#next up: winterfest
victorluvsalice · 11 months
Sims 4 Wednesday Substitution Post: Potential Valicer In The Dark Save File
Hi folks! I've pushed the next Chill Valicer Save update to next week, both because my buffer has almost run out (there's a few key mods I need for the save that I don't know the status of in regards to the Home Chef Hustle patch, so I haven't had a chance to play it in a long while) and because I would rather a Winterfest update come after Halloween (even if it's only one day after XD). So instead, I'm going to take this opportunity to talk about another save file I've considered starting --
A "Valicer In The Dark"-themed save! Because we all know how much I love that AU. :p Specifically, this would be a challenge save for myself and my favorite trio -- here's what I've come up with so far:
-->The save would feature Victor, Alice, and Smiler living in a dilapidated version of the lair I built for them previously, based off Elder Gutknecht's tower (I've been calling the lot itself "Gutknecht Bend"). This version of the lot would have only the VERY basics needed for survival (a cauldron to cook a few simple meals, a bed, a toilet, and a bath), a few items to help with skills (like a bookshelf and a piano for Victor), and a whole heap of Lot Challenges -- Off The Grid, Simple Living, Spooky, Filthy, Grody, Creepy Crawlies, and Reduce And Recycle. Oh, and it would be a Haunted House Lot for extra impact. :p On the plus side, it would also have the Science Lair, Bracing Breezes, and Private Dwelling lot traits (to reflect the lair in my write-up having the Workshop, Prowess Training, and Hidden upgrades), and the trio would eventually be able to remove Filthy, Grody, and Creepy Crawlies -- I dunno about the others yet!
-->The challenge of the save would be a Rags To Riches -- specifically, I'd be using the "Makin' Money" scenario, as that's basically a Rags To Riches quickstart and provides a solid goal of $1,000,000 to reach! HOWEVER -- the twist here would be that none of the three can enter any "traditional" careers -- they can only make money from freelance careers, selling things to other Sims, and Odd Jobs. And of course they have to funnel a not-insignificant portion of the money they earn into making their house more livable...basically, while they at least have a roof over their head when the challenge starts, it's not going to be an easy road to that million!
-->The trio would be based in Windenburg, which would serve as their Duskwall -- my original idea was that they couldn't leave that world at ALL, but I'm thinking that I might allow travel to places like Britechester and Evergreen Harbor. And, at least once, Glimmerbrook, because...
-->This would be an all Spellcasters save! On the basis of "Victor should be a Spellcaster because of his Whisper status; Smiler should be a Spellcaster because of their Alchemist special power; Alice should be a Spellcaster because it feels rude to leave her out" XD Plus that way, everyone could learn the Burgliate spell so they could do heists! :D
-->Everybody would have personal goals to represent their roles in the gang and in the world --
Victor: He's the Whisper, so naturally his job would be to max his medium skill and become a Freelance Paranormal Investigator!
Smiler: They're the Slide and Leech, so I figured what they would do is pursue the alchemy branch of spellcasting and sell their potions to other Sims. I also think they should start up a club called the Advocates to recruit people into their cult. XD
Alice: She's the Cutter...and she is where I run into trouble, because I'm not entirely sure HOW to represent that in the game. Other than maxing out her Fitness skill. O.o Yeah, I know there's an aspiration in the game where you actively seek out fights and such, but that's not really Alice's style, you know? I suppose I could have her pursue the Bodybuilder aspiration...if anyone has any thoughts on what I could do for her, let me know!
But yeah, that's all the basics of this potential save! Naturally I'd want to create (or download) a suitable custom save file for it, and I really want to open Van Liddelton Groceries first, but I feel like this might make for a good change of pace from the cottagecore occults. Which I promise we will get back to next Wednesday, as they had a pretty, uh, INTERESTING Winterfest, let me tell you...
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grandpa-cephalopods · 2 years
Vulture raps his fingers on his desk, and decides to bite the bullet and send a message to T's phone.
"Do you think I could look at Wormy again at some point?"
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[Sure? They're probably lonely anyways.]
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... [They've been eating more lately, I bet it's the cold rolling in.]
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hotseok · 1 year
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sunset days
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cinamun · 9 months
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Happy Winterfest & Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!
