#nessa x bea
fierykitten2 · 1 year
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Lesbian ships with the ship meme (yes I am aware I accidentally put Miyu and Fay’s genders in the sexuality box, it was an accident that I noticed by comparing them to Nessa x Bea and thought the mistake was too funny so didn’t correct it)
I started work on this in late May and forgot that the next month was Pride Month lol
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microwave-core · 1 year
SWSH Headcanons
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I love sword and shield and the chokehold these characters have on me, but if I ever tried to write dialogue for most of them I would have a stroke, so have this instead.
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I’ve written a bit for Sonia before, but there is one point that I completely forgot to bring up, and that is how absolutely excited she is to share her research and discoveries with you. She loves her job (most of the time), and is absolutely going to blab to you about it, so be prepared.
You don’t have to understand everything she’s saying, you likely won’t, but that’s okay. Just listening and trying your best to work through what she’s saying will be enough for her. Feel free to ask as many questions as you want, she will answer each and every one of them with incredible enthusiasm. But if you understand what she’s talking about, she would fucking ascend on the spot from happiness.
Please have a girl's night with her. Get holed up in her room while spilling trashy gossip all night while painting each other’s nails over cheap wine, she’ll love you forever. She’d jokingly ask if you had a crush on anyone when you’re already dating and act all innocent and teasing about it, like, “aww, you had a crush on me??” when you’ve literally been dating for years.
Yamper goes everywhere Sonia goes. You can expect him to be begging at your feet whenever you meet up with her, wanting nothing more than for you to bend down and shower him in love and affection. He’s a good boy and he knows it. Sonia might send him off to fetch you when she’s busy, so please trot behind him slowly. He wants to lead you there and doesn’t want to fall behind.
I’ve brought this up before, but Leon would be so supportive. Sonia is his bestie, so when you get into a relationship, he wants to meet you as soon as possible. Man just loves his friends and is so happy when they get into loving, meaningful relationships. He also knows a lot about you because Sonia has gushed about how much she loves you to him on several occasions. He can seem kind of intimidating with his status and all, but he’ll definitely end up thinking highly of you.
And I have to mention Hop as well, because he’s also very supportive. He takes it upon himself to be Sonia’s wingman when she’s pinning. When Leon’s not available, she’ll blab to Hop instead. The second you meet, he begins planning your wedding. Be prepared. 
But that’s not all, because Nessa is also Sonia’s bestie. She’s the only one of the three that you really have to worry about, as she won’t hesitate to speak her mind if she has any kind of issue with you, but she ultimately knows how much you mean to Sonia, and so she has no choice but to be supportive. Anyways, if Sonia takes too long to confess her feelings for you, she’ll get Leon and Hop together to form a plan to make it happen. Sonia is mortified.
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Nessa… Need I say more? She is the woman of all time, with one of, if not the, best design in the entire series. She’s gorgeous, she’s powerful, she’s described as having an “indomitable nature”, what more do I have to say?
Unfortunately, as both a model and a gym leader, she’s a busy gal, always running to and fro to get work done. She’ll always try to squeeze in time for you, but that doesn’t always work out, much to her dismay. It also means that many, many people are going to be jealous of you. This goes for all of the gym leaders and champion as well, considering they are essentially celebrities in Galar, but Nessa may as well be in a league of her own.
Many people have crushes on Nessa, both young and old alike, so finding out that she’s taken is a crushing blow. You’re gonna end up with weirdos that hate your guts for daring to date their crush, which sucks. But on the other hand, you’ll also have weirdos who are completely obsessed with you and  your relationship and want to know every little intimate detail. You decide which is worse.
Speaking of being a model, expect to be roped into a photoshoot every now and then. Nessa loves you and thinks you are drop-dead gorgeous, so, naturally, she’s not above pulling some strings to fit in a shoot or two with you. Expect to at least have a Valentines photoshoot every year, since it’s the most obvious way to show off how great of a couple you two are. 
Nessa yearns for the ocean. Having grown up in a sea-side town with fishermen for parents, she’s used to floating out into the ocean and just relaxing. When she’s feeling stressed and pent up, she’ll drift out into the blue abyss with one of her pokemon, staring into the sky above while being rocked gently by the waves. She’d love it if you joined her sometime.
