#new headcanon that he gets that as a tattoo post-canon
captain-astors · 1 year
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For anon.
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princeescaluswords · 18 days
Almost Universally Accepted
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If you ever wonder why people like me think the Teen Wolf fandom has become fundamentally corrupted by racism, you simply need to recall that there is, as one person on this site remarked recently, an 'almost universally accepted' headcanon among the fandom. Based on a single glance near the end of the first episode of the third season, Tattoo, a large number of people in this fandom believe that Stiles Stilinski helped Derek Hale and his pack look for their kidnapped betas over the summer between Scott's and Stiles's sophomore and junior years. In terms of the television production, this would be the hiatus between Season 2 and Season 3.
At first, it seems a perfectly harmless headcanon, but I believe it's a blatant example of how fandom racism degrades media literacy. Allow me to walk you through my reasoning. To start, most headcanons exist in a neutral state with regards to canon. When you speculate on a character's favorite ice cream flavor or whether they spend Christmases with their grandparents, it is most likely not going to affect how you view the canon. This particular one, however, modifies a crucial canon event, one which establishes both the relationships and a major part of the plot for an entire season. Coincidentally, those relationships and that plot are primary motive forces for the lead protagonist's character arc. Thus, accepting this headcanon requires the viewer to radically reinterpret the starting point of an entire season differently than the production's actual intention. It's such a radical change that any critical thinking requires a person to ask what the goal of this headcanon could possibly be, since it simply cannot fit within the canon itself.
Point One: The headcanon is entirely unsupported. Consider the image at the top of this post. That look on Stiles's face is, as far as I can tell, the sole trigger behind the creation of this suspect headcanon. Stiles makes eye contact with Derek and, apparently, looks guilty to the fandom. From this, Stiles is supposed to be sharing a private moment of remorse with Derek, to which Scott is not privy, about their inability to find Boyd and Erica over the summer.
Even given the possibility that the look on Stiles's face could also be interpreted as genuine concern for the fates of Boyd and Erica, regret that something new is coming for Beacon Hills, or even frustration that Scott is getting involved once more in something dangerous, the headcanon's interpretation does not in any way mesh with the actual lines spoken in the scene.
Derek: A pack of 'em. An Alpha pack. Stiles: All of them? How does that even work? Derek: I hear there's some kind of a leader. He's called Deucalion. We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac, and I have been looking for him for the last four months. Scott: Let's say you find them. How do you deal with an Alpha pack? Derek: With all the help I can get.
If Stiles has been working with Derek all summer to find and rescue Boyd and Erica, this dialogue makes no sense. Wouldn't Stiles already know about the alpha pack and how it works? Why would Derek not list Stiles among the people searching? It would require Stiles and Derek (and later Peter and Isaac) to deliberately decide to exclude Scott. Those who adhere to the headcanon never actually explain why that Stiles and Derek would want to conceal Stiles's participation in the search from Scott, but that's not their point.
Yet, while a conspiracy might explain why they don't reveal the secret here, it doesn't even begin to address while it is never mentioned elsewhere during the season (or any season). It also renders the dialogue between Derek and Stiles and between Peter and Stiles in Chaos Rising (3x02) incongruous. It makes the relationships between Stiles and Isaac and Stiles and Boyd incoherent. It makes the way Stiles treats Derek throughout the rest of the season nonsensical. But that's not all.
Point Two: It shreds characterizations for everyone but Scott. Take Stiles. In the last appearance of Stiles in Season 2, he tells Scott that "you still have me," in an incontrovertible statement of support. Why would a Stiles who made that promise hide this information from Scott; not just in this scene but in every scene about the Alpha Pack to come. If he was trying to keep Scott out of the supernatural things, then he didn't do a very good job; after all, he's the one who tells Scott about the Darach once Stiles discovers it. If he's secretly angry at Scott for something (whether it be not finding him when Gerard kidnapped him or some other fandom-conjured reason such as Scott 'ignoring' him all summer), then why wouldn't he use it when he argues with Scott in Unleashed (3x04), Frayed (3x05), Motel California (3x06) or Currents (3x07)? For this headcanon to be even remotely valid, it has to suppose that Derek and Stiles established a positive working relationship, but Derek is the one person to whom Stiles doesn't bring his ideas about the Darach. Why the sudden and unexplained change in regard?
Take Derek. If Derek trusted Stiles enough to have him help his pack look for Boyd and Erica over the summer, why would Derek so casually and cruelly dismiss Stiles's assistance after the recovery of Isaac ("Not You!"). If Derek is simply trying to keep Scott out of this -- which is actually seen on the screen -- isn't it callous of him to not have tried to keep Stiles out of it? And if Derek is angry enough with Scott not to seek his help over the summer (though this emotions doesn't stop him from accepting and asking for Scott's help visually on the screen), why doesn't Derek ever bring up that he trust Stiles enough to help but not Scott?
Keeping this a secret throughout the entire season doesn't match anyone else's character, either. Why didn't Peter use it to needle Stiles in Chaos Rising or needle Scott in Unleashed? Why does Peter, who is consistently portrayed as manipulative and using other people's misdeeds to excuse his actions ("I'm not the only dysfunctional family member.") not use it to undermine Derek's or Isaac's trust in Scott? For that matter, why doesn't Isaac use it in any of the conflicts he has with Stiles? It simply doesn't fit in with anyone else's behavior or characterizations.
Part Three: It does, however, serve to undermine Scott's role as lead protagonist. This is, at the base, the point. It's not really a starting point for Sterek that they claim it to be; a massive conspiracy doesn't really establish the impetus for their relationship considering how they both canonically treat Scott later. It does, however, serve as a coded way to establish the white male characters in the show as a social group in and of themselves, one from which Scott must be excluded, perhaps because of his inadequacies (he has to go summer school, see, which in Beacon Hill seems to be envisioned as a boot camp-slash-gulag) or his sins (not sacrificing Allison) but there has to be a reason. When you take in the way it doesn't fit into anything happen and doesn't really help what they want to happen, the only logical reason for the creation of this headcanon is that it demonstrates their belief that Scott does not deserve his position as lead protagonist, and that Stiles's professed loyalty is slowly being transferred to a man he had on a list of people responsible for human sacrifices twice.
But it is inevitable that such headcanons go against the themes of the show, the plot of the show, and the established characterizations of the cast, because consistency is not really important to parts of the fandom. What is important is that it suggests the true focus of the story should be where the believe it belongs: any white male character. This ill-fitting whim has become almost universally accepted, to remove a character of color form his position as lead protagonist with a subtext so deep it appears for exactly 2 seconds.
It is indeed racism.
