#neurology specialist in Allahabad
glexpace · 1 year
Why should we concern about the Mental Health of College Students
 College life can be a stressful time for a lot of students. Problems like coping with academic pressure, separation, and individuation from family and so on, college students face a lot of pressures. As per a recent study, one in five college students suffers from some kind of recurring sensations of self-loathing and immense sadness. They have to do their best to fulfill the expectations of their parents and teachers, they also have to deal with the social life and sometimes they don't know how to handle that.  If these problems aren't dealt with with the required help this may lead to depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse.
Suicide is the leading cause of death among college students.
 The suicide rate among college students is higher than in any other age group. It's the second leading cause of death in college students. Continuous hustle to perform best and guilt after failure in doing so can be mentally tiring and eventually lead to mental breakdowns.A large survey reported that among 8,155 students, 6.7 % reported suicidal ideation, 1.6 % reported having a suicide plan, and 0.5 % reported making a suicide attempt in the past year.
The mental health of college students is declining at a steady rate.
 College students are at a higher risk of mental health issues than people who aren’t in college. They are also more likely to have substance abuse problems and eating disorders. The rate of self-harm among college students is rising steadily each year.
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 Rates of depression and anxiety among college students are increasing.
 If you're a college student, you've likely experienced some form of depression or anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in five college students will experience a serious mental illness during their lifetime. That's a lot of people!
But what does this mean for your life as a college student?
 Depression and anxiety can be crippling for many individuals—but they aren't hopeless cases. With proper treatment and support from friends and family members alike (and sometimes even strangers), these disorders can be managed effectively.
 2/3 of college students do not speak up about their mental health issues (most likely due to stigma).
 It’s not just the stigma that makes them afraid of speaking up—it’s also the fear of judgment. Students are afraid that if they admit to their struggles, they will be seen as weak or a failure. They worry that people will think they need help, or that they have a problem and should get treatment.
 They may also be concerned about being judged by others: “Will I be seen as weak? Will my friends avoid me? Will everyone think I am crazy or weird for being depressed?"
 We need to know what is happening, so we can help.
 When you are a college student, it is easy to feel like the world is out of control. As we all know, life can be stressful for many reasons: family problems and relationship issues, financial problems, and job loss through no fault of your own. These things happen in our lives every day—and sometimes they happen multiple times per day!
 It's easy to get caught up in these problems when they seem overwhelming at first glance. But knowing what mental health professionals have discovered about how stress affects our bodies helps us understand why this happens: it's because we don't have enough energy or focus on other tasks while dealing with our current situation(s).
 College students are at a particularly vulnerable time in their lives. We must understand what is happening so we can help them. Students generally being amateurs have low thresholds and poor coping mechanisms to deal with small frustrations and failures. The solution to the problem lies in 'why' and not 'how'.
There are guidelines issued by NCERT to the colleges on how to handle the mental health of students. Students are provided with free counselling centers in every central university. There are  lots of online counselling websites also dealing with the issue. Still the problem is prevalent, in fact, increasing and affecting a larger number of students with each passing day.
As it is said that we cannot deal with an unknown enemy. Mental health disorder, although not unknown, is a less-known enemy of us. There is still a lack of proper research-based treatment for mental illness. Misconceptions and stigma associated with mental illness are serious concerns. Sensitization- gender and social, proper communication and participation amongst family members and social cohesiveness and harmony needs to be adopted. Health literacy and emotional hygiene are also to be promoted.
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biobloomers · 27 days
Top Neurological hospitals in Prayagraj
Over the years, Prayagraj has also become a hub for advanced medical care, attracting patients from all over the country. The city’s hospitals are equipped with modern facilities and highly skilled medical professionals, making it an ideal location for neurological treatments. Over the years, it has also become a hub for advanced medical care, attracting patients from all over the country. The city’s hospitals are equipped with modern facilities and highly skilled medical professionals, making it an ideal location for neurological treatments. So, here are some of the Top Neurological hospitals in Prayagraj.
Najreth Hospital
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Najreth hospital providing a comprehensive range of medical and surgical services. Strategically located in the heart of city of Prayagraj. They provides high quality healthcare and known for its advanced neurological care and experienced specialists.
Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital
Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital is a well known hospital in Allahabad. It is located at Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Civil Lines, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211001 in Allahabad, it is delivering the top medical services at very affordable cost. It has highly experienced doctors and medical team who treats and, serves patients with affection and care. Offers comprehensive neurological services and state-of-the-art facilities.
Jeevan Jyoti Hospital
Jeevan Jyoti Hospital Provides specialized neurological treatments with a team of skilled neurologists. Their committed team of doctors, are excellent in their field of specialization, with a minimum of 10 years of experience behind them. Their outstanding patient care, and reputation for a friendly environment that promotes health, happiness, and harmony is a positive landmark for us, it is not just about medicine, it is the personal care of our patients.
M.G.M. Hospital & Research Centre
MGM Hospital and Research Centre recognized is the best hospital in Prayagraj by bringing together a dedicated team of specialized Neurosurgeon, Neuropsychiatry, Obstetrics & gynaecologist, Physicians, surgeons, and healthcare specialists to provide healthcare and hospitality under one roof, giving it a perfect professional blend of Multispecialty.
Read also- Government college for B.Sc.- prayagraj
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seemabhatnagar · 1 year
Supreme Court and High Court are Parens Patriae in exceptional situations
In the larger interest of patient lying in permanent vegetative state, who was in urgent need of treatment, support the Court invoked its power under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, to deal with such situation and appointed the wife of patient as his Guardian allowed the wife to sell the land to meet the expenses for the treatment of his husband and issued guidelines for the use of money obtained through the sale of property and kept the locus of relative open to approach the court in case the interest of the patient is against the interest of the patient.
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Pooja Sharma v. State of UP & 2 Others
WP (C) 26406/2023
Allowed by Allahabad High Court on 06.10.2023
Husband of the petitioner met with an accident and sustained serious head injury and since than is lying in a comatose state and is in unresponsive wakefulness bed ridden and completely dependent on caregivers for basic needs.
The petitioner wife, who comes from a very average family, works at private place to make her two ends meet. She has a minor son also to take care of & has been subjected to lot of medical expenses. Having exhausted all financial resources, she was in despair, isolation and abandonment besides undergoing agony, stress on account of her husband lying in “permanent vegetative state”.
Prayer of the petitioner wife
Having no other alternative to meet the medical expenses the petitioner wife took the shelter of the Court by filing Writ Petition seeking direction from the Court for permitting her to sell the piece of land purchased by her husband to meet out the expenses of his treatment and was also seeking direction to the government to help her in the treatment of his husband.
Submission of the Petitioner Wife
In India there is no legislation, which provides for appointment of Guardian for a person in comatose state, unlike legislations for appointment of ‘Guardian for minors’ and persons with other disabilities like mental retardation etc.
The Court accorded permission to the petitioner wife also appointed her as guardian of her husband vide its order dt.06.10.2023 with clear guidelines to ensure the interest of the husband who is in a comatose state is protected.
View of the Court
The matters came up before the Court on 20.9.2023, Court and was allowed by the Division Bench of the Allahabad High Court comprising Hon’ble Mr. Justice Mahesh Chandra Tripathi J Hon’ble Mr. Justice Prashant Kumar J on 06.10.2023.
1.     Before proceeding with the relief prayed for, Court considered it appropriate to verify the present mental status of the petitioner’s husband.
2.     Since the petitioner was living in Delhi so Court found it proper to get the Petitioner’s husband examined by the medical board of AIIMS consisting of specialist doctors dealing with such kind of ailments. The petitioner’s husband was examined by the AIIMS Medical Board.
3.     A perusal of the report of the Medical Board shows that the petitioner's husband is in coma and in vegetative state and is not in a situation to take a decision or to execute any conveyance.
4.     He needs a guardian to take care of him, his property and his affairs.
Opinion of the Medical Board
1.     The MRI Brain scans of date 18.07.2023 showed poor clinical condition of the patient, the board was of the opinion that the patient will require prolonged supportive and nursing care and is unlikely to make significant neurological recovery in near future and may require frequent hospital visits for health needs.
Observation of the Court
1.     The issue before the Court in view of the Medical Report was not just limited to allow selling a piece of land in the name of the petitioner’s husband but also to look for the welfare of the petitioner.
Issue before the Court in view of the Report of the Medical Board
Who should be the Guardian of a person who can administer or handle the property of such a person who is in comatose state, as he does not fall under the ambit of mental illness nor will come under the ambit of person with disabilities.
