#newsies x pacific rim
wine-anon · 7 years
Is it okay if I ask fora JoJo x reader fic??? Because, like, I love him and there just aren’t enough fics about him and honestly he’s just so under appreciated???
a/n: Okay so this took me ages to write because it deleted itself and then I had to re-write it and then I didn’t like it so I wrote it again. Yikes, anyway, I had this really cool idea after seeing the new Pacific Rim movie, I genuinely hope you like it! It’s a bit different to what I usually write, so tell me if you like it. I really, really hope you like it!!!
The Kaiju broke through the breach when you were only seven. You watched in horror as those monsters from storybooks and movies became real. The world changed that day, nothing was ever the same. When the Jaeger program was announced two years later, you knew in that moment that you would be a pilot one day. That’s all you wanted, you had to survive until you were old enough to pilot your very own Jaeger, no matter what it took. 
In 2021, you were recruited by Stacker Pentecost into the PPD Cadet program. You were only sixteen at the time and drifting didn’t come easy, you couldn’t find the right co-pilot to drift with no matter how hard you tried. You found a temporary co-pilot that you could mostly drift with just before the UN began pulling funding from the program to build the coastal wall. 
By 2025, at only 20, you were one of very few Jaeger pilots left, you were transferred to the Hong Kong Shatterdome. Not many were left open and after your last fight against a Kaiju, you were left with no co-pilot. Word went around that there were tryouts for two of the most renowned Jaeger pilots in recent history, so you took a leap of faith and signed up.
It was the morning of the tryouts, you had been running somewhat late and managed to run into someone in the halls.
“Oh, I am so sorry, sir,” you panicked at the man in front of you, “I wasn’t looking where I was going. I’m running late.”
“It’s okay,” his accent was rich, he was from New York, you guessed, “I’m running late too.”
“Where are you headed, er?”
“JoJo,” he smiled at you, he was gorgeous.
“Right, where are you headed, JoJo?” you looked at your watch at cursed silently.
“The pilot tryouts? I’ve never been here before, I got turned around.”
“Great, that’s where I’m headed,” you grabbed his wrist and led him down the halls towards the dojo. 
You arrived but sadly lost him in the crowd of people watching Raleigh Becket fighting Mako Mori. You watched in amusement as she beat him easily but frowned when Pentecost said that they weren’t to drift under any circumstances.
“Right, now that’s done,” Pentecost’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, “we’re testing compatibility with the one and only, JoJo de la Guerra.”
Shit. It was him. The man from before. He was the one you were testing against. 
“(y/l/n)!” your head snapped to Pentecost, “it’s your Jaeger. You’re up first.”
“So, you think we’re actually drift compatible?” 
“We’re about to find out, de la Guerra.”
“Oh please, just call me JoJo.”
“What ever you say, JoJo,” you smirked at him from the other side of your Jaeger, your baby, your pride and joy. 
Cobalt Glory. She was one of the two Mark-3 Jaegers left in the world, she was launched by the British in 2017 and given to you five years later. The same year you graduated from Cadet to Ranger.
“What happened to you last co-pilot?” JoJo asked, his voice coming through the headset in your helmet.
“You’ll see in a second, you’ll be in my head remember?” you pushed some of the holo-buttons and set up your drift sequence. JoJo following your lead, “when was the last time you drifted?”
“Three years ago, in the Philippines,” you looked at him from across the space, his demeanour had shifted to a sad one. Whatever he was thinking was going to be in his head any minute now.
“At least you still look good in the flight suit,” you attempted to cheer him up, a small chuckle came through your headset and sent a shiver up your spine, there was something about him.
“I think I look great in this new style suit,” he grinned at you as the techs began to talk to you both.
“This is just a test drift, you’re not moving from this position, is that clear?” Pentecost’s voice broke through your headset, his voice commanding.
“You always have such a way with words, sir,” you joked at him.
“Watch the tongue, (y/l/n),” he chuckled at you, he always had a soft spot for you and you knew it.
