#nevada gaming commission
facts-i-just-made-up · 5 months
Will legally changing your name save you from the consequences if/when you accidentally have given a wizard your name?
Death Note rules I assume. I can only 'assume' because there are a lot of rules. Like every single commercial break there are more rules and I'm only halfway into the series. God what if there are like rider amendments and subsidiary laws and stuff?
Section XVI, Subsection H, Part 27b-6 #56: Wizards with Shinigami Eyes may not see the true name of a human who has changed their name within 16 hours of their marriage within the state of Nevada without express written permission from the Gaming Commission signed by both the original grantee of the marriage license unless the marriage is annulled and notarized as such by two clerics of the nameholder's religion or a religion defined by the Shinigami who lent the death note during a business day within the same fiscal quarter of that country's calendar, not including holidays but still including Labor Day Weekend and April Fools Day.
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vintagelasvegas · 1 year
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New Town Tavern, 600 Jackson Ave, Las Vegas, in 1967. Photo by Clinton Wright. One of the oldest clubs in Las Vegas, destroyed by fire 10/15/2023.
Town Tavern was opened Jul. ‘55 by owners Marie and Earl Turmon, locals who lived at nearby 708 Madison. In its heyday of the late 50s the 24-hour bar, casino, and coffee shop was central to Westside’s nightlife scene. After the closure of the Moulin Rouge in Fall ’55, Town Tavern became the main Westside destination for black performers who were headlining the segregated Strip hotels.
Nat King Cole, Sammy Davis Jr, Cab Calloway, Arthur Lee Simpkins, Bob Bailey, Dorothy Dandridge, and the Ink Spots all performed in a single night during an NAACP cocktail party in Dec. '55. Review-Journal columnist Forrest Duke wrote of another night when, “Pearl Bailey and her Flamingo gang sashayed over to Earl Turmon’s Town Tavern Wednesday night, and the joint was, to put it rather mildly, jumping.” Another columnist’s blurb describes an employee’s going-away party with music by jazz musicians Christine Chatman (singer, piano), Al Morgan (bass), Chuck Hampton (drums), and Bob Bailey as emcee, “there with his lovely wife Anna who dances in the Pearl Bailey’s Flamingo show.”
The club became “New” Town Tavern in late ’59 and operated more or less continually until 2013. Westside's nightlife scene deteriorated in the 60s – the unplanned byproduct of integration was the decline in black gaming establishments, but Town Tavern remained. Florence Elmore owned the club in '70-71. Danny Curtis & Elijah Green bought the club in '71; Green was still the owner in the 80s, renovating and enlarging the club after a fire in '81. In the 90s it became “Ultra New” Town Tavern and continued operated under this name until closing.
Town Tavern originally had a top hat-shaped sign. Its second sign with "Town Tavern" in a ribbon and "Casino" in a circle, was installed in the early 60s and remained until 2023. In 2016 the words "Town Tavern" were replaced with "Tokyo" for a casino which ultimately never opened. The sign was removed from the building on 8/16/2023.
1967 photos from Clinton Wright Photographs (PH-00379), UNLV Special Collections & Archives.
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Sources: "Opening.” Review-Journal, 7/6/55; “NAACP Plan Party for Sunday.” Review-Journal, 12/24/57; Forrest Duke. Review-Journal, 1/16/59; “Take Pickets Off Westside Casino Beat.” Review-Journal, 9/7/59; J. Berger. Black casinos flourished during days of segregation. Review-Journal, 11/10/75; “Arson suspected in tavern fire.” Review-Journal, 5/25/81; “West Las Vegas Casinos Have New Look – And Dreams.” Las Vegas Sentinel Voice, Vol. 4, Issue 25, 10/20/83; C. Drummond. 'It's a legend gone': Fire destroys Historic Westside building, and Clean up of Historic Westside building destroyed by fire. News3LV, 10/17/2023.
