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collateral-joy · 6 months ago
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quin-ns · 2 years ago
Fake Blood (Ethan Landry x Reader)
Word count: 5.6K
Summary: spoiler: the blood isn’t fake. alone in your apartment after your friends had been attacked, you ask ethan to stop by. he does in an unexpected way and you get more than you bargained for
Tags: (18+), friends to lovers, minor violence, knife tw, flirting, making out, virgin!ethan, virgin!reader, fingering, unprotected p in v sex, the ghostface robe stays on during sex, denial ab ethan being a murderer :) (if bad why hot?)
A/N: just watched scream 6 for the first time only a few days ago and couldn’t get this psycho out of my brain (tiktok edits didn’t help lol). timeline might be a little wonky but tbh it’s not relevant. also this follows the theory that ethan did the big apartment attack. I really wasn’t expecting this to be this long but it’s worth it yall I promise
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As much as you liked Mindy, if you knew becoming friends with her would lead to you being integrated into her friend group of past and present serial killer victims, you might’ve thought about asking someone else to partner up with you for a presentation in your film studies class.
When you’d asked her, it was mostly to avoid having to accept an offer from a guy named Jason, who had always stared at you during that class and brought up the ‘Stab’ movies whenever he could (this was before you knew your friends knew him, but you still got a weird vibe from the guy).
She’d been excited to hang out with you after you two gave your presentation, and that’s how you wound up spending most days with her and her tight knit group of friends.
You were probably closest with Mindy, but you liked her brother too. For a guy named Chad, he was actually pretty chill. You got along with Tara as well, who was in a bit of a rebellious phase after being attacked and nearly killed, which you only learned about once they trusted you enough. Her older sister Sam was mostly cool too, but a bit overprotective. There was a gloomy aspect to her, but you supposed it made sense given that she was betrayed by her murderous boyfriend and now the internet peddled theories that blamed her for a series of killings in their home town of Woodsboro.
They had a tight bond, and even though you grew close with each of them, you knew you’d be an outsider. Like Tara and Sam’s roommate Quinn, Mindy’s girlfriend Anika, and Chad’s roommate Ethan. You all had shared multiple conversations about their trust issues. It must’ve been hard to even start to trust people after all that.
Out of all of the other “newcomers” as Mindy once put it, you got along with Ethan the best. He was a little quiet and sorta dorky (which your friends would tease him about a little—all friendly, of course) but he was fun to talk to. You guys liked a lot of the same stuff, including horror movies, and it didn’t hurt that he was cute.
In your opinion, with his curly dark hair and eyes to compliment, the whole “shy guy” thing was part of the appeal.
You wondered if he’d ever make a move, or if he even knew you were curious about him in that way. You wouldn’t go so far to say it was a crush for your ego’s sake, but you wouldn’t send him running off with his tail between his legs like you did with most guys.
Like that guy Jason from film class, who, just before Halloween, was killed alongside his roommate by a masked killer.
“Didn’t he have a thing for you?” Mindy asked you as you were all gathered around the TV, finding out the news together.
You were sitting crammed in a chair next to Ethan since the others had all taken up the couch space. He didn’t seem to mind, but it did unfortunately make it easy for them all to look your way and stare. You didn’t like the attention.
You were in shock at the news, especially when the anchor revealed Jason had also killed your film professor. Ethan pointed that out, saying if the guy was crazy enough to do that he might’ve even gone after you.
“Maybe the killer who killed him did you a favor,” Quinn suggested in response to Ethan.
The thought terrified you. You looked around the group. “Do you guys think he really would’ve hurt me? He seemed weird, not psycho.”
“We talked not that long ago, nothing seemed off,” Tara revealed with a grim look. “He asked if you and Sam were gonna come to the party.”
You hadn’t planned on going—what the hell would’ve happened if you had?
You exchanged a look with Sam, who seemed to have the wheels in her head turning.
You zoned back into the news as the reporter explained the mask found was a ghostface mask—like from the Stab movies. And of course, the actual Woodsboro killings.
“Pack a bag,” Sam told her sister, springing up to move around the apartment building.
Sam and Tara argued, which was a little weird to witness. You tried to sink back into the chair, while Ethan looked at you like he wanted to say something.
Hopefully it wasn’t “get out of the chair” because you didn’t think you could move.
The night ended with you going back to your little apartment alone. Your roommate was out of town and so your anxiety was on high alert.
A lot had happened that night apparently, including Sam and Tara getting attacked in a convenience store and them being questioned by the cops.
As much as you cared about them, you feared what would happen if you were with them.
That’s why the next night when you were invited over, you had been hesitant. A government paper was the perfect excuse, but you had FaceTimed with them so you all could keep an eye on each other.
You sat at your little desk, your laptop opened to work on your paper, and your phone propped up on your cup so you could talk to them hands free.
Apparently everyone was together at the apartment except Ethan, who told you he was studying in the library when you texted to ask him. You responded that you were working on a paper and that if he wanted to come over to keep you company, he could.
You’d spent some time alone with him, but not a lot when you really thought about it. It was always in the group—who were all murder suspects, according to Mindy’s movie rules.
You knew you weren’t the killer, and you had absolutely no motive. The others were still suspicious of you so that hurt a little (maybe that was another reason why you were keeping to yourself), but you did your best to understand that they weren’t just suspicious of you.
Everyone was a suspect, and no one was safe.
You felt even less safe when Mindy said she’d call you back. You didn’t know why she had to hang up so urgently, but you had a feeling it had to do with the emotional conversation Tara and Sam had been having in the background. You couldn’t make out most of it clear so you avoided mentioning it.
You sighed and checked your chat with Ethan. He hasn’t responded to your text. You were getting nervous now that you weren’t video chatting with your other friends anymore and the thought of being home alone didn’t bring you much ease.
You thought about just going over to the Carpenter’s (and Quinn’s) apartment, not wanting to bother Ethan further. Maybe he was ignoring you on purpose.
However, it was a far walk there. You didn’t feel safe making it alone at night—especially with a killer on the loose, likely targeting your friends. If you had a car, maybe, but you were a broke college student who could barely afford a place to live.
You sucked it up and double texted Ethan, this time asking if he could come over and that you were worried.
When he didn’t respond right away, you gave it a few minutes.
A little while longer passed and since you now couldn’t focus on your paper, you tried to call Mindy back. Then Tara. Then Chad. Then Sam. Then Quinn. Then Anika.
Not a single one of them answered.
You took a deep breath. Then, you went to double check that your door was locked.
You tried to call Ethan, but his phone went immediately to voicemail. It must’ve been dead or powered off.
That left no one else to call, and you felt more alone than ever.
You sat down at your desk and tried to focus.
You ended up going to your bedroom, putting on sleep clothes, and watching a comfort show under all your blankets instead, paper completely forgotten.
Your phone dinged from your bedside table and when you looked at it, you saw a message from Ethan. Only a few hours late, but he said he was on his way up.
That was sudden. You tried to not overthink being alone with Ethan too much.
A few moments later, there was a knock at your front door.
You climbed out of bed, not really caring that you were wearing sleep shorts and a baggy shirt. Your friends had seen you go to class in about the same when you had all night study sessions.
When you got to the door, you got a little nervous. But you knew it had to be Ethan, so you tried to push the anxiety aside and unlocked then opened the door.
You were met with shock and horror.
Towering over you in your doorway stood a figure in a black robe… and a ghostface mask.
You tried to slam the door, but the person caught it. You choked on a scream when they shoved their way in, holding a knife. There was a small stain of red on the metal blade and a darker, bigger mass on the robe.
Blood. Blood was red.
You scrambled back and tried to think of where to go. None of the doors in your apartment locked, not even the bathroom door.
Your heart and mind raced and suddenly you were spewing words.
“I don’t know what to say to make you not kill me, but I please don’t,” you rushed out.
The person—the killer—moved closer to you after shutting and locking your front door.
You ran, but there was really nowhere to go. The killer ran too. You tried to lure them to the bathroom and shove them in, but they dodged and had you almost within their grasp.
They didn’t slash the knife, though.
You ran for the front door, but the killer grabbed you by the arm. You were shoved back against your hallway wall and pinned. Your back slammed against the wall, but not hard. They held the knife to your throat—not too close, but it was still there and still kept you frozen.
“Are you gonna kill me?”
The words came out before you could stop them. You internally scolded yourself. That’s the kinda shit the girls who got murdered asked.
There was a laugh, and then a familiar voice.
“I’d never do that.”
By the time the killer reached for the mask and pulled it off, you still hadn’t processed your shock.
“Ethan?” you gawked up at him while he gave you a cheeky smile. He let the mask drop and the hand holding the knife fell to his side.
“You should’ve seen your face,” he said through a smile, excited eyes scanning your face for realization.
“Is this… is this a fucking prank?” you questioned, finally comprehending. “Ethan, what the fuck!?” You shoved him back by his shoulder, admittedly a little pissed. “You’re covered in blood!”
He stayed standing in front of you.
“It’s fake, I promise. It was just a joke,” he reasoned, looking a little guilty. “Y’know, cause Halloween and… alright, maybe my timing isn’t great.”
You scoffed out a laugh at that. “It’s terrible timing. There really is someone after us.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” Ethan apologized with a small, apologetic smile. You stared at him, still surprised. He looked so innocent for someone that could pull off, let alone come up with, such a messed up prank.
“Is this where you’ve been? Dressing up to mess with me while there really is a killer after us?” You questioned, raising your brows and crossing your arms.
“Y’know, if there really is a killer after us, we probably shouldn’t let each other die virgins,” Ethan stated in a flirtatious way he easily could’ve played off as a joke. Maybe it was entirely a joke, but you played along in a different direction.
