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newspaper-advertisement · 2 days ago
Simplifying the Process of Booking a Lost Share Certificate Advertisement
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missanxietyinvestigates · 1 year ago
The Gravestone in the Auction House
The first day I walked into my internship for the year, I was greeted with a gravestone leaning against a pillar by the door. According to my boss, he had gotten it in New Hampshire and didn't really know anything about the owner.
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[Grave transcription: Eliza P. / Wife of / Ezekiel B. Coat. / Died / Mar. 12. 1864 / AE. 34 yrs. 5ms. / Rest together / Abbott E. Coats / Died / Mar. 10. 1864 / AE. 3 yrs. 2 ms. 18 ds.]
My curiosity got the best of me and with my boss's permission, I started to hunt down Eliza.
Eliza Pamelia Goodell was born on November 7th, 1829, to Chester and Betsy (Fuller) Goodell in Rowe, Massachusetts. Within a couple years, her family would move to Readsboro, Vermont, to reunite with family in the area. There, 3 siblings would be born. Growing up, Eliza would have been expected to help with child-rearing, despite only being 6 years older than the youngest. Her father is listed as a farmer for most of his life, though an article in the North Adams Transcript hints towards some other activities as well:
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His wife, Betsy, does not appear in any newspaper articles, as far as I can tell.
Despite being a teenager during the Mexican-American War, it would likely be a distant thought, rarely being reported in newspapers and an unlikely topic of conversation.
When she was 21, she would marry Ezekiel Bradford Coates, of Heath, Massachusetts. Ezekiel was the youngest of his siblings, the son of a carpenter. He lost his mother and two of his siblings at a young age, leaving him to be raised by his stepmother and siblings.
A little over a year later, their first son, Albert, would be born. Then came Abbott, Adelbert, and Elnora in Stratton.
In May of 1858, her son Abbott, suddenly grew sick and passed away. His death certificate lists inflammation of the brain as a cause of death, which could be encephalitis, meningitis, or cerebritis in modern terms. He was five. Then, just over a year later, she would lose her mother to cancer. This would have been a devastating time for her, especially with rising tensions throughout the US, it may have felt to her like her world could end at any moment.
In January of 1862, Eliza would have another son, Abbott E, in Townshend. Just a month later, Ezekiel, likely seeing the 75$ bounty for enlistment, would volunteer as a soldier in the Civil War.
That October, Ezekiel would join the rest of his unit as a Corporal in Townshend.
He was part of the 16th Vermont Infantry, Company D, which mainly was on picket duty. Picket duty was keeping an eye on the enemy from their side and keeping their superiors informed. This was extremely important during battles such as the Battle of Gettysburg, which his unit was a part of.
During the Battle of Gettysburg, Ezekiel would have been on the front line, watching others from his unit being hit by shells. A superior officer write on his report:
"In this movement it was under terrific artillery fire, one shell hitting two men and killing them instantly. The regiment was finally halted in support of a battery and just in season to receive and repel a heavy charge of infantry. Darkness soon came on and the battle ceased with the Sixteenth in the front line."
August 10th, 1863, Ezekiel and his unit were mustered out and started making their way home.
The family would enjoy a few blissful months reunited, but in early 1864, a disease began spreading through New England. It would come suddenly, sometimes killing people within two days, and was very infectious.
In early March, Eliza would have seen her two-year-old son, first become feverish, then have a sore throat, and then pass away. During that time, there was not a lot that a doctor could do to help him, and she may have turned to one of the many quack remedies that were advertised at the time. Very soon after, she would have started feeling the symptoms herself, and on March 12th, just one day after her son's passing, Eliza Goodell passed away from Scarlett Fever.
To learn more about the epidemic itself and it's history, there was a journal published at the time discussing it:
She would be buried with her son in Round Hill Cemetery soon after. Her eldest child would have been 11 years old, and without their mother, they were spread to family and friends who could take them in.
In 1867, Ezekiel would remarry and have four more children with his new wife, Charlotte.
Eliza's 3 living children, Albert, Adelbert, and Elnora, continued to live with relatives until adulthood. Albert would end up moving to Rhode Island and becoming a high-level government official in several offices, while Adelbert would run a private coach service in Massachusetts, and Elnora would settle down in Townshend with her husband Charles Boynton.
A possible reason why this gravestone ended up in an auction house was that during the 1890s, the graveyard was renovated, and several gravestones that had fallen into disrepair had to be replaced. It is very possible that Eliza's gravestone was replaced during this time, and the original gravestone was set aside somewhere and forgotten.
