#new descendants book
kvothes · 2 years
content aside, i think that diversifying your reading also means reading a variety of forms. even if you can burn through novels across genres and moods and subjects—they’re still novels. can you try short stories, a playscript, a book of poems? i think familiarity with these different forms is underrated and offers a lot
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dreamofcamelot · 2 days
What about….. descendants AU???
(Quick idea bcs fight of our lives is on repeat rn. It’s going to be messy since im copying what I had in my notes, so excuse any typos)
So Arthur is the prince of Avalon blah blah blah instead of villains here they banned magic and sent all sorcerers to the isle.
Ok so Morgana turns out to be a sorcerer, Arthur who is about to be crowned king is like “we need to do something this has to change, let’s give them a chance” so he decides to invite a few of the children of the isle to come and study here.
Now enter the vks
We got manic pixie boy Merlin who grew up with stories about magic and dragons and his (absent) father and hates what the crown has done to sorcerers and magic. He's always felt like his very existence is a crime.
His magic? Banned. Books? Confiscated. He’s lived all his life in the isle so he does not know what magic feels like but but but he knows there’s something in his chest a pressure like he can’t never take a real breath like there’s something holding him back. He feels there’s something inside him that’s begging to come out.
Merlin, Nimue, Freya idk all the sorcerers maybe Mordred can come too I like him, are chosen to go to Avalon High.
They are happy about it, yeah why not, maybe things are finally changing and they might have a chance at leaving the island and having a different future, they heard the prince is not like his father, they want to give him a chance.
Merlin specially wants to give him, whoever he is, a chance.
Then they get there n meet Arthur n he’s all formal and wear this fake smile n Merlin can tell he’s doing this reluctantly, he is not confortable or happy to be greeting them, their presence alone bother him and it’s showing.
It’s obvious to them that deep down he hates magic n since magic is what he is he must hate Merlin too so not a great start.
When they crossed the bridge, Merlin felt it, it’s like the world got back it’s colors, like seeing, breathing for the first time.
Magic is in desuse in Avalon so people don’t learn it nor practice it but since Merlin is magic the second he leaves the isle he's able to use magic naturally as if he had been doing it all his life.
He begins experimenting with it and conjuring cute fire dragons and showing the others what they missed all those years and suddenly he realises that up until that point, without his magic, the very source of his being, Merlin was not living.
For the first time in his life he feels something. And then his hatred become stronger. How could they have taken this away from them, from him? Completion never felt more bittersweet.
And then, instead of going the d1 route, something happens, maybe Agravaine's being nasty again and throwing a coup d’etat or smth cause I really want to throw here the plot of d4 and bam they need to fix it, they must go to the past together n then, because they are a couple of dumbasses in every universe they start fighting n mess up with the pocket watch.
So instead of traveling to a few moments before the incident they end up to when magic was about to get banned and wow they discover the truth about Merlin’s incredible powers n learn about his dragon lord dad and wow is that Arthur’s mom? Wait what is his dad doing with a sorcerer?? Unbelievable. They have more in common than any of them thought before.
Etc etc etc 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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lying-on-floors · 1 month
Hello dear friends! ❤🤍🖤💚
🍉I am Mahmoud Ayyad, a Palestinian from the besieged and destroyed Gaza 😭😭, coming from an extended family of young children, women and elderly people ❤❤ who have been suffering😭😭 for 300 difficult days from an aggressive war.
Our lives are harsh because we lack all the basic necessities of life. Everything has become scarce and unattainable. There is no food, no water, no medicine.
So, I ask you to help me keep my family safe and alive, especially after we had lost all our sources of livelihood.Please do not leave my family to struggle and suffer these difficult days alone. You can support my campaign by donating whatever you can or by sharing my posts to reach others who can help us survive the war to safety and peace. You are helping the lives of many people with your small contribution. Every donation makes a difference in our very difficult lives. But this is a legitimate campaign and has been checked by 90-ghost.
