onefatguy13 · 2 years
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No words needed... #somuchlove❤️ #rottweilersofinstagram #ptsdservicedog #rottweiler #partnerincrime #stlouis #bestfriends #lovethisdog #lovethisplace #newbiggings #rheaarontaylorproject (at St. Louis, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1iz0FOtpp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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olympic-paris · 12 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
September 11
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1844 – Died: Alexander Wood (b.1772) was a merchant and magistrate in Upper Canada who was the center of a sex scandal in 1810.
Wood was born in Fetteresso, Scotland, and he moved to Upper Canada in 1793, settling in the town of York (now Toronto) four years later. Going into business with William Allan, he established himself as one of the city's leading merchants, was gazetted lieutenant in the York militia in 1798, and was appointed a city magistrate in 1800. In 1801, Wood opened his own store providing quality goods from London and Glasgow.
In 1810, Wood found himself at the centre of a scandal when he investigated a rape case. The victim, referred to as "Miss Bailey", came to Wood claiming that she did not know the identity of her attacker, however she had scratched her assailant's penis during the assault. In order to identify the assailant, Wood personally inspected the genitals of a number of suspects for injury. Several contradictory rumours existed about Wood's conduct during these inspections. As a result, he faced sodomy charges and rumours stirred of his sexual identity. It was even alleged that Wood fabricated the rape charge as an opportunity to fondle and seduce young men. To this day, the truth of what actually happened is unknown.
When confronted with the charges by his friend, Judge William Dummer Powell, Wood wrote back, "I have laid myself open to ridicule & malevolence, which I know not how to meet; that the thing will be made the subject of mirth and a handle to my enemies for a sneer I have every reason to expect." Wood became the subject of ridicule and was tagged with the nickname "Molly Wood", "Molly" then being a derisive slang expression for a homosexual man. The undeveloped piece of land he owned that is now part of the Gay Village was called “Molly Wood’s Bush.” John Beverley Robinson called Wood the "Inspector General of private Accounts."
Judge Powell buried the potential sodomy charges on condition that Wood leave Upper Canada. Wood left for Scotland in October 1810.
Wood returned to York by 1812, resuming his prior appointment as a magistrate. He fought in the War of 1812 and was on the boards of several organizations. His life in York continued without incident until 1823, when Rev. John Strachan, a longtime friend of Wood's, recommended him for a position on the 1812 War Claims Commission. Judge Powell was the appointing authority and refused Wood on moral grounds due to the 1810 scandal. Wood sued Powell for defamation and won, but Powell refused to pay and subsequently published a pamphlet attacking Wood even further.
Wood remained in York, continuing his service in civic duties for the next seventeen years. In 1827 he purchased 50 acres of land at Yonge and Carlton Streets, which was referred to as "Molly Wood's Bush" throughout the 19th century.
Alexander Wood finally returned to Scotland in 1842 and he died there two years later at the age of 72. The British Colonist paid tribute to Wood as one of Toronto's most distinguished founding citizens.
The area once known as Molly Wood's Bush is now part of Toronto's Church and Wellesley gay village and contains an Alexander Street, a Wood Street and an Alexander Place.
In 1994, playwrights John Wimbs and Christopher Richards launched a play entitled Molly Wood, based on Wood's life. This production garnered Dora Awards for Best New Play and Best Production in 1995.
In 2005, the Church and Wellesley business association erected a statue of Wood in the neighbourhood, honouring him as a forefather of Toronto's modern gay community. The statue by sculptor Del Newbigging was unveiled on May 28, 2005. Now there are moves to remove it because of vague connections to the resdiential school system.
In an open letter posted on social media on June 8, states that Alexander Wood was the treasurer and a founding board member of the Society for Converting and Civilizing the Indians and Propagating the Gospel Among Destitute Settlers in Upper Canada. Wood was the society’s treasurer for at least seven years in the 1830s.
It goes on to note the society financed “Indian Mission Schools,” particularly the St. John’s Mission in Sault Ste. Marie, which the letter calls a “a clear path” to the Shingwauk Indian Residential School, operated by the Anglican Church and Canadian government from 1873 to 1970. (Note that Wood died 30 years before the latter school opened! Another case of "jump on the hysteria bandwagon!")
On April 4th 2022, the statue was quietly removed at the order of the local merchant society, who had erected it.
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1885 – (David Herbert) D.H. Lawrence (d.1930) was an important and controversial English writer of the 20th century, with his output spanning novels, short stories, poems, plays, essays, travel books, paintings, translations, literary criticism and personal letters. These works, taken together, represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, sexuality, and instinctive behaviour.
