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griem · 1 year ago
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meryannphyll · 1 year ago
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xxrexlegendxx · 2 years ago
Meteor Mayhem Development Post 1
Task 1:
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This code is about the ship following the cursor of the player
Task 2:
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This code will able to shoot bullet from the ship
Task 3:
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When the player presses and holds the mouse's left button, I set a timer for cooldown in the line, preventing them from continuing to fire.
Task 4:
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This is about spawning asteroids in random place in certain axis.
Task 5:
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setting up the timer of"firerate",""large_asteriod_spawn" and "medium_asteriod_spawn" are for spawning those object when the game start.
I've set the variable for lives to have 10 lives; if the player's ship hits an asteroid, the lives text will change.
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The ship will lose two lives after hitting the large asteriod, and one life after hitting the medium asteriod.
Tasks 6 :
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Changing to mainscene (Newscene) when lives is 0
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After creating a new scene (Game Over), the timer hit 15 seconds, it will then move back to newscene.
Task 7:
Adding fonts to Intro Scene
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font: Craftron Gaming. (N/A). Mincraft font. Retrieved from. https://www.dafont.com/bitmap.php
Adding fonts to Start Scene
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Iconian Fonts. (04 May, 2013). 4114 Blaster Font. Retrieved from. https://www.fontsc.com/font/4114-blaster
Adding Small Asteriod
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Changing scene
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I have set the scene to start scene
Start Scene Background
Space - AdobeStock.(N/A).Pixel Space Background.Retrieved from. https://stock.adobe.com/au/search?k=pixel+space&asset_id=264279006
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Spaceship Interior - Haykira_(Oct 6, 2020).A Pixel Art Among Us Animation.Retrieved from. https://twitter.com/Haykira_/status/1313153920479514626
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adimkamer · 4 years ago
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new-scenes · 4 years ago
🌻Lazy Day🌻
Today I just played some video games on my PS4. If anyone reading this plays PS4 or Switch don't be afraid to DM me! I just started playing Apex Legends today and I'm into it!! I wish I had played earlier.
I hope you had an amazing day so far. If you're day is just started I hope it's a great one!
~ sincerely, •• new-scenes ••
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pushbuttonofficial · 7 years ago
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#pushbutton _ #mag #ceciKorea #2017 #December #issue _ #PBSS18 #SPRING #SUMMER #2018 #COLLECTION #NEWSCENES @cecikorea _ #푸시버튼 #pushbutton_official
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new-scenes · 4 years ago
🌻One Year🌻
It's unbelievable when you look back at the last year and realize how much has happened. This year, for me, was a true year of growth and self reflection. When I think about all the setbacks that I've come across, I can only be thankful for the experiences as they taught me how to adapt and mould me into the person I am today. Not everything was happy and easy. I've gone through probably some of the most life changing experiences this year. I felt like I was being put to the test to see how much I could handle and find out what kind of person I would be afterwards. I would constantly think, "How does this change me? How can I turn a negative situation into a positive life lesson?"
I will admit it wasn't at all close to being easy. I have my wonderful support system who is always there for me to guide me through the tough times. They hold my hand when I can no longer hold it up high. For that, I am so thankful.
One thing that I am very proud of is that I've made the realization that I would like to go back to school and get my degree (I just have a diploma now). If you know me, I was never the best student. It was hard to me to be motivated to come to school and even just study. But now, I'm thirsty for knowledge. I've realized that there is so much that I still don't know in my field and I actually want to go explore and learn. Lately, I've felt like I've just been at a pause when it comes to knowledge. I don't want to limit myself to only knowing what I know now. I'm so young still and I have the power to go back to school and learn about anything that interests me. That is what I'm so excited about.
You never know what is going to happen in a year. It feels like it should be a long time, but it goes by in just a blink. This time last year, I was moving out of my childhood home and into a really sh*tty apartment. Because of stupid circumstances, we ended up renting a house instead. Fast forward to now, I'm only a week away to moving into my dream apartment with my best friend.
Everything happens for a reason. I'd like to think that everything that I've gone through this year, I was meant to go through to become the person I am now. I feel more mature, stable, and aware of myself. I also feel strong, beautiful, and (some-what) healthy. It is such an amazing feeling to be at peace with not only yourself, but your life. Even if you're not at your finish line, it's always nice to sit back and just be thankful for the life you have and what it's given you.
