#never left the crew unattended before
soapsilly · 8 months
PDA - Zoro Imagine
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Spoilers for One Piece (?), also kinda NSFW?
Summary: Zoro showing a lot of PDA in front of Sanji because he knows it bothers him
Requests are closed
A/N: Unofficial sequel to Cardio. But works as a stand alone.
"(Y/N)-san! I'm sorry I left you alone on this ship with this pervert! I promise I'll make it up to you"
"What did you just call me, ero-cook?"
"You heard me! If you just as much as put a single finger on (Y/N)-san I'll make you regret it"
"Sorry, to disappoint you, but I did a little more than that", Zoro laughed.
It's been a few weeks since the crew barged in on Zoro and (Y/N). Nothing really changed between them. (Y/N) was still shamelessly flirting with the mosshead and Zoro didn't really reciprocate - at least not in public. He was never the type for public displays of affection but when the two of them were alone, the swordfighter didn't have any problem to show the girl how much he enjoyed her company.
"You looked so good today", he mumbled against her lips.
"So usually I look bad?", she grinned - her smart mouth getting the best of her again.
"Too bad you still don't have a filter", he rolled his eye but didn't loosen his grip around her waist.
"But you love me for it", she laughed.
He exhaled audibly but didn't protest.
The two of them decided not to complicate things. They'd rather just let the relationship progress naturally. For the moment, neither of them would change a thing being happy with the way things were.
"It's so nice to finally have some free time again", Nami sighed - already excited for a long overdue shopping trip.
"We shouldn't leave the ship unattended", (Y/N) nudged Zoro in the side not really caring about exposing her true intentions. She knew that her lover would be up for some alone time - which was confirmed by the smile that the swordsman failed to keep off of his face.
But it was not only (Y/N) that noticed. The mosshead's smile didn't go unnoticed by a certain curly-browed cook either.
"I'll be keeping you company, (Y/N)-san! There are a few new creations that I wanted to test out anyways", Sanji exclaimed.
(Y/N) was just about to protest when Nami's voice cut her off, "Yeah, that's probably a great idea. These two need a chaperone! We don't need any little Zoros and (Y/N)s running around deck!"
(Y/N) pulled a face, "Seriously? Sex has never ever sounded so unappealing"
"And don't you forget it!", the read-head scolded, "Always think about the full diapers and the disrupted night sleep"
(Y/N) tried to drown Nami's words out by putting her hands over her ears and singing loudly.
However, it wasn't just (Y/N) who had a problem with the thought. Zoro's eye darted over to where Sanji was standing. It was almost unnoticable but for the fraction of a second the cook's face twitched when Nami started her rant. At this moment, the swordsman got an idea to still make the afternoon worthwhile.
"Can we go now?", their captain interrupted the discussion - eager to raid the market place for street food.
Zoro threw his arm around a confused (Y/N)'s shoulder. This was the first time that her lover actually touched her in front of the others. Before she could say anything though, Zoro spoke up, "Yeah, you guys leave and we'll hold the fort here. Right, babe?"
"Uh, yeah sure...", (Y/N) blushed at the little nickname.
And with that the crew parted ways. (Y/N), Zoro and Sanji remaining on the ship while the rest of the crew made their way towards the city.
"So, it's just us now, huh?", (Y/N) tried to overcome the awkwardness. Spending a whole afternoon on the ship together with these two didn't seem very appealing to her. But surprisingly these two mortal enemies weren't at each other's throats immediately.
"Well, since our plans have been so rudely interrupted", the mosshead turned towards the cook, "Why don't we squeeze in a training session?", Zoro asked his girlfriend - his voice almost soft. After hours and hours of asking, (Y/N) had finally worn down the swordfighter. So, lately Zoro agreed to let the girl join him during practice. On one hand, her constant pleading got on his nerves so that he partly agreed just to shut her up. On the other hand, though, training with her meant he got to spend time with her. To him, she looked adorable as she was trying to figure out the steps and maneuvers. And if she ever needed correction with her stance, he wouldn't complain either.
"I'd say you're welcome to join us, waiter. But I don't think you could handle it anyways", Zoro mocked the blonde. And of course Zoro's words had the desired effect as the cook immediately started cussing out the mosshead - swearing to make him look old in any type of training.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. Of course, the peace didn't last long, "Oi, Sanji? Didn't you actually want to try out some new recipes or something?"
She didn't mind the cook's company but she knew if Sanji and Zoro were to actually train together, their competition would be anything but friendly and she didn't feel like a headache today. To her surprise, Zoro just shrugged though, "You can try, ero-cook"
And with that the three of them started their work-out. Almost provocatively Zoro took off his robe, showing off his body and sending (Y/N) a cheeky wink. He knew the effect he had on the girl.
"We should start with some stretching first", he announced - his arm already behind his back.
(Y/N) decided to get on the floor, working on her lower body first, whilst Sanji was bent over easily touching his toes without any issue.
"(Y/N)-san, you're so flexible~", the cook complimented the girl.
"Hm, I don't know. I think she could do better", Zoro acted thoughtful, as he walked over to where (Y/N) was standing, trying to reach her toes aswell. Her fingertips just graced the floorboards but that wasn't enough for the swordsman. He positioned himself behind her, his crotch dangerously close to her backside. With a gentle hand he pressed down on her lower back to help her bend over even further, so that her palms fully touched the ground.
With a soothing voice, her lover praised her and while (Y/N) enjoyed the personal attention, she'd be lying if she said that she wasn't confused. She wasn't used to him being so gentle with her when other people were around. What she didn't see from her bend over position however, was the look Zoro and Sanji exchanged. The mosshead sent the other man a gloating smile, which only got wider as he saw how blonde struggled to keep his composure.
"Oi, Marimo! When you're finished harassing, (Y/N)-san, how about a sparring session?", there was nothing he wanted to do more than to beat up the brute that dared to lay his calloused fingers on a lady. The cook was of the opinion that a beautiful woman should only be touched in the most gentle way - a word the marimo probably didn't even know.
Zoro barked out a laugh - (Y/N) long forgotten. Fighting with the ero-cook was one of his favourite past-times.
(Y/N) knew there was no way her lover would continue their practice anymore. Instead she decided to just keep exercising on her own and to leave the two guys to it - not feeling like getting into the path of fire.
After an hour or so, the two of them didn't show any sign of slowing down but the girl decided she had enough, "Hey guys? Guys? Oi!"(Y/N) clapped into her hands loudly to get the two frenemies' attention. Almost immediately the men stopped what they were doing.
"While I do enjoy watching two handsome men exhaust themselves physically", she sent Zoro a wink, "I think this is enough. I'll go take a shower and afterwards we should probably get started on dinner. You know how hangry Luffy can get"
"Of course, (Y/N)-san~", the cook was delighted by her compliment, "I'll create the most exquisite menu just for you"
The girl thanked her friend, by now she gave up on the idea of convincing the blonde that he didn't have to do all that. It seemed to make him happy, so she just decided to enjoy the perks of having the talented cook at her service.
"Great, while you do that, we'll go take that shower", Zoro spoke up.
(Y/N) head whipped around to face the mosshead, who could barely hold back a smile. He, however, wasn't facing her at all. His smile was not directed at her and her surprised reaction but rather at Sanji, who by the looks of it was not amused about his suggestion at all. (Y/N) massaged the bridge of her nose in no mood for these two to start fighting again.
"Okay, we'll do that", she grabbed Zoro's hand and pulled him with her. However, Zoro had other ideas. While (Y/N) was walking in front of him the swordsman's hands reached out to pinch the girl's sides teasingly which earned him a surprised yelp from his lover.
"Oi, idiot! Who do you think you are? Leave your dirty hands off of (Y/N)-san!", Sanji yelled towards the couple.
"Oh, does it bother you?", Zoro yelled back, "Good thing, (Y/N) likes it"
"(Y/N)-san! Just say a word and I'll save you from this... this... pervert!", Sanji's voice was soft as he adressed the girl but grew harsher towards the end - his dig clearly directed towards the marimo.
"Thank you, Sanji, I'll keep it in mind!", she yelled back at her friend as she tried to usher Zoro, who was loudly protesting the cook's claims -inside the Sunny towards the bathroom.
Once inside, (Y/N) let out an exasperated sigh, this isn't how she expected her afternoon to go. Zoro, however, didn't waste any time attacking her lips with his own. His hands everywhere they could reach.
"Oi, you okay?", Zoro asked almost nonchalantly when he realized that (Y/N) hesitated to return the kiss - as if he wasn't the cause of her desperation.
"Respectfully, what the fuck?", (Y/N) answered the mosshead.
"I mean, I'm not complaining but how come you're so touchy-feely all of a sudden? And let me repeat. I'm not complaining. At all. It's just... unusual is all...", she rambled - not wanting Zoro to feel like he crossed a line.
"Oh, that", he smiled, "I noticed PDA bothers that shitty cook, so naturally I had to play it up"
"Of course", (Y/N)'s voice was sarcastic.
"Are you mad?", the swordfighter acted unbothered - like he couldn't see how that could possibly offend the girl - but in actuality he was worried that he took things a step too far. He knew she was okay with their arrangement. He know that it didn't bother her that he only showed affection towards her when the two of them were alone. She once told him that it made it even more special. But would she be okay with him suddenly publicly flirting with her just to spite the shitty cook? His eye scanned her face, searching for any sign of hurt. He couldn't always show it but he cared about (Y/N) a lot - more than anyone else in the crew.
(Y/N)'s face turned soft when she realized that the man in front of her was actually insecure. She reached out to cup his face and press a gentle kiss on his lips. When they parted, he was relieved to see her smile.
"Of course, I'm not mad! In fact, I think it's hilarious... if anything I'm mad that you didn't fill me in on it", she grinned, "If I had known, I'd have enjoyed it more"
"Oh, so now you didn't enjoy it?", this time it was him, that teased the girl with a lopsided smile on his face.
"I did! I really did! But my confusion kind of overshadowed the pleasure", she tried to assure him.
"Don't you worry", he started to undress her, "I'll take care of that"
His hands were gentle as he pulled her towards him by the small of her back.
"Who do you think you are? Touching me with those calloused hands", she scolded him. He paused what he was doing until she finally broke into a giggle.
"I can always count on you to ruin the moment", he sighed when he realized what she was up to. Quoting the ero-cook was the last thing he wanted from her.
"But you love me for it", she smiled up at him.
"Shut up", he leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss before leading her into the shower.
When the two entered the dining room after the shower, the kitchen was already filled with the steam from whatever the cook was preparing. The two were greeted with the most delicious of smells. (Y/N) sometimes seriously asked herself how the cook could be this good and still improve with every meal he prepared.
"Wow, Sanji this smells great!", she beamed at the blonde, who by the looks of it couldn't be any more pleased about the praise. After all, the way to a loved one's heart is through their stomach.
"And this is only the beginning (Y/N)-san", the cook explained happily - hinting that there'd be more to come.
"Is there anything I can help you with?", she asked the cook, knowing he'd probably decline.
"You are too kind, (Y/N)-san ~ ! But I couldn't possibly take you up on your offer. A beautiful lady like you should never have to prepare her own food - in fact, you should be served~"
"Oh, but I insist", (Y/N) smiled. Anybody that knew her also knew how stubborn she could be, so after a little back and forth Sanji eventually agreed to let (Y/N) stirr some pots and maybe even wash some vegetables.
Zoro decided to take a seat at the dinner table, watching the two of them do their thing whilst enjoying a drink. He would never admit it but watching (Y/N) do mundane tasks was one his favourite things. He loved seeing her being lost in whatever she was doing. The way her brows creased whenever she was concentrated or how she started mumbling to herself if things didn't go her way. This was more than a innocent flirt and even more than a friends with benefits type of arrangement - at least for him. Her company was one of the few pleasures his life had to offer. At first he was annoyed by her everlasting presence, the way she wouldn't shut up, the constant flirts but now he couldn't imagine a life without her. He was so lost in his thoughts that he wasn't even bothered by the shitty cook prancing around her.
One after the other all the Straw Hats arrived into the dining area - just in time for dinner. As everyone gathered around the table, the space next to Zoro remained free. By now, the crew was used to (Y/N) exclusively sitting next to the swordsman. When she finally plopped down next to him, her hand almost automatically found it's way to rest on her lovers leg. Zoro didn't seem to mind the PDA. Usually, the girl refrained from touching the mosshead while in the company of the others - respecting his boundaries - instead only choosing to show her affection verbally. But right now, she decided it was fair game after the stunt the swordsman pulled on her.
"And what do you think you're doing?", Zoro leaned down, speaking lowly so that only she could hear him. (Y/N) could hear the amusement in his voice.
"Do you want me to stop?", she turned to face him - their faces now merely an inch apart.
For a moment it felt like the world stood still around them but then the two lovebirds were interrupted by their navigator.
"Come on, guys! At dinner?", Nami was not amused about the scene that unfolded before her very eyes.
"Seems like Sanji isn't the only one bothered by PDA", (Y/N) grinned but her voice was soft.
