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ed4wo-study-abroad · 1 year ago
As we dive into 2024, let’s embrace fresh beginnings, laughter-filled moments, and endless possibilities. 🎉
Ready to make your dreams a reality? Reach out to ed4wo and let’s craft a year full of growth and success together!
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thunderrode · 1 year ago
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New Year, New Gear! Want an easy way to save on your new motorcycle gear? Of course, you do! Just stop in, take a pic with the item you want, post it to Instagram and tag us. You'll save an extra 10%!! Just show us the post on your phone. It's that simple. https://www.instagram.com/thunderrode86401/
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onlygamemedia · 1 year ago
Boku No Roblox Codes – December 2023
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Boku No Roblox Codes – December 2023 Introducing another thrilling Roblox game, "Boku No Roblox: Remastered." Inspired by the anime series My Hero Academia, this game, like other Roblox titles, regularly releases Boku No Roblox: Due to the game's immense popularity, code validity may be short-lived, and you might even encounter fake or expired codes. To eliminate confusion, we present a comprehensive list of all working Boku No Roblox: Remastered codes. Suppose you're unfamiliar with My Hero Academia. In that case, this Japanese manga narrates the story of Izuku Midoriya, born in a world where superpowers exist, and his desire to be ordinary like everyone else. Click the link for the Roblox website Active Boku No Codes (December 2023) Unlock rewards and gifts for free in Boku No Roblox Remastered with these active codes: - 592kHalvedExperience: Cash - M0bileCh4ng3s: 50,000 Cash - M1rk0b0ss: 50,000 Cash - StatpointReset: Reset Stat Points - InfiniteRaid!: Free Cash - ThanksFor570k!: 55,000 Cash - Sc4rySkel3ton: 75,000 Cash - 1MFAVS: 25,000 Cash - newu1s: 50,000 Cash - echoeyesonYT5K: 25,000 Cash Expired Boku No Codes (December 2023) While the following codes have expired, it's worth trying them for potential rewards: - 300MVISITS - man1f3st - bl4ckwh1p - sh1ns0 - cl3ss1A - th4nky0u - mhaseason5 - m4ihats8me - DessiNoRevamp - newyear2021 - mrc0mpr3ss - THXGIVING - er4serh3ad - fi3rcew1ngs - SubtoCodexGeas - m1rk0 - 200MVISITS - pr0m1n3nceburn - UseCodeDessi - aprilf00ls - end3av0r - g3ntlecr1minal - infinite100% - NEWYEAR2020 - 0v3rhau1 - CHRISTMAS - n1ght3ye - THANKSGIVING - MaineS4 - 150MVISITS - mhaseason4 - pr3sentm1c - BNRxDessi - tok0yam1 - 500KFAVS - mid0r1ya - 100MVISITS - t0dor0k1 - Sub2Supershiftery - h0witzer1mpact - m1net4 - h3r0raid - vi11ainraid - gang0rca - p1usu1tra - oj1r0 - H4wk5 - je4ni5t - 50MVISITS - TOFUU - m1rio How to Use Boku No Roblox Codes (December 2023) Follow these simple steps to learn how to use Boku No Roblox: Remastered codes: - Launch the game and navigate to the menu section. - Look for the options section and select "Codes." - Copy one of the codes from the list and paste it into the box. - Finally, press the "Confirm" button to receive your rewards. Click the link for the another Roblox Codes! Read the full article
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deweydell25 · 2 years ago
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(via GIPHY)
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genuinehuman · 5 years ago
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2020 WELCOME. Happy new year everyone!
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anihelate · 4 years ago
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Happy New Year <3
Ночь кружит в танце с Зимой. 
Once Upon a December - Liz Callaway
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zumidraws · 5 years ago
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I can‘t believe a dacade is over. The time felt so short yet so much happened. I wish you a good start into 2020! Happy New Year!🎊🎆
High-res version, different versions, video process, etc. on Patreon->https://www.patreon.com/zumi
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prinsomnia · 5 years ago
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nova ingressus ☀︎ new year, new adventures
here’s to 2020, our next stop! let’s always be determined to be better. 
see the past new year’s day art: 
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kendraw · 4 years ago
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Despite the various downfalls of this year, I did have the joy of meeting some very fine folk and creating some very fun OCs! I hope more good happens in 2021 and that we can all hang out again!
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tiffanymarsou · 5 years ago
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Happy New Year! 2020! Such a nice number,hope it'll be a nice year for everyone! Let's start this new year with Usa & Mamo-chan  Sometimes I can surprise even myself, always loved these kind of line works but never really had the patience to draw in this style but now,gosh,I did it and it turned out just the way I imagined it  ^^ And I even kept this pastel pink/brown palette for the whole thing, I don't know but it reminds me of velvet. the working title was Velvet Dreams ^^
Follow me on:
deviantART [♥] twitter [♥] Instagram [♥]
Please,re-blog don’t re-post my works! ♥
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karenfreethekids · 4 years ago
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Oh shit.