You scoffed. “And you’re just assuming I’m a virgin?”
He shrugged, the long fabric of his costume rustling. “I see how you are with guys. They want you, you never want them.”
“So what, I’m a tease?” you guessed, used to hearing that but a little disappointed to think it would come from him.
“No,” he clarified quickly. “But they’re just never good enough for you and you know that. Like that jerk Jason.”
You cringed a little at the mention of him, and then felt bad about that. The guy had been murdered, after all.
“Don’t say that, he’s dead.”
“So what?” Ethan asked plainly, surprising you a little. “He was a killer too. He could’ve gone after you, you should be grateful to whoever did it.”
You furrowed your brows. He was starting to sound like someone else. “Grateful?”
“It’s okay, you’re allowed to be.” Ethan’s expression as he spoke was one of reassurance. “You could’ve been next, you never know. He was one of those guys who couldn’t take a hint that he was beneath you.”
You had no idea he thought that way about you—that there were men he deemed unworthy. It was enough to distract you from the shift in his demeanor.
“And what? You’re saying you’re one of the guys who’s good enough for me?” you couldn’t help but wonder. You never thought about your dating history (or lack of) like that.
“Hell no,” he said, surprising you yet again. You were expecting a ‘yes’ with the way he was coming onto you all of the sudden, but what he said carried even more of a self-depreciating brand of charm. “But I’m hoping maybe you’ll pity the loser who’s had a hopeless crush on you for a while now and give him a chance.”
“You’re not a loser,” you said before you registered the rest of his words. When you did, you were taken aback at the confession. “But you’re not usually this… bold, Ethan.”
You wanted to ask him if something was wrong, but there was a lot wrong these past few hours.
“What can I say? I’ve been feeling more confident recently.”
You hummed, understanding that in a way.
“Maybe it’s the whole ‘we could die any second’ thing,” you ventured a guess.
He smiled to himself, like you’d just referenced an inside joke you weren’t a part of.
“Could be,” he agreed. He laughed a little and looked down at himself, then met your eyes again. “Sorry about scaring you. It was in poor taste. We both like horror movies… I don’t know, it was stupid.”
You scoffed, but you weren’t really mad anymore.
“I like horror movies, I don’t want to be in one,” you told him, eyeing the knife he held loosely in his right hand. “Is the knife real?”
“What?” Ethan asked, feigning confusion. He lifted the knife and examined it. “This knife?”
“Yeah, that knife,” you parroted back his playful tone. “You said the blood is fake, but is the knife real?”
A devious look crossed Ethan’s face. He held it to your throat slowly, holding it horizontally. You didn’t flinch, much to his pleasure. He seemed almost impressed.
“Gotta be authentic, right?” he mused, eyes flicking to your parted lips as you breathed steadily. “Can I kiss you?”
When his curious eyes looked back at yours, you couldn’t help but notice he still held the knife. The rush of excitement you felt scared you more than the fear of him letting it slip forward.
“What’s the knife for?” you asked with a surge of confidence, taunting him a little. “If I say no?”
Ethan laughed at that. He pulled it back and let it drop to the floor. It clattered against the wood, and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. But it wasn’t from fear—it was from anticipation. Maybe your curiosity was a little more than that after all.
“You’re safe with me,” he assured. “Promise.”
His words felt layered, but in a way you couldn’t define.
Perhaps it was his way of saying he’d protect you. Maybe it was strange, especially given his entrance, but you found yourself feeling exactly that with Ethan. Safe.
Nothing was going to hurt you, certainly not him.
“About that kiss…” you started, giving him the indication that he was looking for.
Ethan took the hint and ran with it, lips crashing into yours in the blink of an eye.
His lips were soft, but the kiss was needy and hungry. You tried to move your lips in sync with his, but he was much more dominant.
A joke that you’d never say flashed by about him practicing.
It was easy not to laugh when Ethan’s hand threaded into your hair and his tongue began to explore your mouth.
The leather glove felt strange. It made you pull back a little, which you almost couldn’t do with the way Ethan eagerly chased your swollen lips with his own.
You glanced over his costume again. It looked really legit—when did he have time to get it? Was he actually gonna wear this for Halloween? You swore you remembered him and Chad talking about some other costume he made out of cardboard for the frat party.
Before you could spiral down that path, Ethan pulled the leather gloves off quickly and cast them aside. It was like he could read your mind. Both hands went to your face, pulling you to meet him halfway in another searing kiss.
You didn’t know what was coming over you, but whatever it was was causing arousal to stir in your belly.
You figured out the answer to that pretty quickly.
It was want. You wanted Ethan.
“Is the other offer still on the table?” you uttered softly when you and Ethan had to part for air.
He grinned, unable to contain it.
“Thought there was no way in hell that would work,” Ethan admitted a little breathlessly. “Thought I never stood a chance with you, but I liked you anyway.”
Ethan had a boyish charm about him usually, but now that was combined with a streak of deviance that you finally now noticed.
You weren’t expecting to be as intrigued by it as you were.
“Give yourself a little more credit,” you told Ethan, raising your hand to cup his cheek. He leaned into your touch a little. One hand rested on your shoulder and the other fell to hold your hip, tucking under your baggy shirt and rubbing your skin beneath. “You are pretty cute.”
Ethan’s smile only grew, but when you leaned in to kiss him again his lips met yours.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and guided the two of you to the ground with your back leaning against the wall. He was in front of you, on his knees, with you in his lap.
You ran a hand through his curly hair and you guided his lips back to yours. From what he’d revealed, Ethan hadn’t had a lot of experience with girls. It was a damn shame, because the boy was a great kisser.
His hand caressed your thigh as he trailed upward. You gave him a soft sound of encouragement when his fingers found their way to the waistband of your shorts.
“Is this okay?” Ethan asked, which made you want to grab him and kiss him again.
His hand slid into your shorts and your underwear.
One finger—you guessed middle—pushed inside of you. A small gasp escaped you at the intrusion and he watched your face.
Ethan was making sure the sound wasn’t of pain, which it wasn’t, and you appreciated that.
He withdrew the digit, then pushed in again. He repeated the motion a few more times before adding his index finger.
Ethan’s breathing grew heavy as he felt you squeeze around his fingers. He thrust and curled them inside you with rhythm. He managed to find one pretty quickly. That plus his thumb rubbing at your clit, you were falling apart in mere minutes.
Your brief orgasm rocked your whole body, leaving you clenching his fingers and quivering.
Ethan muttered things to you, but you could hardly hear over the sound of your own heart pounding in your ears.
Your head rested back against the wall as you caught your breath, still trembling from the aftershocks. Ethan withdrew his hand from between your legs and out of your shorts.
Your eyelids felt heavy, but in between slow blinks you saw him lift his fingers to his lips. You watched breathlessly as he placed them into his mouth and moaned at the taste of you.
No words would come out of your mouth, but he took rendering you speechless as a compliment.
“I’ve thought about that,” Ethan started, voice a little ragged. He was watching you, but his hand had moved off to the side. “What you’d look like… what you’d sound like… what you’d taste like.” The awe in his eyes as he spoke left you swooning.
“And?” you managed, sitting up a little straighter.
With the change in your angle, you could feel the bulge in his pants, even though the added layer of the costume he had yet to remove.
“You’re better than I ever imagined,” Ethan finished.
A scrape against the floor alarmed you. You looked to the sound and saw Ethan grabbing the knife off of the floor.
You watched as he brought it between your bodies. He first tucked it through the leg of your shorts, the cold metal sliding against your skin as it caught under your underwear as well. Then, he pointed the sharp side facing out. Finally, he sliced up through the fabric. You gasped a little as the cold air of the room hit your newly exposed skin. He did the same with the other leg, then pulled the tattered material away from your body.
You did the honors of pulling off your shirt. You didn’t have a bra underneath and you almost laughed at the way Ethan gawked at your fully naked body when you cast it aside.
“Your turn,” you told him. You were completely undressed, while he still wore the long, black disguise.
“Actually,” Ethan said a little eerily. There was something in his eyes you couldn’t quite pinpoint. “I was thinking I could leave it on?”
It was a question, there was room for you to say no. Maybe you should’ve, it was a little weird. But you weren’t really thinking about that. You were more focused on how badly you wanted Ethan to fuck you, and that clouded your brain.
“As long as you don’t put the mask back on,” you relented in a joking tone.
“You’re so fucking cool,” Ethan rushed out before slamming his lips into yours. The knife was cast aside again—you didn’t see it happen, but both of his hands were on your face.
You laughed a little against his lips, dazed and drunk on arousal. You didn’t really care about the logistics of it.
His hands moved down, but you were distracted by his lips dominating yours.
You heard the sound of his zipper being undone and he moved a little—you guessed shoving his pants down his thighs.
There was no time to look down because in a rush, Ethan was pinning you back against the wall with his body. One hand gripped your waist, holding you in place for him. The other was presumably guiding his cock to your entrance.
You gasped a little against his lips when he started to press forward while simultaneously pulling you down into his lap. The fabric of the costume draped over your thighs, blocking your view.
The stretch of his cock pushing into you was more intense than you could’ve predicted, but your whole body trembled with pleasure at the feel.
Finally, he either got too excited or lost his patience, and guided you down the rest of the way until he was fully sheathed inside of you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Ethan cursed to himself, body straining to keep from moving. His head dropped to your shoulder, heavy breaths hitting your neck. He leaned against you, forcing you against the wall.
His cock twitched inside of you and his body tensed, trying to hold back.
You panted slightly, trying to get your breath back. You ran a hand up his back and you felt him shiver. Your hand moved up the back of his neck and into his mess of curls.
