#new horizons hack
i-luv-queen · 10 months
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Remember, if your favorite cousin isn’t given enough love… put them in Animal Crossing!
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Also, here’s Princess and Prince
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Every now and then when thinking/talking about ROM hacks, I’m reminded of those projects I see on romhacking.net where people take retro sports games from the SNES/Genesis era and update them with the latest season’s roster. This thought recurred just now, and this time I thought: why don’t they do that for other games?
Pokémon has seen a little bit of this, with ROM hacks adding every dex and gimmick up to Gen 8 into the Gen 3 games, but I think this should go further than that! What about Animal Crossing? Seeing something like Wild World updated to include items/villagers/mechanics from City Folk, New Leaf, or even New Horizon would be so cool! As someone whose favorite console ever is the DS, this would be a great hack to play, and I know I would eat it up! Games like Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and even Mario Party could play into this too, for much the same reasons.
I’m also a fan of those hacks that recreate a different game entirely, using this game’s engine/assets. What if we just recreated Animal Crossing: New Horizons in Wild World? Add all of the fighters from Smash Ultimate into Melee? Put MK8 tracks in Double Dash? The list could go on.
If I had much of any ability with regards to hacks like this, I’d be all over organizing projects like these. Unfortunately, I’m sort of at the whims of the many talented creators out there making hacks out of love and passion for the games. These are just some neat ideas I had that I would love to see become a reality :3
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frogtowns · 1 year
throwback to plot resetting. worst time of my life
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revelations-persona · 6 months
recreated the girls sevens uniform in animal crossing :3 codes under the cut
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gaymersnail · 2 years
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games-of-soleil · 1 year
I only have one design up on this island, but here are all of the New Horizons creator codes I've had, from newest to oldest:
Cia (current file)- MA-7005-2606-4895
Valcylla (previous file)- MA-2516-9146-5980
Mira (first file)- MA-3052-4316-2756
Designs below:
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sadieanimalcrossing · 2 years
tumblr doesn't want me to blaze my posts. thats fine. i will keep posting them because there has to be some sort of explanation. like i fear for myself every time i use this switch.
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how would YOU feel if this was what you were dealing with. literal mental cyber attacks.
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sailor-moon39 · 7 months
I've been in a long-time massive burn-out with Animal Crossing. Pretty much all I did was talk to my villagers once a week and nothing else. Even though I've had my island for over a year (2 years? can't even remember what year I made it) I couldn't find the motivation to decorate it a lot.
Ending up taking a break for like 2 months and I feel like I'm ready to go back to it soon!
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headlinehorizon · 10 months
Protecting the Digital Afterlife: Safeguarding Your Loved Ones' Online Identity
Learn how to prevent scammers from exploiting the digital profiles of deceased loved ones. Follow these steps to safeguard their online identity and honor their memory.
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ms-sasa · 1 year
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on tiktok was this kindle trick with the tablet holder ..well it works for the switch too.... now i'm playing comportly on my balcony 😁
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blankingbloom · 2 years
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I personally love cookie from animal crossing, who is your favorite villager? 💖
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transform4u · 2 months
my phone started playing some shit called chavlad.mp3 when I tried to hack my Spotify for free. Don’t know what is this!
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The moment your phone blared that excruciatingly obnoxious track named "chavlad.mp3" while you were furiously trying to hack your Spotify, it felt like a bolt of chaotic energy had struck you. It wasn’t just a sound; it was an electric jolt that seemed to alter the very fabric of your existence. The music—brash and aggressive, with its pounding bass and lewd lyrics—was like a sonic mallet, hammering away at your previous self, chipping away at your identity and replacing it with something grotesquely alien.
