#new delhi accommodation
townpostin · 3 months
Railways Boost Capacity on Bhubaneswar-New Delhi Tejas Rajdhani
Extra First AC Coach Added to Meet Increased Demand Railways respond to passenger surge and Parliament session start by enhancing capacity on key Rajdhani Express routes. JAMSHEDPUR – The Railways will add an extra First AC coach to the Bhubaneswar-New Delhi Tejas Rajdhani Express, which passes through Tatanagar, from June 27 to July 2. This decision comes as part of a broader initiative to…
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theroseate · 1 year
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Five Star Hotel Near Delhi Airport For Event and Meeting - The Roseate
Are you looking a luxury hotel to book a group stay for any event or board meetings? The Roseate offers a wide range of meeting rooms, large banquet room and picturesque outdoor settings that is perfect for meetings. Call us now! For more - Luxury Accommodation New Delhi
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Hotels in Kailash Colony, South Delhi: A Personalized Travel Guide
A place of rich cultural heritage, mouth-watering foods, top companies, houses of bureaucrats, you name it, and Delhi has got it. Dilwalon ka Shehar Delhi has got all the features to make it the most sought-after place in the country. Being the capital of the country, it hosts a variety of facilities that are exclusive to Delhi. The place receiving the maximum footsteps in Delhi has to be South Delhi. Alon with monuments, it has got some of the best hotels in Kailash Colony, Delhi. So if you are someone travelling to South Delhi and are looking for staying options, you have landed just at the right place.
Source: https://homment.com/iKIJhh2VlKeUxkE2sdHg 
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"London (England) - Calcutta (India) - London (England)"
This bus service from London to Calcutta (Kolkata) is considered to have been the longest bus route in the world.
The service, which was started in 1957 and operated by Albert Travel, was routed to India continuing after the UK, to Belgium, through Europe via (then) Yugoslavia, Türkiye, Iran, Afghanistan, and West Pakistan.
After entering India, it eventually reached Calcutta via New Delhi, Agra, Allahabad (Prayagraj) and Banaras (Varanasi).
This route became known as the 'Hippie Route.'
It took about 50 days for the bus to reach Calcutta from London.
The voyage was 32,669 km long and was in service until 1976.
By then, the cost of the trip was £145, including food, travel and accommodation.
The bus was equipped with reading facilities, separate sleeping bunks for everyone, and fan-operated heaters.
There was a kitchen with all equipment and amenities.
There was a forward observation lounge on the upper deck of the later version of the bus.
The bus provided radio and music system for parties. It had time to spend at major tourist destinations along the way, including Banaras and the Taj Mahal on the banks of the Ganges.
Shopping breaks were organized in Salzburg, Vienna, Istanbul, Kabul and Tehran.
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mariacallous · 9 months
The world is embarking on a critical year for the future of democracy. Elections in India, Indonesia, South Africa, and the United States—to name just a few prominent countries headed to the polls in 2024—would normally be routine affairs. But many of these democracies are at an inflection point. Can the strengthening tides of polarization, institutional degradation, and authoritarianism be reversed? Or will democracy reach a breaking point?
Every democracy has its own particular set of characteristics. In each country holding elections this year, voters will judge incumbent governments on familiar issues such as inflation, employment, personal security, and a sense of confidence about their future prospects. But the foreboding that accompanies the world’s elections in 2024 stems from one singular fact: The uneasy accommodation between nationalism and democracy is coming under severe stress.
The crisis in democracy is in part a crisis in nationalism, which today seems to revolve around four issues: how nations define membership; how they popularize a version of historical memory; how they locate a sovereign identity; and how they contend with the forces of globalization. In each of these, nationalism and liberalism are often in tension. Democracies tend to navigate this tension rather than resolve it. Yet, around the world, nationalism is slowly strangling liberalism—a trend that could accelerate in a damaging way this year. As more citizens cast their ballots in 2024 than in any other year in the history of the world, they will be voting not only for a particular leader or party but for the very future of their civil liberties.
Let’s first discuss how societies set parameters for membership. If a political community is sovereign, it has a right to make decisions on whom to exclude from or include in membership. Liberal democracies have historically opted for a variety of criteria for membership. Some have privileged ethnic and cultural factors, while others have picked civic criteria that merely demand allegiance to a common set of constitutional values.
In practice, a range of considerations have guided the immigration policies of liberal democracies, including the economic advantages of immigration, historical ties to particular groups of people, and humanitarian considerations. Most liberal societies have dealt with the membership question not on a principled basis but through various arrangements, some more open than others.
The question of membership is increasing in political salience. The causes may vary. In the United States, a surge of migrants at the southern border has politically foregrounded the issue, forcing even the Biden administration to reverse some of its promised liberal policies. To be sure, immigration has always been an important political issue in the United States. But since the political arrival of Donald Trump, it has acquired a new edge. Trump’s so-called Muslim ban—even though it was eventually repealed—raised the specter of new forms of overt or covert discrimination forming the basis of a possible future U.S. immigration regime.
Europe’s refugee crisis—induced by global conflicts and economic and climate distress—is inflecting the politics of every country. Sweden has grown deep concerns about its model of integrating immigrants, ushering in a right-wing government in 2022. In the United Kingdom, Brexit hinged in part on concerns over immigration. And in India, the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi will implement the 2019 Citizenship Amendment Act, which excludes Muslim refugees from certain neighboring countries from a pathway to seeking citizenship. For New Delhi, membership concerns are driven by the need to prioritize a large ethnic majority. Similarly, the status of migrants in South Africa is being increasingly contested.
The increasing salience of membership is worrying for the future of liberalism. Since liberal values have historically been compatible with a variety of immigration and membership regimes, a liberal membership regime may not be a necessary condition for creating a liberal society. One could argue that not having a well-controlled membership policy is more likely to undermine liberalism by upsetting the social cohesion on which liberalism relies. But it is a remarkable fact that many of the world’s political leaders who endorse closed or discriminatory membership regimes, from Hungary’s Viktor Orban to the Netherlands’s Geert Wilders, also happen to oppose liberal values. That makes it harder to create a distinction between being anti-immigration and anti-liberal.
The second dimension of nationalism is the contest over historical memory. All nations need something of a usable past—a story that binds its peoples together—that can be the basis of a collective identity and self-esteem. The distinction between history and memory can be overdrawn, but it is important. As the French historian Pierre Nora put it, memory looks for facts, especially ones that suit the veneration of the main object of recollection. Memory has an affective quality: It is supposed to move you and constitute your identity. It draws the boundaries of communities. History is more detached; the facts will always complicate both identity and community.
History is not a morality tale as much as it is a very difficult form of hard-won knowledge, always aware of its selectivity.
Memory is easiest to hold on to as a morality tale. It is not just about the past. Memory is a kind of eternal truth about one’s collective identity, to keep and carry forward.
Memories are increasingly being emphasized in the political arena. In India, to take the most obvious case, historical memory is central to the consolidation of Hindu nationalism. In January, Modi will open a temple to the god Ram in Ayodhya, built on the site where Hindu nationalists demolished a mosque in 1992. It is an important religious symbol. But it is also central to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party’s narrative that the most salient historical memory for Indians should not be colonial rule by the British but a thousand-year history of subjugation by Islam. Modi declared Aug. 5, the day the foundation stone of the temple was laid in 2020, as being as important a national milestone as Aug. 15, the day of India’s independence from the British in 1947.
In South Africa, questions of memory may seem less pronounced. But the compromise of the Nelson Mandela years, which some now see as sacrificing economic justice for the cause of social solidarity, is increasingly being interrogated. Faced with continuing inequality, economic worries, and declining social mobility, many South Africans are questioning the legacy of Mandela and whether he did enough to empower Black people in the country. This reflects some disillusionment with the ruling African National Congress. But this reconsideration could also potentially redefine the memory in terms of which modern South Africa has understood itself.
In the United States, the contest over how to tell the national story goes back to the Founding Fathers. But debates around this are more politically visible than ever, with politicians from Trump to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis basing their candidacies in part on what it means to be American and how to “make America great again.” Florida, for example, created dubious standards for the teaching of Black history, seeking to regulate what students learn about race and slavery. This is not just a contest over the politics of pedagogy; behind it is a larger, anxious political debate about how the United States remembers its past—and therefore how it will build its future.
