#never not thinking about dolce btw
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Where the difference between the past and the future comes from, you ask? Oh, just before you and after you
#ITS ALL STARTING TO BLUR#YOU AND I HAVE BEGUN TO BLUR#EVERY CRIME OF YOURS FEELS LIKE ONE IM GUILTY OF#WERE COJOINED. IM CURIOUS WHETHER EITHER OF US CAN SURVIVE SEPERATION#‘WOULD YOU HAVE DONE IT QUICKLY OR STOPPED TO GLOAT?’ ‘DOES GOD GLOAT?’ ‘OFTEN’#‘HOW IS CHIYO?’ ‘SHE PUSHED ME OFF A TRAIN’ ‘ATTA GIRL’#never not thinking about dolce btw#fuck the entire world who’s gonna run off to Florence with me after we’ve corrupted each other and attempted to kill one another#hannibal
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Beauty And the Vampire
Chapter Two Dracopia x OC!
A/N: Hi guys! here's chapter two finally lol. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, especially since its a bit longer. Btw if chapter three is a bit late that's due to me being busy with school and testing (sorry lol :) again if you have any creative criticism of this work don't be afraid to comment or let me know! :)
catch my story now on AO3!
Liliana paced around the room for several hours looking at all of the expensive and ancient relics that adorned the old oak shelves. Right as she turned to look out the large window that was covered by heavy black curtains she heard the heavy wooden door creak open once again. At the sound of the door, she stood up straight and turned on her heels to face it looking at who stood in the doorway.
Two ghouls, one she recognized as Aether and a new ghoul that she was yet to learn the name of. Both demonic creatures stood on either side of the man who stood in the middle. He wore a white lace button-up blouse with a red and black vest on top which framed his figure quite well Liliana thought.
The man had dusty brown hair and sideburns with black Khol circles around his eyes and on his upper lip a small mustache accompanying his black-painted upper lip. Looking fully up at his eyes she noticed something quite hypnotizing about the man. He had beautiful dichromatic eyes. One a hazel green and the other pale white as if it were dead. Noticing her staring, the strange man simply smirked at her.
“Like what you see eh cara?” he smirked devilishly as he approached her slowly. Aether looked towards the other ghoul motioning his head towards the door to lock it.
“W-what do you want with me?!” Liliana said scared as she looked at the man in front of her. He was quite attractive Liliana had to admit but something about him made her skin crawl. “Ah, nothing to fear about me cara. I mean you no harm if you mean me no harm.” He said his tone was stricter.
“My name is Copia Emeritus. And yours might be?" He asked, stepping closer to pick up Liliana's hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it as he looked back up at her smirking.
"I...Liliana. My name is Liliana." She mumbled, staring into his hypnotizing eyes.
"Well, Ms. Liliana…why did you think it fit to trespass into my forest, into my home!" he snarled, turning around with a smoldering look in his mismatched gaze.
"I-i mean you or your home no harm, sir. I just wanted to see this place with my own eyes. See if the myth they talked about was real."
"What myth? Who?" The man spat, grabbing Liliana's chin so she could look at him.
"The...there's a myth in my town that in these old cathedrals, there's an old beast of a vampire guarding this place," Liliana said swallowing as he pulled her face closer and smirked
"Well, I guess you just found the "myth" himself." He smirked, cocking his head to the side as he smiled wide.
Liliana gasped in horror.
The man had sharp white fangs that were as sharp as needles. Besides that, they looked like the traditional vampire fangs described in all of her fairytale and mystery books.
Copia laughed at Liliana's wide-eyed expression. "Never seen a vampire before dolce?" He asked tracing her jawline and inhaling her scent. "Mmmmm you smell wonderful dolcezza it's a shame I can't take a bite." Copia breathed
"P-please don't hurt me please I mean you and your people no harm." She said, shaking as he cornered against a wall. Liliana turned her head away once he stepped back to look at her.
"Swiss escort her down to her chambers," Copia commanded in a strict tone turning around as he walked over to Aether to whisper something in his ear that Liliana couldn't hear.
The tall Swiss ghoul walked over to her. "I'm sorry about him, he hasn't fed in years and I don't mean to scare you by saying that my lady," Swiss said, taking her arm gently. As he walked her out of the office.
The hallways of the cathedral were intriguing and intricate. Swiss laughed quietly as he glanced down at Liliana as she gaped in awe at the architecture of the old breezy hallways of the cathedral.
"Just wait until you see the grand halls if you do get to see them. I'm not quite sure what Copia has planned for you." As Swiss led her up a spiraling tall staircase.
"We're almost there, don't worry...You're awfully quiet. cat got your tongue?" Swiss asked looking down at Liliana as he let go of her arm.
"I'm not sure why? Am I supposed to talk while some ancient vampire who according to you hasn't fed or eaten in years and his hell beasts or whatever the fuck you guys are...are here in the same building with me. I mean I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say."
"Hey, no need to be hostile about it. And yeah we are ghouls summoned from...yes hell. All of us that you see. We mean you no harm just like you told Copia that you meant us no harm."
Swiss said as they turned up to a dusty abandoned wing of the cathedral. It was still beautiful but didn't hold the same amaranthine as the hallways downstairs. Sure it was dusty and cobwebs adorned the beautiful spirals and buttresses.
"Well, here we are! I hope you like this room it does have one of the nicest views of the forest and gardens."
Swiss said lightly as he pushed the door open to reveal a beautiful large bedroom with a small bathroom connected. "thanks..." Liliana said, stepping inside the room that looked like it was from inside a fairytale. "Swiss." the ghoul said reminding her. "thank you Swiss...and I'm sorry about earlier Im just-" "scared, confused yeah I get it it's ok." Swiss smiled a wide and bright smile.
“oh and if you need anything just come find me alright.” He flashed Liliana a bright and wide smile as his tail whipped merrily back and forth behind him as he shut the large wooden door.
Liliana sighed as she sat herself down on the edge of the bed smoothing out the covers by where she sat taking in everything that just occurred in the short amount of time she was there. Especially the terrifying but seductive man that she just met despite all the warning signs and red flags going off in her head her heart just felt different.
Her brain told her to get out of there to run as far as she could and never return. Whilst her heart told her to stay to help the poor old vampire who according to his ghoul hasn't fed in years and to get to know him.
Liliana shivered at the thought of him feeding from her. Sinking his pearly white and sharp fangs into her neck. Why was she so attracted to him she shouldn't have been? It was dangerous. But hell she did have to admit he was quite the charming man. Liliana thought, rubbing her neck.
But she quickly discarded the thought of the vampire and sat up sauntering into the bathroom to clean herself up and take a nap.
Turning on the shower and taking her muddied and torn dress off she stepped into the shower and let the warm soothing water run over her cold skin.
Shuddering out a soft and shaky breath she let the warm water wash away not only her aches but also her troubles and the thoughts of the seductive man that she had just met and the sight of his fangs from earlier that was engraved into her brain.
As she stepped out shivering from the cold she quickly wrapped a fluffy black bath towel around her body before realizing something. She had no clothes.
In a rush to leave her mother and the house, Liliana must have forgotten clothes. “Shit.” She muttered under her breath. As if the universe had heard her troubles Aether knocked on the door and came in with some clothes. “Hey…Oh…Oh my lord, I'm so sorry. I just…I'll just drop these here.” Aether said, setting the small stack of clothes down on a small stool by the door.
With her cheeks, a warm pink from the ghoul walking in on her she watched him quickly shut the door behind him.
Walking over to the stool Liliana found two dresses and some undergarments.
The first dress was white on top with beautiful lace frills across the chest and small black buttons in the middle.
The dress had a long black skirt that practically touched the floor and a black corset to pair with it.
Underneath that first dress was another dress that was all black. Similar to the other dress this dress also had black frills across the chest with some buttons and had a collar that was made of lace and stocked out of the top of all the buttons.
The sleeves on this dress were big and also had lace around the bottom cuffs of the sleeves.
This dress similar to the other dress Liliana looked at also had a corset. This corset had buttons on both sides and one small chain that connected both buttons. The pattern on the front of the corset was the same as the long black skirt at the bottom.
Picking up the black dress and the matching corset Liliana slipped into the undergarments first and then slipped into the black dress with a bit of added difficulty. Stepping over to the large black-rimmed mirror next to the bathroom Liliana pulled the corset tight to her tieing it up in the back as she slid a pair of black tights on underneath.
Sighing Liliana walked over to the large window that overlooked some of the trees in the large and thick forest outside. Hearing a loud knock on the door Liliana quickly whipped her head around to find a ghoul standing at the door. "Ah, your dressed I see that Aether brought your clothes huh?" The ghoul said smiling.
This ghoul was different. New at least that she thought. "Uh…y-yeah he did," Liliana said fully turning around to face the hellish creature in Infront of her still trying to get used to seeing them. The ghoul just stared at her for a moment before saying
"you don't know me do you?" Liliana then shook her head "No...no I don't heh...I only know swiss, Aether, and Sodo."
