#new tagging system poop
bitchy-peachy · 3 months
[mostly queue operated : 15 posts per day]
Tags of stuff you might want to blacklist under cut as well as other things (check before following me. ):
[ #noodity and/or #smutty (if you don't want to see artistic nudes or smutty art reblogs. I have a good reason for not tagging these #nsfw)
#spoilers (I tag anything new for any fandom coming out as #spoilers to keep you all spoiler free.)
#fandom, #fandom discourse (if you don't wanna see me complain about fandoms)
#horror, #tw blood, #body horror and #dark art (if you don't want to see fun splatter or spookiness that may be triggering since some people er... don't like it as much as me.)
#personal, #personal pics #ramblings, #rant, #rant in tags, #!!! (if you don't want to see the most random ramblings ever along with pics, long winded tag rants and me boosting things... although I would want you to boost things in the #!!! tag)
As well as #witchy things (if you don't wanna see me talking my "evil hocus pocus" stuff)]
#politics, #news, #SA mention, #true crime are also recommended to blacklist if you don't like such subjects (and my ranting violence at criminals and hating on the injustice system. I'm a huge pig with badges hater especially since I see 97% bad shit)
#me being blasphemous is pretty self explanatory.
Things That Will Get A Block
Associating with people that have hurt me and my friends
Content thieves. Art, fanfiction etc. Plagiarism and art reposts without credits to get attention on yourself with other people's work is a no.
People that start fights over literally nothing. People that are overly reactive and see "something bad" in anything and start drama about it.
Homophobic, transphobic etc people get blocked.
Right wing conservashits and western commie shits (which are just as bad as conservatives) get blocked. I grew up in a conservative family and I've heard your kind of nonsense repeatedly. None of you are creative and bring nothing new to your "arguments" so I see no point in searing my damned eyes with your uninspiring stale bullshit.
Racist twats get blocked. I ain't gotta see your dumbass. Nobody does.
Porn bots, empty accounts, business accounts, weird content that gives me ick (poop, diaper and piss play, necrophilia, age play, etc... all which I don't want to see and properly filter. Like I've got weird fictional interests and personal but even I've got my limits and people ain't even tagging it to avoid getting banned in random main tags that has nothing to do with it.)
Even at my married grown hag age I've had guys act inappropriately towards me almost immediately after I made the mistake of following them back. Block, reported. I'm too old for that shit.
Don't waste your time sending me asks or DMs asking for money. Some of you spam this shit to the point of becoming overwhelming. Fuck outta my asks and dms with this. You're obnoxious and its too damn much. Tired of having 30 asks begging for money and dms from fake ass accounts asking me for money cos I made the mistake of thinking they were a legimate follower. Sincerely fuck off and away to my block list.
If I block you for any of these things you'll probably stay blocked forever.
Random Things About Me
[Status: Taken 💍 but we share each other with fictional characters]
[🧿🔮Ecletic Bruja. Some of my stuff is closed practice but I do share generalized info. Just not closed ancestral matters..]
[Horror/Gore movie/book obsessed: I also reblog a lot of dismemberment and innards which explains the #body horror or #tw blood tag.]
[A bit of a classical art snob. I love old art, the darker and more tragic the better. You can find pretty things of this nature as well as fandom fanarts in #art]
[I ain't 100% "politically correct". I can drag both left and right and my politics can fluctuate between center-right or center-left depending the issue. Example: I support the death penalty (as long as there's no reasonable doubt) and abortion. I also support guns but not everyone having them and there being some more restrictions/background checks etc. That was just some examples of my stance on some subjects. (Made bold for emphasis)]
[LGBT+ safe space🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈 (if you don't like that gfy]
[I have writer's block on everything sorry]
[Dark Humor galore💀]
[Perverted Humor galore🥵]
[🗡 I will only follow back if I like your content and aren't a shitty p0rn bot or some money begging bullshit. I want actual mutuals to interact with and fangirl with, not a bot or a one post blog that only wants money🗡]
[Hablo Español and can understand spoken/read Deutsch and Portuguese]
[My blog is for me. Don't tell me how to run my shit unless you're a masochist.]
[Account is monitored with statcounter]
11 notes · View notes
roxannarambles · 7 months
Title: Wings of a Butterfly, Eye of the Tiger (Part 3)
Ship: Nemona x Juliana (Julinemo/Terajules)
Summary: Nemona and Juliana just can’t resist returning to Area Zero once more. They find new places to explore, new pokemon to discover, and a new things to learn … about pokemon battling, but also about each other. (Sequel to Picnic in Paradise)
Chapters: Part 1 Part 2
Tags: Slowburn, Romance, Friendship, Crushes, Action/Adventure, Pokemon Battles, Fakemon
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The cave you were in seemed a lot quieter than the rest of the cave system, probably because there weren’t pokemon everywhere you turned. You could hear the occasional drip of water and the distant cry of a pokemon from somewhere, but that was about it. It felt exciting and a little eerie. Hellcat set the pace, creeping forward into the dim cavern, and you both followed close behind. 
For about five minutes, your walk was uneventful. You passed by tera crystals that were growing from the ceiling and dripping water like stalactites, and followed the cave in a gradual downward slope deeper into the earth. Then you began to encounter pokemon again; only some Glimmets and Glimmora at first, until the pathway you’d been following led to a larger chamber, and then some Paradox Pokemon began to show up once more. It was nowhere near their usual numbers, though. As you passed by a Great Tusk plodding through the cave, you commented,
“It’s interesting there’s fewer pokemon back here. I wonder why. I guess because we’re so far in?”
Nemona agreed,
“Yeah, probably. Life’s a lot scarcer the deeper you go into caves or the deeper you go into the oceans.”
“Yeah, that’s true. That’s because there’s less food available, right?”
She nodded.
“Basically. I mean, most food chains have plant life at the bottom, and when there’s no sunlight, well, there’s no plants. There’s pokemon with a mineral-based diet like Carbink or Sabeleye of course, so they can live really deep in caves. But most pokemon eat other plants or animals.”
You gazed around the cave you were traversing.
“Seems like there’s no plants at all though, how do any of these guys eat?”
Nemona hummed,
“Well, there’s a few ways. Some pokemon species don’t live in caves full-time, they just roost in them or raise young there. They leave the caves at some point to eat. I think a lot of the pokemon we’ve seen probably do that since we see ‘em on the surface. Annnd, sometimes resources get washed into caves. Like those waterfalls that dump directly into here? Probably a lot of plants and fish in there. Also poop! Bacteria break it down and bug types can eat the bacteria and bigger stuff eat the bugs . . .”
You looked at her as she trailed off. She added on sheepishly,
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to ramble.”
“No, I was just thinking you really know your stuff!”
She laughed.
“Well, I’ve done a lot of reading, and I’ve listened to Jacq’s lectures for longer than you have. Gotta work hard if you wanna understand pokemon! But I’m sure you’ll pick it all up too.”
You noticed a small pod of Scream Tails ahead of you, floating in the air like weird pink balloons. When they noticed you, they turned to glare with big yellow eyes and hissed. Hellcat hissed in return at them. 
“Let’s leave ‘em alone, Hellcat,” Nemona said, trying to guide the tiger away. The fact that Paradox Pokemon seemed to all have such aggressive dispositions certainly didn’t make exploring any easier. The pod of Scream Tails broke apart, floating their separate ways, apparently unnerved by Hellcat. However, one of them remained, an especially large one.
Now that you were looking closer at it, though, it wasn’t just larger; it also seemed to have longer hair. Instead of a tuft of hair on top of the head leading into a single long ponytail, it had three of them, the tails obscuring most of its face and covering its eyes. Its ears were longer, too, more like a rabbit’s. 
“Umm, Nemona–”
“Yeah, I see it, what is that?? Is that just a Scream Tail or . . .”
The pink pokemon drifted closer, causing Hellcat to bristle and growl. 
The wild pokemon also growled– the sound much deeper than you’d expect from a pink puffball. When it did, it showed its long, sharp fangs, much bigger than a Scream Tail’s. You nervously said,
“I think the answer is definitely ‘or.’”
Nemona enthused,
“Oh man, we found something good already? We’re so lucky!”
A soft pink glow began to surround the wild pokemon, the ‘tails’ drifting upwards at the same time, revealing the huge yellow eyes beneath, pulsing with dangerous energy.
“N-nemona . . .”
“Oh right, sorry. Hellcat, Dire Claw!”
Hellcat leapt into the air, striking a vicious blow before the pokemon could use its Psychic. The pokemon took massive damage and seemed to slowly deflate like a balloon, giving a strangled cry. Nemona praised,
“Great shot, Hellcat!”
You had a pokeball handy, so you gave it a toss, seeing if the pokemon was weak enough to catch already. It clicked with no problems.
“Great shot for you too, Jules!”
You both decided to immediately send the pokemon back out so you could heal it up and inspect it more. Hellcat watched over it in case it tried to misbehave.
Leaning against the wall of the cave as she studied the floating creature, Nemona asked,
“So we agree it’s gotta be an evolved form of Scream Tail, yeah?”
You nodded.
“Probably. It’s funny this is the first we’ve seen of it though, considering Scream Tails are everywhere.”
“Well, Jigglypuff can’t evolve unless they have a Moon Stone.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. So you think these are the same?”
“Seems like there’s a good chance. Oh, and maybe there are Moon Stones deep in these caves! And that’s why we’re seeing these guys here but not elsewhere.”
“Hmm. I guess we could always try to test it on one of our own Scream Tails sometime.”
“Good idea! We’ll definitely try that out sometime.”
You spent a couple minutes instructing the new pokemon, trying to check out its movepool and abilities. It showed you Psychic and Dazzling Gleam, nothing too unexpected. 
Eventually Nemona said in an eager tone,
“You know, if it’s a new pokemon species, we’ll get to name it. Since we discovered it and all. That’s how it works, right?”
You smiled at the idea, but pointed out,
“IF it’s a new species. It’s possible Sada might have known about it already, especially if she thought to evolve a Scream Tail.”
“Aw, c’mon Jules, let a girl dream!”
You laughed.
“Okay, okay. What do you wanna call it, then?”
“Ummm . . . hmm. Well . . . I guess the name should be kinda similar since it’s an evolution . . .”
You watched the weird pink creature for a bit before suggesting,
“Maybe like, Screech Tail? Or Tails, I guess, it has three of ‘em.”
She shrugged,
“Works for me!”
You held up your pokeball and recalled the new pokemon. You answered,
“Great. At the very least, it should come in handy when we’re catching Roaring Moon.”
Nemona grinned.
“Good thinking. Okay, Hellcat, onward! To adventure!”
You both continued along the path with enthusiasm, despite the general gloomy atmosphere of the dim cavern. The trail led you deeper and deeper into the earth, growing steep and awkward to traverse before long. The ground was also slick with damp and slime; you fumbled your footing more than once, and Nemona had to catch you one of the times before you could fall on your face.
“You okay, Jules?”
She had an arm wrapped firmly around your side, her amber eyes full of concern as she gazed down into your own eyes.
You swallowed.
“Y-yeah! Fine. Thanks. It’s u-uh, it’s slippery.”
You were full of brilliant observations, as usual. Nemona let go and made sure you were steady before turning and agreeing,
“Yeah, it is getting kinda bad, plus it’s a bit dark . . . oh, I know.”
She pulled her Rotom phone out, hitting a few settings. The phone’s light switched on and it floated in the air, just above her head. 
“There we go! Should be safer now.”
You looked at the phone, surprised.
“I didn’t know they could do that.”
“Yep! If there’s one thing I hear a lot about it’s all the dang features on these phones, I can show you all the other features sometime if you want,” she chuckled. You were too distracted noticing Nemona had apparently swapped her plain black phone case out to an orange one with little pictures of Pawmi and oranges. It was very cute. 
She continued,
“Anyway, careful through this part, there’s sort of a step here.”
You made it past the steep bit just fine, but not too further along, you felt a bit off-balance again, wobbling, and started to wonder if your feet were intentionally betraying you. You swore this wasn’t on purpose–
Nemona asked,
“Whoa, is the ground moving?”
You paused, realizing it wasn’t just you; the ground really was trembling slightly. You answered,
“I think so . . .”
 As soon as you’d finished speaking, it seemed to stop, though.
You both continued on, curious and cautious. It had been a while since you’d run into another pokemon, but you spotted a Brute Bonnet trundling along up ahead. Hellcat bristled at it.
The ground began to tremble again, this time accompanied by a distant rumbling sound.
“Er . . .”
The Brute Bonnet moved faster, hobbling as quickly as it could on its stubby little legs, wanting to get the heck out of there. Water fell from the ceiling in big droplets. Hellcat shook its head, flicking the water off.
“Is it an earthquake?” you asked, trying to keep the anxiety from edging into your voice. This wasn’t the best place to be during an earthquake. Nemona answered,
“I dunno, maybe? But it hasn’t . . .”
The rumbling sound came again, this time much closer. In fact, it sounded as though it was echoing through the cave itself. You quickly realized the rythmic thumping wasn’t an earthquake at all.
They were footsteps. Approaching footsteps.
Nemona squared her shoulders, calling,
“Hellcat, get ready!”
You reached for your pokeballs, ready to back her up if need be, and the pair of you waited to face whatever was coming. The vibrations rattled some smaller stalactites loose from the ceiling, the crystals dropping and splintering, and the rumbling drew closer and closer. Further ahead in the gloom of the cave, you could see small bits of yellow flashing, lights flickering along the floor of the cave in little electric ripples. 
And then you could make the creature out: just a dark figure at first, charging through the cave in your direction, although fortunately it wasn’t especially fast, just very noisy as it lumbered along. As it got closer you had the time to take note of some basic details. It was running on all fours, it was dark red with sooty black paws and legs, and it had zigzagging black stripes down its back. Its long black tail was held aloft and tipped in a jagged yellow spike in the shape of a lightning bolt; its ears were pointed and long, and it had a big spike protruding from its forehead, as well as a big ruff of spiky yellow fur around its neck. As it moved, its paws thumped heavily along the ground, leaving little ripples of electricity in its wake.
You exchanged a quick glance with Nemona.
“Is that a Raichu?” you asked, knowing it wasn’t one, but it bore a passing resemblance to one. A really big, spiky, angry one, anyway. 
“Maybe an ancient Raichu? Hellcat, get ready to use Thorn Fang!”
The tiger crouched, baring its fangs, ready for the foe lumbering towards it. The ancient Raichu gave a cry, the sound more akin to rolling thunder than the high-pitched noise from a usual Raichu. You could see its beady black eyes now as it approached, and the sharp little fangs protruding from its mouth. The ruff around its neck seemed to be charging up with energy, a dangerous yellow-orange flickering of power between the pieces of spiky fur. Something about it struck you as sort of odd, but you didn’t put it together fast enough.
Nemona, however, did. Her eyes widening, she called,
“Hellcat, wait!”
Her hand quickly moved to her belt and she spent a half-second choosing a ball, then snatched it up, throwing it. Her Great Tusk materialized right in front of Hellcat, just in time for the ancient Raichu to charge into it with an earth-shuddering crash. Electricity and flames were thrown off from the impact, crackling in the air, but Great Tusk’s body shielded you, Nemona and Hellcat from any crossfire. 
“Great Tusk, use Close Combat!”
The mammoth swung its trunk, smacking its foe across the face, then reared up, kicking at it with its hefty feet. The ancient Raichu gave a guttural cry, staggering backwards before standing up on two legs, its tail lashing back and forth, beady eyes glaring. Energy started to build around its ruff again, and you got a better look at why it seemed so strange. The yellow-orange ripples of energy flowed between the spines of fur in serpentine squiggles, and it was hard to tell if it was electricity or fire– or possibly both, as seemed to be the case. 
“Great Tusk, Knock Off!”
You silently noted that Nemona was intentionally holding back with her attacks, probably with the aim of wanting to capture this pokemon. Great Tusk whacked its foe once again with its trunk. The ancient Raichu recovered from the hit and then rushed forward, butting hard into Great Tusk with the horn on its head, sending out another mighty sputter of flames and electricity. 
“Knock Off, again!”
When Great Tusk brought its trunk down once more, it knocked its foe clean off its feet, dropping it back down to all fours. The ancient Raichu gave a rumbling cry, sounding tired. 
“Now’s our chance!” Nemona yelled, reaching for an empty pokeball from her bag. She took aim and threw it.
However, the wild pokemon was not intent on cooperating. It dodged the pokeball, then turned tail and began to run. Nemona shouted,
“Wh-uh?! It’s running? Oh no you don’t, get back here!”
Nemona quickly recalled her Great Tusk and then took off after the pokemon. It was stomping away at a pretty good pace, but Nemona was fast.
“N-nemona, wait!”
You and Hellcat chased after her. Of course, Hellcat outpaced you very quickly and then you were alone, splashing through puddles and slipping over rocks in the dim cavern, trying to keep up. You turned a bend in the path and saw the fleeing pokemon was rushing towards a round hole in the cave wall, which was encrusted in tera crystal. When it reached the hole, it got up on two legs and then jumped through, vanishing from sight.
“Hey! You’re not escaping that easily!” Nemona yelled, charging after it and jumping into the hole without hesitation, like an absolute madwoman. You could hear a startled yelp from her before she vanished from sight. You cried,
Hellcat had stopped at the hole, hesitant, but you couldn’t afford to hesitate when Nemona could be in danger. You reached the hole in the wall, finding it was a tunnel coated entirely in smooth rainbow crystal, dripping in water. You hopped up and climbed in, calling,
You tried standing, but almost immediately you felt yourself slipping on the wet crystal. Your shoes gave way and you landed on your butt– and then, to your horror, felt yourself sliding through the tunnel. You yelped and tried to stick your arms out to brace yourself, but your slide was way too rapid, and you went shooting through the tunnel on your back like some kind of terrifying water slide. You gave a prolonged shriek as the slide swooped you down in a huge drop, then swooped up again and twisted around and around. The world was spinning in sparkling rainbows, completely disorienting you.
After one final drop and swoop upwards, you felt yourself flung free from the slide, which mercifully spat you out at a speed and distance that was relatively gentle.
You landed on your stomach, colliding with something soft. 
“Ooof,” the something grunted, giving you a pretty good idea of what you’d probably landed on. You pushed your torso up with your elbows and met with Nemona’s wide, honey-amber eyes, your faces hardly more than a breath apart.
“Gkkk,” you said, the blood rushing to your face so fast you could hear it roaring in your ears. Nemona giggled. You could feel the giggle ripple through her chest and vibrate your own. 
“Hi,” she chirped. You tried to remember how your vocal chords worked. Nemona’s brows quirked up higher in amusement while you struggled, which was frankly making it worse.
“Hhhhiiii,” you finally uttered, proud to get the syllables out. You were briefly lost in the details of Nemona’s eyes, realizing her streaks of golden amber had flecks of tangerine in them. Gosh you were close. Have you ever been this close to her before? You were pretty sure you hadn’t.
“You, um, you need a minute?”
You blinked at her question, confused. The bridge of her nose and cheeks pinkened a little, highlighting her freckles all the more. Her voice was light and playful when she continued,
“‘Cause I don’t exactly mind resting here with you, but we should proooobably get up before that pokemon gets away . . .”
