#next up is symbols and adios
ashtronomyys · 3 months
Our Future Days
Chapter 1 - Pt.4
SoapGhost TheLastofUs Au OFD Masterpost (Includes Further Tag Warnings) Chpt1 Masterpost
~2.6k Words
Also! For characters that speak multiple languages, I didn't want to trust google translate to get phrases and wording right, so instead, I decided to use brackets [ ] to signal what phrases are said in a different language. 
As a general rule of thumb, there will be a symbol at the end of a group of text indicating what language is being spoken, with [ar] = Arabic, [es] = Spanish, and [ru] = Russian. 
Ex: “[Bye!] I’ll see you tomorrow.” [es] would stand for “Adios! I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I hope that makes sense but let me know if I just made it sound more complicated than it needs to be LOL
The majority of Simon's body finally feels alive as he weaves his way through the more densely populated section of the city. Busy crowds move throughout the streets, and the occasional fellow patroller rides by on horseback, the crowd clearing up a path to let them through before swallowing it back up as soon as they pass.
With the whole base finally up and running, the city almost resembles something one would've seen pre-collapse, albeit, with fewer cars and a lot more deteriorating buildings.
Tall apartment buildings that have remained relatively unscathed now house the majority of the community members along these next few blocks. They spill out onto the pavement, striding between buildings as the sun continues to rise into the sky.
Simon adjusts his balaclava, the thin, black fabric covering his face from the rays, save for his eyes. The mask, in combination with the tall, formidable outline he makes up, leads to the sea of people parting for him, everyone unconsciously creating a wide berth around the man.
One of the many perks of the face covering, in his eyes. And a blessing too, after the way his morning started off, the last thing he'd want to get engulfed into the crowd as well, the thought of bumping shoulder to shoulder with everyone sounding like absolute hell right about now.
All the more reason for him to pack up his gear and head outside these walls for the majority of the day.
As he rounds the corner, the buildings give way to a large, open agora seated amidst the downtown area. The agora holds what was once a pristine, college campus, the library, residence halls, and lecture rooms reflecting sunlight off of the surviving glass windows.
Converted into the central base of a FEDRA outpost decades ago, then abandoned and left to rot, the buildings now serve as the main headquarters for the encampment. 
The front consists of winding paths that converge in an outside plaza. A large bronze, abstract sculpture of a bear, the school's former mascot, sits in the middle, watching over the entire site. Simon passes the sycamore trees lining the pathways, walking straight to the cafeteria for his first stop.
Inside, there are a handful of lines wrapping around the food counter already. The smell of freshly cooked batter, eggs, and bacon hangs thickly in the air. Any other day, Simon would be powerless against the intense craving of a good, hearty breakfast. Today though, the fragrance only serves to make him feel nausea more than anything.
His eyes scan the room until they land on the two figures he’s come looking for. At a far off table, he spots the familiar braided ponytail and blue cap of Farah and Kyle respectively, the two chatting over their own plates of food.
It isn’t long before Farah senses him and waves him over. She nods her head without missing a beat in their conversation, and Simon pushes through the packed cafeteria to take a seat next to his patrol-mate for the day.
"Well there you are, was beginning to worry that you wouldn't show,” Kyle nudges him with his elbow, his hands occupied with the last quarter of an eggs benedict. “You better hurry if you hope to get anything ‘fore it’s all gone. Word got ‘round that Jerry’s crew’s behind the stove today, and then the place got swamped!"
Jerry, one of the refuge’s dozens of delegated heads of the kitchens, was a somewhat, highly regarded chef before the outbreak. Half the camp was convinced that the food came out at a much higher caliber with the man working as head chef in the back. Simon swore that half the camp was deluding themselves. Not that he didn’t at least try to like it, he just couldn’t find it in himself to care about what was on his plate. It was all food to him.
Suppose spending years getting by on scraps probably shot whatever sense of taste his palete had left.
"I'm good,” Simon sighs. “Just need to stock up on ‘munitions. I'm ready to head out whenever you’re done."
"Not getting anything for breakfast?" Farah questions.
"I’m good."
"You sure? You can pick off of mine if you don't wanna wait in line," Kyle motions to his plate, a singular muffin being offered up to him.
The sweet aroma of blueberries leaves a fruity, acrid tang in Simon’s mouth, and it threatens to make Simon gag.
"Not hungry,” he declines, coming out rather clipped, so he adds on, “Rough night."
Kyle and Farah nod, nothing more needs to be said between them, thankfully. They both refrain from pressing on the issue and roll right along with the conversation.
"That makes two of us,” Farah relates. “At least you're not playing nurse for your idiot brother while he licks his wounds back home."
Kyle giggles around the sip he takes from his cup. "I still can't believe he banged up his bloody wrist that badly, what the hell was he thinking?!"
“He wasn’t thinking,” Farah rubs at her temples in annoyance. "You wanna know what Hadir did?" she says to Simon. "He went out partying with his friends and drank more than he could handle. Apparently, he got into an argument with another guy and he ended up tripping and falling down the steps outside the bar. Not an actual fight… the handrail, is what injured his wrist…” A few Arabic curses tumble out of Farah, condemning him as an idiot or something of equivalence based on her tone.
Simon snorts through his nose. He really pitied the poor girl. Her brother, Hadir, has surely made the most out of luxuries afforded to them now that they’ve found safety here, easing up and letting his guard down in every sense of the word. This was far from the first time Hadir had done something stupid and landed on his ass, leaving Farah to begrudgingly pick up the pieces left behind by him.
"So is he out for today then?" he asked.
She nods. "Nova is going to cover for him while he's recovering for the next two days.” Farah groans, rubbing more circles into her temple. “His wrist is barely even sprained, but of course, he wants to be a baby about it and beg me to help him with everything. Like I'm his butler. Constantly."
"I'm sure that'll work out well for him," Kyle remarks.
"This morning it got him a package of ibuprofen thrown at his head. I don't know where he'd be without me."
"Dead," both men reply in unison.
The table erupts into a round of laughter. At least if there’s one thing Hadir’s misfortune can provide, it’s free entertainment.
"I'd better get going. Still need to see who his replacement for the day is, I’ll catch you guys around,” Farah gets up to set her tray away, nabbing Kyle’s empty plate for him and earning a courteous nod as thanks.
Farah pats their shoulders as she leaves. “[Good luck.] And stay safe," she emphasizes that last part to Simon, squeezing his shoulder just a little bit longer in their own subdued form of a hug. [ar]
Kyle begins to crumple the wrapper off his muffin into a ball. "Alright, guess that’s our cue to start heading off too. Let's go see the cap'n for briefing then, yeah?"
"Let's," Simon agrees. He is more than happy to leave sooner rather than later.
Kyle tosses his trash into a nearby bin and they make their way across the campus. They pass through hallways lined with classrooms and lecture halls. The rooms in this section are mainly used for storage, whiteboards that were used to teach lessons now hold a list of all the reserves and resources stowed away.
The walk through the hallway has them passing poster sheets that cover news about the encampment. Simon glances at the papers, skim reading updates on the latest reports, current inventory, and the newest infected sightings.
Everything covering the inside of the encampment was pretty standard, nothing out of the ordinary, it was the accounts of things outside of the walls that had more troubling news. More infected must’ve been migrating from the south lately, seeing as there was a warning to exercise caution in the area. And on top of that, it looked like Nikolai was organizing a hunting party to help cull the numbers later on in the week.
Always needing the help, but never having enough of the volunteers, Simon is already planning on lending a hand for that endeavor. And fuck, if that wasn’t a good way to summarize what a lot of their issues boiled down to lately! Having not enough scouts and armed guards meant that the regulars like Simon and Farah nearly always had to pull the extra weight by pulling double shifts and all-nighters, the small cluster of volunteers becoming overworked and spread thin anytime the hordes of infected started to grow.
And that was one of the things that worried him the most. They were nowhere near as strong as Simon would’ve liked to defend as large of a base as they have. Sure, they’ve successfully dealt with all of the hunters trying to seize their land and resources so far, but for how long would they be able to last with such a limited number of safeguards? Especially with the number of outside forces, human or not, seeming to only grow in size the longer time goes on…
Or maybe he was just getting more and more paranoid. The others certainly seemed to think so, telling him he’s sounding more and more like the harbinger of doom found in every classic horror movie every time he voices his apprehension.
While Simon was lost in his thoughts, the pair evidently made it all the way up the two flights of stairs and have nearly made it to the central hub by now. Kyle finally interrupts his downward spiral by nudging him at his side.
"Might want to shake the gloomy look you’ve got going on, unless you want an earful from Price," he warns.
"I look gloomy?"
Kyle simply blinks at him. There’s enough of an answer in his expression alone that Simon doesn’t have to ask him to elaborate.
"Hey,” he turns to face Simon, walking backwards down the hall with him. “You positive that you're all good for today?"
Simon pauses for a moment, moreso to give his answer a little more weight and substance to it than for him to actually consider himself.
"Yeah, I’m alright. Tip top shape even." He attempts a reassuring smile, the balaclava blocking most of it, though that may actually be working towards his benefit in this case. 
"How much did you sleep last night?" Kyle suspiciously eyes him.
Simon shrugs. "Most of the night... save for maybe an hour or so before sunrise." It's a bit of a stretch, but Kyle doesn’t need to know that.
"Mm, if you say so," he hums. "Just wanna check in with you, Ghost. I’m not gonna push the issue, but,” he stretches out the word, “I do wanna remind you that we're a team out there. Gotta both be of sound mind if we’re gonna watch out for each other, you know?"
"I know, Gaz,” Simon sighs. “Believe me, I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I could handle it today. You can still count on me to have your six out there. Genuinely."
That’s probably the most authentic statement he's said about his condition all morning. And it must show, because Kyle seems to finally relent on his grilling. 
"Good. That’s what I want to hear." His back aligns with the push bar on the conference hall door. Before he pushes it open, he stops Simon with a hand to his arm. “Just promise me that if you feel unfit for it, and you need an out, you’ll let me know, yeh?”
Simon nods. “Copy.”
That one was probably another lie, but Kyle should hopefully be none the wiser to it.
They both push open the double glass doors and step into the large conference room. The main command center for the base is full of life by now, dozens of patrollers parade around each other, weaving through the handful of circular tables. Maps of the surrounding area cover the tables and more white boards are marked up with lists of their current supplies, schedules, and diagrams of recent infected numbers.
An older man wearing military fatigues and a boonie hat is delegating runs to a group near the middle of the room. Even from across the room, the frustration lying in the man’s body is noticeable, the hands balled up into fists on his hips giving it away. The group begins to dissipate at his dismissal, and Simon follows Kyle’s stride over to the man.