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younusalgoharsvoice · 4 years ago
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• • ✅Be sure to visit https://www.theawaitedone.com/activities/2020/12/31/year-in-review-2020 to see all the wonderful activities which took place this year! • • 2020 has undoubtedly been the most shocking, challenging and life-altering year most, if not all, of us, have lived through. None of us could have predicted the roller-coaster this year would put us through.🦠 • Last year, our New Year's 🎇resolution, as mandated by Sufi Master @Younus_AlGohar, was not to let anything discourage us or become a hurdle in our way to take this mission to the whole of the universe. 🌎With the grace of our Master, the wrecking ball of 2020 did not stop us from fulfilling our promise. 💪However, it was only possible with the efforts of our beloved Sufi Master @younusalgohar. • In the midst of tragedy and chaos, there was the courage, grace and sacrifice of the guiding light☀️ of ALRA TV, Sufi Master Younus AlGohar. Sufi Master Younus AlGohar is the gift 🎁 that keeps on giving; from launching numerous new courses 📚and programmes on ALRA TV to a tour of historic proportions and not skipping a single daily live transmission 📺despite facing some medical complications, Sufi Master never stopped giving. He gave us his precious time, he gave us his profound wisdom, he gave us his unyielding love.💖 • Sufi Master Younus AlGohar always puts his sweat, blood and tears into everything he does and for that, we wish to offer our never-ending gratitude to Sufi Master for being a beacon of love💖 in these trying times and a paragon of hope, perseverance and determination for us all. We salute you, Master!👐 •
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poetrythreesixfive · 4 years ago
A Prayer for the New Year
The old year sucked, but it has ended,
nothing is fixed, and nothing is mended,
it is time to move on and say Amen,
in a couple hours, we can try again.
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undungeon · 5 years ago
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Let’s light up the skies, 2020 is upon us!
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trashyswitch · 4 years ago
Pocket’s New Year Reactions: 2020 Edition!
2020...boy oh boy…
I made this channel on January of 2020. And thank god I did! My blogs and participation in the tickle community, were the only thing keeping me going throughout this year! It was a really hard year but with COVID, I got to meet tons of new people, make so many friends and return to writing fanfics! 
I’ve made fanfics for a very long time. 5 years, actually! But I have never felt so invested in my writing than I have this year. In 1 single year, I managed to make a total of 122 fanfictions! This year! And it all ended with my first SCP Foundation-only fanfiction: 049 and the ‘unkillable creature’. 
Yup: I have really fallen down the rabbit hole this time…
But to celebrate: I wanted to recap the different fandoms I wrote for this year, the amount of fanfictions I wrote for them, the highest amount of notes I got on a fanfiction and lastly: 
...Well, I’ll keep that a surprise. 
So: Let’s recap all that happened on Pocket’s New Year Reactions: 2020 Edition! 
Let’s a-go!
I’m gonna start off with the fandoms I wrote the least fanfictions for: The Tiny Bundles!
For the very first tiny bundle: I wrote 1 single fanfic for Luigi’s Mansion (3, to be specific). 
This was a fanfic about Polterpup and Luigi bonding, as well as Mario showing up near the end. I ended up closing this fandom because as much as I liked this fanfic, I wasn’t really as interested in writing more for it. 
For the second tiny bundle: The Animal Crossing Series with 1 fanfic! This fanfic was mostly about Jacksepticeye and Gabsmolders’ Animal Crossing avatars hanging out during the Coronavirus epidemic. I really liked writing for Animal Crossing, and I wanna write more for it. But, I have to come up with more ideas. 
For bundle #3: 1 single Markiplier TV fanfic! This fanfic was about Wilford Warfstache, Darkiplier and Yandereplier being a family. This specific fanfic was also based on an AU made by a couple of cosplayers: One of which is no longer on TikTok, sadly. I may write more fanfics in this fandom in the future, but no guarantees…
For #4: I wrote an original work upon request from a friend. This fanfic was about a cute couple who were just being playful and bonding. I sense that I may be writing more original works in the future, but again: we’ll just have to see. 
For #5: I have 4 Youtuber Fanfics that involve different fandoms. One of them was written about platonic Septiplier, the second two were on Jelix, and the fourth fanfic (and most recent) was on Unus Annus! UNUS ANNUS! I will definitely be considering writing more Unus Annus. As for any other youtubers: Maybe. 
For #6: I have 3 (technically 6) fanfictions written under the SCP Foundation! Though 5 of these fanfics were technically fandom collaborations with Sanders Sides, I did make 1 single SCP Foundation-only fanfic. I do plan on continuing to write more SCP Foundation fanfics. I just don’t know if they’ll stand alone, or if they’ll be collaborations again. We’ll see. 
And now onto the 3 top fandoms I wrote for this year: 
In at #3: is Five Nights at Freddy’s with 25 fanfictions: I swear: 90% of these are based on the Afton Family in some way or another. I have a problem...I will most likely be writing for FNAF in the future. I still love the fandom, and I still love the lore behind it! Sooo: Upcoming FNAF fanfics!
In at #2: is the Jacksepticeye Power Hour Fandom with 31 fanfictions! I love these guys so much! It’s too bad they were kinda thrown by the wayside by a lot of the viewers...But, I’ll still be working on a couple more fanfics. Specifically The Unexpected Roommate! I LOVE THAT SERIES! I look forward to writing more of it all the time! 
And #1...for the most fanfictions written: Is Sanders sides with 59 freaking fanfics! If there's a need for proof that I’m obsessed, then THIS is the proof. But, that’s okay! I love writing fanfics on this series! I will 100% continue to write fanfictions on this series. I love this series to bits, and it’s my most popular series on Tumblr as well! 
And now it’s fine for: Highest Notes! 
This was the part where you could really tell what fanfictions were loved by fans, and what fanfictions were thrown aside. This is all gonna be taken off Tumblr, since almost all of the fans are on it.  
First one that I will proudly show: My Unus Annus fanfic with 43 notes! This fanfic was a HIT the moment it came out! I swear! ‘Ethan and Mark Experience Torture Methods (Feat. Jacksepticeye)’ was a HUGE HIT! But I think the reason everyone loved it so much, was because everyone misses Unus Annus and its relativity on YouTube. I miss it too. Memento Mori, Unus Annus. 
Now I will show my top Fnaf Fanfic! Now these were very close...So: 
At #3 is ‘The Grumpy Ol’ Bunny’ at 28 notes. 
