#new kid hanscom
incorrect-losers · 1 year
Bev: First impressions are very important
Ben: But you married me anyway
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missriddle03 · 2 years
Mike: What do you say on the phone?
Eddie:Hello? Germs can't be passed through a phone, right??
Beverly: yes?
Richie: *fake coughs*
Stanley: Stanley uris
Ben: new kids on the block is now on the phone
Bill: No Georgie is dead this is his brother bill
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mercsandmonsters · 1 year
Tag Dump #3: Male Muses
Let's get these guys tagged.
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brynnterpretations · 2 months
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Ben Hanscom
Ben loves sentimental ‘80s pop and boy bands, with his favorite artists being New Edition, New Kids on the Block, and The Jets. It sounds good, is catchy, and most of all, resonates with Ben — say what you want about that sort of music, but the tracks are undeniably well-written (even if corny in today’s standards), and Ben loves it for the artistry and sound. Plus, the singers always look really cool.
Beverly Marsh
Bev loves female-fronted classic rock, with her favorite artists being Blondie, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, and The Runaways. After her mother passed of breast cancer when Bev was three, the only music record she’d left behind was The Runaways’ self-titled debut album, and she listened to  it religiously. Because of that, she developed a taste for rock and alternative music led by women, and her room is chock-full of Stevie Nicks posters. 
Bill Denbrough
Bill loves folk and psychedelia, with his favorite artists being Donovan, Jefferson Airplane, and Harry Nilsson. Bill likes music that he can appreciate the lyrics of yet still “turn off his brain to”, and especially enjoys ones that are intertwined with nature (whether it’s the songwriting or the “feel” of the song). 
Eddie Kaspbrak
Eddie loves ‘60s doo-wop, with his favorite artists being . Eddie. Because he’s so sheltered that even the radio is off limits to him, Eddie grew up on older music, but he likes it — it reminds him of Coca-Cola, summer bike rides with the rest of the Losers, and sunny days. Admittedly, Eddie also is a big fan of ‘60s girl bands like The Shirelles, but he tries to hide it due to Richie being an ass. 
Mike Hanlon 
Mike loves classic rock with blues influences, with his favorite artists being Howlin’ Wolf, John Lee Hooker, and Muddy Waters. Mike was raised on the 20th-century blues powerhouses by his family — AKA Charley Patton, Robert Johnson, and Son House — and his music taste reflects that. He is a huge music guy, and takes special care of all his vinyls. 
Richie Tozier
Richie loves funky, upbeat new wave, with his favorite artists being DEVO, Oingo Boingo, and Walls of Flesh. Basically, he likes fun, textured music that stimulates his thirteen-year-old brain, with interesting lyrics that range from humorous to absolutely nonsensical. In contrast to Mike, while Richie loves music, he does not take care of his equipment, and has fried his Sony CD player from the sheer force he used to blast “Dead Man’s Party” through it. 
Stan Uris
Stan loves “big band” and swing music, with his favorite artists being Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Louis Armstrong. Stan-the-Man, ever prim and proper, has always been attracted to more sophisticated music, but still likes the fun, jazzy stuff that his favorite musicians offer — see “You Make Me Feel So Young” by Frank Sinatra, one of his all-time favorites.
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beep-beep-sunny · 1 year
Reddie Week Day 4 Soulmates!!
This is my longest Reddie week post so far! I'll put it below the little squiggly line and see what that does. Please let me know what you think if you decide to check it out! Thank you!
Soulmates were real. Right? Eddie Kaspbrak was always told they were. That there were auras that were visible to just you and that special person. That being around them made things smell different… taste different. They made you look at the world with fresh eyes. He had no proof of that. 
He had no proof of it because he wasn't able to see anything. He never could. It would be one thing if only that "special" person was supposed to have an aura. No. People said they could see their own auras. Eddie never saw anything. He didn't even know what it was supposed to look like. It's like how no one how's how well they can visualize things because they'll never know what other people are seeing. How clear is the apple? What the fuck does that even mean.
He used to try to see it. He'd convince himself he was a late bloomer. It was coming. His colors would come in and he'd see the world in a new vibrancy. 
His mother was pushy from the start. "Describe it sweetie? What are your colors?" She wouldn't drop it. Wouldn't let it go. "Why won't you just tell me, sweetie?? What are you hiding from mommy?" 
She pushed it and pushed it until Eddie popped. He started crying and screamed out. "I don't have any colors! I'm blank! I'm broken!"
He regretted it immediately. He feared what might happen after speaking to her like that, but she just pulled him close in an oppressive stranglehold. "Oh baby, it's okay!! Maybe you don't have colors because you don't need a soulmate because you have me. I'm all you need, Eddie bear." Eddie, overwhelmed, only cried harder. 
When his friends asked, he lied through his teeth. He was silent as he listened to his friends describing their colors. Bill was sad because his colors didn't end up matching with Beverly Marsh, the girl he had a crush on ever since they kissed in the school play. His were purple. Stanley mostly just said his were green. He didn't give much away about his stance on "soulmates". Just green. Then, Richie. For some reason, Eddie has been dreading Richie's explanation the most. He and Richie had been "Eddie and Richie" for so long. Always together, always fighting, always tangled up limbs forming the infinity sign. It was selfish for Eddie to wish Richie was like him, but he did. He told himself he just didn't want to be the only one. 
Richie has colors. From the sounds of it, the most beautiful and obnoxious colors that ever existed. He painted a picture with a rainbow of colors. Eddie watched him with wide eyes, stunned, in awe, as Richie kept going, kept describing the most beautiful colors in the world. "What about you, Eds?" Richie asked. Eddie searched Richie's face. Did he know? Could he tell? They made eye contact, Eddie swallowed, though his throat was dry. Richie's eyes were so, "Blue." Eddie said, before he even realized his lips were moving. The eye contact held for a moment longer, the air sticky thick, before Richie smiled wide, carefree as if Eddie's world wasn't falling apart. "Cool!" 