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kanene-yaaay · 18 days
🌈 helloooo it's time for asks- do u have any hcs about pjo? particularly the camp halfblood trio or nico/will :3
Let's gooo! Heyaaa Ollie! :D
Okay, so, I think that Will keep looking for excuses to trap Nico in the medical bay (Infirmary? I can't remember how its called JHGFDHGTR) longer than he needs under his caring care <3 all while Nico continues to make a run for it. At this point it became like a game between them. Will will (ha-) ignore the healing effects that ambrosia has on halfbloods and Nico simply continues to sneak around, pulling excuses or literally just running for it until they get caught in a game of chase. From there is a free game and each move gets sillier than the other
It got to the point that Nico will at some point conjure skeletons and turn the chase around with Solace running for his life because the moment those skeletons get him in a good boney grip he will have to survive Nico's taunts and smug smirk as his playful fingers dancing on his entire torso, hungry for the weak spots that will pry those lovely snorts and crackling laughter. All while Nico will try to convince Will to free him from The Place I Do Not Remember and Will will (ha :D) keeps pulling the card of "Who is the doctor here" until he either descends in even more laughter (Nico found that horrible, awful, ticklish space between his shoulderblades again-) or receives a kiss. It's a win win for both of them in either case.
Anyway, his revenge is always sweet and soft and unberable and it always comes disguised as a check up that Nico simply can't run from. I am just saying, there is a LOT of opportunities to slowly and "accidentaly" keep sneaking tickles and scribbles during those and Will know this and Nico knows that Will knows this he is just sitting there trying to keep his nonchalant, even grump face (unsuccessfully, ofc, his smiles are much easier next to him) while Will keeps poking and wiggling those attacking fingers with no hurry or whatsover, just with a smirk on his lips and a calm pace of someone who has all the time of the world to hear the cutest giggles in this earth.
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luc-elementix · 23 days
Disney Descendants [Comics & Mangas]
A little off-topic post just to ask help to the Disney Descendants fandom. Can someone tells me where I can read the Disney Descendants mangas and comics?
Here the list of titles I'm looking for :
The Isle Of The Lost (The Graphic Novel)
Return To The Isle Of The Lost (The Graphic Novel)
Twisted Field Trip (EDIT: Found it!)
Fright at the Museum
Evie's Wicked Runway 1
Evie's Wicked Runway 2
Dizzy's New Fortune
Mal's Royal Challenge
We only had the manga adaptation of the first movie in my country. And now that I've read all the novels books, I'm curious to read the others Disney Descendants medias. =)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
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What the writers for Descendants The Rise Of Red must have been thinking when coming up with the plot and such.
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hannahhook7744 · 4 months
Bruh my descendants canon is so expansive that future generations will be confused when they stumble upon my works.
The fact that I keep tweaking some aspects of canon will not help in the slightest.
(look, you can pry the kid characters and my headcanons for them, mainly the Baduns, from my cold dead hands-)
They're gonna be like: why did so many people write about the badun cousins, Reza, Eddie Balthazar, Hermie Bing, and Yzla being detectives?
Why is Hadie 8? Why does he even still exist here?
Who's Elle?
Who's the turtle?
Who are Ivy and Hunter and Henry? I thought Carlos not had one cousin.
And I am absolutely not sorry.
Canon is a lovely suggestion.
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Honestly if I was told I needed to get recommendation letters to get into college after saving the world twice I'd simply not go to college what the hell
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djwaglmuffin · 10 days
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Aah, Nebedtka. My first on-the-way-to-becoming non-binary character. He's fab and smart.
And deadly if you piss him off. :>
Now I get to draw his lover!
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The sweet scent of blossom blooms is forever tainting the air along side the morning spring mist of dew on the very few grassy patches of meadow and windows of buildings and homes. The sun was out and about giving warmth to some and misery to others.
Fine brown shoes walk along the grey stoned street on this fine morning. Within his needle pricked and bruised hand holds a smaller paler hand of a little boy no more than seven years old dressed rather put together for his age who holds a grey tinned lunch box in his other small hand. Dalmatia, handsome, smart, suave, a good speaker, and loyal are just a few terms he got used to since before and during his time on the Isle of the Lost. Loyal and kind minion of Cruella De Vil, fashionista with a roaring personality of boldness and just a touch of crazy, he remained by her side like the loyal dog he is and helped raise her little pup after the father was no longer around.