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hit me with your best will solace hcs please, i can take it
will solace headcanons or something
gonna be real honest i forgot half of my headcanons and i'll probably remember them the minute i post this but:
healing and hymns: i don't think the healing process in chb is specified beyond "ambrosia and nectar," but i think a combination of powerful voice (stentorian) + correct hymn + natural talent = higher chances of healing success; i don't think will has a voice that's very pleasant to listen to. i think he can carry a tune, sure, but he isn't someone you want to listen to for extended periods of time. the thing i think makes him such a good healer is his strong voice - he's able to keep singing at a steady pace with consistency. he can heal his siblings of small bruises and paper cuts through a single song, but you won't catch him leading a campfire. [i thought way too long about how hymns work in the infirmary for my fic jdsjgfdg]
texan will: i've seen a lot of headcanons revolving around texan will that have always been a little odd to me, seeing as i'm texan and half of these hcs are just blatant stereotypes lmao. i think i even once saw someone say that because he's from the south he can't be a vegetarian, which is pretty absurd (coming as someone who fasts.) honestly the only one for this i can think of is that he uses "ya'll" constantly. also occasionally indulges in fried food, because fried chicken slaps (none of that fried oreo/snickers bs. miss me with that will would NOT go near that stuff.)
assorted appearance headcanons:
he has freckles all over him! apparently he doesn't have them canonically and we all just. collectively decided that he did, and i love that.
likes pockets. anything with pockets. also, flip flops, crocs, basically any open-toed shoes. sometimes he'll just go barefoot, because why not. i also think he wears a lot of bracelets - things made by his younger siblings (some alive, some not.) they're his version of camp beads.
from here i give up on categorizing my hcs:
gets more irritated during winter/fall months
tea person
the type of person to belt out songs when he thinks nobody is watching
is actually rather chill during shadow travel, and doesn't get nauseated because he's done it with nico so often
lets the cocoa puffs hitch a ride on him whenever he's in the infirmary, and always has to explain who they are to new patients.
doesn't curse often but when he does it's a storm
friends with drew because i said so and also because i think he, jake, and drew have "i became a camp counselor too early" solidarity. i think they all became friends post tlo and have maintained a tentative relationship since! those cabins have each other's backs.
big spoon
wants to get more tattoos (maybe a tattoo sleeve?)
doesn't want to become a doctor, but rather a vet, or maybe a teacher. reasoning being that he'll have to relearn everything, but also that he'll have to deal with the loss of his patients again, this time knowing he couldn't heal them magically because he's relying on modern medicine. plus, he would have to spend a long time away from his siblings, and seeing as how he's a year rounder, i don't think that would bode well for him.
really really likes planning events - especially birthday parties
wants to travel the world, but is also afraid to leave everything behind
was once afraid of growing up, and still sort of is. doesn't think much of his birthday, because he used to celebrate it with his mother, and he didn't really get a chance to start celebrating with his siblings before being thrown into war
terrible dancer, even though his boyfriend is really good at it
loves to garden! there's a garden for the infirmary where he gathers ingredients for salves and poultices, but he also just loves the scent of flowers. he likes to care and nurture things, and plants are something he pours a lot of energy into. he and nico also go strawberry picking a lot.
fast fast fast runner
post tsats: persephone will occasionally call him using an angel trumpet flower (this is like. a very specific vision but search up one of those flowers and imagine holding it up to your ear like a telephone:)
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anyway she calls him on one of these bad boys and asks how he's doing. they have long chats about flowers and sometimes him and nico are invited for picnics in the underworld.
him and nico have a travel bucket list
he has possibly the worst handwriting ever. absolutely terrible
is pretty bad at using technology, but still has to pretend like he knows how to use it when he's helping nico navigate the internet.
aand that's all i remember for now!
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buddiebeginz · 4 months
If they are keeping Lou around for any part of season 8 the show has to put an end to the cameo nonsense. Some of the Buck/Oliver takes that are starting to make the rounds are next level insane. I saw one scolding Oliver for making Lou do all the promoting of the ship. Another post said the writers needed to up Buck's game because he's not at the level of commitment yet that Tommy is being written (wtf when were these episodes). And yet another post scolding Oliver for promoting Buddie and Buck for continuing to spend time with Eddie.
They are taking these PAID (you paid him to say this shit) videos and making them canon. No part of anything he's saying is canon. Firstly, he wouldn't be allowed to tell them any actual canon facts and secondly Oliver/Buck is the character/actor the show gives a shit about. He's encouraging this nonsense and it's gross. Him promoting himself is fine, it's low-key cringe given the fact the other half of the ship is silent but you do you, babe. Oliver's silence is what's pissing his fans off. Seriously tell me you're new to Captain Starks ways without telling me you're new. He promotes no ship but the Buddie ship, canon or not. These people are here for Lou. When he goes, happy for him to take them with him.
I'm not sure why they keep letting him do those cameos especially after he pissed people off when he said T*mmy being homophobic and racist to Hen and Chim was just teasing. He also talked about people recognizing him in Thailand in the AH interview and did this fake stereotypical asian accent. 🤦‍♀️He really needs a better agent and some media training because they'd for sure tell him to knock that shit off.
I could see the cameos being fun to do a few times when he first came back to the show even to garner excitement about B/T and T*mmy but the fact that he's done so many now and has even raised the price just makes him look desperate for attention. And like you said he gives all these headcanons about T*mmy in his videos that his obsessive fans have taken for absolute fact. We would never hear the end of it if Buddie fandom was paying Ryan for videos like that.
I agree with you that a majority of B/T stans are here first and foremost for T*mmy and Lou not Buck and Oliver. I still can't believe that a lot of them used to be Buddie shippers. I think everyone should be able to ship what they want including multishipping but I don't get how some of them dropped a ship they were seemingly invested in for years for the nothing that is B/T.
That part of fandom also loves to call us delusional and say we're seeing only what we want to see but a lot of times we're just pointing out what's actually happening. Like in the recent episode T*mmy was being a downer to Buck's enthusiasm (which has basically become the norm for them). The camera also paned to Eddie after Buck got his award not T*mmy. Buck chose to run off to Eddie's after work not to T*mmy's. These are things the show is literally showing us not just stuff we're imagining.
It's similar with Oliver. They can come up with all the reasons in the world why he's never promoted B/T through this entire season but it doesn't matter because he still hasn't and likely won't. I've seen them say Oliver doesn't post anything about B/T or Lou to avoid dealing with the hate or to not upset Buddie fans or to protect Lou. The thing is though Oliver has left social media before when he's had issues and could again if he wanted to. He's also been dealing with homophobic comments since Buck came out but he's never shied away from talking about Buck coming out and has even addressed the hate on his insta.
Oliver liked a couple of B/T pieces of art when the story first happened but I think that was more to support the bi Buck storyline and the artists than anything else. Multiple times during this season he's liked Buddie art (including a tattoo which he commented on three times) he's also posted Buddie related and Ryan stuff on his stories. If he wanted to show support to Lou or B/T he could easily post on his stories where people can't comment. B/T stans can think what they want but it's clear Oliver doesn't promote any of that because he's rooting for Buddie harder than anyone. I think he knows B/T isn't going to be around forever and he's trying not to lead people on about it as he's said in the past he hates to do that.