Note. Prior to Town Tavern, this corner 1400 F St. was the site of the earliest known Westside casinos. It was Shady Rest Barbecue, licensed for slot machines on 9/17/42, and Club Alabam, aka Smokey Joe's Club Alabama the following year. Fuller's Index of Nevada Gaming Establishments says the Club Alabam was licensed for 21 from 5/1/43 to 7/2/43. City Commission Meeting Minutes of 7/2/43 (p97) states that the liquor and gaming license of Joe LaDue at Club Alabam was denied. The club burned down 9/29/43. Liquor License. Review-Journal, 9/17/42; Westside Club Burns, Officers Say Incendiary. Review Journal, 9/29/43.
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mariacallous · 13 days
A federal judge has cleared the way for betting on election results in the US for the first time in the modern era, overturning a prohibition imposed on gambling companies by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, a financial regulator.
In November, the CFTC was sued in the District of Columbia by New York-based Kalshi, which operates a predictions market that allows users to bet on the outcome of various events, from the volume of recorded bird flu cases to the number of cars produced by Tesla. Kalshi filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn a CFTC decision preventing it from offering bets on whether the Democratic or Republican party would control the two chambers of Congress.
On September 6, Judge Jia Cobb ruled in favor of Kalshi, overturning the CFTC prohibition. At a hearing on Thursday, the judge denied a motion for delay meant to buy the CFTC time to appeal, which means betting may now begin.
The debate over whether betting on the elections should be allowed in the US runs back decades. At the moment, the practice is illegal under the laws of numerous US states, like Texas and Nevada, but not everywhere.
The CFTC has so far refused to grant gambling platforms a license to offer odds on election results, amounting to a de facto ban. In May, the agency proposed new rules that would make election betting explicitly illegal, classifying it as a type of gaming—a practice over which it has some jurisdiction. The proposal garnered support among some Democrat senators—among them Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Jeffrey Merkley of Oregon—who in August cosigned an open letter endorsing the CFTC’s plan.
Organizations that lobby against the legalization of election betting claim the practice would encourage meddling by malign actors. “The trust and confidence of American people in our election system is at a very low point. The last thing we need is for people to be incentivized to interfere with the election process,” says Dennis Kelleher, president and CEO of nonprofit Better Markets. “There can be no doubt, when there are hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, people are going to be incentivized to engage in conduct that interferes with the elections.”
The CFTC did not respond to questions from WIRED, but in a previous statement, its chairman, Rostin Behnam, laid out the justification for the ban it had proposed. “Contracts involving political events ultimately commoditize and degrade the integrity of the uniquely American experience of participating in the democratic electoral process,” he said.
But in its lawsuit, Kalshi argued that election-related event contracts—the type of betting instrument in question—are a valuable tool for businesses hoping to hedge against a political outcome that might be unfavorable to them. The company also argued that data produced by this type of betting activity can be used as a valuable alternative to traditional polling. “You get more truth out of these markets,” claims Tarek Mansour, cofounder of Kalshi. “They do a better job at aggregating the prevailing wisdom.”
Election betting is a widespread practice elsewhere in the world, including the UK. Though politicians have been investigated for allegedly using non-public information to inform bets, WIRED was not able to find examples of election interference related to betting activity.
In the written ruling, Judge Cobb sided with Kalshi on the belief that the CFTC had “exceeded its statutory authority” in using its jurisdiction over gaming to stand in the way of election betting. “Kalshi’s contracts do not involve unlawful activity or gaming. They involve elections, which are neither,” the judge wrote.
The CFTC says it will make an emergency application to the US Court of Appeals for a temporary hold on election betting while it appeals the district court ruling. But at least for now, the way is clear for Kalshi to begin offering bets on congressional races in states that do not impose a blanket ban. The ruling also raises questions about the CFTC’s ability to carry forward its plans for a formal ban.
The timing of the ruling will allow Kalshi to enter the market ahead of the November elections, which it expects to attract large numbers of speculators. “Elections are big, there’s no question. Americans really care,” says Mansour. “It’s a big market, and we want to get into it.”
