#new jewns imagines
jihyoruri · 3 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 SUPERNATURAL danielle marsh x reader
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↳ warnings idol!au stream supernatural!!
he vividly remembers danielle mentioning that ador is debuting a soloist, her remembers how excited she was about it, she couldn’t wait to have a new person under her entertainment and seeing her excitement made him excited as well.
who knew one soloist could ruin everything.
as soon as she debuted her name was everywhere, her face was everywhere, her songs were trending, brands were already wanting her and it’s been a while since a soloist has gotten this successful making it all more impressive.
her remembered how danielle rushed into his dorm and turned on the tv to show him the music video, there was a bright smile on her face, you would think the young girl on the tv hung the stars in the sky with how much danielle was obsessing over her.
“isn’t it so good?” she asked him leaning into his side
it was good really good, he understood why the girls name was everywhere, “your company really knows how to do concepts huh?”
danielle giggled in response, “I’m meeting her tomorrow to film a dance with her, I’m so nervous isn’t she pretty?”
“not as pretty as you.”
“yn was so nice yesterday,” danielle said on their date, “I was so nervous, I wonder if she realized, that’s so embarrassing.”
“she probably didn’t,” he said squeezing her hand.
“hopefully,” she responded before her eyes trail behind him and widening, “oh my, she’s here.”
he turned around and indeed she was, yn in all her glory walking into cafe with who looked like her mangers trailing behind her “oh.”
she stood nice and pretty while one of her managers ordered her eyes trailing to side only to make eye contact with him and danielle, he could hear danielle gasp when yn tapped her manager before signaling something.
they watched as yn made her way over to the table giving danielle a bright smile, “dani! hey,”
the way danielle’s face heated up you’d think she was sick, “h-hey yn, what a coincidence seeing you,” she says trying her best to keep eye contact with the new idol.
“it is…” yn starts to say something but then looks at him and back at danielle, then a small smile makes its way to her face a teasing one, “are you guys..”
her furrows his eyebrows when danielle straightens her posture and cuts off yn, “what brings you here?” she asks laughing nervously.
he watches as yn and danielle have a conversation in front of him like he isn’t there, “well I better get going the drinks are probably ready, I would invite you but I wouldn’t want to ruin your date.”
yn gives danielle pat on the shoulder and turns away but is cut off by danielle getting up from her seat, “wait!”
“we were actually warping up, I would love to join you.” he looks at danielle confused and she gives him a look that says please I want to be her friend.
he reluctantly nods his head and then looks at yn, “yeah we were just wrapping up, go have fun.”
yn just gives him a nod and links her arm with danielle who flashes him a smile before rushing off with yn.
he sits in his seat for a while going over the recent events, that was weird, maybe he was just looking too into it, that’s what danielle would probably tell him.
he definitely wasn’t too into it.
danielle wasn’t answering his calls all day, so like what a good boyfriend would do he immediately went to the new jeans dorms to check on her.
the door opens the reveal hanni, she gives him an awkward smiles and doesn’t invite him in immediately, “hey bro, what are you doing here?”
he stuffs his hands in his pockets, “just checking on danielle, she hasn’t answered my texts all day.”
hanni awkwardly scratches her neck and looks off to the side, “oh really? that’s weird…”
the way she said it threw him off.
“yeah, it is weird she always answers, do you know where she is?”
“do I? I do!” hanni fidgets and he’s starting to get really concerned.
“hanni…are you okay?”
“yes! of course I am why wouldn’t I be, dani is in her room come in!”
he slowly walks in and heads towards danielle’s but is stopped by hanni.
“knock first, you know.”
“um, okay.”
he makes his way to danielle’s and he hears her laughs and giggles which is pretty on the nose for the girl.
hearing the girls laugh made him completely forget anything hanni said and opens her door.
honestly what he didn’t expect to see yn the new superstar on his girlfriends bed laying on her head on danielles legs both of them in cute matching melody and kuromi pjs.
both girls look up, yn raises a brow at the man while danielle looks at him panicked.
there’s silence before yn awkwardly clears her throat, “hey…”
danielle carefully lifts yn’s head from her legs and gets up from her bed walking towards him and grabbing his hand and pulling him out the room with her closing her door carefully.
