#nexomon ghosts
tulipsnflowers · 18 days
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Wherever someone sees this Nexomon, a sad whistling sound can be heard. Its inexpressive face gives it an even more frightening visage.
Hi everyone I'm trying to draw some Ghost types! First up, Cranillow
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player-1 · 4 months
Me, being hit with a late night brainwave: -I know for sure that the N1 protag has a canon name, I know I saw it from one of the concept/teaser/release trailers, but I can't figure out where! I've already combed through in from the official channel and I can't find it! I know his name is perpetually blank in Extinction cause it's a completely different game (and devs just leaving it up to interpretation), of course he's the nameless hero cause he's never mentioned by name in his own game too (though it's extra funny that the Micromon protag had their name mentioned more than five times), but still! I know I don't want to look for the official Discord channel to get it from the big man himself, but I know it exists, believe me!!
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nayvwriter · 7 days
My New Ghost Type Theory
(Nexomon Extinction Spoilers)
(Lots of images in this post, but the text should hopefully explain the key features of them well enough?)
So if you've been on nexomon tumblr for a while, you've probably seen either me or @tulipsnflowers talking about ghost type theories.
If you haven't, the background is this: every type in Nexomon 1 has at least one Primordial Tyrant attached. This is no longer the case by Nexomon Extinction.
The Ghost-type doesn't have one. But Ghost and Psychic both appeared between games. If you go by the headcanon that the rest of the types appeared when a Primordial Tyrant of that type was made, what happened to create the Ghost-type? We have several theories, many of which are… Somewhat unlikely. I've come up with another one. Bear with me.
So I was looking into Nexomon types. Looking for patterns, mostly. Didn't really expect to find any.
Have a couple of diagrams of the types in Nexomon 1, what beats what.
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Nice and neat. Also there are so many rock-paper-scissors style triangles (I count five?)
N2 is… less neat. Here's a diagram with them in a circle by birth order.
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I swear this is going somewhere. You'll notice that I've put Ghost before Psychic and after Electric for lack of better ideas, and Normal just off to the side because it's weird.
Do you notice that there's almost a circle around the outside?
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If we remove Ghost, it looks like this. Excluding the break between Psychic (last) and Mineral (first) which is only there for visibility reasons (this might as well be a line)… This has a circle around the outside, with almost every type beating the previous one in a fight. The ones that don't are weak to (Nara, both sides) or mutually effective (Psychic and Electric).
So what if you make it an entire circle?
If you try and make it an entirely anticlockwise circle with all of the nine types, you end up with this nonsense, which makes no sense.
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This is because including Normal messes everything up. I promise I know where I'm going with this.
If you just ignore Normal and try and make a circle including Ghost, then there's one particular place it goes. Between Wind and Fire.
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Ignore Normal being awkwardly at the top I will explain that later.
Point is. Look! A (broken) circle! Mostly anticlockwise, with types beating the types before them, other than Psychic and both sides of Plant. But why would this mean anything? Ghost couldn't possibly be there…
Could it?
This is about where I remember a very specific line in Nexomon Extinction.
I forgot to screenshot it on my playthrough, so I screenshotted a youtube video.
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Fenrir calls himself the third son of Omnicron. Not third child. Third son. So unless Nadine is transgender… who was the second?
(Realistically this is probably a mistake on the developer's part. However.)
Bear with me a second… what if Omnicron made his children's types deliberately, always trying to create a stronger type? One that could beat the previous type? That explains why the circle is mostly anticlockwise. It explains why Psychic doesn't entirely fit, because Solus wasn't a child of Omnicron. It explains Normal, because Metta had all of their powers, making versatility his strength, so that's why he wasn't specifically stronger.
(Another fun thing about that theory is that it raises the possibility Nara deliberately made Solus's type weak to her own. Just in case.)
It doesn't explain why Nara doesn't fit. So let me show you this.
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Mineral, Wind, Ghost, Fire, Water, Electric, Plant, Normal.
I've put Ghost in between Wind and Fire, and Plant after Electric.
The broken circle is entirely anticlockwise now. Omnicron trying to make a stronger type again and again, finishing with Metta who could command them all… What if this was how it went?
In this situation, assuming Mysterious Ghost Child is male, Fenrir is the third son of Omnicron. Merida is still the fifth child of Omnicron, and Zetta still the sixth. Nara's shifted position, but the only one who told us of Nara's position was Deena, and we know Deena's not against lying…
So the obvious question is – what happened to the ghost? Answer: Omnicron happened. Omnicron might have been a bit nervous about a child who could beat his own type. And one way or another, it all came to a head. And Omnicron banished his child directly to the Netherworld, removing their type from existence.
