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yourcatholicmuse · 4 years ago
The Hero
One of the things I loved most about writing is that sometimes people will share with me about how a particular piece spoke to them and what they are going through. I love it not in a proud sort of way but because when people open up like that I get to see their heroic side. I find out they were struggling with things I did not know. I find out a small bit of their hopes and fears. I find

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ianspirations · 4 years ago
The basis of this document prepared by the International Theological Commission is Vatican II and the synod papers which have carried them forward.
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Gaudium et Spes has a section where culture and inculturation is mentioned. It narrates how the Church inculturated itself into the Greco-Roman world. It goes on to describe culture as an effort to deepen human bonds and envision a better world. The synod held to celebrate 20 years of Vatican II in 1985 defined inculturation as “the intimate transformation of authentic cultural values through their integration in Christianity in the various human cultures.” (#3)
Pope John Paul II firmly believed that cultures “may play a positive role of mediation in the expression and extension of the Christian faith” (#4). But the Word of God is not exclusive to any culture nor is its manifestation intrinsically linked to elements of any culture. The Gospel demands a conversion of attitudes and amendment of customs and therefore continually calls on culture to purify itself (#6).
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John Paul II based the evangelization of cultures on the anthropological model that has been used since the fathers of the Church. What this means is: since culture, in its purest form, reveals and strengthens the nature of human beings, the gospel cuts through all historical and moral viewpoints appropriated by culture and touches on what it means to be truly and fully human. Therefore, the evangelization of cultures ought to be driven by a love for persons (#7).
Nature (not the environment) can be defined as what constitutes a being as it is, with the dynamism tendencies towards ends that are proper to it. Nature is bestowed by God and it is God who directs them to proper ends. At the moment of creation, all beings receive a significance. Among them, human beings stand out because they are made in the image of God and are capable of discerning God’s action (#1).
The tendency of human beings towards their proper ends is embodied in the Natural Law. That is why the Church believes it to be an expression of God’s will (#2). The Church also values human history or in other words, the unfolding of human nature in historical time. What have human beings made of their humanity? We have given rise to immense treasures of wisdom, art and generosity as well as created deviations and perversions. That is why, when speaking about culture we have to be careful.
Culture is a means for human beings to realize their nature. Gaudium et spes #53 points out that culture includes “everything whereby man develops and perfects his many bodily and spiritual qualities.” Through work and knowledge, humans strive to understand and control the world, through customs and institutions, they create social life. Through all this they preserve and communicate great spiritual experiences and desires which can be advantageous to the progress of the whole human family (#4).
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Human beings are the primary constituent of culture. The betterment of humankind is the primary goal of culture. This takes place through works of culture and cultural memory (#5). Since human beings are social by nature, they are fully themselves when they live in solidarity with others. Institutions that foster this like the family, society, state etc should be seen as promoters of civilization (#6).
Culture, which does not exist in the abstract but always in the concrete and particular, is open to higher values common to all. So, the originality of culture does not come from its isolation from others but from its contribution to the richness which is the good of all. The phenomenon of reciprocal penetration of cultures, frequent in history, illustrates the fundamental openness of particular cultures to the values common to all (#7).
Human beings are naturally religious. Religion therefore becomes an integral part of culture. All great cultures manifest a religious slant which provided the inspiration for their achievements (#8). At the root of religion, is human beings’ search for the Divine. This search sometimes takes on impure forms and gives rise to impure beliefs. For this reason, even religion needs to undergo purification. Christianity builds on human beings’ desire for God and helps them respond freely to the gratuitous love of God revealed in the person of Jesus (#9).
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Since it transcends the natural and cultural order, the Christian faith, on one hand, is compatible with all cultures as long as they conform to right reason and good will, and, on the other hand, promotes and purifies culture. The governing principle here is: “Grace respects nature, healing in it the wounds of sin, comforting and elevating it” (#10). Proximity to the divine is made possible by grace but grace can take effect only once nature is healed and redirected to the perfection that comes from seeking the absolute.
“The process of inculturation may be defined as the Church’s efforts to make the message of Christ penetrate a given sociocultural milieu, calling on the latter to grow according to all its particular values, as long as these are compatible with the Gospel” (#11). The term inculturation includes the notions of growth and mutual enrichment of people and groups that is fostered by the encounter of the Gospel with culture. John Paul II calls it the “incarnation of the Gospel in native cultures and also the introduction of these cultures into the life of the Church.”
The incarnation was cultural: Christ became man in a certain society which followed a particular culture (#12). He was born a Jew in Galilee and spoke Aramaic. He abided by Jewish laws and participated in Jewish religious functions. From his style of ministry, we can associate him with the prophets.
Jesus became incarnate in a culture that prepared him, announced him and prefigured him (#16). For this reason, the whole of Jewish scripture hold an important place in Christianity.
