#new chapter out thank you haruko ichikawa
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goshenite-fanboy · 2 years ago
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king-paimon · 2 years ago
Houseki no Kuni Chapter 103 Thoughts: Can't Stop the Inevitable But It'll Be OK (Maybe...)
Hello hello hello. Long time no see, Houseki no Kuni fandom! How have you all been? It's been a while. That hiatus Ms. Haruko Ichikawa took much longer than expected. That's fine by me because I've been pretty busy these past few months. Mostly the usual stuff; had some major ups and downs for me and those who I care about, annoying work/life events, though I had the wonderful opportunity to branch out and meet people who could help me with my career, found some new stuff to obsess over, etc. I honestly forgot about Houseki no Kuni for a little while until I saw the announcement about the latest chapter.
And now here we are.
This chapter was very dialogue heavy, though fairly straightforward. It seems to confirm some of the thoughts and theories other fans and myself had made back in chapter 102, though I left me asking a few new questions. They aren't big questions, but I just can't help but wonder...
This will definitely be one of my shorter posts because I don't have any big analytical thoughts here, just with lots of pictures from the chapter, so I'll make sure to add the spoiler tag. As always, please feel free to share your own thoughts in this post and sorry in advance for any mistakes or ramblings. Might add more later, but I can't promise anything.
Anyways, here we go!
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It'll Be OK: Liberation Of Internalized Suffering
The interaction in this chapter was interesting. Like I stated above, this chapter confirms that Phos is scared of corrupting the new rock species or being the catalyst that would cause humanity to come back. They don't want to be the source of suffering again, even if it meant destroying the very last remaining piece of their original self. They were ready to do whatever it took to prevent that from happening, even by having the entity who hated humanity do the deed.
But what surprised me a little in this chapter was Eyeball. For one, even though he could have fulfilled Phos's request, he didn't. He claims that there's only a trace of humanity on Phos's remaining piece, but states that it'd go away over time, therefore there's no reason to destroy it, even though Phos initially wanted that. I'll get back to this part later.
The other thing that surprised me was how Eyeball was able to placate Phos's current mindset, at least for a little bit, and he do it in an interesting way. Eyeball basically told Phos "Hey, your fear might come true... but it'll be okay. If if comes to that, I'll figure something out. And you shouldn't worry too much about it even if it happens because all things will come to an end one day, including us, and things will start over again in some way. There's no point in stressing about that future, so don't worry about it."
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In some ways, I kind of see this as Eyeball liberating Phos by taking some of their burdens onto himself by him stating that he'd be the one to figure out what to do if humanity did come back, not Phos, all the while dispelling Phos's other concerns by stating that Phos shouldn't waste their time worrying about what could happen. Phos's fears might come true... but so what? That's just how things go. Somethings are just out of your control and change is inevitable. Yes, it's stressful to worry about but that's just how it is. That's the strange beauty of it all, at least that's how I see it.
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And I don't know about you, but I just really liked Eyeball's monologue through these pages.
In the end, I think this interaction helped Phos by the fact that despite their fears, they chose to tell the pebbles about what the Professor said and humanity. Because even though Phos understands that humanity is capable of doing horrible things, thanks to their own experience as a sufferer and perpetrator, they also understand that there are parts of humanity that is capable of creating wonderful things. I'm glad that Phos is the one who wants to take this task. Despite everything, Phos is taking it upon themselves to be the one to teach these aspects to the pebbles so they can have the freedom to figure out how they can learn and evolve from this point onwards. It may lead to a better version of "humanity" or it could lead to something very similar. Who knows? But at least Phos is (hopefully) giving them what they need to figure themselves out.
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What will come from this interaction is anyone's guess and I'm hoping we will soon see within the next, and hopefully last, couple of chapters.
The Last Piece Of The Past: Why Keep it?
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One of the things that this chapter left me questioning was the final piece of the original Phosphophyllite. Not only is this the last remainder of Phos, but it may be the very last piece of the last human descendants; not just for the gems, but for the admirabilis and the lunarians. If what Eyeball said about the Lunarians intentionally leaving a piece of Phos's untarnished self behind is true, my question.. is why? Why did they leave this behind in Phos?