Your brain finally caught up with what she was saying and you squeaked, scrambling to get off your poor friend. It was an entirely graceless affair, but you finally righted yourself and helped Nemona climb to her feet as well, stammering out an excuse to her.
“S-s-sorry, I-I– ummm– I was, uh, a bit dizzy from the slip-n-slide?”
It wasn’t exactly wrong. She laughed,
“Yeah, that was a pretty wild ride, wasn’t it? I was thinking of going again–”
An awful noise interrupted her, shrieky and shrill, coming from the crystal-lined tunnel. The both of you managed to get out of the way before a bright green tiger was expelled from the slide, splatting onto the ground. Its claws were all stuck out and its fur was all frizzed up, its eyes gone huge. Nemona’s Rotom phone went shooting through the slide next, smacking lightly into Hellcat and causing the tiger to jump. The tiger grumbled and shook itself off, looking incredibly disturbed and disgusted with its experience.
“Oh, Hellcat! Aaw, you came down here for me? Are you okay?”
You watched Nemona try to comfort the tiger, feeling grateful for the distraction. Maybe your face would stop burning in like an hour. Nggh. Hellcat still refused to let Nemona actually pet it, and it withdrew to lick itself and sulk, but at least it wasn’t growling at her or anything, so it was honestly progress. Nemona seemed to recognize this fact, telling the pokemon,
“Okay, you need your space, I’ll let you recover from the scary slide. I’m sooo proud of you though Hellcat.”
She moved back over to you, looking you over carefully and asking,
“And how ‘bout you? Still dizzy or anything?”
You glanced away bashfully under her scrutiny, murmuring,
“N-no, I’m good now, I think.”
She nodded and grabbed her backpack off the ground, answering brightly,
“Great! Let’s go find that pokemon before it gets away then!”
She took off before you could respond or even think about mentioning that running ahead and leaping blindly into tunnels was maybe a bad idea. Exasperated, you shouted after her,
Once again you gave chase, following her down the rocky corridor. At least it wasn’t too dark in this part of the cave– if anything, it seemed even brighter, probably due to a larger number of glowing tera crystals. You were grateful when you caught up to Nemona not too far along the path ahead, having apparently cornered the weary Raichu lookalike. Honestly it was impressive how fast she’d tracked it down. She had her Great Tusk out again, but she was busy digging through her bag. When she noticed your approach, she called,
“Oh, Jules, I found them! Come quick!”
You hurried to join her, and she said,
“I’m so glad it didn’t slip away, that would have sucked. Ugh, do you know where your empty balls are, mine kinda rolled around in the chaos–”
“Got you covered,” you answered, grabbing a Dusk Ball from your bag and chucking it at the ancient Raichu. The pokemon resisted and popped out of the ball, but after a few more, the ball finally clicked shut. Nemona cheered and went to pick up the pokeball off the ground, while you tried to catch your breath and get your heartrate back under control. Chasing after Nemona was definitely an experience. 
After grabbing the ball, Nemona rushed to you with an excited gleam in her eyes, asking,
“Do you know what this means, Juliana?”
You looked at her, trying to think. After a bit you said,
“Uhmmm, that I probably should have brought more Dusk Balls with me?”
She laughed.
“Well, that too, yeah, but also, Hellcat wasn’t the only new pokemon in Area Zero! There’s more to find down here, I bet a bunch more if we keep going!”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, we’ve already found three species, there’s bound to be more, right? And none of them were mentioned in the Scarlet Book at all, or any of Sada’s notes we happened to read.”
You nodded thoughtfully.
“That’s true . . .”
Nemona pressed the Dusk Ball into your hands, gushing,
“Which means we might be the first trainers in existence to have seen and captured these pokemon!!”
You weren’t entirely convinced you two were the first, since it was always possible Sada had records about them you simply hadn’t noticed. However, it was also equally possible you were the first, and Nemona’s excitement was terribly infectious. You broke into a grin, admitting,
“That is a pretty awesome thought.”
“I know, right?? It’s so cool, I–” She squeezed her hands into excited fists and gave a giddy little giggle, then impulsively grabbed you and hugged tight, your cheeks smooshed together as she exclaimed,
“I’m so glad we got to discover them together!!”
Your skin rippled pleasantly in icy-hot goosebumps, but she released you before your brain had the chance to shut down entirely, which was probably for the best. Then she looked a little self-conscious, saying, 
“Sorry. Got a little excited there, heh.”
You hastened to reassure her.
“No, you– you have every reason to be! It is cool, I think I just have a habit of being afraid to hope for things I really want. But if we really are the first . . . that’s incredible. Like, it’s not just finding a new species, it’s finding an ancient, otherwise extinct species. Which is just nuts. And it’s honestly totally possible, since the Time Machine was transporting pokemon completely on autopilot until we finally shut it down.”
She nodded with enthusiasum. 
“Yeah, exactly! Okay, I’m glad you get it, I woulda felt weird to be the only one this psyched.”
You smiled and looked down at the pokeball in your hands.
“It’s definitely not just you. Plus, not to get too hopeful but I um, I think maybe this ancient Raichu might be pretty special? Was it just me or did it look like this guy was using electricity and fire at the same time? I dunno if that’s even possible, can pokemon moves be, like, dual-type?”
Nemona nodded again.
“I did notice that. Well, I noticed something funny at any rate. I always thought it was impossible, at school they always told us moves can only be one type. But . . . who knows? We’re in uncharted territory here, so I feel like anything’s possible, you know?”
You thought about that for a bit, rolling the pokeball in your hands. It was incredibly tempting to let the pokemon out and study it to try and learn more right then and there, because it intrigued you so much. But you also wanted to keep exploring the cave, and you knew Nemona would want to, too.
You looked at her.
“Guess we’ll find out more when we battle each other later, huh?”
She grinned.
“I like the way you think.”
You heard a quiet little chirp and glanced up, noticing Hellcat had caught back up to the two of you. Funny, you hadn’t noticed the pokemon make that kind of noise before; it seemed to be some kind of greeting. The tiger’s ears were perked and it looked at you both attentively. Nemona greeted,
“Hi Hellcat! You all dried off and ready for more exploring?”
The tiger made another quiet chirp, as if responding.
“I think they’re starting to like you, Nemona.”
“Really?” She sounded hopeful.
“Yeah. They don’t even try to bite you any more!”
She chuckled.
“Well, I guess it’s something.”
You took the opportunity to finally look around at the cave you’d ended up in, since you hadn’t really had the chance to yet in all the rush. The space was relatively narrow and cramped compared to other parts of the cave, but it was packed full of tera crystals glowing from all sides. The ground was sloped downward, the cave ahead leading ever deeper into the earth. 
“How far down do you think that tunnel brought us?”
Nemona was busy quickly re-sorting the empty pokeballs in her bag. She answered,
“No clue.”
You took a glance at your Rotom phone, but as expected, there was no service down here. Obviously. It was a good thing the caves you’d been following so far were generally one-way and not some confusing mazes, or else you’d be worried about getting lost. Getting back up that water slide tunnel would be a bit of a pain on the return trip, but you felt confident Scarlet could carry you guys up if need be.
Turning your focus back to the path ahead, you asked,
“How much deeper do you think it goes?”
Nemona zipped her bag up and slung it back over her shoulder. She smirked,
“No clue. Only one way to find out.”
You couldn’t argue with that logic. As you both began to walk again, you started to tell her,
“So, I was gonna mention, maybe next time when there’s a pokemon or a mysterious tunnel leading somewhere, you could–”
Nemona suddenly stopped, staring ahead intently.
“Wait, did you hear that?”
You frowned.
“Hear what?”
There was a very distant noise echoing in the cave, a low chattery kind of sound that could have been a pokemon cry. 
“Geez. You know, your hearing’s scary good.”
“That’s a pokemon! C’mon, let’s go see!”
Nemona started to run, but you lurched forward and grabbed her wrist before she could get away.
“Wait, wait, this is exactly what I’m talking about, Nemona!”
She turned to you, blinking.
“You can’t just . . .” You hesitated and sighed, starting again,
“Well, you can, but I’d prefer it if you didn’t just run ahead every time there’s something going on. I get that you’re excited, but you might be charging right into danger! I was really worried when you jumped into that tunnel blindly, that could have ended up pretty badly if it had spit us out from a bit higher up!”
Nemona looked at you a moment, then slumped a little, looking guilty.
“Sorry, Jules . . . I wasn’t trying to worry you. Or, uh, do anything risky. I guess I just was really focused on not letting the pokemon get away . . .”
You smiled gently and said,
“I understand. You don’t have to feel bad about it, I just want to make sure you’re safe, you know? And also, well . . . I’d rather face things together on this adventure. We’re a team, after all.” You suddenly felt a little unsure after saying it outloud and added, “Uhm, I mean, we are, right?”
Nemona studied you a moment, a soft smile forming on her face. Then she reached out and took your hand. 
Her voice was clear and certain when she answered,
“You’re right. I’ll remember from now on.”
You returned her smile, relieved.
“O-okay! Then, um . . . let’s go see what that noise was.”
You both forged ahead, following a path that continued downward and grew more cramped the more you traveled. At several points it was necessary to squeeze past some large rocks blocking the way; it appeared as though there had been some partial cave-ins at some point in the past. It was an unnerving reminder that you were indeed beneath an enormous amount of earth and rock that could crush you like a bug if something cataclysmic occurred. Thankfully Nemona’s excitement for adventure was an easy distraction, keeping you from dwelling on such thoughts for long. Besides, your curiosity overrode the nervousness you felt. The path seemed to meander down into the earth forever, and for a long time, there was not much to see but rock, dirt and tera crystals. There was nary a wild pokemon in sight, but you kept going anyway.
Then, with very little fanfare, the tunnel you’d been following emerged into a massive space, the ceiling towering above you like an enormous vault of crystal, the path soon leading to a narrow catwalk. On either side of the catwalk was a sheer drop, the ground so far below that it was impossible to even see exactly where it ended. Huge columns of crystal jutted up from the pits, growing at random angles, like the world’s prettiest death trap. For a good thirty seconds you and Nemona just stared silently in awe, taking it all in, eyes wide. 
“I don’t know how Area Zero manages to keep getting more and more impressive,” Nemona finally said, her voice hushed, almost as if she were worried that speaking too loud would disturb the peace here. You were gazing down into the pit. 
“How does it just keep going down? I bet you’d fall into the Earth’s core if you fell down there.”
Nemona gave a nervous chuckle, taking your hand again.
“Let’s not test that theory. We’ll just take the path nice and slow, okay?”
“Yeah. That sounds good.”
Hellcat moved ahead of you both, not intimidated by the enormous drop. It quickly crossed over the catwalk, reaching a broader area beyond. You and Nemona took your time, mindful of your steps so that you wouldn’t go tripping into the blackness. The air that rose up from the pit was cool and pleasant-smelling, like musty, damp earth. When you reached the other side of the catwalk, you found Hellcat was slinking about, ears perked and nose sniffing the air. It lowered into a crouch and began to stalk forward. Nemona muttered to you,
“I think they found something.”
You both carefully followed after the tiger. Hellcat was approaching a large patch of crystals that were sprouting from the ground. The crystals grew in long and thin columns, almost resembling some kind of plant from the way they were growing, like an aloe vera or some other succulent. You couldn’t see why Hellcat found it so interesting, but as you drew closer you noticed a quiet little chattering noise emanating from the crystals. It sounded a bit like the noise Nemona had noticed earlier, in fact. Perhaps you’d finally caught up to it. 
The cry sounded vaguely familiar to you, and you were busy trying to figure out what it reminded you of when you finally caught sight of some movement: a slithering black shape, coiled among the crystals. Hellcat’s eyes narrowed to slits and it looked as though it was preparing to spring. You glanced to Nemona; it seemed she saw no reason to interfere, since Hellcat was basically doing all the work in tracking down the pokemon. You both watched and waited.
Hellcat lunged, striking at the mysterious pokemon with its claws, but the tiger’s paws impacted hard with a crystal instead of a pokemon. There was a harsh cry, raspy and aggressive, and the serpentine black shape reared upwards, a vivid, glowing stripe of orange suddenly lighting up along the length of its body; there was a flash of teeth and glaring eyes as the body swayed, and you realized the pokemon was being reflected over and over in the array of tera crystals, making it extremely difficult to tell where it actually was. 
“Uh-oh. Um, any guesses, Nemona?”
The wild pokemon hissed, and you could see a purple tongue flicking around curved, black teeth. From all the reflections, you honestly couldn’t tell how many heads the snake had, because at the moment it seemed like you were staring at a very angry hydra. 
“Uuhm, I . . . there! I think. Hellcat, Dire Claw, there!”
Hellcat lashed out where Nemona pointed, but once again was foiled by the fakes, cracking a crystal instead of hitting a pokemon. Despite that fact, the snake didn’t take kindly to the attempted attack. It opened its mouth and spat a fireball. Hellcat tried to dodge but was partly singed by the attack, and it gave an angry shriek in response. 
“Oh man. Another fire type? This just isn’t your day, Hellcat, I’m sorry,” Nemona said, looking guilty about the hit Hellcat had taken.
“Don’t worry, Nemona, I have an idea,” you said, quickly checking through your pokeballs for the right one. 
“Got it, partner. Let’s back off for now, Hellcat, let Juliana handle this one.”
You grabbed up the ball you needed from your bag and tossed it. The purple form of your Gengar took shape. The ghost looked around at the situation, curious, and then turned his eyes to you.
“Gengar! There’s some sort of . . . uhh, something in that patch of crystals. I want you to use Dazzling Gleam!”
Gengar grinned and nodded, then turned to face his foe. Nine different heads hissed at Gengar, but the ghost was not easily intimidated. He floated forward, a small light starting to build as he charged his attack. 
“Cover your eyes, Nemona!”
Gengar unleashed his move, a brilliant white light flashing, reflecting in the crystals dozens and dozens of times; you could see the incredible brightness even behind your closed eyes. The wild pokemon’s cry was loud and grating, and you got the feeling Gengar had hit it hard.
When you opened your eyes, you saw the snake spew a stream of fire in retaliation, engulfing Gengar in flames. The ghost grunted, looking charred and wounded, but stuck it out. You ordered,
“Again Gengar, Dazzling Gleam!”
Your pokemon unleashed another sparkling attack, his foe crying out in pain once more. The snake uncoiled from the tera crystal it was wrapped around and began to slither out of the patch of crystals, perhaps starting to think the better of its hiding place. As its head peeked out, you could see it much better: it had a long, toothy snout and a pair of narrow, purple eyes. The stripe of orange that ran along its body continued up back its neck and onto its head, splitting into a pattern with several prongs on the top of its head. The shape almost made it look as though it were a glowing, orange crown. 
The orange crown began to glow brighter and brighter, a sphere of orange energy forming there. The pokemon flicked its head upwards, shooting the ball of energy up into the air over your heads. Your eyes widened. You’d seen this move enough times to recognize it by now.
“Draco Meteor?! Gengar, watch out!” The orange ball of energy exploded, creating a volley of meteors that began to rain down. Neither you or Nemona had expected such a move, so Gengar wasn’t the only one trying to dodge; Hellcat, you and Nemona all scrambled to get out of the path of the meteors as well. You slipped on the ground in your haste, managing to catch yourself before crashing down too painfully. You grunted and twisted around to quickly assess the others– thankfully, it seemed there weren’t any casualties. You yelled,
“Gengar, Dazzling Gleam, one more time!”
Gengar sprang ahead, the flashes of pure fairy energy overwhelming his opponent. Despite how exhausted the snake was by now, it still managed to spit a fireball in return. Gengar trembled and then fainted, and you called,
“That’s okay Gengar, you did great!”
You returned Gengar to his ball, quickly trying to assess if the wild pokemon was catchable by now– it probably was. You reached for your bag, only to realize it had slipped off while you’d been dodging meteors. Aw, nuts. You glanced up when you heard the snake hiss again. It was slithering towards you.
“Got you covered!” she responded immediately, throwing a pokeball. The ball hit its target and shook twice, then the snake popped out again, still hissing. She yelled,
“Don’t be stubborn, get in there!” 
The second ball she tossed successfully captured, causing you to sigh in relief. 
“Thanks, Nemona.”
“Yeah, of course! Great job handling that, by the way– Dazzling Gleam was such a great idea.”
She picked the pokeball up and tried to hand it to you, but you shook your head.
“Keep it, I took the last two.”
“You sure?”
“Okay! Heheh, this is gonna be so fun to use. I’m guessing it’s Fire/Dragon? I’ve never seen anything use Draco Meteor other than dragon types before, so that’s my best guess.”
You nodded.
“Yeah, seems a good bet to me. It really surprised me, though.”
“I know, right? But then again, you never know with pokemon. Especially these Paradox Pokemon, they seem to have a lot of surprises.”
That certainly was the truth. You surveyed the damage caused by the Draco Meteor. A number of impact craters in the ground but nothing too serious– no catastrophic cave-ins or anything. You were glad none of you had been struck by the attack, though. 
“Guess we should make sure to really be on our toes from now on, huh?”
She answered, “Yeah, for sure.” Then, with an excited gleam in her eyes, she turned to you and added, 
“But what I tell ya, Jules? We’re already on our third new pokemon, I knew we’d keep finding more!” 
You laughed,
“You were right. At this rate we’re gonna be able to write a sequel to the Scarlet Book.”
It was just a joke, but Nemona looked thrilled with the idea.
“Oooh, that’d be so cool! Well, La Primera would have to be okay with releasing information about Area Zero to the public first, I guess . . .”
“And that’s assuming she doesn’t kill us if we tell her that we keep coming down here.”
“Oh come on, she wouldn’t kill us! She wouldn’t be that mad . . . would she?” Nemona looked suddenly uncertain. You shrugged.
“I dunno, you know her better than I do.”
Nemona seemed to consider for a few moments, then said,
“Um, let’s keep exploring!” You didn’t have a problem with leaving thoughts of punishment for another time– you were already down here, and you were going to enjoy it to the fullest while you could. You and Nemona continued onward, mindful to check any patches of crystals from now on in case they contained any surprises. However, nothing else unexpected seemed to be lurking. There seemed to be very few pokemon in general at these depths, in fact. You passed by a few docile Carbink, then walked a path that wasn’t as narrow as earlier, but was close enough to the dizzying drop that you both continued to be careful and take your time. 
Eventually you met with another tunnel, covered in smooth tera crystal and leading ever-deeper into the earth. This one was different, though, as it was blocked by a very large collection of crystals. The crystals that composed the roadblock seemed to be denser and more opaque than the usual tera crystals. 
“Can you squeeze by?” Nemona asked, trying to see if she could wedge herself between the crystals and the tunnel. You attempted to do so on the other side, but the crystals had grown far too close, almost sealing off the tunnel entirely.
“Nah. We’ll have to use Scarlet.”
You both backed off and sent out Koraidon, then ordered a Rock Smash. Scarlet gave the crystal a good thwack with his tail, but the crystals remained solid. 
“Try again, Scarlet!”
He hit it again, but to no effect. Several more attempts, each time with increasing intensity, also ended in failure. Scarlet backed off and licked at his bruised tail, giving a little whine.
“You okay, Scarlet? Hmmph. I don’t think this crystal is gonna budge. Don’t worry, boy, I won’t make you keep trying.”
You returned him to his ball. Nemona crossed her arms, complaining,
“Well this stinks! I wonder why this crystal is so much tougher than the other ones?”