“Drift sequence is ready, sir,” JoJo spoke clearly to the techs, he looked to you, “ready to get into this head of mine?”
“Let’s give them a show,” you winked at him, he winked back and your heart raced faster.
“Initiating Neural Handshake,” the robotic voice spoke to you both. Within a second every thought and memory JoJo ever had was passing through your head and yours through his. You tried to calm yourself at the influx of information and bad memories. You almost hooked onto one bad memory but quickly stabilised. 
“Left hemisphere calibrated,” the voice broke through again.
“(y/l/n),” Pentecost called through the coms, “you’re stable but JoJo is way off. Bring him back.”
“Yes, sir,” you spoke firmly.
“It happens to all of us, but we got there in the end,” you reassured JoJo.
“I almost blew up the Shatterdome,” he sighed heavily, “it was too much.”
“Mako almost blew it up too. Don’t worry about it. The memory was too recent for you to get over it quickly,” you put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at you, “we completed the neural handshake didn’t we?”
“I guess you’re right,” he looked into your eyes and your breath hitched, “ya’know I say some interesting things whilst I was in your head.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you panicked and got up from your seat on the floor. You quickly made your way down the hall.
“Oh come one, (y/n),” he called to you, “I know what you think about me.”
“Goodnight, de la Guerra!” you called back, your heart racing in your chest at the thought of him again.
You woke up to the Shatterdome alarm and your door being banged on. You pulled yourself from your bed and ran to open the door. JoJo stood on the other side his fist raised. That stupid smirk back on his face.
“You’ve got two minutes to be at Cobalt Glory’s hub.”
With that he grinned and walked off, leaving you stand in the doorway watching people run past you. 
“Two minutes,” you sighed to yourself. He could have at least told you why, that boy and his stupid face. It was so beautiful, fuck.
You found yourself back in Cobalt Glory, hooked into her central hub and looked to see JoJo doing the same. 
“So, someone going to tell me what we’re dealing with?” you called out to everyone who could hear you through the coms.
“We’ve got a double event,” Tendo’s voice broke through for the first time, “we lost Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon. Striker Eureka is powerless and we just sent out Gipsy Danger alone.”
“Why didn’t anyone tell me this earlier!” you panicked at them all.
“Calm down, we’ve got this, we’re running flank for Gipsy okay?” JoJo’s calm voice caused your heart to race faster but calm down at the same time. You nodded at him and took a deep breath.
“You ready for this, JoJo?” 
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” he looked at you, “are you ready?”
“Let’s do this,” you looked forward, “Tendo? Initiate neural handshake.”
“Neural handshake initiated.”
You were back in his head, this time his memories had you in them, they were focused on you. Your heart raced as the drift was completed successfully. There you both stood, the first fully successful drift between the two of you. 
“You okay, (y/n)?” you nodded at him, you couldn’t look at him, he was so gorgeous you’d get distracted, “stop thinking about me like that, you’ll make me blush.”
“Shut up, JoJo,” you moved in synch towards the drop zone, “we have a job to do.”
You were praised as heroes after the battle in Hong Kong. JoJo held your hand on the way back to your room and you swore that he was going to cause you to have a heart attack.
“I’ll see you in the morning at the meeting,” he kissed your forehead and left you leaning against his bedroom door.
“You’ll be the death of me, JoJo de la Guerra,” you sighed at his retreating figure.
“We’re doing what?” JoJo yelled across the room.
“Gipsy and Cobalt will be running point for Striker when we blow up the breach,” Pentecost informed the room calmly.
“But Herc is down,” Raleigh said, “you. You’re piloting her, aren’t you?”
“That’s our only option right now, does everyone understand?”
Multiple ‘yes sir’s’ echoed through the room. JoJo took your hand as he stormed out of the meeting room.
“Where are we going?” you spoke as he dragged you towards his room.
“We’re probably going to die tomorrow, not going to sugarcoat it,” he pulled you into the roo and closed the door, “I don’t want to die regretting never doing this.”
