#nessy mumbles
Some points I shouldn't have to reiterate
-Being kind shouldn't be a second thought.
-Your relationships shouldn't be constant arguments.
-Those close to you shouldn't tear you down.
-It's good to have time and space to just relax.
-Just because you aren't being productive doesn't mean you're worthless.
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oh my God its Nessie Cullen's 18th birthday....she's legal.....the Nessie/Jacob book that Meyer has been threatening us with for years could drop at any given moment....we need to fortify our borders and prepare the troops....
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queergothcryptid · 8 months
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lenoraah · 1 year
𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦
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pairing - charles leclerc x best friend! (turned lover) reader
summary - charles decides that he finally wants some normalcy in his life, that’s when reader and her best friend take it on their own hands to make it the most normal date that charles has ever been on. that is until charles blows off his date, realizing that he can no longer hide his emotions and feelings for his best friend
a/n - best friends to lovers, one of my least favorite tropes what this just seemed right. and as usual the best friend will be named (Ines) p.s reading is kind of rushed :)
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
“Why not?”
“Because Charles, normal people don’t wear a full five piece suit on a first date.” Y/n makes a face and Ines snort laughs at the sight of the Monegasque driver.
Charles groans as Y/n tugs at his tie and makes another face.
“Well I don’t know what to wear.” Charles plops down on the armchair behind him and crosses his arms with a pout on his face.
Ines and Y/n share a look before slowly starting to nod. Ines gets up and the two stand right in front of Charles with a smug smile on their faces.
“No, no, no. I don’t like this look,” Charles rapidly shakes his head as the two best friends in front of him keep nodding.
Y/n and Ines waste no time in dragging Charles into their enormous walk-in closet. Charles gets thrown into a chair the moment they enter the room.
The brunette spends the next ten minutes listening to Y/n and Ines mumble and completing why he agreed let Y/n help them with his first ‘normal date’.
“Here,” Y/n tosses Charles pair of jeans.
“And this,” Ines throws him a vintage sweatshirt.
“Layer the sweatshirt over the dress shirt, and leave everything untucked from the jeans. And also your perfectly white sneakers.” Y/n rolls her eyes at the last part and Charles can’t help but grin.
Ines and Y/n ushers for the Monegasque to change and they settle into the two armchairs. The y/h/c girl keeps quiet as she gently grazes Charles suit jacket making Ines raise an eyebrow.
“Are you okay?” Y/n shakes her head and nods with a stiff look on her face.
“No you’re not,” Ines sighs and gets up from her seat. She crosses her arms and stands in front of Y/n with an unimpressed look on her face.
“I am completely fine, I have no idea with you’re talking about.” Y/n sits up and drapes Charles’s jacket over the chair next to him.
“I don’t think so,” Ines rolls her eyes. “You’re upset that Charles is going on a date and you’re not the one his going with.”
“I- I am not.” Y/n scoffs but hesitantly looks away, avoiding Ines’s gaze.
The brown haired girl ignores her comments and mumbles something in Spanish that Y/n can’t understand.
“Y/n, admit it.”
“Say it,”
“No I don’t,”
“Admit it, say that you like Charles.” Ines grabs Y/n and shakes her by her shoulders.
“Fine, fine, I do.” Y/n says in between laughter. “Please stop shaking me.”
“Hah, I knew it.” Ines immediately lets go of her and quietly yells something in Spanish.
Y/n scowls but smiles a little, glad to have the pressure taken off her chest.
“You have to tell him,”
“What? Nessie, I can’t.” Y/n scowls at the idea and punches Ines in the arm.
Ines whimpers and rubs her arm as she walks away from the y/h/c girl, looking at a rack of coats and making an interesting face at a sequin jacket.
Y/n groans as she buries her face in her hands, bringing her knees to her chest.
“How do I look?” Charles enter the room with the rest of his suit in his hand. Ines glances at Y/n before grabbing all pieces of Charles’s suit and a few hangers before leaving the two of them alone.
“Well, this is just another outfit that proves that I can style better than you.” Y/n teases as Charles looks at himself in the mirror.
The two of them stay like that for moment. The two staring at him in the mirror.
So awkward.
Charles adjusts his bracelets as Y/n runs a hand through her hair. Just as Charles is about to open his mouth, his phone buzzes and that gets both of their attentions.
“I think it’s time you go,” Y/n pushes Charles towards the door with a nervous little laugh.
“Nope, your date is waiting and you don’t want to be late. Remember Charles, normal people dating.”
“Y/n/n, wait.”
Ugh the nickname.
Y/n nods and bites down on her inner check, trying to not make it obvious that she is one step closer to blushing if Charles does one more cute or swoon-worthy thing.
“I’ll text you later,” Charles mumbles and Y/n can only keep nodding.
“Uh, huh okay, bye now.” Y/n shoves him out the door and waves with a stupid smile on her face that make Ines, who is watching from the kitchen, face palm.
“I’ll be thinking of you, thanks for everything.”
“Neat, bye now. Text me everything later,” Y/n slams the door close and sighs in relief, only to be greeted with Ines’s horror-filled face and her opening a book and gripping it tightly.
“Yes, that is what you said.” Ines says with an unreadable look on her face as she aggressively flips the page.
“Oh my God, he said he would thinking of me, Ines. And I said neat,” Y/n sits down at the counter and groans into her hands.
“Yep, I don’t know if what I said to Joseph on our first date after he said he wanted to see me again is worse or this.”
“Didn’t you thank him?” Y/n scrunches her eyebrows together.
Ines sighs as she slams her book close, “I fucking thanked him.”
So, so stupid.
Y/n groans as she lays down on the floor, her phone thrown halfway across the room. The constant buzzing is killing her.
It’s either Ines asking her a million questions or Charles texting her about the date. Either way we doesn’t want to hear from neither of them.
The y/h/c girl has a pout on her face as she watches Kat’s poem from 10 Things I Hate About You. She tries her best to not cry as she has a crackly face mask on.
As Y/n’s about to have a pity party for herself she, the doorbell rings and she groans once again.
She swings the door open which an annoyed expression on her face.
“What? Wait- Charles? What are you going here?” Y/n tries to keep a straight face as her eyes widen at the sight of her best friend standing at her door with his hands stuffed in his pockets while looking down at the floor.
“I- uh- Came to see you?” Charles smiles awkwardly as he sways from side to side trying to not laugh as he sees the green mixture covering her face.
“Right, uh huh. You know what, we both know neither of us can take anything seriously with this on my face. So give me a minute,” Y/n runs off once again with a nervous laugh, grabbing Charles’s hand and pushing him onto the couch before slamming the door shut.
Charles sits there for a couple minutes before Y/n walked a back into the room.
“So, tell me about your date?”
“I ditched,”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” Charles murmurs, looking down.
Y/n’s eyes rolls to the back of her head for a minute before she sits up straight and stares right into Charles’s green eyes.
“I- I like you too?”
“You do?” Charles inches closer towards her face and she nods with a sheepish smile on her face.
“I like you too,”
The two lean in for a kiss and everything was going so well and-
Damn it Ines.
“I knew it! I fucking knew it! Joseph owes me so much money!”
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badsongpetey · 10 months
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Part 1
Part 2
For a second, Lance thinks it’s some weird cosplayer with no sense of personal space. Purple hair, fake elf ears, someone’s played way too much D&D. But then they blink and their pale violet eyes swirl with unearthly fire, and… NOPE. LEAVING NOW. Not today secret waterfall satan.
Lance is turning before he even thinks it and starts sprinting to the edge of the pool. Well, sprinting as fast as one can in neck high water. In retrospect, swimming would have been the logical fastest option but Lance isn’t finding himself in a particularly logical state of mind.
He sees Hunk standing wide-eyed and petrified in place as he nears the rocky edge of the pool. Lance grabs for the ledge to lift himself out, but all the thrashing about has made it slippery and he falls back into the water with a splash. In an instant he’s up again, sputtering and blinking away the water. He risks a glance behind him, surely this setback has given that thing time to catch up, but all that’s behind him is the slowly stilling water.
What the… ? “HUNK!! HUNK! Some help here!” Lance yells, just as the water explodes around him. He spins to see something impossible. Some creature with a head nearly as long as his body rises out of the water, rapidly followed by miles and miles of purple and blue neck. When it stops rising, it pauses to look directly at him, water rippling off its serpentine body, and Lance’s brain begins to shut down.
Of all the ways Lance had considered he might meet his end — in bed surrounded by dozens of great-grandchildren; heroically defending the universe; smothered by adoring fans — this particular demise had never ever had occurred to him. This giant mutant snake ate the cosplayer and was going to make him dessert.