Was this for Phos's benefit somehow? Is it supposed to remind them of their origins or who they represented they obtained their final deity form? Or is the piece supposed to serve as some sort of artifact that could be beneficial for future organisms that would form over the course of time?
At this point, I have no clue. If anyone has any theories, please feel free to add them or post them!
Until Next Time! (Hopefully sooner than 4 months...)
That's honestly all that I have at this point in time for this post. I may come back to it and add more, but I can't promise anything. I don't know how my future posts for the hopefully last chapters will go, but I'll be honest... I can't wait to see it end. I enjoyed this story and I'm still looking forward to see what happens next, but I'm ready to it end.
For those of you who like these rambles, thank you so much! I still love seeing everyone's thoughts and I can't wait to see what people think of this chapter.
Hopefully this will be the last hiatus Ms. Ichikawa will have and we'll be facing the true final stretch of this story.
Or maybe we'll face another hiatus after another couple of chapters.
We'll see.
See you later!
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lairn · 5 months ago
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Reading Challenge 2024
I'm very behind on posting my reads for this year, so I'm going to throw out four in one go.
Book 10/24: Two Serpents Rise by Max Gladstone Rating: 3.25/5 Not as good as the first one. I never felt as sucked in and the philosophy explored towards the end did not work for me. But, still some cool, fun world building and magic.
Book 11/24: The Boy Who Followed Ripley by Patricia Highsmith Rating: 3/5 Continuing the trend of being not as good. This story was more aimless than the first 3. I think Highsmith can do great character studies and she fell short with Ripley and the boy in this one. It had its quirky moments (thank you Ripley in drag sequence).
Book 12/24: Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie Rating: 3.25/5 Oof, also not as good as the first one. It feels like a middle book in a bad way, with a lot of set up for the third installment. Which I still plan to read because there's plenty to like about the world building and politics in this series, even if the characters did not capture my attention as successfully as the first book did.
Book 13/24: Land of the Lustrous by Haruko Ichikawa Rating: 4/5 I read this story over several years with a huge pause around chapter 70 because it broke my heart a couple times. Of course, shortly after the section where I stopped, more love, warmth, and hope began to grow. So then I was shaken up and heart broken in a new, existential way. Very pretty art, especially when the author uses stark black and white.
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houseki-no-suffering · 6 years ago
Hello! I'm new to the fandom, and I'm not sure when chapters come out? When is the official release date and when do we usually get spoilers? Thanks (cool blog btw :3)
Hi and welcome to the fandom, my condolences in advance. Chaps are usually out by the end of each month, around the 25-26th, and leaks appear a few days before that.
Dunno if you know already, but HnK is on hiatus this month, most likely because of an earthquake in Hokkaido, where Haruko Ichikawa lives. Chap 72 will come out by the end of October, in the meantime you can join us as we wait to suffer again, we got bad memes, fan theories and fluff.
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king-paimon · 4 years ago
HnK Chapter 95 Thoughts: The cruelest chapter of all times
AKA: The chapter everyone hated
AKA: No happy ending in sight
AKA: Haruko Ichikawa is a monster
AKA: I called it again (and I wish I was wrong)
AKA: Talk about kicking someone while they’re down
Ms. Haruko Ichikawa. You’ve truly done it. You truly are a cruel, sadistic, trolling monster. You leave us with this chapter? This chapter that truly shows us that despite every hardship they faced, Phos gets nothing. This chapter shows that Phos was destined to be in constant misery, and to rub that in with literally everyone else is free and happy? And to add more salt to the wound, you’re leaving us on an hiatus for who knows how long??
This is without a doubt the cruelest chapter to leave us on and this is probably one of the cruelest things a mangaka can ever do for a series as intense as this. I wish the previous chapter was the last one for the end of this year because at least with that one, it would have given us some sense of something.
Man. I’m both horrified and amazed by you, Ms. Ichikawa. I’m not even being sarcastic, I’m truly in awe.
As you can see, I have several things I have to say about this and... Just wow. This chapter. In these posts, I try my best to try and write my thoughts with the most rational mindset but... I don’t know how well I’ll be able to do that with this chapter. What a way to end this horrible year. 
But with this chapter’s ending and the implication for what is yet to come... this marks as the story’s descend to it’s bitter end, and I now wish I didn’t make that prediction last month.