You always liked Ethan’s hair.
You gave a small, barely qualifiable tug, but it had an effect. His body jerked, causing him to move inside of you. You gasped a little, but the motion felt good.
He lifted his head to look at you. His face was a little flushed and the lust blown look in his eyes made you quiver.
“You can move,” you whispered out, not trusting your voice.
Ethan didn’t need to be told twice. He secured the arm around your waist a little tighter and he put the other hand on the wall, giving himself leverage.
The slow drag of him moving out of you made you gasp for breath. The thrust back in knocked the air out of your lungs.
He set a quick pace after that, hips slamming eagerly into yours as the pleasure and excitement overwhelmed him.
It felt good, really fucking good.
Neither of you knew exactly what you were doing, but you were sure you’d figured it out because your whole body tingled with pleasure.
You cried out his name, which only spurred him on.
In a jarring movement you could hardly track, Ethan dragged you from the wall to the floor. He put himself on top of you, never once withdrawing from inside of you.
He watched your face as he pounded into you. Ethan had more leverage this way, able to grip your hip in one hand while the other held the top half of him off of you by being planted on the floor near your head.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, which you couldn’t see because the bottom half of your body was covered by the black costume. You hardly paid any attention to that aspect. You didn’t care that he wore it, not when you were this caught up in pleasure.
(In hindsight, you should’ve).
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” Ethan breathed out, hips starting the stutter with every thrust.
The knot in your belly started to tighten as he buried himself into you over and over.
You couldn’t speak, your breathing was so labored as you reached to cling to him.
His head dropped down to your shoulder as he allowed more of his body weight to fall onto you. You found yourself enjoying the feel of him truly being on top of you.
You hardly noticed the fake blood smearing onto your bare skin. When you did, you were too gone to care.
You bucked your hips, meeting his stuttering thrusts. He was getting close to his edge and so were you. You moaned beneath him as his forceful thrusts sparked pleasure through your entire body.
“I’m close,” you managed to moan out against his ear.
“Oh, fuck,” Ethan groaned out, cock pulsing inside of you at the thought. He lifted his head enough to be able to watch your face. “Come again for me, please,” he panted out, nearly falling over the edge at the mere anticipation.
The begging was hot, and your body was already ready to give him what he wanted.
You noticed his eyes flicking down your body, seeing the red stains on your skin. That was quickly forgotten by you when your whole body began to tense and quiver. You held onto him tight as waves of ecstasy crashed over you.
You didn’t see his eyes linger.
Ethan couldn’t hold it together, not with the way your body tightened around him as your orgasm rocked you.
He collapsed on top of you, holding you against him as his forehead pressed to yours. His eyes were clenched shut as he frantically shoved his hips against yours, burying himself deep. His cock twitched, his whole body shivering as he spilled himself inside of you with a moan.
The sound of him alone was enough to prolong your pleasure as you rode it out, but the extra movement and the feeling of him filling you was an added bonus.
He kissed you hard on the lips, effectively pulling the air from your lungs.
After a moment, he found the strength to roll off of you, only to then drag you to his side.
“I can die a happy man, now,” he joked morbidly.
You shoved him a little by the shoulder like you had before, but not enough to actually make him go anywhere.
“Don’t say shit like that,” you argued weakly.
He flashed you a brief grin. “I meant it as a compliment.”
You rolled your eyes and did you best to laugh it off.
You lost track of how long it took you to move from the floor to your couch. The same thing happened between the time it took for you to get from the couch to your shower.
It was a tiny shower that couldn’t fit two people, so you rinsed off as quick as you could. You were tired, and your legs felt weak, and you knew you’d be sore in a way that would make it hard to keep calm tomorrow.
Whatever he had used for the blood, at least it washed off fast. You were able to finish up in a matter of minutes.
You threw on new pajamas and crawled into your bed, managing to tell Ethan to take however long he wanted and that he could stay over if he wanted.
You found yourself hoping he would.
You were nearly asleep when the shower shut off and Ethan finally joined you in bed. He was only in his boxers and a black t-shirt, which he must’ve been wearing under the costume robe.
A thought nagged at the back of your mind about the costume, wondering why he’d gone through all of that just to mess with you for a minute—albeit a terrifying minute. It didn’t seem like him, but then you remembered you’d only met him a few months ago.
You were so exhausted you fell asleep in his arms, not awake enough to care about all of the weird details. In fact, the only thing you could think about was how much you liked falling asleep with Ethan’s arms around you.
In the morning, you found out your friends had all been attacked.
You showed up with Ethan after the feed on your college’s chat app blew up with images of cops swarming and ambulances outside of Sam, Tara, and Quinn’s apartment.
Mindy seemed relieved to see you, but not so much when she realized Ethan was with you. Maybe she’d cleared you as a suspect in her head.
She yelled at him to stay back, accusing him of being the killer. Nobody was taking Quinn’s death well, but Mindy was especially heartbroken over Anika.
“Stay back!” Mindy yelled at Ethan, who did as she commanded.
Everyone turned on him then, even Chad. Everyone except you. They demanded his alibi.
“How do I know you’re not the killer, roomie,” Chad spit at him, amped up.
“I was with Y/N last night,” Ethan defended, holding his hands up in a small show of innocence, before you could say a word. “We were… preoccupied, alright?”
You wanted to elbow him for how he worded it, he couldn’t have been more obvious if he tried. It might’ve been on purpose, you weren’t sure.
He wasn’t close enough to do that, though, and now all eyes were on you.
“Yeah, he was with me,” you backed Ethan up.
You weren’t going to leave him hanging because it was the truth, but you knew what that implied, and so did your friends. They all shared subtle—but not unnoticeable—looks. Your face felt warm, while Ethan bit back a prideful smile.
“So you guys, um…”
“Chad, stop,” Tara scolded him before he could point out the obvious.
“Point is, we had nothing to do with this,” Ethan stated.
They were suspicious of him, and now he was lumping the two of you together. There were always two killers in the movies—you began to doubt if the alibi would ease their anxiety or only spike it.
You thought back to when he had showed up to your apartment in that costume. He’d scared you, but you accepted it when he told you it was a joke that he mistakenly took too far.
It made you wonder. What if it was him?
If he wanted to hurt you, he easily could’ve. That didn’t seem to be his intention. What was? Seeing how much he could scare you? Get your heart rate up? Seeing if you wouldn’t believe him?
Or was it seeing if he could put the evidence right in front of you and have you ignore it because of a crush?
Fuck. Maybe it was some weird combination of all. Were you that gullible? Or were you overthinking it now?
Your brain struggled to come up with a conclusion.
You wanted to believe Ethan was innocent. You really, really did.
It was easier than believing you had slept with a killer. Or potentially worse, that you had feelings for one.
Ethan gave you a slight, assuring smile.
Your head told you one thing, but your heart told you another.
Maybe you shouldn’t have, but you kept your mouth shut and gave him one back.
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angsthology · 1 year ago
the misadventures of being the only female f1 driver through the eyes of the grid’s renowned snoopy-loving kangaroo
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mostly thank u to @sebscore and @disneyprincemuke for the idea of fem!driver on the grid (i love both of them by them please check it out)
anyway! these are mostly from random spurts of thought i have along with memories of my toddler self who wanted to be race car driver! (did not in fact become one btw. im somehow becoming a law student instead). i also try to not use any y/n (which so far i have succeeded in, hopefully, hehe) and psa, she is often implied as a non-european. (well more on how i write her cause i write what i know)
also, apologies in advance, this is going to have a LOT of projecting <3
talk to meee!!1! (or maybe request just whatever)
tag << everything rvstw (asks, brainrots, & more!!)
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☆ introduction
a little intro into our driver and the likes of her (hcs)
☆ re-intro
idk car stuff and some designs
☆ more
just random stuff about her
☆ behind the driver
behind every little gremlin is a group of tired adults
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☆ the origin story
the journey of when what and whys of our driver
☆ the kangaroo!
the story of how she got the nickname “roo”
☆ the gig
she’s... in a band?
☆ the presence
roo has been acting a little too quiet and when the drivers take notice of it they had to ask
☆ the figure
it started as an accident, ended with family
☆ the dye
who told him this was a good idea?
☆ the m problem
so... we need to talk about roo?
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☆ the rise
lets get the year started, yeah?
☆ the button (–2024)
it went from that to this
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☆ the shoot
welcome to 2024! who is this person...
☆ the streak
she is posessed by the demon (her real self)
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HOLIDAY HURRAHS (from summer break to winter breaks)
☆ secret santa
the process of how the 2023 secret santa went
☆ beach day
spending the day at the beach with a large group of f1 drivers may seem like a good idea until you remember some of them are literal children
☆ beach day the sequel
the consequences of your actions and some more actions
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PADDOCK ENCOUNTERS (misc & shorts)
☆ chilli-pepper
☆ sold
☆ teenagers and baseball gears
☆ roo vs. the cameraman
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BEST OF ROO (the compilations)
☆ radio
☆ incorrect
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☆ after the gig
☆ what’s your roman empire?
☆ there’s another side that you don’t know
☆ new year, new name, and a vacation dump
☆ into outer space
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anitalenia · 10 months ago
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hey everyone . . .
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ I am going to be making a new taglist, so choose what you would like to be tagged in going forward if you would like to 💕 comment down below or reblog ₊˚⊹♡
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@/little-miss-chaoss , @/ghostslillady , @/yoichiislovie
@/little-miss-chaoss , @/ghostslillady , @/itspdameronthings ,
@/little-miss-chaoss , @/ghostslillady , @/boobaeri , @/prayingal
⋆˙⟡♡ TMNT
@/little-miss-chaoss , @/boobaeri , @/angiesstarss , @/livingangie
@/little-miss-chaoss , @/boobaeri , @/stygianoir
@/little-miss-chaoss , , @/ghostslillady
⋆˙⟡♡ MISC.