At #2 is a tie between ‘The Suspiciously Strange Night’ and ‘Robot Anatomy Vs. Human Anatomy’ at 36 notes. 
And the #1 spot goes to: ‘Jeremy and the Mysterious Robots’ at 37 notes! You’ll see what I do with this fanfic sooner than later…
And now we move on to the top Sanders Sides fanfic! This one had a huge variety of numbers! And boy, it was hard! But worth it! 
At #3, we have ‘Snakes Need Tickles Too!’ at 91 notes! 
At #2 is ‘The Upside of Hoodies’ (The very first one!) at 153 notes! WOW! 
And last but not least, at our #1 spot...we have: ‘Voodoo Duke-craft’ at 196 notes! How in the world- I don’t really know why it got so many notes. But: you’ll see what we do with this one as well, veeeery soon!
And now the surprise you’ve all been waiting to hear about: I’m gonna re-read and react to the two #1 spots! 
‘Jeremy and the Mysterious Robots’. I’ve actually re-read this one a couple times throughout the months. I liked re-reading about anxious Jeremy! I definitely wanna write more of Jeremy. He’s an underrated character. 
Here we go! 
[Jeremy has heard all the rumors.] 
Well, I assume he probably did some reading about it before starting there. You should know a bit about a place before you start working there...you don’t wanna end up in a dumpster fire. 
[He’s heard the urban legends about the child killer in the animatronic suit, and the children’s deaths. He’s heard about the children’s corpses being shoved into the animatronic suits. He’s heard about the ghosts of the children that haunted each and every diner. He’s heard rumors about the animatronics being alive because of these children. He’s heard multiple ideas of-]
Okay, okay, we get it! He heard rumors about the lore behind Five Nights at Freddy’s. He’s heard about the murders and supernatural stuff. Skip!
 [Are any of these urban legends true?
 If so: why did Jeremy sign up for a job at the one place that gives people the creeps?!]
 Gee...I dunno! Why WOULD you choose to take a security guard job in a place that’s still haunted? Besides: instead of hiring a security guard, why not hire an exorcist? Seems cheaper and you’d actually get a problem fixed! (Or not...we’ve all seen Annabelle…) 
 [It was the second night of working at this nightmarish party place. All Jeremy wanted was the paycheck at the end of the week. He did NOT sign up for this stupidity…]
 Teeeechnically he DID sign up for this stupidity. He didn’t have to take this job. He could’ve waited for more job offers to come up! Even if the Phone Guy had romanticized the risky job, he did warn him that ‘the animatronics get a little quirky at night’...Jeremy could’ve just abandoned ship right then and there and quit! 
 [Should he have reconsidered taking the job? Maybe.] 
 [Is he regretting taking the job? Somewhat.] 
 Just somewhat, huh? 
 [Is Jeremy gonna survive the week? God, he hoped so.] 
 I hope so too! Spoiler alert: he does. 
 [Jeremy turned on the iPad and flipped through the cameras. It looked like the party rooms were empty. Next, he checked CAM 05 and CAM 06: empty. Thank goodness. Jeremy looked at the other cameras and found out something strange: camera 11 wasn’t working! It was just showing pure static.]
 Okay, here’s some behind the scenes: I had to look up two separate maps for the FNAF 2 location. One with the camera locations, and one of the overall building layout. From that, I had to determine everything for this fanfic. I would later refer to these images for future fanfics as well! 
 [He realized that what he was gonna do was risky. But…what other choice did he have?] 
 Um...Don’t go??? That’s a choice. 
 [Jeremy grabbed his flashlight, and walked out of the office through the small hall towards Pasillo Central.] 
 [It took a little bit, but Jeremy managed to find the problem: a black wire was unplugged…] 
 I actually have no idea if this was the actual confirmed problem in the FNAF series. I just made it up as I went.
 [Jeremy’s eyes narrowed in curiousity. Now when did that happen? It was working perfectly fine yesterday. Who unplugged it?] 
 First off: Curiousity. Curio(u)sity. Do you need any more proof that I’m Canadian? XD
Second off: I actually think camera 11 never actually worked during the game. I don’t quite remember though, so don’t quote me on that. 
 [Jeremy decided to double check for any miswiring.] 
 This would prove to be a fatal mistake. 
 [Suddenly…a couple heavy footsteps could be heard behind the stool, in the gaming room. Jeremy froze in place. Oh god…Is that what he thinks it is?] 
 “It was at this moment he knew...he fucked up.” ~McCulley Quinn, Vine
 [Jeremy could feel the presence of a super tall figure behind him…Jeremy, growing extremely intimidated and anxious, slowly turned himself around to look the animatronic in the face.]
[...The first thing he noticed, was that the animatronic was brown. A chocolate-shade of brown with an orange hue on its belly and inner face.]
 I wonder...Just WHO COULD IT BE?
 Just kidding. It’s Freddy Fazbear. 
 [The eyes were open wide, staring at Jeremy with its light blue iris’s.] 
 Hmm...Hold on- 
 *aggressive typing noises* 
 Okay. Just had to double check. He does in fact, have blue iris’s. 
 [Jeremy just stared back at it, looking at the big bear as the visibly shaky flashlight shone onto it.] 
 Hehehehe...Anxious boi. Shouldn’t have chosen the haunted job, Jeremy!
 [“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!” Freddy shouted.]
 🎶Do you hear that sound?🎶
  [Jeremy shouted-] 
 🎶That beautiful sound?🎶
  [-and threw his flashlight up in terror.] 
 🎶That is the sound, of, clean, white, shorts turning brown!🎶
 Beautiful Sound - Beetlejuice soundtrack (sorry not sorry) 
 [Jeremy jumped and quickly attempted to take a few steps back…only for his body to fall much more backwards than he wanted!] 
