#newt did not die <333< /div>
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splinnters · 2 years ago
1, 5, 11, and 24!
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
happily copy pasting this from when I did it before for you, good luck, I’m so sorry, please forgive me for this atrocity, here you go:
Kai (ninjago), Leo (tmnt), Donnie (tmnt), Conor (spirit animals), Worthy (spirit animals), Inosuke (demon slayer), Sanemi (demon slayer), Jacob (mphfpc), Enoch (mphfpc), all the Pevensie siblings (Narnia), Link (botw/totk), Percy Jackson (pjo), Legolas (lotr), Atreus (gow), Din Djarin (star wars), Ashoka (star wars), Luke (star wars), Hunter (toh), Peter Quill (gotg), Rocket (gotg), Nebula (gotg), Tony Stark (marvel), Peter Parker (marvel), Hobie (spiderverse), Gwen (spiderverse), Sirius Black (hp), Remus Lupin (hp), Newt Scamader (hp), etc etc I can’t remember all of them T_T
5. what color are your eyes?
short answer is blue. long answer is I have central heterochromia and the base color is blue and I have a ring around my pupil that’s yellow. the dmv guy marked them as hazel. I now have complicated feelings regarding the dmv guy.
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
I’m on my school’s ski team :D I also do fencing and horseback riding, so that’s that for sports. love them all so much!!!! I also do theatre (usually sound and light tech) and model united nations my beloved <333
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
infodumping to each other I hope! also calculating if we’d die if we jumped from this height to the driveway. we’d try to find the constellations if we can see the stars but we’d probably find the big dipper and get distracted
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 3 years ago
Hi!! I saw you opened up requests so obviously here I am!!
I would love to see some headcanons about what would’ve happened if Newt had survived in tmr, bc I’m forever going to be in denial about death cure lmao
ah. this. rightttt let's just quickly establish that i've completely been ignoring that that part happens- so there's a high chance i'll cry but let's go!!
triggerwarnings: talk of death and depression and both major/minor injury, spoilers for death cure, this is sad so brace yourself 
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- The Ivy Trio would be t h r i v i n g I'm telling you. Certainly they still are sorrowful, they still are sad, they mourn the losses and the dead, but they are also absolutely partying. They somehow never get too annoyed by each other either. Like sure, Thomas is a bit too daring and too naive, Minho is a pain in the ass with his sarcasm and his confidence and Newt has to keep up with their shit all the time, but they're all alive and well and they're not dumb enough to let any fight destroy the friendship they built as they went through, well, all that happened.
- Newt would be the first one to re-bond with Gally, I believe. Not that the other two don't - especially Minho has been a friend of him in the maze anyway, so they do reconnect. But Thomas takes a loooooong time to do so and basically needs a lifetime to stand being in the same room as him without Chuck's death flashing before his eyes and getting the urge to kill him. Newt though, while Thomas cannot convince himself that all that happened was because WICKED was controlling Gally, knows that very well; and since he's experienced what it's like to lose control, he's absolutely trying to rebuild that friendship with Gally.
i’m also pretty sure that they become each other's therapists because they went through a quite similar thing
- Newt needs his time to recover of course, and he does change, even if sometimes that's not visible. Once they reach the Safe Haven, once he's treated and well again, he's someone else despite being himself again (Minho goes through the same). He takes a long time to smile again even when all the others have done so, and it's quite hard to make him smile ever again. Not that he doesn't, oh, he does. But it's never the same smile that he's had in the maze.
- Despite all that, he adapts again. His limp is more apparent now and stays that way, because he does not hide it and does not see it as the inconvenience he'd convinced himself it was before. He takes it as a reminder of what they went through, of what he went through, to never forget that and to never forget what they survived.
- Thomas sleeps in the same room as him. It's not because there isn't enough space for everybody, but he simply can't sleep on his own anymore. He has horrible nightmares and often wakes up drenched in sweat and sometimes even screaming, and the only way to get him to calm down again is when he sees someone else with him, so Thomas just shares a room with him. It did take quite some time for him to convince Newt that he's not doing it out of pity (because after all Newt does not want to be a liability), but they end up sorting it out and doing it that way.