2.     The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017 & The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, provide for appointment of Support/Guardian for People with Particular Disabilities/Mental Illness, but do not address the situation of a person, who is in comatose state.
3.     For a person in comatose state, who would not respond to any stimuli and in the larger interest of patient, who is in urgent need of treatment, support and for that the petitioner wife need funds to take care of this extraordinary situation, cannot be ignored or compromised, hence, the Court is consciously bound to invoke power under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, to deal with such situation.
4.     Looking to the health condition of husband of the petitioner, it was clear that he needs 24 hours medical assistance & it was also neede that a constraint Court may act as Parens Patriae* so as to meet the ends of justice.
Parens Patrie* Hon’ble Apex Court in the case of Shafin Jahan v. Ashokan K M & Others had observed …… There are situations when the Court can invoke the parens patriae principle and the same is required to be invoked only in exceptional situations……..
Guidelines issued by the Court
1.     Petitioner wife is appointed as guardian of her husband who is in comatose state.
2.     She will have the right to take decisions on behalf of her husband for his proper medical treatment, nursing care, welfare and benefit of her husband and their children with power to do all acts, duties and things with respect to all the assets, properties of her husband
3.     She is allowed to sell the land situated
4.     The entire sale consideration will be deposited with the Registrar General of this Court. This amount should be invested in a fixed deposit so that the petitioner gets the maximum interest. Registrar General is further directed to request the bank to remit Rs.50,000/- every month in the account of the petitioner
5.     While selling the properties of her husband Vikas Sharma, the petitioner may ensure that the best possible price or consideration amount is fetched.
6.     In case, any relative or friend of the person lying in comatose state points out that guardian is not acting in the best interest of the person lying in comatose state, such person will also have the locus to approach this Court for issuance of proper direction and for removal of the guardian.
Seema Bhatnagar
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elajyoti-blog · 5 years
Neo Baby IVF Center | Dr. Veena Tripathi | Elawoman
Neo Baby IVF Center is one of the Best IVF and Infertility Centre located in Sector 50, Noida. It become set up within the year 2014. The services furnished at Neo Hospital include Infertility evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Laparoscopic Surgery, and Normal Vaginal Delivery Procedures. Other clinical offerings provided at the clinic include Haemodialysis, Critical Care Nephrology and Urosurgery, Acne Pimple treatment, Weight Loss Treatment, and Treatment of hair loss. Dr. Sujata Garg and Dr. Veena Tripathi exercise at Neo medical institution. Both the infertility experts have more than many years of revel in in treating sufferers with infertility.
 Neo Baby IVF Center is diagnosed inside and past Noida people as a complicated diagnostic and treatment facility, staffed with notably qualified experts. The staff is courteous, considerate and helpful. They are imparting care in all scientific and surgical specialties. It can be one of the leading multispecialty hospitals inside the City with one hundred fifty beds and a complete supplement of specialist doctors. Patients’ privateness, dignity and confidentiality are extraordinarily valued and revered.
 Dr. Veena Tripathi is one of the most experienced gynecologists and fruitlessness experts in Noida. She has more than 2 many years of involvement in the field of gynecology and fruitlessness forte. She has mastery in Gyne Laparoscopy, Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal), Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD) and Surrogacy.
 Dr. Veena Tripathi finished her MBBS from University of Lucknow, 1997 and further sought after MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the University of Allahabad in 2001.
 She keeps herself refreshed with the most recent mechanical progressions and fused it in her training. She additionally pursues the most exceptional and successful techniques to guarantee a positive yield.
 A considerable lot of her patients are very much aware of her exclusive expectation techniques and approach, along these lines the vast majority of the patients in Noida want to visit her for restorative treatments. With over 2 many years of experience, Dr. Veena Tripathi has made extraordinary progress in the field of gynecology and has helped numerous couples through her treatments. She is a specialist in distinguishing, diagnosing and treating the different medical problems and issues identified with the therapeutic field. With her huge experience and learning, she has figured out how to convey huge outcomes notwithstanding for cases with rehashed IVF disappointments. She is by and by rehearsing as a barrenness master at Neo Baby IVF Center.
 Tripathi Hospital is a well-installed Multi-speciality centre located in Sector 119, Noida. Some of the offerings provided at Tripathi Hospital are Infertility assessment, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), and Gynecology Laparoscopy techniques. Other scientific services supplied on the health center consist of Nebulization, Radiology Services, Physiotherapy Services, Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) Test, Advanced Pathological Laboratory Facilities, Neurology, Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Pain Management Counselling, Bone Scan, Child Vaccination, and Stool DNA Test.
 Tripathi Hospital has superb infrastructure, the most advanced fertility technology, quality professional & licensed docs, clinical stores, and the whole thing required for fertility Treatment under one roof. They offer a full variety of consultative and specialized services to satisfy the wishes of adolescent, reproductive age and postmenopausal women. Due to its excellence, it has acclaimed much reputation as a countrywide and worldwide middle for fertility Treatment. The clinic caters to the clinical desires of the patient with complete willpower, precision, and care. They provide personalised care and tight fine manipulate to optimize your achievement fee in the shortest time. The infrastructure is properly-built with separate departments for supplying Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Infertility treatments. The rooms are designed optimally for smooth mobility and secure live of indoor patients. They are also properly-ventilated, organized and provided for the consolation of patients. The sanatorium additionally maintains a nurturing, peace and enjoyable environment to alleviate the strain that the patients can be going through. Dr. Sujata Garg is the practising doctor on the medical institution. She focuses on IVF, IUI, Gynecology Laparoscopy, Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy methods. She has greater than many years of enjoy in this discipline.
 Neo Baby IVF Center important intention is patient satisfaction with right care. We give medical support and emotional support with desirable communication and required time to the patient. We supply recommendation and support at some stage in being pregnant and after shipping. We have a crew of medical doctors with updated knowledge, accurate communique and amazing operative ability. Neo Hospital has got very good infrastructure. Hospital is nicely ready with all present day facility to take care of infertility difficulty.
 What does surrogacy suggest? It’s a hard query to answer. Depending on how surrogacy influences someone, what it means to them will vary.
 Surrogacy can be an emotionally hard journey of highs and lows for both meant parents and prospective surrogates. What surrogacy means to them, then, may be primarily based on their very own enjoy. However, for the majority laid low with the process, which means of surrogacy is honestly a life-converting possibility to create a own family wherein they may now not were one before.
 India IVF Clinic is an IVF Centre positioned in Sector 11, Noida. It is one of the most effective standalone fertility and surrogacy facilities in Noida which provides the exceptional fertility treatments and offerings to the involved couples and people. This hospital provides quite a number fertility and gynecology associated Treatment which includes In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Sperm and egg donor software, Cervical cerclage, Clinical embryology in addition to Endoscopy techniques. Dr. Richika Sahay Shukla is a super Infertility Specialist and Gynecologist who leads various strategies at India IVF fertility Clinic Sector eleven, Noida. Dr. Richika completed her MBBS from MGM Medical College in 2001 and DNB in Obstetrics and Gynecology from National Board of Examinations, Ministry of Health, Government of India in 2005. She has many awards and recognitions to her credit. Dr. Richika has gained Fellowship in Assisted reproductive era ART (IVF-ET/ICSI) at the side of superior and simple schooling in Gynecology endoscopy. She has also secured a Certificate direction in Ultrasonography and Doppler as well as Certificate direction in Gynaecological laparoscopic surgery from FOGSI- Ethicon Institute, New Delhi. You can book an appointment with India IVF Fertility Clinic through Ela.
 Raghupati Nursing Home is an IVF Center and Gynecology hospital located in Sector 50, Noida. It turned into setup inside the 12 months 2014. Since its inception, it's been doing remarkable work within the subject of medical medication, giving its sufferers a brand new hazard to enhance their lives. Raghupati Nursing Home has constructed a firm base of pretty experienced Infertility professionals and Gynecologists over the years. It is treating sufferers with infertility and gynecology problems with great dedication. The staff at Raghupati Nursing Home prioritizes the needs of sufferers in step with their necessities and respective case. The scientific assistants supply their fine for a hit treatment results. Raghupati Nursing Home is popular in supplying the world-class offerings in phrases of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Pre and Post being pregnant care, Obstetrics care, Menopausal care and different infertility and gynecology related problems Treatment. The hospital runs underneath the professional steerage of Dr. Sujata Garg who has completed MBBS and DGO. She has been rendering her services within the subject of IVF, gynecology and obstetrics for more than two many years and is one of the most encouraged infertility professionals training at Raghupati Nursing Home.
