#new names im developing for the letters of the alphabets
tobacconist · 8 months
ah bep ces det eh fep gek heh ih jeg keg lel men nem ow peb rer set tets uwv vu wew ex yey zes
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solardick · 10 months
The serpent and the man. Here finds it’s own set of conflict. Dragons themselves being variable in nature from one to the next. Even in there own culture many don’t know that there’s variations of species which have different names. Symbolically speaking there isn’t much difference between a wivern and a dragon. And for all purposes it isnt a well stable distinction which carries through the masses so they are mostly interchangable. Though they range from monsters and heroes, to union and extension. Opposite to the known norm is the militarization of the Japanese/chinese dragons and bridges to some distant plane of being and becoming. But then again the new world loves it’s spectrums.
And theres no much sacred with images. Simply take a look at the horror categorized as adult swim tairing down walls. A collevtive recepticle of all the filth left over.
The image of the man and the serpent becomes unerving in its present placement and perhaps best left to the outskirts as the 28 card not so far off from placing the fool outside of the scene. Whoppy do some fool got promoted. That hissing sound. Or that grumbling sounds of the serpent breathes through it’s nostrils. The breathe of life.
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As i continue development,
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Ive reached this, with some satisfaction. The moment is calling for some Japanese influence. This is welcomed. There is a mash in influence. The celestial serpent is constellated -But, the majority seem focused of the “dark” serpent, intermingling with the biblical satan. With sins sleeping upon a bed of possessions- this allows for the use of the good dragons from Japanese folk magic. For it absorbs that catch of info. Separates it from the influence of the ouroboros with the power of the waters. It speaks of control and strength. Of honour.
And as i continue development;
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It’s satisfying. If that is yet a good thing. I do not know.
There is an issue involving letter Z and Ampersand. That problem is placement. The ampersand is no longer a written member of the alphabet. But when it was it held the 27th place. Even though it isn’t written, it’s still spoken. In the spoken or sung alphabet, it holds place number 26. And yet, is never counted. Which means that currently, the traditional card 21, the world, maybe counted together with either number 26 or 27. And same goes for the cartes des d’ames, ouroboros serpent, leisured from etteila, conveniently holding a club, - which marriages with the rod of Asclepius effortlessly- the ampersand is a marriage between the french and english ands & ets. The symbol itself, besides this, fits the image of a serpent and break of the lemiscate. Food for thought. If one were to “thought”
For the moment i can not fault find on all the 0 cards, save for ambiguity towards the E fool. And even though im satisfied with the A fool. I feel as if it could possibly change. The U I O “fool” cards i am content with. After some insecurity towards O death. Namely having the image of death looking back for verification or how to. In contrast to a horse rider. Trodding over the corpse of her husband. Depending on how you look at it. From an active to a passive figure. Considering it is easily associated to the dreadful mars. Though, just simple contemplation, or the raw present moment now speaks layered messages. Altering both.
Like this, my favourite add in is U. It’s the most amazing one. For descend the 0 into the cup. She’s cradling it. an 0 inside a U? You’d be a fool not to see it. This inside the image of a mother. With children all around her?
waite’s strength card, though it bothered me there was never any card picturing strength as it’s always been pictured. A man. Save for some decks like in, the 1jj swiss deck. One can see how attachment presses beautifully together. Add this as the 21st letter of the alphabet and layer it to the world card. One can play at length here. Or beget. Patterns, add in word play. This a hundred times better than tarot.
Direct communication with the world spirit. Off track from card 21. Though i didn’t want to. Didn’t have much of a choice considering context with the present moment. Anyway, direct contact with the world spirit allows me to modify and colour certain cards. Its the “art” style i was raised on, was mimicking other works. Translating a full to a blank. Image creation, I’ve never had. Or i did at one point save for outer influences. The 0 death card i like this way. For the presence of crows and perfect syncroniscity. Yo the snap of my fingers. Catching the wind. Loved all of it. Meanwhile. In the background. Like it wasn’t all set up that way for a long while. Pillars. If you have them. Hold them. The old strength card bore a woman wearing lion skin breaking pillars…. Still off track, save for if one remembers to layer the cards. Mmn, that’s better. Cheers.
The high priestess card, at the presemt moment become detached from the memory which is found on her lap. She connects the dots when they are called for. Or atleast how i became associated with her. Now, from the mid- 2nd millennium, images which had influence on waites creation. But the imagery, isn’t as intuitive. Its more logos driven. The blessed virgin. Its a guy thing. She is stepping on a serpent. Hard to make out with the low resolution. She’s even more holy than that U. Though she’s not entirely in the picture. She’s further away.
Though it’s a shame, driven worship, well maybe not that far, of the divine image of perfect femininity back-looped for eternity with stupid bs, even smart bs. But it all gets categorized into one card. Yet to be drawn. But deffintaly stupid.
Though, one thing I don’t like, and have kept because of experience is the destruction of the tower. It’s the only action sign found in all the cards. And represents a step behind, a step already taken while every other card is still in motion. Without effect. At the momemt. The destruction of the tower coupled the the “final judgement”. Is a psychological attack aimed at the destabilization of it’s object. For one has to claim ownership of the moment for it to exist. Though the aim is usually taken not of the christ but of the church. And unchaining imaginary chains of oppression. And a tower aint far away from a pillar belonging to a giant. Not a terribly relevant symbol with a lack of med-evil warfare and it’s own signs of oppressions. Ownership here doesn’t plead to heavily on deaf ears. Break downs in language lowers comprehension. If not at all familiar with it.
Unity can not exist without stability.
And here, to see wisdom in the image of the great serpent, the dragon looming heavily above destruction and chaos. It’s presence is eternal. Limitless. The opposite, usually highworded as the light, and justly so. The light is limited always was. Mankind yearns for a promise of infinity. And many are selected to carry forth shaping and impressing lives. While they are dead. And they die impressionably. On a more micro level. The wheel turns a bit. Psychic barriers act as towers. And the serpent slithers down across the board. Here serves temperance. With a need filling unnatural desires. As a dispenser next to the peddler wishing good fortune on bad decisions. Fuel the antisemitic acts of defiance agaisnt intrusions of individual states. Given vessel to travel around. Or it wispers poison in ones ears. Strife.