"Mornin' Price!"
Kyle’s cheery tone seems to work like a balm for the man, the furrowing of his eyebrows instantly smoothing over at the sound of his voice. He turns towards the pair, bushy, mutton chops framing his growing grin. 
"Kyle, Simon! You boys getting geared up to head out?" Price’s booming voice carries over to them as he walks over.
"Yup, all set cap'n. Still just the standard shopping center run, right?"
"Well, yes and no," the captain leans and talks in a hushed tone. "I also need you two to do me a solid and circle by the eastern highway on your way back. I don't know if you got word, but Hadir is gonna be out of commission for a few days. And it being so bloody short notice,” the man grumbles, “I had to have Nova pull a double-shift for today. I'm having her and Farah move through only half their run, and I was hoping you boys could help cover the rest for them."
“We’ll take care it,” Simon answers for them before Kyle gets the chance to speak. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Kyle’s nose faintly twitch, but he remains silent.
"Perfect!” The captain claps them both on the shoulder. “I appreciate it you two. And I’ll  be sure to let the girls know that they owe ya." He winks as he trots over to the marked up map just behind the trio, motioning for them to peer over the map with him.
"So, with that figured out, you guys'll start on the northern end of the Woodhurst district. Same as usual, pass through the storefronts, clear up what you can, jot down what you can’t. There hasn't been any reports on much movement so it should be a walk in the park. And afterwards..." Price thinks to himself for a moment, running his hand along his chin.
Kyle's eyes scan over the map as well. "And maybe as we come back, we take a right near sixth street and ride up the overpass?"
"Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. It’d give you a nice visual on the highway, might be a few stragglers that could do with some clearing out… How does some sniping practice with a couple of the big guys sound, eh?"
“Works for me,” Simon agrees. Popping a few heads off some infected on the highway does sound like a decent way to pass the time.
"Sounds like a plan, we’ll radio in what we see," Kyle says.
"Alright then, I won’t keep you both any longer. Let me know if anything comes up," Price lifts a stern finger, "And you know the rules. Keep in touch, keep it safe, and watch each other’s backs, yeah? One Four One!"
The two reply with the end of the mantra in unison. "And all for one."
*Thump*... *Thump*... *Thump*... *Thump*
Johnny passes the time away by throwing a bouncy ball towards the opposing wall. He catches the red toy from his spot sprawled out on the floor, the sound of the ball’s rebounds echoing throughout the empty house.
*** To be continued in Pt.5***
More than a month later but we're back. My bad lmaohsajhdk I hate having a job
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jizzlords · 6 months
tagged by: @hoteliisms thank u, gorgeous <3
tagging:  @r-adio, @k1zty, @zestials, @videoaux, @pompedia, @yukikorogashi, @gctchell, @stolsas, @clwngasm, @spidersins, i always wanna tag everyone in these. lemme practice some self restraint.
alias / name:  helvetica B) some of u call me Oz and I'll accept that, too.
birthday:  t-today 👉👈💀
zodiac sign:   aries
height:   5'6" physically, 6'2" spiritually
hobbies:   driving, traveling, going out, reading+writing, drawing, is animal care a hobby? because ...
favorite color: black purple, green, blue
favorite book: all of my books are packed as i'm in the midst of moving. one of them are percy jackson.
last song:  con clavi con dio
last film / show:   goddamn, i don't do many series. i usually need convincing before taking up a show. a favorite series was once upon a time and tangled (HB + HH don't count imo). last film was scream.
inspiration:   a lazy summary: a lot of old muses are channeled through ozzie, believe it or not. the character inspirations are listed on my blog somewhere (see u good luck, space cowboy if ur gonna search). i think his biggest inspiration aside from characters is his boisterous personality. his charm. authentically healthy type of guy despite having done some dirty work legitimately and symbolically. and he kinda influences/inspires me to be my authentic self. its a practice and a storytelling lol.
story behind url: ozzie canonically chose it. it's his custom license plate. [ everyone ooh's and aah's, so clever ]
fun fact about me: i'm a tattoo fanatic and i'm planning 4 tattoos. might do one of them next week as a birthday gift to myself just need to hit up the artist.
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more KMFDM inspired fits :) symbols, adios, angst and nihil up next
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Adios Madrid!
Our final week is over! I am heading to Switzerland for vacation with my family next, so I still haven’t processed quite yet that I’m leaving, but it feels pretty bittersweet. Part of me is excited to go home and return to all things comfort, while part of me is sad to leave this cool place and all of the exciting components of travel. 
This week I had finals, so I spent most of Tuesday studying with a couple of friends. On Wednesday I had my exam (I passed!) and then we went shopping and had açaí bowls to celebrate the end of classes. On Thursday, I made a big decision I had been thinking about for a while and I got a tattoo! It is an outline of arms hugging themselves in the shape of a heart with butterflies. It is a symbol of self love and new beginnings. This process was quite nerve-racking—from searching for an artist I trusted and liked to committing to a design—but I’m very happy with the result! 
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On Thursday night we had our farewell dinner with the program, and then celebrated by going to our favorite pub one last time. On Friday I went to the Harry Styles concert with my sister! The concert was in an outdoor festival type venue and he was so good! He even did an onstage gender reveal for a fan which was quite cute. 
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Today I said goodbye to my roommates who were leaving for their flights early this morning :( and then finished packing up my stuff, checked out of my apartment and headed to my parents Airbnb. It truly has been an eventful two months and it feels bittersweet that this era has come to an end. I can definitely say I have learned and grown a lot through this experience and I am glad I had the privilege of having it. I have one more final blog post to come with thoughts and reflections, and then my time on the IPE Tumblr is complete!
Lauren Niss
Biomedical Engineering
CEA Engineering in Madrid
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servetolive · 7 years
KMFDM Lyric Writing Prompts, 3/?
Opium thru Naive, Money thru Angst Nihil
“When you peel back my eyes, I see the pain and feel alive.”
“My hatred heaps upon this fire.”
“I don’t need you anymore.”
“You cannot hurt me anymore.”
“Unless you want it to burn...”
“Give it to me!”
“Don’t take it from me!”
“And when you take me in your mind...”
“Into this filthy, sodden shrine...”
“I can’t reject this empty hole.”
“Be mine, sister salvation.”
“The loneliness of sweet conceit.”
“Into this void, I will give my self control.”
“Give me what I know.”
“Feel this ego.”
“There’s a rusty halo on my head.”
“This is the dome of my betrayal.”
“This is the final broken nail.”
“I’m the thing that I can’t control.”
“Press my flesh.”
“When I’m on my knees, you can do just what you please.”
“Evasive and vague.”
“I am a headless beast.”
“I am a subtle plague.”
“I am a cheating liar.”
“I am a naked terror.”
“I hurt, I wound.”
“I am a fatal error.”
“I refuse and resist.”
“I exploit and abuse.”
“I am total chaos.”
“Strange and abstruse.”
“I’m out of control, and I love it.”
“Are we garbage, or gold?”
“This is the vein on which you feed.”
“I will surrender.”
“It’s never enough.”
“Close your eyes.”
“Give me reason.”
“This is the gutter where you have knelt.”
“Oh, the burden of shame.”
“In fear of my life.”
“Surrounded by beasts.”
“Between the liquor, the bed and the noise in my head...”
“Between your mind and my crime and me in the grime...”
“Between the gun, the lead, and the lies that I said...”
“Through your sweet breath comes the dawn of my death.”
“Touch me, hate me.”
“Give yourself to me and break me.”
 “Kiss these lying lips for me.”
“Stroke this skin and I will kneel.”
“Brutalize me, I will heal.”
“Between the bullet and my lip and the lies you let slip.”
“Between the place where you hit and this face where you spit.”
“Submit and reveal.”
“Open up and enable.”
“Conquer and define.”
“Confess and purge.”
“Experience every urge.”
“Safe and secure; never be too sure.” Xtort
“Corrosion from within.”
“Like an insect in its death throes.”
“A magic carpet ride to hell.”
“A metal scar on every face.”
“Dirty water cleans the soul.”
“Sun and stars begin to fall.”
“In the air we fight for breath.”
“I’m half blind and I’m losing.”
“Nailed against another wall.”
“Idiot could play the part.”
“Make it mine.”
“Pain and crime.”
“Crowbars crack.”
“Remain intact.”
“There’s nothing like giving the game away.”
“Take a hammer and break a bone for me.”
“All we want is a head-rush.”
“All we want is to get out of our skin for a while.”
“All we’re waiting for is something worth waiting for.”
“We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside.:
“We’re addicted to the things we hate.”
“Someone has decided to let you live.”
“We’re so broke, we can’t even pay attention.”
“Desire is not an occupation.”
“Thrilled and desperate.”
“Sky high and fucked.”
“Let’s stop this and start over.”
“Let’s go out - let’s keep going.”
“Someone’s writing down your mistakes.”
“Someone’s documenting your downfall.”
“Repulsive, corrosive.”
“Enticing, confusing.”
“Profoundly profane.”
“A loaded, bladed, silent pain.”
“Implied, but never stated.”
“Shards of empty battle gray.”
“Manic masturbator.”
“I’m the salt in your wound.”
“I’m the thorn in your side.”
“The devil in disguise.” Reblog if you like! Tag #kmfdm lyric prompt, would love to read! :D
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tokusmuts · 2 years
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One night stand...or not? (Chapter 2)
Characters: Mio Kudo x Hidden Male Character
Words count: 2742 words
Read chapter 1 here:
I was going to have the following meeting for about an hour, for about an hour I just sat there with a bored face because of the papers on the table, along with the first dish recipes that were sent in from the rooms. I was checking an idea when suddenly there was the first call, my mother was in Spain and it was almost night there and she still called me here.
"When will I have a daughter-in-law so that I can monitor you more often, son?" - she asked me with that hoarse voice and still smiled at the end of the question
"Your way of talking doesn't look any different from that Hiiro guy!" - I don't even know what to say to these two people
“That's why I have to ask him to come back from the Spain branch to help you with your work and match a girl for you! How about the second part?"
“Rest assured mom! If Hiiro takes action, it'll just be over soon!" - I said with a smile of victory
“All done? Then we have to go home early to see what their daughter-in-law looks like" - her voice also became much more secluded when she heard the good news.
"Okay, madam, go hang out somewhere so I can work!"
“Okay! Adios my son!"