 India IVF Healthskool Sector 62 Noida is a well-known IVF center in Sector 62, Noida. The offerings provided through the clinic are IntraUterine Insemination (IUI), IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Surrogacy and other fertility Treatment. The sanatorium has well-built facility, ready with high-tech gadgets and equipment. Dr. Richika Sahay Shukla, an Obstetrician and Gynecologist with almost 2 decades of revel in practices at India IVF Healthskool. She is specialised in Infertility assessment, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Gyn Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy surgical operation processes. She has an appreciating records of successful IVF and IUI treatments. The clinic is permitted via Department of fitness Government of India by way of PCPNDT and ICMR.
 If you have any double about Affordable Surrogacy Centres in Noida. You can contact us
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
Srijan Hospital Allahabad | Who is an IVF candidate | ElaWoman
IVF – In Vitro Fertilization
IVF is probably the nice-acknowledged form of ART in Allahabad. Also known as take a look at tube infant, it includes collection of sperm from guys and eggs from woman, which might be then positioned together in a petri dish in a laboratory. The embryologists and IVF professionals in Allahabad are relatively certified and experienced to carry out those approaches with severe care and precision. State-of-the-artwork system and generation are used inside the technique to make sure excessive achievement charge in each try. These traditional IVF treatments are achieved with the aid of maximum IVF clinics in Allahabad.
Who is an IVF candidate?
Many couples who struggle with conceiving obviously look to IVF. While best a medical doctor or fertility expert can decide if IVF is the pleasant route of motion for infertility, a few patients may be better applicable than others. IVF is commonly utilized for people or couples who:
Have broken, blocked, or eliminated fallopian tubesHave a reduced sperm be counted, or sperm with mobility problems or abnormalitiesHave abnormal ovulationHave endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or different uterine and ovarian conditions
Chances of Success in IVF Treatment in Allahabad
The age of the female present process treatment, and the reason of the infertility are the two elements that impact the achievement fee of IVF centres in Allahabad. Younger girls are more likely to have a hit pregnancy but for girls over the age of 42 years, probabilities of a successful pregnancy are low. The percentage of IVF treatment in Allahabad with the likeliness to result in a live delivery is:
29% for women beneath 35 years23% for ladies aged 35 to 37 years15% for women elderly 38 to 39 years9% for ladies aged 40 to 42 years3% for women elderly 43 to 44 years2% for women elderly over 44 years
Are there side Effects to IVF treatments?
There can be, yes. Side consequences of IVF ought to consist of one or a mixture of the subsequent:
Mild crampingBloatingBreast tendernessConstipation
Passing of fluid after the procedure. This fluid is usually small and can be clear once in a while and other times stained with blood.
Srijan Hospital Allahabad
Srijan Hospital Allahabad, is one of the best hospital in Allahabad and Cardiac surgery, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics (specializing in spine and joints), Gastroenterology & GI Surgery, Kidney Diseases, such as Nephrology, Urology & Transplant Surgery, ENT and Breast Diseases, and one of the usa’s largest and most advanced Dialysis centers, amongst a number of all other assist services beneath the identical roof.
This clinic become designed maintaining in mind the needs of sufferers and their household searching out specialised treatment, as an end-factor of their look for excellence in medical services, atmosphere, staff conduct, and at a rate low-priced to all. Srijan Hospital Allahabad intention is to offer excellence in healthcare at the doorstep of Allahabad Ians, and make it useless for them to travel to north or south India for specialised treatment. We try to build in transparency in our sports and develop strong medical doctor-patient communique and courting.
Dr. Sabita Agrawal
Dr. Sabita Agrawal is a Gynecologist,Obstetrician and General Physician in M G Marg, Allahabad and has an revel in of 34 years in these fields. Dr. Sabita Agrawal practices at Srijanvatsalya Hospital in M G Marg, Allahabad. She completed MBBS from Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi in 1984 and DGO from Motilal Nehru Medical College in 1988.
Dr. Sabita Agrawal is a famed and proficient Infertility Specialist in addition to a Gynecologist and Obstetrician and has an enjoy of extra than 3 a long time. She is an expert Gynaecologist and practices at Srijan Vatsalya Hospital in Allahabad. She obtained MBBS from Lady Hardinge Medical College in 1984 accompanied via a Diploma in Gynaecology and Obstetrics in 1988. She holds her specialization in Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). You can attain out elawoman.Com for the up to date touch details and cope with of Dr. Sabita Agrawal.
Arpit Test Tube Baby Centre
Arpit Test Tube Baby Centre is situated at Allahabad or City of God in Persian, additionally called Prayag is a city in the North Indian nation of Uttar Pradesh. The ancient call of the town is Prayag and is thought to be the spot wherein Brahma supplied his first sacrifice after growing the world. It is one among four sites of the mass Hindu pilgrimage Kumbh Mela. It has a role of importance in Hindu scriptures for it is situated on the confluence or ‘Triveni Sangam’ of the holy rivers Ganges and Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati River and it is one of the best IVF Centres in Allahabad.
Arpit Test Tube Baby Centre is a awesome speciality centre, and a unit of Jeevan Jyoti Hospital, Allahabad, become set up on 18 December 1999 and inaugurated by using His Excellency Governor of Uttar Pradesh Sri Suraj Bhan and Human Resources Development, Science & Technology and Oceanography Development Minister Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi. A group of fantastically skilled professionals and equipments comparable to the quality inside the global, all below one roof is aimed to fulfill the call for for issues associated with infertility.
Ayushi Hospital
Ayushi Hospital is a recognized call in affected person care. They are one of the famous Hospitals in Allahabad Kutchery. Backed with a imaginative and prescient to offer the best in affected person care and ready with technologically superior healthcare centers, they may be one in every of the approaching names in the healthcare industry. Located in , this sanatorium is without difficulty handy by using numerous means of shipping. A group of well-trained clinical workforce, non-scientific workforce and experienced clinical technicians work spherical-the-clock to offer numerous services and it is one of the best IVF Centres in Allahabad.
Ayushi Hospital is one of the excellent IVF and Fertility Centres primarily based in Allahabad. It objectives to offer the excellent offerings of global requirements to the sufferers visiting the medical institution for his or her respective gynaecology and fertility treatment. Male and girl infertility exams and methods are finished on a everyday basis in the clinic because of very excessive footfall. Doctors and team of workers of the hospital make certain that the patients are glad with the fertility and gynecology services. The infrastructure of the Ayushi Hospital is created in such a manner that the sufferers sense cozy and at ease earlier than, for the duration of and after levels of the respective treatment.
Phoenix Hospital
Phoenix Hospital become started out by way of Dr. Deepak Sehgal, a well-known Child Specialist and his spouse Dr. Urvashi Sehgal, an performed Gynaecologist & Obstetrician. Both of them were practicing medicine in Delhi for closing two many years. They always practised from their very own Clinic but all scientific techniques had to be performed on the metropolis hospitals. By 2000, they felt the want in order to offer entire care to their sufferers from their very own premises and therefore was born the concept to setup their very own Hospital and it is one of the best IVF Centres in Allahabad.
Phoenix clinic is a birthing and neonatal care sanatorium placed in South Delhi. We are a 24×7 facility with a crew of professional medical doctors, kingdom-of-the artwork gadget, and neonatal facilities Established within the year 2000, Phoenix Hospital has dealt with patients from everywhere in the united states of america and the world over. Our success is based at the massive goodwill and religion that we have earned through the years. It is our endeavour to offer our sufferers personalized care and make our buyers sense at home.
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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arunbeniwal-blog · 6 years
IVF Cost in Allahabad | Dr. Amita Rajvedi | Ayushi Hospital | Elawoman
Dr. Amita Rajvedi
Dr. Amita Rajvedi is an advisor Gynecologist-Obstetrician in Mumfordganj, Allahabad. He is right now practicing at Ayushi Hospital Ivf And Laparoscopy Center in Mumfordganj, Allahabad. Dr. Amita Rajvedi is a qualified Gynecologist-Obstetrician in Mumfordganj.As a Gynecologist-Obstetrician, his specialized topic includes Abortion, Colposcopy Surgery, Hysterectomy Surgery, Hysteroscopy Surgery, Infertility Treatment, Vaginal release, Menopause issues, Abdominal pain etc.