You shrugged.
“It’s pretty big. Maybe it’s older and thicker? At any rate, this might be the end of the line for us.”
She sighed sadly.
“Yeah. It’s starting to look like it.”
Your hand was still resting against the large crystal when a familiar sound echoed within the cavern: a loud, feral roar. Your eyes widened, and you both quickly turned.
Floating high in the air above the pit was a pokemon with crescent-moon shaped wings tipped in a row of feathers. Its forearms had long, sharp talons and its armored head had spiky tufts of feathers and crocodilian jaws. A pair of yellow eyes peered down at you from above.
“Roaring Moon?” Nemona whispered. You nodded silently.
That wasn’t the strangest part, though. The Roaring Moon was Terastallized, which in itself was not unusual. But it wasn’t like any Terastallization you’d ever seen. The pokemon’s body was glittering in an entire rainbow of colors, and its Tera Jewel was . . . more of a Tera crown, studded with a whole slew of shimmering hexagonal gemstones.
Hellcat bristled and growled at the pokemon while you and Nemon exchanged a look, dumbfounded.
The dragon gave another roar.
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gamesception · 1 year
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So here's the new toy that's been distracting me the last couple days. My decade+ old oversized ASUS gaming laptop finally pooped out several months ago, leaving me daily driving my Steam Deck of all things as my main home computer. And don't get me wrong, the Deck has performed remarkably well in that regard, but I've been meaning to get something a bit fancier for a while. Something that could handle 1440p gameplay at a decent framerate while streaming or recording, can manage image and video editing well, and in particular can run some VR games. I've been interested in VR gaming ever since Lobac posted about some of that a while back, especially with the Meta Quest 2 being a solid headset at a really aggressive cost. With the Zuck giving up on the metaverse, the Quest is likely never going to be cheaper than it is now.
I'd waffled for a while about building a PC, but in the end I psyched myself out and decided to go with a pre-built instead. Yes, that means willfully overpaying for the end product by a few hundred bucks to pay someone else to do the assembly and initial set up for me, but in exchange I only had to research one product instead of half a dozen separate components, plus there's a single warranty where if anything doesn't work it's somebody else's problem to fix it, and I'd only have to deal with a delay.
After watching and reading a bunch of reviews, Skytech seemed to be a decent choice for system integrator, with solid to positive reviews for various prebuilt models they offer, including Gamer's Nexus who tend to be pretty harsh on pre-builts. But it was this review from JustIN Tech that sold me on this Azure 2 model. "Performance equivalent to last gens best, but at half the price" is the exact tag line I was looking for, and after a recent price discount it was just within my $2k range.
In retrospect though, I should have done some more research on the specific components. I'm quite happy with the intel 13600 cpu, and while the included cooling setup is overkill for that chip, that just means I've got some free thermal space to overclock or upgrade in the future. Plus, it's pretty, and I'm shallow. On the other hand it turns out the nvidia 4070ti is not well thought of - generally considered badly overpriced, plus has the extra negetive association of being just a rebranding of the failed '4080 12gb' that was so roundly panned that its release had to be canned altogether. And the PNY model that came bundled in my unit isn't even as nice as the Gigabyte one in the JustIN Tech review. One of the reasons why Gamer's Nexus is the better channel for these sorts of reviews is that they do secret shopper and get the same stuff regular folks get, where as brands know what they're sending to channels like JustIN Tech and can take pains to make the best possible impression by including better components and taking extra care in assembly and packaging.
So what should I have purchased instead? I don't know. Maybe the 'blue' model of the same Azure 2 line, which is three hundred dollars cheaper to swap out the 4070ti for an intel Arc a770, which would probably have been more than enough for my intended use cases. Heck, with 4 extra gb of vram it might have even been better than the 4070ti for me in the long term, and if not then I could use the money saved towards swapping out to a better AMD card next gen. But the blue model comes in a blue version of the case, which wouldn't have made the swirly rainbow rbgs pop as much.
Anyway, while I might have made a different choice if I had done more research, that doesn't mean I'm at all unhappy with what I got! The Azure 2 arrived promptly. The build quality of the system is very nice. No damage, no loose or cross-threaded screws. Everything worked right out of the box when plugged in - including all the various external ports. Skytech certainly did a good job putting it all together. While the 4070ti might not be the most reasonably priced card for its performance level, now that it's here and paid for regardless, it seems like it should be able to do everything I want it to, at least for now. And if I end up replacing the gpu sooner then I would have liked, eh, we live and learn.
And while it doesn't matter at all compared to cost and performance, the swirly rainbow rgb lighting makes me feel like a Real Gamer (tm).
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Desk is getting a bit cluttered tho.
As for performance, It's quiet and runs cool while playing my current games at top settings - though my particular game selection (mostly just Elden Ring on max settings with Ray Tracing), and my 1080p, 75hz monitor aren't exactly putting it through its paces yet. A new monitor is one of several upgrades & accessories I plan to get to go with this thing in coming months. New monitor, VR headset, an extra ssd on which to install linux - I figure I'll keep the windows install on the side, on the off chance there are games or utilities I can't get running in Linux down the line.
But anyway yeah, that's what I've been so busy with lately, delaying liveblog posts.
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shop-korea · 1 month
The Best Fish Taco Bowls: Easy, Fresh, and Flavorful
Bus 9A - Little Haiti - Blks
was Late - 2:18P - came
Tagged - Bus 3 - Aventura
Mall - other side - Hispanic
Male saw me - Clicked and
Hit me - saw my Duffle Bag
He harmed me knowing I'm
Public Storage - NW 56 Av
Switching - to Capital One
CAFE - Brickell - Recharge
My Fan - He saw my Jeans
His Huge Breasted Wife yes
She - shows - Breasts - does
not - wear - Jeans shorts for
They wear Bra - its kept on
rips panty - Penetrates
Hispanic married pushes
Females in Mall for he is
not married - Seldom yes
share - marrying - loosing
weight - they - WHY - He
can have your Cellulite
Open your Vaginal area
Wear a Bra - Why should
anyone have you - Thin
His Spanish mother breast
fed him like dogs feed on
their moms - His mother
was not a virgin - Hispanic
Today - Driver looks white
but upclose - Hispanic
Bus 9A - Illegal Breaks
0600 - Not every 10 min
1300 - Not every - 15 min
Miami - Buses - Metrobus
40th Anniversary
Big Improve
None of their Drivers will
Drive Ours
New Democrats
50 States - Take over
California - 2% - Tax
New York - 1% - Tax
Just one Tax
Systems will not allow
Florida - One Tax - 1%
Property Tax - $1
Business Tax - $1
Full Refund - Property Taxes
Democrat Party - Paying
Property Tax - Donations
Then - Lights Decreasing
50 States - Politicians and
County Employees laid off
Less Police - Garbage Men
New Democrats - Clean Up
New Machines - Cleans
Poop - Leaves - Trash - All
50 States
Getting Dog Food - Moochie
10 Aug - Tents - still - there
Moved Further down
Cut the 2 bikes storage
in the Front - Need poles
Since - under trees - Bird
Poop - Next 2 old male his
Tent - Hides me - This tent
Storage - Real Ugly - Now
like - Sausages - Blk - Looks
More Beautiful - Thin 2 - the
fence - because - USA - 246
Firearm - Management
$5,000 - Firearm
Florida - Federal - Taxes
So Protected under
Grand Theft
Firearm Management
Anger - Management
Open Carry - Obedience
Jesus is Lord
Sat on a Mule
Jesus had long hair
Not armed - He walked
Huge Muscles Slept on
the Outside Great stars
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chetbakerswhor3 · 9 months
Woke up to sex. Amazing sex. So good we had to shower after.
Had sadie try the nasty immunity jelly shot. They got the sea moss gel one. One of the ingredients was olive oil. babe I’m so sorry but you ha
Sadie took me to File Systems of Coffee. It was so good. The barista that took our order had such a cute outfit but if you paid close attention you could see the quilted chanel ballet flats and the likely $200+ necklace and probably vintage shop cardigan. The owner (?) came up to me again today. Apologized for closing on us early the day before (so he did see nat and I about to walk over and probably heard me scream in discontent). He’s so cool and so sweet. Love it there. Sadie said it’s a place where people pretend to work.
Finallly got new dog poop bags. Realized kena hadn’t pooped that day and we’d be coming home to a trail of shit and the most richeous smell ever.
Hopped on the bus and went to glossier so sadie can get a perfum reup. Suprisingly packed for a Tuesday. The 10-13 year old makeup/skincare epidemic is crazy. Watching them use the tester applicator was so crazy. I can’t stop them that might be there universal cannon event. Their parental guardians didn’t even stop them. Oh well. Spoiled brats.
Went home on the bus and saw a crazy coop tag on the rip and dip bus stop billboard.
Got home to kena shit and piss and couldn���t get the stink out for the longest time. bitch.
Introduced sadie to Sex and the City. Watched it the whole night. Don’t know when but I fell into such a bad mood. Couldn’t shake it off.
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sakuradasgf · 3 years
how aib characters take care of you when your sick! ft: arisu, chishiya, and ofc the loml niragi 
a/n: writers block atm but i decided to squeeze some content to feed my loves
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- “you’re heating up.” ARISU stated as he touched your forehead. “let me get some medicine for you, wait here yeah?” he told you as you nodded your head in response. hearing the door of his room close shut, you let the sleepiness engulf you, and you let your eyelids close gently but the pounding in your head didn’t. maybe you shouldn’t have played games with him till 5am in the morning half naked. hearing the door open once again, you cuddled in the heated he offered you. “here, some painkillers. think it kills the headache.” he mumbled while handing you a glass of warm water and pills. after taking the medicine, you definitely felt the headache run slow. “thank you,” you croaked, wincing at your voice. “of course, now wanna watch me play animal crossing and catch all those pretty butterflies for you?” 
- CHISHIYA knows you’re sick, he can literally tell by your red face, uneven breaths, and how your voice sounded as if someone sandpapered it. come on, he’s a medical student, don’t try to hide it from him. “hey idiot (affectionally), come here, you’re running a high fever.” chishiya said before you could even leave for the games. “b-but! games, tonight!” you argued, “so? i’m not letting you go there in such a weak state, plus your visa still has some days left, so let me take care of you.” feeling yourself go even redder from embarrassment, you quickly walked to your shared bed and laid down as he pulled the blanket over your shivering body, then he left the bed to head to the toilet. the sound of water running filled the room, and you saw his blonde hair pop out. “let’s get you clean, you lazy cat. (also affectionally).” at that moment, you knew chishiya definitely has a soft spot for you. 
- “jesus christ, is she okay?” NIRAGI worriedly questioned ann, who is placing a cold towel on your burning forehead. “she is, i think a few days of rest should do the trick.” she said, as she gently lifted you up for niragi to carry you back to your room since you legs gave out on you as you arrived back from the games. “if you ever need anything just come over.” ann finally stated as she slammed the door of the clinic shut. “who let you go to the games at this state?” he questioned you. “don’t know, just felt like throwing up in the middle of the game. but someone helped me to win.” you said and he frowned at the sound of your voice. “well then, i got no choice but to keep you in bed until you feel better huh, pretty doll?” he said, while placing a kiss on your forehead. just expect a package of sick niragi to appear at the side of your bed once your fully healed. “i may or may have not puked all over hatter today at the executive meeting, haha.” 
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Monster High the Movie Review Part 4
Spoilers ahead!
I don't like this Komos guy... but his song "True Monster Heart" has been stuck in my head for DAYS! it's so dang catchy! it's like a mild form of torture!
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This purple kid could have been Andy beast. what a wasted opportunity!
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Is... is Cleo trying to flirt with the teacher?... Deuce isn't even in the room, who is she trying to impress? I don't like it. Back away from the underage girl
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My biggest gripe about G2 was the fact that the school was new and had no history... now THIS school seems to have a LOT of history... I don't wanna eat my own words here but like... can't we meet in the middle? I'm glad the school is really old but why is the tech super old??? Frankie was just bragging about having a smart phone not 10 minutes ago and now Clawdeen is in a library that looks like it was ripped directly out of the 1700's, peep that ancient wheelchair. its also so dirty and dusty. OG Monster High had cob webs but the school itself was clean and modern, it had wi-fi and computers. Is this supposed to be creepy? is that what all the kids are scared of now? the past? oooOOOOooo look out! its the dewey decimal system! I don't know y'all this is very anachronistic and it's taking me out of the movie, it's distracting.
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*puts on nerd glasses* There is no need to manufacture pointed teeth on human actors for mythical creatures... Humans have pointed teeth... they are called our canine teeth. The teeth that are pointed HERE are lateral incisors & don't make anatomical sense, it looks terrible in live action especially since in animation? fangs are often spaced much further apart than this. This isn't "True Blood" circa 2008. Put them fangs back on her canines. *takes off nerd glasses*
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Clawdeen becomes fully human!... her human ears grow in on the sides of her head ...ew... this is the opposite of a werewolf transformation. but it's equally horrifying!
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Magnesium bicarbonate is not soothing, it tastes like TV static. but technically Frankie is right it does help settle your nerves. Clawdeen is gonna have some interesting poops later, but I digress.
I don't really understand this big push to make Frankie really smart ... this started in G2 but it directly conflicts with their whole "new to the world naivete" thing they have going on. G3 is TRYING to have it both ways with them being very intelligent but not knowing how intelligent they are because they can't recall a topic unless it's referenced in front of them, they get that brain spark thing and know the info instantly but they don't have the power to recall that info at will. it's fine I guess.
Mind you, OG Frankie was never stupid. She was just newly created and had no experience yet.
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Frankie Stein has Alan Turing's cortex and they will not have any of your holocaust denying BS today!
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Movie thinks I won't notice looking at scrolls to get info in one scene and then using a smart phone in the next, movie is wrong. then again I guess looking up info on a smart phone just isn't as cinematic as finding the right scroll for the info you need on the fourth try. This would have been a good opportunity to use the sentient school! instead of years old info just chilling in a tube the school could have literally spat it out for them to see or lead them to where it was. tsk, tsk. wasted opportunity.
Clawdeen is still hiding the fact that her father is human, he gets an invite to a school function addressed to "Pierre Wolf", a fake name Clawdeen gave to Bloodgood to make it seem like he was a werewolf too. But so far? I don't think they've said his actual name, Mom's name is Selena but we don't hear Dad's name, it's possible I missed it.
Update: I did miss it. His name is Apollo, it's on his name tag when he comes home from work.
Part 4/?
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simkhira · 5 years
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I Have 300+ Gameplay Mods?! & Yes, They All Work Together...
Yes, you read that correctly. I have over 300 gameplay mods / overrides in my game. 340 to be exact. & Yes, they all work just fine together. By that I mean hardly any last exceptions / errors. So if you are looking for ways to spice up your game - here you go, sis:
⭐ = my ultimate faves
PLEASE SEE ALL 300+ LINKS ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE! desktop tumblr won’t let us be great.
BIG DISCLAIMER: Use these mods at your own risk! Just because all 300+ of these mods work for me, does not mean they will work for you. ALSO - when patch day comes, do not refer to this list for the most up-to-date versions of mods… I will only be updating this list when I feel like I need to.
let’s start with... the basics:
MC Command Center ⭐
UI Cheats Extension ⭐
More Columns in CAS ⭐
No Mosaic ⭐
CAS Background
CAS Blob Remover
CAS Immersive Lighting
CAS Tidy Accessories + Details
New Loading Screens
Cube Map Remover ⭐
Into the Light (Lighting Mod)
Out of the Dark (Lighting Mod)
Twinkle Toes (Lighting Mod)
No Fade on Sims and Objects
Build/Buy Camera (Tab Mode) ⭐
Lot Trait Effects Hider
Smaller Plumbob ⭐
& then you need... realistic socialization:
Chat Pack ⭐
Whim Overhaul ⭐
Meaningful Stories ⭐
Personality Please
Better Elders
More Face to Face Conversation
Call Over Sims (Higher Distance)
Call Anytime + Chat Longer on the Phone
Unlisted Phone Numbers ⭐
Low Fun is Boring
Family Matters (Share Big News with Family Members)
Share More News ⭐
Congratulate More
Ask What Happened More
Conversation Tweaks
Chat Standing Still
No Stand Up to Greet
No Rude Intro Animation
No Flirty Animation
Apology Fix (Don’t Apologize if Your’re the Victim)
Angry Walk-style Only When VERY Angry
Less Intrusive Conversations
NPC’s Get Out of My Convo
Autonomous Parenthood Social Interactions
Autonomous Social Interactions
Reduced Idle Chatting
Know Your Coworkers / Classmates ⭐
More Away Actions
More Social Activities
Spend Weekend With
Teach Me the Rumbaism
now let’s talk about... realistic romance:
Chemistry System ⭐
Pillow Talk After Woohoo ⭐
No Shy First Kiss
No Woohoo Dance
Shower Woohoo Tweaks
No Romance for Family
Restricted Romance Interactions
Less Jealousy
Simda Dating App
Can I Come Over?