“Doing wh-,” you were out off by his lips crashing onto yours. You moaned at the feeling and wrapped your arms around his neck. You certainly wanted every part of this, especially considering the stakes of tomorrow.
“At the edge of our hope, at the end of our time, we have chosen not only to believe in ourselves, but in each other. Today there is not a man nor woman in here that shall stand alone. Not today. Today we face the monsters that are at our door and bring the fight to them! Today, we are canceling the apocalypse!”
The Shatterdome erupted into cheers at the end of Pentecost’s speech before it broke into a mad dash to launch the three Jaegers into the highest risk mission ever.
“Pilots to your Jaegers,” the robotic voice called out. You and JoJo made your way to Cobalt Glory’s main hub for the third time together.
“You ready for this?” he asked as you hooked into the system.
“No,” you spoke softly, “we might die this time.”
“Don’t think about that, doll,” he reassured you, “we can do this.”
“I hope you’re right, Jo,” you voice wavered.
“Initiating Neural Handshake,” the PON spoke to you both. 
The drift was easier this time, your connection to the man standing next to you was so strong that it took you mere seconds to be 100% connected.
“Cobalt Glory,” Tendo called to you, “you’re ready and have permission to go. Good luck.”
You moved across the ocean floor in the Jaeger, flanking left of Striker Eureka and the package, Gipsy Danger flanking right. Your ranks were broken when two category four Kaiju’s ripped through your formation.
Scunner bit at Cobalt’s arm and pulled you off to the side. You and JoJo slice at the Kaiju with your sword and punch it firmly in the face. It recoils and makes it’s way towards Striker and the package.
Yells are heard through your coms as a third Kaiju emerges from the breach, someone screams that it’s a category five, the first. A triple event. Your heart drops when you hear the yells from the Shatterdome.
You and JoJo make your way towards the break to help Gipsy with the other category four Kaiju. The two of you kill it within minutes but turn to see Striker being hounded by the other two.
In what felt like seconds, you hear the plan to detonate the package above the breach in an attempt to kill the two Kaiju.
In a moment, you’ve stabbed your sword into the ocean floor, tears racing down your cheeks as you watch Striker Eureka blow up itself, the pilots inside and the category four Kaiju attached to it. The water around you surges and creates a tidal wave. JoJo yells at you to brace yourself as the water crashes into the back of your Jaeger.
“What now?” Raleigh coms to your Jaeger.
“Um, we have to get through the breach and blow it up, that other Kaiju is still around here somewhere. We’ve sustained heavy internal system damage, what about you?”
“Same over here,” Mako calls, “look out!”You and JoJo turn in time to see Slattern coming towards you, you grip its head and throw it to the ground. It reels back up and launches itself at Cobalt again.
“The power core!” JoJo yells to you as your hold Slattern’s head in a death lock, “blast the head with the power core!”
“We’ll lose power!”“Just do it!” 
The two of you hold the Kaiju’s head and ultra-charge your power core. You release the blast straight into the Kaiju’s head, effectively killing it.
“Cobalt Glory!” Raleigh’s voice crackles through the coms once more, “how are you holding up?”“We’re dead weight, Gipsy,” JoJo replies, “Slattern is dead but we used the power core to kill it and we’re powerless.”
“Eject safely in your pods, we’ll take it from here,” Raleigh commands, “you’ve done well.”
“Will do, Gipsy,” JoJo speaks calmly, “good luck finishing the mission.”
“See. you on the other side, Cobalt.”
With that your communications are shut down, JoJo opens the escape pod override, you attempt to do the same.
“Shit,” you yell.
“What?” JoJo looks over at you concerned.
“My pod is damaged, I can’t use it,” you panic as your oxygen tank levels begin to decrease. 
“It’s okay, take a deep breath and disconnect, we’ll go in my pod together.”