She also really likes fishing. She often comes back to her roots, which leads her to pulling out the full fishing ensemble, “fish fear me women want me” hat included, and getting onto a dinky boat to sail off into the middle of the ocean to fish for hours on end. You are asked to join her on these trips, but they aren’t super exciting unless you absolutely love fishing.
She has pictures of you everywhere. In her gym locker, in her wallet, on her phone, around her house, in Sonia’s lab, everywhere. They’re almost entirely pictures that she’s taken, too. While she is by no means a photographer, she knows a few things about taking good pictures from modeling, and loves to use that knowledge to take wonderful pics of you (not that you don’t look wonderful all the time). Her phone’s lockscreen and wallpaper are also pictures of you, obviously.
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So I don’t have a sword so I am not as familiar with Bea, but her design alone is enough for me to write for. 
Girly pop is stoic, but she’s not unbreakable. It’s not the easiest task, but it’s absolutely worth your time to make her smile and laugh. That being said, it makes her very embarrassed and flustered, so please spare her and her image and only do so when in private.
She thinks about you a lot. Bea’s been trained to remain calm and collected, even in tense situations, which makes it difficult for opponents to read her in the heat of the moment. Little do they know she’s just thinking about what her girlfriend is up to at the moment. Were you doing alright? Were you in the stadium watching her match? Were you cheering her on? She hopes so.
Is not above using you to indulge in her love of sweets. She has the biggest sweet tooth in the league, but has a hard time actually eating them without garnering too much attention. So, when she wants to have something sweet, she’ll bring you with her and play it off like it was your idea, therefore she was just following you and being a good girlfriend and not just getting dessert.
Training never stops with this one. She works out all the time, and will invite you to come sometimes. Her training is incredibly rigorous, though, so you likely won’t be able to keep up. Sitting on the sidelines and cheering her on or helping her workout in some kind of way are more than acceptable in her mind. Easiest way to help her is to sit on her back while she does push ups, it helps her workout while also getting to be close with you. Don’t expect her to be talking too much, though.
Her training sometimes brings her to remote locations in the region, and she sometimes forgets to warn you ahead of time. You might spend your entire day trying to get ahold of her and asking others if they’ve seen her, only to receive a text from her hours later that just reads like “ out training”, no further elaboration. 
Bea’s a tad bit touch starved, so she thrives off of your affection. However, she’s not very good at vocalizing her wants, so it falls to you to notice her longing stares. She wants to hold your hand and cuddle and sling her arm around your shoulder when sitting close, but she’s too nervous to initiate on her own due to her lack of experience.
 Her only ask is that you keep your relationship pretty lowkey in public. PDA makes her a little uncomfortable, both because she’s shy with affection and also because she knows people are watching. Hand holding is as far as you are gonna get with her before she breaks a little inside.
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Melony my beloved. They did not have to cake her up so much but goddamn I am not complaining because ahjdkgh milf. She’s hot and also incredibly caring and sweet and supportive. 
First things first: you have to get along with her kids. This is non-negotiable. She already has a rocky relationship with one of her children, she doesn’t need to jeopardize that relationship further, or the one’s with her daughters, for any reason, even for love. It’s a lot to suddenly have five step-kids, especially if you don’t have any kids to begin with, but if you aren’t willing to at least try, Melony isn’t going to be sticking around.
She doesn’t want to overwhelm you too quickly, but meeting her children is something she wants to happen early in the relationship. Once things get serious, she’ll invite you over for dinner which, surprisingly, goes very well, with little family drama being drudged up in the process. It takes a monuementous amount of effort to convince Gordie to come over, but he does, reluctantly. It’s probably pretty stressful because, uh, if you mess up then your relationship is toast, but it’s worth it in the end. 
Also, congrats, by doing the bare-minimum, you become Gordie’s favorite mom. This is by default, considering the previously mentioned rocky relationship he has with Melony. She’s just happy that Gordie isn’t upset about her hopping back into the dating scene, same with her daughters, and that they actually like you.