After this, the Children of Omnicron don't talk about their lost sibling. Hence why Fenrir calls himself third child of Omnicron at some point – he's pretending his ghost brother didn't exist. Merida and Zetta don't go quite that far, though. And Deena never actually states her position in n1 – she does say Omnicron had seven children, but she could also be pretending he didn't exist.
This has the effect of making humanity put the pieces together and figure Nara must have been fourth. Deena, by n2, just sort of shrugs. Let's Go With That. She is not an information-sharer and she is not explaining her second-oldest brother.
Mysterious Ghost Type, meanwhile, escaped from the Netherworld when Blue broke in, and that's why the Ghost type is back in n2.
Another thing this could explain is who Ziegler's prisoner is? Because he doesn't seem to be assigned one, in n1. It's vaguely implied it could be the protagonist, but I don't think that works. Of course, he could just not have one, but if he did maybe it was this ghost Primordial.
There are a few timing questions here – when was the ghost-type brother banished? And… does Metta know about all this? He could not know if he was born after Ghost was banished.
So yeah. It's quite an out-there theory, but it works.
I have more thoughts on this (like the fact Fenrir and this guy probably know each other somehow) and also a design (thank you Tulip) and I think a name? Umbra, from Latin for shadow. But I've rambled for quite long enough now. I hope this made sense!
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somepunaboutspace · 1 year
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They say that the beast is attracted to the scent of dread and fear the lost feel when close to drawing their last breath
Drew the tyrant boy
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demonlordcosnime · 2 years
lets play nexomon extinction part 11
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bogleech · 1 year
How do you like Nexomon. The second game is funny and the third game was just announced as 3D.
It's another one where the art style is very good, but very few of the monsters speak to both my conceptual and visual tastes. There closest one is the mosquito:
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I also like the grudge ghost:
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Some other really good ones:
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It's just another of those monster games where all the designs are a little *too* cool I guess.
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theinsidiousdice · 23 days
Okay so Nexomon Extinction is the sequel to Nexomon. Good so far, makes sense. Takes place something like, some centuries after the first one. Features the ghost of the original player character. Cool, I dig stuff like that. They play a lot with that in the game, and made it so I could figure it out even without playing the first one--
Wait, Nexomon is a sequel itself? Extinction is the third game in the series? And the game Nexomon is a sequel to is Micromon, and it's explicitly stated that in the Nexomon universe, Micromon is a game. Cool. I'm here for it. And a dude from Micromon leaves the game and shows up in Nexomon. Hell yeah, I'm here for it.
So now that I've finished Extinction I kind of want to play the previous games at some point. Nexomon is easy, couple of bucks on the Switch. How about Micromon? Oh, it's a mobile game? No problem, I can do that. Wait, the Android version either never existed or is completely wiped from the internet? And there's another game with almost the same name that makes it impossible to search for? And it's only on iOS? So the only way to play it is to have an iPhone??
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crystalelemental · 5 months
Here's another fun thought: how do Nexomon reproduce?
Nexomon arrived with the advent of Omnicron, the king of monsters. He birthed seven children, the Primordial Tyrants, who in turn birthed the myriad Nexomon that humans would go on to domesticate. That's our origin story.
So where's mom?
Assuming that Nexomon reproduce similarly to humans, Omnicron should've had a mate. Yet he's the only Nexomon in the world, and birthed seven children. It could, in theory, be a human, which explains why his children can transform into a human form but he can't. But this also seems really unlikely. Even setting aside the issue of anti-human sentiments he holds, to the point of aiming for complete eradication...what's the cutoff? Other Nexomon can't turn human, but his direct kids can. But also so can Solus, but not any of their other children. So like. How's that supposed to work? There's also not an indication that Omnicron cannot turn human, perhaps he just won't.
Additionally, we have the issue of Solus. If we assume Nexomon have similar reproduction to humans, as far as mixing genes and all that, Nara's plan is...risky business. There's no guarantee her kid would come out strong enough to be the next sovereign. So either she has a lot of kids we don't know about that failed, or the act of reproduction is very different.
We do know there are eggs. Even outside of our fake one, Fenrir comments on giving power to Mulcimer as an egg to help him hatch. So egg laying is definitely part of the process. What's interesting about this comment is that it implies how something like Solus would be made. Mulcimer can't happen naturally. There's not a species marker for it, and that kind of variance doesn't seem to happen, given that every single instance of, say, Dinja, is exactly the same (Cosmic forms notwithstanding). For Nexomon to shift forms, something presumably has to make them do it.