The Drake Holiday Card 2020
The Drake Holiday Card 2021
The Drake Holiday Card 2022
*Bonus: The Drake Holiday Card Before They Were The Drakes
Follow me under the cut to learn why this Winterfest is a bittersweet one for the Drake family:
Well friends, as you can see over the years, the children are all grown and there really is no need for Darren & Indya Drake to hold on to the sprawling seaside mansion they've called home for a very long time. They've raised all their kids there and brought home their very first grandchildren there (and a new niece!). So its bittersweet as they begin to pack up all those memories and downsize for the next leg of the journey.
Some of you may remember every single one of those holiday cards lol its been a wild ride but as has always been the case, its been full of growth.
Happy Holidays to all my friends and I wish you all peace, joy, happiness, love and full bellies.
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simsadilla · 5 months
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A warm and sunny Winterfest
We love a beautiful DINK couple...Rakim's twitter is basically a Kelela stan account - he be keeping up with her baaad.
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lynzishell · 22 days
The Past 💛 Atas
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“Ash!!” I scream as I bolt upright in bed, turning to search for him, feeling with my hands until my eyes adjust to the darkness.
He’s not here.
A wave of dread courses through me like ice in my veins. Something is very wrong.
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I reach for my phone and slide onto the floor, huddling in the tight space between my bed and the wall as I search for his name and press the call button with shaking hands. “Please answer. Please,” I whisper into the darkness.
There’s a short pause before I hear his voice, “Atlas?”
“Ash! Where are you?”
“I’m at home. What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“I- I don’t know,” I say, still disoriented, “You’re okay though?”
“I’m fine. Are you okay?”
I let out a sigh of relief, and slowly my panic begins to fade, leaving a twinge of embarrassment in its wake. “Um, yeah, I think it was just a nightmare. Shit, I’m sorry for waking you.”
“It’s alright. D’you wanna stay up and talk for a bit?”
“Sure. You don’t mind?”
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“Not at all. I’m having trouble sleeping too. I thought Iris was having her baby tonight.”
“What happened?” I close my eyes as he speaks, and imagine he’s here, sitting next to me.
“She called me and told me she was in labor, so I jumped up to rush out there, and as soon as I was about to get on the freeway, my mom called and told me it was just Braxton-Hicks and not to come over. Everything’s fine, but now I’m having trouble winding down.”
“I’m glad she’s okay. When is she due?”
“Not for another month, just before Winterfest.”
“Probably good she wasn’t really in labor then.”
“Yeah, best to let her cook a bit longer.”
I chuckle quietly, unsure what else to say but not wanting to hang up just yet.
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We sit in silence for a moment before he asks, “Hey, are you going dancing with us for Lex’s birthday?”
“I’m planning on it. As long as they’re not going to be playing some Top 40 shit or something.”
He scoffs, “Has anyone ever told you you’re a bit of a music snob?”
“I’m not a snob, I just know what I like.”
“Right,” he laughs, “Well, you’re in luck, I think it’s just a house night. Maybe a bit of techno or breaks thrown in depending on who’s spinning, but that’s about it.”
“That I can deal with.”
“Good. It’ll be fun.”
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“Yeah. Well, um, we should probably get some sleep.” As much as I’d like to stay on the phone with him all night, I feel guilty keeping him up.
“Yeah, probably.”
“Thank you for talking with me.”
“Of course, that’s what friends are for.” He says this as though it’s common, expected even, but in my experience it’s anything but. I can’t think of anyone in my whole life besides my sister that would be there for me like this without giving me shit or making me feel silly.
“Ash, I- I think you might be my best friend.”
“What you do you mean might be?”
“Okay, you definitely are,” I admit with a smile.
“Good. You’re mine too,” he says before clarifying, “You and Lex, of course.”
“Of course.”
“And Jasper.”
“Can’t forget Jasper.”
“Don’t worry, though, you’re my favorite.”
He laughs, neither confirming nor denying it, and says, “G’night Atlas.”
“Good night, Ash.”
As I hang up the phone, I fall backwards against my bed and let out a sigh, frustrated that my nightmare has returned to haunt me, and wishing Ash were here. I think about the way I keep reaching for him when I wake up, always so certain he’s going to be there, sleeping next to me, ready to roll over and drape his body across mine and make the world feel right again.