"Well, if that's the case, it seems like I'll have to keep this going", Zoro answered - his voice just as low.
Both of them knew that all of this may have started as a means to annoy the cook but by now it was merely an excuse to keep the open display of affection going. Seeing (Y/N) in private was just not enough for him anymore. What harm could a little - just a little - PDA do anyways?
"The things you do to me", he slowly shook his head.
"But you love me for it"
Usually, Zoro easily dismissed her little catchphrase but this time he couldn't quite deny it. Maybe he did. And maybe she knew that. But maybe that wasn't so bad...
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marlynnofmany · 8 months
Food Choices
Normally when I’m in a room with the entire crew of the courier ship, it’s either for an important debriefing by the captain or because of some emergency. We’d never all been at a restaurant together before. I kept having moments of worry that the ship was unattended, and having to remind myself that it was fully locked. Any of our biometrics could unlock it, and no one else would get past the hatch. It was fine. We could celebrate how good business had been — with the captain paying for everyone’s food — and there was no need to fret.
It was still bizarre, though. Almost as bizarre as some of the food I’d seen on other tables as we made our way to this one. The city was a cultural hub like few others. (Well, probably like many others, but they were very proud of themselves on that count. And this restaurant was a fine example.)
“The server will bring appetizers first,” said Captain Sunlight, scaly hands folded on the table in front of her with infinite dignity. “There’s no charge for these, and the server will likely decide for you what you want. They were pretty good at guessing last time I was here.”
“We shall see,” Zhee said with a flick of his antennae. He sat on an angled mat instead of a chair, since the restaurant had seating accommodations for all body types, including praying-mantis-shaped bug aliens. The mats were even adjustable, which was good because Trrili was taller than he was. She sat on the other side of the circular table — whether that was for more elbow room for the pinchers, or to make a maximum tripping hazard for people walking past, I couldn’t say. Either seemed in character for her.
“What’s the panel in the floor for?” Paint wanted to know. She sat next to the captain, scales a shiny orange to Sunlight’s yellow. I think she polished them before leaving the ship. She pointed now at the seam that I hadn’t noticed: a smaller circle inside the open center of the table.
Captain Sunlight said, “That’s the server’s entrance. They bring the food up from the kitchen downstairs.”
“Oh, nice!”
At my left, Mimi the mechanic grumbled about what an unnecessarily flashy choice that was, and how the restaurant had better keep on top of their maintenance. He gestured with his tentacles as he talked, sounding like he spoke from experience. “Anything that moves can stop moving, and usually at the worst time.” He also sounded like he gargled with engine grease, but he always sounded like that.
Fast-moving tentacles from further down turned out to be Wio and Mur, who’d discovered a game I didn’t recognize on the digital menu panel set into the tabletop. They were slapping away at something with competitive speed, and Mur seemed to be winning. Which was probably nice for him, given how often he lost at card games against the captain.
On my other side, Blip wrinkled her fishy nose. “I was about to say something smells good, but…”
“Then you smelled that?” asked Blop. “What is that?” He turned to look at neighboring tables, nearly elbowing Coals in the head and immediately apologizing. It was a good thing he’d missed, since that much muscle would have hurt.
“No harm done,” said Coals with his usual calm. I don’t think I’d ever seen the little lizardy guy upset. Which was probably for the best, given that he worked on translations with Trrili, and that had to be an exercise in patience.
Eggskin sat on his other side, similarly scaly and calm, but with far more opinions about food, since they were the ship’s cook as well as medic. I was only catching snatches of conversation from where Eggskin discussed the menu with Kavlae, but it sounded like a lengthy explanation for something. Kavlae didn’t look bored, though (head frills waving with interest), so it was probably good information. As a pilot, she didn’t spend much time on food prep.
I’d helped Eggskin in the kitchen plenty, both as part of the assistance rotation and because I found it interesting. The crew ate a range of foods, and most of it was edible for humans, though there were a few dishes that I wouldn’t touch on a dare.
A gentle chime sounded. Before I could ask what it was, the trapdoor sank down an inch then slid aside. A column rose into view that turned out to be a Waterwill, the gelatinous aliens that followed very few biological rules that I was familiar with. This one had less murky innards than most, with a bunch of things floating in there that could have been organs, recent meals, or personal belongings. The voice sounded vaguely male, and it hardly burbled at all.
“I hope you are all having an excellent day/night cycle! May your experience here only improve things.” He kept raising up, then when the platform cleared the floor, it folded out into a ring of serving dishes. The Waterwill sank back down in the center and everything locked into place. “Now, whose idea was it to dine at our fine establishment?”
Everyone pointed at Captain Sunlight.
“Ah, then I will serve you first!” The Waterwill didn’t turn, since he didn’t have visible eyes or even a mouth to be talking with, but somehow I got the impression that he had focused his attention in that direction. A stubby armlike shape reached out to set a bowl in front of the captain. “Our finest Heatseeker cuisine. And for you as well, madam. Also you, and you; don’t think I missed you over there.” Several arms passed out similar dishes to the other lizardy members of the crew.
I tried to peek around Blip and Blop for a look at Coals’ food, but couldn’t get a good angle. Might have been pasta and meatballs; might have been worms and worse.
“And!” announced the Waterwill, turning back to Zhee, “I hope this will be to your liking. And yours as well.” Goo arms set identical plates in front of the two Mesmers, and I could see from a distance that they held dead animals with the heads removed.
Zhee’s antennae were doing a complicated dance, but I couldn’t figure out if he was pleased or not before the server moved on.
“Only our best for the Frillians present!” He set festive arrangements of shrimp-things in front of Blip, Blop, and Kavlae. Really artistic; good presentation. The variety of colors and sizes made the plates into works of art. I hoped they tasted as good as they looked.
I murmured, “Ooh, fancy,” as the server came up with three more dishes.
“The Strongarm special!” he announced, laying them out in front of the three tentacle aliens to my left. Meat and plants of some sort; I couldn’t tell what.
Then he was back in front of me, and I realized I was the only one without food yet.
“Last but not least,” he said, “Featuring ingredients straight from Earth, we have a meal our chef has named the ‘Mother and Child Reunion.’”
The plate held a chicken breast, a hardboiled egg, and a pile of corn.
While Captain Sunlight thanked him generously, I stared at the plate with my hand over my mouth. When the server had packed everything up and disappeared back into the floor, I still didn’t know what to say.
Mimi spoke up from my left. “All right, why is it called that?”
I pointed. “This is the unhatched young of that species. And this is food they eat.”
Mimi tilted his octopuslike head to get a look at whatever expression I was making. “Isn’t that a weird thing to name it? Aren’t humans famous for pack-bonding with animals?”
“Yes and yes,” I admitted.
His rough voice was gentle. “Should we get you something else?”
“No, it’s okay,” I said, forcing a laugh. “It’s just a name. This is human food; I just wasn’t used to thinking about it like that.”
“If you’re sure.”
I looked around the table, expecting to find the rest of the crew enjoying their food. To my surprise, there were complaints.
“They overcooked the worms and the fruit!” Paint said. “And these beetles aren’t even shelled. Who eats something with that many spikes straight?”
Wio grumbled, “How do they know enough to pick out shorebirds and air lettuce, but not enough to know what an insulting assumption that is?”
“Right?” Mur agreed. “No self-respecting Strongarm would choose something from the shore when there are inland foods available just a little farther away.”
The pair of them griped about the species’ history of walking out of the sea, and everything that meant to them, while Mimi added murmurs of agreement.
Zhee, meanwhile, was complaining louder. “They took out the good parts! What nonsense is this? Did they mean to put the intestines in a separate dish and forget?”
He looked across the table for agreement from Trrili, and found her scooping paste out of a jar that had come with the meal. She dumped the last of it onto her plate and spread it around while Zhee sputtered. “Really, Trrili? That much? Would you like some fursqueak with your sauce?”
“Soursauce is the only reason to eat fursqueak,” Trrili retorted. “If you don’t want yours, pass it down.”
Zhee exclaimed that the brains were everyone’s favorite where he came from, which was clearly more cultured than whatever backwater moon she was hatched on, and they bickered across the table.
I peeked over my shoulder at the other restaurantgoers, hoping they weren’t glaring at us. I found a pair of elderly Heatseekers watching with interest, for all the world like they had been hoping to get dinner and a show. Their plates held something that looked like green popcorn.
Next to me, Blip heaved a sigh. “I’m actually kind of tired of shrimp.”
Blop laughed. “I know what you mean. It’s great! The best food out there! But… I don’t know, I guess I was looking forward to something more exotic.”
I eyed the fancy plates. “Ever tried chicken?”
They both looked at me. “No,” said Blip. “Does it have a strong flavor?”
“I wouldn’t say so. It is good, though. Popular on Earth for a reason. Here, I’ll trade you a bit.” I separated a chunk and handed it over while Blip put a bright pink jumbo shrimp on my plate.
“Can I try the egg?” Blop asked tentatively. “Is that okay? It looks so different from fish eggs.”
Captain Sunlight caught sight of what we were doing, and loudly asked if Wio wanted to trade seabird for worm jerky. She did.
After that it was a cheerful chaos of swapping and sampling. Mur thought Zhee’s fursqueak was tasty, if tough; Zhee happily cracked open Paint’s spiky beetles; Trrili found that her favorite sauce was also good on shrimp; Eggskin and Coals both liked the corn. Kavlae said that a wrapping of Mur’s air lettuce elevated her shrimp from tasty to god-tier.
By the time the server appeared again to take our orders for the rest of the meal, we were all ready. I have never seen a Waterwill look that surprised as when he heard some of our choices.
(The meal name comes from the Paul Simon song, which was apparently inspired by something on a Chinese restaurant menu.)
Anyways, these are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
🌸🌷hi! I was wondering if you could to an nsfw with a soft dom! Yandere! Kazuha? Where basically we, the reader, somehow accidentally took an aphrodisiac somehow (idk how you can come up with that part) and kazuha notices and decides to take care of that for us? Also pls fem! Reader pls, thank you
Btw I put the flowers there so that I can tell that it's my request and not another persons, anyways thank you bye :D!!
Yandere!Soft!dom!Kazuha x fem!reader. Smut. Use of an aphrodisiac. I made it more of an intentional "accident" since it fits more with the Yandere theme. Kazuha is gonna to sound really obsessive in this. I hope it doesn't freak anyone out😭
a/n: Here is the wind up, and the pitch. I hope you enjoy. You are my first answer to a Yandere character request. I hope I don't disappoint 💜
Truthfully, Kazuha felt like he manipulated you a little, even if you did come willingly when he asked you to join the Crux's crew. He'd been stalking you around Liyue for months. He was pretty sure you knew. With how clueless you seemed to act, it was almost like you were inviting him to act that way.
Most nights before he established a relationship with you, Kazuha would sit high up in the crow's nest and watch you. When he first saw you, there was just something about you that made him feel obsessive. He needed to have you, constantly leaving you flowers, and poetry from a secret admirer.
Kazuha loved pulling you against his chest as often as he could, asking you to repeat yourself when you said he was only one for you.
You'd practically set yourself up for this, wrapping yourself in a neat little bow like a gift for him.
It's not that Kazuha didn't trust what you said. He just wanted to test you, so he could watch you fall apart in front of him. To see what you would look like when you ask him for help, your eyes cloudy with lust.
It's not like you would care if he did this, but you'd left one of your drinks unattended while you discussed navigation with Captain Beidou. He made sure no one noticed him slipping the aphrodisiac into your water.
Now it was time to wait. He grinned at you, waving before he turned to go wait in your cabin. His normally calm and gentle demeanor may have reflected on the outside, but on the inside, he could barely contain his excitement.
Kazuha decided to act clueless and concerned when you finally stumbled into your cabin. This was supposed to look like an accident. He still wanted to play his part accordingly in the beginning. "What's wrong, my love. Are you sick? Come here, you look like you are running a fever."
He'd even scape goat someone on the crew and throw them under the bus instantly if he had to. He just might anyways.
Stumbling a little, you pressed yourself against his chest as much as you could. Did you have any idea how breathtaking you looked, your sense of morality pliable to his will. It was getting hard for him to carry on his charade.
"No.." you slurred, gazing up at him, panting quietly. You sounded as divine as you looked when you spoke next. It made Kazuha shiver with anticipation and lust. Now for the words he'd been waiting to hear. "Order me to sleep with you, Kazuha, please. It's something I want more than anything right now. I feel a little dizzy, I don't know why."
Your response was better than he ever imagined. Yes, perfect. You were so gullible right now. You would never have any idea!
"As you wish, my love," Kazuha replied. There was something dark reflecting in his eyes now. You didn't see it though. Or maybe you did. He didn't care either way. This was his moment, his triumph. He was going to enjoy it to the fullest.
He pointed at your bed. "You know your orders." He couldn't crawl on top of you fast enough. Tearing at your clothes, kissing you deeply as he adjusted you while took your clothes off.
Kazuha couldn't resist ordering you prepare yourself while he took his clothes off. You wanted to be ordered around by him and he wasn't to deny you. Besides, this was an extra gift for himself. He finally got to watch you do this in the same room now.
