#netlfix elite
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teslasbitxh · 5 years ago
i know exactly who needs to hear this and Aron Piper is NOT hot enough to carry elite on his back now that the 4 best characters are gone
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gongziyus · 5 years ago
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bonobochick · 2 years ago
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Ari, Rocio, and Bilal.  👁
Elite 6x05
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mytvjunk · 5 years ago
Lu, during the Valentine's Day party, watching all of our ships dismantled and seeing how miserable everyone is in their current relationships.
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Rebeka:"Perchè si sono sentiti sollevati."
Mencìa:"Beh si,è mi è piaciuto sentire quel sollievo perchè è lo stesso che ho provato quando mi hai abbracciata tu dopo tutto quello che hai visto."
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giflxndia · 5 years ago
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mouthlorena · 5 years ago
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Carla Rosón icons
like/reblog if you save
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dylanobrienisbatman · 5 years ago
Elite is 100% trash television to its very core and I am ready to climb right into the dumpster and enjoy s3
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thisgameissonintendo · 5 years ago
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ÉLIT3 - nadia, guzmán, polo, cayetana, lu, omar, ander, carla, rebeca, samuel
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gongziyus · 5 years ago
i miss my disaster child marina
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meuun1verso · 5 years ago
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Elite (2018-
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radi-17171 · 5 years ago
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Valerio's always been in Lu's life, they grew up together and since they were kids, they were each other's accomplices. They spent little time with their respective mothers.They were both raised by their father and spending so much time home alone and having such a lack of love from their family made them exceed their feelings as siblings and their 'family etiquette.
"They felt guilt for feeling love for one
another or for just being in love to the point that they ended up getting intertwined between themselves, between siblings."
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mytvjunk · 5 years ago
Live footage of the random guy who pushed Polo through the glass, minutes after he left the club:
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princepolito · 5 years ago
can we just take a moment and applaud álvaro rico for his amazing acting in playing polo. like wow.
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rooster-bradshaws · 5 years ago
Don’t you ever wonder about Guzman’s adoption? Like I’m so curious about it, I wish we had more info throughout the series 👀 like for instance, how come he knows who his parents are and how they died but doesn’t know his exact birthday date? And also, was he adopted as a young child or from the moment he was a baby? Oh and i also have a theory about why him and polo are (were 😅) such great friends: maybe polo was also adopted by his moms and that’s how they got along? What do you think? 💃🏻
Hi Dear 😊!
I'm as curious as you are 😁!
I wish we would know more about Guzman's adoption as well, for exaple: why was he adopted? Is he older than Marina or not?
I think he is but I'm not sure cause in s1 when he is celebrating his birthday we know that Marina was 16 but not how old Guzman became... Let's fast forward, when he is talking to Lu after he was expelled in s3, he says that he is 17.... but that's impossible if he became 17 the year before (in s1) and not just because it wouldn't fit cause he was always described as the older one, the older brother, but also because you can only get a driver's license with the age of 16 in Spain and Guzman was already driving a car before his birthday shortly after Nadia and the others arrived at Las Encinas 🤔 weeks before his birthday.
And then there is also what you have already mentioned: how is it posible that he has no idea when exectly he was born, but who his biological parents are?
How did the fact that he knew that he was adopted affected him? Has it ever affected him,  does it still affect him? And when did they tell him? Did he always knew?
I believe that his parents have possibly tried and then after some time believed not being able to have a child on their own, why they have adopted Guzman, but then shortly after they did or maybe at the same time Guzman's mum got pregnant with Marina, which is why there is only an age difference of a few month between the two of them.
So he couldn't have been more than a few days lr weeks old.
I also believe that Guzman always knew that he was adopted, not because it was important to his parents or to Marina and him, but given the fact, as I have already mentioned there have only been a few month of age difference between them, they (Marina and Guzman) would have been curious why they are able to go to the same classes even as little kids together, why it must have been better to tell Guzman and Marina when they were old enough right away.
Again, I'm a 1000% sure that it was never important to any of them, actually the opposite. Guzman's dad was always so proud of him and his mom loves him so much!!! Same when it comes to Marina, she loved him very, very much and Guzman her!! He would have never been as hurt and broken as he was after she died.
Nevertheless he seemed to be interested in his biological parents, why he went to the agency to find out about them. Sadly to late cause they both have died more than 10 years ago over am overdose. So what if they were already addicts when Guzman was born, which was why he was taken away from them. And kf they were addicts even back then it wouldn't suprise me, if they wouldn't know when exactly Guzman was born, if they have been druggy or not even in a Hospital with him.
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allofelite · 5 years ago
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Promo | season 3 | Samuel
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