I hung up the phone but my heart was also more excited because for a long time the two grandparents from there had to complain about me a lot just because of my habit of liking one-night stands. Speaking of one-night stands, two days have passed since that fateful morning, but I still can't forget the feeling of enjoying that wonderful body. I sat at the president's desk and tried to read the boring words but couldn't get the image of that girl out of my mind. Hiiro came to visit me again today, he asked me about what happened that night. When he knew and heard my endless exclamation when I got to have sex with Mio, he looked extremely pleased.
“See? I told you that you'll like her."
“Well…it's just pretty fine!” - I said but my eyes kept moving back and forth to avoid him
I could avoid Hiiro's gaze but couldn't avoid the ringing of the phone next to me. As soon as Mio was mentioned, a call came from Mio. Hiiro saw that the name with the heart on it was obvious that I added it myself because even though he is a close brother to Mio, he only has a name and no symbol next to it. Mio called me because she wanted to go shopping for clothes, and at the same time wanted to see some furniture to decorate the still slightly empty living room of the President Suite on the 27th floor. Hiiro heard the conversation and left automatically, but I was able to ask him one last question
“After that night, did Mio scold you for tricking her?”
“Never, since I also gave her a chance to confess to you! Remember to have a good time, see yah!" - Hiiro waved goodbye and hurriedly left without leaving the unfinished call
I drove to the hotel and circled back down to the garage where the secret elevator was. Coming down here for me is like reliving the memories of when my cravings began to rise so intensely that by the time I got to the bedroom of the President Suite, everything had already begun. When I was still thinking about that sex, Mio got in the car and finished wearing the seat belt, making me feel a bit dizzy.
"How can you come in here and sit quietly like that, Mio?"
"Seeing you just sitting there thinking about something, I didn't have the heart to interrupt!" - Mio said and then looked at me with a smirk
“But you could interrupt my plans today with the outfit you wore today!”
I look at her outfit today and I can't help but feel excited: a short dress that completely reveals her small but sturdy legs that allowed me to pound her ass for so long that day, I don't hold back anything and get straight to the point. Mio just smiled and looked ahead, she responded with a voluptuous tone of voice
“Don't worry! When we finished my work, you can eat me for as long as you like!”
Mio and I went to the biggest shopping mall in Tokyo. She and I kept going to each stall to choose every item she liked, actually looking through the furniture was just pretending to have something to report to my brother who has still stuck abroad due to the epidemic. But with that powerful black card, you should also buy 1-2 items that can be decorated in that room, and so a massage chair and a rosewood music box are brought back along with a dozen pockets of clothes that I had to carry behind her. That elegant appearance made me can look at her forever, especially when I could see her back when crushing her from behind. While I was thinking, I got a call from the company, they said that this afternoon there will be an award ceremony for the best employee of the company last month and if I am there, the award will become more valuable, I just laughed and said again
"Just send the vice director or Hiiro over to present the award, I see the female employees at our company are in love with him"
“But…sir…” - I stopped the call immediately to focus on Mio.
The journey of loading things into the car, then driving back to the hotel, and then bringing those things back to the President Suite made me tired. I opened up my Macbook and browsed some new recipes from the product development teams, while also recuperating with a can of Energy. After attending a boring quick meeting, I shut my Macbook completely and threw it on the sofa and sat there sighing in frustration. After Mio finished decorating the room, she received a call from her older brother, presumably to confirm that her younger sister was still at the office to work for her. Of course, Mio's appearance was almost a temporary substitute and all instructions still came from the older brother. Mio came to the back of the chair where I was sitting, she started massaging me and asked me in her erotic voice.
"Here's why being a director is boring, huh?"
"Yeah! Every day's work is just like that with nothing else" - I said and sighed heavily
"Once you're here with me...you'll never want to stop working" - she turned my head towards her smirking face
“If it's with you…then I'll just want to do it forever!” - I placed a kiss on her lips and got up from the sofa.
We find each other again and give each other kisses in succession, we kiss as we make our way to the bedroom. She closed the door as soon as she entered the room despite someone knocking on the door and calling for her. The inside is completely separate from the outside, so unless the door can be opened, the outside will not hear any sound coming from the inside, over there are even two layers of walls, the outside is almost like a silent wall. The cameras inside the room have all been turned off since Mio took over the place. Returning to the bedroom that was flooded with sunlight, Mio was still the one who took the initiative to approach me with kisses, that is until I took the initiative to push Mio back onto the bed. The skirt was also slightly raised, making her pink panties appear just below the skirt.
"You don't have any schedule today huh? Why take the initiative to invite me like this?"
“If there is, I will cancel too! I'd rather be here with you than go to the set and be molested by the guys from the production team."
“Wise choice! Because I'll probably stay here with you until the end of the day.”
I moved on top of her and pulled her into the first kiss where I took the initiative while holding her hands firmly above her head with one hand while the other began stroking the outside of her pink panties. It didn't take long for me to stimulate her cunt from the outside, then slip my hand inside her panties and easily slip my fingers inside her cunt once she started to ooze. Each finger that went in was a ladder going up inside her body. Her body contorted violently while her hands could only cling to my shoulders and her lips - where she let out her moans were blocked and only the "um" sound came out. her throat. Though her lips were wonderful, this room should be filled with those moans. The rest of her body deserved to be eaten today, and the next chosen place was the cleavage that was exposed thanks to this delicate dress. I gently pull down the shoulders of her skirt to reveal a pink strapless bra which is tone-sur-tone with the panties that are thickening thanks to my hands still moving rapidly inside her pussy. After leaving her lips, I can finally hear Mio's first moans.
“Hurry up, honey…ah…I can’t stand it…ah”
Noticing the signs of her orgasm coming, I decided not to speed up anymore, but just gently go in and out slowly, if I let her have an orgasm, it would be too boring so I decided to play with her more. Mio's exhilaration suddenly went out, causing her to also show her displeasure and hit me a few times even though she was still breathing heavily.
“Why… why are you nature stop? Hurry up and do it again, I'm going to cum!"
“That's why I have to stop! I want to enjoy you more before I get all your gooey juices in my mouth," I said as I took off her bra.
Her small breasts have been released, I attack them frantically, one by one being sucked in by mine without a single spot. She also coordinated to moan with each sucker, the moans were light but stimulating more than ten thousand times when she appeared on TV programs. Her breasts are small, but when placed on her body, they are strangely large. But I couldn't play with her anymore as her cunt was waiting for me to approach right below.
"Damn it! I can't take it anymore, Mio!" - I said while my heart was boiling with intense sexual desire
"Then... hurry up... It's just waiting for you" - she said while panting after sucking hard on her chest.
I ducked under her panties and tore them violently while Mio also took off her skirt and threw it away, now that her body is completely naked, and that wet cunt is ready, I bury my face into it and put my tongue inside her. Her limbs just kept moving up, sometimes she clamped my head, sometimes spread it wide, her hands grasped the pillow and pressed my head deeper into her cunt.
“Ah…so good…yes honey…they're coming…ah” - she moaned louder and louder
Mio's pussy is something different from all the girls out there that I've had sex with, this is probably something I'll have to remind myself of from now on that I already own one of the sex symbols that appear in gravure magazine. I licked along the edge of her cunt and then thrust my tongue deep inside her and just like that, the lustful water rushed out into my mouth, enjoying them is never boring especially when it comes from a girl like Mio. I pulled away from her cunt and watched her gasp after orgasm, I licked the remnants of her fluid around my mouth. My dick was ready by then, so I also took off my pants and looked at her fragile body in a nude state, but my heart couldn't help but burn.
“What are you still doing…quickly come here again” - Mio said while panting
“Why not? I shot you inside just now, it's time for me to fill you as you did!"
My cock met her still wet cunt and went inside, it entered slowly as if to push Mio to the depths of satisfaction. Following that slowness, I also just gently went in and out like a prelude before pounding and pounding on her cunt, the fluid from her cunt constantly oozing more and more slippery for my dick. I didn't kiss her anymore, but let her moan in ecstasy. Look at that innocent face mixed with a little childishness - which helps her to score points whenever she is on television, that is becoming wilder than ever and emitting lustful moans.
"That's right baby…quickly fill me up...please…ah”
The bed shook violently from the direct hit from me, my dick was also reaching its limit, and the sperm lines were waiting in line and just waiting to be allowed to rush out. And they didn't have to wait long and Mio's cunt was filled up quickly, I pulled my dick out and there was still some sperm left on it. Mio saw it and tried to use the last bit of strength she had left to turn around and lick them clean and then suck on my dick a few times before she was lifted by me and pushed down from behind, she followed the push and rested her head on the pillow while her legs were still on the knees so that her round ass appeared, ready for the final act.
"Are you tired, Mio-chan?"
“I'm fine… hurry up and smash my ass…I can still moan!”
Thanks to being sucked by Mio, my cock easily entered her ass and continued its job - coming in and out hard inside her. I grabbed her small waist and started slamming her hard from behind. Then she lifted her arms, I caught the signal and took her hand and increased the speed for each thurst on her ass.
"Kimochi...so good honey...smash it more...ah"
Dirty sounds kept coming out with each thurst, mixed with her moans as if she just wanted me to shoot quickly inside her. I smacked her ass while slapping her hard enough to make her moan harder. I couldn't take it any longer and ended up shooting inside her. It's almost noon anyway and I certainly can't stay here with her forever, so I ended up having fun here and lay there hugging her to regain my strength.
“My mom just called this morning, she wants to see you!”
"Really? If she knew that we were having sex even when we were at work like this..." - she said with a hint of shyness in her heart.
“You act like we're making love here for the first time…Well, we'll have to make love to each other even more before she gets here...what is your opinion now?” - I asked and then stared at her for an answer
"Of course, I agree! I've always wanted to hear that from you."
She said and kissed me on the lips before we both went to the bathroom to wash our bodies and get dressed as if nothing had happened. When I returned to the company, the award ceremony was over, and it was true that Hiiro had come to present the award, he just came out and saw me standing there, he smiled at me and ran over to ask with full of excitement
“Did you just come back from there again?”
“So where do you think I could be? Next time I will visit her a lot more, so please take care of the work here!" - I said and patted my best friend's shoulder
"I thought I just had to come back here to support you, but now I have to take over for you" - Hiiro said while sighing.
“Come on…please! This is to prepare for some major events coming up!” - I said and folded my hands begging my friend
“I understand that! But only this time!”
"It's nice of you to help me, but I can't guarantee this will be the last time!" - I said while chuckling Hiiro
“If you ask me again, I will go back to Spain!” - Hiiro said and went back to his office
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patronumsx · 3 years
It’s already 2022, and I’m not sure if I consider 2021 my year or not. Nevertheless I am still thankful I got through and that I am still sane, safe, and able. 