"Well not to worry I'm cumulus! I see that you also picked out the black dress that's my favorite choice that our old sisters of sin used to wear. Along with the white one but that's beside the point. Anyways Copia wanted me to fetch you for dinner. That is if you wanted to come." Cumulus said softly at the end.
"Thank you cumulus…I'll think about it." Liliana smiled at the ghoulette.
"Ok just come down whenever you're ready or fetch one of us ghouls and we'll bring you down there." She said turning to leave.
"Wait Cumulus!"
"Yes, darling? "
The ghoul said, whipping around to look back at Liliana.
"If you don't mind me asking what or…who were the sisters of sin?" Liliana asked curiously, twiddling her fingers.
"Oh they were like your traditional sisters or nun's in a normal Catholic church but here we worship the olde one so we called them sisters of sin but that was before that…night. Now most of them are dead or in hiding." Cumulus said, rubbing the back of her neck and looking down at the floor. All of her memories from that night flooded back to her.
"What night? What happened?" "Listen Liliana was it? I'll have to explain another time I-it's a long story and it happened a long time ago." The ghoulette said looking somewhat distraught at the end trying to keep a smile on her face. "well If you need me I'll be downstairs at dinner." Cumulus said giving a weak smile.
Whatever it was that had happened here at this church must have been bad. No not bad terrible and Liliana wanted to know what had happened.
It was now late into the night and Liliana had decided to go out to the deck to take a breather after pulling a random book off of the bookshelf. Liliana tried and tried to think of something other than the vampire that was a few levels below her or how she also tried to distract herself from thinking and pondering about what so bad could have happened here to make the ghouls so upset.
Then she heard a knock on the door. Getting up Liliana sighed quietly to herself praying it wasn't Copia or whatever his name was Liliana Couldn't really care to remember right now. Opening the door Liliana was met with Aether standing in the doorway with a plate in his hand. "do you mind if I come in?" Aether asked Looking up past Liliana to look inside the room.
"Yeah totally," Liliana said opening the door wider to let the tall burley ghoul in.
"I thought since you didn't come down for dinner that I would bring this up for you. We always have a bit of extras because Copia never really eats. To him and his brothers real food is pretty much tasteless." Aether said as he came in, handing the warm plate to Liliana.
"Oh thank you Aether. You didn't have to." Liliana said, looking up at the quintessentiance ghoul.
"But I wanted to I-" he said thinking for a minute on what to say as he shifted in the doorway. "I know it's hard to go around and get out and with new people involved, especially Copia and you're in a new place. It's strange. You don't have to stay if you don't want to though." Aether said looking down at Liliana his silver mask shone in the light of the room.
"Yeah I know…I might stick around for a bit though maybe try to get to know that old vampire downstairs. Because who in their lifetime can say that they have met a vampire before." Liliana chuckled.
"Yeah that'd be a great idea me and the rest of the ghouls would love to have you around. Well I'm gonna head downstairs back to the ghoul dens sleep tight Liliana." Aether said smiling as he turned to leave.
Then it hit her that Liliana remembered that strange night here that Cumulus was talking about.
"Wait Aether!"
She called after him. "Yeah?" "I-you don't have to answer this if you don't want to but I was talking to Cumulus earlier and she was telling me about the sisters of sin and how they left after a night a horrible night and she just seemed so upset by it-"
“That night…I.” Aether said sitting down on the edge of the bed as he looked down at the floor his silver mask shining in the dim light of the room as his gaze was stuck on the floor as if something was so interesting about it.
“That night-” “Aether listen i must have struck a nerve or something I am so sorry you dont have to tell me I-” “no its fine ill be alright. That night was just so hard for all of us ghouls, Copia, the papa’s…the whole church in general.” “siblings of sin went into hiding or died. A lot of us ghouls died or begged to be sent back to the pits of hell but it was…just too late for some of us.” “what…happened.” Liliana asked as she watched Aether look up at her his red ember eyes shining bright as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
“A long long time ago this church used to be bustling with people. People who were passionate in there place here. Gave everything and were proud of their beliefs. But the town near here didnt like our practices or what we believed in so much. So one night while we were all asleep…a angry mob came and tried to burn the church down. Many were killed or were hurt trying to save or help get others out of the church espcially us ghouls. And Cumulus…she…got hurt badly and almost died. But thankfuly she didnt. It also didn’t help that she was newly summoned either didn’t expect that to happen to her on her second day on Earth. And the siblings who did live went into hiding far from here.” Aether explained as he blinked the tears out of his eyes.
“Oh Aether im-im so sorry I-” “never knew yeah it’s fine you know we all just…have a hard time with it but its behind us now right? So now we just look forward and towards Lucifer for guidance.” Aether said looking back at Liliana.
“After that part of the church burnt down and it was just us few ghouls, copia and the papa’s we rehabilitated over here on the North wing of the cathedral. This place is huge after all and I do hope you get to see it all.” Aether said giving Liliana a sad but happy smile as he turned to leave. “Aether?” “yes Liliana?” “thank you…Thank you for sharing that even though you didn’t have to.”
“you're welcome. Sleep tight.” He smiled as he shut the door behind him.
#papa copia#ghost copia#copia#cardinal copia#copia is my husband#copia x oc#dracopia#beauty & The Vampire#dewdrop ghost#the band ghost#ghost bc#the band ghost fanfiction#ghost#aether ghoul#swiss ghoul#cumulus ghoulette
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you said that there was a scene that you had cut out from Platinum Panther don't be shy and post it bestie 🥰 btw loved the fic <3 😆
This scene was super irrelevant so I just cut it but here it is😭❤️
Drabble For: Platinum Panther
Pairing: Dilf! Jungkook x Spoiled Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
"Basket or stroller?" Jungkook lists your limited options once the two of you enter the local grocery store through its sliding doors.
"Neither." You create your own answer to avoid any unnecessary tasks. "Neither wasn't an option. You agreed to run errands with me, so you have to help. Now, you can either hold the basket or push the stroller." Jungkook held up the empty errand basket towards you as if he already knew what you would pick.
With a sigh, you took the basket from his grasp into your own as you both began to make your way towards the fruits and vegetables section. You had never actually gone grocery shopping before. Well, you've waited in the car while other people have done it for you if that counts.
"I don't see why you couldn't just get a cart like everyone else?" You were already complaining about the practically weightless object that you held in your right hand while Jungkook worked on bagging a few fruits.
"Because you're here, and you can help carry the basket instead of me managing a cart and a stroller at the same time." He had good reasoning, but he was strong, you were sure he could do it on his own if he wanted to.
"Here," You watched with misery as Jungkook placed bagged apples and bananas into your basket; the change in weight being subtle, no more than two pounds but it felt like a million bricks to you. "It's getting heavy~" You whined as Jungkook simply ignored your protests knowing you were exaggerating.
"Oh, yes, I'm sure it weighs six metric tonnes. You can help pick out things too you know?" Your ears perked at the mention that you could pick out items, but you had to remind yourself this was a grocery store, not Dolce and Gabbana.
With your high heels softly clicking against the floor, you stepped towards the berries shelf. "How about these?" You quietly yell across the display of fruits that sat between you and Jungkook.
"Yeah, any of those are fine just no strawberries; Mira's allergic." This was news to you. "Babies have allergies?" Sometimes you didn't think before you spoke, this was a good example of one of those times.
"Yes, babies have allergies, Y/n." He couldn't control the small fit of laughter that broke through his words. You couldn't lie and say you didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed at his reaction. You knew little-to-nothing about babies, this was a known fact, but sometimes you wished you knew a little more.
Soon, the two of you made your way over to the next aisle while you watched Jungkook check his list of items to purchase while you were busy fearing for the well-being of your arm. Sure, the basket was barely half-full and you could probably carry twice your body weight in shopping bags but not produce. You were sure your arm would fall off within minutes.
"W-what are you doing?" You flinched as Jungkook gently took the basket from your hands while he encouraged you to take control of the stroller. You didn't even know he had finished using his phone.
"I'll hold the basket, you can push Mira--" Instantly, you reached back for the basket in denial, "No, no it's fine. I can manage," Your odd behaviour was nothing new to him, he knew why you were insistent on holding the basket.
"Y/n, Mira will not bite you. She's a baby." Anyone listening would think this was an amusing conversation but Jungkook actually had to try and remind you. "I know that, I just don't want her to scream when she sees me approaching her since she basically hates me."
"Don't say that, she laughs at your funny faces sometimes."
"Sometimes." You emphasize his last word before you give up trying to retrieve the basket from him. With a deep breath and a quick fix of your outfit, you put on your friendliest face as you face the stroller and take a few steps towards the baby who was already eyeing you curiously.
There was that familiar frown, the one that notified you that tears were on their way with some loud cries to follow suit.
You quickened your pace to pass her and turn behind the stroller, taking hold of the handle. "Not even 5 seconds of me facing her and she was about to cry." You complain before you curiously observed the way Jungkook walked directly in front of the stroller, only to squat in front of the baby who was smiling at the sight of her father.
