#next drawing for insta hmmmm
jerrsterrr · 11 months
silly sona doodles from my oc world TheAfterNothing
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fun fact!!!! xietys wings on his head are not his own!!! he plucked them from the bodies left behind :3
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silly shirt enjoyer
anywho they each hav their own pinterest boards if u wanna see em Jerri, Xiety, Matthew and another vers for the apocalyptic reality called DEAD END (Jerri)
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For the ask game 7, 11 , 12 , 22 (sorry if it's a lot lol, I'm just really curious)
7: Show us a WIP
HMMMM I DON'T REALLY HAVE A PROPER ONE ATM but I do all my "super duper rough totally not ugly at all, slay planning" on paper, so uh, take this panel for the next ANLFM update as a substitute?
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11: show us the last thing you drew, be it a finished piece or a small doodle
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this was a silly little quick doodle of my siblings and I requested by my sister. Requested to be "Scrimblos"
12: show us an old drawing
.....how old?.....Im not going to publicly shame myself too bad. This one is from about a year ago, an old angel oc of mine. I never did anything with him, but he was pretty to draw
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low quality cause its screenshotted from my insta TT no longer have the og file. rip all my old art on my drowned pc smh
22: Answered here!
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leclerc-xo · 5 years
ok but,,,, that insta story! imagine Dele coming downstairs after his shower to see Eric curled up on the couch with Clay giving him cuddles and clay nuzzling into his hands and chest and he doesn't say anything and Eric doesn't even realise he's there and Eric starts talking softly to Clay in Portuguese and Dele's heart melts because oh man he is cute. after a moment Eric looks up and smiles and makes grabby hands at him and Dele joins them for a cuddle
Yes Laura the insta story!!! Let’s PLEASE talk about it. The boys got in after the match and piled straight into the living room, Clay pattering round their feet saying hello. Eric grabbed a bottle of water and just collapsed on the sofa, still in his tracksuit and just let Clay climb up on to him, sniffing around and licking his face. Dele shirked off his training jacket and his top, dropping them onto the sofa and said he was going upstairs to get changed. Eric hummed in response, still fussing Clay and didn’t bother to comment about the fact Dele could have taken his discarded clothes up with him. Clay has settled down a bit at this point and he’s got his head on Eric’s arm, just chilling with his Dad. Eric scratches at his ears whispering "quem é um menino lindo?" as Clay closed his eyes, clearly enjoying the feeling. He can hear Deles music coming from upstairs, can just about make out his voice singing a long. It makes Eric’s chest feel warm and tight. They won the game, he got some minutes under his belt and he got to come home with Dele (Eric honestly doesn’t think he’ll ever get over that last bit even now) He thinks back to early that morning, hearing Dele talk about how it’s been a crazy five years since he joined Spurs. Thinks back to the smile he gave him when he woke up, to the way his lips felt against his neck, his hands on the back of his neck. Five years ago he had no idea this was where he’d be. Eric shakes his head and smiles at his sentimental he’s being. Clay has his paw on his hand and he just feels so damn fucking happy that without thinking twice he pulls his phone out and takes a snap. A few buttons later the story is up, public for everyone to see. His pup, in his house with Deles clothes on the sofa. Let people come to their own conclusions.