Date Night Event
Movie Night Event
Set Family Relationships ⭐
Set Extended Family Relationships ⭐
Bathroom Privacy Tweak
Bridal Shower Event
Bachelor(ette) Party Event
Auto Engagement / Wedding Ring ⭐
Vacation Weddings
Sit at Weddings
Better Wedding Presents ⭐
Honeymoon Event
Buy More Gifts from Phone
Ask for Romantic Massage
Realistic Divorce ⭐
Traumatic Divorce for Children
Improved Relationships
No Restaurant Bill When Invited ⭐
Faster Cooking at Restaurants ⭐
Better Food Quality at Restaurants
Finish Eating in Restaurants
Restaurant Guests Overhaul
Restaurant Sit Tweak
(can y’all tell that restaurants annoy me? lmao)
first comes love, then comes... pregnancy / toddler / kids / fur babies:
Ages Behavior Tweaks
Toddlers Spawn at Parks (with Parents)
More Children at Beaches
Pregnancy Overhaul
Rub Your Baby Bump (Small Pregnancy Overhaul)
Determine Baby’s Gender for All ⭐
Ultrasound Scans ⭐
Baby Shower Event
Amazing Birth (Rave About Your Delivery)
Advanced Birth Certificate ⭐
Sibling Care Tweaks
Make Less / Clean Less Mess
Auto Brush Teeth After Puking
Auto Put Activity Crafts into Inventory
Allow Toddlers to go to Services
No Call Out of High Chair
Toddler Power Nap
Better Toddler Milk
Better + Younger Nanny
Call a Babysitter ⭐
Call a Dog Walker
Shorter Dog Walks
Dog Walkers in Other Worlds
Scold All Pets
Sell Grown Up Pets
Pet Food Serving Overhaul
More Efficient Pet Brushing
Kids Can Walk Dogs
Kids Can Order Espresso
Kids Can Ride Bikes
Kids Have More Phone Interactions
Kids Can Cook
Kids Can Do Retail
Kids Can Garden
Kids Can Make Flower Arrangements
Kids Can Make Robots
Kids Can Workout
Kids Can Do Spa Activities
Kids Can Play Guitars
Kids Can Play Ping Pong
Birthday Anytime
Let Friends Age Up ⭐
No Auto Put Away Toys
No Auto Put Away Pet Toys
No Puddles Under Tubs (Toddler Bath)
Has to Pee Walk-style for Kids Only
Better Homework ⭐
Better Grade School ⭐
Better High School ⭐
Preschool for Toddlers ⭐
School Projects are Fun
More School Holidays
25 School Vacation Days
Prom Night Event ⭐
Sleepover Event
Pizza Party Event
Field Trip Event
Family Reunion Event
Pool Party Event
speaking of school... university:
Less Credits for Degree ⭐
University Costs More ⭐
University Holidays Fixed
Higher Scholarships ⭐
Rejection Letter
Harder Distinguished Degree Acceptance ⭐
Degree Required for Promotions
Faster Run to University Class
Teens Jump to University
Choose Your Helmet
Choose Your Roommates ⭐
Roommate Age-Checks
Roommate Significant Other Fix
Roommates No Random Outfit Changing
Roommates No Random Item Spawning in Dorms
Roommates No Spawning Meals
Roommates No Trash
Roommates Sleep All Night
Roommates Less Music
College Org Members Are Uni Students
Faster University Homework ⭐
Faster Tutoring Class
Copy Graduation Photos and Diploma
No Bad Microwave Buffs
No Ghosts on Campus
Sports Fixes
Game Day Event
Graduation Party Event
once you graduate... careers & aspirations:
Plan Career Outfit
Better Work Actions
Enlist in War ⭐
Live in Business
Faster Retail Actions
Faster Record / Edit Videos on Video Station⭐
Higher Acting Gig Payouts & Royalties ⭐
More Realistic Overmax Pay ⭐
Higher Payments for Paintings ⭐
Higher Royalties for Apps/Games ⭐
Higher Royalties for DJ Mixing ⭐
Higher Royalties for Lifestyle Brands ⭐
Higher Royalties for Song Lyrics ⭐
Higher Royalties for Music ⭐
Freelancer Edits are More Successful
Sketchpad No Fees
Campaign Rally Event
Visible Political Position
Watch Political Speeches at Podium
Retirement Party Event
The University Aspiration Pack ⭐
Accomplished Lady Aspiration
Family Aspiration
Grow Up Aspiration
Teacher’s Pet Aspiration
Knowledge Aspiration
Retirement Aspiration
Romance Aspiration
Famous Pastry Chef Aspiration
Twilight Years Aspiration
All-Rounder Aspiration
Programming Genius Aspiration
Travel and Culture Aspiration
Wellness Aspiration
9 to 5 Career Pack ⭐
Night Shift Career Pack ⭐
Part Time Career Pack ⭐
Fitness Career
Health and Beauty Career
Modeling Career
Journalism Career (Adult + Teen)
Trust Fund Career (Adult + Teen)
Welfare Recipient (Adult + Teen)
Saturday Jobs (Teens)
Oceanography Career (Teens)
Private Tutoring Career (Teens)
All Freelancer Careers (Teens)
Tutor (Odd Job)
Woohoo (Odd Job) - lmao
Art Show Event
hahaha... adulting sucks:
Basemental Alcohol ⭐
Happy Hour Event
SNB Realistic Bills ⭐
SNB Banking
Invest in Stocks
Lowered Thermostat Bills
Instant Thermostat ⭐
Auto Wrinkles for Adults
Life Decider 
House Warming Party (No More Fruitcake)
Door Knock Notification ⭐
Island Events Notifications ⭐
No Strangers Knocking at Your Door
Quick Showers / Baths ⭐
Shower + Bladder Reliever (don’t judge me)
Power Nap ⭐
Sleep All Night
Smarter Robot Vacuum
Functional Tide Pods
Clean Your Bedsheets
Auto Put Away Clothes
Auto Start/Dry Clothes
Laundry on Community Lots Costs
No Idle Laundry Animations / Sparkles
Don’t Prep Food Where You Angry Poop ⭐
Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop ⭐
Eco Dishwasher
Faster Cooking ⭐
No Auto Set the Table
Ask to Cook, Bake, Grill
BBQ Event
Custom Food + Recipe’s ⭐
Custom Drinks + Recipe’s ⭐
Grannie’s Old Cookbook + Recipe’s ⭐
Bake Cupcakes in Oven
Coolers are Cooling
Advanced Fishing ⭐
Fishing Trip Event
Fish for Crabs, Lobster, & Shrimp
More Seafood Servings
More Snacks in Fridge
More Food at the Bar
More Food in the Cafe
Flea Market Every Sunday
Get to Church
just in case you... get famous:
No Fame Decay ⭐
Celebrities Never Reject Fans
Celebrities are Quarantined in Del Sol Valley ⭐
Get Famous Award Overhaul
Less Celebrity Reactions
Famous Sims Gain Followers Automatically
More Follower’s Resolution for Everyone
Free Staff (Chef, Barista, Bartender, etc.) ⭐
Gardeners and Maids on Weekends
Red Carpet Event
whatever you are... just be happy and healthy:
Fitness Controls ⭐
Balanced Calories ⭐
Go for a Walk
Hiking Increases Herbalism Skill
Power Workouts
Athletic Outfit in Winter ⭐
Healthy Drinks
Improved Meditation Stool
Improved Spa Day Tablet
Improved Yoga Mat ⭐
Craftable Pottery
Less Elder Exhaustion
Less Sickness
Longer Basketball Games
More Fun Stuff
Online Gaming with Headsets
and I can’t forget these... more gameplay mods:
NPC Controller ⭐
Improved Autonomy
Simulation Lag Fix
Simulation Timeline Unclogger
Improved Autonomy During Loading Screens ⭐
No Empty Venues When Arriving ⭐
No Temperature Deaths ⭐
No Death from Murphy Bed
No React to Stranger’s Death
Realistic Death (Mortem) ⭐
Memorial Event
Freezing Sims Don’t Turn Blue ⭐
More Club / Holiday Icons
Make Hidden Holiday Traditions Selectable
Random Holiday Traditions
Wellness Traditions
More Holiday Icons
Less Rain More Sun
Less Snow More Sun
Summer Blow-Out Event
Christmas Eve Event
New Year’s Eve Bash Event
No Ugly Rain Outfits
More Umbrella Variations in World
Open Umbrella on Rainy Days Only
No More Broken Umbrellas
Destroy Leaf Piles ⭐
Dress Code Lot Trait
Gender and More Lot Trait
Preferences Lot Trait
Add Sims to Groups During Events
No Auto Club Gathering ⭐
Flower Arrangements Slower Decay
Take Photo Overhaul (Moschino Stuff) ⭐
Snorkel Everywhere
Don’t Turn NPC’s into Spellcasters
No Role Outfits for Sages
ROM Portal Only for Spellcasters
& you also need these... much-needed overrides:
More Sponge Colors
More Sippy Cup Colors
More Dog Leash Colors
White Ice Skates
Better Food Textures (All of Them) ⭐
Hidden Bassinet ⭐
iPhone X Phone Replacement
Playing Cards Replacement
Military Salute Overhaul
Small Saucer Light ⭐
Working Medicine Cabinet ⭐
Working Alarm Clocks ⭐
Realistic Fighting Animation 
Oasis Springs + Island Living Palm Trees ⭐
special thank you to all of the wonderful mod creators! seriously, I could not play this game without you guys... (no, really.) There are way too many of you guys to name without missing someone... so if you reblog this, all I ask is that you please tag your favorite modders! (& maybe even add your favorite mods?)
7K notes · View notes
Fourth General Reference Post!
(sorry if I reblog, it's only to keep from losing this to the sands of time! Also anyone's free to reblog or save this as is the mode on Tumblr Dot Com. Links go to my blog because it's the best, easy way I have to make sure I don't lose posts to deletion.)
"Farmers in Third World Countries Live in Destitution" is propaganda framing
If you bring a book to a bar no one likes you tweet & redemption
Criticizing anon hate
Megamind Ridiculous Criticism
Please don't call my girlfriend a morosexual
I'm a stuckasaurus tiktok
The antidote to negativity
Barbie movies link
Reddit AITA Vriska Baby Name
It's me boy I'm the PS5 vine
Writing security/intelligence systems
Knitting Fandom Tech Bros
Structural violence
The moon is my mom
Memphis Citizens Flight Attendant Story
Ooh she thique
Thank u for ur addition
50s Nuclear Dad Pics
"you didn't need to use this many tags I'm not going to lie"
All About Image Descriptions
Chicken Nugget the Butterfly
Man Eating Rice, China 1901-1904
Every Villain is Lemons
Hop Any P@ywa11
Zelda BOTW clip
The US has a higher Gini Coefficient than Russia
Crazed Fan Art Actually Drawn By Original Artists
The "labor shortage" is bullshit w/story
Zoomers don't shave your brows
Weeb Ass Shit Scale
Sites to Make Moodboards
If you have trans kids make a safe folder
Bird wants to chew books but MUST dance
Mustelid German Grocery Store
What fetishization means
RPatz "Playing Batman Was Grueling"
A Lot of Christian Rock is Bad
Thought witch hazel wasn't real
Don't Write without engaging with the source material/genre
JK Rowling name based on your ethnicity reddit thread
Internet culture retconned their harassment
Mizaki Chan cursed post
Firemen rescuing cats
Vaping prose ancient texts
Taking down tanks in an urban setting
Fuming Mums
Why TERFs are Educating Young People & AIDs history
Top Ten Worst Anime Tiddies
Jamil on Cancel Culture Video
TikTok "I hate you"
Important post on the redfish graphic and Ukraine
Cop Crashes Dirtbike Video
The Chemical Worker's Song
David Allen (Irish Comedian) Bit About Christianity
Supernatural fans know exactly where to find gifs
San Francisco Tenant LGBT+ activist history
This Forest is Old As Balls Legolas
Cartoon Bomb Son
Skweezy Jibbs
Myam myam myam njam njam meep! (Cat video)
Magic Soup Recipe
Better New Batman Tweets
Miyazaki Ableism Zombie AI
The bigger the issue the smaller you write
Koko Foundation wouldn't hire someone deaf
Nude breasts on the TV
SO MANY drawing references
How to have a good internet experience
Kitty Loves Me but she doesn't want to deal with me
Image text gods
And then they struck me
If I die delete my howrse account
Bashes to bashes
Seabiscuit's legacy
@ healthcare receptionists (workers)
My sister's response to 'red sniper dot is my shadow'
I don't care if you only like my posts.
quit conflating criticism with oppression
If the Queen's really Dead
Howrse Bed a Unicorn
I'd survive cave of two lovers
Should I make the joke ask
J's children story
Stop softly implying anyone you don't like is a pedophile/rapist
JKR "didn't know" with her penname
Husband in the Clown Wars
Wouldst Thou Like To Live Cuntily
Hope you guys don't realize that YA novels are written by adults
Prince Zuko is disagreeable
All crashes happen within the last 8 mins of a flight
Poop Revenge Reddit
Calling all interests fandoms
Twilight Princess My Vag
Murder of Crows and so on
"Delete TikTok it Can't Get Better Than This"
Mutual love affair
Don't push people to smoke weed
7 notes · View notes
hollyhomburg · 4 years
can u show what happens after the snipts and i'm curious about the tae x reader, pretty please my heart is broken from that angst but the way you wrote is beautiful
here is the next part!
TAGS: angst, unplanned pregnancy, depression, loneliness, BETA! taehyung x reader
W/c: 3.5k
A/n: here you go! here are the beta Taehyung parts, as well as what happens immediately after she leaves the alphas and Jimin. The next part will be about what happens to them in the wake of her leaving, and I will say this; the next part has some heavy tags so be sure to watch out for those. ALSO- TAE IS THE VILLAN OF THIS STORY, but the beginning with him isn’t bad. he will eventually betray the reader so be prepared! 
Tumblr media
- You cry yourself to sleep every night the first week in your new apartment. 
- It’s a nice place really, too nice- but your company had told you it was more than within your means when they booked it for you. and you can barely believe the first paycheck you get.  it has an extra bedroom and a kitchen with a retro-style but new appliances and molding on the ceiling in the old district, full of restaurants and coffee shops that you live off for the first few weeks. 
- You don’t have a bed frame yet, so your bed just sits on the carpeted floor.  Your boxes scattered around you, the one that holds some of your books acts as a nightstand.  Your new job isn’t that terrible- in fact they make every point to tell you how good it is to have someone capable fill the position, and how good you are at your job. 
- After so long it’s nice to feel appreciated. 
- You even make friends with two of the other women that work there, an omega female named Yeri, and an alpha female named Irene, who would have made you nervous if not for the mating mark clearly evident on her collar bone. 
- Despite the fact that they were slightly under you in the company, they both treated you, the new girl, with kindness. They even invited you to have lunch with them and get to know them on your second day and showed you around the company. 
- It wasn’t safe for an unmated omega in a new city they said, you ended up crying in the bathroom for a few hours after that- it used to be your dream to be marked by Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok, and for them to bear your and Jimin's mark. But now that dream could never come to fruition. 
- But they are kind- so kind. They don’t ask you where you came from or even if you have any family- keeping your conversations mostly on company gossip and pop culture. You end up going to see a movie with them in the second week. And by the end of the third, the three of you are the best of friends. 
- You’d never really had any friends that where girls- after all you’d always had Jimin, you’d never needed anyone else other than him until now. 
- You get a dresser and put your old phone (still turned off) in the top drawer once you get a company cellphone. You adjust well, your apartment overlooks a park and a small pond in the very middle of the bustling city. Your place of work is only 5 blocks away, and you find yourself enjoying your walk to work every morning. 
- But you’re miserable, you can't breathe in the smell of coffee without thinking of Yoongi and feeling sick to your stomach, every time you hear music you think of all the times both Jimin and Hoseok used to drag you to your feet to dance.  
- You cant even watch TV without your and Namjoon’s favorite documentary show coming on- or that drama you and Hoseok used to curl up and watch. - What’s more, is that it seems like you’re actually getting sick, your fever is raised and every time you go for lunch you end up vomiting it all back up a few minutes later. Even your favorite foods don’t stay down. you try to chalk it up to the stress of moving and being separated from your alphas (which has been known to happen in some omegas after they part with a pack, their instincts regecting their minds desire to stay away), but it seems like that's less the case the more time goes on. 
- It happens one day at work while you sit and eat your lunch with Yeri (Irene had a meeting during your usual lunch hour- but she told you not to wait for her). and you narrowly avoid vomiting on your new white blouse before you lean over and throw up your sandwich in the waste paper basket, a sudden wave of vomiting hits you so harshly that Yeri looks more than a little concerned. 
- After you assure her that yes- you’re going to the doctor soon about it, and yes you’ve been able to keep water down she gives you a final withering look before she offhandedly says, “fine just don’t go getting pregnant on me like Irene’s wife did- I swear now all the two of them ever want to do is watch baby TV and talk about their child’s poops.” 
- Throughout the rest of the day her words stick with you, and you end up going home at the end of the day only to pacing your apartment for a few hours,  before you head back out to the store to pick up a pregnancy test and some ice cream (because why not). 
- You pace around your small unfurnished living room as you wait for the stick to give you your results.You never expected to do this alone- in your mind someone was always here with you, you even expected to have all of them there. You wanted Jimin's hand on yours more than anything, you wanted to grow massive with him, and maybe raise your children together if you could. 
- You openly sob the stick comes back as positive, you pace around your apartment crying and thinking on your situation for the entirety of the night before you realize that you being pregnant does nothing to change your situation. this is the only time you strongly consider turning on your old phone. you didn’t know if there would even be messages waiting from you- probably from Jimin, but not from any of the others you’re sure. 
- Out of all of them- it has to be namjoon’s, you think back to the time in the kitchen, how your front was pressed to the granite, how it felt impersonal, how you’d sent the email for your job immediately after. that was probably the day you got pregnant. 
- the more you think about it, the more you're sure. you put your phone away and don’t turn it on. Why would they want you now? if anything this would only make them hate you more. they where good people, and they wouldn’t have let you do this alone, especially Jimin.  but They would resent being tied to a pregnant omega that they weren’t mated too or even in love with- that you were sure of. 
- you imagine it briefly, sure- you’d have them in your life, but only so far as your child would have a parent in Namjoon, and uncles in the rest. you imagine the awkward doctors visits, the offers to pay, needing to share your child between here and Seoul. whatever children they’d have one day with Jimin, would be cousins to yours, and whatever children he’d have with Namjoon. well- they’d have the love of all the alphas, not just Namjoon. and you don’t want your child to feel any less loved because of your mistakes. 
- So You’d have to raise your child alone, in a city that you barely knew. Without any support system. Sure your new friend were great but they were so new. So to distract yourself from your situation, the fact that you’re going to do all of this alone, and the fact that you left your baby’s father- You drown yourself in work, staying later than anyone else consistently, falling into your bed exhausted. 
- You go to your prenatal appointments alone, and when you start getting cravings, there’s no one to lean over to in the middle of the night and ask for chocolate sauce and watermelon, or barbecue mayonnaise and mac and cheese fries, you get up and do it yourself. 
- By week 5 of your pregnancy, your hormones have started to change enough that one day you walk into work and Yeri almost screams in happiness, congratulating you and jumping in your arms when she notices how your scent has changed. It’s only when she pulls back and sees your withdrawn sad expression that she says, “oh honey…” and Irene slaps her on the arm lightly as she tries to broach the topic of the father. They both know you live alone by now.
- you notify your boss, and you almost pass out when they offer you nearly 4 months of maternity leave. they seem determined to treat you well. it helps that your ceo is also an omega. 
- By about 12 weeks- you’re starting to show significantly enough that people on the train start to give you the priority seat when you were tight clothes. You show Enough that you begin to fiddle with your old phone again. You get close several times to turning it on-But in the end you never do. Preferring to leave it in the drawer of the nightstand next to your bed right next to the picture of them. 
- “You can do this, there are plenty of single omega parents, it’s not like it used to be” the doctor and the clinic that you go too for your prenatal appointments assures you when the other omega finally asks if they’ res a father or another mother in the picture. 
- And you’re not over what happened by any means but things slowly start to get better. 
- You don’t cry randomly as much, you start coming home earlier and going on walks- the doctor said it was good for the baby. On the weekends you go to this fresh fruit market, sometimes with Irene and her wife and child, making a day out of it. 
- And you enjoy the little child as he reaches up for your stomach, patting on it gently and slurring the words “baby out now!” that causes all of you to giggle and Irene’s wife apologizes- saying that their little Eun just loves babies more than anything. 
- Your life is nice, calm. There is a tense atmosphere in your apartment, though you do buy a few plants, and a few poster pictures to put on the white walls. slowly the space starts to feel like yours.  You paint the spare room the lightest shade of robins egg blue and add puffy white clouds to the walls with Yeri, giggling and laughing harder than you have in months as she accidentally splashes paint onto her face. 
- Your relationship with a kind and soft beta named Taehyung starts simply and in the most cliché way possible.
- You accidentally ran into him while coming home from the grocery store, your belly barely showing through a baggy sweatshirt. Two paper bags in either arm. One of the bags rips when he bumps into you. his other coming up to stop you from falling backward, his arm like iron, his hands digging into you to steady you. all of a sudden your whole body flush with warmth. 
- Tae is an absolute gentleman, picking up your weird assortment of food in his hands and walking the few blocks to your tiny apartment. you feel surprisingly safe with the stranger, your instincts have been in overdrive since your body started to adjust to your pregnancy, and they’re something about Tae’s scent that immediately settles your stomach. 