"You don't hate Y/n, right?" Jungkook's pitch had gone up a bit as he initiated a conversation with the 11-month old. All you heard were some incomprehensible murmurs but Jungkook seemed to understand exactly what she was saying.
"Well, daddy really likes her so you'll give her a chance right? I know she's not the best at first impressions; The first time I met her she let the elevator doors close on me." Your hand raised to clasp over your mouth as Jungkook recalled the first time you had met. You thought he would’ve forgotten about that by now.
In your defense you were having a bad day that day.
"But once you get to know her, you'll really like her, just like I do." His words were sweet and genuine, the perfect recipe to make your heart flutter and stomach churn at his kind statement. With a few more babbles on Mira's behalf Jungkook finally stood back up facing you.
"Give it some time. You'll grow on her." He seemed confident in his words. "Yeah? How can you be so sure?" He raised a finger to his lips, "A father never reveals his secret." Your brow raised in confusion at the incorrect saying, "Don't you mean-"
"Nope. I said what I said." He dismissed your conversation as he led the way into the next aisle which was a bit busier than the previous one. You carefully navigated the stroller behind him taking all extra precautions to avoid bumping into anything.
You watched as Jungkook reached up for the snacks on the upper shelf, the cuff of his sleeve rolling down ever so slightly to expose the ink that trailed up his arms. You made sure that you and the stroller were parallel to the shelves, assuring that you left the most room available for any passing shoppers.
However, that didn’t seem to stop one person from full-on rolling their cart into the back of your leg causing you and the stroller to jerk forward. With a pained expression and a sting at the back of your ankles, you turned to face the source of your pain. Inwardly cringing at the sight of yet another middle-aged woman.
Why did they seem to be drawn to you when it came to starting problems?
“Can’t you see me standing here? There was plenty of space to go around.” You seethed, trying to channel any source of fake kindness but work seemed to have drained it from you.
“It was an accident, but it serves you right.” She mumbled bitterly as she tried to continue pushing her cart past you, “Sorry, what was that?” You say, causing the woman to pause in her steps before turning to face you.
“I said it serves you right. Only a bit of karma for being so reckless. Now look at you, you have a child all on your own with no father to provide.” You scoffed, mouth already opening ready to argue. Mira wasn’t one of your own but you were more than ready to defend her as if she was.
“Turn around.” You nearly forgot Jungkook was only a few meters away until he made his presence known with a deep voice and a strong stance. With a visibly intimidated gaze, she scanned him up from his shoes to his face, obviously noting the lavish material of his suit.
“It’s ignorant people like you that piss me off. Spewing out non-sense and making assumptions about others, unaware of how idiotic you sound.” You couldn’t believe the lady was going to try and debate with him, but her words were immediately shut down and replaced with Jungkook’s warning ones.
“You should apologize for bumping into her and my child before I show you just how ‘reckless’ I can be.” Listening to Jungkook throw the woman’s words back in her face with a cautionary tone only made you appreciate his natural instincts to protect the people he cared about even more.
The woman slowly turned to you with a sour face and mumbled an incoherent apology, “Hm? I can’t hear you?” With another roll of her eyes, she repeated her apology a little louder this time and scurried off, leaving you and Jungkook behind.
“Can you believe her?” You scoffed at the unpleasant encounter while Jungkook crouched down to check on Mira, making sure she was okay but it seemed as if she didn’t feel a thing.
“I know.” He groans as he runs a hand through his hair before picking back up the basket. “But I’m a bit curious of what you were going to say if I hadn’t spoken up, you seemed ready to fight--as always.” He smiles, referencing your numerous heated arguments with customers back at the club.
“Of course I was, and I would’ve fought her if I had to--” You explained.
“-But not in front of my baby right?” Jungkook places a hand on the stroller.
“Of course not, any physical altercations would take place strictly at the rear of the stroller.” You smile as Jungkook laughs along, turning into the next aisle.
#dilf jungkook#jungkook x reader#bts jungkook#jungkook fic recs#jungkook smut#jungkook scenarios#jungkook drabble
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bestie! we are now best friends so lets talk headcanons...
i have this headcanon about our crazy little genius jonathan crane where he is a coffee addict and he rarely ever sleeps, because lets be honest—if his darling is asleep, he'd much rather be staring at her (completely in awe of her because he has no clue how he got her even though he used his super smart psychotic ways) so that man practically lives on coffee. so whenever, darling kisses him or hugs him he just smells/tastes faintly of coffee. but when i say coffee, i don't mean strong, black coffee, but something with like toffee or caramel creamer, because i think he's a bit of a diva, why lie? sometimes poor ol' jonny gets in a bit of a mood, and to please him while he's working, darling makes him a cup of coffee to cheer him up—and miraculously, it works! he'd be so honored and smug about it inwardly, but he'd definitely get the notion that darling loves him or at least cares for a him a bit. anyway, im not sure if that made any sense at all—but what do you think? i'd love to discuss so much more with you, i hoped you found this interesting 🤎
🧸 send me hcs for 300. cmon lads. 🧸
you're a genius for this.
he's totally a caffeine addct. and yes, by means of coffee. he doesn't seem like the 5 hour energy type. probably thinks it's "unnatural" even though his whole gig is inhaling brain chemical altering juice. hypocrisy. delicious.
you're so so right!! he thinks every waking hour should be spent on work or his s.o. and he'd definitely watch them sleep. observant. STEM dude quality. totally pulls allnighters all the time, darling would find him in the morning rubbing his eyes, surrounded by an ikea department's worth of mugs with messy judge crane hair and stubble <3 every desk in the house has little coffee-stain rings.
i loveee the idea of him smelling like coffee. like a faint, sweet, rich lingering scent that stays on his lips, his clothes, his sheets. (unrelated but robbie fischer would smell like a nice, fresh, clean cologne and emmett smells like sweat and lakewater. fight me on this if you'd like.)
i imagined him being big into black coffee but you are so RIGHT. he definitely has a primadonna streak, being a dramatic villain and all. he'll drink his coffee black if he absolutely must, but with a bit of a grimace. he has a sweet tooth when it comes to coffee. he doesn't have a longgg starbucks order but he'll definitely request multiple pumps of vanilla/caramel. yk. for our favourite doctor.
the mention of darling making him coffee made me think of crane x his secretary and!! he'd act all nonchalant but he'd absolutely never want to wash the cup again. he won't let it show but any sort of sweet gesture in his direction shakes him to his core. darling could buy him a dolce gusto machine for his office (and a cup of teeth whitening strips on the side) and he'd be chill on the outside but on the inside he's like !!!!! THEY CARE 😭😭😭 if they were dating bringing him a cup of coffee and a peck on the cheek is morale booster supreme.
this was SO FUN thank u ily anon!! send in jc hcs anytime.
btw bestie i shall refer to you as robert because jc hcs, bat emoji, rpat as batman... yk. if you wanna be christian bale, one of the 5 million other bat dudes or just bat anon tell me!! but for now you're robert pattinson because the idea of gossiping w/ about jonathan is a laugh. swinging his legs in the air, talking on an old timey phone, twirling the cable. what a vibe.
#300celeb🎈#asks#rpat anon#jonathan crane headcanons#jonathan crane hcs#jonathan crane#cillian murphy#cillian murphy headcanons#jchcs
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top 5 hannibal episodes prehaps? 🤔
omg this is sooo hard but i will try!! this is in order of release btw :]
fromage my best friend mostly because of the "i was worried you were dead" scene i am unhealthily obsessed with it and think about it constantly and its a good episode!!!
su-zakana my love my girl my everything im so sorry you get made fun of <3 theres just something about it for me it makes me go crazy im so obsessed with it
mizumono my beloved and my beloathed... its such an amazing episode but i hate it so much because i am so mentally ill and will never recover :(
dolce and digestivo because theyre just soooo good and im counting them as one episode because im a cheater <3
and of course the wrath of the lamb... shes on my mind always for obvious reasons
#ive never actually had a list of top 5 eps im saying these like off the top of my head so i might be wrong#every ep in s2 is my fav i have a blast watching it all#also the randall tier eps are so good... they deserve a place here but im indecisive#same for georgia episodes aughhhh SO GOOD#oh m y god theyre all so good im going crazy i cant pick im just gonna give up and leave these here even though i could probably change it#tysm for the ask!!! <333#asks#comalies
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This has been scratching my head a lot and I must ask: Who's starbucks obsessed, favorite drinks, who'd work there, and who would go there just to make fun of said worker(s) in the Black Butler cast? Also Hi
kuroshitsuji starbucks headcanons! (???)
Why, hello darling!! Thank you for being the only one filling up my inbox, I appreciate it! Let‘s get started, shall we? (Also yes I put a stupid amount of work into this)
I’m starting with my general HCs but tldr/fav drink summary is at the very bottom lol-
Lizzy would want to go there ALL THE TIME!! simply because of the "cute drinks", like the pink drink etc. She probably saw the infamous unicorn frappucino and DIED-
O!Ciel probably thinks Stabucks is a waste of money but everytime Lizzy drags him to Starbucks he gets some coffee or tea (I‘m thinking a classic earl grey or the Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte) and a big slice of cake. He would never get Lizzys cute drinks, THEY’RE FOR GIRLS!1!1!11!!!