You nod and do as he says. He grips you tighter than he ever could once you reach him and the two of you are ejected from Cobalt. Your heart drops at the fact that you have to leave her at the bottom of the Pacific.
You return to the Shatterdome as heroes once more, the four of you make your way through the crowds. Everyone watches as the clock is stopped for the last time. This was the end.
“I guess I should take you out on a date now,” JoJo smiled at you and pulled you into a deep kiss.
“I’d love that, de la Guerra.”
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Type 1 Diabetes in Fandom, Fandom Masterlist
Here we are, with the Type 1 Diabetes in Fandom AO3 collection having grown to 100+ fandoms and 300 fanfics!!!
If you’ve been following along with this blog/collection so far, hello again and thank you so much! If you’re new here, welcome! I’m not attaching links to each fandom here because there’s way too many, but you can find the collection’s link in the above paragraph, and search in there for the fandoms you would like to read.
I’ve listed the fandoms of both the works and the bookmarks in alphabetical order, for ease of searching. Have fun!
*Updated sporadically
All Included Fandoms, as of September 24, 2022: 123
*Apologies if any of these are entered incorrectly or duplicated; many of them are unfamiliar to me, so I did the best I could sorting through the AO3 tags.
9-1-1 (TV) and 9-1-1: Lonestar (TV 2020)
Ace Attorney
Ace of Diamond
Amphibia (Cartoon)
The Arcana (Visual Novel)
Attack on Titan
Avatar: the Last Airbender
The Baby-Sitters Club
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Be More Chill- Iconis/Tracz
The Bobbsey Twins/Nancy Drew
Bungou Stray Dogs
Cabin Pressure
Check Please! (Webcomic)
Cobra Kai (Web Series)
Criminal Minds (US TV)
Critical Role (Web Series)
Dangan Rompa
Danny Phantom
the Flash
Gotham (TV)
Justice League (2017/Snyder Cut)
Legends of Tomorrow (CW)
Supergirl (CW)
Dear Evan Hansen - Pasek & Paul/Levenson
Death Note
Divergent Series - Veronica Roth
Doctor Who (2005)
Ducktales (Cartoon 2017)
Far Cry 5
Fire Emblem
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Genshin's Impact (Video Game)
Grey’s Anatomy
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)
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Harry Potter
Hetalia: Axis Powers
How to Train Your Dragon (Movies)
IT - Stephen King
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Julie and the Phantoms (TV 2020)
Jurassic Park (Movies)
Kingdom Hearts
The Last of Us (Video Game)
Law & Order: SVU
Line of Duty (TV 2012)
League of Legends
Lego Ninjago
Les Misérables
The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
the Avengers
Black Widow (Movie 2021)
Captain America
Doctor Strange
the Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV)
Iron Man
What If...? (TV 2021)
Mass Effect
Megamind (2010)
Merlin (TV)
Miraculous Ladybug
Módào Zǔshī (Cartoon)
The Mortal Instruments series - Cassandra Clare
Mòxiāng Tóngxiú
My Hero Academia
NCIS + NCIS: Los Angelas
Newsies (1992)
Once Upon a Time (TV)
*Original Work
Osomatsu-san (Anime)
Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Pacific Rim
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan
Power Rangers
The Prom - Sklar/Beguelin/Martin
Purple Hearts (2022)
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Raven Cycle - Maggie Steifvater
Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
Rockman.EXE | Mega Man Battle Network
Scarecrow Series - Matthew Reilly
Seraph of the End
She-Ra and the Princess of Power (2018)
Sherlock (TV)
Simonverse | Creekwood Series - Becky Albertalli
South Park
Stargate: Atlantis
Station 19 (TV)
Star Trek
Alternate Original Series Movies
Star Trek (2009)
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Star Wars
the Bad Batch
the Clone Wars
the Prequel trilogy
the Sequel trilogy
Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Supernatural (TV 2005)
Teen Wolf (TV)
Twilight Series
The Umbrella Academy (TV)
The Untamed (TV)
Until Dawn (Video Game)
Voltron: Legendary Defender
The Walking Dead
The Witcher (TV)
Yuri!!! On Ice (Anime)
Zebrafish - Sharon Emerson
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Newsies ofc,
I know you had a Zootopia phase but I don’t know if it’s still on the list…
Big Hero Six
The Last Unicorn
Newsies isn't actually on here because I prefer the Broadway one to the '92 film, and I'm not counting stage proshots toward this list (they're their own category). as for Zootopia and BH6 hdhdhdusnsj just yeet me back in time, huh? but TLU, darling fantasy of my childhood, is most certainly on the list
HTTYD trilogy
Pacific Rim
The Last Unicorn
The Thing
The X-Files: Fight the Future
Rogue One
Little Women 2019
guess my top 15 favorite movies!