 “Nice job, dickface!” ~Anthony, Smosh: Pokemon In Real Life
 HAHA! That’s not creepy at all! *Michael Jackson moonwalks the fuck outta there*
 [Everything went silent for a moment or two. “…Kill you?” the same voice said.]
 WhAaAaAaAt?! A TwIsT tHaT eVeRyOnE sAw CoMiNg?! X’D
 [“He fell off the stool, and I caught him.” Freddy explained.]
 Freddy Fazbear nearly saves Jeremy from a concussion, a skull fracture or a brain bleed! 
 [“Now that I mention it, he hasn’t thanked me yet.” Freddy mentioned.]
 [“Oh-um…Thank you…for catching me.” Jeremy finally said.]
 Good boy. *pats the man’s head, even though he’s technically older than me* 
 [“Are you gonna kill me? Shove me into a suit? Leave my dead body to rot inside the suit?!” Jeremy asked, still overwhelmed with anxiety.] 
 This guy’s gonna need some whiskey after this incident. 
 [“It looks like Mr. Emily hired another 'daredevil’ night guard. Do you really believe those rumors?” Chica asked.] 
 In case you didn’t get the twist before: the animatronics are NOT gonna kill him. Why? Because my fluffy ass doesn’t like writing about confirmed death. (At least, not yet...I later write ‘Don’t Release the Spirits’...
 [“That’s a big child.” Chica commented.
 “He’s grown up. He’s a male, grown up child.” Freddy corrected.] 
 Another reminder of the obvious: Jeremy is an AdULT in this fanfiction! He is not a ChiiiLD! XD
 [“Flip him over.” Chica suggested.
 “Okay.” Freddy replied.]
 Insert long montage of Jeremy getting flipped over by animatronics who don’t know how to handle humans. 
 [“Let me go!” Jeremy yelled at Freddy, still pushing against Freddy’s fingers.
 “He’s wiggling a lot. Is he having a temper tantrum?” Freddy asked curiously. Chica looked at the squirming, frustrated man in Freddy’s grasp.] 
 Ha ha funny? Get it? Cause he’s an adult? And he’s being treated like a child? 
 XD I’m just being silly. I actually found this part fun to write. 
 [“I think so.” Chica replied. “Try throwing him up in the air and catching him. I’ve seen parents do it. Kids love it!” Chica suggested.
 Jeremy’s eyes widened in horror. Was he about to be thrown up like a toddler and caught by an animatronic?!] 
 Spoiler alert: Yes. 
 Insert long montage of Jeremy nearly shitting his pants while Freddy Fazbear breaks many laws against mishandling of an adult male, and extreme negligence if he were a child. May we advise that these animatronics are NEVER made in the future. 
 [By the time the sixth throw and catch had happened, Jeremy was visibly shaking in the arms of the animatronic. Jeremy’s face was visibly traumatized.] 
 HmMmMm...I wOnDeR wHy?! 
 [Without any warning, Chica fluttered the finger up and down, on Jeremy’s exposed neck. Jeremy’s body jumped and curled inwards to cover up the spot. A squeal left Jeremy’s mouth before he began flailing his hands towards the finger’s direction to stop it.]
 Voila! Tickles! They have finally arrived!
 [Jeremy’s eyes widened to the side of saucers! He began protesting as much as possible. “No, please! L-look! I’m feeling a lot better! See? I don’t need tickles!” Jeremy pleaded, putting on a fake smile to prove it.] 
 Probably any other time, this probably would’ve worked. 
 [But, Chica was persistent!]
 But of course, it doesn’t. Because y’all wanted tickles? You’re getting your tickles!
 [“Yeah! You were being a naughty little boy with a really bad attitude. I think you deserve some cheer-up tickles for that.” Freddy added, unintentionally teasing him.]
 I think those tickles were a little more intentional than ya thought…
 [“What- What are you doing?” Jeremy yelled. Freddy removed the slip-on shoe off of Jeremy’s foot, and let it fall to the floor with a loud clap. “Hey! Put my shoe back!” Jeremy yelled.] 
 But why would they do that, when they clearly wanna tickle your feet?
 [“Here: Your turn to hold him.” Freddy said, before throwing Jeremy old-granny style over to Chica.] 
 [Jeremy was NOT ready for that. No human should ever be ready for being thrown like that! It’s impossible usually. But if it IS possible, It’s always frowned upon for being inhumane! But, why should animatronics know that?] 
 It’s kinda nice that Jeremy is making up for the fact that all the animatronics share 2 brain cells. But these animatronics could’ve SHATTERED BONES. When is that EVER considered okay?!
 [Freddy tilted his head. “You don’t like my cold fingers?” Freddy clarified.
 “Oh. Well I’m sorry, but I can’t help that! You’re gonna have to sit tight and get used to my cold, fat fingers.” Freddy teased.] 
 Basically what happened: 
 Freddy: “Not happening! Suffer, you ticklish piece of shit!” 
 [Somewhere in the room, a quiet music box tune could be heard, twinkling in the background.] 
 [Was he gonna die? Was the marionette gonna kill him? Was the camera going to record is very last moments? Were people gonna watch the camera to figure out how he died?…Would they blame his death on bad decisions? What would happen to his body?! WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?! JEREMY DEMANDED TO KNOW!]
 [This is it…he’s gonna die…He’s gonna be found in a few hours, ripped apart on the floor…He could guarantee it.] 
 Anxiety in a nutshell. 
 [This animatronic isn’t cold. It’s covered in some kind of fur-like fabric.] 
 This was actually confirmed on the FNAF wiki fanpage. Marionette’s fingers are covered in fur fabric. 
 And now Jeremy’s gonna get ultimately tortured by Marionette’s 3 fingers on his feet. May his soul rest in peace. 