@/little-miss-chaoss , @/hanqkahqkwn
⋆˙⟡♡ SUGAR WATER , nanami series
@/little-miss-chaoss , @/stygianoir
@/little-miss-chaoss , @/boobaeri , @/hanqkahqkwn , @/cinnamonghostcrunch
@/bunnysp1ce , @/zhenyiuu , @/julesdesires , @/liliesdiary , @/tiamathh , @/garfieldissocool , @/cinnamonghostcrunch , @/craisinsensation1029 , @/angixxie
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₊ ⊹.𖥔 ݁ ˖ you can also choose to be tagged in character - specific posts, as in just one person specifically from the fandom you choose. Thank you if you do want to be tagged ♡
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respiratory-kristem · 3 months ago
Hiya!! How can I help you?
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I'm Kristopher!! Kristopher Hoffmann, but everyone just calls me Kris or Krissy!!
I'm nineteen years old, and currently my uh. Affiliations are very mixed.
He/It/Gore/Guts/Pop all work for me!! Just no feminine pronouns ^^
Can I help you? Do you want a snack, some water, something to make you comfortable? I can get it for you!!
(Gallery of picrews and drawings can be found here)
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Ability - Death of the Guilty: He can summon black tendrils, and when idle they take the form of wings
Likes - Ramen, his plushie Robert the Lion, his family, his boyfriend, the river, machetes, weapon collecting, weapon decorating, bows, pretty dresses, suits, waistcoats, ramen, crepes, Indian food, schnitzel, basements
Dislikes - Scalpels, doctors, medical equipment, cardboard boxes, sawdust, his biological family, sleeping unnecessarily, being controlled, collars, muzzles, dogs, his teen years
Extras - A freelance assassin with uncommitted affiliations in employment, often seen hanging around the Armed Detective Agency. There doesn't seem to be a set solid persona to describe it, sometimes seeming cheerful and bubbly and other times cold and detached. There seems to be no legal record of it even existing…
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OTHER FILES: (Red is important things, Orange is misc, and blue is fics!)
Angst Facts!! Cosplay dump!! KRIS INFORMATION!!!! (outdated, new sheet coming soon) AU MASTERLIST!!!!!! (oudated) A DAY IN THE LIFE OF KRIS Diagonsis!! Facility file
Five Times I was Happy Contained
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Hiya!! I'm the mod, you can find my main blog at @todarknessitfalls!!
I felt it was about time to redo Kris's intro post to a nicer format!!
my DNIs can be found on my main blog, and I'd like to request no NSFW for kris!! flirty and/or suggestive jokes are fine, but he is taken and mod is a minor so no outright NSFW!!
Violence and gore is fine!
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i know y'all already follow kris (obvi) but i wanna show the new intro post because im so proud of it
old intro's here
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toopimpabutterfly · 6 months ago
making my INTRO!!!!! or this is my intro. ykykyk. (meet my shitty way of designing intros and stuff too,)
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HIHI call me Jésus I'm 16 Apache Mexican American. With some other stuff cause yeah. just mentioning that cause. I will say a lot of stuff yk. I'm autistic and scitzohenic but PLEASEEEE I NEED FRIENDS and PEOPLE TO talk to about my current interests!!!
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Oh to go. on ABOUT THIS.. here's my letterboxd I fucking love movies.
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I love comics like the Punisher, The Maxx, Preacher, Bratpack, the clerk's comic, X-MEN!!!!!, Watchmen, Hellboy, little things. I like reading, TOO . I LOVE HUNTER S THOMPSON!!! Mostly Fear and Loathing in las Vegas, Hell's Angels, and the Campaign Trail 72, and other books like Revolt of the Cockroach People, Get in The Van. Little books like that sorta. GAMES TOO I like Faith the unholy Trinity, DOOM, POSTAL, GTA, DUSK, and a few others!
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I collect DVDS, games, VHS tapes, books, CDs, records, laser discs, literally any piece of physical media . All of it. I like conspiracy theories, civil rights activists, some art history, Malcolm X. I'm a punk I go to local shows and stuff and might sometimes post that when I can. I have a HUGEEE fixation rn on Dogma(1999), X-MEN!!!! and Kendrick Lamar. I do powerlifting as a hobby and like to go on walks around my town and say nonsense please interact. I will post whatever I want here really tbh.. BYE.
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#toopimpabutterfly <- tag for everything I post
#TPAB lyric posts <- me lyric postin, nuff said.
#TPAB rants <- mostly vent or ranting about my horrible life. how fun
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I got socials too, discords are irlwillhunting MAIN and h0peeradicated as alt. My Instagram is topimpthebutterfly . Spotify is here .
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exorcqism · 1 year ago
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ﹆₊ 概要 ‧₊˚ art; it brought you both together. it brought you to a fair. wc, 2.42K. dark mode recommended.
␥ note. i’m so proud of myself cuz i’m actually trying to keep up with everything. like i got the headcanons done now i’m working on this and infinity (unfortunately it’s ending) then i have to attempt to write the desire disease. i kinda went on a hiatus wit that one..ANYWAY hope ya enjoy :D reblog to support meeee and lmk if you wanna be tagged in the next part
␥ tags. artist!choso, college AU, possible nsfw, female anatomy, smoking, etc. lmk if i missed anything
␥ misc. masterlist AO3 PART TWO
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the camera flashed as the boys stood closely together, displaying their best smiles. the device lowered as a medium sized polaroid slid out of the slot in the front. choso shook his wrist, trying to get the photo to develop quicker. a small smile appeared on his lips once it showed up.
yuji poked his head over his brother’s shoulder, trying to see the photo. “i like that one. you should use that for your project.” choso gave a smile and nodded, keeping his little brother’s suggestion in mind.
it was a nice november afternoon and the brothers were spending the weekend at a fair. children ran around the area, playing and eating sweets. choso thought this was the perfect place to capture some photos.
the four boys made their way around the park, choso happily watching his three brothers play games together and enjoy themselves. each time itadori beckoned choso to join, he’d politely decline but he was eventually pulled into the shenanigans of his brothers.
once choso got some time to himself, he’d walk around the park after advising his brothers to stay together and try not to get lost in the huge crowds of people. he’d also give them a meeting point when it was time to head home.
treading lightly, taking in the sights of everything and flashing his camera at anything he found interesting, he heard someone call his name. a female voice, in fact. you were waving at choso with a soft smile on your face.
you seemed to be spending the day at the fair with your friends. each of you had food and a couple of your friends had big, large plushies that they might’ve won from playing the games. it made choso wonder why you didn’t get one.
your shoes clack against the ground as you made your way to the apathetic looking male but you could’ve sword you saw him smile but it could’ve been your mind playing tricks. choso had on a green sweater underneath the brown jacket he wore over it. even under the green sweater, you saw the black shirt poking out of it. he wore khaki cargo pants and his usual black boots—the ones you’ve been seeing him wear almost all the time.
you noticed the grey beanie that sat neatly over his dark short lengthed hair and the tote bag that he carried over his shoulder with stickers on the fabric. his violet eyes pierced yours once you had some distance from him.
“hey, i didn’t expect you to be here,” you beamed at the male, seeming quite happy to see the guy. suddenly, there was a bright flash covering your eyes, making you blink rapidly.
“sorry but your smile was worth capturing.” choso said in his usual, low adverb voice. your cheeks flushed a deep red color at his comment. you didn’t know if he was flirting or being serious. he tucks his camera away, gently putting it down into the tote bag then looking up at you.
“i didn’t expect you to be here either.” choso peered behind you, noticing your friends congregated around the cotton candy stand, standing closely to each other as they waited for you to return. “i see you brought some friends.”
“more like they brought me.” you laugh. “but yeah, it was a chance i didn’t wanna miss. didn’t wanna wait all the way until the new year or christmas to get with everyone and go to a festival. what about you? i see you got your camera, so you must’ve thought this was a good time too.”
“i promised that i’d take them out this weekend and i thought it’d be a good time to take pictures so i can finish my project and you know—get it over with.” he answered.
“yeah, that’s what i figured.” you replied. glancing around you tried to see where his brothers may be but there wasn’t anyone that stood out. “where are they?”
“i let them explore the place on their own. i didn’t want them to feel like they had to follow me around the entire time. i just told them to make sure that they stay together. i really don’t feel like running around this place looking for anyone.”
you giggled. having to look for so many people at once sounded hard and with choso being the eldest of the four, he had to do it all on his own.
just when you were about to let choso know that he could continue with his task, you noticed your friends waving their hands at you, seemingly wanting you to stay with him. you hadn’t declared that you were about to walk away yet, so it was pretty good timing.
inhaling and exhaling through your nose, you prepared the question in your mind, praying you didn’t sound stupid when the words exited your lips.
“did you wanna…uh..like hang out for the rest of the day?”
choso’s cheeks flushed. the bandage that covered the bridge of his nose looked fluorescent because of the blood rushing to his face. his lips parted to speak but it was like your words restricted him from even saying what he wanted to say to you.
‘just say yes, damn it.’
choso shook his head ‘yes’ despite the voice in his head yelling at him to speak actual words and stop pretending to be mute. though, it couldn’t be helped. the poor boy was nervous and he never had these kinds of interactions with women. he was always too shy to speak unless they spoke to him first.
with that, the two of you stroll around the park, stopping at each of the games. he picked up that you were pretty playful like yuji was. always wanting to try something new even if you were scared.
that meant getting on a roller coaster that went at intense speeds and rose up at unfathomable heights. you were wondering how people enjoyed these without screaming and crying out of fear. but you kept optimistic.