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decrstalker · 5 years
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It's my first blogiversary! Okay, I’m a little late, I actually made this blog on April 1st, but this post isn’t something for Fool’s Day. I made this blog on April Fool’s Day as a literal joke thinking that I’d abandon it in two weeks, if not sooner, but it’s kept up (somehow) for a year now. Even though sometimes I have other things going on in life, I always try to come back to this blog because I’ve grown so much in my writing & adore writing with all of you! I hope this blog survives a few more years, but thanks to everyone who has ever written with me (now and through the very poor writing I started with), plotted with me, &/or talked to me (period, sometimes I’m a lonely soul). x
CLIENTS (in alphabetical order) -- these are people, old and new, who I love to talk to, plot with, & see on my dash! Some of these people I know incredibly well & others I’ve only talked to a few times, but no matter the case, I greatly admire to them & they have positively impacted my time in the rp community. Honestly, this is just a few of them too, because it’s way too hard to tag every single mun I’ve written with, so I may have missed a few.
@akasupergirl / @wearenotthesameasyesterday | @amanandgoodatit |  @consultingsister | @feminaadler | @governmentofficial | @harknesstm | @jemmaagentofshield | @londontigress | @manynarrators | @mollythepathologist | @narrativecrime | @notyouraveragesecretary | @obituarics | @ofmagicandpcwer | @patiencetaught | @plantagenetking | @poxsonmenace | @rwtsn | @spidcrwomen | @venosum | @vxctorx | @watsonofagun | @wonwars | @wtsns​
ADDRESS BOOK -- some of you may recall that Sherlock has a rather bare address book, but he does keep some of his good friends in there. These are people who deserve awards for dealing with me so much. I absolutely adore them & because I put them in the ‘address book”, yes, these are the people who I would fake my death for.
Sophie, let me reiterate our IMs, I bloody  L O V E  you. I love your portrayal of Irene & I especially love the chemistry between our muses. Honestly, Sherl’s never been so in love until he met your Irene. Thank you SO much for screaming with me in our IMs, doting on our children, making me a better writer (rise up!), & reviving my dead muse so many times over. Also those texting threads in our IMs actually make my day-- they’re just so pure??? AND ALL THE BLOODY LETTERS. That was one of my favourite threads ever. Dropping those subtle (or not so subtle) Hamilton references on the adlock yacht. This is getting long, so I’ll just end it with this-- Sophie, I like you a lot <3
Britt, it’s been way too long & I’m well aware that you’ve stopped rping (or at least put it on pause), but we plotted for FOREVER together so I can’t just leave you out of this. I adore you so very much & I’ll honest that I was iffy about my Sherlock ever falling for a Molly until he met yours. Also, Britt, I was so in awe of your character development (esp Mycie’s)! Thank you for plotting every detail in our long novella threads (the future sherlolly children’s middle names, even) & inspiring me so much (with your lovely edits), I miss you! ( @sherlockrarepairs​ )
@braveheart-watson / @ironifiicd / @thelegendofemrys
SHURLEY-- wow, what would this post be without my sin bin friend? I miss writing with you so much, but I know that you have a million blogs, so I’ll wait patiently for the John muse to resurrect. I love talking to you about our sons (& how badass Mary Watson was, especially), I love that we once had a conversation in all Chuck Shurley gifs, & I love your undying Canadian patriotism. Thank you for writing IMMENSE amounts of angst with me & dragging me (kicking & screaming) into the sin bin with you.
Tori, you’ve been with me since the very start. You’ve somehow stuck with me this long even with my rubbish writing & flaky muse. Gemlock was the very first invested ship I had on this blog & a part of my Sherl will always love your Gemma. Between our random muse vc to our randomly dark convos (with our terribly morbid senses of humour), I love talking to you. <3 you so much other half of lyri -squeeze- ( @bxnnxrxd )
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dailytechnologynews · 5 years
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Computex swiftly approaches, and so too does Zen 2. Why shouldn't AMD reconsider disabling the PSP and supporting Libreboot?
(the below was originally written by /u/supposedlyimsmart)
All processors manufactured by AMD after 2013 include a small chip, known as the Platform Security Processor. It is licensed technology from ARM, their TrustZone tech. Simply put, it is a black box. It is claimed by AMD to be a security chip, responsible for memory encryption and, well, platform security. However, it is also used for remote management. Effectively, the PSP is an isolated, low-level, proprietary co-processor that cross-checks your BIOS firmware with its own. If the BIOS firmware doesn't contain AMD-PSP firmware, then your computer will not boot.
Seems fine, right? It would, if we knew how it worked. We don't. It is a black box, its code a binary blob, and it, too, is signed by cryptographic keys, held by a select few AMD employees. If this were all, this wouldn't exist. Intel has an equivalent technology, you might have heard of it, the Management Engine, the IME? It, too, boasts similar claims of remote management, security, and it, too, is a black box. More research has been done on these, though, and we have discovered that the IME also has:
Full access to memory (without the parent CPU having any knowledge) Full access to the TCP/IP stack; with a dedicated connection to the network interface Can send and receive network packets, even if the OS is protected by a firewall Can be active when the computer is hibernating or even completely turned off, allowing the Co-Processor to turn on and take control of your computer remotely via the internet.
There is no reason to believe that the PSP does not also have these capabilites. Intel doesn't advertise these, why would AMD? These chips are a massive security hole, and that's not all, either. Linus Torvalds, creator and former head developer (a whole separate drama involving a certain new age political terminology and Linus' unerring thirst for good code and brash rants as a result of bad code and a Code of Conduct) of the Linux kernel, has in the past been approached to build a backdoor into the Linux kernel, by none other than the NSA. Microsoft has sued the US government over gag orders sent to it. There is no reason to believe that these alphabet soup/3-letter agencies don't have the keys. It's a backdoor in every even somewhat aging system.
Include a manner to disable the PSP in BIOS. No, no it's not. It may seem obvious, but there's a major problem to this approach. There is no way of verifying whether the PSP is actually disabled, as the whole heap of firmware is a massive binary blob. This is not the solution.
Well, then, don't include the PSP in the chip design at all. While it would be ideal, it does handle memory encryption and platform security, something enterprise customers would want on their chips, and developing a better, freer alternative might not even happen until Zen 5, since Zen 4 is likely already being developed. This, too, is not the answer.
Open source the PSP! This, this is highly ideal, however, it is unlikely. The PSP is licensed TrustZone technology, so it's not even AMD's to open source. But even then, it's useless to just open source the PSP on its own. This ain't it, chief. Close, but no.