I really hope we can get rid of T*mmy at the end of s7 although knowing Tim he'll probably keep him for added drama until s8. Unfortunately even when B/T ends I expect those fans to do a lot of complaining because they've concocted this whole idea in their head that T*mmy is Buck's endgame soulmate. They even want T*mmy to be added on as main character and get a begins episode. So I fully expect some of them to riot when he inevitably gets the ax. The rest will probably run back to Buddie the minute it becomes canon and try to pretend they never left. Jokes on them though because a lot of Buddie shippers have blocked them for how awful they've been this season especially towards Eddie.
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radioroxx · 2 months
hi pluto i’m here to ask if u have any isat headcanons. about anybody! hope u have a good sunday :))
HAPPY SUNDAY VIA can i call you via. hello
ive mentioned my tattoo hcs before but im gonna expand on them as best i can rn because i think about it occasionally (i am making a lot of this up. right now! for you!)
ok so odile has a lower back tattoo she got in her 20s and i feel very strongly about this one 1. because i think its funny 2. because it makes her 10x cooler. the other day in my moots disc we talked about the idea of odile having a past polycule that she broke off from and so ive adopted that idea and decided the tattoo is a matching one. she does not regret it at all and is still (somewhat) in touch with her ex’s. siffrin was the first person she told about this, drunkenly btw, and for months afterwards he couldnt remember if it was Actually Real or just something his brain made up (and they were too scared to ask lol)
siffrin has star tattoos on his back and shoulders! i was considering giving him sleeves but i changed my mind,, he got them while he was still travelling on his own. possibly theres a region that is more well known for tattooing (havent decided what this would be though)! he was interested from a ‘learning about new culture’ perspective, also just because Why Not. he chose to get stars because it felt right. he somewhat regrets it. (maybe, post canon and later on their journey, he would try out something else. different designs. things inspired by his family! or things he wants to remember)
isabeau has no tattoos. not from not wanting them, but from just never really having the interest. UNTIL travelling with the party. until staying up late with sif in their shared tent and finding out that, on his travels, he learned how to (very basically) give people tattoos. and begs him for one. its like 2am and neither of them are thinking clearly so they agree. they ‘borrow’ odiles ink pot she uses for writing, a sewing needle that isa happens to have on hand, aaaand it. goes very poorly. as youd imagine. he is lucky to have the long sleeves to cover it up. whatever design theyd been going for was absolutely not achieved. but! he cherishes the memories regardless. (incredibly, they would try this twice. the second time would be after bonnie joined the crew, who would catch them awake, beg siffrin for a tattoo of their own, be told ‘no’, but would still be allowed to watch as long as they PROMISE not to tattle to madame and mira in the morning. bonnie absolutely tattles).
mira! does not seem like a tattoo person to me. i think she would be intimidated by the idea- partially in relation to the change belief, partially because she wouldnt know what to get. i like to think tattoos are probably pretty controversial to the religion… some people think they are a very powerful form of change! something you cant take back. others disagree for the same reason, that its permanent. so pre canon no tattoos for her. but!! but! as i mentioned before with siffrin getting tattoos for his family, i think mira might consider something as well (confidence boosted by the fact that the others will be matching). other than that though, it just doesnt appeal to her much.
bonnie has no tattoos also aaand it will stay that way for. a little bit. this is something that upsets them greatly because i also like to believe that nille has PLENTY of tattoos! possibly some she even got when she was much much younger! irresponsibly, of course, and many of them are regrettable. so she steers bonnie away from making that same mistake too young (tries to encourage them to wait until they are 18 at least). maybe bambouche as a whole is a very tattoo-supportive town, which is where bonnie got their interest. this does not stop them from making little paintings up their arms and having the others help out as well, to make up for it, in a non-permanent way.
i havent actually designed what any of their tattoos would look like… thats gotta be something i sit down to think about,,, one day maybe ehe
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I've been meaning to do some more stuff with Mr and Mrs Wu/Waybright but couldn't find time to do a full comic so I did some sketchdumps of them and their daughters post-canon, in-between the finale and the 10-year timeskip. Not all designs are 100%.
Wu: 1. Mr Wu wanting to learn more about his daughter after she returned from Amphibia had...consequences... 2. Mrs Wu tried so hard to get Marcy to forget Sashanne but those early days were awkward. 3.Mayor Wu of Hopkinton, Massachusetts. 4. Mrs. Wu distain for Sashanne persisted for a long time. 5. Mayor Wu meeting Mayor McGee is always a fun idea. 6. Mr Wu also deciding to take time for his daughter no matter how busy he was (to a point). 7. Headcanon that Mrs Wu taught Marcy to use coverup for her face scar, both to make her face back to before Amphibia but also so ppl won't ask how she got it.
Waybright: 1. Sasha and her step-siblings (?) from her mom's long-time boyfriend who already had kids, is likely why Sasha didn't like Sprig for the longest time, she knew how annoying siblings are. They know about Sasha's crush on Anne and tease her endlessly 2. It took a while for Sasha to get rid of all of her hidden daggers. 3. Mrs Waybright's love of Sasha's sphinx cat is such a funny idea to me. 4. We can probably also assume that Sasha has at least 1 half-sibling. 5. Mr Waybright approves of Anne. 6. Sasha will not jeopardize her license for her scumbag dad. 7. Early post-Amphibia talk between Sasha and Mr Waybright about his new wife. 8. Sasha will do something about her scars Mrs Waybright...she'll cover them with tattoos.
(This is also for when I post my comics on DA, I hopefully won't get a bunch of confused comments wondering about certain things that I already explained here or made incorrect quotes about)
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chumpovodir · 5 months
i don't have it in me at the moment to make a long, detailed rant about this but r/castlevania's insistence that games!Isaac is a lesser character for being a "self-harm obsessed, shallow BDSM playboy that only serves as an inciting incident" compared to N!Isaac?
first of all, i think y'all are letting anime stereotypes from the early 2000s massively color your opinion and it's really obvious you didn't bother looking at his character any deeper than that. edit: i'm putting this under a cut because it was actually, in hindsight, a pretty long post lmao
"BDSM playboy"? my man was sitting in the ruins of his home for 3 goddamn years letting the clothes rot off his back, in no condition to care about his appearance and with precious little materials to forge something new. you could also argue that his skimpy look is a mark of his arrogance (already well-established by his fight with Hector previously, and feeling so cocksure he sends his Devil away and even arms Hector with a sword, confident he could easily take him in a fair fight), going into battle barely clothed as a show of faith in his own skill after playing Hector like a fiddle. or even as a radical show of his devotion, the Devil Forgemasters crest embedded in his skin for the world to see; the fact that the physical marks of his position may fade away, but it goes so much deeper than that - it's seared into his very flesh, and will only die when he and his corporeal form finally leave this earth. also, it just speaks to a really shallow understanding of BDSM in general to associate "skimpy strappy outfit = kinky"
"self-harm obsessed"? first of all, where is ANYONE getting this notion from the game itself?? (considering there's a very low chance these people even know about the mangas) there is literally no scene in-game where he self-harms - further proof people are grafting a grab bag of stereotyped character traits onto him when the canon doesn't support it. if this is about his tattoos, i consider this a bit of a reach, but then i don't regularly associate tattoos with masochism.