(“but Lizzy let me have a sip, I just want to see what utter garbage you’re wasting your money on..no I’m not ordering my own Lizzy just let me try yours please!“) (Sebastian would also bully him/ call him young lady for that^)
Anyways, moving on...has anyone ever written a Sebagni coffee shop AU? Like little latte hearts, free cake, all that cute stuff ;) sorry, sorry I‘ll stop... ;)
I‘m not fully sure about this BUT Agni does have a lot of calm energy and Sebastian just has the skill and looks honestly..But Sebastian could be and do anything so does that really count? Those two are my "most likely to be a hot barista" people.. About the making-fun-of-workers thing...RCIEL, SOMA (not in an evil way tho he‘s just childish) , REDMOND, ALOIS, MAURICE don’t ask you know that I‘m right.
William doesn’t go there often despite his coffee addiction but I can totally see one of the other shinigami going to Starbucks and getting the strongest thing possible for Will. The same goes for Othello imo (or hot chocolate!!).
It‘s Christian Girl Autumn soon so Grelle is taking Alois and Lizzy to get pumpkin spice lattes <3 <3 <3
That’s very ooc but I‘d love to see that- For some reason I HC that Alois and Lizzy would be good friends??? What‘s your opinion on that lol?
Other than a PSL Grelle would order something REALLY fancy and once she has her usual order she sticks to it. She‘d get one of those special blend coffees tho, nothing boring.
-summary of fav drinks-
o!Ciel: classic earl grey or the Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte
Lizzy: make it cute and sweet!
Mey: anything sweet but maybe a Cinnamon Dolce Latte..
Bard: either anything or nothing
Finny: he‘s not picky but I feel like it could be hot chocolate, he‘s a baby and he‘d be too hyper with coffee in his system.
Alois: iced coffee, cold brew, PSL (maybe I’m projecting tho-)
Grelle: obviously something extra!! But she‘s the type to have 1-2 go-to orders and just sticks to those. Looks like a starbucks special blend or Reserve girl.
Ronald: honestly I do not know maybe a macchiato but I just feel like he loves booze-
Soma: Cloud Macchiato, Oatmilk Honey Latte
Sieglinde: she’s German and germans generally prefer drinks that are not as sweet BUT she‘s also 11 so I‘m saying a "classic" frappucino or a cool lime/berry refresha.
Othello: hot chocolate or the strongest coffee. no inbetween.
So that’s it for now, hope you liked my headcanons! I‘m pretty sure that I’m gonna make a pt.2 to this bc I actually like my HCs. And I’m always right. And I probably forgot a lot of things.
(sorry if this looks weird btw idk what I‘m doing and I don’t have a computer atm) Once again, tysm for carrying my whole blog, keep doing that!~ (your back must be hurting like crazy huh-)
#not me saying ron is an alcoholic 😭#black butler#kuroshitsuji#anime#manga#ciel phantomhive#sebastian michaelis#headcanons#black butler headcanon#rciel#ociel#kuroshitsuji agni#elizabeth midford#alois trancy#starbucks#soma asman kadar#finny kuroshitsuji#black butler grell#grelle sutcliff#grell sutcliff#kuroshitsuji othello#sieglinde sullivan
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You asked, and I shall deliver. Oh and btw, y’all might hate me for this one but, before I begin, Vargas is not an Italian last name and never has been. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
- His personality was built up from years and years of hard work in his part of the country. He has to be a little rough by nature, or else things that happen in his region would kill him.
- You think Switzerland is cheap? After years of poverty and hunger in his country, S. Italy has developed a sort of trauma for holding onto things. He needs to eat all the food in his house before he replaces it, and can’t spend more than a certain amount of money each week, god forbid the financial state of his country returns to how it was in the early 1900’s. After spending years of watching his people starve and flee to America, he can’t put himself to take advantage of things other people take for granted.
- That being said, however, he will spend his money on high end clothes- and he has lots of them. He thinks he was personally robbed from having Milan in his part of the country, since he honestly believes he’s the better dressed between him and his brother (and he is.) Even when he makes trips to the grocery store, he’s always found in a button up shirt and dress pants.
-He once bought an entire Dolce & Gabbana season, then two years later, did the same thing again. He also claims not to be flashy, but deep down, he likes looking good.
- His real human name is Lovino Varone. His last name got lost in translation when Spain was occupying his portion of the country, and was switched to Vargas for Spain’s benefit. He won’t respond to Lovino Vargas, even if that’s how most people know him.
- Though he knows formal Italian, his primary language is Neapolitan, the dialect spoken in Naples. Nobody quite understands him when he’s speaking, hell, his own brother asks him what he’s saying sometimes. He won’t force himself to make his primary language formal Italian, though. It’s just not who he is.
-Most of his population is elderly, so he’s gotten accustomed to spending time with old men in bars and restaurants outside. Sometimes, you’ll catch him speaking like an old man himself.
- That being said, his thoughts aren’t all that progressive. Being oppressed in his own country (by the North) he knows what it’s like to have the world turn its back on you, so in the 21st century, he’s definitely tried to become more open minded about his way of thinking. He doesn’t understand much, and sometimes he might say something offensive, but he’s getting there.
- He says he’s Roman Catholic, but doesn’t really follow through with it as much as he did previously. Yes, he still goes to church on Christmas, Easter, and every other important day in between, but he lost a lot of faith in their practices after word came out about the corruption of priests.
- He truly believes that honesty is the best policy, no matter what the situation is. This has led him to be unintentionally rude, but you’ll never hear him tell a lie in his life. He says everything how it is, and he’s proud of that.
-Very, very, very sensitive on the inside. While he poses as a loud mouthed tough guy, it’s very easy to make him cry. He’s gone through so much loss in his life that he thinks that he should stop being sensitive about it by now, but every death and hardship that hits him takes its toll.
-He hated dogs until he got one. After spending a while at Germany’s house one time in 1995 for some concert that N. Italy wanted to attend, he absolutely fell in love with Germany’s Rottweiler at the time, and has been in love with big dogs since. He’ll pretend that things like cute animals don’t affect him, but the moment he sees a puppy in the streets of Bari it’s all baby voices from there. He has two dogs, A Cane Corso and a Neapolitan Mastiff, named Lupo and Volpe (Wolf and Fox) respectively.
-His first two dogs, two Rottweilers, Romulus and Remus, are memorialized through pictures all throughout his house in Naples. He’ll never admit that he’s never loved anything more than two German dogs.
-During World War Two, he stood heavily with resistance groups. His brother stood more alongside Mussolini, and for years after the war, S. Italy refused to talk to him for it. To this day, if anyone even mentions the word “facist”, he’ll offer a loud groan, an eye roll, and you won’t be able to shut him up about it for about twenty minutes.
-That being said, while his brother was promoting facism, he was in the mafia, and he isn’t very proud of it. Another reason why he’s felt like he’s had to harden his exterior was so he could fit in with those guys, and he never truly felt like he did. He’s done his fair share of drugs, killed his fair share of people, but he’ll always stand to say that at least he’s kept his shit within his own borders, not like those “imperialist pricks.”
- Because of the mass movement of people from his part of the country to The United States for about a century, he finds himself in New York City a lot. He has a lot of culture and stories there that are unique from his own country, and the rest of America. If he’s being honest, he doesn’t think America deserves his culture very much, especially since he can’t pronounce “Manicotti.”
#hetalia headcanons#hetalia#hetalia scenarios#hetalia imagines#aph romano#lovino vargas#aph south italy
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tagged by @meet-the-girl-who-can on the share 30, tag 20 thing - thank you Alex! <3
1. Name/Nicknames: i go by laurel on here :)
2. Gender: female
3. Star Sign: scorpio
4. Height: i think it’s actually dead on the national average
5. Time: quarter to six!
6. Birthday: 10 November
7. Favourite Band: Bastille
8. Favourite Solo Artist: this changes every month, but MIKA, probably
9. Song Stuck in My Head: “I’m Not Angry Anymore” by Paramore
10. Last Movie: La Dolce Vita, I think? Unless I count that film of the 2012 Jesus Christ Superstar arena tour, but I don’t want to give Andrew Lloyd Webber the credit tbh
11. Last Show: currently watching Leverage, but have also started Billions after two people independently of each other told me I remind them of one of the characters. (you may guess whom if you know it, but please don’t think any worse of me^^)
12. When I Created This Blog: everyone was very specific about this so I assume there is a way of looking this up? but all i’ve got for you is *probably* 2012
13. What I Post: i tend to reblog fanart nigh compulsively when i see it on my dash (atm that’s mostly TOG and some Good Omens).