At first, the transformation was almost imperceptible, like the quiet creeping of dawn over the horizon. You felt a strange heat coursing through your body, a sensation that seemed to bubble up from within, causing your muscles to swell and harden. The wiry frame you had grown accustomed to began to change, expanding into a more robust and imposing figure. Your clothes, which had once draped limply on your lean frame, now clung tightly to newly formed biceps and a broad chest that seemed to grow with every thudding beat of the track. The process was mesmerizing and alarming; you watched in disbelief as your physique evolved into a spectacle of brute strength, the kind that exuded an overt and almost comical sense of machismo.
Your face underwent a similarly dramatic metamorphosis. The once gentle, nerdy features hardened into a chiseled, almost predatory visage. Your cheekbones became more pronounced, and your jawline squared off with an angular intensity that seemed to radiate arrogance. The once-messy hair that had been a testament to countless late-night study sessions and scholarly pursuits was now styled into a deliberately messy, yet somehow immaculate coiffure, enhancing your new, almost cartoonish bravado. The glasses, once an integral part of your identity, now seemed ridiculously out of place; you tossed them aside, reveling in the newfound sharpness of your unadorned eyes.
Mentally, the shift was no less dramatic. Where once your thoughts had flowed in intricate patterns, analyzing and questioning, they were now replaced by a constant buzz of shallow, self-centered pursuits. Your mind, which had been a labyrinth of intellectual curiosity, was now a playground for the most banal and vulgar thoughts. Conversations that once sparked deep, meaningful exchanges were now riddled with crude slang, boastful claims, and an insatiable hunger for attention. Your vocabulary transformed overnight; every sentence was laced with a brand of slang that made you sound more like a caricature from a trashy reality show than a genuine individual. The sophisticated, thoughtful responses you once offered were now replaced with loud, brash declarations that sought only to provoke and entertain.
Your wardrobe, too, underwent a radical overhaul. The practical, unassuming clothes that had defined your previous existence were cast aside in favor of an array of flashy, branded attire. The transition from worn-out graphic tees and ill-fitting jeans to ostentatious tracksuits and neon-colored trainers was jarring. The clothing didn’t just fit; it shouted for attention with every movement. Chains of gold, chunky and gaudy, now hung around your neck, catching every glimmer of light and drawing eyes in a way that was both deliberate and desperate. The formerly subdued fashion sense that had reflected a preference for comfort and practicality was now an over-the-top display of conspicuous consumption.
Socially, your new persona was a force of nature, a polar opposite to your former self. The shy, reserved figure who used to lurk on the periphery of social gatherings was replaced by a loud, brash presence who thrived on disrupting the status quo. Parties and gatherings were now stages for your performances, where every joke, every comment, was aimed at drawing attention and eliciting reactions. You were no longer an observer; you were a performer, and the world was your stage. The quiet introspection that had once been your solace was replaced by a relentless drive to be noticed, to be the loudest, the brashest, the most over-the-top version of yourself imaginable.
As "chavlad.mp3" continued its relentless, pounding loop, it was as if the music had become the soundtrack of your new life, a constant reminder of the seismic shift from a thoughtful nerd to an overtly obnoxious chav lad. The transformation was both exhilarating and disorienting, leaving you in a state of bemused acceptance. What began as a simple attempt to hack Spotify had somehow unleashed a whirlwind of change, turning you into a caricature of every stereotype you once scorned. Yet, amidst the chaos, you found yourself embracing this new persona with a mix of bewildered pride and a fierce, if misguided, sense of identity.
You stand in front of the mirror, mesmerized by your new reflection. Gone are the days of gay thoughts clouding your mind - now you're a straight chav lad with nothing but pure lust coursing through your veins. As you gaze into those piercing blue eyes staring back at you, something stirs within.
Your mind begins to wander as memories from before fade away like dust in the wind. All that remains is this moment, this powerful urge to satisfy yourself and let go of all inhibitions. Slowly but surely, images flash across your vision: buxom women strutting their stuff on stage; tight jeans clinging to toned legs; muscular arms flexed beneath tattoos depicting everything from dragons to tribal symbols - each image more arousing than the last!