Open sourcing the PSP is only useful if it is accompanied by support for Libreboot, or, less ideally, coreboot. What are these? These are open source firmware that when combined with a payload like SeaBIOS or Tianocore, allow a fully free boot firmware, opening up an even greater part of the computer than what was possible. The true solution is supporting the Libreboot project.
Libreboot support would allow us to verify that the PSP was getting actually disabled, there would be a trustworthy entity in possession of the signing key for the PSP, and, if it were open sourced along with Libreboot support, allow the useful parts of it to remain turned on while the dangerous elements of it are turned off.
What good reason does AMD actually have to allow disabling the PSP and to support Libreboot? For one, they used to support it, ending support in 2012, a year before the PSP got loaded onto their processors.
By doing such a move, AMD would gain the endorsement of many more circles, namely the security one and the free software ones. Many security professionals have sounded the alarms to these chips, and entities like Google are working to disable the IME, though no work seems to be done for the PSP. Google may buy even more chips for their servers from AMD, and perhaps even build more AMD-powered Chromebooks, all of which have coreboot installed on them by default.
Edward Snowden had tweeted out about the initial hubbub about AMD potentially supporting Libreboot, and such a move would certainly gain support from entities like him. The Free Software Foundation and its branches would have reason to support AMD, as would entities like the Software Freedom Conservancy, not to mention the numerous commentators that would glowingly recommend AMD with not just the expected performance of Zen 2, but also its freedom.
Here on Reddit, there is much evidence of support, with the absolutely shattering nearly 5000 upvotes, and position as the top comment, in the initial Ryzen launch AMA, found here. I highly recommend reading it, as it addresses a few things I don't here.
There was also support back at that time at /r/linux, with people ready to spring to Ryzen should this have happened. Of note, there was this post, and this one, also this post. There's also the post I wrote some 5 months ago yhat got attention, here.
Contact Information
Advanced Micro Devices One AMD Place Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Tel: 408-749-4000 Interestingly, no email or contact page other than the customer support one. http://support.amd.com/en-us/contact/email-form
For those of you who own AMD Stock, this contact info might be more effective: AMD Investor Relations One AMD Place M/S 112 Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3453 email: [email protected] Tel: (408) 749-3124
Not to mention, they have their social media accounts. @AMD, @AMDGaming, and the local variants - Twitter, Facebook, and even Instagram At Reddit, we have a few people. /u/AMD_LisaSu (That's right, the CEO herself.) (@LisaSu for personal Twitter) /u/AMD_Robert (Technical Marketing) /u/AMD_James (Business Development) As well has a few in less lofty positions, like software engineer /u/bridgmanAMD/.
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vanteslens · 7 years
how i’m learning korean masterpost ✨
* most of these are english-korean but i also use an amino app community to learn korean from brazilian-portuguese (my mother language). i will put these two in the end of the post since majority of people who follows me speaks english.
안녕하세요 여러분! let’s learn korean together 💜
1. apps that i’m using but i’ll link more apps: (from google play)
LingoDeer app // im going to be honest with you: the only downside this app have is that it’s only english so you have to know english to learn. i really love this app and i can’t believe it’s free because all the feautures are so good! you can learn not only writing, listening but also speaking! imo i took off the romanization after learning the alphabet and it’s been life changing.
Drops app // i like this but there’s a major downside: you have to wait 10 hours to play 5 minutes (it isn’t cumulative, this is for free version) but you can get extra minutes if you go everyday. then why i like it? i can learn in my mother tongue and the app is VERY visual. i believe that using images are very good to learn a new language because instead of translate the word in my head, i associate with a situation so the thinking process feels faster (imo).
Duolingo app // who doesn’t know duolingo?? now there’s a beta version of korean. this time i’ll also ask you guys to use the desktop version (on computer) because there’s a lot of tips for each level(?) and it makes more easy. since it’s a beta version, i felt like it needs more development (as in take things more easily idk if it was just me but it was too much to learn in little levels and less visual stuff?? compare it w the french/spanish that you will understand better what i said). anyway it’s also very good esp the tips!! 
Korean Word Search // i love this game! esp because it doesn’t “translate” the words. i know you must be looking at me like i’m crazy but listen... there’s a lot of subjects and you can use hangul or romatization but i always use hangul. then i choose animal for example, so i’ll find the word and instead of translating as a word, it shows a pic of that animal. as i said on the drops app, i love when it’s more visual and helps me to fix new words while having fun. the downside is that the app doesn’t “read” the word do you’ll have to search how to pronounce it.
KOKO & KOKO Letter // i like this app because the learning is around a situation so it can be about “greetings” , “hotel” or even “health” “how to order food” “recommended souvenir” which i believe that it’s very helpful if you want to visit south korea. i like themed situations, sound fun to learn as if you were in this situation. some people reported that the pronounce is bugged but they updated it so i guess it’s better now (i never had problems w it). the letter version is very helpful to know how to pronounce each korean syllable / jamo (aka like syllables blocks). i use it to search how to pronounce a new jamo  but the downside is that this app is very limited even tho it helps me a lot sometimes.
Eggbun app // it’s very good! also it have in built hangul keyboard which makes even more efficient to learn (imo). however it’s very few stuff you can learn for free. if you have money, this one you can bet your money on. 
+ Tinycards app which isn’t about learning languages yet you can make your own flashcards for free.
those above are the ones i use on my phone but you can see more here:
Free Apps For Learning Korean by @koreanstudytips
2. websites but mostly tumblrs:
@koreanstudytips // @h-eonno // @vocabwithbts // @miharusblog // @iamlearningkorean // @study-korean // @myhangulangblr // @bulletproof-korean // @hangulstudy // @19tc // those are the ones i follow that is about learning korean (i hope you guys don’t mind being tagged)
this post have all the bts translation updates by @bts-fc // i like to test my skills with their translation posts
@bangtanbighit i love this blog translation page esp the fansign stuff is so funny!
korean online keyboard
i tag #korean to hangul / cultural stuff i rb here and i track #korean language  #korean langblr #korean study #korean learning on tumblr search.
3. youtubers!! finally the last topic
sweetandtastyTV // i love the word of the week series and tons of good content! 