The Primordial Tyrants can imbue power into something smaller to create a Tyrant, similar to the process of making Mulcimer. Presumably, they have to be aligned to the element already, or it wouldn't work, though this isn't necessarily the case. The form of the creature that hatches also changes dramatically. There isn't really anything else that looks like Mulcimer or Nivalis or the other Tyrants, that shares their type. There's also the tidbit they mention that giving imbuing power costs something of themselves, even as ghosts.
But, type change has to occur. How else do we go from the Normal Omnicron to a child of each element. And how do you get exactly one of each, if it worked like typical reproduction? There should be too much variance. To create his children, Omnicron likely shaped the powers each would wield. Which means there's control over what comes out, if you know how to manipulate it.
All that to say, it's not a 1:1 asexual reproduction either. It's not a copy offspring. It may start that way, but it can be changed somehow, likely by manipulating the powers within the egg. The question is how far that manipulation can be stretched. Which leads to the big twist:
In all these situations above, what is created is weaker. Omnicron was stronger than the Primordial Tyrants, the new Tyrants are weaker than the Primordial ones, and the general Nexomon are the weakest of all. None of them create something stronger from their egg. Except for Nara.
Solus goes against this entirely, and is not only stronger than her mother, but is an entirely new type. The Primordial Tyrants exist as manifestations of the world's features; Psychic and Ghost developed after the fact. Which...also implies some variance to the base Nexomon as well. To say nothing of Fane, a Ghost-type Tyrant that, as far as we know, never received any kind of power infusion from the Primordials. So how did all of that happen?
Interesting thing to note: we see older Nexomon again in Precursor Valley, but they're changed (Except Mandrass, who is thus implicitly the Pinnacle of Nexomon Evolution). Enough time took place that these species had small evolutionary changes, but Gemeen is still Gemeen. There's nothing that changes the species, but can change its looks for adaptation. None of them are Psychic or Ghost. Which implies that, grand scheme, those types are a more recent phenomenon.
To make it even more confusing, then there's Maraudin. Which is an entirely different species, and a descendant form of Hobyn. A weak little baby bird, who...evolved into a stronger thing. Somehow.
By and large this is positing questions with no answer. I don't know that they devs really thought all about this stuff. But I do have some thoughts to apply.
Small evolutionary changes are the result of natural causes. Big evolutionary changes happen because someone messed with an egg.
However, it may be possible for bigger changes to occur depending on what happened to the egg. If Nexomon do reproduce sexually, did Hobyn crossbreed with another Nexomon type to create Maraudin?
In that case, Psychic and Ghost could be manifestations of particular interactions. For example, Psychic, given its odd traits of "Strong against everything strong against it, resistant to everything resistant to it," could be due to complementary, non-interacting types. So for example, Plant and Mineral. They have no type interactions at all, and thus a blend of Plant and Mineral Nexomon could result in Psychic. Ghost would be the inverse; two types that do really poorly together, such as Fire and Water. The conflicting elements may result in an adaptation that causes them to not quite be aligned to the living when they pop out, resulting in Ghosts.
But there is another answer, that also explains the only odd type matchup Psychic has: its weakness to Plant.
Primordial Tyrants can imbue their power into an egg to ascend it beyond its original species, creating Tyrants. To create a being stronger than herself, Nara would have had to imbue her own power into that egg, but would likely need more than just her own strength, especially to account for the type change to something that didn't exist. But Solus also happens later than other Psychics. And without a Primordial of that type to create them, Psychic had to come from somewhere. Ghost too, but Ghost has Fane, whose origins are unknown. Maybe it was after, but maybe it was before.
And what if it was before? If Ghost is the absence of life, then technically, it still falls under the jurisdiction of someone who commands life force. And considering Psychic's absurd overpowered status, having nothing that can beat it that it can't also beat, and nothing that stops it that it cannot also stop...wouldn't it make sense for that type to be created specifically for Solus? If Solus happens after the type, then possibly, the type was created as a test run. Make something that's stronger than the other types, that can bring them to heel with force as needed. You can't jump straight to the Tyrant, so you test it on something smaller first, blending those life energies inside an egg to see if you can produce something different. But in case that something goes rogue, you'd need to be able to keep it in check. And so its only real weakness...is your type. If nothing else, you'll be able to reign them in. And thus you get the Psychics.
But that energy has to come from somewhere. Imbuing power doesn't come from nothing. So you siphon away life energy from something else, and produce a ghost. Maybe Fane is what it is, because they were a Tyrant whose energies were fed to Solus' egg. What better to power the Sovereign of Tyrants than another Tyrant? What if these types were made as another part of Nara's plans?