- When Minho gives Thomas Newt's necklace and he reads the letter, they all cry. All of them. Thomas cries reading it and Minho sobs when Thomas hands it to him, and since Newt knows well what he's written, tears also slip down his cheeks. It's both a sad and a very... hopeful moment, in a way. There's no shame, only utter happiness that they've all come to this very point, that they've survived it and that they're still here. Thomas keeps the letter. He asks Newt if he wants to keep it, but Newt says that he couldn't bear it, so Thomas does. Neither of them read it ever again, but the fact that it's there reminds them as much of everything they've gone through as if they did.
and also because i want to end this on a happier note:
- Newt absolutely loves the sea. He takes hour-long walks on the beach and is about the first one to explore it further. He often sits and stares out at the endless water and the sky, thinking about everything and anything that comes to his mind. Even though he mostly goes alone, especially in the beginning he's often joined by Thomas and Minho and even Gally. Sometimes he meets Frypan sitting there, too, so they sit there in silence. It's peaceful for him. He's thought of places like these in the maze, and now that he's here, he thinks of the maze. And after all, the only thing that he cannot figure out and never will is which of those places was the better one.
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tomishaped · 7 years ago
522 Things I'm not allowed to do at Hogwarts
Numbers 293-390
293. I am not allowed to hit Bludgers at spectators.
294. -Or the referee.
295. I will not commit crimes and then say I was under the Imperius curse.
296. I will not insult people and then say I was given Veritaserum.
297. -I will not give people Veritaserum.
298. The four Houses are not the Morons, the Borons, the Smartasses and the Junior Death Eaters.
299. Albus Dumbledore is not my personal Jesus.
300. -Neither is Professor Snape.
301. I am not authorized to negotiate a peace treaty with Voldemort.
302. The house elves are not there to do my homework.
303. Neither are the ghosts.
304. I am not a magical creature.
305. I am not the reincarnation of Merlin.
306. I am not Voldemort's illegitimate love child.
307. Professor Snape did not kill my father and does not deserve to die.
308. Seamus Finnegan does not have a pot of gold under his bed.
309. -Or under his robe.
310. I will not follow potion instructions in reverse order 'to see what happens'.
311. Grindewald is not my role model.
312. -Neither is Voldemort.
313. I will not cast 'Petrificus Totalus' on myself in order to avoid going to classes.
314. I am not allowed to Accio the clothing of any person while they are wearing it.
315. -Including my own.
316. I am not allowed to organize a witch burning, even if I have been assigned to do a presentation on Muggle history in my Muggle Studies class.
317. I will not accept anything edible from a Weasley.
318. "All's fair in love and war" is not an official rule of Hogwarts.
319. I will not attempt to confuse Crabbe and Goyle by calling them by each other's names.
320. I will not attempt to make Professor's Trelawney's predictions come true.
321. Professor Snape's problem is not that "he needs to get laid".
322. Draco Malfoy is not a ferret animagus.
323. Despite my personal beliefs, Quidditch would not improved by the introduction of muggle firearms.
324. -Though they are doubtless more athletic, battle-axes are not acceptable either.
325. Even if I myself to do not believe in it, I will respect that the school observes daylight savings time.
326. Providing Peeves with a case of dung bombs was a socially irresponsible action, and I will not do it again.
327. Shouting random Latin phrases while waving my wand is not acceptable charms research.
328. Regardless of how much Professor Snape's hair might annoy me, it is inappropriate to sneak into his room at night and shave it off.
329. -Likewise, it is unkind to make the aforementioned hair into a wig and wear it to potions class.
330. -Nobody cares that it makes me feel "pretty".
331. Robes are appropriate school wear. Bathrobes are not.
332. Hogwarts does not require a karaoke machine.
333. I will not claim there is a prequel to Hogwarts, A History that explains about Bilbo Baggins.
334. I will not use the Marauder's Map for stalking purposes.
335. "OMGWTF" is not a spell.
