#never done the fake name thing before actually wait this could be silly
cromslore · 2 months
first post :P
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
plsplspls can i request some norman fluff i am hyperfixating on him again 🫶🏼🥲
I was going to write this last night but got tired and have so many thoughts about norman that I wanted to be fully rested. Norman Bates you will always be famous to me bbg
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Norman Bates makes me insane
If you want domestic life with a slasher, Norman is the closest you will get in my opinion. Aside from his mother, he truly is just the calmest man who gets anxiety with any kind of flirtation.
Say you meet at the diner when he goes out once. He's the town oddball. The kook. Everyone knows that after his mother died and the highway was moved, everything slightly altered in him
and you move into town and you get a job as a waitress and Norman is the nicest of your regulars. he always comes once a week to get out of the house, never stays for long because he has so much to do, and always gets the same thing.
"Eggs overeasy today Norman?" you tease. His cheeks flush as he goes to correct you, never once blaming you for potentially getting his order wrong.
"Oh u-"
"Scrambled Norman. I know, I was just pulling your leg." He flushes and smiles. He nods.
"Thank you." You maneuvered around him and to the back, dropping off his order. After he had cleared his plate he waited patiently for you to come around with his check. You always came in a timely manor and told him briefly about things that had happened over the week in town.
Today when you came back around, you had a particular smile on your face.
"Your breakfast is on me this morning Norman," you declared. He gave you a confused look. "On one condition." He cleared his throat, nodding for you to go one. "I get to come see your hotel and we have dinner over there."
a DATEEEE??????????
Norman Bates went a deep shade of red and then smiled. He had the most innocent smile on his face, you never would have guessed anything was wrong with him. In the moment he completely forgot about his mother.
he accepted gratefully, saying he would pick things up special. You promised to be by the next day around 5.
you came by the next day and Norman had never seen someone so beautiful. He saw you in your work clothes, your apron usually covered in the muck of your morning.
you were wearing something you thought date appropriate and he had gotten one of his better sweaters out of the back of his closet. One of the ones his mother had gotten for him to wear out.
He was cagey at the dinner.
You couldn't even glance up the stairs. He was already disobeying by having you in the house. But he wasn't cagey enough to deter you from having a good time.
Norman was shy but he had great conversation. All the people who came by his hotel made for great stories. You brought stories from the diner, from before you had moved out there
You noted he didn't have any help out there and he was clearly a busy man.
'Norman have you ever thought about hiring help?"
"Who would be my waitress?"
"I can make you eggs here!"
it was a bad idea. horrible even. Norman knew this but his desire to have you around was so strong, even if it wasn't technically safe for you. How long could he hold his mother back? What if he insured you were always here when someone else was, when there were people in the motel?
He started to try and find reasons to keep you around. Things that needed to be done but not necessarily as soon as he was having you do them.
You helped him paint the outside of the motel. You changed the bulbs in the sign. You got new linens and looked through the logbook for frequent fliers and silly fake names.
Norman couldn't shake it though. His mother would always be there to argue the worst of you. Even if you were helping him and not harming him, even if you hadn't made any actual move.
he wanted to kill his mother. but she was a shut in, she had no one else to help her! he was trapped in a cage of her making, one he could not leave. the dutiful son.
he made the first move. He wanted to kiss you silly since the first time he had seen you, imagining how your lips tasted in shameful nights.
You were helping him in the office. He was back in the parlor while you sat at the desk out-front. You had just checked in a couple, clearly people who were not currently married to each other.
They had used ridiculous fake names. Norman walked back to the front of the room. He looked particularly handsome, wearing a white button up shirt tucked in his slacks.
"If we were fake married, what would our names be?" you questioned. Norman took a bite of the apple in his hand and shrugged. He leaned against the desk.
"Mr and Mrs Disney," he suggested. You nodded slowly.
"Mr and Mrs Flinstone."
"Too one the nose. That show just premiered," he suggested." He looked over your shoulder at the log book. He had gotten so used to having you around, so comfortable with your presence. He liked imaginig the two of you as a married couple. The Bates Motel with two Bates once again.
"Mr and Mrs Disney it is," you teased. You looked up at him and he was so close, his face just hovering beside yours. You smiled cheekily.
Before you had even comprehended it, he had kissed you.
Norman wanted that life. He liked the idea of that life. Maybe his mother would be okay with it if you were married. Maybe he could sway her.
Without even knowing it, you had helped him muster courage to fight his mother. A problem you barely knew existed. You had heard her, you had thought it was weird you had never seen her, but you trusted Norman.
A ring on your finger would be so nice, he thought. So nice.
Finally put a cork in the townsfolks mouths.
Norman took a wife?
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serpentinesketches · 8 days
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More for my GO Gladiator AU! I started thinking up what I wanted their first meeting to look like, and this scene popped into my head. I imagine the vibes here are much like the drunk "Dolphins!" conversation in S1 canon (you know the one). Very silly and good bonding time for these two :D
I'm not fully done writing it, but here's a snippit of their first meeting scene under the cut to accompany this art:
The woman drags Aziraphale by the hand off into one of the side-rooms, pushes him down onto a small chair, and puts a knee up on the large, circular bed that is the main centerpiece of the room. She fixes him with the same amused look as before as she fiddles with the serpent clasp on her left shoulder, “So, tell me, what is it you really want? You have something specific in mind, I can tell.”
Aziraphale clears his throat, suddenly realizing they were very much not on the same page, “Ah, apologies my dear, I believe you’ve misread my apprehension earlier. I actually, um… Don’t? Want to sleep with you, that is.”
“… Eh?” The woman had seemed ready to accept most feasible answers to her question. This answer was not on the list.
“It’s just…” Aziraphale sighs, a fullbody thing, “It’s dreadfully boring, mingling around, talking about conquests and the like. And I’d much rather curl up with a good book. But I’m not allowed to just leave, there’d be… consequences.” Aziraphale shudders, involuntary, “That lot does not just send rude notes.”
Aziraphale shakes himself and blazes on, “I’ll compensate you handily though! Enough you shouldn’t have to work again tonight,” he pulls out his wallet, “assuming I remember the going rates for these things well enough…” he mumbles the last bit, more to himself.
He extends his hand with the money, offering it up, “All I ask is you stay in this room with me for a couple hours, and if anyone asks, we had a lovely time.”
“… Uh-huh.”
“I’m sure you could use the break, either way.” Aziraphale continues, to fill the silence, “I’ve never met someone of your profession who is not dreadfully overworked.”
Taking the money, she seems to catch up to reality and cracks a smile, “Well, yeah - you won’t hear me complaining!” She flops down on the plush circular mattress, melting into it. He hadn’t realized how precisely she had been holding herself until she finally actually relaxed.
“It’s kinda funny, I thought you’d have no interest in sleeping around when I first saw you. Good to know my instincts aren’t waning on me.” She winks at him - seems flirting is just a default for her, no matter the circumstances.
“Yes well.” Aziraphale wrings his hands, “I know it’s odd of me, but I simply have no interest in sleeping with people I hardly know”
“Certainly unusual, but not bad.” Her head tilts side-to-side as she considers this. She looks down, pauses for a beat.
“Well. Let’s get to know each other then – the name’s Crowley,” she leans up, extending a hand.
“That’s an odd name for a—Wait, no, you don’t have to-“ Aziraphale stutters, several thoughts getting caught in his throat while he attempts to voice them all at once.
Crowley laughs, but not a cruel laugh, more endeared than anything by Aziraphale’s stumbling. “I know, I know, I’m not trying to get in your pants. I just don’t want to wait here in silence, and you seem interesting.”
“Ah, well then,” Aziraphale takes her hand in his, ever so gentle. “It’s a pleasure. I’m Aziraphale.”
“Oh wow, really?” Aziraphale nods, sheepish. “Huh! Never figured I’d get to fake-bed someone of your renown – that’ll be a feather in my cap for sure.” Crowley continues, undeterred.
“Mmm, glad my ‘renown’ will be helpful to one of us” Aziraphale snarks, annoyance seeping through his normally reserved exterior. Crowley looks taken aback at his admission, but not wholly surprised.
There’s a moment of quiet, and Aziraphale remembers his other train of thought, “Oh! If I may, I don’t mean to be rude, but your name - it’s not usually a name for a lady…”
“Ah, clever man!” Crowley waggles his finger at him, “that’d be because I’m not one.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, I should’ve asked- I just assumed-“
“Don’t worry about it, seriously.” Crowley interrupts before Aziraphale can apologize himself into a tizzy, “people assume, and I play into it intentionally.”
“Plus, I mean, it’s all made up anyway, the way I see it. Woman, man, whatever else, who cares. We’re all just human at the end of the day.”
If you've read to this point I appreciate you very much, I hope you liked my nonsense! Have a virtual cookie! <3 🍪
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bell4lan · 2 years
Quality Time
Genre: Fluff and crack (?) idk it's silly
CW: mentions of heats, suggestive dialogue, very dialogue heavy, hickies (only suggestive thing that happens i promise), talks of sex, mpreg mentions but its not canon, breeding mentions, i swear this is a fluff fic they just had some talks abt dirty things
DNI: NON-MLM/NBLM, fujoshis, mlm/nblm fetishizers
Character(s)/Reader: Tighnari and GN reader but I wrote it with men and non-binary people in mind, 1 Kaeya mention
The sound of your backpack hitting the floor filled your bedroom as you flopped onto your bed. You were wiped from the class you just had, not even because it was hard, but because of how far it was from your dorm. It started snowing right before class ended, which meant you had to tread through snow for a long distance. It wasn't like you could've drove since Tighnari took your car to visit his family.
Speaking of Tighnari, he was coming back today. You wish you could get excited, but you were exhausted. The snow really did a number on your already sore legs.
You heard the front door jiggle as someone unlocked it. Only one other person besides you had a key, so you weren't panicked. You heard the front door shut and things shuffle around for a while. You knew it was Tighnari getting unpacked and changed.
You heard footsteps coming towards your room and saw your gorgeous boyfriend walk in, dressed in a hoodie and shorts since the heater was on.
You turned on your back and held out your arms to him. "Hi baby, I missed you." You said to him as he laid down on you.
"I missed you too (Name)." He kissed your lips passionately and you gladly returned it. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled away asking him about his trip. You played with his hair as you listened to the stories he told about his family. You couldn't help but smile when you heard him stumble over his words when you started petting his ears.
He stopped talking after a bit and relaxed on you, almost falling asleep from how comforting your pets were. He started nuzzling more into you when suddenly, his head shot up and his ears laid back.
"What's wrong?" You asked while rubbing his lower back. He glared at you and put his face in your neck, licking and biting it.
"Wh- Tighnari what is up with you." You squirmed slightly from the feeling of him sucking on your neck and saw his tail wagging more than usual. He was never usually like this, he usually waits for you to initiate stuff like this.
"G-gosh are you in heat or something?" You joked as you felt him leave more marks.
"That's not til June." He mumbles, completely serious with his answer. You pulled him away from your neck so you could be face to face with him.
"Wait...you actually have heats?" You asked sort of wide eyed.
"Y-yeah..." He looked off to the side, ears still down and tail calming down.
"But you said no when I asked you before." You faked a pout when you realized he lied to you.
"It's embarrassing to admit every once a year you feel this primal need to breed." He said as he laid back down on you.
"Need to breed? Gosh Tighnari you're so dirty." You teased as you went back to rubbing his back. He glared at you again, though this time it was paired with a red hue on his face.
You started petting his ears again trying to get him to calm down. "Can you tell me why you decided to attack my neck?" You laughed out.
"I smelled someone else on you..." He mumbled a bit shyly.
"Huh? Who?" You asked. You had been hanging out with your friends a lot, but it's not like you had done anything with them (iykwim).
"That one blue haired pirate guy." He growled as he gripped onto your hoodie. You started laughing at his spot on description.
"Oh my god, Kaeya? I guess that makes sense, I did have to carry him home when he was drunk. That wasn't long after you left though and i've taken so many showers since then. Can you really still smell him?" Tighnari relaxed as he heard your explanation and started explaining that he had a way better sense of smell than non-hybrid people. You already knew that of course, but you didn't know it was that much stronger than non-hybrids.
"Did you think I did anything with him?" Tighnari shook his head.
"No...I just hated smelling someone else on you." He confessed, not looking at you. You smiled and gave him a kiss on the head. You started teasing him about his jealousy and possessiveness earning a defensive Tighnari in return.
You both had calmed down and cuddled with each other for a bit. It was relaxing, until you broke the silence.
"Sooo...when you're in heat do you feel the need to breed others or be bred?" Tighnari's faced became a bright shade of red and he hid his face in your chest, flattening his ears again so they don't bother you.
"Ughhh I knew i'd regret telling you." He groaned.
"Hey i'm just curious!" You defended in a light hearted tone. You kept encouraging an answer until he finally responded.
"I...don't have a preference. It depends on how I feel at the time." He said, voice shaking from embarrassment. You nodded and asked more questions about his heats, making him even more flustered than he was. He knew you were genuinely curious under all the teasing, so he answered your questions the best he could.
"Can you be bred?" You jokingly asked. He didn't seem to get your joke until a few seconds after.
"Are you asking if I can get pregnant?" He hissed.
You just giggled and he stared at you like you were the dumbest person alive.
He sighs, "Of course not you dummy." He flicked your forehead and you whined out an "ow". He kissed the spot he flicked, making you smile at him.
"Could I ever help with your heats?" You asked in full seriousness.
"What? No."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to bother you or depend on you. Plus, I might get used to it and who knows what will happen if we ever break up." He explains. When he said the last sentence, he got a sad look in his eyes.
"Hey if you think you can get rid of me you're wrong." You said as you attacked his face with kisses. Tighnari couldn't help but smile and laugh softly. Once you stopped, you flipped the both of you over so you were hovering over him. His ears twitched in curiosity.
"I love you." You whispered as you admired his looks, lips almost touching his.
"I love you too." He breathes out and connects his lips to yours. You both kissed each other lovingly, not wanting to break the beautiful kiss.
Eventually, you did pull away to catch your breath, making Tighnari frown.
"Now it's your turn to get marked." You said playfully. Tighnari's ears twitched again at your words.
"I guess it's only fair." He said with a smile and exposed more of his neck.
I had to look up when foxes go into heat for this fanfic so you guys better like it.
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eyesteeth · 1 year
seeing the tangle tower resurgence on my feed has me thinking about my dg oc trish... she was abandoned in early 2021 but i might bring her back with a new coat of paint... they were fun (overly long explanation of hazy memories under the cut)
their whole like schtick was they're an obviously fake medium. but What If. but no she's a hack. But What If They Weren't
and there's like a series of running gags of whether or not she's been murdered, and you find her body multiple times to the point where it becomes a bit of a boy who cried wolf situation until they're like Straight Up Killed in front of grimoire and sally.
there was a hypothetical outer cast but i never fully fleshed them out because the hyperfix didn't last that long. theyre a scientist, government agent, hack spirit medium, doctor, train conductor, bellboy, and mysterious little girl (now mysterious woman).
it was a theft case turned murder - a scientist traveling on this train had a very strong poison in their possession, which had been stolen at some point on the journey. upon realizing it was gone, the train ended up being parked on the track and put on lockdown while grimoire and sally were called in. idk about the logistics of that either it's a mystery game premise
(i was playing The Raven Remastered around this time, hence the train thing. and also a dash of the Haunt The House games because i played sooooo much Haunt The House in elementary school. add a pinch of Last Train To Blue Moon Canyon and that's it that's the plot)
during the investigation, after the first round of testimony and exploration of the train, the body of the scientist would be found, and the train would suddenly start back up again. i really liekd this idea specifically because most mystery games you don't get to know the victim, so having an opportunity to chat with them some was a fun idea to me.
by this point it's a race against the clock to figure out who the killer is before the train reaches the station and the poison is (presumably) handed off to dubious parties.
the idea was mostly Vibes, i don't think i even had a planned murderer, that's how barely baked it was, i just vividly remember this bit with trish where they had channeled the ghost of the victim and recounted their last words, only for it to later be figured out that the possession was false - but the last words were accurate because trish had like been in the fucking vents or whatever (are there even vents on a train) and had witnessed the murder. at which point grim and sally are like "wait. so you saw the killer" and trish is like "yeah" which i found boundlessly funny.
and then trish is about to say the name of the killer but then she starts looking real bad and collapses over dead - she's been poisoned!! except, japes, they're actually fine and not dead, this is a ploy to catch the killer. killer gets caught and then the killer's like "but i poisoned you!! how are you still alive" and trish is like "my final jape... i've been possessing my corpse this whole time" n just, jumps off the train. farewell.
silly fucking convoluted plot but that's just how adventure games work. and i imagine everyone else could have done equally silly shit if i'd bothered to do anything with them. i get the sense that the poison was a government thing or something and that's why the agent was there, and it was like "ah a political intrigue case. with no supernatural things" and then trish is like "hi it's dubious whether or not i was dead the whole game byeeee"
they were silly. epic failgirl
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justafewsmallsteps · 3 years
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Reversal AU where Adrien constantly flirts with his crush Marinette who is so not buying it, but as Ladybug she can't help getting flustered by her absolute sweetheart of a partner. Lovesquare reversal and self-personality swap. Drabble part 1 below.
Title: The Other Way Around Pairing: Lovesquare Rating: G+ Word Count: 1170
Akuma attack aside, today had been an exhausting work day for Adrien. The photoshoot had gone well, but working in a group was always extra tiresome. It's not like keeping up his appearances in front of a camera was anything new. It was simply that he preferred either solo shoots or partner work, because as much as he liked crowds and the excuse to socialize, it was still work, and more people around just meant keeping the facade up for longer. He’d almost welcomed the attack, happy to transform and focus on something other than entertaining half a dozen fellow models who would not stop asking about his father. He knew they were in it for the connections, but he never had the guts to be forthright about that kind of thing. People used people. It’s what his father had both warned him about and told him to take advantage of at the same time. It was a game, and at this point in life he knew how to play it well enough.
Adrien had learned at a young age that flirting really worked at charming people into getting what he wanted, so he honed the craft. It was a personality trait he found useful more than anything, and he credited his mother with his acting skills. A wink thrown this way, a smirk timed at the right moment—those were the sort of things fans fawned over. His father expected that he would keep up his public image, only demanding that he not do anything to embarrass their name. That had a reputation to uphold afterall. It was something he’s always been aware of. People fawned over his good looks even though he was just a kid. His gold hair and large green eyes were a winning combo amongst fans who labeled him as a heartthrob and heartbreaker before he knew what either of those terms meant.
Ultimately he was a people pleaser. If they wanted him to be some kind of bachelor then he’d fashion himself to fit their expectations. “Fake it until you make it” was a mantra he’d lived out—waited out, was more like it actually, since nothing he ever did made him feel like he’d actually “made it” to wherever he was heading.
At what point could he stop pretending? It seemed the goal post of approval was always moving forward, always out of reach. Maybe it was somewhere in the distance and he just wasn’t running this marathon fast enough to see it. Eventually he ran so hard that he swore somewhere along the way he’d managed to lose himself. He no longer knew what was genuinely himself having fun or playing around and what was done to keep up appearances.