“Why?” I ask the empty room, as if the darkness holds the secrets that will help me understand, but it gives me nothing. So, I lie there, eyes closed, listening for answers that will never come.
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medievalthymes · 2 months
rereading rote with hindsight of the entire cycle is such a unique experience because you always pick up on SOMETHING that you didn’t see the first time that makes you go off the walls insane
like I was rereading the first chapter of fools assassin and I’m just NOW realizing that Fitz was clearly under the skill influence via the whites serpent spit to look away from the messenger and ignore the white assassins at his winterfest party. the first time I read that scene I was was so frustrated with Fitz because I couldn’t believe he would get so lax and stupid in his age of domestic bliss.. like Fitz is dumb but not THAT dumb, and most of the time when he is being dumb and irrational in the series it’s because of deep set paranoia from past events — not brushing the danger off but instead acting before he has a plan or all the facts. This is OOC for Fitz, and rereading it, it’s so clear now that someone was influencing him.
Everytime someone brings up the messenger or the group of strangers he instantly brushes it off and fixates on molly and the party almost single mindedly (note the repeated same exact phrase, much like a skill command) —
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He lets the group of “strange musicians” into his home way too easily, and even when he starts to suspect things and starts thinking like an assassin he gets distracted almost immediately
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LIKE IF FITZ THOUGHT THEY WERE ANY SORT OF DANGER TO HIS FAMILY HE WOULD NOT GO BACK AND PARTY!! even in his retired era. His instincts wouldn’t let him. unless there was another factor at play. Even Web, who noticed something was off with them and their Wit gets distracted and pulled into a convo with Fitz about something completely unrelated, completely forgetting his instincts and that he thought they were a danger.
AND THEN — THEN!! hobb starts the chapter off — almost randomly — with an excerpt about the skill, which seemingly doesnt hold any meaning to the next chapter because you’re like “Fitz doesn’t use the skill that much in this chapter?? Also we already know this it’s literally book 14 why is she rehashing it?” BUT SHES TELLING YOU THAT HE’S UNDER SKILL INFLUENCE
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BUT. BUT you couldn’t know about any of that if you didn’t know about the serpent spit which doesn’t come up until later. like maybe you might suspect a skill user but chances are low because she never actually reveals that this happens ever in the story because FITZ doesn’t ever realize what happens.
anyways. robin hobb you’re insane you’re crazy
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sojutrait · 1 year
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miles successfully guilt tripped abby into spending winterfest with his side of the family for once. he even went all out and dressed as father winter which amused everyone but chu hua 😭😭 later on back in san myshuno, they built snowpals right next to a protest and a garbage can while coughing up smog. ✨city life ✨
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fallstaticexit · 2 months
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Benji has always been a bit different from the other Briars. There's no doubt he loves his family but money talks and his phone is always ringing.
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Benji: Go for Ben.
Ami: Guess who had a very amazing 6 month check up.
Benji: Obviously it’s our best girl-
Finn: Hi papa! S’ Finn!
Benji: Hey, buddy. Had a good day in school?
Finn: Uhhhh huh!
Ami: He was the line leader a 4th day in a row.
Benji: Line leader today, global powerhouse tomorrow, you know.
Ami: Are you sitting down?
Benji: Yess...?
Ami: So...don’t make a big fuss but, Mama and Baba invited us over for dinner.
Benji: Ami...
Finn: Yay!!!
Ami: You have to come this time, Ben. Baba is starting to get antsy.
Benji: Well Baba thinks Papa is a big stinky poopy head.
Finn: [giggles]
Ami: He does not. You know Baba. He’s...traditional. He doesn’t understand the vast complexity and nuances of the corporate world. He values family.
Benji: I value family! Our technology advances the modern family dynamic. Servos pick up the slack so parents can spend more time with their kids-
Ami: I know that, Ben but Baba is old school. He thinks you can work and play and you do too much work. It’s just dinner.
Ami: Tell papa, Finny.
Finn: Yeah, papa. S’dinner!
Ami: Your mother and father will be there. So no excuses.
Benji: [grumbles] ...yes, dear.
Ami: We love you. Dress casual. That means wear jeans. Bye-Bye.
Benji: [groans]
Secretary: Sir? You have a representative from the Landgraab Foundation on line 2 about the merger.