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
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Excerpt from this story from the LA Times:
The California Fish and Game Commission has formally recognized the Mojave desert tortoise as endangered.
The designation, granted Thursday, is the latest in a long series of steps to try to protect the dwindling population of the desert creature, which biologists say is heading toward extinction.
The tortoise was designated as threatened under the California Endangered Species Act in 1989 and as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1990. In 2020, Defenders of Wildlife, Desert Tortoise Council and Desert Tortoise Preserve petitioned to change the tortoise’s status to endangered, which would give it higher priority and funding for conservation measures such as habitat protection and recovery efforts.
The commission then granted temporary endangered species to the desert tortoise while it considered adding it permanently to the list.
A recovery plan was created in 1994, and then revised in 2011 after there were issues implementing the recovery strategies.
Between 2001 and 2020, population densities in tortoise conservation areas went down by an average of 1% per year in the Colorado Desert and Eastern Mojave Recovery units, according to a February 2024 California Department of Fish and Wildlife report.
The minimum density for the tortoises to remain viable is 3.9 adults per square kilometer, according to the report. Only 2 out of the 10 designated tortoise conservation areas currently meet that threshold.
Sadly, California’s state reptile — formally Gopherus agassizii — is hurtling toward extinction. Vehicle strikes, urban encroachment, hungry ravens, military maneuvers, disease, drought, extreme heat, wildfires, illegal marijuana grows and development of massive solar farms are all pushing the species to the brink.
The tortoises live in the rocky foothills north and west of the Colorado River in California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada. They feed on grasses, cacti, herbs and wildflowers.
They hibernate for up to nine months each year and are most active from March to June and September to October. The sleep pays a longevity dividend — the tortoises can live for 50 to 80 years.
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sugarmasonmearii · 1 year
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[C] Nevada Sings Her Heart Away!
"The brains of Layne's Five Magics and a talented singer with strong psychic powers, it's Nevada the Espeon!
Here, she's seen standing in the spotlight up on stage singing "Hero" by Mariah Carey. Not exactly an artist within my usual music tastes, I'm more of a rock and metal fan than a pop fan. But this song of hers is splendid and Nevada sings it beautifully. Just like her fellow Eeveelutions on the team, Nevada is a friendly and beautiful young lady with the kindest of hearts. Like your usual Espeon, Nevada is very loyal to her trainer, Layne and would do anything to protect him from danger. Her hobbies include studying pokémon and their moves/abilities, singing, a little bit of gaming, and interacting with humans and pokémon alike. In fact, Nevada enjoys being around humans so much that she taught herself how to speak their language (English) back when she was an Eevee. This way, people could understand her just as well as she could already understand them. Let me tell you, Nevada's a smart one. Her quick thinking and swift reflexes on the battlefield have led herself, her fellow Eeveelutions and her trainer to many victories.
On a personal note, I'd like to dedicate this art piece to the person that my magical psychic-powered kitty, Nevada was named after. My late cousin, Nevada Jean Chavez, who tragically passed away at the age of 24 in a head-on car wreck in March of 2019. As a child, my cousin enjoyed singing very much. And Mariah Carey's "Hero" was one of her most favorite songs to sing back then. It makes me elated to have this beautiful Espeon at my side carry on the name of my deceased cousin in her absence.
Miss you, Nevada. Rest in peace. 1994 - 2019" - Layne
This particular commission was frankly intimidating, not because it's difficult, but it looks too simple if I only follow the Solid Shading format in the whole piece. I couldn't just leave this as that, so I broke my rules and gave the background a lovely glow-up, and even Nevada herself. Especially with, how special is the name Nevada to the client.
... who's cutting onions? 😢
If you're interested in a commission from me, [do check here] for details. Or you can check my [Carrd art commissions.] Or you can DM me too.
You can support me via [Ko-fi] and/or [Patreon] too!
Client: LayneTheVaporeon
Nevada the Espeon is his OC.