Adrien Agreste was more of an ideal. He was a poster or a billboard or a commercial. That’s the version of him that everyone flocked towards, and he was willing to do whatever he had to in order to keep from being left alone. Who cared if he didn’t know himself? Who cared about who he wanted to be?
Enter Plagg. Enter Chat Noir.
“Transform me!” was more than a costume change, Adrien realized one day.
Hidden behind the mask, Chat Noir could be anyone. Adrien could be anyone he wanted to be--even himself. So he was honest; he was silly and goofy in an authentic way that made Adrien laugh at himself; he was still hardworking and friendly, but could genuinely show that he was angry or sad or anything not perfect whenever he wanted!
Chat Noir was a break from the burden of being Teen Idol Adrien Agreste: always cool, always glamorous, always impeccably fine with whatever came his way. The only expectation that people had for Chat Noir was that he do his job. Okay, okay, so that job happened to be saving all of Paris from destruction, but really, he was happy with the deal. In black leather and with a gleaming gold bell hanging from his neck, Adrien had never felt more comfortable.
Being one of the Heroes of Paris was getting to be someone he actually liked. It beat the stupid playboy role he’d been handed as a civilian. At least now he earned praise and adoration because of what he did and not because of what he looked like.
Another perk of being Char Noir was getting to share the limelight with his partner Ladybug. She was a standup girl--brave, earnest, caring. She was incredible and every bit deserving of the way people adored her, but she was always shy about the attention. He found it funny that she seemed larger than life against akumas that rivalled Godzilla, but then seemed to shrink to her namesake whenever he complimented her.
They worked together well, and she was always quick to thank him for everything he did. She made him feel appreciated.
“Little Lady seemed like she was in a good mood today,” Adrien commented to his kwami, tossing him a bit of camembert as he collapsed in front of his computer.
Mouth full, Plagg’s toothy grin was covered in cheese. Gross. He had the decency to swallow (like a snake!) before quipping back, “Probably because you were flirting with her.”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t flirting. I know what flirting looks like, and I was just complimenting her about the interview.” He pulled it up on his browser as if to make a point. He handled camera crews perfectly well, but seeing as he dealt with the media in his personal life, he preferred when Ladybug was the star. She knew that, and often took over when the lenses were pointed their way.
“You put your arm around her,” the kwami sneered as the scene showed him do exactly that.
“Like that’s a big deal.”
“You look like a couple.”
“We look like we’re partners.”
Plagg shrugged. “Aren’t you a playboy or something?”
He stuck his tongue out in disgust. “That’s my Adrien Agreste reputation, but Chat Noir is a gentlecat, and Ladybug knows it.”
“Uh-huh. Maybe that’s the reason she’s so into you.”
“Yeah right! Ladybug is a professional. We’re partners and friends.” She was probably his best friend, even though he didn’t know her name. “Besides, you know there’s only one girl I’m actually trying to impress.”
It was the little kwami’s turn to roll his big eyes. “Bakery girl.”
Adrien pouted, “You know her name is--”
“Marinette,” Plagg mocked the way his keeper would wistfully sigh out her name before taunting at the kid. “Marinette is so cool and sweet and smells like flowers! Marinette is funny and pretty and likes me for who I am!”
Adrien’s ears turned red with a blush. All the things Plagg was saying were true, but he argued, “That is not what I sound like.”
“Oh yes it is.”
“It is not! And Marinette usually smells like vanilla.” What a lame thing to say, he realized. It didn’t wipe away his pout.
“Well, she is not into you.”
“She could be!”
“But she’s not!” Plagg cackled.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
could you write something about the readers parents not liking her and harry comforts her please
ok this is going to be quite sad and angsty so hold on tight!
Y/N was crying in her room. Again.
This was turning out to be a daily occurrence now. Wake up. Get shouted at. Go to school. Learn how to dissect a frog and master how to write the perfect essay. Come home. Get shouted at. Sleep. The weekends, she didn’t get all the good in-between stuff, it was just waking up to be shouted at.
For what? Well not even Y/N could answer that.
Her parents had despised her since the day she was born, or at least Y/N presumed. She was never allowed to go out without permission from her parents. She was not allowed to eat certain foods, because “she didn’t need to be any fatter”. She wasn’t supposed to wear anything inappropriate. She wasn’t allowed relationships. Although that last one, she cheated on.
Harry had been Y/Ns best friend all through high-school, until they reached college and Harry couldn’t wait any longer to make her officially his. He wanted her so badly. She was his best friend but he craved for more. It took Y/N a lot of persuading, but it was the best thing she’d ever done for herself. Harry was kind to her. He treated her with respect and love - something she’d never had from her parents.
Having a relationship whilst being instructed you weren’t allowed one, made things very difficult. Harry could only see Y/N when she allowed him to. After finishing chores she would tell her parents she was going to grab food or cleaning supplies from the grocery store, only to go and spend a few hours with Harry in his treehouse. She would always come back with a bag full of shopping and made sure she covered the hickeys on her neck well. It would be hard to explain their origin of those marks to her parents.
Her mum had never provided her with a nickname, only ever calling her by her proper name. Harry gave her nicknames and pet names galore; baby, honey, sweetheart, lovie, darling and petal to name but a few.
You had learnt that shouting back was “never okay” so you left your bedroom and walked down the stairs to find your mum, who’d just shouted for you.
“Yes mum?” You timidly asked, standing at the door with your fingers fiddling with each other.
Your mum turned and scoffed at the sight of you. “Oh Jesus Y/N! You look horrible. That dress is disgusting.” It just so happened to be your favourite dress - a simple, long - as necessary - white dress with pretty flowers embroidered in baby pink and blue across the skirt. It made you feel like a weightless princess. “Don’t you agree?” Your mum asked your dad.
“Oh yes. Too much fat showing.” Your dad lovingly commented back.
You looked down at yourself, thinking that maybe it was showing a bit too much skin and therefore showing off your fat. Harry always told you that you were completely beautiful - an angel - but it was hard to believe on days like this. You crossed your arms over your chest in discomfort. Speaking back would only make things worse, so you took the verbal abuse as it came.
“Now,” your mum sat up a bit more, “i’m finding it really hard to look at you right now, Y/N, because i’m hurt by you.” Tears, fake of course, were forming in her eyes.
“Mrs Tucker said she saw you and a young boy kissing outside the grocery store the other night - the same night you said you were going to pick up cleaning supplies.” Your heart dropped to your feet, because it was true. You had been with Harry. You’d never thought about anyone catching you, mainly because you thought no one cared about you enough. Mrs Tucker does like a good gossip though, dammit.
“A boy Y/N!” Your dad shouted in reiteration, making you flinch to the noise.
“Now I told Mrs Tucker that was being silly. That lady will do anything for a natter.” You stilled, thinking you were off the hook, but you should ‘t have been so quick to let your guard down. “Until your dad and I followed you to the grocery store the next night, although we never reached the store did we Y/N? No we were outside a house instead.”
Oh no. You are so dead.
“A boys house, Y/N? You weren’t raised to be a whore.” Your dad spat at you, turning away from you as if the sight of you was disgusting.
“God knows who he is or what you’re doing with him, but it stops. Right now, today.” Your mum gritted through her teeth, obviously trying to keep her calm.
“No!” You mum screamed. “I will not be seen as the mother of a daughter who sleeps with random boys, instead of studying and working hard for her family!”
This was so 1800s. This was your life.
You had actual tears forming in your eyes now, unlike those your mum bared. It was so silly that this was making you cry but you were so upset that they thought they could control your life this way. It was devastating.
“I-I.. I love him though.” You choked out between tiny sobs, “I love him.” You whispered - that having been the first time you’d told someone else other than Harry. It actually felt good. Relieving. To declare your love for Harry made the world feel possible.
“Love? You no nothing about love.” You dad rolled his eyes and you couldn’t help but laugh at his words.
“The only reason I don’t know about love is because I never got it from either of you.” You started to fight back. This was a battle you were determined to win. No more hiding behind a timid figure. You were willing to stand up for yourself - no one else was going to.
“Because there’s nothing to love about you!”
You didn’t recall who this came from, all you remember is your heart dropping below the floor and fleeing from the room. Fleeing from the house. Fleeing from a family who didn’t see you as anything but a human being. You weren’t a daughter to them. You were nothing. Your heart called elsewhere. It yearned for the person closest to you.
It wasn’t until you were met with Harry’s front door that you realised where you were and what had happened.
“Oh Y/N! Hi lov—” Anne greeted you, until she saw that you were crying heavily and your chest was rising rapidly. “Harry!” She shouted into the house, leaving you a brief moment to collapse onto the floor in front of you. You didn’t care for the pain that ran through your knees from the impact - only the pain in your heart from the break it had just suffered.
“Woah angel, hey, hey.” Harry was by your side within seconds, completely incasing his body around you. Your head laid buried against his warm chest and his arms hugged you close to him like never before. His smell was one of home. He encompassed you and made you feel safe and loved. You weren’t alone.
“I-i’m unloveable.”
“But I love you.” Harry whispered against your hair, warm air softly kissing your skin.
“Yes, but—”
“No, “but”. I love you, Y/N L/N, I really fucking do. You’re my other half, baby.” He kissed your forehead a few times, knowing that’s your second favourite place to be kissed. “Your parents don’t deserve you, they really don’t. They’re cruel and cold-hearted, but that doesn’t mean I am. I think you’re beautiful, clever and kind. I think you’re everything i could ever want. And I know that you can’t be unloveable, because i’m, so deeply, in love with you.”
Harry continued to rock you, as your cried into his chest. You’d never believed in yourself before meeting him and you never thought that he could be so genuine towards you. He couldn’t care less what your parents think, as long as he helped remind you that you’re none of what they think of you. You’re so much better than mindless words. You make you you, not your parents. Harry’s helped you discover who you are and who you want to be. Even though your miles from becoming who you want to be, and you have your setbacks, you’re proud of how far you’ve come.
You cried against his chest, until the pain softened and your could regain your breath again. You unburied yourself from his hold and looked up to him with love in your eyes.
“There’s my beautiful girl, looking like a princess in you pretty dress.” He smiled down at you, even though you knew you had puffy eyes, red cheeks and a snotty nose. He loved you and all your perfect imperfections.
“Thank you, H.” You said with a wobble to your lips, really meaning your words.
“I know, baby.”
“I really do love you too.” You made sure he knew. His heart fluttered a little faster over your words. He leaned down to kiss you gently, minding all the salty water and grimy snot that laid on your face. His kiss sent butterflies swarming through your stomach and a new type of red appeared on your cheeks.
“Waffles anyone?” Anne asked as she stood at the door, the smells of sweet honey and cream only hitting you now. It was that moment that you realised your heart had never belonged with your parents, your heart belonged here, with Harry. Forever and always.
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pose ~ pete davidson
word count: 1418
request?: yes!
“Hello!! Could you do a Pete fic where the reader is a photographer, they are doing a photoshoot and Pete keeps flirting with her throughout the photoshoot. She brushes this off and continues as normal, but after the shoot they keep running into each other and one day he asks her out on a date and she says yes. Please? Sorry if this doesn't make sense”
description: in which her flirtiest subject runs into her weeks later and decides to finally make a move
pairing: pete davidson x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
Tumblr media
The interviewer kept trying to ask Pete questions, but he kept getting distracted by the photographer who was taking his picture for the article. She was a beautiful young woman who was so engrossed in her work that it made her ten times more attractive to Pete.
“Mr. Davidson,” the interviewer said, the annoyed edge evident in her voice.
Pete dragged his attention from the photographer, a dopey smile on his face that he knew no one could be upset at. Seeing a fantastic photograph opportunity in this, the photographer quickly snapped another shot.
“What was the question?” Pete asked.
The interviewer sighed and shook her head. “Let’s just finish the photographs and finish the interview back in my office.”
“I think we should be good on photographs, actually,” the photographer said. “I got a lot of good ones if you two want to look at them.”
“Wait, I have a great one to finish with,” Pete said.
He turned his back to the photographer and dramatically stuck his butt out. He twitched towards the camera and made a pouty face, putting his finger to his lips. The photographer giggled and took a snap of Pete’s ridiculous pose.
“(Y/N),” the interviewer snapped, “don’t take a picture, that’s unprofessional.”
“I’m not seriously sending it to be used,” (Y/N) said. “It’s just a funny picture.”
“I don’t care, delete it.”
The interviewer stood and walked back to her office, not even asking Pete to follow her. He looked back to (Y/N) to see her face was flushed and she looked a mixture of upset and angry.
“Don’t actually delete it,” Pete said. “I want to see it.”
(Y/N) brought the picture up on her camera and showed it to Pete. “It’s just the rough copy so it’s sort of lame. With the fancy magazine editing it would look really cool.”
“I think it looks great as it is,” Pete assured her. “I’d love to have a copy sent to me.”
“My boss would freak if I did.” Her eyes flicked to the door where the interviewer had just walked away. Pete could see the frustration in her eyes and guessed that this wasn’t the first time (Y/N) had been verbally berated by her.
“I’m sorry you go through that,” Pete said.
She shook her head and waved away Pete’s apology. “Don’t be. I’ve gotten used to it. Doesn’t make it any less infuriating whenever she gets angry for stupid reasons, but it happens.”
“You don’t deserve to be talked to like that, though. You seem very professional, and even that goofy picture you took of me looks incredible.”
(Y/N) smiled and shyly looked down at her camera, unsure how to respond to his compliment.
“You’re also extremely beautiful, but that’s neither here nor there in regards to photography.”
(Y/N) giggled at this.
“You should go finish the interview. Her royal bitch will be waiting for you,” she told him.
Pete didn’t want to leave. He wanted to keep talking to (Y/N), and he really wanted to ask her out on a date. In a very uncharacteristic way for Pete, he found himself too nervous to do so and instead left with a lame “See you around”. The minute he walked out the doors of the studio they had been taking pictures in, he regretted his decision, but continued to the office of the interviewer so he could finally get it done and over with.
A few weeks later, the article had been published and, unsurprisingly, had blown up massively. It was one of the first interviews that Pete had done that got really deep, and he had talked about a lot of things he had never really publicly discussed before. He fans were eating it up and talking about it non-stop. Pete was happy it had gained such positive traction, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the photographer.
He was in his favorite coffee spot, waiting for his order before running off to work, when the bell over the door rang to signal someone had walked in. Pete glanced up from his phone a moment before looking back down, but then did a quick double take when he realized he recognized the woman who had just walked in.
“Hey! (Y/N)!”
(Y/N), who had also been distracted by something on her phone, looked up to see Pete approaching her. She smiled as she pulled out the one headphone she had in her hear.
“Hey Pete!” she said. “How are you?”
“I’m good, I’m good. How are you?”
“Doing great! I have a job offer with a bigger photography company than the one I was working for. I’m heading there after here actually.”
“Holy shit, that’s amazing!”
“Yeah, well I kinda have you to thank for that. They were impressed with the pictures I took for your article and reached out to offer me the job.”
“That must’ve been a saving grace from the wrath that was your boss. When I saw you had included the goofy picture I could only imagine how angry she must’ve been.”
(Y/N) smirked, the memory of her boss’ face, tomato red with anger, after seeing the silly picture taken of Pete in her “very serious” article.
“It was actually the editor’s choice,” she told him. “When I submitted the pictures I had taken, I had included that one by mistake. But the editor loved it. He said that it showcased more of your personality than just your super serious side. He was so insistent on having the picture in the article that he even threatened to take my boss’ name out of the credits if she continued to throw her hissy fit.”
Pete whistled. “That’s brutal. She must’ve loved that.”
“She practically had steam coming out of her ears for a week. She tried to punish me by having one of our other photographers follow her for her next article, but my editor just paired me up with another of our journalists who is much nicer. And now I have this job offer anyways, so there’s really no lose here for me.”
“Well I’m really happy for you. You deserve a place that’s really going to understand your talent and appreciate you for all you do.”
(Y/N) smiled warmly at Pete. She had also been thinking about him a lot since their first encounter. There had been a few times where she almost asked her boss if she know how (Y/N) could get in contact with Pete, but realized that would likely be a bad idea considering her boss basically already hated her.
The cashier called for the next person in line, which was (Y/N). As she stepped forward to place an order, Pete’s name (or rather his fake name as not to be recognized when out in public) was called. He went to collect his coffee and turned back to (Y/N), who had stepped aside to wait for her own. She was looking up at him, almost expectantly.
Before he could stop himself, Pete blurted, “Do you wanna go out some time?”
(Y/N) nearly sighed with relief when he finally said the words. She nodded quickly and took Pete’s hand in her own. She pulled a pen from her bag and wrote her number on his hand.
“Very middle school of you,” Pete teased.
“That’s what makes it so adorable,” (Y/N) responded. “Text me later, we can figure out a time and date. Preferably sometime soon if you’d like.”
“If it were up to me I’d be taking you out right now.”
(Y/N) giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down at her shoes. “Tempting, but I do have to go for that job interview.”
“How about after that? We can go out to celebrate you getting that super awesome job that you deserve.”
“What if I don’t get it?”
“Impossible, but if that happens then we’ll go out and get fucked up so you forget about the interview instead.”
(Y/N) chuckled. “Okay, sounds like a plan.”
Her name was called before Pete could say anything else. She grabbed her coffee and waved goodbye to Pete, calling, “See you later, Pete!” over her shoulder as she walked out the coffee shop door.
Pete had to stop himself from happy dancing in the middle of the shop in front of so many people, but inside he was already celebrating his own little win.
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
I Said No (Wanda x R): Pt 8
Summary: Did someone order a fluff stuffed pizza with extra cheese? 
Warnings: Language, also a bit of violence
The following day starts as most have the past week, only this time you are not dreading waking up early in the morning for a hike aka jogging at an incline with Nat. In fact, you wake up kind of pumped for it and decide to forego the usual coffee. Nat looks at you like you are crazy. You shrug. “Not all of us need caffeine to live, Natasha.”
But you do, you find out mid-hike.
“Fuck me!” you groan, dragging behind Nat.
“No, thanks. You’ve got Wanda for that,” Nat quips. When you don’t reply, she continues, “What? No comment?”
“I’m saving my energy. I don’t know how much longer I can do this. If I die here from exhaustion, hit me with a rock or something. Make it look like a cooler death,” you say. She laughs. “What happened to not needing coffee?”
“Caffeineless-Me is a delusional me. Don’t ever listen to her,” you huff.
Luckily, you smell coffee when you get back to the house. You hear voices in the kitchen and make a dramatic entrance. Clint, Pietro, and Sam’s conversation halts at your interruption. Finding Clint responsible for the coffee, you butter him up in exchange for the coffee cup he hands you. “You know, I told Laura, you were it. I said ‘Laura, you’ll never find another like this one. A king among simple men.’ True story.” Used to your antics, Clint ignores you but Pietro and Sam laugh.
You spend the afternoon at the arcade with Wanda, Pietro, and Peter. You in fact do beat Pietro at skeeball, rubbing your win in his face. He beats you at everything else. It’s hard to be a sore loser though when you are too busy having fun and entertaining Wanda. 
Wanda pulls you all into a photo booth. The group does their best to fit in what is meant to be a two person booth. Wanda ends up on your lap, you sitting next to Pietro, and Peter sticking his head into the frame. You shoo the boys out after the group photos, wanting a strip of you and Wanda. Despite the free space, Wanda stays seated on your lap, not that you mind it. The first two photos are silly. You kiss her cheek for the third and simply smile for the last one in which Wanda sports a blush looking at you. 
