#neue künstlervereinigung
artsculturevienna · 1 year
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Franz MARC (1880-1916) “Tiger” (1912) Holzschnitt - Woodcut Sammlung / Collection ALBERTINA Wien / Vienna Ausstellung / Exhibition Dürer, Munch, Miró. The Great Masters of Printmaking ALBERTINA Wien / Vienna - 2023
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pupas-posts · 19 days
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Autumn / 1907
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lokaleblickecom · 5 months
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schorschidk · 8 months
Die Vorläuferin des "Blauen Reiter"
Am 22. Januar 1909 wurde die Neue Künstlervereinigung München gegründet. Die Werke von Kandinsky, Marc oder Münter gelten als Meilensteine.
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geritsel · 7 years
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Wassily Kandinsky - color woodcut
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underandoverrainbow · 4 years
“Anioł Sądu Ostatecznego” Kandinsky
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Wassily Kandinsky (ros. Василий Васильевич Кандинский, Wasilij Wasiljewicz Kandinski; ur. 4 grudnia?/ 16 grudnia 1866 w Moskwie, zm. 13 grudnia 1944 w Neuilly-sur-Seine) – rosyjski malarz, grafik i teoretyk sztuki, współtwórca i jeden z przedstawicieli abstrakcjonizmu. Pochodził z rodziny zamożnych przedsiębiorców. W 1871 r. jego rodzina przeniosła się do Odessy ze względu na problemy zdrowotne ojca. W gimnazjum Kandinsky pobierał lekcje gry na pianinie i na wiolonczeli. W 1886 wrócił do Moskwy, by studiować prawo i ekonomię. Nigdy jednak nie obronił pracy dyplomowej. Tuż po studiach wziął ślub ze swoją kuzynką Anną Chimiakiną.W 1896 wyjechał do Monachium, aby w całości oddać się malarstwu. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Monachium uznała jednak jego umiejętności za niedostateczne. Zdecydował się więc na studia w szkole rysunku Antona Ažbe. W 1900 został przyjęty na Akademię Sztuk Pięknych w Monachium, gdzie studiował pod okiem Franza von Stucka. Przez pięć lat podróżował wraz z Gabrielą Münter po Europie. Następnie wrócił z nią do Bawarii i osiedlił się w Murnau. Był to okres bardzo intensywnego i owocnego poszukiwania inspiracji. Obrazy pochodzące z tamtego czasu to pejzaże charakteryzujące się dysharmonią kolorów. Często inspirował się również starymi rosyjskimi opowieściami, tworząc urzekające dzieła sztuki.W 1901 r. założył grupę artystyczną Die Phalanx. W ciągu czterech lat Kandinsky zorganizował dwanaście wystaw dla członków grupy. W 1909 r., m.in. wraz z Jawlenskim, Kanoldtem, Kubinem, Münter, założył Neue Künstlervereinigung (z niem. nowe stowarzyszenie artystów) i został powołany na jej przewodniczącego. Za największy sukces Kandinskiego uważa się założenie w 1911 (wraz z przyjacielem Franzem Marcem) grupy Der Blaue Reiter. W tym samym roku artysta znalazł swoje upodobanie w literaturze. W 1912 wydał swoją pierwszą książkę „O duchowości w sztuce”.Po wybuchu wojny Kandinsky opuścił Niemcy i 3 sierpnia 1914 udał się wraz z Gabrielą Münter do Szwajcarii, gdzie zaczął pisać swoją drugą książkę „Punkt i linia a płaszczyzna”. W listopadzie 1914 rozstał się z Münter, która wróciła do Monachium, zaś sam Kandinsky wyruszył do Moskwy. Jesienią 1916 poznał Ninę Andrejewską, córkę rosyjskiego generała, którą poślubił w 1917 r.W 1921 r. powrócił do Niemiec. Tam był nauczycielem w Bauhausie od 1922 do czasu zamknięcia uczelni przez nazistów w 1933. Następnie wyjechał do Francji, gdzie spędził resztę życia. W 1939 otrzymał obywatelstwo francuskie.Założyciel grupy Der Blaue Reiter oraz Die Phalanx. Działał we Wchutiemasie i Bauhausie. Swoje myślenie o sztuce ugruntował w metafizycznej spekulacji, uważał, że sztuka pełni funkcję metafizyczną, że dzieło sztuki jest bramą do transcendencji. Poglądy te wyłożył w rozprawie O duchowości w sztuce.Był zainteresowany muzyką, interesowała go synteza sztuk.