Without thinking twice about it, you reach for your laptop and begin scrolling through porn sites without any idea where exactly they lead or what kind of content awaits inside those pages (because honestly who cares). Every tab opened reveals another treasure trove filled with lustful desires begging for release - women engaging in various acts both intimate and daring while men watch eagerly awaiting their turn at playtime!
And then it happens… an image so intense that every other thought flees from consciousness leaving only one clear objective behind: pleasure yourself until satisfaction is achieved! A curvaceous brunette lies spread eagle on top bed sheets beckoning seductively as she teases viewers by slowly undress herself bit by bit before finally barring all - revealing her perfectly formed breasts glistening under soft light… In response, unbridled passion consumes every fiber within resulting into uncontrollable throbbings between legs prompt immediate action which involves hastily pulling down trousers followed shortly after by swift strokes aimed directly towards achieving climax.
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toskarin · 1 year
As someone knowledgeable about MMOs, and given the topic of SAO just came up. If you were to write a .Hack/SAO/Log Horizon style story, what kind of things would you focus on? I personally feel like there are a lot of different elements of MMO culture anyone writing about them could really delve into. So I'm curious what Tumblr user Toskarin would choose.
back when I played Perfect World, it had some empty spaces. this wasn't uncommon for mmos, and if you can name one older than 15 or so years, you can bet there were vast empty spaces on the world map that existed to pad it
but they were important! sure, they added nothing of obvious value and could cynically be read as existing just to pad travel time, but they also made the worlds feel bigger than you what you were doing in them. and more mysterious.
some friends in my guild and I got a message one day that one member was going to roll a new character and wanted help levelling. a complication: their starting zone was across the sea.
a few friends and I volunteered to swim across the sea to their zone. there were definitely easier ways to go about it, but setting out to do something just to see if it was possible seemed fun
now, they may have changed this since then, but the sea in Perfect World felt strange in a way I haven't seen any game really emulate since. the sky was a dull, and as was the fashion, everything was a bit muted. the sea itself was opaque, and when you swam under it, there was a significant amount of grey-blue terrain that seemed to stretch on forever into the fog
and of course, there was fuck all in it. nothing alive. no monsters until you got close to a shore. just vast empty sea that you swam through, only your friends' characters to break up the odd stillness of it. you probably turned the music off at this point, too, so there was only ambient sound and splashing
this is because you were supposed to fly over it, if you crossed it at all. and because there wasn't really a good centralised source of knowledge on these things, it wasn't really clear if it was entirely empty
the trip there was fine, if a bit boring and lonely. during the trip back, I accidentally clicked on something in the middle of the ocean
now, there weren't supposed to be things there. I had my friends, but I clicked on a monster, and when I swam down to look at it, I saw that it was actually an enormous sea monster
so I pinged one of the guildmates swimming with me and they thought I was lying, so I showed them, and then we repeated this several times until everyone in the group had seen this weird thing that felt like it came from a schoolyard rumour
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Ancient Sea Dragon. 99,999,999 health points and none of us could find anything on it posted online. it was pretty common for players to run into it and be shocked, but we didn't know that
so we naturally let the rest of the guild know, got a hunting party together, and spent the better part of a day just whittling its health down
with the benefit of hindsight and documentation of this thing existing now, I can spoil this and tell you it didn't drop anything, but this long down the line, I still think about how deeply surreal it felt to stumble on an enormous sea monster in the middle of what my brain had come to understand as a liminal space. the sea was supposed to be mostly empty, and here was this thing
which is a very long way to introduce what I think is lacking here: we need more of those enormous empty spaces that leave characters with nothing to do but talk and feel completely isolated. sometimes you get to a sprawling castle city and it's completely empty because the players moved on. sometimes the devs threw an enormous monster in the middle of nowhere just to fuck with you, and that was kind of cool even if it sucked
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frogtowns · 2 years
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the static has always been my favorite tv station
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aeth-eris · 4 months
5th House Placements & Video Games
Aries in the 5th House: "DOOM (2016)": This high-octane first-person shooter is perfect for Aries' love of action and excitement. With intense combat, fast-paced gameplay, and adrenaline-pumping music, it's a thrilling experience from start to finish. Aries will enjoy the rush of battling demons and conquering challenging levels.