The siphoning life energy out seems distinctly against Nara's typical way, given she's still upset by the Mandrass. But Ghosts are "alive" by some definition. They exist in physical space, and it's not like Plant, the associated essence of life, has no effect on them. So that could be dismissed as Nara not really doing anything but manipulating type and life state. It's not entirely outside the realm of possibility. Nara cherishes life, but she's willing to get her hands dirty when it comes to Solus and preventing the absolute extinction of her species.
"Do you believe, like, any of this?" I 'unno. I'm just vomiting ideas while under the Vaguely Sick condition.
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captain29thegamer · 7 days
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Spencer’s Vault #1
West of the Outlanders camp, there should be a cave covered up in weeds. After using the fire power, you’ll be able to enter. Inside the cave, go to the top-right corner and you’ll find an entrance to the vault room.
List Of Rewards:
Holoch Companion
Tribute of Power
550 Coins
Ghost Nexotraps
Spencer’s Vault #2
East of the Immortal Citadel lies a cave with a vault room. To get there, go east from the Immortal Citadel and keep going east until you reach the next area, further than the camp area (there should be an exit at the top-right corner). Go up and you should eventually find a cave. Inside the cave, go forward and use the wind power to jump to the next side, then head right until you find the vault room entrance.
List Of Rewards:
Malitress Companion
Tribute of Decay
550 Coins
2 Max Elixirs
2 Fire Nexotraps
Spencer’s Vault #3
Located in cave West-North of Ignitia
List Of Rewards:
Acegon Companion
Tribute of Blaze
550 Coins
2 Ultra Revives
2 Wind Nexotraps
Spencer’s Vault #4
After teleporting yourself to Ignitia, go east and through the routes until you’re in an area with where wild Nexomon can be encountered. Go down and follow the path. You should find a cave and someone outside of it. Enter the cave, go to the right entrance, and eventually, you’ll find the vault room.
List Of Rewards:
Vodo Companion
Tribute of Mind
550 Coins
Max Either
Electric Nexotraps
Spencer’s Vault #5
Go to The Drake Isles and head east. At the bottom-left corner, there should be a cave. Go inside, follow the route, climb up the stairs, make a left, and go up instead of leaving through the left exit. Keep moving forward and use the wind power to get to the other side. There should be an entrance to the vault.
List Of Rewards:
Wargovle Companion
Tribute of Tempest
550 Coins
Dragon Whisle
Spencer’s Vault #6
Located in cave South of Frozen Tundra.
Spencer’s Vault #7
Warp yourself to the Orphanage. Go left until you see the camp with the healer and several other NPCs. Go south and you’ll eventually come across an area surrounded by water to the left with a hole. Use the wind power to cross the water and enter.
Spencer’s Vault #7 should be inside after going through the top-left entrance.
List Of Rewards:
Lioness Companion
Tribute of Thunder
Spencer’s Vault #8
Teleport to the Frozen Tundra Base. Move down and then left to enter the next area. It should be a bridge. Cross it and move to the next area. Go down the stairs and go next to the tamer. There should be a cave above him. Enter it.
Inside at the top-left corner of the cave, there should be stairs. Go down it and enter the next area. Follow the direct path until you discover two routes – one leading to the vault room and the other leading to an exit. Go to the vault room.
List Of Rewards:
Raksuma Companion
Tribute of Nature
500 Coins
Golden Nexotrap
Spencer’s Vault #9
Teleport to Lateria and go to the east exit. Keep going right and you’ll eventually find a cave surrounded by water. An old, explorer tamer should be on the left side seeking a battle, claiming it’s his cave. Use the power to freeze the water and enter the cave. Straight ahead should be an entrance to the vault to claim the goodies.
List Of Rewards:
Lunabelle Campanion
Tribute of Stone
450 Coins
Discount Voucher
Hope this helps
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ghosts-of-aurelia · 16 days
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Only tamers searching for ghost Nexomon stay when they spot a Muu. Its surrounded by a heavy atmosphere and some say that darkness follows it.
Art 2 (Note to learn to draw caves)
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pikatjejen · 6 months
Hoo boy! I wrote something! I actually wrote something! Haha!
I never write things!
(This is a fanfiction for my Nexomon AU)
Adventure log, Searching for Royalle city:
17/5 - 14
My phone battery has died so I'm now writing the log with pen and paper. Can already say, I hate it.
Not quite sure if I got closer or farther away from the city today. My compass has stopped working, it's as if it can't feel the earth's magnetic field anymore. Or perhaps it's just broken. At leat the forest provides plenty of fruits and berries.
18/5 - 14
I swear this forest just gets thicker and messier the deeper I go. The amount of wild nexomon I've been encountering has rapidly decreased since yesterday. (Which is both nice and slightly worrying.)