Lawrence's unsettling opinions earned him many enemies, and he endured hardships, official persecution, censorship and the misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life, much of which he spent in voluntary exile, self defined as a 'savage pilgrimage'. At the time of his death, his public reputation was that of a pornographer who had wasted his considerable talents. E M Forster, in an obituary notice, challenged this widely held view, describing him as 'the greatest imaginative novelist of our generation.' Later, the influential Cambridge critic F R Leavis championed both his artistic integrity and his moral seriousness, placing much of Lawrence's fiction within the canonical 'great tradition' of the English novel. He is now valued as a visionary thinker and a significant representative of modernism in English literature.
Lawrence was a twentieth-century maverick in his open and formally adventurous discussion of all sexual issues and especially homosexuality. Perhaps no other major modernist author was so continually absorbed in the subject of homosexual desire, a theme that continually informs Lawrence's work.
Lawrence's greatest exploration of homosexual subject matter can be found in the novel, Women in Love (1920). Here, Lawrence and his wife Frieda are depicted as Rupert Birkin and Ursula Brangwen in a tale based partly on Lawrence's clamorous relationship with the writer Katherine Mansfield, her husband, the literary critic John Middleton Murry (Gudrun and Gerald of the novel), and Lady Ottoline Morrell (Hermione Roddice).
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Alan Bates and Oliver Reed in 'Women in Love'
It was during the composition of Women in Love that Lawrence, frustrated by his failure to forge a deeper bond with Murry, evidently had a sexual relationship with a Cornish farmer named William Henry Hocking in the town of Tregerthen.
The short-lived affair was the culmination of a long-standing struggle with homosexual feelings: 'I would like to know why nearly every man that approaches greatness tends to homosexuality, whether he admits it or not', Lawrence wrote to a friend in 1913. Lawrence told another acquaintance, 'I believe the nearest I've come to perfect love was with a coal-miner when I was about sixteen.'
Yet Lawrence's inability to intensify his relationships with either Murry or Hocking generated his most forthright fictional examinations of homosexual desire, an intense five-year absorption in the subject that included not only Women in Love and Aaron's Rod (1922) but the treatise Goats and Compasses (1917) - which he destroyed - and the self-suppressed Prologue to Women In Love.
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1926 – A California appellate court upholds the crime against nature conviction of a man for consensual sex in a car. The court calls the act "one of the most repulsive degradations known to humanity."
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1935 – Gerome Ragni was an American actor, singer, and songwriter, born on this date (d.1991); best known as one of the stars and co-writers of the 1967 musical Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical. In June 2009, he was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
Ragni had been involved with The Open Theater since it was begun as part of the Living Theatre in 1962. In 1966, Open Theatre began rehearsals for the Megan Terry play Viet Rock. Ragni took a leading role in the show, which opened at the Martinique Theatre in New York and had a successful run.
Viet Rock and experimental theatre inspired Ragni to work with Rado on a musical about hippie culture. As research, they associated with a group of youths in the East Village who were dropping out and dodging the draft. They talked to people in the streets and people they knew, and read articles about hippie culture and youths being kicked out of school for growing their hair long. They wrote lyrics to thirteen songs ("Ain't Got No", "I Got Life", "Reading and Writing", "Don't Put It Down", "Sodomy", "Colored Spade", "Manchester, England", "Frank Mills", "We Look at One Another", "Hair", "Aquarius", "Easy to Be Hard", "Good Morning Starshine" and "Where Do I Go?"), and completed the first version of their musical, called Hair. Two of the thirteen songs were removed, many songs were revised, titles were changed, and more songs were written as they continued to work on the show.
Once they had a complete draft of the musical that they liked, Ragni and Rado brought the show to producer Nat Shapiro for consideration. He responded to the songs by asking, "Where's the music?" Shapiro introduced Ragni and Rado to composer Galt MacDermot, who took the script and returned three weeks later with music for the songs Ragni and Rado had written. Their agent, Janet Roberts, tried to sell the show to Broadway producers, but it was rejected. Joseph Papp, of the New York Shakespeare Festival, called to say he wanted to produce it at his new theatre on Lafayette Street. In October 1967, Hair opened at The Public Theater with Ragni as Berger, MacDermot as a cop who busts the show at the end of the first act, and Rado as Claude. Michael Butler attended the opening night and subsequent performances, and was dissatisfied when Rado did not regularly play Claude, as he felt Rado had a natural affinity for the part.