Not normally what I write about with these, or write about in general, but, when it comes to arguments, Melony can be a little difficult because she’s used to being the one in charge. Most of her arguments are with her own children, over both silly and important matters alike, and so she’s used to taking the perspective of “mother knows best”. It’s never her intention to control or demean you, but it can easily come off like that. If you bring it up to her, she’ll do her best to work it out of her mindset (communication is important kids). Not to say that arguments happen often, of course, but they can be incredibly annoying to deal with when they crop up.
Melony loves to cook, and would love to both cook for and with you. It’s maternal instinct to make sure you’re well fed, there’s simply no way around it. Expect her to make you adorably packed lunches and plenty of home cooked dinners. You’ll almost always end up with leftovers, since she’s used to cooking for five people. But she’d love it if you joined her in the kitchen for some quality bonding. If you’re lucky, she might even show you how to make the snomlette. 
It’s honestly incredible that she has time to do so many things for you and her children along with her duties as gym leader with time to spare. It’s the mom magic.
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Marnie, despite being punk, is shy and sweet in equal measures. Even as a gym leader, she has a streak of being a little stand-offish and awkward. That’s not to say that she’s meek or a push-over, or that she gets nervous in front of a crowd. She’s just easy to fluster and is usually on the quieter side.
Like many others, Marnie’s got a lot on her plate. Of course, she’s got her duties as a gym leader to tend to, but she’s also working on restoring Spikemuth to its former glory. These don’t just eat up her time, they also leave her tired. Please hold your arms out for her to fall into when she walks through the door after a long day, it’s her favorite way to recharge. 
Morpeko loves you more than anyone else, a blessing you should be thankful for. He’s kinda like a cat, in that he can be very sweet at times and an asshole at others. Oh, and he shows his love through biting. He likes Marnie well enough, but she’s not safe from being bitten or scratched. You, however, are a different story, as he seems to always be sweet when you’re around. Marnie’s convinced he does it out of spite.
Keeping up with the theme of “talking about other character’s important to this specific character”, Piers. He wants the best for his baby sister, considering that he basically raised her and all, but he doesn’t even try to be overprotective or intimidating. Does it sting to watch Marnie grow up, seeing her get into her first real romantic relationship? Of course. But he knows that she’s got a good head on her shoulders, so he sees no reason to butt into her relationship. 
He’s an overall chill guy with a lot more time on his hands since he’s no longer a gym leader. As long as you’re chill, he’s chill, and won’t mind your company. Hell, he might even start looking forward to hanging out with you, thinking of you as part of the family, when you’ve known each other for long enough. The only issue he might have with you is your music taste.
This is a bit more general, but I like to think that Marnie and Hop are good friends. They didn’t know each other too much during the gym challenge, since all they really had was a common friend/rival, but they actually got to know each other once the champion cup was over. It’s not super easy to hang out since they’re both striving towards their own goals, but they find a way.
It’s funny, because I don’t think they would have much in common outside of their music taste, but they’re still friends who hang out and complain to one another. While he’s dropped his dream of being champion, Hop still gets excited over the gym challenge every year and loves to watch her matches. Marnie’s not the most knowledgeable when it comes to pokemon research, but she finds it all interesting and tries to lend a hand. She’s not that helpful. She also is the only person preventing Hop and Bede from throwing hands when they run into each other.
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Oleana is the pinnacle of “very busy and very tired”. Gatekeeping, gaslighting, and girlbossing all day takes a great deal of time and effort. She’ll trudge home and fall face first into the couch, perfectly content to call it a night if you don’t step in and make her come to bed.
She loves the chairman dearly, but he also stresses her out immensely. There’s really no point in going out to meet loyal fans on the way to business meetings, but that doesn’t stop Rose from doing that anyways. She badgers him to the best of her ability, but he still takes his sweet time. While she appears composed, she’s screaming internally, waiting until she can go home and scream about it externally when venting to you.
Speaking of the chairman, it seems as if she cares more about him than she does you at times, but she does her best to reassure you otherwise. The chairman is, unfortunately, her priority due to being her boss, but that’s more about admiration than love. Consider the fact that he (unintentionally) makes her incredibly stressed, whereas you don’t. That alone gives her a reason to love you.