I know I said in another post that I was going to write this in a few days, but I changed my mind. I’m getting this out now while my thoughts are still fresh in my mind. Please don’t mind the writing errors, I’m very tired, I’m writing this at 3 in the morning and I need to sleep. I promise I will come back to this and tidy it up later.
Anyways, here we go:
Haruko Ichikawa: Manipulator of emotions
Ms. Ichikawa really toyed with us with this chapter. So many things happened in such a short amount of time and I’m trying to process it. Also, doesn’t feel like too much happened in this chapter? Especially in comparison to the previous chapters, where everything was stretched out, to then have this chapter have so many things happen all at once. This chapter, in many ways, feels very rushed... and this style of story telling has me very worried about what’ll happen from here on out. I’ll talk more about what I mean by this later, but for now, let’s focus on the story of this chapter:
So... Antarctictite is back now. Adamant is back, too. So are most of destroyed gems, both the ones we knew and the ones we never got meet. And they are all now Lunarians... Hm.
I don’t like this or anything in this chapter for many reasons. In fact, I’ll go as far to say that I don’t like where the whole story is headed for these same reasons: 
The first reason: The emotional turmoil from the previous chapters
For the past 10 or so chapters, I’d been anticipating the destruction of the gems and Adamant. I was one of the people who didn’t like the idea of it happening, though I knew they kind of deserve it. And I remember how sad I was seeing Adamant turn to nothing but dust and seeing how everything was affecting Phos after the bloodlust ceased.
But it all led up to...this. In the very next chapter, after watching those heart wrenching scenes of the gems being broken down and Adamant’s last moments with Phos...we see him and the other gems being brought back like it was nothing.  And on top of that, they are totally happy Lunarians now. Yeah. Okay.
So it feels like the emotional tole that I felt for these characters I didn’t want to see get destroyed...meant nothing. Not going to lie: I kind of wish you all stayed destroyed.
And you know what? It’s kind of funny. In my Chapter 94 post, I said I was sad that we didn’t get to see Adamant and Aechmea interact and I didn’t think there would be a way now that Adamant is dust. Well. I was wrong. It happened. I got the interaction that wanted. Wasn’t worth it. 
So to sum up this first reason: The emotional turmoil that I personally experienced watching the characters I like get destroyed... meant nothing in the end.
Now I don’t know how to feel about these characters. It sucks. I even had a post that I was starting write about on a certain controversial character that I couldn’t bring myself to hate, despite everything, but I’m now debating whether or not I should still write it. I think I will, but there will be a lot of edits.
The second reason: Negation of personal growth
One of the things that has been brought up many times by fans is about how the gems dealt with problems. Instead of trying to address the problem and talk to try to fix it, they chose to ignore it and sweep it under the rug, no matter how upsetting it is to the characters involved. All of the gems, both Earth and Moon, constantly choose to not confront the issue and stay blissfully ignorant.
And now that they’re accepting to be Lunarians, it feels like they’re just running away again. Instead of confronting the Lunarians or having the gems properly talking with each other about how things got to the point where they had to once fight each other, they are like: Oh, we can be Lunarians so we don’t have to fight with them anymore? Awesome. Let’s do it.
Everyone is once again going with the flow, just sweeping the glaring issues that they all carried for so long, and are just accepting the new reality that they are in with no problems whatsoever. No addressing of anything means no character growth for all of them. No one grew from this experience. No one learned that ignoring the problems doesn’t solve them. They aren’t solving their previous issues, they are masking it under the belief that becoming Lunarian automatically solves all of their problems. 
No talking between Diamond or Bort. No talking with Yellow about their traumas or any of the other gems in the same boat. And no talking about how everything that happened lead to Phos doing what they did. It’s even more disappointing how Antarcticite was the only one who showed any concern about Phos or even thought to bring them up in the first place.
Edit: Also to add, the other problem here is how the are conscious choosing to remove your identity. They are not only choosing to loose their identity as gems, but they are fine loosing their memories as well. Not to mention how Cairngorm is once again being given a new identity to go by, from Aechmea, and is totally fine with it. That scene was small but once again, the fact that they are fine pretty much erasing what made them who they are is...unnerving. 
So pretty much to sum up this: Once again, everything meant nothing in the end. 
Speaking of Phos...
