twistedappletree · 8 months
i don’t want to be obscene,
i don’t want to tell what he’s done
but derrick is a loaded gun.
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thevideodungeon · 11 months
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The Newlydeads (1988)
A movie about a transvestite who gets murdered in a fit of gay panic, and returns as a vengeful spirit. And given that premise, it's not as problematic as you might expect, but also doesn't really have that much else to offer either. As a supernatural slasher it's largely a series of spirit appears, murders someone, delivers some threatening dialogue, repeat until convenient revelation that allows them to defeat said spirit.
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sventipede · 2 days
Album cover redraw except its my ocs :3c
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The Newlydeads December 20, 2003
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glukheia · 8 months
Listen/purchase: Bare your Teeth by Ashbury Heights
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mech4n15m · 5 months
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this art has the vibe of a band album ashbury heights "three cheers for the newlydeads" idk why, don't ask me. anyway @g0giro your sona mmmmm>>>>>>
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gayron · 10 months
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Audio credits : @medium-observation, newlydeads
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askhenry1987 · 4 months
man. messy divorce innit henry? that's gnarly but i hope you know that on my Tomadachi life island. you and william just started dating so hopefully that's like. idk.
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love wins??? except for when it doesn't. but you know.
also can't y'all still be friends? is that the plan? or is it like. anger rage rage rage
Hopefully, we can seek help before the divorce actually goes through, I know he's forged my signature. It's the remnant making me more prone to anger, that's what caused this whole debacle.
I'm sure we'll work it out together, he just needs time to understand that I'm... volatile at the moment. The newlydead usually are emotional.
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elektroblues · 7 months
tagged by @sexuallyvague to post my albums of the year thank youuuuuuwww <3
tagging @staticspxcelover @fluffonthefloor @shinybrandon @hulubalanggeneration02 @music-for-them-asses @inyourroomalbumversion @hoch-rot @tinnike
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depeche mode - memento mori / electronic - electronic / fever ray - radical romantics / kidneythieves - trickstereprocess / pig - pain is god / bigod 20 - steel works! / rein - reincarnated / flesh field - voice of the echo chamber / die form - ad infinitum
bonuses: ashbury heights - three cheers for the newlydeads / spirit by dm <3 listened to it in anticipation of the new album and loved it soooooo much ily spirit everyone listen to spirit (2017)
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thegoosewiththemost · 2 years
Hospital Stay
Request for @nak3d-snak3 ! Please send in more requests if you have them.
Yoooooo! How about a reader that has a hospital stay? My moms appendix burst in June and she had a month stay in the hospital :/ I feel like bj would be fine on the outside but be a wreck on the inside (maybe encountering some lingering spirits as well)
- nobody notices the filthy zebra striped man slip past the pristine glass doors of the hospital and into the waiting room of the ER, sharp eyes taking no time to find you. These are familiar grounds for him, a past haunting ground that he would prowl in the hopes of conning desperate and unlucky newlydeads.
- BJ’s hair is streaked through with black, and though his face doesn’t show it, his obvious concern for you is spelt out in the clear from the way he grips your hand tightly. Your dimly flickering spirit flares a bit at his familiar touch and in the harrowing situation he finds you in, he gets a bit of an ego boost to see how well you react to him.
- hospitals are one of those strange crossroads for people and spirits alike where many cross paths, or have their fate steered one way or another. Everyone usually sees the inside of a hospital at least once in their lives - it’s like a waterhole where people of all sorts gather whether they’re born, living, sick, dying... or dead. It’s a congregation of life and death.
- some people don’t even make it through the long queue that awaits them at ER, falling instead into another line at another more sinister waiting room down below.
- BJ finds himself growling in impatience as you wait together, watching the clock tick and the impossible monitor hanging above you showing the newscast. He is desperate for you to get seen and treated as soon as possible. It’s not your time yet, but just in case, he tells himself, he will be there to meet you on the other side. The knowledge of this calms him, knowing that even in the unlikely event that you do pass, you will not be alone.
- when you finally get seen, he sits with you - invisible to everyone else - watching your treatment/surgery with silent intensity, making sure to hold people responsible if they hurt you.
- there is nothing worse than being powerless to do anything to help you. BJ is out of his depth and so he has no choice but to put his faith in complete strangers.
- if he was clingy before, boy is he even more clingy now. BJ practically never leaves your side for as long as your stay lasts, giving lingering spirits a nasty side eye if they even so much as dare to enter your room. Your spirit is still weak and despite your tendency to see the deceased, there’s nothing you can do yourself to defend it, a job with BJ takes on with a lot of anxiety and determination.
- most mean no harm, but there is always a small subset who take joy in causing hurt and inflicting themselves upon the weakest of the still-living.