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moma-prints · 4 years
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Rock (Membership Card for the New Artists' Association Munich) [Felsen (Mitgliedskarte für die Neue Künstlervereinigung München)], Vasily Kandinsky, (1908-1909), MoMA: Drawings and Prints
Louise Reinhardt Smith Bequest Size: composition: 5 9/16 x 5 11/16" (14.2 x 14.5 cm); sheet: 6 5/16 x 6 1/2" (16 x 16.5 cm); mount: 9 1/2 x 9 7/16" (24.2 x 23.9 cm) Medium: Woodcut
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oldpainting · 4 years
Vasily Kandinsky, Reifrockgesellschaft - Group in Crinolines
Vasily Kandinsky, Reifrockgesellschaft - Group in Crinolines by HEN-Magonza
"Vasily Kandinsky (Wassily Kandinsky), Moskau 1866 -Neuilly-sur-Seine 1944 Reifrockgesellschaft - Group in Crinolines (1909) The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
Group in Crinolines is a transitional work in Vasily Kandinsky’s career, indicating a shift from his early fairy-tale pictures to highly abstracted images. Though painted in Munich two years after Kandinsky lived and worked in Paris from 1906 to 1907, this canvas attests to his appreciation of modern French art. The plein-air social gathering of men and women dressed in Biedermeier fashion is reminiscent of Manet’s portrait of leisure life, Music in the Tuileries Gardens (1862).
Kandinsky admired Manet’s work for what he construed to be an emphasis on painting itself rather than a mimetic translation of the empirical world. While the content of Group in Crinolines may resemble that of 19th-century Impressionist scenes, its brilliant, radical color scheme is clearly Fauvist in inspiration. During his stay in Paris, Kandinsky exhibited at the Salon d’Automne of 1906 in which Matisse and the Fauves were prominently featured. He pronounced Matisse to be “one of the greatest of the modern French painters” in his 1911 treatise On the Spiritual in Art.
Kandinsky painted a second version of Group in Crinolines, which was included in the first exhibition of the Neue Künstlervereinigung München in 1909. In 1911 Kandinsky painted Pastorale (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York), a canvas similar in theme to, but formally more abstract than, Group in Crinolines. Kandinsky recast the semirealistic, though idyllic, image of formally attired people of Group of Crinolines into a highly stylized utopian landscape in Pastorale.
Source: The Guggenheim Museum
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slimkhezri · 4 years
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#ArtAppreciation ♥️🖼🎨 “Portrait of a Girl” (1909) Oil on cardboard, Height: 920 mm (36.22 in); Width: 670 mm (26.37 in), by Alexej Georgewitsch von Jawlensky (Russian, 1864 –1941), Russian expressionist painter active in Germany. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexej_von_Jawlensky He was a key member of the New Munich Artist's Association (Neue Künstlervereinigung München), Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) group and later the Die Blaue Vier (The Blue Four). #ArtAwarness #CelebrateTheArts #Kunstliebhaber #Art https://www.instagram.com/p/CI-MP7RpfF3/?igshid=oktl2fb7igyu
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books0977 · 5 years
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Blonde (c.1894). Alexei von Jawlensky (Russian, 1864-1941). Oil on canvas on wood.
Jawlensky was a Russian expressionist painter active in Germany. He was a key member of the New Munich Artist's Association (Neue Künstlervereinigung München), Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) group and later the Die Blaue Vier (The Blue Four).