there is of course this one, singular panel from Prelude to Revenge where we see him slitting his wrists:
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but the context here makes it clear: 1) he's doing this as a morbid way to mark the passage of time and 2) most likely in response to the sheer contrast between him and Hector's respective situations - how would you feel seeing the guy who was at least partially responsible for your predicament living a happy life, while you're forced to live in the abandoned ruins of your home, constantly surrounded by all that you've lost? this is an act being shown when he's at his very lowest.
and this is the only instance we actually see - there is no other official material that implies this is something he does on the regular, although it's a popular headcanon considering the general fandom consensus that he most likely had a very rough start to life.
shitting on him for being "merely an inciting incident"? i don't even know what to say to this - do you understand how characters and stories work...? the narrative lives and dies on the push and pull of characters taking actions and other characters responding!
but it sure is curious (read: hypocritical) that this is a negative in these people's eyes when you point out the similarities between Lisa's and Rosaly's deaths.
sure, there is a bigger story about the cruelty of humanity as a whole that Lisa was executed, unprompted while Rosaly's execution was deliberately manipulated by Isaac - but that also adds to Isaac's character, the fact that both he and his younger sister were persecuted for being bonafide magic practitioners, and the sheer hypocrisy of and underhandedness of knowing that pain firsthand, and choosing to inflict it on an innocent woman anyway. it really shows how much his morals, if he ever had any, has truly eroded to the point he only cares about causing maximum damage.
i don't even want to waste my words on the ways N!Isaac is a worse character, comparatively, if you actually take into account the themes of the Devil Forgemasters' respective stories as presented in the games. but it does chap my asshole that, from this angle, both N!Isaac and N!Hector end up for the worse since now their stories are completely decoupled and it ruins the symbolism and duality that their game counterparts had.
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#edward teach#im an adhd ed truther & this is so fucking true.#also shows how you view people w/ adhd if you’re specifically using it as an excuse to do this. (via @ourflagmeanscatboy on this post by @jaskierx)
I don't want to derail a post about racism, but I do feel like this shit needs to get talked about.
Because people will say literally the most deranged shit about Ed. I've heard the idea that he's gonna lose interest in Stede because he views people as hyperfixations floated. He's volitile and unstable (citation needed) he's messy (but he thinks pets befoul the ship and he couldn't believe he was living like this after letting Stede's cabin get covered in maybe a weeks worth of depression clutter) he needs a minder (despite constantly minding other characters). And all of that shit when pointed out as racist invariably gets explained away with "but I think he has ADHD"
And it's like, first of all that's a headcannon you have, where as his race is very much cannon. so I think even if you have the adhd headcannon, which to be clear, I do, you still need to lend more credence to the marginalized identities that are in fact cannon about him. That's not to say that these two things are contradictory it's just to say that you need to treat your headcannons about a character of color with awareness for how their race overlaps with other identities they might have and how their race might be impacting their behavior, and how projecting issues onto them, even if those issues are things you yourself struggle with, might be perceived by fans of color who are already constantly fielding racism both in fandom and in their every day lives.
but second of all, and I cannot stress this enough, yall are ableist as fuck.
Like, I simply do not know how to explain to you people that Ed losing Interest in Stede like that would not be a symptom of ADHD because treating PEOPLE like HYPERFIXATIONS is not a symptom of ADHD. If someone loses interest in you because they have adhd, and I feel like I've said this before, one of three things happened. A. they did not lose interest in you they are just forgetful and do not experience friendship decay so they think you are still friends, B. You were never a friend to begin with you were someone they exclusively did their hyperfixations with, or C. you are blaming the ADHD for something completely unrelated friendships fall apart all the time.
And it's like that example is just the most egregious. half the time when I see ADHD headcannons nobody's talking about like... Ed picking up a brand new activity on a whim, or him tattooing himself because he's experiencing the evil boredom. It's all gotta be traits contradicted by canon. And often it has to be about pain and suffering, and often it really just feels like an excuse to make up bullshit about Ed while beating the racism allegations.
and there's two enormous issues with this. The first one is that if you're gonna have a headcannon about a character you have to figure out how to apply the headcanon to that character without making up a brand new guy. Ed is in the 99th percentile in terms of executive function. His executive functioning skills are genuinely a strength for him. He can't stand mess and he keeps a clean ship, he doesn't get angry unless directly provoked. He also has a large number of shitty tattoos on his person, he stims, he's probably got some hyperactivity going on, and some emotional dis-regulation in terms of managing his disappointment and catastrophising. You have to actually look at the character and figure out what cannon things translate into ADHD and what adhd traits are contradicted by cannon and if you're just hollowing him out and putting an ablist idea of ADHD in as a stand in for a personality.
Like.. ok. My favoriate cannon ADHD rep in the world is the Percy Jackson series. Every one of those kids has adhd and dyslexia. This does not stop Annabeth from being a very functional character with a million irons in the fire who's an avid reader and a Smart Girl TM. Percy by contrast cannot focus for five seconds especially when you put a book in front of him, but he can think on his feet really well. Both of these characters are fairly realistic representations of ADHD because sometimes ADHD is severe executive dysfunction and mess and emotional dis-regulation, sometimes ADHD is having a million projects going at once in a desperate attempt to beat the evil boredom and sometimes it's being able to pick up new things with relative ease. Different people have different levels of these things, which is why in my favoriate childhood book series Rick Riordan was able to have so many different diverse characters with distinct personalities and have them all believably have ADHD.