- you wake up one day to see a menacing man standing in the corner of your room. The doctors and attending nurses don’t see him and BJ for once, is not there, having stepped out to find something for you. His eyes are dark, the kind that doesn’t reflect in the light and an open wound in his stomach alerts you to the fact that he is dead. A Lingerer, as BJ would call them.
- you try to ignore him, hoping that he will leave, but instead he approaches with inhuman speed, clamping an icy hand onto your shoulder. Gasping at the sudden pain and unexpected cold, you cry out for Beetlejuice. You don’t even make it to say his name three times before you feel your mind being shoved roughly out of the way, a stronger presence settling into your body and taking control.
- BJ, who is down in the gift shop and filching a few hand knitted blankets for your use, feels the sudden pulling of his name being called and knows immediately that you’re in trouble. A sense of dread falls over him as he realises that his relaxed vigilance has caused something terrible to happen to you.
- when he teleports back, he can see what has happened. Your words are measured and clipped and the ghost who hangs on your shoulder speaks his words through your mouth. “I want to be alone. Let me get some rest.” The ghost leers at him, unaware that BJ is also dead and can see him just as clearly as anyone else.
- the smirk on his face is just as quickly wiped off as he sees that BJ’s fury is directed, not at the puppet he has possessed, but at him. The surprise makes him release his grip on you and the second he does that, he tries desperately to scramble out of the room, only to be blocked by one very angry demon.
- “I don’t think so buddy.” The shock and realisation in the ghost’s face is apparent as Beetlejuice reaches out and catches him easily by the throat.
- “please.. it was an accident, I swear!”
- “oh yeah? NOT BUYING IT.”
- “c’mon man, it was one time, It won’t happen again.” You can see his pale fingers trying to pry Beetlejuice’s large hand off his neck.
- a faint sizzling can be heard as the unfortunate ghost claws at the burning at his throat, screaming and kicking.
- “I’ll cut you a deal, wanna keep haunting? Make sure no one else gets the bright idea to come and mess with them. And if I see you around again... you won’t be so lucky.” Flame bursts at the fingertips of his free hand for extra effect.
- the ghost, dropped unceremoniously onto the tacky linoleum floor nods appreciatively and makes his exit while he still can.
- As soon as he leaves, BJ is by your side immediately, checking you over to make sure that you’re ok. His hair is tinged yellow and white with worry and fear for you, constantly apologising with wet eyes. His greatest unspoken fear is that you’ll be hurt because of him and it literally just happened.
- He doesn’t leave your side again after that, too worried about another stunt happening when he’s out despite your insistence that he’s being overly paranoid.
- cuddles in the bed with you, if you’re able to give him enough space. He’s too worried to sleep on top of you as he’s so prone to doing when you’re at home so he just awkwardly sleeps on the side of the bed with more space, being careful not to come too close just in case he breaks anything.
- always awake. To make sure nothing sketchy is going on. Checks your medications and dosage before you take them to make sure you’ve been given the right ones.
- always a bit growly when strangers touch you, even though he knows it’s necessary for them to do so.
- too scared to play tricks on the healthcare professionals in case it backfires and puts your health in a precarious situation. He’s not above playing tricks on people who are shopping down in the streets below though, causing havoc from the window of your room and enjoying the ensuing chaos of people being confused and scared from his perch. He’s not sure if he’s doing it to grasp at some sense of normalcy in this situation or if he’s doing it for fun anymore.
- cracks jokes to make you laugh and hide his anxiety.
- 100% cries when you’re asleep or not looking. He can’t stand the sight of you being so weak and sickly.
- you always know when he cries because your sheets end up suspiciously wet and you can sometimes hear him sniffling over you or talking to you/telling you what he’s afraid of when he thinks you’re unconscious.
- you can tell he’s constantly fearful for you, even if he tries to hide it behind his humour so you comfort him as best you can with gentle touches and affirming that you’re going to be ok.
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fuckyeahfightlock · 6 months
So I spilled Polar limited edition winter 2023-24 yuzu seltzer on my laptop the other night, kept on a-writing for an hour and of course the next day the machine would not turn on. I have done All the Things (took out the battery, took out the hard drive, took out and replaced the RAM, every weird combination of button presses the internet told me to try) and I think it's just bricked.
It was a long two days without you!
I'm currently on my old (stopped using it in 2019 so it might be as old as 2015 given how long I keep laptops) machine and it is weirdly big while also being weridly small. The good news is Word [Current] saves to a cloud, so I am able to pick up where I left off with my new year's ambition to reestablish my writing habit; I even have my 42 open Chrome tabs back (bad news; this version of Chrome does not have Groups to file them in so they are all hanging loose up there and yes, it's madness--I see that now). Thismachine is still running Word 2007 because man alive, I hate change.