He licked his lips while he watched you. You were already so wet for him thanks to the aphrodisiac. Your fingers squelched wetly in and out of your cunt as you desperately fingered yourself.
"You are not to look away from me once, do you understand?" He said when he was back on top of you. You blinked slowly, looking dazed while you nodded weakly.
His thumb stroked your cheek. "Good girl. Be nice and loud for me. In fact," he said, thrusting his cock inside of you, making you gasp, your back arching with pleasure. "I'd prefer it if you screamed a little," he added, kissing the tip of your nose.
Every single moan and mewl that poured from your mouth was like honey in his ears. He didn't even want to kiss you much as he fucked you, he couldn't get enough of how you sounded right now.
Kazuha constantly pulled out of you, leaving only the tip inside. He loved how soaked his cock was with your slick. And how swollen your lips looked from his kisses.
"Don't worry, my love. I'll make you cum soon. I always take good care of my precious princess," he murmured, leaning down to allow himself just one gentle kiss.
Every thrust of his cock rubbed slowly against the most sensitive parts of you, stretching your walls apart, making your body feel cooler but hotter at the same time. It blew your mind actually.
You weren't sure how it was even possible. You didn't have time to think much about and you didn't want to. You could feel your orgasm ready to burst like a dam. You clawed at Kazuha's back. "Harder, Kazu, please. I can barely stand it right now." You pleaded.
You always sounded so perfect.
Kazuha gave you what you wanted. He always will. He would never deny you anything. And he was a pro at perfectly controlling your pleasure.
You cummed, screaming his name exactly when he told you to. He took great care to always admire the way his cum stuck sticky to your thighs as he filled you as many times as he wanted. It was going to a long night for you and him.
It was going take several hours for you come down from the aphrodisiac. He should do this more often, really. Kazuha could fuck you as much he wanted for as long as he wanted.
Every single time, you would be so needy and so fucked out when he was finished with you that you would never consider (or care) that he had given you an aphrodisiac.
There too many benefits for him that he couldn't resist doing it again.
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frankencanon · 1 year
How old do you have to be to join the Marines in One Piece? I was just thinking about how Garp supposedly wanted Ace and Luffy to become Marines, and yet —
He left them alone on the island all the way up until they each set sail at seventeen.
Wasn't Koby sixteen when he joined the marines?
How come Garp didn't drop by Dawn and snatch Luffy up before he turned seventeen? Especially considering he would've already known that Ace had set sail at seventeen...
The only possible explanation I can think of is that — as much as he might've wanted them to become Marines — Garp knew that they'd never actually be happy that way...
He's all bark and no bite, basically.
Seriously, if Garp really wanted to force them to be Marines he easily could've snatched them up at any time and enlisted them against their will, but instead he chose to leave them unattended until they each set off on their own...
And there's no way he didn't know what they were planning; they weren't exactly being subtle about it... He knew and he chose to let it happen, and not only that — he did absolutely nothing to stop them once they'd set sail.
The most he did was drop in after Luffy had declared war on the World Government to check in on him and see how he was doing, and then half-heartedly try to catch Luffy and his crew whilst actually letting them go... (There's no way that wasn't one hundred percent intentional.)
I'm telling you: Garp is all bark and no bite.
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moonlight-tmd · 6 months
Shockbee. There's an a.u where during the boot camp incident that git Bee kicked out, Longarm was injured and left with amnesia with no memory of being Shockwave.
Because of that he was booted from camp cause Sentinel is a dickhead. He ended up on the repair crew with Bee.
What would your take on it be?
Good timing! I was wondering what to post about ShockBee sine i have not written any thing for it in a long while.
I suppose Longarm would be so confused, one moment there was nothing and then he woke up in medbay with injuries and severe processor damage apparently.
They told him a stone formation fell on him while he and some other cadets were fooling around. He did not recognise their names but he was told that they got the appropriate punichment which included one of them being expelled.
He got his identity and files and tried to pick stuff up from where he left it.... but it didn't go as planned.
If Longarm was well-composed and focused on his tasks and training then now he was a worriesome pile of "trying my best". He didn't remember things he learned and kept forgetting about things he learned for the exams. The field training was going even worse as he kept backing out of any possible danger in fear of losing more than just his memories. Sentinel, tired of his newfound cowardness just gave up and send him away, not even wasting his time to try and help the poor mech.
Right before he was made to pack his stuff, he met a little yellow mech hiding in some unattended room. His name was Bumblebee and apparently he was his friend. Longarm didn't quite understand anythign he was saying but he listened and told what he knew. Bee seemed so sad when he learned Long didn't remember anything, he said he and thing other mech Bulkhead were hanging out with him and something went wrong, the next thing they knew was a stone arch collapsing and Lognarm being severly injured.
Longarm tried to be mad but he just couldn't bring himself to be, the expression Bee had was so sparkbreaking and he apologized like a hundred times over. Bee told him they kicked him out for that but Bulkhead managed to get him hidden until he graduates and get the degree. Long told him about being kicked out too, which sparked an idea in Bee's processor- wasn't long before Bulkhead was hiding not one but two mechs that were supposed to leave.
Once he got his technician degree he took them both under his arms and got them a place in the repair crew.
Then it's not much different from the actual events, just that Longarm is also there for support and transport of the materials- he's very useful with reaching high places.
Then they crash on Earth. Befriend Sari and yeah... everything is nice.
Although Longarm definitelly notices something change. From the moment he met Bee there was this odd allure to him he couldn't quite place. His optics just always seemed to drift towards the scout- bright canary yellow was a outstanding color in amidst of more muted ones logically. But still, something about Bee just seemed to make him feel... at home. Maybe it was the way he talked to him, the way he spoke about something he was interested in- maybe it was the way his optics shone when he saw something that impressed him, the way his derma pulled up to reveal a row of rather sharp denta when he was smiling or laughing- the mere sound of his laugh was enough to send Longarm into the Well and back before he joined in to laugh together. It was illogical in every way but it made so much sense at the same time. Longarm never wanted it to end...
And so did Bee apparently. He was attending to him more often that everyone else, asking to hang out and talk about stuff he may or may not remember. Heck bee himself said he liked spending time with him very much... At least until this Prowl mech showed up.
They found him on some stray planet after receiving an SOS signal. His ship has crashed and was beyond state of flying so all he could do was take what little remained of his stuff from it and hitch a ride back to Cybertron.
Ever since they found him Bee has been acting different- not paying attention to the conversations, zonign out more, always glancing at the new mech that currently occupied one of the rooms on the ship. Bee tried to talk with him a couple of times, cracking some jokes but never getting any positive response.
This continued after they crashed on earth too. Bee would bother Prowl only to get pushed away once more, Longarm thought it was nothing to worry about because in the end Bee kept coming back to him... at least until Prowl wasn't getting as annoyed with Bee anymore, they started spending some time together, despite their friendship being rough on the edges it was visible that they started to care about each other. This made Longarm worried. Bee was hanging out with him less and less. On the other hand it seemed Prowl wasn't getting any more time than him so it was somewhat reassuring.
While Longarm was busy panicking what to do, Bee was caught between two crushes. One being on Longarm and the other on Prowl- the mech had this mysterious charm and was definitelly on the pretty side but he didn't seem interested in Bee more than a friend. Longarm on the other hand was his 2nd tier best friend (Sari and Bulk both occupy the 1st tier). He was smart and caring, always looking to hearing what Bee had to say unlike most.
While both mech seemed to hide their internal drama well- no they didn't. Bulkhead was onto them from the beginning, he just didn't say anything in hopes they can figure something out on their own. He already ackowledged Bee having a crush from the way he acted, then he saw Longarm with the same symptoms... this went on for a while before he decided to step in and talked with Longarm about Bee. It wasn't much trouble getting him to soften up and spill his emotions out.
"Go talk with him, tell him how you feel." Being his advice while Longarm panicked about Bee potentially leaving him alone.
So Longarm did. One night when Bee finally agreed to have a day out with Long they went to some nice places and had fun, at the end Longarm took him to some secluded place near the lake and the big bridge. They sat there and cracked jokes, recalled past fun times and what was happening recently... At some point Longarm changed the tone of the converation to a more personal one. He asked about Prowl, which was odd to Bee. Bee told him that he finally got him to open up a bit to him and the others- from what he heard and saw Prowl was a total opposite of Bee and the yellow mech himself just confirmed that. But there was something more to it from the way Bee spoke. He took the risk and said he's been worried about him and that he cares about him very much. He told Bee how he felt safe and at home, how he always managed to put a smile on him whenever they talked and that he would do anything to help him or protect him from anything bad that would come his way. He even dared and told him that he kind of wished they could do more than just hang out- be more than just friends....
That seemed to do the trick. For a mech one could brand a chatterbox, Bee was so quiet while Longarm talked. At the end Bee smiled, he wasn't good with this emotional talk so, with few more straightforward sentences he managed to return all the feelings that he was just offered. Longarm could not have been happier that day.
Just 2 days later they had everyone listen as they came official. Of course they were happy for them. Prowl even seemed proud of Bee for getting a Sparkmate of his own.
Then the cons came.
While it was confusing why Lugnut and Blitzwing seemed to not threat him as a threat and even spoke with him decently few times it wasn't as confusing as when after Megatron got revived.
After few failed attempts to speak with him while he was on patrol he had one of the 'cons snatch him and bring him to some location to talk. He listened as the warlord spoke to him with respect and only nodded along, trying to come up with a plan to get out. Megatron only found out he has no idea what he was talking about when the mech himself answered one of the suspicion questions saying he didn't know who he was and that he kinda had an accident that deleted like 90% of his memory files.
Somehow Longarm managed to escape and get back, he only said the cons tried to interrogate him for something, fearing that if he told what actually happened might cause more trouble than good. Few days passed and upon realizing that Shockwave is no longer an option to use, Megatron just gave up and told the few others that knew of his existance to treat him like any other autobot. It's not worth his time nor effort to try to salvage whatever was left considering he had much more important matters to attend to.
...This however may have cause more trouble. One time in the fight, Longarm got injured and Ratchet had to keep him in medbay. While repairing he found some off piece of code in Long's system and accidentally triggered it; Longarm stretched out and fell off the medberth- the next thing the Bee and the others present saw was a big lanky figure with an empurata helm and a Decepticon insignia.
His voice was similar to Longarm if not a tad more staticky... Longarm was more surprised that worried as to why no one told him he can do that. Ratchet managed to get him to switch back to his previous look a while later, although he didn't get much answers to his questions like he would've preffered.... but it was nothing comapred to what happened later.
After the medbay situation, everyone just kind of avoided him.... Bee, his beloved straight up stopped talking to him. He couldn't even look Longarm in the optic...
After he saw that Decepticon insignia he got reminded of the rumors going around boot camp when he was still there- about a 'con spy roaming around. At that time Longarm and him were investigating Wasp- the bully and tormentor of many, including Bee. They found the evidence and he was thrown in stockades... but after what happened in medbay he started to suspect Wasp wasn't guilty after all. He spoke to Bulkhead about it, the big bot also had his suspicions but somehow refused to believe Longarm would do this...
While Optimus had not informed the Elite Guard about anything, Longarm was not having a good time. At some point he would stay up at night in his lonely room and try to piece what little knowledge of the past he still had.
He was an Autobot- no, a Decepticon- both? But why? Somethign must've been a reason... the only thing that fit into his puzzle was Megatron. When said mech kidnapped him and was trying to talk to him he could feel the immense fear inside him and the feeling of doing something wrong- the same emotions that were attached to some of his corrupted memory files. It wasn't much but enough to form some sort of chain of events...
The next time the group had a team meeting, he spoke up just as they were about to end- he wanted to make things better and told that he might have pieced together what might have happened to him- he belived that he used to be a Decepticon and was running from someone- from Megatron. He didn't know the reason but he was pretty sure that all he wanted was to find a safe place to start a new life- it was what he felt was right to say anyway.
After that things started to get back to normal. The others didn't give him suspicious stares anymore and soon enough Bee started talking with him a little. He still couldn't come to peace with the fact he made Wasp go to jail for nothing... Bulkhead seemed adamant on the idea that Wasp deserved it anyway so he shouldn't feel as bad.
It definitelly took a while for things to fully return to normal but the fact Longarm could turn into a giant monstrous 'con remained in everyone's processors.
Bee however did not seem as intimidated by it as he made some jokes about it few times after he and Longarm finally could recharge together again. Longarm could not be happiest, he sworn to himself that he'll never do any of his friends wrong and he'll protect Bee at all cost- be it honorable or heinous actions.
And yeh, that's how i imagine it going. Definitelly way less angsty than what everyone else i seen do for this prompt but still good. He's just living a happy life he deserves.
I defo think Shockwave would turn back into the 'con form if Bee was in danger, pureply to kill and tear whoever hurt him to shreds and Bee being all worried for him and not the fact he just killed someone. He knows Longarm would never hurt anyone unless it was for reasons absolute. Bee loves him, be it a 'con or 'bot.