He feels the rocks press into his back as he unconsciously tries to put as much space between him and the monster, his mouth moves mutely, just as well, screaming would probably just encourage it. It cocks its head, and Lance irrationally thinks it looks like a confused puppy before it lowers to look him in the eye. This is where it eats him.
He wants to look away, but fear sticks him in place. Its eyes glow and swirl with purple and red flames as it edges closer and snorts, and, suddenly he’s yelling. Loud. Lance McClain is not going to die in this stupid haunted waterfall. Not today.
He scrabbles fruitlessly against slippery side of the pool when large hands grab onto his arm and heave him bodily from the water. Hunk is about as pale as it’s possible for a human to get and he looks like he’s about two seconds away from throwing up, but he’s still here. He’s winning all the best friend of the millennium awards today.
“RUN!” Is all Lance can get out before they’re doing just that. Fuck his shirt, fuck his shoes, fuck the cosplayer, fuck that mutant snake.
They run until the sounds of the waterfall are a distant memory and they’re deep in the forest again. Lance collapses against a tree and Hunk drops beside him. They sit like that, trying to catch their breath and wrap their heads around what just happened.
“Do you think it followed us?” Hunk asks, still face down on the mossy ground.
“No,” Lance breathes, “something that big, we’d know if it were behind us.”
Hunk looks up at him. “What WAS that thing??”
Good question, Lance thinks.
Hunk eases himself up to a sitting position and leans agains Lance. “Everyone said it was haunted…” he mumbles, “but not with the Loch Ness Monster.”
Lance snorts. “Waterfall Nessie?? Maybe it’s got a vacation lake to get away from Scotland once in a while.”
Hunk guffaws, “Told you to let me test the water before you jumped in.”
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wol-fica · 2 years
-𝔹𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕤 ℙ𝕋𝟜-
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parings - wednesdayaddams x fem!reader
summary - wednesday asks for you to educate her on the wonders of the female body *wink wink*
warnings - oral (r giving), mention of fingering, fluff!!, breast play,
an - this is super wholesome and i love it sm i swear to god i need a girlfriend
You were doing work when it happened.
You were in your office doing some paperwork for your job. You had decided to take a few days at home due to Wednesday feeling slightly unwell. Her allergies were acting up from the pollen and the overwhelming burst of color, so you took the initiative to take care of her.
Wednesday was reluctant to let you stay home, as she claimed “Her health was a mere distraction in your success”, to which you chucked a pillow at her face and ran away in fear. She had chased you with a knife and even threw at the wall where you were backed in to, but a simple hug was enough to calm her down.
Your pen scratched across a paper, your signature filled at the bottom to confirm a shipment of goods. After clicking the pen shut, you moved to your computer to finish an email you were previously typing, completely missing the door of your office sliding open.
You pressed send, leaning back to stretch in your chair when you were forcefully spun around to face your partner. Wednesday dropped herself into your lap, her face immediately tucking into your neck for comfort.
“Hey you.” You said, wrapping your arms around her, “How’re you feeling?”
She mumbled something inaudible, sinking against you as her full weight pushed you into the chair. Your hand reached up and threaded your fingers into her wavy hair, free of braids as you knew they would give her a headache.
“Still icky?” You asked, lightly rocking her in your lap.
“No. I’m bored.” Wednesday replied, tenderly pressing her lips to your neck, “But I do have a nagging inquiry.”
You hummed, nodding as a gestures to continue her question.
“As someone who has experience with girls, how do you please them?” She asked, sitting up to fiddle with the hem of your shirt.
“Well you buy them flowers, never say no, always agree with them even if they are wrong-.”
Wednesday puts her finger on your lips, giving you a look while you grinned humorously. She glared your smile down, her eyes boring into yours.
“I meant sexually.”
You coughed, choking on your spit at her words. Sexually? Why was she asking that? Wednesday has never been into doing sexually intimate things with you because she found the act to be uncomfortable, which meant she was a virgin.
“Well I mean…it’s hard to explain.” You scratched the back of your neck, trying to think of an easy way to tell Wednesday how you fucked previous girlfriends.
“Then show me.” She said, watching as the color drained from your face.
“Show me.”
“Nessy wait-.”
“Y/N, I will not say it again.” Wednesday growled, staring at you menacingly.
You inhaled, closing your eyes before nodding in agreement. Carefully, you picked her up by her thighs and left your office, making your way to the master bedroom.
You kicked the door open, shouldered back to being closed, and went to the bed where you laid Wednesday down.
“I’m going to undress you, okay?” You said, reaching to grasp her shirt and pull it off of her.
She tensed at the action, but relaxed when you gave her a gentle kiss to her cheek. After pulling her shirt off, you gently traced the faint scars on her stomach, trying to help her feel comfortable as you prepared to take her virginity.
After tossing her shirt to the side you went to unclip her bra, letting the black laced garment fall off of her shoulders. Her breasts spilled out, plump, round and absolutely beautiful, all for you too.
“You’re breathtaking, my love.” You murmured, leaning in to give her a soft kiss.
She smiled slightly, a nervous blush on her face that she immediately attempted to hide away, “Don’t flatter me Y/N.”
You grinned and shook your head, pushing her back so she would lay down on the bed. You mounted atop her, straddling her waist as you undid the tie on her sweatpants.
After pulling the article off, you glanced up at Wednesday for a final confirmation of her consent. She met your eyes, seeing nothing but love and respect in them, and gave you a nod.
“I’ll be gentle.” You said before carefully taking her underwear off and spreading her legs.
She smelled divine, like some sort of exotic cuisine off of a cruise on the Caribbean. Her aroma invaded your senses and you closed your eyes in bliss, taking a few seconds to just inhale what she had to offer.
“Are you just going to lay there or are you going to have sex with me.” Wednesday asked, glaring at you from above.
“Alright, alright.” You smiled and leaned down to her heat.
Now from being with Wednesday since she was a teenager, you knew she took very extra care of her appearance and her grooming, hence why she was completely shaved and smooth down below.
You gazed at her for a moment, analyzing what she looked like before you dove in. She was already exceedingly wet, but you wanted to be absolutely 100% before even suggesting your fingers.
You left a trail of kisses down her left thigh, skipping over her entrance to do the same to her right. After a few little love bites here and there, you finally began to give your wife what she asked for.
Your tongue darted out, starting with gentle licks up her slit; that got a shiver and a small whimper out of her. Your focus was on keeping her comfortable and giving her the best first time a girl could ever ask for, so keeping it slow and steady was the key.
After enjoying the small amount of juices she just started to produce, you diverted your attention to her clit. She wasn’t quite ready yet, so you had to pull the hood back and get to work on riling her up for you.
“Y/N..” Wednesday keened as you kitten licked her clit, her hand sliding down to thread into your hair; a suggestion to go farther.
Your lips wrapped around her, forming a gentle suck. A small moan erupted from her mouth, her eyes closing as you pleased her. One of your hands left her thigh to slid upwards and to her breasts, your fingers immediately getting to work on her nipples.
You squeezed, sucked, and hummed, earning a few brownie points as Wednesday mewled for you, your name tumbling past her lips all while you did you magic. Eventually you knew she was ready for actual head, so you carefully pulled away and brought your hand back to her leg.
Ever so gently, you spread her lips open with your thumbs and very slowly pushed your tongue into her. She tasted heavenly, like a dessert or some fine dining from some expensive restaurant downtown.
“Y/N.” Wednesday sighed, your name yet again falling from your mouth, “Feels good…”
You nodded and got to work, curling and pumping your tongue in and out of her to give her the best possible first experience. She was tight, as was expected, but was surprisingly easy to work open with just a little bit of pressure.
She was perfect.
“I….I love you…”
You looked up, seeing Wednesday’s head thrown back in pure bliss. She was enjoying this, enjoying you, and that made you feel accomplished. You were doing it right for her, and you knew she was utterly devoting herself to you for the first time in awhile.
You felt her walls tighten slightly, her muscles in her abdomen tensing with anticipation of something hitting her. Her orgasm was coming, and you were going to bring her through it.
You began to hum, and that did the trick for her. The vibrations sent her over the edge as she came for the first time in her life, her arousal seeping into your mouth for you to devour.
After enjoying the taste of her juices, you pulled your tongue out to clean her up, gently licking away the stickiness between her thighs.
“Y/N… amor come here.” Wednesday breathlessly called, tugging you by your hair.
You complied, sliding back up her body to lay atop her. Your eyes met and you finally got a good look at her state. Her hair was a mess, wavy locks undone and spewed out over the pillow under her head. Her eyes were droopy and tired looking while her mascara had rundown her face, as if she had cried.
“My love, did you cry?” You asked, caressing her cheek with your hand.
“Happy tears, Y/N.” Wednesday replied, leaning up to kiss your nose, “I don’t cry in sorrow or pain, I promise you they are tears of joy.”