You ask Wanda if she is ready to go to the bookstore yet, not forgetting what you promised. She refrains from saying yes when a game calls her attention. She says you can leave after one more game. Wanda challenges you to Guitar Hero and the results are embarrassing. You stare at her score in shock. You refuse to believe it. “What? There is no way! How?” She giggles when you turn your face to her with your hands on your cheeks. “No wonder you’re so good with your hands.”
She blushes at your comment. “Do you play guitar?” You ask, but before she can confirm or deny, you stop her, “Wait, no. I don’t want to know. ‘Cause if you do, that’s too attractive and we can’t have that.”
“Why not?” She tilts her head to the side.
“Because it will ruin our dynamic, You see, we both bring certain things to the table. You bring in the kind hearted, easy on the eyes superhero thing to the table. Me, I bring in the funny, cute, one year away from graduating college kid thing. My two years playing the trumpet as a child could never match even the thought of you holding a guitar,” you explain.
Wanda looks at you curiously. She smiles cheekily, before saying, “I’ll have to play for you someday then.” She laughs when you groan saying she ruined it all and tugs you by the hand to where the prizes are. You both trade your tickets in for small inflatable sledge hammers that you immediately use against each other standing off to the side of the prizes booth. You feel the employee who helped you out stare at you both and feel like you are getting in trouble, so you stop hitting Wanda.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to stare,” the employee says. “The two of you just make a really cute couple.”
“Oh,” you say surprised, but you don’t correct him, unbeknownst to you, making Wanda suppress a smile. “Thanks.”
“Come on, you promised me a bookstore,” Wanda says, taking your hand and pulling you toward the exit. You spend an hour in the cute bookstore, which Wanda could have easily made two but she took pity on you, seeing you get a little restless walking around the store in circles. She leaves the store with two new books in hand that you had insisted on buying and a smile on her face as you hold the door open for her.
“I would say ‘I got you next time’ but I wouldn’t want to force you to actually read words on paper,” she jokes.
You roll your eyes at her playful remark. “No, we wouldn’t want that.” 
“So, how about we get some ice cream instead?” she offers, hoping to spend a little more time with you out in the town. Your ears perk up at those words. “Now we’re talking, Maximoff!”
“That reminds me. You still haven’t told me your last name.”
“And I’m not talking.” You mime zipping your lips and throwing away the key. Wanda jokes, “Well that’s a first. That was the only key, right?”
Wanda laughs when you roll your eyes and eagerly take the bag with her books out of her hand to carry it instead, replacing it with your own as you practically drag her to the ice cream shop. She tries not to react when halfway to the shop you interlace your fingers and smile at her, but her heart doesn’t get the message.
Tanya smiles when she sees you both back again at the shop. She raises an eyebrow, looking at your hands in question. You catch her look and shake your head in denial at Tanya while Wanda is busy looking at the flavors of ice cream. Tanya purses her lips disapprovingly and you nearly groan. Wanda turns to you and asks if you know what you want, unaware of the silent conversation that occurred before her. 
You tell her to order hers first. Although you see her eyeing the strawberry flavor for a good amount of time, she orders the cotton candy flavor. You look at her surprised. “What? Maybe I want to try something different.”
“Well, in that case, Tanya, I will have two scoops of the strawberry on a cone, please and thank you,” you order. Wanda gives you the same look you’d given her, so you decide to throw her words back at her. “What? Maybe I want to try something different.”
Wanda pays for your ice creams, which of course Tanya would not let slide without commentary. “She’s making you pay for the ice cream? It’s no wonder Y/N stays single. You would think she’d know how to treat a lady.” Tanya shakes her head at you, making you scoff. Wanda laughs but defends you. “She does. This is a small thank you for how well she’s actually done that.”
“Yeah, Tanya! You hear that? I treat people well,” you reiterate as you take your prepared cone from Tanya. “I even did as you said and took her to the fair.” As if it is so unbelievable, Tanya looks at Wanda for confirmation and looks nearly impressed when Wanda nods. You add to pick on Wanda, “All for her to dance with someone else for most of the night.”
This time she scoffs and you try to suppress your smile at how easy you could rile her up. “It was one song,” she defends herself. When she sees that you’re just pulling her leg, she huffs, “You’re annoying,” and goes to sit at the small table by the entrance. Tanya speaks up when you just stand there looking after Wanda with a smile. “Don’t leave her to eat alone now.”
Tanya’s voice startles you out of your trance and you make your way to sit across from Wanda. “It was two songs,” you say, continuing the banter. Wanda retorts before trying her ice cream, “Two. One. What’s the difference?”
“He got one more song with you than I did,” you shrug. You see her make a face of disappointment at the flavor she chose. She replies, “It could have been none with him if someone just asked earlier.”
“Noted. I will let someone know and pass on the message for you,” you tease, earning you a light kick under the table from Wanda while you start with your ice cream. You can only watch her struggle to eat her ice cream and look at yours longingly for so long, before you eventually just snatch hers from her hand. 
“Hey! I was eating that,” she complains. 
“Oh, is that what you were doing? That was a very sad attempt at best. Here, try again,” you say and hand her the rest of your strawberry ice cream. She tries to hand yours back. “I’m not going to take your cone. It’s not the one I ordered.”
You shove the rest of the ice cream you stole into your mouth and eat it as quickly as you can. Wanda stares at you in shock. You try not to make a face at the brain freeze you get. “Well, I just finished yours so now you have no choice.”
Wanda giggles. “You have a brain freeze, don’t you?”
Nothing gets past this woman. You try to deny it anyway. “Nope. Brain warm, actually.”
You don’t fail to make her laugh. She thanks you and you smile as she finishes the strawberry ice cream. You decide to head back to the arcade before the guys get worried. You are surprised they have yet to call or text to ask where you and Wanda were. Wanda says she wouldn’t be surprised if they did not even notice your absence. 
Someone spots you making your way out of the ice cream shop with Wanda and decides to approach you. “Well, well, well. Look who it is,” a loud voice taunts you, making you and Wanda turn your heads to see a guy your age and not so much taller than Wanda approach you. You know him as Abby’s (grocery store lady’s daughter) ex-boyfriend. 
You don’t try to delude yourself into thinking this exchange could be an exchange of simple pleasantries especially given your history and the condescending sneer he throws your way. You huff, mumbling under your breath, “Never move to a small town, Wanda.”
She gives you a questioning look but you ignore it as the ex-boyfriend stands before you both. You give him an obviously fake smile, acknowledging his presence. “Jack,” you say tiredly, not wanting to give anyone the impression you want to actually interact with him. He, on the other hand, has a bone to pick with you and does not plan to let you off easily. 
“Y/N, I see some things never change.” He laughs bitterly, giving Wanda the once over. Not appreciating this, you try to avert his attention back to you and speak in a more fed up tone. “What do you want?”
“What? I can’t say hi to your little girlfriend? You were always so eager to say hello to mine. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t show the same courtesy,” he says, scorn clear in his voice. You really do not have it in you to put up with him and the mess you made that you never dealt with, but you’ve had enough of this biting you in the ass at every corner in this town.
“Look, what I did wasn’t cool. I know, okay? I’m genuinely sorry for not taking your feelings into consideration or talking to you about it before and ignoring the whole thing after it happened. Alright? Can we just move on from this?” you ask, sincerely. Jack looks at you in shock as you await his answer, wanting nothing but to finally move past this mess. Wanda on her end is impressed by your ability to recognize a mistake and apologize. You can feel her looking at you and Jack notices it too, the act riling him up more than anything.
When Jack saw you, he finally found his chance to let everything he was holding back out and seeing you with someone else only assured him he was right about you being this asshole who just goes around stealing people’s girlfriends. He was not expecting an apology. Although it seems to be sincere, it still does not satisfy him and seeing the girl you’re with looking at you the way she is because of it just ticks him off.
So he doesn’t accept your apology. Instead, he turns to Wanda. “It’s a little late for apologies, L/N. Hey, sweetheart. Some advice, best go apologize to your boyfriend before it’s too late, ‘cause whatever you think this is,” he says waving between you and Wanda, “it’s not gonna last.”
Trying to form some semblance of a safety blanket against his fiery gaze, you pull Wanda to stand behind you. Now you’re feeling very irritated. You’re not going to hit him or anything of that nature. God knows you would only hurt yourself. You’ve always strayed away from getting into fights. Besides, why bruise your fists when you could bruise his ego?
“Hey, assface. What do you know about lasting? Last I heard you weren’t doing too well with that. Some advice for you,” you taunt him, using the same tone he did with Wanda, “when you are finally doing something right, which you’ll know since Abby’s not really a quiet one, give her neck a little squeeze and-” You snap smugly. “She can thank me later.”
The whole time you were talking, you could practically see steam coming out of his ears. It’s logical to stay clear when you see the signs of a volcano about to erupt, but when you are standing two feet away from the danger zone, it’s a little hard to avoid getting hurt. You see it coming but you are not quick enough to dodge it. Suddenly, your ass is on the sidewalk, vision impaired as your hand covers the left side of your face that is throbbing in pain. Wanda would say her vision is also impaired as all she sees is red. Not caring if anyone sees, she uses her magic to hold him by the throat, red wisps tightening around his neck. She sees the panic in his eyes but doesn’t ease up. 
“Don’t you ever lay a hand on her again. In fact, from now on you don’t talk to her unless she’s speaking to you. Don’t look at her unless she calls your name,” Wanda threatens him, her voice deadly calm, you would almost define it as soothing. Jack wouldn’t. “You know who I am, don’t you?” Jack nods to the best of his abilities, starting to feel light headed. “If you even think about touching her again, I’ll know.” 
She releases her magical hold. He coughs, bringing back oxygen into his lungs. Jack sees the red fade from the witch’s eyes but her stare still holds a fire. Not wanting to enrage the witch any further, he sprints away as soon as she says, “Leave.”
As soon as he is out of sight, Wanda turns to check on you. She finds you already on your feet but your hand is still over your face. She pries your hand away and sees the damage, a bruise already forming over your cheek. You flinch when she prods it gently. Wanda gives you a questioning look when you unexpectedly giggle.
“Sorry, it’s just. Nat always said my big mouth would get me into trouble like this one day. I was really hoping she would be wrong about this one,” you explain, looking away from her but still giggling. Wanda doesn’t find it funny. She gently takes your chin to face her. “It’s not your fault. He had no right to lay a finger on you.”
Wanda’s intense stare doesn’t waver. It’s almost demanding you to understand that what happened can’t be brushed off as a joke and it works. Your mind replays the events and you feel a lump in your throat. Wanda brushes a tear away from your cheek. You hadn’t been aware of the tears forming in your eyes. The sound of a car passing by snaps you out of your emotional state. You haven’t had a good cry in a long while, but like hell will you allow yourself to break down on the sidewalk in front of the ice cream shop where you used to work.
You chase away the tears and clear your throat. Today was a great day for the most part; you weren’t going to let this bump in your trail keep you from continuing on to have a great day and ending it on a good note. Your eyes are a vault of tears, and though you know one day that door is going to open and possibly drown you, today would not be that day. 
You pull away from Wanda’s touch but before she can say anything about it you hold that hand in yours. “Thank you. I’m lucky you were here.” You avoid cringing at how your voice breaks halfway through, evidence of the lump in your throat you cleared away. You manage a small smile instead. 
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I hope I didn’t frighten you,” Wanda says, suddenly embarrassed at her quick tempered reaction. This brings out a genuine giggle out of you. “Are you kidding me? Frighten me? The only scary thing about your reaction was how attractive I found it!” 
You can tell Wanda doesn’t believe you, searching your face for any sign that you may be lying and saying this just to humor her. “No, seriously. His pants were wet out of fear. My pants were wet in an entirely different way,” you press. She laughs with glowing red cheeks. As the color fades, you and she decide to head back to the arcade after you refused her offer of getting you something cold at the store to rest against your cheek.
Pietro and Peter didn’t notice you had left the arcade, but they do notice your bruised cheek quickly. After dismissing their concerns, you ask if they were ready to head back. They say they still have to trade their tickets in, so you let them go do that. It isn’t too long until you are back to the car.
It turns out you are the only one in the car with a license, but you’re not feeling up to driving back to the house. Peter looks nervous at the prospect of driving, barely having taken two lessons at school, so he isn’t going to drive. Wanda wants to sit by you, so she lets Peter sit up front. That leaves Pietro to drive.
Big mistake.
You make it home in one piece with your bruised cheek, a massive headache, and a date with the church on Sunday after promising God you would go if you make it back home alive. Pietro brakes hard when pulling up right behind Nat’s car. Luckily, he didn't hit her car. You didn’t need to survive Pietro’s wild car ride, just so Nat could kill you after. 
The twins are arguing. “God, Wanda. No one likes a backseat driver,” Pietro says as he puts the car in park and takes the key out of the ignition. Wanda yells, “No, but I’m sure we would all like to live to see past our 20’s and Peter past high school!”
At the mention of his name, Peter finally opens his eyes and loosens his tight grip on his seatbelt. “Oh, we’re here? I, um, have to go to the bathroom.” He excuses himself before basically ripping the door open and running into the house on shaky legs. Pietro also storms out of the car but more so in irritation from his sister.
“Are you okay?” Wanda asks you, taking off her seatbelt. You unbuckle yours and laugh to ease her concerns. “Yeah, just give me a moment. I don’t think my life is done flashing before my eyes yet.” 
Wanda giggles as you act out seeing your life replaying in your mind. “Okay, almost done. Exercise with Nat, board games, seeing you naked.” You laugh when she punches your arm. “Arcade, your brother almost killing us all, and finished. Wow, I lived a pretty good life.”
She shakes her head at your silliness, before practically pulling you out of the car. Most of everyone is in the living room when you come inside. You guess your bruise must be very noticeable, your cousin gasping upon seeing your face. She rushes to your side with the help of Clint and sees the damage.
“Y/N, what happened?” she asks, a motherly type of concern slipping into her tone.
“It’s not as bad as it looks, I promise.” You thank Nat when she sits you down and helps place an ice pack on your injury.
“It looks pretty bad, kid,” Clint says, not helping ease the concern on his wife’s or his best friend’s face. 
“You should have seen the other guy,” you say, acting like you actually did anything other than stare mouth agape as Wanda took care of Jack. The disbelief on everyone’s face when you said that, including Sam’s, was insulting. You scoff, “Okay, ouch. I could have taken care of business if Wanda wasn’t there, thank you very much.”
“So, Wanda was there?” Nat pries and you tell them everything. Laura thanks Wanda for doing what she did and Wanda, being of humble heart, claims it goes unsaid that she would do that for any of them and there was no need to thank her. Nat doesn’t say ‘I told you so’ but she tells you it’s time to learn self-defense as she wants you to quote unquote “be prepared next time god forbid something like this happens again”, which to you was another way of saying ‘I told you so’, 
Nat says she will personally see to giving you your first lesson tomorrow. Clint laughs at the thought and suddenly everyone is amped to watch Nat teach you some moves in the morning, inviting themselves to be your audience as if embarrassing yourself in front of Natasha was not going to be enough. Everyone leaves you alone to get ready to sleep after that. 
After changing into your pjs, you pull out your phone and scroll through your camera roll sitting on the couch. You have at least fifty or so new photos of just today. You smile as you watch the video you recorded of Wanda and Pietro playing Dance Dance Revolution. Watching them interact today, you are reminded of you and Laura and Nat and if their bond is anything like yours, you are happy that Wanda has someone like that in her life. 
Wanda comes downstairs to check up on you before turning in for the night. She hears you before she sees you, your giggles cutting through the air. She follows the sound, curious as to what has you in such spirits. When she is close enough, Wanda sees you are laughing at something playing on your phone. 
“What are you watching?” Wanda asks from behind you.
“Just some of the stuff I recorded today. Come look.” You invite her over.
Leaning over your shoulder, she finds out it is a video of her and her brother playing the dancing game at the arcade. She fails to see what you find so funny but as the video plays on, you kept zooming in and out of Wanda’s face as she pouts every time she missteps but the look of determination never wavering. 
You think it’s a cute video but you aren’t surprised when Wanda lunges for your phone in an attempt to take it and delete the video. You lean forward away from Wanda on time so that she cannot reach it. She groans, “Delete it.”
“Mmm, no.” You shake your head and laugh when Wanda wastes her energy to maneuver around the couch to take the phone away only for you to hide it behind your back away from Wanda’s hands. She looks down at you unimpressed. “Y/N, do you really think that’s going to work? I can take it with a wave of my hand.”
“Tsk tsk tsk. Always relying on your magic. Afraid you can’t get it without twirling your fingers?” you shoot back with a smirk. Your cockiness is short lived as you see Wanda sport the same look of determination she wore in the video you took. She surprises you by settling onto your lap, basically straddling you. She holds you by the shoulders. You nearly whimper when she leans into your ear and whispers, “I’ll show you twirling my fingers.”
She leans away from your ear and looks you right in the eye as one hand begins to wander down your chest. You hold your breath when she gets to your belly button. You should have known better, misreading the smirk on her face. It all takes a turn when she brings her other hand down and begins to tickle you. 
You try fighting her off with one hand, keeping the other with your phone behind your back, but she’s relentless. You flail around and you end up lying on the couch, Wanda still on top of you. You can’t help the tear that slips and you take that as your cue to beg her to stop. “Mercy! Mercy! Stop!”
Wanda eases up on the tickling, giving you time to catch your breath, but she makes no move to get off of you nor to actually take your phone away. She rests her hands on your stomach and watches you, amused when you wipe away your tear. 
“That wasn’t nice,” you breathe out. She chuckles. You stare at her as if it is your turn to gaze at her in wonder. She takes you by surprise again when she asks, “Can I kiss you?”
She’s kissed you before. Hell, you’ve done a lot more than that, so you’re wondering why she’s even asking at this point. At the confusion on your face, she explains, “I mean, can I kiss you just to kiss you?”
Finally understanding what she is asking, you sit up and give her your permission. “You can kiss me whenever you want. It doesn’t have to lead to anything.” She hesitates to move so as a show of faith you peck her lips, startling her. “See?”
Wanda smiles and leans forward to kiss you. It’s a slow but still rather chaste kiss. It takes your breath away and when she pulls back she giggles as your lips unconsciously chase after hers. She gives you what your lips were seeking for, pulling you further into her by your neck and tangling her hands in your hair. You are kissing slowly but then you’re not when you slip your hands under her shirt to grip her waist. You pull away and kiss down her neck. 
Wanda starts to feel hot. She doesn’t know when she started to grind onto you, but her hips are actively working to find some friction to relieve the feeling that’s bubbled up. You’re both wearing too many clothes, she thinks. She pushes you away and goes to take off her shirt, but when she had pushed you, you’d come to your senses. You stop her and pull her shirt back down. 
“As much as I’d like to, Clint and Nat seeing me in boxers haunts me to this day. I don’t want to imagine what they’d do if someone saw us less than decent on the couch,” you explain. 
“Oh,” she says, almost a little dejectedly, but Wanda understands. She honestly forgot they were in the living room, open for anyone to accidentally walk in on them. You crack a joke at her sounding so bummed. “Sorry if I gave the idea that I’d be comfortable putting it all out there for show. I don’t know what kind of things you and your ex-robo-boyfriend liked to do, but not everyone can be as free spirited.”