“hey, what are you doing here?”
he looks at her door before shrugging, “I’ve been calling me texting you all day and it was unlike you to not answer so I decided to check on you, I was worried but you seem perfectly fine.”
“you called and texted?” danielle askes before giving him an apologetic smile, “I’m so sorry, it’s just I invited yn to sleepover today so I’ve been hanging out with her, I guess I got too caught up with her.”
“oh really?” he asks, “yn just seems to be everywhere huh? on billboards, on the tv and with my girlfriend?”
“it’s not like that and you know that.” danielle sighs before grabbing both of his hands, “I’m sorry and I will make it up to you.”
“I promise, now stop being dramatic and go back home,” she giggled.
maybe he was being dramatic.
he wasn’t being dramatic.
he sits with his members as he watches yn perform at the award show everyone screaming and singing the lyrics to her her songs including new jeans who sits in front of them.
he watches his now ex girlfriend and her group sing along to their company mates songs, dancing and screaming her name.
“this must be painful,” his member whispers to him as the rest of them dance and sing to the voice, “she really stole your girlfriend huh?” he teases.
“shut up.”
she really did steal his girlfriend and it’s like it can’t escape the both of them because of how popular new jeans and yn is alone.
screw you ador.
yn had to be supernatural with how fast she stole danielle, she just had to be.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[SF] The Skittering - Part I: The Scream
The scream is heard by all in the settlement. Some hear it through proximity, others feel the disruption stemming from it’s cause, even more will hear about the scream in stories. Screams tear through the still morning air, evaporating the fog and dew that lie in their path. Screams rip communities apart, forcing those who would normally sleep through disturbance to wake and revel in someone else’s misery.
And as the scream that erupted from Ms. Sallih Haawks roused the tenants of her settlement, the scream’s source forced the residents of New Tulsa to suffer a worse fate. The reason for the scream, an unusual sound to come from the normally timid schoolmarm, was an event that everyone anticipated, but no one expected. Drills, lessons, awareness, all meaningless when left with the grim reality of what an entire town prepared for.
Of course, when children are prepared for the inevitable return of The Skittermen, some details are left obfuscated. Namely that Skittermen don’t communicate through words, but by pointing.
And today, they were pointing west.
But Sallih didn’t know it was west. The sun barely peaking over the horizon. Her movement was quick, and gingerly. She had been sleeping in a different bed that evening, it gets lonely and Henk Jowns will stay as loyal as he needs to be from a distance. Ms. Haawks had her eyes low, to both see her way clearly and to avoid unwanted conversation with the townsfolk.
This wasn’t an everyday occurrence for Sallih, but it wasn’t her first tryst with Henk either. Its a clear run between bunk houses, into her quarters, with at least an hour left before classes begin.
“No chipped teeth.” As the saying on her planet goes.
Which was the first thing that struck her as unusual, the teeth.
Cutting the corner between the bunk house and the commissary, Sallih noticed the unmistakable shape of a lower mandible, a small one, full row of teeth. A child’s no doubt. The teeth catching what little light the clouds granted passage, and reflecting onto the dewy grass. The upper part of the skull was a few feet away, followed by a finger, a tuft of long jet black hair. This trail of viscera leading to an arrowhead of carefully selected and placed human remains. Due West, the townspeople would later acknowledge, perfectly aligned with a compass.
Having only been alive for 24 seasons, Sallih was old enough to know the procedure, but naive towards the brutal reality of the ceremony. Upon reaching pubescence, the townsfolk of New Tulsa hear the details that the nursery rhymes and folk-songs leave out.
