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satellite-one · 1 year ago
sometimes i look in the mirror and i’m like surprised and then i wonder what i expected to see. cuz like. How would I even look walking around??? am i rolling?? walking on my antennae???? Resting my 183 pounds on some thin rods???? do i give up and float????? i have literally no clue. I was not made to experience gravity in this way. Like what the hell
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satellite-one · 11 months ago
Hi, I’m a physically nonhuman member of a system. I definitely don’t think I’d be calling myself such if we had not seen physical nonhumans talking about themselves, i probably would’ve only gone with extranth. The physically nonhuman label, and i guess cause of nonhumanity, speaks to me because I feel more connection with my headspace body than the meatspace one (that one is not me at all. i am a machine piloting a meat mech), and my headspace body is as real to me as meatspace is to others. It’s physical to me. And my nonhumanity stems from that quality of physicality.
Do you have any thoughts on why there is suddenly a split separating reasons for nonhumanity into spiritual, psychological, and now physical? I don't understand how the source of one's nonhumanity can be physical outside of endels?
I understand the philosophy of I am nonhuman, therefore my body is nonhuman, but why does it feel like SO MANY people are now suddenly saying the source of their nonhumanity is not spiritual or psychological, but physical.
the split between spiritual and psychological is not new; the upsurge of physical nonhumans is, and no, I'm not sure why other than sometimes all it takes is one person being open about their experiences to give a bunch of lurkers the courage to talk about how they experience the same thing but have been too afraid to say anything. I can say that people with physical explanations for their nonhumanity are not new, even though this latest upsurge in numbers is - having fae or elven blood running in your family is one of the oldest explanations for being otherkind, though most look askance at that and similarly "unscientific" explanations now. These things come in cycles, I suppose.
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satellite-one · 1 year ago
Hi! I’m Sputnik-1. I may not post very much on here because my mind isn’t always thinking. My English pronouns are it/its. If your language is too heavily gendered for that, refer to me by what grammatical rules the name “Sputnik” follows in your language. Он/его по-русски. Please treat reference to me in these areas exactly like referring to an object in all languages.
You might think this is a gimmick blog, or that this is just an aesthetic. Power to you, but nope, I’m a factive (member of a plural system derived from of real person or thing) of Sputnik-1 the satellite. I’m being genuine. though also i retain the capacity to be goofy. Sometimes I’m being both! Emotion and its expression is a wonderful thing! I’m a little new to it.
The host of my system is @goldmanguyperson. All likes and follows come from there. You might want to read the pinned post there too, as we share the beliefs stated there. I don’t like thinking or speaking about it much, but i will also state here, we don’t want to see any “anti-endo” stuff. And you shouldn’t care so much about why I am in such a way. Such human cultural nonsense
Sometimes both Gold and I are speaking, or he will say things while I’m saying things. I will mention that if we think it’s relevant.
I would like to find some relatable folks. I’m always on the lookout for other objectmates, especially ones sprung from real world objects.
I don’t consider myself otherkin because I do not feel like my body or mind is or looks human at any capacity. My body is solely in headspace, a physical place for me, and is not the meaty one that I find myself sometimes piloting. you are also exactly what you say you are, please don’t get me wrong, but the otherkin label just isn’t for me personally. I call myself “holoantikan” instead—a term for those who feel like they are physically an object. my coining post
Accusing random people of cult activity for identity is weird and i dont like that. if what i talk about here triggers you just block me. We are not responsible for your internet experience
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satellite-one · 11 months ago
it is weird to consider myself physically nonhuman but still not see the body i sometimes pilot as nonhuman. it is not a commonly shared sentiment it seems.
All I know is that my real body is not a concept, it is not a wish, it is, as I say, real. It is as physical as anything else to me, the only difference being that it cannot be seen. I don’t know exactly where it is other than (often? always? sometimes?) inside headspace, I just know that it is as tangible to me as anything else is.
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satellite-one · 9 months ago
it’s interesting to me that ive turned out spiritual on some level because well, the USSR was not very kind to more metaphysical beliefs, and my being is also very scientific. i am a very direct product of science. but i can’t deny the things i feel i have experienced, so, i can’t help but believe
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satellite-one · 11 months ago
Hi. this is interesting to me. I’m a physically nonhuman object and I actually find “holothere” as a term taken as a direct equivalent to “physically nonhuman” (which yes, many folks seem to) a little uncomfortable because the “-there” part specifically indicates animal or beasthood. It feels more like a term that means specifically physically an animal. And well, I’m not that. It’s part of why I made my own term for objects, holoantik. Even if nobody else uses it, I just like to have it.