Butler became interested in moving the show to Broadway. He bought the rights from Papp for $50,000 and began planning a grander production directed by Tom O'Horgan, who Ragni knew from off-Broadway.
In April 1968, the show re-opened in its revised form at the Biltmore Theatre on Broadway. Rado and Ragni reprised their roles from the off-Broadway production, and MacDermot was the musical director. The songs became hit singles for MacDermot, Liza Minnelli, Nelson Riddle, The Staples Singers, Quincy Jones, Three Dog Night, The Cowsills, Madeline Bell, Paul Jones, Sonja Kristina, The 5th Dimension, Oliver, Caterina Valente, and Barbra Streisand. The Broadway cast Hair album, released on RCA Records, topped the US billboard charts for a year.
The Broadway production was a traumatic experience for Ragni. He became wealthy, his marriage broke up, and he became disengaged from mainstream society. He joined a cult and contributed money to the Black Panther Party and the Yippies. Following the Broadway production, Ragni and Rado went to Los Angeles and played their original roles in a production of Hair for five months, making changes to the show as they performed. When they returned to the Broadway production, Ragni's practice of spontaneously changing the show became a nuisance. In one incident, Ragni and Rado were arrested after walking nude down the aisle during a performance. At another time, there were guards outside the theatre who barred Ragni and Rado from entering. When the conflict was resolved, all Ragni's changes were written into the script and Ragni and Rado rejoined the show. Soon afterwards, Ragni joined the touring company, playing Berger in many cities.
Many thought James Rado and Gerome Rangi were lovers. Gerome always denied it But after he died in 1991, Rado told The Advocate that they were, indeed, lovers. 
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Gilbert (L) and George
1943 – Gilbert Proesch is an Italian-born artist and is the Gilbert in Gilbert and George.
Gilbert was born in San Martino, Italy, and studied art at the Wolkenstein School of Art and Hallein School of Art, Austria and the Akademie der Kunst, Munich, before moving to England.
Gilbert first met George Passmore on 25th September 1967 while studying sculpture at St Martins School of Art, London. The two claim they came together because George was the only person who could understand Gilbert's rather poor spoken English. In a 2002 interview with Daily Telegraph, they said of their meeting: "it was love at first sight". They have claimed that they married in 2008.
They were initially known for being performance artists early in their career but are now best known for their their large scale photo-montages, frequently tinted in extremely bright colours, backlit, and overlaid with black grids so as to resemble stained glass windows. Gilbert & George themselves often feature in these works, along with flowers and youths, their friends, and echoes of Christian symbolism. The early works in this style were in black and white, with red and yellow touches in later series. Later these works moved to use a range of bold colours. Their recent work has returned to a more sombre and darker palette.
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The matching business suits which they wore for these performances became a sort of uniform for them, and they rarely appear in public unless wearing them. It is also virtually unheard of for one of the pair to be seen without the other. They refuse to disassociate their performances from their everyday lives, insisting that everything they do is art. The pair regard themselves as 'living sculptures'.
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1965 – Graeme Obree nicknamed "The Flying Scotsman", is a Scottish racing cyclist who twice broke the world hour record, in July 1993 and April 1994, and was the individual pursuit world champion in 1993 and 1995.
He was known for his unusual riding positions and for the "Old Faithful" bicycle he built which included parts from a washing machine.
He joined a professional team in France but was fired before his first race. He suffers from bipolar disorder and has attempted suicide three times. His life and exploits have been dramatised in the film The Flying Scotsman. Obree has created some radical innovations in bicycle design but has had problems with the cycling authorities banning the riding positions his designs required.
In January 2011, Obree disclosed in an interview with the Scottish Sun that he is gay and that his difficulty with coming to terms with his sexual orientation contributed to his earlier suicide attempts. "I was brought up by a war generation; they grew up when gay people were put in jail. Being homosexual was so unthinkable that you just wouldn't be gay. I'd no inkling about anything, I just closed down." He came out to his family in 2005.
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1989 – Michael James Mansel Willett, better known as Michael J. Willett, is an American actor and musician. Willett is known most for his roles as Lionel in United States of Tara and Tanner in G.B.F.. He currently stars in the MTV show Faking It.
Willett grew up in Fresno, California, and attended Clovis West High School. From a young age he always wanted to perform, and has stated, "When I was younger I was more uncomfortable with that side of myself, being outgoing and talkative. I realized along the way that was how you get people to know you. I've grown to be a more open person."