It goes surprisingly well, there is something so gentlemanly about his deep voice and his quiet smile that makes you feel so relaxed. His beta scent- the smell of clean laundry (beta’s always smelled clean) definitely has something to do with it. not his pretty jaw or his delicate style. 
- You invite him in for some iced tea and you spend a few minutes chatting, now that the bags not in front of your stomach, Tae can see why you seemed so unsteady on your feet. You expect it to scare him away- but he doesn’t mention you're obvious condition until he’s about to leave. Handing you a small slip of paper with his number on it. 
- He touches your shoulder softly. “I live in the area so If you ever need any help- please don’t hesitate to call me.” by now he has scented the room, know by the lack of a competing scent as well as the lack of a bite on your shoulder that you’re alone. that you don't have anyone. 
- You pin the number to the old fashion fridge and try to forget about it. After all, tae was more than a little flirty and you’re in no position to even want to date anyone right now. But when you finally call it’s more about needing help than wanting to see him. Though seeing him was an added bonus. 
- He helps you move your refrigerator after an important document falls behind it, the literal social security card that you can't reach or get at. And he’s sweaty sipping more of your ice tea when he says, “I hoped that when you finally called me it would be for a date and not to rescue your medical stuff behind your dusty fridge.”
- “You don’t want to date me tae,” you say, your hand hovering over your stomach. He looks at your tummy too, sicking in his lower lip. 
- “No I’m sure that I do” he says, taking your hand in his before he says softly, his warm brown eyes piercing into you as he looks through his black bangs “I don’t know what you’re dealing with, I don’t know who or what you’re running from, but trust me when I saw that I really, really want to take you out on a date- at least once.” 
- You relent and agree to go visit a night market with him- one of the hallmarks of this city that you hadn’t yet indulged in.He buys you ice cream and fried mac and cheese and doesn’t criticize you when you dunk your French fries in your chocolate Sunday. In fact, he joins in- letting you dunk one in his Oreo mango ice cream. 
- You listen to Tae talk about his job; you find out that he owns a pair of café’s the first one that he inherited from his grandmother, the second one that he opened last year after the first one did so well. Business is booming so much that he’s contemplating opening a third. the cafe is just between your apartment and your job, it’s no wonder that you never ran into him sooner. 
- You promise to come to try his berry macaroons that are apparently the best in town. He starts to talk about coffee but then a glance down to your stomach reminds him that you can’t have that- and he switches to boba tea
- You sit in the warm summer air listening to a live band before you go to walk along the river, the lights reflecting off the water like one of van Goh's paintings. You’re laughing at some joke Tae tells you when he leans over surprisingly and kisses you, you recoiled a little, more surprised than displeased. 
- “I’m sorry- you just looked so…. i’m sorry- I rushed you didn’t I, shit- y/n I’m so-” 
- “I don’t know what you want from me Tae,” you say gesturing to your stomach, he starts to look abashed and ashamed, but then relents at your soft expression “but if we’re going to see each other like that, then you have to know that I miss them.” You say softly while looking out at the water, your hand hovering over your swollen stomach.  
- “them?” he asks, looking surprised, you nod, “them.”  
- “And I’m not going to stop missing them, probably for a long while. I think I always will. And if you’re ok with that- if you don’t mind-” Tae reaches up, running a hand across your face and you find yourself leaning into his touch, its been so long since anyone’s touched you with any affection. Your body is so hungry, so needy for it.
- “I don’t care who else is in your heart, I only want a place in It.” Tae says after a moment. Leaning his forehead against yours.
- You and tae start casually seeing each other, you stop by his coffee shop most days before work, it’s a street off from your company’s main building, and Tae always has a bag of coffee cake or a plate full of raspberry tarts for you, he pushes away your money with a lopsided grin the makes your heart beat rapidly.  He even steps away during the busiest times to sit with you and just talk. 
- Sometimes he plops your feet up on his lap and massages your swollen ankles, his smiles sweeter than the pastries, not taking no for an answer until you’ve tried every kind the café offers at least twice because he wants to know which are your favorite. 
- One-night Taehyung finds your photo of all of them and your old cellphone in your dresser. And you're just trying to crack an egg into a pan when he comes out holding it. you almost drop the carton when he asks you who they are. 
- He sits you down and you start breathing heavily and tells you that you don’t need to tell him- he sends a concerned look at your stomach, and that it doesn't matter if it's going to make you upset. you don't mean to have a panic attack but really, turning around and seeing your...your boyfriend holding the picture of your baby daddy just suprised you. 
- tae looks like he honestly wants to know, So you launch into the story of your best friend who you’ve loved and will love until the day you die. Cradle to grave and all that. 
- Fuck you miss jimin so much. You miss them all, Hoseok, yoongi and Namjoon. He laughs like Namjoon did when you tell him childhood stories of you and jimin and listens eagerly as you tell him about your college experience and trying to stay away. 
- He’s a little quieter when he learns about the alpha’s that you love while you point at their faces in the picture and smile. He smiles a little though when you start listing off the things about them that you love. And he gets a little sadder when he realizes it will always be love- And not loved. 
- your love for them hasn’t faded. not in all these months apart. 
- He wishes you would move on from them. Wishes he was the only one who had ever made a home out of your heart. But he understands why you can’t- you’re carrying his child after all. The one with the gray hair in the photo, you tell him as much. 
- he touches the photograph softly, “I understand why you miss them so much- it must have been so nice having so many people to love you and to love them back.”
- “it really was.” 
- “I wish I was worth that” Taehyung says softly, his face downturned. You kiss away his worries, “you are tae- never think you’re not worth it- because you are.” he pulls you to him and kisses your forehead as his mind turns your words over in his head. 
- maybe your words have a double meaning, maybe maybe, runs through his head. And he shakes off thoughts of other omega’s and directs his attention to you. 
- “so are we going to eat dinner together or what? Should I call for takeout”
- But no matter where you go home too at night, no matter how good things are with Tae, you can’t help but think about Namjoon’s arms encircling your waist, about Yoongi’s quiet roll of his knuckles against your side in a silent hello.  
- About Hoseok’s sweet kisses and how he would take your hand in his and drag you up from wherever you were sitting to slow dance with you around your kitchen when you were sad, and how it would eventually devolve into giggles and awkward butt wiggles.
- Nothing like how it was when you left when Hoseok would barely look at you- and if he did even look at you, it would only be with disdain and anger so severe that it would make you shake.
- But most of all you miss Jimin, the way he would hang on Namjoon’s thighs while gripping yours, how when he would laugh he would throw himself onto your shoulder to hide his closed-eyed smile in your skin. the way you’d smell so much like each other you could hardly distinguish your scents anymore. 
- The first night you sleepover at Taehyung’s house you end up waking up in the middle of the night and reaching out for another set of arms. 
- Taehyung wakes up too you wearing his silk robe and crying on his balcony, where you went to hide your sobs, he runs his hands up and down your arms while talking to you quietly, saying that you should come inside. 
- That the cold is bad for the baby, and he’s right, you’re shaking like a leaf and your belly has grown so much in the past month. You’re nearly 5 months along- you’ve only known tae for a few months, but he already wants to tell you he loves you. He already loves you and the baby- it doesn’t matter that he’s not the father. 
- But what you don’t know is that at that moment, Jimin is doing the same thing, crying on a balcony, feeling unable to go back inside as he looks out over the view that the two of you used to love. He remembers how you would drag the alphas out onto the balcony to eat dinner or play a game or just sitting, talking as you looked at the city. 
- Because the apartment inside doesn’t feel like it used to- try as he might it doesn’t feel like home anymore, because you’re not there and everything is slowly falling apart- has been for months, and by now Jimin feels like he’s falling apart too. 
- It feels like he’s been watching a train wreck in slow motion since you left.
(once again! this series will never be finished! just fyi!) 
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Sloppy little v-pet guide
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It feels like the virtual pet community on tumblr is super small and mostly favors Tamagotchi, I feel way unqualified to do this, but here’s a quick, super basic guide to the modern Digimon virtual pets that I know of ( I say modern but I use the term loosely because they’re all very much nostalgia bait )
If you really don’t know anything about virtual pets at all... they’re little LCD key chain games, pet simulators, you feed them and train/play with them to fill up their heart meters, clean up their poop, put them to bed, treat injuries and sickness, watch them grow into new forms, and try to keep them from dying, Digimon sets itself apart from the rest by connecting to to other Digimon V-pets to do battles and more. 
One thing to note is that Most, if not all V-pets can connect to each other even if they’re not the same version. They have a very basic battle system in place if they’re different versions, but it’s slightly more involved if they’re the same version. ( There’s even a fan made device that can connect them to battle online and play in an online digimon game )
Last thing i’ll say is that if you are thinking of getting a Japanese v-pet, all the ones I mention here  are in english, with the exception of the digimon’s name, but that can be looked up by looking over one of the evolution trees on Humulosmon’s website, Digitama Hatchery. 
Perhaps I should move this to it’s own FAQ section on my blog but who even opens people’s blogs anymore? With that out of the way, let’s get this started under a read more!
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Digital Monster Ver. 20th ( AKA the DM 20th )
This is the most accessible and affordable Digimon V-pet on the market right now. So affordable that even though Bandai has issued slightly improved versions in Japan for twice the price, most Japanese fans prefer to import these from overseas to save money. Some people have sighted them at Target for $5 but you’ll typically find them for $20.
They look just like the original Digimon virtual pet, but they are actually a special 20th anniversary edition that has some new features... new features that, for some reason, Bandai are not advertising at all, and I don’t know why.
New features not in the original virtual pet include:
Choose from all 5 of the original digimon eggs on one device
Battle the AI opponents in a Colosseum mode 
Raise two digimon at the same time
Your two Digimon can tag-team battle, and some can even fuse into a new digimon ( this is called Jogress, short for “joint progress” )
Put your digimon down for a nap for up to three hours hours in case you’re busy
Keep a log of all the different Digimon you’ve raised, giving you a goal to fill it out
New forms that were not present in the original virtual pets
New unlockable eggs with special digimon inside
You can actually load your save data, so if you need to take a break from your v-pet or you have a low battery, you can just pop out the battery without fear of losing your digimon or your log book progress.
This is the v-pet i’d recommend to everyone who’s interest in Digimon V-pets. It does have it’s downsides though. This v-pet is programmed to poop a lot more frequently than other v-pets for some reason, which becomes a real problem if you’re busy or you over sleep ( pro-tip, set your digimon’s clock ahead a bit so it wakes up when you do. All Digimon wake up at 7AM ), there are also some exclusive eggs locked to certain colors of the device. You’ll have to do a little research on that. Digitama Hatchery has all the info you need on that subject.  It’s also fairly basic compared to other virtual pets, but not by a lot. And lastly, you cannot pause this pet. ( Pro tip, actually you can, but you have to press the reset button to do it )
As mentioned earlier, there is a new version of this device called the Digital Monster Ver. Revival, exclusive to Japan. It lessens the poop frequency, and has a proper pause funtion instead of naps. But it’s twice the price, so I’d say you just put down $20 on the western release.
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Digimon Pendulum Ver. 20th ( AKA the Pen 20th )
These are a lot like the Digital Monster Ver. 20th. But instead of being a special reprint of the original virtual pet, they’re a special reprint of the Digimon Pendulum, which didn’t come out in the west as far as I know. The main difference here is that instead of button mashing to battle and train, you shake the device repeatedly.  You have to get to know the rhythm and number of shakes your digimon requires to get the best results.
The key difference between this v-pet and the one above:
They poop a lot less frequently than the DM20th, even when there’s two digimon
The sound is very different
You still get multiple eggs on each device, but with far more exclusives.
You can pause them by putting them to sleep when it’s not their natural bed time
Device makes a subtle sound when the Digimon poops so you know when to clean it
They wake up at 8AM instead of 7AM
A lot more of the digimon can Jogress, in fact most of them can
The eggs are somewhat themed ( beast, aquatic, robots, evil, good, ect. )
These Digimon are very desireable, but they’re also unfortunately very overpriced compared to the DM 20th, as they only came out in Japan. I don’t even want to mention how much I paid to get two of them...  They come in four colors, Silver black, Silver Blue were wave 1, and Beelzemon, and Dukemon themed devices were wave 2... The wave 1 and wave 2 devices share a lot of digimon, but they do have some exclusives.  On top of that, I hear these are prone to losing their save data, so it’s recommended to reset it every time you change the batteries, and handle with care.
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Digimon Pendulum Z ( AKA the Pen Z )
This is a lot like the Digimon Pen 20th, but it’s not a special anniversary reprint. It is actually a continuation of the original Pendulums.  So sadly, you only get one egg in these devices. But, the Digimon you can obtain are mostly new Digimon that have not featured in a virtual pet before, and some even make their debut on these devices.  They’re also a tad bit more nuanced. Here’s the key differences between the Pen Z and the Pen 20ths.
One Egg per device like the original 90′s v-pets, which means no tag-team battles
You can only raise one Digimon at a time, but you can “Back up” your Digimon, essentially preserving them in suspended animation where they won’t age or get sick, so you can raise another Digimon. You can have up to three Digimon on your device this way.
Evolution trees are slightly bigger
Hearts fill up and deplete in halves now, and older Digimon can have more hearts than older v-pets
The device tells you how many times you need to shake it for battles, removing the guess work and making it easier
New close ups on your digimon’s face when they perform strong hits
Digimon went back to waking up at 7AM
RPG elements added to the Colosseum, your Digimon now has a level and can earn EXP to get stronger, and to effect what they evolve into. You get a congratulations screen when you beat this mode.
In Colosseum mode you fight three digimon in a row, with the third one being a stronger “boss” digimon
Single use items that can completely fill digimon’s hearts, change their performance in battle, double EXP, and more
Your digimon can have a random event trigger, usually it finds an item or an enemy worth lots of EXP when this happens.
These things are expensive, but not as expensive as the Pen 20th, and are some of the newest virtual pets you can get. In fact, wave 2 of the Pen Z has not even been released yet. You can only get them by pre-ordering through Premium Bandai, they ship out in April, so act while supplies last. You can only pre-order them in packs of three unfortunately. No individuals.
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Digital Monster X Ver 1-3 ( AKA DMX, DMX2, and DMX3 )
Here’s the last modern Digimon V-pet I have any kind of experience with. The Digital Monster X. These ones are the most nuanced yet in my opinon, and they have my favorite mechanics.  Also, they come with lore I guess?  If you slip your hands in between the cardboard packaging, you’ll find a tiny comic... of course I can’t read it. But it goes something along the lines of... “ King Drasil, the king of the Digital World, created some kind of virus to kill off Digimon and solve an overpopulation issue, but the Digimon mutated the “X-Antibody” that makes them resist the virus and are rebelling against King Drasil”, it’s wild and weird and I guess there’s more lore that I haven’t dug up yet and a TV special I’ve not seen yet... anyway, onto the pet..
This one no longer has the shaking mechanic and goes back to button presses. But it adds in a new mechanic of it’s own called the X Antibody Indicator...  Actually... this is technically a continuation of the Pendulum X, which introduced the X antibody, but I don’t know much about that v-pet, so I won’t go into it.  And once again, we only choose from one egg this time.
They came out in three waves, each having two devices in each wave, and those devices have some exclusive digimon, but a lot of shared Digimon, so you’ll have to make your own call on weather or not you want more than one v-pet per wave. 
This thing is a lot like the Pendulum Z, so I will use that as a basis, here is what makes this different from the Pendulum Z aside from the shaking mechanic going away
XAI rolls, a new mechanic that involves rolling dice. You do this once daily to determine the random events for the day, you do it before the colosseum to determine how difficult it will be that day, and you do it before each battle to effect how easy it is to land a strong attack.
Colosseum mode battles are now called “areas” and have pixelated Landscapes to make it feel more like a Quest mode rather than a series of battles
Colosseum mode will eventually start throwing more than three enemies at you. Your digimon’s hunger will deplete in the Colosseum, if you make it far enough, there are rest areas in which you can feed your Digimon.
Even larger evolution trees
A lot of evolution trees are locked until you advance far enough into the Colosseum
Most of the Digimon are “X-Antibody” counterparts of existing Digimon ( this won’t mean much on the little pixelated screen, but if you look up their key artwork, you’ll find that they look very different with much more intricate designs than their original counterparts. Think “Alola Pokemon” )
These things are great, probably my favorite mechanically speaking, however, I don’t much care for the X-antibody Digimon, or the Rosters of each V-pet.  And while I did follow an evolution guide on Digitama Hatchery, I often didn’t get what I was aiming for, so maybe I didn’t know what I was doing, idk, it was my first Digimon V-pet outside of the DM20th, so I was still learning.
These ones are also fairly expensive, I probably spent more than I needed to just buying one of these, when I paid the price most people sell two of them for. Only other major warning I hear is that the wave 1 devices have very bad screens that display things way too dark. So keep that in mind...  BUT, before you buy, these things are strongly rumored to be releasing in the west. Meaning they’ll likely be sold for a cheaper, more reasonable price.. the rumor was that they’d be announced early this year, so i’ll give it until March.
And there you go, a little  guide to modern Digimon V-pets. Hope it helps someone, anyone, make a decision if they’re interested at all in these little things. 
These are only the modern V-pets, there’s loads of older pets that likely go for obscene prices, you’ll have to do your own research on those. I really don’t know much about the upcoming Vital Bracelet, and honestly I don’t know if i’m going to get it if it’s tied to fitness. Seems like a poorly timed release during the pandemic if you ask me. And the “Digivice” that looks closer to the devices you see in the anime is not so much a virtual pet as it is an LCD mission mode game.  I have ZERO experience with those but I have ordered one recently, i’ll come back and talk about it when it gets here.
And remember, check out Humulosmon’s website, Digitama Hatchery for tons of resources. At the very least, it’s a good way to see what your Digimon is meant to look like instead of trying to interpret the pixel art yourself.
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delanyb · 4 years
Since I’ve been slacking off with the Fnaf headcanon series for quite some time now, with no good reason, have some AR skins and event character headcanons
Shamrock Freddy
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Like Frostbear and Firework Freddy,he’s a Freddy made specifically for the holidays. St. Patrick day to be exact
Has a Irish ascent to go with his holiday theme
Similar to Rockstar Freddy, he desires Faz-coin to a unhealthy degree
Enjoys talking about St. Patrick day traditions and folklore.
Is pretty self-centered
Usually picks on Frostbear for no good reason
All the other animatronics who take part in the Fazbear Funtime Service either are indifferent to him like Chica or 8 Bit Baby. While others like regular Freddy and Bonnie hate him for just being a overall jerk
In some instances when the animatronics are being shipped together in trucks for customers, a Shamrock Freddy always seems to cause some sort of commotion that usually leaves everyone in mangled animatronic parts by the end
The company was actually considering removing him off from the service completely given all the problem he caused
But considering that he makes for great revenue during the St. Patrick day season, they just left him alone for the other animatronics to deal with.
Firework Freddy
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Aside from Chica with her cupcake, he’s the only one who comes with a accessory.
Has lots of nicknames, but the most common ones are Firework and just Summer Freddy
All the other animatronics find his firework very cool
Springtrap however does not becuase anything that goes boom gives him flashbacks to when the springlocks snappped back in the saferoom all those years ago...