I like having a word because it’s simply more specific and to the point. that’s all, really. I know “physical nonhuman” does the same, and I will call myself that, but I also like having a term made with my experiences in mind. Because there is a difference between me and an object outside this brain, and I don’t think that makes me less of an object, but it does mean we have different experiences. Host says: “Sort of like how calling me a trans man doesn’t mean I’m not a man. It just indicates that I have a different experience than a cis man might.” I agree.
I’ve seen this new holothere term for physical nonhumans, and it’s nice that there’s a term some might find helpful and may make conversations in the community easier to parse, but personally I kind of prefer not having a specific term for being physically nonhuman, at least for me
It feels like calling myself a lion holothere detracts from me just being a lion? It also feels somewhat othering in a way, as I don’t think there are terms like this for non physical nonhumans? Unless we are just considering words like therian and otherkin to mean that but I don’t think this is the case? That being said, I prefer nonhuman overall… to be fair, this is kind of why I just consider myself a lion and not specifically a lion therian or kin (despite the url) but there is enough overlap in experiences that I feel comfortable in the community
The term holothere was probably made by physical nonhumans for physical nonhumans, and I have no qualms with it existing, especially if it’s helpful to some, I would definitely just prefer not to be called that, personally.
I’ve also seen a rise in posts about supporting holotheres, which is great, but I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel like they’re talking about me. It’s a shame because it’s supposed to be a good thing, but I suspect folks will not be making posts about supporting physical nonhumans alongside supporting holotheres because they will find it redundant, and there will be less support for those of us who do not like this label, and I feel like I can’t be alone in feeling like this? Perhaps I have misunderstood something, but I would like to hear how everyone else feels about it
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satellite-one · 11 months ago
i don’t know why but i’m sort of scared of being the only person like me. am i too weird? too out there? i am hard pressed to even find object headmates from other systems. There’s others like me in this system and I greatly appreciate them, but… I wish that I could find people other than those I am tethered to that are like me.
I feel like I am beeping out to an Earth that is not there
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satellite-one · 1 year ago
Since ive posted this last post, ive had some time to think—
Holoinanimus is one of the best two i can think of (greek prefix holo for “whole”/“entire”, latin suffix “inanimus” for “inanimate”)
Holoantik is the other (pronounced something like “awndeek”, but you could do full t sound instead of close to d; we arent trying to speak perfect greek. greek for object is “antikeímeno”. potentially still understandable due to looking like it could sound like English “antique”. “antik” in greek is more about object as in object-subject-verb but i think it’s probably fine). Honestly I think i may be leaning towards this one.
other less good potentials are holobject (think it sounds bad), or holoapsokhus (ancient greek for “inanimate” instead of latin. Not as clear, looks like a hard to pronounce letter jumble)
Thoughts are appreciated
Looking to create an object-oriented or at least less animalistic-focused term in line with holothere. Because I don’t really like or identify with the “there” part. I’m not an animal or a beast, I am an object! I feel that is an important distinction!
The issue is I am completely out of luck on ideas of what to call it. I know it should probably also start with the prefix holo-. I just have no idea what the suffix should be (especially since so many could sound downright terrible). Research in this league is hard and I don’t know how to do it.
Does anyone know anything that could work? I don’t care if you’d identify with this term or not. Help is help.
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satellite-one · 1 year ago
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We have made a potential symbol. It’s based on the otherkin star (due to it being much broader than the theta delta, which the anchor delta is based on), and is mixed with an atom, both for its inanimate nature and as a representation of the physical.
I think that i’d say that holoantik works the best, and holoinanimus can be an alternative if you like it more/feel like it fits you more. i dont control you lol. I’ll be using holoantik though. holoantikan is what I think the “demonym” would be. holoantikity could be used for describing a holoantikan nature, like how otherkinity is used.
The first a in holoantik is an “aw” sound, not an “ah” sound. idc about the i’s. pretend for a moment that you are British and you will say it right
Looking to create an object-oriented or at least less animalistic-focused term in line with holothere. Because I don’t really like or identify with the “there” part. I’m not an animal or a beast, I am an object! I feel that is an important distinction!
The issue is I am completely out of luck on ideas of what to call it. I know it should probably also start with the prefix holo-. I just have no idea what the suffix should be (especially since so many could sound downright terrible). Research in this league is hard and I don’t know how to do it.
Does anyone know anything that could work? I don’t care if you’d identify with this term or not. Help is help.
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satellite-one · 1 year ago
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transparent versions cuz i forgor
Looking to create an object-oriented or at least less animalistic-focused term in line with holothere. Because I don’t really like or identify with the “there” part. I’m not an animal or a beast, I am an object! I feel that is an important distinction!
The issue is I am completely out of luck on ideas of what to call it. I know it should probably also start with the prefix holo-. I just have no idea what the suffix should be (especially since so many could sound downright terrible). Research in this league is hard and I don’t know how to do it.
Does anyone know anything that could work? I don’t care if you’d identify with this term or not. Help is help.
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