The pair finished their stroll at a red bricked building where children are either running around screaming, standing and talking, or on the ground or on the single tree of the lawn. Dalmatia took a deep breath in through the nose, chest puffed out, "Well, look at this, first day of school." He smiled proudly and looked at the boy beside him. Carlos, ever so timid, sneaked behind the older's longer legs and buried his cute face behind his knee cap.
Dalmatia smiled softly and kneels down, "Carlos," He started, waiting for those brown eyes to peek behind the bangs that were combs before leaving the house but seem to have fallen just so, "I understand it's scary, but I promise you this is fun." "But I like to help you and mama with outfits..." The boy pouted, eyes looking down. In any other situation that look would make the dog cave and give Carlos everything he ever wanted and more, but he has to be strong for this case.
Taking in another breath to collect himself to not be swept by the emotions of spoiling the puppy rotten, Dalmatia fixes his coat and tilted Carlos' face up as his voice speaks calmly and comforting, "I know puppy, and we love you helping us to. But you can't always do that forever, you need to let your mind grow and make friends. And I know plenty of the kids here because they're were raised by amazing recruiters like yours's truly." As if on comedic que, a little boy with long black hair runs around the yard with a bucket on his head. The two watch as he runs screaming in strange child glee, and kept watching until he ran into the tree and falls on his back. ". . . Okay he's a little different cause his dad isn't that smart in his life choices..."
Carlos messes with the rubber handle of his lunchbox, lip quivering. His small shoulders tense and jump when a loud bell chimes above them. Dalmatia looked at the building and back down at Carlos, shining down a reassuring smile. The boy looked at the adult and took a breath in before slowly walking towards the steps of the entrance.
The dog waves after, "Have a good day Carlos!"
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The stars aren't as bright within his eye sight.
The music was muffled and dare say distant from his hearing.
The taste of bitter saliva that mingled with stale wine he gulped was nothing among his tongue.
All his senses are hyper focused on staring at the floating lights of a little boy smiling so innocently.
Dalmatia gulped another swig of the wine as his tired burning eyes watched his special box show a new memory of Carlos on his first picture day, how proud he looked with his first fashion choice and proudly showing it off. Right now he should be inside celebrating the wedding of Mal and Ben, the future King and Queen of Auradon but as of right now he's hiding in one of the marble polished balcony having his fourth glass or the luxury squeezed grapes alone with a box of memories, a usually normal box full of little memories over the years of Carlos from his birth to his letters talking about possibly being in love with the Fairy Godmother's daughter, but after the Isle became open for all to enter and leave Carlos surprised the loyal minion and his mother with a magic spell that can project the memories as fluid and real as if they aren't images of mist at all.
"It's not healthy crying all alone you know..."
Dalmatia turned to the voice's source to find Hades walking out to the midnight air, rubbing his red leather gloves across his pale cheek for any makeup smears that may be showing as the God walked right beside him. "I remember you used to not cry in situations when the kids were younger too. Yet you always encourage Jay and Carlos to cry as open as they can." Hades said with a soft smile, eyes to the stars.
The once dalmatian doesn't look at him. Doesn't react to him. Eyes drifting back to Carlos' projector face of the memory when he was about to leave for Auradon, his smiling freckled face so fresh of anxious and hidden excitement of adventure he never dared speak of then in fear of how others' will think. The God look at the projector and his smile slowly fades off, his voice got more gentle, "You know, he would've love this... Seeing Mal being married... Seeing Evi get her dream come true... Seeing you all dressed up at a party the first time in forever..."
"He would..." Was all Dalmatia said as he rubs the box's rim, neat eyebrows frowning. "You know..." His voice cracked softly, small but Hades doesn't punch at it, he sniffs as a pause, "When... we first got the news... Cruella refused to accept it... She acted as if he was going to come in through the door as if he never left the Isle in the first place... I never heard her cry as much as I did that whole week... Or month... She barely ate... Hardly slept... It was like seeing a new person..."