Benji: Take a message, please. I have dinner with my in laws.
Finn: Hellloo! Yooohooo!
Mama Ito: Oh, I am so glad you all were able to come for dinner. You all look like you’re hungry!
Elliot: Thank you for having us.
Benji: Oh yeah. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Baba Ito: Mhm. No big hot shot meeting to tend to, Mr. Hot Shot?
Ami: I thought you said you’d behave?
Baba Ito: What! I only make small talk. They don’t small talk in those big shiny offices?
Baba Ito: How was your trip back home, Willow?
Willow: Oh, it was lovely! I’ll take any chance I can get to see our family.
Baba Ito: So your mother makes time to visit family in the states, eh? When is the last time you seen your family, Benjamin?
Ami: Baba...
Benji: I mean...it’s been...some time...
Willow: I was just telling Benji that we’re invited to his Uncle Silas wedding this fall. Perfect time for the kids to meet the rest of the family.
Benji: And that does sound lovely, but the quarter ends at the beginning of fall. My schedule will only allow one trip, and that’s for Winterfest.
Baba Ito: Tuh! You think you have it so good, business man. Next thing you know, you’re an old man and time has passed you by. What then!
Elliot: Mr. Ito is right, beta. He has alot of wisdom we can all learn from.
Baba Ito: Heh. Yeah. Yeah! I am right, aren’t I?
Benji: My company can’t run itself, you know!
Finn’s Inner Monologue: I sure don’t know what the heck is going on here and I’m not sticking around to find out. See ya next episode!
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wa-royal-tea · 4 months
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(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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Magnolia House, Holan (10:58pm)
Alfie (text message): I’m home. I’ll wait for you in the living room. Don’t come home too late.
Alfie: You’re home early. I thought you’d stay at the party longer.
Catalina: Huh? Oh. Wasn’t in the mood for it. I’m tired.
Alfie: Are you okay? Do you feel sick?
Catalina: I’m fine. Just really really tired.
Alfie: Let’s get inside then. I’ll run a hot bath for you. We can watch Simflix tonight too if you want.
Catalina: That sounds great. You’re a lifesaver.
Alfie: *chuckles* I try, my dear.
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Catalina: What’s on the menu?
Alfie: “Crash Landing on You”, “Dr. Cha”, “King the Land”, and-or “The Red Sign”.
Catalina: Isn’t that Carlos’ movie? I thought we already watched it.
Alfie: Yeah, this one is the sequel to “The Red Dress”. We haven’t watched it yet.
Catalina: Hmm, we can go for that one then.
Alfie: Aight. Your wish is my command~
Catalina: *inhales deeply*
Alfie: What are you doing?
Catalina: Nothing. You smell good by the way. Are you using a new cologne?
Alfie: I didn’t. It’s just the shower gel you got me last Winterfest. I’ve been using it everyday.
Catalina: Really? I never noticed it before.
Alfie: L-Lina—
Catalina: Shhh~
Alfie: Y-you said you were tired.
Catalina: I don’t feel tired anymore.
Alfie: But the movie—
Catalina: We can watch it later. I want you, now.
Alfie: Wait, hold on—
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*rustling sounds from the kitchen*
Alfie: *yawns* Lina?
Catalina: Alfie? Did I wake you?
Alfie: Yeah. It’s four in the morning. What are you doing up?
Catalina: Sorry. I was just very hungry. I had to look for something to eat.
Alfie: You could’ve woke me up. I can make something for you.
Catalina: You seemed tired. I didn’t want to bother you.
Alfie: It’s not a bother. Next time just wake me up.
Catalina: Hm, okay.
Alfie: You’ve been acting weird lately.
Catalina: Why’d you say that?
Alfie: First of all, what we did earlier…rarely happens when you’re “tired”. And second of all, you’re eating my onigiri. I thought you hate sushi.
Catalina: Onigiri is not sushi.
Alfie: Okay, but you don’t usually like onigiri too.
Catalina: Whatever. I’m hungry, okay? We don’t really have any leftovers from yesterday.
Catalina: What? Why are you looking at me like that?
Alfie: Sorry. I was just thinking.
Catalina: About what?
Alfie: About what Dira told me. She said you’ve been getting stuff you don’t usually do when you guys went out to eat. And she told me that you complained about your chest being tight at the fitting too?