Lyrics are from the song Hero: (c) Mariah Carey
Pokémon belongs to Nintendo, Gamefreak and Creatures. Art by me.
This is a paid commission and the only the artist and client have the rights to repost this art. Do not trace, copy, use, steal or distribute!
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windy-trickster · 2 years
[Kakiya] ===> Enter Respiteblock
Stressful days lead to one of your only forms of comfort, digital art. You walked into your respiteblock and sigh, dropping your satchel down beside your cocoon before you walked over to your desk. Your desk was old. Very old, but you didn't care. It was the desk you've done so much on. Your lusus would play games with you on this desk, you made so many traditional masterpieces on this desk and so more. But that's not why you're staring at it. You glanced over at your setup. Large monitor, gift from your moirail. Your trusty drawing tablet and drawing pen. You grabbed your chair and pulled it over, sitting down and starting up everything. This was routine for you. -> Have a bad day -> Come back to your hive stressed out -> Drop your satchel by your cocoon -> Sit down at your desk Over and over. This is what you were comfortable with. You have branched out to do other things thanks to your friends and your matesprite. But this was a comfort for you. Art was your comfort. When everything was lit up and blinking, you noticed you had a notification from Discourse. You clicked on the tab and sighed. It was one of your friends, Nevada, a streamer that you watch a couple of times. But you didn't check the notification. You noticed you had other notifications as well. One from your moirail, Paimor. Another from your moirail's matesprite, Fervet. And one for your matesprite, Hentin... You wanted to respond to them all, but you didn't. You just adjusted your glasses and opened up your art program, starting to gently glide your pen across the tablet's screen. You weren't working on any commissions at the moment, which was nice. You were able to draw mindlessly. And you liked that. A lot, actually.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Ely, NV (No. 3)
Ely is a tourism center, and is home of the Nevada Northern Railway Museum. The railroad museum features the Ghost Train of Old Ely, a working steam-engine passenger train that travels the historic tracks from Ely to the Robinson mining district.
Ely is the nearest city to the proposed site of the Clock of the Long Now on Mount Washington.
The historic six-story Hotel Nevada and Gambling Hall is in downtown Ely. Opened in 1929, it was the tallest building in Nevada until 1931 and was the state's first fire-proof building. It is a popular lodging, dining, gaming, and tourist stop.
The long stretch of road on State Route 318 near Ely is known for the annual 90 miles (140 km) Silver State Classic Challenge course, an authorized time-trial Cannonball Run-style race that attracts entries from all over the world.
The Ely Renaissance Society is responsible for more than 20 outdoor murals and sculptures in the downtown area. Artists from all over the world have been commissioned to create images of area history, using different art styles. They also maintain a historical village consisting of a general store and several shotgun houses which display the history of the people that came to the area to work for the railroad and the mine.
Ely is also home to regional offices of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and Nevada Department of Wildlife, all of which have information and staff to help visitors enjoy the rich natural resources of the area.
Source: Wikipedia
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runarcherykr2071 · 1 month
2019 full-year financial results to defy analyst predictions, despite regulatory headwinds at home.
The bookmaker attributed the uptick to a string of unexpectedly favorable results, mainly in soccer and horse racing. That helped to offset the cut in maximum stakes on fixed-odds betting terminals and higher online gaming taxes imposed by the UK government at the beginning of last year.
Adjusted operating profit for 2019 is expected to come in at between £143 million ($185 million) and £148 million ($192 million), as opposed to the £130 million ($169 million) analyst consensus.
Meanwhile, William Hill said its burgeoning US operations had confounded its own expectations. The company expected to book a $20 million loss in America. This was largely because of the cost of expanding aggressively in the newly liberalized sports betting markets. But it now expects to break even.
The group has delivered a strong operating performance, ahead of our expectations and against a challenging regulatory backdrop,” said chief executive Ulrik Bengtsson in a statement.