2021 sure gave me lots of ups and downs. I started the year with a broken heart to say the least (looking back i’m so proud i made it through). I really wasn’t myself towards the beginning of the year, but I’m glad I slowly built myself up again slowly through the months. Along the way I also experienced many different things, good or bad. It’s not as eventful as I thought it would be, tho. To recap how my 2021 went~
2021 Recap
Started the year with a heartache, ended it with a healed heart (to which i thought i wouldn’t get over with)
New work, higher pay, but ended up not liking the company haha. Still employed there as of writing
Rented a condo near work where I stayed and lived alone a couple of times. Good experience coz of independence, bad because I got homesick, plus magastos rin
Found new hobbies! Did crochet (I was able to make a beanie and a cardigan) and tried to learn the guitar (verdict is the guitar isn’t for me, piano talaga hay)
Introduced myself to yoga. What a spiritual and mental awakening for me. Started doing beginner level
Introduced myself to a philosophy: Stoicism. Something I wanna master and use as my principle in life
Met new great friends; mostly at work. Some through IG
Watched so many great movies and series (so far my faves for the year, new or old, are: Pride and Prejudice, Succession, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Eat Pray Love, Her)
First travel out of NCR with the family since lockdown - Tagaytay
Barkada outing in Tagaytay as well
Bohol trip got cancelled after so much anticipation and excitement. Biggest let down of the year
Tried simbang gabi twice; one in UST, one in Mt. Carmel. Good experience as its been a long time since I last attended mass physically. Spiritual awakening as well
Went to Subic instead for Christmas. Had a great time, got my tan after 2 years of not experiencing the beach
Got my second tattoo! Lotus flower on my right tricep. Aside from it being my birth flower, it also symbolizes purity and that there beauty can still grow in the dirtiest (bad) surroundings
Spent the new year with extended family in Manila
Not much but I guess it went pretty well compared to 2020. And I hope the same for 2022. I have not fully processed everything actually, let alone bid a proper goodbye to 2021, but should it really be the case? 
Anyway adios to 2021! Twas good while it lasted. On to the next! ♡
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the3rdstoryteller · 3 years
Assassin’s Creed - Vigil of the Hidden Ones: Chapter 1
We are the Hidden Ones. We are the defenders of free will. We are the bringers of death to all those who would deprive man of such. I remind myself of this as I stand atop the Memphis Bureau in the night. I close my eyes as the cool, crisp air blows into my hood and brushes across my face, sharpening my senses. The moon shines over me as if even the gods are my audience. But they are not. The gods are dead. Humanity is the only one who watches over themselves. And we must be the ones to watch over humanity. To protect the innocent from the shadows, in service of the light. Tonight, my audience is not the gods, but my fellow Hidden Ones. New recruits, eager to be a part of something greater than themselves. An ideology, a Creed, that will live past all of us. At least I hope so… I quickly open my eyes, before I lose myself to my thoughts. Focus! Only the mission matters tonight. I turn to look down upon the recruits, as they prepare themselves in the armory. Three of them join me for tonight’s mission. Adio - a rugged young man seeking justice for his family’s unjust murder at the hands of the Romans. Bennu - a sage woman deeply connected to nature, and who joined the Brotherhood in order to protect the natural order of the universe that the Order seeks to control. Finally, Aelius - a former roman soldier who seeks to embrace his half Egyptian heritage as well as redemption for his former loyalties. As Mentor, I must prioritize the next generation. There will be time to ponder our Creed later, I assure myself. For now, my responsibility is to show these men and women what it truly means to work in the dark. 
I head into the armory to check on the others. I first spot Adio preparing himself in a corner. He sports a short black shirt and pants with white accents, which is wrapped in a long, ragged, black cloak and hood. A dozen knives are fashioned to his red sash belt, along with two short blades on his back, held in black sheaths to match it all. Adio notices me and simply nods as he wraps his forearms and sandals in black cloth. While he is certainly skilled in stealth and recon, his desire to work alone could prove detrimental to himself and the Brotherhood if not addressed. Tonight, we will test his willingness to cooperate. 
As I turn to my right, Bennu is outfitted in a white hijab scarf with mysterious brown symbols, matching with a short bottom dress. The red sash belt across her waist holds an array of bombs, grenades, and potions. A longbow and quiver is strapped to her back. Along her shoulders and ankles are each wrapped with leather bands containing various poisonous darts. She prepares an array of tonics and poisons by the exit of the armory, and looks up to greet me as I enter. “Hello Mentor, I have faith we will succeed tonight” she smiles and nods enthusiastically. I turn to her and return a smile, “It will not be by faith that we succeed tonight Bennu, but by the prowess of our abilities”. I appreciate Bennu’s devotion to the Brotherhood, however she is far more experienced hunting animals than humans. I can only hope she’ll be able to adjust to a smarter prey.
In the center of the armory, Aelius stands away from my front at a weapon table. He garnishes himself with a silver chest plate covering a simple white and red shirt and hood, along with metal shoulder pads, gauntlets, and short greaves. Armed with a sword at the hip of his red sash belt, and short shield on his back; his choice of armor and weaponry definitely shows his military experience. However the shield is painted in white with the symbol of the Hidden Ones to represent his newfound allegiance. Aelius turns to me upon hearing my voice and stands tall with an unnaturally stiff posture. “I look forward to proving myself, Sir!” he announces stoically and proudly. I walk over to Aelius and place a hand on his shoulder. “At ease soldier”, I say to him jokingly. “We are all equals here. Such formality isn’t necessary ”. This appeared to calm him, as he finally relaxed his posture and nodded as he turned back to finish preparations. 
Aelius’s response is met with a slight scowl from Adio, who glances back at him with suspension. The tension between a former Roman soldier and a notorious Roman killer was enough to derail the entire mission, but I’ve decided it won’t be my place to sort out their issues with one another. Just as we are responsible for ensuring humanity’s free will, I must give my own students the free will to solve their own problems, and tonight we’ll see if they can.
A few minutes later, all three of the recruits stand atop the Bureau with me, fully prepared and  awaiting instruction.  I take a deep breath and begin my briefing. “My fellow Hidden ones, tonight’s mission is to eliminate enemies at the Roman stronghold to the west. They hoard food from the people as Aya - ” I pause as I remind myself that my former wife has renounced her old life, as well as her old name “ - no, Amunet - has made life difficult for the Romans in their homeland ”. I received word that she has burned down many of their farms, and while I admire her work, I worry that she is being too public with her actions. In light of that, I decided to show these recruits a more subtle method of achieving our goals. 
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intpstyle · 4 years
Detective Conan Meta: Trauma, being seen & the Inner Child
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Okay, so it’s 6AM and I woke up with this essay half-formed in my mind and I need to talk about DC. Yesterday, I saw a quote on tumblr that read
“to be loved is to be seen”
and it literally haunted my dreams. I dreamt of Shinichi being unable to tell Ran who he is for so long now (we won’t go into the half a year debate (in this post)) and it got me thinking about the unbearable loneliness of it all. Then I thought of Heiji and of how liberating it must be for Shinichi that some people do know him for who he really is - that some people see him, that some people are able to love him, all of him, because they’ve recognised him even when he looks like a child. And that got a chain reaction of symbolism going in my brain because THINK ABOUT IT, Shinichi is literally forced to live as his own inner child.
So, we open with this lovably weird 17-year-old (fuck no, in the manga he’s actually only 16) with barely any survival skills who’s been left alone in a huge mansion because his parents went adios, who doesn’t have a whole lot of close friends because he always found it difficult to connect with others because he’s so focussed on his detective work and who, when he finally manages to ask the love of his life out on a date and inevitably stumbles over another murder, claims that “you get used to it”, that corpses don’t affect him, that nothing really affects him and, worst of all, he actually means it. This is our protagonist. He’s All Grown Up. He always tried to be All Grown Up. Frankly, with parents like these, he always had to be All Grown Up. And it’s okay! Because he found something he loves doing (finding the truth, restoring justice, helping people) and he’s good at it and people actually love him for it (look at all these fan letters, Ran, look at them!)
And then Ran (bless you, angel child) starts crying because - because so many reasons. One, she’s still affected by what happened. Two, she sees the love of her life being strong - and he always has and had to be strong; it must be so bloody exhausting and he’s not even aware of how tired he is, but to ask him to take a break, to take a look at what all this death and suffering and loneliness really means, to take it in, to stop, would be to take the one thing away (apart from her, but she doesn’t know that) that keeps him stable and grounded and to risk having him fall apart. I don’t think she knows this consciously, but Ran is empathetic and has been around Shinichi all her life - this, I think, is the moment it really hits her that this brutality (a literal decapitated corpse that spews blood like a fountain on a roller coaster!!!) has become her best friend’s “normal”. She is scared. She is worried. And she shows it.
And then Shinichi (bless you, cool child) tries to play it down, to make her feel better, to show her that this is nothing to despair over. He, too, is trying to be considerate of this incredible girl who always takes on other people’s burdens and their pain and grins and bears it. But it isn’t all compassion - he frankly also does not have the tools to deal with someone being so vulnerable and innocent and, dare I say?, child-like. And what does he do? Does he stay and engage with her side of things? Does he hear her out and consider that he HAS become callous and somewhat addicted to shedding light on the dark sides of other people? That he feels uncomfortable feeling the light turned back on himself? No! No, of course not! He’s 16 and has the emotional range of a tea spoon (#relatable). Instead, he latches onto the next sign of mystery and turns back to his quest for truth where he feels safe and needed. He LITERALLY tells Ran to “go ahead” and that he’ll “catch up” and boy, will he ever (emotionally).
We all know what happens next: he bites off more than he can chew. He stumbles over a case that even he admits is “serious” and is LITERALLY hit over the head with the realisation that this - socio-economic corruption, systemic criminal organisations, being vulnerable and opening up to a loved one - is the world of adults and he is NOT ready for it. So he, like everybody else, is given the choice to call it quits or to choose life, start over and re-learn the things he missed out in childhood to become an adult. He becomes his inner child again (the first chapter literally ends with the dialogue
“You okay!? Can you stand up, little boy?”
and he’s trying. He’s trying to stand up, okay?) and it smarts. In this old/new form, he is taken care of, but not taken taken seriously by the policemen (”You must’ve been scared”) and it freaks him out that they treat him (the master detective!) like a child again. At this height, he fails to get into his own house (some more symbolism right there) and he is not recognised by Professor Agasa until he shows him some impressive deduction work, demonstrating that this really is at the core of his character - he enjoys and is good at mysteries. That was never the problem. Neglecting just about everything else was (- the same goes for OG Holmes, I’d argue). Seeing how the situation he went through literally (damn that’s a lot of literally) turned Shinichi back into a child, Professor Agasa warns him not to inflict the same traumatic damage on others - especially since the situation is not yet resolved. (...but Agasa’s involvement is another can of worms)
There’s a whole other post in Shinichi’s choice to call himself “Conan Edogawa” and wearing his father’s glasses as well (aka trying to redefine his identity by viewing the world through the lense of the people he admired (notably his father’s frames without the lenses though!)), but the most interesting thing happens when Ran shows up. He tries, desperately, not to be recognised - not to be seen - by her in this form because it’s not HIM (it is though) and because it would involve Ran in danger; would put her in the adult world he couldn’t deal with and couldn’t protect her from, thus, ironically, infantilising her and (although in an attempt to be heroic, nonetheless still) limiting her agency.