The third reason: Phos’s miserable fate
Phos, once again, got the short end of the stick. After everything that they’ve done, from trying to save everyone but themselves, to doing what was once seen as cruel for the sake of everyone to finally do something for themselves to go back to wanting to save the others after the bloodlust was gone... to get this ending for themselves.
But wow, what a cruel twist: Phos’s old goal was fulfilled. Thanks to them, the gems don’t have to live in fear of being destroyed or taken or anything. Thanks to Phos, everyone is free. Everyone now is going to be happy for the rest of their existance...at the cost of Phos’s expense.  
Phos lost everything. 
Their body. 
Their sanity. 
Their identity. 
What do they get in return?
10,000 years of nothing but their own miserable existence and dark, depressing thoughts.
In the end, everything that Phos experienced not only sent them crashing down to rock bottom: it sent him to the chore of the earth, back out the other side, then back into the earth, in an endless cycle of just constant misery. 
That’s a theme in buddhism, if that’s what I’m recalling right from @rinboz​‘s posts: a cycle of continuous misery. That is clearly embodied here through Phos and Phos will continue to suffer the pain of existing while everyone else got what they wanted in the end, especially Aechmea. 
Speaking of which, I also genuinely want to know if there’s still fans out there who view Aechmea as a good guy for ‘liberating’ Phos, because as far as I see, thanks to him, Phos is now stuck in an even more miserable form of existence. At least before everything, everyone was miserable together with Phos. Sort of. Still better than what we got with this chapter, in my opinion. (Please do share your thoughts, if you do. I promise, this is not an attack. I’m just interested to hear your thoughts, if you’re willing to share)
But now, there’s no there for Phos. And unlike those other instances where Phos was in a situation and someone somewhat saves them like Adamant and Padparadscha once did before, there’s no one there. So unless there’s some Admirabilis hiding around there or if the Gem/lunarians decide to come to them, which I doubt will happen, there’s no one for Phos. No one is coming to help/save them.
Phos will have to suffer all alone. For 10,000 years. Phos is the last existing gem being now...even though technically, they aren’t really a gem anymore. 
Once again, to sum up why I don’t like this chapter nor how the story has progressed: Phos’s suffering meant nothing to them in the end. That’s the other theme I’m trying to hammer in in this post: Everything meant nothing in the end.
I’ve already seen a few fans react to the chapter and I saw one state that if the Lunarians, including the gems, were to come to Phos to pray for them, the poster hopes Phos tells them to “F* off” And you know what, I hope so too. But this revelation has me fearing for what’s going to happen the series, or more specifically, how and when it’ll officially end.
No true happy ending in sight and not exactly for the reasons you think
As always, it’s hard to predict how Ms. Ichikawa is going to end this series. Us fans made many predictions and a good number of them came true, but it’s the ending that eludes us. Some hope for a happy ending for Phos, while many, including myself, predict that it’ll be anything but happy. And now, with this chapter...I think it’s set in stone now.
Last month, in response to someone asking me how I think the series might end, I made a few small predictions. Some for a good ending, a bittersweet ending, and a bad ending.... 
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...and it looks like that first sad ending is where the series is heading after all:
Everyone is gone/moved on and Phos stays behind as a lonely, immortal being.
Even though this small prediction was correct, how it’s all playing out was not exactly how I’d envisioned. It’s worse. And what’s making me even more worried is that based off of where the story is headed, my gut feelings are saying that the series ending is near. And it won’t be to anyone’s satisfaction.
Whenever I get invested in a series, other than worrying about how the creators will handle their characters and story, one of my biggest worries is about how the creators handle their ending. I’m truly afraid about what Ms. Ichikawa is planning for this series because I can’t help but fear it’s not going to end well. It’s not the worry that the series will have a sad/bittersweet ending, even though that concern is still there though I’ve accepted the likelihood, but rather I’m worried that the next chapter or so will be the abrupt end to this series. This concern is because of how rushed this chapter felt and I can’t help but worry that Ms. Ichikawa is now rushing to the end of the story. And to be honest, the addition fact that Ms. Ichikawa is going on hiatus is not helping these uneasy feelings. 