She cringed at that last word, making you laugh and drop your head into her neck. Her hand came around and wound itself into your hair, scratching your scalp with her black-polished nails.
“Thank you.” She whispered, pulling you close to her, “For this.”
“You’re welcome, I’m glad I got to show you.”
She hummed, kissing your cheek a few times before grabbing a blanket and throwing it over your bodies. You were warm, she was cold; a perfect combination for cuddling.
“Also,” You started, sitting up on your elbow to look down at your wife.
She quirked an eyebrow at you, but your soft gaze kept her calm and patient.
“I love you too.” And you sealed your words with a loving kiss.
@crystal-lily-101 @aahdiieb @rainbow-love4ever @imhungry-andtired @theafterofnevermore @k1mba @dreaming-of-u @thenextdawn @alexkolax @captainbeat @littlegaybutterflysblog @sayaisrotten @cursedchar @tundra1029 @efectoangel @fall-08
i do not give permission for anyone to repost or copy my work onto any other platform
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aceistheplace86 · 6 days
Strawberry & Pine Pt.5
(I think I am going to end this story here soon. But for now, you get some cute stuff) (I made Stan cheesy. I am not sorry.)
Stan had been getting closer to Julie during their time working at the shack and working on the portal together. He eventually admitted to himself that he was falling for her. He hadn’t been able to admit those feelings to her.
“You alright out here Stanley?” A soft voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
Stan had been sitting on the porch outside just trying to get his thoughts together. He was really starting to like Julie, he found himself always wanting to be around her and never wanted her to go home at the end of the day. But he couldn’t get himself to be brave enough to tell her, he felt he had too much going on, too much baggage. He didn’t feel good enough for her.
“Oh, yeah I’m alright” He glanced over at Julie who was leaning in the doorway. “The twins give you any trouble?”
Dipper and Mable had gone to bed but not before asking Julie to tell them a story. Mable was really the one asking but Julie knew Dipper was listening once she started talking about the Loch Ness “monster”
“They’re all settled down, hope you don’t mind I told them about Nessie,” She says sitting down next to him on the couch.
Stan sighed “I don’t enjoy the fact that the kids know about the weird stuff that goes on here, but I know they already know a lot. They’re doing good at protecting each other”
Julie put a hand on his arm “You’re doing good at protecting them too Stanley” She whispers softly.
He looks at her, finding himself taking notice of her eyes again. She had pretty eyes, she was pretty, and she smelled like Strawberries. It wasn’t a sickly sweet, she smelled comforting.
God he was going crazy.
“Y’know Ford wrote a lot about you” He whispered. Why on earth did he bring up his brother to her? That was not a flirting technique in the slightest.
Julie seemed shocked but nodded slowly “Yeah I know” She looks back out ahead of her, sinking back into the couch. “He liked to study me, my powers, my strengths and weaknesses”
Stan kept looking at her even when she looked away. He didn’t say anything, he just wanted her to keep talking.
“At first it was nice, I thought I had a friend” She shakes her head “But I started to realize he didn’t see me like that. He just saw me as apart of his research.”
“I see you” Stan whispered, the words falling out of his mouth faster than he could realize what he had just said.
Julie looked over at him “What?”
She was looking at him again and he felt like a kid with a high school crush. His brain. Could. Not. Work. “I uhm” He stuttered “You know cause, I’m not that old, despite what Dipper says when I’m driving” He let out an awkward laugh and quickly looked away from her.
He could see out of the corner of his eyes that she was just looking at him “Stanley” She whispers softly. He’s kind of hoping that she will force him to talk about whatever the hell that was, to talk about his feelings. Something.
But she didn’t. “I should probably get going” She stood up from the couch “You should get some sleep here soon”
Stan watched her stand, he felt like he was about to lose his only chance. He didn’t think he would be this brave tomorrow. “Julie wait” He patted the couch when she turned to look at him. Once she took a seat he sighed heavily. “We’ve been doing great work with the portal” he said slowly.
She was just looking at him patiently, not a hint of judgment or annoyance on her face. “And I know soon we’ll get that thing turned on. A-and I like spending time with you, y’know, you’re a hard worker here at the Shack and-and you get along real well with the kids” He rubbed the back of his neck “My brother wrote a lot about your magical talent but I uh, I think I got lucky getting to know you as a person” He groaned and ran his hand down his face “That sounds real lame” he mumbled.
“It’s not lame, Stanley” She says with a small smile on her face. “I think you might be the first person to make an effort to treat me like a person”
He moved his hand and looked at her confused “Whaddya mean?”
“Well everyone knows about me and my magic, so that is their focus. I get it, it’s cool to have a Gravity Falls "anomaly" do fun magic and not try and attack the town, but after a while, it gets frustrating to only be known as a witch” She shrugs “But you have never once asked me to be apart of the Mystery Shack's attraction, and I know that would bring in tourists” She chuckled “But you made me strawberry pancakes my first morning here, you offered me a room and you took time to decorate it with my favorite color”
Stan shrugs “Mable has a lot of pink and she likes to decorate”
Julie just laughs “But you care Stanley. You’re sweet to me, You didn’t even ask me to use my magic to help with the portal, I just did it.”
“Yeah, I dunno how much magic you can use before you get tired or somethin’ and I didn’t want to wear you out cleaning up a mess you didn’t make”
“See, you’re real sweet to me” She continues “I knew that even when your brother talked about you, even though he was upset it was hard for him to convince himself, or even me, that you were the bad guy”
“He talked about me?”
Julie nodded. “Ford is a stubborn shit but he cares.” She rolls her eyes slightly “he just doesn’t really show it well”
Stan nodded and thought about it for a moment “I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you this without sounding like some love struck teenager” He rubbed the back of his neck “But I don’t think that’s possible because you make me feel like that again. Like how I used to be before all of this” he waves his hands and looks around “went down” He looks at her “I like being around you Julie. I-“ He just nodded slowly.
“I like you too Stanley” She says sitting back with him. “Hey I’ve been thinking of a good way to scam tourists”
“Oh yeah?” he leans back against the couch and pulled her into his side “Whats that?”
Julie comfortably snuggled into his side “You get people to pay money to enter a drawing to win a prize, you get everyone all excited and you make them think that the more they pay the better chance they have at winning” She continued “The twist. All that they’ll win is a shirt that says ‘I entered the Mystery Mania Raffle and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’”
Stan busted out laughing, tossing his head back “That’s a good one! Real smart” He kissed the top of her head “I like that”
The two of them stayed out there all night, talking about ways to trick tourists, some of his funnier crimes and eventually about what life was like before Gravity Falls, and what might happen after this portal gets fixed.
Mable and Dipper found them asleep together the next morning. Mable has pictures.
(I hope you enjoyed this! The next part is gonna be sad. Yay!)
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prettypinkporkchop · 1 month
Leah x Fem reader where reader has learned the secret to keeping Leah from leaving the bed in the morning - ear scratches and kisses. Leah try her best to voice her disapproval but is gradually silenced once more with love and affection.
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You and Leah finally moved in together! She always needs to leave to do bullshit with the pack. Like, babe, stay in bed. You came up with a plan! Let's see how it goes.
Day 1:
She grumbles and rolls over to face you. "Good morning, beauty." She smiles. "Good morning, my beast." She leans in and kisses you softly. You kiss back and pull her body into yours. Your chests are touching. Her hand moves to the back of your thigh, lifting it up so it's around her waist.
She pulls away and smiles. "I have to go. Jake needs me." You nod your head and make a devilish laugh in your mind.
Your hand lifts up and starts stroking her hair. She falls into it. You begin to play with her ear lobe and then softly scratch behind her ear. She smiles and sighs in content, leaning into your hand.
You lean in giving her very gentle kisses. You can tell she's living for this.
Suddenly, she frowns and pulls herself out of bed. "I'm sorry, baby. I really have to go. Don't you dare distract me!" She giggles at the end.
Day 2:
You woke up before her. She doesn't have to patrol today, but you know you guys are going on a double date with Nessie and Jake.
You want to stay in bed a bit longer. Her warmth is so comforting. You can't get enough of her. You bring your fingertips into her hair and softly rub. You move down and rub around on her bare shoulders and neck. She slowly wakes up but doesn't get out of bed.
Leah instantly forgot about the double date. She's consumed by your love. She pushes her back into you.
"Good morning, beauty." She mumbles. "Good morning, my beast." You pepper kisses on her shoulder and on her upper arm. Your fingers run along her skin, moving upward to the back of her ear. You softly let your fingernails scratch behind her ear and in her scalp.
Her memory comes back with what the plans are for the day. She groans and sits up, glaring at you. "Baby, you have to stop this. Seriously." She checks the time on her phone and jumps up. "Ten minutes late! Really?!" She laughs but is irritated.