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getmeupsocial · 1 year ago
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Get Me Up Advertising- We are a leading as well as an authorised newspaper ad agency to book Share certificate lost Ad in Newspaper. We book Share certificate lost ad in all newspapers, all languages and all cities in pan India at best possible rates. Call us for bookinf at 098109 74532 Investors who have shares in a company may choose to possess a physical share certificate as evidence of their share ownership. This becomes an important document for shareholders and provides details about the investor’s stock ownership such as the number of shares purchased, etc. When a person loses his/her share certificate, it can lead to a substantial financial loss to the shareholder and the company in which he/she held shares. Thus, to avoid any unnecessary loss to the company and its shareholders, you can Book Share Certificate Lost Ad in Newspaper at the lowest ad rates with Get Me Up - Marketing for Vision.
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recoveringunclaimedasstes · 2 years ago
What if I lose my physical shares, how to share recover?
What if I lose my physical shares, how to share recover ?
If you lose your physical shares, there are two ways to recover them:
Apply for duplicate share certificates. You can contact the company or registrar of the shares you hold and apply for duplicate share certificates. You will need to provide them with proof of your identity and ownership of the shares, as well as a police report if the shares were lost in a theft. The company or registrar will then issue you with new share certificates.
Claim the shares from the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF). If the shares have been inactive for a certain period of time, they may be transferred to the IEPF. You can then claim the shares from the IEPF by submitting a claim form and providing the necessary documentation.
The following are the documents you need to submit to recover your lost physical shares:
Affidavit: This is a sworn statement that you have lost your share certificates.
Indemnity bond:This is a document that guarantees that you will not hold the company or registrar responsible if the shares are not recovered.
C This is a copy of the police report you filed when you lost your shopy of police report:are certificates.
Advertisement: You need to publish an advertisement in a newspaper stating that you have lost your share certificates.
Once you have submitted the required documents, the company or registrar will verify your identity and ownership of the shares. If everything is in order, they will issue you with new share certificates.
If the shares have been transferred to the IEPF, you will need to submit a claim form to the IEPF. The claim form can be found on the IEPF website. You will need to provide the following information on the claim form:
Your name and contact details
The company whose shares you are claiming
The number of shares you are claiming
The date on which the shares were lost
The reason why the shares were lost
Once you have submitted the claim form, the IEPF will investigate your claim. If the claim is approved, the IEPF will issue you with a payment order. You can then take the payment order to your bank and collect the money.
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certificatelost · 5 years ago
Press Notification for Lost Certificate, CBSE Certificate Lost Advertisement, Lost Marksheet ad in Newspaper
Book document Lost advertisement in newspaper online, We provide help for Certificate lost ad in newspaper, press notification for lost certificate like CBSE Certificate, Lost Marksheet and property documents.
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releasemyad1 · 4 years ago
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yuktiastro · 4 years ago
Read more-  Personal Documents Lost
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creativethinksmediaworld · 5 years ago
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Hence, advertisements can play a significant role in the success of the business. An advertisement can represent your business on all platforms and makes your services or products visible across the country/world. In today's era, the newspaper is the oldest yet the most powerful medium to reach out to more people. Click here to know more - Creative Thinks Media
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coffeetablettowers · 2 years ago
Title: 2d's Funfair That Would've Been Rated: G Characters: 2d, Murdoc, Russel, Noodle Summary: 2d thinks about how things would be if he was never in Gorillaz and instead had opened a funfair
2d stared at his medicine cabinet full of pills. Small bottles, tall bottles, fat bottles, tiny bottles. So many medications he was taking (and some he bought, but he was still going to count them in this array). He grabbed his mug, filled it with water, set it aside, and then got to work on opening the pill bottles one by one and take the pills out one by one. It was a methodical process. Take the amount needed out, put in mouth, drink some water, and then swallow. Wash, rinse, repeat. He always counted how many times he did this, but he always lost count at around seven or eight.
When he finished he closed the cabinet and stared at himself in the mirror. For somebody that had been through two car crashes he sure didn’t look like it affected him, besides his eyes. All except for his eyes he looked completely normal. Normal… he wondered what his life would be like had he not been ran over and therefore hadn’t met Murdoc. He tried to picture it, perhaps he’d have his own keyboard store or maybe he’d have reached his dream and opened a funfair. He smiled at this thought. Opening a funfair for everybody to enjoy. He’d make sure all the games weren’t rigged so people were always winning prizes. He’d kept up the maintenance of his rides. He’d also pay his employees a decent wage so that they didn’t have to worry about going hungry.