Not long after, Beverly Marsh joined their little group as well as Mike Hanlon and Ben Hanscom. As it turned out, Beverly Marsh's soulmate was the new kid, Ben. Bill tried to hide the heartbreak on his face when they told everyone, hand in hand. Eddie's mouth turned up in disgust. Why should something so stupid control love? What If they don't feel it? What if they love someone else? Who decided that's what the colors meant anyway? Bill cried on Eddie's shoulder for a week while they ate goldfish and gushers and watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
The rest of them didn't see the person with their colors throughout their highschool years. It didn't matter much, as Eddie saw it, with what they'd been through together? They were all soulmates in the ways that mattered. 
They all lost touch after graduation. 
He met Myra on a Sunday. He got off work early Sundays, so he likes to spend his nights sipping fruity cocktails at The Lucky Turtle. The old dusty sign under the name read "your destiny awaits". Her voice had a familiar shrillness, even though they'd never met. She was wailing to the bartender about her boyfriend loud enough for the entire bar to hear, and the bartender looked overwhelmed. "He's a bum!" She blubbered. "I can't believe I got saddled with such a gross loser for a soulmate! I was really going places before he came along ya know! All A's in school and cute as a button. Now we're broke and all my potential is wasted. Stupid freaking," she paused, "Pardon my language, but stupid colors shouldn't trap a cute teen girl into a life of suffering with a total loser. I need a man that can take care of me!" Myra wasn't pleasant, but Eddie couldn't help but be intrigued by her disdain for the colors. He moved closer to her. "W..what??" She sniffled. "Come to take advantage of my fragile position?" She looked at him through her eyelashes and puffed out her lower lip. 
Eddie almost just left, but he didn't. Maybe it was the alcohol coursing through his veins"I don't think the colors know everything." He said coolly. "It's all a huge scam." She lit up at that. 
They went home together. It wasn't like Eddie to mess around with a married woman, but it wasn't like him to mess around with anyone and he was so fucking lonely. When Eddie blurted out his defect. I have no colors. I'm blank. I don't have a soulmate. He thought that would be it. Why would anyone want someone that was deficient? It wasn't. She was delighted. 
By the fifth meetup, Myra announced she was leaving her "dead beat" husband for him. She loved that Eddie was dependable with a good paying job and benefits. She also loved that he was broken. It was like having two soulmates, she'd say. She never had to worry about him leaving her for his real soulmate because he didn't have one, and she thought that was great. 
Their relationship wasn't anything special. Things didn't smell different or taste different, but at least he wouldn't live his life alone, and that was better than nothing, right? They were married on a Sunday, just like the day they met. His mother cried. Seeing them in one space was unnerving. It made it impossible to ignore their similarities. Two women that used his deficiency to claim him. 
He was married. That's what he wanted, right? To not be alone forever like he feared he would be? It seemed as though he should have been happy. He had everything normal people had, and yet, maybe the colors really meant more than just "soulmates", maybe it was the soul itself. Maybe Eddie was soulless. Maybe God forgot to give him a soul. Maybe he'd never be happy because he was hardly a real person. 
One afternoon, he was doing the dishes and Myra was watching TV in the sitting room. The rooms were connected, so they could still look over at each other. Myra was laughing, until she wasn't. She'd been watching her favorite late night talk show. "This guy sucks." She whined as she sunk deeper into her chair. "Eddie bear, come here! Look at this guy!! He really thinks he's funny, but he's awful. I can't believe Johnny Daily would have a hack like this guy on the show. What is the future of TV coming to?" She just droned on into an unpleasant white noise. 
"Okay okay, just for a minute. I'm doing the dishes." He took a few steps over so he could see the TV, absentmindedly drying a plate. 
"Richie Tozier, ladies and gentlemen." The TV came into crystal clear focus. There he was Richie. All grown up, scruff, laugh lines, and all. Same shitty jokes. The plate slipped from his fingers and shattered on the ground. 
After that, Eddie secretly sat in the bathroom to look up Richie, watch his standup, he'd only watch him on TV if he knew Myra wouldn't be home as if he were having an affair and not just embarrassed to be obsessed with a guy that his wife thought was "offensively unfunny". 
Myra was out with friends one night. "Girls night, don't wait up!" She said, going out the door in low-cut cheetah-print. Eddie had recorded Richie's recent TV appearances on a secret account and had been itching to watch them. Just waiting for an opportunity. 
The first was very typical of Richie's TV appearances, promoting his upcoming Netflix special that Eddie was already ready to sign up for a free trial to watch as soon as it came out. The second recording was different. It wasn't like his usual appearances. The vibe was more serious. At first, Eddie worried something was wrong. 
"So, you've come out! Tell us more about that." The host probed with a sympathetic smile that felt artificial. 
Richie's smile felt genuine, but nervous. "Sort of, I guess. If you want to put it like that. It's true. I don't have colors. I never have." Eddie felt himself immediately become cold and clammy. His mouth grew dry. 
"Never?" She asked. 
"Nope!" Richie replied, almost jovial. "I'm tired of lying. I figured I couldn't be alone. I thought, maybe I should finally be at least a little brave if that means it would help some other confused kid. It would have meant a lot to me to know I wasn't alone." 
Eddie stared at the screen, much closer to it than his mother would have been okay with. She always said sitting right in front of the TV was like staring at the sun. That hardly felt like it mattered at that moment. Eddie got up from.in front of the TV while earnest Richie and the fake interviewer continued the interview in the background. Eddie desperately pawed through the medicine cabinet. He'd thrown out his inhalers years ago, but suddenly felt desperate for a puff. Seeing Richie made him feel strange and small and scared. 