I hate being the pessimistic one but what if this happens? What if Ms. Ichikawa decides to end the series here or in the next chapter? What if the next chapter is literally another time skip, with all of the characters that I once cared about just NOT progressing, and Phos continuously being stuck in this immortal and we’re expected to accept this as the ending. Because other than Phos, everyone’s story, from what it looks like, is at their end now. I really hope that doesn’t happen. I’ve seen great series end so terribly too often and I’ve loved this story for so long that I hope that doesn’t happen with this series too. I love this series a lot and it’s characters, even the ones who I don’t think I like as much as I did after this chapter. I hope the series will end nicely... but I don’t think it will.
Back to predictions on how the story will progress: I made a post a few days ago about how I hope the forgotten plot elements will come into play and the fact that Aechmea isn’t omnipresent. More than ever, part of me hopes those elements will come back and have a positive impact for Phos’s story, especially the omnipresent part. But again, I don’t think I’ll hope too much for it because looking at Ms. Ichikawa’s past works... I don’t think they will, at least not in the way I’m hoping for.
Maybe I’m too used to Western (American/European) stories, where the protagonist somehow beats the odds and wins in the end. This isn’t always the case for Eastern stories, especially stories from Japan. They usually end bittersweet and I don’t think Houseki no Kuni will be the exception. I know I’ve said this saying many times before and with each passing chapter, these words become more and more true:
Phos’s suffering is never going to end. 
And unless someone does something to change the course of the story, which I don’t think will ever happen now, Phos is never going to have a happy ending. 
If I could wish for anything, it’d be that this story ends on a satisfying note. I know, I know. It’s foolish to still hope for that it’ll happen, given everything I’ve seen from Ms. Ichikawa before...But still. I don’t want to lose all of the hope that I have left for this series. Even though that hope is nearly diminished, it’s still there.
So please, Ms. Ichikawa. Please give us a satisfying ending for Phos. Please let them go.  If anyone deserves a dignifying conclusion to their story, it’s them.  Let them rest. End their suffering. Please give them the ending they deserve after everything they went through.
You’ll likely won’t though.  
Because this is Phos.
And to be Phos is to constantly suffer.
Well, regardless, I truly hope you’re hiatus goes well, Ms. Ichikawa. Even though you are a cruel troll, your work is still amazing and I applaud you for your story telling and your love to mess with us. I hope you enjoy your time away and when you return, I hope that you’ll continue to give us amazing content and eventually give Phos the ending they deserve. Please. That’s all I want.
I hope you all a nice holiday season, too, or at least try to.
Happy Holidays. 
Can’t wait for 2020 to end.
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king-paimon · 5 years ago
HnK Chapter 91 thoughts/opinions: Jade’s a good gem and you can’t change my mind
Man...what a chapter. And it came early! Definitely a nice surprise I needed. And we all, myself include, owe Jade an apology. I think the majority of us expected Jade to go down in just one page but NOPE. He actually held his own pretty dang well and caused a lot of damage, and without a weapon, too! Even though he knew he wasn’t going to win, he still fought hard and even though this chapter was short, it was amazing. This fight was so intense and brutal; a lot more so than Bort vs. Dia to be honest. I like the parallels in this chapter, with Jade’s gut punch being similar to when he had to do the same back in chapter 39 when Phos was having his mental breakdown. The main differences, of course, being the circumstances. My, how these characters have changed so much.
(This got a pretty long. Sorry in advance. May edit later. Also, I give my opinion on certain things near the end so I wanted to give an additional heads up. I hope I don’t upset anyone. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and view of the characters and even if we don’t agree, I believe all opinions are valid.)
I knew that I was going to like and be saddened by this chapter but it was honestly a treat. But do you know what made it better? Because Ms. Haruko Ichikawa showed us all how Jade was one of the better gems.
I repeat: Jade was one of the better gems
I said it a few times before in previous posts that Jade was one of my favorite gems. Not only because I thought his personality was entertaining but because  out of all of the Earth gems, as far as I saw, Jade was one of the ones that did the least bad to Phos. Even before his drastic change, I don’t remember too many instances were Jade actively put Phos down. When Phos got his new legs and didn’t remember Jade, I remember how devastated he was, even if it was just for comedy. Or when Jade had to shatter Phos during his mental breakdown, as mentioned above, Jade felt so guilty that he had to do that. So from my point of view, when it came interactions between Phos and Jade, they seemed very genuine and I believe Jade was one of the few gems that showed they cared about Phos, both before and after he started his transformation. And this chapter further cements how Jade was one of the better gems, from both the Earth and Moon factions, because he did one thing that none of the other gems at this point of the story ever did for Phos ever since they’ve gone to this point: Apologized.