Day 3:
You open your eyes due to the feeling of movement. She's trying to get out of bed. You wrap your arm around her to stop her. She turns to face you. "Baby, I have to go." She sighs. You place soft kisses on her cheek and run your fingers through her hair. Her hands rub your back, and she begins to fall back asleep. Her movements slowed down. She places one last kiss against your neck before passing out.
After a few moments, her phone starts ringing. She sits up and answers it. "Hello?"
"I'm sorry. Tell my imprint to stop for me." She laughs. She turns to you and puts her phone up to your ear.
"It's Jake. It's funny. Keep doing it."
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buckysmith · 2 years
Advent special 3
find the others here
Baking Christmas cookies with you
Hey, I’m truly sorry that it’s too late again- I was just really busy
Includes: Ghost, König, Soap, Price, Graves and Gaz
You doesn’t have a gender (nonbinary) so everybody can see themself with :D
- he isn’t really a fan of Christmas at all
- and that’s why he doesn’t really enjoy doing anything Christmas related
- he just accepts if you like it ( he even accept if you decorate the whole house with Christmas shit)
- for him it’s important that you’re happy and it’s not like that Christmas itself is going to kill him
- but if you ask him to help you bake cookies, he’s a bit more interested
- but you both need to go shopping first
- he always wears a mask, so expect people to stare at you
- especially cause he’s so fricking tall and his eyes are always on the watch for threats
- creepy guy
- but he’s helping you like the good boyfriend he is
- you’re too short to reach one of the shelves? He’s got your back
- you forgot something? He is gonna bring you the item while you continue to shop (he would even ask you too, he wants to go back home as fast as possible)
- but back to the baking itself
- he’s gonna read the recipe first so that you both don’t make any mistakes
- a bit later you would argue
- you’re 100% sure the recipe said 2 cups of sugar and he tells you it’s 1 not 2 cups of sugar
- he’s right, you’re wrong
- he has to hold you back to not eat anything of the raw dough
- you’re complaining that it won’t make you sick
- he’s already so done with you after forcing him to listen to Christmas songs while baking and let’s you do whatever you want
- after the cookies are in the oven he cleans the kitchen by himself
- he knows you can do that too - but again he’s done with the Christmas songs
- he gives you a kiss on your forehead, telling you to go in the living room to watch some Christmas movie you love
- he absolutely doesn’t do this to get rid of you and your Christmas songs- no ofc not…. Cough cough
- he wouldn’t admit it but baking with you feels good for him, it gives him that warm spread in is stomach even tho he hates the songs in the background
- after the cookies are ready he lets them cool down
- he decides to join you and your silly little movie
- can’t hold a grin back after you complain that your tummy hurts
- didn’t he told you that you’re gonna be sick after eating raw dough?
- he’s the one asking you to bake with him
- it’s his and your first time being with his parents and whole family while Christmas so you’re quite nervous
- and it’s somehow a tradition for him to bake with his family and cause you are his family now he wants you to accompany him
- watch the whole McTavish family having fun including you
- watch out for flying eggs cause his brothers an him will have a fight
- watch momma mctavish scold her adult kids like their 5
- Johnny is also constantly touching you, keeps giving you a kisses on your cheek or neck and whispering sweet little nothings in your ear
- at one point while you knead the dough he warps his arms around your waist, burring his face in your neck mumbling how much he loves you and that he’s so happy to have you
- this sweet little moment would end pretty quick with his brothers mocking him
- well- your boyfriend doesn’t take it well and hunts his brothers with a pastry roller
- you have to run after him cause he will use his weapon to beat his big brothers asses
- when you all come back into the kitchen, theres no dough to be seen
- just a happy golden retriever with a wagging tail
- watch grown men freaking out cause they think she not only ate the dough but chocolate too
- the little Nessie is the most chill out of all of you
- eventually everything will be okay after they found the chocolate- but the furry little girl is now banned from the kitchen
- you just have to make a new dough now
- with the Nessie out of the kitchen there’s only one threat left for the dough
- keep an eye on your boyfriend or he will eat some of the raw dough too… wonder why Nessie does it, seems like she had a good teacher…
- after hours of making cookies, eventually it will come to an end
- as a good end for the day his family watches a Christmas movie with all of you
- watch your boyfriend excuse himself to go the bathroom
- wasn’t the brightest idea to eat raw dough, wasn’t it Johnny boy ?
- what you both don’t know…. his brothers put viagra in the part he ate….-
- they know they fucked up when instead of exposing him with a boner in front of everyone while you’re sitting on his lap, they managed to give him the worst diarrhea imaginable
- they fucked the pills up and gave him laxative
- what a wonderful shitmess- sorry, I meant Christmas!
(It took me some time to find a German song that I could imagine König to sing along too, but that song slaps… it could be a bit faster tho )
- he loves to bake, especially since it reminds him of the winter break
- it’s just that he wants to be with his whole family at least before Christmas to bake some cookies
- if you want to be with your family he just decides that they should come too
- so now you’re baking with your deadly boyfriend while your parents talk with his and thanking them that they can live rent free while they stay
- your parents doesn’t know that your boyfriend is in the military- well nobody knows besides you and his family
- they think he’s a baker cause his baked goods look way better than the baked goods in bakery’s does
- but- he’s still a bit hyperactive and he’s clumsy, especially thank to his height
- he yanks everything over- not just once
- watch out of his elbows cause if you don’t, well… we just say that the Christmas photos wouldn’t look that good-
- you have to tell him that’s it’s not good for the old Bernese Mountain Dog called Bernd to eat cookie dough
- he doesn’t give a duck about that and gives his beloved Bernd a piece here and there- only for him to eat something too
- the first dough you made is almost entirely in the stomach of your boyfriend and Bernd
- but you have to leave the kitchen for one single second
- watch Bernd slowly walking out of the kitchen while you’re entering it again
- there’s no dough left -
- it’s your boyfriend that has the last piece in his mouth, grinning at you like a child after you put one and one together
- he and the dog just ate the fricking dough- all of it!
- „Es tut mir leid Liebling, ich konnte nicht widerstehen“ (I‘m sorry darling, I couldn’t resist)
- don’t worry he helps you after that like a pro-
- well he doesn’t help- he makes everything without your help cause in his eyes you deserve to rest after making such a yummy dough
- he also cleans up everything! Even the stuff you used!
- decorating the cookies is the best part of everything
- he makes two little gingerbread men that look exactly like the both of you
- your parents see his one
- they ask him why he made such a weird face masked cookie
- I mean Halloween is already over, so what’s with that ugly mask…
- …. You should tell him after you’re alone again that his mask ist beautiful…
- you’re the one asking him to bake cookies with you
- he’s quite found to the idea
- it’s a struggle to find a cooking book in his house- is there even one there!?
- good thing there’s google
- bad thing, he lives in the woods- there’s no signal for your phone
- so you end up frustrated and sitting on the couch
- but wouldn’t he be a good boyfriend if he doesn’t know a cookie recipe?
- so now you’re following his orders
- don’t worry, his voice is just as loving as usual
- everytime you bring him whatever he needs he gives you something in reward
- be it a cute little nickname after a thank you or a kiss on your lips, cheeks or on your forehead
- he has a radio but he enjoys listing on a gramophone much more
- so you’re baking together, while the fire is safely burning in the fireplace, and o holy night is playing on the gramophone
- he takes breaks while you continue to make the cookies
- he just admires you while you’re smiling over such a silly thing
- he wraps his arms around you while pressing your back against his chest, burring his head in the crock of your neck mumbling sweet nothings
- he just can’t believe that this is really happening
- you have to tell him to let go of you or you both will continue to stay there for forever
- after the cookies are in the oven he just takes you to the couch
- cupping your cheeks and kissing you like it would be the last time
- just have an eye on the time or the cookies will burn -…
- but your eyes are everywhere but the time
- everywhere is btw price
- the cookies end up black as coal
- and after another try they’re really yummy!
- Sweet Family
- such a good thing you are
- he’s rarely home but he makes sure he is around Christmas time
- he has already made a plan so that he can do everything he wants to do
- baking cookies is one of the first things on the list
- expect to be in the kitchen the whole day
- don’t worry he’s too
- you wake up, next to you a hot chocolate with a sweet little note
- „come to the kitchen when you’re ready darling“
- see your man in a red and white Cooking aprons with Santa on
- the moment he sees you he smiles at you
- he comes to you, wrapping his arms around you before kissing you with the brightest smile you’ve ever saw from that man
- he asks you to join his baking session
- hear him singing to whatever Christmas song is playing
- he can’t hold himself back
- he has to give you a kiss whenever you give him what he needs to make another dough
- together you bake for hours straight
- you both end up with 20 different Christmas cookies from around the world (whenever he worked with another military he asked them for recipes and he also asked his shadows for recipes )
- he did and does that so when he brings cookies to the shadows that can’t leave the base or that don’t have families that they at least have something for Christmas
- he wants that everyone feels like home (everyone, no matter the religion or ethnic)
- he even ask you to bring his shadows home for Christmas so that they don’t have to be alone at a military base
- Shepard is strictly forbidden to visit btw
- so you not only end up with hundreds of cookies but also with like twenty (or even more) soldiers at home
- even when they’re older than you, his soldiers see you as somehow a parent figure
- I mean, graves is their father figure so….