 [Then…Marionette did something only Satan himself would be capable of: Marionette pulled a couple of Jeremy’s toes back, and began scratching the more exposed spaces underneath the deathly ticklish toes.] 
 *looks at a watch* ...How the fuck is he not dead from asphyxiation? He’s been getting tickled heavily for at least an hour. He should be passing out. 
 [Jeremy was cackling like a mad man. The poor guy was losing energy rather quickly. His pushing and squirming had began to slow, and tears had started forming in his eyes.] 
 See? It’s about time. 
 [Not to be confused with tears of pain, of course.]
 Wait, what? 
 [This wasn’t painful for Jeremy. Though this kind of fighting presents itself with a few cons, It wasn’t torturous either. It was…strangely playful. It sort of reminded Jeremy of the stories his friends would tell him, of the tickle fights they had with their siblings growing up. Some tickle fights were pure playfulness, other tickle fights were slightly torturous. But in the end, they still loved each other.]
 ...Well, go figure. 
 [Was Jeremy beginning to like the animatronics? Not intimate of course, but…Was Jeremy beginning to appreciate the animatronics’ tickling? Surely not! That’s absurd!…unless…] 
 Go figure. Yup. Gotta make sure it’s somewhat enjoyable so the reader can enjoy it without feeling bad! Cause that’s how I write. 
 [“Oh Cohohohome ohohohon! IHIHIHI THOHOHOHOUGHT YOHOHOHOU WEHEHERE DOHOHONE!” Jeremy yelled as his laughter grew louder. Marionette had reached its fingers into Jeremy’s armpit, and began scratching lightly.
 “Your laugh is very fun to hear! I wanna hear more of it!” Freddy explained.] 
 Of course, you have to add a comment about liking the person’s laughter! Cause that’s always important! 
 [So, Jeremy gave them a nod to proceed. Then, Jeremy abrupted into brand new fits of laughter! How long was Jeremy gonna be like this? Who know? Jeremy didn’t care. Not one bit…] 
 Aaaaand that’s the end! 
 A little predictable, but still fun to read. Jeremy is still my favorite character in this fanfic. 
 And now, we’re onto the next re-reading! 
 Voodoo Duke-Craft! I’m proud of this one! I was happy to finally be able to come up with a fanfic idea involving voodoo dolls, and this was the first one! And EVERYONE LOVED IT! I swear, I’m not kidding! 196 notes says a lot!
 So, here we go! 
 [Remus came to the front of the yellow and black room, and knocked on the door. As he patiently waited for the door to open, Remus looked down at the liquid-free blood bag with the doll laying upside down in the bag.]
 Hehehehe! I like the idea that Remus holds his things in a blood bag-turned purse. XD
 [The door finally opened. As he predicted, it was Deceit.] 
 This entire fanfiction is gonna involve Janus being called Deceit. Why? Because Deceit’s name hadn’t canonically come out yet! And this fanfiction came out long before the name reveal episode. 
 [Remus happily comes into the yellow-colored room, lined with snakes, Law and Order posters and Judge Judy posters.]
 Because...Selfishness Vs. Selflessness! And law! 
 [Despite the doll coming from Remus, the doll appeared to be really well made!]
 That’s a compliment! 
 [Deceit looked up from the doll. “And you’re positive this thing actually works?” Deceit asked.
 “Yup! Positive. I tried it on myself before giving it to you, as you can see-” Remus said as he pointed at the green heart on the voodoo doll. “You can try it too, if you want.” Remus suggested.]
 Remus: “I already tried it on myself, so you don’t need proof to show it works.” 
 Also Remus: “...But if you don’t believe me, I suppose you could try it on me...just to see…” 
 [“I suppose this works really well. I will use this voodoo doll to my advantage. Thank you, Remus.” Deceit said with a grin.] 
 ...You SUPPOSE? You just tickled the man till he belly flopped the floor! Of COURSE it works!
 [With everything in place, Deceit was ready to start tormenting the other sides. He left his room and closed the door, allowing Remus to process the mistake he’d made in his room.]
 I doubt Remus would consider giving Janus a voodoo doll, a ‘mistake’. More like ‘the most evil idea ever’! 
[Deceit walked around, looking for potential contenders. While walking down the hall, Deceit gazed his eyes upon a light blue-clothed figure. Recognizing who it was, Deceit his behind a wall and grabbed the light blue heart out of his pocket.]
 Oh boy! It’s Patton first! 
 [Now, if it truly worked, Patton should be bonded with the voodoo doll. Just as a test, Deceit gave Patton’s neck a little flutter with his finger.
 From a few feet into the living room, Patton let out a yelp of surprise.] 
 Huzzah! It works! Turns out putting a fabric heart onto a voodoo doll, will hook Patton up to the doll and make him feel everything that touches the doll’s head. Becaaaause MAGIC!
 [Deceit began tickling the sides of the doll’s neck, fluttering his index finger on both sides of the neck one side at a time. Right side, left side. Right side, left side…
 Patton squealed as his back fell onto the couch. “EEEEHehehehehehehe!” Patton giggled more, flapping his hands absolutely everywhere around his head.] 
 Oh NO! I could sense that! Nope nope nope nope NOPE. 
 [To make things feel a little better, Deceit turned the doll around and gave it a hug.
 Patton smiled as he felt physically hugged by an invisible pair of arms. It felt so warm and snug. Like being held by a security blanket.]
 Awwww! This part has always been a personal favorite part due to how loving it is. It’s times like these that make me wish I had a voodoo doll…
 [Deceit allowed his mouth to morph into a toothy smile as he moved his tickly fingers over to the sides of the doll’s belly.]