"Monster Hunter: World": Aries' competitive spirit will thrive in this action-packed game where players hunt giant monsters in epic battles. With its dynamic combat system, vast open world, and cooperative multiplayer mode, Aries can unleash their warrior instincts and strive to become the ultimate monster hunter.
"Bayonetta": Aries will appreciate the fast-paced action and stylish combat of this hack-and-slash game. Playing as the powerful witch Bayonetta, players unleash devastating attacks and engage in epic boss battles. With its flashy moves and over-the-top action, it's sure to satisfy Aries' craving for excitement and challenge.
"Warframe": Aries will thrive in this fast-paced co-op shooter where players control powerful space ninjas called Warframes. With its fluid movement system, intense combat, and endless customization options, it's a game that offers plenty of action and excitement. Aries can team up with friends to tackle challenging missions and unleash their inner warriors in epic battles.
Taurus in the 5th House: "Animal Crossing: New Horizons": Taurus will appreciate the leisurely pace and relaxing gameplay of this life simulation game. With its charming visuals, tranquil island setting, and focus on customization and creativity, it's the perfect escape for Taurus to unwind and express their artistic side. They can design their dream island, cultivate a garden, and build relationships with adorable animal villagers at their own pace.
"Stardew Valley": Taurus will enjoy the slow-paced and immersive farming simulation of Stardew Valley. With its peaceful rural setting, engaging gameplay mechanics, and emphasis on relaxation and self-expression, it's a game that appeals to Taurus' love of comfort and stability. Taurus can build and customize their farm, cultivate crops, raise animals, and explore the charming town of Stardew Valley at their leisure.
"My Time at Portia": Taurus will delight in this charming sandbox RPG set in a vibrant post-apocalyptic world. With its laid-back atmosphere, creative freedom, and emphasis on crafting, building, and exploration, it's a game that appeals to Taurus' love of leisurely activities and creative expression. Taurus can build and customize their workshop, cultivate relationships with colorful characters, and uncover the mysteries of Portia at their own pace.
"The Sims 4": Taurus will appreciate the leisurely pace and creative freedom of this life simulation game. With its endless customization options, immersive storytelling tools, and focus on building and managing virtual lives, it's a game that appeals to Taurus' love of comfort and luxury. Taurus can create and customize their Sims, design their dream homes, and explore the vibrant neighborhoods of The Sims 4 at their own pace.
Gemini in the 5th House:
"The Witness": Gemini's love of mental challenges will be thoroughly engaged in this puzzle-adventure game. Set on a mysterious island filled with intricate puzzles, players must explore and solve a variety of mind-bending challenges. With its emphasis on critical thinking, pattern recognition, and exploration, it's a perfect fit for Gemini's curious and analytical mind.
"Portal 2": Gemini will enjoy the clever puzzles and witty humor of this first-person puzzle-platform game. Players must navigate through a series of test chambers using a portal gun to create portals and solve spatial puzzles. With its innovative gameplay mechanics and engaging narrative, it's sure to captivate Gemini's intellect and keep them entertained for hours.
"The Talos Principle": This philosophical puzzle game offers a blend of challenging puzzles and thought-provoking storytelling. Players assume the role of an android exploring a mysterious world filled with advanced technology and philosophical ruminations. With its deep themes of consciousness, identity, and existence, it's a game that will appeal to Gemini's love of intellectual stimulation and philosophical inquiry.
"Baba is You": Gemini will appreciate the unique and innovative gameplay mechanics of this puzzle game. Players manipulate the rules of the game by rearranging blocks of text to solve a variety of puzzles. With its creative approach to puzzle-solving and open-ended gameplay, it's a game that encourages experimentation and lateral thinking, perfect for Gemini's versatile and adaptable mind.