Talk To Me In Korean // name self explanatory haha
Conversational Korean // to visual learners like myself
bellow it’s more random content than actual class:
데이브 The World of Dave // i like his videos and he made a video w a brazilian youtuber i follow and it was so funny, that’s how i found his channel amshgdh
Korean Unnie 한국언니 // she made a lyrics breakdown of jungkook version of the stylish tomato song asjdhsgdf  
WooLara Company // i love her so much! she have a brazilian boyfriend so she speaks korean, english and portuguese what a queen
Liah Yoo 리아유 // i love her skin care tips! my fav skin care youtuber!
ssin 씬님 & PONY Syndrome // makeup 💅💄
The SCOOP 더스쿱 // you love art attack?? then this is for you!
EJ recipe 이제이레시피 & HANSE 한세  &  ARIKITCHEN (아리키친) // food, food, food. the last one made bt21 themed cookies.
that’s all! i hope you like it! 💜 안녕히 계세요 여러분! 
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Do deaf race teaching spot sign language
hi ashley. its literally 5am and i havent slept so here ya go!
Race had not been born deaf nor was he a CODA (child of a deaf adult). He was a completely normal kid who got sick and as a result lost his hearing. No one would really know that considering he read lips and spoke. He already developed speech by the time he lost his hearing so he knew, more or less, what he was saying. There were two people that he knew he could use his knowledge of American Sign Language with, Jojo and Albert. They were the only two who knew he was actually deaf. Most of the guys didn’t really know or really care to ask but had their silent suspicions. One person determined to find out what’s going on with Race was Spot Conlon. Spot had admired Race from afar, admired how he carried himself, how he always made eye contact when he spoke to someone but what sparked this “quest for knowledge” for the Brooklyn boy?The night he saw Race out with Jojo. Neither were talking. Instead they were moving their hands and communicating. Now Spot isn’t an idiot, he knew that ASL was an actual thing and he knew it when he saw it but he didn’t understand why the Manhattan newsies were using it. He wasn’t certain of what he thought it could’ve meant. This thought process came to a halt when he found the boy he was looking for. Cigar in hand, Race was at his spot hawking headlines. As soon as Spot entered his line of vision, he tipped his cap but said nothing. Spot crosses toward him and just observes. Once Race had made his last sale of the day, he walked over to Spot. They spit into their hands and shook before starting to walk toward the backstreet where they usually spend their time. Once there, they sit in their usual spots before Spot speaks.“Didn’t know you knew ASL, Higgins. Where’d you pick that up?” Spot asks, facing Race. Race’s eyes widen as soon as he processed what Spot had said. He knew. “Are you deaf?” Spot asked, shifting his facial expression from his regular, rugged demeanor to a much softer one, one that only Race knew was trapped inside of the King of Brooklyn. Unwillingly and unknowingly, Race began tearing up as he nodded, seeming almost defeated that Spot had figured out the one thing that practically no one knew about him. Silently, Spot pulled him in for a hug and rubbed his back until he had calmed down enough to face Spot. “I wasn’t always deaf though. Got real sick when I was 8 almost, lost my hearing because of the medicines they put me on. I had speech before I got sick so here I am talking and reading lips. But at night, I can’t read lips that good so I learned ASL so’s that I can still talk to the people who care enough to know when it’s dark out.” Race says, avoiding full eye contact with Spot and looking just below his eyes. “You could teach me if you want. I want to be able to see you more often than just during the day time. I care about you, Race, you know that, right?” Spot says, forcing eye contact between the two and placing a hand on Race’s shoulder. Race smiles and nods before taking Spot’s other hand into his own. Spot goes to lace their fingers together but Race laughs and shakes his head. “Let’s start with the alphabet then. It’s easy enough.” Race says before shaping Spot’s calloused hand into the sign for the letter A. “This is A.” He says, letting go of Spot’s hand for a moment before continuing on with the alphabet in this way. A few days pass of these small lessons. Race taught Spot the basics such as the alphabet, numbers, simple greetings, how to introduce himself, the sign names given to the other Manhattan newsies as well as being given one himself. In his spare time, Spot had been reading up on ASL himself. He tried his best to find someone in Brooklyn who knew and could teach him but to no avail. He did find a book that had some vocabulary in it that Spot taught himself based on the diagrams. When he showed Race what he learned, Race chuckled to himself a bit before explaining that he was almost correct but his palm should have been facing outwards. After quite a few months of these lessons, Spot finally felt comfortable to go completely “voice off” for one of the afternoons they spent together. It went very well. It could’ve been Spot’s determination to learn or Race’s ability to teach or some combination of the two but whatever it was, Spot was thankful for it. There was still a lot for him to learn but Spot was determined to keep learning because it meant that he and Race could see each other more often, which Spot always enjoyed. Race was still overjoyed about the whole thing. He never really told anyone about his silent disability because he was scared that they’d react the same way his parents did, tossing him to the curb because he wasn’t their perfect son anymore. Spot was one of the last people he’d expect to go out of their way to learn a whole new language just to continue a friendship from sun-up to sundown. There’s nothing better than knowing that people care about you.
hope ya liked it!
disclaimer: im not deaf or HOH, im writing based on my understanding of severe hearing loss :)
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Alphabet Tag
Tagged (by scooping it up because I just love doing these and she didn’t specify so hahahaha yissss!) by the loverly @praise-the-lord-im-dead ;) • a - age: I’m proud of this answer/non-answer, so: It took Johannes Brahms the same amount of time from sketches to finishing touches to complete his Symphony #1 as it has taken to make me who I am today. (Do the google math)
• b - biggest fear: loss of someone I love, losing myself
• c - current time: Later than I should be up. ;)
• d - drink you last had: Pepsi-cola
• e - every day starts with: the letter e??? And me aggressively not wanting to break off my friendship with my blankets.
• f - favorite song: ???! I literally cannot answer, but we sang this one in church this morning and I...wow.... (3:00 mark is when the choir really comes in and I just...floored.) Also, our worship pastor arranged it a little differently, so that they really played up the dynamics falling and building on “You’re holy” so. D:
• g - ghosts, are they real? Not in the traditional sense of the departed hanging about. Spirits, yes. Memories, yes. Physical things affected by these, yes.
• h - hometown: Well now, that’s a little stalker-ish, ask me to dinner first at least.
• i - in love with: Broadway musicals and Parmesan cheese
• j - jealous of: My roommates. Roomie 1 has already seen Beauty and the Beast, and Roomie 2 is going tomorrow night. XP Not fair. XD
• k - killed someone: Um??? No???? What kind of a question is that??? (oh, fiddle, unless you count fictional someones...oh dear)
• l - last time you cried: Friday night. Friday night was not okay. The Big College Fail and everything that went/goes along with it was brought to the forefront of my mind again, and that’s...that’s rough tbh ;)
• m - middle name: ...There are too many inside jokes about this for me to answer.