~ sincerely, •• new-scenes ••
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new-scenes · 4 years ago
I absolutely love this. This quote is just so inspiring and motivating. ❤️
~ sincerely, •• new-scenes ••
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(Credit: anikamaymiller)
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new-scenes · 5 years ago
🌅 I always tell people I'm fine.
~ sincerely, ·· new-scenes ··
You got this!
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blisski · 4 years ago
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DTIYS~ 🎨My first time to join the DTIYS activity! Sooo fun!! 👀Can you tell the differences between the original characters and those in my art? 👑I was so interested in the life in Ancient China that I brought Miss Momoka, Mr. Eggplant with the beautiful phone back to the past through my artwork! 😂 P.S. Can you guess which dynasty would I go if I had the time-travelling machine? ⏩Let me show you in later post! Stay tuned!! ❤️ Feel free to Like and follow! Art by @blissblisski (https://blisski.net) —————-—————-—————- ✍️第一次參加DTIYS… #SSC500ditys 謝謝讓我參加~估唔到咁好玩! 😍原創角色實在太漂亮,很難與她媲美🤣 👑忽然想到,如果可以帶百香回到古代沐浴,不知道是甚麼光景呢?!這就成了此圖的構思啦~ P.S. 茄子先生實在太可愛,讓他嘆世界、享受一下吧! P.P.S. 不知小紅鴿為百香傳遞甚麼訊息✉️呢? 是跟 @shinshichan 說我帶了百香去古代作時光之旅嗎🤣? ⁉️想知我想回到甚麼朝代嗎?下回分解🤣~ 記得點讚 及 follow 支持我! 圖文:@blissblisski (https://blisski.net) ————————————————- #art #illustration #drawing #ilustracion #絵画 #삽화 #창작 #paintings #繪畫 #dtiys #drawthisinyourstyle #古代 #角色 #characters #創作 #creation #創作 #二創 #newscene #myartstyle #圖文 #pigeon #idea #backtothepast #timetravel #ancient #ancientchina #eggplant #русский https://www.instagram.com/p/CTJiPd0JAWz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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new-scenes · 4 years ago
🌻Letter To You🌻
The way that you spoke to me was absolutely disgusting. No human being deserves to be treated like that and I can't believe it came from my own blood. Any bit of respect I had left for you is completely gone. It was a decision you made to talk to me that way. It was the most shame I've felt in my life.
The worst part is you wanted my best friend to sit there and listen to you absolutely "verbally abuse me" (they're words, not mine). I'm glad she did. You showed your true colours. I can't wrap my head around the fact that you actually believed that you have any right to talk to me like that. No matter what a person can do to me, I could never.
You called me a dumbass. You called me an idiot. You told me to shut up multiple times. Not even letting me get one word in. What did you think that was actually going to fix? For you to threaten my safety, regardless of your intentions of that statement, I genuinely don't know you as a person anymore.
It's terrifying that you had the capability to talk to someone like that. I've known you my entire life and was completely blind sided.
I tried to apologize. I ensured that it won't ever happen again. I approached you saying that I understand why you're upset and had every right to be. I came to you with the utmost respect I still had for you. Just for all that to go down the drain.
If you think I'm the kind of person you have painted me out to be, then please keep believing it. I am not an idiot and actually care about my health and safety. I am fully aware of what I do and what is at stake here. I have no time for people that have proved to me over and over that they have 0 respect for me.
I will literally pay you to move out. I don't care where you go but you're not welcome here. If you decide to stay then act like I don't exist please. I don't know you, you don't know me. As much as I can tell you about my life, you don't know one bit.
~ sincerely, ••new-scenes••
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new-scenes · 5 years ago
🌅I thought I had it all figured out... It wasn't supposed to be this hard.
~ sincerely, ·· new-scenes ··
It’s time to find the you you’ve forgotten.
Frankie Ryott, deardeceiver.
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new-scenes · 5 years ago
🌅 it's definitely not easy. It gets harder each and every day, although at the same time it gets easier. My biggest fear is not knowing what lies ahead of me but I believe that one day we will find our way back to each other... One day.
~ sincerely, ·· new-scenes ··
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neonsodaz · 5 years ago
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new-scenes · 5 years ago
🌅sigh... I always give my all to people. It's my own fault for getting attached.
~ sincerely, ·· new-scenes ··
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