And this is where the irony really kicks in - because Ran finds it much easier to talk to this raw, vulnerable version of himself that he doesn’t allow her to see as a “grown-up” 16-year-old. It is now, as a child that asks straight-forward questions, that he learns that Ran really does love him and that she knows the good (dependable, brave & cool), as well as the bad (full of himself, bit of a jerk and obsessed with mysteries) sides of him better than he does. At the very moment, he, touched by her vulnerability and wanting to open up, decides to tell her the truth, he is again reminded of the Men in Black by Kogoro falling down the stairs like a sack of potatoes and he (dependable, brave & cool) decides not to involve anyone in the mess he brought upon himself until he can stand up to the world of adulthood that he shrank from.
The beauty of the series is that Shinichi slowly realises, bit by bit, drop by drop, excruciating chapter after excruciating chapter, that the way for him (an INTP) to become an adult is precisely by letting others see him as he is and thus forming lasting, real and dependable relationships (by developing his Fe). This tragically begins with Akemi Miyano (a first step and another reminder that he is not capable enough yet), is slowly built up with the Detective Boys (who are honestly so important for him), continues with Ai (#bestpartners, for both of whom Professor Agasa, the eternal child-inventor, is a safe haven where they can catch up on what they missed out on, Ai obviously much more so than Conan), reaches a really, really sweet high with Heiji (#bestbromance), a rather dissatisfying conclusion with his parents (who, and I cannot stress this enough, decide the best way to convince their traumatised son that his life is in danger is to point a literal gun (okay, it’s a pistol) at his face in disguise) and climaxes with Eisuke Hondo (at which point he is confident enough to proclaim who he is even while still in the form of a child (although that doesn’t make the context of the situation any less stupid (thus proving that he IS still a love-struck teenager at the end of the day))). tl;dr By being both the professional adult “Sleeping Kogoro”, as well as the cooky child “Conan Edogawa” at once, Shinichi can play with both facets of his teenage life until he reaches a level of stability that allows him to integrate the child mind into his adult mind - and that will be the point at which he’ll be able to fully become (not just temporarily play the role of) Shinichi Kudo.
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PS: It is also interesting to compare Ai’s and Shinichi’s approaches to being stuck in their childhood selves. Shinichi, not as scarred and slowly building up a network of people he trusts, is eager to move on and begs Ai to give him the temporary antidote as often as he can - he WANTS to grow up and be a grown-up so badly. There is so much (Ran) waiting for him there.
Ai, on the other hand, is much more cautious and warns him not to jump the gun. To her, much more scarred and still rather alone, this is an invaluable second shot at life and she is as careful with it as she humanly can, constantly worrying and on the look-out that someone could drag her back to the prison of responsibilities and obligations. That’s why it was SUCH a pivotal moment for her when she used and realised the use of her adult form when she saved the Detective Boys from the fire. She, too, is slowly connecting the two halves of herself but I suspect that it’ll take her an entire childhood to do so. (Also, interestingly, as an INTJ, she puts down her roots in a very different way from Conan. She cherishes her new relationships and protects them fiercely, but the real signs of her settling down ever-so-slowly is her growing willingness to reconstruct her internal moral system (Fi) and to acquire and find security in material possessions (Se), like her designer handbags and her little football-man-phone-strap.)
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gotmilk5101520 · 4 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 14 Return of the Trollhunter
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Now we begin the second half of season 1 (It’s actually season 2 but we don’t talk about that)
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“Holy moly!”
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Toby survives that.
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“What the heck was-?”
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“Huh?” We now return to your daily schedule bizarre adventures.
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“Hop on!”
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“Adios, fire cat”
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“Hey, maybe save the jokes for when we aren’t gonna die” Well it sounded cool in his head.
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“I can’t believe you took that stupid rock to your science class!”
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“First, it’s not a rock. It’s a volcanic slag”
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“And how was i suppose to know there was a flaming monster hiding in it?”
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“You bought a magic rock off a troll named “Marvin the Monster Dealer” What did you think would happen, Tobes?” What happened before this moment?
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“Um, Master Jim, you said this was a luminaire”
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“When that is obviously an infernal hellheeti” Getting away with saying hell.
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“Should i punch it?”
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“Can i punch it?”
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“Yes!” “No!”
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“I was going to add, make sure you do not feed the fire by attacking it!”
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“Opps” Punching doesn’t solve everything.
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Jim uses Water Breathing. Tanjiro would be proud.
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“Uh, guys, the fire hydrant-”
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“Close enough”
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Just keep walking.
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Why is the opening still the same, even though Bular is dead now?
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“Morning mom”
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“Made your favorite breakfast”
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“Sorry, kiddo, in a rush”
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Should i be glad that Miraculous Ladybug doesn’t have something like this? It would be painful to watch. Fortunately, everyone in Miraculous Ladybug is stupid.
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“I mean, it’s been like a month” Wait it’s been a month since last episode? So what have they been doing in a month?
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“I don’t know how to fix this unless i tell her the truth”
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“But if i do, they’ll send me to the crazy house” Hey, you told Claire, and she didn’t send you to the crazy house. Well she was tempted to do that cause you weren’t making any sense, but she didn’t.
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“They fixed your tooth” Why did it take this long for Steve’s tooth to get fixed? I doubt all of the first half happened in a single month.
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“I heard he was run out of town by the mob”
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“I heard he got a mail-order bride and moved to North Korea”
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“As if. Where do you think Mr. Strickler went, Jimmy-Jam. After all, he was dating your mom”
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“Why does everyone keep bringing this up?!”
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“Guys, this is my brother, and NotEnrique’s driving me nuts”
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“You know how many times i have to change him?”
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“He knows how to use a toilet”
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“He chooses the diaper” “Yeah? Well at least you didn’t have to shove your hand in stinking diapers, and have it still stink to this day” “Ugh. Why does it still still stink? Have you washed your hands?” “Yes! 100 times since i got home with my cold McDonald’s French Fries” “Well excuse me, prince” “It’s well excuse me, princess!” “Are you two gonna kiss right now?” “Shut up Toby!”
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“You spend so much time with Lake, you’re practically swimming in him” That’s what she said.
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“We’re just friends. End of story” Wait, did- Did Claire just Adrien Agrested Jim? Goddamn it Adrien! Your Just a Friending made it’s way to Arcadia and got Claire. I hope you’re happy.
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“Okay, people, who can tell me what happened in the year 1989?”
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“No, seriously, i don’t remember. It was a crazy year” Let’s see. What video games came out that year.
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“Really, Palchuk? That’s it. I’m dating your mom” “No, no, wait!”
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Okay hold on. Why does it take a month for Claire to see Trollmarket? Out-of-Universe reason i can understand. You want to do a one month skip, and we all want to Claire’s reaction to Trollmarket. Could you imagine Claire going to Trollmarket off-screen? We get a few mentions of it here and there, but we never see her full reaction. I can understand the out of universe reason. But what i don’t understand is the In-Universe reason. Like Jim told Claire the truth a month ago. There’s no reason to keep anything a secret with her. Like why? A month to progress all of this? Cause i think it would take Claire a week at most to take it all in. Slower than when J- Never mind.
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“Now, you’re gonna want to start drawing a semi-circle”
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“Oh! You have it. Okay, never mind” Easier than me drawing an actually circle.
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“It’s... It’s lively. Shit that’s Aja’s thing!”
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He pets.
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“Jim told me you helped him face Draal”
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“And slay Bular” Wait Jim explained the entire first half of the season to Claire? Where are the fucking fanfics?
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“And that Vespa!”
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“Best birthday ever. Except for the part where Jim gets chased by a Stalkling” “That is something i want to forget”
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“You’ve read A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore?”
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“Volumes 1 through 47 It took me a while to decipher the symbols”
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“But once i got past the Fifth Declension, i started to get the hang of it” It’s embarrassing when your (Not yet, almost, but not really, not for another season) girlfriend knows more about Troll Lore than you.
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“She read the book!”
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“She read the book! Master Jim, i love my daughter in law!” “Wait what?”
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“She’s a flower” Mood.
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Always have a drink before you continue.
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“I accepted a human Trollhunter’
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“And allowed the pudgy one to stay for moral support” Toby is the moral support boyfriend. Claire is the moral support girlfriend. See? Two different roles.
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“But this? A third?”
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“It’s an infestation!” Hey they’re not rabbits where they multiple every 5 seconds. Then again, Jim and Claire- Never mind again.
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*Talks in Troll*
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“She speaks Troll”
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“And Trollmarket is honored to have you as well”
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“Oh, Blinkous! If only the amulet had chosen such a learned and delightful fleshbag”
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“Hey!” Trollhunter Claire au.
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“That was awesome, Claire”
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“Vendel loves you and he hates everyone!” I said it once, and i’ll say it again: Vendel is the most relatable character in this series.
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Where did this light came from?
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“Hopefully, this will give the girl some closure”
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“She does understand why we cannot allow the bridge to open?”
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“Well, you said it yourself, we’d be fools to open the bridge and risk letting Gunmar out”
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“Right, Jim?”
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“Oh, of course”
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“We’d be crazy to do that“ Yeah... A crazy fool, heheheheh...
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“Hey buddy, it’s your sis”
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”Don’t you start thinking i’ve forgotten about you”
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“We’re gonna get you back. I promise”
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“See you soon, little chicharron”
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*Cries in Troll*
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“I need to share a word with our Trollhunter” That’s what it’‘s like when dad wants to talk to you alone. Then again, i don’t have a dad so...
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“Hey, Draal? It’s strange, but i feel like i’ve seen you before. Have we met?” “Uh...”
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“No. You must’ve mistaken me for someone else”
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“Hate to be there when we have to rebuild Jim, right?”
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“What a mess”
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“Well, i just grossed myself out” We’ll see about that in Wizards.
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“You fight in an arena surrounded by the remains of dead Trollhunters?”
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“That is...”