But a lot of people who headcannon Ed as ADHD don't seem to be interested in figuring out how Ed's personality is compatible with that headcannon, they just want to hollow him out and give him every symptom ever and it's just like... oh, so that's what you think of us then. got it cool.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 11 months
shameless headcanons: halloween🎃
a lot of these are pre-canon 🕸️
since it was autumn in chicago, a lot of the time the kids would save their candy for winter just in case shit got so bad they didn’t have food.
ian and lip would stay up watching horror movies every year, lip always jumped at the jump scares and ian would laugh at him.
they always made their own costumes at home (fiona and v would team up to make them) but there was one costume bought at the store, a princess dress and tiara from when fiona was little. fiona wore it for as long as she could fit into it, as did debbie.
halloween parties are thrown every year (1999-present), because of course, gallagher’s know how to fucking party!
every halloween ian takes pride in scaring his siblings like this.
as seen in the season 1-9 intro, debbie covered liam in toilet paper for halloween one year and he went dressed as a mummy. fiona scolded her for wasting toilet paper, but laughed at the quick, convenient costume.
lip used to willingly/happily give out halloween candy, maybe in his house with tami and freddie now he still does it.
the irish twins (lip and ian + debbie and carl) always had matching costumes, lip and ian as iron man and captain america, carl as peanut butter and debbie as jelly, etc.
debbie is very good at carving pumpkins and brags about it, like she carves flowers and faces and cool shit into them. meanwhile, carl carves a dick or a basic jack-o-lantern face (that debbie mocks, obviously).
ian and carl like candy corn, the rest of the siblings hate it.
all of october, mickey gives ian many new nicknames- you know, vampire, dracula, pumpkin (inspired by this post), candy corn, etc.
debbie bakes for the halloween party every year and she takes it VERY seriously.
kev and v always have matching couples costumes that are wildly inappropriate (inappropriate in a slutty way and in a controversial, could get you cancelled on twitter way).
debbie is a PROUD pumpkin spice latte defender and is seen drinking one all throughout october. she tried to convince franny to try it and franny spit it out so she now just gets hot chocolate from starbucks.
much like debbie, mickey is oddly good at carving pumpkins, however he goes down the same route as carl and carves dicks into pumpkins (meanwhile, ian is shitty at it like carl but attempts to make his pumpkin look good).
we know that the milkovich siblings (+ sandy) used to go trick-or-treating, and i imagine that they would work together to make their costumes. mickey would give himself tattoos with sharpie and his entire outfit would be too big as he stole it from the thrift store or one of his brothers.
halloween was the one night where fiona would let the kids eat whatever they wanted, but she would soon regret it as she realized that carl and debbie would just stuff their faces and end up puking by november 1st.
happy halloween! 🦇
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emi-writings · 7 months
Honestly, still kinda pissed that someone saw my jokey post about changing c!Wilbur – in a way that would have resulted in the exact same mc skin – and decided to scold me for “changing a loved character” in a way they considered “sucks”.
Could you imagine if commented every fanart of zombie Wilbur with “this isn’t canon and also it sucks” just because I personally didn’t like the zombie Wilbur headcanon?
My headcanons also aren’t something new, I just held back on how extreme they were because I knew people who were obsessed with cc!Wilbur would get upset for doing things cc!Wilbur wouldn’t like, even if I could back up why I have those headcanons from the canon material!
Just because I posted something in a jokey way, it doesn’t mean that these aren’t things I have spent years exploring in my fanfics, ideas that always wanted to expand on but never did before.
Why do I headcanon Wilbur as a witch? Because potions in Minecraft are considered magic, you get the death message “killed by magic” when killed by potions, and the mob witch uses potions. Wilbur is strongly associated with potions because he started a potion scam when he joined the dsmp! I held back from including things like astrology, but now that cc!Wilbur is dead to the fandom, I figured I wouldn’t need to anymore.
I’ve actually included Wilbur with witchy tattoos in my fanfics before! In the first ever tattoo artist/flower shop in the tntduo fandom!
Gender nonconforming Wilbur is simply based on the fact that he does act very gender nonconforming in canon. He serenaded Quackity to get him pregnant, he refers to himself as the Yin to Quackity’s Yang, I don’t want to touch on the Ghostbur and Friend shenanigans.
Wilbur not understanding geography? He needs help finding things on the server, and he clearly doesn’t know how countries work if he thinks he can just claim a piece of unused land and call it a country. It’s a funny little joke, he doesn’t even know what exactly is going on in terms of countries in the server, he just cares about his own thing.
Wilbur is one of the many characters that didn’t have a canonically height listed, so I made him a bit shorter than his cc! counterpart… He’s still taller than most other characters, it’s not much of a difference that I think would matter.
We know Wilbur is a musician as he composed the L’manburg anthem, but canonically the only instruments in the dsmp are the noteblocks. But I think woodwind instruments make sense for Wilbur, since they’re capable of playing some hauntingly beautiful melodies, and as the son of the angel of death, I think that would make sense for his character.
Like, I shouldn't feel more pressured to make my headcanons of c!Wilbur more like cc!Wilbur after we all agreed that the character was separate from the content creator!
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elliewiltarwyn · 5 months
Mia Longhart
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tagged by @ubejamjar, thank you! I did one for Ellie already, so I figured I might as well take the opportunity to /showleft Mia a little...
Name: Mia Longhart, formerly Maia jen Asina. Adopted the name when she arrived in Eorzea to hide her Garlean origins with the surname being adopted from a Chinese Yanxian word for dragon. Nicknames: Not exactly a nickname, but for near the entirety of their early careers in the Scions, she gets along so poorly with Elilgeim that the latter only refers to her as Longhart even when explicitly requested otherwise, only letting up after Livia's raid on the Waking Sands. Otherwise, very difficult to make any nicknames for such a short name, but her partners come up with Mimi eventually. Age: 22 at the beginning of ARR, headcanoning that it's 4 years to the end of 6.0 and then another year for the patches, which would make her 27 now Nameday: Fourteenth Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon (August 14th) (which, as far as I can tell, was the Friday after patch 5.3 dropped: I originally made her to see what the revised ARR quests were like and then Oops New Main Character in my Lore) Race: Highlander Hyur, Garlean specifically Gender: Female Orientation: Demi-bisexual, does not figure this out until she starts developing crushes on Lyse and Ellie and has no idea what that means Profession: Pre-ARR, gladiator of the bloodsands. Eventually Scion of the Seventh Dawn, then one of the three Warriors of Light. Post-6.0, she helps coordinate aid and reconstruction efforts for Garlemald alongside the Ilsabard contingent and the twins.
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Cobalt blue, usually tied into a ponytail or braided around her crown, always combed as smooth and straight as possible. Eyes: Emerald green Skin: Olive Tattoos/Scars: as many as is typical for the Warrior of Light. In addition, the one on her cheek is dealt by Zenos at Rhalgr's Reach. When battling Zodiark, she overextends herself using Passage of Arms against his ultimate attack and gets her left arm horribly burned; she's healed quickly afterwards thanks to Y'shtola and Ellie's healing magicks and the Loporrits' aid, but it leaves behind permanent burn scarring along her left arm and it becomes too sensitive/uncomfortable for her to wield shields anymore, so she drops them.
Parents: Aulus mal Asina, praefectus medicorum and secret magitek research & development engineer, and Carmilla lux Asina, primus medicus. It's their legacy in particular she's spurning when she leaves Garlemald. yes canonically Aulus died at 36 so he can't exactly be the father of a 24-year-old but shush. he's older in my canon. i can do that. Siblings: None directly; however, she grew up next to Jullus pyr Norbanus and his siblings, and spent enough time with them to have considered them her younger siblings. Grandparents: None notable, just proud Garlean citizens. In-laws and Other: In the long period between 6.0 and 6.1, gets married to Ellie and Lily; with the sole exception of Ellie's mother (and even then very distantly, as Ellie herself is still processing how she feels about her), none of their family members are close enough (or... too dead) to count. Pets: Fat cat and possibly Rudy the Starlight yeti, as with Ellie. She has a tendency to semi-adopt stray cats as well -- not actually take them home, but at least check in on and feed them whenever she can.