 You can just TELL he’s enjoying the hell outta this! #Janusisbestler2021
 [Deceit’s mischief had just left him at this point. Deceit was actually really enjoying making Patton laugh like this. He was keeping it a mystery, sure, but it was really fun seeing Patton laugh and squirm on the couch.] 
 ...Doesn’t everyone feel that with Patton? Or am I the only one? I probably am. I find that BILLIONS of fans LOVE seeing Virgil’s reactions. And Patton’s been fulfilling all the fans’ needs! So...yeah. I would love to tickle Patton! And I would love to be the tickle monster’s pray. Hehe ^w^
 [As he hugged the doll, Deceit watched as Patton practically melted into the touch. It was here, that Deceit discovered something new about Patton: He’s touch-starved. If he were used to touch, Patton would be eventually squirming for him to let go. But, Patton was perfectly comfortable with being cuddled.]
 I actually forgot I added that little fact in here! This is the most realistic fact I have ever seen in my life. 
 [If Deceit didn’t have anything to do, he would’ve definitely stayed to hug Patton for a lot longer.]
 It’s sure a shame that Janus had 4 other sides to tickle. 
 [But, he had things to do.]
 See? Poor man’s busy experimenting with the ultimate tickle toy that beats the Tickle Me Elmo by a landslide. 
 [Deceit hid in the room across from the red-doored room. The room belonged to Roman, who was admiring himself in the mirror. Deceit rolled his eyes, but smiled as he pulled out the red felt heart.] 
 Would you believe I’ve forgotten the order at this point? Maybe now was a good time to re-read it! I’m losing my memory. XD
 [A couple seconds later, the red heart fabric began glowing. This meant that the heart was now fully bonded with Roman!]
 Still don’t quite know how fabric glows, but whatever. Screw logic!
 [Roman - who had been posing in the mirror with his arm up behind his head - squealed and slammed his arm down as he bursted into laughter.]
 Aaah, yes: the classic ‘surprise armpit tickle when the arms are up’ trick. But, with a twist! I’m surprised he didn’t fall! 
 [Deceit giggled and tried tickling two spots at once: the doll’s left armpit and the doll’s right foot. Roman’s eyes practically bulged out of his skull. Roman fell backwards onto the ground, and rolled around manically.] 
 Oop- aaaand he’s down. 
 [Roman was freaking out. Thank god no one was seeing this! How would anyone react to him screaming in laughter at nothing, and rolling around like a wiggle worm?! He would NEVER be able to live that down!]
 *sniffles* Here lies Roman’s pride and confidence. It will forever be missed. 
 [Deceit decided to listen to him and lessen the tickles dramatically. Deceit removed his fingers and decided to try a different tickle spot that Remus shared with Roman: the thighs.] 
 Remus would definitely do this. 
 [Deceit covered his mouth to silently giggle, before adding a second finger to the doll’s thigh. Roman let go of his knees and allowed himself to kick his legs as he rolled around and covered his face with his hands.] 
 Awww! De widdle bean is getting embawwassed! How adowable! OwO 
 [Deceit soaked up as much of Roman’s giggles as he could, before moving onto the left thigh.]
 [Despite one’s belief with soft tickles, Roman’s giggles didn’t die down! In fact, they almost got a little louder! Deceit’s very light fingernail tickles were almost teasy in a way! This made Roman’s face heat up in embarrassment.
 “Plehehehehease! Ihihihi cahahahahan’t tahahahahake ihihihit! Ihihihit’s sohohoho ticklyhy, and ihihihit’s wohohohohorse thahahat Ihihihi cahahahan’t seehehehehe whehehehere yohohou’ll strihihihike nehehext!” Roman explained through his never ending giggles.]
 Soft tickles can sometimes kill quicker than hard tickles. 
 [Deceit raised an eyebrow. ‘worse when you can’t see’? Now, Deceit was really intrigued.]
 It’s called ‘blindfolded tickles’ with a twist. Aka: ‘you’re worse than SATAN HIMSELF’. 
 And now Janus is gonna start constantly switching spots, to show Roman’s variety in his voice. As if we don’t hear enough melody variety from his singing. XD
 [His laughter would die down into giggles for a while, before growing into even MORE laughter! It was so strange and unpredictable! Whoever this was, was EVIL and should be given PUNISHMENT for such cruel tickle tactics!] 
 Anyone else agree with this? 
 *sees a sea of people in and out of the tickle community* 
 Roman is given time to breathe, he’s hugged by Janus and Janus moves onto the next victim. 
 [After going up the stairs, Deceit came across Virgil’s room.] 
 We’re literally given the name of who it is this time. No clothing guesses here! Just immediate names. 
 [Now: Knowing Virgil most of his life, Deceit knew that these tickles needed to be tame and calming all at once. He couldn’t go hard on him at all, or else he will really regret it. Even though he could easily get away with it using the Voodoo doll tactic, he still wanted to make him happy, not make him feel miserable.]
 Janus secretly has a soft spot for Virgil because he is a former dark side. 
 [Virgil gasped and bursted into giggles. “Eehehehehe! Gehehehet ohohout ohohohohof thehehere!” Virgil begged. Virgil zipped off his jacket and lifted up his shirt…Funny…No bugs? Were they invisible? Virgil felt around his belly and found that his belly was as bare as can be!]
 I guess the voodoo doll tactic can be quite...deceiving! HA! 
 Why am I like this…it didn’t even make sense.
 [It didn’t take long for his energy to come back thankfully, due to how easy Deceit was on him. Virgil sighed with a smile, and grabbed his headphones to place them on his head. But, just as he put his headphones on, a fluttery feeling started up on Virgil’s ear!]
 ...I actually completely forgot I chose ear tickles for this part! Talk about a renewed experience!