Knowing what comes next after a joke like that, you are quick to grab her wrists before she punches your arm. “Or as violent,” you add, laughing when she pouts at not getting her way. You wrap your arms around her before falling back to lie on the couch. Wanda stretches out her legs to get more comfortable, which is hard to do given your arms are still wrapped around her holding her arms down as well. 
“You’re the worst,” she mumbles into your neck. You laugh. “Hey, don’t start comparing me to your exes. It’s hard to compete with a lab-produced man. He’s probably over six feet tall and can do long division in a blink. Probably does the cheesy things you like, like serenading you and lipsyncs as the song actually plays from his mouth.”
Your arms loosen up as you speak, allowing Wanda to shift more so beside you. Wanda giggles at your rambling and throws an arm around your stomach. “He’s not an Alexa, Y/N.”
“Are you sure? Or you just never tried saying ‘Vision, play Summer by Calvin Harris’?” She bites your shoulder instead of swatting at you. “Ow. What kind of name is Vision anyway? I mean that can only mean he’s packing some serious stuff cause moaning out ‘Vision’ is just not it, you know? I mean, it’s better than ‘Brad’ but honestly most anything is better than Brad.” 
“Ugh!” Wanda lets out in frustration and a hint of embarrassment. Her face turns pink but she tries to hide it behind her hand. She says something else you don’t catch as it’s muffled by her palm. You grab her hand and move her arm back to its original position around you. “What was that?”
“I said ‘I don’t’,” Wanda repeats. 
“You don’t, what?” you ask. Wanda waits a second for you to catch up. “Wait, you and he never?” you ask. When she shakes her head, you are too bewildered by that possibility that you have to confirm. “Never ever?”
She rolls her eyes at you. “Sorry, it’s just that,” you pause. A thought that nearly shuts down your brain takes over and you have to ask, but you weren’t sure how, not knowing if she would want it brought up in case the answer was yes. “Wait! Were you? I didn’t, um.. Did I…”
“Did you, what?” Wanda cautiously asks, noting how hesitant you are to ask whatever it is you were trying to figure out. You clear your throat. “Was I your first?”
You don’t know what you hoped the answer to be. Yes? Being someone’s first can be a big deal and if you were hers, Wanda’s first time, you’d have to move to a mansion for the size of your ego. But another thought arises. Did you live up to her expectations? Her body language seemed to say yes, but maybe she’s just really good at lying. Did you actually disappoint? Wanda disrupts your thoughts by laughing… loudly. 
“Well, damn. A simple ‘no’ would’ve been sufficient,” you pout. Internally, you are a little relieved to not have been the first. When she leaves here, you’ll probably be brought up at an odd time or another in conversation. Three of the small group of Avengers will probably remember you as Wanda’s fling, but you wouldn’t be able to stand being seen as that goof that deflowered the second youngest member of the team. 
“Do not take this the wrong way, Y/N, but I’m glad you were not my first,” she says. Obviously, your response is “Ouch. I don’t know how there is any other way to take that.” She continues, “Because I got to enjoy myself with you. The first time for me was not fun. I didn’t even really like him, but I was tired of everyone comparing me to Pietro, who is as you say more of a ‘free spirit’, and I guess I wanted to prove I could be too.”
With one hand you run your fingers through her hair and with the other you rub her arm in comfort. “Well then in that case, I’m glad I wasn’t your first as well. Also, I enjoyed it too.” She giggles, making you smile in return. “Just sayin’.”
“What about you?” she asks. 
“My first time?” She nods. You hesitate to get into it and she gives you an out. “You don’t have to.”
“No, it’s only fair. My first was actually Skye,” you say. Wanda looks surprised. “I know. A lot of firsts with that one.”
“How did you meet?” Wanda keeps the conversation flowing after a heavy pause.
You chuckle remembering how it happened. “It all started with what Laura coined the great animal rescue,” you start. You tell her the beginning, the middle, and the end of your first and really only relationship. 
“Was she the girl in the picture you showed Peter?” Wanda knows the answer. Why does she do this to herself? Maybe to try to get it through her head that there is someone out there that knows you the way she does and maybe better. Of course, a straight yes or no is too much to ask from you. “Daisy Ridley? I wish! Could you imagine? Rey Skywalker?”
“Maybe Sam has a right to tease you. You are a nerd.” You scoff, “Excuse me. Anyone would be lucky to date ‘only the prettiest woman alive!’” you repeat Peter’s voice, trying to make his voice. Wanda laughs at your impersonation of the young hero.
You remove Wanda’s arm and get off the couch. She frowns. “Where are you going?”
“Getting us a blanket and pillows. It’s way late and although I can talk with you until the sun rises, I need to get some sleep before Nat kicks my ass tomorrow. I’ll be right back,” you say with a smile before turning to grab said items.
You come back, hand Wanda a big pillow you decide you would both use, and stretch the blanket out over her before getting under it and back to the way you were before. 
“Are you comfortable? Do you want the other pillow?” you ask her, which she really appreciates. Once she tells you she’s all good, you kiss her head and wish her sweet dreams.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Wanda replies.
She can’t understand how Skye held so much of you and let you go. Holding you and talking through the night with you, she knows it’s going to hurt when she will have to do the same in a few days. She holds you tighter and closes her eyes, hoping to dream of you tonight.
“Does Vision come with WiFi?”
“Y/N, go to sleep,” Wanda mutters, though she tries not to laugh.
“Sorry, just wondering. Goodnight, Wanda.”
Did Vision have wifi? He doesn’t work like a router, does he? Could she have had a personal hotspot the entire time she was dating him? Wanda needs answers.
“I bet you’re thinking about it now too, huh?” 
“Sorry, sleeping now.”
@madamevirgo @marvels-writings @gayarchnemissis @myperfectlovestory @purplemeetsblue @magicallymaximoff @b0mbdotc0m @helloalycia @ironscarletwidowsoilder @cantcontroltheirfear @trikruismybitch @your-my-mission @imagine-reblog @fayhar @idek-5 @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @bemyvitamin @musicinourlips @paumxmff @wandamaximoffsrings @yeetus-thyself @lostandsearching @when-wolves-howl @euphoriaszn2 @gingerbreadcookieforlife 
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howggswouldreact · 3 years
📏 The Only Tall Maknae | Wonyoung
Request: hii can i request an izone wonyoung jealous cuddles scenario with shorter fem!reader? thank uu Plot: Wonyong and the small idol Fem!Reader are in a relationship. During MAMA, Wonyoung gets jealous of her girlfriend. Words: 2,661 Genre: fluff Notes: tried to write it in a way that was closer to the thoughtless attitude of teenagers inexperienced in having a relationship as idols. there are spaces for prequels or part two, maybe. if you want, send me a plot and i will write more from this universe! hope you like it! have a nice week!
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Wonyoung was happy to be at MAMA again. What made her even happier, in addition to performing and receiving all the love from Wizones, was that you were there, with her. Not exactly with her, since the location of the tables was made so that her group and yours were somewhat distant, but you both were there, giving sneaky glances at each other and dancing excitedly during more animated performances by groups you liked. You had to control yourselves, trying to be discreet, even though almost all the idols in your circle of friends already knew your closeness was something more. There were cameras there and they weren't kind at all.
You met through friends and have been dating for almost a year. Staying with her took away all your tiredness, reinvigorated your energies and left you with a happiness never felt before. She was the most beautiful and adorable girl in the world. And you were lucky to be her girlfriend. Very lucky.
Your group had made the second comeback in a year and, for the first time, your schedules were proximate. You were doing your best and she was doing her best, and you were able to meet in the meantime.
You just didn't expect to be nominated for Best New Female Artist, but Wonyoung was rooting for you, and when it came time to announce the winning group, you focused on her again and sighed.
"You are just a silly in love.", Soojin's voice sounded low in your ear, clearly mocking your "heart eyes" towards Wonyoung.
You felt your cheeks getting hot. The pros and cons of being a maknae... even though you were spoiled in many moments, your group really liked to make jokes about how you lost the bossy pose when you were with your girlfriend. And also the difference between your height and hers. It was extremely evident! But you loved it, after all, you could hide your face on her neck while you hugged.
"I'm not silly!", you said, smiling.
You turned your face to the stage, where the MC's were about to read the name of the award-winning female group.
Your eyes met Wonyoung's for a moment, looking for strength in case your group didn't win, and you gave her a bigger smile, getting back the most beautiful smile in the world.
Until they announced the name of your group.
There was a round of applause and you were a little lost, in shock, looking at your group mates for answers. Did you imagine things or did you really win? Your expression was so shocked that, at the same time, several fans were already turning into a meme on the social media. Feeling goosebumps come and go through your entire body and a light tug from Soeun on your arm, you got up and went from your table to the stage.
After that, everything went very fast. The leader, Soojin, said gratitude words to the fans, the staffs, everyone who supported the group, promises to continue working hard to deliver a good message through music, etc...
Wonyoung was very proud of you and, as your group came down from the stage and went to a part on the side of it for pictures, Yujin made a joke that she couldn't understand, but it was about the two of you. She looked at Eunbi as if she was seeking approval to come to you, but Eunbi was in a conversation with Nako about the award.
"It was pretty obvious that they were going to win, they are the best!", Yena exclaimed, when a new presentation started.
"You guys make a couple of very powerful maknaes, despite the height difference!", Chaewon whispered, from Wonyoung's left side, making her smile.
A few minutes went by and Wonyoung wanted to be able to go directly to you to congratulate you, even if not in the warm way she would do backstage, with a very tight hug and soft kisses on your lips, calling you "my love". Looking for you at your table, Wonyoung frowned. Your whole group was there, even the prize was there with them, but where were you? Were you at the bathroom?
"Where...", Wonyoung's question died in it's beginning. A few tables on the left, there were you. Holding another girl's hands. And that was enough for Wonyoung to feel her cheeks flush with jealousy and her heart sinking into her chest.
"I can't wait to take several selfies with it! It's so beautiful!", whispered Yein beside you, thinking about the award that was in Soojin's hands.
You nodded as you went up the stairs, until you felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning aroung, shoulders and a smile that formed an enlarged heart were the first things that took over your vision, indicating that the person who called you was tall. You focused your gaze on the face, raising your head, and realized that the owner of the smile was Yeeun, as known as J, a member of StayC. And your friend and classmate.
"Hey!", she greeted you, still smiling, and held your hands. "You rocked up there! I only got time to listen to your group's album yesterday, but it's really good! Congratulations on the award!"
"Oh, thank you so much!", you came a little closer to her to allow the girls to go up the narrow stairs. "I'm in love with your album too. ASAP always manages to make me very happy, even on days when my mood is not... good."
You were not praising each other for no reason, you had known each other long enough to not need formal praises.
"I know how hard you and your group worked for it and it was really deserved.", she had a caring glow in her eyes. "I know I haven't been on this idol journey for a long time but if you need anything, I'm here. I know there may be some difficulties but we will get through them together!"
"You can count on me too, Yeeun. This is not easy at all, but we are managing to achieve our dream almost together! Can you believe it?", you said, smiling excitedly.
Until you felt the lighting of the place get a little darker.
Yeeun's eyes landed on a spot above your head. You turned around to see the reason why there was a shadow on you, and there she was. Your girlfriend.
Yeeun greeted Wonyoung, bowing, while she was standing there, beautiful and in that black outfit full of sparkles that left you mesmerized since the beginning of her presentation.
"Hello, bab-sun-babe-nim!", you stuttered, impacted by the beauty of your girlfriend.
Almost calling her "babe", you tried to fix it by calling her (actually trying to call her) sunbaenim. Even though Yeeun knew about your relationship (you had already told her since you were friends), you didn't want any strangers to know. And that place was full of cameras and ears everywhere. It was risky. But your correction to the soft nickname you used to call her only made Wonyoung raise an eyebrow. There was something in her eyes and you knew it wasn't because of the makeup.
Yeeun greeted her and Wonyoung used a polite education towards the girl of almost the same height, differentiating by a few centimeters almost imperceptible, but that, with you between them, made you look much younger than them, even though the three of us had almost the same age.
Wonyoung praised StayC's performance and Yeeun thanked her before saying bye to you both and heading to the table where her group was at.
You raised your hand to Wonyoung's but the tall girl crossed her arms.
"Hey, what's up?", you asked.
"Nothing.", her tone was harsh and you felt a small pain your in your chest, but she had a smile on her face. A fake smile. "I wanted to be the first to congratulate you, but someone has already done that.", The smile was still on her face, for the cameras, but the tone of voice was still kinda rude towards you. "I can't even hold your hands without hear you saying that some people might be surprised by it, but apparently it's just with me. But, congratulations on the award, Y/N. It was well deserved. The girls and I congratulate your group.", she turned and started walking in towards Izone's table.
"Hey, what's up, Wonnie?", you asked, hurrying to catch up with her, but keeping an expression of false happiness on your face.
"Nothing.", her tone of voice cut into your heart, she hadn't even bothered to turn around.
"Hey, you know I can't keep up with your stride, that's not fair."
She stopped on the stairs, in the corridor that led to where her group's table was, turning to you and you almost ran into her, taking a few steps back.
"Just don't!", her gaze on you was as hard as her voice, but the smile was wide open on her face, it was petrified there.
You stopped as you watched your girlfriend move on without looking back.
"I can really do whatever tomorrow morning, I don't care, I just need to get this sorted out as soon as possible."
"I just think it's too late for you to go there...", Soojin had some concern in her voice.
"Have you texted her yet?", Jiyoon asked, stretched out on the living room floor.
"Several times and she doesn't answer nor even reply my texts since yesterday.", you paced back and forth in front of the television.
"If you keep walking like this, we'll find petroleum," said Soeun.
You sat on the floor next to Jiyoon.
"None of the girls answer you?", asked Seojeong, stretching.
"Hyewon replied that she is in a bad mood and locked herself in the room after dinner."
"What did you do, huh?", Yein asked.
"I don't know!", you almost shout, hiding your face in your hands.
"Oh, go on then because one in a bad mood is one thing but two in bad mood in different groups is a punishment! Go, go!", Soojin pulled you by the arm to get up and started pushing you towards the door .
"But what about the manager..."
"We'll find a way to cover you up, don't worry!", Seojeong said and Soojin closed the door.
You went down the stairs, calling an uber.
"Do you know how late it is?", asked Hyewon, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"I know you don't usually sleep early, Hyewon. But it's a life-and-death situation!", you replied while removing your shoes in the lobby, only your socks on your feet.
"Death for whom? Only if it is for us, right? The sour mood she was in... I asked if she wanted salad and she almost killed me with her eyes!", with a tone of indignation, Sakura started to speak. "What did you do, huh?"
"I don't know!", you were about to cry. "Can I go and talk to her?"
The two girls nodded and you crossed the room to the hall like a bullet. When you opened the door, the room was dark and you already knew the way to Wonyoung's bed because you visited her sometimes. But instead of lying down, you knelt beside the bed, even in the dark, and whispered her name. You wanted to hold her hand but you were afraid. If she was upset with you, she probably wouldn't want you even there.
"Wonyoung?", you called again, this time in a louder tone.
"I can't believe you came here even after I treated you like that."
You didn't understand what the phrase meant.
"Can I lie down?", you asked, receiving in response Wonyoung moving her body to give you some space.
You embraced her in a hug, hoping she wouldn't reject it, even with her back to you. Again, her answer did not come in words. She held your arm around her.
"What did I do? Tell me so I won't repeat it.", your face was on her back.
"I'm feeling ashamed."
"Of me?"
"No! Of you??? Never! I'm ashamed of myself. I can't even look at you...", she confessed.
You were still confused, but you hugged her tighter. You wanted her to feel you there.
"You don't have to. You didn't do anything wrong, Wonnie..."
You heard a loudest sigh and she turned to you, resting her hand on your neck and touching your foreheads.
"I... I was an idiot. You, your group, had just won one of the most important awards of the night! I myself know how it feels to win it, I know how rewarding it is and... at the moment I-I didn't support you because I was... jealous.", you knew you shouldn't interrupt her, she was venting out. "I wish I could've hugged you and praised you... I feel so proud of you and everyting that you have achieved... but I saw you with that girl and she was holding your hands and she was smiling with such affection, I don't know what I was feeling other than jealousy.", her voice showed a little bit of anger and fragility but she kept her hand on your neck, caressing it. "I was wondering if she was special enough to show affection like that in front of so many cameras... if you liked tall maknaes and...", at that moment you laughed. "Hey, don't laugh! This is not funny at all!", she slapped you lightly on the shoulder.
"No, babe, what's funny is that you think I could have eyes for anyone but you."
"Yeah, you go ahead and think it's funny! And if it were me with, I don't know, a short maknae like you, holding her hands, wouldn't you be jealous when you saw it from a distance, without having an idea of ​​what's going on? Would it be funny?"
"Yah! I get it! Don't even make me think of you with someone else.", you took her wrist and stroked it. "Yeeun is just a friend from school and she was congratulating me. There was nothing else. There would never be. She knows about us and gives the greatest support! I just didn't get to introduce you decently because there is never enough time. I want you to see that you don't have to feel jealous because you are the only tall maknae I love. I love you. "
"I'm sorry for ruining everything and making you come here almost at the dawn. You shouldn't have come so late!", she pulled you into a tight hug. "But at the same time I'm so glad and relieved you came.", she whispered that last sentence.
"I would come at anytime.", you whispered back, kissing her cheek.
"It's too late for you to leave. What are you going to do? We can arrange everything for you to stay.", you were going to talk but Wonyoung wouldn't let you. "We can really work it out, make up a very good lie for the managers, take you back to the dorm quickly tomorrow very early. I imagine you have a lot of commitments now that you've won the award but... it's so late... and I want you to stay with me."
"Okay, I'll stay.", you replied, without thinking. "But I need some clothes to sleep."
"Okay, you can borrow Nako's pajamas."
"I'm kidding!", Wonyoung laughed. "You can borrow one of mine. It'll be huge on you, but you look beautiful anyway."
Embarrassed, you hid your face on her neck and felt her presence for a while, a warm embrace full of a young love that was blooming beautifully. The next day, you would have to deal with your manager scolding you a lot, knowing he would be right, but for now, you would enjoy your time with Wonyoung. Whatever happened next, it wouldn't matter. What mattered now was to be with the only tall maknae that you loved with all your heart.
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zukkoxx · 3 years
mha boys doing the hickey prank on you
(w/ bakugo, kiri, shinsou)
bakugo 💥
you and bakugo’s relationship started with bickering and annoying each other till you drive the other crazy.
and that didn’t stop when you started dating.
now, it’s more of pulling silly little pranks on each other.
and each time you would try to one up the other.
well, the last prank you pulled in bakugo had him fuming, he was mad for a week.
so obviously he had to get you back even worse.
he got mina to help him, figuring she’d be best at making the makeup look like the actual thing.
she berated him the whole time, telling him if he broke her best friend’s heart she’d shoot acid in his eyes.
he brushed off her comment. you deserved this.
it was a little late in the evening after you get to bakugo’s dorm, finished with all the tasks you had to do today.