The third dimension in the surge of nationalism is the contest over popular sovereignty, or the will of the people. There has always been a close connection between popular sovereignty and nationalism, as the former required the formation of the concept of a people with a distinct identity and special solidarity toward one another. During the French Revolution, inspired by the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the popular sovereign was supposed to have a singular will. But if the will of the people is unitary, what explains differences? Furthermore, if there are differences among people, as there naturally are, then how is one to ascertain the will of the people? One way out of this puzzle is to see who can effectively perform the will of the able—and in doing so represent the other side as betraying that will, rather than as merely carrying an alternative interpretation of it. In order for such a performance to take place, one has to castigate anyone who represents an alternative viewpoint as an enemy of the people. In that sense, rhetorical invocations of “the people”—understood as a unitary entity—always run the risk of being anti-pluralist. Even when democracies around the world have embraced a pluralist and representative conception of democracy, there is a residual trace of unity that gets transposed to the nation. The nation is not a nation, or cannot acquire a will, unless it is united.
People rally around a unitary will by benchmarking their national identity: We are Indian by virtue of X or American by virtue of Y. Sometimes, this kind of benchmarking of identity can be quite productive; it is a reminder to citizens of what gives their particular community a distinct identity. Yet one of nationalism’s features is that it struggles to make room for its own contestation. The opposition is delegitimized or stigmatized not because it has a different point of view on policy matters but because its views are represented as anti-national. It is not an accident that the rhetoric of national populists is often directed against forces that are seen to challenge their version of the national identity or their benchmarking of nationalism. As national identities become more contested, there are increasing chances that unity can be achieved only by being imposed.
As a political style, national populism thrives not so much by finding enemies of the people but enemies of the nation, who are often measured by certain taboos. Almost all modern populists—from Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Modi, Orban, and Trump—draw the distinction between people and elites not in terms of class but in terms of who authentically represents the nation. Who gets benchmarked as the true nationalist? The cultural contempt for the elite gets its strength not just from the fact that they are elites but that they can be represented as elites who are no longer part of the nation, as it were. This kind of rhetoric increasingly sees difference as seditious rather than merely a disagreement. In India, for example, national security charges are deployed against students who question the government’s stance on Kashmir. This is seen not just as a contestation—or possibly a misguided view—but an anti-national act than needs to be criminalized.
The fourth dimension of the crisis of nationalism relates to globalization. Even in the era of hyperglobalization, national interest never faded away. Countries embraced globalization or greater integration into the world economy because they thought it served their interests. But a critical question in this year’s elections in all democracies is a reconsideration of the terms on which they engage the international system.
Globalization created winners but also losers. The loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States or premature de-industrialization in India was bound to prompt a reconsideration of globalization—and all of this was happening even before the COVID-19 pandemic, which accentuated a fear of dependency on global supply chains.
Countries are increasingly convinced that the assertion of political control over the economy—their ability to create a legitimate social contract—requires rethinking the terms of globalization. The trend is to feel more skeptical about globalization and to seek out greater self-sufficiency for national security or economic reasons. “America First” and “India First” are to a certain extent understandable, particularly in a context where China has emerged as an authoritarian competitor.
But the current moment seems like a much larger pivot in the politics of nationalism. Globalization, while seeking to advance national interests, also mitigated nationalism. It presented the global order as something other than a zero-sum game in which all countries could mutually benefit by greater integration. It was not suspicious of cosmopolitan solidarity. Increasingly, democracies are abandoning this assumption, with profound consequences for the world. Less globalization and more protectionism will inevitably translate to more nationalism—a trend that will also hurt global trade, especially for smaller countries that need the rising tide of open borders and commerce.
Each of the four features of nationalism described here—membership, memory, sovereign identity, and openness to the world—has shadowed democracy since its inception. All democracies are also facing their own profound economic challenges: inequality and wage stagnation in the United States, the crisis of employment in India, and corruption in South Africa. There is no necessary binary between economic issues and the politics of nationalism. Successful nationalist politicians such as Modi see their economic success as a means of consolidating their nationalist visions. And in times of stress, nationalism is the language through which grievance can be articulated. It is the means by which politicians give a sense of belonging and participation to the people.
Nationalism is the most potent form of identity politics. It views individuals and the rights they have through the prism of the compulsory identity to which nationalism confines them. Nationalism and liberalism have long been competing forces. It is easier to navigate the tension between them if the stakes around nationalism are lowered, not raised. Yet it is increasingly likely that in many elections in 2024, the nature of the national identities of these countries will be at stake along the four dimensions listed above. These contests could invigorate democracy. But if the recent past is any guide, the salience of nationalism in politics is more likely to pose a threat to liberal values.
Advancing forms of nationalism that do not allow their own meaning to be contested or that seek to preserve the privilege of particular groups generally produces a more divisive and polarized society. India, Israel, France, and the United States each face a version of this challenge. Issues of memory and membership are the least amenable to being resolved by simple policy deliberation. The truths they trade on are not about facts that could be a basis for a common ground. It is notorious, for example, that we often choose our histories because of our identity rather than the other way around.
Perhaps most importantly, assaults on liberal freedoms are often justified in the name of nationalism. For example, freedom of expression is most likely to discover its limits if it is seen to target a deeply cherished national myth. Every emerging populist or authoritarian leader who is willing to abridge civil liberties or pay short shrift to institutional integrity wears the mantle of nationalism. It allows such leaders to crack down on dissent by using the canard “anti-national.” In many ways, this year’s elections may well decide whether democracy can successfully negotiate the dilemmas of nationalism—or whether it will be degraded or crushed.
George L. Mosse, the great 20th-century historian of fascism, described this challenge in his inaugural lecture at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1979: “If we do not succeed in giving nationalism a human face, a future historian might write about our civilization what Edward Gibbon wrote about the fall of the Roman Empire: that at its height moderation prevailed and citizens had respect for each other’s beliefs, but that it fell through intolerant zeal and military despotism.”
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indiatriangletours · 2 months
How to Choose the Best Golden Triangle India Tour Packages?
India Triangle Tours - Mystic India Tourism
Embarking on the Golden Triangle India Tour is a journey through the rich cultural tapestry of India, offering an unparalleled experience of history, architecture, and vibrant traditions. Choosing the best Golden Triangle India Tour Packages can elevate your travel experience, making it memorable and hassle-free. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you select the ideal tour package for an unforgettable adventure.
1. Understand What the Golden Triangle Tour Entails
Before diving into the details of selecting a tour package, it’s essential to understand what the Golden Triangle encompasses. The tour covers three iconic cities:
Delhi: The capital city, a blend of ancient history and modern marvels.
Agra: Home to the Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a symbol of love.
Jaipur: The Pink City, known for its majestic forts and palaces.
These cities form a triangle on the map, hence the name Golden Triangle. Each city offers unique experiences, from Delhi’s bustling markets and historical monuments to Agra’s Mughal architecture and Jaipur’s royal heritage.
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2. Determine Your Budget
Golden Triangle India Tour Packages vary widely in price, catering to different budgets. Decide on your budget before starting your search. Consider factors like accommodation, transportation, meals, entry fees to tourist attractions, and additional activities such as guided tours or cultural shows. A clear budget will help narrow down your options and ensure you get the best value for your money.
3. Choose the Right Duration
Tour packages can range from a quick 3-day trip to an extensive 10-day exploration. Determine how much time you have and what you want to see. A shorter tour will focus on the highlights, while a longer one will offer a more in-depth experience, including visits to lesser-known attractions and more leisure time to soak in the local culture.
4. Look for Customization Options
A good tour operator should offer customizable Golden Triangle India Tour Packages. Customization allows you to tailor the itinerary to your preferences, adding or removing destinations and activities based on your interests. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or a shopaholic, a customizable package ensures you get the most out of your trip.
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5. Check the Inclusions and Exclusions
Carefully review what is included in the tour package. Key inclusions to look for are:
Accommodation (hotel ratings, location, amenities)
Transportation (type of vehicle, comfort level, driver’s expertise)
Meals (number of meals per day, type of cuisine)
Sightseeing tours (entry fees, guide services)
Any special activities (cultural shows, workshops)
Also, check for exclusions such as personal expenses, optional tours, and tipping. Knowing what’s included will prevent any unexpected costs and help you plan your budget better.