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball GT 22
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✨GT Stands for Gestation Tank✨
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✨"Good” “Ideas” Poorly Executed✨
All right, so there’s two big twists in this episode, and neither one of them make a whole lot of sense, so buckle up, kids. We’ll start with Trunks’ secret plan. 
Basically, you have this whole M2 arc, which runs from Episode 16 to 22.  The GT crew passed by Planet M2, apparently by pure coincidence, and Giru got homesick, so Pan convinced Trunks to land the ship for a visit.  Then Giru betrayed the gang to his people, the Machine Mutants, who all work for Dr. Mu, the mastermind of the Luud Cult from the previous arc.  The heroes escape, then get re-captured, and end up in Dr. Mu’s lab, but before he can dissect them, Giru switches sides again and frees the GT crew. 
 But during the fray, it looks like the metal slab containing Trunks’ immobilized body was shattered.  Then the real Trunks steps out of the shadows to reveal that he pulled a switcheroo.  The slab was a copy, fabricated by Giru when he freed the real Trunks sometime during the events of Episode 20.
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At least, I think that scene happened during Episode 20, because that’s when the slab got teleported to Mu’s lab on the other planet.  The other planet never got a name.  Is it M1?  I’m just gonna call it M1. 
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What bugs me is that there’s a flashback showing Giru sneaking into the room where Trunks’ slab is being held, and it’s dark in there, like it’s night time or something.  It doesn’t make sense, because if this happened on M2, then Trunks was only on there during the few minutes between General Ridlo zapping him, and Pan watching him teleport to Mu’s lab a few minutes later. 
Alternately, the flashback is set on M1, which is a lot gloomier in appearance, so it suits the flashback better.  Except Dr. Mu is also on M1, and he was so excited about having Trunks as a specimen that he never left the slab unattended, so I don’t see how Giru could have ever made the switch. 
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Okay, I just checked the flashback again, and it does look like Giru waited until Trunks was on M1 before he freed him.  We even see him teleporting into the room before he tiptoes over to the slab.  But this scene requires Dr. Mu to leave the Trunks slab unattended, which seems at odds with the scenes of him we saw in Episodes 20 and 21.  He could hardly wait to analyze Trunks, and the only thing holding him back was the anticipation of having Goku and Pan brought to him, which General Rildo accomplished soon after. 
This would all have worked a lot better if Mu had been holding Trunks captive for like a full day or something.  As it is, he only had him like this for the duration of the Goku/Rildo fight, which was maybe 45 minutes if you assume it was depicted in real-time.  They certainly didn’t fight for hours and hours, and Rildo was in a big hurry to get them teleported to Dr. Mu, so it’s not like he captured Goku and Pan, then took a nap before completing his mission. 
Also, how and when did Giru get that replica slab into position?  He doesn’t teleport in with it, so did he build it on M1?  How long did that take? 
Anyway, the reason we didn’t see Trunks earlier was because he was in the other room, doing important stuff that he’s about to reveal in this episode.  I’m just a bit skeptical that Trunks could sneak around Mu’s facility without tripping any alarms or attracting unwanted attention.  Remember, the whole idea of this teleporter station is that it’s the only way to get from M2 to M1 and back again.  It’s a security measure to protect Dr. Mu’s research.  Pan could enter the tower on M2 at will, but the moment she stepped into the room with the teleporter, the Emergency Removal System kicked in and she got shunted back to the bottom floor. 
So you’d think Dr. Mu would have similar security measures on M1.  Or maybe he doesn’t think he needs them, since things are supposed to be ironclad down on M2.  But still, it’s weird that Trunks was just wandering around his facility and he had no idea.  
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So what was Trunks so determined to get at in Dr. Mu’s lab, anyway?  Well that leads us to the second twist.  Mu’s greatest experiment is an advanced Machine Mutant which, when completed, would render all the other Machine Mutants obsolete.   Trunks coins the term “Neo Machine Mutant”, which is basically word salad at this point.   What the hell is a “Machine Mutant” anyway?  They’re robots, but they’re not robots.   Goku can sense ki from them, but maybe not all of them... help me out here.
Anyway, Trunks heard about Mu’s plan from Giru, who had heard various rumors about it during his life on M2.   Why didn’t Giru mention any of this before Episode 16?  According to Trunks, when they found him half-starved on Imecka in Episode 3, Giru had suffered some sort or memory loss, which somehow corrected itself when he got close to Planet M2.  So he only remembered the rumors about a Neo Machine Mutant a few days ago, and when he went to Trunks about it, they concocted this scheme to let themselves get captured so that they could get close enough to Mu’s lab to sabotage the project. 
All right, but why go to so much trouble over this one thing?  According to the rumors Giru had heard, Mu’s plan was to perfect this Neo Machine Mutant, and then it would become so powerful that he could dispose of the entire population of M2, and conquer the universe without them.  So Trunks considered Mu’s plan to be dangerous enough to warrant all this attention.  So while Episode 21 was playing out, Trunks was back in the server room or whatever, altering the program on Mu’s incubation tank. 
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Several things don’t make sense in this story.  First and foremost, Trunks being able to reprogram Mu’s computer seems far-fetched enough as it is.  And yet, Trunks keeps saying he shut off the power to this part of the lab, and yet the lights are still on and Dr. Mu keeps desperately tapping keys and pushing buttons, trying to reverse whatever damage Trunks has done.  The lights are on and the computer seems to have power, but if the power is still on, then Trunks must have failed and Mu has nothing to worry about.  But if that’s true, then why is Mu so worried, while Trunks isn’t?  It’s like they wrote the script and drew the storyboards in complete isolation from one another.  The whole room looks like a planetarium, with loud flashes happening every few minutes, but no one seems to notice or care.  Is that how it’s supposed to work, or is that a sign of Trunks’ tampering. 
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Second, if Trunks was so terrified of this creature, which Dr. Mu has named “Baby”, then why didn’t Trunks just blow up the entire lab?  Because that’s what Future Trunks did in Dragon Ball Z Episode 145 when they wanted to prevent the birth of-- oh my doesn’t this look familiar?
So yeah, Dr. Mu already looked like a shitty copy of Dr. Gero, and Toei decided to run with that and have Mu do the exact same thing Gero did in DBZ.  The tank is bigger but the fluid is still green, and Mu’s managed to live long enough to see his experiment through, but it’s just Cell’s origin story with a different coat of paint. 
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Then Baby wakes up, possibly because Goku was crawling around on the tank, and Mu called him a “dirty Saiyan”, and maybe that triggered something in the li’l guy.   There’s a bunch of explosions as Baby emerges from the tank and then he crawls out and starts screaming like Kid Buu. Because that’s what passes for originality in GT.  If viewers notice you stealing one idea, just steal another and that way they’ll be too confused to call it out. 
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Then Baby tries to attack the GT crew and they all shoot him with ki blasts and he... dies?  Oh for fuck’s sake. 
Look, I know he survived this, and he has to live on so he can menace the heroes later, but this is the stupidest way to set that up.  Trunks and Mu kept talking up how powerful and dangerous Baby was, and how he would only become an even greater threat if he was allowed to mature.  If he really was Mu’s ultimate weapon, then he would have to be even stronger than General Rildo, who, as we all know, has a power “even greater than Buu’s”.  And three base-form Saiyans just took him down on their first try. 
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What’s dumber is that they actually believe it!  No one is suspicious that Baby might have faked his death to hide.  And sure enough, we see a tiny fragment of Baby slithering up into Dr. Mu’s pants leg.  But no one else sees this, even though Baby is GLOWING PINK, and even though EVERYONE IS WATCHING DR. MU, because he is walking very slowly toward a spaceship he has activated to take him away from this place.
So yeah, Dr. Mu watches his life’s work go up in smoke, so he’s just like “Fuck this, I’m out”, and he flies away in his ship.
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Pan has the temerity to shout “We’re not letting you get away!” as she watches Dr. Mu leave.  Pan, you are literally letting him get away.  If you want to stop him, just shoot a fireball at him or punch the ship with your mighty little girl hands.  Do anything, but don’t tell him you’re not letting him get away, because you are.
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Trunks tries to justify this decision by saying Mu is no longer a threat, because without Baby or the Machine Mutants to back him up, he can’t do anything. 
The fuck? Dr. Mu created the Machine Mutants!  He can just create more, and this whole thing starts over again! We’ve already seen Luud and Baby, who’s to say he doesn’t have three more planets where he’s growing another shitty looking doomsday weapon? 
For that matter, Dr. Mu doesn’t need to make more Machine Mutants, because there’s still plenty of them on M2.  Goku never defeated General Rildo, so all Mu has to do is link up with him and they’re back in business. 
What is truly insane about this is how this whole thing was Trunks’ idea.  He was so worried about Baby that he had to put the Dragon Ball mission on hold to stop Dr. Mu, and now that he’s reached the threshold of victory, he refuses to step across. 
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Meanwhile, in outer space, Dr. Mu confirms that Trunks is a dumbass.   He threatens to have another Baby prepared within months, completely defeating whatever Trunks tried to do today.  GT Trunks sucks ass.
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BUT WAIT!  There’s ONE MORE twist!  Suddenly Dr. Mu starts convulsing and he begins to talk with a different voice!  And something bursts out of his back--!
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Holy shit, you guys!  Baby’s alive, and he says that he built Dr. Mu, not the other way around!  And Baby was the one who invented Luud and the other Machine Mutants too!   How does this make any sense?
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Then he crushes Dr. Mu’s severed head, because they’re not even trying to be subtle about the Dr. Gero stuff now. 
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Oh, and there was a Dragon Ball inside Dr. Mu’s head the whole time!  What the fuck does that even mean? 
This is all just a bunch of stupid bullshit.  I have a lot more to say about Baby, but it’ll have to wait.  [Un]fortunately, he’ll be around for a while, so that should give me time to go over it all. 
The important thing for now is that this episode is just a big pile of old ideas and flimsy premises.  Baby is a cheap knockoff of Cell and Majin Buu.  Trunks’ plan was only clever enough to get him into Mu’s lab, and then it immediately fell apart when it counted.  He couldn’t sabotage Baby or kill Baby, and when he had a clear shot at Dr. Mu’s ship he just waved goodbye like he didn’t care anymore.  Is Baby weak or strong?  Everyone talks about him like he’s still undeveloped and needs time to reach his full power, but he also claims to have designed Luud over twenty years ago, so how much more development does he need?  If Baby created Mu, then why does he allow Mu to think that it’s the other way around?  
And how does Baby know about the Black Star Dragon Balls?
✨Positivity Page✨
At least this whole Machine Mutant bullshit is finally behind us.   Everything since Episode 8 has been building up to Baby’s debut, and now he’s finally fucking here.  It’s not going to improve the show by a whole lot, but at least Toei will stop beating around the bush and get on with the story they actually plan to commit to.
✨Is this episode worse than “The Roaming Lake”?✨
Yes, it is much, much worse.  When stuff didn’t make a lick of sense in “The Roaming Lake”, the nonsense was confined to that single episode.  GT Episode 22 is sucking in ways that tie into the last six episodes, and making them retroactively dumber in the process. It’s like some sort of four-dimensional shittiness.  This would be like if the last episode of Dragon Ball Z revealed the entire series took place in a snow globe.
✨The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨
Peee yooo!  Baby needs a
New diaper! No, wait.  The stench
Is from this dumb show.
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latenightsleuth · 1 month
Dorothy Szany Murder 2006 - UNSOLVED
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(Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ntv3AGJb5M )
From Bones of Autum at Reddit:
In 2006, 85-year-old Dorothy Szany was bludgeoned to death in the backyard of her Hammond, Indiana home while her husband Joseph, who suffered from severe Alzheimer’s, sat unknowingly on the couch. Later he would tell the couples children that “they” had said “they would come back and get him.”
On May 24th, 2006, 85-year-old Dorothy Szany was busy making dinner for her and her husband of 64 years, 91-year-old Joseph Szany. Joseph’s health was on the decline. He was wheelchair bound, and suffered from severe Alzheimer’s disease. However according to Dorothy, putting him in a nursing home was “out of the question.” Instead, she choose to care for her ailing husband in the comfort of their own home located at 740 Gostlin Street in Hammond, Indiana.
After putting some food into a boiling pot of water atop the stove, something drew Dorothy from her kitchen into the backyard. The yard was overgrown and littered with old cars and parts, relics of Joseph’s collection of automobile memorabilia. A tall wooden fence lined the yard that separated the Szany’s property from the double set of railroad tracks behind their home, and a vacant house sat next door.
A couple hours later, a police officer who was parked only a few blocks away preforming seat belt checks, was informed by a concerned motorist that they had witnessed smoke coming from the window of a nearby house on Gostlin Street. The officer decided to investigate and upon his arrival, he discovered smoke pouring from the windows, and Joseph Szany and his granddaughter on the front porch of the home.