- you love them the same way they love you
- he’s a sucker for Christmas
- but he doesn’t really have free time, I mean the bad guys don’t really care about holidays don’t they
- so the base is decorated to at least feel a bit like home
- you have to visit him to do the Christmas stuff just like baking cookies or something like that
- so you now you here, standing in the big ass kitchen that would normally prepare food for his man and him but now baking cookies
- but no no, you’re not alone here, his whole team his there too
- Rudy overwatches the younger recruits while Alejandro decides which cookies they should do next
- he loves to wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest while you’re decorating some of cookies
- his man know how much he loves you so they would look away, so that you could at least enjoy the moment of intimacy with your husband
- Rudy makes a picture of it
- supportive best friend
- after all the cookies are baked Alejandro enjoys the moment of peace
- in the end you end up with Alejandro, Rudy, and some of his other men on the couch, all cuddling together while watching a Christmas movie and eating the cookies you baked
- the others sit around you, some of the other couches, some on the ground but all with cookies in their hand
- big ass family
- you’re the one asking him to bake cookies with you
- watch him getting excited
- he’s not the biggest fan of Christmas but the music rocks
- with him it’s a pain in the ass cause he will do everything but what he has to do
- flour fight
- he casually grasp some of the flour and throw it right into your face
- after that you both are fighting
- watch out for the eggs!
- you’re able to throw a egg right into his face
- it wasn’t meant to hit his face tho….
- after that you should run
- very fast
- hes after you like a hell hound
- after you both are done with playing with each other
- there’s no flour, eggs, sugar and butter left
- well it is- but you can’t use it anymore cause it’s like everywhere
- the kitchen looks worse than a battlefield
- you both don’t look any better
- you both are covered with flour, eggs, butter and sugar
- there’s no need to add sugar peeling while showering….win win… cough
- it takes hours to clean the kitchen
- after that you agree to just buy dough from the store
- but you both can’t stop yourself so you end up eating half of the raw dough
- the other half makes it into to oven!
- but…. It wasn’t the brightest idea to eat raw dough
- you both are laying on the couch dying
- but hey- at least you end up with tasty cookies
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d1g1tal-d1ary · 21 days
Cry // Alex Turner
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No summary today as I can‘t think of anything without spoilers ☠️ All I can say that it was inspired by the song "Cry" from cigarettes after sex
Warnings: smoking weed, age gap, female!reader, mentions of sex, no smut, maybe a bit of angst? idk
︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
"Wish I was good, wish that I could give you my love now“ - Cry, cigarettes after sex
I can't tell when I fell for him. I can't find the exact moment it had been too late to turn back; to maybe even flee from him.
Maybe it happened the moment I first ever laid eyes on him. I had just moved to London and had decided I couldn't just pass day by day alone in such a big city - so I went to one of those Jazzclubs with one of my friends. The ones where the life artist was a weird man with a black hat and the women were all dressed in a bordeaux red dress, sipping on expensive cocktails the whole night. But I wasn't there to drink cocktails - I wasn't a big drinker, after all - I was there to hum quietly to the music and play some cards with that friend of mine.
"You cheated," I exclaimed with a light chuckle when I had to draw another card. That had been the fifth card in a row that I had to draw since I really didn't have any suitable card to lay down.
"I'm not, I swear!" she replied, her red curls falling so effortlessly perfect from her shoulder that I couldn't help but admire her beauty. Nessy - that was a nickname for Vanessa - was the first person I knew in London. Maybe because she lived right beside my little studio apartment or maybe because the universe knew I needed a friend like her. Who knows?
"Well, I need a cigarette after that unfair play of yours," I mumbled and shook my head. "You wanna join me?"
I had searched for the packs of cigarettes when she shook her head in response, making me raise from my seat and search for the exit. The exit was one of those doors to which followed one of those typical London staircases which led to the sidewalk. Luckily, the Jazzclub knew their customers and there was a little bench on which I sat down and lit my cigarette. The street wasn't empty; I remember. There were a lot of people walking by and that was the reason why he had to step closer to me to make me hear him. At least that's what he told me.
"Excuse me," the voice I learned to love in many, so many ways approached me. I turned my head to look at where the raspy, yet kind voice had it's origin and I knew by the way he was looking down at me; so kind, so soft and so, so, so curious that he was going to be trouble. "You've got a lighter?"
My eyes went down to his lips which were his instrument and the thing which he'd make sure that I knew just how much he wanted me. Without a word, but with a smile I began to search my pockets for that stupid, stupid lighter and took it out.
Or maybe it happened when he, instead of taking the lighter to light the cigarette on his own, he leaned down and waited for me to light the cigarette for him. The way he slightly bent over, making me smell his aftershave or the way he grinned down at me spoke more words than there are words in the bible.
"Thanks," he nonchalantly said. With another swift motion, he had taken the seat next to me and that made me wonder exactly how smooth a person could be. Or maybe I was wondering how pretty a person could be without even seeming to try. "Are you even allowed to smoke cigarettes yet?"
A frown crept it's way onto my face at the question and my gaze caught his as I fired back:" How old do I look to you?"
"Dunno," he shrugged but looked into the distance while taking a drag. "Wasn't expecting to see a young girl like you outside of a Jazzclub."
"I'm not young," I replied. "I'm 19, y'know."
"For god's sake," he chuckled, his gaze studying me. "My band is older than you, love."
"That's not my problem," I shrugged and threw the cigarette onto the pathway. "I guess you're really old, then."
"I'm not old," this time it was his turn to carry a frown on his beautiful face. "Are you from around here?"
I took a quick glance and met his gaze once again. He had already been looking at me the entire time. He had already been looking. At me.
"Uh, no, not exactly," I told him, stumbling across my words but I prayed he didn't notice it.
He raised an eyebrow and suddenly looked very boyish even though the few lines on his face said something different. But to me, those lines were what made him so much more beautiful. He questioned me again:" Then where are you from, sweetheart?"
Maybe I fell for him when he called me sweetheart and made me flustered and wobbly with only ten letters. Or maybe it was the way we had talked about an hour at the end of the night. I wonder what would've happened if I realized I was already head over heels for him when he kissed me a good night kiss on the cheek and promised a simple and so easy thing with a smoot "I'll call you".
I often question myself. Am I as funny as I think I am? Do people think I'm loud? But I never questioned myself when I was with him; because it was enough for me that he had really called a few days later. I noticed very early on that he was simply knittet and wasn't actually looking for love. Or anything that could lead to love.
"Then why did you call me back?" I asked him curiously while the rush hour had begun and tons of people were walking by the little table we sat at. "I mean, if you're not looking for anything. I'm not going to fuck you, that's for sure."
"For sure?" he questioned and raised an eyebrow, an amused smirk on his face. "Ah, I dunno. I'm not exactly eager to take you home with me, either. I don't know why I called you. I guess something about you caught my interst."
I missed the way his tiny phone kept buzzing during his little speech. I missed the way girls were turning around when they saw him and I missed the way my heart was beating faster than it'd ever done before. Because all I saw was him; all I wanted was him and I must've realized back then that I couldn't have turned back or ignored him.
But that wasn't the moment I fell for him. I never dared to question why me, out of all the people in the world. And maybe that was one of the reasons I fell for him in the end.
I would've guessed it was the first time he called me late at night. I had been sitting on the couch in my apartment when his message came through - enough to make my palms sweat.
>> U up? <<
I looked out the window, weighting the options I had to text him back, but I should've known I'd be wherever he wanted me to be in a matter of thirty minutes. And that's how I ended up in a dark studio; smoke filled the air and I watched him play soft tunes on his E-guitar.
And maybe that was the moment I fell for him. Just the two of us in a room where he had only ever invited the closest people to. Just the two of us sharing secrets in the late - or early hours, however you'd like to call it - hours of the day as no one else knew he was there with me.
I realized I could stare at him for hours when I had watched him play the same song over and over again. When I'd mesmerized every detail his face, his hands and the guitar itself and I was sure I could draw him exactly as he was in that very moment. Because I adored him. I adored him so much that I didn't bat an eye when he pulled out a joint from his pocket and sat down next to me.
"Have you ever smoked weed before?" he asked me. Even though I could see his muscles relaxing and the weed working its wonder on my beautiful, beautiful boy he still made sure not to let me out of his sight.
