc ur boy (dm) his voice has improved a lot and he gets to shine imo! my faves are ai and cosmos: ai is so chill and cosmos is peak historical fantasy ost.. also aurora but they’ve performed that live before so i ruined it for me by playing the live version over and over before the album was released 😓😓 also in other news everyone’s clowning e3 and my only thought is BOTW 2 COMING 2022 i’ll die i’ll dieeee and it looks like the terrain is floating chunks islands which is my favorite fantasy terrain ever it gives me castle in the sky it gives me the mmmh music video i’m so exciteddd unless they let me down again.. 🔪 -تي تي that’s arabic for tt i hope you missed my rambling blocks of text staining ur inbox
ok first thing i wanna address is that the "staining" my inbox reminded me of a gintama arc 😔💧 don't remember what the hell sougo & kondo were saying but it was beautiful & poetic so i find figurative stains endearing now . hi tt anon my beloved ❤
so i have only listened to the title track for now but i will pretty much write my reactions to the bsides as i listen to them LMAO, and personally i rlly liked it even though it could've been... more? but to be fair topping a book in memory is hard and if i expect a book in memory everytime they release a song i'll never be happy HJFDHKJ. i really enjoyed it, it's going into my current faves playlist for sure. i actually enjoy the acoustic guitar for once 😭 my biggest problem i think is that the mv is very much Not Delicate (albeit i guess a bit boring) but the song feels so... it doesn't go as hard as like. nearly being fucking drowned 😅😅😅 and as a lover of Anger and Passion and Strong Feelings in music it feels like a watered down moonshot. now i'm not sure how they could've bettered it actually though. let me think. maybe harin going harder on the drums? and More electric than just during the bridge? which i get isn't easy for when u play it live but... yonghoon should play the acoustic guitar while kanghyun plays electric guitar. i think this would make it better. also crazier vocals though i'm already happy with what we got but yonghoon relies on his falsetto so much can he scream more please. maybe a different rhythm in the chorus too but i like it in the post chorus, i really like the post chorus actually!! the drums should have a different rhythm i the chorus however i think it's the same problem i had with valkyrock. the rhythm is done weird. it's fast paced like in a pop song and ykw it reminds me of avicii which yeah it fits weird with the song... omgg can u believe initially i was gonna say "i don't have many thoughts on it" LMAOO i can never shut up can i
now for the bsides... well the intro is an intro. i do not have much to say 😔
aurora..... is so nice? i haven't heard it in full yet but this is really good and is also going on my playlists!! the chorus is very satisfying to hear i love it 😭 i hadn't heard it before bc i don't keep up with shit HDJKSHFK but i really like it a lot!!!
miss logo i do love her...... it still feels like there's something missing ngl but i'll still cry to it so it's all good! i'll need a couple more listens to have fully formed thoughts i think but i like it very much!
onto a.i....... ohh a song with a brighter tone from onewe? hasn't happened since end of spring LMAO. ohhh this is really good this is really really good!!!!! *free jazz mcdonald's tiktok voice* i'm lovin it. i will absolutely do a feedback on giwook dongmyeong & yonghoon once i'm done with the mini bc i have many thoughts especially on dongmyeong yeah 😭 u were right he has improved but i wanna elaborate on that. OHHH KANGHYUN WITH THE GUITAR!!!!! this is so pleasant OHHHHHH DONGMYEONG WITH THE ONOMATOPEIA THAT WAS SO NICE i love that song. i will marry her. i like this kind of song but they're not usually my favourites and well so far?..... so good
i do like veronica :00 this is gonna be an unpopular opinion but i actually don't like ateez' older songs that much for the majority when it comes to the happier/brighter songs and veronica fits in with those songs, except it's better and has a band. like if winner & ateez's best happy songs had a baby and it was better than both of them. that's veronica. does that make sense. it's not groundbreaking but i love it
cosmos now!! oh you're riiight about that song. historical fantasy drama with this song as the soundtrack i would definitely watch. this is so tragic and beautiful i can only imagine what kind of storyline they'd add into a drama like that. it's hmmm maybe not one of my favourites on this mini but to be fair? they also all are favourites. they're all really good songs and ykw i don't wanna pit winners against each other. love wins
NOW ONTO MY BELOVEDS i will not judge harshly at all except for yonghoon i Guess but like. hmmm! oh yonghoon how i wish you used your mixed voice more! falsetto is hard to use (at least for me) so i get that he's showing off but sometimes you just gotta yell really loud and strong. it would make the songs a lot more powerful imo (not all of them but like, some). ofc i'm not gonna criticise his technique i just wish he used his voice differently with every release giwook is more & more pleasant to listen to which is really cool considering he already started out pleasant lol... now we all know how kpop rappers are but idk he's nice he's neat. he mostly just talk sings as they do but it's at least nice to hear, and everytime he and dongmyeong play off each other in songs it's a delight!! just very good. 10/10 and of course. dongmyeong. you're absolutely right he's been improving a LOT with every release and personally i really appreciate when he uses his lower tone as well bc you can feel he's comfortable with it (unlike... well.) bc he's really learnt to use his range. and actually? as i have compared yonghoon's use of the falsetto to jonghyun's (bold move but i'm not taking it back) i will compare dongmyeong's vocals to taemin's. they both have this smoother tone that makes them really good as supporting vocalists, something i realised listening to this mini, he will never be a vocalist like yonghoon in the way that his voice will never sound as powerful, like powerful for a main vocalist in a kpop group, but used the way it's being used as a lead vocalist, it really fits!! and if he were to like, go solo or whatever (extremely unlikely i know this is just hypothetical) i could honestly see him do similar stuff to taemin when it comes to how he'd sing. ofc i'm not expecting him to become a dance master even if he's onewe's best (and only?) dancer LMAO but their vocals are similar in that way
whew that got super long i'm so sorry but I AGREEEEE BOTW 2 MY BELOVED. ppl have been drawing comparisons with skyward sword & saying that it might be taking place in skyloft and honestly? HONESTLY? please. i'm already excited for ss hd (as upsetting as it was that most of the game had nothing to do with skyloft itself i just spend my time flying around lmao) but botw 2 i am Looking. and yeah it does give castle in the sky ohhh my favourite ghibli film oohhhhhh my beloved OOHHHHHHHH
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