Is a expert on cooking with a barbecue
Has a lot of knowledge on sport related stuff from all over the world
Hates the cold
However he doesn’t hate Frostbear and feels bad for him becuase of Shamrock Freddy’s constant bullying
Has a lot of extras clothes and extra accessories that correspond with the traditions of the customer(s) that ordered a vist from him
For instance, he may be all decked out for 4th of July one year, and the next you’ll see a bear ready for the beach and so fourth.
Constantly switching his attire for each visit does get a little annoying, but for him, making people happy in the end makes it worth all the hassle.
VR Toy Freddy
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Is a completely different entity than regular Toy Freddy
Is the textbook definition of absolute gamer chad
Playing video games takes first priority for him
Recently he’s been playing the newest instalment in the fnamh’s (Five Nights At Mr Hug’s) series
He’s quite clumsy and bumps into other animatronics or common house things likes selves on a daily basis
But on the rare chance he’s not using his headset he’s usually making absurd theorys on what’s going on with the lore in the new Vr game
His main theory is that that this new strange crate looking character escaped from dumper purgatory from the previous game in the series and placed themselves into the in universe VR game.
Shamrock Freddy question why he’s still invested in that series though. As he states, the original trilogy is the best and that it all went downhill once that weird gumball machine used paper plates as a skin suit.
Whenever He or anyone else for that matter says something along the lines of that, VR Toy Freddy always goes into essay long arguments for why he’s wrong. He’s very quick to defend his favourite franchise
Jokes that he’s The Man Behind The Slaugher unironically even when the meme has died ( *In this universe the man behind the slaughter meme exists because of the Fnaf 1 news paper clippings, along with the fact that Springtrap is a well known entity thanks to HW, and the Fazbear Funtime service.*
Chocolate Bonnie
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Nicknames are Choco Bonnie, and unfortunately as immature as it, Poop Bonnie
He’s made of real actual chocolate
Once somebody’s dog took a big bite out of his bottom right stomach area that simply couldn’t be repaired. The dog took 87 bites out of him btw
That’s why every single copy of the Chocolate Bonnie model scanned in after that day has that big and distracting hole
His three button and botie are mint candy flavoured
Real Easter eggs are hidden inside his stomach cavity and are placed near his endo parts
Though he’s more appropriate for Easter time, sometime he’s advertised for the Halloween season for that trick or treat goodness
Similar to Bon-Bon and Funtime Freddy , Easter and Chocolate Bonnie are a two in one package.
Given the surprising popularity of the Funtime Service, (*in universe*) a merch store has being set up to only spread word of their brand but to bring these beloved characters in the pop culture consensus again, and Chocolate Bonnie gets a bunch of merch
Whether it be a coffee mug,a shirt, or the type of chocolate bunny you’ll see in those craft stores, Cholocate Bonnie has it all.
Easter Bonnie
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Is very dramatic and has a showman like personality. (Similar to Funtime Foxy in UCN)
His Easter egg pattern on his stomach area is actually drawn with crayons and the circles are get plain circle shaped stickers you would find at the your local dollar store. Goes to show that the Fazbear Funtime Service sticks to the roots of Fazbear Entertainment, being really cheep
How Easter and Chocolate Bonnie entertain customers is that Easter Bonnie usually has a “dramatic” retelling of the Easter bunny fairytale while Chocolate Bonnie’s the food, customers can eat while enjoying the play
He’s quite athletic
The “Happy Easter” tag on the top of his ear isn’t actually a intentional design choice
Easter Bonnie just stole it from a random candy store nearby
Some confuse him as a winter themed Bonnie covered in snow due to his mainly white colour palette. Considering that Freddy Frostbear’s a thing that isn’t that much of a stretch
Can perfectly imitate any of the other animatronic’s voices. It honestly shocks animatronics like Springtrap or Foxy with how well Easter Bonnie can capture this respective accents to a tee
He prefers to hop like a actual bunny than walking normally
Loves decorating Easter eggs.
Toxic Springtrap
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All that purple goo is actually just fungi infected with some of that classic remnant
Due to his frightening nature he’s only available during Halloween time
However despite his looks he’s actually quite kind at heart. Much more than regular Springtrap that’s for sure
Is actually scared of the dark
He likes playing chess
Doesn’t like the fact that he’s advertised as something to be feared
Usually hangs around with 8-Bit Baby the most and the two usually play board games all day
Although like everyone else he feels some sort of discomfort whenever he��s shocked, the pain is really minor for him compared to other animatronics
Given that he’s only desired during the month of spooks, for the rest of the year, he’s left alone at the factory where all the animatronics are constructed and duplicated in the first place
Due to this he’s got a pleta of abandonment isssues
System Error Toy Bonnie
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His head, body and limbs can be detached and put back together very easily
That’s how he entertains customers in fact. He’s basically a animatronic sized construction set, similar to Mangle
Their eyes glow bright orange in darkness
Is able to phaze through physical objects
Due to some people complaining about regular Toy Bonnie’s voicebox, the team chose to implant stock computer sound effects into System Error Toy Bonnie’s voicebox rather than actual dialogue.
Knows your WiFi password
Is taller than regular Toy Bonnie
The system error phrase near his stomach area gets brighter amd brighter whenever his costume shell is damaged
Static electricity flows through him from time to time. So it recommend that whenever a customer should wear gloves and other appropriate safety equipment when interacting with the animatronic
Balloon Boy always tries to get the static electricity balloon trick to work, but it never seems to work. System Error Toy Bonnie could really care less about this ordeal though
Highscore Toy Chica
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Loves playing video games
But unlike Vr Toy Freddy, Her life doesn’t focus on it 24/7
She likes playing a variety of games too. virtual games, handheld games, games on consoles, board games, etc
Is very supportive
Knows what emojis are
Considering that she’s meant to be hip with the kids, she knows a lot about current gaming and fandom culture in general
Is a pretty good speed runner when it comes to video games
Although it doesn’t happen often she can get quite serious when it comes to gaming. You can tell when she’s just playing for fun or not if her endoskeleton eyes and grey are exposed
is indifferent to the term “Gamer Girl”
Hates games where you can’t skip the cutscenes
Radioactive Foxy
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A random model of Foxy accidentally found his way into a power plant and eventually got covered in radioactive goo
The higher ups working for the Fazbear Funtime service thought that it would be a shame to throw out a perfectly good plush suit and endo. So after some strange testing involving remnant they just rebranded this as a completely new skin.
Green radioactive material drips over his body all all times
His hook is twice as big as regular Foxy’s. Probably due to the combination of experimenting with both remnant and toxic radioactive goo
Has no eyebrows due to the constant radioactive energy
Thanks to Radioactive Foxy’s transparent look, this was the first time any of the customers got a real good look on the inerworkings on how a endo properly fits into a plush suit.
Is on the hunt for and wants to consume more radioactive energy
Can transform into a more liquid based form
He’s slower than regular foxy but sill runs at a moderately fast pace
One of the more aggressive animatronics in the service alongside the likes of regular Springtrap and Frostbear
8-Bit Baby
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Similar to Highscore Toy Chica, she’s meant to be marketed to the gaming crowd.
Specifically those who enjoy old school videogames
Can despense real cupcakes for eating pleasure
Has a extra sprinkler perfect for ice cream decorating
Her fan operates correctly and henceforth can be used for cooling or drying needs
Her microphone is preprogrammed with chiptune styled music
Has become many people’s favourite animatronic and has been in high demand ever since they were first brought to the service due to their uniqueness
Moves at a snail’s pace
Loves playing board games with Toxic Springtrap.
Regualr Circus Baby finds her 8 bit version adorable
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chibivesicle · 5 years
Golden Kamuy chapter 224-226: Pirates, serial killers and a killer rabbit’s much awaited backstory.
For the sake of time, I will combine my summary of the past few chapters that I missed while I was traveling and I don’t want to break it into smaller bits.
Chapter 224 had a color cover featuring none other than our favorite solitary wildcat sniper Ogata.  I personally love the retro look for this!  It looks like a classic comic from the 1960s with the odd color scheme and the handwritten shaded boxes.
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The one box highlights the “100″ in Ogata’s first name as the kanji hyaku and the rest in latin letters. 
The text refers to “Come on, Let’s Go! On wildcat Ogata’s sure-hit express! (one step forward!).  Thanks to discussions on discord the phrase is in reference to the cat moving and delivery company in Japan, Yamato transport aka 黒ねこ (Kuroneko).  A huge shout out to tsurumineko for translating the pun based on their “target hitting/sure hitting” level of service.  I was previously familiar with the company in part due to my love of cats and noticing it everywhere when I’ve visited Japan.
Here is the official logo with a mom cat carrying a kitten and their official HQ (from wikipedia).
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I can’t help but wonder if this implies that Ogata is a very reliable character in regards to performing his duties or that he hopes to one day make sure bring his own “kitten” home.  Will Ogata be the one to take Asirpa back home to her kotan, Huci and her family? Either way, it implies that Ogata will get the job done, just like Kuroneko will deliver that package on time for you!  He’ll snipe that target, he’ll get that info, he’ll make sure your mission is a success etc.
The retro look also makes me think of comics like these:
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Batman works a bit outside of the law and has that dark edgy feel to it and Ogata also wears a cloak!  Plus, look at the style of Batman and Robin, they’ve got quite the build just like our GK boys do.
Anyways, the cover is a combination of Kuroneko delivery and Batman.
Chapter 224 starts at the Uryu river as Asirpa is lighting a fire to attract a swan to it so that they can have it for dinner.  For some odd reason, Noda chooses to rehash the Asirpa is going to kill a cute/beautiful animal for dinner.  She pulls Sugimoto’s head when she sarcastically replies to him that they will gently grab the swan. . . .
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I don’t understand this need to return to early Sugimoto-Asirpa humor.  Shiraishi has returned from pooping and a swan approaches as the two of them freak out upon noticing the other.  I personally find Shiraishi’s concern valid - swans are total assholes, so I’d also want to be upset at a swan at close range.
Asirpa beats it and they begin to prepare it for dinner in a temporary shelter as early on in the manga.  This is a repeat of when they first started working together and ate the deer that Sugimoto failed to shoot.  The three of them in Asirpa’s tent cooking some dinner.
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Keep in mind Sugimoto didn’t want to eat the otter head etc etc and he still has issues with things beyond brains.
This time Asirpa really highlights the need to give it the Inaw offerings and place the head in the river.
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Sugimoto still can’t eat animal heads and still looks awkward.  However in contrast to chapter 25, after eating Shiraishi begins to explain what he’s observed from Heita’s belongings.  He explains to us in a flashback what Heita told them about gold panning.  He knows now that gold from different rivers looks different so there is a way to identify where it came from.  And now, we get to see Shiraishi shine as he begins to help them lay out a new strategy for finding the gold without the skins.
He first off explains what we already know about the “Noppera-bou incident” which I find interesting based on the fact that he uses Noppera-bou - I wonder if Shiraishi thinks someone else killed the 7 Ainu men and Wilk was moving the gold, but not involved as Wilk told that to Sugimoto.
Shiraishi points out there may be people who know where the gold is hidden - and since supposedly Wilk moved it all by himself, he wouldn’t be able to move it that far. 
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He then continues to state, they just need to find the region where the gold dust was from and look close by.  Sugimoto is not convinced by Shiraishi’s line of reasoning at all.  He has a look of total annoyance and he’s like - “we” can’t identify a hidden gold dust stash etc.  I’m disappointed that Asirpa simply chimes in that he’s an idiot as she eats the swan head that Sugimoto wouldn’t.
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Shiraishi has to remind them what they learned from Tanigaki back when he was injured and recovering with Huci at Asirpa’s kotan.  Part of the gold was taken from the stash by Wilk and the boat capsized on Lake Shikotsu.  Therefore, they know where a sample of the gold is.  As soon as Shiraishi reminds them of what they know from Tanigaki, he catches Asirpa’s attention and she takes him seriously.
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She then summarizes where he’s been going with this - they likely won’t have the skins so they need another game plan.  Bravo Shiraishi!  He has created a plan B for them, better than Sugimoto’s “um maybe we will sweep in and steal the skins from Hijikata or Tsurumi . . .”
Sugimoto immediately rejects Shiraishi’s plan on the fact it is too hard and whines about it.  Asirpa at least has a well thought out and rational reply that the lake is too deep, so they can’t get the evidence.
This leads into a flashback with Heita and our pirate convict at Lake Shikotsu the previous year.  We get a “typical” reveal of his character as he’s completely in the nude about to dive into the cold spring water.  Boutarou the Pirate’s real name is Oosawa Fusatarou and this reveals some of his background as a talented swimmer and diver.
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He’s got some rather unique eyebrows - reverse Koito ones and he reveals that he’s going to dive for 35 minutes.  He then uses special breathing techniques to get as much oxygen into his system and he’s got large feet, webbed hands (due to cell death not occurring between his digits during fetal development btw) and he became a convict by drowning people and stealing their stuff.
By having a rope tied to his ankle, Heita can signal to him when his time is up and he can come up from his deep free dive.
The chapter then returns to Shiraishi pointing out that Heita and Mr. Pirate already found the gold.  This means that Shiraishi took the time to look at all of Heita’s samples and that they know the location and it is linked to one of the still remaining convicts.
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Shiraishi then reveals that he knew that there was a guy who was intense, physically robust and pushed himself to the limits - so if he could dive to find the gold - he would be the most likely to succeed. The flashback shows that he was able to dive down to Wilk’s canoe and that Heita found at least 4 locations for the gold dust.
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With the list of rivers, it means the gold dust found in the canoe can be traced to these four rivers: Toppu River, Saru River, Sorachi River and Shiriuchi River.  I have labeled each of those rivers on the map of Heita’s description of rivers that can be panned for gold and included a few cities for reference.  In yellow is the current approximate location of Asirpa, Sugimoto and Shiraishi on the Uryu river.  The rivers where the gold dust is from are in magenta.  The Toppu River is the closest one to them and the Sorachi and Saru Rivers are reasonably close.
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The only river that is further away is the Shiriuchi River fairly close to Hakodate.  Google maps has the Shiriuchi River labelled as the Chinai River (I checked with translator GlassHouses for clarification - apparently it can also be read as the Chinai River and there is one located in Shikoku - thanks for the help!) so if you try to find it in English it won’t be labelled correctly.  Lake Shirotsu is the large lake on the map just next to my arrow pointing to Sapporo.  Only put on a few cities for easy reference, Otaru, close to Asirpa’s kotan, Ashikawa and Kushiro. 
The chapter then ends with Sugimoto holding the list of rivers as his eyes are white.  He figures if they head to those rivers, since the pirate knows where the gold is from they just need to catch a pirate [and skin him].  Stop looking so well murder-y Sugimoto.
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The tag line at the end states that every river eventually leads to the sea . . . I guess this must be true in Japan perhaps, but if you live in a basin, or in the Great Lakes region of North America the lake does not lead to the sea . . . . but I digress.  This likely has to do with the pirate reference or something.
Recall that in 223, Hijikata is the one who remarks that Boutarou the pirate is making his move.
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with the end of 224, it is confirmed that Boutarou is another faction entering the quest for the gold. 
Quick observations and predictions from this chapter.
1.) Ogata is about to become a key player based on his color cover (if you don’t already get that Ogata is important).  Momma cat needs to take her kittens home.
2.) Shiraishi has laid out their plan to look for the pirate.  This may lead to an alliance or Sugimoto just trying to skin him based on the ending page.  I personally think an alliance with Asirpa-Sugi-Shiraishi and Boutarou to be the most interesting. . . .
3.) Hijikata is not surprised by Boutarou’s move to enter the quest.  He was working with Heita and now we know he will likely have his own faction as well.
4.) Based on my map, some of the parties will need to visit each of these rivers in order to gather information.  With the much farther away Shiriuchi River, it takes the cast close to Hakodate.  I can see this being key in future events involving Hijikata (due to his historical death during the Battle of Hakodate), Koito, since he was kidnapped in Hakodate by Tsurumi with the help of Ogata, Tsukishima and Kikuta.  It seems like some sort of confrontation at Hakodate is in the cards.
Chapter 225 - Another convict enters the story.
So chapter 225 starts out with a clear reference to the infamous serial killer, Jack the Ripper who targeted prostitutes in Victorian London and was never caught.  Oh yay, another serial killer - just my fav type of convict. [rolls eyes] The chapter title slums seems to refer to the slums of Sapporo where alcohol and prostitution were the few releases and the area was ripe with disease and violence. 
An older woman is walking back to the inn of her client, he’s a much taller man wearing a western style of dress and a top hat.  The woman is chatting away, she explains that she used to come from a wealthy family in Nagoya, since she’s in Hokkaido, it either implied her family was on the losing side during the Meiji revolution or that her late husband was on the losing side sent up to Hokkaido.
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She’s clearly flush with drink and she turns to notice that he may be Japanese based on her “Huh? You’r Japa . . .” as he then grabs her by the face and proceeds to slit her throat and then cut up her body.  As she struggled we get to see her hand pulled his jacket open a bit revealing yet another tattoo - so yep, another convict.
The following morning shows Sapporo police officers trying to keep the press away from a covered corpse, the woman covered with a straw mat.  A member of the press is confirming what happened with a very suspicious looking police officer. Apparently, there was prostitute who was killed in the same location within the past month or less e.g. indicated by the 31st of last month (we don’t know how far into the current month things are).  The man is revealed to be a criminal inspector and he has a shaded face and interesting wrinkles under his eyes.
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From the start, this criminal inspector seems to be quite tall compared to the reporter.  The next page reveals his identity as he’s trying to get a scoop on the story by bribing the inspector with food.  The inspector’s face is covered as he simply tells him to shut up as he turns away.
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The action then shifts to the temple where Hijikata and Co. are staying as we the readers are reminded that the man is Ishikawa Takuboku, the reporter who meet up with the group back when they had their photos taken before Abashiri in Kitami.  Most of the group went to the photo studio with Hijikata while Shiraishi went off to the red light district with Takuboku instead as they hung out with sex workers and got very intoxicated on Hijikata’s money.  The drunken Ishikawa blurts out that Hijikata is going to buy up newspapers to control the press.
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Shiraishi knew that the Russo-Japanese war resulted in sales of papers but Ishikawa revealed that the change was due to the addition of pictures!  Hence part of the reason why having a photo of Asirpa will be important to his Republic of Ezo plan.  Again this exchange between Shiraishi and Takuboku-chan illustrates that Shiraishi is a pretty observant and smart guy.  He’s def aware of more things than people give him credit for.
He’s finally back reporting to Hijikata and asks for more spending money.  Unfortunately, he’s trying to get money from Nagakura who is having none of this and reminds him bluntly that if he wants money it needs to be information not printed in the papers.
Ushiyama makes a comment on how gruesome the murders are and wonders if the man has some issue with whores.  Ishikawa comments that it is “unfortunate” since he hopes the man is apprehended quickly since he currently has a prostitute in the area that he is rather fond of.  Wow, way to show how you care about women trapped in sex work Ishikawa . . . that the were likely sold into but I digress.
The English translation has Ushiyama refer to sex workers as whores, and Ishikawa’s use of prostitutes implies a little more respect, but maybe not since he’s concerned his current interest in Sapporo may get his fav woman killed and he won’t be able to sleep with her any more.  What is clear is both men seem awkward in their opinion of how women in sex work should be perceived.