Cancer in the 5th House:
"Journey": Cancer will resonate with the emotional depth and introspective journey offered by this artistic adventure game. Players traverse a vast desert landscape, exploring ruins and encountering other players along the way. With its evocative visuals, stirring soundtrack, and themes of connection and transformation, it's a game that will touch Cancer's sensitive soul and inspire reflection on the deeper meanings of life and relationships.
"To the Moon": Cancer will appreciate the heartfelt storytelling and emotional depth of this indie RPG. Players control two doctors who fulfill the dying wishes of their clients by traveling through their memories to artificially fulfill their life goals. With its poignant narrative, memorable characters, and themes of love, loss, and regret, it's a game that will tug at Cancer's heartstrings and leave a lasting impression.
"Ori and the Blind Forest": Cancer will be drawn to the touching story and enchanting visuals of this atmospheric platformer game. Players control Ori, a guardian spirit, as they embark on a journey to save the forest from darkness. With its emotional narrative, breathtaking art style, and themes of friendship, sacrifice, and redemption, it's a game that will resonate deeply with Cancer's nurturing and empathetic nature.
"Child of Light": Cancer will appreciate the fairy-tale charm and emotional depth of this beautiful RPG. Players control Aurora, a young princess, as she embarks on a quest to restore light to the kingdom of Lemuria. With its poetic storytelling, watercolor visuals, and themes of courage, friendship, and self-discovery, it's a game that will capture Cancer's imagination and transport them to a world of magic and wonder.
Leo in the 5th House:
"The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild": Leo will be captivated by the grand adventure and epic scale of this action-adventure game. Set in a vast open world filled with exploration, discovery, and adventure, players embark on a quest to defeat the evil Calamity Ganon and save the kingdom of Hyrule. With its stunning visuals, immersive gameplay, and sense of epic heroism, it's a game that will ignite Leo's sense of adventure and leave them feeling like a true hero.
"Assassin's Creed Odyssey": Leo will revel in the epic scale and dramatic storytelling of this action RPG set in ancient Greece. Players take on the role of a mercenary exploring a vast open world, engaging in epic battles, and shaping their own destiny. With its breathtaking landscapes, epic quests, and larger-than-life characters, it's a game that will satisfy Leo's thirst for adventure, drama, and glory.
"God of War (2018)": Leo will appreciate the epic battles and emotional depth of this action-adventure game. Set in the world of Norse mythology, players control Kratos, a warrior seeking redemption while battling gods, monsters, and his own inner demons. With its cinematic storytelling, visceral combat, and themes of fatherhood, sacrifice, and redemption, it's a game that will appeal to Leo's sense of drama, heroism, and epic storytelling.
"Shadow of the Colossus": Leo will be drawn to the epic scale and emotional resonance of this action-adventure game. Players control Wander, a young warrior, as he embarks on a quest to defeat giant colossi and save a mysterious maiden. With its breathtaking landscapes, atmospheric soundtrack, and sense of epic adventure, it's a game that will evoke Leo's sense of grandeur and leave them feeling like a legendary hero.
Virgo in the 5th House:
"Civilization VI": Virgo will appreciate the strategic depth and meticulous planning required in this turn-based strategy game. Players build and manage their own civilization from the ground up, leading them through history, from ancient times to the modern era. With its complex mechanics, deep strategy, and emphasis on resource management and diplomacy, it's a game that will engage Virgo's analytical mind and love of order and efficiency.
"XCOM 2": Virgo will thrive in the tactical challenges and strategic decision-making of this turn-based tactics game. Players command a squad of soldiers fighting against an alien invasion, engaging in intense battles and managing resources to save humanity from extinction. With its deep customization options, challenging missions, and emphasis on planning and tactics, it's a game that will satisfy Virgo's desire for precision and strategic thinking.