6. Read Reviews and Testimonials
Customer reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the quality of the tour packages. Look for reviews on trusted travel websites and social media platforms. Pay attention to feedback about the tour operator’s reliability, quality of service, and overall customer satisfaction. Positive reviews from past travelers are a good indicator of a reputable tour operator.
7. Evaluate the Tour Operator’s Experience and Expertise
Choose a tour operator with extensive experience and expertise in organizing Golden Triangle tours. Experienced operators like India Triangle Tours - Mystic India Tourism have in-depth knowledge of the destinations, ensuring a well-planned and smooth travel experience. They can provide valuable insights, tips, and recommendations to enhance your trip.
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8. Consider Group Size and Travel Style
Tour packages can be group tours or private tours. Group tours are more affordable and offer the chance to meet new people, while private tours provide a more personalized and flexible experience. Decide which travel style suits you best. Also, consider the group size for group tours – smaller groups often provide a more intimate and enjoyable experience.
9. Check for Safety and Support
Ensure the tour operator prioritizes safety and offers reliable customer support. Look for packages that include travel insurance, well-maintained vehicles, experienced drivers, and knowledgeable guides. Reliable customer support is crucial in case of any issues or emergencies during your trip.
Selecting the best Golden Triangle India Tour Packages involves careful consideration of various factors, from budget and duration to customization options and safety measures. By following this guide, you can find a tour package that aligns with your preferences and ensures a memorable journey through India’s iconic Golden Triangle. For a seamless and enriching experience, consider India Triangle Tours - Mystic India Tourism, a trusted provider with a reputation for excellence in Golden Triangle tours. Happy travels!
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shivshaktimachtech · 3 months
Round Pet Bottle Labeling Machine Manufacturer in Ahmedabad
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Round Pet Bottle Labeling Machine Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. A round PET bottle labeling machine is a specialized equipment designed to apply labels accurately and efficiently onto cylindrical PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles. It ensures consistent placement of labels, enhancing product aesthetics, branding, and compliance with regulatory standards. Why Choose Our Round PET Bottle Labeling Machines? Precision Labeling: Accurate application of labels on round PET bottles, ensuring uniformity and aesthetic appeal. High-Speed Performance: Capable of labeling bottles at high speeds, maximizing production output and efficiency. Versatility: Compatible with various bottle sizes and shapes, accommodating diverse packaging requirements. User-Friendly Design: Intuitive controls and easy adjustments for quick setup and minimal downtime. Durable Construction: Built with robust materials for long-term reliability and minimal maintenance. Applications: Beverage Industry Pharmaceuticals Cosmetics and Personal Care Food Products Chemicals and Household Products Distillery Dairy Agrochemicals Paint Shiv Shakti Machtech is Round Pet Bottle Labeling Machine Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Including Kathwada, Vadodara, Changodar, Gota, Naroda, Nikol, Mehsana, Palanpur, Deesa, Patan, Vapi, Surendranagar, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Rajkot, Amreli, Mahuva, Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Silvassa, Porbandar, Mumbai, Vasai, Andheri, Dadar, Maharashtra, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Pune, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Udaipur, Kota, Bharatpur, Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Ajmer, Delhi, Noida, Baddi, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, Una, Jammu Kashmir, Haryana, Hisar, Gurgaon, Gurugram, Madhya Pradesh, Indore, Bhopal, Ratlam, Jabalpur, Satna, New Delhi, Kolkata, West Bengal, Assam, Asansol, Siliguri, Durgapur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Brahmapur, Puri, Goa, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatna, Hyderabad, Guntur, Chittoor, Kurnool, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam, Karimnagar, Ramagundam, Suryapet, Telangana, Medak, Bengaluru, Bangalore, Mangaluru, Hubballi, Vijayapura, Davanagere, Kalaburagi, Chitradurga, Ballari, Kolar, Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchirapalli, Tiruppur, Salem, Erode, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kozhikode, Thrissur, Kollam, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Kannur, Malappuram, Bharatpur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Alwar, Bhilwara, Nagpur, Amravati, Solapur, Malegaon, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Wardha, Vasai-Virar, Gondia, Hinganghat, Barshi, Ulhasnagar, Nandurbar, Bhusawal, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Kalyan, Satara, Yamuna Nagar, Chhachhrauli. For further details or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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trueenewshub · 3 months
Homeless NDA Ministers
IMC WEB DESK NEW DELHI: Indian politics defines transition. Elections saw Modi as the PM heading NDA-led coalition government. Soon after, former Union Ministers asked to vacate their designated homes
NDA goes through changes
Indian politics witnessed weighty changes in 2024. On 7th June 2024, Narendra Modi confirmed the support of 293 MPs to Droupadi Murmu, the President of India. This marked Modi’s third term as Prime Minister and his first-time heading NDA-led coalition government with the Telugu Desam Party of Andhra Pradesh and Janata Dal (United) of Bihar emerging as two primary alliances.
A noticeable step taken by the Directorate of Estates (DoE) under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) surely makes up for a sweeping swap!
DoE served a notice to few of the former Union Ministers in Indian Politics to vacate their official accommodation in Delhi’s Lutyens’ by 10 July as requests for accommodation pour in from newly appointed ministers.
All Union ministers and ministers of state (MoS) in Indian politics are entitled to a ‘Type VIII’ bungalow in Delhi’s Lutyens’. Former ministers have to vacate such an accommodation when they lose their ministerial berth, according to the DoE rules.
NDA-led coalition government have removed thirty-seven formers ministers in from Narendra Modi’s Union Council of Ministers. Indian politics stands synonymous to shifting gears.
Significant leaders in Indian politics namely Smriti Irani, Arjun Munda, R.K Singh, Niranjan Jyoti, Sanjeev Balyan, and Rajeev Chandrashekhar, lost in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections. Others, such as Anurag Thakur, Narayan Rane, and Parshottam Rupala, won but did not get a ministerial berth this time. Some, such as Meenakshi Lekhi, did not get a ticket to contest the polls as the BJP replaced them with new faces. When the nation asks what is politics, well this is the face of real Indian Politics.
The DoE notice will be followed by a show cause notice eventually leading to an eviction notice.
Indian politics is often referred as the dance of democracy! While few ministers might still be showing unwillingness to vacate, there are others who have been upfront in changing their designated accommodation.
Former Education minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, who was served with an eviction notice by the Directorate of Estates recently, has also conveyed that he would be vacating the 27, Safdarjung Road bungalow.
Lutyens-Landmark in Indian Politics
Spread across an area of 23.60sqkm, The Lutyens Bungalow Zone is home to the luminaries of Indian Politics as well as high-net-worth individuals with about 3000 government-owned bungalows.
Serving NDA Union ministers were eligible for accommodation as allotted by the DoE. House committees of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha secretariats are the competent authorities to allot accommodation to MPs.
Members are entitled to a licence-fee free flat or hostel accommodation throughout their term of office.
Members are entitled to water supply without payment of charges up to 4000 kl per annum. They are eligible for electricity up to 50,000 units (25,000 units measure on light meter and 25,000 units on power meter or pooled together) per annum beginning from January 1 every year.
Other facilities include- washing of sofa covers and curtains every three months. Furniture within the monetary ceiling of Rs 60,000 in respect of durable furniture.
They are also allowed for a 25 per cent remission in the rent on account of any improvement or addition made to it or any additional service provided thereto by way of furniture, electrical equipment and other services.
Editor’s Note
Around 50 former union ministers and MPs from the last Lok Sabha have been sent notice by DoE to vacate their official accommodation. Home is always closest to ones heart and when it is in the poshest locality of the capital and earned through valid eligibility, the address caries a myriad of meaning for the resident. Apparently it is just might be a regular governmental procedure but delving deep, slight feeling uprootedness might haunt souls of Indian politics.