This is clear based on Nagakura’s reply to Ishikawa’s statement that he hopes he dies in a ditch.  Hijikata completely ignores the info and just asks Kadokura if there was a convict in Abashiri who fits the description for the current killer.
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Kadokura doesn’t reveal the name of any other information about the killer.  Clearly, this information will be revealed when it becomes relevant and Hijikata is concerned that if this man is a convict and he is making such violent headlines that Tsurumi and his men in the 27th will certainly realize that they should investigate as well.  It seems after Abashiri, Hijikata is taking Tsurumi as seriously as possible as well as the arrival of Ariko into his group after he was beaten up by Usami.
Hijikata’s reference to the 27th hunting the possible convict leads to another mallard flying.  The final part of the panel shows Ogata aiming at the duck.  Ogata fires at the duck.
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The duck flies on, but Ogata simply exhales as he works the bolt with his left hand.  He’s looking smug yet determined again.  We don’t seem him exhale like this frequently, but it does remind me of his “I shot the woodcocks” proud face or a focused “hmmph”  this is what I expected look.
The final panel shows two tail feathers from the duck fall to the ground both having been shot by Ogata.  It is clear that Ogata is pleased with his progress on re-learning how to shoot ducks with his left eye.  He’s making good progress - I’m not sure if we will get to see him make a successful kill in the manga or if Noda will keep it for a big reveal scene where he makes an amazing shot.
There are two ways to look at this i.) Ogata knows he’s getting better and he’ll let others see that he can still snipe and that he’s still a sniper.  ii.) Ogata gets better, but publicly doesn’t want others to know he’s back to “normal” and uses his injury as a way to hide his regained sniping ability as his wildcard.
Both of these can be advantages for Ogata - everyone assumes he’s a sniper and forgets about all of his other skills.  Or he makes others assume he’s weaker and than uses that to defeat them - an obvious sucker is Sugimoto - Sugimoto would look at one-eyed Ogata and think, “well if I can get close enough to break his arm again I can totally finish him off . . .” as Ogata then snipes Sugimoto again . . . (okay, not likely to happen just like that but you get my idea).
The chapter then shifts to an unnamed village along the Sea of Okhotsk.  This is a vague descriptor, and as my map indicates it can be along this entire coast of the northeastern part of Hokkaido.  Yay!  The panel is quite simple as it shows a dead horse laying down.
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The final panel shows Usami looking down upon the horse.  Stares down at the horse as his eyes are white around the iris. As his head shifts a little to his left.
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It is clear by the next page that Usami is the likely cause of death for the horse.  A random man yells “Who did this?  Who killed my horse!” as it shows Usami shuffling off rather quickly to avoid being caught in the act of horse murder.
Tsurumi is then outside of a shop that sells newspapers reading a newspaper with great interest. He then speaks to Kikuta who is nearby, telling him that the murders in Sapporo appear to be the work of an escaped tattooed convict.
He orders Kikuta to go to Sapporo to look into the convict.  And that he should take Superior Private Usami with him.  Wherever Tsurumi is along the coast is unclear, but Tsurumi seems to think staying on the eastern coast will allow him to find Asirpa from that area.  Plus, he has sent Tanigaki in search of them as well. . . Kikuta replies yes sir rather calmly in a typical Kikuta fashion.
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Usami walks up behind him with completely black eyes when Tsurumi tells him to take Usami with him. . . Kikuata can’t be too happy wit this as his reply is hesitant . . .” . . . yes, sir . . .” as he gives him the stink eye. 
Usami then speaks up highlighting that he really doesn’t want to go with Kikuta.  This is quite bold from a superior private, but Usami seems like he can get away with this in front of Tsurumi and Kikuta almost smirks as he feels the same way.  Tsurumi doesn’t even turn to reply to Kikuta, he simply replies that Usami will be of use to him in Sapporo and Kikuta looks curious as to in what context Usami will be helpful.
Tsurumi figures that Hijikata’s group will also move there to investigate due to the newspaper coverage and that they should avoid them if all possible.  Tsurumi doesn’t want them running into each other. 
This is interesting as Kadokura is currently in Hijikata’s group and can easily recognize Usami so that may come into play.  Usami beat the crap out of Ariko so he’ll be tied to the situation.  Ogata is back with Hijikata for now and has a previous work history with Kikuta and there is enough information for the two of them to have some sort of showdown/reunion etc.
With somewhat erratic screen tones behind Usami and a equally creepy font he declares that running into Hijikata’s group is fine.  He concludes that Ariko will be a useless spy and that he will just kill them all and steal everything - problem solved.
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And with that Usami gives off super creepy vibes at 110%.
He and Kikuta don’t get along at all - when they were chasing after Toni Anji which required a well thought out plan he was useless and whiny and Kikuta couldn’t take it and also trusted Ariko to succeed.
When they were chasing Asirpa off of the ferry - Usami’s solution was to simply kill Huci and Kikuta was clearly appalled by how Usami’s mind seems to work.  It was clear when Usami beat up Ariko that Kikuta was both hurt and torn about the entire situation.  This likely is setting up some sort of disagreement between the two men.  Kikuta is a sauve, sexy man, who appears a bit cocky at times but he gives off a vibe of really caring for others and avoids harming others who are not involved in things.
The next page reveals that indeed both groups are hunting down the convict in Sapporo.
Hijikata has brought his entire entourage.  He leads the group followed by Ushiyama and Nagakura.  Kadokura, Toni, Kantarou, Kirawus and then Ariko follow behind.  Ariko looks back at Ogata watching them from a distance and taking up the rear as he prefers.
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Kikuta leads with Usami behind, his face partially obscured by his visor of his army cap - Kikuta is too sexy to every wear a hat and mess up his excellent hairstyle.
It is interesting that even when you zoom in a bit, Ogata has his blank expression as Ariko nervously looks back at him.  He was nervous to see Ogata and he likely thinks Ogata is onto him as a spy or maybe even thinks that Ogata is still working for Tsurumi.  
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It looks like Kirawus is watching Kadokura - I wonder if he’s onto Kadokura playing dumb.  The two of them may get drunk and joke around, but I think Kirawus has been watching both Kadokura and also used him to get closer to Hijikata.  I think both of these men are carrying secrets that will be important as time progresses in the manga.  I just can’t shake the feeling that Kirawus knows more about the Ainu murders and I have a theory that he keeps his forehead covered b/c of some scar or something from the incident where the 7 Ainu men were murdered.
The next page has present day Tsurumi thinking of something disturbing based on the screen tones around him and it reveals a flashback, in Meiji 28 (1895) and back in Tsurumi’s home area of Shibata, Niigata.  The flashback starts with someone asking Tokushirou, Tsurumi’s first name, about how the battlefield was.
The next page reveals Tsurumi talking with a man who appears to be his martial arts teacher for jujitsu.  Tsurumi tells his teacher that he observed something interesting in war.  Despite the vast amount of training that soldiers underwent before battle, most of the men actively avoided trying to kill the enemy soldiers.
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Tsurumi goes on to state that during the American Civil war troops went to great lengths to avoid killing each other (as the nature of a civil war that split families apart at times) and he spends the rest of the page discussing that most humans will really try to avoid killing each other, even in the case of war.
This really is the heart of one of the major issues of GK.  What happens to men who go off to war and the actually kill others?  How do men do this and how to they move forward (or in the case of many of the elite men of Tsurumi’s 27th) how do those men get sucked into killing and do all of the dirty deeds for him.
This gets at the concept of how a person can be turned into a killer and be able to go to great lengths to kill and in this quest for the gold - who can serve Tsurumi best.
After perhaps working or training with his sensei, Tsurumi has changed into his uniform and is telling children nearby (perhaps students of the dojo) to be careful of Master Takeda’s horse is ill tempered (confirmation of the identity of the man he was just talking to) and that it may kick them.  The fact that Usami killed a horse in the present time and then there is a flashback about a horse seems to indicate this will be something to do with Usami’s past.
A voice then calls to Tsurumi, calling him Mister Tokushirou, indicating a person familiar enough with him to call him by his first name but with respect.
This flashback now has revealed not one, but two people close enough to Tsurumi to use his first name either as a senior, his sensei and this unknown yet clearly younger person.  Tsurumi responds, that he recognizes who the person is - revealed to be a younger Usami.  He tells him that he’s gotten taller again, and then calls him by his first name, Tokishige.
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Usami is blushing as he looks at Tsurumi before he replies yes, still blushing with black eyes as it reveals that he is Usami Tokishige, 14 years old. This means Usami was born in 1881.
Of course the editorial tagline mentions that he is yet another of the boys pining for Tsurumi.
Chapter 225 ends with several things as the main points:
1.) The next convict is a serial killer and is in Sapporo.  This will lead to a likely encounter between Hijikata’s group and Kikuta and Usami.
How will this showdown happen?  I’m hoping that Kadokura notices Usami and tips off the rest of the group and KIkuta and Ogata catch up.  They seem to be more morally centered members of the 27th concerned about others who can get caught in the crossfire.
2.) The manga is back to the concept of the ability to kill, what makes a killer? what makes a murder? and what makes a soldier?  Tsurumi wants men willing to go into the depths of hell with him to accomplish his goals.
Tsukishima will see this to the end - he’s officially dead on the outside and inside after his Koito confrontation.
Nikaido is losing all of his humanity to be a test subject for a new and improved solider.
Usami has clearly had a vibe that something is totally off with him since he was first introduced.  The fact that Koito was groomed by Tsurumi when he was 14, means that Usami’s age and blush shows that he was a previous and older Tsurumi fanboy.  The chapter ends with the idea that Tsurumi likely was involved in grooming him.
Usami is clearly a great soldier and killer for some of Tsurumi’s goals - this chapter is making it clear that Usami is “special” in the context of murder.  Or that he lacks some sort of moral compass or control in regards to murder and killing.
3.) That criminal inspector at the Sapporo police department is shady as all hell.  He could be the convict in disguise - and he’d fit the trope of the murderer working in the police so that he can’t get caught.  Or he’s a total red herring.
Chapter 226 -Sacred Ground
The chapter starts out with a brief update on the status of the Asirpa-Sugi-Shiraishi-Vasily group.  They are stopping by an Ainu kotan and Sugimoto notices another dog that looks exactly like Ryu, but isn’t Ryu.  Shiraishi is the one to remark that Ryu stayed behind as Tanigaki gave Cikapasi Nihei’s rifle so he won’t be going anywhere.  Interestingly, Sugimoto remarks that he hopes that Cikapasi and Ennoka treat Ryu well so he “let’s go” of his attachment to the rifle and move on. 
This is an odd remark from Sugimoto, since he himself needs to move on from a lot of stuff ~ he can see it in a dog’s life but not his own.
This leads to a key comment from Asirpa about Ainu dogs, that their loyalty towards owners can be a bad thing since they get jealous and ill tempered.  A Japanese man owned one and the dog was well treated but he ended up scolding it due to poor behaviour and went hunting without the dog.  The dog’s reaction to rejection was to kill of off the man’s chickens . . . Shiraishi then comments that people will do the same thing for the love of another.
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The following page is the title page with the title and a young Usami and Tsurumi. Based on the fact that we know Usami is very loyal to Tsurumi and he has killed for him - I think it is clear the story about the loyal dog is Usami and Tsurumi is the man with the chickens. . . oh great - this chapter is surely getting to the root of his creepy vibes!
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Usami tells him that he’s there even on a day to not train even though after he performed housework and chores to help his family he is more than willing to walk 2 hours one way to come to that very spot on the dojo grounds.
Usami’s face is completely shaded so clearly something dark is tied to that place.
The next page reveals that Usami refers to that spot as “our sacred place” as the wind dramatically blows by as Tsurumi looks at his back.
This leads to a flashback in the flashback, 2 years earlier so 1893, showing Usami’s family.  He’s 12 and he appears to have his mother and father, an older sister, younger brother and another younger sibling on his mother’s back as well. 
His father asks him if things are going well at the dojo and with his training.  He replies that Mister Tokushirou told him he’s the most talented of all the students that he’s seen there before.  Therefore, at the age of 12 he was comfortable enough to call Tsurumi by his first name - san! 
This catches the attention of his older sister and his mother as they look at him in shock and awe, his mother stopping her mending of clothing while his sister blushes.  His sister asks excitedly “Mister Tsurumi Tokushirou = Tsurumi Tokshirou-san?” followed by her having a teenage fangirl moment over him while his father looks on with shock and concern.  His mother confirms that he’s got to have talent since his father was talented too . . . I guess this implies that Tsurumi’s father was a well know ladies man and it is clear that Tsurumi is also seen as a ladies man in the area.
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So, Tsurumi is clearly a charismatic, charming and a confirmed ladies’ man and is the 4th son of another man who was also very well known and must have been an important samurai family.  Usami is happy that his family are glad to hear he’s attracted the attention of an important local man.  Their family is large and it looks like since his mother is mending clothes they aren’t the richest family but they must come from a more noble/samurai background than some of our other cast members.  It looks like the Usami household is a happy and fertile one.
Clearly, Tsurumi is interested in getting to know Usami and some time later, Tsurumi is working the water wheel that his family uses to pump water for their rice paddies.  Tsurumi clearly is doing some sort of research into him and he seems to realize that using the foot powered water wheel leads to the develop strong legs.  Usami is explaining how hard the work is based on their location etc when he is interruped by another young boy.
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This other boy is introduced as Takagi Tomoharu another 12 year old boy.  He really reminds me of Sugimoto a bit, that slightly messy hair and friendly look.  He clearly is another Tsurumi fanboy.
Tsurumi also calls him by his first name and asks if his father is doing well and the boy responds excitedly as Usami silently smiles with his eyes closed in the background having Tsurumi’s attention focused on another person.
Sometime after school, Tomoharu tells Usami to stay over at his house since they have training at the dojo and they can go to school the next morning.  He then adds that Tsurusumi will be at the dojo that evening!  This immediately gets Usami’s attention and he runs to the dojo yelling “Hurry, hurry!” so Usami is excited by this!
The next page shows the dojo and both boys want Tsurumi’s attention to train with each of them and Tsurumi just smiles back, again Usami’s eyes are closed.
Sometime later it shows Tsurumi in winter leaving the dojo - we don’t get the full conversation, just that Tsurumi is responding to something that Usami said. Usami will be graduating - I guess based on his age primary school - and Tsurumi who’s face is obscured asks if he will keep training at the dojo.  Usami responds with his eyes closed again stating he will have to help his father work on their family farm so it may not happen.
Tsurumi then turns and looks at him in a very friendly way telling him to continue at the dojo to become much stronger - he’ll be able to surpass Tsurumi as well based on his skills with time.
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Tsurmi then states he won’t be able to visit the dojo soon, with the impending Sino-Japanese war he’s about to go off to (with Tsukishima) and finally Usami opens his eyes with concern in them as well as light in his eyes.  Usami is clearly worried about Tsurumi leaving.  All of a sudden his friend appears interrupting him and Tsurumi again telling him to go home together.  Again we don’t know what else Usami was going to say to Tsurumi . . .
The winter gives way to spring, when the school year ends and another one will begin.
We get a scene where Usami is able to pin Tomoharu down and someone tells them to stop for the day . . . maybe Tsurumi maybe not.  It is clear that just like Sugimoto’s friend Toraiji - Usami is the natural martial artist while Tomoharu will always lose to him.  Tomoharu is sulking in the dojo and Tsurumi has to ask him what’s wrong so that he and his sensei can lock up.  He reveals that he’s never been able to beat Usami before he leaves.  Tomoharu then cases after Usami who is waiting outside for him.
It looks like he told Tsurumi that he’s leaving and Tsurumi got him to approach Usami to tell him about his departure to high school? in Tokyo.  However, Usami is not surprised as he already knew his friend was leaving and tells him that he really doesn’t want to spar with him one last time.
Usami from a very dramatic angle tells hi that he doesn’t want to lose on purpose b/c he’s worried about his feelings . . . and before he finishes Tomoharu yells his reply that he shouldn’t, that wouldn’t be a real friendship, it would end it.  Usami has light and sparkle in his eyes as he says his lines and his friend sounds like a passionate young Japanese man with fighting spirit.
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Tsurumi tells him that he will watch their match in the corner of the yard - the sacred place which Usami will say to Tsurmumi 2 years later. . .
The next two pages are a montage of memories of Tomoharu with Usami as he thinks to survive alone in Tokyo requires him to defeat him.  It seems that Tomoharu really enjoyed his time with Usami - but I really get the feeling that Usami just tolerated him.  It really does have this vibe of a one sided friendship, I could even see him staying over at Tomoharu’s place just to be closer to the dojo and by extension Tsurumi.
Tomoharu cries as he knows he’s fighting hard but still ends up defeated by Usami.
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This scene is very much like the Sugimoto’s flashback in chapter 35 - courtship.  He met Toraji at his burnt down house on his wedding day and he attacks Sugimoto who promptly defeats him.  With his eyes full of tears, Toraji refuses to give up and goes for another round with Sugimoto as he roundly defeats him again.  This clearly is linked back to Shiraishi’s comment about humans and the people that they love.  Yes, Sugimoto is a dick to show up, make Toraiji upset, beat him and then congratulate him on his marriage which only makes Toraiji more annoyed.
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Yet, in their second round ends with him declaring that he may have lost to Sugimoto in kendo and judo, but he won in the battle for Umeko’s heart. . .
This is clearly a parallel with Usami and Tomoharu and this is linked to Sugimoto.
Anyways back to 226.  Tomoharu despite being defeated pulls on Usami’s shirt and states that he’s not done yet.  The next full page panel shows Usami’s reaction -
full on murder rabbit!!!  He’s gained the white along the edge of his black pupils as he’s drooling, his veins are bursting and his entire face is contorted in rage/anger/i don’t know what else.  I call him a murder rabbit based on a nickname that the lovely Merdopsuedo came up for Usami a long time ago.
She calls him the The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, based on the rabbit that lives in the cave and kills many men in an excellent scene requiring the use of the Holy Hand grenade of Antioch in “Monty Python and The Holy Grail”.  This flashback has confirmed all of our fan jokes and theories and was a much better nickname the previously proposed one of “Thumper” the rabbit from “Bambi”.
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Tomoharu only gets a glance of his face as he raises his foot before he firmly kicks him in the throat with his bare heel.
This action is enough to even shock Tsurumi!  We see Tomoharu make his last gasp for air as Tsurumi, the man who watched his family die in Vladivostok, perhaps killed by his own actions or those of Wik, Kiro and Sofia.  Tsurumi is a broken and twisted man by this point before he even heads off to the Sino-Japanese war, but Usami’s actions have completely caught him off guard.  He thought he was helping out with a teenage issue and he’s just resulted in the death of Tomoharu by accident.  Look at those wide open eyes, sweat on his forehead and those stress lines!  Tsurumi is completely shocked.
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It is clear a man who has seen terrible things like Tsurumi (as we don’t know what his spying and previous military service was like) he is shocked by Usami’s violence that he uses as he clearly struck a killing blow on his friend.
And with that the chapter ends!
Wow!  Usami’s backstory is clearly revealed to be super creepy as I was always afraid of.  At the age of 12 he killed the boy who on the surface appeared to be his best friend.
