#new tumblr update thing
smoshkid · 4 months
Y’all already KNOW I immediately sent in a suggestion for a tumblr Damangela Community as soon as I saw the popup. Lemme know if one of you have already done it
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en-bitch · 4 months
Misbehaving as someone's personal computer so they take you to a 'repair specialist'
"Hmm you've got a problem with your computer?"
"Yes, it takes way too long to respond to any input command"
"Hmm well let's take the shell off and hook it up to the diagnostics"
Your owner strips you naked and 'hooks you up' tying your hands together above your head, locking your legs in a spreader bar and putting an anal hook inside you
"So what have you tried so far?"
"Well I've tried blowing on it, turning it off and on again but it hasn't made much of an impact"
"Ok let's turn it on and see what we're working with"
Your head is lifted up and the blindfold is removed. The specialist asks you calculation questions a computer should be able to get instantly and shakes disapprovingly when you are unable to answer within the time limit. They 'calibrate' you, pinching your nipples and turning them as they continue to ask questions
"Sometimes it's just that something has clogged the internal fans and it needs to be removed, you can fix that with some percussive maintenance around the rear of the computer if you wouldn't mind."
Your owner gets behind and starts spanking you, making it so difficult to answer that you can't even say words properly.
"Well that's no good, the audio port is on the fritz" The specialist says, thrusting their fingers down your throat. "Ah ha! The audio driver is out of date. I'll need to install the newest version, but we'll have to keep your PC fully charged for the duration. Firstly we'll need to turn it off," they explain, putting the blindfold back on. "And second, the diagnostics machine won't apply enough power, so you'll need to keep filling it with power the entire time."
Like that you are taken off the hook and put on the 'operating' bed. The specialist takes your mouth whilst your owner pounds your ass, spitroasting you relentlessly. The specialist gives updates on what percent of the updates are downloaded and it spends an awfully long time at 69% downloaded. When they've both had enough fun you are finally released and booted up, only asking 'what is 2+2?' and 'who is your owner?' Satisfied, your owner turns you off and begins to take you out of the store
"Now you'll want to keep those drivers up to date, maybe next time I'll give you the update so you can try installing the driver whilst I supply the power eh?"
"That would be wonderful, I'm always terrible at installing updates so please let me know when there is a new driver available <3"
If you liked this maybe tell me I'm a good bot 👉👈
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tongues--and--teeth · 5 months
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I got Stormbringer’s costume first day and I just had to draw it!
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bittwitchy · 7 months
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Joker (2019)
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myershorror · 1 year
My Little Abercrombie & Fitch Model 🙊
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girlwarlock · 1 year
PvP BLAZE IS (supposedly) live 04/20/2023
I think this is a really cool update, but an important thing to note is that:
It's a per-blog setting, so you can turn it off for your main and on for your sideblog(s) or v/v.
Even on a blog which has "let others blaze my posts" on, there will be a per-post toggle so that you can have a blog be blazeable but still post that kinda personal journal-y thing without needing to worry about some asshole paying $10 to make 2500 strangers see it (or whatever tumblr's rates are, i don't remember).
Also, if someone *does* blaze a post that you didn't want blazed, you have the opportunity to cancel the campaign at any time, even before the campaign starts generating impressions. So if you forget to tag something unblazeable, you're not helpless in the face of someone deciding to blaze it.
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pikatronz · 11 months
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Gwak gwak gwak gwak! 🐥
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silver-horse · 1 year
So EA/Bioware were retweeting all the negative comments towards Larian,huh
Can't say I'm not surprised by that. A lot of the ones doing so are pretty big names that could definitely improve their games and yet they wanna complain as if fans are expecting 'too much' from them. Like we should just accept getting half baked games all the time...really showing their arses, aren't they.😅
I think what these devs don't comprehend and why they are panicking is because they think everyone wants them to do all the same things when x game becomes popular. And they know they will fail because it happens Every Single Time.
You can't copy paste someone's work and think that it will be revolutionary. It's the same thing that happened when skyrim had huge open world then they all did that. But they do this to themselves!!! They want constant big successes without creativity. Now they whine in advance saying they can't do this. Good. Nobody wants the same game but worse released 500 times.