“hey kats.” you greet, placing your things on his desk and joining him on the bed where he was sitting on his phone.
he looked up at you, almost feeling bad when you gave him a genuine smile before snuggling up next to him. “whats up?” you say when he doesn’t respond.
“nothing. how was your day?” he quickly asked.
the two of you talked for a while about random stuff, and at some point you went up to kiss his cheek, laughing at a comment he made.
but you freeze when you see a dark, purplish mark on the side of his neck, in plain sight.
you furrowed your brows, wondering how you hadn’t noticed to before.
“katsuki...what’s this?” you ask, making him turn from his phone and look at you.
“what’re ya talkin about dumbass?”
“don’t call me a dumbass, what the hell is this on your neck?” you speak louder, pressing a finger under the mark.
“it’s nothing, probably a bruise from a mission-”
the blond widens his eyes at your deep tone and the way you said his name. he never really heard you speak like this unless it was towards a villain. but even then, you never sounded this serious.
“you and i both know that’s not a fucking bruise.”
he stares at you silently, not knowing if he should end the prank or not.
he decides to push on.
“i don’t know what you want me to say.” he shrugs, looking away from you. he couldn’t stand seeing the hurt in your eyes.
you scoff, trying to get rid of the pressure building in you throat. “you really are just a big asshole, aren’t you?”
he stayed quiet. “if you wanted to break up with, you could’ve just told me.” you try so hard to keep your tears at bay, not letting them cross your waterline.
but it feels like a dagger had been stabbed through your heart.
“and to think, i thought you could have actually loved me.” you chuckle darkly before trying to get off the bed.
upon hearing your words, bakugo quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you against him.
“i do love you-”
“let me go you asshole!” you push his chest, tears finally escaping. “we’re done! that’s what you wanted right?”
“y/n it’s not real! calm down.”
he holds your waist so you were sitting on his lap, keeping you still. you look at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. “what the hell do you mean it’s not real?”
he stared at you for a second, almost scared that if he looked away, you’d be gone. but he eventually reaches to the table beside his bed and grabs a makeup wipe mina lended him. he quickly wiped the mark, staring at you intensely.
“see?” he turns his head, and you find the purple mark gone, only a slight red pigment left from where he wiped so harshly. “fake.” he holds up the wipe so you see the purple stains covering it.
“it was a prank.”
you felt like you could finally breath again, but your relief quickly turned into anger, and you punched bakugo’s chest out of instinct. he didn’t react.
“i hate you. why would you do this?”
“you pranked me last week!” bakugo states, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“i put pink dye in your shampoo katsuki. this was overboard.” you mutter, wiping your cheeks to get rid of sparse tears.
bakugo frowned, feeling even more bad about the whole thing. he had to admit, he took it too far. “you’re right. i’m sorry.” you didn’t respond, but accepted his apology.
“hey.” bakugo lifted your chin to look at him. “you know i love you, right? more than fucking anything.” you nod. “don’t ever doubt my love for you, or i may have to blow myself up for making you feel that way.”
you laugh slightly, bending down so you could hug when, pushing your face into his neck.
“you know i’m getting you back for this.”
kirishima often does things without thinking ahead.
not fully comprehending the consequences of his actions.
this was one of those moments.
it was april fools day! great right?
except kiri and the boys made a bet, wondering who could pull the best prank on someone in their class.
kiri took a while thinking about who he should prank. and eventually, a perfect prank to pull on his precious s/o came to mind.
a hickey prank. haha....ha. -_-
he had seen tons of videos where someone made a fake hickey and pranked their s/o with it. he always laughed his ass off at them.
this would be the perfect opportunity!
so he sprinted to ochaco’s back room, hers being the closest, and asked for some makeup he would return quickly.
he went to his room, doing his best at imitating the red, purplish bruise you’d often give each other.
when he thought he did the best he could, he leaves his room, trying to find you so he could get the prank over with.
he sees you in the kitchen, eating a bowl of fruit, chatting with jiro.
he makes his way over slowly, nervousness creeping up his spine with the amount of people in the common area at the moment.
he didn’t want to embarrass you, but he didn’t want to give any of the boys 50 dollars either.
he stood behind you, awkwardly waiting for you to finish talking to jiro.
jiro looks past you, motioning for you to check. you turn, eyes brightening as they land upon your boyfriend.
“hey kiri, what some fruit?” you push the bowl towards him, and he shakes his head with a dopey smile. “no thanks babe. just checking on you.”
you melt at his kind words, about to respond when jiro speaks up beside to. “i think you should be checking on yourself kiri. jeez y/n, are you human or a leech?” she covers her moth to stifle a laugh, pointing to a very specific spot on kiri’s neck.
you halfheartedly laugh, confused, and glanced at the area yourself.
you breath stops when you notice a big purple mark covering the side of his neck.
you didn’t do that to him...
kirishima stands uncomfortably still, not real really knowing what to do this far into the prank.
“kirishima? wha...” you can’t even speak, just utterly astonished at what you’re seeing.
you stare at him and shake your hands, waiting for him to explain himself.
“are you going to say something!?” you ask, the hurt in your voice making his heart break.
he didn’t like this. not at all. why did he do this?
“...fuck you kiri.” you spit, ignoring the fact that you still used his nickname while you were mad at him.
you walked away in a hurry, leaving jiro glaring at kirishima.
“what did you do?” she asked.
“i-it was a joke! a prank! i...it’s april fools!”
“well go tell them that!” jiro says, pushing kiri to go follow you.
kirishima runs after you, getting to you as soon as you enter the elevator to go to your dorm. he sprints inside, crashing into you in the process.
he looks at you with wide eyes when he sees tears running down your face. “why are you here?” you quickly yell.
“y/n it’s a prank! it’s april fools day, please baby! i’m sorry!” he goes to hug you. you don’t return it but you don’t push him away either.
“what the heck eijiro! that wasn’t funny!” you yell in distress. you were happy it wasn’t real, but the feeling from being absolutely heart broken to feeling better in the span of seconds was overwhelming.
“i know. i know it was stupid of me to even attempt this. i made a stupid bet with the others. i am so sorry. you know i’d never do this to you. please, forgive me.” he begs, holding onto you for dear life.
“i’m really upset with you right now, eijiro.”
“you should be. i don’t blame you y/n. but please, don’t leave me.”
you sighed, finally going to hug him back. “i’m not going to leave you kiri. i was scared you were leaving me!”
“i’d never! never in a million years!”
“i know, just don’t do that again. you really scared me.”
he nods against you. “never again.”
shinsou 🌀
shinsou was never good at expressing his emotions.
he was very reserved and even though you were his s/o, you often had trouble figuring out what was going on inside that complicated head of his
so when you laughed at izuku’s jokes, or praised shoto’s quirk
of course he wouldn’t tell you how jealous it made him feel. how it made all his insecurities rise up.
you didn’t mean to make him feel this way, god no. you had known the two boys longer than him and were used to having the comfortable playful conversations with izuku and serious quirk related talks with shoto.
but shinsou didn’t like all the attention you gave them.
and he couldn’t find a way to let you know how he felt that didn’t involve telling you. which he wasn’t going to do.
so he ended up doing the next best thing that came to mind.
make you feel what he was feeling.
he gets some makeup from someone he had already forgotten the name of and went to his dorm, doing his best to make the fake hickey at least a little believable.
he didn’t want the prank to be too serious, just to hit you with a quick realization that you had been making him feel this way.
so he waits for you to meet him in his dorm like you always do, and even leaves the makeup out in the open to see if you’d catch on yourself.
“hellooo my love.” you say cheerfully, and shinso smiled at your happy mood.
“hi y/n. had a good day?” he asked, sitting on the edge of his bed as you approached him, standing between his legs.
“mhm. but i missed you.” you muttered, pushing his face against your stomach as you hugged his head.
hitoshi frowned at your words. maybe this wasn’t a good idea. maybe he’s been overthinking and this stupid prank will just make things worse.
“so, what did you do today-”
you pull back from hitoshi and catch a glimpse of a bruise on his neck. you grip his chin, turning it to the side with slight force and narrow your eyes.
“what happened here?” you asked curiously
“nothing babe.” your boyfriend shrugs
“hitoshi is this a fucking hickey?” you asked after getting a better look, hoping to whatever god there was that his answer would be no.
“what does it look like?”
“don’t talk to me like that, you prick.” you seeth, and push his head away until he falls on his back on the bed.
“we’re over! i hate you.” you say the last part quietly, still not wanting to believe what you saw was real.
“wait y/n, it’s fake!” hitoshi yells before you could leave his dorm.
“how is it fake hitoshi? what, you had no real feelings for the bitch that sucked on your neck? do you think i’m stupid or something?”
“the hickey is fake y/n. i made it.”
you stared at him with deceiving eyes, crossing your arms and tapping your foot. “is this some type of mind joke hitoshi? i told you don’t use that shit on me.”
“please babe, c’mere. wipe it off.”
you slowly made you way back to him, gripping his chin to turn his head again and swiped at the mark. it smeared a little, but didn’t come off. you licked your thumb before rubbing it into the mark, finally making it disappear.
you pushed him back slightly, eyes still angry. “what was that all about? why’d you do that?” you ask.
“just thought it’d be funny.” he lies, looking away from you. you knew he was lying. he always looked directly at you when talking about something. especially something serious.
“do not make me even angrier than i already am shinso. fess up.”
hitoshi groaned, putting his hands over his face before looking at you with tired eyes. “fine, i got jealous of you hanging out and being friendly with midoriya and todoroki. i just wanted to get you back in a way.”
“so you pretend to cheat on me?”
“i’m sorry. it was really immature of me and i should’ve just talked to you. the makeup is right over there if you still need proof.” he points to his desk and glance at it, seeing the makeup sprawled on top.
you sighed, not wanting to forgive him so easily. but you couldn’t help it with the way he rubbed the back of your legs soothingly and looked at you with love filled eyes.
“ugh, you’re lucky i love you.” you state, trying to stop the smile growing on your face as you see him smirk softly.
“and i love you. more than anything. thank you for forgiving me.”
“and...i’ll try not to make you jealous. i really didn’t mean to.” you say, remembering the reason for the whole situation.
hitoshi shook his head. “you can hang out and be friends with whoever you want. i know you wouldn’t leave me or be unfaithful. and i’d never be unfaithful to you. i’m so thankful for you.”
“stop getting all mushy on me.”
i always see hcs where the boys get pranked, i thought it’d be cool to do the reverse. i can still do y/n pranking the boys if you guys would like that! hope you enjoyed this! leave a request here! -> 🥀
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luimagines · 3 years
The Chain Confesses While Your Hurt/Upset Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
The third and final part of this instalment will include Sky, Twilight and Hyrule!
You know the drill, content under the cut!
Sky was on watch again and there was still some time before the sun was supposed to rise.
Strangely, he felt more awake than he knew he usually would.
It was unnerving and Sky didn’t know what to do with change or what it meant.
He sighed and let the sounds of the terrain cascade over him. The gentle whispers from the breeze shook the leaves and there was subtle calls from the wildlife through the night.
It was calming.
Sky couldn’t figure out why he was so tense. 
He took another breath and look around his friends, all asleep and worn out from the day’s events. Even he could admit it was rather uneventful considering their circumstances, but he welcomed it.
As he glanced at each of his companions, he felt his gaze linger on you a little longer.
He knew he was smitten with you.
He knew that if you were to ask him- he’d give you his heart, soul, and everything in between. There was little he wouldn’t do for you and every time you so much as smiled at him, he would collapse into a warm puddle within himself.
But you weren’t smiling right now.
Actually the longer he stared, the more it looked like you were actually quite upset.
A nightmare?
Sky stood up and made his way over to you, trying his hardest to not step on the boys in the process.
It was only when he squatted by your side did you whimper and curl further into yourself. 
Seeing as you weren’t awake just yet, it gave all the information Sky needed to make his decision.
He reached over and shook your shoulder violently and took a step back.
You jolted awake with a gasp and blinked your eyes a few times, taking in your surroundings. Sky waited for you to realize where you were before he reached forward again. “Hey. You ok?”
“Oh.” You took in a breath and sat up. “I... I think so.”
Sky sat down next to you and brushed your hair away from your shoulder and out of your eyes. 
“Was it bad?” You ask him.
“You tell me.” Sky smiles a bit.
“I wasn’t thrashing around too much, was I?” You reiterate and look around the group. “I didn’t wake anyone up?”
“No, it was actually kind of hard to tell you were even having a nightmare.” Sky admits.
“Oh... ok, good, that’s probably the best case scenario.” You gulps and place your hand over your heart, taking long deep breaths to calm yourself down. “Thank goodness it was just a dream.”
“Was it bad?” Sky throws your question back at you.
You startle and look Sky in the eye, gripping your blankets with iron like strength. Sky takes a note.
“It...” You shake your head. “It could have been worst. It wasn’t even that scary. Just... disturbing...and sad. I’d rather not have those mental images again.”
“Anything I can do to help?”
“Um.... Can I join you?”
“Absolutely.” Sky stands up and gives you his hand. You take it without hesitation and let him lift you onto your feet. Silently, you follow him back to the watch log and take a sit next to him. You’re still a little shaken by what you’ve seen in your own mind and you don’t mind taking a moment to digest and process it.
Sky for his part is staring to feel a little silly. He wants to spend more time with you, yes, but now what? And how does he not make a fool of himself now that he’s actually spending time alone with you?
A part of him is starting to catastrophize, thinking of all the ways he can do something stupid and completely ruin his reputation. For all he knows he’s going to trip (even if he’s sitting right now) and fall right into the fire. You’d laugh at him- never take him seriously again and then he’d really never have a chance with you.
He knows it’s illogical and it’s actually not the worst thing that can happen- but his nerves at getting to him and it’s making him question everything.
“Sky, can I ask you something?” You say after a tense moment of silence.
“Sure.” Sky’s voice cracks. He coughs a little to clear his throat and tries again. “Yeah, anything. Go ahead.”
“Why do I make you so nervous?” You say.
Suddenly Sky feels like he’s been punched in the heart. For all the wrong reasons.
Your voice is quiet and resigned... your sad and you don’t look at him. “Do I scare you or something? Is there something about me that you don’t trust? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no, no, not at all.” Sky rushes to quell your fear, even if he’s starting to panic.
“Then what?” You sigh and pull your knees up. “Did I make you upset? I know you don’t like confrontation but I don’t know why you’ve been getting worse... If it was something I did, you can tell me, I’m grown, I can take it, what did I do wrong?”
“You did nothing wrong.”
“Well, I’ve had to have done something.” You snap. “You always try to end the conversation early and leave. You don’t like spending time with me, and you almost never answer my questions with a full sentence. You can never look me in the eye and have to wonder what on earth goes through your head if you don’t even want to stand next to me. Sometimes I think you’re just nice to me because you’re a good person but I don’t think you like me very much.”
Sky gulps heavily and begins weighing his options.
“I think you know that I like you.” You mutter.
Wait. WHAT?
“Is that what the problem is?” Your voice jumps a little on the last word and it sounds like you’re going to cry. “Was I too obvious? Did I make you uncomfortable? God, I’m sorry. I can pull back. I’m pretty sure you have a girlfriend anyway.. right? That Zelda? I mean, your Zelda? You’re together, aren’t you? I’m so stupid. Of course you’re together, what on earth was I thinking?”
“We’re not.” Sky jumps in his seat and twists his body to face you head on. “You’re wrong. You’re so wrong. I don’t have a girlfriend.”
Sky reaches over and grabs your shoulders, twisting you around as well so that you’d look at him.
You look away regardless and scoff. “You’re a catch. I doubt that you’re single.”
“I.. Am very flattered but you’re still wrong.” Sky laughs a little incredulously. He can’t believe this. Is this really happening? “Believe it or not I am very single.”
“Oh.” You sniff and reach up to pinch your eyes together, trying to subtly wipe away the tears neither of you have mentioned. “I’m sorry I’m a mess. I can leave you alone if you want.”
“That’s the last thing I want.” Sky blurts and belatedly realizes that he said that out loud.
“Then what? What is it? Work with me Link, because I’m not a mind reader.” You sit a little taller and finally look at him. “What do I have to do so that you’re comfortable around me? I don’t like the feeling of there being some....kind of mine field that I’m left dancing around. I really don’t want to see it blow up on either of us.”
“There’s nothing you can do.” Sky gulps. “It has nothing to do with you. I’m the problem.”
“That’s always the answer isn’t it.” You scoff again and unfurl yourself, turning away from him. “The ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ scenario.”
“It’s because... I-” Sky bites his lip and cups your cheek experimentally, putting just enough pressure to guide your face back to him but letting you fight him if you so desired. 
You don’t and you let face be held by him for a moment.
“I love you.” Sky says to you, trying to hold eye contact and will the truth into your head. “I’ve been in love with you for a while now. I’m sorry I’ve been such a mess. I never wanted you to feel unwanted or give off the impression that it was anything less.”
You stare at him, eyes growing comically wide.
Sky gulps at the lack of verbal reaction and tries to laugh to lighten the mood. It doesn’t work but he tries. “I uh- haha- didn’t do a very good job at hiding it, I guess.”
“Oh my god, I’ve read all the signs backwards.” You whisper.
Sky snorts and leans into your direction. “You can say that, yeah.”
“I’m so stupid.”
“You are not stupid.” He growls. “Stop calling yourself that. I’ll fight you over it.”
“And don’t want that, do I?”
“No. No you do not.”
“Ok.” You break into a grin and laugh after a second, running your hands through your hair. “Are you serious? You like me? Me? The most boring person here?”
“We’re going to have a have a long talk about this and why you can’t keep putting yourself down.” Sky frowns. “You are not stupid and you are not boring. You are intelligent and thoughtful and kind and amazing and like no one I’ve ever met. I bet I could search for a million years and I’ll never come across someone quite like you.”
“You’re going to make me cry.”
“I’ll be here to dry your tears. It’s ok.” Sky grins and places both of his palms against your cheeks.
“I love you.” You blurt and place your hand over his, turning into it to hide your blushing face behind them.
“And I love you.” Sky leans in some more and places a kiss against your forehead.
“Can I stay up with you a little more?”
The postman ran into the group, almost bowling them over with an urgent letter held high. He asks if there’s any one in your group with your name and Twilight sees the despair collide onto your face.
You raise your hand and slowly take the letter away from him. You thank him with a tense and fake smile out of politeness and watch as he leaves.
You’re scared to open the letter and Twilight belatedly remembers the trouble you’ve mentioned that’s been brewing during your absence.
Twilight frowns as he watches you read the letter, each sentence apparently worse than the last.
He sees you shut down and put your walls up from the rest of the group.
Your whole demeanor changes and you don’t even finish reading the letter. The contents upset you so much that you fold it in half again and shove it in your pocket.
“Let’s go.”
Wind bite his lip. “Are you o-”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You snap and head off in the direction they were going in before they paused for you to get your mail. Your steps are fast and determined, light and flighty, like you’re seconds from running or breaking out in a sprint but don’t want to make a scene.
The group exchanges multiple glances and hesitantly follow you, no one saying a word about what happened or what they think the letter said.
Twilight can guess though.
A while ago a similar letter arrived for you that also held bad news. It threw you into a funk for a few days and it took all of their combined efforts to distract you and help you feel better. It had seemed that there was some trouble back home that you could do nothing about.