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artsculturevienna · 2 years
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Alfred KUBIN (1877-1959) “Der Sattel (Muschel)”, um 1906 “The Saddle (Shell)” c. 1906 Tempera, Gouache auf schwarzem Tonpapier Tempera, guache on black clay paper Albertina Wien / Vienna Ausstellung / Exhibition ALFRED KUBIN - “Bekenntnisse einer gequälten Seele” ALFRED KUBIN - “Confessions of a tortured Soul” LEOPOLD MUSEUM Wien / Vienna - 2022
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MWW Artwork of the Day (1/24/20) Alexej von Jawlensky (Russian, 1864–1941) Portrait of a Girl   (1909) Oil on cardboard, 92 x 67 cm. Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
During his service as an army officer Alexei Jawlensky studied at the St. Petersburg Art Academy. There he met Ilya Repin, who introduced him to Marianne Werefkin. In 1896, Jawlensky travelled with her to Munich, where he met Wassily Kandinsky. The two artists established the Neue Künstlervereinigung München (New Artists Association, Munich) the year the "Portrait of a Girl" was made, and the association was later to produce the Blaue Reiter. The members pursued a new formal approach and sought to combine external impressions with inner sensations. Initially influenced by Henri Matisse, whom he met in Paris, and Fauvism, Jawlensky sought this new form of expression in colour and its mood, which is reflected impressively in his portraits of this year. In "Portrait of a Girl," the basic color blue, synonymous with longing, is graduated in rich facets. The girl’s blouse changes into shades of violet, the yellowish tinge to the face is shaded with blue and green. The red skirt covered in dark spots acts as a contrast. (translated from the Museum catalog)
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theart2rock · 3 years
Dreams In Fragments & Wazzara
Türöffnung: 20:00 Uhr Konzertbeginn: 20:45 Uhr Eintritt: CHF 20.00 (Membörs: CHF 15.00)
DREAMS IN FRAGMENTS – Gegründet Anfang 2017 fand diese Band der motivierten Schweizer schon bald ihren ganz eigenen Stil: Melodic / Symphonic Metal. DREAMS IN FRAGMENTS sind eine überaus tiefsinnige Künstlervereinigung, der man das gesunde Streben nach seriöser Musik durchgehend anhört. Der ebenso fantasie- wie gefühlvolle Vierer, bestehend aus Lead-Vokalistin Seraina Schöpfer, Gitarrist Chris Geissmann, Bassist Jan Thomas und Drummer Roger Häfliger, stammt aus Wangen bei Olten. Im Juni 2019 präsentierten DREAMS IN FRAGMENTS der Welt ihr Debütalbum «Reflections Of A Nightmare». Ende April 2021 erschien das neue Album «When Echoes Fade». Das Zweitwerk besticht durch sein spannendes Songwriting, seine fliessenden Kompositionen und seine verträumte Orchestrierung. Die symphonischen Klanglandschaften sind mal leicht und verspielt, dann wieder intensiv und hart, tragen aber stets den erhabenen Gesang von Seraina. Chris steuert diesmal mehr Klargesang bei, ohne dabei seine Growls zu vernachlässigen. Der unbestreitbare Trademark-Sound von DREAMS IN FRAGMENTS steht durchweg im Vordergrund. «When Echoes Fade» soll nun endlich gebührend getauft werden! Place 2be!
WAZZARA – Dieser Vierer vereint Post-Metal, Shoegaze und Folk und ist der Höhepunkt eines thematischen Soloprojekt der Sängerin und Komponistin Barbara Brawand (Ex-Caldmor). Begeistert von der natürlichen Poesie des bewegten Wassers entzückt Wazzara seit 2015 mit andersweltlichen und hypnotischen Songs und seit 2020 nun als komplette Band. Inhaltlich widmet sich das Quartett vergangenen Zeiten, die man hinter sich lassen muss, Fesseln, von denen man sich befreien muss, um stärker zu werden. Zentral ist auch hier die Symbolkraft des Wassers, aus der sich die Lyrik speist, wie breite, nährende Adern, die ihre metaphorische Kraft entfalten.