Memories of Carlos' wake enters his mind, tarnishing the happy ones he just printed with the box's help, the way the room was so heavy and dull. Carlos wouldn't want that, he would want the room to be colorful like he was, would want people to laugh and smile like he did, but I guess you can't have either at a funeral. He recalled the pain he felt when he held back any sobs and tears deep inside him as he kept a brave face for everyone until he stepped outside the venue's back door and finally let it all out for only the moon to witness.
His hands shook as he feels the tears burning his eyes and even his cheeks as light black streaks began to drip down to his chin as his breathing hitch, "I-I know... I'm just a dog who helped raise his master's child, but I cared for him... As if he was my own pup... I raised him for 19 Goddamn years and now he— H-He's somehow—!" The ball of sorrow clung to his throat flesh, stopping his voice from speaking anymore words as if it hurt more than the tears and the lump.
Hades slowly put his hand on Dalmatia's back, accepting when the dog quickly shook and sobbed openly into the gentle breeze of the magical night, the box still projecting the brave soul as the memories restarted into the first time the pup opened his eyes...
I wanted to write something since I haven't written/done anything related to DVR in a long long while, sorry if it's short and/or crappy! Also I decided Carlos was 19 due to me in my last fic of the gang I had Jay be 18 when the barrier was lifted which I think was a typo and I personally headcanon Mal and Ben's wedding happened a year after the third film since I think it's canon the boys are younger than Mal and Evie or maybe I headcanoned that to the point I believed it lol
This takes place in the AU I've written before which I'm going to be sticking to since I personally love it and am kind of sad Aubrey doesn't marry Harry Hook in the future;
Part One of Aubrey Saga
Part Two
Part Three
Farja & Jay Story and Farja's Reunion
Hopefully I'll right more!
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calico-kiwi · 5 months
the beginnings of a new phone layout… is finally being enacted… i started this plan quite a while ago… and i have so far to go… the planning stage… is not yet complete… I know i can make this look so much better… gAHH…
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Judah Gives Hebron to Caleb
They gave Hebron to Caleb, as Moses had promised, and he drove out the three sons of Anak. — Judges 1:20 | New Life Version (NLV) New Life Version Holy Bible Copyright © 1969, 2003 by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Cross References: Joshua 10:36; Joshua 14:9; Joshua 14:13; Joshua 15:14; judges 1:10
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egg2k16 · 8 months
God, the one line that breaks my heart every time I think about it is the caption under the photo for the lizard herder, how he scans the horizon with blank eyes while his herd gets smarter. "The future does not seem to belong to him"
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ginkovskij · 2 years
interesting much how when introducing the tavern where raskol'nikov and marmeladov are going to meet the phrasing is something along the line of "a set of stairs that lead down into the underground" considering the meaning of the underground in the wider production of dostoevskij much to think about
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"Persephone, Descending" is a haunting collection of prose and poetry that deconstructs the myth of Persephone and her descent to the underworld. This book explores the deterioration of sanity, trusting the l’appel du vide, and walking willingly into an internal chaos.
The poems are not just retellings of the myth; they are personal re-interpretations of Persephone’s story, from her abduction to her re-claiming her power. Fray Narte’s second poetry collection isn’t just for the readers who grew up reading Greek mythology, but for anyone who’s interested in exploring themes that revolve around loss, grief, existential crisis, and identity.
While it may be niched, the poetry in the book is confessional — a gesture of authenticity and self-acceptance of your worst, incomprehensible form. This makes the book perfect for readers who dare to look at and live their unfiltered truths.
The cover of the book is a picture taken by the author’s dear friend; both an imagery of Persephone succumbing to a sweet, hazy, solitary surrender, and a nod to Ophelia’s descent to madness and eventual drowning, said to be a symbolically feminine death. This sets the perfect tone for the collection. Persephone, Descending would be a great gift to anyone who seeks to look inward and appreciates poetry, mythology, and subjective spirituality.
Overall, the anthology is thought-provoking, emotive, and truly unique. It’s one of the must read Filipino poetry books. Support Fray Narte by buying a copy from the website of 8Letters Bookstore and Publishing or from their Shopee page.
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navree · 2 years
aaron sorkin making a show about how The News Is so Important and then showing a virulent disdain for any form of print journalism doesn’t really sit right with me or with his philosophy on how The News Is So Important So Therefore We Must All Protect It
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