No. He thought. Nononono. Richie had colors. He said so. He had the most beautiful colors of all. Swirling blues and green and orange and yellow like the sun. He told them. He. He lied. Just like Eddie. Eddie always assumed, before he saw him again on TV, that Richie was living a happy white-picket-fence life with a beautiful wife. Someone special. Someone that also had the most beautiful colors and together they were raising two boys with a cat and a dog and a chameleon that could turn all kinds of different colors. Richie always wanted a chameleon, but no. Richie didn't have those things. He was just as confused and scared and lonely as Eddie had always been. 
Before he realized what he was doing, his body moving almost automatically, he was in the car and driving. Where am I going? The broadcast wasn't live. I recorded it a week ago. At a red light, Eddie skillfully typed out, "Where does Richie Tozier live"  like a stalker. He got a vague area in LA from a sketchy tabloid site, and that was good enough for him. 
He didn't say a word to anyone, not to his work, not to Myra. Maybe he should have attempted to message Richie, but it's not like he'd see it. He was famous now and Eddie hadn't talked to him since highschool. He just got on a plane, looking unkempt and jittery. He didn't think the random screening he was pulled for was very random. 
He'd never been to California. He used to want to go. He used to want to see all kinds of places. Road trips in fast cars, wind running through his hair from open windows, even though it's terrible for your ears. 
He opened Twitter and navigated to Richie's page. Eddie didn't use Twitter, and using it now just made him feel even creepier. What am I even doing? This is crazy! He thought, but he looked anyway. Richie had a bad habit of posting everything. Eddie went on a wild goose chase, following his Twitter breadcrumbs to no avail. He almost gave up. It was getting dark, and Eddie had retreated back into his hotel room. He relaxed in the provided hotel robe after a long scolding shower. Eddie heard once that lonely people take the hottest showers. 
His phone buzzed. Probably Myra. He told her something came up for work. He hated lying like this, but how could he possibly explain the truth? Sorry darling. I'm in LA stalking your least favorite comedian. He's actually my childhood friend and it turns out we're both broken in the same way. It was stupid. It was so stupid. 
It wasn't Myra. It was an alert from Richie's Twitter. He posted a picture of himself on a stage in front of an empty stadium. It said, "I'll see you all at my show tonight!" It included a link to more information as well as a kissy winking face that flipped Eddie's stomach. 
He was performing a show at a place nearby the hotel at 9pm which was only an hour away. This was his only chance. He got dressed quickly. He didn't pack much. He looked unpolished and ridiculous, but he headed out anyway. 
He thought he could buy tickets at the door, but no such luck. He ended up crossing his fingers and buying a ticket from scalpers for five times the price. He had no idea Richie was so famous. He wasn't even funny. 
He got in with his scalped ticket. He watched from the nosebleeds. Okay, maybe he was a little funnier than he'd been as a kid. He was in his element up on the stage. He'd really grown up. Eddie heard sounds coming out of himself that he hadn't in a long time. Fond little laughs that were embarrassed to bubble out. Okay, maybe he always found Richie a little funny. 
By the end of the show, Eddie was a bit more relaxed. He was here. Richie Tozier. In the flesh. Richie Tozier who didn't see the colors. Just like Eddie. 
When Richie finished wishing the crowd goodnight, Eddie was already out of his seat. He was fighting through the legs of slow patrons with a flurry of "Sorry, excuse me sorry." He could lose Richie. Not again. He didn't have a plan beyond "get to Richie". 
There was a crowd around the front and a bodyguard that was on the short side, but still muscular and stocky. I probably could put run this guy. Eddie thought, seemingly embracing his fate as a creepy stalker. "Back up!" The guy yelled, spitting as he talked. 
Richie was walking down the side stairs. They were so close now. Eddie took a deep breath. "Trashmouth!" The yell came out more squeaky and desperate than he would have preferred, but he had to do it. What else was he going to do? 
Their eyes met. Richie looked scared. Eddie realized this was a mistake immediately. Richie was scared. Of course he was scared because Eddie was a total fucking stalker. Richie would probably get a restraining order and he'd never see him again. 
"Alright, get out of here." The bodyguard walked over to shoo him, and Eddie was ready to let him, but Richie wasn't. He reached out and stopped his bodyguard from moving forward. 
His eyes bore into Eddie. Eddie shivered under the intensity of his icy blue eyes. "Eds?" Richie said. The nickname gripped Eddie's heart and wouldn't let go. Richie and his bodyguard shared a look that must have communicated "let him through" because that's just what he did. Eddie walked past the bodyguard and was suddenly feet from Richie for the first time in two decades. 
They stared for a while. "Hi." Richie said, his voice suddenly raw and vulnerable. 
"Hi." Eddie replied, shyly.
"What are you, I mean, how did you, I um," Richie struggled to form a coherent thought. Some things never changed, though he never used to seem so careful about word choice. "You're here." He settled with. 
"I can't see the colors either!" Eddie blurted, almost like he couldn't hold it in anymore. Like the words have been pounding on his throat for a long time. 
Richie looked lost. He searched Eddie's face as if he thought this was all some kind of mean joke. "But," his throat sounded dry. He probably wasn't hydrating properly. "But you're blue." He said, not needing to search his mind for the color. It was as though he'd thought about it many times before, but why. Why would he remember that little lie after all these years? The answer to that was simple, but Eddie couldn't let himself believe the simple answer. Because if Richie remembered Eddie was blue the same way Eddie remembered the picture Richie had painted of the most beautiful colors in the world then maybe that meant he felt it too.
But, what the hell? "I lied." Eddie said. 
"Why?" Richie sounded desperate, hanging on Eddie's every word. 
