#new objectmate
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objectmates · 25 days ago
HIII OMG OBJSHOW BAH BLOG /VPOS.... ummm can we get an airy (one) fictive but liek. as a snow leopard bestial/monster object? expect us 2 be a frequent customer cuz object show yayyy!
Type: Order
Filled by: 🌈Dr. Rainbow (any)
Always remember that headmates won't always turn out exactly as intended!
You may change, remove or add things as needed.
Source: Airy (ONE)
Beastial/monster species: Snow leopard
Name(s): Airy, Abby, Addie, Addison, Adoretta, Alexander, Ally, Amy, Annie, Annabelle, Avery, Breezy, Bree, Brie, Cirrus, Cloudie, Cloude, Calli, Windy, Winnie.
Pronouns: he/him, she/her, they/them, air/airs, sky/skies, clou/clouds, wind/winds, bree/breeze, woo/woosh, chill/chills, cold/colds, snow/snows.
Gender: Genderfluid
Orientation: Demi-aroace pan-oriented
Other labels: POSIC+
Roles/traits: Soother, drowser, assistant.
Plain text: Soother, drowser, assistant. PT end.
Interests: Plushies, dolls and other toys, especially vintage/antique ones, 80s-90s pop and 80s-90s rock.
Hobbies: Sewing, embroidery, repairing torn up fabric things (clothes, plushies, etc), toy collection, making music.
Likes: Learning new fun facts, especially about nature, long walks, soft textures.
Description: Airy is a very relaxed and coolheaded person, bringing the same energy into front in times of need. He is known for being an all-around helper in general, but is particularly attentive to need of rest. Most of her time however is spent on all matters toys, be it researching them, repairing them, or making them! Whenever they have the expendable funds to, they also like to dabble into collecting, especially of vintage toys. Airs collection, which also doubles as their POSIC+ horde is airs pride and joy, as well as biggest comfort. Sky is happy to share skies passion with people, and is drawn to making friends with other people who share that same interest.
Appearance (art free to use/edit with credit):
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headmate-ideas · 2 months ago
Hiya! could I get a pack for a member who is an objectmate named ota (it/thing/object), adult.
emojis: 🧡💜🧸🧶🧵
✦ Name(s): Ota, Yarn, Star ✦ Pronouns: it/its, thing/things/thingself, object/objects/objectself, co/cos/coself, 🧶/🧶s/🧶self ✦ Species: plush ✦ Age: adult ✦ Role(s): objectmate, comforter, destressor, socializer ✦ Labels: genderthing, xenogender, objectum ✦ Xenos: plushes, love, rainbows ✦ Interests/likes: soft things, crafts, art history ✦ Dislikes: rain ✦ Music taste: new wave, breakcore, vhs pop ✦ Aesthetic(s): kidcore, lovecore, spacecore ✦ Objectum attraction(s): plushes ✦ Kins: lillies, rabbits, stars ✦ Emoji proxy: 🧸🧶 ✦ Details:
Ota is a plush that can cycle between what kind of plush it is. It often takes the form of a Dalmatian dog, a tabby cat, a dragon, an opossum, and a lop-eared rabbit, but the two constants are that it will always have an orange and purple color scheme, and its design will always have some kind of star motif. Ota is very comforting and likes being pet by the other members of the system. Thing enjoys video games and playing them to destress for the system and to socialize with the system's friends.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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satellite-one · 1 year ago
Hi! I’m Sputnik-1. I may not post very much on here because my mind isn’t always thinking. My English pronouns are it/its. If your language is too heavily gendered for that, refer to me by what grammatical rules the name “Sputnik” follows in your language. Он/его по-русски. Please treat reference to me in these areas exactly like referring to an object in all languages.
You might think this is a gimmick blog, or that this is just an aesthetic. Power to you, but nope, I’m a factive (member of a plural system derived from of real person or thing) of Sputnik-1 the satellite. I’m being genuine. though also i retain the capacity to be goofy. Sometimes I’m being both! Emotion and its expression is a wonderful thing! I’m a little new to it.
The host of my system is @goldmanguyperson. All likes and follows come from there. You might want to read the pinned post there too, as we share the beliefs stated there. I don’t like thinking or speaking about it much, but i will also state here, we don’t want to see any “anti-endo” stuff. And you shouldn’t care so much about why I am in such a way. Such human cultural nonsense
Sometimes both Gold and I are speaking, or he will say things while I’m saying things. I will mention that if we think it’s relevant.