“We made good progress on a number of fronts, including our retail business, online, and in the US, enabling us to deliver on our long-term strategic ambitions,” he added. “We look forward to building on these efforts in 2020 with a strong focus on customer, team, and execution.”
US Gold Rush William Hill is the market leader for retail sports betting in Nevada, with several hundred retail betting outlets in casinos, bars, 7-Elevens, and truck stops throug. It increased its footfall elsewhere in the country in 2019.
But analysts have suggested that the company is losing ground to competitors in the mobile market, which is accounting for around 80 percent of bets in leading market New Jersey.
Morgan Stanley noted this week that William Hill’s share of the US app download market had dropped from 15.5 per cent in August to just 6 per cent in November.
Credit Card Ban Coming The year just past was a tough one for William Hill and the rest of the UK betting sector. They struggled within mature European regulated markets, many of which have imposed tighter controls on TV advertising and online betting.홀짝게임
The stakes-drop on fixed-odds betting terminals from a maximum £100 per spin to just £2 resulted in the closure of 700 shops.
The retail betting sector had come to rely on the machines, which offer electronic versions of roulette and other games, for up to half its revenues. But William Hill said the outlet closures had steadied the ship and mitigated losses.
More reforms await the UK industry in 2020 in the form of a ban on credit cards as a deposit method — which the UK Gambling Commission is expected to announce this week — as well as a possible ban on online gaming VIP loyalty programs.
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novumtimes · 1 month
Nevada gaming regulators accuse Resorts World casino of accommodating illegal gambling
RENO, Nev. (AP) — The Nevada Gaming Control Board filed a disciplinary complaint Thursday alleging that one of the largest casinos on the Las Vegas Strip welcomed illegal bookmaking, people with a history of gambling-related felony convictions and individuals linked to organized crime. Many of the allegations against Resorts World Las Vegas centered on Mathew Bowyer, the Southern California bookmaker who took thousands of sports bets from the former interpreter for baseball star Shohei Ohtani. Bowyer pleaded guilty last week in federal court in Santa Ana, California, to running an illegal gambling business. The board asked the Nevada Gaming Commission, which has authority over disciplinary action, to fine the company and take what experts say would be rare action against Resorts World’s gaming license. “The commission has the power to decide what it wants to do with this,” said Michael Green, an associate professor of history at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who has long studied Las Vegas’ casino business. “They can decide to revoke the license. They can decide no, that’s too much, there should be fines. There are executives who might be forced out. So they have some latitude here. And they’re always hesitant to go that far, because you can’t be sure of the long-term effects.” The commission did not immediately respond to an after-hours message Thursday seeking comment on the timing of a decision. Resorts World said it is communicating with the board to resolve the issues so it can focus on its guests and nearly 5,000 employees. “We are committed to doing business with the utmost integrity and in compliance with applicable laws and industry guidelines,” it said in a statement. The 31-page complaint alleges that Resorts World allowed Bowyer to play 80 separate days over about 15 months, while repeatedly failing to verify his source of funding. Bowyer lost over $6.6 million during that time, while the casino extended gifts, discounts and flights on its private jet, according to the complaint. Bowyer was banned from Resorts World on Oct. 6, 2023, after a federal warrant was executed to search his home. Prosecutors said Bowyer ran an illegal gambling business for at least five years in Southern California and Las Vegas and took wagers from more than 700 bettors, including Ohtani’s former interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara. Diane Bass, Bowyer’s attorney, did not respond to a message seeking comment. The complaint lists 12 counts against Resorts World — six related to Bowyer — including failing to distance from suspected illegal bookmakers, failure of casino hosts to report suspected illegal bookings and hosts referring prospective customers to suspected illegal bookmakers. Other counts were related to hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit to others with histories of illegal gambling convictions or organized crime — one of whom was convicted of conducting an illegal gambling business and another who was convicted in a large-scale internet gambling operation. The complaint also alleges that Resorts World employees failed to report unusual or suspicious activity and violations of its anti-money laundering program to their superiors. Members of the program committee acknowledged during the board’s investigation that Bowyer’s source of funding did not justify his level of play, according to the complaint. “This culture results in the perception and/or reality that Resorts World is an avenue to launder funds derived from illegal activity and/or to further criminal activity causing damage to the reputation of the state of Nevada and Nevada’s gaming industry,” the board said in the complaint. ___ Associated Press writer Rio Yamat in Las Vegas contributed to this report. Source link via The Novum Times
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priceperplayer · 2 months
Sportsbooks in Nevada Record Strong Revenue in June
Sportsbooks in Nevada Record Strong Revenue in June
Sportsbooks in Nevada produce $29.8 million in sports betting revenue for June. This signifies a massive 213.7% year-over-year increase in revenue. This comes from a $481.6 million betting handle. Month-over-month numbers, however, show slight dips in both handle and revenue. According to the report from the Nevada Gaming Commission, month-over-month revenue drops by 17.3%. These numbers are…
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vintagelasvegas · 2 years
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Merci Beaucoup at the Stardust, May 1975. The Irish Showband. Bare Touch of Vegas. Silver City Casino in the month it opened. Construction crane working on Riviera’s Monte Carlo Tower in the background.