Jade, so far, was the only one who truly apologized to Phos. Euclase never did that. Yes, Euclase was the one who tried to speak with Phos but he didn’t put much effort to do that or do anything of help to Phos. And even when he was at Phos’ mercy in the previous chapter, Euclase never attempted verbally acknowledge how he affected Phos. Jade, on the other hand, DID. 
Instead of damning Phos with his remaining strength, he recognized how his actions ultimately contributed to Phos’s current state and gave an honest and truthful apology for not understanding Phos. And I think that was one of the things that Phos, as well as many of us readers, wanted deep down. And maybe it’s just me, but from Phos’s expression on that page as Jade crumbled, I think those words got to him...even though Phos quickly dismissed it in the next page. But still, Jade did something that none of the other gems have done for Phos: actually said he was sorry for not trying harder to understand Phos.
Would it have been better if this was said long ago? Absolutely.  Does this excuse Jade’s, as well as the other Earth gem’s past behavior? No. Did Phos have to accept Jade’s apology? Of course not. But you know what? In my opinion, I still liked the fact that at least one of the gems recognize how badly they treated Phos, even it’s at the very end, and better late than never. It would’ve been better if the other gems did something like this but you take what you can get. And though it’s a shame that Phos ends up brushing Jade’s words off in the end, I can’t blame him. Also, on that note, DANG, some of you fans are so cut throat and dismissed Jade, too. I do get it though; Jade, along with the other Earth gems, left Phos for over 200 years, so I understand why some fans quickly dismiss his apology. And as mentioned above, it still doesn’t excuse what happened before. In my opinion though, considering everything that had happened before that incident, from the Earth gems’ point of view of Phos’s morally questionable actions, I can’t fully fault them for doing it. (I understand if you don’t agree with me.) And again, at least Jade still did something that the other gems never did. It may have been a small gesture that wouldn’t have changed Phos or the trajectory of the story, but the fact that Jade still said it and meant it speaks volumes, more so than anything Euclase or any of the Earth or Moon gems ever said to Phos in these recent chapters. For these reasons, those last pages were so heartbreaking in so many ways.
Also, I like the fact that Jade is connected to the heart chakra and represents acceptance and loving in Buddhism, which is very fitting to me. 
(Opinionated mini rant here. Sorry that it isn’t coherent.)
So, yeah. Jade is great. A definite contender for being one of the best Earth gems when it comes to his relations to Phos. Heck, he’s even better than most of the Moon gems combined. Come at me. You know I’m right. Did the other Moon gems ever acknowledge how they contributed to Phos’s fall and show any remorse?? Better yet, did they ever honestly apologize for being shitty to Phos when he actually needed their support? No. They didn’t. 
Dia never apologized for not helping Phos when he really needed it, or when Phos tried to be open with them and the other Moon gems after the first invasion plan failed; Dia just f-ed off and ignored him, and only went on this crusade when Phos threatened that he’d bring Bort. Alex showed very little remorse, too. Same with Benito, Ame, and Goshe; they were all having fun, doing their own thing when Phos was clearly needing some kind of support. Heck, I still remember the page when Phos was literally pouring his heart out and the other gems just go “Oh look! Goshe and Cairn’s on the TV. They look like they’re having fun!” Wow... okay guys. Thanks. Speaking of which, Cairn surely never apologized and probably never will at this point. I don’t know what to expect from this character anymore. I don’t hate them; I’m just disappointed. 
I’m giving Yellow leeway cuz he’s in therapy and never got the chance to see Phos, which is probably for the best. Padparadscha also gets a pass. I think those two are the only Moon gems who actually show remorse for Phos’ misery, even though they never verbally say it. The rest of Moon gems? Nothing. Yeah, Phos told them to not recover him if his third visit failed but those gems didn’t show any concern for Phos’s well being when he left nor when he came back with his murderous mindset. Of course the Earth gems showed little remorse too. Euclase recognized how his actions affected Phos but did nothing in the very end to show true remorse. Only Jade did. So Jade gets extra brownie points for being the only decent gem to verbally acknowledging that he didn’t do right by Phos and apologize.