There was a bang on the door that startled him out of his thoughts
“Oi, D! Hurry up! I gotta take a piss!”
Murdoc. 2d opened the door and was quickly shoved aside with the door slamming shut behind him. Would he have ever met Murdoc? Possibly. Perhaps Murdoc would have become one of his employees. Never a performer though. He knew what his dad put him through and would never subject him to that. Maybe as a manager. Or perhaps a gift shop sales associate. What funfair had a gift shop? His did. He’d create a whole new title just for Murdoc. Or maybe he could be the lead advertising person to promote the funfair.
Heading to the kitchen Russel sat at the table reading the newspaper. He lowered it, looked at 2d, gave him a nod, and then raised his paper back up. 2d stared at the man. If he was to open his funfair he’d need security, but not just any security. 2d would have to deal with computer programs that keep track of everybody’s pay, benefits, certificates of the rides, game booths, and food stalls. They would have very personal information. He’d need a security person that knew how to make sure their information wasn’t stolen. Perhaps Russel would be that person. He tried to think if there was ever a person that just played music at funfairs. All he could remember was this old track that played over the intercom on repeat. He didn’t want that for his funfair. He wanted live music. Russel was the best person on drums so no doubt he could beat life into a funfair. He could also make tips, which was a plus.
2d made himself some jade citrus tea and sat down at the table. As he took a sip from his cup Noodle at Katsu walked in. “Good morning, Noodle and Katsu.” “Good morning, 2d,” Noodle smiled, “Katsu also says good morning.”
2d smiled and waved at Katsu, who rubbed her body against Noodle’s leg. He wasn’t selfish. He didn’t want Noodle to work for him. He wanted her to have the life that she was robbed. When she was old enough to travel his funfair would’ve been heard all over and she would come as a patron. She’d ride all the rides multiple times, use her skills to best the game booths with one shot, and then have her picture taken in the photo booth. She’d come back during the spring and summer and have the best day of her life. It would be because of people like her that he would strive to maintain a clean, exciting funfair. And yes, he would allow pets of any kind to come.
“D, look at this.”
Russel turned the newspaper around and showed him an ad. It had a picture of a horse and a Casio keyboard that said,
“Put this in your Casio and Play it”. 2d read the caption out loud.
He gave a polite smile, which gained Russel’s approval as he chuckled and turned the paper back around so he could continue reading. Noodle joined them at the table with miso soup, white rice, and a plate of scrambled eggs. Soon Murdoc came in, started brewing coffee, and then sat down and reached to poke the tofu out of Noodle’s soup, which earned him a light slap to the offending hand. 2d looked around. He could imagine forever what his funfair would look like, but none of those made up worlds would ever come close to the family he has now.
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newspaper-advertisement · 6 months ago
Prompt Action: Benefits of Reporting Lost Share Certificates in Newspapers
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bopinion · 5 years ago
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Book of the month / 2020 / 03 March
I love books. Even though I hardly read any. Because my library is more like a collection of tomes, coffee-table books, limited editions... in short: books in which not "only" the content counts, but also the editorial performance, the presentation, the curating of the topic - the book as a total work of art itself.
Directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen
Monograph / 2003 / Taschen Publishing house
No, this is not about the sympathetic stubbornness of the genus goat. It is about the "Greatest of all Time", about a legend, an icon, one of the brightest under the stars, the sportsman of the century, the most famous boxing champion in the world: Muhammad Ali.
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!" This is how they described his light-footed, elegant yet effective style, the Ali Shuffle. At the time when he became Olympic light-heavyweight champion in Rome in 1960, his name was still the same as it says on his birth certificate: Cassius Marcellus Clay - a name Ali later discarded because it refers to a protagonist from the time of slavery. For he has always had a strong opinion. He took a stand against the Vietnam War ("No Vietcong ever called me a nigger!"), lost his boxing license due to his conscientious objection, joined the Nation of Islam, fought outside the ring for the emancipation of African-Americans and never lost his sense of humor. Above all, he was a great sportsman, the only boxer who was allowed to call himself "Undisputed Champion" three times.
The list of his opponents reads like a who-is-who of heavy weight boxing: Sonny Liston, Karl Mildenberger, Floyd Patterson, Sonny Banks, Ken Norten, Chuck Wepner, Richard Dunn, Leon Spinks, Larry Holmes, ... but most of all George Foreman and Joe Frazier. And the public appeal of Big Mouth Ali was magnetic. Most boxing fights, even known by in this martial sport uninterested people, would certainly not be without him.