Catalina: Urgh. It’s nothing. She’s just overthinking it.
Alfie: Is she though?
Catalina: Alfie, everyone in our family knows we’re trying for a baby now. So they could be seeing these “symptoms” as a sign because they’re excited.
Alfie: I mean, what if they’re right?
Catalina: But what if it’s not? I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.
Alfie: It doesn’t hurt to try, right?
Alfie: Look, I know you don’t want to disappoint anyone. I understand that.
Alfie: But it wouldn’t hurt for you to get a test and check it first. If it’s positive, great! We’re having a baby. But if it’s negative, it’s okay. We can try again.
Catalina: I…I’m scared.
Alfie: I’ll be there with you. I promise.
Catalina: Can you give me some time before I check it? I still have a few days before my period is supposed to come. I don’t want to jump the gun yet.
Alfie: Of course. If that makes you feel better.
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trumpets0ng · 4 months
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252 - “Easier"
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((It Is What It Is - Abe Parker))
For easier reading, please see transcript below the cut:
X: *signaling waitress for another round* What time are you flying out?
U: Ten; but we have to be at the airport by eight.
X: Shouldn’t you be packing?
J: Someone’s gotta keep you company! *wink as everyone laughs*
U: But in all seriousness, you sure about staying the week? *Xander frowns in confusion*
J: Don’t look at me—
U: Am I supposed to play dumb? *Xander sighs* I suspected when you left The Falls early, the Winterfest we met Obie. But when you bailed last Harvestfest—
X: I had to work— *Uchechi purses her lips; Xander sighs* Who else knows?
J: Just Uchcechi. Trust me, were it common knowledge, you’d know.
X: *snorts* Well, you can both relax. I’m ok. *Uchechi raises eyebrows* We had brunch this morning, like old times—
J: And yet here we sit at the bar… like old times.
X: I thought we were just catching up.  
U: We are.
X: Believe it or not, I’ve been doing ok, you know.
J: You have. And as your friends, we’re just making sure you continue.
X: I said my goodbyes this evening. I’ve no plans to see her again before I leave. The way I see it, she’s happy and I’m happy for her.
J: Are you?
X: *smirk* I’m getting there. Not sure why I thought it’d be easier than this.
U: Cause you have a good heart.
X: *snorts* You think?
U: I do.
J: What are you doing the rest of the week?
X: One of my boys from school got married and moved out here a few years back. Gonna visit him and his wife for 2 days… then, who knows?
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victorluvsalice · 10 months
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Welcome to Winter Friday in the Chill Valicer Save, aka The Proper Grand Opening Of The Grocery Store! We have a lot to get through, as per usual, so let's get to it --
-->Since I started with Victor and Alice snoozing away and Smiler singing into the rec room microphone after storing their latest frog acquisitions, I took the opportunity to put away all their non-decoration-box Winterfest decorations (Smiler took down the decoration box ones later); buy them a new tree to decorate next Winterfest (hopefully this one doesn’t go up in flames too); sell the unnecessary fridge, microscope, and karaoke machine in the household inventory (Clement Frost, bring better presents next year!); and buy a new rug for the downstairs (I couldn’t remember which rug they’d had originally, so I found another big one with a pattern I liked -- though I'm actually second-guessing my choice now, especially with that color scheme). I actually want to give the house another small makeover now that they have some money and can afford to upgrade even more furniture and whatnot, but I’ll save THAT for a future update!
-->With that all sorted, I decided that I should probably let Victor and Alice sleep until about 5 AM or so in an attempt to get them on a better sleep schedule. This meant it fell to Smiler to take care of the earliest morning chores -- namely, starting the laundry (and making sure to put a snow drop into the washing machine to guarantee it all smelled nice), refilling the pet bowls (one was out entirely, and the other dispensed its last bowl right after Smiler filled up the other one), and entertaining Surprise and Shadow (after Shadow came in from her chilly nap on the porch, anyway! Why'd you decide to sleep out there next to your own poop and pee, dog?). Ah, the curse of being the one Sim in the family who doesn't have to sleep at all...