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Despite the fact that Jesus was born into the Jewish culture, that wasn’t the first thing he took on. Humanity precedes culture and therefore, Jesus is first human and only then Jewish. Thus, he goes beyond all boundaries and in him there is no distinction of ‘Jew or Greek, male or female
’ But humanity, in and of itself is abstract; it is culture – language, history, philosophy and various institutions that shape our life. In Christ, all cultures—provided they are animated and renewed by grace and faith—are complementary and reveal the potency of the Gospel (#21).
The coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost day inaugurates the connection between Christian faith and culture: from here on out, the Gospel will be preached to people of every tongue and tribe (#23). “The Holy Spirit does not establish a superculture
The Church
which he fashions is a koinonia of faith and agape, communicating herself in many ways without loss of identity; she is the body of Christ whose members are united but with many faces” (#24). Diversity continues to exist and even at times, threatens conflict but the apostles do not suppress it rather, they concern themselves with defining the character of their unity.
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Faith in Christ does not require people to abandon their culture and to adopt Judaism. Every one can claim the salvation and grace of Christ. The apostles learned this the hard way. The Cross is a symbol of humiliation for the Jews and foolishness for the pagans; it is a beautiful symbol of how inculturation of the faith clashes with a culture that has yet to accept Christ (#26).
The Church is the sacrament of the revelation of the Holy Spirit and is tasked with its communication (#28). Every local Church is supposed to manifest Christ in its particular culture (#29). This takes the form of particular cultural expressions seen in liturgical symbolism, models of holiness and doctrinal formulations.  
Popular piety arises out of the unity of Christian faith and piety with culture or from the evolution of previous religious observances of people. Popular piety is a synthesis and its quality depends on the quality of the evangelization and catechesis as well as on the compatibility of the culture with Christian faith and ideals (#2). Popular piety is rich in values and manifests a thirst of God by the simple people. “It makes people capable of generosity and sacrifice even to the point of heroism, when it is a question of manifesting belief” (#4). It involves an awareness of specific attributes of God and engenders interior attitudes of faith, devotion and humanity within persons.
However, popular piety has certain drawbacks. They often stem from naivete and border on superstition. If not tackled well, it can give rise to divisions and the creation of sects. There is also a risk of politicisation for political or religious purposes (#6). That is why it is imperative that the faithful receive sound catechetical instruction. The liturgy should also be celebrated in a manner that helps people appreciate and value the faith. The Church commends the role of popular piety and encourages it within the specified parameters.
A Church located in a non-Christian milieu “must take seriously into account the religious elements of this milieu” (#9). This is facilitated by dialogue: “Dialogue contributes to a better understanding of the religion of the other and to a growth in piety” (#11). For Christians, Christ ought to be the centre of all things. The Church however, does not condemn other religions, she accepts all that is true and holy in them because they reflect a ray of truth (#12). Dialogue is a must for without it there is only discrimination, jealousy, fanaticism and despotism – all of which use religion as a foundation.
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Having said all this, the Gospel is believed to transcend all cultures. Therefore, no matter how good and beautiful elements of a culture are, they cannot be given the same importance as the Gospel. Inculturation cannot become syncretism (#14).
Young churches require to value the history of Churches which are responsible for evangelizing and organizing them. Herein lies the fidelity and honour for Tradition. This does not merely apply to the tradition of the respective Church but to the tradition of faith which they inherit. Nevertheless, they are equal in dignity with the older Churches.
It is important for Christians to understand the characteristic traits of modern culture, and also its expectations and needs in the light of the salvation of Christ (#20).The Industrial Revolution did not only bring about technological changes but also changes in values. Since then many advancements have been wrought but there have also arisen grave dangers to body and soul. World War II is a classical example of the extreme perversion of human will and desire (#22).
Inculturating the gospel in modern society will require a “methodical effort of concerted research and action” (#23). This will need to take the form of: (1) an attitude of openness and a critical eye; (2) the capacity to perceive the spiritual expectations and human aspirations of the new cultures; (3) the aptitude for cultural analysis, having in mind an effective encounter with the modern world. In order to effectively carry this out, we need to develop the capacity to “analyse cultures and to gauge their moral and spiritual indicators” (#26).