"I didn't want you to think I was broken. I-" Almost as soon as the words were out of Eddie's mouth, Richie caught his cheeks in his hands, pulling him impossibly close and linking their lips. Eddie didn't shut his eyes. He couldn't, because suddenly he was filled with such clarity. He could see the green grass, the dark night sky, the yellow dandelions of spring, the blue of Richie's eyes. The colors were all there. They were always there. They were everywhere. Who's to say he's missing anything? The colors were here the whole time. Blue wasn't a lie, because it was there, in Richie's eyes. Eddie wanted to live in the blue of his eyes forever. 
It didn't take long for the kissing to deepen and for Eddie to notice the cameras flashing. Eddie held up both his middle fingers. He heard that makes it so the magazines can't use paparazzi photos. He wanted this moment just for them. 
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theyraylovehate · 2 years
Wheel of Fan Fiction Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🌸
Angst 💧
*This is like brand new so most of the characters won't have anything just yet*
•Stranger things
-Billy Hargrove
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Robin Buckley (Fem/NB only)
-Johnathan Byers
-Nancy Wheeler
-Jim Hopper
-Joyce Byers
-Will Byers (No smut)
-Mike Wheeler (No smut)
-Max Mayfield (No smut)
Hateful Cuddling - Female reader 🌸
-Dustin Henderson (No smut)
-Lucas Sinclair (No smut)
-Eleven (Jane) Hopper (No smut)
-Iron Man/Tony Stark
-Captian America/Steve Rogers
-Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
-Hawkeye/Clint Barton
-Hulk/Bruce Banner
-Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
-Black Panther/T'challa
-Doctor Strange/Steven Strange
-Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
-Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
-Starlord/Peter Quill
-Spiderman/Peter Parker
-Falcon/Sam Wilson
-War Machine/James Rhodes
-Valkyrie (Fem/NB only)
-Professor X/Charles Xavier
-Magneto/Erik Lensherr
-Wolverine/James Howlett
-Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
-Jean Grey
-Storm/Ororo Munroe
-Cyclops/Scott Summers
-Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
-Havok/Alexander Summers
•DC/Young Justice
-Batman/Bruce Wayne
-Superman/Clark Kent
-The Flash/Barry Allen
-Aquaman/Authur Curry
-Cyborg/Victor Stone
-Joker/Jack Oswald White
-Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
-Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
-DeadShot/Floyd Lawton
-Kid Flash/Wally West
-Nightwing (Robin #1)/ Dick Grayson
-Red Hood (Robin #2)/ Jason Todd
-Robin (#3)/ Tim Drake
-Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
-Superboy/Johnathan "Jon" Kent
-Artemis/Artemis Crock
-Red Arrow/Roy Harper
-Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
-Black Canary/Dinah Lance
-Miss Martian/Megan Morse
•Umbrella Academy
-Luther Hargreeves (#1)
-Diego Hargreeves (#2)
-Allison Hargreeves (#3)
-Klaus Hargreeves (#4)
-Five Hargreeves (#5)
-Ben Hargreeves (#6)
-Viktor Hargreeves (#7)
-Marcus Hargreeves (#1)
-Fei Hargreeves (#3)
-Alphonso Hargreeves (#4)
-Sloan Hargreeves (#5)
-Jayme Hargreeves (#6)
-Lila Aryu
-The Handler
•Harry Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black (Older)
-Cedric Diggory
-Oliver Wood
-Neville Longbottom
-Luna Lovegood
-Remus Lupin (Older)
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Lucious Malfoy (Older)
-Narcissa Malfoy (Older)
-Severus Snape (Older)
-Bill Weasley
-Charlie Weasley
-James Potter
Friendly Love - Male reader 🌸
-Lily Evans
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Regulus Black
-Lusious Malfoy
-Narcissa Black
-Peter Pettigrew
•Greek Mythology
-Beatrice "Tris" Prior
-Caleb Prior
-Tobias "Four"
Zip line of Love - Nonbinary Reader (Requested) 🌸
•Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Kylo Ren
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury (Fem/NB only)
-Chuck Shurley
-Jody Mills
-Ellen Harvelle
-Kevin Tran
•The Walking Dead
-Rick Grimes
-Daryl Dixon
-Glenn Rhee
-Carl Grimes
-Maggie Greene
-Shane Walsh
-Rosita Espinosa
-Carol Peletier
-Paul "Jesus" Monroe
-Abraham Ford
‐Tara Chambler (Fem/NB only)
-Aaron (Masc/NB only)
•The Walking Dead Game
-Violet (Fem/NB only)
IT (2017)
-Richie Tozier
-Beverly Marsh
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Bill Denbrough
-Stanley Uris
-Ben Hanscom
-Henry Bowers
-Mike Hanlon
-Patrick Hockstetter
-Victor Criss
-Belch Huggins
-Harry Hook
•Maze Runner
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reddie-ao3feed · 7 months
do you know what i'm seeing?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/R0BAolH by reddje "i know it's sad, but i never gave a damn about the weather. and it never gave a damn about me." "that literally makes zero sense, eds." - or the one where eddie is perpetually irritated and mean and hates everyone and everything including richie tozier until he doesn't. Words: 2806, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Stanley Uris, Audra Phillips, Henry Bowers, Henry Bowers's Gang (IT) Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon/Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough/Audra Phillips Additional Tags: Eddie Kaspbrak is Bad at Feelings, Eddie Kaspbrak is a Little Shit, Richie Tozier is a Little Shit, Richie Tozier Loves Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh Knows Everything, One Sided Rivalry, eddie is truly mean for whatever reason, eddie kaspbrak is perpetually pissed, richie tozier is just obsessed with him, do you know what im seeing by panic at the disco is the catalyst, no one knows whyyyyyyyy eddie is like that he just is, Mike Hanlon & Eddie Kaspbrak Are Best Friends, New Kid Richie Tozier, Jealous Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier is a Dork, richie Tozier is a flirt, richie cant stfu or read the room, Slow Burn Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, but not like reallllllllly slow burn just a little, bc eddie thinks theyre rivals, so they have a one sided beef for a bit, Enemies to Lovers, Academic rivals, Alternate Universe - No Pennywise (IT), Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier-centric, Eddie Kaspbrak is So Done, Eddie Kaspbrak Has Issues, Richie Tozier Has a Crush on Eddie Kaspbrak, academic rivals bc eddie is smart, like top of his class smart, and richie comes along a month b4 graduation and is also smart read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/R0BAolH
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lilitblaukatz · 1 year
Librarygate addition from the time-unrelated side
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Richie's joking. But I'm not.