I would like to find some relatable folks. I’m always on the lookout for other objectmates, especially ones sprung from real world objects.
I don’t consider myself otherkin because I do not feel like my body or mind is or looks human at any capacity. My body is solely in headspace, a physical place for me, and is not the meaty one that I find myself sometimes piloting. you are also exactly what you say you are, please don’t get me wrong, but the otherkin label just isn’t for me personally. I call myself “holoantikan” instead—a term for those who feel like they are physically an object. my coining post
Accusing random people of cult activity for identity is weird and i dont like that. if what i talk about here triggers you just block me. We are not responsible for your internet experience
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copaceticdaydreamz · 1 year ago
immaginnary world knew evrythin bout us way before we new.
it predicted
trans stuff
system stuff
objectm stuff
age regression stuff
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stars-sans · 7 years ago
Only for 5 of my recent/new ocs are up for asks, which are Evai, Acai, Star Gazer, Tick Tock, Alias
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Send in a character and number!! (insp.)
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objectmates · 26 days ago
Plain text: Status! PT end.
Orders are: Closed!
Order queue can be found here!
Plain text: Order queue can be found here! PT end.
Info desk!
Plain text: Info desk! PT end.
Hello, hello, welcome to our humble totaly-not-mad-science lab!
Here, we will provide you with build-a-headmate packs centered specifically around object shows and comics! Or err, usually... Ocassionally we might throw in an personal pack we're alright with others using of somethimg unrelated.
There is no explicit do-not-interact criteria for this blog specifically, but we are anti-radqueer/anti-transID, if that bothers you.
Order information!
Plain text: Order information! PT end.
By default, our packs are for use by everyone. If you wish a pack just for you alone, please specify! We can either DM it to you or publish the answer to your order ask privately.
Feel free to make your request as simple or in-depth as you wish!
By default, our packs will include the following info:
Source, name(s), pronouns, gender, orientation, roles/traits, interests, hobbies, likes, a general description and an appearance claim doodle by us (free to use/edit with credit!).
You may also optionally specify that you want any the following included:
Nicknames, age, gender presentation, specific objectum attractions, alterhuman labels, alterhuman identities, other labels (see below for exceptions), proxy/sign-off, typing style, associations (aesthetics, items, emoji etc), dislikes, source memories (typically 2-3 short memories), source memory relationships, beastial/monster species.
And generally, our will/won't do list is as follows:
Will do:
Most (see section below for exceptions) object show or comic sources.
OSC headmates of the same type of "species", but not sourced from a pre-existing character.
Headmates with other media influence thrown in, such as partially song inspired, beastials/monster objects of another media's species, TMA avatars, etc. Charatcers/multi-source requests do count for this, but we might not be that good at it if we're not already familiar!
"Mod's choice" either for a character from just a source media/list of medias, everything besides source, or entirely.
Won't do:
Anything related to radqueer, transID or paraphilia.
Sources outside the OSC as requests.
The following shows/comics: CFMOT.
OCs (you must either be the owner of the OC or have permission to request).
Sub-systems/adjacent, not super sure how we'd handle this type of order?
We are not super actively into watching/reading everything ever, so we may not be entirely familiar with everything and may take a bit to actually sit down and watch/read something for an order if a fan-wiki is not particularly informative, or if we just want to know more.
However, we are considerably into the following media:
Inanimate Insanity
Paper Puppets Take 2
And not as super knowledgable on (either due to not having caught up yet, or having read/seen a while ago) but familiar with:
Animatic Battle
Other blog information!
Plain text: Mod information! PT end.
This blog is currently ran by one system. We wish to remain anonymous at this time, so all headmates will use pseudonyms.
Below is a list of headmates frequently taking hold of working on the blog:
🌧️ Dr. Blue (it/its): Main runner and founder of the blog.
🌈 Dr. Rainbow (any): Other main runner, really likes making packs. Feed me my-my orders, Mr. Freemaaaaaan- /reference
Below is a list of important tags:
#lab info: All posts containing important info that pertains to this blog. Such as this pinned and the queue.
#lab news: Updates, such as order status or changes to order rules.
#new objectmate: All of our packs.
#lab outbox: All of our fulfilled orders.
#lab inbox: Reblogs tag for requests we've made to other blogs.
#lab correspondence: Non-order ask answers.
#breakroom chatter: Anything else, such as off-topic posts.
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