• n - number of siblings: 3 and 1/2, including my soon-to-be sister-in-law. I have an older bro, an older sister on the tumblr, and a lil bro.
• o - one wish: to do Worthwhile things
• p - person you last called/texted: My sister, who is my favorite. I’m never certain if she wants me to tag her when I mention her lol
• q - question you’re always asked: “isn’t that on sale though?” XD Okay, but um seriously... A lot of people bring up the “so when are you going to try for school again?” question and I usually reply “working on it!” with a falsely cheery smile while my brain immediately goes to my empty savings fund lol. I’m finally starting to save up again though. :D
• r - reasons to smile: My God is the only God who came, lived, died, lives again, reigns in heaven, and smiles in mercy on me. Also, like, cats and Needtobreathe and musicals and sweaters.
• s - song that you last sang: “The Worst Kind of Gods”, by House of Heroes was playing in my car on the way home from work. :) Caused some raised eyebrows going through traffic enthusiastically yelling “I am not a good man! It’s good I seek to do! Heaven’s gate is narrow, pray for me and I’ll pray for you! Yeah! Yeah! Yeeaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh!” LOL
• t - time you woke up: 8:30 to get ready for church. ^_^
• u - underwear color: like white. boring.
• v - vacation destination: Anywhere. NYC, Iceland, Scotland, honestly any place I can travel far away too and have an adventure and experience incredibly new and different things.
• w - worst habit: letting little things get to me and develop into outward reactions while I bury the big things so that no one ever knows
I am not tagging anyone specifically, but if you follow me and see this and want to, totally do it and tag me at the beginning so I can see your answers, I love getting to know you all!
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paradox-oflife · 4 years
massive q and a post part 4 ignore this pls
1. Is the grass greener on the other side? It depends on perspective I guess. To me, not really. All of us are going through some stuff in the inside.
2. If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one around to hear it does it make a noise? uuuuuh yeah, i’d say so!
3. Why does it always rain on me? (idk how to respond to this)
4. Have you ever sailed a boat? One time. It was kinda scary ngl but my brother basically did most things for me.
5. Do you love or loathe Harry Potter? Love. Bro, 2nd grade me reading books under the covers. Catch me with some Percy Jackson or HP.
6. Do you do your utmost for the environment? Of course mate. Though one person won’t have much effect on global warming, you gotta respect your surroundings.
7. Do you love or loather Eurovison? I only watched it once. Reminds me a lot of the Voice. I don’t really watch that type of stuff though.
8. Have you ever wielded a sword? YEAH. I got a plastic one for a skit in school and god it was so much fun doing choreographed fights. I felt cool.
9. If you were famous would you want a statue or a building names after you? Maybe something small. Nothing too big. Depends what I did to become famous too.
10. Whats your favourite type of fish? Why the Blobfish of course.
11. Which do you prefer pony tails or pig tails? Ponytails. I wear low ponytails like everyday because my hair makes my face irritated sometimes.
12. Whats the ultimate cake topping? Fruit. Enough said.
13. Do you like marzipan? It’s no bad.
14. Whats better? Center Parks or Butlins?  (I’m assuming this is another British thing for hotels)
15. If you were in a band, what instrument/role would you play? I actually was in a band during high school with my friends, except we barely performed. We just hung out in the garage playing songs we liked. I was the bassist, or sometimes when the keyboardist couldn’t make it I’d play piano. I wanted to try drums but i can’t move my limbs independently enough. I tried picking up the guitar but there’s too many strings lmao i can’t memorize enough chords
16. Can you erect a tent? Nope
17. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck it until I get bored, then i CRONCH it
18. Have you ever used a telephone book? (yeah im old enough to remember these things) I used it as fuel for a fireplace lol
19. If you have an mp3 player what size is it? I used to have one. It was smaller than my hand.
20. Do you still have any music on vinyl or casettes? No :( I don’t have a vinyl player but I have old casettes of Chinese Children songs lmao
21. Do you still have a camera that uses conventional film? My dad has one, but it’s out of batteries.
22. Approximately how many DVD's do you have? A lot. I have one of those books with DVD holders and they’re just movies like Shrek.
23. Approximately how many Albums do you have? Downloaded on my phone - a lot.
24. Do you talk to yourself? When I’m alone. I’ve done it before at school and I got crazy looks
25. Do you sing to yourself? ONLY when Im by myself. God forbid anyone hears me singing.
26. Do you know any identical twins? I know two pairs that’s my age, and a pair that’s 27 I believe.
27. Have you ever given blood? No, I really should as someone with blood type O+ but im a big WUSS when it comes to needles.
28. Could you ever be a medical guineapig? Nah. I need something that’s been tested. Because if they screw up, chances are they won’t know how to fix it.
29. Whats your favourite radio station? Classical music station for short drives because I don’t know like any of the “mainstream” stuff. But I just connect my phone to the car and listen to my own playlists.
30. Whats your favourite letter of the Alphabet?  X feels so exotic
31. Which is better? rollerblade or rollerskates? Rollerskates.
32. Have you ever written a love letter? No
33. How many valentines cards did you recieve this/last year? 5. They were all from my friends :)
34. What are cooler? Dinosaurs or Dragons? Dragons for SURE
35. Have you ever made your own ice lollipops? No
36. Have you ever made your own Ice cream? No
37. Which foreign language did you have to learn at school? and do you still remember enough to hold a conversation in that language? I did two years of Spanish in middle school, but for high school I went the easy path and took Chinese. Then again, most people who take Chinese already speak Chinese. I did it to jump to AP faster.
38. Do you know CPR? Only from the Office, but I’ve never had to do it before. I heard you have to keep pushing until the ribs break?? 
39. Do you have any swimming badges? Nah, I can swim but I sure am slow
40. Do you prefer digital or rotary/analogue clocks? I’m alright with either
41. How tall is the tallest person you know? 6′7″. Mate, I’m 5′1″, I literally have to tilt my head so high just to talk with him.
42. Have you ever got lost in a maze? omg yeah in New Zealand there’s this thing called a sensory maze. And at one point you go into this room where the seizure inducing lights are flashing on and off super quickly and it’s filled with mirrors. Me and my cousin were basically crawling on the floor because we kept crashing into mirrors.