14. Last Thing I Googled: ‘baby socks knit pattern’ (if you’ve got some good ones hmu please, everyone i know is pregnant and i’m turning into molly weasley apparently)
15. Other Blogs: i had a romantic academia (?) sideblog but then i couldn’t be bothered to treat my online presence like some social media manager anymore, and now here we are
16. Do I get asks?: i had an anon who’d come to my inbox every sunday about half a year ago with messages vaguely sexualising marwan kenzari and/or luca marinelli, but i think i’ve driven them away bc i am... not all that keen on doing that to people who are non-fictional on here. other than that, eh. ;)
17. Why I Chose My URL: there’s a character in the raven cycle who can take objects from his dreams, who is referred to as a ‘greywaren’. he’s not a particularly morally grey character tbh, but i like morally grey characters and can never resist word play, so.
18. Following: close to 1k, but that’s because i follow blogs for many different interests and only unfollow people once they start actively annoying me - if you just go quiet or post in timezones i can’t see you in, you’re stuck with me!
19. Followers: ~1.5k, but i think 2/3 of that are abandoned blogs
20. Average Hours of Sleep: ... 6? (although i’ve been known to get close to 8 when there’s someone to take the phone out of my hand and tell me to ‘stop reading under the covers like a grounded child’. long-distance is clearly working out well^^)
21. Lucky Number: 5
22. Instruments: played classical guitar as a child, dabbled on the piano as a teen
23. What I Am Wearing: indubitably one of the three jumper - mini skirt - fuzzy sock combos that are my lockdown rotation
24. Dream Job: tbh just any kind of consulting gig that let’s me work with people but still be my own boss (this is a key clue to the Billions character if you’re guessing btw)
25. Dream Trip: really want to go to Istanbul, or take a long train journey from St Petersburg to China, and I kind of want to visit Bhutan before it gets drawn into some war situation. also, jordan.
26. Favourite Food: any cultural variation of the dumpling. you know the post.
27. Nationality: German
28. Favourite Song: Vienna, but the Ben Platt version because I am insufferable musical theatre person, sorry
29. Last Book I Read: currently reading Blood Orange which is, okay, I guess, last book I finished was Woyzeck, which was as upsetting as I remembered it from school
30. Top 3 fictional universes I would love to live in: so i may be a romantic at heart, but i am also a pretty rational person most of the time, and the truth of the matter is, most fictional universes have so much shit going down that I’d much rather just stay in this one. (i’m aware that there is a lot of shit going down in this one as well, don’t worry, i just rather the shit i know than suddenly having to deal with an overpowered space hitler trying to take over.)
I’m supposed to tag 20 people now, but I don’t know if I even know that many people on here and I’m not sure if there’s one of the people I do know who hasn’t been tagged in this yet, so.. anyone who wants to, feel free?
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could you recommend the books/poetry that inspired morrisseys writing?? i’m curious to read some but don’t know where i’d find that information. thank you!
First of all, Oscar Wilde. Morrissey repeatedly namechecked him as his favourite author. Personally, I’ve only read “The Portrait of Dorian Gray”, “De Profundis” and “The Uncollected Oscar Wilde”. If you haven’t yet read anything of his, I’d suggest you start with Dorian Gray.
Then of course, Elizabeth Smart. I’ve previously talked about how Morrissey used her novella “By Grand Central Station I Sat Down And Wept” as a source of inspiration for many of his songs. She also wrote a sequel called “The Assumption Of The Rogues & Rascals”, which I didn’t think was as good, but it’s still relatively short and you can easily read it in one sitting once you get used to her somewhat flamboyant writing style. I’ve also got a copy of her diaries, which is called “Necessary Secrets”, but I haven’t read it yet.
Next, we have Shelagh Delaney. In 1986, Morrissey said: “I’ve never made any secret of the fact that at least 50 per cent of my reason for writing can be blamed on Shelagh Delaney.“ The lyrics of This Night Has Opened My Eyes are a retelling of the plot of her play “A Taste of Honey“, with many direct quotes. She’s even on the cover of Louder Than Bombs! Unfortunately, I haven’t read any of her works.
Then we have A. E. Housman, a poet. I’ve talked about his role on Morrissey’s writing here.
No biographers (that I know of) ever mentioned him, and the connection might be tenuous, but I’m gonna include him anyway: W. H. Auden. Specifically, his poem “The Mirror and the Sea”. I’ve explained why here.
Then of course, Hermann Melville. Specifically “Billy Budd”, but also “John Marr and Other Poems”. You can check out his poem “John Marr and Other Sailors” here.
Radclyffe Hall. Specifically, her novel “The Well of Loneliness”, which is one of the best, most heartwrenching LGBT books I’ve ever read. I’m not gonna spoil the plot for you, but I urge you to read it if you have the chance.
Alan Bennett. I’ve wanted to read some of his stuff for years and quite a few people recommended him to me, but I’ve yet to get down to it. The line “That’s what tradition means” in I Started Something… was taken from his play “Forty Years On”, and the title Alsatian Cousin also comes from there, with the original line being: “I was distantly related to the Woolf family through some Alsatian cousins”. Also, and this is the most interesting part imo, his TV play “Me, I’m Afraid of Virginia Woolf”, which is about a subtle gay love story, contains the line “Nature has a language, you see, if only we’d learn to read it”, which was no doubt used by Morrissey as inspo for Ask. (”Nature is a language, can’t you read?”).
John Betjeman, another poet. I haven’t read anything of his, but it’s said that his poem “Slough” was the main source of inspiration for Everyday Is Like Sunday. Funfact: he was bi and a disciple of Oscar Wilde.
Jean Cocteau. French poet, writer, playwright, artist and filmmaker. The cover of This Charming Man was sourced from his film Orphée and the cover of Hatful of Hollow was taken from a special edition of the French newspaper Libération, commemorating the 20th anniversary of his death. I’ve been wanting to read “The White Book” for a while but I can’t find it anywhere, and I feel like it would be very interesting to get even further insight on Morrissey’s psyche.
Pier Paolo Pasolini. Italian writer, poet and filmmaker. I’m ashamed to say I’ve never read anything of his (I did visit his grave tho!). Anyway, Morrissey mentions him in You Have Killed Me and - indirectly - in Life Is A Pigsty, (the title probably coming from his movie Porcile, which is Italian for Pigsty). Definitely check him out if you have the chance, he lived a very interesting albeit tragic life and he’s still seen as an important, pioneering if not controversial figure here in Italy.
Popcorn Venus. This is a 1973 feminist film study by Marjorie Rosen. Morrissey used several films which the text refers to as song titles. Namely, The Hand That Rocks The Cradle, Little Man, What Now?, Angel, Ange, Down We Go [Together]. When talking about the 60s ‘beach-party’ genre (don’t ask me what that is, I literally have no idea), there’s a quote that goes: “How immediately can we be gratified? How soon is ‘now’?”, which Morrissey probably used as inspo for his eponymous song. Rosen also describes Anita Ekberg ‘reeling around the fountain’ in Fellini’s La Dolce Vita.Other possible lyrical sources in the book may include: “Who would subjugate whom? Who would crack the whip?” (Handsome Devil), “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the flame of women’s rage” (These Things Take Time).
From Reverence To Rape. 1974 book by American film critic Molly Haskell.Morrissey borrowed several lines from it, including:“[she] double-crossed him, not once but twice.” (Miserable Lie)“But even then she knew where she had come from and where she belonged” (These Things Take Time)“Samantha Eggar who, as Terence Stamp’s captive, is pinned and mounted like one of his butterflies” (Reel Around The Fountain)“Films like Mr. Skeffington oscillate wildly in mood” (Oscillate Wildly)“Each woman will be half a person” (Half A Person).
Finally… I’ve kept this one for last because I just found out about it as I was writing this and I find it EXTREMELY interesting and revealing:
George Eliot. Born Mary Anne Evans, she chose a male pen name to be taken seriously by the 19th century male-dominated literary establishment.Morrissey quoted from her most famous work, Middlemarch, in How Soon Is Now?, adapting its line: “Born the son of a Middlemarch manufacturer, and inevitable heir to nothing in particular.”Now, here comes the part I find most interesting… I’m just gonna fully quote it from Mozipedia (which btw is where I found most of the info I collected here):“Eliot spent much of her adult life in a then scandalous relationship with critic and philosopher George Henry Lewes who, technically, was still married to another woman.The vinyl run-out-groove of Morrissey’s 1990 single Piccadilly Palare also contained the cryptic message that ‘George Eliot knew’.”… now, I don’t know about you, but I definitely have my own ideas of what exactly is that George Eliot ‘knew’ and why Morrissey thought it was important to let people know about it, but I digress.
Anyway, there you have it! Hope this was helpful!And let me know if you decide to read any of the books mentioned here!
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#SaveHannibal Countdown: The Wrath of the Lamb
We’re ONLY 2 days from Bryan’s two years ultimatum now, counting down for Amazon rights expiration! Then someone may pick up Hannibal and make S4!
And we are almost there! Today is S03 E13 The Wrath of the Lamb Canadian two years anniversary! To celebrate, reblog this and add your favorite The Number of the Beast is 666 scene pic, meme, quote, gif etc. - or your own fanwork. Or just reblog :-)
Or better - go do something for Fannibal movement! :-)
REMEMBER: We are doing this when the countdown ends!