A few minutes later Dele appears, dressed in some baggy shorts and a hoodie that look very familiar to Eric. “You know once upon a time you picked on me for my fashion sense,” he comments and Dele shrugs as he falls down on to the end of the sofa. Clay shifts, licking Deles face as he crawls up to shuffle in between Eric and the cushions. Eric’s heart flutters at Deles giggle as Clay licks him one more time before settling over their legs. “"Meus meninos" Eric says as Dele sighs and falls back against Eric’s chest, hand instinctively curling under his t-shirt, rubbing at Eric’s stomach. “How’s your leg?” Eric asks and Dele rubs his calf along Eric’s. “Bit sore, you might have to carry me up to bed” he replies and Eric laughs. “Is that so?” he says pressing a kiss to Deles temple. Dele nods and lifts himself up to rest his chin on Eric’s chest, staring up at him through his eyelashes. “Hey you,” he comments and Eric chews on his bottom lip. “Hey you back.” Dele smiles, cheeks bunched up and Eric squeezes his side. “Five years,” Dele says breathing out as if he can’t believe it. Eric nods. “Got to say bit disappointed in your answer when the sky guy asked what your highlight has been,” Eric quipped, smirking at Dele. “Hmmmm,” Dele hummed, kissing Eric on the chest. “I only did that to shoot my shot Diet, I’ve got you now so you know.” Eric let out a loud laugh and dug his fingers into Dele’s side, tickling him. After a few minutes of messing around they settle back down and Dele draws patterns on Eric’s chest. ‘Five years’ he thinks as he draws the numbers 20 and 15, his heart expanding at what the next five could bring.
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sundaynightnovels · 5 years
so i’ve been tagged by @kidsarentallwrite​ for this one, and @a-ray-of-moonshine​ , so i’ll be answering both here! thank you so much for thinking of me! <3  What song makes your OC go absolutely, batshit feral? okay i really don’t know the answer to this one, but hmmmm let me think . i think that zhen’s the sort to sing songs loudly and obnoxiously just to be an annoying ass and lu’d join her, and then yu(f) would be really mega pissed because she’s right in the next room trying to do some work when these two tone-deaf idiots are screeching their lungs out in the kitchen so yes, zhen & lu’s singing would make yu(f) go absolutely feral. anything they sing.  i think the OTHER yu(m) would go absolutely feral when jun, being a lil piece of shit who likes to get on his nerves, sings songs about rain. because yknow, yu(m)’s name means rain. right now the song i’m thinking of is jay chou’s 听见下雨的声音 (which means, listen to the sound of rain falling) and jun would sing it whenever yu(m) tries to say something because of, yknow, the title. and then blatantly ignore whatever yu(m)’s trying to say. so yes, the two yu(s) lead very sad lives. please give them more love. (though i’d understand if you don’t, one is an Antisocial Edgelord and one is an Edgy Antisocial Lording Over Others . there’s a difference)  What would your OC go on an hours long rant about given the opportunity? for shou? anything. absolutely anything. off the top of my mind, the sun (i’ve mentioned this so many times, don’t even ask), names (names have meanings to him!! why is zhen called zhen and teng called teng? why is he called shou??? a lot of them don’t share in his sentiments but he has Very Strong Feelings about it) lu is about his sad existence as a little boy who is starving on the streets. he’d say it often in the kitchen, when zhen is preparing some food.  zhen would be about rising costs of living and capitalism and having to work when they’re dead and yu(f) being a loser who only wants to work and teng being a loser who can’t get any girls and about how life is meaningless and the only solace is sleep and jia would rant with her for the fun of it yu(f) would rant about zhen, yu(m) would rant about jun, teng would rant about love and loneliness and ren would run away. (yes that was a pun, if you got it please appreciate)  Do your OCs have tattoos? If not, would they ever get a tattoo? Why or why not? i think i’ve answered this somewhere before??? not very sure . but yea anyway shou thinks it’s blasphemous but he would also consider one, zhen can’t be bothered, lu is a little kid WHAT ARE YOU ASKING FROM HIM teng is deathly afraid of the pain and it’s plainly obvious, jun isn’t scared of the pain but can’t be bothered either but also might already have one, you never know, yu(f) thinks it’s a waste of money, yu(m)... i feel like he might have one, not sure why. jia probably has one, some nice gorgeous insta-worthy one on her collarbone or on her back.  ren probably has one but he keeps it hidden and no one knows about it.  You bump into your OC on the street unexpectedly. How do you react? oh no. which one? if i catch shou in a distracted mood, i probably can get away without him yammering in my ears.  if it’s zhen, i’ll probably get sued for something and she’ll try to extort something from me. probably the bubble tea in my hands, or the money in my wallet. probably.  