“woah, you’re past the limited height mark.” you laughed as the two of you boarded the coaster, sitting next to each other. choso was significantly taller than you were. he was quite literally towering over you.
“uh…is that a good thing?” he asked, cheeks still a bit flushed, adding some kind of life to his pale skin. you smiled and nodded, laughing a little. the staff would strap the passengers, including the both of you, into the seats before yelling final warnings before starting.
before you knew it, the ride began and the wind smacked your face harder than anyone ever could. it was definitely an experience…an exciting one, at that.
when the ride ended, you were jumping up and down with excitement. “lets go on again. that was so fuckin fun.” you squealed. choso somehow already looked worn out and more tired than he usually did. he’d adjust his beanie as he grabbed his bag from the cubbies at the entrance.
“maybe later…” he huffed. you pouted.
“fine, we’ll go before we leave. but at least try to play the games. you could win some plushies for your brothers.” you suggested. choso raised an eyebrow. instead of letting him answer, you pulled him along.
arriving at a balloon popping game, your anxiety suddenly shot up. you hated the sound of balloons popping. you weren’t particularly scared of them but you hated the popping sound or the thought of someone popping it.
the male beside you quickly picked up on it and handed you his ipod. “would you like to listen to some music while i play?”
you could’ve easily said no and pulled out your own phone but you decided not to do that since choso was letting you use his things. after thanking him for offering his ipod to you, your plug in your headphones and searched for a song you liked. once you found a couple songs, you’d turn the music up so you didn’t have the dreadful popping sound.
soon enough, the game was over and choso was walking back to you, holding a snorlax plushie. two of them in fact. it’s tired and relaxed expression reminded you of choso.
“hm, is this for me?” you asked, seeing the plushie being held in front of you. choso nodded. you weren’t really expecting to get anything today unless one of your friends got it for you or you just got lucky and won the prize on your own.
your hands wrapped around the plushie and you smiled at it. in exchange for the plushie, you returned his ipod.
“thanks.” you say softly.
as the day begins to fade away, you and choso found yourselves on the ferris wheel, slowing going up to the top. it was a great view. choso flashed his camera at the scenery as the lights of the fair lit up the ground below them. the polaroid slowly pushed out of the slot of the camera. the male would take it and gently shake it to develop the image.
“how many pictures have you taken so far?” you asked, turning your attention away from the ground and towards choso.
“i’ve taken exactly thirty two pictures, these past couple days. they’re more than enough but i strive for extra success in my assignment and creativity.” he spoke. “yesterday, i bought an empty scrapbook so i can decorate it all myself.”
“you gonna put me in it?” you smirk. choso paused, thinking back to earlier when he had took a picture of you unexpectedly. he’d scratch his neck, looking hesitant on answering you. he nodded, quietly replying ‘yes’ to your question.
“i’ll be sure to include you.” he whispered. a sudden thought appeared in his mind. the thought made him dig down into his bag and pull out a pen. it was actually your pen.
“i…meant to give this back to you a month ago...it was during the orientation when school started.” choso said. “i just forgot to give it back and i…i-uh—didn’t know where to find you.”
you raised your eyebrows. you weren’t heavily worried about the pen, though you were a bit upset that you lost it on that particular day. it was definitely your favorite pen.
shaking your head you lowered choso’s hand as he attempted to give you the pen back. “no, it’s okay. you can keep it. i have a bunch of other pens and pencils i could use. it’s not a big deal.”
“really?” choso put his hand down into his lap once you lowered his hand. “i thought you’d be upset about it…or at least want it back. i mean—i’d want my stuff back if i lost it…uh—are you..are you sure you don’t want it back?”
“nope, it’s okay.” you assured. choso seemed a bit surprised. he was still uncertain but you insisted that he kept the tool, so he placed it back into his bag along with everything else he had packed inside. “lets just enjoy the night, okay?”
“yeah….sure. enjoy the night.”
when the time at the fair was surely ending, the two made their way to the entrance. there, yuji, eso, and kechizu were waiting for their big brother and your friends were waiting for you also, one of them dangling their keys to signal you that the car would come around to get you.
“head to the car.” choso softly commanded and the three boys would walk to the parking lot, leaving you and choso alone.
“well, i’ll see you back at school, hm?” the male says to you, adjusting the tote bag over his shoulders then pulling his sweater down.
“yeah, i’ll see you at school, monday.” you smiled. you were about to head to the car when you noticed your friends pulling up but you stopped yourself. “hey, lets exchange numbers. we can talk a little more and maybe hang out—uh…if it’s cool with you, i mean.”
choso nodded and gave you his phone. you typed your name and number into his phone before handing it back to him. “thank you…i mean—uh, i’ll call you…maybe—probably.” he stammered, making you laugh.
“call me,” you smiled before walking towards the car before speaking again. “i had a good time by the way. i really hope we can do this again soon.”
“yeah…me too.” choso chuckled.
when choso got into the driver’s seat of the car, yuji leaned over, removing his feet from the dashboard. he had a smirk on his face. a mischievous look that anyone could recognize.
“i saw you flirting over there…” he prompted.
“i…no i wasn’t.” choso stammered, feeling his face starting to heat up all over again. “i was just talking to her…nothing more.”
eso hummed, “it just depends on what was said.”
yuji flung his head from eso to choso again, his smirk growing wider as another idea formed in his mind. “well, what’d you say, big bro?”
“uh…is getting her phone number considered flirting?”
the entire car went silent for a moment.
“i think you just got a girlfriend.” yuji grinned.
upon arriving home, you made your way to your room with a smile on your face, reminiscing about the time you had at the fair. of course, you had a good time with your friends during the first half of your trip but the second half was even better, making the entire day more memorable.
you gently place the snorlax plushie choso won for you onto your bed, your smile growing just a bit wider. once you got settled and put on some pajamas, you grab your phone to do some late night scrolling before you fall asleep. that’s when you got a text.
‘hey it’s choso..the guy in your english class’
‘i just wanted to make sure i’m not texting a fake number’
you could hear his relaxed, deep voice echoing through your mind as you read the words on the screen, encased in a blue box. your thumbs swiftly punched the letters on your screen as you typed back.
‘no you aren’t texting a fake number it’s me lmao’
‘i wouldn’t purposely give you the wrong number, that’s kinda mean’
‘okay good just wanted to be sure. are you home? you got back safely with no incidents right?’
you smiled at the message. you knew choso well enough to know that he was a very caring person. it had only been a few weeks and you easily picked this up. the way he spoke of his family made this part of him stand out, shedding some light on the artistic man with that dull expression.
‘no incidents’
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⠀© vmpiires | like, reblog & follow.
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wotzka · 2 months ago
WIP Folder Ask Game
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous and tag as many people as you have WIPs. People send an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then you post a snippet or tell them something about it!
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tagged by @buttsonthebeach - thank you for getting me to actually open my WIP folder!
some of these are pretty old, but since i'm working on something new, i thought i'd throw the ancient texts in there three chapters from a new Emmrook Emma / Veilguard project, which i'll just call VS for now:
VS-1 VS-2 VS-3
and then a couple of older ones that i have not updated in a long ass time:
SenseNew - a DA2 / Sense & Sensibility crossover A Christmas Carol - Chapter 4 - @empresstress13 and my Solavellan / Christmas Carol crossover Collected Good Place Notes - a Hawke/Cullen Inquisition / Good Place crossover Meeting Note - i have no memory of this one, but i like what's here and it appears to be a UGR AU that i might use to stitch together the Emma project and the Persuasion project! RB Misc & Darlings - a UGR modern fake dating AU
not adding the Persuasion project on here yet because i want to line up some details in Emma first to make my world state make sense (to me, at least. i am realizing that i might be getting a little too meta / self-referential and that i should make Emma easier to read, buuut that's a bridge i will refuse to cross when i get to it!)
can ya tell i like crossovers??? 🙃
Tagging @cedarmoons @50cal-fullauto-astarion @smutnug @ellstersmash - no pressure at all, not sure if anyone's working on anything! 💕
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Pinned Introduction post! 🦌🔪
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Hiii! I made this account with one intention, to have a Hannibal space to interact with fannibals, that isn’t Bird app or Instagram.
My name is Crimson and I am a writer and digital artist with a severe love for Hannibal!
Basic Info:
𓆩♱𓆪 - He/Him, Bisexual
𓆩♱𓆪 - Autistic
𓆩♱𓆪 - Fudanshi Pilled
𓆩♱𓆪 - Adult, Minors *please* do not interact, mature and otherwise dark content will be posted here
Hannibal Interest Info:
𓆩♱𓆪 - Became a Hannibal fan in Jan 2023
𓆩♱𓆪 - HanniGram and SpaceDogs are my favorite ships currently!
𓆩♱𓆪 - I am also a fan of the movies and books
𓆩♱𓆪 - Murder Family Enthusiast
𓆩♱𓆪 - Merch/Physical Media lover
𓆩♱𓆪 - Other Characters I really love!: Freddie, Abigail, Forensic Trio, Bedelia, Chiyoh, Reba, Bella, Margot, Molly
𓆩♱𓆪 Top!Hannibal/Mads characters & Bottom!Will/Hugh characters only (most likely). This is just for my personal writings and art, I’m not against people who switch it up at all and will still interact!
General Warnings ⚠️
My fics and art will often involve dark topics, some fics will be tagged as “ Chose to not use warnings “ for spoiler purposes. Please use judgement on if you’d like to interact with my media, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat rules apply to a lot of my work. This is of course probably obvious with this being Hannigram media but still, I’m just covering my bases. Just use your best judgement and take care of yourself.