We know that the Duffers are huge Stephen King fans.
There are three significant library arcs in Stephen King's works which I can remember (add if you can, please): the novella "The Library Policeman" (1990, one of the FOUR HOUR STRIKES (the third) in "FOUR past midnight" collection); and two belong to "It": Mike Hanlon was a librarian, but also Ben Hanscom has a big arc with the Derry Library.
I will start with Ben (he is a part of our love triangle parallel after all). Ben's ties to the Derry Library are shown both in miniseries and in recent movies, but to know the full story you of course need to read the book. I've read it two times and the last one was about 15 years ago, so forgive me for any wrong memories (pun intended).
1.. Ben loved the Derry Library. Not only because he was lonely and it was a place he could spend time. He liked to learn, he had good relationship with the librarian. But most of all he liked the bridge part between the two library buildings (idk how to call it in English, that part joins the children library and the grown'ups one with well-lit warm hall with glass sides and roof, probably?). When Ben grew up, he built a building based on that hall and got an architect award for it. He liked the hall because you could use it to go from one library to another even in the winter and be warm and dry and look at all the cold and snow outside. It is probably a metaphor for that tween period of life King loves so much that most of his kid characters end up being eaten by monsters about 11-12.
Ben had bad things happen to him there as well. I don't really remember the accident with the boy and easter eggs in the book, but Ben was really scared of that photograph and the story of Kitcheners' blow up and killing a hundred of kids. Also when he was staying late helping the librarian one winter night, he saw Pennywise on the ice when Ben was crossing the river by the bridge. Yeah, that same bridge Adrian Mellon was thrown from years after Ben's encounter.
But also Ben wrote that poem about Beverly's hair in the library :)
2.. Mike Hanlon. Mike was a fellow loser to Ben. He was interested in Derry history as a kid and figured out that awful things happen in Derry every 27 years for centuries. He grew up and became a librarian in Derry Library. He was the one with his memories intact and called all the Losers when It came back 27 years later.
3.. Library Policeman. It is a hard story. I've read it when I was a kid myself, maybe 12, 13? Years later I remembered the chill and re-read it. It was still years from now so yeah, I'll do what I can with Wikipedia not helping much.
The protagonist of the novella is Sam. When Sam was a child, he was r*ped in the bushes outside of his hometown library by a man who called himself the Library Policeman who punish children who don't return their books on time. At another place, where grown-up Sam lives, he needs some books from the local library for the first time since his childhood. He accidentaly destroys the books after he uses them and then supernatural stuff start to happen. The entity calling itself the Library Policeman is terrorizing him, and the old librarian who gave him the books is long dead. That woman was not human. It is a monster who is feeding on childrens' fear.
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Sam, his friend with whom he falls in love with, and a former lover of the librarian are on the mission to defeat the monster, who wants a NEW HOST to attach itself to, like a parasite. The former lover DIES while helping Sam and his friend, the monster manages to attach itself to the friend's neck and Sam saves her by pulling it off of HER NECK and throwing it under the wheels of upcoming train where it is smashed out of existence. It is a heartbreaking moment: he makes her to look forward and recite a poem or count, I don't remember, while standing behind her he lifts her hair and sees this thing on her neck (which causes some personality changes in her or just a headache I don't remember sorry), and he takes it off when the train is almost there and throws... This monster was compared to a spider too (the flesh form of It was a spider). I like the idea that it is a soteria in Will's neck, but I'm afraid it can be a part of the Mind Flayer.
So we have Hopper and Joyce go into the Upside Down through the Lab gate to find Will. S01 was heavily influenced by Alien and the Duffers don't just do an homage, they use easter eggs and parallels in the plot.
The first thing Hopper finds in the UD (the first thing Ben Hanscom had found in the sewers… was an orange Pennywise pom-pom when he was a child and red Audra Denbrough's purse as an adult) is a busted-out-of egg which is of course an egg a facehugger is grown in.
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Who was born from that egg in the Stranger Things is unclear. Could be a demogorgon. Dragons lay eggs btw.
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Then Joyce and Hopper inspect the Castle Byers remnants, go to Byers' house where amazed Jonathan recognizes his mother in the lights and Joyce hear him calling her gently. It is irrelevant here but fascinating. Then they follow the trace of blood into the Hawkins Public Library.
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There is some kind of lair. It is similar to both the egg lair in the Alien and in the Aliens.
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The difference is that in Aliens Momma is still around. Also we have cocooned corpses in the Aliens too:
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Stranger things s01e08:
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It's all of course from the Aliens and It: Hopper and Joyce parallel the couple from Aliens who found the ship with the eggs, the death of the father points to Hopper's future death.
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Joyce finds Will like Ripley finds Newt in the lair, cocooned:
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Bill Denbrough finds his wife Audra in the lair, cocooned.
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But whose lair is it?!
Vecna had his lair in his old house, where he was being charged in a dock like an electronic toy...
Flesh form of It (the Spider) layed eggs in its lair which Losers destroyed (sadly, not on screen in both the miniseries and the movies) by stepping on them.
Alien Queen layed eggs in its lair which Ripley destroyed (by fire!)
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Who lays those eggs (we saw one) in the UD? Whose lair is in the library???