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“The most heroic thing i’ve ever seen. If their ghosts talked, then it be like Mulan”
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“Sometimes, the heart leads you down paths you should not cross”
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“How did you-?”
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“Figure it out?”
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“Your devotion to this girl is as obvious as Marinette’s feelings for Adrien. WHICH IS STILL DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!”
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“But you know the danger”
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“If you went in alone, you’d be killed”
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“Which is why we will answer every call”
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“You said i have to answer every call. Now-“
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“Wait, did you just say “We”?”
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“Aaarrrgghh and i discussed it. We knew you were going in, with or without our approval”
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“But... If Claire’s brother is important to you, then he’s important to us”
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“For folly or for fraught”
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“We are a team”
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*Cries in Troll again*
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“Is this normal?”
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“Nothing’s normal around here”
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“Get used to it, sister” Translation: “Welcome to your new life”
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“But only a Trollhunter can wield Daylight”
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“We are Trollhunters!”
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“Oh, man! Now, i’m dead!”
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“That stupid Soothscryer killed me in the Forge” He thought Bular would kill him. But nope, instead it’s the fucking Soothscryer.
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“What do you mean, he’s in the Void?”
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“The Void sounds like a very empty word. A bad word” I hear the Void is very welcoming.
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“Yeah. And are these happy ghosts we’re talking about here”
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“Or Mulan’s ghost family?”
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“He is now under the spiritual guidance of”
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“Master Trollhunters”
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“Ghost guidance counselors?”
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“So, it is like Mulan”
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“Wow! So trolls and ghosts exist”
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“What’s next? A Midsummer Night’s Dream?”
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“Fairies? Preposterous!”
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“Fairies lost the war to the pixies centuries ago” Hate to meet these pixies, right?
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“But if we’re going in, they said the only way we’re getting out alive is if we kill Gunmar” Well that’s a bigger lie than any lie Lila can make.
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“And with Strickler gone, maybe we have a chance”
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Speak of the devil. Or changeling.
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If i ever seem dead, be sure to throw rocks at me to be sure.
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“Who has awakened me?”
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This is me and my sister.
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“You know my name”
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“A shame i will never know yours”
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Angor Rot had to deal with the goblins wrath.
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“My ring”
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“My flesh”
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“Yield to me!”
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“For i wear the One Ring”
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“You have killed thousands”
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“You are chaos incarnate”
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“And you”
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The second half of season 1 (Actually season 2) is off to a great start.
Shit, what do i say that has something to do with next episode? Uh... See you next episode?
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
TWD 10x14: Look at the Flowers - Character Journeys
All right, so after watching this episode like three times, I started to notice patterns in the different character arcs. Each of them is on a similar journey in this episode, and while they’re all different, they all parallel one another.
The characters are Carol, Beta, Ezekiel, Daryl, Negan, and then Eugene/Yumiko/Ezekiel. The reason I put those last three together is that their “journey” is physical. It’s them journeying to meet Stephanie. For the other characters, the journey is internal.
So I’ll try to go through this quickly. I just want you to notice the pattern here. This is the journey of these characters to make a decision that will affect things moving forward. And it’s important to understand what that journey is so we know where their arcs are going and how they will react to things. By the end of the episode, they’ve made their decisions and are ready for action.
***As always, spoilers abound below for 10x14. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
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Phase 1: each journey starts out with a negative, destructive mindset.
Carol – listening to Alpha (herself) who is telling her how terrible she is, how it’s her fault each of the kids died, etc. Very negative mindset.
Ezekiel – he’s down on himself for not saving the kids and is being more negative than positive about his future. Probably because he believes he doesn’t have one.
Beta – we see him find that Alpha is dead, kill one of the Whisperers, and then destroy his room in the western saloon.
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Daryl – For Daryl, it’s about him not believing Negan. He’s mad at Carol, but he also doesn’t trust Negan or believe they’re on the same side, now. It’s understandable, but he’s just not having much “faith in people.”
Negan – His is more subtle but he’s trying to convince Daryl he’s a friend and is obviously terrified that Daryl is going to kill him at any moment. Which he’s probably right about.
Phase 2: The negativity culminates in some sort of disaster or major event that forces them to make a decision about their future.
Carol – the boat falls on her, and she’s faced with whether she’ll fight to live or just let the walker bite her.
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Ezekiel – his horse dies, and he wants to turn back because he’s afraid his lack of stamina might put Yumiko and Eugene in danger.
Beta – I’m convinced he contemplates suicide by walker a few times. The big event is when all the walkers come toward him and he has to decide what he wants to do next.
Daryl – Taken captive by the Whisperers, when they bow to Negan.
Negan – Same thing. Not a disaster for him, but he’s given the opportunity to go back to his old, Negan-ish ways, and he has to decide whether to do that or continue to ally himself with Daryl and the Alexandrians.
Phase 3 – They make a decisions to either slide back into old, negative patterns, or move forward with faith and hope.
Carol – kills the walker, decides to live and return to Alexandria, rather than running away.
Ezekiel – convinced by Yumiko to continue on toward the city. And that’s super important because him going there will probably ultimately save his life. So, deciding to move forward with faith and hope will allow him to live.
Beta – he’s the only one that doesn’t exactly move forward with positivity. You could argue that he doesn’t go the route of death by walker, so he chooses to live. But he also wears Alpha’s face and leads the horde to make war on Alexandria, so…
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Daryl – For him, I believe it’s deciding to believe Negan. At first, he didn’t believe him. Then he had to trust Negan to kill the Whisperers and be on his side. And he makes a point of saying he still doesn’t like Negan, but I don’t think Daryl will go out of his way to kill Negan moving forward either. And his acceptance will go a long way toward others in the community accepting Negan as well. Probably far more than Carol’s acceptance of him would.
Negan – He chooses not to return to his negative, dictator-like ways, which earns Daryl’s trust and gets him back to Alexandria, which is what he wants.
So none of these are super TD or Beth-ish in nature, though we certainly see plenty of signs and symbols of her along the way. But I think the point is that all of them moving forward with positivity will affect their arcs moving forward.
And it also mirrors Eugene’s journey to find Stephanie. We certainly didn’t reach the end of that journey, but I noticed that right after Carol says, “It’s never too late,” the next shot we see is of them arriving at the city with triumphant music. So that’s purposeful.
Eugene says their on a journey to the hope and future of mankind. Makes us think we’ll see a cure arc here and this journey of Eugene’s is going to change everything. So, it mirrors what these individual characters are going through, because their choices here will change everything moving forward.
How do I think they’ll change things? 
As I’ve already said, I think Ezekiel will live, rather than die of his cancer. For Carol, though I think Zeke’s death fake out will send her into a tailspin, I also think that, like Daryl, Maggie, and Michonne, she’ll have to choose to be positive and move forward before she’s “worthy” to get Ezekiel back and find happiness. She basically chose that here. 
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So while obviously thinking he’s dead will greatly affect her, I think her choice here will help her keep from sliding into hermetic, homicidal existence when it does happen.
Beta? Yeah, I don’t have much in the way of details to offer, but he’ll probably die eventually. But then, he didn’t exactly choose the most positive path. Many of us got Phantom of the Opera vibes with his “new” mask. 
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You know, the story of a monster with a mask who kidnaps a beautiful, young, singer? And the phantom has an amazing singing voice as well? Now, I don’t know if that’s what they’re going for. But I gotta say, Ryan did talk on TTD about how Alpha’s ghost will very much remain with Beta moving forward. The opera ghost is a big part of the Phantom tale.
And yes, I totally have a head canon about Beta kidnapping Beth and Beth choosing Daryl instead. But we’ll leave that in head canon land for now. ;D
For Negan, the obvious thing is that maybe he’ll get to live at Alexandria and be one of the good guys, now. But I really like this Negan thing in terms of Daryl. I still think Negan will figure in Beth’s return in some way, and maybe he needs to be part of Alexandria (not just as a prisoner) to make that happen. So I like to think that, much as with Dwight, Daryl’s mercy will aid in bringing Beth back to him. But I’m not exactly objective on that count. ;D
So yeah, just wanted you guys to see this so we can refer back to it as we get farther on in the story.  
Another thing? I was originally going to discuss the lyrics of the songs we her in tomorrow’s Details post. But then I realized I need to put them here.
So here’s the thing. We saw three different scenes in which Beta is playing music. In the first scene, he’s playing Emily’s The Turtle and the Monkey song. In the second one, a different song is playing that I haven’t identified yet. And then in the third one, her song is playing again. I’ve typed out the lyrics below.
Even before I realized that the song in 2 out of 3 scenes was Emily’s, I looked at the lyrics and realized they represented the three phases. 1 – Negativity, 2 – Imprisonment 3 – Staying the course and, kind of, being in love? The first set of lyrics sounds really self-deprecating. The second set of lyrics starts out, “Cuz if I knew they’d lock me up…” Yeah. Imprisonment. And in the third we get sticking to the path (i.e. making the right choice), talk of love, and staring into one another’s eyes.
Check them out for yourself:
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First Scene:
“I’m a miser when I’m rich
But a gambler if I’m broke
And if we’re gonna be laughin’
I would wanna be in on the joke.
Sometimes I think You show me the scabs
Just to temp me to tear ‘em away
Makin’ me draw blood
Will never make me want to stay.
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Second Scene:
‘Cause if I knew they’d lock me up
Then I would surely run
Killed so many in your name, girl
That I’d never see the sun
Was invited down to hell
Drank from the glass, it felt just fine
I asked him, “Where’s that girl of mine?”
The Devil just smiled and left me behind
I smiled back and finished my bear
and said adios. I didn’t shed a tear
Joy descended with the flames all around
‘Cause the Devil, he sure likes to gamble
I tried to stand tall
And knock down that big old wall
I tried to stand strong
But suppose I guessed all wrong.
I tried to stand tall
And knock down that big old wall
I tried to stand strong
But supposed I guessed all wrong.
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Third Scene:
Just sticking to the path
Your like a monkey in the trees
Jumpin from branch to branch
I love the way you move
You love the way I rock ‘n’ roll
But if our worlds collide it’s bound to take its toll
Oh, oh it’s sad but true
Love is never enough
And after just a few months, we’re not immune
Oh, we used to stay up late
Starin’ in each other’s eyes
So, I didn’t realize it was Emily’s song because I’ve only listened to her Turtle and the Monkey song a few times and am not that familiar with the tune. In my defense, I did google and figured if it was one of her songs it would come up. It totally didn’t. But I think I know why. The first few lines in Beta’s song are different than in Emily’s song. And those are the only ones I Googled (eye roll). So that’s why it didn’t pop up for me.