Abilities: Diplomacy: Next to Minfilia and Alphinaud, she is probably the most skilled at politicking, and has a keen sense for what everyone in the room wants and how to extract what she or her allies need from the people across the table. First Aid: The jen in her old Garlean name refers to the training she received from a yearlong course to become certified as a medicus; with a kit, she would be able to act as the Eorzean equivalent of an EMT rapid responder. Free Paladin: the whole gladiator and paladin storyline is canon for her, and she's not very happy about it :V Though as a Garlean she can't manipulate aether, she uses a combination of magitek equipment and experimental implants from the Ironworks to help create reasonable facsimiles of paladin abilities and magic. However, after the events of Shadowbringers and what Emet-Selch does to her regarding the pieces of her soul... she becomes capable of a little more rudimentary control over her aether, by dint of her own soul-merging, much like Ellie does with Ardbert... Voidbound Reaper: after the events of 6.0, Ellie gives up the reaper arts, but is unable to properly sever her pact, and eventually her former avatar comes knocking. Mia, finally accepting that there are parts of Garlemald's history that aren't tainted by the touch of Ascians, steps in with her Garlean physiology and intimate knowledge of the avatar's former partner to form a new pact. Despite having been the platonic ideal of paladin all the way through saving the universe, she's going into Dawntrail with the scary-looking lost arts of her people instead.
Hobbies: Reading fiction, usually adventure or thrillers. Can play the violin and piano at a beginner-to-intermediate level. Decently skilled at leatherwork and botany, and begins to get into gardening once she has a home (and a private island lol) of her own.
Most Positive Trait: Of the three Warriors of Light and even among all the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, she has the strongest moral compass and sense of right and wrong, which makes her capable of being a stabilizing or grounding force when her comrades begin having doubts about their missions, the one who's most certain that the path she's taking is the one that's just. (Encountering Emet-Selch and learning about the Ascians' truth kneecaps this severely.) Most Negative Trait: She wears her heart on her sleeve, which means as good as she is at reading people she is just as easy to read - and emotionally manipulate or derail, crippling her with doubt and anxieties.
Colors: The navy blue of her armor, the gold of its trim, the green of the jewelry she likes to wear but is self-conscious about, the deep red of Ellie's hair Smells: Freshly-brewed tea, lavender soaps (her preferred I've-just-spent-several-days-in-armor-and-need-to-smell-like-anything-else go-to), the crisp air of autumn Textures: the bound covers of a new hardcover book, the soft cotton of the freshly-laundered clothes she prefers to steel armor, the crunch of autumn leaves, the sensation of grass brushing against bare feet Drinks: Teas ranging from spicy chai to citrusy bergamot, coffee with cream, the occasional red wine
Smokes: No, she is embarrassingly straight-edged and slightly self-conscious about it. Drinks: As noted above, the occasional red wine, usually an easy merlot, or champagne at important functions. Her tolerance isn't the best and she knows it, so she keeps herself well-moderated and only lets herself get fully sloshed among those she trusts most (so Ellie and Lily). Drugs: Again, nope, feels embarrassingly straight-edged about it but is not judgmental about friends who choose to recreationally. Mount Issuance: Named her company-issued chocobo Pom, after pomegranates, for some reason she couldn't fathom at the time. (it's persephone reasons. i'm not being subtle.) Surprisingly finds herself kind of a fan of the Ironworks' single-pilot flight machines like manacutters and the Falcon -- and of the three Warriors of Light, she's the one entrusted with the Regalia Type-G, as the experimental vehicle needs to be handled with a great deal of care and she's known as the most responsible. Been Arrested: Nearly -- when her father discovered the correspondence she was keeping with someone from Ala Mhigo, he "granted" her the chance to leave and never return before he summoned the lictors. When she came to Eorzea, she was so paranoid about being discovered that she acted the picture of morality -- and indeed was frequently the one posting bail for some of the more unscrupulous members of the Gladiators' Guild.
more people to tag uhhhh i'm having difficulties remembering who's done this yet, so sorry in advance, if you have done this already or just don't feel like it then consider this a boop: @sasslett @bnuuywol @sylaurin @mythandral @vasheden, and as always, you if you're interested!
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sam-loves-seb · 10 months
gallavich questions
thanks for the tag (and the questions) @callivich !!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? intro to quantum dating by @spoonfulstar, i think i've read it 3 or 4 times now, it's one of my all time favorites
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? anytime i see a gifset from that one s5 deleted scene, yeah that one, i have to reblog
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? i have a very specific headcanon for a tattoo ian gets post-canon for mickey, and i hesitate to even explain it now bc i think one day i do wanna write a fic about him getting it, but whatever--my headcanon is that he gets an M tattooed on his left ring finger and it's a subtle yet sweet nod to his husband. (i could talk about this for 9 hours but i will limit myself and stop here)
What’s a fanart you love looking at? i've spent an obscene amount of time staring at this fanart by @doodlevich it just checks all my boxes (domestic, husbands, fluff, etc.) and it's so well done, i'm obsessed with this pieces
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? listen, i have this idea for a rock band au that lives rent fucking free in my head, and if i can find the time and the inspiration to actually turn these vibes and unorganized plot points into actual words and a coherent story in the new year, then maybe it'll see the light of day in 2024 but no promises. for now, i leave you with this: four milkovich siblings are in a rock band that is rising to success with the launch of their second studio album and subsequent tour, and ian gallagher is lead singer mandy's (fake) boyfriend--at least in the eyes of the public--and he spends some time that summer touring with the band and hooking up with their lead guitarist in secret until the band's manager/father catches wind of what's going on behind closed doors
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? i've always been a post-canon enthusiast for almost all of my ships, but i think before gallavich i always envisioned them with a very cookie cutter standard american dream family with the house and the careers and the 2.5 kids, which usually fits a lot of my ships, but with gallavich i... don't have that same vision ?? i think they're actually my first ship that i hc more often than not without kids in their post canon life, which is a new vibe for me entirely but i kinda love reading/writing it. idk if that answers the question you asked, but it definitely answered a question
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? honestly i want more s9/10 prison era gallavich fics (and/or fanart). i think it's a gold mine era with so much untapped potential, and there are very few fics/series/whatever that really get deep with it and get to the good stuff of these two boys who haven't spent any significant time together in years but still love each other like they did way back when
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show? it flip-flops for me between s4 and s5, like right now i think it's s5 but idk if i could actually pick one or the other as my absolute favorite
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? i would give my left arm to know how the fuck (and why the fuck) mickey started rolling with his dad again in post-prison s10 era, like in 10x08 he's going to terry for advice on how to protect ian, just for terry to try to kill him again 3 episodes later ??? make it make sense john wells i'm under your bed
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough? personally i think the promise ring scene in 10x09 is criminally underrated and not talked about nearly enough, like you don't understand how happy that scene made me (stay with me here) seeing mickey stand up and fight for the future he really wants with ian and not settling for anything less
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? can i do song lyrics? i'm gonna do song lyrics--i've always thought the song godlight by noah kahan was very gallavich, especially the chorus, and especially during s4/5/6 era and it may or may not be a piece of inspiration for my big bang canon divergent fic
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? i think they take a while to really settle into their new place and and make it their own, and it's a bit of an adjustment (for both of them) to fit in with this new crowd and this new environment, but they're learning how to grow and evolve together and at the end of the day that's all that really matters to the both of them
tagging: literally anyone who wants to play bc my brain is tired and i am too tired to try and remember everyone i probably should tag
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goldiipond · 9 months
OHH HELL YEAH I LOVE THAT I AM SEEN AS A GOOD SOURCE FOR DON HCS. i love him soo much no youdont even UNDERSTAAAAND how many thoughts i have. about don <3
these might be a bit all over the place bc im just typing them as they come to me but thats okay <3 also this got long. to no ones surprise
autism+adhd KING. he can pick a topic he's passionate about and just ramble on for hours. he can't sit still to save his life and is always tapping his feet or fidgeting with his hands in some way. basically he's 'if i stop moving at any point i die' and he's everything. to me
he's got poor volume control too, and often talks really loud without realizing it (projection <3)
definitely has some anxiety, and gets startled pretty easily. this is mostly based off the light novel chapter where he does this, but ray has gotten used to don instinctively clinging to him like a lost puppy
the most physically affectionate person you will ever meet. the gracefield kids unanimously agree that he gives the best hugs
BISEXUAL TBOY SWAG !!!!!!!!!!!!!