He figures that this letter was sent to tell you it got worse. 
With a sigh he marches on and waits.
Twilight waits until nightfall.
The others have taken the subconscious decision to leave you alone and wait until you’re a little more sorted out. The younger ones seem to be under the impression that you’re angry- and maybe you are- and they don’t want to risk having your wrath pointed in their direction.
But Twilight has seen enough to know your look.
Time knows it. 
Warrior knows it too
And maybe if he studies for long enough, he would see Wild figure out the look as well.
You’re ready to rain absolute hell fire but you can’t. 
It upsets you and he tempted to think your fury is more out of sadness than any actual rage.
When it’s his turn to take watch and he’s sure that Four has fallen asleep again, he makes his way over to you and studies you for a moment.
He places a hand on your shoulder and shakes you lightly. “I know you’re not actually asleep.”
“Buzz off Twi.”
“Want to walk it off?” He offers. “I still have to check the perimeter. Some company would be nice.”
You sigh and let your arm fall off of your face to look in the eye. you stare at him for a moment and Twilight tries to ignore the budding bullets of sweat that begin to down his back. “...Sure.”
He smiles a bit, for your sake, because it hurts him to see you so upset still. Twilight extends his arm out for you to take and you slip your hands into his. He lifts you up with practiced ease and together to begin to walk out of the camp and around what they’ve set up as their perimeter.
Usually Twilight would take his wolf form and do the job this way but that probably would have tipped your hand since you weren’t asleep to begin with. 
“Let me guess.” You start once you’re far enough away. “You want to ask me what the letter was about. Get me to spill my heart out and tell you all my secrets and help me feel better.”
“I’d want to help you feel better regardless if you told what was in the letter or not. You don’t have to tell me anything.” Twilight admits with a slight blush on his face. “But movement always helps me think. Or if you want to think about something else for a little bit instead of the letter, we could just talk about other stuff too... Whatever you need... I want you to know that I’m here for you.”
You take a long breath from your nose and let it slowly out your mouth. “I know... I know that Link. I’m sorry.”
He’s never heard you say his name before.
Twilight doesn’t know if he hates it or not. 
I mean, he’d gladly hear you say his name, don’t get me wrong... 
But in that tone? With that level of... resignation? Despair? 
You sound like you’re about to cry.
“It’s just...” You start and stop in the middle of the trail. You press the heel of your palm harshly into your eyes- maybe you really are about to cry. “My grandma is dying.”
“She dying, Link and I’m not there. I thought she was just sick and it would only be a matter of time until she was back on her feet but she’s not getting any better. And to make stupid matters worse....You see... between me and my grandma, we take care of Zelda, she’s my cousin, and my little brother. My dad works and sends us money but he’s never home and my mom’s not around anymore and I don’t know what to do.”
Twilight places a hand on your shoulder, rubbing experimental circles on your back for a second. When you don’t push him away he slides into your personal space and hugs you, squeezing you tightly until you let go of the stress that’s no doubt building inside of you.
You hug him back just as hard and it surprises him for a moment. “I couldn’t even finish that stupid letter. It said that... We can’t... My dad can’t come home yet and god, Twi, they’re just kids. They can’t be left alone. Link is five and Zelda is seven. There’s no one who’s going to take care of them. They’re going to take them away. They’re going to take my little brother away.”
Twilight bites his lip and can feel himself understanding the situation a little more. Kinda. Maybe. Ok no. Not really. He wants to say that someone else from your hometown can pitch in and help. That they should have been helping from the get go. It’s how it works in Ordon and it sounds like the others would be in similar boats if this was their family but from what he’s gathered your Hyrule is very different.
He doesn’t know how things work in your Hyrule and he doesn’t know who this ‘they’ is but he can guess that’s it someone (or some people) with more power than you do, especially since you’re not home right now.
He can hear it in your tone.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” He asks instead. He doubts it but god! How he hates to see you in pain! 
“Not unless we somehow end up in my world and we bring them with us.” You wince and hide your face in his neck. “They’re just kids Link. I... I don’t think  I’m even old enough to fight for them. They’re going to say I’m too young and that I don’t have a job... even if it’s my dad who’s been paying for all of us...I hate their stupid politics and political junction and they just want to rip away what they don’t have.”
“Who’s taking care of them right now?” Twilight cradles your head with his hand, keeping his arm tightly wrapped around your waist. “Who’s taking care of your grandma?”
“The neighbors, I think.” You sniff. “But it’s already putting a strain on them. They’re not going to hold out much longer. I won’t even be able to say goodbye to my grandma. God, this is such a mess.”
“I’m sure we’ll get the chance to fix this- there’s no way this would just happen. We’d help you. We’d all pitch in. If it does happen that we need to take them, we will. We’ll find a safe space for them. Maybe Time will lend the Ranch, I know they’d be welcome in my village and Wild’s too, maybe. You’re not alone in this, ok?”
“Would you really do that?” You tilt your head up. He nods and you nearly tear up again. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” Twilight gulps and grips your tight once again. I love you, he thinks, would I even need a reason to help you?
Your grip tightens on him in return and Twilight takes a moment to try and calm his heart. “We should try to contact your dad and see if there’s any way for him to do anything-”
“Oh my god he’s going to kill me.”
“... He may or may not know that I’m here.”
Twilight tenses and nearly groans. “Do I even want to know why?”
“In my defense, I told my grandma. My dad... doesn’t really care about me anyway. He doesn’t really care for my brother anyway. Zelda is his favorite. It’s why she’s with us. But I am supposed to be there to help grandma... not out here... saving the world.”
Twilight sighs and shakes his head fondly. “We’ll figure something out. I promise.”
He’d take care of your family in a heartbeat if you’d let him. Twilight takes a breath. He loves you so much- if could fight all your problems away he would.
“I believe you.”
“Yeah,” Twilight lets you go and  begins to guide you back through the forest trail. “We should get going, the perimeter isn’t going to check itself.”
“What? Link wait.” You grab his bicep and pull yourself closer again. “Do you mean it?”
“Of course I do.” He smiles. “We’d all help. I know it. You don’t have to worry too much about it.”
“No I... Yes, that. Thank you but that wasn’t what I was talking about.” You shake your head and wait or him to answer, trying to will into his head what it was that you were referencing.
Twilight thinks for a moment and tilts his head. “About the ranch or my village? Malon might have her hands full if she’s willing to watch them for us but there’s plenty for them to do there. And my village has a soft spot for foundlings anyway. I’m sure they’d be overjoyed to have young children playing around again. Wild’s house in Hateno has kids their age too, so it’s another good place for them, and they’d already have the house open for them.”
“No, no, not that either.” You gulp. “A bit... a bit after that...”
“About contacting your dad?”
“No- not...” You blush deeply and begin to nervously shuffle on your feet.
It’s weird because Twilight can’t think of anything that he said that would have that reaction.
“You said you loved me.” You say in a small voice. 
Twilight then pales to hard that he’s not sure how he manages to stay on his feet. He’s almost certain he can feel the moment where his soul leaves his body.
“That you’d take care of my family, that you’d fight my problems...” You continue without knowledge of the bomb you’ve just dropped. “Do you mean it? Or am I looking too much into it? Because I’ve always thought you might have had a thing for me and but I didn’t want to be the one to read the situation wrong but if you’re saying out loud-”
“I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.”
Twilight voice does not crack when he says this.
“Oh... um..” You bite your lip. “Is it-? Am I wrong then? Did you not say that? I thought- Well, I wanted... I do like you, so I had hoped.... But if you’re not-”
“No, I do! I am! I-! URRGGHH-!” Twilight cuts himself off and ruffles his hair furiously with both of his hands. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out. This is probably to lamest way you could have found out.”
He hides his face in his hands and doesn’t look up when he hears you quietly giggle. “Do you mean it though?”
“Yes.” He doesn’t look up.
He hears you approach him and refuses to meet you in the eye. He doesn’t look at you even when you gently take his hands and pull them away from his face. Even when you caress his cheek and steer him to the side. His eyes do however nearly bulge out of his head when he feels your lips on his cheek.
“I love you too then.” You smile.
“I didn’t want to lose my cool.”
“Can’t lose what you never had.” You snort and move his hair away from his forehead, admiring the blush on his cheeks and ears. “I’ll go back to camp. You finish checking up on the perimeter.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah... I should be asleep anyway.”
“Ok... Goodnight then.”
“Goodnight Link and thank you. I feel better now.”
“I’m glad.”
“I bet you ten rupees that you can’t make that jump.”
“I say twenty that I can.”
“Oh yeah? Prove it then.”
Hyrule smirks and takes a few steps back, letting his gaze drift just beyond the chasm and toward his target. “I’m about to be twenty rupees richer.”
“Just don’t injure yourself.” You cross your arms. “I don’t have the patience to deal with Legend’s smothering when he finds out I challenged you.”
“He’d be smothering me, not you.” He snorts.
“Yeah, but you’ll be fine.” You deadpan. “It’s not even that deep. Besides he’ll blame me for it no matter how badly you get hurt.”
“I’ll try to land safely then.”
“Not a single bruise!”
“For your sake.”
“Thank you.” You put your weight onto one foot, shifting your hip outward to watch as Hyrule takes a running start. “Don’t die.”
“I love your vote of confidence.” Hyrule snorts and leaps at the last second off of the ledge.
He jumps higher than you would have imagined him to be capable of and it stuns you completely. Hyrule for his part, lands on the other side, unharmed and on both of his feet.
He turns around with a large grin on his face and places his hands on his hips as he looks you in the eye. There’s the slight smell of magic in the air but you don’t question or notice it. “Your turn.”
Your jaw drops. “I am not doing that.”
“Come on. It’s not so bad.” He laughs and smirks at your disbelief. “I’ll call off the bet if you can make it. You know what, instead, let’s double it.”
“I can’t make that.” You screech. “You’re crazy!”
Hyrule snorts. “You’re scared~!”
“I’m not scared!”
“Scaredy cat! Scaredy cat!”
“Fine! I’ll do it!” You pout and take the few steps to the side where he took his running start. You take a breath and try to set up the same process that he did.
With your running start, you leap a little later than Hyrule did, because there’s no way you can jump as high as he did, and you can see how this is going to end.
You’re not going to make it.
Hyrule sees it too and tries to make a mad dash to the ledge with his hand out to grab you. 
Your fingertips brush against each other and Hyrule jumps at the last second to grasp your hand...
He misses.
You fall.
“NOO!” Hyrule’s voice rips through his throat and he falls right onto his chest by the ledge in some desperate attempt to catch you but it’s no use. He sees you crash into the wall, a sickening crack coming from your body and you fall down. Your knees bend as your feet make purchase on the dirt but inevitably slip and it only curls you into a ball, rolling you backwards until you eventually hit the bottom of the relatively shallow ravine.
And by shallow, I mean it’s more or less a twenty foot drop.
Will you come out unharmed?
“I’m so dead.” Hyrule mutters to himself and gets to his feet. He dashes along the edge, trying to find a point where he can jump down safety and get back to you. It takes a total of five minute for him to find a quasi decent spot. It’s a half baked idea and he knows it but he jumped down the lesser distance and runs back in the direction he came.
You’re getting up slowly by the time he reaches you and he forces himself to go a little faster.
“I think I figured you out, you cheater.” You groan when you look up and see him. “You used your magic to make that jump.”
“What on earth made you think that I was going to do the same?”
“I over shot it? So you should have been fine?” Hyrule chuckles nervously and reaches over to brush your hair out of your face.
Blood is absolutely pouring down your face and it looks as if you have a broken nose.
“Link, I’m going to punch you.” You groan and place your hands by your nose.
“No, wait, hold on-” Hyrule gulps and places his hands on your wrists, trying to stop you.
In one fluid motion to pop your nose back onto place and sigh of relief.
Hyrule’s eye widen and he’s both horrified and impressed. 
“What?” You snap.
“I’m in love with you.”
“What?” You say again.
Hyrule’s hands fly over his mouth. “Nothing. I said nothing! You’re hearing things. Let me just- umm...”
You send his healing spell over in your direction and lets it go permeate through the space.
He looks away from you.
“What is wrong with you?” You furrow your eyebrows. “Don’t say something like that unless you mean it.”
Hyrule gulps and bite his lip. Because he means it.
“We don’t have to talk about this.” You sigh and let him heal you. 
Hyrule doesn’t respond and focuses on letting the spell fall against your nose and your back. 
“Rulie?” You blink and finally look at his face. “How much trouble do you think we’ll be in if we get caught? Legend will probably have both of our heads if he finds out about it.”
A moment of silence passes.
“I don’t think Time will do much about it and Twilight doesn’t have the pull he thinks he has in the group.” You continue when he doesn’t reply, nervously shifting in your spot as Hyrule works. “Warrior will probably keep on a tighter leash than usual though.”
He doesn’t say anything, letting the spell fall. Hyrule feels a little drained after using as much magic has he already has but he can’t help but feeling a little miffed. 
“Link, please say something.” 
“I meant it.” He’s barely able to hold back the scowl because he knows he’s not that impressive and you’re so amazing that there’s not way in this green earth that you’re not already taken. So of course, you’d just assume that he’s being fresh and brush him off.
“I meant it.” He looks your way. “I wasn’t joking.”
Hyrule huffs a bit when he see that you don’t understand him yet. “I’ve been in love with you for a while now.”
You still and he can see you gulp slightly. “Oh.”
Hyrule feels like a child and he leans away from you, falling onto his back. “Anything still hurt?”
“Um... No...” You shift your weight again and grip your wrist. “I feel a lot better now. Thank you.”
“Good.” Hyrule stands and reach out for you to take his hand. “We should head back to the others.”
“They’re going to start getting worried about us.”
“I’m sorry.” You bite your lip and and stop him from going any further. “Are you serious? Did you mean it mean it? Because I didn’t want to discredit-”
He sighs and grips your hand a little tighter and brings it up to his lips. Hyrule places a delicate feather like kiss on your knuckles and lowers it just enough to study your hand in his. “It’s fine. I doubt your partner would appreciate it anyway if I were to just-”
“I don’t have a partner...” You gulp and grip his tighter in reply. “I’m not in a relationship. I didn’t... I’m not trying to-”
“Forget it.” He smiles a little falsely. “Like you said, we don’t need to talk about it.”
“Oh.... Oh Link...” You frown and step into his personal space, placing both of your hand on his shoulders.
“I don’t need your pity. It’s fine.” He rolls his eyes and tries to pull away from you.
“No, please, not like this...” You stop him and hug him tightly. “I love you too! I panicked when you said that! Don’t- don’t shut me out! Please.”
“What happened to not saying that unless you mean it?”
“Liiinnkk...” You groan and place your face into the crook his neck.
Hyrule doesn’t deny how nice it feels to have you hold him. Slowly, he raises his arms to wrap them around you as well. You’re warm and your heart beat is strong even with your layers and armor. He takes a breath and is assaulted by your smell. It strangely reminds him of vanilla and cinnamon with freshly churned dirt and morning dew thrown into the mix. An odd combination but he finds that it’s pleasant.
“God, I’m sorry. Is that what you want to hear? I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I panicked. I swear I panicked.” You nuzzle into him and he won’t deny the way his heart flutters as you do so.
“Calm down. It’s ok.”
“It really isn’t!”
“It is because I say so.” Hyrule snorts and rests his head against yours. 
“Do you really think the others are looking for us?”
“Maybe. But I don’t think we actually have to go back just yet.”
“Then stay here? With me?”
“Yes.” Hyrule sighs of contentment and begins to sway with you back and forth. “I’d love nothing more.”
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blouisparadise · 3 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Harry radiates sex appeal. We hope you enjoy this fics! If you find our rec lists useful, please support them by liking the post and reblogging it to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Gimme Gimme | Mature | 5957 words
He dragged himself to his bedroom and flopped down face-first onto the bed, groaning, and started thinking about that new neighbor. Maybe this was his chance. Maybe this was the time for him to actually try and find a love interest that lasted longer than 2 weeks. He rolled over and sat up on the bed, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked out the window.
And what he saw was probably the most amazing thing on the planet.
Walking into his new neighbor’s house was a man in a suit, carrying a briefcase while his Porsche sat in the driveway.
2) Under the Vanilla Sky | Explicit | 8006 words
Who the hell wears a hat like that on a yacht?  That's one of the things Louis thinks when he sees Harry from across the deck of the most expensive, ridiculous boat he's ever been on.  He also thinks he'd like to get closer.  Just to see what's under those aviators.  Just to verify that, yes, in fact, those white swim trunks might be a little see-through when wet.  Just to see if someone could really be that hot in real life.  On a yacht.  In the Caribbean sea just off the coast of St. Barts.  
Here's what really happened on that yacht.
3) Sweet Like Cherry Vodka | Not Rated | 8039 words
When he exits the building he instantly sees him. He’s leaning against his white Mercedes Benz convertible. The car makes him look more expensive. Of course, the navy blue suit that fits tightly around his broad shoulders — making Louis want to fall to his knees, mind you — also helps to get the message across. He looks up from his phone, his sleek black aviators block Louis from seeing his dark eyes.
When Louis knows Harry's watching him he smiles. A grin grows on Harry’s mouth, his strong jaw moves cockily while he chews his gum. How does someone make chewing gum so hot?
“Need a ride sweetheart?” Harry calls to him, the statement adds to his cocky demeanor.
“You know I do, silly.” Louis laughs at how ridiculous the older man can be.
4) You And I ‘Till The Day We Die | Explicit | 10807 words
Prompt 124: A fic inspired by Groupie Love by Lana Del Rey, where Harry is a Rockstar and Louis is his cute little boyfriend who tries to hide himself in the middle of the crowd. (Preferably set in the 80s)
5) Guns N Roses | Mature | 14069 words
Harry's an assassin, Louis is a government agent. They hate each other but not really.
6) My English Love Affair | Explicit | 19198 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
The thing about sleeping with a member of a famous indie band is that the inevitability of having a song written about you is most likely a hundred percent. The second thing is that in the end, nobody's supposed to find out it's about you.
The one where Harry writes a song about his English love affair and Louis sleeps with someone in White Eskimo and all he gets is a stupid song written about him.
7) The Way The Storm Blows | Explicit | 21649 words
Louis doesn’t have a habit of thinking about Harry’s dick.
That would be weird, seeing as they’re best mates, and they share a flat, and they’ve spent holidays at each other’s family homes. Their friendship hasn’t ever risen to a point where Louis should want to see his mate’s dick, and he’s happy to keep it that way.
Except, all that Louis can think about is exactly that. The size of it. The shape. The amount of people it’s been in.
Maybe it’s the tequila talking, or the fact that Louis’ just recently walked in to an eyeful of Harry taking turns on some slags that he’s never seen before, but. Louis’ mind can’t stop obsessing over the idea.
8) Even The Best Laid Plans | Explicit | 25190 words
Louis wants to have sex with someone and decides Harry is the perfect alpha for the job.