I have opened a new ao3 account with multiple drafts currently in the works, the biggest one being a SpaceDogs fic!
I’m also looking for people to interact with :}
My AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ABushOfCrimsonRedRoses
(Empty as of posting, subject to change, as I said, multiple works in progress!)
PS, if you’re still reading, I have a little mascot for this account!
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digitalmidnight · 1 year ago
Times Tom and Jerry kiss list [as of 2024]:
Total of 39
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Pick your era:
Classics (1940-1967) 21
The Tom and Jerry show (2014) 8
Misc (movies, comics, and the other series that had only small amounts of kisses) 10
Or just look under tag "Tom and Jerry Kiss List"
Some fun facts, Reasoning and the Grand List below the readmore!
*If I missed one please provide the name of the episode and year/what series it would be in so I can find it and add it. Does not count hugging, nuzzling, blowing kisses, licking or foreheads knocking together [unless there is a kiss sound effect]. Does not count Tom or Jerry kissing anyone else [ie. Tom kissing Toodles]. Only counts instances of kisses, so if Jerry kisses Tom 7 times in the same scene, it only counts as 1 kiss. *Last updated: Nov 24, 2024
Fun facts:
The era with the most kisses is Hanna-Barbera with 16, followed by The Tom and Jerry Show (2014) with 8 and Chuck Jones with 4.
Tom initiated the most kisses by 7! Tom initiated 22 times and Jerry 15, with 2 kisses listed under other/undetermined*
Counting only classics, Tom initiated 14 times and Jerry 7 times.
Counting everything but classics, Tom initiated 8 times and Jerry initiated 8 times. Woah, a tie!
The only era with more than 1 kiss that Jerry beat Tom in initiating kisses is the Tom and Jerry Show (2014). Tom initiated 3 times and Jerry 4 times, however one of the ones counted under Jerry is technically accidental [episode Kiss and Makeup]
If counting all the comics as one group, Tom and Jerry are tied with two kisses initiated each!
There is little to no overlap in their reasoning for kissing. The only overlap is in the accidental category.
The only Tom and Jerry movie with a kiss between them [as of 2023] is the Tom and Jerry Movie (2021).
Their first kiss is in the third short released, The Night Before Christmas (1941)
Their latest kiss is in Tom and Jerry in New York, episode Dream Team. Released July 1st, 2021
Kisses by era counter:
Hanna-Barbera: 16
Tom and Jerry Show (2014): 8
Chuck Jones: 4
Tom and Jerry Comics: 4
Tom and Jerry Tales: 2
Eras with 1 Kiss:
Gene Deitch
The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show
Tom and Jerry Kids
Tom and Jerry Movie (2021)
Tom and Jerry in New York
Kisses by reasons counter: Categories subjective to me
Thanks/Please/Sorry: 9
Friend Proof: 7
Personality Change: 3
Tom's reasons with 1 kiss:
In Love with different character [Springtime for Thomas (1946)]
Accident [Guilded Mouse Ille (1967). First kiss was accident, so counted under accidental.]
Thought Jerry and Tuffy were toy dolls and kissed them goodnight [Tom and Jerry Comics, Goldkey issue 237]
Taunt: 5
Glad you are back/Glad I am back: 3
In Love: 2 [The Brothers carry the Mouse (1965) and TJ Show (2014)'s Bottled Up Emotions]
3. Taunting someone else: 2
Jerry's reasons with 1 kiss:
Distraction [The Night before Christmas. Initiates by holding mistletoe and inviting Tom to kiss him]
Accident [Tom and Jerry Show (2014) Kiss and Makeup. Throws himself between Tom and Toodles to save Tom. Accidentally gets kiss on cheek from both.]
Trying to convince Tom to be a father figure [M.G.M's Tom and Jerry's Winter Fun Issue 7, Pussycat Papa]
Other category is for stuff that I genuinely struggled to find/write reason for OR it's kinda unclear what/who it should count for. For instance, in the Tom and Jerry show (2014) episode Return to Sender, they were pushed together by a wizard and forced to kiss. Other is not counted under either Tom and Jerry and so is not in the counter.
Hanna-Barbera [1940-1958] 16
The Night Before Christmas (1941) While running from Tom, Jerry spots mistletoe tucked in the wrapping of a present. He grabs it and holds it over his head. Tom immediately stops, to which Jerry points at the mistletoe and then makes a kissing gesture. Tom pouts, then becomes bashful, then gives Jerry a kiss. (Counts under Jerry)
Sufferin' Cats (1942) Jerry previously made Tom jealous by kissing another cat [Meathead]. When Meathead tries to eat Jerry, Jerry does the same move to Tom. He jumps on Tom's shoulder, kisses Tom, sticks out his tongue to Meathead, then snuggles Tom.
The Million Dollar Cat (1944) Tom gets a million dollars so long as he doesn't harm Jerry. When Jerry follows him to his new home, Tom goes to attack him when Jerry points out the telegram. Tom kisses Jerry's cheek, then tries to flee.
The Bodyguard (1944) Spike becomes Jerry's bodyguard after Jerry saves him. Tom chases Jerry with a pipe all the way to spike. After seeing the teeth, he picks up Jerry, kisses his cheek, puts him in a baby carriage, pretends the pipe is a musical instrument, then runs.
Mouse in Manhattan (1945) After discovering the solo city life sucks, Jerry runs back to his home to find Tom still asleep. He rips apart the letter he wrote Tom then peppers him in kisses, to Tom’s complete confusion.
Springtime for Thomas (1946) Tom sees a pretty cat [Toodles] in his neighbors yard. He gets heart eyes, kisses Jerry (who is jealous and offended Tom isn't chasing him), then calls out to and waves to Toodles.
The Truce Hurts (1948) Tom, Jerry and the dog [Spike] make a treaty to be friends. When Tom sees Jerry about to be attacked by an alley cat [Butch], Tom saves him then kisses his cheek before letting him go.
Heavenly Puss (1949) 1. Tom can only get on the heavenly express if Jerry forgives him. Jerry rips up the certificate of forgiveness, so Tom is about to hit him. When the devil appears and tries to encourage Tom to hit Jerry, Tom smothers Jerry in kisses.
Heavenly Puss (1949) 2. The events of the episode were a dream. When Tom wakes up, he gives Jerry many kisses and nuzzles him, to Jerry's confusion. (Counting under Thanks)
Jerry's Cousin (1951) Muscles scares Tom enough that Tom kisses his feet when he whistles as a sign of deference. Muscles then gives Jerry his outfit and tells Jerry he only needs to whistle. Jerry whistles and Tom kisses his feet. (Counting under thanks/please/sorry)
Nit Witty Kitty (1951) 1. Tom gets hit on the head and thinks he's a mouse. As a mouse he offers Jerry cheese, then retracts the offer and eats it himself. When Jerry goes inside his mouse hole, he tries to follow. To Jerry's surprise, he kisses Jerry's cheek the shoves himself in the mouse hole.
Nit Witty Kitty (1951) 2. After being annoyed with Tom acting as a mouse, Jerry tries to hit his head and return him to normal. When he succeedes and Tom is back to normal again, Jerry is so happy he gives Tom a large kiss on the lips.
Nit Witty Kitty (1951) 3. Tom is hit on the head again by his owner and returned to being a mouse. When Jerry goes to sit on his bed in disappointment, Tom goes in the mouse hole and kisses his cheek, then steals his bed.
Hic cup Pup (1954) Spike will beat up Tom if he wakes Tyke. Jerry straps horns to his feet, goes to where Tom is waiting outside his house hole and gives him a big kiss under his nose, barks, and then they chase.
Little School Mouse (1954) Tuffy, after passing how to outwit cats tests by being nice to Tom, teaches that cats and mice should be friends. Jerry shakes his head in disagreement. Tom nodds his head in agreement wirh Tuffy, takes off Jerry's dunce hat, then kisses Jerry on the forehead.
Mouse for Sale (1955) Jerry is treated as a dancing house pet so long as he is colored white. Tom eventually paints himself white and the owner agrees to let him in "but you must promise to be friends [with Jerry]". He gives Jerry a little kiss and nods. He then dances to beat up Jerry.
Tom and Jerry Comics (1949-1980) 4 *due to repeated reissues of some of the comics, changing companies and some hard to find names, I am not 100% sure of names or dates.
Dell #106 (May, 1953): Tom abandons chasing Jerry and Tuffy in favor of trying to hunt a bird. Jerry and Tuffy get jealous and try to dress up like the bird so Tom would still technically be chasing them. Tom shoots the "bird" and a woman gets angry at him for hunting it. Jerry and Tuffy go to rescue Tom from the woman by scaring her, she lets Tom go. They chase briefly before Tom catches them and gives Jerry a kiss for helping him out.
Dell Giant: Tom and Jerry's Summer Fun #2 (July, 1955) Resort Reverly: To get into a resort, Tom throws Jerry and Tuffy in and then offers to catch the mice. He decides to get water and grabs a cup from the dispenser Jerry and Tuffy were hiding in. The mice drink the water, then when Tom goes to drink from the cup Jerry kisses him to mock him.
M.G.M.'S TOM AND JERRY'S WINTER FUN ISSUE #7 (1958) Pussycat Papa: Jerry and Tuffy see an ad in a paper to take your boys out for winter fun. They decide they want Tom to take them out and that they are kinda like his kids, so they call Tom "Daddy", and then pretend to be his kids by giving him a hug and a kiss.