Oh Ther’ ain’t no way Ther’ ain’t no way No Ther’ ain’t no way to know When they’ll pop on up And they’ll scoop you up And they’ll tell us where to go
In Earth Year 2069, technology became available that allowed humans to enter into a harmless state of hibernation. The United States, having been forced to move its massive coastal population inward, commissioned dozens of ships to relocate it’s citizens to atmospherically suitable planets. A list was compiled of celestial bodies within a few hundred years journey, that had the building blocks for terraforming.
Of the 35 ships launched, 16 made it to their destinations. Eight of them successfully terraformed, seven were capable of sustaining life. Tulsa Oklahoma’s ship last reported a successful atmospheric redesign, seed bombs were germinating within necessary outputs, and the life support systems showed only a 3% die off rate. But no communication was ever established. New Memphis (or MIII to locals, paying homage to Memphis already being a stolen name) achieved the greatest bounty to extract from their new homeland. And quickly became the galactic capital for humanity’s new home worlds.
In the hundreds of years that the ships took to reach their destinations, and the additional hundreds of years of automated terraforming, Earth had perished. The number of Earthlings left in the entire universe sat comfortably in the 400,000 range.
What the scanners and algorithms failed to predict about New Tulsa’s home planet, was the complex social structures existing meters below the surface. The Skittermen, as the residents quickly learned to call them, could best be described as insectoid, sharing many superficial similarities to cicadas. But the disruption of their atmosphere has caused a resource management issue.
The Skittermen quickly learned that their new neighbors had to be given a little instruction. Human waste and refuse contain valuable minerals and nutrients, they seep into the earth, and allow the subterranean hives to thrive temporarily. But over-saturation of these nutrients disrupts delicate balances in the soil. With the new environmental hurdles from man’s bio-engineering taken into account, the Skittermen must corral the humans to the next patch of suitable land.
Millions of years of divergent evolution, separated by the vast nothing of space. Some communication breakdown is bound to occur. Mankind will never know that this perverse desecration of life is simply one species trying to communicate with another. The Skittermen have no capacity to understand that the denizens of New Tulsa never meant them any harm.
Sallih of course, never knew about any of that. Her great-great grandfather had come across the stars as a boy. He told his children every detail that he could remember from his seven years on Earth (the old country, a playful continuation of an adage that independently sprouted on all of Earth’s colonies.) He was torn to shreds and his body was used to guide their people onto the next patch of land. This was 25 years before her birth, the most recent Skittering.
“Having a family member become a sacred guide is an honor.” Sallih’s mother would remind her during the annual day of remembrance. “And they say it happens so quick you don’t have time to wake up.”
It never made her feel any better. Sallih’s mother never got to meet her great-grandfather. Thus putting another degree of separation between Sallih, and tales of the old world. At this point no one could discern between truth and fables. Light with no fire, talking boxes from across the world, cold metal bent into any structure imaginable.
The cargo bay on USSF TULSA never opened when its inhabitants were woken up. And other than what could be scrapped from the hibernation chambers so many years ago, all infrastructure was created on planet with native resources. The Millennials on board, in their 80s when they entered suspended animation, tried to share as much knowledge as they could. Six generations have passed without any aid from the government of their now dead planet, the citizens of New Tulsa had very little connection to their homeland. Tall tales, legends, an heirloom fire-tending tool fashioned from a broken piece of carbon fiber. This was all that remained of planet Earth.
But those weren’t the remains that Sallih concerned herself with this morning. After the initial screech of horror and sadness, the mental forensics begin. Black hair, small jaw, a child. One of hers? Gena, or Annaheigh perhaps.
The disgust prevents anything in her body from moving save her eyes. Desperate to find cloture by identifying this dismantled corpse. Sallih’s eyes quickly lock with a singular, dark green iris, attached to an eyeball, that is sitting freely in the grass, a few paces further into the arrow.
Black hair, small jaw, green eyes. Its Rochille, not one of her students, but a fixture on the playground and in school functions and productions. A girl with promise, and moxy. A girl that now barely exists, tattered remnants of bone and ligaments directing Sallih towards her inevitable new home.