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periipatetic · 4 years
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My Fandom List so you can get an idea of where my upcoming canon and original muses are coming from
6 Underground 
Addams Family 
Almighty Johnsons 
Altered Carbon 
American Horror Story 
Baby Driver 
Being Human 
Black Butler
Boondock Saints 
Breakfast Club 
Call Me By Your Name 
Camp Half Blood 
Celtic Myth 
Criminal Minds 
Dark Angel 
Deadly Class 
Death Note 
Death Race 
Demon Hunter 
Dirk Gently 
Disney Princesses 
Doom Patrol 
Dracula Untold 
Ever After High 
Fast and Furious 
Four Brothers 
From Dusk Til Dawn 
Game of Thrones 
Ghost Wars 
Good Omens 
Grave Encounters 2
Greek Myth 
Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters
Hawaii Five-0
Hemlock Grove 
High School Musical 
If I Had Wings 
Italian Job 
Jonah Hex 
Julie and The Phantoms 
Karate Kid 
Lemonade Mouth 
Look Away 
Lost Girl 
Middle Earth 
Mighty Ducks 
Mutant X 
No Fandom 
Norse Myth 
Pacific Rim 
Paradise Hills 
Power Rangers 
Pretty Little Liars 
Prison Break 
Pump Up The Volume 
Sex Education 
Shannara Chronicles 
Skulduggery Pleasant 
Sky High 
Sons of Anarchy 
Star Trek 
Stranger Things 
Suicide Room 
Suicide Squad 
Teen Wolf 
The 100 
The Boys 
The Letter for the King 
The Losers
The OA 
The Old Guard
The Order 
The Unit 
The walking Dead 
Tomb Raider 
True Blood 
Umbrella Academy 
Warehouse 13 
White Collar 
Wynonna Earp 
Z Nation 
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
I MEANT TO SEND THIS EARLIER BUT I TOTALLY FORGOT FKDJJSSK ANYWAYS.... for the three songs asks, how about 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20 (👉👈), 23, and 29? I know its a lot lol sorryyyy
b i g  o o f . many. prepare thyselves. music is my jam, i love it so much. - Nemo
2. three last songs you listened to - Runaway by AURORA / daisy by ashnikko / Beat It by Michael Jackson
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with - Smells Blood from Devilman Crybaby / Toss a Coin to Your Witcher from The Witcher / In Regards to Love; Agape from Yuri!!! On Ice 
7. three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved - Kiwi by Harry Styles / Boom Boom Boom by Vengaboys / Like That by Doja Cat
10. three favourite Halloween/spooky songs - Oogie Boogie’s Song from The Nightmare Before Christmas / Thriller by Michael Jackson / Spooky Scary Skeletons DRYPAPER Remix by EDM Bot
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack - Romantic Flight from How to Train Your Dragon / Vogel im Kafig from Attack on Titan / Pacific Rim Theme from Pacific Rim
18. three songs that remind you of your best friend - Silence by Khalid / Dandelions by Ruth B / when the party’s over by Billie Eilish
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure - Sorry by Justin Bieber / King of New York from Newsies' / The Greatest Show Unearthed by Creature Feature 
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one - Brother by NEEDTOBREATHE / FLY HIGH!! by BURNOUT SYNDROMES / Mountain Song by Little Chief
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up - High Heels. by JoJo / Wasabi by Little Mix / DOA by Hiroyuki Sawano 
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives) - Magic Shop by BTS / Full Circle by Half Moon Run / Unsteady by X Ambassadors 
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2018 Movies Watched
Creep 2
The Vault
Super Dark Times
Lady Gaga Five Foot Two
Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle
Flatliners (2017)
Before I Wake
The Lodger
The Snowman
Rewind This
Big Business
The Crucifixion 
Dinner with Friends
Natural Selection
When A Stranger Calls Back
Hairspray (original)
Return of the Living Dead 3
Empire Records
Keep Watching
A Bad Moms Christmas
I, Tonya
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Only The Brave
Mr. Mom
Girls Against Boys
The Cloverfield Paradox
The Open House
Seed of Chucky
Trick or Treats
The Blob (1988)
The Stuff
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
American Satan
Insidious 4: The Last Key
My Friend Dahmer 
The Ritual
Black Panther
Nothing But Trouble
Deadly Blessing
Student Bodies
The Silent Scream
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missuori 
The Buttercream Gang
House of Long Shadows
The Babysitters Club
The Man Who Invented Christmas
The Shape of Water
So I Married an Axe Murder
Honey We Shrunk Ourselves
The First Wives Club
The Devil’s Arithmetic 
Tom and Huck
The Brady Bunch Movie
Problem Child
Pitch Perfect 3
Prophet of Evil
The Bat
The Comedy of Terrors
Witness To Waco
Echoes in the Darkness
To Catch A Killer
The Haunted
Seduced by Madness
True  Crime
Night of the Creeps
Return of the Living Dead
Love Potion #9
Tragedy Girls
Fallen Angel
Adam: His Story Continues
The True Story: The Amityville Horror
Fatal Charm
The Zodiac Killer
The Real Amityville Horror
The Calendar Girl Murders 
LA 92
Once Bitten
April Fool’s Day
Chopping Mall
Two Night Stand
Mr. Right
Spice World
Behind the Curtain: Todrick Hall
The Truth About Cats and Dogs
The Big Green
Happily Ever After
Halloween Documentary
Poison Ivy
The Space Between
Never Hike Alone
Who Put the Klan in the Klu Klux Klan
Four Rooms
The Strangers: Prey at Night
Poison Ivy II
Detroit Rock City
Soul Man
Space Camp
Sometimes They Come Back
Hell High
The Making of Halloween II
Going Postal
Tuff Turf
The Making of Prom Night
Exorcists: The True Story
Halloween: The Inside Story
Return To Crystal Lake
Rock and Roll High School
Rush Week
Maid to Order
Scream: The Inside Story
The Lightning Incident
Not Our Son
Glory Daze: The Life and Times of Michael Alig
Monster Night
The OJ Simpson Story
Mister Frost
The Story of Motley Crue
Star Trek:Beyond
In Cold Blood: The Chris Lane Story
More Brains: The Making of Return of the Living Dead
The Disaster Artist
Embrace the Vampire
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
Wish Upon a Star
Avengers: Infinity War
Stand and Deliver
Forever My Girl
Earth Girls Are Easy
Cry Baby Lane
The Karate Kid
The Karate Kid Part 2
Sound of my Voice
A Quiet Place
Trust Fund
A Killing In A Small Town
The Greatest Showman
November 13: Attack on Paris
Maze Runner: The Death Cure
Last Shift
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
Amityville: Horror or Hoax
Amityville: The Haunting
The Love Witch
The Psycho Legacy
The Great Los Angles Earthquake
Stag Night
Hell House LLC
Truth or Dare
Mom and Dad
Event Horizon
Nobody Gets Out Alive
Love, Simon
No One Lives
Summer of Love
Justice Leauge
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Breaking In
House II: The Second Story
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
Pacific Rim: Uprising
The Incredibles 2
Jurassic World 
Amityville 3-D
Monkey Shines
L.A . Slasher
Dog Soldiers 
The Wave
All Eyez On Me
Killing For Love
Pacific Heights
Love At First Bite
The Sisterhood
A Horrible Place To Die
True Story
The Gift