Goldkey Tom and Jerry #237 (August 1967) : Tom wants to play with dolls. The kid won't play with dolls if there's mice. Jerry and Tuffy sneak back in and dress as dolls, and Tom kisses them goodnight
Gene Deitch [1961-1962] 1
Buddies Thicker than Water (1962) Tom is freezing and starving while Jerry is hidden in a penthouse. After Jerry drags him inside and warms him with a heated blanket, Tom gives Jerry a kiss on the cheek. Jerry then makes him instant food.
Chuck Jones [1963-1967] 4
Is There a Doctor in the Mouse? (1964) Jerry invents a potion that makes him go fast and eats Tom's food before he can. After eating the banana, he tries running away in the peel. Tom picks him up and peels back the banana peel. Jerry gives him a peck on the lips, then escapes right as the potion fails.
Ah, Sweet Mouse Story of Life (1965) Tom gets stretched after chasing Jerry down a downtake pipe. Jerry helps him escape by blowing the air horn. Tom thanks him by giving him many kisses on his forehead. Jerry wants more kisses, but Tom realizes Jerry tastes delicious and tries to bite him. Tom is still long.
The Brothers Carry Mouse Off (1965) Tom puts on a costume and perfume to look like a female mouse. Jerry instantly falls for it and kisses his hand and arms. However, many other mice also fall for Tom, and so Jerry continues kissing a path away from Tom. Jerry then watches the disguised Tom get chased by a bunch of cats as the camera pans to a heart on the tree and then the end credits.
Guilded Mouse ille (1967) Tom gets blasted back to the stone age. Tom is about to clobber Jerry when Jerry offers him the bone he was nibbling on to share. While nibbling, Tom accidentally kisses Jerry. Realizing he is tasty, he gives Jerry several kisses on the cheek. Then tries to actually eat him. (Counting under other)
The Tom and Jerry Comedy show (1980-1982) 1
Farewell, Sweet Mouse: Tom floods Jerry's mouse hole, the resulting water pushes him into the rain and pops his balloon, leading Tom to gleefully think he drowned. When Tom gets back, he looks at a picture of him and Jerry, imagines Jerry as an angel, and Angel Jerry kisses picture him's cheek. (Counted under other category due to it being a Jerry kiss, but Tom's imagination.)
Tom and Jerry Kids (1990-1993) 1
Hawkeye Tom: in a move that's a similar to Sufferin' Cats and A Mouse in the House , Jerry puts himself in Tom's hands then kisses Tom's cheek before sticking his tongue out in taunt to a bird.
Tom and Jerry tales (2006-2008) 2
Abracadumb: Tom was looking for Jerry under cups, but Jerry was on Tom's shoulder. Before Tom can retaliate against Jerry, Jerry gives him a kiss on the cheek and gets caught between Tom's hand
Don't bring your pet to School day: Tom tries to eat Jerry. Tom's owner tells Tom to say he's sorry to Jerry. Tom gives Jerry a kiss on the forehead. And again. Once more that's more of a suck and then he eats him.
The Tom and Jerry Show (2014) (2014-2021?) 8
Bottled Up Emotions: Love potion (in bubble form) hits Jerry and he falls in love with Tom. Kisses his nose. Kisses his hand when Tom tries to shove him off. Kisses feet when Tom tries to push him away.
Return to Sender: Flower shop owner picks Tom and Jerry by scruffs of their neck, sings "take a chance, to romance", then forces them to kiss
Splinter of Discontent: Tom begs Jerry and Tuffy for help as Tyke has a splinter and Spike is threatening to hurt him. Jerry agrees to help and Tom kisses his feet.
Catitude Adjustment: Tom had been under a spell that made him too clingey/nice to Jerry. At the end of the episode they get him back to normal and he chases Jerry again. Jerry makes a stop gesture, Tom leans down and glares, Jerry gives Tom a kiss with a heart to Tom's confusion.
From Riches to Rags: Jerry, after losing to Tom all day and going to bed starving, has a dream where Tom is his servant and Jerry harasses Tom until they get into a fight. After getting hit by a chandelier he wakes up, runs downstairs to Tom who is asleep, gives him a hug and kiss on the nose, lookes sheepish, kicks his nose and then the episode ends as they chase one another.
Kiss and Makeup: Toodles (Called Misty Makeup Marvin in this short) has magic and wants to kiss Tom with this evil Lipstick in hopes to mind control(?) him so she can retire in the haunted mansion he lives in. Jerry and Tuffy have been trying to prevent this kiss from happening. When Toodles goes for a kiss on the couch, Jerry jumps in between and gets a kiss from both of them on the cheeks. Then Jerry turns into a bat.
Mirror Image: Tom gets stuck in the mirror dimension and there's an evil mirror Tom in the real world. Tuffy, who is trapped with Tom, tells Jerry to make the evil Tom touch the mirror so they can get out. Jerry does so, and Tom escapes with both Tuffy and Jerry in his hands. He gives them both a kiss on a cheek before laughing at his mirror self's misfortune.
Pumpkin Punks: Jerry is hiding in root vegetables, popping out to taunt Tom, then going back underground. When Tom gets tired, he pops out and gives him a kiss on the cheek with lots of hearts (then waves and runs away so Tom can chase him)
Tom and Jerry Movie (2021) 1
1:33:50 Spike, Tom and Jerry begin to chase and start to destroy the wedding. Human cast gives them disapproving look. Spike apologies and Tom kisses Jerry to show they are friends. Tom closes ending curtain then goes back to chasing Jerry
Tom and Jerry in New York (2021-) 1
Dream Team: Tom dreams he's in a basketball game against Butch, but due to cheating/skill he has no points. Jerry climbs into the ball and helps him win, however becomes very dizzy. When he topples out of the ball, Tom picks him up and gives him several kisses. Then he gives the real Jerry an ice cream bar, to Jerry's confusion. (Tom's imagination but we're counting it under Tom kiss)
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frongle444 · 2 months ago
THOUGHTS ⋆☆˚。⋆ - 22/2/25 12:30am woah I can rb writer memes now
NAMES + SHIT TO KNOW ⋆☆˚。⋆ olive(s), comet, fern, aster, icarus ~~~ ☆ any pronouns ☆ gender is a melting bucket of crayon wax and some star beads ☆ sapphic ☆ minor ☆ uk ☆ poc adoptee ☆ probably otherkin and/or therian but im not thinking about that much right now ☆ !!!please block #frongle444isthinkingtoomuch if you dont want to see me screaming lol!!!
ABOUT ⋆☆ ˚。⋆ hi there!!! im comet and i draw and write and do other creative stuff. my blog is a soup of waxing poetic about the sky, fanart of musical theatre and being a little sad. im also a yapper (hence why the intro is so fucking long) so watch out for that
i probably wont talk to you first so if you wanna say hi but i havent before dont be scared to!!! i just overthink talking to people lol
my jobs include: procrastinating, finding new hobbies to forget about, being Not Ok about lautity and grace chasity in general, burning my eyes, thinking about space and the sky and pretending like everythings ok
DNI ⋆☆ ˚。⋆ i block freely!! dni is mostly just if i dont vibe with you lol. my blog is not a space for discourse (includes: terfs, homophobes, transphobes, aphobes, racists, ableists, mean people)
REQUESTS ⋆☆ ˚。⋆ CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE (realistically like next two week break lol) QUEUE - N/A ☆ IN PROGRESS - 0 - preferably hatchetfield/starkid lol - will do ships listed in read more (open to others but no promises) - i reserve the right to say no - no timeframe i am tired
links, fandom list, tags, ships below vvv
FANDOMS/INTERESTS ⋆☆ ˚。⋆ (main ★ | passive ☆) - starkid! ★ - smosh ★ - Inanimate Insanity ★ - Wicked ★ - Ghosts, HH, Six Idiots, etc. ☆ - life smp and hermitcraft ★ (ONLY WATCHED GRIAN HERMITCRAFT S6-S10 AND A COUPLE LIFE POVS (no double life or later yet)) - RTC ☆ - MLP ☆ - Warrior Cats ☆ - EPIC ☆ - musical theatre ★ - drawing ★ - coding/game design ★ - small websites ☆ - animation ☆
SHIPS ⋆☆ ˚。⋆ (not comprehensive; others may and will appear) - hatchetfield - lautity/holyphone/stephgrace - lautskity/steph x pete x grace - halogear/ruthgrace - hollowebby/miss holloway x webby - inanimate insanity - fantube - misc - gelphie/elphaba x glinda
RULES FOR USING MY ART ⋆☆ ˚。⋆ - you can use it for things but for anything other than like a pfp or a moodboard please ask me beforehand. - CREDIT ALWAYS ('frongle444 on tumblr' is fine!) - don't use it for hate or discrimination (if ur worried don't do it) - ur allowed to take inspiration from my artstyle and designs just don't directly copy or trace and keep in mind that im self taught so i know shit-all about actual anatomy and colour theory etc lol - don't sell my art - don't repost my art ANYWHERE
TAGS ⋆☆ ˚。⋆ #frongle444art - #frongle444boards - #frongle444ocs - #frongle444writes - #frongle444rambles - #frongle444answers - #frongle444isthinkingtoomuch #tiny town of eldritch cosmic horrors - hatchetfield fanart #pastel horse time - mlp fanart #the cats have organised religion not clickbait - warrior cats fanart
LINKS ⋆☆ ˚。⋆ Carrd ☆ Pronouns Page ☆ RB Acc ☆ AO3 is i_am_your_SPaG_test
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(last six blinkies from https://blinkies.cafe/)
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ramon-tikaram-love · 7 months ago
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Ramon Tikaram is a British actor and singer of Indo-Fijian and Malaysian descent, born in 1967.
feel free to browse and interact.