Like the "Fight of the Century" against Joe Frazier in Madison Square Garden in New York City. As with the moon landing or the assassination of Kennedy, every US American still knows where he was on the evening of 8 March 1971 and, if in doubt, sat in front of the television.
Then of course the legendary "Rumble in the Jungle" in Kinshasa against George Foreman, who was considered invincible. An event of superlatives, for better or for worse: Ingeniously devised by dictator Mobutu and Don King, who heralded the era of the boxing promoters, a true celebration was celebrated in front of an audience of around 100,000 and since then "Ali, boma ye!" are probably the only words on Bantu that every boxing fan knows. There was also a lot going on off the ring, with Johnny Wakelin and his evergreen "In Zaïre" not even being present at the accompanying concerts, but big names like James Brown or B.B. King. By the way: I strongly recommend the documentary "When we were Kings" by Leon Gast, a worthwhile Oscar-winning look behind the scenes.
Or the "Thrilla in Manila", Ali's third fight against his sporting archenemy Joe Frazier. In the opinion of no fewer experts, the best performance either of them had ever shown. They never come back? This did not apply to Ali.
This public effect was based, apart from his athletic ability, above all on the fact that Ali was the first athlete who also became a pop star: There were action dolls by Mattel, a photo shoot with the Beatles, the DC comic "Superman vs. Muhammad Ali" or advertisements for Capri-Sun. Then it's fitting that an outstanding book is also dedicated to him. That's right, I would actually like to tell you about a book (too).
And what a book! 'This is a monument on paper, the most megalomaniacal book in the history of civilization, the biggest, heaviest, most radiant thing ever printed - Ali's last victory ." (Der Spiegel, Hamburg). A book with the same power, courage, depth, creativity and stunning energy as the extraordinary title hero (according to the publisher). That's right.
My copy has 652 pages and weighs almost 7 kilograms and is therefore delivered in a transport box with handle. And this is the affordable mass edition. The thing, which was presented in 2003 as the "Champs Edition" by Ali and Will Smith, who embodied him in "Ali" (2001, directed by Michael Mann), throws superlatives all over the place: For example, it is bound in pink leather by the Vatican bookbindery, which in itself produces only the highest quality bibles, because that was the color of Ali's first Cadillac - a symbol that he had made it. It is accompanied by the artwork "Radial Champs" by none other than Jeff Koons. And of course it's numbered and signed by both of them.
But it is the content that makes (all editions) of this book a unique homage to its title character. With photos of sports photography legends like Neil Leifer or Howard L. Bingham, but also of the usual suspects like Steve Schapiro, David Lachapelle or Annie Leibovitz. And even Andy Warhol. With interviews with practically all relevant figures who have accompanied or fought against Ali's career. With essays from the heroes of "New Journalism" Tom Wolfe and Gay Talese to - of course - Norman Mailer, whose work "The Fight" about the title fight in Zaire could have easily earned him his third Pulitzer Prize.
Above all, however, with an incredible editorial work of an apparently top-motivated team that has researched and compiled an immense fund of material: from interviews with contemporary witnesses to private photographs of his life, posters of his first amateur fights and historical newspaper manuscripts. Plus memorabilia, works of art, curious finds... Reading this book makes you feel almost as if you were there live - or at least on a journey of discovery in the boxes in your grandparents' attic. No publisher manages to regularly send the feuilleton and me into ecstasy with such mammoth projects. Except Benedikt Taschen. No wonder his oeuvres dominate my bookshelves.
This book is worthy of a true champion. "I'd like to be remembered as a man who never looks down on those who looked up to him." Done. Thanks a lot. You're missed!
Here the link to the "Champs Edition" on the website of the Taschen publishing house:
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recoveringunclaimedasstes · 2 years ago
What are Unclaimed Investments ?
The savings of millions of shareholders lie around unredeemed in the form of physical share certificates (demats).. As per SEBI's recent fraud prevention circulars, numerous measures have been taken, including banning the transfer of physical share certificates and subsequent transfer of shares to the share Investor Education Protection Fund (IEPF) account on account of unclaimed dividends in the last seven years.
These shares cannot be traded until they are dematerialized or transferred from the IEPF account to your personal demat account.