"Yea," I lied.
With a satisfied hum, he passed the burning wonder to me and watched me take a drag. If I had been honest, I would've said the taste was disgusting. If I would've been honest, I would've told him that I was in love with him.
But I wasn't. And that's why I never realized when I fell for him. He had caught my interest from the very first interaction and when he took me for the first time on that dirty couch in his studio all high and sloppy, I never questioned why I did all of that with him. And I always told myself I did all of that because youth is supposed to feel that way. Confusing, shattering and even heartbreaking.
But I never opened my eyes enough to see that I was doing all of that for him; taking an uber at two AM and letting him do whatever he was feeling like that night because I wanted him to love me. Because I loved him. With every inch of my body, every vein in my body pumping blood and every pump of my heart - I loved him.
But my mistake was that I always wondered when I fell for him and not if he ever fell for me.
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dragcnbreak · 10 months
dream theory
A drabble based on the prompt by @lab-trash that Ness is the reason why Mike has the dream theory book.
Also cross-posted on AO3!
It’s not often Ness gets to hear Mike talk a lot, much less ramble. The shorter man mostly conveys what he wants to say through his actions, not his words. But sometimes, late at night when the moon is shining through their bedroom window, Mike will talk about what’s bothering him.
He talks about Abby a lot and his worry about providing for her and parenting her. Ness will comfort him and remind him that he isn’t alone anymore and they will go overcome every hurdle together. Other times, it’ll be about his parents and specifically his dad, who Ness can easily guess was distant. But very rarely, it’ll be about Garrett.
Mike hates talking about Garrett and what happened to him. He only gets a few words out before he clams up and Ness doesn’t push him any further. Well, until one night.
They’re lying in bed and the lamp next to Mike is off but neither one of them are sleeping. Mike is draped across Ness’ chest with Ness’ hand and arm over his body. Maybe it’s the drink or two they had before bed (when Abby was asleep) but Mike starts talking and just… doesn’t stop.
“When I was 12, we were camping in Nebraska and my mom had stepped away for a second when it happened. She told me to watch my brother and I got distracted and he got taken.” Mike swallows the lump in his throat as well as his tears. “The police never found him or his… body or the man who did it or anything. I saw the car and sometimes, I feel like I saw the man who did it too but I can’t remember.” Ness hums in response to show he’s listening, carding his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair.
Suddenly, Ness remembers something. “You know, I was at the library once,” a usual sentence starter as Ness loves reading random books in his free time, “and I picked up this book. It was called Dream Theory. Basically, it talks about how the human brain doesn’t forget things. Everything you see is stored inside of you, even the smallest things. So, if you think you saw him, it’s probably in there.” Ness explains, tapping Mike’s head as he murmurs the last sentence.
They sit in silence for a minute, Mike thinking over what Ness has just said and Ness waiting for a response. “You think… if I could relive that day somehow, I could find out who took him?” Mike asks in disbelief. “I read it a while ago, I don’t remember too much of it.” Ness chuckles at the irony. “Maybe I could get you the book.”
Mike lifts his head, meeting Ness’ eyes and leans forward, kissing his boyfriend. “Thank you.” He mumbles quietly, sleepiness setting in. “Of course, sugar. Just… don’t push yourself, okay? I know how hard it is for you to talk about him.” Ness smiles softly but Mike is already asleep against his chest. Ness lays in bed for a few minutes in silence, wondering if he’s done the right thing.
Ness buys the book the day after, skimming through it in the bookstore to make sure it’s what he remembered it was. He bites his lip as he reads, wondering if he should really give this to Mike. He doesn’t want his boyfriend basically reliving one of the most traumatic things that happened to him every night. But maybe, just maybe, he can find something out about his brother that will start the healing process. With that thought in mind, he buys it.
He gives it to Mike that night when they’re about to go to bed. “What’s this?” Mike hums, holding the book in his hands. “You were tipsy, I think, but we talked about the night Garrett was taken and you said you might have seen the man who did it. I think this can help you figure it all out.” Mike is silent and Ness wonders if he’s done or said something wrong.
“Thank you, Nessie.” Ness’ heart races at the nickname and the hug he receives after. It’s just like hearing the words “I love you” and it’s plenty nerve-wracking because they haven’t said those words before. But, Ness says it back anyway. “I love you too, Mike.” On his tiptoes, Mike buries his head into the crook of Ness’ neck, book clutched tightly in his hands.
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I'm just gonna say it's surreal to have an adult try to shame you for what foods you do and don't like. Especially when it's a food that's popular.
I heavily dislike coffee in all forms. It tastes and smells bad for me. Yet, no matter how many times I say this. I get people who are like "oh you just haven't had it my way yet." or "you're not making it right, try this."
No, I should be able to say I dislike something without others trying to push it on me. Same goes for beans and nuts. Not allergic, I just don't like the texture or taste. Let me eat in peace.
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btw my friend and I discussed it and we think we need to get matching ornate lockets that have a picture of renesmee on one side and a picture of jacob with a 🚫 over him on the other side
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colorfullfalls · 2 years
Wrong bitch (part 2)
Embry walked around the truck and opened the door for Y/N. She hopped out and the group that had been chatty suddenly got silent. Everyone looked at her as if to check that she was completely fine, no scratches on her. As if Embry wouldn’t have told them if she had been hurt in any way.
Together the couple walked towards the group that was now trying to act normal and start talking again. Leah walked around the fire and pulled Y/N into a hug.
“Thank god you’re okay.” She mumbled into Y/N’s hair, “I would’ve murdered that witch.”
Y/N laughed, “Not before Embry. I promise you.”
Leah became attached to Y/N rather quickly and that came as a surprise to everyone in the group. Leah had a hard shell and many people couldn’t get past her defensive protection she kept up. But somehow Y/N slipped through the cracks and became Leah’s best friend.
And Y/N didn’t take this honor lightly. She was proud to be Leah’s best friend.
This came with the consequence of Leah being protective over y/n too. She felt the imprint love that Embry felt and just wanted her safe. So when she found out that her best friend was found by a witch she was crazily worried.
“We shall begin.” Sam declared, giving Leah a pointed look to get off of y/n. Leah rolled her eyes but let go.
Embry led his fiancé over to sit on a log and together they sat down. He wrapped her arm around her and pulled her close for warmth. She leaned into him, glad that she had someone to love her so much.
“Today we learned that the witches are aware of our sacred tradition to imprint. One of the witches caused y/n’s car to come to a halt and had a chat with her. More like a threatening conversation to warn us that they want us off their back.” Sam started.
“Now that they know about imprints, we take this entire situation much more seriously. Our imprints can be in potential danger. We are unsure of how they found this information out, but they did.” Jacob added, crossing his arms and staring worriedly at Nessie who sat between her parents who also looked worried.
“We know that they are here to research the magic of our lands. But their sacrifices is what we cannot allow.” Sam spoke, his authority oozed with each of the words.
“We have to attack soon, or else our imprints can be at stake. And none of us are willing to take that bet.” Jake spoke with growls echoing after. Looking around the fire you could see all of the wolves grab their imprints and hold them somehow closer than they already were before.
“Attacking might make matters worse.” Edward spoke, “we don’t know enough about them to jump into this.”
“We can’t afford to wait much longer.” Jake challenged Edward, as always.
“Jake’s right. I’m not about to wait until Rachel gets hurt. We start planning now.” Paul spoke, crossing his arms as if to say that his words were absolute.
“My family is coming down and are headed this way now. My sister, Alice, had experience with witches that will come in handy for us to use against them.” Edward spoke.
“We don’t have the time.” Jake argued, “And last time I checked; you have no authority here.”
Nessie stood up, anger swallowing her whole, “Jacob. I get that you’re worried- but do not dare to disrespect my father. Aunt Alice is the most useful asset that we have here and you know it. Don’t let your fears get in front of logic.” She snapped as Bella smirked.
Ness was a spitting image of Bella and it made y/n grossed out thinking about how in love Jake used to be in love with her mother first. The whole imprinting situation with Jake was odd.
“She’s right Jake. Alice will be here soon and she will know what to do. Give it time.” Bella spoke up finally.
“Since when do we let the vampires control what we do? We are our own independent packs. We act when we want to act. I worry about Kim’s safety and that’s what matters to me. I don’t care if Alice gets here tomorrow, we need a plan now.” Jared’s eyes were narrowed at Bella.
It was no secret that the wolves didn’t really like Bella. She caused them a lot of trouble and she still was controlling Jacob’s life through Nessie. It was all annoying to them.
“We have more knowledge about other supernatural creatures, it’s merely a smart move to wait for my sister.” Edward argued, “she was taken in by witches for a time. She will know how to protect us.”
“Wasn’t her mate a confederate soldier? I don’t know how much I really trust that.” Leah scoffed, trying to cause more of a fight with Edward.