for lu he’d extort food. even if it’s in my stomach. yu(f) would be the one who bumps into me and continues marching off because she is a busy woman and ain’t got time for this.  ren would probably apologise and yknow, be a normal, nice human being. yu(m) would just stare and maybe walk away, but he looks fierce so it probs looks like he’s glaring and i’ll be scared shitless. or be pissed, depends on my mood. teng would apologise a lot a lot and offer to get my things (even if i hadn’t dropped them) and be a sputtering mess because unfortunately i am Woman and he cannot deal jun would ignore probably. depending on his mood, might make some cryptic comment that’s slightly disturbing. or he’d be really charming . who knows? jia would also probably react like a normal human being. not the nicest, but normal anyway. Which vines best describe your OCs? i am a failure and i don’t really know vines If your WIP is ever adapted into another form of media, what form would you like? Film, television, comic, podcast? Any others? sitcom, probably. also considering the amount of talking they do, maybe podcast. definitely not film. there’s no plot here. maybe theatre, just for fun. What is your favourite part about writing? what are you talking about?? Is you got to have a conversation with your favourite author, what would you talk about? the only author i can think of now is rick riordan and i’d talk about how i appreciate that he’s just doing what he wants and making it fun for him and diversity and lame humour and stupid characters and all that crap Have any writing habits or quirks? don’t write enough to have some. HAHA just kidding i have many many run-on sentences but i need them for RHYTHM and BEAT and FEELING you know???? long sentences are my jam and they help create music structure in writing do NOT TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME also use oxford commas. sue me. What do you prefer: dialogue or action? stupid banter-ish dialogue. evocative atmospheric-ish contemplation and inner musings no one acts. Who is the first Writeblr you followed? Do you remember why you followed them? i really don’t know! sorry! --
1. Is there a trope you never get tired of? characters who share One brain cell. family.  long rambling stories that go nowhere really bad humour yes some of these are not tropes, i am aware.
2. Who is your least favorite character in your WIP? Why? gasps!!!  okay so let’s go down the list, i hate shou because he’s annoying as hell and he talks so much he himself gives 4k worth of dialogue in a single chapter, i hate zhen because she doesn’t do or admit to anything and trying to figure her out is like trying to get a worm to walk on two feet, i hate lu because he only talks about food and be a dirty lil kid, i hate ren because he is too nice and doesn’t think for himself, i hate teng because he gets easily bullied and he also talks too much for no damn reason, i hate jun because he keeps himself too deep and it’s impossible to get him to do anything serious, i hate yu(f) because she only works and literally there’s nothing to describe in her boring one bedroom can she get out of her room already, i hate yu(m) because i still don’t know him well enough after all these months, i hate jia because somehow i keep forgetting her in these tag games even though her presence is Big in the wip  yup there you go. they’re all my least favourite. 
3. Let’s say I’m planning to visit the setting of your WIP for a weekend. What should I take with me? What are the most important things for me to know beforehand? Which of your characters should I ask to be my guide? uh. i’d just say Don’t.  don’t visit. it’s not a good thing, you can’t choose to visit anyway, you can’t take anything with you because yknow, well there’s this little chinese saying i kinda abide by for this wip and i’m lazy to type it out now but it was in my previous chinese mytho au drabble so yea  also. guide????? maybe the safest might be ren, but also not really. hm. if you want an enthusiastic little puppy, choose shou. but he might talk your ears off and annoy you so you know, pick your poison 4.Beginning, middle, or end—which is the hardest for you as a writer?
5. Which is more inspiring for you: music or visual art?
6. Do you have any other creative interests and hobbies besides writing?
lol i have no interests okay really. hm. i used to draw a little bit but i’ve stopped, used to play piano but i’ve stopped, used to play cello but i’ve stopped.  so yea, really, nothing much. 
7. How close is your WIP now to what you were expecting it to be when you just started?
i’ve finished the first draft since the start of the year, which is great and i totally didn’t expect it! .... am barely into the second draft though, so that’s a bummer. you see, this is why sometimes you shouldn’t get achievements. once that one milestone is reached you just lie down there at the rest stop and never get up. 