When asked about playing gay characters in multiple roles, Willett responded, "I want to play all different kinds of people; gay or straight. For example, when you go in to play a serial killer, you don’t question if it meets your physical or moral standards. You disregard that and play the character. I didn't question it [accepting the G.B.F role]. I want to play all different kinds of characters and hope to continue to do so."
Willett is also a singer, listing himself on Twitter as a singer first and actor second. He has stated that after G.B.F he would like to start writing his own music. Willett's debut album is named Diapason, which he describes as the "full, rich, melodious outpouring of sound. That is exactly how I describe what I do".
Willett is openly gay, stating in an interview with The Advocate published on their website that, "I didn't really ever want to make it a thing … I never saw it being something that separated me from anyone else. If anything, I found that it has given me an advantage in the industry."
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2001 – Mark Bingham, passenger on United Airlines Flight 93, died (b.1970). Bingham is believed to have been among the passengers who attempted to storm the cockpit to try to prevent the hijackers from using the plane to kill hundreds or thousands of additional victims on September 11, 2001.
He made a brief cell phone call to his mother, Alice Hoagland, shortly before the plane went down. Hoagland, a former flight attendant with United Airlines, later left a voice mail message on his cell phone, instructing Bingham to reclaim the aircraft after it became apparent that Flight 93 was to be used in a suicide mission. The passengers succeeded in crashing the plane into a field in Pennsylvania. It is thought to have been heading to Washington D.C. and possibly the Capitol.
Bingham was survived by his former boyfriend of six years, Paul Holm, who says this was not the first time Bingham risked his life to protect the lives of others. In fact, he had twice successfully protected Holm from attempted muggings, one of which was at gunpoint. Holm describes Bingham as a brave, competitive man, saying, "He hated to lose — at anything." He was even known to proudly display a scar he received after being gored at the running of the bulls in Pamplona. A large athlete at 6 ft 4 in and 225 pounds, he played for the San Francisco Fog, a rugby team.
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2001 – Father Mychal F. Judge, Chaplain, FDNY died (b.1933). He was a Roman Catholic priest of the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor, Chaplain of the Fire Department of New York and first officially recorded victim of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Following his death, a few of his friends and associates revealed that Father Judge was Gay — as a matter of orientation rather than practice, as he was a celibate priest. According to fire commissioner Thomas Von Essen:
"I actually knew about his sexuality when I was in the Uniformed Firefighters Association. I kept the secret, but then he told me when I became commissioner five years ago. He and I often laughed about it, because we knew how difficult it would have been for the other firefighters to accept it as easily as I had. I just thought he was a phenomenal, warm, sincere man, and the fact that he was Gay just had nothing to do with anything."
Judge was a long-term member of Dignity, a Catholic GLBT activist organization that advocates for change in the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality.
Since October 1, 1986, when the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith issued an encyclical, On the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, which declared homosexuality to be a "strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil", many bishops, including Cardinal O'Connor of New York, banned Dignity from Catholic properties. At that time, Judge welcomed Dignity's AIDS ministry to the Church of Saint Francis of Assisi. At Judge's memorial service, Malachy McCourt said that he had heard "if Mike got any money from the right wing, he'd give it to the Gay organizations. I don't know if that's true, but that's his humor, for sure."
Ironically, Judge's firefighter helmet was presented to Pope John Paul II in memory of his death. Although there has been call within the Roman Catholic Church to have Mychal Judge canonized, there is no indication that this process is being seriously considered by the Church hierarchy. Several independent Catholic and Orthodox denominations, most notably The Orthodox-Catholic Church of America, have already declared him a saint. A film, The Saint of 9/11 portrays Mychal's life as a spiritual adventure and an honest embrace of life, where alcoholism and sexuality were acknowledged. Inspired by his life, the documentary embraces Mychal's full humanity.
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2001 – The New York attacks mentioned above spur openly-gay Toronto fireman Keith Maidment (b.1965) into action to raise money for the 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund.
Gay firefighter Keith Maidment (Mr. June on the 2002 Toronto Firefighter Calendar) has heard them all: "You can slide down my pole," "Let's see your hose," "Light my fire," "Make me wet," "My pussy's trapped in a tree...."
"Whenever I tell people I'm a fireman, they go 'Oooh, you're a fireman,'" says Maidment. "I remember once, a closeted member of the department tried to pick me up. He didn't know who I was, but he tried to impress me by mentioning he was a fireman. I was like, 'Eeew, you're a fireman?'"