To celebrate the last episode of S3, I decided to give you something like an overview of Will’s great plan. In fact, we know nothing about it :-D
I’m pretty sure the plan was born earlier thin this - but Francis showed up as a good opportunity, right? Maybe Will kinda expected this - after all, the Dragon promissed him a visit!
Sure, Will, let’s talk another man into killing Hannibal. Because that worked so well last time, right? And the time before, and before...
I’m sure you two agreed on a good plan, didn’t you? ;-) And The Plan saga continues with Jack...
Of course he would be... “Name the bait on your hook after somebody you cherished. If the person you name it after cherished you, as the superstition goes, you will catch the fish.” Remember?
It’s easy like that, Jack! Except...
Oh, and btw, I don’t intend to kill him therefor:
Tell me that is not what in fact happened! :-D And it’s nice to see that Hannibal kinda expected it:
Authenticity, sure. That’s very important, Jack. Just let us go and don’t worry - we’ll do well... Also, nah, I definitelly didn’t agree on something with Francis before - just in the name of Authenticity, of course.
I mean, this totaly didn’t happen, right, Jack? :-D
And then, of course, let’s promise Alana and Jack what they want to hear. Because I, Will Graham, cursed by morality but also empathy and a passion for killers, will happily let two men die just like that. And especially Hannibal, I never have had a problem with that so it will be good - let’s drink on it!
And here we go - at least one true sentence for today, right, Will?
Because the rest of so-called (official) plan is so poor that even Hannibal had to point it out to assure himself you can do better.
(Oh, and did I mentioned that secret plan I have? No? That’s because it’s secret, you know. Pšt!)
But, anyone else feels like Will isn’t the only one with a secret plan at this point? Because there is no way how Francis could find the “cliff house” - unless Hannibal told him where to go. Not even Will was supposed to know about that house and we saw that no one followed them, so...?
So, he took Will and showed him that little more private place - to have nice time together, to fullfil his promise and to see what would happen, I quess?
And once again, Hannibal knows!
And then, they both knew the moment when Dragon came... How are you doing this, guys? Is it still the plan?
Because you can lie to everyone, Will, but we know you’ve never planned to let the Dragon change Hannibal...
And then, suddenly, it was over! They slayed the Dragon and it was beautiful... And I have to ask: Why would you do this, Hannibal? Just... WHY?! The more I’m reading the script the more I believe it was a part of the plan - yours or Will’s. Or maybe you both’s?
What do you think? Which scene do you like? Let everyone know :-)
#SaveHannibal Countdown: S2 / S3: Antipasto - Primavera - Secondo - Aperitivo - Contorno - Dolce - Digestivo - The Great Red Dragon - And the Woman Clothed with the Sun… - …and the Woman Clothed in the Sun - …and the Beast from the Sea - The Number of the Beast is 666 - The Wrath of the Lamb
#The Wrath of the Lamb#TWOTL#SaveHannibalCountdown#Hannibal countdown#hannibal#francis dolarhyde#hannibal lecter#will graham#Alana Bloom#jack crawford#Great Red Dragon#fannibals#hannigram#SaveHannibal#Save Hannibal#H4nnibal#hannibal s4#Hannibal Season 4#Hannibal Quotes#hannibal script#murder husbands
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After getting lost in Madrid, I came back to my comfort zone for a week then headed out the next Saturday to Marseille. I was very anxious about this trip to France because it was going to be loooooong. When I say long, I mean very long. Why? Because cheap is expensive. As a newbie, I am not an expert at looking at the best flights with the shortest layovers, neither was my friend. Plus we let these flight booking sites trick us with their cookies. So much so that we later discovered that people who booked different flights months after, all got even cheaper rates and better flights. SMH. So it’s not even a matter of cheapness, it’s inexperience.
Anywho, the day came and I got relieved a bit. Etihad Airways is a cool airline with female and male cabin crew that sport very striking lipstick and perfect hair cuts respectively. And it was my first time on such a large plane. I sat next to this American girl who was quite chatty at the beginning, with some braids on her blonde hair. LOL. Total hippie. Plus since we booked these flights via Alitalia originally, I could not book seats in advance so I ended up next to the lavatories. LOL. So you keep hearing that loud vacuum flushing all the time. I can’t seem to remember what I watched during this leg. I think it was The 15:17 to Paris. I had to Google the title now. I was not sleepy yet, the best was yet to come. I got to Abu Dhabi at some minutes to 9. A few minutes into walking into the terminal, I met up with this other Kenyan who had an even longer layover, but we lost each other at the security check.
Abu Dhabi International Airport is a real swanky airport. They have poured a lot of their abundant money into making it the airport of choice for layovers. I was going to spend 6 hours here, so I decided to find the best seats in the terminal of my next flight. If I was sleepy, these would have been very helpful. I was not. Yet. I grabbed something to eat and chat up my people. I am not exactly sure what I did for the rest of the six hours. What I remember is too much a/c and people running across the terminal to their flights. I finally moved down to my gate about an hour to my flight. I was obviously starting to get real tired, so I did not like the next flight much. But hold that thought.
Real nice, right?
I think this is when I watched The Greatest Showman in my utter fatigue. And even then, I was so enraptured by the movie, even in this poor airplane quality amidst that continuous annoying drone, I cannot stop playing the soundtrack album now. A Million Dreams is playing in my ears right now, while I’m in the belly of a different drone — a hairdryer. I will not deny I watched it on and off, between dozing off, trips to the loo and munching some bits and pieces of Etihad supper. That notwithstanding, I really had to fight off my tears, an endeavour I failed at miserably. I ended up with a serious lump of pain in my throat by the end of it. If you’re into musicals or looking for a movie you can watch with little ones, I think this is it. I am definitely rewatching it in better quality soon.
Off to Fiumicino, Aeroporti di Roma (Rome) a.k.a. Leonardo da Vinci, my last and longest layover before Marseille. And the 8 hours were tortuuuuuure. I got there some minutes to 7AM, Sunday. And let us not forget crossing time zones just makes it even more confusing. Abu Dhabi is an hour ahead of us. Rome is 2 hours behind us. I think. And remember, I have not really slept since 8AM, Saturday. We all squeeze into the transfers hall which seems a bit too cramped for my liking and I already know I will not like my stay at this airport. The only flashy things that could not help me one bit were the luxury stores across Terminal E on two floors. I was in Italy, after all. Dolce&Gabbana. Pandora. Gucci. Burberry. The seats were not going to help in my sleepy misery, so I just sat there and played with my phone until my flight was finally displayed on the screens. I went through passport control as I was now really entering the Schengen area and went on to more shops and uncomfortable chairs. Try as I might, I could not sleep. So, again, I do not know what I did with those 8 hours. This is also mixed with the fact that I could have sworn I watched Modern Family for hours on Netflix but I can neither confirm this from my watch history nor from searching on Netflix. I was definitely not day-dreaming because my Google history tells me I was on Netflix all afternoon. But the other Google says Modern Family has never been on Netflix. Wacha tuachie hapo kwanza. What I am sure about is that I finally found myself inside a small Alitalia flight to Marseille in the early evening. I sat next to a polite boy who was all Bonjour on me. That was the first time I acted like I learnt French from my mum.
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———————————————————— Marseille is definitely hot. It’s a coastal town. I have never been happier to alight from anything in my life like I was when we did at Marseille. I just wanted to sleep! The immigration lines were so long I almost gave up. But since I had already got the stamp in Rome, the guy did not look at my passport twice. I ventured out into the Arrivals hall to wait for my people to get me. We headed out into the Alps (Alpes in French) some minutes after that. This is where we were going to spend most of the time in France. Destination, a little village called Saint Jacques. Why? Wedding Bells!!!!! How? All under the auspices of my dear loving friend Leilah and her very beautiful family. Just writing this almost made me tear up, so let me stop and will pick that up later. In private. Where no peering eyes are wondering why this crazy black girl is crying on a plane. LOL. I have clearly written this post for many days in different places and spaces, so don’t even try to envision my writing pattern.
So from Marseille, the capital of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region (south-East France basically), the roads are a delight. They literally pay for them highways at toll gates. Cars stick to the right here too. I will never get used to that. The drive was a feast for my sore eyes as we drew nearer to the Alps. I temporarily forgot I was tired and sleepy. My new road trip friends offered some very sweet bread too. I mean, how else was I to really know I was in France? There was a bit of a drizzle too. Darkness had covered the mountains by the time we got to the village. And that is to say a lot considering the sun goes down late. Again, a warm welcome awaited us as the family ushered us into the most ageless home I have ever walked into right next to a church. I remember walking in and commenting on how I smelt history around. And great food! And books! And French! Oh my goodness. Was I not supposed to be sleepy btw?
After the warm dinner, mamé walked us to what we would call home for the next few days. I was in awe. This was the second most antique home I had ever walked into. She showed us everything and kept apologizing because she believed this was not good enough for us. I was confused. Why was she apologizing? This was like walking through a dream for me. Like walking into one of those fairy tales I had read as a kid. Red Riding Hood, perhaps. Or living inside the set of Once Upon A Time. Just look at these pics and tell me I am wrong?