Found a dread lilly today. Which is more interesting than it sounds, I promise. These pure white flowers only grow in the Immortal Citadel and I am nowhere near that ghost town. I bet the scientists back at the guild will be thrilled at such a discovery! They have been trying to grow these flowers outside that hunted forest for a while now and if we can find what allows them to grow here we might be able to grow them at a lab! :D
Dread lilies are very poisonous so I made sure not to touch it. There was a skeleton hand that the flower was growing straight through the palm of. Because I didn't need to feel more unsettled by the plant, nope. Noooo sireeee.
19/5 - 14
I found the city!
or well I found a city
It's completely overgrown but the cracks and scars in the terrain are still underneath, you- I just had to look a bit closer to see them.
They weren't kidding when they said this place was abandoned. Yet why does it feel like I'm being watched?
I'm taking cover for the night in a small house right next to the treeline. Is it structurally sound? Probably no. But it's better than nothing. It must have been a previous storage room for a shop or something, the walls are covered in shelves with boxes full of different supplies, the floor is now covered in gravel, vines and broken pieces of whatever they sold. The inside mechanism kinda reminds me of a nexotrap. But it's a different shape from the ones I'm used to. These ones are flat and are kinda in the shape of those throwing stars that ninjas have. Might as well take a few to show to the guild once I'll get home.
Tomorrow I'll venture deeper into the city and if I find the so called mansion I'll know I'm in the right city.
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
I sort of kinda blame @nayvwriter for getting me into Amelie even slightly, so I uh, did the only thing I can do as the resident ghost type and tyrant person:
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IN MY DEFENSE - She's the only one /w purple eyes, and she fits the colors scheme(some veriation of white + gold + main element color + another color(usually just darker el. color, but depends) + ribbon(or another color, looking at you n2 nara. why did you mess it up-). So uh, yeah. Design.
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player-1 · 4 months
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Long Cat Stretching Her Way To Success
(Reference pic below)
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nayvwriter · 3 months
Quick Nexomon Abyssals post. Spoilers ahead!
So I don't really think too much about Abyssals in general, and I don't know who their master is (well, I have a pet vague theory, but that's not relevant to this post).
But it makes sense that she'd be going after the psychics, doesn't it? Because this is a war of knowledge.
The Guild knows very little about her, and they spend the time trying to find out more. Meanwhile, she is also trying to find out more - I don't remember which, but one of the Tyrants, Hilda said we needed to stop our experiment... because the Abyssals' Master was watching for the results too.
It's a war of information, and the psychics might be the ones who can find out that information. The Master of the Abyssals took a gamble, letting a little information leak in return for a chance at killing Eliza. And that gamble failed, but because she never told the Abyssals anything, it didn't lose her as much as it could have.
There is of course a flaw in this theory, except it seems to be a flaw in her entire plan, which is the fact that if I remember correctly, the psychics don't seem to lose their powers when ghosts? Though actually given that Eliza had to be the one to banish Ziegler, Hilda is probably at least weakened.
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somepunaboutspace · 2 years
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Someone on the nexo server asked me to make a ghost type tyrant and my design-obsessed brain couldn't refure
Ghost Saint Bernard dog go brrr
"Lured by the scent of of dread that creatures close to expiration usually experience moments before their last breaths, this peculiar tyrant only appears to people in grave situations. Most notably, sightings were often reported in the frozen tundra where hikers,tamers and even guild members have met their early demise, broken down by the harshness of the elements. It is believed that this tyrant guides them peacefully into the afterlife though this is only but a theory, perhaps a plea to avoid tampering with more sinister theories about its whereabouts
A surviving scientist reported their encounter with the beast before their assistants found them minutes before they succumbed to hypothermia. They said that it's slow approach was accompanied with strange howling cries that seemed to belong each to different entities"
•Sonic scream (sleep status) normal
•corrosive breeze(increases chance of adding ailment) wind
•frosty winds (freeze status) wind
•rock prison (prevents escape) mineral
•frost bite (freeze) water
•psy field (paralyze) psychic
•phantom burner (high damage) ghost
•dispell (removes ails) ghost
•constrict (insta kill) ghost
•drain (saps stamina) normal
•dark mist (curse status) ghost
•eternal darkness (high damage) ghost
•soul feeder (leech)
•super punch (stun) normal
•fire cage (bind)
Now, I don't really have thought what his associations with the world is but the more I drew him out the more I felt like I accidentally created and omnisun and Vados crotch spawn so sure let's go with that-
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demonlordcosnime · 2 years
lets play nexomon extinction part 5
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