"Factorio": Virgo will enjoy the intricate logistics and problem-solving challenges of this sandbox simulation game. Players build and manage automated factories on an alien planet, harvesting resources, researching new technologies, and designing efficient production lines. With its emphasis on optimization, efficiency, and problem-solving, it's a game that will appeal to Virgo's analytical mind and love of practical solutions.
"Cities: Skylines": Virgo will enjoy the meticulous city-building and management challenges of this simulation game. Players design and build their own cities, managing infrastructure, services, and resources to create a thriving metropolis. With its complex city management mechanics, detailed planning tools, and emphasis on efficiency and optimization, it's a game that will appeal to Virgo's love of order and precision in creating and managing complex systems.
Libra in the 5th House:
"Mario Kart 8 Deluxe": Libra will appreciate the friendly competition and social interaction of this multiplayer racing game. Players compete against each other in colorful and whimsical courses, using power-ups and weapons to gain an edge and reach the finish line first. With its accessible gameplay, vibrant visuals, and emphasis on fun and friendly rivalry, it's a game that will bring joy and laughter to social gatherings and gaming sessions.
"Jackbox Party Pack": Libra will enjoy the diverse selection of party games and interactive experiences in this multiplayer party game collection. Players participate in a variety of trivia, drawing, and word games using their smartphones as controllers. With its easy-to-learn gameplay, humor, and social interaction, it's a game that will entertain and engage players of all ages and skill levels at social gatherings and parties.
"Super Smash Bros. Ultimate": Libra will appreciate the fun and competitive spirit of this multiplayer fighting game. Players control iconic characters from Nintendo's roster, battling against each other in fast-paced and chaotic matches. With its colorful visuals, diverse roster of characters, and accessible gameplay, it's a game that will inspire friendly competition and create memorable moments of excitement and camaraderie.
"Among Us": Libra will enjoy the social deduction and teamwork of this multiplayer party game. Players work together to complete tasks on a spaceship while trying to identify and vote out the impostors among them. With its emphasis on communication, strategy, and deduction, it's a game that will foster cooperation and interaction among players, leading to engaging and memorable gaming experiences.
Scorpio in the 5th House: "Silent Hill 2": Scorpio will appreciate the psychological horror and atmospheric storytelling of this classic survival horror game. Players assume the role of James Sunderland as he explores the eerie town of Silent Hill in search of his deceased wife. With its haunting atmosphere, complex narrative, and themes of guilt, grief, and existential horror, it's a game that will resonate deeply with Scorpio's fascination with the darker aspects of human nature.
"Resident Evil 2 (2019)": Scorpio will appreciate the intense survival horror and adrenaline-pumping action of this remake of the classic survival horror game. Players navigate the zombie-infested streets of Raccoon City as Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield, uncovering the dark secrets of the Umbrella Corporation. With its immersive atmosphere, tense gameplay, and heart-pounding encounters, it's a game that will satisfy Scorpio's thirst for suspense and thrills.
"Dead Space": Scorpio will be drawn to the atmospheric horror and visceral scares of this sci-fi survival horror game. Players assume the role of engineer Isaac Clarke as he battles grotesque alien creatures aboard a derelict spaceship. With its chilling atmosphere, innovative gameplay mechanics, and psychological tension, it's a game that will tap into Scorpio's fascination with the macabre and the unknown.
"Bloodborne": Scorpio will enjoy the dark and gothic atmosphere of this challenging action RPG. Set in the cursed city of Yharnam, players must navigate treacherous streets, battle grotesque monsters, and uncover the city's dark secrets. With its punishing difficulty, intricate level design, and rich lore, it's a game that will appeal to Scorpio's love of mystery, exploration, and intense gameplay.
Sagittarius in the 5th House: "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt": Sagittarius will appreciate the expansive open world and epic storytelling of this action RPG. Players control Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter, as he embarks on a quest to find his adopted daughter and save the world from impending doom. With its vast and immersive world, engaging narrative, and richly detailed characters, it's a game that will ignite Sagittarius' sense of adventure and curiosity.