Quelle: Böröm
Dreams In Fragments & Wazzara was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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theartinstitute · 6 years
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[Artist of the week] - Marianne von Werefkin
Marianne von Werefkin (1860 - 1938) was a Russian-German-Swiss Expressionist painter. She had her first private academic drawing lessons at the age of fourteen. In 1880, she became a student of Ilya Repin, the most important painter of Russian Realism. In 1892 she met Alexej von Jawlensky, who desired to be her protégé, and in 1896 she, Jawlensky, and their servant moved to Munich. For the sake of Jawlensky's painting, Werefkin interrupted her painting for almost ten years. She initiated a Salon in Munich which soon became a centre of lively artistic exchange. She also founded the "Lukasbruderschaft" of which also Kandinsky was a member. She began painting again in 1906. In 1907 she created her first expressionist works; in these she followed Paul Gauguin's and Louis Anquetin's style of "surface painting", while also showing the influence of Edvard Munch. She and Jawlensky spent in 1908 several periods working with Kandinsky and Münter after their discovery of the picturesque rural town of Murnau near Munich, where Gabriele Münter owned a house. The four artists frequently painted together in open air in and around Murnau.
They founded a new artist-group in 1909, the Neue Künstlervereinigung München (New Association of Artists in Munich, NKVM). It became a forum of exhibitions and programming. After a few years Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc distanced themselves from this group and formed the Blauer Reiter (Blue Rider). The group was founded by a number of Russian emigrants, including Wassily Kandinsky, Alexej von Jawlensky and a number of native German artists, such as Franz Marc, August Macke and Gabriele Münter. Werefkin began exhibiting together with this group in 1913. At the outbreak of the First World War, Werefkin and Jawlensky immigrated to Switzerland, near Geneva. They later moved to Zurich. By 1918, they had separated, and Werefkin moved alone to Ascona, on Lago Maggiore where she painted many colourful, landscapes in an expressionist style. In 1924 she founded the artist group "Großer Bär" (i.e., Big Bear, Ursa Major). In her later years, she painted posters. Her friends "Carmen" and "Diego Hagmann" protected her from poverty.
Marianne von Werefkin died in Ascona on 6 February 1938. She was buried in the Russian graveyard in Ascona.
To learn more about the expressionists enrol in the Art Appreciation course, a short and fun online course to develop a keen knowledge and become art savvy: http://www.the-art-institute.com/landing
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collectat · 4 years
A few rays of sunshine for your weekend
A few rays of sunshine for your weekend
I recently came across the “Blue Rider” * again. For a long time, I had lost sight of these painters. After my old love flared up again and after a long beautiful walk through the Vienna Woods, this picture was then taken. A full, sunny day with joy and well-being! Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) was a group of artists united in rejection of the Neue Künstlervereinigung…
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tynatunis · 4 years
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A very important female artist, a friend of Kandinsky and Gabriele Münter. Her companion was the painter Jawlensky. I think after reading her biography that Kandinsky was greatly influenced by her ideas and never notified her in his famous book On the Spiritual in Art in 1910... they formed in her salon the new group in 1909 《“Munich New Artist's Association” ("Neue Kunstlervereinigung Munchen") was created in January, 1909. 》 "At her Munich apartment, Werefkin initiated a Salon which soon became a center of lively artistic exchange between members of the German and Russian avant-garde who would later be founders of the Neue Künstlervereinigung München (New Association of Artists in Munich, NKVM) and Blaue Reiter. The NKVM, founded in 1909, became a forum of exhibitions and programming. At the first touring exhibition of NKVM, Werefkin exhibited Washerwomen(1909) and The Storm (1907). The simplified form and psychological content of works relate to the sources Werefkin admired at this time including the artist Paul Gauguin, Japanese woodcuts and the expressive works of the Nabis in France 《It was composed of friends Kandinsky - Munter, Verevkina, Jawlensky, Kubin, artists Adolf Erbsle, Alexander Kunoldt, Paul Baum, Moses Kogan, Vladimir Behteev and others, as well as art historians Henry Schnabel and Oscar Wittgenstein. 》 (at Atelier de Tyna - CreativeKids) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKgDU57Hhik/?igshid=26mp4bxgqfdx
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