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(Arranged Marriage Pic) Read on AO3 
Rated M 
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Kumari wiped the glass countertop with a dish towel, listening to the ticking of the clock. She wore an apron underneath her blouse and jeans, Rapunzel black hair rolled up in a braided bun. Business was slow for a Tuesday afternoon. Her husband was sent on another mission yesterday, and her 11 month old son, Kichiro, was upstairs in his crib taking a nap. Most of the morning had been spent rearranging the cast iron cauldrons, wands, and empty crystal balls, which were mostly kept for posterity (they did absolutely nothing). The swords, army knives, guns, and medieval crossbows, on the other hand, were the real deal. If there was one art form Kumari appreciated more than anything it was weaponry. Cursed weaponry, at that. There was no better dealer on this side of the South China Sea than her, and everybody in the jujutsu world knew it. That’s why the sorcerer families continued doing business with her, despite the fall out between her in-laws.
Being a cursed tool specialist wasn’t necessarily the easiest job, but Kumari knew she was top-tier. Just recently she had acquired a handsome yatağan, pommeled in bronze, dating back to the early Ottoman Empire. She had her eye on it for months. The seller didn’t bother recognizing the sword’s true value, or the high volumes of dormant cursed energy contained within its curved blade, talking to her. Probably belonged to a powerful warrior at one time. She got it for a steal. It looked nice mounted on the wall with the other swords next to the four-armed goddess Kali, destroyer of evil and consort to Shiva, enraged as she wore the slaughtered heads and arms of her enemies. Kumari grinned. She was rather fond of that imagery.
Samurai armor. French guillotines. A 1923 Tommy gun owned by Al Capone. Sometimes the tools she acquired couldn’t be sold, either because they were too dangerous for society, or had been stolen and needed to be returned to their rightful owners, tucked dead in their tombs. Like a jigsaw puzzle, it was Kumari’s job to gather the pieces and reassemble them.
Her favorite cases were always swords, be they katana, akrafena, rapiers, or her primary weapon of choice, the double-edged khanda. Ever since her parents signed her up for fencing lessons, Kumari knew she had found her vocation. And upon possessing a rare sealing technique used for cursed tools and artifacts, the choice had been made. Japan came calling, and when entering high school she said goodbye to her beloved New Delhi for a new beginning in Tokyo.
Jujutsu High was where she met her husband, freshman year. Their chemistry was instantaneous. All it took was one, quick glance and Ichiro was hers. They dated all throughout high school and university before tying the knot last year. She was pregnant four months later with their baby boy. With their growing family, the newest Chauhan clan moved to an accommodating townhouse in Minato City, where Kumari’s shop “KUMARI’S APPRAISAL & ARMAMENTS” dwelled on the very first floor. Due to the nature of her enterprise, she had special permission from the Japanese government to sell illegal weapons. Only registered jujutsu sorcerers were allowed access.
With her two bare hands, Kumari had carved a comfortable niche for herself, but living in Japan as a foreigner wasn’t always so simple. She still got stared at when walking down the street on her way to the market. Her mocha colored skin and long black hair were quite eye-catching. Ichiro thought she was beautiful of course. His family thought otherwise. Seemed neither money nor royal blood would do for the Kamo’s.
The Chauhan dynasty, Kumari’s ancestors, was believed to have ruled over the region of Sapadalaksha, located in present day Rajasthan where most of India’s kings reigned. They did so for 600 years before the turn of the 12th century and later British colonialism. As a little girl, Kumari could remember her grandfather bouncing her on one knee as he re-dramatized the war stories of Prithviraj Chauhan III laying siege to Muhammad Ghori’s forces at the Battle of Tarain. He would also recite to her the Bhagavad Gita; When Prince Arjuna threw down his bow, ready to forfeit the seemingly useless fight, till lord Krishna reminded him of his duty as a warrior. Her grandmother would be busy in the kitchen making dumplings (momos), singing traditional folk songs. The scent of curry leaves and chili would linger all throughout the house. She missed it sometimes.
The direct Chauhan line lost their royalty, but not their wealth. Kumari wore the ruby and pearl beaded necklace once belonging to Bhupinder Singh, the Maharaja of Patiala, on her wedding with a whole string of decadent jewels, and a lehenga designed and sewn by Sabyasachi Mukherjee. Although the Chauhan’s kept most of their wealth hidden and lived by more modest means; ie, not residing in palatial houses with servants and priceless treasures, staying out of the limelight as much as possible. Both of Kumari's parents worked in academia. Her mother obtained a doctorate in biophysics, while her father served as co-director for the Department of South Asian Studies at a prestigious university, focusing on past and modern Indo-Pakistani relations. Kumari followed in her parents’ academic footsteps, earning a bachelor’s in Military Science and a master’s in Weapon Appraisal after graduating from Jujutsu High, taking up sword smithing as a side hustle. Turns out she excelled in her craft, yet for all the expertise it wouldn’t be enough to curry favor with her in-laws.
She blamed Ichiro’s domineering aunt, Hatsumomo, the most. That witch. Kumari likened her to a Malabar viper, toxic to everyone she saw as indecent, which in her world meant anyone who lacked the right lineage. Jujustu society was very much a world of who’s in and who’s out, but in all the years she had confronted the Kamo woman, Kumari never let the old snake coil under her skin. She attributed the witch’s bitterness from being overlooked as clan leader many years back, despite being the eldest in the Kamo family. Now she wreaked her vengeance as the self-proclaimed “leading lady” of jujutsu society, delegating what was and was not permissible. However, Kumari wasn’t the groveling sort and refused to bend the knee. Her pride wouldn’t allow it. The satisfaction she felt for wearing a heavily embroidered sari in front of the appalled Kamo’s face still lived fresh in her memory (with a gold nath and chain). That was before her and Ichiro were married, the day he formally announced his separation from the Kamo clan, taking the Chauhan name instead. There was no turning back now, but as a wise man once said; when one door closes, another one…
The doorbell to her shop jingled, signaling the arrival of a customer.
Kumari’s head flew up from the countertop to spot the world’s strongest sorcerer entering her store. She smiled.
“Ah, Satoru. I was wondering when you’d show up. I expected your dandelion head in here hours ago.”
The Six Eyes wielder ruffled his snow-white hair. “Sorry. We walked past a new flower shop and Hannah couldn’t resist.”
The girl in question popped out from behind her husband, cheeks noticeably red.
“We weren’t in there very long,” she insisted. “Honest.”
“Oh, it’s fine. You didn’t make an appointment,” Kumari assured, beckoning them inside. “Come in, come in.” The couple walked towards her, allowing the Indian tradeswoman to better evaluate Satoru’s little bride. She already knew the girl was English, if the light dusting of freckles, pale skin, and auburn colored hair were any clues. Plus the accent, which was still distinct when speaking Japanese, thought she hid it well. She was at least five inches shorter.
Kumari noticed Hannah’s hazel eyes on the tiny dagger pierced through her right ear. Ichiro bought it for her as an anniversary present. Vastly intrigued, the Indian woman leaned closer.
“So you’re the illustrious Hannah everyone has been raving about.”
Hannah swallowed nervously. “R-Raving?”
Kumari dismissed the question and extended her hand. “The name is Chauhan Kumari. I specialize in cursed tools and weaponry. You could even say I’m the best arms dealer in the biz. Welcome to my shop.” Her eyes redirected towards Satoru who quickly hid his hand behind his back, having been caught meddling with some miniature voodoo dolls sitting on a revolving rack. She pointed a finger. “And I’ve known this loser since he was a senpai of mine back in Jujutsu High.”
“Your favorite senpai, might I add,” Satoru corrected cheekily, shooting her a wide, cheshire-cat grin before thinking over what she had said. “Hold on, since when am I a loser?”
Kumari rolled her dark green eyes at the jujutsu sorcerer, paying him no heed. Hannah seized the opportunity to reach out.
“It’s a pleasure,” she said, shaking the arm dealer’s outstretched hand.
“I concur,” Kumari replied with a smile.
Bummed that his former underclassman thought so lowly of him, Satoru spun around on his heels, doing a quick scan of the store. He seemed confused. “Oi, where’s that lovesick husband of yours, Kumari? I haven’t seen him since Gion.”
Kumari was back to furiously wiping the countertop with the dish towel, her smile morphing into a frown. “Ichiro is away on a mission.”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yes,” Kumari huffed, less than happy with the outcome. She scrubbed harder. “Seriously.”