-->Not that Victor and Alice are sleeping much, because their excellent bed meant they were up by 4:45 AM anyway. XD I figured that was close enough and had Victor check on Smiler’s Sixam Mosquito Trap plant Snappy (all good) before going downstairs to make himself breakfast (fruit and yogurt parfait, yum yum :D), while poor Alice got to clean out the upstairs litter box and then run down to the back porch to lecture Surprise on drinking from puddles. Specifically, the puddle that Shadow left there. *grimace* Fortunately, Surprise listened and learned not to drink from puddles at all, and Alice was able to clean up the mess with no further “gross pets” incidents. XD I figured things would go pretty smoothly from there --
-->And then I got a message from the game claiming Moory had been unhappy for a while and might be leaving if she didn’t receive an increase in her quality of care. I was like "what?!" and sent Smiler over to investigate. Turns out she was dirty, and since she hadn’t come out of her shed the other day (due to the blizzard -- I mean, can't blame her), she’d been dirty for longer than she wanted to be. Smiler cleaned her off, then made sure she had enough attention by asking about secret cow worlds and suchlike, which fortunately she found amusing. Hopefully that convinces the cow that she’s appreciated around the farm!
And, of course, if the cow was unhappy, the chickens might be too! They didn't have a great day in the blizzard either. So Alice got sent to make sure the coop was clean, the feed was spread, and everybody was well-socialized. Gotta take good care of your animals, after all! Especially if you haven't gotten the upgrade parts necessary to upgrade their coop/pen. (Really gotta start doing Finchwick errands again...)
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dreamyyesenia · 14 days
The Joy of Life - A very chaotic Winterfest and Briar’s Birthday 🎂
The day of winterfest eve was Briar’s Birthday! She invited all of her friends and Rosemary made sure she got the birthday cake of her dreams (a unicorn cake 🦄).
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While Finn and Briar were having fun playing games, listening and dancing to music, eating cake and watching movies - Jasper and Rosemary snuck out to have their own party❤️‍🔥
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Peony was having a blast dancing as well! At last, Briar made a wish and our little princess aged up to a teenager!
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Next up, after the kids’ friends had left to celebrate winterfest eve with their families, the Boyer family gathered around their decorated tree and sang songs and opened presents 🎁
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Unfortunately, no one cared about father winter. He sat in the kitchen staring at the remnants of Briar’s birthday cake day all night 🕯️
Well, let me tell you this was very chaotic I was barely able to get screenshots but I didn’t want to replay to get better fotos, I had such a blast playing and that’s what I strive for 😄 Also not kidding, Father Winter stayed at the house all night I had to make him leave using MCCC. He was desperate to talk to my sims but they were occupied!? 😭 Also, Peony kept 💩 in her pants again and again (although she has potty level 3!). Rosemary changed her diapers a couple of times but in the end, a bath was needed. Maybe she’s lactose intolerant?! 🙈
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hashimasims · 18 days
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Taehyung: YOU CALL THAT KEEPING AN EYE ON HER!? You stay here burn the place to ash to clean it up while I go and try to clean up the mess at home.
Sebastian: Yes sir. May I make a suggestion?
Taehyung: I always accept your council, even when you disappoint me Bash. Speak!
Sebastian: Your brother is having a Winterfest party tomorrow night trying to get all his family together, the Lady is invited of course, He didn't send you an invite since you've denied all other invitations to his home but if you call him I'm sure he'd want you there. Maybe cornering her there may be to your advantage.
Taehyung: Cornering her like prey is not going to be the best course of action. If I've really been gone as long as you say she's going to think I abandoned her, hence why another was able to slide into my place. I will go to my brother's party and try to have a civil conversation. Hopefully.
Sebastian: How will you explain your absence sir?
Taehyung: I have twenty four hours to figure that out now don't I? Clean this up I'll see you at the house.
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changingplumbob · 1 month
Knightstone Household: Chapter 9, Part 6
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Suzanna and Pollock called Adam and Silas out of the office to open some more gifts.
Adam: Pol, what happened to your costume
Pollock: Not know
Suzanna: He wanted to get in his overalls after his bath. We’ve already taken the family photo
With gifts to each other out of the way the family examine what Father Winter has left for them. Pollock gets a Blarfy, Silas gets a model train, Adam got a common gem and Suzanna got a painting. It’s like Father Winter doesn’t know Suzanna is the one collecting gems and Adam is the one who likes fine art, weird.