Patients from all around Mumfordganj and whole Allahabad come to Dr. Amita Rajvedi with heaps of expectations and the specialist guarantees that the patients are happy with the medications, with his experience and the methods he utilizes as a Gynecologist-Obstetrician. Dr. Amita Rajvedi (ayushi Hospital) in Mumfordganj has built up the clinic and has gained an unwavering customers in the course of recent years and is likewise habitually visited by a few superstars, aspiring models and other decent customers and international patients also.
They likewise plan on expanding their business further and providing administrations to a few additional patients owing to its prosperity in the course of recent years. The productivity, devotion, exactness and sympathy offered at the clinic guarantee that the patient's prosperity, solace and needs are kept of best need.If you a question in you mind related IVF Cost in Allahabad get answers from us at elawoman.com.
Administrations offered by Dr. Amita Rajvedi (ayushi Hospital)
Dr. Amita Rajvedi (ayushi Hospital) in Allahabad treats the different illnesses of the patients by helping them experience brilliant medications and strategies. Among the various administrations offered here, the clinic gives medications to Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynecological Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions. The specialist is likewise recorded under Gynecologist and Obstetrician Doctors. Moreover, the patients additionally visit the clinic for Contraception Advice, HPV Tests, and Biopsy Tests and so forth.If you want to know more about IVF Cost in Allahabad can contact us at elawoman.com.
Ayushi Hospital
Ayushi is one of the leading ivf focus based at Allahabad, since its inception it has meant to be the favored international medicinal services supplier for all areas of society for IVF treatment. Our mastery in cutting edge medicinal and careful medications has helped hundreds of thousands patients to accomplish their parenthood by world class treatment at reasonable cost.
IVF Ayushi has assembled a genuine obligation of trust in the field of IVF. It is a hospital that flaunts all Beside this, the hospital has certain different strengths offices, for example, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Neurology, General Surgery, Pediatrics, and General Medicine and so on.Our specialist will help you to solve your problem related IVF Cost in Allahabad at elawoman.com.We generally continue endeavor to give quality consideration to all. Ayushi hospital is famous all around for its specific international standard of patient consideration, because of this very reason quiet from all over the globe visit Ayushi much of the time for wellbeing related administrations and normal preventive wellbeing bundles.
IVF Ayushi receives a win arranged methodology towards infertility. Instead of spending time, cash and vitality on symptomatic testing, it bodes well to choose treatment alternative which augments the odds of getting pregnant. You should focus on treatment designs. We continuously endeavor to give the best quality restorative consideration through condition of workmanship innovation sourced from abroad nations like Germany , Japan and so forth. The trust and any desire for our patients keeps us energetic and proactive which make us to surpass our patient desire each time when patients come our entryway. get more about IVF Cost in Allahabad  can contact us at elawoman.com.
Ayushi has been structured and built using most progressive therapeutic innovation accessible on the planet. The infrastructure of hospital and quiet and calm condition are the conductive highlights that invigorate the quicker recuperation of patients maintaining wellbeing and prosperity making us and our patients more joyful.
The hospital agrees to international guidelines and pursues the international patient administration conventions. The infection control standards guarantee the most noteworthy standard of human services and patient security.
We have outstanding infrastructure that give a vibe of a home far from home, we give every one of our endeavors to make persistent feel good in hospital premises as he/she enters at each progression of consideration starting from prescription to dinners to laundry administrations. We have:
OT's with LAMINAR Air stream and Laminar shields
Completely Equipped Advanced IVF lab
Fancy, VIP Suits
Suppers and Catering Services for cleanliness sustenance.
Dr. Smita Srivastava
Dr. Smita Srivastava in Delhi has made a fairly excellent name in the city. According to many, the specialist characterizes as one of the 'go-to' general doctors in the territory. The fortification this specialist has in the medicinal field has not just drawn in patients from in and around the vicinity yet from over the city also. The clinic is situated in Tagore Garden and can be found effortlessly.
Transport is effectively accessible and the place is all around associated. The area is loaded up with an impressive number of business spaces and also private ones. The specialist's determination originates from sheer energy to offer patients more beneficial living alternatives. Knowing that with the consistently increasing and changing way of life, there is a requirement for general doctors in the city and windows to better one's wellbeing.
Administrations Offered by
Throughout the years Dr. Smita Srivastava at Tagore Garden has offered innumerable patients brilliant treatment for different medical problems. Being a general doctor, this specialist handles various examinations under this portion. A portion of the offices that go under the doctors fringe are nervous system science, dermatology, gastroenterology, diabetology, homeopathy, endocrinology, and so forth.
One can likewise visit the clinic for a counsel for medical problems for grown-ups and in addition infants. Different sicknesses, for example, male pattern baldness, asthma and other intense and endless ailments. This specialist is known to take care for the patients with a gigantic measure of affectability for their worries as well as that of the family as well.
Phoenix Hospital
Phoenix Hospitals was begun by Dr. Deepak Sehgal, an outstanding Child Specialist and his better half Dr. Urvashi Sehgal, a practiced Gynecologist and Obsterician. Them two have been practicing medicine in Delhi for most recent two decades. They constantly rehearsed from their own Clinic yet all medicinal strategies must be done at the city hospitals. By 2000, they wanted to have the capacity to give finish care to their patients from their own premises and hence was brought into the world the plan to setup their own Hospital.
High-Risk Pregnancy Care
Typical Vaginal Delivery (NVD)
Infertility Evaluation/Treatment
Preparation In Vitro - Embryo Transfer (IVF - ET)
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Typical and High Risk Pregnancy
Kid Vaccination
Phoenix Hospital is a perceived name in patient consideration. They are one of the notable Hospitals in Greater Kailash 1. Sponsored with a dream to offer the best in patient consideration and outfitted with mechanically propelled social insurance offices, they are one of the upcoming names in the human services industry. Situated in , this hospital is effortlessly open by different methods for transport. A group of very much trained therapeutic staff, non-restorative staff and experienced clinical experts work nonstop to offer different administrations that include Bone Trauma , Fracture Treatment , Joint Replacement Surgery , Primary Hip And Knee Arthroplasty , Shoulder Replacement , Arthritis And Pain Management .
Phoenix hospital is a birthing and neonatal consideration hospital situated in South Delhi. We are a 24×7 office with a group of master specialists, best in class gear, and neonatal offices
Set up in the year 2000, Phoenix Hospital has treated patients from everywhere throughout the nation and over the world. Our prosperity depends on the huge generosity and confidence that we have earned throughout the years. It is our undertaking to give our patients customized care and make our supporters feel at home.Our profoundly qualified group of specialists is notable as pioneers in their fields, committed to quiet mind and welfare.
Dr. Anjali Galhan
Dr. Anjali Galhan is extraordinary compared to other Gynecologists in Vasant Kunj, Delhi. You can counsel Dr. Anjali Galhan at Dr Anjali Galhan's Clinic in Vasant Kunj, Delhi. Try not to hold up in a line, book an instant appointment online with Dr. Anjali Galhan has various exceptionally qualified Gynecologists in India. You will find Gynecologists with over 31 years of experience .
Find the best Gynecologists online in Delhi. View the profile of therapeutic masters and their surveys from different patients to make an informed decision.Dr. Anjali Galhan in Vasant Kunj has set up the clinic and has gained a faithful customer base in the course of recent years and is additionally every now and again visited by a few superstars, aspiring models and other good customers and international patients too.
They additionally plan on expanding their business further and providing administrations to a few additional patients owing to its prosperity in the course of recent years. The effectiveness, devotion, accuracy and empathy offered at the clinic guarantee that the patient's prosperity, solace and needs are kept of best need.
Administrations offered by Dr. Anjali Galhan
Dr. Anjali Galhan in Delhi treats the different infirmities of the patients by helping them experience top notch medicines and methodology. Among the various administrations offered here, the clinic gives medications to Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynecological Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions.
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himanshuela-blog · 6 years
Surrogacy in Allahabad – Elawoman
What is Surrogacy
It is essentially a type of helped multiplication wherein a lady conveys a kid in her uterus in the interest of another lady to full term and conveys a solid infant to her. The “Indian Council of Medical Research” sets out the surrogacy methodology which are trailed by all enrolled IVF hospitals in India.
As an initial step, a point by point investigation of the restorative and individual history of the surrogate mother is embraced. Subtle elements of past IVF cycles, obstetric treatment history are additionally recorded in a database. The intended guardians can pick the surrogate from the scores of surrogate moms recorded in the database.