Also consider that the idea of coming home to you at the end of the day is part of what keeps her going. Sure, her job is stressful, considering the fact that she is essentially the backbone of the Macro Cosmos company, but she always gets through the day because she gets to see you once it’s all said and done. The tension within her bones dissipates upon walking through the doorway. Hold her in your arms, brush your fingers through her hair, get shitty take out to eat over trashy TV that neither of you are really watching, and you’ll win her heart in an instant.
While she shows her more… aggressive side to you when ranting passionately about all the issues involved with her job, she reverts back to her poised and punctual state whenever in public. Due to her professional nature, expect little PDA. The most you’ll get is hand holding. Unless she’s jealous, at which you’ll get a hand wrapped around your hip which grips just a little too tight until she calms down.
Date nights are typically spent indoors unless she has a day off, which is incredibly unlikely to happen. Firstly, she wants to rant, and she can’t do that in public without destroying her public image. And secondly, she’s tired of dealing with people given how much shit and disappointment she has to deal with throughout the day. You get her, so why would she want to be around anyone else?
Also! Garbador is an absolute sweetheart. She knows how much you help Oleana and that makes her so happy. She tries to show her affection but is a little awkward about it because she doesn’t want to gross you out since she’s… literally made of trash. She usually just watches from afar, all smiley and happy to see you two being happy, getting embarrassed if you catch her doing so.
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Sooo I wasn’t originally gonna write anything for Klara because, again, I don’t have sword and am not as familiar with her as I am Bea, but thoughts started rolling so here we are. Also kinda toxic behavior incoming because it’s Klara.
Girl is a pop star, or is at least trying to be one, which means she’ll naturally write love songs about you. And by love songs I mean songs that describe how much she loves you but are also not really love songs because they’re lowkey toxic? Listen, it’s Klara, what else do you expect when that is literally her thing. She also has songs about her exes, which contain… worrying content, but that’s neither here nor there.
In general? Don’t break her heart. She will key your car and slash your tires and will attempt to instigate physical fights and will also write a song about you and how much she hates you and all of the things she hopes happen to you. Again, it’s Klara. But if she loves you with her whole heart and soul, then you have nothing to worry about. She’ll be more than happy to do all those things towards people you don’t like instead.
She's not the best at showing her love. Her goal in life was always to be loved by everyone around her without having to do much in return, but your existence has disturbed that goal because she actually really likes you and actually wants to try for you? And she kind of hates that, and it takes her a while to even figure out what the hell was wrong with her, and she ends up resenting you for a hot minute for making her feel so weird.
But she gets over that and decides to put in actual effort into your relationship, trying to be a better person both for you and herself. She takes the time to listen to you and work out your likes and dislikes, and puts effort into coming up with cute date nights, and does her best to be there for you when you’re down or need to get something off of your chest. Just normal girlfriend things. She’ll never admit to changing how she acts, though. This unintentionally turned into an “I can fix her” post whoopsie.
Klara loves to take pictures of herself and photoshop them, so expect to be sent most, if not all, of them. Sometimes, she just thinks she’s looking exceptionally cute and just needs to share her hotness with someone else. She also expects you to send pictures back in return, as it’s only fair. Like Nessa, she has a large portfolio of pics she’s both snapped and received of you.
Anyways, Klara posts shit like “I love doing wifey shit for my girlfriend <3” while burning down the kitchen trying to make you scrambled eggs.
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I also originally wasn’t going to write anything for Peonia but I had a change of heart because, after thinking of it, I couldn’t not write embarrassingly supportive supreme dad-of-the-year Peony hyping her up.
Peonia’s biggest mistake in life was coming out to her dad, because the man is simply too supportive. The moment she tells him this vital information, he is searching every store and market for all of the lesbian flags he can find. She has an entire pile of them in her room because she literally doesn’t have any space on the walls to hang them on. He also sews smaller ones onto her clothes and jackets upon being asked to do so,
If he ever sees her talking to another girl, he’ll ask about her afterwards. He just needs to know if she’s into this new person he’s never met before. Peonia always tells him off in an attempt to subdue her embarrassment. Thankfully, he at least waits until the other girl leaves, or else she would literally combust.