And just what else I have on the place: Will was FOUND in the library on Nov 12th, but the sign says (Vote here) Nov. 6th when he was taken walked willingly disappeared. So can library be a part of his dissapearance too? Or even in the first place.
Dragons steal princesses and keep them in their lairs too...
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King's prototype of It was a troll from a fairytale, who lives under the bridge and eats children. Do trolls eat princesses? I'm not that familiar with foreign folklore...
And the last but not least:
Team Tigers vs team Falcons:
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(the shots of the library with pigeons and then pigeons were followed by shots of Joyce in her car arriving at Melvalds s01e02)
Many noticed the stalker shots and Vecna's parallels to birds.
Birds were absolutely the spies in the Duma Key by Stephen King.
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Losers n°2
the band of mike kaspbrak-tozier, beck marsh-hanscom, georgie and jacob uris-denbrough
was mike's idea after listening to few of beck's favourite songs
jacob the most has trouble to perform live but mike encourages him all the time
leo and ens are their biggest fans
jacob writes lyrics for them, occasionally georgie too
stan hadn't liked the idea of his kids playing in band but bill convinced him and now he is jacob's biggest support with writing lyrics
mike plays keyboard and is sub vocalist
beck plays electric guitar and is main vocalist
georgie plays bass guitar
jacob plays drums
their fans are called losies (leo's first attempt to say losers)
started as garage band (in hanscoms' garage) playing queen, abba and of course, new kids on the block
had red balloons on every show then georgie started to fight climate change so they stopped
sell their music only on music casettes and vinyl records (the old way)
the band is their escape from real world
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pinkleaaves · 2 years
Ben never knew what is was like to be alone until he felt utterly alone.
Ben won’t deny that the Losers have changed his life in so many ways these past few months. Sometimes, it’s like Ben forgot what is was like to have no friends before the Losers. They have become his family, his home. It’s beyond belief that everything has gone to shit. It’s beyond belief that he is actually alone again. Ben didn’t think he would miss the laughter of his friends before this moment.
Even before them, before this isolation, the bridge gap and space the size of the Grand Canyon. Ben knew loneliness like the back of his hand. He understood how to keep his head down and not say a peep. It wasn’t like he ever stayed long enough in one area to have an impact on those around him.
Ben was known as the new kid, ( “oh, I get now,” the girl with auburn hair said, Ben was so clueless on what she was referring, this was just some stupid music that nobody before has taken an interest in before this very moment. She never did explain what there was to get. She just had a bright smile that made her eyes shine in the afternoon sun.) joining in the middle of the year, after everyone has made friends and stayed in their cliques, that was always something he noticed with every school. It didn’t matter how long he was stuck in each hell hole, people would ac the same every time. The cliques would stare him down either in curiosity or disgust.
But the Losers had a different look, it was something unreadable. He never felt like they were trying to be judgmental, especially with Eddie’s bright, big, almost cow like brown eyes.
Ben never looked back when he could feel twelve pairs of eyes on the back of his head, he knew it wouldn’t last long. They would find something new to move upon to.
But as he is ever an optimist, everything did go to shit. Went down the hell hole. Explanation doesn’t really matter. The point, question, is why does he feel so empty on the inside?
He has gone through this before. Hell, this was his whole world up until now. So, why does this hurt like hell? Some days it feels like when his dad died in the army. And others…
Feels like there shouldn’t be a reason to get out of bed.
During those days, he has the impression from his household that he doesn’t belong. Not here, not anywhere really.
All of this becomes a big mess of emotions. Ben Hanscom hasn’t belonged anywhere to anyone in a long time. The only person who is still there is his mom, but she is consistent, constantly going to be in his life whether he wants her or not.
That’s something he gets. He gets it because that is simple basic human logic. You will family stuck with you forever, even if they are gone from your life, there will be memories to think and remember them from.
Maybe that is what Ben should view the Losers upon. Instead of the bad parts at the very end, when shit hit the ceiling. Maybe, just maybe Ben can focus on the good parts he had with the Losers. As his mom has said, people come and go from your lives.
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Hiii I love this and forgot a couple of fandoms the first time!! HAPOY BIRTHDAY AGAIN BTW!! 🌲 + Harry Potter fandom and IT fandom (male character preference) + I’m a 30 year old queer woman (she/they) who is Graysexual and Biromantic. I’m 5’1” with a peaches and cream complexion, dark green eyes (tho my right eye has a blue film over it due to blindness), long dark brown hair, and an almost hourglass figure. I’m a Hufflepuff! I’m compassionate, stubborn, get frustrated easily, silly, happy, cute, passionate, have OCD, Dyscalculia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and I’m Autistic. I studied general studies in school (I switched majors a few times). I’m ethnically an Ashkenazi Jew and was raised both religiously Roman Catholic and Jewish. I am trying to be more religiously Jewish. I love animals a lot. I love reading (especially history, romance, myths/lore, anything about Judaism/being Jewish, and fiction), botany, space, cats, my faith, playing games, dancing, singing, traveling, and naps. When I get frustrated/upset or despondent, I tend to belittle myself and think that whatever is wrong is my fault even when it is not.
Thanks again hon here we go!