 [Deceit’s smirk got larger as he tickled the different parts of Virgil’s ears. The back of the ears, the front of the ear, the top of the ear flap itself, and even the bit of skull behind the ear was really ticklish! Virgil was giggling madly, shaking his head back and forth and kicking his legs. He was so confused! How were his ears being tickled right now?! Was it some kind of witchcraft?!] 
 Wow! How did Virgil know?! How did he guess it was witchcraft?! 
 [Virgil just didn’t understand. And, to make matters worse, he couldn’t properly think with his ears being tickled and teased!
 Deceit actually planned it that way. He knew that too many physical distractions would stop his spiraling head. This was for the best.] 
 Janus is actually very understanding and loving to Virgil, which is very nice to see! I should write more Virgil & Janus moments like this. 
 [Virgil gasped and suddenly smiled when he felt the feeling of a nice warm hug surrounding him. Virgil didn’t fully understand where the hug-feeling was coming from, but it was enjoyable! Virgil happily snuggled into his bed and cuddled himself into the invisible hug.] 
 Everyone deserves a nice long hug sometimes. And all the time, depending on the person! 
 [Oh boy! Deceit was REALLY excited for this session. Logan is known for showing very little emotion, so finding Logan’s ticklish spots and getting him to laugh could be a game-changer!]
 Lee Logan be like: 
‘shows no emotion. Therefore; laughter is more rewarding when tickled long enough.’
 [After a few minutes of quiet looking, Deceit soon found a book on the very subject he was looking for: voodoo magic.] 
 Because of COURSE Logan has a book on voodoo magic! And this isn’t sarcasm this time! This is genuine! Logan would definitely have a book on voodoo magic in there! 
 [The Voodoo Doll Spellbook: A Compendium of Ancient Contemporary Spells and Rituals]
 This is actually a book I found online! You can buy this book for $32 on Amazon!
 [When it was 100% bonded, Deceit started off small. He placed his fingernail onto the shoulder of the doll, and drew a line down to the outside of the elbow and down to the doll’s stump at the bottom, before removing the fingernail.] 
 [...Logan paused his reading and looked at his arm. Logan examined it, and discovered a potential fear of his had come true: He’s bonded to a voodoo doll! How did- Who in the world has a voodoo doll of HIM?! And WHY?!]
 Hahaha! That moment when you’re reading a book about voodoo, then you feel voodoo magic being done on you? That’s not creepy at all! A nOrMaL oCcUrAnCe!
 [A large squeak left his mouth as he just collapsed onto the floor in mad giggles. Deceit watched as Logan’s emotionless demeanor just crumbled, and allowed his to fall into such an adorable state only a lean nerd could fall into.]
 Presenting, Logan in a nutshell.
 [Deceit liked seeing this reaction. It was kinda cute! So, Deceit kicked it up a notch! He placed his pinky finger onto the black button and began drawing circles around the outside of the black button on the doll.]
 Janus is just having a jolly ol’ time! He should be a tickle monster more often!
 [“Uuh-…Please! That’s my worst spot! I’m begging you!” Logan begged. Deceit lifted an eyebrow. If Deceit wouldn’t have known better, it would’ve sounded like Logan WANTED to be tickled on his hips! So, Deceit did the one thing he 'begged’ for: He squeezed Logan’s hip. “No! NO! NOOHOHOHOHO! HAHAHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHI SAHAHAHAID PLEHEHEHEHEASE! DIHIHIHIDN’T IHIHI?!” Logan asked.]
 Janus being a little shit in 5 minutes or less. Also, when does please EVER work?!
 [It was here, that Deceit decided to walk out from behind the book shelves and in front of Logan.]
 Voila: the big reveal! Janus was behind the voodoo witchcraft all along!
 [“Deceit?! What are you do-” Logan started, before pausing his sentence as he noticed the item in his hand. “…You!” Logan reacted, jumping up to confront him. “YOU’RE the one with the voodoo doll!” Logan confronted.]
 ...Bro...that was so slow. At this rate, Jim Carrey could determine it was Janus before you could!
 [“Indeed I am. Are you surprised?” Deceit asked.
 Logan put a hand in his pocket. “Yes…I suppose I am. I can see the chances of Remus using this, as much more likely than seeing you with the doll. Then again though…You are capable of manipulation…” Logan explained.
 “Manipulation? Don’t you mean…” Deceit started, before lifting up the doll and his finger. “…exposing the truth?” Deceit corrected, ready to tickle Logan when needed.]
 oooOOOOH! I can sense the tension! The idea that someone is holding information about your weakness, and is ready to exploit it at any point?! HOLY CRAP! 
 [Logan’s face visibly morphed into fear. He clenched his teeth nervously.]
 See? Even Logan’s unnerved!
 [Logan resorted to his usual monotone act. “What…is there to understand? I don’t laugh.” Logan explained.]
 Why the fuck you lyin’? Why you always lyin’? MmmmOh ma gahd, stop fuckin’ LYYYIN’!
 ~Nicholas Fraser, Vine
 [“Oh, NOW you cover up your laugh. Let me not remind you that a few seconds ago, you were freely giggling and rolling on the floor.” Deceit reminded. Logan’s eyes widened in fear and shock. He SAW THAT?! OH SHIT!]
 Mm hmm, Yes. He did in fact see that. And now you are what the virgins would say: Fucked.
 [Logan, growing angry at the dominance Deceit had created over the logical side, Logan ran and attempted to grab the doll right out of his hand. But nope! Deceit dodged it and squeezed Logan’s hip as he ran backwards away from the angry side. Not expecting his hips to be attacked so abruptly, Logan made a whining sound and doubled over desperately.]
 ..Well that happened. Tried and failed. #1. 
[“Not a bad attempt. But, you’re gonna have to try a little harder, in order to get this thing out of my hands.” Deceit warned.