"Red Dead Redemption 2": Sagittarius will be drawn to the vast open world and immersive storytelling of this Western-themed action-adventure game. Set in the American frontier in the late 1800s, players control Arthur Morgan, a member of the Van der Linde gang, as he navigates the changing landscape of the Wild West. With its stunning visuals, compelling characters, and epic scope, it's a game that will captivate Sagittarius' imagination and sense of adventure.
"No Man's Sky": Sagittarius will be fascinated by the infinite possibilities and boundless exploration of this procedurally generated universe exploration game. Players explore a vast and diverse universe, discovering planets, creatures, and civilizations as they journey through the cosmos. With its expansive scope, open-ended gameplay, and sense of wonder and discovery, it's a game that will appeal to Sagittarius' adventurous spirit and love of exploration.
"Horizon Zero Dawn": Sagittarius will appreciate the epic scope and immersive world of this action RPG set in a post-apocalyptic future. Players control Aloy, a skilled hunter, as she explores a lush and vibrant world inhabited by robotic creatures. With its stunning visuals, dynamic combat, and epic quests, it's a game that will ignite Sagittarius' sense of adventure and leave them feeling like a fearless explorer discovering the wonders of a new world.
Capricorn in the 5th House: "Factorio": Capricorn will appreciate the strategic depth and meticulous planning required in this sandbox simulation game. Players build and manage automated factories on an alien planet, harvesting resources, researching new technologies, and designing efficient production lines. With its emphasis on optimization, efficiency, and problem-solving, it's a game that will engage Capricorn's analytical mind and love of practical solutions.
"Sid Meier's Civilization VI": Capricorn will appreciate the strategic depth and long-term planning required in this turn-based strategy game. Players build and manage their own civilization from the dawn of time to the space age, expanding their empire, conducting diplomacy, and competing with other civilizations for dominance. With its complex mechanics, deep strategy, and emphasis on resource management and diplomacy, it's a game that will engage Capricorn's strategic thinking and desire for success and achievement.
"Banished": Capricorn will be drawn to the challenging city-building and resource management gameplay of this strategy simulation game. Players control a group of exiled travelers as they establish and manage a medieval settlement, building houses, farms, and other essential structures to survive and thrive. With its emphasis on strategic planning, resource allocation, and survival in harsh environments, it's a game that will appeal to Capricorn's practicality and determination to overcome challenges.
"Farming Simulator 19": Capricorn will appreciate the realistic farming simulation and strategic decision-making of this simulation game. Players manage their own farm, planting crops, raising livestock, and expanding their operations to become successful agricultural entrepreneurs. With its emphasis on planning, organization, and financial management, it's a game that will appeal to Capricorn's work ethic and desire for tangible accomplishments and success.
Aquarius in 5th House: "Minecraft": Aquarius will appreciate the creative freedom and open-ended exploration of this sandbox game. Players can build and explore endlessly in procedurally generated worlds, crafting their own adventures and creations using a variety of blocks and materials. With its emphasis on creativity, collaboration, and community, it's a game that will appeal to Aquarius' innovative spirit and love of experimentation.
"Terraria": Aquarius will enjoy the expansive world and creative possibilities of this sandbox adventure game. Players explore a procedurally generated world filled with monsters, treasures, and resources, as they build and customize their own unique environments and structures. With its emphasis on exploration, crafting, and cooperation, it's a game that will ignite Aquarius' imagination and sense of adventure.
"Sims 4": Aquarius will enjoy the sandbox gameplay and creative possibilities of this life simulation game. Players create and control virtual people, called Sims, as they build and customize their homes, careers, and relationships. With its emphasis on creativity, customization, and storytelling, it's a game that will appeal to Aquarius' love of freedom and self-expression.
"Spore": Aquarius will be drawn to the unique and innovative gameplay of this simulation game. Players guide the evolution of a species from a single-celled organism to a space-faring civilization, shaping their own unique creatures, cultures, and worlds. With its emphasis on creativity, exploration, and procedural generation, it's a game that will appeal to Aquarius' love of innovation and experimentation.