“Leah.” Y/n scolded, “not now.”
Leah sighed and looked away. Embry stood up to speak and y/n was shocked. Embry usually never was one for the role leader but here he was taking action.
“Look. These witches are dangerous. Like really dangerous. And today they threatened my fiancé and I’m not okay with that. We need a plan, whether that involves Alice or not. But I do know that we need to be together in this plan as a team. That’s how we beat them.” He blushed when everyone nodded in agreement. He quickly sat back down and wrapped himself around y/n.
“Embry is right. We need a plan. When does Alice get here?” Sam asked, looking worriedly at Emily who was already staring at him.
“Tomorrow morning.” Edward replied.
“Great. Until then we won’t run patrol. Wolves, stay with your imprints and make sure that they are okay. We meet up again tomorrow morning and come up with an attack. Imprints, know that we will do everything to keep you safe.” Sam ended the meeting.
“Now do we eat?” Quil asked, reaching around Jared and Kim for the hot dog sticks. Quil was y/n’s favorite and she would easily admit that to anyone who asked.
Y/n smiled lovingly at her friend.
“I vote we eat.” She said, laughing when quil gave her a shit eating grin.
Everyone started to get up and reach around for food and drinks when y/n saw Charlie Swan walk towards her. Charlie was her old neighbor and she was glad that he now knew about everything that was going on.
“Hey kiddo. You doing okay?” He asked, pulling her into a hug.
“Yeah! I’m pretty good considering what’s happening. What’re the odds that I would be the one who gets a little greeting from the witches?” She joked, trying to hide the fact that it bothered her a bit.
“Have you ever thought about shooting a gun?” Charlie asked, “I have plenty that I could lend you for now. I want to make sure you’re safe.”
Y/n’s heart melted, “Charlie, that’s really sweet. I’m okay though. I don’t need a gun. I have two of them already.” She joked, flexing her muscles.
Charlie chuckled pretending to be amazed at her muscles, “Fair enough, kiddo. Let me know if you do need anything at all. We’re like family.”
“I know Charlie. I appreciate it so much. Truly.”
They shared another quick hug before she went to find Embry. He wasn’t near the food nor the drinks. She glanced around to see if he was with Quill and Jacob but he wasn’t there. She was confused, where would he have gone?
She turned around to see that Jake was talking with Bella, but Nessie and Edward wasn’t around them either. Was Embry with them too?
She walked into the house to see Embry, Edward and Nessie in the kitchen. They all turned to look at her. She took in their expressions and noticed that Embry looked pissed off. His eyes were wide and his chest was heaving. Nessie and Edward looked annoyed but were trying to cover it up, even though they were failing.
“Hey. What’s going on in here?”
“They want to use you as fucking bait.” Embry spat, getting up and shoving his chair in, “She isn’t bait, nor will she ever be. Maybe you should be, Nessie, considering your fucking existence caused this all. Leave y/n out of this.”
“That isn’t fair. It’s not my fault I was born.” Nessie argued, “I’m not trying to put her at risk. I’d never want that! I just think they picked her for a reason.”
“I’m going to phase” he spat before running out of the house.
Y/n watched in horror as his wolf form exploded out of him as soon as he got outside of the house. Thank god no one was around him. He tore off into the woods and y/n felt herself shaking from nerves. She’s never seen him lose control like that.
Jacob came running into the house, “What the hell just happened?”
“There was a misunderstanding.” Edward tried.
“Ness wants to use me as bait and Embry freaked out.” Y/n blurted.
Jacob’s eyes narrowed at his imprint, “I love you, but stop. You cannot put other people as bait, especially my best friend’s imprint.”
“Jake-“ she tried to talk but he cut her off.
“No. I’m serious. Stop now. I’m going to go find Embry and apologize. I suggest that you do the same.” Jake fled out of the house and towards the woods to find Embry.
Y/n stood there, starting out the door not knowing really what to do.
“Why would you even ask him that? You know that he would say no.” She finally said.
“He would be more mad if we asked you.” Ness said, “y/n, I promise I’m not trying to put you in danger.”
“Sometimes you need to leave things alone. You may be Jacob’s imprint but that doesn’t make you in charge of anyone. Please, stop.” She said, holding her hand up and walking outside to try to help find Embry.
Outside the rest of the group was really confused as to what was going on. Paul saw the shaky look on y/n’s face and went over to check on her. She explained what happened and it pissed off the rest of the pack.
“I think we should go. We will bring Alice tomorrow. I’m so sorry that Ness and Edward suggested that to Embry. Y/n, I’m sorry.” Bella apologized, escorting her family to their jeep.
“I love Jacob, but I really don’t like that fucking family.” Paul ranted, “How can they just try to throw her as bait like that? Y/n, you’re family and we would never let that happen.”
Y/n nodded, “I know.”
Sam came out of the woods running, “Y/n, we need you to come calm Embry down. He can’t phase back.”
Y/N sighed and moved her body to go towards the woods. Sometimes this happened, Embry couldn’t calm down and they called her to help him shift back to his human body. This time felt slightly different because it was your safety that he was angry about and that was something this man did not fuck with.
She heard growling and followed that sound. Angry. It just sounded so angry and primal. She kept walking and found a couple trees with dents in them and one tree even knocked completely down. To the left of the trees were two wolves. Jacob and Embry.
Jacob was circling Embry and Embry was clawing at the ground while snarling. His ears were pointed and his teeth were on show as Jacob tried to get closer. Embry wanted to fight to release his anger and she knew he would get hurt.
One of them would get hurt. Maybe Embry wanted to hurt Jacob to get back at Nessie, but y/n knew that he would regret hurting his friend out of spite. Nothing good ever came out of spite.
“Boys!” Y/n announced herself.
Suddenly both wolves heads snapped towards her. Jacob quickly moved his body so that it was between Embry and y/n, feeling a need to make sure she was safe. Embry was furious and accidents can happen- Emily knew that from when she got hurt from Sam.
Embry did not like that one bit. He growled loudly and started to advance.
“Don’t get near her” Embry snarled through the pack link, worrying about his imprint’s safety.
“I’m trying to protect her. You’re too angry right now.” Jake tried to reason.
“I would never hurt her.”
“You wouldn’t mean to, I know. But things can happen, look at Emily.”
“Im not Sam. Now let me pass.”
Embry was starting to get twitchy with having Jake around his imprint in wolf form. Jacob is an alpha meaning that he is stronger and faster, which means it’s harder for Embry to beat him. But he swore on his life that if Jacob was a threat, Embry would not hesitate to go for a seriously damaging attack.
“Let him through Jake. Im okay. Sam sent me here to calm him down.” Y/n calmly said while trying to slowly walk over.
Jacob looked hesitant but did move out of the way. Embry felt his heart beat steady a little bit as he saw Y/N standing before him. Just the sight of her made his days better. She was his everything and it made him so upset that Nessie thought that Y/N would ever be used as bait.
Embry’s wolf slowly walked towards her until they were a foot away. His body slumped to the ground, tired from being so rageful.
“Jake, go ahead and go. I got this.”
Jake didn’t leave.
“You heard her, go. Bye Jake. We are fine.” Embry spoke through the link
“Fine. Don’t hurt her.”
Embry rolled his eyes, “Fuck off.”
Jake ran off as Y/N’s fingers found her way into Embry’s fur, feeling how soft it really is.
“So I can’t hear you in this form so I will do all the talking. Reneesme was dumb for suggesting that I be used as bait, like really dumb. As an imprint she should understand how sacred they are. At the same time she comes from the Cullen family, a family that just does what they want without caring how it affects others. She’s stubborn and it’s honestly annoying. But you can’t hate her over me.”
Embry’s eyes narrowed and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, “Listen, hear me out. You’re my sweet Embry, the one who loves everyone. I don’t want you to resent her over one stupid idea. She genuinely didn’t mean to offend you and she doesn’t want harm done to me. Get her to apologize and then let that be that, okay?”
Embry’s body started to shake until he was in front of her in his naked glory.
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tangerinenotions95 · 1 year
So Much For Normal - A Seth Clearwater FanFic (Chapter 12)
I was racing back towards my house with Renesmee sitting in the passenger seat.
"Look Y/N, I get it I wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to Jacob but this isn't a normal medical emergency, if my grandfather can't do anything then that's it". 
"Maybe, maybe not" I told her and kept going until I pulled up in front of my house, I hopped out and ran up the footpath not even bothering to close the car door behind me.
I flung the front door open and pounded up the stairs missing every second step as I ran towards my room, Renesmee right on my heel. I ran over to my bed and reached under my bed grabbing my spell book from underneath my pillow. I then turned and headed back downstairs into the kitchen dragging her with me once more. I walked over to the small cupboard above the over.