9) A Trail Of Honey Through It All | Explicit | 27086 words
The boy in front of him, well really, the man in front of him, was like something out of a confusing wet dream. Built, tall, tan and muscular, his skin glistened with sweat after a long day of working outdoors with his hands. He was wearing a cut up old American football shirt, the bottom hem was torn and the sleeves were cut off to the point where the t-shirt was really just a loose tank top. The shorts he had on had clearly been full length jeans at one point, and were now just crudely cut off above the knee. His white socks were pulled up too high on his calves, and the brown work boots he had on were old as fuck, the leather peeling along the edges of the soles. Curly brown hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards snapback, and there was a smudge of grease wiped along his brow bone. The smattering of hair along his jaw proved that he hadn’t shaved in a week or two, the hair growing in thicker across his upper lip and around his chin. His sinfully bowed mouth was pink and plump, and Louis was suddenly hyper-focused on the way that he chewed at the toothpick stuck between his lips. He looked like he needed a shower. Louis wanted to lick him.
10) Carnelian | Explicit | 30631 words
Louis finds himself donating blood to the most beautiful being he's ever seen.
11) Take My Pure (And Wash It All Away ‘Til I’m Cured) | Explicit | 40629 words
They're all 19. Louis is a twink, Harry is a frat boy hunk. Harry for some reason wants his makeup done for pride, and Louis is just trying so very hard to stay clear of all alleged fuckboys this year.
12) In The Still Of The Night | Explicit | 68568 words
The Dirty Dancing AU where Louis is a feisty omega who wants to change the world, Harry is an alpha from the wrong side of the tracks, and nobody puts Louis in a corner.
13) Waiting On You | Explicit | 76576 words
“Vampires,” Louis says with disgust, glaring over at the vampire who is noisily slurping from the woman’s neck nearby.
Zayn gives the neat fang marks on Louis’ neck a meaningful look.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them,” Louis finishes, ignoring Zayn when he rolls his eyes.
Louis takes a long sip of his milkshake, presses his fingers against the marks on his neck, and definitely doesn’t think about the vampire who left them there.
14) Your Name is Tattooed on My Heart | Explicit | 86809 words
Note: This fic has mentions of top Louis.
Louis is ready to find the love of his life, but first he has to stop falling for the punk rocker next door.
15) Beyond The Point Of Weird | Mature | 108331 words
Louis meets Harry one night and well... Of course things lead from one thing to another. How could Louis not be interested in having a go at the ex-Rockstar who'd starred in his first wet dream?
When Harry asks him to pretend to be his boyfriend to help him clear up his image, Louis agrees because why the fuck not. Yet it kind of feels like the only 'fake' part of their relationship is the title they chose for it... And then it gets confusing.
Louis' pretty sure he walked right into a trap - one he's not quite sure he wants to escape.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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slashershenanigans · 3 years
Can I request Chop top with a trans masc s/o coming out? I understand if not!
-cracks knuckles in preparation- oh you're just fine! been waiting to write for a fellow trans person :> i hope you enjoy!
Chop top x trans masc! S/O ; coming out
warnings: none
you and chop are both together in his room, taking in the scent of the new incense stuff he had ‘borrowed’ while out in town together. As relaxing as it was with the numerous pillows and blankets thrown about and the soft toned record that was playing about, it was far from quiet. Chop always seems to unintentionally drown the room with his voice; always talking and giving out stories both real and fake about his life and what has happened to him and his family though sometimes he might confuse a fake story for a real one..his memory isn't what it used to be yknow. While he was being his usual self, you figured a calm setting like this would be just the appropriate time to tell him what you had kept from him for the longest while. each time before you both had been interrupted somehow; whether it be an escapee, Drayton spouting bullshit or even Bubba just needing help with something the time never seemed to be quite right...but maybe this time is different.  “..a-and that’s how m-my arm got stuck back on!” you were phasing out alot more than you thought, coming back to reality with Chop finishing another one of his stories, looking at you very enthused. “but enough about that,,come to think of it i-i think i told ya t-that story before...wait..” he furrows a brow before waving his hand away from him “eh a-all well! How’s your night g-goin sugar?” he says, plonking his head onto your shoulder, his legs fidgeting in place as he grabs onto one of your hands “oh it’s eh....fine!” “just f-fine?” he shuffles around a bit to be laying on his side, facing you. “well...I think I have something to tell you..” his hands start shaking a bit, he looks visibly confused “just..please dont hate me okay?” chop raises a brow and sits up “H-hate’cha? w-why’d i do a thing like that for? besides whatcha do anyways?” he looks around the room for a second and leans toward you “Did uh...d-did y-you scratch my Cher collection?” you burst out laughing “No! nothing like that silly”  “O-oh, then w-well what could it be? I-it’s not like y-your hidin anythin’ from me!”he says, chuckling to himself. There’s a pause. His smile lowers and his brows furrow “O-oh..that is what it is..” you feel your face flush a bit and your eyes water..you sink into your corner and hold onto your knees “Wha-H-HEY! no need to start cryin! y-youre gonna make me cry! aw shit,,” he wobbles over and wraps his arms around you “i-im not mad at’cha! at least n-not yet? i dunno-” his gaze goes to yours and he splays a kiss onto your forehead, clumsily petting your head “Why dont’cha just tell me w-whats goin on..a-alright?”  you nod, wiping tears from your eyes as he shuffles over to sit in front of you, holding your hands in his. you gulp and take a deep breath..here it goes. “Well, I've been meaning to tell you this even before we started dating actually. I might have not been fully truthful about who i am.” “Y-you're a spy?” you smile uncontrollably at his funny reply before shaking your head “No! no,,i might as well just say it.Chop I...I’m a guy.” “Oh! w-well why didnt’cha tell me before? A-all this time i’ve b-been callin’ ya this other name n’ callin ya my ‘girlfriend’ when youre m-my boyfriend! W-why did you say your name was [REDACTED] anyway?” you’re almost at the final stretch. all you have to do is tell him this and it’ll be done and hopefully, you thought, itll be fine. “because...i was born a girl. But im not one anymore...” He blinks, bewildered but he soon understands.  “y-Y/N,,” he wraps his arms around you firmly and nuzzles into the crook of your neck, his fingers tightening into the shirt you're wearing“..B-babe ya dont gotta worry about that stuff with me!” “wait, you’re not mad??” he backs up a bit to face you “’course not! I-i’ve been at parades n such i’ve seen plenty of people just like ya! b-besides i aint got no right to judge ya for how ya live.” he laughs softly but you can tell he’s being sincere. “So..you still want to be with me?” “are you kiddin’ me? at first i thought ‘man i have the BEST and most gorgeous girlfriend ever’ and now i can say ‘MAN, i-i’ve got the most Handsome and a-amazin’ boyfriend ever’! s-see it still works! woAH-” he’s cut off by you tackling him with a tight hug, crying into his shirt from joy and relief. he pets your head and firmly holds onto you, positioning you both against the wall. “s-so...ya got a new n-name? I know my memory aint what it used’ta be but ill try my darndest to get it right!! s-same for pronouns n’ such!” He’s being super enthusiastic about it, thinking of more things to say to make you feel even more at ease “I-i could cut y-your hair for ya too! a-and i’ll try ‘borrowing’ some new clothes for ya if ya want me to O-oh!! or we could make em’!” he rambles on about all the new things you both can do and what he’ll bend over backwards to do so you’re happy. “O-oh im sorry i did’nt even hear for w-what your new name is! what w-would’cha like me to call ya?” “it’s.. Y/N now.” you smother your face into his chest with a huge grin ,your arms swing over his shoulders as holds you close “a-alrighty,,,Y/N it is.” 
you spend the rest of the late night as you normally do, listening to your boyfriend ramble about all sorts of stuff, mainly how excited and happy he is for you and how happy he is knowing he has quote ‘the best boyfriend he could ask for’.
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
request; Can I request Nagito, Kokichi, and Rantaro with an s/o that has a hard time understanding why someone feels a certain emotion in situations?
pairing(s); rantaro x gn!reader, nagito x gn!reader, kokichi x gn!reader
warnings; blood, violence, broken noses, strong language, kind of angsty — sorry that nagito's is super long- i started off with him and i haven't written in a long time so i just shit all over the place, fluff at kokichi, i have mood swings I'm so sorry about the whiplash you are about to witness
note; yesss i am back to finish these requests yurrrrrr sjansjdhfbasdkjfds I'm not gonna make a big announcement or anything(I'm still trying to figure out how to balance everything in my life rn, so I'm sorry for people who are waiting on me—) , just gonna spit out as many finished requests as i can, sorry for the abrupt pause of everything by the wayz ill be (hopefully) regularly posting works from now on.
(also this request was kind of vague, so i used the example of someone getting upset/angry and reader not understanding why; i hope that's okay :'))
Nagito Komaeda
◊ I think Nagito would understand your struggles more than anyone else.
◊ And… honestly, it kind of reassures him that you share a struggle with him. It makes him feel less alone, less like the odd one out.
◊ Being similar to someone like you in any way, even if it was a genuinely difficult and real struggle; was a blessing in disguise for someone as lowly as him.
◊ Getting that out of the way, Nagito would never see your struggle as what it is. The way he views you, how highly he puts you up on a pedestal, as well as how much hope he believes you to hold; he, at first*, won't help you at all with your struggles.
◊ As a strong believer of hope overcoming despair, good defeating bad; Nagito is positive that the struggles you hold will always be defeated, bludgeoned into a despairing sludge by your all-mighty hope.
◊ And at first, he won't even think of this as a bad thing! You should be proud of it, of course, unless it stirs despair within you.
◊ * That being said, if he sees you struggling with your inability to understand human reactions to an awful point, he would put his obsession with hope aside, and focus on trying to help you as your boyfriend.
◊ Though I'm afraid, he wouldn't be much of a help, because he gets stuck on this one too.
◊ If you ever unintentionally angered someone, however, and/or provoked them to potentially hurt you; he'd immediately step in and lay the damp washcloth of apologies on the accidental fire you had set.
◊ Though there is a high chance, he'll make it worse by saying something he hadn't intended to sound condescending. It just came out that way.
◊ Nagito would never put your well-being before his insatiable need for you to accelerate and empower your hope.
◊ He's your boyfriend before he is your admirer of hope.
— "What...? How can you- how can you be so calm!?" Confusion, fear, and intimidation seemed to overwhelm you as you stepped back, eyebrows creased in utmost confusion as the person before you, seemed to have been angered by your wording.
Suddenly, you had started repeating and reversing over what you had previously said, scanning your wording for things that could have been perceived as offensive; only to grow even more confused as you had found none.
"I... What? Are you... are you mad at me or something?" Your genuine tone of voice, as well as the genuine look of confusion on your face, had been blurred and unnoticed as the ugly emotion of anger seemed to destroy their human senses— and the person had unfortunately taken your question as an insult.
Without another word, the sickening crunch of flesh and bone hitting flesh and bone echoed throughout the trial room. Flesh and bone that had thankfully, and unfortunately, hadn't belonged to you.
"Holy- Someone hold them back!"
"There's... no need for that...!"
Turns out Nagito took the hit for you.
He peeled the hand tending to his nose away from his face, revealing the nasty bruising and the blood dripping down his nostril—despite the gruesome sight of it all, he still seemed to be smiling. Smiling as if something amazing had just happened, and he was dying from the joy he had been feeling.
He wasted no time to spew out whatever he could think of, despite the shock and adrenaline from getting a broken nose, he still fought through the struggle to speak properly, as well as merely breathing without immense pain.
It was like second nature to him, to steer the blame and the aggression away from you—even if it almost killed him. Anything... to protect his hope.
"Haha, this is... Whatever you need to achieve your hope, whether it be a good old-fashioned beat-down or... murder;" a laugh crossing the line to psychotic erupted from Nagito's scratchy throat.
"I personally invite you all—especially (name)—to bruise me up and brutally murder me for your pleasure, and your hop!" —all at the expense of him making sure no one gets the chance to lay a single finger laid onto you.
◊ He loves you, and he swears this is out of (mostly) good intention <3?
◊ i- i think i lost it somewhere in the middle
Rantaro Amami
◊ Literally, the most understanding, supportive, and comforting man you will ever meet and have as an emotional support boyfriend when you struggle with humans and just... humans.
◊ For first impressions, Rantaro will remain as understanding as he already had been, and is. If he visibly sees you struggle with the reactions of others to specific situations, he'd never start up shit, as well as assume you mean something bad immediately. He will always give you the benefit of the doubt, and the fact that he loves you may have been a factor — but I swear, he does this with everyone else too.
◊ If you ever responded/reacted to something that normal human beings usually respond differently, Rantaro would definitely notice, but he wouldn't say anything until he had his suspicions confirmed — and until someone else decided to get pissy or upset about it.
◊ If you ever get into a conflict with someone about how you seem emotionless( even though you're really not ), Rantaro will always be there to defend you and back you up. The first thing he would do is try to understand your side, then their side, and then try to see how the two fit together, and how you both grew to have your reaction.
◊ Most conflicts and arguments end peacefully, at fault to Rantaro's experience of being exposed to many personality types(his sisters), and completely normal and human struggles(also his sisters).
◊ Though, notice how I said most.
◊ Some situations and arguments, really can't be resolved, nor looked past—especially when personal, and very strong feelings are involved. You really can't avoid it when people are still grieving.
◊ But even so, Rantaro will remain a mediator and a peace-keeper until the end; he doesn't and never has enjoyed violence or super over-the-line arguments.
— "N- no, I a- actually don't understand...! I didn't mean to-"
"Oh, shut up! No one's believing that crap!" The shock and the hurt from their words had visibly affected you — the disbelief and their rage hadn't done anything to calm your anxiety from not having understood what had been wrong.
Rantaro would intrude on the one-sided argument, a gentle yet nervous smile on his face as he tried to put some distance between you and the person who had gotten offended. "Hey now, I understand you're upset, but it'll be safer for all of us if you don't insult them. I'm sure this was just a big misunderstanding... let's sit down, yeah?"
◊ If you ever feel frustrated or upset about a past interaction with someone he had reacted in a way you hadn't expected, feel free to expect Rantaro to be there for you with his comfort. Whether it be assurances, hugs, or just a listening ear; he'll be there for you.
◊ He may not understand your struggles to an extreme extent, but he will try his best to empathize with you and to understand you; and if he doesn't? That's okay. Because he still has cuddles + listening to you rant as his plan B solution on getting your frustrations out.
Kokichi Ouma
◊ Kokichi... doesn't understand you at all.
◊ It's second nature to him to react abnormally or to over-exaggerate towards something that probably shouldn't have gained a reaction like that — but that doesn't necessarily mean that had been his true reaction from the start.
◊ They're lies, well, most of it.
◊ When Kokichi notices your confusion, or if you come to him about your frustrations; he won't believe you at first. It's a stupid thing to not trust someone about, yeah, but he lies all the time about this kind of thing — so not only would he feel terrible if you were telling the truth about your real struggle, he would-
◊ Oh, you're telling the truth?
◊ ... Oh.
◊ Well, of course, he feels horrible for his past faked reactions and lies. A part of him believes it to be his fault entirely, whilst the larger, louder part of him believes it to be someone else's fault.
◊ And he's a liar; so of course, he'll lie. To himself, at least.
◊ "Wha—!? Who's been confusing my beloved? Gimme names and I'll get 'em!"
◊ He's not much of a listener, nor a person who really just... talks about serious shit. So despite not wanting to talk directly about serious things, as well as not being the best at comforting you in a 'serious' manner, he has his own little way of dimming your frustrations with human beings.
◊ He won't show it, nor will he mention it, but he does try to be more transparent with you; as well as tries to be less confusing when talking and/or interacting with you.
◊ The reactions are dimmed down, and despite that, he still continues to be silly and still continues to joke around — just not in a way that'll frustrate or confuse you(ish). He's all about getting reactions out of you, especially frustration but, he wouldn't purposely augment your anxiety about this type of thing.
◊ ^^ If he was to do that, however, he would always tell you it was a lie afterwards. After all— despite enjoying the thought of you thinking of him all week—he doesn't want you stressing and/or overthinking about it for the rest of the week.
◊ Kokichi definitely feels guilty of your struggles, however, they may have not blossomed directly from him, he still feels horrible for triggering it? You? — look- what he's trying to say is, he feels awful, and he hadn't meant to make your struggle with understanding other human beings, worse.
◊ Though there are times he does find your confusion and gullibility to be sort of entertaining in a way, but he would constantly feel bad about finding pleasure in your frustration.
◊ Kind of bad.
— "Nishishi! I'm just saying, if someone took a fat shit on my lawn, I would thank them—"
"Wh- Seriously.. ? Why??"
◊ He finds it hilarious how you seem to take his words to heart, but of course, fun comes to an end as he says—
— "Nope! It's a lie!"
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex, I think that’s it ?
Summary: One small favor. A trade. That was all it was. Mutually beneficial! Until things between Fred and Y/N and their new relationship get a little more complicated and cause too many prying eyes. 
Prompts: Fake Dating with dialogue prompts “we could have prevented this!” and “did you know you talk in your sleep?”
Word Count: 4.7k
A/N: Day 3 of @theweasleyslut‘s 2k writing challenge
 “I’ve made my list of rules which you will abide by and under no circumstances will be broken. Number 1: this ruse does not leave the shop. I don’t want random people on the street questioning me because you couldn’t keep your huge mouth shut. Number 2: I will allow you to kiss me on the cheek and forehead as  often as you like, within reason of course, and you can give me a peck on the lips 3 times in total. I will keep track. And Number 3: Don’t take up the entire bed any more or I will be forced to push you onto the floor. Sound good?”
“Bloody hell, you are crazy aren’t you?”
“Just a little bit.”
Fred was starting to regret his previous decision of making this arrangement with you, but a jingle of his shop bell and glance at who was walking in quickly made those feelings disappear. 
“Deal,” he said, eyes not leaving the woman who had just entered. “But we start right now and I want one of those kisses.”
You looked up at your friend, confused at his sudden nerves before you followed his line of sight and understood immediately. You sighed and ruffled your hair a bit, looking for a mirror to fix your makeup. “I’m on it, give me a few minutes.”
Fred nodded, still watching his target walk slowly through the aisles of his store. As she turned a corner you ducked into the back office, waiting for a good time to reemerge. 
“Freddie!” A high pitched voice pierced through the ear, equal parts flirtatious and absolutely unbearable. Fred glanced up, pretending not to have noticed the girl before. Putting on a fake smile, he set down the product he was pretending to tinker with and placed his hands on the counter table. 
“Brooklyn, hi! How are you?” he asked, hoping his fake politeness would pass as genuine. 
“Ugh I am so good. So SO good actually,” she said, twisting a finger through her hair. “It’s been ages since I’ve seen you! I’m so glad you received my letter, I was hoping we could catch up, maybe over dinner sometime? I’ve had so many fine young men ask me out over the last few months, but none of them seemed to compare to you, my little Freddie Bear.”
He winced at the nickname, it bringing an onslaught of unwanted memories that he had desperately tried to forget. Brooklyn bit her lip and placed a hand on top of Fred’s, leaning in to accentuate her breasts and make sure Fred got a good whiff of her new perfume. 
Very calmly, Fred placed his other hand on top of hers, now sandwiched in between his strong grip. “Brooklyn,” he said, faking sympathy, “you’re a lovely girl, and I’m sure any guy would be lucky to have you, but--”
“Hey, love!” 
A voice interrupted Fred’s rejection, making a very surprised Brooklyn become absolutely enraged as she witnessed you come up and place a chaste kiss on Fred’s lips, smiling into him. Fred pulled his hands from Brooklyn’s grip and placed it instead on your hip, pulling you into him and placing another peck on your forehead. You both stared lovingly into each other’s eyes before a harsh cough stole your attention. 