43. Have you ever been attacked by a wild animal? No and I hope I never do
44. Have you ever ridden a camel? No. Don’t see a lot of camels in California
45. Whats your opinion on rats? They’re alright. As long as they’re not in my house
46. Have you ever been to a gym? Yeah.
47. Have you ever been in a helicopter? No, but it seems kind of fun
48. Have you ever cheated at a test? Okay, maybe a couple times but after 9th grade i STOPPED
49. Have you ever ridden a tractor? Yeah, I even wore a bandana.
50. Are you a gossip? No. I only spill tea around people I know who can keep secrets.
51. Have you ever cried at a film? Yeah. The last time was during Avengers Endgame when Black Widow sacrifices herself.
52. When you're ill do you struggle on regardless or just curl up in bed as much as possible? Well, coming from an Asian family, I developed that type of mentality where if it’s just a cold, then I keep going. If I have a fever, then I stay home.
53. Do you need to write down things to remember them? Most of the times
54. Do you keep a diary/journal? I’ve kept one since 6th grade. It’s so interesting to see how my mentality and thinking has changed over the years. From my lowest points to my highest, it’s so cool.
55. Are you scared of thunderstorms? Nah, unless there’s lightning close by. One time I was at Taiwan and there was lightning like right outside my house. Bro it’s the scariest thing ever. You see a flash of lightning next to the window and the house rattles with a BOOOOOM. Legit, it’s so loud
56. Do you have any unusual fears or phobias? I mean, needles are a pretty common fear so I guess not.
57. Whats your favourite disney movie? Lion King. The remake wasn’t that bad imo.
58. Have you ever slept in a caravan? Nope
59. Have you ever painted a house? I’ve painted inside one
60. Have you got green fingers? I mean, I’m alright with plants. 
61. Whats the tallest tree you've ever climbed? Not that tall because I slipped and fell one time and had the air knocked out of me. Thought I would die there lol
62. Have you ever dialed the talking clock? (another uk thing)
63. Do you always wear identical socks? I try to but hey, if I don’t care, then it’s a free for all
64. Do you live by any motto or philosophy? A couple actually. A lot of comes from the Bible, specifically the whole  Matthew 5-7 sermon on the mountain
65. Do you lick the yoghurt or desert lid? Yes, there’s so much on there.
66. Do you lick the spoon clean after making something sweet? Usually, unless it’s like raw or something
67. Do you like the sound of music? (the musical/film) I remember watching that on those old TVs during elementary school. I think it’s a pretty nice film!
68. Have you ever made your own orangejuice? Yeah
69. Have you ever sucked on a lemon? yes and i think i had a sweet lemon because it was honestly not sour
70. Have you ever licked a battery? no WTF
71. Are you a good aim with a rubber band? Ah, not really.
72. Have you ever played golf? Yee
73 .Whats the most unusual name you've ever come across? I met a Jezebel before. The name meaning itself isn’t bad, but that character in the Bible is associated with pretty bad things
74. Do you prefer to wash in the mornings or evenings? Evening showers>>>> you literally CANNOt change my mind
75. Have you ever danced in the rain? No. because I hate getting my shoes wet.
76. Do you like long or short hair? Long hair
77. Have you ever sworn at an authority figure? Nope. I’m a good kid
78. Have you ever walked into a wall? Yes. So embarrassing.
79. Whats your favourite precious metal? N/A
80. Whats your favourite precious stone? N/A
81. Could you ever hunt your own meal? No way. 
82. Have you ever read any comics? None of your standard American DC Comics, but yeah.
83. Where do you like to go to on a first date? Somewhere personal. Doesn’t matter where really. I mean personal like, a picnic on a grassy plain, or under a starry sky. Studio Ghibli vibes.
84. Do you prefer vertical or horizontal stripes? Horizontal I guess
85. Have you ever baked your own bread? Yeah and it came out like pita chips lol
86. Can you believe I can't believe its not butter is in fact not actually butter? I don’t eat that much butter, but I guess it’s what it says in the title?
87. Can you name all 50 American states? Yes. Capitals though? Maybe 70%
88. Have you ever owned a goldfish? Ive had a beta fish and two guppies in second grade. 
89. What was your favourite school subject? Orchestra and Literature. A lot of people are surprised at my choice of lit. But I actually love reading and analyzing, though writing papers kind of suck. The problem for me when it comes to writing papers isn’t coming up with a topic, it’s wording it in MLA format. Like I could discuss with people all the time but its hard to organize my thoughts.
90. What was your least favourite school subject? Math. Which is a bit odd because I’m actually not too bad at it. But I’ve had the most mental breakdowns when it comes to math. Geez, AP Calc was a ride. I also cried in Chemistry once. 
91. Have you ever passed wind in an embarassing situation? Not that I can’t think of. And Im sure if I have, it would be engraved in my memories.
92. Have you ever played the bongos? Yeah. Pretty fun.
93. Have you ever handled a snake? Yeah it was a smol milk snake. He was a shy boy.
94. Have you ever assembled furniture by yourself? OMG YEAH from Ikea it was such an experience. The satisfaction of sitting in a chair you built all by yourself is so satisfying.
95. When did you last go to the beach? Like... a while ago. A year ago maybe.
96.  When if ever did you last go to london? Haven’t been there, but totally would!
97. What do you do to cool down when its hot? Sit inside with a fan, or A/C
98. Whats the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Okay now don’t judge me on this one but i LOVE century eggs. It’s not too uncommon to find them in Taiwan.
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bt2018bt2018 · 7 years
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Our >10 Business Ideas = Your $ >> http://ift.tt/2BE1TwH
Click on an image below to zoom in & open photo gallery >>
Bank attract customers by advertising money changing service at the store front
IM NEW label for liquor store
Cupcake Feet
Happy Birthday Candles
Supermarket advise customers to leave heavy items in the trolley at the check out
LEGO Figurine EMMET is included in toy set when staff said it wasn't
Dented Luggage result in backfired advertisement
Supermarket System or Pricing Error result in overcharging customers
The Price Tag below the soda water states $1
 The system reflects $4.29 instead. (customer overcharged)
 Supermarket's Manager acknowledge fault, apologised and refunded me.
The Soda Water label is "SOFT DRINK CAN CONDIMENT."
How many customers are unknowingly overcharged?
The purpose of this observation is not to critic the friendly n professional staff of the supermarket but to identify permanent solutions to prevent similar problems from recurring. 