• tags list •
TV series
this life (1996-1997)
daylight robbery (2000)
judge john deed (2001)
dream team (2002)
crossroads (2002)
mile high (2003)
silent witness (2004)
murphy's law (2005)
nathan barley (2005)
tripping over (2006)
wired (2008)
primeval (2008-2009)
my spy family (2007-2009)
m.i. high (2011)
eastenders (2009-2012)
white heat (2012)
father brown (2013)
game of thrones (2013)
moving on (2009-2013)
law & order: uk (2013-2014)
stella (2015)
man down (2013-2015)
new tricks (2015)
midsomer murders (2016)
casualty (1997-2016)
happy valley (2014-2016)
the coroner (2016)
death in paradise (2017)
fortitude (2015-2017)
hetty feather (2017)
shakespeare & hathaway: private investigators (2018)
lee & dean (2018)
flowers (2018)
the victim (2019)
feel good (2020)
the great (2021)
brassic (2019-2021)
the curse (2022)
murder, they hope (2022)
pennyworth (2019-2022)
love rat (2024)
renegade nell (2024)
tell me everything (2024)
kaos (2024)
kama sutra: a tale of love (1996)
code name: wolverine (1996)
supply & demand (1997)
krakatoa: the last days (2006)
mischief night (2006)
the ruby in the smoke (2006)
dean spanley (2008)
endgame (2009)
the kidnap diaries (2012)
vampire academy (2014)
jupiter ascending (2015)
dragonfly (2015)
5 greedy bankers (2016)
boogie man (2018)
solo: a star wars story (deleted scene) (2018)
fisherman's friends: one and all (2022)
the hunting of the snark (rec. 2019, rel. 2023)
dead space (2009-2011)
dragon age: inquisition (2014)
need for speed: payback (2017)
overwatch (2022)
dragon age: the veilguard (2024)
short films
broken eternity (2012)
cowboy ben (2014)
gaddafi: a living myth (2006)
the king and i (2011)
the mighty boosh (2005)
jackanory junior: let's go home, little bear (2007)
unit: the new series (2015-2018)
misc appearances
my drawings 🍓
my writings 🍋
unavailable media
please help me find the unavailable media if you can
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casual-wyrm-enjoyer · 1 month ago
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Welcome All!
Hello there! The name's Wyrm!
I'm 22
Bi or Pan (still figuring that bit out tbh)
And I'm a big Gods damned nerd LOL!
I've always been a big fan of sci-fi and fantasy, big music enjoyer (particularly early 2000's and onwards hard rock, and 1980's and onwards extreme metal!) I love love love dragons (which, looking at my profile, must be absolutely shocking to the lot of you/j) and dinosaurs (fan fact: When I was little, I wanted to be a paleontologist!), and I love writing and conceptualizing characters and worlds!
Anyhow, as you can probably guess, this blog is mostly going to be me yapping about OCs - both fandom and non-fandom - that I come up with, as well as some stories I may cook up for them! Be forewarned I'm new to this sort of medium of sharing, so I may be a teensy bit awkward! Anyhow, feel free to send in questions about said ocs (when I do get to posting about them), and if you're comfortable, tell me about your own. I love chatting with people about that!
Or just send me casual chatting asks, I'm plenty cool with those too!
Some fandoms I'm into include:
Honkai Star Rail
Genshin Impact
Warhammer (40k, Fantasy, and AoS)
Dungeons & Dragons
Conquest: Last Argument of Kings
Trench Crusade
General Sci-fi and Fantasy
Misc section:
Special tags (wip)
Moot and Anons (wip)
This blog will potentially talk about some potentially really disturbing topics (will be listed at the beginnings of posts, tags, and in the respective hyperlinked post of the masterpost). Thus, if those kinds of things make ya uncomfortable, then please do NOT interact.
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finnprof · 8 months ago
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yo, im alex. welcome my art sideblog! i post my scribbles on here sometimes - obsessed with red dead at the moment
i'm 24 (big boy!), from belarus. transmasc, so he/him please :DD
since this is a side blog, all the liking is done from my main one @luka-glue (sorry for the confusion but i feel it's too late to make a whole new art acc at this point so here~)
i reblog a lot of other folks' art (i will be screaming at you in the tags im sorry!!), so i put a little hyperlink to my art tag in the description of the blog - feel free to explore
open to art trades and requests and whatnot
that said though, i probably won't be posting too much cause of work, but i'll try my best to make this blog fun to look through~
i suppose minors please proceed with caution! this is not a nsfw blog but there's some nasty stuff here sometimes (and i like to cuss in the tags~)
if you'd like to chat, feel free to reach out through ask or dms - though i tend to be hella awkward so apologies in advance! :DD
idk misc shit: im left-handed, got gaping holes where my fangs should be (reverse vampire?), and my favourite colour is green
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iantimony · 10 months ago
tue … wednesday,
gif warning on this one!
i was gonna post this last night but apparently i am now the type of person who gets extreme digestive distress from indian food :-( so i was too distracted by my agonies. much better today, and i feel like i had a worse reaction a few weeks ago from indian food, so maybe it's something that will get better with time like everything else ...
listening: so my brother spontaneously bought us tickets to see st vincent in [redacted] while we're on vacation...i haven't listened to her in ages but i was like sure why not...her new album dropped on the 26th and it's SO good. i'm kinda obsessed and very excited to see her live now. it's a good album. listen to it.
listened/watched the wtyp on five over ones, and started the more recent one on the camp fire.
reading: continuing 'how to read poetry like a professor'. yum. poetry.
watching: once again, dunmeshi (my boyf keeps asking "when is best girl showing up" (izutsumi) and i finally was able to be like "i think next episode"), more asobi asobase. insane show. the voice actors are masters of their craft, truly. good lord.
playing: fallow.
making: some stuff came out of the kiln that i actually like! the cave painting mugs!!! i made One fatal error - i put a 'satin' topper over the outside assuming it would be matte. it. kinda isn't? kinda is? made these weird "jizzy" (instructor's words, not mine, lol) streaks. thankfully it isn't too noticeable and they came out really good otherwise. the hardest part has been photographing them, the designs go all the way around and choosing a favorite is so hard...i made a gif to try and capture it all lol, and i really love the little handprints on the handles. these will go in their own post in the next few days so i can tag the inspiring artist :)
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i also threw some new ones to make more! i do think in the future i will be handbuilding them though. i just really don't like throwing red clay for some reason. maybe i just need to practice more i dunno. i've since trimmed and put handles on these but i forgor to take a photo.
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citrus juicer! it works!! it came out a little more Orange than i anticipated, the only downsides are manually scooping out the seeds, and also that it can kinda only handle one fruit at a time, but man, whatever, it's so cute.
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mug/teacup that i tried a new underglaze technique on, where i put the flowers on the greenware and then use liquid latex to cover them to just slather the thing in the bg color: works well, i did this for the mug from last week too! my mistake with this one was putting that same jizzy satin overglaze on the flowers and it made them weird and blurry. it's cute otherwise though.
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some stuff going in the kiln for bisque: fun texture bowl and a little trinket dish that i underglazed some cherry blossom trees on, inspired by something a friend in class did!
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in terms of new things, today is actually the last day of class for me til i get back in july, so i will be trimming a pot and plate that i made last week but will otherwise just work on things i already have! the goal is just to leave things in a place where no extra clay work needs to be done; things can be left as greenware til i get back.
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i also made some little watercolor palettes! for some reason the last one i made i didn't carve out material, i just sort of pressed in, and this made the whole thing a little wonky, so i'm hoping these will lay flat because i carved material out
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eating: nothing of crazy note. made deb smittenkitchen's soy glazed chicken again because it whips ass.
misc: wough...fucked up day......butter chicken for dinner knocked me for a major loop last night and i wasn't able to sleep til like 1:30am from the Agonies, woke up to feed the cats and then went right back to bed...didn't get up til noon...but now i feel loads better so i might try to do some light exercise this afternoon before pottery, otherwise sleeping tonight is gonna be a nightmare lol. the goal for the afternoon is to submit my last thing for classes (takehome exam, it's not bad i just have to finish it up, and then i officially finished my masters degree (!!!)) and then do a little more for my meeting tomorrow morning. this time next week my brother will be here with me, and that following weekend we drive home together, so everything is about to happen very fast! i'm not gonna be home for as long this summer, and won't just be rotting in my room the whole time, so hopefully things will go much more smoothly mental health wise. fingers crossed! things are looking up! :)
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impurecircutry · 5 months ago
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Hello! A little about me:
I'm a fandom prokink/fic/ship artist and writer, mainly regarding Ninjago and robots in general. Been into Ninjago for around ~10+ years. Not necessarily new to fandom space.
No DNI here! All I ask of for those visiting any of my socials to practice tolerance. If my art is not for you, that is completely fine, please just block and continue on. ^_^
You can find my Carrd here, alongside links to my AO3 and Twitter.
I am a busy adult and sometimes do not check everything regarding DNIs... It's not my job. If you do not like me liking or reblogging something, please block me. (If it helps, you will not really see me interact with the main Ninjago tag. Just mutuals n such.)
Misc Notes:
- Avid multishipper/rarepair enjoyer... If I can, chances are I will make it happen, lol
- Fav Characters [Ninjago]: Zane, Pixal, Kai, Dareth... Almost anyone, but those are the main ones
- Ships [Ninjago]: Pixane, Hotwire, Glacier/Opposite, Scruff, Juliencest/Borgcest, Greenice
Tag notes:
[To be Updated;] Personal tags will be used for characters, keeping out of the main tag(s). List will be here. All potentially triggering tags will be marked accordingly when possible ^_^
Thank you all, have a lovely day!
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