Nevada Gaming Commission voted in May 1975 to allow casinos to install sports and race book operations on the same premises as live gaming. Harrah’s Club in Reno and Union Plaza in Las Vegas opened sports books that summer. Frank Rosenthal opened Stardust’s race book 9/8/75.
Photos from Adelaidefire.
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totositeseo · 4 months
Understanding Online Gamming: Risks, Regulations, and Responsible Gaming
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In recent years, online gamming has experienced exponential growth, becoming a significant part of the global gaming industry. As this sector expands, it brings with it a range of opportunities and challenges, particularly in terms of regulation and responsible gaming. This article explores the landscape of online gamming, highlighting its risks, regulatory framework, and the importance of responsible gaming practices.
The Growth of Online Gamming
Online gamming has seen a meteoric rise in popularity, driven by advancements in technology and the widespread availability of internet access. What once required a visit to a physical casino can now be done from the comfort of one’s home or on the go via mobile devices. This convenience has contributed to the rapid expansion of the industry, with millions of people worldwide engaging in online betting and gaming 토토사이트 추천.
Risks Associated with Online Gamming
While online gamming offers convenience and entertainment, it also comes with inherent risks. One of the primary concerns is the potential for addiction. The accessibility and 24/7 availability of online gamming platforms can make it easy for individuals to develop problematic gamming behaviors. This is compounded by the fact that online transactions are often conducted using credit cards and electronic funds transfers, which can lead to financial difficulties if not managed responsibly.
Regulation of Online Gamming
Regulation of online gamming varies significantly from one jurisdiction to another. Some countries have strict laws and regulations in place to protect consumers and ensure fair play, while others have more relaxed approaches. The primary objectives of these regulations are to prevent gamming addiction, protect minors from accessing gamming sites, and ensure that operators conduct their businesses in a transparent and socially responsible manner.
Global Regulatory Framework
In Europe, for example, online gamming is heavily regulated, with licenses required to operate legally in most jurisdictions. The United Kingdom’s Gamming Commission oversees the industry, ensuring that operators adhere to strict guidelines regarding player protection and responsible gaming practices. Similarly, in the United States, individual states have begun to legalize and regulate online gamming, with some like New Jersey and Nevada leading the way.
Challenges in Regulation
Despite efforts to regulate the industry, challenges remain. One significant issue is the difficulty in enforcing regulations across international borders. Many online gamming platforms operate across multiple countries, making it challenging to enforce laws and protect consumers effectively. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological change can outpace regulatory efforts, creating new challenges for lawmakers and regulators alike.
The Importance of Responsible Gaming
Central to the discussion of online gamming is the concept of responsible gaming. Responsible gaming practices aim to minimize the harm caused by gamming, ensuring that it remains a safe and enjoyable activity. This includes measures such as setting deposit limits, self-exclusion options, and providing resources for those who may be struggling with gamming addiction.