I first ship you with Harry Potter! 🧡
He enjoys learning and being a part of the Jewish culture and traditions whenever he could from Shabbat dinners,Ramadan,and Hanukkah to Rosh Hashanah,Sukkot,and Yom HaAtzmaut spending every single one with your family
Every time he hears you talk badly of yourself he just holds you and tells you how he would be so lonely and lost without you in his life and he wouldn't find someone more wonderful and beautiful than you
He always stares at your eyes while looking at them always making him think of the gardens near Hogwarts and your home full of green and multiple colors but he always sees the many shades of blue
When you're anxious he takes you to the greenhouse and sits in between and beside the many plants all around even having you hold small pots of different flowers gently stroking the petals until you were calm
It didn't matter to him what you looked like or what house you were in as long as you were a good person and you cared about him he couldn't care less what color your skin or hair was,what house you were in,or what race and culture you were from
When you are depressed he always tells you how much you changed his life from the first moment the two of you met through the loveable and bubbly Luna Lovegood who had been one of your greatest friends since you arrived at Hogwarts
Every time he sees your figure whether in your Hufflepuff uniform,a pair of jeans and a cute top,pajamas,or a dress he always smiles at just how truly beautiful you were always in awe of how he was the one to fall in love with you and have you by his side despite everything that happened ever since the two of you met
And next I ship you with Ben Hanscom! 💛
He always writes little poems for you whenever you are depressed always adding in how much he loves you even when you have moments of depression,anxiety,and self esteem
No matter how many times he sees you in a dress,t-shirt and jeans,tank top and shorts,or pajamas when he would come over to your house he always sees you as an angel who came into his life when he least expected it and will always be with him whether you were big or small
He always looks into your eyes always seeing the blue of the sky in the hours of the evening before it became night and the green of the emerald jewels he would see on a necklace you would wear given to you by your aunt for your birthday
Whenever you're anxious he always puts his walkman on you with new kids on the block or a song playing in the headphones giving you the comfort and safety you needed in that moment
He always enjoys coming over for Shabbat dinners and any other holidays under Jewish culture and even learning the language to speak with you and your family and cooking meals with your grandmother making you fall in love with him even more
Anytime you are hard on yourself he grabs and hugs you telling you that you were the best thing to ever happen to him and how he saved him from so much that was happening to him making your heart swell with love and warmth knowing that you were going to marry him when you were both grown up
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incorrect-losers · 2 years
Richie: If I say you’re amazing, you are. We really need to work on your self esteem. Come on say it!
Ben: I’m not gonna say it
Richie: Say it, Hanscom. Or I’ll tell everyone you’re a New Kids on the Block fanboy
Ben: Okay- okay! …ain’t no party like the Hanscom party cause the Hanscom party don’t stop
Richie: There it is! How’d that feel, Haystack?
Ben: Stupid
Richie: Well then say it in your head until it sounds smart
Richie: That’s your mantra, now go talk to her
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elinorshinning · 1 year
🌸 Romance ❄️ Drama 🪄 Fantasía/Ficción 🔪 Terror 🏳️‍🌈 LGBT
Harry Potter:
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🌸 Scorpius Malfoy & Lectora: Sweet Dream.
🌸❄️ Ominis Gaunt & Lectora: You're On Your Own Kid.
🌸❄️ Draco Malfoy & Lectora: Caterpillar.
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🌸❄️Karamatsu Matsuno & Lectora: All Too Well.
🌸❄️Karamatsu Matsuno & Lectora: The Lonely.
❄️Choromatsu Matsuno & Lectora: We Don't Love anymore.
🌸❄️Karamatsu Matsuno & Lectora: Saturn {One Shot}
🌸❄️Choromatsu & Lectora & Todomatsu: Summer Storm.
❄️Osomatsu Matsuno & Lectora: It's Okay To Cry {One Shot}
🌸❄️Ichimatsu Matsuno & Lectora: Back To December.
🌸❄️Karamatsu Matsuno & Lectora: What Is Love?
❄️Karamatsu Matsuno & Lectora: Cold As You.
🌸❄️Ichimatsu Matsuno & Lectora: Coffins.
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🌸❄️🔪Richie Tozier & Lectora: Just Kiss Her 1.
🌸❄️🔪Richie Tozier & Lectora: Memories... Of Us 2.
Richie Tozier & Lectora: No Place Like You 3 {One Shot}.
🌸❄️🔪Stanley Uris & Lectora: Cornelia Street 1.
🌸Stanley Uris & Lectora: Forever 2 {One Shot}.
🌸❄️🔪Eddie Kaspbrak & Lectora: Beautiful ghosts.
🌸❄️🔪Eddie Kaspbrak & Lectora: Lover.
🌸❄️🔪Eddie Kaspbrak & Lectora: Angel Of The Morning 1.
🌸 Eddie Kaspbrak & Lectora: You Deserve To Be Loved 2 {One Shot}.
🌸❄️🔪Mike Hanlon & Lectora: Sunflower.
🌸❄️Mike Hanlon & Lectora: Sunset Angel 2 {One Shot}.
🌸❄️🏳️‍🌈🔪Beverly Marsh & Lectora: New Romantics.
🌸❄️Eddie Kaspbrak & Lectora: Finde Me In The Freedom {One Shot}.
🌸❄️🔪Stanley Uris & Lectora: Romantic Bird.
🌸❄️Bill Denbrough & Lectora: Cardigan.
❄️Ben Hanscom & Lectora: All I Want {One Shot}.
🌸❄️Victor Criss & Lectora: I See You, Only You {One Shot}.
❄️Richie Tozier & Lectora: By Your Side {One Shot}.
🌸❄️🔪Richie Tozier & Lectora: Would You Pick Me This Time?
❄️Bill Denbrough & Lectora: Right Where You Left Me {One Shot}
🌸❄️🔪 Eddie Kaspbrak & Lectora: Used To Be.
🌸❄️ Eddie Kaspbrak & Lectora: Las canciones.
🌸❄️🔪🏳️‍🌈 Beverly Marsh & Lectora: Champagne Problems.
🌸❄️ Bill Denbrough & Lectora: Weathering With You.
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🌸❄️Bakugou Katsuki & Lectora: The Lucky One.
🌸❄️Tamaki Amajiki & Lectora: The Way I Am.
🌸❄️Kirishima Eijirou & Lectora: Love Language.
🌸❄️Bakugou Katsuki & Lectora: The Lucky & Haunted.
🔪❄️ Look What You Made Me do.
🌸❄️ Todoroki Shoto & Lectora: Timeless.