The Toronto native has been on the force many years and is now an acting captain. As far as he knows, he's the only gay man out generally to the Toronto Fire Department. He started coming out to colleagues in '94, but came out in a big way in '99. His partner is immigration lawyer Michael Battista; the couple follow human rights cases closely.
Being a fireman was not a childhood dream. Maidment studied forestry, but realized that being gay and living in a small town wasn't for him. He's also worked as a party-promoter, community liaison for various gay media (including PrideVision) and, as an entrepreneur, his line of Bad Hair Day hats sold so well in North America that they paid for a round-the-world trip in '94/'95.
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Keith Maidment rides the truck during Totonto Pride
He was a Big Brother for 10 years, has volunteered at Fashion Cares (where he met Battista), and has been slogging the Toronto Fire Fighter Calendar all over town (he's Mr June) to raise money for the burn unit of Sick Kids Hospital and the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation.
And after Sep 11, 2001, he began working hard raising money for the 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund. The death of 344 of his colleagues struck him hard. "This isn't your typical job. You don't normally dwell on the danger.There are still funerals happening; there's never been such a loss of life to a fire department," said Maidment, who attended some of the funerals in New York.
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phantomtutor · 2 years
Research Paper Assignment:Topic - Indigenous Knowledges of People in Canada Information:The time frame for this project is Before 1900.  Students will articulate how and why attention to a particular portion of research is important, how they can connect the research to what is being learned in class and critically engage with the material they discover.In order to complete this assignment in a timely manner, it is important to start out by reading the unit(s) affiliated with your topic from the course materials.  From there, you should complete some outside research using acceptable primary or secondary sources.  A strong way to structure your paper for this course is to include an introduction that catches the reader’s attention, discusses what will be discussed in the paper, and includes the thesis statement.  Following this, the body paragraphs should follow an understandable structure that includes the research you completed and shows a strong understanding of the content.  Finally, the paper should end with a conclusion that summarizes the material that was discussed and ends with a strong concluding statement.  Some recommendation for how the paper should be completed are included below.-Minimum 8-10 page research paper - Provide minimum 5 sources (per the Research Outline Assignment) including; 1 Journal Article (online or physical copy), 1 book reference other than your textbook (online or physical), 1 Government document (electronic or physical copy) and 1 report from a private organization (electronic or physical copy). NO Wikipedia, Encyclopedias, or dictionary sources. News articles may only be supplementary material and do not count towards the 5 sources. Personal communications must be documented adequately. - Essay must be double spaced in 12 point font, Times New Roman, and 1 inch margins. Length requirement does NOT include the title page or reference page(s). - Analyze the research they have gathered and the points discussed in sources. In order to support your arguments, you MUST use correct APA or MLA citations for both direct quotes and paraphrasing. - Pages will be numbered in the top right hand corner. - No abstract necessary. - Title page MUST have a Running head as well as: The title of your essay, your name, the class code (NATV 1220 and section), and the due date of the Assignment. - Avoid the use of contractions (EG: Don’t should be written out as do not) and avoid Colloquial language (IE: “This is a thing”, slang terms, phrases such as “Pass the Buck”, or idioms like “It’s raining cats and dogs”). - Be aware of your spelling and grammar.A rubric has been provided that shows how the assignment will be graded and how many points each aspect of the paper are worth.  It is immensely important that you cite information that is not common knowledge.  Copying and pasting information from other sources is not an acceptable way of completing your paper.  When using the words of another person directly, including quotation marks as well as an in-text citation with page numbers, if applicable.  Paraphrasing another author’s information is acceptable, however paraphrased information also requires in-text citations and page numbers are a very good choice when including a citation, however they are not always mandatory.Book - Dickason, O. P., & Newbigging, W. (2019). Indigenous Peoples within Canada: A concise history (4th edition). Oxford University Press.
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melissaizzo-blog1 · 6 years
Going places.