emma had the honor of giving don his first haircut after coming out, which was re-cut by isabella very shortly after
post-timeskip he wears a little bunny patch that the younger kids made for him with gillian's help. he always wears it right over his heart <3
speaking of which, he absolutely adores bunnies because they remind him of conny. probably owns several articles of clothing with bunnies on them and an army of bunny plushies. he wears bunny slippers at night <3
before coming out, him and conny both wore their hair in pigtails
i like to think olivia was like a big sister figure to him much like susan was to the trio, the very few bits of olivia characterization we get in light novels just make me think they'd get along <3 ithink michelle had a similar relationship with gilda and maybe anna as well
him and emma are BEST FRIENDS their dynamic is so fun to think about. they spend their time doing wild and sometimes dangerous shit just for fun and also coming up with new creative ways to mess with ray
norman+don friendly rivalry is soo real to me even if don is probably more into it than norman. post-canon he WILL finally beat norman in tag if its the last thing he does
has had a crush on ray for basically forever. him and conny picked a bunch of flowers in the forest for him one time but don was too nervous to ever actually give them to him
his and conny's beds at gracefield were right next to each other and sometimes conny would get up and crawl into his bed when she got scared at night <3
WOLFPACK TRIO BESTEST TRIO EVER ithink they have sleepovers a lot. ayshe's dogs love him more than anyone besides ayshe herself, and they tend to just sort of. dogpile on him. he's completely okay with it
tbh i think he would just really love animals in general. bunnies are of course his favorite but he will befriend any creature he can get close enough to
at like 18/19 him, gilda, ray, norman, and emma all get matching little bunny tattoos. may or may not have stolen this idea from the main kids' flapjack tattoos in toh <3
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oopsiedaisymae · 1 month
For the ask game pls
i answered this question here and talked about sasazuka but i have a million blorbos and i will talk about them endlessly. today i want to talk about solomon from obey me. my silly, ridiculous, shady wizard man. i love him. here is a small collection of some of my fav pics of him (incredibly limited for space).
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i do sort of feel like a fake fan bc i didn't actually like solomon all that much when i started playing og. in my early ten pulls i got the solomon new years ur+ card and i just did not like him. i thought he was weird and was irritated i got him instead of a demon brother, so for all of og season 1 and at the beginning of season 2 i disliked him. my memory gets a little blurry here in the timeline, but i think i finished season 2 of og and warmed up to him a tad bit, then nightbringer came out and i became a simp.
my feelings about solomon are complex even to this day. i really find him and his character interesting because of the dubious nature he has. he's this cutesy wizard guy who is a simp for mc, but he's also a very dangerous figure that has waged war against the devildom, is the most powerful human sorcerer in history, and is prone to incredibly selfish bouts of behavior at the expense of others (although, never really at mc's expense). i really really like how he's handled at the end of og season 2, where he's absolutely willing to kill lucifer without much of a second thought to save the realms but cannot bring himself to do something that would upset you. fascinating! i think his character is at its best when it's handled with these multiple layers of nuance.
in terms of headcanons, i have lots, but i'll share three that are currently on my mind:
i am incredibly fond of the headcanon that solomon, in his youth, had a more olive skin tone and dark brown hair that faded over time with his magic and immortality. SCREAM!!! it's so incredibly jack frost and so incredibly interesting. not only is the image so attractive, but there's something so angsty about it too. solomon feels his humanity has been altered by the immortality he now has, and clings to human connection to remind himself who he is. i think it's so interesting to think about the image of him watching the life seeming drain from him over time. it very much mirrors asmo's fears of not recognizing himself after falling in nightbringer and i think it's delicious.
PACT MARKS!!!!!!!!!! oh my god solomon is covered in pact marks and you can't change my mind. i simply refuse a canon where he isn't. i don't give a single shit. part of my solomon simp arc was heavily spurred on by this fanart floating around, originally posted by @/angyedfez on twitter. jeeeeeeesus. oh my god look at him. i need him so badly.
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and an nsfw headcanon because i'm in a mood today ig...
solomon is such a desperate lover. he never thought he'd be able to get his hands on you, to let this love building in him manifest in a way where he can freely press his lips against yours, run his scarred palms against your skin, feel the heat of your body against his chest, anything to tattoo this moment into his mind every single time he has you with him. he prefers any position that has you facing him. solomon wants to cover your body with his and just be as close to you as physically possible, to tangle legs and limbs until neither of you know where the other begins or ends. pushing even just the tip of his cock in has him resisting the urge to roll his eyes back in his head and groan like it's the first time all over again. he's so obsessed with you and your warmth and he'll fuck you far past the point of exhaustion just so he can keep memorizing everything about you.
in conclusion. i want him. i want to study him. i want to bully him. i want him between my teeth and i want him out of my kitchen. i want to chew on him like a dog with an old frayed toy and i also want to set him very delicately on my shelf where he's comfortable and happy.