🌸❄️ Hawks & Lectora: La Chute Est Lente.
🌸❄️ Bakugou Katsuki & Lectora: Jaque Mate.
Demon Slayer:
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🌸❄️Rengoku Kyojuro & Lectora: Love You.
🌸❄️Tomioka Giyuu & Lectora: Me arrepiento.
One Piece:
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🌸❄️Monkey D Luffy & Lectora: Blue.
🌸❄️Monkey D Luffy & Lectora: Tightrope
🌸❄️ Donquixote Rosinate & Lectora: Family Line.
🌸❄️ Donquixote Rosinate & Lectora: Same Mistakes.
🌸❄️ Sabo & Lectora: Burn So Bright.
🌸❄️ Sanji & Lectora: Fight Together.
🌸❄️ Coby & Lectora: A New Way.
🌸❄️ Ace & Lectora: Battle Scars.
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🌸❄️🪄Freddy Freeman & Lectora: You & The Things You Do 1.
🌸🪄Freddy Freeman & Lectora: Together 2.
🌸❄️🪄Freddy Freeman & Lectora: Resurface; The Rest Of My Life 3.
🌸❄️🪄Billy Batson & Lectora: Dashboard Confessional 1.
🌸🪄Billy Batson & Lectora: Stick Together 2.
🌸❄️🪄Freddy Freeman & Lectora: I Will Love You Piece By Piece 1.
🌸❄️🪄Freddy Freeman & Lectora: To Be Human 2.
❄️🪄Freddy Freeman & Lectora: Welcome To Westview 3.
🌸❄️🪄Freddy Freeman & Lectora:
🌸❄️🪄 Billy Batson & Lectora: Only Love Can Hurt Like This,
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🌸❄️🪄Sean Cassidy & Lectora: Dawning Of Spring.
🌸❄️🪄Kurt Wagner & Lectora: Feels Like Love.
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🌸❄️Bruno Madrigal & Lectora: Dos Oruguitas.
🌸❄️Camilo Madrigal & Lectora: La Magia Eres Tú {One Shot}.
🌸❄️ Camilo Madrigal & Lectora: Algo Quiero.
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🌸❄️Alberto Scorfano & Lectora: Go Find Out Yourself.
🌸❄️Luca Paguro & Lectora: To Love A Boy.
🌸❄️ Alberto Scorfano & Lectora: Seven.
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🌸❄️ Rayo McQueen & Lectora: Our Town.
🌸❄️ Franchesco Bernoulli & Lectora: So American.
🌸❄️ Jackson Storm & Lectora: Please, Please, Please.
🌸❄️ Doc Hudson & Lectora:
🌸❄️ Kal Weathers & Lectora:
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🌸❄️ Johnny & Lectora: You're Worth It.
🌸❄️ Buster Moon & Lectora:
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fleurmatisse · 6 months
i am gonna judge baby ben hanscom for liking new kids on the block actually
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
Trackhawk shutdown traffic! #trx #ram #srt #srt8 #trackhawk #dodge #1000...
I found his idea to be pretty good I drive people to Pennsylvania and they're going to be saying it's their plan because we don't have faces to go after we only have areas that have populations in them of other peoples and us it is their plan and they have a lot of hardware below and we need information and we're going to go get it and it's a good idea he's a good kid he's Young very ornery he has superpowers and he lost his people his friends are dying so I see the problem and the empire is bothering him more than they're bothering me mentally every day is excruciatingly horrible he should be very wealthy and have things he needs and be able to go out and relax and to heal and they won't let him do any of it at all so he wants at them so I do understand that but he knows about the stuff he's been hearing and his whole life because of what kind he is they say all sorts of weird things this is the biggest thing I've ever heard of and he's upset and he's in trouble and we need to get to it
Trump it is about martial law and military takeover and coup and Tommy f does not have it he says he's getting beat up there in space has to launch and it's our chance and he's been saying it we got to get him the hell out and me going up there is going to help and he says it too
I do have something to say he's sending me on a mission even after all this crap and we give him a lot of crap and was showing up as different people and he says a couple times it wasn't you guys and then it was like different people but it was only like 20% of the time but Max did it a few times and that other people doing it and it doesn't sound the same I heard it too this is what it is but they just called big time now and they're mad but really they're mad before but really mad Max or not mad Max they're still going to go through with their plan they have a huge amount of hardware and I'm starting to get some information it's 150% of what Tommy f had all the same stuff huge tanks Giants huge huge tanks giant bombs and I have to tell you where the tanks are there in the midwest under the cities that are remaining they're going to have to take them out and that's only some of them the Mainstays where the army usually resides there's a huge base in the midwest but we're talking about army bases in the perimeter and in New England and yeah we're near them Hanscom used to be one and they have one out there they do the elephant Walk with and they were using transports underneath there is huge caverns full of weaponry Tommy Allen loves it and he's going to be up there and be forced to support us in Pennsylvania
We're going to publish now bja
0 notes
reddie-ao3feed · 5 months
Bleeding Love
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RfCGtla by cheesyb0rger “I’m just saying, I feel like I’ve been pulling most of the weight around here, that’s all.” “You’re kidding, right? Please tell me you’re joking.” Or Richie and Eddie get into an argument. Words: 1770, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier Additional Tags: mentioned Beverly Marsh/Ben Hanscom, Mentioned Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris - Freeform, Fluff and Angst, Arguing, Gay Eddie Kaspbrak, Bisexual Richie Tozier, not ever talked about but let me believe it, Richie works at a Wendy's, Eddie is a receptionist at a nurse's office, New York City, post college, Minor Injuries, Richie Tozier Loves Eddie Kaspbrak, Eddie Kaspbrak Loves Richie Tozier, they're trying their best, Richie loves pet names, FUCK YOU SONIA read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RfCGtla
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