“And who is this?” Brooklyn asked, arms crossed angrily. She was glaring daggers at you, not even trying to fake sweetness for Fred’s sake. 
Keeping his hand on your waist, Fred turned back to the girl who seemed as though she was about to explode. “That’s what I was trying to tell you Brooklyn,” he said, trying to keep his smile as pitiful as he could without it drawing suspicion. “This is Y/N, we’ve been seeing each other for a while now.”
You nuzzled into Fred’s chest for half a second before reaching a hand out to Brooklyn. “It’s so nice to meet you! Brooklyn, was it? I don’t think Fred’s ever mentioned you before, are you one of his childhood friends. Cousin, maybe?”
That had done it and you and Fred both knew it. He subtly fist bumped you under the counter as you watched the girl’s face become redder than Fred’s hair. 
She opened her mouth before taking a huge breath and stepping back. “No, actually,” she said through gritted teeth. “I’m his ex-girlfriend. I left him to move on to much better things. Speaking of which--” she flipped her hair and smoothed out her skirt, straightening her posture to try to keep what little dignity she had left, “--I actually have a date. With a dragon trainer no less, and a very renowned one.”
“Oh really?” Fred asked. “That’s amazing. My brother, Charlie, is a dragon trainer as well, and he’s very well known in the community. May I ask the name of the lucky young man? Maybe Charlie knows him.”
Caught very off guard, Brooklyn rolled her eyes and turned to face the door. “That’s none of your business. I better be going, before we’re late to dinner at a very nice place, somewhere the likes of you most likely couldn’t afford.”
You felt Fred stiffen next to you and you squeezed his hand gently. “Have a nice time! It was lovely to meet you Bridget.”
“It’s Brooklyn,” she seethed. 
“Oh right, silly me,” you said, shaking your head. “Bye!”
As Brooklyn sauntered out of the store, you turned to Fred and whispered seductively, just loud enough for the exiting girl to hear. “How about we have a nice night in tonight? I got something the other day that I’d love for you to see. Maybe after seeing it you’ll make me scream even louder than last night.” Fred’s face began to grow red and he had to discreetly adjust his pants, hoping you didn’t notice exactly what your words were doing to him. 
Brooklyn slammed the door and practically ran down the cobbled streets, only screaming when she thought she was far enough away to not be heard. You and Fred both waited a few seconds before cheering and hugging each other, him patting you on the back for a great performance. 
“Y/N! That was incredible! I knew I could count on you.”
“Yeah yeah,” you said, “I’m amazing, I know.” You smiled up at him completing the high five he was waiting on. “When you told me you needed help with a crazy ex I didn’t know you  meant like actually crazy. She’s insane! How did you put up with her for so long?”
Fred shrugged, jumping up onto the counter. “She was hot and I was horny. Not much else to it.”
You rolled your eyes, jumping up to join him. A few days ago you wouldn’t have been nearly comfortable enough to lounge out on the shop’s counters like you were now, but that was before you were a permanent resident of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. Before you and Fred had made the deal. 
“You want me to do what?”
“Please, Y/N, it would only be for a little while until this all dies down, I swear!”
You groaned and rubbed your temple, wondering how in the world a friendly visit to your friend’s shop would turn into something with much more commitment. 
“You’re telling me that you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend? Why on earth would you need that?”
You were pacing around the shop, trying to avoid customers as to not involve them in this very personal conversation. Fred followed you, pleading for you to help him like the great friend you were. 
“I told you,” he said, “after The Daily Prophet did that expo on the shop and made me and George out to be rich sexy businessmen, and I mean where’s the lie, all of my crazy exes have been sending me letters and trying to get back with me. I can’t stand it, there’s so many!”
“Yeah, you were never one for long-term relationships, were you?”
Fred hmphed but quickly picked up with his pleading once again. “You don’t understand, Y/N, it’s absolutely unbearable. It’s common knowledge that George and Angie have been going steady for years now, so he’s got pretty much no one after him. But me? I can’t handle it.”
He dramatically threw himself on one of the empty product tables, causing a couple kids to glance in your direction before quickly becoming distracted by one of the exploding jokes across the shop. 
“Oh, woe is me, I have too many beautiful women throwing themselves at me, whatever am I to do?” you mocked, earning a nasty glare from your friend. 
“I wouldn’t ask this of you if it wasn’t of upmost importance,” he said, straightening his tie and assuming a more business-like manner. “Those girls are crazy. Hot, yes, but crazy. And all you have to do is pretend to be dating me for a few weeks, a month at best! What do you say?”
“And what do I get out of this?” you asked. Usually, you’d never say no to helping a friend, especially Fred, but pretending to date him and having him practically use you to make other girls mad? You didn’t like the idea in the slightest. Well, maybe seeing the mad girls would be a bonus. You never cared much for most of the girls Fred went out with. 
Fred’s face turned into an upward grin as he rolled his sleeves up and leaned forward. “I was hoping you’d say that. I hear that you’re looking for a place to stay, is that right?”
You nodded hesitantly, having an idea of where he was going. 
“Well,” he said, pacing back and forth, “to keep up this charade we’ll need to convince everyone, including George and Angelina. You see, Angie’s friends with Alicia, one of the girls who’s been constantly OWLing me, and if she knew this was fake then she’d blow our cover for sure. Which means…”
You gulped. 
“You’d have the pleasure of sharing the loft with me. You’d get a room, shared with me, and a nice living space all rent-free, and all you have to do is act all lovey-dovey and occasionally snog me. That sounds like an offer you can’t refuse.”
Unfortunately, he was right. You were tight on money at the moment and really had no other options. It was a deal you had to make if you wanted to stay afloat, no matter how much annoyance and embarrassment it would cost you. 
Sighing, you let your shoulders slump, a sign of defeat. “You do know how to negotiate, don’t you?”
“Well I am a businessman.” Fred stuck out his hand, and with a slow, drawn out motion, you shook it. 
It was the 4th night of living with the Weasley twins, or maybe 5th? The nights all seemed to blend together as you’d been having more fun than you had since Hogwarts. George and Angelina didn’t seem surprised at all when you and Fred told them your made up story about how you and Fred started seeing each other. In fact, they both said they always knew it would happen. You and Fred shared a laugh about that in bed that night, before he decided to take up all of the space on the small piece of furniture, prompting you to write your third rule. 
Overall, it had been a great experience. Couples game night, movie marathons, gossip sessions with Angelina about you and Fred’s sex life (which you didn’t have to fabricate too much, you already knew too much from the incredible amounts of detail he used to provide about his dates with other girls). It was like being thrown back into a dorm room, and your old teenage self was starting to shine through again. 
You stared at yourself in Fred’s bathroom mirror, very proud of how you handled Brooklyn earlier that day. She was one of the few girlfriends of Fred’s you never got to meet, probably because they only dated for a short period of time before she left him for the first rich snob to bat an eye at her. Out of everyone you could think of that he dated, she was by far the worst, which meant the next few days would probably be more difficult. It was easy making that bitch angry with smoke coming from her ears, but you didn’t know how good you’d feel about lying to someone a lot nicer than she was. 
After brushing your teeth and donning your pajamas, your Hogwarts house colors of course, you crawled into bed and joined Fred, who was reading one of the novels you had recommended to him. “You like it so far?” you asked. 
Fred took off his reading glasses and nodded, setting a bookmark in the book before placing it on his nightstand. “Surprisingly, yes. I didn’t think it would be my thing, but so far it’s actually really good.”
“Told ya,” you said as you laid down beside him. You and Fred were comfortable enough to share a bed with few problems except for his stupid long legs. You’d been friends for years and had grown way too comfortable with each other, so squeezing together each night wasn’t too out of the ordinary. 
As you snuggled into the covers, Fred following suit, you mentally went over the schedule for the week. 
“How many girls are there again?” 
Fred paused for a moment, trying to remember what he had sent to each girl. “A few I was able to ward off via letter, the more sane ones, but there are still two more girls who insisted they pay me a visit. Addison’s coming tomorrow and Alicia the day after that.”
You nodded, although you ducted Fred could see it from his position. “Got it. Addison’s sweet, I liked her.”
Fred scoffed, wrapping an arm around your waist as he had started doing while you two slept. It was nothing more than platonic, Fred was just a touchy person. You told yourself he would do this with any semi-attractive girl laying in his bed. 
“Yeah, sweet girl all right, until you come home to your entire apartment torn apart cuz she thought you were cheating on her because apparently you ‘took an extra 12 minutes of lunch break and it seemed awfully suspicious.’”
Your body reverberated with a small giggle, remembering how Fred had to crash with you at your old place while he was trying to replace all the furniture she had literally torn up. “That’s right, she’s almost as crazy as I am.”
You wouldn’t have a hard time lying to Addison, you decided. It was actually kind of fun when you did it with Brooklyn. You could get really creative with this one. 
You released a deep breath and closed your eyes, nestling back into Fred as he spooned you, claiming it was the only way he wouldn’t sprawl out and kick you in your sleep, which you knew was a lie. He’d find a way to kick you somehow. The git always did. 
“That was surprisingly better than expected!”
You nodded gleefully, handing Fred a scone and coffee that you had picked up from a nearby bakery. Scaring off Addison had been even more fun than Brooklyn, you and Fred really getting into character and being as lovey dovey as possible. She seemed to take it well, but you wouldn’t be surprised if she triggered the security system tonight trying to break in and destroy the shop. 
“And if I’m being honest it was actually kind of fun,” you told him, settling in behind the counter. 
You raised your muffin to your mouth to take a bite but Fred’s huge mouth snagged a taste before you could, bending down and taking a chunk out before you could have any. “That’s disgusting,” but you had no disgust lingering in your tone. 
“I agree,” he said through mouthfuls of muffin. “It was an excellent way to spend the morning. Bloody hell she would not leave!”
“At least she was nice about it.”
Fred reluctantly agreed before making another move to your muffin, one that this time you anticipated and you swatted his nose with a nearby newspaper. “You have your own, you greedy pig.”
He yanked the paper from your hand, using it as a napkin before the front page caught his eye. He quickly crumpled up the paper and tossed it into a nearby waste bin, something you wouldn’t have been suspicious of had he not done it so nervously. 
“Fred, what’s in the paper today?”
He shifted to put himself in between you and the wastebin, his tall figure looming over you. “Not important, just more junk that no one cares about.”
You didn’t believe him for a second. “Frederick Weasley you move this instant.” You tried pushing him out of the way but it was like moving an annoying ginger stone wall. Trying another approach, you darted to the left before doubling back and running right, but before you made it two steps he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. “Fred!”
You wiggled with all your might and finally made it out of his grasp, snatching the paper and unfolding it to read the headline. 
Diagon Alley Playboy Finally Settling Down? Or Is Y/N L/N Just Another of Fred Weasley’s One Night Stands?
The color drained from your face and you slowly lowered the paper, reading the front page again and again. Attached was a blurry picture of you and Fred from the day before with you tucked into the side. The buggers at The Daily Prophet must’ve caught it through the store window. 
“I’m sorry,” Fred said softly, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “I tried to keep things quiet, but I guess the press always finds a way in.”
You rubbed your temple slowly, trying to ignore the dread in your stomach. After seeing Harry Potter be brutally torn apart by the press for years, the last thing you wanted was rumors about you going around. 
"We could have prevented this!” you exclaimed, slamming the paper onto the desk. “This is complete bullshit. We’re not even dating! I swear I’m going to march straight to their office and--”
“Don’t bother,” Fred said, completely exasperated by the constant coverage of his family. “It does absolutely nothing, trust me. As a close relative to a professional Quidditch player, The Chosen One himself, and his two best friends who literally saved the world, we’ve learned that nothing will keep them away. Especially since they pinned me as the player of the Weasley family.”
“But you’re not!” you said, getting angrier by the second. “So your relationships don’t last long, so what? You’re not some womanizing piece of shit that the papers say you are!”
Chuckling, Fred replied. “I know that, and you know that. But the rest of the world wants drama, so if they want to think I have a new girl in my bed every night I’ll let them.” He shrugged. “You get used to it after a while.”
“Well you shouldn’t have to,” you grumbled. “You’re one of the best people I know, and the world should know it too.”
Catching you off guard, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your torso and a head lay on your shoulder. “It’s ok, love, just one more day and then you can stay out of the papers forever, I promise.”
Sighing, you turned to face him and let a small smile shine through. “Thanks. But I still think it’s absolute rubbish what they’re doing to your character.”
“Me too, but at least you know what a charming and caring gentleman I am and that’s all that matters to me.”
“Aww,” you coed, “you love me don’t you?”
“Shh, don’t let the press hear! It’ll ruin the image they worked so hard to create.”
You hit your head against Fred’s chest. “Only one more day of this. One more to go.”
“Do you know you talk in your sleep?”
“What?” You were so busy trying to find something to wear that you had barely heard what Fred said. 
“Last night, when you fell asleep. You said something funny.” He was sitting on the bed, adjusting his work tie and pulling on his socks and shoes. He looked...confused. Like he was trying to solve a complicated problem and he just couldn’t git the pieces together. 
“Oh?” you said, growing nervous. Had you dreamt last night? You were racking your brain, hoping you hadn’t said something embarrassing. 
You definitely had a dream, and Fred was there. You were at the shop...and Alicia came in! And…
“You were saying ‘Alicia, no, Fred’s mine not yours, I love Fred,” and umm, other stuff like that.” His face was heating up by the second, as was yours. 
“Really?” you said through awkward laughs. “Must’ve been preparing for today, huh?”
Fred said nothing, instead choosing to focus on retying his shoes. 
“Well,” you said, finally picking out your outfit, “I’m going to change, I’ll meet you down there later, ok?”
He nodded, still confused, and you rushed to use his bathroom before things could get more awkward. 
You decided to take a nice, long shower to cool down, hoping that you could somehow wash away the embarrassment. So maybe you had a slight crush on Fred. Who could blame you? You’d been spending the last week cuddled up with him and spending so much time at the shop, not to mention acting like a couple in front of everyone. Who wouldn’t develop feelings?
But for some weird reason you had a feeling that this wasn’t a recent crush, rather something that’s been lurking right beneath the surface for a while. You groaned, hitting your head against the shower wall. This was not the time for this. You had a job to do, and Alicia would be here in 30 minutes so you had to hurry up. 
Scampering down the steps 15 minutes later after using a drying spell and getting dressed, you stopped in your tracks when you saw what was happening across the shop. Alicia was here early. 
From the looks of it, she had already made herself comfortable, leaning in to talk to Fred, who wasn’t doing anything to discourage the behavior. Instead, he was leaning in as well, laughing at a joke she just made. 
Fury burned inside you as you watched the scene unfold. You knew from the beginning that Alicia would be the hardest ex to deal with. Not only had she been Fred’s longest and most intimate relationship to date, but she was also a really nice person, meaning you had no reason to hate her. But at this moment you did. 
Alicia leaned closer, her nose almost touching Fred. What should you do? Did he want your help getting rid of her? Was he still harboring feelings and actually looking to reconnect? You saw him slowly lean in toward her, which you took as a sign to continue with your plan. 
You were almost running when you reached Fred, who turned and seemed happy to see you. “Just in time,” he said the Alicia, “Alicia, you remember--”
You cut him off with a kiss, the third kiss you’d promised him. Except this one wasn’t one of the pecks you described on your terms and conditions. You pulled Fred down into one of if not the most passionate kiss you’d ever had, wrapping your arms around his neck and drawing him closer to you. 
Almost immediately he pulled off of you, looking more bewildered than you had ever seen him. “I…”
“Well that was quite the spectacle.”
You looked over to where Alicia was standing, smirking at the two of you. Contrary to what you had expected, she actually seemed rather calm and actually amused at what she had just seen. 
“S-sorry,” you said. Fred tried to say something but he was too dumbstruck to even get a word out. He just stood there, eyes wide and mouth twitching. 
“Is this a bad time?” she asked. “I’m supposed to be meeting my fiancé for breakfast later so I can just come back another time if that works for you.”
“Yeah!” Alicia beamed as she showed you her left hand, her ring finger adorned with the most beautiful engagement ring you’d ever seen. “Actually, the reason I’m here is because I just asked Fred if he wanted to be in the wedding as a groomsman. Or bridesmaid. Whatever works for him. Thankfully the big oaf said yes before you laid that on him, or else I think I’d be waiting a lot longer for an answer.”
Fred was still as frozen as ever, making you and Alicia chuckle. “Hey, it’s been forever since we’ve caught up, how about you and Fred go on a double date with me and Lee sometime?”
It took you a second to understand why Lee would be there, until it dawned on you. “You’re marrying Lee Jordan?!”
She couldn’t hold back her laughter at this, loving to see your reaction. “That I am! You’re obviously invited, I’m sending invitations out soon. I’ll hope to see you there, and don’t be afraid to reach out, alright?”
“Y-yeah, will do,” you said. Alicia looked up at Fred and then to you and winked, before waving goodbye and leaving the shop. 
You refused to make eye contact with Fred, too embarrassed to even begin to talk to him. Maybe you’d just take 5 and take a walk down the street? That would help distract your brain from whatever just happened. 
You turned around to the source of the voice, a now more interactive Fred. “What?”
“Real,” he repeated. He shook his head a few times, blinking rapidly. “Sorry, I just mean, that kiss was umm, it was real.”
Your breath hitched in your throat. The fact that you had kissed Fred, and an actual kiss at that, was finally hitting you. “Yeah, it was real, I guess.”
He took a step closer, his face assuming the puzzled look from the bedroom earlier. “Was...was what you said real too? From the dream, I mean?”
Now it was you who was frozen, feet stuck to the ground with no way out. What should you say? Confess your feelings and hope for the best? Or deny everything and try to work your way around this mess? You didn’t have time to think nor ration. Just act. 
“Yeah. It was real.”
Fred nodded, pursing his lips and shifting his weight from foot to foot. “Cool.” He hesitated. “Would it be super crazy out of the blue if I asked you to maybe go out with me sometime. For real?”
A smile rose to your face, hoping that this wasn’t a joke. Slowly, almost shyly, you nodded. “Yeah, it would be a little crazy. But I’d say yes.”
Fred smiled too, a big toothy grin that only made you smile wider, before pulling you into a side hug. “Good, because you’re a little crazy too, so we’ll match on our date.”
“You’re a big dork,” you said, returning the hug. “What will the paper say when they see you with the same girl? They’ll probably explode!”
“I hope so,” he replied as he gave you a loving squeeze. “What I’m worried about is how we’re supposed to explain to George and Angelina that we’ve been faking this whole time and it’s only now getting real.”
“Eh, that’s a problem for another time. Right now, we’ve got some more pressing matters.” You gestured to the front window where a reporter was holding a huge camera, trying to snap a good picture of the two of you. 
“I’ll handle it, grab me the dungbombs.”
“Yes, sir!”
You ran to assist Fred, head rushing with thoughts of first dates and future ones down the road. Of attending Lee and Alicia’s wedding together and getting completely wasted with each other. Of sleeping together each night, holding each other in an embrace that was now true and deep and caring. In a relationship that was now real. 
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@famdomhideout @amourtentiaa
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