I’ll be finished with my BSN degree in one week. I recently started my career as a registered nurse in the ICU at my local hospital. I share a home with my incredible husband and our two dogs/children, Daisy and Sierra. So as I’m sitting here thinking about the fact that in one week I will be completely done with my nursing degree, I’m wondering... what’s next? Morgan and I are getting ready to leave for England in a few days; we’re only going for a week, but it’ll be a nice getaway none the less. I’m excited to go, but when we get back I feel like I’m starting a new chapter in my life. A chapter where my life involves working three twelve-hour shifts a week, and... And what else? I’ve never had more than a few weeks off of school, and now I’m completely finished. No longer will I constantly have the feeling that there’s something I should be working on for school. No more guilt for doing something fun when I should be writing a paper or figuring out how to APA cite an article. While I’m overjoyed to have a break from the stress, I’m also terrified about what to do with all of my time. I’m so scared that I’m going to waste my life away by not utilizing my days off. But what exactly does that mean for me? What is it going to take for me to feel like I’m living my life to the fullest? I haven’t been able to travel much, and I know that there is so much out there that I want to see and experience. So what am I going to do now? I’m going to get out there and see as much of the world as I can. 
As I get older, I feel like I’m having these “ah-ha” moments more and more frequently. I’m realizing how short life is, and how the things I do and choices I make directly impact how I feel. I don’t particularly like working out, but I love the way I feel after a workout and hate the way I feel if I don’t do the workout. I’ve learned that life isn’t as simple as black and white, good and bad, right and wrong. We live largely in a gray area where we dictate what is right and wrong for us personally; what we can live with and what we can’t. The anxiety that I had about having to finish my school assignments has been replaced with a new anxiety about what I’m going to do now that my schooling is complete. I’ve reached this new period in my life where I have the freedom to choose how I spend my time. Albeit I’m limited by a budget, considering I do have bills and student loans to pay. I can’t just book a private jet and set off to Australia because that’s how I want to spend my Thursday off (that would be really awesome though). So now the task at hand is finding the balance between how much money I can spend on traveling and how much I need to properly “adult,” aka keep my power on and car from getting repossessed. 
I’ve learned over the years that I’m not the type of person to just “chill” on my days off. Or to just “chill” in general, really. I don’t get a sense of satisfaction after a relaxing afternoon on the couch catching up on TV shows. I usually end up feeling worse after. Feeling like I wasted an afternoon. I get a stirring sensation in my chest and a nagging thought that there was a better way I could have spent my time. I wish I could enjoy spending time doing nothing, but there’s a strong part of me that insists our time is better spent doing something else. It doesn’t know what that “something else” is, but it makes the notion very clear that there is “something else” better to do. The more that I realize the things that I can do to make myself feel good, and the things that I do which foster negative feelings, the more I think I should just accept that this is the way I am. Instead of fighting it, I’m going to embrace this self-realization and seek out new ways to make myself feel better. If I know I’m going to feel accomplished after doing something, I’m going to find the motivation to do it. Whether that be meal prepping for the week, taking the girls for a long walk, or cleaning the house when I’ve been putting it off. I’m going to do it, because I know that I’ll feel great if I do and bad if I don’t. I’m going to spend some time planning out trips and budgeting how to make them happen. I’m going to utilize my free time and do what it takes to live my life and feel good about how I’m living it. I’m going to harness my anxiety and turn it into motivation. This new chapter will be unlike anything I’ve experienced before, and I’m so excited to make it mine. 
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bluesman56 · 3 years
Sunrise Hoxa head, Orkney islands by Tony
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tara-j-bass-player · 5 years
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@demonsbehindme • • • • • • Come meet Brent & Mackenzie, our West Coast Crew, at Thunder Valley Rally today! Cottonwood, AZ! Ride Safe! #demonsbehindme #thundervalleyrally #biker #rideordie #wearyourstory #shareyourstory #cottonwood #harleydavidson #bikerchick #bikerrally #bellbottoms #bobber #newbiggings #emergingbrand #inspiration #chucktaylors #chopper #az #arizona @mofo_brent @kenzzington2 @maddhatterpaul https://www.instagram.com/p/B2rL9sdllcs/?igshid=aqajviemw2f6
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ratatoskryggdrasil · 7 years
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Alex Newbigging, House Husband, 2016
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jungleindierock · 5 years
Marsicans - Sunday
Sunday is the 3rd single from Marsicans' upcoming debut album Ursa Major, which is set to be released on the 25th March 2020, via Killing Moon Records.  Marsicans formed in Leeds. Yorkshire, UK in 2015, they are an indie rock foursome, comprised of James Newbigging on vocals and guitar, Rob Brander on backing vocals, bass & keyboards, Oliver Jameson on the lead guitar and backing vocals and Matthew ‘Cale’ McHale on the drums and backing vocals.