Anyway, here's yr cautionary tale. If yr laptop gets wet, immediately back up everything, shut it down, unplug it, and turn it upside down or sideways and leave it alone to dry for at least two days. I must admit this was not the first time I spilled on my current machine, so it's likely parts have been corroding slowly over time and this was just a final-straw situation. Just because it seems dry doesn't mean it is.
Now I have to splash out for a new one. . .and replace all my stickers! Again!
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(stickers on this old, ~2017 machine, since replaced with the ones on my newlydead machine)
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twistedappletree · 16 days
and i’d love to kiss you
but love won’t do
‘cause i know you’d take my heart away.
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zigmenthotep · 11 months
I kinda doubt that anyone cares, but just in case they do, here's my July 2023 watchlist with ratings. Reviews posted eventually on @thevideodungeon
Paranormal Prison (2021) 4/10
The Blackwell Ghost (2017) 7/10
The Blackwell Ghost 2 (2018) 2/10
The Blackwell Ghost 3 (2019) 4/10
The Blackwell Ghost 4 (2020) 5/10
The Blackwell Ghost 5 (2020) 5/10
The Blackwell Ghost 6 (2022) 4/10
The Blackwell Ghost 7 (2022) 7/10
The Fear Footage (2018) 3/10
Ghoul (2015) 5/10
Haunted Hospital (2018) 6/10
Ravenswood (2017) 5/10
Creature from Cannibal Creek (2019) 3/10
Slashlorette Party (2020) 6/10
The Haunting of Grady Farm (2019) 4/10
Bloodthirsty Cannibal Demons (1993) 3/10
Husk (2011) 5/10
Cabin Fever (2002) 5/10
Iced (1989) 5/10
The Newlydeads (1988) 4/10
Rabid (1977) 6/10
Curse of the Faceless Man (1958) 4/10
The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls (1987) 5/10
It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955) 6/10
Decampitated (1998) 5/10
Zombiethon (1986) 3/10
The Monster of Piedras Blancas (1959) 6/10
The Crawlers (1990) 3/10
Teenage Monster (1957) 4/10
Shocker (1989) 5/10
The Mutations (1974) 6/10
Cold Ground (2017) 6/10
Ghost Keeper (1981) 4/10
The Brain Eaters (1958) 7/10
Death Metal Zombies (1995) 4/10
Zombi 1 (1995) 7/10
TrashHouse (2005) 3/10
Zombie Island Massacre (1984) 5/10
Klown Kamp Massacre (2007) 4/10
Outpost (2008) 5/10
Not of This Earth (1957) 4/10
Rawhead Rex (1986) 6/10
Horror of the Blood Monsters (1970) 3/10
Bad Dreams (1988) 7/10
Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge (1989) 5/10
Terror Trips (2021) 2/10
Dolly Dearest (1991) 5/10
The Flesh Eaters (1964) 6/10
Insecticidal (2005) 3/10
The Earth Dies Screaming (1964) 4/10
Zombies: The Beginning (2007) 4/10
Scream Baby Scream (1969) 4/10
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mag200 · 1 year
Hi! You said you wanted music recs and I absolutely love telling ppl about the music I like so here are some of my favorite albums of all time!! I seriously hope you meant it when you said 'any genre' bc there's a good amount of variety in this list
The two that I will take absolutely any opportunity to recommend are Somewhere Under the Rainbow by The Jane Austen Argument (indie folk-ish vibes) and Splendor & Misery by clipping (experimental hip hop with an interesting storyline, I genuinely think that everyone should at least give this one a shot).
Other favs of mine include The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place by Explosions in the Sky (post-rock instrumental, I like to meditate/study to a lot of this band's stuff), Three Cheers for the Newlydeads by Ashbury Heights (indie synth rock, a friend of mine once described them as dark timeline ABBA), and Feelin' Fine by Poise & Peace (my fav local rock band that I'm obligated to shout out bc they're local and super cool X3)
I hope you like at least some of these!
i know the jane austen argument!! not very well but i've definitely listened to that album before.
i forgot about explosions in the sky but i love them, i listened to the earth is not a cold dead place sooo much in 2019 / early 2020
i added all of them to the playlist thank you so much <3
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daphnedumaurigay · 2 years
“And I’ll turn down eternity unless The melancholy and the tenderness Of mortal life; the passion and the pain; The claret taillight of that dwindling plane Off Hesperus; your gesture of dismay On running out of cigarettes; the way You smile at dogs; the trail of silver slime Snails leave on flagstones; this good ink, this rhyme, This index card, this slender rubber band Which always forms, when dropped, an ampersand, Are found in Heaven by the newlydead Stored in its strongholds through the years.”
— Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire
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glukheia · 8 months
Listen/purchase: Angora Overdrive by Ashbury Heights
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