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dissolveyourfilter · 3 years ago
Never underestimate the energy you surround yourself with. No longer room for toxic people. No more non-reciprocated one sided friendships. Find your flow, manage where you expend that energy and be aware of it. The do-ers, dreamers, and souls who ignite your inspiration will find their way into your life. There is no such thing as lack or loss, just exchanges. I'm so thankful now for the exchanges that have passed, as they made room for the most pure experiences and clarity I have endured.
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karanscottcoaching · 3 years ago
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And he did. And she lived happily ever after. No loss and too relieved to grieve. Sometimes you just have to let the trash take itself out 🤷🏻‍♀️ #toorelievedtogrieve #authorlife #memoir #thealternativeheartbreakhandbook #karanscottauthor #karanscottcoaching #karanscott #selfhelpbookforthebrokenhearted #selfhelp #selfhelpbooks #cbtcoach #nlpcoach #truestory #reallifeevents #befreebehappy #neverlookedback #letthetrashtakeitselfout https://www.instagram.com/p/CgggiFRA7lU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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collectifreflection · 4 years ago
“& I never looked back”
what was the first punk rock band u liked and how old were you?
“I was 10 my brother was 11, I bought a lurkers 7” he bought crass reality asylum 7”, he hated it and bullied me into swapping them, i’m 51 now and still have it 6000 miles away from where I got it“
“I stole a sex pistols tape from “wall to wall sound and video” at the KOP mall when i was 11, but i also stole a beach boys tape the same time”
“i guess it was DK on tony hawk’s proskater but the first punk show I went to was this band called the mops (Salem, OR).”
“i was in 5th grade when this kid introduced me to agent orange and circle jerks .... & everything turned grey forever“
“Sex pistols. Ramones. The Clash...and to impress some one the Misfits...Also i had a serious crush on Henry Rollins.”
“Wow I've never thought about this before, but technically it would be a mix of bands taped off of WZBT the college radio station of Gettysburg PA. I may even still have it in some box? It's pretty eclectic but for sure I recall it having Bad Brains, Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys. I must have been in 4th grade? Then during the summer between elementary and high school (we didn't have "middle school" in my rural PA town) I bought Black Flag's "Everything Went Black" because of the cover art, which was always a thing for me, and never looked back as I got fixated on tracking down all the bands on the flyers. I also around this time got Crass Records "A Sides" comp with Flux of Pink Indians, Rudimentary Peni etc.... blew my fn mind. I never heard Crass themselves until I was in my 20s and never liked them very much musically, ha! Back then in early hs years I would make punk mix tapes for my three or so friends and I would mail-order all this weird stuff because of trying to find the bands on the flyers.... so I had like the record The Stains and had a QUIT THE HUMAN RACE t shirt I hand-markered when I went into hs in 7th grade. PUNX 4 LIFE.”
“My dad had a roommate when I was 12 and he burned me copies of London Calling, Young Loud Snotty, Nevermind the Bollocks, and Germfree Adolescents and i never looked back“
“Dead Milkmen, sometime in high school. Then I moved to West Philly and met Joe and Rodney at a party and tried to be chill while my inner 15 year old was melting doooown.“
“Dead Kennedy’s in 9th grade. I really thought I was all alone in disliking authority before that moment. I always say punk saved my life. Part of it was definitely giving validation to my headspace.“
“Iggy Pop/The Stooges on vinyl with my dad. I was 8.”
“Crass, someone told me it was crust punk haha I was like 12.“
“Rancid. I heard them on THE RADIO. I was 11 and they were so fun.”