Tools for Responsible Gaming
Online gamming operators have a responsibility to promote responsible gaming practices among their customers. This includes providing educational materials about the risks of gamming, offering self-assessment tools to help individuals understand their gamming behaviors, and implementing features that allow players to set limits on their spending and time spent gamming.
The Role of Technology
Technology also plays a crucial role in promoting responsible gaming. Many online gamming platforms use sophisticated algorithms to detect potentially problematic gamming behavior, such as chasing losses or spending more than usual. These algorithms can then alert the player and encourage them to take a break or seek help if needed.
As online gamming continues to grow, so too does the need for effective regulation and responsible gaming practices. By understanding the risks associated with online gamming and implementing robust regulatory frameworks, we can help to protect consumers and ensure that online gamming remains a safe and enjoyable activity for all. Responsible gaming practices, coupled with advances in technology and regulation, will be crucial in shaping the future of online gamming and ensuring its sustainability as a form of entertainment.
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Attorney Sandra Douglass Morgan (born April 10, 1978) is an attorney and executive. She is the president of the Las Vegas Raiders. Before her tenure with the Raiders, she served on the Nevada State Athletic Commission and was the chairwoman of the Nevada Gaming Control Board among other roles.
Her father, Gilbert, is a retired US Air Force Veteran. Her mother, Kilcha, is Korean.
Raised in Las Vegas, she graduated from Eldorado High School and earned a BA in Political Science and Communications from the University of Nevada, Reno before graduating from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law.
She became a litigation attorney for The Mirage, was the city attorney for North Las Vegas becoming the first African American to hold such a role in Nevada, and director of external affairs for AT&T Services. joined the Nevada State Athletic Commission, the Nevada Gaming Commission, and the Nevada Gaming Control Board in 2019, becoming the first African American to serve as chair. She introduced reforms - such as the proposal to require gaming companies to establish written policies against harassment and discrimination towards their employees based on factors such as sex, race, color, gender identity, and national origin -and was responsible for closing and reopening casinos during the COVID-19 pandemic. She served in the State COVID-19 task force.
After leaving the control board she joined the board of Caesars Entertainment as well as the boards of Fidelity Investments, Allegiant Airlines, and Cerberus Cyber Sentinel. She joined the law firm of Covington & Burling LLP as counsel and ran the consulting service, Douglass Morgan LLC. In December 2021 she was named vice chair of Las Vegas’ host committee for Super Bowl LVIII.
Her hiring made her the first African American woman team president in the NFL. She is the third woman and third African-American in NFL history to become a president of an NFL team.
She is married to former Minnesota Vikings an Arizona Cardinals safety Don Morgan. Together, the couple has two children, Dylan and Dana. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphakappaalpha
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jimdtait · 7 months
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protouchmover · 7 months
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COPA88, direct entrance to the COPA 88 website, newly opened in 2024, including slot game camps. online casino Provided for all camps We are one of the main partners that import legally licensed gambling game camps. We are committed to delivering quality and fair games. By choosing a game camp that has been certified by leading agencies around the world, including MGA, BMM Testlabs, UK Gambling Commission, Alderney Gambling Control Commission, Gibraltar Regulatory Authority, Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission, Nevada Gaming Control Board, New Jersey. Division of Gaming Enforcement, Malta Gaming Authority and Curacao eGaming, we value providing a transparent and reliable service. To provide the best experience for everyone who comes to experience COPA 88.
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thenewsart · 9 months
Magician added to Nevada ‘black book’ after 17 casinos trespass him
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — The Nevada Gaming Commission unanimously voted Thursday to add a Mississippi illusionist to the “black book” for Nevada casinos after learning 17 Nevada properties trespassed him. At the Dec. 21 meeting, Senior Deputy Attorney General Michael Somps brought an action to add Shaun Joseph Benward to the list of people who are excluded from casinos in the state. Four states have…
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