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Anyway, I finally got over my awe and slept like a log. I think we woke up at 11 the next day. On a Monday. I mean, what else would I want in life than to wake up like that and open wooden shutters into the most awe-inspiring view of the Alps outside. Sigh. I want to go back.
Monday was chill, with more bread, cheese, chicken and sausages. We had lunch outside in the luscious green compound outside the main house. Then we attended mass in the church. Legitimately the most ancient church I have walked into. The experience was made all the more exotic because most of the mass was in French. I could not wait for the next day, wedding day!
And it came! A beautiful summer morning with everyone getting ready for the occasion. Leilah looked exquisite! She has always had a way with elegant gowns. Speaking of elegance, the wedding was the epitome of admirable simple-elegance. Sorry, what did you say? I can’t make up words? Not today. It made me rethink my whole wedding dream. I do think that the fact that we were already in a naturally beautiful place that needed no expensive and unnecessary decor contributed to this. And the people who streamed in to share in this joy. What else do you really need? Nothing. It was a lovely ceremony which included the baptism of the couple’s adorable baby girl. You should have seen me singing along to French hymns! 😀 You would have thought I had been there for months.
After the church ceremony, we spent some time out in the sun on some drinks and snacks. We then headed out to the wedding party. It was an intimate affair, not much different from the Kenyan ones we know with speeches and good food. Let me not talk too much about this from here. I will let the pictures do that for us.
The evening was wonderful! I never thought I could dance in public until this night. I guess I was still in a dream. We danced for hours in the open to all kinds of tunes, from African to pop, to reggae and samba. Suffice to say, my limbs were in pain the next day. I got over that real quick though as we headed out for a little hike in the Alps that afternoon. The views here are to die for, even when you’re not into climbing stuff. Worry not. You can just come here to stare.
The weather has a funny way of communicating, because after all the sun, the Alps decided it was time for rain on Thursday. So we tucked in and spent the rest of the day just making some Kenyan noise and eating. I could have sworn I had gained many kilos during my stay here but I actually didn’t.
We headed back to Marseille, with a short stopover at Gap. A little town that left nothing imagination, especially after experiencing dreamy Alps, but I did love these!!!
I got to experience Marseille for a few hours when the temperatures had dipped a little this time. The sights from Basilique Notre Dame de la Garde were amazing, including the sunset.
I also got to feast on the biggest burger I have seen in my life. Generally the short experience in France encouraged me in my quest to learn French. And to experience the love of a people brought together by love that supersedes all the many unnecessary complications we insist on bringing upon ourselves. The next time I am back there (because there will be a next time), I will have more to say about the city. Or maybe even drop by Paris. No, not maybe. Definitely. By then, I will be a master of French.
For now, I bow out, with a dreamy smile on my
&nface. À bientôt, mon amis!
An Alpine Affair After getting lost in Madrid, I came back to my comfort zone for a week then headed out the next Saturday to Marseille.
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Miscellaneous Rune Factory 4 Secrets/Lil Cute Things I Noticed!
Dunno if any of this is helpful, and probably most people already know cos im a dummy who didnt read any walkthroughs or anything, but MEH I wanna squee about how neat these details are anyway! :D
* Every super giant version of a vegetable has a unique name (E.g. Doom Pumpkin, Ultra Toyherb and Maximum Pink) And did you notice that in the credits all the english translation team use one of these as a nickname? That’s adorable! * One of the requests is a tad confusing cos it asks to harvest a ‘Shining Tree’ but the crop is actually named Twinkle Tree. (Even though the seed is Shining Seed) I got stumped on that for a while cos I thought the tree still had another growth stage if I watered it more. Aside from that I havent seen a single translation mistake, which is amazing! * You can get unique dialogue if you have a character in your party while inspecting certain parts of the map. So far all I’ve found is that Arthur explains all the mysterious crates of trading items on the airship, and margaret gives you free fruit if you check the various things in her house. (only once though!) She also talks about how some famous historical composers were part of the De Sainte Coquille family. (for example Beet Hoven XD) * You can befriend boss monsters which is Really Friggin Cool and I’m glad I discovered it by accident instead of reading a guide! Its just so badass to use their hella annoying attacks against enemies and tear them aprt, or ride about on something that takes up the entire map! * But yeah anyway the fun trivia part: the secret boss recruitment items for the guardian rematches are the same as the best friendship items for the characters themselves! Marionetta is the easiest to recruit cos she just loves the highest level cake items, which you can get fairly often in Porco and Dylas’s daily food shop. Oh bonus fun tip- they each sell different dishes each day so check both if you’re looking for something! It can help a lot when you need like thirty damn Apple Pie/Cheesecake to capture your best friend’s monster self. *Thunderbolt likes the giant crop version of carrots, but i havent grown one yet. I’m not sure what exactly Ambrosia and Sarcophogus like, is there even a higher level version of honey and mushrooms...? Maybe its a high level flower and one of the lategame salted fish recipes...? * Oh and it seems some boss monsters who have a particularly large amount of attacks have some that they cant use while you’re riding them, since there’s only three buttons. Marionetta cant use the one where she throws plush toys unless you dismount. And it seems she can’t ever use the one where she locks you in a treasure chest while she’s a pet monster, I guess it was hard to reprogam the animation for different enemies? * Also i just find it silly cute that marionetta’s ride animation has her as if she’s on an invisible motorbike, for no logical reason! * It seems Pico actually was part of the Marionetta guardian monster, even though she could still manifest as a ghost? or something? The concept art shows a pair of monsterous hands with eyeballs that operate the marionette strings, and Marionetta’s pet monster description gives this other monster the name Handetta and seems to talk about it as if it has Pico’s personality. I dunno, maybe monster-dolce manifested a pico duplicate because she was lonely, or pico was casting a spell to create those marionette hands so she could keep her monsterified friend from hurting people? Its an interesting lil trivia that gives me fanfic ideas! * The Dead Tree boss monster’s apples are apparantly flat 2D textures, you just cant see cos it never turns its head while fighting you. But it looks kinda hilarious when its your pet! * If you wear a costume and go on a date with someone, it seems they’re quite likely to change into their version of the costume too. And if they’re wearing a costume on the world map they’ll stay in it if you add them to your party, and won’t change back until you send them home. I had fun always grabbing everybody during beach day and slumber parties before I was able to unlock the costumes for myself! It was a nice preview cos certain characters wear the same costume as the protagonist, just in different colours. (Btw this only works for swimsuit and pyjamas, not the rainbow of recolours for the default outfit) * For some reason characters still say ‘i wont go on a date til you get rid of that third wheel’ even when your other party member is just a monster. I would have thought it would be perfectly fine to bring my pet along :P I kinda hope that if we get a rune factory 5 then maybe there could be two-seater monsters where you can both ride while on a date and get special cuteness! :D * if you clear the leon karnak revisited dungeon before getting the super secret postgame quest to revive [certain person who died in the ending], you get a bonus awkward scene of reaching the top and nothing is there but Leon’s two shrine fox statues. Protagonist says ‘i just wanted to visit you guys’ and they’re like ‘wtf this is most irregular’. You can even give them gifts! (but they dont have a friendship bar to raise so youre just wasting your items lol) * if you clear the maya road snowfield dungeon before starting the act 2 quest where you’re SUPPOSED to clear that dungeon, nothing actually happens and you just cant walk through the final door to the next dungeon. Then annoyingly when you do initiate the quets all the switches in the dungeon reset so you have to do it again even though your map shows that you already finished it. I just find it odd cos Leon Karnak showed the developers thought about sequence breaking, but here they didnt. I was annoyed cos I stumbled in there entirely by accident and didnt even realize I had to initiate a quest first! * For some reason Doug hates bread and toast but is fine about sandwiches. And its a bit unintuitive to figure out Leon’s ‘likes poisonous things’ tip, cos he reacts the same as everyone else when you give him most poisonous dungeon items- getting pissed off that you gave him ‘trash’. IM SORRY LEON! It seems he only likes mushrooms and certain fish thatre stated to be poisonous uncooked. But then every other fish he only likes it if its cooked. Why u confusig, Leon?? * Dylas has the most favourite items, loving carrots, milk, fish, sashimi and anything else related. Kinda ironic that the self-proclaimed grumpy guts is the easiest to befriend! * I’m not sure if this is official canon or not, but it might be possible that Doug is related to Zaid from Rune Factory 3. Both of them have a backstory of their tribe being destroyed by invading humans, and they share silver eyes that might possibly be that tribe’s trait? (I dont think any other character has them) * Daria from RF3 could also possibly be Margaret’s sister. Raven says that there’s a resembelance between Margaret and ‘an elf in my village’, and Margaret mentions having a sister who’s an artist, so it might be her? * Oh and more obviously Porcoline is related to the De Saint Coquille family from RF3. And I havent personally played RF1 and 2 yet but from what I’ve heard there are other De Saint Coquilles cameoing in every game in the series? Thats cool! I wonder if they all share that same weird art style? * For some reason your son/daughter character always has Frey’s colourscheme even if you play as Lest. That’s really weird! I guess maybe they ran out of memory space to add two sets, but why didnt they just make the male and female protagonist have the same hair colour? * The promotional Nintendo Dream manga has the romances for the protagonists set as Dolce for Lest and Dylas for Frey. So thats the closest thing we have to an answer on the developers’ favourite routes, and we can assume maybe they liked Frey as the main protagonist? Though I’m not personally too hung up on which option is more canon, lol!