“But why? Wasn’t he assigned to Osaka just last week?”
“Yes, yes. Don’t remind me, Satoru,” the arms dealer fumed, raising her hand to silence him. “I’ve vented enough about it already.”
Satoru sulked. “Shit, and here I thought I was being overworked. The bastards.”
“He’s supposed to be home Thursday night, God willing.”
“What about the tiny squirt?” he asked. “How’s he doin’?”
“Oh, you know. Lively as any other toddler would be. Right now he’s upstairs, taking his afternoon nap.”
“I imagine he must keep you on your toes,” Hannah chimed, joining in the light banter.
“All the bloody time,” the Indian woman exclaimed. “Especially now that he can walk and talk, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Motherhood has been kind to me.” She placed the dish towel on her shoulder. “Though I understand you’re not here for a life update. Fork it over, pretty boy. Show me what you did.”
Sheepishly, Satoru took out a small cloth bag from his back pocket. He loosed the strings, and flipping the bag upside down, shook out its contents. Several broken shards of Stinging Nettle, the green silked tantō he had gifted Hannah, fell atop the glass countertop like coins, as did the wooden hilt, cracked right in the center. It was his fault. After excorcizing the curse from the opera and teaching Hannah how to use it, the cursed tool self combusted. He had been too rough.
The arms dealer pursed her lips.
“Chutiya,” she cursed in Hindi. “This is the fifth cursed weapon from my shop you’ve broken this year. These daggers don’t grow on bloody trees, you know?”
Satoru looked almost guilty. “Can it be fixed?”
“Of course it can be fixed!” Kumari shrilled, swatting him with her dish towel. “What kind of business do you think I’m running? A concession stand?” She whipped out a small microscope from her apron to inspect the fragmented surgical steel. “I’ll have to weld the pieces back together and recarve the hilt from scratch, then check its cursed energy output for holes. By my estimation, the repair should take no longer than three weeks.” She glowered at her former senpai suspiciously. “I expect to be well compensated for this, correct?”
Satoru nodded. “You name it, I’ll pay it.”
“Good. Anything else I can do for you?”
“Yeah. How much you want for that mean looking guy over there?”
Kumari craned her neck. He was pointing towards a wide-edged combat knife mounted on the wall below the katana. She mentally processed everything she knew about the blade. DNA results showed the black fur on its guard was actually the hide of an eastern lowland gorilla, a critically endangered species forested in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The two holes, or rings, punched in the 12 inch steel were meant to help distribute its weight when held. The hilt was wrapped in wildebeest leather. While imbued with cursed energy, the fighting knife was safe for non-sorcerers. It must’ve been very old, which in her profession upped the retail price. Excellent.
An imp-like smirk graced her features as she swiveled back to face the Six Eyes wielder. “Not sure,” she challenged. “How much do you think it’s worth?”
The game was on.
“Two million,” Satoru said.
She taped her chin. “Mmm, more like five million.”
“What?! There’s no way it costs that much.” He tried throwing a different number. “Three and a half.”
“Four million.”
“Okay then, three eight-hundred.”
“Sorry, Gojo. Four million is my final asking price. Take it or leave it.”
“Dammit,” Satoru swore under his breath with a wry smile, already pulling out his checkbook. “Chauhan, some days I swear you’re out to bleed me dry. You bargain worse than Mei Mei.”
“Mei-san doesn’t have a child to raise,” Kumari reasoned, gladly swiping the signed check of ¥4,000,000 off his hands. She walked around the counter and grabbed the knife from the wall, procuring a case for it. “Thanks for supporting local. Your patronage is greatly appreciated.”
Satoru wallowed in his defeat and lifted his newly made purchase from its case, flipping it side to side. “What’s the knife’s name?”
Kumari placed the check in the register, closing the cash box. “Slaughter Demon.”
Meanwhile, Hannah had her eye locked on a lone wooden shelf situated in the corner, filled with books next to rows of paper scrolls and blank spell-tags. Satoru had been watching. She refused leaving his side and he felt he knew why. His hand landed on her head. Hazel met turquoise as she peered up at him.
“Hey, you don’t need my permission, alright?” he told her. “If you want to look at the books, have at it. You're safe here.”
“Thank you,” she said quickly and darted for the book shelf, wasting no time finding one that caught her attention. Satoru chuckled warmly, observing her flip a few pages, close the book, then return it on the shelf before selecting a new one, fingers running along the paper bindings. Now that she was out of earshot, he felt free to speak.
“Is it ready?”
Kumari’s face suddenly blanched like she was about to be ill. “Yes, wait here.” She disappeared through a curtain behind the counter, soon returning with a mysterious lacquered box. She placed it cautiously in front of him. “Don’t ask how it went. Had to perform the ritual in the basement. I won’t sugarcoat it, Satoru, this one was worse than the first.”
Unafraid, Satoru cracked open the lid. Kumari shivered.
Inside was the lone Sukuna finger obtained from the New National Theatre back in July. Satoru had given the finger to Kumari to re-seal with wax. It had taken close to two months, but the cursed relic was officially under wraps. He picked up the hooked finger that upon closer inspection seemed to be the pinkie belonging to Sukuna’s left hand. He scowled at it. Hundreds dead because of this damn thing. Wordlessly, he transferred the sealed finger from the box into his front pocket. He would return it to Jujutsu High where it would be kept under lock and key.
They heard a small sneeze reminiscent of a child’s. The two sorcerers look to see Hannah coughing and batting away heavy clouds of dust. Somehow, her petite stature managed to free a book on the top shelf yet to be cleaned. She appeared fine, but Kumari's mind wandered to a different matter.
“How is she sleeping?”
Satoru frowned. “To be honest, not that great.”
Hannah’s sleep schedule had gone from bad to shit. The Sight gave her no reprieve. The only good part was when they’d separate for bed, and Satoru would feel a tug on his arm; Hannah pulling him inside her room because she didn’t want to be alone. The grief following Keiko’s execution last week had not lost its grip. She needed him, and Satoru liked being needed. He liked planting secret kisses on her head and holding her close when the nightmares came. His own Sleeping Beauty in his arms. He liked it.
“Have you discussed her visions?” Kumari said.
“We’re starting to,” he sighed. “I keep asking whether she’s noticed anything weird, a clue that another Sukuna finger will pop up. So far, there’s been no patterns. At least, that’s what she’s told me.”
“So she would know for sure if a new finger was set to emerge?”
Kumari leaned atop the glass counter again, staring down at the collection of knickknacks and magical trinkets, resting a palm on her cheek. “The Sight; a rare, involuntary foresight that is initiated by the amount of cursed energy existing in the environment during sleep. What a strange ability.”
“Yeah, tell me about it,” Satoru huffed.
“I wouldn’t want that power,” Kumari admitted. “Not for all the tea in China, though I do wonder. Are there other abilities associated with it? Telepathy? Mind reading? Hypnosis?”
The Six Eyes wielder shook his head. “None that I’m aware of.” Although, there was a slight hesitation in his voice. Kumari sensed he wasn’t telling the full truth, but wouldn’t prod him. Her thoughts went back to Hannah.
“I can tell she’s a sweet girl,” she sympathized. “Perhaps even a little too sweet.”
“She’s tougher than she looks.”
“You sound smitten.”
She had meant it as a joke, but Satoru wasn't taking the bait and held his silence. Her green eyes widened a fraction.
“Oh-ho, I stand corrected,” she quipped. “More than smitten. Well, I'm happy to hear it. About time you settled down with someone and made a decent life for yourself. Should I prepare to be an Auntie anytime soon?”
Satoru smirked. “I wouldn’t bet on it,” he chuckled dryly. Kumari patted him on the back.
“Aw, no worries, dandelion head. You’ll be changing diapers soon enough, just you wait. Then the real fun begins.”
Satoru’s eyes commenced to watching Hannah parse through the books. She had abandoned the dusty novel on a nearby table, too short to put it back, and was reading a different one. “No offense, Kumari, but that’s the last thing on my mind right now.”
Kumari gave a long sigh, twirling her hand in the air. “Fine, fine, you’re right. But there isn’t much to her, Satoru. A wind gust could probably come in and blow her away.”
Satoru snorted. “Has anyone ever told you not to judge a person by appearances? I said she’s tougher than she lets on.”