336. Cornelius Fudge does not appreciate being called "Fudgie the Whale.
337. Shouting "Accio Dobby!" is not the proper way to get house-elf assistance.
338. I will not go into Dumbledore's pensieve looking for graphic faculty smut.
339. It is not necessary for me to yell "BURN!" every time Snape takes points away from Gryffindor.
340. "Defying my will" is not a crime worthy of life in Azkaban, and I should not tell that to the first-years.
341. The fact that there are only three unforgivable curses does not mean that every other curse is "pretty much forgivable".
342. I will not, under any circumstances, ask Harry Potter who died and made him boss.
343. I am not allowed to introduce Peeves to paintballing.
344. I am not allowed to scare the first-years by screaming "I'm melting! I'm meeeeeeeeeeeltiiing!" while they are in the showers.
345. I am not allowed to forget my Omnioculars in either the boys' or the girl's bathroom. Especially not while they are in recording mode.
346. I am not allowed to leave the catnip out in Professor McGonagall's class.
347. I will not speak to Professor Snape with a Transylvanian accent.
348. I am not allowed to ask Professor Dumbledore if the size of his beard is 'compensating for something'.
349. I will not give Professor McGonagall catnip, hairball medicine or string for Christmas, no matter how much I think she will like them.
350. I will not cast the occasional Oblivate spell on Dumbledore. Even if it would be amusing.
351. -Not even if I want to try to convince others he's going senile
352. I will not ask if Professor Lupin has had all his shots, such as rabies. Nor will I ask it of Professor McGonagall.
353. I will not start a rumor saying that Professor Snape sings "I'm too sexy for my robes" while showering. Or for that matter doing any other activity.
354. Enchanting the Sorting Hat to sort new students into the House of Martok, or any other Klingon house is forbidden.
355. Telling people that Professor Snape is an animagus and turns into a snake is not recommended.
356. Please do not tell 1st years that the fried chicken is really Kentucky Fried Owl.
357. I will not get a muggle tattoo artist to tattoo the Dark Mark on any part of my body.
358. I will not tell 1st year Hufflepuffs that the Dark Lord eats Hufflepuffs for breakfast. Or any other meal. And then tell them that if they inform anyone of the warning the Dark Lord will choose them next.
359. Singing "Wild Thing, you make my heart sing" whenever you see Professor Lupin is not allowed, even though he likes it.
360. Please stop telling 1st years about the time the Hogwarts Christmas tree ate a student.
361. I am not to "walk on water" in front of muggles.
362. I will not compel Seamus Finnegan to pursue people asking them for their Lucky Charms.
363. I am not to tell Sir Cadogan that the Knights of Ni have challenged him to a duel and then have my friends/other people to call Ni from various directions.
364. Draco Malfoy is not a vampire.
365. -Especially not a vampire named 'Spike'.
366. Watching "The Food Network" is not equivalent to sitting NEWT-level Potions classes.
367. Pinning Confederate flags to the backs of Death Eater masks is not wise.
368. Voldemort does not wish to appear in a Visine commercial.
369. -Or as the 'before' for a line of cosmetics.
370. Hogwarts is in the UK, thus the United States Constitution does not apply to any of its students. Therefore, 'Avada Kedavra' does not fall under First Amendment freedom of speech rights.
371. The ceiling of the Great Hall would not look better as an Omni IMAX dome.
372. Calling Voldemort "Baldemort" is inappropriate.
373. When called upon in class, I shall not insist that the correct answer to everything is '42'.
374. I will not create a betting pool on that Voldemort is Harry Potter's father.
375. Asking Professor Snape if a house ever fell on his sister is wrong.
376. -So is asking him where he keeps his flying monkeys and if I could touch them.
377. Headmaster Dumbledore is of no relation to Willy Wonka.
378. I cannot be a Heffalump animagus.
379. Cannot lock the Slytherins and Gryffindors in a room together and take bets on which house will come out alive.
380. Mr. Weasley's flying car is not to be taken apart piece by piece and rebuilt inside Snape's classroom.
381. Cannot charm all dictionaries to have: "Gryffindor" as the definition of "gullible.
382. Professor Snape's proper given name is not Princess Silvermoon Fairywing GlimmerMcSparkles.
383. Robes are not optional.
384. Announcing "Remember: Save a broomstick! Ride a wizard!" is not an appropriate way to conclude a Quidditch match.
385. There is no such thing as the "Hufflepuff Marshmallow Man".
386. -Even if I do conjure him up.