Only minutes before the officers arrival, Dorothy and Jospeh’s 34-year-old granddaughter, Amy, who was living with them at the time, came home from work to find the kitchen ablaze. She entered the home to find her grandfather on the couch in the living room, unable to escape the fire without the use of his wheelchair. She helped him onto the front porch just as the officer arrived. She made several attempts to locate her grandmother, but as the smoke thickened she was forced to exit the home.
Fire crews responded to the scene and were able to extinguish the fire that had charred most of the kitchen. The culprit had been a pan left unattended on the stoves gas burner. Police searched the home for Dorothy but found no sign of her. As they fanned out to check the home’s backyard, they made a startling discovery. Dorothy lay dead on the ground, bludgeoned to death.
The coroner determined that although Dorothy had been struck multiple times in her head, face, and chest, the first blow had been the fatal one. Dorothy’s ultimate cause of death was a brain laceration due to a massive skull fracture. Dorothy’s blood was found on multiple objects in the back yard, however a murder weapon was never determined, and no suspect DNA was found.
Just up the street from the Szany home was bustling Calumet Avenue, an area that was known to be home to a vast array of homeless people and drug addicts. A hole in the Szany’s fence gave anyone passing by the opportunity to grab some scrap metal to sell, and on multiple occasions police had been summoned to the residence when Dorothy would catch someone prowling about looking for something to steal. However, police could find nothing missing from the yard.
Joseph was questioned by police in the hopes he might have seen or heard something, however due to his Alzheimer’s he couldn’t tell them any helpful information. Shortly after Dorothy’s murder, the couples eight children would tell police that their father, on multiple occasions, would ask if the windows were locked because, “they” said “they would come back to get him.” Sadly, three years after Dorthy’s murder, Joseph passed away. His children have said they don’t believe he ever fully understood what happened to “ma.”
Dorothy was a staple in the community. She was a very active member of St Josephs Catholic Church, where she helped co-found the community soup kitchen. According to all who knew her, she never missed an opportunity to serve at the kitchen, especially around the holidays. Dorothy was also an avid bowler and started a “club” to teach children how to bowl. She was a well known member of the American Legion, and at several other local organizations around town.
A reward was offered by the church and the American Legion for information about Dorothy’s death. Police questioned several persons of interest, however they never made an arrest and her case remains unsolved.
Photos/Newspaper Clippings
Crime Scene Photos/Certificate of Death
Find A Grave: Dorothy
Video: Cold Case Files Chicago (includes interviews with Dorothy and Joseph’s children)
Full Article: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/mi0e2c/in_2006_85yearold_dorothy_szany_was_bludgeoned_to/
Photos from:
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Photos from: Imgur.com
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catonablog-blog-blog · 2 months
Rufus T. Dubs Sidewalk Strollers 'Dog Poop Detectives' in Comical Crusade for Cleanliness Well, howdy there, folks! Rufus T. Flywheel at your service, the ringleader of the Rufus T. Dubs Sidewalk Strollers – also known as the 'Dog Poop Detectives'! Today, I'm here to regale you with the hilarious chronicles of our comical crusade for cleanliness in our fine town. You see, us Sidewalk Strollers are a motley crew of concerned citizens who have taken it upon ourselves to combat the scourge of dog poop left unattended on our streets and sidewalks. It all began one sunny morning when I, Rufus T. Flywheel, was out for my daily constitutional and found myself narrowly avoiding a messy encounter with a particularly unsightly pile of dog droppings. Well, that just didn't sit right with me, I tell ya! Thus, the idea for the 'Dog Poop Detectives' was born. Equipped with our trusty magnifying glasses, oversized hats, and a can-do attitude, we set out to rid our town of this foul menace, one steaming pile at a time. Now, you might be thinking, Rufus, ain't that a dirty job? And you'd be right! But someone's gotta do it, and we're just the folks for the job. Our first mission took us to the bustling main street of our town, where we immediately got to work sniffing out clues and tracking down the dastardly doggy deeds. With a keen eye for detail and a nose for trouble, we followed the trail of droppings like seasoned detectives on the case. People passing by couldn't help but stop and watch in amusement as we scoured the sidewalks with our magnifying glasses held high, determined to solve the mystery of the rogue pooper. As we combed the streets, we encountered all sorts of obstacles – from wily squirrels to mischievous pigeons, all trying to thwart our mission. But nothing could deter the Sidewalk Strollers from our noble quest. We leaped over park benches, dodged speeding bicycles, and even braved the occasional sprinkler mishap, all in the name of a poop-free community. And let me tell you, the reactions from our fellow townspeople were nothing short of priceless. Some cheered us on from their storefronts, others shook their heads in disbelief, but all could agree that the Sidewalk Strollers were a sight to behold. We were the talk of the town, the eccentric heroes on a madcap mission to clean up the streets – one poop at a time. Now, I must admit, not every encounter with the offending deposits ended in success. There were times when our efforts were met with frustration – elusive poops that seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving us scratching our heads in bewilderment. But that never deterred us – if anything, it only fueled our determination to crack the case and bring the culprits to justice. And justice we did bring, my friends! Thanks to the relentless dedication of the Rufus T. Dubs Sidewalk Strollers, our town's sidewalks are now cleaner than ever before. The streets are safe once more for pedestrians and pooches alike, and all can walk with a spring in their step, knowing that the 'Dog Poop Detectives' are on the case. So, the next time you find yourself strolling the sidewalks of our fair town, keep an eye out for the intrepid Rufus T. Dubs Sidewalk Strollers – you might just catch a glimpse of us in action, following the trail of the elusive doggy droppings with our magnifying glasses gleaming in the sun. And remember, folks, cleanliness is next to dogliness – so let's all do our part to keep our streets clean and poop-free. Until next time, this is Rufus T. Flywheel signing off, with a wag of the tail and a tip of the hat to all you fine folks out there. Keep on strolling, my friends, and may your sidewalks be forever free of unwanted surprises!
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Looking for More - Fiction Short Story
Shiva had begun working at the 7 Flags Carwash six months ago and he was already given privileges for his outstanding work. At first, he was just a general wash associate drying cars and cashiering occasionally but now he’d been given a raise and the title of QCI, which stands for Quality Control Inspector. He was practically facilitating the entire crew now and something had clearly rattled him deep.
Shiva came home one afternoon furious from his trials at work, bursting through the front door he slammed through his intricately decorated home straight into the kitchen. He began toasting some bread and looking through the cabinets while a door was heard closing from down the hallway. Parvati enters to peek at the commotion, she stands in the doorway but nonetheless Shiva is contained in his task. He continues hastily rummaging through the cupboards to find something growing rabid by the second, as if he was running against the clock. He began muttering under his breath like calling to it would make it appear.
“What are you looking for?” asked Parvati, but Shiva continued his search aimlessly, though his chanting did get louder.
“honey, Honey, HONEY!” he said.
“What!” said Parvati.
“No! Not you, I am looking for Honey befor-” Shiva was interrupted by the noise of the toaster popping which drew both of their attention to the unattended, burnt toast.
“GRRRR!” was all he could respond with before he stormed out of the kitchen to the living space. He sat cross legged on top of his tiger skin rug. Parvati also made her way over to the living space and sat on the couch just before the rug, waiting patiently for Shiva to explain. From this light his hair had never looked more messy, and his beaded necklaces and bracelets adorned his blue skin in a manner that illuminated his true nature.
“Today I was working with the teenagers again, since it’s Saturday..” Shiva began, not moving from his spot on the ground.
“I had them working in pairs, wiping and vacuuming each lane and we had a good flow going getting everything cleared out and I barely had to get in there myself until..” He paused for a moment.
“One pair was vacuuming a car and found a mouse in a customer's vehicle.”
“They found a mouse.”
“Why did a customer have a mouse in their car?”
Shiva could only inhale deeply at that, he had clearly been just as distraught and confused about the whole ordeal as his consort which is why he found himself in such a tizzy.
“A large family had come in for a car wash in their minivan,”
“How many kids were there?”
“Six kids hopped from the van, increasing dramatically in height as they exited. They clearly had a good range of age between them.”
“How old did the tallest look?”
“About sixteen.”
“And the youngest?”
“Definitely a toddler, maybe three or four.”
“What about the parents?”
“The driver didn’t look much older than eighteen but tended to the children like a parent, so nothing seemed too unordinary.”
He paused for a moment before continuing.
“While they were momentarily contained in our cafe, I instructed one of the teams to begin wiping down the vehicle. Once they began to vacuum the inside, one of my kids called me over.”
“Because they had found the mouse?”
“No, they went to open the trunk of the vehicle and found dozens of small rodent cages. Some of which were currently inhabited.”
Parvati looked in disbelief, she crawled from the couch over to Shiva, who hadn’t moved, to ensure she heard him correctly.
He nodded. “And right in front, one of the cages had been left open and empty. Before I even had time to react the vehicle had shook a little, as if someone was struggling from the inside.”
“Oh no, what about the other pair?”
“Not even a second later, he had appeared to the right of the trunk. He was clearly a little distraught, vacuum in hand.”
“And he had vacuumed it up didn’t he..”
“I tried to calm him down, assuring him that we could check the pipes and see if it came out the other end. Though the chances of it surviving were quite low.”
“But you checked, didn’t you?”
“Of course I did, I had to!” He raised his voice slightly, irritated. “I had the team go and check quickly while I finished the car.”
“Did they find the mouse?”
“Not before one of the family members came out to speak with me.” His pitch dropped.
“And what did they say?”
“They said they remembered they might’ve left something in their car, But before they could go any further I told him about what we found.”
“Was he upset?”
“Nope, they were relieved that we had found it. Though I was less enthusiastic to retrieve it from the other end, at least they knew.”
“What happened then?”
“I decided to go and check on the pair to see how the search was going. I didn’t think it could get worse.”
“Did they find it?”
“More like “them”, The trash was scattered everywhere and it was lucky that the other end of the vacuum was contained in a concrete wall.”
“Them? Trash? What did they find?”
“It turns out that our closing manager hasn’t exactly been doing his duties. He was supposed to be emptying the trash output from the vacuums at the end of every shift. But he hasn’t been doing it so the other end was packed full of trash.”
“And the mouse?”
“They found three more mice living off the trash on the other end. Thriving together in their little ecosystem. We weren’t even sure which mouse belonged to this family.”
“Did you have to pick one?”
“I made the team pick which one they most remember in the car. At that point I was resigned to the results and just happy that we found a mouse to replace the original.”
“So then what’s got you so stressed, Honey?”
“They fired the manager, and asked me if I wanted to take his position.”
“Oh no, not another promotion.” Parvati states with a lower pitch.
“Yes, it has been incredibly generous but fruitless nonetheless.”
“We just need a new source.” She said a little off beat. “Something else to bring in more income.”
“They just don't pay me enough, I thought the manager's wage would’ve been higher.”
Shiva had been trying to search for a higher paying job for months, recent economic inflation had made groceries a little too pricey. Parvati and Shiva lived an undeniably extravagant lifestyle. With the rising of everyday prices things had gotten a little tight in the budget, so, they decided to try for some change. Just to keep the balance and ease, though its effects seemed to do the reverse.
“How much was the starting wage of the manager?”
“27.25$ per hour and tips with over 40 hour work weeks.”
“Well, that was more than the grocery store.”
“But we were aiming much higher than that in our budget.”
“I know that-“
“And what about the mala beads we discussed?”
“Yes, those too. bu-“
“It’s just that I had already planned a special puja with them.”
“Well, don’t you think we should hold off on any plans until we become more stable?”
“We shouldn’t set our standards too low though.”
“The spiritual effort isn’t diminished by physicality.”
“But, these ones would have more beads on them for longer chanting sessions.”
Parvati stood from her seat and walked gracefully across the room over to an altar space in front of a large window. The altar was decorated with herb bundles and incense along with bowls filled with fruits. She grabbed the mala beads from this altar and presented them to Shiva. She said:
“I think these work just fine for now right?”
“I thought we were looking for more?”
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allbrighths · 2 years
Advantages of Recurring Cleaning in the Greater South Bay Area
Cleaning isn’t always the most enjoyable task in the world, but it’s often one of the most necessary. Fortunately, if you need recurring cleaning services in the Greater South Bay Area, there are several advantages to look forward to. Here are just a few of them
What is Recurring Cleaning?
Recurring cleaning is a service that comes to your home regularly. This service is available for residential and commercial purposes, including housecleaning, laundry services, and other chores.
Recurring cleaning provides the convenience of having someone take care of your housekeeping needs without you having to worry about what day they come or how often they come.
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The service can be customized to suit your needs – whether coming every week or every two months, as well as what kinds of chores will be done each time. Most recurring cleaners charge by the hour, so you know exactly how much it costs each time they come over.
The Benefits of Recurring Cleaning
Recurring cleaning is convenient not only for busy homeowners but for commercial customers as well. Here are some of the benefits:
– Convenience: The recurring service can be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly to fit your needs.
 – Peace of Mind: You won’t have to worry about forgetting to hire a service or arrange a cleaning crew.
 – Saves Time and Money: With recurring services, you’ll save time. After all, you don’t have to spend time looking for a service and money because you won’t have to pay hourly rates.