“Toughness doesn’t count much these days. Strength perhaps, but not necessarily toughness.”
“She is strong.”
“Says you.”
She heard him give a loud exhale through his nose, a sign he wasn’t going to continue arguing.
“She has me, Kumari.” Kumari turned to the world’s strongest sorcerer as he said it, his eyes trained on his wife turning another page. She saw the conviction cut through those strikingly blue irises. “I’m all the strength she needs.”
Kumari stared at her former senpai, doubting for a second he was really the same person who once saran-wrapped school staircases and unscrewed teacher’s chairs as pranks, spurting practical jokes on the fly like he intended to make it a career. This Satoru was new to her. Not since Geto’s fall from grace had she seen her friend act so serious.
Has one girl truly changed you that much? the tradeswoman thought.
They saw Hannah walking towards the sales wrap, book in hand.
“Find something interesting?” Satoru said.
“I did, actually,” she gushed, laying a blue covered book along the countertop. Madame Camille’s Simple Guide to Enchanted Textiles. Kumari nodded in approval. A fine choice, and so she took the book and rang it up for them on the register. Satoru handed her the total in change, and once the purchase was finalized, the two Gojo’s bid goodbye to their weapon-enthusiast friend and sauntered out of the shop. Kumari saw Satoru's large hand covet his wife’s smaller one just as the door closed behind them, the besotted gleam in his eye. It was the same twitterpated look Ichiro reserved only for her, the look of a man hopelessly in love. She heard Hannah giggle at something silly he said.
Kumari hummed.
Therein lied her answer.
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tagbin · 1 year
How Museum Design Firms Enhance Visitor Interaction Experience
Museum design firms play a crucial role in enhancing the visitor interaction experience, breathing new life into the way people engage with art, history, and cultural exhibits. Armed with visionary ideas and cutting-edge technologies, these companies are transforming traditional museum experiences into awe-inspiring journeys of discovery.
Harnessing the power of interactive displays and installations, museum exhibit design companies have shattered the barriers of passive observation. Through touchscreens, gesture recognition, and augmented reality (AR), visitors now actively engage with exhibits, unraveling hidden layers and unlocking a world of knowledge at their fingertips.
No longer confined to static artifacts, they can delve deeper, zooming in on intricate details, accessing additional information, and even stimulating virtual objects, making personal connections with the subject matter like never before.
Implementing Advanced Techniques to Enhance Visitor Experience
Furthermore, the best museum design companies, such as Tagbin, focus on creating dynamic and multisensory environments. They employ techniques such as lighting, sound design, and spatial arrangements to evoke emotional responses and heighten the overall visitor experience. From carefully designed lighting that accentuates artworks to immersive audiovisual installations that transport visitors to different eras, these elements contribute to a more engaging and memorable visit.
In their quest for inclusivity, museum design firms leverage technology to break down barriers. They integrate features such as audio guides, sign language interpretation, and tactile exhibits to cater to diverse audiences, including those with visual or hearing impairments. By providing multiple entry points and accommodating different learning styles, these companies ensure that all visitors can actively participate and connect with the exhibits.
How is Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya a Perfect Example of a Visitor-centric Museum?
The Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya, designed and executed by Tagbin, one of the best museum design companies in Delhi, stands as a shining example of a visitor-centric museum, redefining the way visitors engage with exhibits and creating a truly immersive experience. This museum has employed a range of techniques and technologies that place visitors at the heart of the museum, allowing them to actively participate, play, and learn.
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By integrating cutting-edge technologies like Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Robotics, the museum's ‘Anubhuti Engagement Zone’ has revolutionized visitor interaction.
Through AR-integrated exhibits such as "Stroll with PM" and "Selfie with PM," visitors can walk alongside their favorite Prime Ministers or capture cherished moments with them, making personal connections with history. The VR-integrated "Helicopter Ride" offers a simulated aerial experience, allowing visitors to explore India's visionary projects firsthand, igniting their imagination and sense of wonder.
In addition, the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya fosters visitor engagement through interactive exhibits that invite active participation. The "India 2047" exhibit encourages visitors to share their visions and suggestions for India's future, empowering them to shape the narrative.
"Sketch and Bring a Mission to Life" unleashes the creativity of children, enabling them to draw and complete missions, merging education with artistic expression. Furthermore, the museum emphasizes unity and togetherness through exhibits like the "Unity Chain," digitally forming the longest human chain to symbolize solidarity among visitors.
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Emphasizing the AT Psychological Theory - A Powerful Framework to Design AI-based Smart Museum
The AT (Affective-Transactional) Psychological Theory holds quite a lot of relevance in the context of creating meaningful and impactful museum experiences. By understanding the intricate interplay between emotions, cognition, and behavior, museum design firms can harness the power of this theory to craft exhibits and environments that elicit strong emotional responses, engage visitors on a deeper level, and leave a lasting impression.
Applying the AT Psychological Theory in museum design involves considering the emotional impact of exhibits and the overall museum environment. By strategically incorporating elements that evoke specific emotions, designers can create immersive and memorable experiences. Whether it's the use of lighting, sound, visual displays, or interactive elements, the goal is to elicit emotional responses that resonate with visitors, triggering curiosity, awe, empathy, or joy.
Final Words
Well, there is certainly no denying that museum exhibit design companies are the catalysts behind a revolution in visitor interaction. With their unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries and their relentless pursuit of innovation, they have paved the way for unforgettable museum experiences that inspire, educate, and leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who enter their transformative realms.
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ankushnainblog · 11 months
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The Oberoi, Gurgaon is a luxury hotel in Gurgaon, the business hub on the outskirts of capital New Delhi. Owned by Gurgaon-based developers Orbit Resorts the owner is Parkash Singh Badal and managed by The Oberoi Hotels & Resorts chain, it was built at a cost of ₹4 billion (US$50 million) and opened on 13 April 2011 catering mainly to business travellers. The hotel is situated right next to the Trident Hotel property close to NH-8, also under a management contract with Orbit Resorts.[2][3]
In January 2012, it became the first Indian luxury hotel to be named, "the World's Leading Luxury Hotel for 2011", at the annual 'World Travel Awards'.[4] Previously in December 2011, CNNGo named it amongst, "11 Indian hotels to visit in 2012".[5]
The hotel restaurants include the 24-hour multi-cuisine Threesixtyone and Amaranta which serves speciality coastal Indian cuisine. The property also has a bar termed as 'The Piano Bar', a cigar lounge and a spa.[6]
As of my last update in January 2022, The Oberoi, Gurgaon hotel chain is a collaboration between Pestana Hotel Group and the renowned footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. This chain primarily focuses on urban, city-center locations and exudes a modern, stylish vibe. Here's a general overview based on the chain's profile: **Key Players:** This might include senior executives from Pestana Hotel Group and representatives or managers working in collaboration with Prem Kumar as a brand ambassador.
**Venue:**The Oberoi, Gurgaon hotels are often located in urban settings, including cities like Lisbon, Madrid, Funchal (Madeira), and other major city centers.
**Meeting Types:** The Oberoi, Gurgaon hotels may provide spaces for small corporate meetings, gatherings, or events, but their primary focus is usually on providing a modern and vibrant accommodation experience.
**Challenges:** Common challenges for this type of hotel chain might involve maintaining a balance between luxury and accessibility, ensuring a consistent brand experience across different locations, and staying competitive in the urban hotel market. **SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats):**
- *Strengths:* Modern and stylish brand image, association with Prem kumar, prime urban locations, contemporary amenities.
- *Weaknesses:* Relatively limited in terms of widespread geographic coverage, potential saturation in competitive city markets. - *Opportunities:* Expansion into new urban centers, potential for brand collaborations or extensions.
- *Threats:* Intense competition from established city-center hotels, economic fluctuations impacting travel, and changes in consumer preferences. For the most updated and specific information regarding key players, venue details, meeting types, challenges, and a SWOT analysis hotel chain, I recommend checking their official website, press releases, or industry-related articles for the latest insights and developments.