Pisces in the 5th House:
"Gris": Pisces will appreciate the stunning visuals and emotional journey of this artistic platformer game. Players guide the protagonist, Gris, through a world of sorrow and loss as she seeks to regain her lost voice. With its evocative imagery, haunting soundtrack, and themes of grief, healing, and self-expression, it's a game that will resonate deeply with Pisces' sensitive and empathetic nature.
"Abzû": Pisces will be drawn to the serene beauty and meditative experience of this underwater adventure game. Players explore a vibrant ocean teeming with life, uncovering ancient ruins and mystical secrets along the way. With its breathtaking visuals, immersive soundtrack, and emphasis on exploration and contemplation, it's a game that will soothe Pisces' soul and transport them to a world of wonder and tranquility.
"Firewatch": Pisces will appreciate the introspective storytelling and emotional depth of this narrative-driven adventure game. Players assume the role of a fire lookout in the Wyoming wilderness, navigating personal and professional challenges while uncovering a mystery that unfolds in the isolated wilderness. With its richly detailed environments, complex characters, and themes of solitude, connection, and self-discovery, it's a game that will resonate deeply with Pisces' introspective nature and desire for meaningful experiences.
"Celeste": Pisces will be captivated by the emotional journey and challenging gameplay of this indie platformer game. Players control Madeline, a young woman struggling with inner demons, as she climbs a treacherous mountain in search of self-discovery and personal growth. With its heartfelt storytelling, tight controls, and themes of perseverance, acceptance, and self-compassion, it's a game that will inspire Pisces to overcome obstacles and embrace their own journey of self-discovery and healing.
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inthefallofasparrow · 6 months
Submitted by lone77
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DIGGING CORPS - LOG 462/- Dispatch has officially confirmed I am now the single surviving member of Unit 77. Already knew, but whatever. Protocol states I am to join 76 or maybe those '9th Humboldt' hacks over at New Toiyabe. They better send a shuttle if they want me there. I'm not walking in this heat. For now, I'm just gonna don a ProxSuit and stare at the sun for a bit.
DIGGING CORPS - LOG 488/- Just been thinking about the last greenie we put through 'Seventh Trench'. With this Section of the unstate of Nevada being flatter than most between mountain ranges, the usual method of excavation, namely six parallel trenches in a row, is more pronounced and can be seen stretching way off across the desert to the horizon. The dig for this takes weeks to complete by several work teams within a unit. Whenever a new recruit arrives fresh from dispatch, by way of welcome, six of us take them to view the trenches, and claim we each individually dug one ourselves. Then we hand them a shovel and tell them they had until next morning to dig the seventh. Seems kinda cruel now, but as far as initiation rituals go it's pretty standard. Most of them give it their best to at least start on 'their' trench before the foreman inevitably chews them out for digging out of turn. We had a couple try to quit on the spot, which usually told us who we could trust. But the last recruit we had didn't say nothing. He just worked at it for hours. No technique about it, but he had heart, I guess. And when they do it in earnest, it's not nearly as funny. They found him collapsed from exhaustion around dawn. He was dead before they got him to the Mess tent. Don't think I ever knew his name. Didn't say a word. Pretty sure they still do it in other Sections, but that was the last greenie we put through 'Seventh Trench'.
DIGGING CORPS - LOG 491/- Spent some time at Canvas City. Traded out what I could to lighten the load. Got less than I would've liked for that amber earring I found at northern edge, but I guess it was only one of them, so I can't complain. Headed for New Toiyabe this evening. They said I could hitch a ride with Unit 79 as far as Iron Tank, but I'm on my own the rest. Just my shovel and yardstick for protection. ProxSuit's got a hole in the knee. Hoping I won't need it too much this time of year. They're made for digging, not hiking in. Wish I had a mirror. I hardly know myself.
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