Final thoughts on chapter 226
1.) Usami may be a natural born killer rabbit who always wants to please Tsurumi.  Chapter 227 will likely further explain why that part of the dojo is sacred to both of them.  Sei Kobiyama also mentioned on twitter that due to both Tsurumi and Usami practicing jujitsu/judo indicate they both came from samurai families.
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Tsurumi has alluded to the fact that his family was once wealthy when he was young and we know he’s the 4th son and they lost the wealth.  It is clear based on Usami’s families reaction to him the Tsurumi family was well known.
Usami is clearly not in a wealthy household that has to work very hard to survive, yet has a connection to samurai habits and culture.  This may be a link to chapter 225 referring the the slums of Sapporo and how the murdered woman was from a once wealthy family that lost it - likely a pre-Meiji era samurai family.
Is Usami jealous of Tomoharu?  Or does he want Tsurumi’s attention all to himself?  What motivates him?  He seems off the entire time before he kills Tomoharu so I think there is more going on than we realize just yet.
Does this information from Sei Kobiyama imply that since Sugimoto and Toraiji also practiced kendo and judo that they were also from poor samurai families also fallen on hard times in the Edo area?
2.) I believe that Usami and Sugimoto are supposed to be compared in some way with this flashback.  Both men are talented in judo and when they kill both men are demon or animalistic in the way that they fight and kill.  Yet, one killed his crybaby best friend while the other one as far as we know was unable to save his friend.
Noda has kept away from Sugimoto’s past and his unresolved issues surrounding Toraiji and Umeko for a long time.  This may lead to the reveal of more of Sugimoto’s past and what really happened when Toraiji died and Sugimoto clung to his dying body, giving up the sled for Tsukishima at Mudoken.  It keeps alluding to a potential situation where Sugimoto is either indirectly or directly related to the events that result in Toraiji’s death.  And keep in mind in the flashbacks his nickname is Tora-chan or Tiger.  If Kiro is Tanigaki’s tiger, we’ve discussed that Toraiji is Sugimoto’s tiger . . .
Sugimoto currently has a broken wrist and maybe he will have to rely on Asirpa, Shiraishi and Vasily his non-friend, not-enemy-ally.  I think Usami may be a link to more background into Sugimoto.
Keeping that in mind, I suspect that Kadokura will lead to more background into Ogata as his father would have been a contemporary of sorts with Koito and Hanazawa, but on Ogata’s mother side.
Well that is all I have for now with the chapters!  I’ll work on getting a few more meta up hopefully in the next few days including as long delayed cover analysis and some Koito meta!
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sakuradasgf · 3 years
#%writing: all my fics 
#%aib: alice in borderland content 
#%haikyuu: hq content 
#%poop: shit talk 
#%screaminh: i scream for dear help 
#%songs: songs *blink blink* 
#%meow: < cats 3
#%meganiragi: megan x niragi supremacy !!
#%medori: dori loves megan !!!
#%?!: selfies :00
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sunsetcurve · 5 years
we’ll come together (state of the art)
Summary: Before, she'd gotten so caught up in all of it—trying to stop Captain Man from erasing her memories, then trying to get his back—that she hadn't really had time to process this. And now she does. And it's making her head hurt.
Because, well. Henry is Kid Danger.
Fandom: Henry Danger
Relationships: Henry Hart & Piper Hart
Word Count: 1,640
A/N: it took every ounce of willpower i had not to title this “Hart to Hart”. 
(actual title is from one of my favorite songs by my favorite band ever, kids in the dark by all time low). 
anyway, here it is, the “piper and henry have a talk” fic that i really just needed to get out of my system. this was really fun to write, but keep in mind that my general motto when writing hd fics (and fic in general, really), is “fuck canon i do what i want” so this is really cheesy and somewhat ooc. it’s fine. sort of. i had a good time, and that’s what we’re here for, right?
Dedications: i’m gonna tag some of the wonderful people here, but no pressure to read it at all! @rorythevambire @up-the-tube @ciara-knightly @cactus-con @mychenrymadness @charlottepage @henryhearts @bijerbear @taylorswiftrulestheworld @just-a-j-reallly
if you want to be tagged/untagged in the future just let me know! enjoy :)
* * * 
When it's over, the Man Cave is quiet.
This is a strange, sharp contrast to the chaos that Piper had fallen into before, but now Captain Man's—Ray's—memories are back, and he's sleeping off the side effects in his room, and Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper are upstairs in the store and Schwoz is...somewhere. He went off with a vague explanation, and he's sort of a strange man so Piper's not really sure she wants to ask questions.
(Come to think of it, she's pretty sure she's seen him before—the German 'neighbor' who came to Henry's birthday party, the 'plumber' who came to fix their sink—she thinks she's even seen him around at the high school. Which makes a lot more sense now, but is still mildly unsettling.)
Piper tugs the headband out of her hair and fiddles with the bow in her hands. She's probably ruined her hair, and really the outfit isn't complete without the accessory but she can't really bring herself to care. She needs something to do with her hands, and her mind is running in circles that are way too fast to be satisfied by scrolling mindlessly through Instagram right now. There's too much to think about.
Before, she'd gotten so caught up in all of it—trying to stop Captain Man from erasing her memories, then trying to get his back—that she hadn't really had time to process this. And now she does. And it's making her head hurt.
Because, well. Henry is Kid Danger.
And if she really thinks about it, it's not that hard to reconcile the two. They've got the same hair, the same smile, the same stupid sense of humor—the same bravery that Piper pretends she doesn't see. And, if she really thinks about it, there's a part of her that's known for a while. Since he broke his arm, maybe. Or even before then.
But she never wanted to believe it. The difficulty comes when she tries to put Henry in that position in her mind. She's seen Kid Danger fight off villain after villain, take punches and be shot at and thrown into walls and god knows what else that wasn't broadcasted on TV, and she's always known that there was a teenager behind that mask but realizing it's been her brother this whole time is something entirely different. Something that's hard for her to wrap her head around.
She wonders how many times he'd snuck out and come back in the dead of the night without any of them noticing, wonders how many injuries he'd hidden just to pretend things were normal. She wonders why she and her family never even asked about his disappearances. She wonders, briefly, how many times Henry has almost died without them knowing anything about it, and then stops that train of thought before it goes too far.
That's not something she wants to consider.
Piper rubs at her eyes with the heels of her palms.
Then, the elevator dings, and she makes a show of putting her headband back into place and trying to look like she's just re-adjusting her hair and not her entire view of the world. Henry steps out, and there's still glitter in his hair and on his cheeks—the bubblegum-ploy Ray had come up with had been less than successful. He looks at Piper, sitting on the steps near the elevator, and tilts his head curiously as he takes a seat next to her.
"So I'm guessing you were never actually the playground pooper?" she says first, because she's not really sure what else to say.
Henry laughs, sounding a little relieved, like he was expecting something else. "Nope. I swear on my life I have never pooped on a playground. Or broken my arm doing it."
"That's kind of a shame," she hums. "It was really good blackmail material." This gets him to attempt at bumping her in the ribs with his elbow, but she dodges before he can and sticks her tongue out at him. "It was also a pretty shitty excuse, y'know," she adds.
He scoffs incredulously. "Uh, first of all, it was Jasper's idea, and also, you fell for it," he retorts, defensive.
Piper sort of glances at her feet, then, furrowing her brow just a little. "Yeah, but I shouldn't have." She shakes her head. "I should've figured it out a long time ago."
"I was worried you would," he says after a moment, and scoots closer to her. "All the disappearances, right?"
"Yeah, and your terrible lies, like...the 'makeup excuse'? You can't do a decent wing to save your life."
Henry scoffs at that but doesn't argue, and then it's quiet for a beat and Piper tries to figure out how to say what she wants to. She's not good at this part; she's honest and bold and unwavering with her words, always, but this is different. This is trying to voice the mixture of pride and worry and frustration and fear that's been sitting in her chest for the last few hours.
She takes a breath. "And," she starts, without really knowing where she's going, and she sees Henry look up out of the corner of her eye but doesn't meet his gaze, "I should've known that your stupid junk store was just a ploy."
He opens his mouth to respond, but she keeps going; it's hard to stop now that she's started. "And I should've known that your boss was way too intrusive for it to be normal, and I should've known your watch was suspicious. And you never let anyone near your bubblegum, I should've figured out that there was something weird about that a long time ago, and I should've—" her breath catches, and then her voice quivers a little and she hates it, "—and I should've known you'd be the only teenager dumb enough to risk your life every single day—"
"Piper," Henry says, and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, Piper, it's okay—"
"Don't say that!" She stands up, trying not to have a full-blown meltdown, because those are reserved for Jana Tetrazzini and Wi-Fi crashes, but then again, she decides, this outscales both of those things by miles. Her hands are shaking. "What if you had died? What if someone had—and we wouldn't even have known, and don't—" she says when his mouth opens, "don't try and tell me that you were fine; I've seen the news, I've seen you fight villains, I've seen people shoot at you with-with actual guns and you're not like Ray, you're not indestructible—"
"I know that, okay?" And Henry's standing now, too, and his voice is sharp—not angry, really, but frustrated, and maybe just tired. Piper deflates a little.
"I know," he says again. "But, Piper...Ray needs me. Swellview needs me. Someone has to do this, and...it just happened to be me, okay? This is my job now." He pauses, and then his lips quirk upward into a small smile. "I might not have the 'great power', but I still have the—"
"If you finish that sentence, I will hit you," Piper warns, and he shuts his mouth.
She's never seen him look this serious about anything, though. It's strange to her, that she could've missed a part of her brother that's so big, and now that she knows it feels like the mask couldn't change a thing. There's a voice in the back of her mind that wants to tell Henry to put his suit up for good, walk away while he's still living and breathing and okay (because maybe she'll never admit it, but her love for Kid Danger is significantly outweighed by her love for Henry Hart), but the rest of her knows that it wouldn't matter either way. He'd still be the same; brave and reckless and stupid, and her brother.
And she's trying to decide if she hates him for it.
"You're such an idiot," she says finally, and hugs him. She feels his laugh more than she hears it, and his chin comes to rest on top of her head and she's sort of trying not to cry, especially because she thinks her makeup looks good today and Henry's wearing something that isn't a flannel for once and she really doesn't want to ruin it.
"So...are we cool now?" he asks hopefully, after a moment passes, and she shakes her head against his chest.
"Nope. No way. We are so far from cool, Henry."
She doesn't let go, though.
Neither does he, and they just stay like that, and she can't remember the last time they've hugged like this and she would never say it out loud but she missed it. When they finally pull apart, he grins at her and tousles her hair like he used to do when they were kids.
"Come on," he says then, and steps up the low stairs. "I want to show you something." There's a familiar glimmer in his eye, the same look he gets when they sneak out to watch R-rated horror movies or pull pranks on their parents together, and she lifts an eyebrow.
"Show me what?"
He gestures for her to join him. "Just, trust me." His voice is tinged with fondness, and she scoffs as he continues, "It's like, a rite of passage."
Piper hesitates a moment longer before going to stand next to him. Henry glances at the ceiling, and then positions himself on the floor, and then tugs Piper close to him. She tenses, but wraps her arms around him. "Um. What are we doing?"
"You'll see," he says, and then looks up again. He clicks something on his watch, and a glass tube descends around them, and Piper yelps. Henry laughs. "You're gonna love this part. Ready?"
"For what?"
"Just hold on tight," he grins, and then, "Up the tube!"
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quitdeal1-blog · 4 years
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more Fat Freezing information & advice:.
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Your doctor is there to pay attention thoroughly to you, and also to help you achieve the goals you desire. This additionally indicates allowing you recognize if your assumptions are not reasonable.
Do you poop when you die?
The body may release stool from the rectum, urine from the bladder, or saliva from the mouth. This happens as the body's muscles relax. Rigor mortis , a stiffening of the body muscles, will develop in the hours after death.
MACS has the advantage of smaller marks and also usually a much shorter healing time. If you determine to go on with the facelift, we'll allow at the very least two weeks between your assessment and also the date for surgery.
Modern innovation as well as refined techniques mean that a Mini Face-Lift operation currently lasts around 1 to 1.5 hours, it is painless and healing time is much faster. Only a short time back, we encouraged clients to wait till they actually could not endure signs of ageing and then, at an older age, have a full facelift. The patient would certainly be happy with the dramatic enhancement and also would be unlikely to call for any kind of further surgery. Currently patients are typically not searching for a major adjustment, but simply not to age. This treatment is particularly appealing as a result of the reduced threat that it presents.
Outcomes have actually been particularly excellent in younger individuals who do not want the threats and recovery time related to surgical treatment.
The HIFU is perfect for any individual from 18 years old, males and females.
The high intensity frequency ultrasound targets the same layer of skin addressed in plastic surgery, the SMAS, the superficial musculoaponeurotic system.
In addition to being totally non-invasive, the power of the HIFU treatment is instantly noticeable post-treatment.
The HIFU body therapies are an excellent remedy offering 3 treatments in one, skin firm, fat loss and also cellulite therapy.
You will see outcomes appear after around 3 months, when the collagen generation has begun to occur.
We are not able to do the treatment if you are expecting or breastfeeding.
Nonetheless, similar to all surgery, some complications are possible. Your cosmetic surgeon will talk about each of these risks comprehensively at your examination. We recommend people should have the ability to return to their typical everyday tasks after regarding one week - we would certainly advise a few day of rests of collaborate with the option of a full week should you require it as swelling is best throughout this time. We ask our people to be sensitive to their facial location as well as not to do way too much prematurely. We likewise suggest preventing UV light for 2 -4 weeks to help the scarring procedure. On the day of your treatment we ask that you arrive for your admission an hour prior to the agreed start time of surgery. Now a nurse will come and also tape-record high blood pressure as well as various other pertinent tests, you will meet with your anaesthetist as well as your cosmetic surgeon that will certainly make the final mark-ups.
additional Fat Freezing info & advice:.
What are the negative effects of CoolSculpting?
modern day software of CoolSculpting include:Tugging sensation at the treatment site. Pain, stinging, or aching at the treatment site. Temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and skin sensitivity at the treatment site. Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia at the treatment site.
Mini Facelift Surgical procedure aims to fix the indications of aging and also gravity, enhancing the appearance of the lower face as well as dewlaps with minimal threat and also downtime. The objective is to look fresh, a lot more vibrant without transforming you-- natural renewal!
What You required To know About Femiwand Treatments
Infection is infrequent (less than 0.5%) and will need a training course of suitable anti-biotics. Facial muscle mass weakness is uncommon, might affect the forehead or edge of the mouth and is temporary long lasting 6 weeks. Some altered feeling around the cheeks is expected and will frequently go back to normal in between 6 to 12 weeks after surgical procedure. At LBPS, we recognize that your decision to have Face surgical treatment can be a complicated and anxious time for you. Our objective is to completely comprehend your concerns and also needs, as well as examine your face accurately, prior to settling on a treatment plan which is in your benefit.
How many times can you do Cryolipolysis?
More than one session may be needed to achieve a person's desired results. If more than one treatment sessions is needed, the next session can't be performed until 6 to 8 weeks after the first session. This is because it can take this long for damaged fat cells to be eliminated from the body.
Bear in mind that these modern-day lifting procedures are often combined with fat transfer as well as stem cell transfer to restore quantity in the best places as well as invigorate the skin. This treatment starts with the making of a small incision below each ear. The connective cells listed below the skin is drawn and held back to create a subtle architectural lift in your jawline and neck. Historically, face-lift operations have actually been lengthier treatments, leading to greater discomfort degrees and longer recovery time.
People who do not have excess skin due to laxity, typically do not call for a Mini Facelift, most of these clients will certainly take advantage of Mid-Face Training or Silhouette Face Raise or non intrusive face renewal. The procedure which is best fit to your objectives will certainly be identified at your examination. Your result can bring back confidence and boost self-esteem. Many people are back to their routine routines after just a few days. Additionally, the smallness of the face lacerations implies that your skin's recovery procedure will be quicker also.
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Usual to all surgeries there are constantly dangers associated with surgical treatment. Bruising can take place as well as might take 2 weeks to fix, while major bleeding is unusual.
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removing Skin Tags.
With this strategy, the specialist will certainly make a smaller laceration that does not reach the ear. The incision is a lot more superficial and also does not go under the SMAS layer. This technique is much less extensive than the SMAS technique, so is much better fit to dealing with milder laxity of facial skin.
If for any reason you disagree for Mini Facelift surgery, you will be advised against this form of surgical procedure. We will provide you with all the info you require and also sustain in the past, during and after your surgical procedure.
The benefits of this technique is smaller sized scars and also a shorter recuperation time. A facelift can give you a more vibrant, rejuvenated look. As we age, our skin slowly sheds its elasticity and our face muscle mass subside. This creates the appearance of old and wrinkly, drooping skin, specifically on the face. Way of living variables such as sun exposure as well as stress can additionally contribute to these changes. This can impact your confidence and also make you look older than you really feel. Hence, a facelift intends to restore the vigor in your appearance.
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The Principle ™ Facelift is not limited by age; nevertheless, people in their twenties are unlikely to have the loose skin and age-related modifications that can take advantage of a facelift. A common age where people existing often tends to be around 50, especially for ladies. That's since the hormone modifications of the menopause can impact the appearance. Most of Bella Vou's patients age from late 40s to 55 and also state that they feel they look worn out and desire a much more rejuvenated appearance.
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I was exceptionally satisfied with the treatment as well as treatment I got at the Cadogan Center. My specialist was friendly as well as helpful and explained the treatment completely. My treatment went quite possibly and with the outstanding treatment of the nursing staff, I made a speedy as well as full healing. The Mini-Facelift is an excellent treatment for people intending to reverse the indicators of ageing and attain a much more youthful look without undergoing a complete facelift treatment. A mini - lift can be made with marginal aggravation, scars and risk.
Bella Vou provides customers a distinctively individual strategy to plastic surgery. The modern facility gives the very newest surgical, aesthetic, as well as aesthetic treatments in a posh, comfortable, and welcoming environment in the heart of the gorgeous historical community of Royal Tunbridge Wells. The advanced Concept ™ Facelift is exclusively offered at Bella Vou. The cutting-edge, trademarked strategy was developed by the clinic's prominent surgeon as a much less intrusive choice to traditional facelift surgical treatment and attracts customers from around the world. An additional type of facelift surgery is called very little accessibility cranial suspension. Shorter cuts, compared to a standard facelift, are made in the holy place and also in front of the ears. Coarse tissues under the skin are tightened with irreversible stitches that are taken care of to cells close to the cheekbone or the coarse connective cells under the skin.
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If you select to proceed with surgical procedure, the following time you come into the Clinic after your last consultation will certainly be the day of your procedure. new Lipo 360 offerings was treated with care as well as given with thorough knowledge regarding the procedure I was taking on. My doctor was really methodical as well as I felt I obtained A class therapy.
The dimension and location of the marks will differ according to the technique utilized. Ensure you have actually talked about with your doctor what scarring you can anticipate. A lot of marks will certainly be very little as well as your surgeon will certainly make them as discreet as possible. How much they fade will rely on the healing capability of your skin.
Your surgeon can additionally give you some pointers on how you need to take care of your wounds, to reduce the scarring you are left with. During your facelift consultation, we suggest that you are as open as feasible with your cosmetic surgeon.
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