Commissioning guardians for the most part utilize channels like age, skin shading, eye shading, tallness, weight to coordinate the most ideal surrogate for the intended mother. Once a surrogate is chosen, documentation begins alongside direction about treatment techniques and an escrow account is opened.
Both the surrogate and intended mother are then put taking drugs all together synchronize their periods. During this stage, the surrogate mother is made to experience screening strategies like: Hysteroscopy, ultra-sonography, pap spread, preliminary exchange and mental testing to guarantee that she is focused on the procedure.
Fertility specialists monitoring the follicular action initiate ovarian incitement with the goal that the intended mother can deliver develop eggs speedier. While Hormonal injection is administered to build up the lining of the uterus in the event that medicines like Estrogen and Progesterone neglect to convey the outcomes.
The hereditary mother who is the egg benefactor in the surrogacy technique experiences oocyctes evacuation under general anesthesia. Sperms are obtained from the male accomplice and the eggs are prepared outside the body using IVF/ICSI system.
These days Cumulus helped exchange procedure is utilized for fetus move in the all around lined uterus of the surrogate. A pregnancy test is done following 14 long periods of incipient organism exchange and on the off chance that it is sure, the IVF clinic takes abundant care of surrogate mother for the following nine months previously the child is conveyed.
Ayushi Hospital IVF and Laparoscopy Center
IVF Ayushi is one of the leading ivf focus based at Allahabad, since its inception it has planned to be the favored international human services supplier for all segments of society for IVF treatment.
Our mastery in cutting edge medicinal and careful medications has helped several thousands patients to accomplish their parenthood by world class treatment at reasonable cost.
IVF Ayushi has fabricated a genuine obligation of trust in the field of IVF. It is a hospital that flaunts all Beside this, the hospital has certain different claims to fame divisions, for example, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Neurology, General Surgery, Pediatrics, and General Medicine and so on.
We generally continue endeavor to give quality care to all. Ayushi hospital is famous all inclusive for its particular international standard of patient care, because of this very reason persistent from the whole way across the globe visit Ayushi much of the time for wellbeing related administrations and normal preventive wellbeing bundles.
IVF Ayushi receives a win arranged approach towards infertility. Instead of spending time, cash and vitality on analytic testing, it bodes well to choose treatment alternative which expands the odds of getting pregnant. You should focus on treatment designs. We continuously endeavor to give the best quality therapeutic care through condition of craftsmanship innovation sourced from abroad nations like Germany , Japan and so on. The trust and any desire for our patients keeps us eager and proactive which make us to surpass our patient desire each time when patients come our entryway.
Dr. Amita Rajvedi
(MBBS,MS, DGES, DRME (Germany)
Expert Gynecologist and Obstetrician Gynecological Laparoscopic specialist master in Infertility, IVF and ART.
“I trust a lady is finished just when she turns into a mother. It is valid for 95 % ladies worldwide and I might want to see every lady attain that.”
Srijan Hospital
Srijan Hospital at Allahabad, are a tertiary care hospital with cutting edge offices in Cardiology and Cardiac medical procedure, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Orthopedics (focusing on spine and joints), Gastroenterology and GI Surgery, Kidney Diseases, including Nephrology, Urology and Transplant Surgery, ENT and Breast Diseases, and one of the nation’s biggest and most developed Dialysis offices, among a large group of all other help benefits under a similar rooftop. This hospital was composed keeping in mind the requirements of patients and their relatives looking for particular treatment, as an end-point in their scan for perfection in clinical administrations, feeling, staff conduct, and at a value moderate to all. Our intension is to give magnificence in human services at the doorstep of Allahabadians, and make it superfluous for them to movement to north or south India for specific treatment. We endeavor to work in straightforwardness in our exercises and create solid specialist understanding correspondence and relationship.
Dr. Sabita Agrawal
Dr. Sabita Agrawal is a Gynecologist,Obstetrician and General Physician in M G Marg, Allahabad and has an affair of 33 years in these fields. Dr. Sabita Agrawal hones at Srijanvatsalya Hospital in M G Marg, Allahabad. She finished MBBS from Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi in 1984 and DGO from Motilal Nehru Medical College in 1988.
Who Needs Surrogacy
In the event that you are trying your best to have a kid without using any helped generation system, at that point questions like these may come in your mind. As a strategy for helped propagation, surrogacy is selected when a female patient can’t convey a baby to its full term owing to therapeutic reasons. In such a case, the fetus created in the wake of fertilizing the female eggs with the male sperm is embedded in the womb of a surrogate mother who conveys the kid to full term and conveys the child. There are a few reasons listed underneath about why a female patient probably won’t have the capacity to convey a youngster to its full term in her womb.
Surrogacy Treatment
Surrogacy in Allahabad, Surrogacy Cost in Allahabad, Surrogacy Packages in Allahabad, Cost of Surrogacy in Allahabad. Rarely is the issue with the pregnancy that the lady can’t deal with the pain physically that she needed to experience during the time while carrying the infant in the womb. This is where the idea of surrogate mother comes in picture.
During the time spent surrogacy treatment, a lady (Known as surrogate mother) offers to keep the infant in her womb for the couple who can’t keep the infant in theirs and after the conveyance of the youngster, she give back the infant to her original mother. In straightforward words, the child of two or three lives in some other lady’s womb during the pregnancy time frame and this sort of treatment is called Surrogacy treatment.
The procedure is truly intricate both physically and mentally for all the three individuals (The couple and the surrogate mother) involved in it. So before going through the procedure, it is required to have enough information about everything that involves all the while and every one of the gatherings ought to concur upon it.
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glexpace · 1 year
10 things we must do for ourselves and for our Mental Health
It's no secret that college can be tough. Between classes, work, and social obligations, it seems like there's never enough time to take a breath. And when you add in stressors like homesickness, insecurity, or feeling overwhelmed, it's easy to see why so many students struggle with their mental health.
 The good news is that there are steps you can take to improve your mental health—and we're not just talking about seeing a therapist or taking medication. In this post, we'll share ten things you can do to take control of your mental health and well-being.
 Understanding Yourself and Your Needs
 The first step in taking care of your mental health is understanding yourself and your needs. This means being honest with yourself and recognizing when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed. It also means knowing your triggers and being proactive in avoiding them.
 Take some time to journal and reflect on your mental health. What are the things that make you happy? What are your coping mechanisms? What do you need to feel balanced and healthy? Be honest and truthful with yourself, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
 Nurturing Positive Connections
 Making and keeping positive connections is one of the most important things you can do for your mental health. When you have a strong network of supportive, caring people in your life, it's easier to cope with stress and tough times.
 So how do you go about building these connections? It can be as simple as reaching out to people you know and trust or joining a support group for people with similar struggles. You can also connect with others online, through social media or forums specifically devoted to mental health.
 The important thing is to find a way to connect that feels safe and comfortable for you. And don't be afraid to reach out for help when you need it. There are plenty of people who want to support you, you just have to let them in.
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 Self-Care Is Essential
 It's important to remember that self-care is essential when it comes to our mental health. When we don't take the time to care for ourselves, we're only setting ourselves up for disappointment and failure.
There are so many things you can do to practice self-care, and you must find what works best for you. Maybe that means taking a relaxing bath every night, spending time outdoors in nature, or practicing meditation or mindfulness. Whatever it is, make sure that you commit to it and make it a regular part of your routine.
 Making Time for Fun and Joy
 It’s essential to make time for yourself and to do things that bring you joy and fun. Whether it’s spending time with friends, listening to music, or simply taking a walk in nature. It’s truly important to do whatever makes you the happiest! Even if it's something small like playing video games or reading a good book.
 It can be difficult to make time for these activities when everything feels so overwhelming, but it’s really important. It will help reduce stress and keep you from feeling burnt out from all the demands of college life. When possible, try to think of something new you can do for yourself each day, whether it goes outside your comfort zone or not.
 You don't need to spend a lot of money either - just taking a few moments out of your day to do something calming and enjoyable could be enough.
 Accessing Professional Help When Needed
 The fifth thing you should do to take control of your mental health is to access professional help when needed. This means if you’re feeling overwhelmed, have had a recent traumatic event, or if you need personal advice on how to handle mental health challenges, then you should look for a professional therapist or counselor to talk to.
 It’s important to remember that just because you are seeking professional help does not mean that you are “crazy” or “weak.” On the contrary, it takes strength and courage to reach out for help and work on yourself. Professionals can help provide guidance and support throughout your journey toward better mental health.