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oldmemoria · 1 year
lmao i fucking forgot to share this
not only do i have unorganized miguel heacanons but i have unorganized HOBIE ones too
i have unorganized random headcanons for all the characters i brainrot over these two are no different!!
identity headcanons first hehe:
hes trans. he probably diyed his hrt and also has top surgery somehow hes magic. (i also think he'd have tattoos over his scars, either super cool bat/devil wings or an intricate spider design on their whole abdomen cant decide ill draw it later 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉)
he, however, doesnt really have any specific sexuality or gender labels they feel like they fit into. theyre attacted to all genders of varying degrees but doesnt really put a label on it. he just exists.
also doesnt mind what pronouns you use for her. any/all. basically.
also also would encourage people to use the weirdest and coolest neopronouns they can think of for zem like REALLY go out there WHATEVER YOU CAN THINK OF.
ADHD haver?? MAYBE???
to the rest acaksdlfj;akdjf:
theyre very crafty and dabble in basically every form of art. music, graffiti, painting, sculpting (mainly with trash or scraps or random discarded items he finds, more on that later on), sewing, whatever. if he can learn to do it she will.
he is super touchy and likes being close to people, but also understand boundaries.
very emotionally intelligent, i feel like this is canon anyway but ill just put it out there, ze can basically sense if someone is upset.
LOVES ABSOLUTELY LIVES FOR talking to new people, will go out of their way to introduce himself to basically everyone, especially new spider-people she meets.
he is a bit of a joker, ofc, but he wont try and push boundaries that he clearly sees or hears from the person theyre talking to. hi people who hc him as being an unself aware dickhead shut up you are very wrong did you even watch the movie.
this one is probably my favorite but he will pick up random things he sees around him and keep them for art projects. cool rock on the sidewalk? its a rock, hes gonna take it. funny lookin bug? might pick it up for a little to look at it and put it back in a safer spot. bottle cap? "mine now". like i said before he likes using litter to make art.
he will stop mid-mission if he sees something cool that he can take home like "oh [riff] cool leaf" and put it in his pocket.
i was referencing this post btw i love this headcanon, absolutely genius, i will steal it ty /lhj
this stealing of random objects from all around the multiverse has caused many lectures for miguel (they arent listening)
they have some kind of control over what texture/color they turn into if xey really think about it but most of the time he just kind of.. lets it do its thing. (sort of like a RainWing?)
shockingly good at vague yet oddly specific threats that are unrealistic but if you really think about it it's like "oh yeah he could totally do that..." but she wouldn't. yknow what im saying right???
while he does live in the 70s where technology was uh... not as popular nor as advanced as they are now, he's aware of modern tech through Gwen, Miles, Pav, DEFINITELY through Margo and Miguel, but she doesn't really use it often. doesnt really see the point.
along with that he also is aware of modern music as well, he has mixed feelings (gwen is probably the biggest influence though she is such a Pinkshift/Paramore/My Chem girlie it hurts to think about)
100% collects record of artists, especially smaller artists, that they like.
if you get them going about music he will talk for HOURS. HOURS until you tell him to shut up, even though fae totally wont listen and will keep going anyway. (just like me teehee projecting is fun <3 )
while hobie does use his guitar as a weapon for some reason he is quite protective of it. they wont try and stop you from touching it or playing it, but he will watch you like a hawk. half out of "oo look another person is interested in guitar" and the other half of "👁️👁️ dont break it i can only do that /j" (a lot of musicians are like that, i would know, im one of them. ha)
loves stray animals. cats, dogs, birds, anything. he will stop to pet them if they let him.
he also will talk to cats like any other person. especially spider cat. spider cat could make a cat noise and he'd act like he understood it. "yeah totally man, i get it. meow."
he can sing like... averagely? he has a good sense of pitch and timing, as most musicians do, but she isnt professionally trained or really does it too often
they will scream though
also really likes messing with makeup and bodypaint. he will spend hours on it if he can.
FUCK I AM SO HAPPY I DIDNT POST THIS IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE I KEEP REMEMBERING THINGS ACK HERES ONE LAST ONE POST THIS AFTER ASH I SWEAR (edit from two weeks later: i forgor): he definitely isnt a morning person. he loves to sleep in. definitely values rest, like a lot. miguel will call him at like 7 am and hobie will flip him off and say 5 more minutes when they really mean 2 more hours.
do i have any more?? hmmm maybe if i remember but this is what i have so far. mostly just silly lil headcanons that arent entirely plot relevant as most of my headcanons are.
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gutsfics · 2 months
ok so ive Posted my boy Harvy GUNK a few times, but ive never actually talked about him For Reals before. and thats a crime
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Harvy is/was my Lovelink mc, but mostly ive kinda divorced him from it bc. i dont really like lovelink that much anymore lol
he's canadian/chinese, born and raised by a single mom in Vancouver, Canada. i think i even know what specific street he grew up on but i forgot what it is lol i think it was Hastings iirc?
he's thirty-something, trans, and bisexual/demiromantic. he was raised an only child but he has a sister about 16 years younger than him
his mom was a sex worker & for a few years she didn't know who his dad was, but when she learned who it was she & his dad got closer and eventually ended up getting married as he was a very sweet and caring, if lonely, man. shortly after the wedding, his dad's job wanted him to go back to china, but Harvy was 16 years old, fairly independant, & didnt want to finish his last few years of high school in a country he couldnt speak the language of, so after a conversation w his parents they decided that he should be emancipated so he could finish high school at the school he was already enrolled in. he does his best to keep in touch w his parents, both then and now, but sometimes life gets in the way. also theyre good people but not necessarily the best at being parents, his mom especially. she loves and supports him, she just tends to be a bit absent and assumes hes fine w it because he never tells her otherwise (the emancipation was his idea though). on the flip side, he's always assumed his mom would have had a better life without him, and that things are better for her now that she's settled down with her husband and theyre new baby. theyre both just kinda...... bad at communicating with each other
since then, hes just kind of wandered all over canada and the united states, doing whatever he feels like and temping or working part time. he never really stays in one place for more than a few years. he typically does sex work-adjacent type jobs, like working at sex shops. he thinks its fun and prefers it to other types of retail work
his long list of lovers includes but is not limited to a kpop star, a convict, the convict's brother who framed said convict (plot twist it was the cops who framed both of them), one doctor Tobias Carrick, the ranch hand at a ranch a semi-estranged aunt left for him in her will, several tattoo artists, famous pop star Lisa Valentine, the son of a mafia don who was just using him as bait for the don of a rival crime family who he thought was Harvy's father, said don of the rival crime family (theres no relation- Harvy was friends w his actual son, who died when they were young, & has a very similar name to the kid), famed hollywood director/actor husbands duo Thomas Hunt and Avalon, and a centaur. yes most of these are lovelink characters and Yes i am putting my own headcanons into it bc i dislike how actual canon went. also some choices characters bc Of Course <3
im willing to elaborate on any of this, just comment or send an ask <3
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