But I gotta say, it being her song, and especially the fact that she’s in the first and third scenes, is awesome! Think about what I said last week about the 15 season arc. Beth was in the first 5 season (S2-S5), but not in the middle 5 (6-10) but we’re thinking she’ll return for 11-whenever. The songs…kind of reflect that.
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thecyberniche · 5 years
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When the @oldmelbgaol was built in the mid-1800s, it dominated the Melbourne skyline as a symbol of authority. Inside the Gaol, dangerous criminals were held alongside petty offenders, the homeless and the mentally ill. Between 1842 and its closure in 1929 the gaol was the scene of 135 hangings including Australia’s most infamous citizen, the bushranger Ned Kelly. Today you can visit the Old Melbourne Gaol to find out what life was like for the men and women who lived and died here all those years ago. In this ghost tour, we availed the Hangman Night Tour and listened to the stories about the days prior to the execution of some of the notable criminals, and also the worst kind of punishments–flogging and solitary confinement. The tour costs $35 only. What dark and grisly stories will the hangman tell you? Join this exclusive guided tour through every corner of the Gaol with the master of the rope, and hear bone-strumming tales straight from the gallows, with no stone left unturned. Book the Hangman’s Night Tour, and stay brave. BOOK YOUR HANGMAN NIGHT TOUR HERE: https://www.oldmelbournegaol.com.au/e... If you like this video, don't forget to click the thumbs up and the subscribe buttons! Til my next adventure, adios amigos! (at Old Melbourne Gaol) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9eRgdDAH8s/?igshid=1grjzpxolb8yh
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A sense of...
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-When and Where it all started:
What a tricky blank to fill in!
I was in school, teaching. But not fully there, because I was also thinking about this particular project while helping the S2 kids to get through a particularly boring close reading in English (you don’t always get to choose!) about a hot day in America.
I had a thousand things in mind: finding a new flat to share, photos, working, love life, probably a song stuck in my mind. I felt mostly stressed and tired with everything, and wouldn’t have mind leaving the classroom in a brilliant and dramatic gesture (’Adios, amigos, I’m done here!’) or maybe pretending that I was going to the bathroom and never coming back. I knew however, that I was at that point of my life where I was craving for some rest (sleeping, a night off, anything really!).
What does REST means?
1)    cease work or movement in order to relax, sleep, or recover strength.
2)    be placed or supported so as to stay in a specified position.
3)    an instance or period of resting.
Next period (still working on the same reading passage), I thought of asking the kids what rest meant to them. I believe that kids are extremely smart, a lot more practical than growing ups and I needed another perspective on the brief : ‘bed’, ‘sleep’, ‘holidays’, a particular place (’grandmother’, ‘campsite’, ‘my sister’s bedroom’…), ‘grave (??)’
Death didn’t cross my mind at all, and I took a note of it on my planner, congratulated the pupil who said that and went back to the Close Reading. When going through some figures of speech, I was still thinking about rest and remembered this Icelandic sculptor called Einar Jonsson, the sculptor, who has a museum in Reykjavik, that I visited a few years ago. One particular sculpture impressed me. It somehow helped me thinking about death (at that time, I had recently lost my grandmother). This sculpture is called ‘Earth’
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Earth as a place of rest and comfort -holding you, protecting you, feeding you. It was also a place in which my grandmother’s body and mind was resting forever. This lady who had passed away a few months earlier, had become dust and ground. But she was both the person being hold and simultaneously the one holding me. I felt at peace and comforted by this idea she was still there, around, as a support. Someone I could rest on.
I started looking into what Einar Jonsson had done but also been influenced with. He used symbolism (personification of ideas, allegories, metaphors) and was very much influenced by Nordic mythology and religion (see Dawn and the Nordic Story). I personally find his work powerful and I love the way he has sculpted tells, emotions in a very poetic and striking way.
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Another artist, who I love, was Nicolas Poussin. I remember going to the museum with my family and standing in front of some of his paintings, thinking how enjoyable it would be to just live in one of his paintings: golden light, beautiful landscape, loads of space, loads of figures from the Greek/Latine Mythology and the Bible. Later on, when I lived in Rome, I found this same late afternoon light, contemplation of the old buildings and the easiness of living there, amongst busy and dramatic Italian taxi drivers and tourists from America. Carefree life and wanders.
Here is a selection of his paintings and other Classicist painters:
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What does Rest mean to me?
Rest means when your day is almost done (literally and metaphorically), contemplation of what has been achieved, without necessarily wanting to think about the next step. Witnessing, enjoying where you are, at that exact moment.
Rest doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to last forever. To me, it is more of a collection of fleeting moments in a space that invites the person to let go.
Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise: I also really wanted to link my photos to this idea of resting, as in for ever. I thought of this particular place, in Paris (France) where I went a few times and that I loved, not only for the artists who were buried there (Jim Morrison, Edith Piaf, Albert Camus, Chopin, Proust, Oscar Wild, Moliere, La Fontaine, Racine, Maria Callas) but also for the various walk and paths you can take there. This is a space of wonder, with amazing sculptures and trees.
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Nantes and Brittany: hometown. For the folklore, Celtic culture, child tells, mystic forests and rainy days. 
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
A chance meeting.

Greetings to you again my fellow drifters and roleplayers ~ I hope to catch some flies with some honey. I would like to post my ad once more with a more specific request / intent in mind. You may call me Aylo. I am specifically searching for partners who sport the same interests, passion and dedication as me. Regarding myself I’ll keep it short and sweet. If you wish to know more about me, feel free to ask me through email. Age: 20+ years Gender: Female Occupation: Full time student with a side job Timezone: CET 
Experience: 11 years If you wish to get in touch with me, here’s my email for contact :)
What I’m looking for in a partner: If you write to me, tell me about yourself, particularise what you would like to do, where your interests lie in and how far you will go limit-wise. To be clear, I will accept 20+ partners only! I am sure there are roleplayers below that age who are wonderful writers, however due to legality issues and the age difference, it would feel awkward… Sorry ;__;

This will be a mature themed RP and that means it will include very heavy topics that may not be for the faint of heart. So be sure to read every word carefully before you message me, because these kinds of misunderstandings can be easily avoided. I am currently on the hunt for a literate, erudite and witty writer with a creative mindset who can cross the line with me. I don’t care what gender you are or what your timezone is, as long as we correspond well, we should be fine.

Also to note, I am looking for a longterm and dependable partner. If you are not sure if you can fulfil either of these, feel free to scroll past my ad! It won’t be held it against you ^^
 Platforms I prefer to write on are: 

Email and Google Docs. I try to get myself a Discord as soon as I get a new PC. How to I write, my limits and preferences. Be sure to read them carefully:
Cravings: What I crave at the most, almost always, is the topic of supernatural and urban fantasy. Though I can be persuaded to go more into pop culture (like superheroes or crime). Personally what I would like go for is an original story or anything fandom related that I have listed down below. If you are not sure which I am open to do at the moment, feel free to scroll down and see for yourself if we’re compatible or not. Although I am versatile when it comes to genres, I am only currently seeking someone who would rather do something more supernatural inspired, including demons, spirits, monsters, gods and angels. I do have a few ideas in my repertoires that I would like to pitch, but I prefer to talking to my partner first before setting anything in stone. Interests: My line of interests are very electric when it comes to genres. I love conceiving my own lore inside a stories, be it an original or a pre-existing story. Gothic fantasy among others are one of my favourites. I am not opposed to tapping into science fiction, conspiracies, intrigue, action, romance, crime, action or thriller genres, in fact I encourage it. Inspirations for me are Lovecraft, The Tudors, Gotham, Hellsing, Blade, Underworld, etc. As for the fandom inspired RPs, I am more than willing to bend some rules and be a little indulgent. Writing: 3rd person perspective. My writing is expansive and flexible, which means that frequently, word count will go up 1000+ per reply - though it highly depends on the situation and partner I write with. Quality over quantity as they say - but why not both? I love detail in description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. My partner should have a basic grasp on grammar, punctuation and somewhat of an interest in knowledgeable writing. I also double! (preferably, but we can always discuss whether it makes sense for our roleplay our not.) When I double, mostly I would like to do it in fandom roleplays. Originals are a different matter. World building & plot: You should be active and help me shape the world around our characters. Even if we discuss many things during and before the roleplay, how we wish for things to play out and take its course, I am always happy to be surprised with a secret of my partner’s character I didn’t know before. You don’t need to lay out all your cards on the table… keep it a little mysterious and suspenseful. Just enough so we can work with the ideas, but not completely kill off the suspense.
Characters: I write canon as well as OC characters. Faceclaims, GIFs, drawings, mood boards or just a plain physical description is absolutely sufficient. Whatever floats your boat when it comes to visualising your character and their backstory, I’m on board. Characters should be flawed, unique, talented, heroic, villainous, spiteful, angry, and everything in-between. In other words, don’t be scared of making them ‘human’, even when they are non-human. Romance: Openly play and accept characters of both genders, preferable m x f pairings, but I am open to m x m and f x f relationships as well. I have more experience with m x f relationships, so I might be more savvy in this one. If the chemistry of two characters compel me, I will ship them no matter what! Classic fangirl shipper here! Ayo, where my shippers at? 
When it comes to sexual scenarios and intimacy (intercourse, foreplay, all that jazz) I will not fade to black. I encourage erotism, but in a tasteful manner (that goes for romance as well). The passion must be felt through the screen, even if its just an description of someone’s deep train of thought. Content: Drama, violence, sex, metamorphosis, horror, symbolism, action, romance, pretty much everything is a-okay. I am unbothered by certain subjects that may or may not be uncomfortable for the general public. Roleplays are fictional stories and we best keep viewing them as such. If there are things you are uncomfortable with, name them and I shall respect those boundaries. But don’t be surprised when suddenly one of our characters bites the dust, or gets tortured. It may be difficult to write and read, but it is all part of the story and furthering the plot. My roleplays imply and involve brutality, mayhem, psychological and physical torture as well as other things. But I also endorse beauty, serenity and placid moments, scenes or characters. I love it when it comes full circle… everyone- and everything has their beautiful and hideous side. Both should be embraced. Communication: OOC-chat friendly! I love meeting new people and making potential friends. Plus it strengthens the compatibility between us. Communication is the alpha and the omega. If there is something that bothers you, or if you think you are left out in some way (be it a mistake on my part or we’re both at fault here), don’t be scared of telling me. Really, it won’t be taken personally - since I know that we slip up every now and then, we’re only human after all. It is also completely sufficient if you only type out a few messages per week. I am super chill about it. It doesn’t bother me re-writing a scene to fit the narrative more. If there are mistakes, they can be corrected - just to get that out there. We can always exchange opinions and see what would benefit the story most. I will also voice my opinion should something arise that could be bothersome. World building & plotting: An active roleplayer is wanted without a doubt. Can’t do the thinking for two now. Let’s row this boat together Limits: My only limits are pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia , pedophilia, scat, furries and some other bizarre fetishes. Also no one-liners or text-talk messages. The sentences have to be cohesive, coherent and somewhat structured. On my shipping list, the ones that are marked in bold are the ones I am craving at the most right now!