(Sorry about that. I do get annoyed when people praise the Moon gems and hate the Earth gems when really, they weren’t too different when it came to how they treated Phos. One group may have shattered Phos, but both contributed to his fall. But again, everyone is entitled to feel how they feel about these characters and though I disagree with fans who view the gems this way, I don’t blame them for viewing them this way. All views are valid. I’ll most likely change a few things here later. Maybe.)
Next chapter woes
Anyways, now we wait for the next chapter which...oooh, it’ll be a doozy. As always, I’m excited and scared because this story can go in so many directs but that last sentence on the last page... OH BOY.  So many things are at stake. And the likeliness of Cinnabar becoming the 7th treasure continues to rise. Stay strong, Shinsha-stans. 
What’ll happen? Only Ms. Ichikawa knows, that clever, sadistic monster.  We’ll sadly have to wait very patiently and see. But I think we all know that whatever happens next is going to hurt so good.
And to add more sadness to the mix, from what I’m seeing in the tags, it looks like more and more people are starting to think the same thing as me about our dear, dear broken protagonist. 
Phos’s happy ending, whatever that may entail, is getting less and less likely to happen. And we all know it’ll be because of Aechmea somehow. And that continues to be the saddest truth of this story.
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king-paimon · 5 years ago
HNK Chapter 88+ Predictions: Cruel Phos being cruel
As shown in Chapter 87, Phos is now a gem-crushing tyrant and his crusade to destroy them all isn’t over yet.
If I’m looking at the pages correctly, the only gems that are left are: Euclase, Jade, Cinnabar, Rutile, and Padparadscha. (If there’s others, please let me know.) How the story will unfold from this point on, as usual, can go in so many directions and I’m excited and scared to see what’ll happen next.
But seeing how cruel Phos has become has me wondering...
What would the most cruelest thing Phos can do at this point in the story? An action that would unsettle the fandom, with some hardcore fans still cheer for Phos while also thinking “Phos, I love you but you’ve gone too far!!”
How about....Shattering Padparadscha?
I’m sure you’re wondering: Why would Phos do that? Why would Phos shatter  Padparadscha, the last true(?) ally he had? 
Well, one of the reasons is Rutile. Remember, Rutile was the last one to chase after Phos and was ready to completely destroy him when Padparadscha came to Phos’s rescue. I’m sure it was that moment that made Phos’s decide that he wanted to destroy the gems instead of saving them. So it’d make sense that Phos would want payback for Rutile actions and what better way to do that than by destroying the person that Rutile cared about the most.
Another reason is that it’s an excuse to get parts of Padparadscha as the 7th treasure. There’s a very high chance that Phos will be getting it sometime very soon and  Padparadscha and Cinnabar are the only red things that hold any significant meaning to Phos, so it must be either one of them.
The other reason...why not? Phos doesn’t care anymore about any of the gems. He laughed at Diamond and Bort shattering and didn’t bat an eye when the other moon gems were destroyed too. So by shattering Padparadscha, it would truly show how ruthless Phos had become. And I wouldn’t put it past Ms. Haruko Ichikawa at this point. So if she truly wants to solidify the fact that Phos is now a remorseless, unrelenting, cold-hearted being, why not go all the way?
Picture this, if you will:
Before or after fighting Euclase, Phos finds Rutile with the unconscious Padparadscha. Rutile tries to attack Phos but Phos breaks Rutile easily but not enough to have him lose consciousness. Phos does this on purpose: he wants Rutile to watch.
Phos looks down at the  Padparadscha, the one ally he had left, laying fast asleep. Maybe Phos gives some parting words, like a thank you for all Padparadscha had done for Phos to lead him to where he is now and a goodbye. Or maybe says nothing at all, for feelings had for Padparadscha have long since vanished with his some of his lost memories. Doesn’t really matter what he does because it will end the same. 
Phos raises his weapon, and as Rutile is screaming, begging Phos to stop, Phos proceeds to shatter Padparadscha. Phos laughs and mocks Rutile’s anguish before Rutile meets his own end, whether it be by Phos, the Moon soldiers, or his own hands.