The Roost
The Crow: Wicked City
Never Talk To Strangers
Blow Out
The Decade You Were Born: the 1980s
9/11: Fifteen Years Later
78/52 Hitchcock’s Shower Scene
The Blackcoat’s Daughter
The Unspoken
The Ritual
I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House
House of the Witch
The Vanishing
The First Purge
Tales of the Grim Sleeper
Don’t Hang Up
To Die For
Diary of a Serial Killer
Held for Ransom
Don’t Look Behind You
Menace II Society 
The New Daughter
Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills
The Secret Life of Bees
Ready Player One
The Boston Strangler
Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael 
Ricky 6
The Day It Happened: Columbine
Satan in the Suburbs
Deadly Detention
A Cry In The Dark
Girl in the Bunker
The Haunted History of Halloween
DC 9/11: Time of Crisis
The Meg
Overboard (2018)
I Feel Pretty
Life Of The Party
In Memoriam: New York City 9-11-2001
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
Virginia Tech documentary
Columbine documentary
Nothing Left to Fear
The 6th Day
Black Circle Boys
The Tie That Binds
Bad Samaritan 
Salem’s Lot
The Midnight Man
I Spit on Your Grave 2
The Tenant
Birth of the Living Dead
Shadow of the Vampire
Halloween H20
The Midnight Man
The Endless
Summer of ‘84
A Return to Salem’s Lot
An American Ghost Story
Won’t You Be My Neighbor
Nosferatu The Vampyre 
Peter Rabbit
Ingrid Goes West
Pumpkinhead 2
Fear Inc.
The Nun
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 
Indecent Proposal
Snow White: A Tale of Terror
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Harry and the Henderson’s
Bride of Frankenstein
Silent Night
Fahrenheit 451 
Don’t Look Under The Bed
Devil’s Backbone Texas
American Psycho 2
the Cabinet of Dr. Calgari (1920)
Howling II
Scary Mary
The Looming Tower
Truth or Dare (2017)
Raising Cain
No Vacancy
Freaks of Nature
Munger Road
The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let’s Do The Time Warp Again
The Phantom Of the Opera
The Divide
One Day At Horrorland
Night of the Demons 2
I’ve Been Waiting For You
The Haunting of Hill House
The China Syndrome
Ghost Stories
The Haunting
The Wolfman
Unfriended: The Dark Web
Jason X
Night of the Demons (2009)
Unlikely Angel
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Oujia Origin of Evil
Survival of the Dead
Swamp Thing
Halloween (2018)
A League of their Own
Down A Dark Hall
Milk Money
Blown Away
Slender Man
Book Club
ShowBusiness: The Road To Broadway
Dick Tracy
My Brother The Serial Killer
Joe Versus the Volcano
Mother’s Boys
Leap of Faith
Escape from L.A
Three Identical Strangers
Something Wild
The Grinch
Fantastic Beasts 2
Office Christmas Party
Like Father Like Son
Harry Potter: A History of Magic
Men At Work
The Christmas Chronicles 
The Wizard
Son In Law
Crocodile Dundee
Crazy Rich Asians
A Diva’s Christmas Carol
The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story
Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart
A Christmas Carol
Life-Size 2
The Christmas Toy
The Unauthorized Full House Story
After Hours
I’ll Be Home For Christmas
Mrs. Santa Claus
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Blood Rage
A Very Claymation Christmas
Claymation Easter
Claymation Comedy of Horrors
The Show
Jingle All The Way
The Road Killers
A Regular Frankie Fan
Betty and Coretta
Devil’s Gate
Newsies: The Musical
Demon House
Bird Box
The Rosa Parks Story
Patient Zero
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