8. What are your plans for when you finish your WIP? Traditional publishing? Indie publishing? Putting it online for others to read for free?
traditional probs, because i don’t trust myself enough to do it on my own and i have little visual sensibilities so the cover would be hella ugly. also like, not even sure if traditional publishers would want my odd little plotless thing, but yknow, i like it. 
9. Your MC is here. On your doorstep. Planning to spend the day with you. Oh, and they know you’re the author responsible for everything that’s going on in the story right now. Are you expecting it to be a nice conversation, or do you maybe want to run and hide? :D
thank god i consider my MC to be shou instead of zhen. oh yea he’ll have lots of questions and he’ll poke at my brains a lot and he’d be hella noisy and also he’ll be sweating a lot because of his clothes and long hair, but still thank god it’s shou for the rest of them, i’d run and hide in the bottom of the ocean.
10. Name a song that could be your villain’s personal anthem.
eh. there’s no villain. if you consider the author to be the villain though hMMM i have favourite songs but no personal anthems, sorry
11. Is there anything you would never, ever write a story about, even if you were offered a large sum of money to do so?
eh. probs something like a law drama-ish thing. too many long words and complex jargon, not my kinda thing.
>> i’ll be tagging @coffehousecreations @bookenders @aslanwrites @rktho-writes @bahay-kubo @aloonycynic @arte-muse @elliswriting @mvcreates @inkpot-dreamer @dc-writes and here are my questions (which i think are pretty interesting heh feel free to do it and tag me even if i haven’t tagged you for it!) 1) your wip is now set in percy jackson’s world (if you don’t know, it’s just a bunch of monsters from greek mythologies chasing after young kids who have powers. we’re assuming your OCs are all demigods here, so they have powers and are being chased). who would be the one flailing and crying for help? who would be the one standing in front and thinking of a solution? who would be the first one eaten and who would be the one to survive till they reach camp?  2) after barely escaping percy jackson’s world, they’re now thrown into harry potter. the dementors are everywhere. what are the bad memories that these dementors draw from your OCs? how do they react to it? (don’t worry, they’re saved before being given the kiss. somehow.) 3) they’re now plopped into the good place. who is in the good place, and who is in the bad place? (for those who don’t watch the show, well. i think this naming speaks for itself) 4) ah, bummer. some misfiling of paperwork from the higher-ups, sorry. your OCs are once again alive and kicking, but then things happen again and well, they’re in marvel and the Snap has just happened (i.e., people have suddenly disappeared into dust after an event and no one knows what happened to them). assuming individual scenarios for your OCs where each of them are the only one left in the group, how would they react and what are their coping mechanisms? 5) and then the Blip happens and everyone is back, after five years! hurray! once again, assuming individual scenarios for your OCs where each of them are the only one left in the group, and then everyone suddenly returns like nothing’s happened, how would they then react to this change of scenario? how do they adapt? 6) all is well for a while, until The Fire Nation Attacked. who runs away and hides in isolation? who joins the colonising forces? who attempts a rebellion? who concedes defeat and lets the enemies in? 7) alright, now let’s give your OCs a break. they’re back in school and it’s high school musical! which typical high school cliques are each of them in and why? 8) now we’re in deadpool and it’s time to break the 4th wall and change the focus to: the author. what kind of jokes / things do you want to include in your wip but can’t seem to, maybe because of genre restrictions or age restrictions or it just, well, doesn’t fit? (ryan reynolds would say to include it all anyway, but yknow, that’s because he has money) 9) following the ryan reynolds thread, what is the one most indulgent thing you’ve done in your writing / would do in your writing?  10) who is your favourite friends member and why? (this is important okay? to those who haven’t watched friends... i can’t really give you much of an explanation for this one and more importantly -- why??) 11) this is the end! what is the stupidest thing you’ve done in your / with regards to your writing? it can literally be anything -- a stupid spelling mistake, gaping plot hole, printing it out for a friend to read and missing a page, you can really go crazy with your answer here. okay thanks for reading this massive chunk of text and good day everyone!
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