Woolworths Supermarkets
Toilet Bowl will flush automatically when hands are washed
Wish all supermarket outlets have this Food Rescue Program
Buy sweets to donate to sick children
Bundle Batteries with Electronic Device create customers convenience n productivity
Baby Bib with Monkey sucking on a pacifier
Compare cameras easily on a standardised criteria list
Don't forget to get ur lid when buying plastic boxes from the store
Colour code to categorise medicines on the shelf
Buy the same lid size for large n small coffee cups to cut cafe cost
Hang Display Box on the shelf to prevent theft of electronics
Complementary Colours of Grey n White does not make the sign conspicuous from a distance
Opportunity cost to Mall's mangement due to empty advertising holder
Find the right Knife to cut the right food with colour coding
Restaurant Menu at a single glance
EFTPOS Machine with sign that says AMEX not accepted
Restaurant's Feedback Web Address needed on the table n not on the number stand which would be removed before consumption of the food
Cinema goes the extra mile to help u enjoy ur movie by keeping ur large bags safe
Red for Hot water n Blue for Cold water sink taps
Curved Clothing Hanger
What this departmental store's customer service r all about
Physically test the quality of toothbrush's bristles with this positioning of the samples
Directory that use contrasting colours in its design
Please switch off toilet lights when leaving
Combine the seating space of two nearby restaurants into one to maximise profits
Concave lift buttons r easy on the fingers
Place products on a shelf rather than hooking one by one on a hanger through a small hole, unless u do not rotate stock
What could Western managed supermarket brands learn from this million dollar multinational company to reduce labour cost from hanging small products one by one on a hook to reduce labour cost unless staff does not rotate FOOD stock based on First In, First Out concept? 
Officeworks - QV Melbourne
Above product placement designed n approved by Western Management. 
Check out tis $2.50 coffee for happy hours
Unlimited Combination of Noodle or Rice Types, Vegetables, n Meat for this Food Stall
Opportunity to cut labour cost by stocking chips in its box on the shelf
Chips not in carton box require more time taken to shelf the chips = higher labour cost n less profits for management.
How to shelf mints in the supermarket
If u do not remind customers about the freshness of ur product, they will never know
VIRGIN Mobile rollover your unused calls n text time to the next month
Have a fun time with your baby in a GIANT BARBIE HEEL
Redesigned Luggage Handle cut material cost n is good for the environment
Redesigned luggage by Samsonite
Most Luggage with two "bars" handle
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Departmental store helps make sure ur luggage is in the right size for boarding the cabin
Children Mannequin with FRUITS concept
Cut labour cost on price tagging each product using self service barcode reader system
How could u apply this concept to supermarket?
Cut labour cost required to update price tag daily. 
Stick specials discounted e.g. 20% off yellow tickets only.
Alternatively, just display the dollar amount of price tickets instead of the cents to avoid information clutter = $4+ instead of $4.98
Spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on focus groups or simply trial it on a new outlet.
Swimwear with SHARK FIN concept
Baguette like ur Man. Hard on the outside, Soft on the inside.
How could religions build successful n happy people
Distribute free book or direct people to information on their website 
What could a developed country's town council learn from a developing country's style of shaping a better public environment for its citizens
Kids socialise with each other every weekend at this departmental store
Proceeds from Jockey Scales goes into Children Hospital
Starry Lights among the Plants at this Restaurant
Signage that tells u the size range of the clothing in the departmental store
Donate here today to help sick kids grow up
Beautiful Gift Envelopes from the Postal Office
Conspicuous Nameboard that asks u a question draws u to come into the store
Which design catches your attention and is likely to draw you in? 
A "neutral" and "safe" design that tells u the name of the company to a conspicuous font size?
A "get out of here" design that provokes thinking and curiosity that gives more attention to the sales pitch than the name of the company.
Since long before i was born, the purpose of name board was to help the mailman deliver the letters to its destination and the customer to find place of the store. 
Now with technology, Google maps, or you could reference the location of the store to the building the store is underneath at, etc. to find the place. 
Why not utilise valuable marketing space to deliver a conspicuous, well sized n colourful sales pitch that separate your store from the other shops around u. 
People could always remember your store by your quote than by your brand name that sometimes is a collection of alphabets without deeper meaning. 
Without deeper meaning, people tend to forget the brand name rather than a meaningful quote?
Furthermore, with the overhead placement, well-sized font, people from a reasonable distance and across the street would have their attention and curiosity piqued versus the SAME, SAME and SAME collection of company names that does not motivate people to cross the street and find out more. 
I could tell you more about how APPLE capitalise on being different to be successful, but I leave that for another day. 
Think about how this could apply to your company.
Melbourne - Escape Travel
Restaurant tables in MAHJONG tiles concept
Visual Merchandising with SHADOW concept
Increase Bread Sales by asking customer a question at the supermarket
WHATS NEW section at the departmental store
Free toy with each DVD purchase
Get a Tissue from the Roar of a LION
What r the possibility for made today, sold today tomato pasta with spam (cold)
Conspicuous Design of Carton Boxes for Product Delivery Required
Woolworths - Home
Well designed Carton Boxes for effective product delivery
Color coded shelf labels for spices at the supermarket
LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE helps to sell products at the departmental store
Increase profit by conspicuously remind customers how much does each product in a pack cost
Restaurant Menu encourage customers to explore new n more food items with pictures for each item
Relay system message with a different colour helps customer read message quickly
Fingerless Gloves that allows u to cover the fingers easily
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How to efficiently locate the right key in a bunch of keys
Gaffe Tape to colour code the most commonly used key
New design allow quicker unlocking of locks
Proposed redesign of locks with keyhole at the front
Current Lock with keyhole at the bottom
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Imagine the lock hanging from the knob on ur locker at ur waist level. 
1. Lift up the lock
2. find the key hole
3. insert key to unlock
1. find the key hole
2. insert key to unlock
Gift for Baby Shower
"Buy now or Cry Later" -- MYER departmental store
Movies Booking Website does not allow u to change showtimes even when seatings are 95 percent full
Melbourne Central | HOYTS
Profits before customers?
Making it difficult for customers to change show times to view seat availability pushes customers to bad seats > frees up good seats > and increase management profits.
Drawing inspiration from car parking lots, would it be possible for customers booking tickets online to view the percentage of seat availability or a mini-map appears when they hover their mouse over each show times?
What could other cinema operators learn from this observation? 
Does management put shareholders first or customers first? Honestly?