Rochille was a sweet girl, her mother died in childbirth. Father couldn’t bear the guilt and took his own life three years ago. The townsfolk will call it an accident, but Sallih knew the truth. Henk is the coroner’s apprentice, and he spills all the details to Sallih. There is a small, but noticeable comfort in the idea of their family being reunited.
“Do you think Heaven is like Earth was? Or is it like New Tulsa?” Sallih had asked Henk playfully under the blankets one morning.
“Do you think Heaven is real?” Henk countered.
Christianity is still practiced by a minority of Humans in New Tulsa. Not at Earth levels of popularity, and its transmutated given the separation between its origin point, and where humans have brought it. Sallih was far from devout but began to pray immediately. The tears took a few minutes to arrive, but they made their presence known via heavy sobs and gasps, between the occasional bouts of vomiting. Her curly blonde hair cascading over the thin frame of her shoulders with every convulsion.
Jewne Tillimund, who had been born 77 winters earlier, was the first to answer Sallih’s call into the void. Jewne and her wife domesticated and raised a peculiar species of rodentesque creature, that could be sheered for a substance structurally similar to wool. Rharmins, to the settlers of this land. Proved invaluable for the continued survival of the New Tulsans. Wool, meat, companionship. Depending on the breed this versatile, eight-legged, rat filled many niches.
Jewne approaches Sallih, her feet silent through years of sneaking up on small creatures. She places a hand on the weeping teacher’s back and coos.
“Honey we gotta get up. Scavengers’ll be this way soon, and we’ve all got to pack.”
Sallih looks up at the wizened, kind gaze of a woman who had seen more than she’d care to discuss. Between the tears in her eyes, and the free-flowing mucous leaking onto her vomit caked mouth, she managed to mimic the expression of a smile. Jewne continues.
“One of yours?” Her hand lazily gesturing towards the child’s remains.
Sallih sputters a few consonants before settling on “No.”
“No it was the orphan girl, Rochille. At least shes wi…wit..with..”
“She’s with her family now, correct.” Not one to just watch someone suffer Jewne mercifully completes Sallih’s sentence. “Now take one more minute, breathe through that little button nose of yours, and pull yourself together. Before you end up all over the place like that little girl.”
Sallih, more repulsed by the irreverence to this death than anything a Skitterman could do, shot her ad hoc grief counselor a daggered, judgmental gaze. Jewne, sensing that the joke didn’t land continues.
“Aw honey I’m just trying to keep things light. Today is gonna get worse, best get used to laughing at the gallows.” Jewne begins to shuffle towards her home.
“Like I said baby, one more minute, I’ll get the kettle on.”
Sallih pays her no mind as the elderly figure disappears into the mist. And as one unwanted guest to this tragedy leaves, several more enter. Jacho, Umberto, and Rahlay. Three young men about town who fancy themselves keepers of the peace. Jacho, the leader and current suitor towards Ms. Haawks speaks first.
“What a terrible sight for you to have uncovered here on this morning so dreary, my lady.”
The words slide out of his mouth with the confidence of a fat kid in a pool. Jacho was strong, and he was brave, but he was not bright. He continues.
“And whence all is complete … we shall have a new home, perhaps a home shared by us in holy matrim…”
Before Jacho’s poorly timed proposal can be completed, a voice from the mist interrupts.
“God dammit Jacho Perstinct, you leave that poor teacher alone. She’s seen enough horror today to have to deal with the prospect of listening to your dumb ass talk for the rest of her days, no sir.”
Jewne returns to the bloody scene. Finger waving at the gum-brained gentlemen caller.
“I got a kettle on, she’s gonna have a hot cup, then we’re all gonna get situated. You know what this means, and it don’t mean anything about gettin’ your rocks rolled!”
Her hand, as if she was wiping salt off an invisible table, lets the boys know its time to scram. She shouts one more instruction as they hustle away.
“And get the goddamn mayor!”
submitted by /u/eetandern [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2P1X46G
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