 – No Hassle Cleanups: When it comes to recurring cleaning, there’s no need to worry about managing details like payments or scheduling.
The company does it all for you! They even offer emergency services if something unforeseen happens. For more information on recurring cleaning in the greater south bay area, contact AllBright Home Services today!
How Often Should You Have Your Home Cleaned?
Some people hire a cleaning service once every few months or only when they’re hosting a party. Others prefer to have their home cleaned as often as once a week.
Regardless, recurring house cleaning has plenty of benefits that make it worth it for anyone with a busy schedule.
First and foremost, recurring House Cleaning Mountain View Ca saves time! Because you don’t have to worry about getting your home clean before company comes over or for your sanity, you can focus on other things.
It also prevents buildup from occurring in corners and behind furniture that could be difficult to get at on your own.
AllBright Home Services, Your Reliable Cleaning Partner
AllBright is a cleaning company that provides recurring cleaning in the greater south bay area. We specialize in residential and commercial cleaning, focusing on making your space cleaner than you can imagine.
All our services are customized to meet your needs and expectations. For example, we provide one-time House Cleaning Services Milpitas and regular home care maintenance plans.
We do more than just clean floors, counters, and bathrooms; we deep clean all the things you never thought about—including those hidden corners that turn into an eye sore when left unattended for too long!
Read More:- Deep Cleaning Services San Diego
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Pet Sitter Woes
Hi, longish rant ahead. Just tired of trying to explain my anxieties to non animal people. I have to go to a funeral out of state and I'm flipping my lid.
I'm leaving for the weekend this afternoon, and won't be back til late sunday. And I am flipping out about leaving my babies with other people. I feel like a freakin basket case.
Nikola is wonderful, but shes a bit of a handful. So I just told the bird sitters (aka my parental units) to worry about feeding and changing her papers and leave it at that. But I'm still nervous, I haven't spent a night away from her since I brought her home. And she gets feisty with everyone, kind of worried about her getting out of the cage and them not being able to grab her.
Sarge is a basket case in his own right. My rehab pound puppy has some hard core separation anxiety that magically transforms him into a beaver if left alone for too long. Hes also an escape artist, so theres that to worry about.
Not to mention, I'm still cycling Rhodey's tank... with him inside it. My best friend is gonna be doing his water changes, but I'm still nervous about leaving him.
I don't trust the parental units to properly care for Rhodey. After all "it's just a fish" and its "too spoiled, they do fine in bowls". For some reason, pets have to be fluffy to have worth in their eyes. Which is annoying and worrying, hence the imported bestie for water changes.
All I keep thinking about is all the ways something could go wrong, and I'm probably over reacting, but what can I say? I'm an anxious person at the best of times. Frankly, I think I'm worried most about Rhodey and Nikola. Rhodey, cuz my best friend has seen me do water changes, but hasn't actually researched stuff. Nikola, cuz good god is she a diva, and a parrot. I don't think theres any good way to leave a bird with someone else tbh. But, I think I gotta go, cuz what if someday theres something insanely important and I gotta go, I'd rather have a trial run under my belt.
So, yeah. I'm gonna go be a basket case all weekend long, and try not to imagine the worst. Congrats if you made it this far in the post, complimentary pet pics below. You've earned them.
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Also, anyone else this anxious when they leave their pets with sitters? Is this normal or am I especially crazy?
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Arcane / Caitlyn & Vi / Love won't help you in your goals but it may save you / Part 2
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Continuing from part 1 , now Cait and Vi are on the run from Silco and his crew, and Caitlyn may already be regretting the whole 'shotgun wedding' from the end of episode 5.
As Vi does her own thing alone again, this time it's just getting down.
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You gonna help me out, cupcake? (aka: Pls, my wonderful and wise not-yet-wife, I’ve messed up - pick me up. Promise to never do that again.)
This time Vi doesn't even have to ask it out loud, Caitlyn is on the case.
Now Vi is in a even worse state - because Vi should not be left unattended, she's on a path of self-destruction er... finding her sister.
And the sequence around Vi's old home has interlaced two threads. One positive on how Caitlyn is okay with breaking rules, and one showing how out of touch Caitlyn is from the reality of the world she is living in - the incoming like a freight train in act 3 answer to 'do two sides have equal say in this story about Piltover's system?' for her.
I'll separate the two for it to be easier to follow.
Caitlyn's positive sequence:
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Caitlyn is actually a very determined young woman and - as was demonstrated from the beginning of meeting Vi - has no problem weighting her choices and making decisions. Even if shimmer is illegal, she has no problem breaking the law if that will have net positive results. She doesn't wait a second and trades her gun for the vial of shimmer laced medicine - I mean it's a no brainer, Vi needs medicine, and this the way to get it. Which is a bit hypocritical of her - since she wants to take on the 'big bad villain' that is the source of shimmer yet has not issue using it when needed.
Shimmer is the symptom not the source of misery in the undercity. So is Silco - as they'll find out when they 'achieve their goal' of getting him out of the picture at the finale.
And now less positive part - the setup for act 3 - it starts already in their first interaction in the jail, but we get the reminder of things Caitlyn just can't fathom are true about her society. Society in which she has a very privileged place:
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If only Caitlyn instead of trying to argue with Vi that topside can't be that bad, asked about her experiences that led to this outlook and allowed her to elaborate. And taken that on board... I assume act 3 would have ended w/o Oil and Water break up.
Because imo. from what this show has shown me - it definitely seems that topside was to blame for all her misfortunes until Caitlyn found her in Stillwater and rescued her.
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Topside killed her parents, topside decided to pressure Greyson to find culprits of a destroyed building and wouldn't let it go. They started the chain of her misery.
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Vi starts another part of 'the enforcers are actually not respected and source of good in the undercity'. Before they can get on one page, they're interrupted. This will bite them back later because Caitlyn is the source of good in Vi's life, but Caitlyn just like her not-brother Jayce is a misfit in Piltover as was said in act 1. For Vi since Caitlyn is good, then maybe topside isn't that bad (this is wrong assumption imo) and Silco instead will become more and more of the target of her rage instead.
Then the man himself shows up.
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This confrontation with Silco is their biggest joint win in Season 1 (aside from fucking on Cait's nice bed).
This is how their partnership should work when they pursue a goal, it probably will at the end of the story. Caitlyn is the out of the box, strategic thinker that can asses the situation and drag Vi away from her self-destructive fights. Vi is the force needed to execute Caitlyn's plans.
This is their joint win and sadly as the story will progress into act 3 the fact they didn't get on the same page about the system - will slowly make the balance they struck in this scene dissolve. Because they didn't really get on one page now, Vi's goal shifts to be more in line with Caitlyn's:
Vi - goal 1. get Powder back from Silco, who is keeping her
goal 2. Tear Silco's empire around him, then erase whatever delusions he put into Powder's head.
Caitlyn - goal 1. solve the mystery behind undercity’s violence by getting proof Silco is the origin.
That is a mistake, she should have kept to her initial goal of reuniting with her sister - not trying to take Silco on. Her sister is now waiting for her.
For now thanks to their joint win that they didn't fight Silco, Vi is in time to see Jinx's flare.
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And they are reunited.
But since Vi's goal already changed, she doesn't really take on board Jinx's explanation that she is not like her old self. Not like a bad thing - that's just how she grew up, Powder grown up to be Jinx - and she found some solace in owning her identity of being Jinx. She doesn't mind her name, Vi does.
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Where it all starts going downhill is with Caitlyn and the 'apple of discord' of this story - the hextech stone.
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And of course, classic of this story - like beetlejuice or bad omen - if one calls Jinx - Jinx as if it's not a name but something bad, their plans are 'jinxed'. This time it's Caitlyn - 'your sister is Jinx' - and she will become Jinx fully next act embracing it, thanks to alongside Vi and Silco - Caitlyn.
While this is end of act 2, I'll just mention that lyrics of each ending of an act song most probably have spoilers connecting ending of current act with what's to come next act, and in Gun's for Hire we have this:
You’re out time, make your move Live or die while the fuse is lit and there’s no turning back Kiss your perfect day goodbye Because the world is on fire Tuck your innocence goodnight You sold your friends like guns for hire
And Caitlyn will take Ekko to Marcus next episode as if selling him out, because she didn't get on one page with Vi this act about enforcers.
Other posts by me - Arcane meta analysis posts - mostly politics, tech and character parallels
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mctherofdragons · 4 years
Against the Tides | 5 | F. W.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
AU: Pirate!AU; Muggle!AU; Historical!AU
Summary: The year is 1710. The Duchess is kidnapped by Captain Fred Weasley, the most notorious and blood thirsty pirate of the age. Aboard his ship, The Midnight Rose, love, lust, and longing collide on the high seas.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: angst, fluff, kidnapping, fred is a pirate for god’s sake don’t come for me, kissing, gets a little steamy but no sex, physical illness (not serious), yelling, fred grabs her arm, crying, angry fred, captivity, alludes to trauma, self harm, i didn’t edit this, again he’s a fucking pirate don’t send me hate thanks. 
A/N: Thank you all so much for waiting for me during my little break! I had so much to sort through in my own mind and heart. I am feeling much better and I’m grateful you were all so supportive of me during that time. This chapter is not very long, and serves as more of a ‘filler’ but none the less I hope you all enjoy it. I’m so excited to continue this story <3 I love it so dearly! 
I do not consent for my work to be published or translated anywhere without my permission.
Series Masterlist. 
Taglist: @oh-for-merlins-sake @minty-malfoy @slytherinlovesgryffindor @futureofanthropology @inglourious-imagines @sinz-and-tragediez @acourtofsnakes @vivianweasley @n3ssm0nique @cruciostyles  @whizboingies @shadowsinger11 @whitewineandpizzapuffs @gcdric @the–queen-of-hell @gloryekaterina @hogwartslut @theanxietyqueen17 @vogueweasley @blossomweasley @asthmax @ilovejjmaybank​ @theweasleytwinsgirl @tyyyweasley @feetoffthetablee @thisismynerdyself @wandsandwheezes @loony-loopy-lupinn @missmercurymoon @willowyreads @l-adysansa @arcadianmoonlight @weasley-x-wheezes @lumosandnoxwriting @darthwheezely please message me to be added/removed from my taglist).
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It had been days now since you shared your first kiss with the captain. It was new to you - the way his lips felt when they brushed yours, sending chills down your spine. The feeling of his kisses caused your heart to flutter in your chest. You had allowed Captain Weasley to steal kisses as much as possible, delighting in the way he would come to you just for a few moments of restless kissing. Captain Weasley found solace in the sweet and pure moments you spent with him. You would giggle when his hands found their way to your hips. Your chastity was something newfound for him. It reminded him of the innocence that had long been taken from him.
Fred had taken quickly to doting on you. The crew took notice as well, pretending not to recognize the way he had been going easier on you. His eyes would soften when he saw you, losing their usual shade of darkness.
“Hello, treasure,” He would greet, pulling you away from the eyes of the crew. He would go in for a soft and longing kiss. Your back was often pressed against the damp walls of the ship. Sometimes, his rough hand would wander up to place a thumb on your cheek with the other fingers behind your ear, pulling the kiss deeper than before. You had allowed Fred to play with the soft fabric atop your breasts, but never much more. He savored those touches regardless, due to the way they’d let his mind wander to what it would be like to make love to you.
The days passed by slowly. Eventually, you stopped questioning the Captain about how far you were from home. In fact, you had begun to wish somewhere deep inside of you that maybe he would never return you. The truth of the matter was that Captain Weasley knew exactly where the ship was. He would have been able to get you home in just a few days’ time. But the thought of saying goodbye to you cut him to the quick, and so, he purposely steered the ship in the opposite direction. He felt only a small amount of guilt for deceiving you. After all, the joy and warmth you brought him was a small sacrifice for a lie.
The Captain had even surprised you with a chest of books when you stopped at another port. He had gestured to the chest absentmindedly as he read a map, only glancing up when he heard you gasp. You had torn through the chest, pulling out all of your favorite books. “Oh Captain! You shouldn’t have. Where did you get these?”
“Some poor bastard left his cart unattended. Anyway, you said you were lonely, and that you missed readin’.”
You dropped a copy of Romeo and Juliet as you ran over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He dropped his compass, letting you straddle each side of him. You kissed him softly and he leaned back in his seat. Fred moved to plant soft kisses behind your ear, eliciting a soft gasp from you.
“That feels good, eh, Duchess?”
He kissed your sweet spot again, letting the smell of rum fill your senses. You felt an unfamiliar flush rush between your legs and you climbed off him quickly, straightening your dress out with both hands.
“It’s not proper.”
“It isn’t anything to be ashamed of, Duchess.”
“It simply isn’t done, Captain. I’m betrothed.”
“I know.”
He turned away quickly, going back to focusing on what he had been doing before. You looked up at him as you grabbed a book, going to sit comfortably in his hammock. You were chewing your lip, deep into the story, unable to notice the way he looked at you without you noticing.