 Your school may also have mental health resources on campus like counseling centers, wellness clinics, and support groups that are free/affordable/private. It’s up to you to take the first step in searching out these resources and making sure they fit your needs.
 Eating Healthy, Balanced Diets
 It’s no surprise that what you eat has an impact on your overall health, and that includes your mental health. Eating a nutritious, balanced diet can help you stay alert, focused, and productive while providing you with the energy that you need.
 Some key foods that can help with your mental well-being: are omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, vitamins B6 and B12, vitamin D, and zinc. You can find these in foods like spinach, salmon, tuna, nuts, legumes, and fortified milk. Eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables every day will also ensure that you’re getting enough micronutrients to nourish your brain.
 And don’t forget about taking time for yourself to sit down for a hearty meal. When we rush meals or eat on the go it can lead to feelings of guilt or stress which are not what we want!
 Staying Active and Moving Your Body
 Keeping your body active is important for your mental health too. Regular exercise helps reduce stress and anxiety, increases serotonin levels, stimulates endorphin production, and helps boost confidence.
 It doesn’t matter what form of exercise you choose – it could be as easy as going for a jog around the block or hitting the gym a few times a week. The key here is to make it part of your daily life. Also, try to make it enjoyable – walk with friends, join a dance class or even try yoga if you like.
 As you start changing your habits and getting active, you will probably notice that your energy levels increase and that other aspects of your mental health are also improving. Making physical activity part of your routine also helps keep you accountable; it ensures that you take the time for yourself each day without fail.
 Prioritizing Quality Sleep
 Sleep is one of the most important things we can do t keep our mental health in check. You might think you can function on a few hours of sleep here and there, but you’re only going to be doing yourself a disservice. Sleep is essential for restoring your energy and allowing your body to recover from stress and other activities of the day.
 It’s important to develop healthy sleep habits for your body to get the rest it needs. Make sure you turn off all screens at least an hour before bed since blue light from screens can interfere with melatonin production. And if possible, try to keep a consistent schedule by getting up and going to bed around the same time every day.
 By prioritizing quality sleep, you’ll give yourself the best chance of feeling rested and ready to tackle each day with greater focus and clarity.
 Practicing Mindful Meditation and Relaxation
 Making sure to set aside time for yourself each day is incredibly important when it comes to self-care and your mental health. One way to do so is by practicing mindful meditation and relaxation. This might sound intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be—it can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day for a solo walk or listening to your favorite music.
 Mindful meditation can help you become more aware of the present moment, reduce stress, and even increase your ability to focus on tasks. As you practice mindfulness daily, you may also notice that your mood can improve and that you’re able to observe rather than react emotionally to difficult situations. And while it's hard at first, even five minutes spent in mindful meditation —focusing on your breath and releasing negative thoughts —can make a world of difference.
 Keeping a Gratitude Journal
 The last, but certainly not the least, item on the list – keeping a gratitude journal. It’s been proven that taking time to practice gratitude can have amazing effects on your well-being. Writing out what you're grateful for regularly can help you reframe a difficult situation, and can be a powerful tool for maintaining good mental health.
 When it comes to creating your gratitude journal, there are no hard and fast rules. At its simplest level, it can just mean writing down three things that you’re grateful for in a notebook—but of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to three things. You may find that filling out longer entries works better for you; or if writing isn't your thing, create a digital mood board with images of things you appreciate. As long as it's something that helps remind you of all the good in your life, and makes you feel grateful for what you have—that will do the trick!
 College is an intense time for both your mental and physical health. It’s important to take care of yourself and to put your mental health first. These 10 things are a great start, but make sure to personalize your list to fit your needs. You know yourself best, so trust your gut and take care of yourself.
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glexpace · 2 years
WHO's response on Mental Health
The World Health Organization has recently released a plan to help strengthen the global response to mental health. The goal of the plan is to promote mental health and well-being, prevent mental disorders and promote early intervention, and achieve equity in mental health for all.
 This is an important step in the right direction, as mental health is often neglected in favor of physical health. According to the WHO, "Mental disorders account for more than a quarter of all years lived with disability worldwide, and there is a growing recognition that they are a major contributor to the global burden of disease."
 This plan is important because it will help to provide support for those who are suffering from mental health issues, as well as raise awareness about the importance of mental health.
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Mental Health and Its Impact on Well-Being
 Mental health conditions are on the rise across the globe. According to WHO, "mental health is essential to overall health and well-being." In other words, our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and we should take care of it in the same way.
 Mental health conditions can have a serious impact on our well-being and can prevent us from leading a fulfilling life. They can also affect our relationships, work productivity and overall quality of life.
 It's time we start paying more attention to our mental health and take steps to improve it. WHO has developed a plan to strengthen the global response to mental health, and we should all take a look at it and see how we can get involved.
WHO's Approach to Mental Health
 WHO's approach to mental health is three-fold: provision of services, promotion of mental health, and support for policy and governance.
 As a global health organization, WHO recognizes that it is essential to provide accessible mental health services to people who need them. This involves not only increasing the availability of services, but also training health care workers in how to deliver them and making sure that services are culturally appropriate.
 WHO also recognizes the importance of promoting mental health. This includes both raising awareness about mental health and preventing mental disorders from happening in the first place. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it is everyone's responsibility to promote it. 
Finally, WHO provides support for policy and governance of mental health. This includes developing policies and guidelines for the treatment of mental disorders, as well as training people on how to implement them.
 Mental Health Services: Why and What?
 Mental health is an important part of overall health. Just like our physical health, we need to take care of our mental health by getting the necessary services. That's why WHO released a plan to strengthen the global response to mental health.
The goal of this plan is to make sure that everyone has access to the mental health services they need. This includes people with mental health conditions, their families and caregivers, and people in the community.
 So what are some of the things this plan will do?
 First, it will increase awareness of mental health problems and how to get help. Second, it will make sure that people with mental health conditions have access to the treatment and support they need. Third, it will help people who care for someone with a mental illness. Fourth, it will create better policies and programs for mental health. And finally, it will improve research on mental health.
 The Difference Between Mental Health and Mental Illness
 Mental health and mental illness are two sides of the same coin. Mental Health involves our emotional, psychological and social well-being, while mental illness is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.
 It’s important to remember that mental health is not a static concept; it changes from day to day and can be affected by many factors including stressors in our environment. However, it’s equally important to understand that mental illness is ultimately caused by a complex combination of biological, psychological and social factors.
What makes the WHO’s plan so effective is its focus on promoting good mental health for all individuals across all countries, and its commitment to providing resources for those living with mental illness. By creating a safe space for people to talk more openly about their experiences we can help break down the stigma associated with mental illness and create a fairer playing field for everyone.
 Current Challenges in Mental Healthcare Services
 When it comes to the current state of mental healthcare services, you’re probably aware that there are significant gaps in access, quality and coverage. This isn’t just a problem for lower-income countries; it exists everywhere.
 It’s estimated that two-thirds of people with mental health disorders don’t receive the care they need, and only one in four affected by depression receives any kind of treatment at all. There are also huge disparities when it comes to gender—women who experience depression or anxiety are often underdiagnosed and undertreated due to lack of access or discrimination.
 These issues are particularly acute for young people, who often face particular barriers in getting the help they need because of stigma around seeking help and lack of resources tailored to their needs. It’s clear that World Health Organization's plan is essential to bridge this gap and ensure that everyone has access to the mental healthcare services they need.
 Mental health promotion and prevention
 One of the main components of WHO’s plan to strengthen the global response to mental health is mental health promotion and prevention. This includes strategies to reduce stigma, create a supportive environment, provide comprehensive care and support systems, and promote mental resilience.
 WHO is focusing on creating school-based initiatives that provide young people with age-appropriate information on mental health, including ways to build self-confidence and cope with stress. This also means making sure that teachers are properly trained to identify signs of distress in their students, as well as providing adequate resources for them.
It’s also important that communities have access to safe spaces where people can talk about their mental health issues without fear of judgment or discrimination. From peer support groups and helplines to educational programs, these community-based initiatives can help reduce stigma around mental illness and empower individuals to seek help when needed.
 The need for action on mental health is indisputable and urgent.
 You must have heard stories of people suffering with mental disorders such as stress, depression and anxiety, and the terrible effects it can have on physical and mental health. That’s why it’s so important to take action now.
 The World Health Organization (WHO) has responded to this pressing need by releasing a comprehensive plan for global action on mental health. This plan sets out evidence-based strategies that countries can implement in order to strengthen the response to mental health issues, provide universal access to care, promote psycho social well-being, coordinate effective interventions, reduce the risk of suicide, and much more.