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Pollock: Mummy, can we book
Suzanna: You want a book
Pollock: I lo books
Silas: Can I listen to Mummy
Suzanna: I guess we’re reading a book then. Let’s go in the lounge, it’ll be comfier than the table
The trio move to the lounge and Pollock grabs the spot beside Suzanna.
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Suzanna: Okay let’s see. This one is about a train
Pollock: Does train have name
Suzanna: They just call it the engine
Silas: We should call it something cool like... Harold
Suzanna: What do you think Pollock
Pollock: Yes to Silas
So Suzanna reads them the story doing her best to substitute in Harold for engine whenever she can.
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After the story Silas jumps online to play with Ruth and Tyree.
Suzanna: Now Pollock, did I see you hit Sydney today
Pollock: No Mummy
Suzanna sighs. She did see it which means it’s likely Pollock is an aggressive toddler. They’ll have to find some way to channel that before he ends up a hot head like Adam.
Suzanna: Want to play for a bit Moondust?
Pollock: Yes Mummy
It seems Suzanna decides the best spot to play is right in front of the TV that Silas is trying to use...
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Silas: Do you have to play right there
Suzanna: I would move but I can’t find your brother
Katherine: He’s on your back Suzie. Die, clay, die!
Suzanna: Oh there you are
Pollock: *giggles*
Suzanna: Shall we fly like a rocket ship huh? Zoom
Silas: Stay on the right please Mummy. My character is on the left
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At dinner Pollock finally gets his serving of the grand meal while the rest of the household has some fish and chips.
Adam: Silas are you alright? You look a bit pale
Silas: My stomach doesn’t feel good
Suzanna: Ethelyn was saying she felt sick, maybe he got the bug off her
Adam: Yeah that would- Pollock! Do you have to spill so much. Try to eat over your plate
Pollock: I do
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Silas: Mummy can I stay home from school tomorrow
Suzanna: I’m not sure the mod lets you do that
Silas: Can’t you let me do that
Adam: Silas we both have work tomorrow and your brother will be going to daycare. There’ll be no one here to watch you so you’ll have to go to school
Pollock: *thinking to himself* I made a pretty mess
While Adam and Suzanna take care of the dishes the boys nap on the couches, not quite ready for Winterfest to end.
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Adam: Did we do Winterfest right then
Suzanna: There is one more thing... mistletoe
Adam: And it’s a tradition to kiss under it?
Suzanna: Yep. Can’t remember why but it is
Adam: Humans and their nonsense. Come on then Starlight
The two kiss and feel their hearts flutter. It's one of those times they both feel grateful to have found each other on this lump of rock.
Suzanna: Think we could have a quick jaunt upstairs before the boys wake up from their naps
Adam: Oh absolutely
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Heading back downstairs Adam starts a TV workout while Suzanna shepherds the kids to bed. Pollock is keen for another story so Suzanna reads to him while Silas falls asleep quickly with his tummy bug. Once Pollock is snoring Suzanna tucks her two sons in and is about to leave the room when she remembers the monster under the bed. She’s not too sure if Silas needs to see her spray it but she gives a precautionary spray just in case.
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cinamun · 1 year
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Before a brief break in the story, can we just unpack these heavy arcs right quick? Follow me:
*Um also, just one update today because these pixels have been emotionally exhausting... but I digress...
Dear Readers,
Just as one couple rebounds through turmoil, indecisiveness and a potential break up, another couple is dealing with a surprise family member stolen by the state and yet another couple is dealing with gaslighting, emotional abuse and manipulation.
Its all been so much. As we were watching with our fingers crossed Hope and her Beau work through some very valid issues, and while we watched Indya and Darren take in a little one and remind a loved one about the critical importance of family, Mercy Carruthers writhed in pain. Surprised with a Winterfest ring, and not quite knowing what to do, Bishop took advantage as he usually does.
Its not that Jackson Carruthers, Jazz Pianist is any competition, its just that Isaac Bishop Blackburn can never give what Jackson could. Mercy, realizing this, couldn't bring herself to submit to marriage. To her, only one man is worthy of marriage and that man is resting peacefully. Maybe she breathed a sigh of relief when he took the ring back, even if inaction cost her dearly in the next room.
As for now, stay tuned. Let's take some deep breaths, let these moments marinate and hope for the best for all involved.
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