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heyzel12 · 11 months
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      India counter occupies the greater part of South Asia there is the national capital New Delhi built in the 20th century. India is made up of 28  States and Eighth Union territories Its government is a constitutional republic that represents a highly diverse population consisting of thousands of ethnic groups and hundreds of languages. India has a diverse and distinct culture that has been developing for thousands of years. In religion, India is considered the birthplace of some of the world's major religions Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism but Hinduism remains the most popular.
     Being the world's second most populous nation (after China), the constitution recognizes 15 regional languages but Hindi and English are recognized as the official language. And when we are talking about a style of clothing they have colorful silk and Saris are what many can picture women wearing while men traditionally wear a Dhoti. Saris vary from 5 to 9 yards long and 2 to 4 feet and breadth, while Dhoti is an unstitched piece of clothes ranging from 4 to 5 yards in length and tied around the waist and legs. In India, they also have their own Do's and Don'ts. Some of their Do's are, to treat Indian elders with visible respect, be patient when making decisions or negotiating with your Indian counterpart, try to dress conservatively, and speak respectfully out of respect for your Indian counterpart. Indians are very forgiving towards foreigners who aren't always aware of the etiquette of Indian culture, this can help you avoid embarrassing mistakes. These are just some of their Don'ts. Start with, don't wear tight or revealing closing, don't wear your shoes inside, don't point your feet or finger at people, don't eat food or pass objects with your left hand, because the left hand is considered to be unclean in India. Don't always be polite, don't outright decline an invitation or request, don't expect people to be punctual, don't expect people to respect your personal space, don't show affection in public, don't overlook your body language, and lastly don't judge the whole country. These are the rules and regulations in India though we have our own rules and regulations we just need to follow and respect each rule, especially in India.
     Indian food and spices are legendary for their medical purposes, but Indian cuisine can be difficult to adjust because they have their own version and style of cooking. Spices such as cumin, turmeric, and cardamon have been used for thousands of years. Basmati rice and pulses are staples of the Indian diet, other religious groups are vegetarian or have certain limitations, and lamb and chicken are most common for those who do eat meat. Indian food will introduce you to many flavors, tastes, and styles of cooking and the ingredients used are very different from other countries. As you travel across India you will have many options for trying authentic flavors without having to worry too much about the expenses, the local food is unique and often cheap. Accommodations in Indian homestays are available for people to rent out the vacations, they are close to nature and filled with hills or beaches. Homestays offer guests an authentic living experience and dining at a reasonable cost. Food served at homestays is delicious, homely, and at a nominal cost. Chaat, kachori, choli bhature, idli, dosa, and paratha. These are just some of the delicious dishes can enjoy in India from small-in-the-wall shops, dishing out regional specialties. The souvenirs in India make excellent holiday mementos, from traditional handicrafts to tasty spices, you simply need to take home a few unique souvenirs. Whether you are looking for something unique or just a simple memento of your trip, these souvenirs from India will give you a bit of inspiration when shopping. These are your choices to take and buy a souvenir to bring home. Start with traditional handicrafts from India, when choosing and finding a souvenir in handicraft it is important to find out the history and the meaning of the craft so that you can truly appreciate it. You can also take these souvenirs, spices from India, tea from India, a book from India, clothing from India, jewelry from India, sarees from India, paintings from India, ayurvedic products from India, and incense sticks from India, lastly, the Rajasthani textiles from India, these are the 11 souvenirs from India, choose what suits your type. 
India's best place to visit are Kashmir, Kashmir which lies in the northernmost region of the country, the best time to visit Kashmir is around March to October for the green landscape and from December to February for snow. Rajasthan is one of the most culturally rich places to go in India undoubtedly Rajasthan is famous for its rich heritage, magnificent places, and insightful history. Kerala, Sikkim, and Manali are just some of the best places to visit in India for relaxation and adventures, visiting India will be memorable for you starting with the unique style of cooking, their style of dressing, and also their tradition and other things that can keep you forever, India is one of the most beautiful countries to visit.
Wolper Stanley. A, Srivastava.A.L, Alam Muzaffar(2023)
Geography & Travel. https://www.britannica.com/
Administrator(2014) Indian Culture and Traditions. https://
Scroope Chara(2018) Do's and Don'ts https://culturalatlas.
Cook Sharell(2019) 12 Indian Etiquette Don'ts https://www.
Gupta Sidharth Bhan(2023) Exploring Indian Food On A
Low Budget. https://www.slurrp.com/amp/article/
Philpott Victoria(2023) 11 Best Souvenirs from India to
Remember Your Trip By https://vickyflipfloptravels.com/
bes hut-souvenirs-from india/
Agarwal Kirti(2023) 22 Stunning Places to visit In India to
Rejuvenate Your Senses https://www.myholidays.com/
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nestaway1 · 11 months
Nestaway Reviews: Real Tenant Experiences Unveiled
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The rental housing market in India has experienced substantial expansion and change recently, with new businesses joining the market to meet tenants' changing needs. Among them, Nestaway has become a key participant, providing a distinctive platform that links tenants with suitable rental properties. This blog examines the reliability of the platform and its effects on several cities, including Bangalore, Gurgaon, Delhi, Noida, Hyderabad, Pune, and Mumbai. It also examines the company's evaluations and tenant experiences.
Nestaway Reviews: What Tenants Are Saying
Nestaway Ratings and Tenant Satisfaction
The ratings and evaluations a platform gets from its clients are one of the fundamental markers of how well it is performing. A large number of people have evaluated Nestaway well, saying that they had a hassle-free stay there. A large number have given the platform high evaluations for its commitment to superior services and promptly addressing maintenance issues.
Nestaway Reliable
While searching for rental properties, reliability is significant. Various positive Nestaway review support the company’s reputation for reliability. A large number have appreciated Nestaway's transparent contract.
User-Friendly Nestaway Platform:
The Nestaway platform has won honors for being intuitive and easy to use. Tenants say that it is so easy to view listings, organize visits, and finish the renting system on the web. Making informed decisions is additionally supported by the accessibility of high-quality photographs and virtual tours of every property.
Nestaway Acquisition and Growth:
The company’s improvement from its beginning into a leader in the Indian rental market is significant. To further expand its reach and upgrade its administration, the platform has entered into partnerships and vital acquisitions.
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Impact of Nestaway on Big Cities
Nestaway Bangalore
Bangalore is a focal point for IT workers and students and is alluded to as the Silicon Valley of India. The company’s presence in the city has had a critical impact by offering rental choices that fit the necessities of its different populations.
Nestaway Gurgaon
Because of Gurgaon's rapid urbanization, rental lodging is of greater interest. The lodgings presented by Nestaway Gurgaon have been profoundly acknowledged, particularly by youthful experts looking for pragmatic and reasonable decisions.
Nestaway Noida
Noida, a municipality of Delhi, is very much perceived for its flourishing business area and dynamic culture. Many individuals lodging issues have been made more straightforward by the organization's presence in these spots, which gives different answers to fit different financial plans.
Nestaway Hyderabad
The interest in rental properties has ascended in Hyderabad because of the city's developing IT area and understudy population. The Nestaway platform is a popular decision in this city because of its solid administration.
Nestaway Pune
Pune, a city prestigious for its instructive possibilities and wealth of valuable business opportunities, has seen the development of the Nestaway platform for rental homes. The platform’s presence has made it more straightforward for both professionals and students to obtain lodging.
Nestaway Mumbai
It could be challenging to locate a rental property that is both reasonable and well-maintained in Mumbai, the financial center of India. The introduction of Nestaway Mumbai gives those looking for high-quality rentals in this expanding city a cause for optimism.
Finally, the Nestaway platform has proven to be a trustworthy rental property marketplace in many Indian cities. The company's dedication to offering practical and reasonably priced accommodation is attested to by the good Nestaway reviews and experiences of its tenants. Its expansion and presence in major Indian cities like Bangalore, Gurgaon, Delhi, Noida, Hyderabad, Pune, and Mumbai have made it a crucial tool for tenants living in densely populated areas. The company's contribution to accelerating the rental process and enhancing the tenant experience cannot be overlooked in light of the continuous developments in the rental business.