It is clear that taking action now is essential in order to improve the lives of people living with mental health issues. Through this plan, governments will be able to take meaningful steps towards providing better support for individuals and communities around the world.
 Mental health has intrinsic and instrumental value and is integral to our well-being.
 No matter who you are, mental health has intrinsic and instrumental value and is integral to our well-being. In response to this, the World Health Organization (WHO) has taken steps to strengthen the global response to mental health by focusing on prevention, promotion and treatment services.
 The WHO plans to increase access to comprehensive evidence-based treatments and community-based supports that are tailored according to each person’s needs. This includes expanding access to safe and effective medications, psychosocial interventions and other alternative therapies such as traditional therapies, social media interventions, and mobile applications.
 The WHO also aims to help communities create healthier environments in order to mitigate risk factors for mental illness such as poverty, unemployment and substance abuse. Furthermore, they plan to support countries in building capacity through training on evidence-based practices and by strengthening research that focuses on mental health issues.
 By taking these steps, the WHO hopes that people everywhere will have access to the care they need so they can live the best life possible.
 WHO's Solutions in Building Accessible and Effective Mental Health Services
 The WHO's plan is multifaceted and comprehensive, focusing on building accessible and effective mental health services, increasing finances for mental health initiatives, and preventing discrimination against those with mental disorders.
 To build accessible services, they’re aiming to close the gap in the availability of human resources by training more mental health professionals and community health workers. Additionally, they’re hoping to develop both primary care and specialized care services at the local level.
 To increase financial support for mental health initiatives, the WHO is advocating for higher funding of public programs that deal with mental health. They’re also calling for greater collaboration between key stakeholders, including governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector.
 Finally, to prevent discrimination against those with mental disorders, the WHO wants to raise public awareness of this issue through campaigns that promote social inclusion. They are working towards strengthening existing laws around this topic as well as de-stigmatizing mental illnesses in order to create a more inclusive society.
So, what does this mean for you? Mental health should be seen as a priority by you and by everyone. We should all be looking out for each other and be willing to lend a listening ear and shoulder to cry on. We should also be more vocal about our struggles and not be afraid to ask for help when we need it. Schools, workplaces, and communities should be safe and supportive spaces for everyone, and we should all do our part to make sure they are.
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glexpace · 2 years
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Consult the best psychologists, neurologists, counselors, psychotherapists and psychotherapists now. Psychological counselors provide support for anxiety, depression, relationship issues, etc.
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glexpace · 2 years
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Glexpace provide Counselling Sessions for Anxiety, Depression, Mental health Counselling Find Our Best Psychologists, Neuro specialist,mental health counselor.
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glexpace · 2 years
Some Major Types of Mental Health Issues we have, and how to deal with them
You're struggling. We can tell. It's been hard to get out of bed in the morning, harder to focus in class, and harder to make time for anything other than your mental health. We want to help, but we don't know how.
That's where we come in. As a college student, you're not alone in your struggles with mental health. In fact, one in five students struggles with a mental health issue each year. Millions of students just like you are finding ways to cope and get through the day-to-day.
 In this article, we'll explore some of the most common mental health issues college students face and offer some coping mechanisms that have helped us and others in the past.
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What Are the Major Mental Health Issues?
 There are a lot of mental health issues that people have to deal with, and it can be tough trying to figure out how to cope with them. In this section, we're going to take a look at some of the most common ones.
 One of the most common mental health issues is anxiety. If you're struggling with anxiety, it's important to find healthy ways to cope with it. Some people find that exercise helps, while others find that meditation or yoga works better for them. There are also a lot of great books and podcasts out there that can help you learn how to manage your anxiety.
 Another common mental health issue is depression. If you're feeling depressed, it's important to reach out for help. There are a lot of great resources out there, including therapy and medication. It's also important to find healthy ways to cope with your depression, such as setting realistic goals, hanging out with friends and family, and writing in a journal.
 Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Issues
 Mental health issues can be difficult to recognize in oneself, and even more difficult to diagnose in someone else. This is because mental health issues often manifest in subtle ways that are easy to ignore or write off as normal behavior.
 There are a number of signs and symptoms that may indicate that someone is struggling with a mental health issue. Some common symptoms include changes in mood, changes in eating habits, changes in sleep habits, difficulty concentrating, isolating oneself from friends and family, and self-harming behaviors.
 If you are worried about yourself or a friend, it is important to reach out for help. Talk to your doctor, or call a suicide hotline in your area.
 Depression & Anxiety: Symptoms & Treatment
 Depression and anxiety can be extremely debilitating, making it difficult to do everyday tasks. The good news is that there are many treatments available, both medication and therapy-based.
 There are many symptoms of depression and anxiety, which can vary from person to person. Some of the most common symptoms are a feeling of emptiness or sadness, racing thoughts, problems sleeping, changes in appetite, and feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
 If you think you might be experiencing depression or anxiety, it's important to see a mental health professional. They will be able to diagnose you and recommend a course of treatment.
 Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms & Treatment
 Bipolar disorder is a major mental health issue that can have significant impacts on your day-to-day life if left untreated. It is characterized by extreme swings in mood, ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.
 The most common symptoms of bipolar disorder include changes in sleep patterns, reckless behavior, racing thoughts, feelings of worthlessness, and difficulty focusing. Seeking professional help is the first line of defense against bipolar disorder and there are a range of treatment options available such as talk therapy, lifestyle changes and medication.
 One way to proactively manage symptoms is to keep track of your mood patterns over time so that you know what to look out for in the future. Additionally, establishing consistent habits like eating healthy meals and exercising regularly can help with regulating mood whereas hobbies like reading or art can provide an effective outlet for managing emotions.
 PTSD: Symptoms & Treatment
 Do you have a friend who is dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? It’s important to understand the symptoms and how best to support them. Symptoms of PTSD can include flashbacks, feelings of guilt, fear and anxiety, difficulty sleeping, avoiding reminders of similar traumatic events, and depression.
 If your friend is starting to experience these symptoms, it’s important to get them help right away. Treatment for PTSD typically includes cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and medication if approved by their doctor. It can also be helpful to practice healthy coping mechanisms with your friend such as yoga and meditation to help reduce stress levels and restore the body's natural balance. Additionally, encourage your friend to engage in activities that bring them joy like outdoor activities or hobbies like drawing or painting.
 These activities can help build resilience in the face of adversity allowing your friend to cope with the difficult emotions they are experiencing.
 Eating Disorders: Symptoms & Treatment
 It is important to be aware of the signs of an eating disorder and to take any necessary measures to address it. Eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder and others can have a major effect on a person’s physical and mental health.
 Common symptoms of eating disorders may include disturbed eating patterns, extreme dieting, purging, excessive exercising and an abnormal preoccupation with body image. If you think you or someone you know may be exhibiting signs of an eating disorder, it is important to seek medical attention. A doctor or mental health professional can help diagnose the condition and provide treatment options that may include cognitive behavioral therapy or medication.
 Treating an eating disorder requires commitment from both the patient and their family and friends. It is important to provide emotional support while encouraging healthy behaviors as well as seeking professional help when needed. Having a good support system in place can play a major role in recovery. Eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia and binge eating, can be extremely challenging to cope with. These disorders are highly stigmatized, which makes it even harder for those suffering from them to reach out for help.
 Treatment options for those with an eating disorder are typically tailored to the individual and may involve counseling or psychotherapy in order to address underlying issues. In some cases, medication may be prescribed in order to help alleviate symptoms.
 No matter what type of mental health issue you are dealing with, it is important to know that there is help available and that you are not alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support if you need it — your mental health matters!
 My coping story from depression
 I'd like to share my story from dealing with depression. About a year ago, I was feeling incredibly low and like I had no energy. It was hard for me to get out of bed or even take a shower.
 At first, I tried to ignore it and just power through, but it didn't work. So then I started trying out different coping strategies that worked for me.
 The first thing that really helped was writing down how I was feeling in a journal. Writing out my thoughts and emotions helped me to get them out of my head and onto the page.
 I also started doing yoga and meditation, which are great ways to help bring your body into balance and reduce stress. Finally, I found an online support group and talking with other people who were going through similar things made me realize that I wasn't alone in this struggle.
 These coping mechanisms have really helped me and this allowed me to get back on track with life again!