Shipping list:
Corrupted x Innocent
Demon x Human
Devil x Human
Cop x Criminal
Bully x Bullied
Bad boy (delinquent) x Good girl (or the other way around)
Mentor x Apprentice
Angel x Human
Angel x Demon
Vampire x Human

Bureaucrat x Soldier
Scientist / Doctor x Patient / Experiment
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x Dhampire
Noble x Peasant / Regular citizen
Vampire x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human
Monster x Human
Hybrid x Hybrid
Hybrid x Human
Hybrid x Full fledged (whatever it may be)
Dominant male x Dominant female (or other genders)

Fandom list:

Marvel cinematic universe
DC (preferably the comics or animated films / shows)
Alita Battle Angel
Harry Potter (Next gen)


Fate Stay Night / Fate Zero


Justice League (also Dark)

Teen Titans
The Darkness
Loki - Tales of Asgard
X Men

Looking forward to talking to you ~ Adios
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“Happy Friday guys! May the fourth be with you! Haha. I hope you’re all doing well today and have had an amazing week so far. I’m back to another solo video this week but my brother and his wife, as well as my nephew and niece, will be down next week so I might have them joining me! Feel free to send them in some relationship or family questions to answer, they’ll be more than happy to give you guys an answer.”
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“These questions are actually leftovers from last weeks video that I never got the chance to answer otherwise the video would’ve dragged on. Though, if you guys are fine with that, I can keep them long... Or perhaps even split it up into two videos/posts? Let me know below. Now, onto the questions.”
** The questions below are all that were sent in this week. If you want your question to be answered feel free to send them in and they’ll be answered next time. **
Question 1;  Have you ever thought about retiring from modeling? - Anonymous Answer; “Obviously at the last few weeks of each pregnancy until my babies are a few months old I take a break from modeling.. but retiring for good? I’m not sure. It sure has been a conversation piece with my husband, but I’m unsure as to what else I’d do if I weren’t a model.”
Question 2;  How many tattoos do you have on your body and what do they all mean? - Anonymous Answer; “Oh boy.. This could perhaps take a bit. I’ve got a few and was actually considering making a post about them, showing them off, etc. If you guys are interested I still could? But anyways, overall I have thirteen tattoos. I have River’s name and both of my sons birthdays for obvious reasons. I have a small crown on my right index finger, matching River’s massive crown on his chest. On my back, I have a butterfly to symbolize change and hope, as well as a female in a clock? I thought it looked gorgeous. On my upper arm, I have a wolf with a Native-American headdress on in colour, it’s one of my favourites that was done on a whim. I have two characters from my favourite Disney movies on my right leg, thigh, and shin. On my left thigh/hip, I have a Dio De Los Muertos skull tattoo because I love it, and then on my left ankle I have this sort-of henna lookalike tattoo as I thought it looked kinda cool. My final two is a song quote on my ribcage and a ‘Sad Ghost Club’ tattoo on my side.”
Question 3; How do you manage to lose the baby weight? What is your secret? - @greyfamilyvalues Answer; “Honestly? I have no clue, haha. I tend to drink some Detox teas and a few weeks after giving birth I get back into exercising. I do yoga 3 times a week as well as going to the gym twice a week. It’s different for all mama’s though, so you don’t want to push yourself.”
Question 4;  What is your greatest fear? What’s your biggest one being a mother? - Anonymous Answer; “I wouldn’t say I have a ‘greatest fear’. I guess being a mother was a fear of mine, especially after having a miscarriage with my first child. It kind of terrified me to find out I was carrying a perfectly healthy baby that I didn’t lose.”
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Question 5;  Do you have friends close enough, that if the worst should happen. You’d go to them? - Anonymous Answer; “I’d dread to think that the worst should happen again.. but if it did, I do have a very close support unit of friends and family to go to. My girls - Neriah, Zailey, Bridgett, and Kelsey.. They’ve all been my rock throughout my previous pregnancies and I know they’ll be the same throughout this one. As well as my husband and few male friends too.”
Question 6;  What is the best memory you’ve had together? - Anonymous Answer; “With my husband, I’m assuming? There’s so many, not gonna lie, haha. I guess I’d have to go with the day he proposed to me. He picked me up on our anniversary and told me he had a surprise for me, put a blindfold on me and then proceeded to drive to a secret location.. It ended up being at somewhere with a white pavilion. All of our family members and a few close friends were there, he undid my blindfold and when I looked I saw them all holding balloons asking me if I’d marry him. When I turned around I seen he was down on one knee and I just cried and said yes. He was my soulmate from day one. It’s a memory I’ll forever cherish.”
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Question 7;  What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? And what’s happened that’s embarrassed you in front of friends? - Anonymous Answer; “To myself? Most likely tripping up in school in front of the ‘popular’ kids. I never lived that down, no matter how hard I tried, lmao. I can’t really think of anything that’s embarrassed me in front of friends, minus the same thing I guess.”
Question 8;  Does it get awkward in public sometimes for you both? - Anonymous Answer; “I wouldn’t say so, no. I can’t think of any one occasion in which it’s been awkward for me.. maybe for my husband, though? Probably when people come up to us in public when they recognize me from my modeling photos.”
Question 9;  What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve done to your husband to please him? - Anonymous Answer; “Well.. That’s for us to know.”
“I honestly could not thank you guys more for continuously sending in these questions weekly for me to answer. It’s so lovely to see the support and that from you all. As I said, next week will be featuring my brother and his wife, Gia. Send in some questions about them if you want them to answer, or even about mine and Emrys’ life growing up as siblings. That’s all for this week!  Thank you guys for tuning in, see you next week. Adios!”
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badminutes · 4 years
Compilers : Principles, Techniques & Tools Review
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A long time ago, I finished reading Compilers : Principles, Techniques & Tools, by Afred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D. Ullman. This book is also called the Dragon Book due to the cover.
This book is a reference about compiler construction and design. If you are interested in this subject, this book is for you, it's a must-have. However, I have to warn you that this book is very technical and hard. Honestly, some of the chapters are beyond my comprehension. Before this book, I had no real comprehension of the subject. I will certainly read again some of the chapters when I will have more practice into the subject.
If you want, the book is full of exercises about each subject covered in the book. If you plan to do all the exercises, you'll need a lot of time as there are a lot of them and some of them are quite hard. I've done some of them but only a little part.
The first chapter introduces the construction of compilers. You will see the common structure of compilers, the evolution of programming languages and the science behind building a compiler and its applications. The second chapter is still quite general. It will teach you how to develop a simple syntax-directed translator. This chapter is very important as it will give you the basics for understanding the following chapters. You will learn how to define a grammar, what are the main parsing techniques and what is lexical analysis. It will also covers symbol tables and intermediate language generation.
With the third chapter (Lexical Analysis), we are entering the hearth of the matter. You will learn the vocabulary behind lexical analysis (tokens, lexemes, attributes, ...). Then, after you've learned how to define and recognize tokens, you will see the different techniques to build an efficient lexical analyzer. The first technique that will be covered is the use of a lexer generator (Lex). Then you will see in details how to construct a lexer using regular expressions or finite automata especially Nondeterministic Finite Automata and Deterministic Finite Automata.
The next one (Syntax Analysis) is about parsing. After learning how to define and write a grammar you will see how to parse it. You will see in details the most commons types of parsing (Top-Down, Bottom-Up) and the most common parsers (LL(K) and LR(K) parsers). The construction of these kinds of parsers is covered in details and the way to optimize them is also teached. Finally, you will see how to automatically generate a parser using Lex and Yacc. This chapter is sometimes very hard to understand (in my own opinion) but very interesting especially if you plan to build parser without generating it with some advanced tools (for example Yacc or Boost Spirit for C++).
The fourth chapter (Syntax Directed Translation) explains you how to translate some source code (parse it) into a coherent structure (an abstract tree) using a Syntax Directed Scheme. The translation is made based on a syntax using semantic actions and rules to translate the source into something else. You'll see different ways of doing that translations.
Then, the next one (Intermediate Code Generation) teaches you how to generate Intermediate Code from the source. Two different representations are covered : syntax trees and three-address-code. Another subject covered in this chapter is type checking. You'll see in details how to translate expressions, control flow instructions and switch statements into three-address-code statements.
The seventh chapter (Run-Time Environment) gives a lot of information about the different run-time targets that you can compile for. A lot of subjects are covered here: stack and heap allocation, locality exploitation, garbage collectors... This chapter is in my opinion a very good instruction to computer architecture. You cannot imagine develop a compiler without having a deep understanding of the target machine.
The next chapter (Code Generation) is also a very important one. In this chapter, you will see how to generate assembly code from the three-address-code. You will learn how to select the good instructions. A very important subject covered in this chapter is register allocation. You'll learn how to choose wisely the registers to produce efficient code. The basic blocks are also covered there with flow graphs. More than just generating code from Three-Address-Code statements, you'll also see how to optimize them. Only local (to a basic block) optimization techniques  will be covered in this chapter. Several techniques that aims at testing if code is optimal are also taught there.
The global optimizations are covered in the next chapter (Machine-Independent Optimizations). You will discover several optimizations that you can do globally (inside a function but among different basic blocks). A data-flow analysis framework is explained here in details. After that, for each of the optimization, the parameters of the data flow analysis are explained. The optimization of loops is treated too.
The three next chapters (Instruction-Level Parallelism, Optimizing for Parallelism and Locality and Interprocedural Analysis) are the most complex of the book. They are covering in details the optimizations that can be made when a compiler supports instruction-level parallelism (executes several instructions in one clock cycle). It also covers interprocedural analysis of a program to allow even better optimization than global optimization inside a function. Honestly, I didn't understand some of the concepts described here. I will read them again one by one, chapter by chapter and try to implement some of the techniques in EDDI in the future.
To conclude, I will say that Compilers : Principles, Techniques & Tools is a very good book that every compiler designer and developer should read before starting constructing a  compiler. Although very technical, it's quite clear and contains a huge amount of information. If  you plan to develop a compiler, it is a very good idea to read this book first.
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