On one hand, one can argue that Phos was being merciful to Padparadscha, by finally granting him permanent rest. And I’m sure that there are some fans out there who really want Rutile to suffer, no matter the cost.
But on the other.... it’s pretty messed up for many, many reasons.  But this action would solidify Phos new mindset and, in my opinion, it fits him.
That’s all for now. Again, this is just a theoretical prediction and I’m sure Ms. Ichikawa has something way worse up her sleeve.
I wonder how the fandom would feel if Phos did this.
Feel free to comment below and tell me what you think.
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king-paimon · 6 years ago
HNK Chapter 81 Leaks Thoughts...(all is not yet lost)
WELL. That happened.
This chapter definitely went in directions that I didn’t initially anticipate. You really can’t predict what’ll happen in this story, which is both good and bad. 
Of course though, I’m already seeing more hate posts about the earth gems, as expected. Sigh. I have a super long post I’m working on regarding my thoughts on the earth gems and the fandom’s feelings towards them and hopefully will post it later today. But anyways, I don’t think this post will be as long as my other ones because unlike the previous chapters, this one had me feeling very.... different. (LOL nevermind, it’s long again. So sorry!)
I know this will sound very strange from someone who is part of the HnK fandom but... this chapter left me feeling... “optimistic.” Like I said, this sounds VERY strange considering this is Houseki no Kuni, where happiness is an illusion, especially after the hell storm that happened in this new chapter but please hear me out!
At first, I was freaking out about how the story panned out in this chapter and was dreading what’ll happen next for Phos when he’s back on the moon. But after thinking about it for a good while, I’m glad he’s being taken back. In Phos’s current state, nothing can be resolved and talking civilly with the earth gems has been off the table ever since Phos took the other gems with him to the moon. I know many can argue the earth gems should've given Phos the chance to talk but think about it: given what Phos had said and done with the earth gems before coming back to earth the last time, realistically, negotiations between them specifically isn’t possible...for now. I’m going to talk more about this in my next post so look forward to it.
Anyways, the reasons why I’m glad that Phos is going back is because of one person: Cairngorm. My theory still stands that Cairn is going to have a big influence as to what will happen to Phos and the other gems from here on out. 
I have a strong feeling that whatever trust Cairn had in Aechmea is waning now after learning that the he’s been hiding very important information from them and the other gems. I’m predicting that Cairn will continue to play the ‘trophy wife’ when they’re around Aechmea, as shown in this chapter when they ask him what he wants to eat after the prayer failed. But, when they get the chance, I believe Cairn will go tell the other moon gems what was really going to happen to all of them and Phos, whether it be through the other gems or Cairn themselves, will FINALLY learn the full truth. It may lead to more sad Phos but he must know the truth regardless.
This could be Cairn’s chance for redemption and the story may progress with Phos and the other gems trying to figure out what they’ll do next. Maybe I’m being too optimistic right now and I know I shouldn’t get my hopes too high but I can’t honestly think of any other way the story can progress from here on out. (But who knows, Haruko Ichikawa may pull another fast one and have the story go in a completely new direction since she’s so good at it, that sadistic monster :’) )
Last thoughts (for now): Oh Padparadscha... you’ve gone through so much and now you can finally rest. I have so much respect for them and I know that his sacrifice was not in vain for Phos and the other gems. I’m hoping this incident will finally return Rutile to their senses and may lead to more changes with the earth gems and more redemption of sorts. We’ll have to wait and see.
Edit: It’s been brought to my attention that I forgot to mention Euclase and his role in stopping the annihilation prayer and his role in the story from here on out (Thank you, Topaz.) I think it was an interesting choice by Miss Ichikawa to have Euclase be the one to stop Phos and not Cinnabar but I actually like it. I think Euclase might be another key player for any hope of bringing the moon and earth gems back together since it was clear in Chapter 78 that Euclase was the only one who seemed willing to talk to Phos (or rather just his head somehow) and seemed genuinely sad that he got shattered. In fact, I looked through the chapter again and I don’t think Euclase joined the others in chasing Phos. Makes me wonder what Euclase will do now after what happened in this new chapter.  
Dang it! This post got long again, I swear this wasn’t intentional, but I think that’s it for now. This leak/chapter certainly was something. But probably for the first time in a while, I’m excited for the next chapter because hope for a happy ending isn’t dead yet. 
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