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I see the sun skipping off the Great Lakes My ears are popping and my feet quake I want to write my own history It’s exciting when we chase a mystery
So I head to the Sheraton Skyscrapers shimmering in the sun I walk on through the revolving door I don’t know why I think that I need more
It's just some love story shit But I just wanna see you on Sunday Oh it’s just some love story shit
Oh wait for me to get back There's something telling me that, You're the place I know I wanna go You’re the place to call home
I'm sat on a porch in Koreatown Between The Piston and The Night Owl It's like I'm in a world of my own One that day after day I feel that I've outgrown
I see cars supporting the Bills Tell myself that I like to seek thrills But everything is passing me by and there's a creeping cold in a May night
It's just some love story shit But I just wanna see you on Sunday Oh it’s just some love story shit
Oh wait for me to get back There's something telling me that, You're the place I know I wanna go You’re the place to call home
If only I'd known that you'd wait for me to get back There's something telling me that You're the place I know I wanna go You're the place to call home.
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Crtical Reflection - Biography
 Bang, M., 1991. Picture This: How Pictures Work. California: Chronicle Books
McCloud, S., 1994. Understanding Comics, the Invisible Art. New York: Harper Collins
Newbigging, M., 2018. What do Comics Want? Drawing Lived Experience for Critical Consciousness, Journal of Illustration, vol. 5, issue 2, para 8, viewed 15 May 2019
Salisbury, M., 2004. Illustrating Children’s Books: Drawing and Painting Pictures for Publication. London: A. & C. Black
Sutherlin, M., 2012. Down the Rabbit Hole. Visual Arts Research, vol 38, issue 1, pp 11-30
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scotianostra · 5 years
With the 700th anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath approaching, there are events to mark the occasion
To celebrate, the famous document will go on public display for the first time in 15 years at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh.
The Declaration is a letter dated 6 April 1320 written by the barons and freeholders of the Kingdom of Scotland to Pope John XXII. The letter asked the pope to recognise Scotland's independence and acknowledge Robert the Bruce as the country's lawful king.
You can visit the museum to view it between 27 Mar - 26 Apr 2020. Other events include, Breabach winners of Scottish Folk Band of the Year and Live Act of the Year playing at The Webster Memorial Theatre, Arbroath on Saturday 4th of April. The band which features two pipers, fiddle, guitar, flute and double bass, plus Gaelic and Scots song, alongside Scottish stepdance, will provide a triumphal end to a varied evening.
The night will also feature Steve Byrne - 2019 Scots Singer of the Year. Founder member of band Malinky.
Sheena Wellington - Traditional Music Hall of Fame, superb singer fae Dundee. Sheena Wellington - Traditional Music Hall of Fame, superb singer fae Dundee. Wellington famously opened the Scottish Parliament in 1999 with her rousing rendition of A Mans a Man For A That.  Billy Kay Newport-based writer and broadcaster, recently awarded the Mark Twain Award by the St Andrews Society of the State of New York. Kay will bring to life the historical context and European significance of the Declaration with an introductory speech.  
Dr Donald Smith - Director of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival. Donald will lead a new theatrical work, drawing inspiration from John Barbour's epic 15th century poem about King Robert the Bruce, entitled The Brus. The ambition of the piece is to draw out the voices of wo  Edinburgh-based artist Andrew Redmond Barr will introduce his new book, The Illustrated Declaration of Arbroath, and will prepare a new display of creative work especially for the event.  The host for the evening will be columnist and broadcaster Alistair Heather, from Newbigging.
I would get in quick if you intend to go see this, as I can see it selling out fast. The festival weekend that will feature several key Arbroath 2020 events including 300 singers giving voice to the world premiere of ‘Of Light Breaking’ at Arbroath Abbey, as well as poetry by Grahame Davies.
The Angus town will also host a procession by 500 people and more to the anniversary, which hopes to evoke the spirit of pageants that were held in the 1950s and 60s, as people in the garb of medieval nobles, soldiers and monks re-enacted the events around the 1320 signing of the Declaration of Arbroath., led by King Robert The Bruce.
Following the procession, Beacon Green will be the venue for The Big Eco Lunch - a celebration of Angus food and drink.
Find all the details of the weekend's festivities here https://arbroath2020.com/
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bodyanchoring · 5 years
Annäherung an den inneren Frieden
Der innere Frieden ist für viele Menschen eine wichtige Grösse.
So unerreichbar wie er scheint, ist er nicht. Was ihm nahe kommt, ist die Kontextbewussheit (Begriff von Sandy Newbigging).
Darunter kann man folgendes verstehen:
Ich nehme alles wahr, was gegenwärtig ist, ohne damit identifiziert zu sein d. h. ich umschliesse das Wahrgenommene - bin es auch - und bin alles darüber Hinausgehende gleichzeitig.
