#next hire after THAT was an alcoholic who got disbarred/unlicenesed/whatever-the-word-is by the state board for throwing shit at nurses
queenlua · 1 year
randomly remembered this one person who was briefly hired as a doctor in my hometown’s clinic
apparently, during her job interview, she talked about how she was planning to commute to the clinic (okay) via plane (...??), like, just roundtrip flights to/from Boston MA multiple times a week
(said clinic was in the southeastern US. which is, uh, not particularly close to Boston, right)
at first she was like “oh i’m going to do this because my husband’s in law school in Boston” which, okay fair, people do what they gotta to solve the two-body problem
but apparently she also talked about how “sad” all the houses in the town looked, and kept saying a bunch of passive-aggressive shit about the place, like “wow it’s impressive what your town has been able to do with what little you have” and stuff like that
she said this during the job interview! what!!!
i mean maybe she just knew how desperate my hometown was for doctors. because the clinic still hired her anyway. turns out rural healthcare is a tirefire and you take what you can get even when it’s actively insulting/belittling you
(though the interesting other question is, how desperate was she, like, surely commuting to this place she clearly thought was Beneath Her was not her plan A or plan B or whatever)
anyway she spent six months on the job, complained relentlessly about how many patients were on medicaid, and then quit with like two days’ notice
wonder what happened to her.  what a weird interlude
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