Bonnet Cap with changeable decorations using velcro
Bonnet Cap with changeable decorations using velcro
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Simplest way to keep your cables and power board off the floor for easy house mopping
Gaffe tape the power board and cables to the bottom part of the study table and up and away from the floor. Or u can find  desk with a ledge at the bottom or compartment to store ur power board and cables from sight.
Non-Asian Model used in Parenting Book for Asians
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Do the model - dad figure in the photo B (back cover of book) represent the majority of the Asian male population? Answer: No. Does the marketing of this book suggest that Asian women prefer non-Asian partners?
Answer: The non-Asian dad figure in the book confuses me.
For a book sold in Singapore where majority of the population are other races apart from non-Asian; wouldn't it be appropriate to show a Chinese, Malay, or Indian model dad to target the masses? Answer: The masses idolise the minority. Does this show that local women prefer non-Asian men over Singaporean Chinese/Malay/Indian men? Answer: Perhaps. Perhaps the target audience is intended for non-Asian dads and Asian mums. In that case, may I suggest the title of the book to be rephrased?
How to drink cheap liquor in Melbourne CBD
Go to Melbourne Central Mall > Liquorland OR Dan Murphy's at QV mall. Buy the liquor Go to Emporium Mall food court to sit n drink alcohol.
Using Carpet to Up profits from Music n CDs sale
Fans having fun with Ironman suit
Ben's watch Idea
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Default mode: shows the time.
Press and hold button on the side: shows the date (dd/mm)
inspired by Airport Timetable Flip Chart
Slide open Front Window of Cake Display Fridge to allow for easy cleaning
Improve Comics Marketability
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#Singapore., #ChuangYi.,
How do you increase the value of your comic book series?
Notice the beautifully integrated display of pictures on the book spine of the encyclopaedia on display on the shelf? Answer: Yes. It is beautiful. To sell comic books better; create an art piece (picture) on the book spine of the comic book that requires the purchase of several titles to form an image instead of having one picture on each title. Would that encourage readers to keep on buying more comic books? Answer: Yes. Would that make keeping and displaying comic books on your shelf aesthetically pleasing and would impress your friends? Answer: Yes. Benefits / Opportunities: 1) Generate Collectors interest from a visual way instantly (from looking at the book spine) 2) The collection of the comic series is an art piece by itself when placed on the shelves (looking at the art on the book spine) 3) Low cost and Low effort to implement 4) Creates curiosity and desire to purchase next title 5) There is no patent as you can design your art 6) If It works in the sale of the encyclopaedia in the photo A, there must be research, reasoning and justification done before the manufacturing of the encyclopaedia.
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Increased Profits by readjusting the News Headlines to the top and unobstructed part of the magazine
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#Singapore., #ColdStorageSupermarketSingapore.,
Could the publisher adjust the location of the headlines accordingly if she knows that magazine stands would cover one-sixth of the front page
Supermarket's Extendable shelf efficiently use available space to display magazines
Quit fumbling around to scan rewards card at the right supermarket self serve machine
Put the two cards with the barcodes facing outwards (towards u) into one transparent plastic pocket. 
Put the pocket in your wallet or purse. 
When it is time to scan your rewards card, take the plastic pocket containing the cards out. 
Flip the plastic pocket around once and u would have scanned the card without need to fumble around to look for the rewards card and position the rewards barcode the right way up towards the machine's scanner. 
Saves a few seconds per transaction to the supermarket. 
Not much, but think of how many sales you will make per year over your remaining lifespan, your loved ones and circle of influence life span and your future generation?
Time saved can be converted to other enjoyable tasks. 
or use a black masking tape to tape the cards together n you don't even need to buy the expensive plastic pocket that cost $0.50 each
Woolworths Supermarkets
Coles Supermarkets
Sales pitch for drinks, food n alcohol
: Recommended by some guy who has been drinking coffee (insert product name) for thirty years
Do I look delicious ? Try me! :)
Supermarket sales pitch
How to cut building, material cost n create customer's comfort on the bus or tram
Use a single cushion to make a single piece of spacious seating space for two people in a double seater.
How to get people to return the school bag that ur child lost
School bags with names and your home address on it
Improve Restaurant service by asking if customers wants coffee before, with or after meal
SugarBun - CBD - Melbourne | Urbanspoon or other drinks or dessert.
How to increase donations for the homeless
"STOP! (in red font) Could u help me with some change please. Much Appreciated! :)
How to create maximum flexibility with a rubber dildo
360 degrees rotation flexibility if you are able to insert one or two fingers into the dildo to hit that G-SPOT. 
Most dildo goes in straight and out straight. 
The pressure point is at the centre of the vagina. 
The G-spot is NOT at the heart of the vagina. 
By being able to rotate the dildo, you will hit the G-SPOT. 
There r mechanical dildo = Expensive = Electricity = Danger
I don't see this idea replacing existing products, but as an affordable add-on. 
Ergonomic Display of Magazines on shelves
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Edge of shelf blocked part of magazine
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Overstocked Magazine shelves:
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Could the publishers adjust location of headlines on the #magazines accordingly if he/she knows that #magazine stands would cover one-sixth of the front page
Overstocking the magazine's position which leads to the front cover of some of the magazines not shown in full view to the customer; why not take on fewer magazines and charge a higher premium to the publishers who place their magazines on the stand. 
The lost sales opportunities due to poor presentation and overstocking of the magazines affect the publishers. 
The newspaper vendor would only care about bringing as many magazine publishers on board as possible to maximise the seller's profits. 
Does the magazines publishers' sales and marketing team conduct physical survey on the newspaper vendors ascertain and fight for the proper magazine presentation (if they value the product they create) or are they enjoying the comfort of the air-condition in their office?
If a can of #CocaCola costing a dollar could be placed individually with the front of the can in full view of the customer, why couldn't a magazine with higher profit margin per item properly present its product?
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Do you think if the semi-translucent, greenish, newspaper stand holder is replaced by a transparent glass holder, would that improve marketability of the magazines?
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The front cover of the magazines are inclined on the magazine holder stand and are facing the store entrance. It 's hard to view the magazine's front cover when you are exiting the supermarket. Customers entering/exiting the supermarket uses the same entry/exit. 
Best Camping Accessory by AMOK EQUIPMENTS
How to up Magazine Sales
Magazine with red cover or red border on the front page sells better n attract new customers to sign up n buy
Our Ideas, Our Ideas - Retail February 20, 2018 at 02:46PM
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