Ein Beispiel:
Ich nehme eine Verspannung im Körper wahr. Ich spüre die Verspannung, lasse mich von ihr jedoch nicht total vereinnahmen, sondern bleibe mir meiner grösseren Gesamtpersönlichkeit bewusst. Dadurch gehört die Verspannung zwar zu mir, ich bleibe jedoch weit mehr als die Verspannung. Mit anderen Worten: Ich kann meinen inneren Frieden trotz Verspannungen bewahren.
Darin zu verweilen ist äusserst befriedigend. Es fühlt sich wie eine andere Zeit- oder Lebensdimension an.
Versuch es!
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onefatguy13 · 2 years
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We Love @delta and away we go... Doing what we love, me and my partner in crime... #delta #traveljunkie #newcity #workmode #newbiggings # newpartners #rottweilersofinstagram #ptsdservicedog #rottweiler #theaarontaylorproject (at Melbourne Orlando International Airport - MLB) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChPD7Squ6pq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Financial Controller Services in Newbigging #Accounts #Assistant # #Newbigging https://t.co/R0iL2655Su
Financial Controller Services in Newbigging #Accounts #Assistant # #Newbigging https://t.co/R0iL2655Su
— Bookkeeping Experts (@bookexpertsuk) January 21, 2020
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phantomtutor · 2 years
Research Paper Assignment: 8- 10 pages Topic - Indigenous Knowledges Information:The time frame for this project is Before 1900.  Students will articulate how and why attention to a particular portion of research is important, how they can connect the research to what is being learned in class and critically engage with the material they discover.In order to complete this assignment in a timely manner, it is important to start out by reading the unit(s) affiliated with your topic from the course materials.  From there, you should complete some outside research using acceptable primary or secondary sources.  A strong way to structure your paper for this course is to include an introduction that catches the reader’s attention, discusses what will be discussed in the paper, and includes the thesis statement.  Following this, the body paragraphs should follow an understandable structure that includes the research you completed and shows a strong understanding of the content.  Finally, the paper should end with a conclusion that summarizes the material that was discussed and ends with a strong concluding statement.  Some recommendation for how the paper should be completed are included below.- Provide minimum 5 sources (per the Research Outline Assignment) including; 1 Journal Article (online or physical copy), 1 book reference other than your textbook (online or physical), 1 Government document (electronic or physical copy) and 1 report from a private organization (electronic or physical copy). NO Wikipedia, Encyclopedias, or dictionary sources. News articles may only be supplementary material and do not count towards the 5 sources. Personal communications must be documented adequately. - Essay must be double spaced in 12 point font, Times New Roman, and 1 inch margins. Length requirement does NOT include the title page or reference page(s). - Analyze the research they have gathered and the points discussed in sources. In order to support your arguments, you MUST use correct APA or MLA citations for both direct quotes and paraphrasing. - Pages will be numbered in the top right hand corner. - No abstract necessary. - Title page MUST have a Running head as well as: The title of your essay, your name, the class code (NATV 1220 and section), and the due date of the Assignment. - Avoid the use of contractions (EG: Don’t should be written out as do not) and avoid Colloquial language (IE: “This is a thing”, slang terms, phrases such as “Pass the Buck”, or idioms like “It’s raining cats and dogs”). - Be aware of your spelling and grammar.A rubric has been provided that shows how the assignment will be graded and how many points each aspect of the paper are worth.  It is immensely important that you cite information that is not common knowledge.  Copying and pasting information from other sources is not an acceptable way of completing your paper.  When using the words of another person directly, including quotation marks as well as an in-text citation with page numbers, if applicable.  Paraphrasing another author’s information is acceptable, however paraphrased information also requires in-text citations and page numbers are a very good choice when including a citation, however they are not always mandatory.Book - Dickason, O. P., & Newbigging, W. (2019). Indigenous Peoples within Canada: A concise history (4th edition). Oxford University Press.
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bluesman56 · 3 years
Hoxa night time by Tony Via Flickr: Away from other towns and street lights, no light pollution.
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Basketball Court Dimensions in Newbigging #Basketball #Court #Dimensions #Newbigging https://t.co/rqgxRx50Io
Basketball Court Dimensions in Newbigging #Basketball #Court #Dimensions #Newbigging https://t.co/rqgxRx50Io
— Basketball Court (@basketballuk11) February 28, 2019
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