“the offspring! i think i was 8 or 9 years old. i liked the song pretty fly for a while guy bc i thought it was funny so i bought the cd and listened to it. track 1 is an intro but track 2 started playing and that song “have you ever” and i heard it and THEN my tiny little brain flipped out. the offspring was so much cooler than that silly hit song pretty fly for a white guy. i became obsessed and started buying their nitro records compilations bc the offspring would put unreleased tracks on them. so i learned bout all that late 90s skate punk.“
“Nofx. My best friend put "I heard they suck live" on a tape for me in 8th grade.“
“Maybe “circle jerks” from the movie Thrashin’ when I was 11. But the Subhumans (UK) were the first punk band that I totally fell in love with, I was 12-13“
“Green Day and Rancid on the radio the summer before 7th grade. The look, every bully gang in every 80s movie.“
“I think I was 14 when I bought a copy of Dead Kennedys “Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables” based on the band name, cover art, and song titles. I had never heard anything like it before, I actually thought it was gonna be more metal but it made me realize I liked punk too.”
“Anti flag, middle school”
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tawshadawn · 5 years ago
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This👇🏼👇🏼 February 1997 we said I DO. ⠀ #wedding #anniversary #1997 #hawaiianwedding #neverlookedback (at Honolulu, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8kQRJmgXaF/?igshid=47vytiv01xzu
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fatboygangstalove · 6 years ago
#sundayfunday #outhere #getthebag #igetthebag #gwop #bigmoney #truckermoney #wentlegit #neverlookedback #fatboygangstalove #mrswurveonem #obesedick #gorgeousforgy #badapple #tilmycasketdrops I talk to the streets & shit from time to time... all I keep hearing is how they need me... shit ain't the same since I left .... well #lookhere all I got to say to that #psa #waitforit #idgaf #dilligaf #idontgiveafuck #notone #nofucksgiven #bihplease #imflattered but #frfr.... they dont miss me they miss using me.. a drug pusha + niceguy + has a conscience = never worked out to well for me in the end... but people who are scum and lower than dirt , manipulative, lying , users and takers.... they thrive on people like me.... nah #nottodaysatan #nonono #wontbeyourfreeride #cantsmokeforfree #justsayno #bitchplease (at Topeka, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvsGCdrHD5Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17hdhtin26vk4
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dimple-21 · 7 years ago
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#neverlookedback #neversettle #neverstop
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I never thought in how many years of my existence that, I’ll be having my very first attempt on riding on a scooter, something that has never crossed my mind over the years... until today... & I consider it the most proudest achievement so far... 😀 #NoRegrets #BikeRide #BigBoysToys2017 #SteppingOutOfMyComfortZone 😳 #TheRideOfMyLife 🛵#Yamaha #Tricity #KustomizationsOfThePacific #InTherapy #WasWorthIt 👌#FoundClosure 🍾 #NeverLookedBack 😄
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mayemusk · 7 years ago
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Beauty tip: when you decide to go natural, cut your hair short. That’s what @riadazar9 did for me. #10yearsago #neverlookedback #photographer @susanbowlusphoto #hairmakeup @markkmakeup
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evinaustinhairdressing · 8 years ago
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14 years ago today I emigrated here, bleached tips, scissors sharpened and ready to go. What an incredible journey to date. Today is my Australia Day 🇦🇺 🍷 🎉 #lovethiscountry, #neverlookedback, #blessed, #grateful, #theluckycountry, #migrant, #landdownunder, #love
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vskg082474 · 4 years ago
Saturday’s Motivation 🤞🏼💪🏼🙏🏼 #GotTheVision👀 #GodGaveMyYes☺️ #TookTheLeap🙏🏼 #NeverLookedBack💜 #HappySaturday💋 #HellurrrrWeekend😁🙏🏼
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sheslikeohmygod1989 · 8 years ago
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iffieokoronkwo · 6 years ago
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I Got #UndereyeFiller For My #DarkCircles — & I’ve #NeverLookedBack http://bit.ly/2GiRuIW #IffieOkoronkwo #MD #MedicalDoctor #DrO #Filler #Beauty #SkinCare #BeautifulSkin #LookingTired #FeelingBeautiful #DarkHallows #InjectionSite #Beauty
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tshifty · 9 years ago
the color of autumn leaves, reminiscent, calming, home
send me your name and i’ll tell you a color!
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