#bunni plays rf4#if i find any more stuff that other people might like to know i shall add another post!
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Mannnnn I just cannot get over how many great well-developed relationships there are within the Rune Factory 4 cast! Its just great how much all the different love interests interact with each other outside of their romance route, and how all the non-romanceable characters are still an equally big presence by being family/mentors/employers/best friends/etc to the love interests and to each other and everyone has a job role in the town and they have so many great interactions and just GAHHHH its so great!! Its like one big family made of families made of families then you marry into the family and the family and also the family perhaps. THEN YOU HAVE A CUTE CHILD. aaaaaa
Ventuswill the mentor lady best friend/team mum/LITERALLY THE GOD OF THIS COUNTRY AND A GIANT DRAGON man i just cry forever for her aaaa Everybody’s own unique love for her, and how she kinda unites us all as a family aaaa The butler family coworker trio who met each other because of her! I really like to see it as clorica and vishnal having a brother sister relationship, they dont get any particular big scenes together but they just seem to be such cute friends who never have any of the rivalry you’d expect when theyre both competing as volkanon’s students. VOLKANON IS LIKE YOUR GRANDPA AND HE IS THE BEST CHARACTER The whole restaurant fam! You get to see it expand as the story goes on! And aaaa its just so heartwarming that porcoline adopts all these random homeless people and aaaa!!! DYLAS LEARNED TO COOK. THEY ALL LOVE THEIR STUPID TWIRLY GOOFBALL DAD. And its so nice that these very different personalities end up coming together and being like siblings when they probably wouldnt have befriended each other if not for this random stroke of chance. Its just so cute seeing margaret looking out for her new brothers, and dylas being so polite and formal to arthur, and arthur just being all ‘haha i dont know anything about having a loving family what a rare novelty’ *constantly crying inside* And they bicker sometimes and when they team up theyre a super powerful force, and theyre all like the parents to porcoline’s childishness and aaaaa super talented restaurant fam, super colourful quartet of hugs aaaa THEY ARE MY FAVOURITE OKAY And Forte + Kiel adorable siblings with the unique plot and semi tragic aspect of living alone together at a young age and each trying to take the place of their deceased parents and protect each other And then Bado is like their weird adoptive uncle who’s lived next door since back when their parents were alive, and promised to keep them safe. but he’s kind of a wreck of a man who’s perpetually messing up his silly get rich quick schemes but DEEP AT HEART HE CAAAAARES! but still he is kind of a mess and would probably turn up drunk on their couch half the time. i love him he reminds me of sirius black if he ate del boy from Only Fools And Horses to absorb his strength And then there’s Illuminata who’s like Bado’s evil twin kinda?? They should have more interactions, theyre the bad influence grownups duo XD And I just love the underrated relationship between her and her ‘sidekick’ amber, and how she’s kinda like a big sister who doesnt wanna be called one. I totally only have you here to serve my nefarious purposes! Umm, I mean, my purposes of justice!! And then she’s often playing the cool big sis to all the various female characters in the town, even though at the same time she’s also part of the ‘adults who need a mom friend’ group XD I think margaret and forte actually win the crowd of the true mom friends even though theyre not the oldest (I also like that they have an unlikelu friendship together, though i wish if margaret is allowed to have a canonical gay crush then why isnt she allowed to be a gay marriage option...) And then Lin Fa and Xiao Mei kinda dont stand out as much cos theyre more of a very normal mother and daughter, beyond Lin Fa just being this spacey super nice but super clumsy person. She’s not quite the funny parent-child like porco and co, but she’s funny in her own way cos of how cheerful and positive she is about all her failures. Xiao Mei got all the common sense! Its also nice and cute how Xiao Mei is physically clumsy but super competant and mature, while her mum is perfectly elegant yet completely scatterbrained. And they’re both totally huggable, Xiao Mei dont be jealous that everyone has crushes on your mum! I feel so bad when she’s all ‘i’ll never succeed cos i cant be cute in the same way as her’, as if there’s only one definition of feminine beauty or whatever. CAN YOU NOT SEE YOUR MUM HAS FLAWS TOO. you are powerful togetherrrrrr! i am just so envious seeing these characters with supportive mums that’re like their best friend and they can talk about everything together ^_^ And then there’s the doctor family with the super lovey dovey married couple of funnyness and mushy mush, and they adopt some orphans too~! EVERYONE ADOPTS EVERYBODY: THE GAME. I love seeing the cold and distant Dolce warm up to them and regain her faith that she wont be hurt if she loves someone again. Also Pico is very cute and hilarious! Even if again I get very annoyed at this game having so much queerbaiting, lol. I kinda laughed at the wiki saying dolce and pico were ‘like sister’, i mean seriously?? Pico is like your typical ‘looks like a child but is really 100′ love interest and dolce is the poor harem show protagonist who never asked for this XD I do like though that even if it seems dolce very much doesnt requite pico’s feelings, theyre still best friends either way. Pico’s super comedic flirting attempts seem to come off like she’s completely aware that dolce doesnt love her back, and she just wants to make some humour out of the situation to let dolce know she still cares about her even if they’re never gonna date. Its nice, we dont often see relationships like that in fiction, a childhood friend who confess a crush, gets turned down, and it actually ends positively and they remain friends. Its just a shame it had to be like... one of the few openly LGBTQ characters in the game, and nobody is ever allowed to date anybody or have a happy ending or be a romance route or even mention the word gay, even as theyre constantly being incredibly vocal about how its canon these characters have crushes on each other. gahhhhh. I mean we literally have doug and dylas proposing to each other and confessing their love but LOL HA its just a ~wacky misunderstanding~ but btw lets just rub it in that they are VERY MUCH intended to be seen as gay by the audience but theyre not ~really~ gay even when we say they are and GAHHH okay sorry im getting offtopic now :P Anyway its really sad that Pico is stuck as the same unchanging ghost child while her best friend grows up and marries someone else. And man, she had to spend all those years guarding monster form dolce until someone was able to free her, and we dont even know how pico died so her life could have even more tragedy in it. After all that I guess its a relief that she can be this comic relief jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold manzai duo partner to dolce and also like the freeloading friend on her metahphorical ghost couch. And its nice how much the doctor couple completely accept ‘dolce’s friend’ and are some of the few people who never remotely worry about her haunting the town. And then AAAAA there’s the four guardians themselves who’re like a family cos they were all people who were like family to ventuswill in different time periods, and then met each other for the first time when they were purified from their monster forms and bonded over how much they all love the same friend. And theyre such a badass quartet of cool monsterfolks!! And I like that they have lil relationships inside the quartet, like how dolce and amber are polar opposite sunshine and grumpiness but dolce secretly likes her a lot more than she lets on, and how leon likes to tease dylas but also kinda be his wingman. And I like how leon takes this role to a lot of the other batchelors too, he’s this totally shameless frat boy big brother figure XD “HEY PROTAGONIST DO YOU WANNA HEAR ABOUT DOUG’S SEX LIFE” And then aaaa doug and granny blossom AAAAAA granny blossom is probably the character who gets the least scenes, backstory, and general focus, but I still love her a lot. And they have a good dynamic together! I like that it starts off seeming like just a completely normal grandma granson relationship, but then you learn later that he’s adopted, and that he actually began as a spy for the evil empire who realized the error of his ways after infiltrating the town and finding so much love inside it. And then he’s just so scared cos blossom’s illness might bring her to an early grave, and he’s always being disobedient and rebellious because he wants to do anything to protect her even if she tells him not to put himself at risk and AAAAAA
why are there so many amazing fams and theres even so many small hints of characters who maybe only interact once or twice and then there’s room to headcanon even more fams and AAAAAA and the protagonist’s place in the complex web of fams is up to you to decide!! ITS LIKE EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED IN A GAME
oh and randomly I liked that xiao mei’s father isnt a major character in the game, but there’s not any tragic reason or anything. he’s just a travelling merchant and lin fa is very accepting of her husband being gone off on trips for long periods of time, she has every confidence he will never stray away from her and she supports him pursuing his travelling dreams! and also it was funny how his one brief appearance has him with the generic traveller 3d model, to point out how much he isnt a main character compared to his wife XD and it was just really cute how happy everyone was when he visited, and how the player accidentally helps improve their family business! and aaa the backstory story about arthur’s mother is SO DAMN SAD, and dolce’s biological parents who she left behind when she sacrificed her life, and just AAAAA even the tiny one-line-only minor fams are such quality fams FAMS GAME REVENGE OF THE FAMS
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