You turned a page of your book, closing it, before setting it on your lap. You fixed your dress again, cocking your head as you began to spoke. “Why are you being so kind to me, Captain Weasley? Letting me sleep here? Stealing books for me?”
“Pretty to look at,” he said, a small laugh coming from somewhere deep inside of him as he took a swig of rum. His eyes raked over you and you felt your skin flush scarlet, going back to burying your face into the pages of Shakepeare’s Othello.
You were laying in his bed, listening to the sound of his breathing. He sounded a bit stuffy, if you were honest, and it worried you. When his eyes opened, he let out a small groan, reaching up to place a tattooed hand on his head.
“You sound ill, Captain,” you noted, placing the back of your soft and petite hand on his forehead. “Thank heavens. No fever.”
“I’m not ill,” he grumbled, going to stand up quickly but shortly landing back to sitting on the bed. Fred put his hand on his head again, shutting his eyes tightly as his ears rang and his head pounded. You cooed, crawling over closer to him. You looked over his shoulder as you placed your hand on his bicep.
“Lay back down, please, and let me make you a cup of tea?”
“I’m fine, Duchess…”
Perhaps it was his recent kind gestures, but you were no longer afraid of the Captain like you were before. Fred’s soft side had become more apparent. Sometimes, you even forgot he was your captor, enjoying being in his company. You pouted a bit and he cracked the smallest smile. “Y/n, it is mighty kind that you want to baby me, but I’ll be fine.”
There was a small rap on the door and you blushed, getting out of his bed before any of the crew got wild ideas about what you were doing there in the first place. You busied yourself with straightening up his desk.
“Come in,” Fred said, going to grab his boots but becoming wobbly on his feet. He let out a loud sneeze, shocking even himself. You looked at him, giving him a knowing gaze.
The door opened and Lee Jordan entered, tipping his hat to you. Fred glanced at you, and then back at his first mate.
“Jordan, why don’t you take over my duties for today? I’m not well.”
The Captain had caved and it took everything in you to not rejoice in triumph. Lee looked surprised but nodded. “Yes, Captain.”
“Don’t let this ship go under or I’ll have your skin, Jordan.”
“Yes, Captain.”
“Now, get out.”
You smiled, leaning down to light the fire under Fred’s kettle. You poured him a hot cup of tea, bringing it over to where he was sitting in bed. He coughed a bit, taking a small sip of tea.
“You must have gotten a cold from being damp and freezing.”
Fred had been out in the cold the night before, barking demands at the men as they went through another tempest. He had come back to his cabin soaking wet, shivering from the cool temperatures.
You curled up next to him, placing your head on his shoulder. “Is this alright?”
Captain Weasley hesitated before he spoke again. “...Yes.”
You looked at him, watching his eyes flutter shut slightly. “Tell me your story, Captain.”
“What do you mean? You’re the one with your head in a book.”
Fred closed his eyes. In his mind, he could feel the comfort of his childhood bedroom. As clear as day, he swore he could hear Ginny’s little giggle out in the sitting room. He and George were running around the room, playing with the wooden swords Arthur had carved for them - a special Christmas present. They would play pirates, unbeknownst of the irony in their childhood joys. In the same vision, he saw George’s body again, cold and lifeless on the ground.
He tore his eyes open, staring up at the maroon canopy above him.
“Not a story, Captain, your story.”
“I don’t have a story, Duchess. Please, leave it be.”
“Everyone has a story. Even you.”
You poked his chest playfully, playing with the top button of his shirt.
He reached up, moving your hand off of him. “Stop.”
You sat up, clearly not used to being told ‘no’. Of course, as a Duchess, what you wanted was always given to you. It was a discomfort to be denied something you desired - even something seemingly silly.
At the sound of the nickname, Fred felt his entire body tense up. It was the last thing his mother had said when she closed him inside of the wardrobe, never to return to him again. Hearing another person call him that sent fear through his entire being. He was afraid to get close to you because he knew the deep-seated truth that you were only his for a fleeting moment.
The happiness once existent faded from his eyes and he quickly rose from his bed, pulling you out by your arm. He would push you away before you got any closer to him. Fred knew he couldn’t protect his mother from the monsters. But now, he was the phantom, and he was determined to keep you guarded.
“I’m done playing this silly game with you, Duchess.”
“What ever are you talking--”
Fred dragged you toward the door and you could not help but follow behind, trying to keep up as he pulled you. You fought tears, unsure of what you had done to upset him.
He pulled you down the stairs, using his free hand to open up the cell he had been keeping you in originally. “Captain, please, talk to me,” you felt tears filling your own eyes. It was only then, as you looked up, you saw warm tears streaming down his face. His brown eyes looked brighter as they glistened.
He pushed you gently inside of the cell, slamming the door with a loud bang. His hands shook as he turned the key. He couldn’t remember the last time someone saw him cry. He felt embarrassed, but more so, he felt foolish for putting you in danger. Loving you was a losing game and all he wanted to do was keep you safe. He was falling for you faster than he could keep up with. His only defense was to retreat back into his role as a wretched villain in your story.
The only problem was that you had long forgotten him as a sinful pirate. Now, you had become to see him shed his harsh exterior. The light and warmth that emitted from his true self was not something that could be faked, and you knew it. As he stood before you crying, you longed to kiss his lips. You yearned to pull him close and wipe his tears away, using your lips to meet his dripping cheeks with affection.
“Fred, please, I...talk to me.”
Captain Weasley brought his hands up to the bars, slamming on them once more. His rings caused a loud, metallic sound to clang in your ears. “You do not know anything! You spoiled little rich girl! You think you do but you don’t.”
“Teach me,” you begged but he banged on the bars again.
“Be quiet! Jordan will be down with your supper.”
Fred wiped his tears quickly, adjusting his keys back onto his belt. He felt for his dagger, letting his thumb run of it. Just slightly, he let it slice into his skin, relishing in the pain that came soon after. He ignored the sounds of you banging on the bars, calling out to him. You were better off - or so he told himself.
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bonesmctightass · 3 years
The Enterprise was docked for repairs on Earth, leaving the crew no choice but to return to the lives they left behind. Spock, of course, had nowhere in particular to go back to. But that suited Leonard just fine, because he was going to officially change that. He had a perfectly spacious apartment in the city with room enough for both of them. It only made sense for them to cohabitate on the ground as they did in the stars.
"Are you ready to go?" Leonard called over his shoulder. He didn't have much to pack, really. A few essentials tucked away in a backpack was enough. "Don't suppose you have much to take with you."
Spock emerged from the sleeping alcove with a bag slung over his shoulder. "I do not. Merely a few toiletries and a spare uniform. If memory serves, I believe I left enough items at your apartment to get by until repairs are completed."
"We'll have to go food shopping." Leonard reminded.
It was all wonderfully domestic. They didn't have much time to be them with their respective duties constantly getting in the way. There would be time enough now. And they would savor every second of it. From now right up to the moment they set foot back on the ship. He'd make good on that.
Spock graced him with a small smile. "I believe tonight would be an excellent opportunity to order in."
Leonard went a little stupid and a lot soft. "Yeah. Yeah, I think you're right."
The shuttle back down was comfortably silent, and the taxi into the city was too. There wasn't much to say and not a whole lot needed to be said, anyway. Sometimes Leonard stole a sideways glance just to watch the way Spock's eyes warmed. Sometimes Spock would slide the tips of his fingers over the back of Leonard's hand. A fleeting little touch. A promise. Leonard's heart swelled. He could do this forever.
It had been a little over a year since they were last in the apartment. Leonard wasn't sure what he was expecting when he slid his key card into the door. A mess, maybe. Dust piled up on the furniture. But, no. No, it was just as perfectly pristine as they left it.
"I was just reminded that we left a plant unattended in the bathroom," Spock said as he took their combined luggage and set it on the coffee table for unpacking. "You don't suppose…"
"Dead, now. Surely."
The disappointed expression on Spock's face was equal parts endearing, because he just couldn't help himself, and devastating. "Shame. I had hoped to propagate it before we last left. It has been quite some time."
Accidental plant homicides aside, the remainder of the afternoon had passed without incident. They fell into an easy rhythm, as they always did. As they were meant to do. Spock delivered each of their belongings into their rightful places while Leonard read off some takeout menus stuffed into a cabinet over the fridge. They ate together on the couch and watched one of Leonard's favorite holos.
"Spock," Leonard said, finally. "I've got something for you." He thrummed with a sort of nervous anticipation as he retrieved an envelope from the pocket of his jeans. Now was as good a time as any. "I know I've never really formally asked, so… I'm asking."
The anticipation of the answer nearly killed him, as if he didn't already know it would be an emphatic yes. As if they hadn't already given the entirety of themselves to each other. Spock peered in between the folds of paper and plucked the key card from inside. The implication was there. Leonard didn't have to say it. Spock certainly didn't need him to. And Leonard didn't really need an answer, anyway.
He found the soft kiss pressed to his lips was reply enough.
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
Incubi Headcanons part 2
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Ace is Verosika’s second-in-command, and her lieutenant who keeps her crew in line when she’s not around. He settles the group disputes that he doesn’t feel that Verosika needs to be bothered with, and usually, his word is law, unless Verosika overrides him.
Ace likes that Josh is so stupid and reckless, as it gives Ace an excuse to take care of him. His love language includes acts of service, and he likes that he feels so needed and appreciated by Josh.
Ace craves more than anything the intimacy of a relationship. He’s given his heart away too carelessly in the past, and it has always blown up in his face. As a result, he promised himself he’d never date another incubus again. But then his one night stand with Josh happened and whoops, feelings were caught.
Ace is usually pretty chill, but if he was ever angry enough to bring out his full demon form, only Vortex is strong enough to restrain him.
Ace met Verosika when he was hired as a back-up dancer for one of her music videos. He was great at helping the other dancers with their timing and keeping them in line. Verosika was impressed and she hired him onto her official squad of back-up dancers, and made him her choreographer. When Verosika’s boyfriend dumped her right before an upcoming award show, she asked Ace to be her plus one, and from then on, he was her right hand, and the first official member of her entourage. Kiki is one of her other old back-up dancers who managed to stick around, who Ace recruited for her.
Ace met Josh through an ex-boyfriend who was friends with Josh. Initially brushing Josh off as an annoying immature brat, he found Josh later that night overdosing in the bathroom and took him to the hospital. Since then, Ace felt he needed to watch out for Josh and keep him from hurting himself like that again.
Ace follows Verosika because at least under her, he’s somebody. People get out of his way. The paparazzi snap pictures of him. Bouncers let him into VIP sections. So even if he’s not a huge fan of Verosika barking orders at him, he’d rather have a mean boss with amazing perks than be his own boss working some street corner, or pole dancing in some club. While she can be a difficult boss, Ace does admire her freedom and her dedication to her own happiness, something he often neglects out of self-restraint. He rarely has the nerve to do things he wants to do, and spending time with Verosika and her crew has helped Ace become more daring and bold.
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Josh has a whole one (1) braincell, and sometimes he just straight up loses it.
Josh can handle the most lewd inuendos and double entendres immaginable without even batting an eye. But one genuine compliment about his smile, or the sound of his laughter, or how pretty his eyes are and Josh gets incredibly flustered, and doesn’t know how to respond. It’s one of the few things that can disarm his usual cocky persona.
Outside of Ace, Milky and Kat are Josh’s closest friends in the crew. Kat likewise has but a single braincell, and he’s a bit of a prankster and a memelord, so it’s never a good idea to leave them alone together. Milky encourages Josh’s stupid antics, as she finds them amusing.
Josh is obsessed with his phone and social media. He posts about everything going on and shares things he probably shouldn’t. Verosika actually had to make a rule that the entire crew can’t post about her without her approval first, and this involves her taking Josh’s phone from him a lot to make sure he doesn’t leak information to her fanbase again. He tweeted one time about going to a tanning salon with Verosika, and by the time they came out, the entire building was swamped with fans asking her for autographs and photo ops. Luckily Vortex was able to escort them to safety, but Josh did not get out of that blunder unscathed.
Josh straight up cannot take care of himself. If left unattended, Josh would probably end up killing himself in his own stupidity and ineptitude. He can’t cook for himself, do his own laundry, handle his own bills, or be left alone with drugs. He needs Ace to keep him in line  and make sure he eats more than junk food and alcohol to survive. Josh actually doesn’t mind this, as having Ace looking out for him makes Josh feel safe and protected, rather than smothered.
Before Josh joined Verosika’s entourage, he had accrued a massive debt to loan sharks due to his inability to budget or handle his money. He managed to crash at Ace’s place, and during this time, he met Verosika through Ace. Ace convinced Verosika that Josh would be a good addition to her crew, and she agreed to give Josh a chance as a favor to Ace. Luckily, things worked out, and Josh made enough money being part of Verosika’s crew to pay off his debts. But even once he paid off his debts, Josh continued to live with Ace right up until the one night stand that took them from roommates to a couple living together.
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: In which Zuko has a chance to go home.