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shahid12 · 1 year
The Laser Hair Removal Experience: Understanding the Procedure and Its Numerous Advantages
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Dealing with unwanted body hair can feel like an endless battle, but laser hair removal offers a convenient and highly effective solution. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricate world of laser hair removal, from its underlying principles and the treatment process to post-care routines, potential side effects, and a carefully curated list of Delhi's premier laser hair removal clinics. Say goodbye to the tiresome cycle of shaving and waxing and embark on a journey toward effortlessly smooth, hair-free skin.
Section 1: The Science Behind Laser Hair Removal
Understanding Laser Hair Removal: Laser hair removal is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure designed to eliminate unwanted body hair. It operates on the principle of concentrated light beams or lasers targeting and damaging hair follicles, rendering them incapable of producing new hair.
The Laser Treatment During a laser hair removal session, a specialized laser emits concentrated light pulses, absorbed by the melanin in hair follicles. This absorbed energy transforms into heat, disrupting the follicles' capacity to generate new hair. Remarkably precise, this procedure primarily affects dark, coarse hairs while preserving the surrounding skin. To enhance comfort, modern lasers are equipped with cooling systems. Achieving optimal results often requires multiple sessions to accommodate hair growth cycles, providing enduring outcomes.
Section 2: What to Expect During Laser Hair Removal
In a laser hair removal session, the specialized laser targets hair follicles' melanin, converting light energy into heat. This process impedes follicles' ability to grow new hair. Precision is a hallmark of the procedure, primarily impacting dark, coarse hairs while preserving surrounding skin. While some may experience mild discomfort, many modern lasers incorporate cooling mechanisms for improved comfort. To achieve long-lasting results, multiple sessions are typically required, taking into account hair growth cycles.
Section 3: Post-Treatment Care for Optimal Results
Proper post-treatment care is crucial for achieving the best results and minimizing potential side effects:
Sun Avoidance: Shield your skin from the sun and tanning for at least a week, as it will be more sensitive. Hydration: Keep treated skin well-hydrated with a fragrance-free moisturizer. Heat Avoidance: Steer clear of hot baths, saunas, and activities that induce sweating for a few days. Hair Removal Methods: Avoid waxing or plucking between sessions; shaving is typically allowed. Skin Protection: Use high SPF sunscreen when outdoors to safeguard treated areas. Adhere to Instructions: Follow specific instructions provided by your laser technician. Follow-up Appointments: Don't skip scheduled follow-up appointments for additional treatments. By following these guidelines, you can optimize your results and revel in smooth, hair-free skin post-laser hair removal.
Section 4: Minimal Downtime and Possible Side Effects
Laser hair removal entails minimal downtime, allowing you to resume regular activities immediately. Although side effects are typically mild and temporary, they may encompass temporary redness, mild swelling, discomfort, temporary changes in skin pigment, and in rare cases, small blisters or scarring (extremely rare). The risk of infection is low but can occur if post-care instructions aren't followed.
Section 5: 3 Laser Hair Removal Clinics in Delhi
The Face Centre
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Address: 41, Ring Road, 3rd Floor, Lajpat Nagar 4, New Delhi-110024 About The Face Centre:  The Best laser hair removal clinic in Delhi is The Face Centre, driven by an unwavering commitment to patient-centered care. From the moment you step into our clinic, you'll be greeted by a tranquil ambiance in our waiting area, adorned with exquisite artwork handpicked by Dr. Sardesai. This carefully curated environment sets the stage for an exceptional experience, promoting relaxation and serenity.
What truly sets us apart is our dedicated and proficient staff. Their unwavering commitment ensures your comfort and satisfaction remain our top priorities. At The Face Centre, you're not just a patient; you're a valued individual deserving of the highest level of care. Your journey to smoother, hair-free skin is our mission, and we're here to support you every step of the way.
2. Isya Aesthetics
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Address: Panchsheel Park About: Isya Aesthetics in Panchsheel Park is renowned for painless hair removal using cutting-edge technology, including Soprano ICE, Light-Neo, and Trio Ultima.
3. The National Skin Centre
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Address: South Extension I About: Founded by Dr. Navin Taneja, The National Skin Centre boasts over 25 years of expertise and is known for its advanced equipment and professional services.
Laser hair removal is your passport to smooth, hair-free skin without the hassle of frequent shaving or waxing. Choosing a reputable clinic in Delhi and adhering to proper aftercare instructions are paramount for long-lasting results and a boost in self-confidence. Bid farewell to unwanted hair and embrace a carefree, confident you! Say hello to the world of hassle-free hair removal through laser technology.
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nestawayreviews · 1 year
Nestaway Reliable: How They Ensure Secure and Transparent Rentals
Finding a decent rental property to live in might be difficult in India's crowded cities. Nestaway, founded in January 2015, is a solution to the issue that urban people experience frequently: the search for reasonably priced, secure, and hospitable rental housing. This blog will explore how the Nestaway Platform has improved rental housing availability while also revolutionizing the rental industry.
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About Nestaway
Nestaway was formed to find a decent rental home in crowded cities such as Bangalore. The company set out to develop a comprehensive solution after realizing that people moving to new cities required more than simply a residence. They sought to offer not just a place to stay but also a warm neighborhood and a channel for connecting with other necessary services and resources. This aspect showcases the Nestaway Reliable commitment to making renting hassle-free. The stability and dependability of this cutting-edge platform is shown in the continual positive Nestaway Reviews and Nestaway Ratings.
Nestaway Acquisition
Strategic actions like acquisitions are part of the company's mission to reinvent the renting experience. The company's commitment to development and innovation in the housing industry is seen in these acquisitions. The Nestaway acquisition supports the company's mission to simplify, secure, and make renting a breeze.
Nestaway sold out
Due to the company's popularity and success, there have been times when its vacant properties have been in high demand and swiftly sold out. This underlines even more the faith that landlords and tenants have in the platform.
Simplicity, justice, and accessibility are the three guiding principles of the company. It's no surprise that the company has gained a reputation for being Nestaway good
The Nestaway platform aims to make the home-searching experience as simple as possible. Young people may concentrate on their objectives rather than worrying about the details of setting up amenities, thanks to the additional services and furnished residences they provide.
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The Nestaway platform is dedicated to resolving the problems faced by young migrants who experience social anxiety. They want to build relationships within their communities that are mutually beneficial by bridging the divide between people of different backgrounds.
Affordable and suited to each individual's needs, which can vary substantially, housing should be accessible. The purpose of the Nestaway platform is to take away, the necessity for middlemen like brokers who frequently decide where someone will reside rather than accommodating their choices.
Building a Community: The Nestaway Community
The idea of the Nestaway community started to form, not just in Nestaway Gurgaon but across various cities. One can say that the company is "a world within a world." Building a network takes time in a strange and new city, but the Nestaway community can connect with one another. Through this network, people can communicate without being worried about conventional social dynamics. This community resulted in the creation of hiking groups, food festivals, literature clubs, and other community events.
Nestaway wants to make sure that no city feels foreign and that no one feels discriminated against as they continue to grow their presence in cities like Nestaway Bangalore, Nestaway Gurgaon, Nestaway Delhi, Nestaway Noida, Nestaway Hyderabad, Nestaway Pune, and Nestaway Mumbai. They stay committed to their goal of making life simple for everyone, making them a trustworthy and essential lifesaver for individuals coping with the difficulties of urban living. 
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shimotsuki-ryuma · 1 year
The Lotus Temple, located in New Delhi, India, is a Baháʼí House of Worship that was dedicated in December 1986. Notable for its lotus-like shape, it has become a prominent attraction in the city. Like all Bahá’í Houses of Worship, the Lotus Temple is open to all, regardless of religion or any other qualification.Unlike most other monuments in our country, the Lotus temple was built by Fariborz Sahba, who comes from an Iranian-American background.The architect was an Iranian, Fariborz Sahba who now lives in Canada.
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There are nine entrances that open to a huge central hall, which is about 40 meters in height. The temple has a seating capacity of 1300 people and can accommodate 2500 people at a time. There are no altars or pulpits inside the Lotus Temple, which is a common feature of all Bahai Houses of Worship.
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Lotus temple is situated near Nehru Place and Kalkaji Mandir metro station is just 500 meters away. The temple is in the village of Bahapur in New Delhi, National Capital Territory of Delhi
I think this place is very amazing and wonderfull. Everyone should visit this place. this place is one of the best places to visit.
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