 Logan attempted to glare at the evil side, but the glare quickly failed him as the doll’s belly button AND hip was attacked at the same time. Logan let out a muffled yelp and fell onto the ground.
 “Interesting: Despite your logical nature, you seemed to believe that 'giving me a glare while I’m using voodoo magic on you’, will help you in any manner. Yet: it doesn’t.” Deceit teased logically...]
 ...Shit dude! I guess Janus is now the new Logan! 
 [Logan squeezed his eyes shut and helplessly began to let titters out of his mouth. “See? You’re beginning to break now. It’s probably because I’m using an illogical strategy to get you to laugh. No matter how much you laugh, you will never be able to truly understand: Why does a person laugh when they’re tickled? And, where does it come from?” Deceit proceeded to tease in a logical matter.]
 Why are mice ticklish? Why does the world spin round? And one thing I will never know the workings behind: Where do babies come from?
 [Logan’s pent up laughter pretty quickly turned into his regular giggles.
 “Wow! 2 minutes and 30 seconds! Impressive! Yet, at the same time: unimpressive.” Deceit reacted.]
 *crawls under about 10 different blankets and flips off Janus*
 [“How, you ask? Well, that’s simple really: You happened to be born with a collection of nerve ending around multiple spots. But, to narrow it down: your hips-” Deceit squeezed his hips. “your belly button-” Deceit booped his belly button with his pinky. “and…” Deceit said with a smirk, before placing his fluttering fingers onto the doll’s inner part of the upper leg. “…Your thighs.” Deceit concluded.]
 *screams out of my blanket burrito* “STOP TURNING INTO SHERLOCK HOLMES!”
 [Logan couldn’t help his reaction at all! He couldn’t change it either! Logan’s cheeks, against all circumstances, had turned a light red hue! He was blushing! Deceit couldn’t believe his eyes! “Do my eyes deceive me?! Is the logical side…blushing?” Deceit asked.]
 *starts slowly going into a lee mood because of JANUS DECEIT SANDERS!*
 [Deceit tilted his head as he tried something. Deceit tried fluttering his fingers on the jawline and the back of Logan’s ear…Just to see how he’d react.
 Surprisingly, Logan’s giggles heightened slightly as he curled into the strange, but comfortable touch. It was almost a melting spot for Logan. How cute!
 “It would seem that Logan has something that everyone lacks according to my knowledge: A melting spot. You, Logan, are capable of melting into a certain ticklish spot…Almost as if you like it. Do you like it?” Logan explained.]
 MMMMMMMmmmm why tf is this so CUTE?! 
 [Logan didn’t want to answer that question. He was NEVER going to answer such an embarrassing question!
 Though…Logan’s reputation had been left in tatters minutes before this…so…it wouldn’t hurt, right?
 “Fihihihine…Ihihi lihihihike ihihit…” Logan admitted.
 Deceit smirked. “I knew it!” he reacted, still giving Logan’s ears ticklish, cute little treatment.]
 [“Hey! Give that back!” Deceit yelled. Logan looked down at it, and smirked. It was a yellow felt heart. Deceit’s bonding heart…]
 Oooooh...I forgot about this part! I actually forgot just how long this fanfiction was. 
 [With the voodoo doll in his hand and the yellow heart in his other hand, Logan could get Deceit back. Only…one problem:
 “How does this doll work? Do I have to clip the heart onto the…black square where the heart location appears to be?” Logan asked.]
 Congrats! You’ve gotten this far. But now, please let us interrupt your much-wanted tickles with some ‘I don’t know how this works’ kinda humor. Pocket’s fanfictions everybody: A place where filler is expected. XD
 [Logan decided to test it. He lifted up his finger, and tried dragging a fingernail down the doll’s right, scaly side. Deceit gasped and hugged his side, showing off a wobbly smile and curling in a little.
 “Fascinating…” Logan reacted. Deceit looked up and watched in horror as Logan squeezed up and down the doll’s side. Deceit squealed through his toothy smile and let out a few high-pitched giggles.] 
 Awwww yeah! REVEEEEENGE!
 [“You know: For an intimidating and sneaky side, you have a very high-pitched giggle.” Logan reacted. Deceit only squealed in reply and continued to curl himself further. “How cruel of me…using such a powerful piece of black magic, for such a simple little reason. kinda makes you regret your previous actions…doesn’t it Deceit?” Logan continued to tease.]
 *claps proudly*
 Ladies and gentlemen: John motherfucking Watson!
 [“There we go! That wasn’t so hard. Was it?” Logan asked.
“YOHOHOU’RE SOHOHOHO DEHEHEHEAD!” Deceit yelled through his strong and overpowering laughter.]
Woooow...Revenge seems pretty sweet!
[“Oh, alright. I suppose I can give you a break from the feet.” Logan compromised and removed his fingers. Deceit happily took the break and tried to replace as much oxygen as he could through his body. 
But, Logan wasn’t done yet. Not by a long shot.]
No sir! No sir-ee bob!
[Deceit got stuck in Logan’s ticklish wonders for a good 30 minutes. Deceit was completely warn out from all the tickles. Which, how was that fair! Deceit had treated the others really well! Why did HE get the rough tickles?! Well, that’s simple: 
What goes around, always comes around…ESPECIALLY if it’s a snake’s doing…]
 Aaaaand that’s all folks! 
I gotta admit: I loved that. I can see why the fanfic got so much recognition! It was long, it was SUPER TEASY, it was EVIL, and it was fun! I had fun! 
I have to now sign off and spend the next hour with my family. I wish you all a wonder 2021! And may we all leave 2020 behind! 
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albyee · 5 years ago
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(belated) Happy New Year!!
Sorry guys, I know it’s a bit late, but what the heck. Happy year of the rat!
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