  When it comes to mental health, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person might not work for another, and that's okay. The important thing is to find what works for you, and to keep exploring until you find something that helps.
 There are a lot of different coping mechanisms out there, and it might take some time to find the ones that work best for you. Don't be afraid to try different things, or to ask for help from your friends or family. And if you ever feel like you're in over your head, don't hesitate to reach out to a professional for help.
It can be hard to deal with mental health issues on your own. However, there are many coping mechanisms that can help make the journey a bit easier.
 If you are struggling with a mental health issue, it is important to seek help. There are many resources available, and there are people who are willing to help. You are not alone.
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arunbeniwal-blog · 6 years
IVF Center Allahabad | Arpit Test Tube Baby Centre | Ayushi Hospital | Elawoman
Arpit Test Tube Baby Centre
Arpit Test Tube Baby Centre is arranged at Allahabad or City of God in Persian, otherwise called Prayag is a city in the North Indian territory of Uttar Pradesh. The old name of the city is Prayag and is accepted to be where Brahma offered his first forfeit in the wake of making the world. It is one of four destinations of the mass Hindu journey Kumbh Mela. It has a place of significance in Hindu sacred writings for it is arranged at the intersection or 'Triveni Sangam' of the heavenly waterways Ganges and Yamuna, and the legendary Saraswati River.If you a question in you mind related IVF Center Allahabad get answers from us at elawoman.com.
The Purna (finish) Kumbh or Maha Kumbh, the greatest and the most propitious reasonable, which falls once like clockwork, is constantly held in Allahabad, a whole ocean of mankind plummets upon the riverside town. Ardha Kumbh Mela is held each sixth year and the Magh Mela is the yearly form of the Kumbh.
The Maha Kumbh Mela will be held in Allahabad (Prayag) in 2013. On vital showering dates, lakhs of pioneers scrub down on the banks of the heavenly Sangam.If you want to know more about IVF Center Allahabad can contact us at elawoman.com.
Arpit Test Tube Baby Centre is a super strength center, and a unit of Jeevan Jyoti Hospital Allahabad, was set up on 18 December 1999 and introduced by His Excellency Governor of Uttar Pradesh Sri Suraj Bhan and Human Resources Development, Science and Technology and Oceanography Development Minister Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi.Our specialist will help you to solve your problem related IVF Center Allahabad at elawoman.com.
A group of exceedingly experienced authorities and types of gear practically identical to the best on the planet, all under one rooftop is expected to take care of the demand for issues identified with barrenness.
No exertion is saved to distinguish the explicit reason for barrenness in every single case, and to conquer it. We comprehend that no two people are indistinguishable and in this manner explicit reasons for barrenness change from couple to couple. We give tweaked consideration regarding each couple from gathering discussion to explicit demonstrative systems to singular treatment.
Analysis and treatment at the center depend on the latest therapeutic strategies, with close consideration paid to singular necessities of the couple. Passing by our reputation, it is our devoted consideration and long stretches of experience has come about is extraordinary achievement. Arpit Test Tube Baby Center keeps up steady communication with surely understood IVF and Research Centers in India and Abroad.get more about IVF Center Allahabad  can contact us at elawoman.com.
The truth of the matter is that barrenness is both treatable and reparable, and today, with worldwide advances in fruitlessness the executives and systems, an ever increasing number of couples can anticipate understanding their fantasies.
ATTBC puts stock in making an organization with the patient and we have discovered that the best associations happen when the patient is very much educated and can assume a functioning job in their treatment. We esteem an open and moral association with every patient in a situation that cultivates trust and common regard, a domain where questions are welcome and energized.
Ayushi Hospital
Ayushi Hospital is a perceived name in patient consideration. They are one of the outstanding Hospitals in Stainly Road. Upheld with a dream to offer the best in patient consideration and outfitted with innovatively propelled human services offices, they are one of the up and coming names in the social insurance industry. Situated in , this hospital is effectively open by different methods for transport. A group of very much prepared medicinal staff, non-restorative staff and experienced clinical experts work nonstop to offer different administrations . Their expert administrations make them a looked for after Hospitals in Allahabad. A group of specialists on board, incorporating masters are outfitted with the information and ability for dealing with different kinds of medicinal cases.
Ayushi is one of the main ivf center based at Allahabad, since its initiation it has meant to be the favored universal human services supplier for all segments of society for IVF treatment. Our aptitude in cutting edge restorative and careful medications has helped several thousands patients to accomplish their parenthood by world class treatment at moderate expense.
IVF Ayushi has fabricated a genuine obligation of trust in the field of IVF. It is a hospital that flaunts all Beside this, the hospital has certain different fortes offices, for example, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Neurology, General Surgery, Pediatrics, and General Medicine and so forth.
We generally proceed with endeavor to give quality consideration to all. Ayushi hospital is prestigious all inclusive for its specific universal standard of patient consideration, because of this very reason persistent from the whole way across the globe visit Ayushi much of the time for wellbeing related administrations and ordinary preventive wellbeing bundles.
IVF Ayushi has been conveying the superb patient consideration of worldwide standard through its brilliant condition of craftsmanship innovation in analytic and medicines, the remarkable group of specialists and supporting staffs.
We center around patient consideration as its prime obligation guaranteeing solace, care, and advantage of patient. Our patients are just our Brand Ambassadors. It's where a patients' needs are satisfied past their desires.
We invite you to most developed place of medications. We have following claims to fame under one rooftop
Genecology and Obstrectics
Conceptive Medicine
Test Tube Baby
Finish Infertility Management
Next to these significant claims to fame, we have different fortes likewise, for example, Orthopedics, Neurosciences, ENT, General Surgery, Nephrology and Urology, Oncology, Internal Medicine, Preventive Health Packages.
Phoenix Hospital
Phoenix Hospitals was begun by Dr. Deepak Sehgal, a notable Child Specialist and his significant other Dr. Urvashi Sehgal, a practiced Gynecologist and Obsterician. Them two have been rehearsing prescription in Delhi for most recent two decades. They constantly rehearsed from their own Clinic however all therapeutic methods must be done at the city hospitals. By 2000, they wanted to have the capacity to give finish care to their patients from their own premises and hence was brought into the world the plan to setup their very own Hospital.
High-Risk Pregnancy Care
Typical Vaginal Delivery (NVD)
Barrenness Evaluation/Treatment
Preparation In Vitro - Embryo Transfer (IVF - ET)
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Typical and High Risk Pregnancy
Kid Vaccination
Phoenix hospital is a birthing and neonatal consideration hospital situated in South Delhi. We are a 24×7 office with a group of authority specialists, best in class gear, and neonatal offices
Set up in the year 2000, Phoenix Hospital has treated patients from everywhere throughout the nation and over the world. Our prosperity depends on the huge altruism and confidence that we have earned throughout the years. It is our undertaking to give our patients customized care and make our benefactors feel at home.Our exceptionally qualified group of specialists is outstanding as pioneers in their fields, committed to quiet mind and welfare.
Srijan Hospital
Srijan Hospital at Allahabad, are a tertiary consideration hospital with best in class offices in Cardiology and Cardiac medical procedure, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Orthopedics (concentrating on spine and joints), Gastroenterology and GI Surgery, Kidney Diseases, including Nephrology, Urology and Transplant Surgery, ENT and Breast Diseases, and one of the nation's biggest and most developed Dialysis offices, among a large group of all other help benefits under a similar rooftop.
This Srijan Hospital was structured remembering the necessities of patients and their relatives searching for specific treatment, as an end-point in their look for greatness in clinical administrations, feeling, staff conduct, and at a value reasonable to all. Our intension is to give brilliance in social insurance at the doorstep of Allahabadians, and make it pointless for them to head out to north or south India for particular treatment. We endeavor to work in straightforwardness in our exercises and create solid specialist tolerant correspondence and relationship.
Jeevan Jyoti Hospital
Jeevan jyoti hospital is outfitted with the latest offices and group of profoundly qualified and very much experienced specialists in different therapeutic controls are in our board of experts. The hospital has 24 hrs crisis and 24 hrs affirmation offices.
Kept an eye on by group of all around qualified, experienced occupant specialists. Our group puts stock in and progresses in the direction of a reason and vigorously endeavors to comprehend the patient, his physical and mental torment. We trusts in.commitment to greatness and giving the patients and chaperons, simple and anchored offices guaranteeing a rapid recuperation.
Propelled Laparoscopy SurgeryMicrosurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA)In Vitro preparation (IVF - Test Tube Baby)Hysteroscopic Surgery.
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