Challenges in the dematerialization process
There are a number of issues that can hinder shareholders in dematerializing their physical shares, such as:
1. KYC updates: when it comes to establishing the identity of the shareholder, even the slightest difference in spelling or change of first or last name, or both, can become a major problem. In the past, when shares were purchased on the open market, the rules for matching transfer documents with valid proof of identity were not as strict. Today, however, shareholders must follow strict rules and procedures to prove their identity. They require a notice in the Official Gazette and newspaper advertisements if the differences are significant.
2. Name Correction: when it comes to establishing the identity of the shareholder, even the slightest difference in spelling or change in first or last name, or both, can become a major problem. In the past, when shares were purchased on the open market, the rules for cross-checking transfer documents with valid proof of identity were not as strict. Now, however, shareholders must follow strict rules and procedures to prove their identity. They require a notice in the Official Gazette and newspaper advertisements if the differences are significant.
3. Common ownership of shares: The problem with common ownership is that all common holders must simultaneously give their consent and comply with the formats of the RTAs when it comes to KYC updates, name corrections, dual issuance of shares, and retrieval of shares from the IEPF account. It becomes a bigger problem when one or more co-owners pass away.
4. Inconsistent signatures: This problem is relatively common and is noted by almost all shareholders. The writing flow changes with age and time, leading to signature changes.
5. Loss of share certificates: There are situations where the shareholder has lost the certificates due to wear and tear or negligence. Shareholders must apply to their respective RTAs for duplicate share certificates after meeting the indemnity and affidavit formats; there are several levels of review for this.
6. Investor Education Protection Fund (IEPF): as per SEBI's latest circular, the shares of a shareholder who has not claimed dividends for seven consecutive years will be transferred to the IEPF account.
The IEPF has its own formats, rules and procedures to be followed.
Although the regulations and strict filtering were put in place to prevent fraudulent claims by shareholders, they have now caused problems and led to borderline harassment.
The silver lining is that shareholders can get a refund of their unclaimed investments or shares transferred to IEPF by the company based on the provisions of Section 124 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the IEPF (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016.
The procedure for recovery of shares from IEPF
1. Applicant submits an application to the Authority
Any applicant who wishes to receive a refund or recover the shares on its behalf must submit the IEPF-5 FOrm on the MCA Portal. The form should contain the following information.
A. Information about the applicant
B. information about the entity and the amount due
C. Information about the shares to be claimed
D. Information on the dividends to be claimed
E. Aadhar number or passport/OCI/PIO card number if the applicant is an NRI or a foreign national
F. Details of the bank account linked to the Aadhar
G. Demat account number
2. Submitting the application to the company
After submission of IEPF-5 form, the applicant shall send a copy of the form in an envelope marked 'Application for Reimbursement from IEPF Authority' along with the following documents to the Nodal Officer/RTA of the Company:
A hard copy of the form with the signature.
A copy of the receipt with SRN number.
The original of the indemnity bond with a signed non-judicial stamp paper in the amount specified in the Stamp Act.
Original advance receipt signed by the applicant and witnesses with stamp.
Original share certificates or a copy of the transaction report.
Aadhar card.
Credentials such as share certificate or application number of interest certificate, etc.
Passport or Overseas citizen of India (OCI) or Person of Indian Origin (PIO) card in case of NRIs or foreigners.
Cancelled cheque.
Copy of Demat's customer master list.
3. Submission of the application by the company to the IFFP authority
Once the applicant's application is received, the company must prepare an audit report within 15 days of receipt of the application and submit it to the PSI authorities along with the applicant's documentation.
4. Reimbursement by the IEPF authorities to the applicant
Within 60 days of receiving the verification report from the company concerned, the IFFP authority must decide on the applicant's request for reimbursement.
It shall issue a refund notice if the applicant is entitled to the shares with the approval of the relevant authority. The IFFP and the official in charge of subscription and disbursement, after verifying the claimant's entitlement, send an invoice to the Payroll Officer for payment. Subsequently, the shares are credited to the applicant's demat account.
Our team tracing who are share investor, unclaimed investment person and help to recover from IEPF with 100% guaranteed.For any assistance and advice regarding physical share certificates, Connect with our Relationship Manager at- +91 93103 03046 or Visit Our Website:- www.glcwealth.com
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onlineadvertisements · 4 years ago
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certificatelost · 4 years ago
Book Certificate lost advertisement in Bangalore online at affordable price. Press Notification for lost certificate, CBSE Marksheet, Property documents lost in Bangalore Newspapers.
Read more-  Book ad in Banglore
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releasemyad1 · 4 years ago
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releasemyad · 5 years ago
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