387. Leaving mash notes signed "Your secret admirer, Harry" in Neville Longbottom's books is both unfunny and cruel.
388. I will not sing the "Beverly Hillbillies" theme song when the Weasley family passes by.
389. -Or the "Hee-Haw" theme song.
390. -Or "Eight is Enough".
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irisbleufic · 7 years ago
Bertie anon again
Then I hope it brings you comfort, anon *hugs*
The eeriness of seeing a message like this one in my inbox post-late-2013-to-mid-2015 (because at that point in time, I knew a disproportionate number of people upset about another relevant piece of media, and messages like yours were common) only adds to the distress. I was afraid of a lot of things, but Newt possessed by Precursors (or under kaiju influence, or whatever you want to call it) and a fiercely devoted, pining Hermann being all-around mistreated by him, it…really came top on my Do Not Want list. I’d seen it done, seen the damage that all-pervasive proximity to it did to so many friends in this fandom that I care for so much. That’s almost the entire reason why I took my unlikely little December 2013 one-shot and expanded it, kept going, and said, here, I love you, and I love them more than I’ve loved any fictional couple in a long time. And that is still true, even if post-2015 I wasn’t actively writing them anymore. Newt and Hermann still get an emotional rise out of me that’s only equaled by how I feel about my Good Omens crew (both the real folks I’ve met over the years and the fictional ones I continue to write about). Also, there’s the personal layer of triggered, re: knowing what it feels like to love someone beyond reason and have them suddenly start behaving like a completely different person, and have it last for years.
TL;DR, I agree: when you have that much encompassing emotional involvement in a pairing and/or writing project, seeing some version of a pre-existing nightmare become canon is cold, cold business. So is watching Mako Mori die for no fucking reason, and not even in a Jaeger.
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toastilytubular · 4 years ago
I watched TST and half of TDC…
Why is the only thing similar the characters? Like, what?
Where tf did the og plot go?
Why did I actually I like them… just a lil?
Who thought Minho (among others) getting kidnapped was even close to the book?
What happened to the entire beginning of TST? The rat man? The flat trans? Teresa going missing? The three days without food? The dead bodies?
Why did Winston die like that? Honestly, I think it made his death much more impactful than just dying in a thunderstorm but I don’t get why
Why’d they change how the flare infects you?
Do Brenda and Jorge no longer work for WICKED?
Speaking of WICKED, why’d they change it to WCKD in the movies?
Does WICKED still want Thomas’ brain or is it his blood? Is it everyone’s blood? Did they get rid of the brain plot entirely?
Is it canon that Sonya (Lizzy?) and newt are siblings or is that just a headcanon?
Also, what about their tattoos? The glue? The leader? To be killed by group B? The betrayer?
I’m also aware that Newt dies differently, for some reason. He gets stabbed instead of shot, right?
What about newts note? It’s a letter right? Instead of “if you were ever my friend, kill me.” It’s something more sentimental right? I can’t tell if I like that or not.
THE NOSE ROSE SCENE. That was my favorite scene out of all the books yet we didn’t get it correctly. It’s just some guy named Lawrence. I think.
Also Gally??? Denver??? What happened to the mall??? Hello??? Han???
Who is Mary and why did Vince show up so early???
I love Harriet btw. She’s so hot
Harriet x Sonya <333
I like Aris here a lot more than in the books
Also Teresa’s back story??? What happened to The Kill Order??? “Her mother tore her own eyes out” but are we not going to mention how she was raised by a cult??? (I’m not finished with TKO yet lol)
Thomas’ name isn’t supposed to be originally Thomas!!! It’s Stephen!! (For some reason I don’t think he looks like a Stephen so I can understand why)
Okay, I have more but I don’t think you guys want to see all that lol
Just finished reading The Death Cure…
1- pain
2- more pain
3- the ending sucked
4- Thomas is stupid
5- should I watch the movies? (I’ve watched the first one and I didn’t like it- not that it was bad, just it didn’t follow the book very well)
6- newtmas
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