WARNINGS: blood, weapons, fights, death threats
A/N: we love zuko in this house, also send stuff into my ask box im bored and need ideas to write kashdkfkjasdhlf 
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When Zuko was banished, it seemed that Ozai was more upset that Y/N intended to go with him, than at the pain he had caused his son. She was a talented firebender, capable of defeating even Azula, his prodigal daughter, in an Agni Kai. Her tactics and strategies, despite her young age, proved effective time and time again. She had the makings of a great General for the Fire Nation Army, and Ozai saw it as a waste for her to search for someone who would likely never be found. Not when Y/N L/N had so much potential. 
Y/N just saw it as proof that Ozai never truly cared for his son. His recognition of the impossible task he had bestowed upon his own child.
At the end of the day, her loyalty lied with the prince, so she set sail alongside him and his Uncle, in search of an avatar that had been gone for a century. They had known each other since they were children, when Ozai had taken interest in her natural talent for firebending. She had been raised alongside Zuko and Azula, training with them. But as most knew, Azula had an affinity for inflicting pain to those around her in her free time, so when the time came for a sparring match between Y/N and Azula, the results were deadly.
Ozai decided Y/N would stick around a little longer when she managed to beat Azula that day.
Zuko had never been competitive, not like Azula was. Though he’d asked her for tips on how to improve, and she’d graciously assisted him. And so, a friendship blossomed in the fire of their youth. She became his sparring partner, and as they grew older, his right hand.
She never regretted stepping onto the boat with Zuko the first day of his banishment. But she was beginning to regret ever speaking with him in the first place. He had no goal other than finding the Avatar, it was his sole purpose at this point, even after nearly three years of searching. But there were moments in which she found him rather… peaceful. He was almost the same boy who Y/N had played tag with as a child all those years ago. And in these moments, when she caught a glimpse of the real Zuko, she couldn’t help the warmth that blossomed in her chest each time they had an actual conversation. 
One that wasn’t about his never ending quest to find the Avatar.
The conversations they had in the middle of the night, when sleep failed to reach them. The ones they never mentioned when the night was over. Because what happened in Zukos’ room at night, stayed there.
Y/N had only ever needed to knock once and Zuko was opening the door to his room on the ship. She gave him a tight lipped smile as she slipped inside, hoping no one noticed because they both knew what it would look like from an outside perspective. Not that she cared what others thought. What happened between her and Zuko was their business, though nothing ever really happened. He would try to make tea, they would dump the tea because of how bad it tasted, Y/N would remake the tea, and then they would talk.
Sometimes she wished it was more than that though. 
It was a foolish dream to have, she recognized that as she took the teapot before he could even make an attempt to boil the water. “You couldn’t sleep either?” She asked as she began to heat the water with her firebending, holding the pot above her free hand.
Zuko scoffed, sitting back on the mat he referred to as a bed, “no, I just knew you’d be awake.” 
Y/N frowned, “you should’ve gone to bed.” She places the tea leaves into the steaming pot, moving to sit with her legs crossed, across from him on the floor.
“And put the entire ship at risk?” Came his response, his brow raised. 
Y/N laughed lightly, “what are you talking about?” Her head tilts as she looks at him in confusion, grabbing the two solitary teacups on his desk. 
“Last time you were left unattended you nearly blew up our only means of transportation.” He deadpanned. 
She rolled her eyes, looking to him as she spoke, “that was one time-”
Zuko was smiling now, “remember the time you nearly killed that man with a cabbage cart because he-” 
“Okay! I get it, you can stop now.” Y/N exclaimed, cheeks warming as she recalled the event. She handed him his cup of tea, and for a moment she could even forget that the only reason that they were on the ship in the first place was to find the Avatar, for a moment she could forget that Zuko had changed 
His hand grazed hers as he took the cup, mumbling a small, “thank you,” before he took a sip. Looking out the small window of the ship, he realized he would never forget his banishment. His home. He quickly brought his attention back to Y/N, only to realize she was already looking at him. 
She brought herself closer to him on the floor, “what are you thinking about?” She recognized the look on his face, the nostalgia, the pain. 
If he was honest, he was now thinking about the small amount of space between them since she’d moved to be seated beside him on the mat. Though he responded, “home.” 
Y/N hummed in response, taking a sip of her tea, “you miss it?” She asked.
Zuko scoffed, “that’s a dumb question. Of course I miss it. Why wouldn’t I?” Y/N was tempted to tell him that he shouldn’t miss the home that cast him aside for thinking of the best interest of the people. The home that was ruled by the man who scarred him for life. The man he still seeked validation from. 
Instead she shrugged, placing her tea onto the floor of his room, “well I don’t.”
His head snaps up, eyes meeting hers, he looks to her incredulously, “what do you mean you don’t? We’ve been away for so long!” He exclaims, his temper beginning to show. It was rare for him to explode at her like he tended to with other crew members, Iroh had pointed it out to him, and though Zuko shut him down quickly, nobody could deny the accuracy of the statement. But they had grown up there, together. All of his happy memories, all of his dreams, his past and hopefully his future, were all there. Had that all meant nothing to her?
“The Fire Nation was never my home, Prince Zuko.”
He almost flinches when she uses his title. And she quickly changes the subject, though she can feel it lingering in his mind as they have their tea. 
She ended up falling asleep in his cabin after they talked for the rest of the night, awakening in the room she internally groaned, knowing what it would look like when she set foot outside of his room. Being on this ship for so long, she knew her fellow crewmates were looking for some gossip to spice up their lives a bit. Looking around, Y/N realized he wasn’t there. She brought a hand up to rub her temple she sighed when she sat up, deciding she’d go back to her room and get dressed before heading up to the deck.
They’d been coasting around Earth Kingdom waters that recently been put in Fire Nation control, and as she entered the deck of the ship, Y/N realized they had docked on one of the piers. The sea of people around the market made her wonder what the area could have to offer as she turned to look back on the deck, where Iroh had been seated with his Pai Sho board, along with several other crew members loitering in the area. “Good morning Iroh,” she said with a smile as she made her way towards him, “do you happen to know what we’ll be doing today?”
He smiled up at her, gesturing for her to take a seat as he responded, “well Prince Zuko was not very pleasant this morning, so perhaps something more violent.” He took the teapot on his side, “you should probably go look for him before my nephew does something unwise.” Iroh explained with a sigh, refilling his cup. 
Y/N gave him a tight lipped smile, suddenly grateful she hadn’t gotten comfortable and taken a seat when he’d offered it, “of course. He likely intends to do something irrational and stupid.” She cracked her knuckles, aggressively securing her dagger at her side as annoyance bubbled up inside her, “I’ll see you later Iroh.” 
She decided that if thugs hadn’t attacked him yet, she would, stepping off the ship and into the crowd. She slipped between the people with ease, making her way to some of the stands, shopkeepers yelling out deals as they tried to sell some of their products.
And then Y/N got distracted. It started out with a new dagger for her growing collection, then a new holster for said dagger which was now strapped to her leg along with the weapon. Would you look at that, with all this new stuff she was getting she’d definitely need a bag to carry it. Right? Right. Then it was some rare tea leaves for Iroh and new cookbook for the chef that lived on the ship, though it only served as a reminder that she was yet to eat. 
Making her way towards the part of the market that specialized in foods, the aroma filled her nose. Holding the strap of the bag tighter as she maneuvered through the busy market as she’d spotted a stand with a variety of foods. Y/N inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet smell as she reached the stand before picking out what she wanted to purchase. In the corner of her eye she saw cabbages and couldn’t help the smile that found its way onto her face. Bringing out her small pouch of money, she went to hand the shopkeeper some coins, but the old woman shook her head.
“The young man over there paid for your things already Miss.” She explained, “scary guy. Just shoved this bag of money at me and told me to keep the change while you were on the other end of the stand shopping.” Though she ended up pointing in the direction of this elusive ‘young man,’ Y/N already knew who it was as she turned around and saw Zuko brooding against a wall in one of the emptier parts of the market.
She sighed, “thank you ma’am. Have a nice day.”
The old woman nodded, and Y/N put the foods into her bag as well, grateful for the variety of pockets within it as she made her way to where Zuko stood. “She had cabbages. I’m shocked you didn’t attack her.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes, “where have you been all morning?” She pulled two of the bite-sized pastries she’d bought from the old woman, handing one to Zuko that he begrudgingly accepted as they began to walk down the empty street before taking a bite out of her pastry.
“Around.” Came Zuko’s response as he ate the small pastry. “I just wanted to browse the marketplace.” Y/N took another bite of her pastry as she listened, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. 
She scoffed, “Zuko, I swear.” They were entering a plaza, with a fountain in the center, “it’s my job to know where you are. I’m here to make sure you don’t die during your search for the Avatar, because I’m your right hand, remember?” She exclaimed, hoping he hadn’t noticed that she got side tracked in her search for him,
“You were my right hand. At home. Not that it was your home.” He corrected her pointedly. It was quickly becoming clear that her statement had bothered him, and he wasn’t going to let this go. 
She looked at him incredulously, throwing what was left of her pastry at his chest, causing him to roll his eyes and throw what was left of his own at her face, though she dodged it. Y/N raised her brows, taken aback by this statement and action. He continued to walk as she stopped, dead in her tracks, “oh, is that what this is about? Because if you wanna talk about that we can-” A deep exhale escaped her, followed by silence. 
Zuko’s brows furrowed, “what? Don’t wanna finish the sentence?” He asked as he turned around, only to find that she had a knife pressed to neck, and was surrounded by a group of men.
Of course it had been thugs.
One of them reached to the pouch on her side, yanking it from its place on her belt while the other looked up to Zuko, “you’re going to give us your money, or your little girlfriend is gonna die.” He threatened, pressing the knife harder onto her neck, drawing blood.
Inhaling sharply, Y/N managed to let a bitter laugh escape her despite the situation, “in case you didn’t notice, we had just been arguing. I doubt he has a problem with my death at this point.”
Zuko glared at her, “could you shut up for one minute?” He exclaimed.
“Oh, I think I’m about to be shut up permanently but okay Zuko.” She replied, a sarcastic smile on her face as he narrowed his eyes at her.
He quickly returned his attention to the thugs, who had exchanged looks due to the strangeness of the exchange they were witnessing. “Here’s what’s actually going to happen. You are going to let her go, and if you don’t, you’re going to die.” 
The man with a knife against her throat laughed, “and how are you gonna manage that?” He asked, his four companions moving forward to form a circle around Zuko, weapons in hand. “We’ve got the upper hand.”
“Well, I’m not going to kill you. My little girlfriend will. And,” Zuko paused, eyeing the men surrounding him as he cracked his neck, “you don’t have the upper hand. Not while I have Y/N.”
The man was about to speak when a dagger suddenly pierced his leg, causing him to yelp in pain, dropping the knife he’d held into Y/N’s free hand. She threw the blade in Zuko’s direction and he caught it with ease as he dodged one of the men that lunged at him. 
Y/N kicked her captor’s injured leg, causing him to fall to the ground and allowing her to slip her bag off of her shoulder, wrapping the strap around his neck as she rammed the hilt of the dagger onto his head, effectively knocking him unconscious. Turning around to assist Zuko, she had a deadly realization.
One of the men was missing. 
Everything happened rather quickly after that, she extended her hand, preparing to begin firebending at the man that was attempting to sneak up behind Zuko, except no fire came out. Instead, a whip of water extended from the fountain, slamming him into a nearby building. 
The other three men exchanged looks, stopping their movements momentarily, then taking a few steps back before breaking into a sprint in the opposite direction.
Y/N was still staring at her hand in shock, though her eyes soon rose to find Zuko staring at her as well, the look in his eyes unreadable. A shaky breath escaped her, “guess that conclude your search.” She swallowed nervously, squeezing her eyes shut as she continued, “you can go back home now.” 
“We should get back to the ship.” Came his response. “You need medical attention.” Moving towards her, she took a step back.
“You aren’t the Avatar, Y/N.” He stated firmly.
“Really?” She exclaimed, disbelief clear in her voice, “because it sure does look like I am. No one else is capable of bending more than one element!” She pointed out. 
Zuko shook his head, “the Avatar is an Airbender. You were born and raised in the Fire Nation.” He rationalized. “It’s not possible for you to be the Avatar, even if the Airbender is dead, the next Avatar would be from one of the Water Tribes.” Zuko opened his mouth to continue speaking but Y/N cut him off.
“Zuko.” Her voice came out as a whisper. “What are you doing?” 
In that moment he is silent, and she wonders if he’s reconsidering his choice. In actuality, a million thoughts are running through his mind, maybe he could fake her death? Tell them that she died in this town, let her live out her life in peace while he continued a false search for the Avatar. Maybe this was a fluke, or there was a Waterbender hiding in the shadows that saved their lives. Or maybe he was in denial.
The only thing he was sure about was that Y/N wasn’t going back to the Fire Nation a prisoner. 
“Protecting the only home I have left.” 
Because sometimes home isn’t a place. It’s a person. 
You can imagine their shock when they discovered the last Airbender.
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a/n: are there two avatars? maybe. is the reader a dual bender? maybe. will we ever find out? idk
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