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carmelitesaet · 4 years ago
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Celebrating 3000 followers on Instagram! đŸ™đŸ„° Follow us at https://www.instagram.com/carmelitesaet #carmelite #carmelites #prayer #faith #spirituality #jesus #christ #inspirationalquotes #lectiodivina #scripture #catholic #christianity #kingdomofgod #vocation #mission #newevangelization #melbournecatholic #pentecost #goodshepherd #community #timoreleste #priesthood #peace #hope #love #courage https://www.instagram.com/p/CPH-JzkBOjh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mabejarano · 6 years ago
Please check out the latest episode of The Blueprint Encounter Podcast that I Co-host along with my bro @paaulsandovaal . We finally had the opportunity to make it a video podcast thanks to the help of @mrlittlejoe . Drop a like and leave a comment! Thank y’all! . . . #catholicpodcast #podcast #catholic #faith #prayer #evangelization #newevangelization #elpasotx #elpasodiocese https://www.instagram.com/p/BoTGyutDTjH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kjm5sq358k3k
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Check out library of 2-minute dinner conversation-starter videos for your family & friends :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_vOmMvpLmENrm-2k3sJQKQ
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catholicer-blog · 7 years ago
Catholicer distributed Holy Objects from Jerusalem & Bethlehem to Students who won raffle at UC Berkeley #UCCC2018 Conference in front of the Q&A Panel, and call for Students around California to join in communion to build a new #FaithTech sector industry as a real action in response to Pope Francis & Benedict XVI's call for New Evangelization. #newEvangelization #catholicerHome #communio (at Berkeley City Club)
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footprintsdocumentary · 8 years ago
Can't beat a sneak peek right? #Repost @jcaballero594 with @repostapp ・・・ #sneakpeek #FootprintsTheMovie #Nebraska #Lincoln #huskers #Catholic #documentary @footprintsmovie #newevangelization (at Marcus Edgewood Cinema)
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life-in-every-limb · 5 years ago
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I stuck this @pinksaltriot #sticker on my computer to remind myself that as an openly Catholic Christian, I am an ambassador for my faith whenever I go online. People will make judgments about the Church and about Catholics based on not only my blog or what I post on my Life in Every Limb page, but also on the memes and articles I share on my personal page and by how I respond to others. Christians are always evangelizing whether we realize it or not. #newevangelization #catholicchurch #catholicsofinstagram #catholicsonline #stickersquad #catholicstickers / on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CC7SlVcjm7w/
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yourcatholicmuse · 8 years ago
Water in the Desert: My Thoughts on the Benedict Option
My take on the #BenedictOption.
So recently I have been reading some great articles written in response to the “Benedict option” one from Bishop Baron and another from R.R. Reno over at First Things. In summary, the “Benedict Option” is the idea that Christian communities should withdrawal from mainstream culture and focus on strengthening both individual and faith community relationships with Jesus Christ. I am incredibly

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scholzet · 7 years ago
via Twitter https://twitter.com/scholzet
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elizabethwiethop · 8 years ago
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Me at work. Saying hey to EWTN peeps. Noodle arms. . . . . . #catholic #catholicmedia #characterart #illustration #catholicism #newevangelization #doodles #doodlesofinstagram #design http://ift.tt/2lIrevo
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youngxanointed · 8 years ago
@DeVonFranklin RT @newevangelicals: Do not miss today's @DrOz where @nhclc shares on "blessed" living with @DeVonFranklin, @PriscillaShirer, and
 https://t.co/oRyaWIVBgU | http://twitter.com/DeVonFranklin/status/827543942023376896
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wakingeve · 6 years ago
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The secrets of his heart will be revealed, and as a result he will fall facedown and worship God, proclaiming, "God is really among you." {1 Corinthians 14:25} The Spiritual Gift of Prophecy is the lifeblood of the #NewEvangelization. If the Sacrament of Eucharist is the visible manifestation of the invisible Christ then the prophetic gifts are the spirit of the Eucharist. Through them, they deliver the spirit of Jesus into the hidden rooms of the heart making manifest His desires already placed therein and releasing them to new life in His Body-the Church. The testimony of Jesus IS the spirit of prophecy {Revelation 19:0} Wherever the spirit of Jesus is revealed there IS the heart of prophecy. Prophetic people reveal Jesus in our hearts. A Eucharistic Church reveals Jesus to the whole world. “I wish that all the LORD's people were prophets and that the LORD would put his Spirit on them!" {Numbers 11:29} THANK YOU JESUS đŸ”„ COME HOLY SPIRIT, FILL OUR HEARTS! #EncounterLife #spiritualgifts #prophecy #destiny #unlock #givemejesus #eucharist #prophesy #propheticpeople #onebody #revealingjesus https://www.instagram.com/wakingeve/p/Bvtp64yApcy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yz7sdyzffue5
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cwaabout · 4 years ago
October is the month is the Most Holy Rosary. We've got those tees and hoodies you love so much ready for ordering and some more coming along, too. Come and shop with us now. www.catholicswithattitude.com #holyrosary #rosary #catholic #catholicism #catholiccovid #catholicfaith #newevangelisation #newevangelization #ourlady (at Vatican City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxIgJ0DtyZ/?igshid=1lezz2szgspc3
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Check out library of 2-minute dinner conversation-starter videos for your family or friends :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_vOmMvpLmENrm-2k3sJQKQ
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yourcatholicmuse · 8 years ago
The Latest in the New Evangelization
The Latest in the New Evangelization
Hi all! So while this title like most of my titles past lacks inspiration creativity and pleases probably no one but me due to the ever so slight pun, it does capture my current emotion pretty well. The internet gets a lot of flack for being the source of all evil in society and, as a millennial who grew up with the internet, I can see the validity to points of the argument. However, as I’ve been

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