It was usually full of tinned food, I quietly said and incantation under my breath, opened the cupboard which was full of herbs and spices that I use for spells and potions. I rifled through them grabbing the ones I needed.
"Mal, Seth can hardly move let alone eat" Ness said to me, a confused look on her face at my actions. I gave her a small smile and walked over to her, looking straight at her, "Ness I know I must seem crazy right now and I know you hate me at the moment because of the whole situation and how horrible my reaction was but I really need you to trust me right now, please?" I pleaded with her. She stared at my face for a moment trying to figure out what she should do, before letting out a defeated sigh "Okay Y/N/N, I'll trust you but please just be open minded that this probably won't end good" I nodded giving her a small smile, "That's all I can ask". We raced back out to the jeep and headed in the direction of the Clearwater house.
The drive to get to Seth's house felt like hours had passed, I knew time was going to be against me today and despite how much I was over the speed limit the trees that lined the sides of the road felt like they were passing in slow motion.
"The small red brick over there on the left" Ness pointed to the small house. I took it all in as best I could given the situation. The Clearwater residence was a small three bedroom bungalow with a wraparound porch, two wooden chairs facing the front yard which was neatly kept with the exception of all the wild flowers.
I pulled up on the other side of the road as the drive way had already reached its limit with the two other cars there, I recognised one as Carlisle Cullen's and the other as Billy Blacks, Jake's bike was also parked beside them.
I anxiously hopped out and grabbed my bag from the back seat, following Ness up to the house. She stopped and turned to me,
"Brace yourself" she told me and before I could even register her words, the front door swung open and out walked the pack or at least most of them. Leah's face standing out among the rest and I wasn't sure if it was because of her similarities with Seth or because it looked like it was taking everything in her not to tear me in two.
"Nessie what's going on?" Jacob stepped forward gesturing to me.
"She just wants to help" Ness tried explaining.
"Help? HELP? This is all her fault so know I don't think there is anything she can do that will help" Leah spit, her words like poison consuming me.
"For once, I agree with Leah" Jared mumbled.
"I know you hate me", I started "Hate you is putting it mildly" Leah stated.
I let out a frustrated sigh, "Look, I get that I do, but I can save him"
"He can't be saved" He tells me, voice cold as ice as he turns to go back inside.
"Yes he can, I can do something" I plead with him as I go to take a step forward Leah is suddenly standing in front of me.
"Leave before I do something I probably won't regret" She threatens, she is so close that her breath hits me in the face.
I stare right back at her despite her frame towering over me, "I'm going into that house with or without your permission" I tell her in as equally a threatening tone.
Chuckles are heard from the boys standing behind her. My hand starts to flex as I feel my power starting to flow to my fingertips instinctively as my need to get inside to Seth takes over. 
"Bring it" Leah says as she starts to shake, getting ready to change.
"Enough" Sam shouts in an authoritative voice and she suddenly becomes still, not able to defy the alpha.
"Y/N" Sam's voice pulls my attention off Leah, "Go" he nods his head towards the house but his facial expression never wavers.
"Are you serious Sam?"
"Oh come on" are only some of the many complaints I hear behind me until they are quietened with one low growl. I stop knowing that I will probably come to regret this,
"Leah should come with me. I know none of you trust me so maybe you would feel better if she was there" I say. Sam nods in what I think is appreciation and Leah frowns at me before walking straight by me and through the door. The others follow us in but take seats in various places around the small kitchen/living room while Leah leads me down a narrow corridor to the last door. It's opened and I can make out Billy Black in his wheelchair and Sue Clearwater. Sue is in tears as she kneels beside a single bed in the very corner of the room as Billy does his best to comfort her.
We walk in and Leah tells them that I think I can do something but I don't really hear the conversation as I can only focus on the figure lying on the bed crumpled up in pain.
My heart is breaking quicker than before and I can feel the tears starting to form along my lash line. 
"Y/N" Sue's cracked voice pulls me back to reality and the small room, "Please save my boy" She sobs. I nod and walk by her. I take her place at the side of the bed and take in Seth's frail body. I reach out my hand and he's barely warm, not good for a wolf.
I look him over and spot the bite mark on his lower right arm. The skin around it has started to turn a dark purple meaning the venom is spreading.
"Well?" Leah asked sounding impatient.
"He's in a lot of pain, I need to take his pain away so he's strong enough for this to work" I explained and I then proceeded to take a small gold dagger out of my bag.
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wol-fica · 1 year
-𝔹𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕤: ℙ𝕋 𝟡-
Tumblr media
pairings - wednesdayaddams x fem!reader
summary - lazy day between our favorite couple; nessy poo poo and big doofus reader
warnings - none
an - i missed writing for these two, had to bring them back :)
You yawned, stretching your arms up towards the ceiling with a few pops from your back.
It was a rainy day, thunder booming outside from the raging storm. You’ve been stuck at your desk for hours because of it, and the work your boss had emailed you so happened to be very long and very boring.
On the bright side, you’ve been able to stay home and relax while you worked, taking breaks whenever you pleased and curling up in your favorite blanket while you corrected billing problems on your work places website.
Currently, you were buried under two fluffy blankets and your most comfortable hoodie while typing away at your laptop. Rain pattered against the windows, flashes of lightening filling the room every now and then with the occasional crash of thunder overhead.
Music played softly in the background, the silky voice of Muni Long echoing throughout the space. Your tongue was between your teeth, your concentration zoned in on replying to an unhappy customer who payed for the wrong item. They were exceedingly upset, blaming you and the company for their own mistake, and now you were trying to explain the issue to them in the nicest way.
A sigh passed your lips, your head shaking in frustration. You soon gave up, shutting the laptop angrily and putting your head in your hands. You felt exhausted, from working all day, having it storm outside, and from just not being productive. Staring at a screen for hours had taken a toll on your body, and all you wanted to do was take a nap.
You stood up, cracking your neck before tossing the blankets onto the couch and heading upstairs. You went towards your bedroom, yearning for a certain someone to help you relax a little bit.
In all honesty, you have barely seen Wednesday at all today, only getting a short greeting and a kiss on the cheek when you passed her in the kitchen for breakfast. She had her own things to catch up on, with writing her novel and having a very in-depth-personal-talk with her mother over some family issues with Pugsley.
You respected her privacy, as she did yours, but that meant that the whole day you would be apart. It’s not liked you needed to be glued to her side, but you did feel a pang of sadness with not being around her.
Once you reached the large black door, you gently pushed it open, revealing a heartwarming sight. There was your wife, a book in her hands as she laid on your bed. Her shoulders and head were propped up with a few pillows, while her waist down was covered by a thin blanket. Her attention snapped to you, her dark eyes twinkling slightly at the sight of her significant other.
“Hello Y/N.” Wednesday said, turning back to her book, “Are you done with work?”
You groaned, moving towards her at a sluggish pace before falling to your knees and resting your head against the edge of the bed. A gentle touch hit your shoulder, fingers dancing along your skin to comfort you.
“Are you okay?” She asked, caressing your shoulder.
“Mhm.” You mumbled, standing and pulling the blanket aside so you could lay on her.
You snuggled up to her, letting the blanket fall on the two of you while your head rested against her chest. She marked her page and set the book aside on her nightstand, her hands finding solace in rubbing your spine and scratching at your scalp.
You purred, melting into her arms as she worked the tension out of your body. Her fingers massaged your stiff spine, rubbing and pressing away the knots that plagued you under your skin. Your eyes fluttered, and soon Wednesday felt your body go limp in her hold.
She pressed a kiss to the top of your head, murmuring a quiet ‘i love you’ before reaching over and grabbing her book to continue reading. You slept soundly atop her, your breathing soft and deep while your brain drifted off into dream land. Every now and then, you would murmur in your sleep or shift slightly, but other than that you stayed perfectly still in your wife’s arms.
After about an hour and a half of reading, Wednesday finally finished the book she was on, so she closed it yet again and set it back down on her bedside table. Your face had now tucked in her neck, your legs tangled with hers while your arms locked around her body.
She felt safe, content with your weight and warmth on top of her. She could feel your heartbeat, thumping quietly and slowly in time with hers. Your breath fanned out from your parted lips and onto her skin, causing goosebumps to rise all over her body.
“Duerme bien, mi vida.” Wednesday whispered into your ear, leaning her cheek on yours and letting her eyes fall shut.
The storm thunder outside, loud an ravaging, but the two souls that were intertwined felt no disturbance.
taglist: @cartierdreamx@tundra1029@red1culous@vorsdany@andsoigotabutterfly@theafterofnevermore@yomomisgay@house-of-lovin@slvt4lanadelrey@thenextdawn@nepobaby08@dunohilly@somekindofpoet@alexkolax@cinffy23@pedrosprincess@amberfreemansburntface@myfturn
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