It reveals their way of thinking, they do the "copy homework" thing because they think it's expected of them. This is what they mean by the "new standard". Their brains immediately leapt to "we now need to replicate everything about the style and scope of this game."
NO. That is not the standard. If only they embraced their own style and leaned into their own strengths and listened to feedback.
Bioware's stupidity in particular is truly incredible. because they achieved this at one point, they were a success story with Baldur's Gate. Then they went on to make games that people still consider some of the greatest rpgs of all time, they "set the standard". But then they refused to listen.
Because every company tries to appeal to the masses, they try to entice the playerbase of different games. But actually they just lose their own players. Oh by the way, dear tumblr staff... does this remind you of someone?
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The utena movie art paintings are beautiful
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intotheelliwoods · 11 months
if I had a nickel for each rottmnt trend I set I would have 3 damn shiny nickels
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anna-naray · 5 months
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Angel's Friends and Sky: Children of the Light? Why not 🌟
Mine and @isaidmeeh Sky's designs of Ang-Li and Cabiria! I really like how Ang-Li's wings came out! So blue 💙 And the very elegant Stars Weaver Cabiria by @/isaidmeeh 💜
They are SUPER DUPER CUTE!! (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡💕💕
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claypigeonpottery · 3 months
Hey there! The chomped mug is so cool! (like all your other designs haha). Will it (or others like it) ever be available for sale? Thanks!
thank you!
I put my pieces up for sale here as I make them:
they get snapped up pretty fast. I will be reopening commissions after kiln and shipping times are over, if you have something specific in mind (like a half-eaten mug, maybe)
because my work is usually decorated before it's glazed, a lot of people know they want the piece before it's been through the kiln, before the clay has even dried.
I tag greenware (unfired clay pieces) as either 'reserved' or 'available once fired'. if you're interested in an available piece, just send me a message
because I don't want to collect deposits for pieces that might or might not survive the kiln, I use a 'dibs' system to let people claim my unfired pottery
dibs works like this:
you’re not obligated to buy anything you have dibs on, but you’ll see it first once it's fired
no need for a deposit
once the piece is finished, I’ll message you, send you pictures and give you a week to decide/arrange shipping
I’m willing to hold pieces longer but only if you communicate that with me
if you decide you're no longer interested, no worries, just let me know! (if you're an anxious person, I promise this won't bother me! I made that piece because I wanted to make it. I know eventually it'll find a home, I'm not stressed out about it. I don't count my chickens before they go through the kiln)
I guarantee nothing about the piece. it isn't a commission. so if it explodes in the kiln, it explodes. if it’s flawed, it’s flawed. but I will lower the price if the piece is flawed in any way
I have no obligation to make it again if it's flawed or broken
(also keep in mind I only schedule kiln time every 3-6 months so it might take awhile before your piece is ready to go!)
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stargirl230 · 9 months
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Art Summary 2023!
This year was kind of a struggle art-wise (read: burnout) but I'm glad I stuck it out because I got to spend a solid 8 months drawing all the fanart I didn't have time for last year :D
Thanks to everyone for sticking around, and here’s to another year of art!
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art-spren · 1 year
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the good news: I'm still here hi
the bad news: all I have to offer is this fucking sofa meme again
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So for anyone else confused by the changes with Tumblr live, this is from the email I got from staff when I asked why the snooze button didn't seem to work
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Here it is again with the important bit circled
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So apparently, they have made it so you can't get rid of the icon, snoozing only keeps live off your dashboard.
Text i.d. under the cut
Two screenshots of the same email test of the email reads
"Hey there,
Thanks for contacting us.
As you noticed, there have been some updates to how Snoozing Tumblr Live works. Snoozing will continue to hide Live from your dashboard, but the navigation icon will remain in your navigation bar. This means you’ll be able to watch anyone you follow go Live without having to unsnooze the whole thing. Additionally, we’ve increased the Snooze period from 7 to 30 days."
In the second picture the words: "Snoozing will continue to hide Live from your dashboard, but the navigation icon will remain in your navigation bar," are circled.
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Here's an idea: Let's report the new abomination dash as a bug. That way they might actually fix it
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