That being said, don’t think you can date Peonia without Peony putting up an overprotective fight. At the end of the day, that’s his baby. His darling. His pride and joy. Sure, she’s grown up and is more than capable of making her own choices in life, including her choice in romantic partner, but he’s still her father. He just needs to make sure you have her best interest in mind, then he’ll back off.
But once you’ve gotten past the over-protective dad phase, you get yourself a new father figure. He’ll come to think of you as one of his own. He’ll also provide you with plenty of embarrassing childhood stories. At some point, he’ll start referring to you as his daughter-in-law. Every minute you spend talking with him makes Peonia rip her hair out. Again, Peonia is happy that her dad is supportive of her sexuality and your relationship, but she’s also on the verge of dying from embarrassment.
Even though she is incredibly embarrassed by her father’s antics, she can be super supportive and exciting when it comes to doing anything with you. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and when she realizes how she acts similarly to her father when it comes to spending time with you, she dies a little inside.
Enough about dad. Please go with her on Dynamax Adventures. Not only does she have a blast with them, but she can show off how cool and strong she is as a trainer. Please swoon over her and how cool and brave she is, being as dramatic as humanly possible. RIP to your teammates who are forced to third-wheel on the adventure, but at least Peonia is having fun.
Also, please help dye her hair. The pink looks great but it was a pain to do by herself, and she’s too embarrassed to ask her dad for help. Besides, it means you get to hang out and she gets your input on what color to use. 
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yanpotatowriter · 1 year
Yandere Pokémon masterlist
Pokémon sword and shield: Leon: General Yandere Leon headcanons Yandere Leon promt Raihan: General Yandere Raihan headcanons Piers: Yandere Piers Headcanons Gordie: General Yandere Gordie Headcanons Bea: nothing yet Kabu: nothing yet Nessa: nothing yet Milo: General Yandere Milo headcanons Hop: General Yandere Hop headcanons Bede: General Yandere Bede headcanons Marnie: nothing yet Chairman Rose: nothing yet Oleana: nothing yet
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maluyoongi · 7 months
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título: Mais Perto Do Seu Tom data: 28 de janeiro de 2024 programa: ibis paint x doada para: @ssamyu e @ovampirico link: 🎙️
★ insp: @sungset @xxpujinxx
eu não sei oq tá me deixando mais feliz nessa capa: o fato de eu ter conseguido fazer uma capa em preto e branco, eu ter me inspirado em dois dos meus capistas favoritos DA VIDA (q aliás eu estoy loca em ter finalmente algum dia ter me inspirado na pujin maioral e no vivi q é simplesmente rei e ainda me ajudou com material) ou se é eu ter feito tudo isso com essa música INCRÍVEL da bea. essa capa foi uma confusão completa e eu só deixei meu coração guiar e o resultado me encheu de orgulho. colagem ainda é um estilo novo pra mim, mas n consigo parar de amar oq tô fazendo. EU ESTOU ME ACHANDO! pra quem tiver interesse na capinha, é só comentar🫶
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deltablitz · 1 year
↷ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - [Pokémon x Reader]
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↳ Before Requesting;
     Please note the following;
Please don’t request NSFW (smut, lemons, limes, etc.) of any kind, thank you.
 I write these in my free time, so I apologize for any sort of delay when releasing any content.
Please specify if you want an imagine / headcanons / one-shot (or more).
Don’t be afraid to mention another character / request for another character that’s not on the list. Keep in mind I only write for Pokémon people!
I mostly write for in-game characters, but feel free to request any characters from the anime!
I do not own Pokémon nor any of the characters by any means. All rights go towards Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak & Satoshi Tajiri- as well as their amazing teams that brought us Pokémon!
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↳ Characters I Write For;
     KANTO; Gary, Blue, Red, Ash, Misty, Brock, James, Jessie, Lance, Erika, Koga, & Sabrina
    JOHTO; Silver, Falkner, Clair, & Will
     HOENN; Brendan, May, Roxanne, Brawly, Flannery, Winona, Wallace, Steven Stone & Wally
     SINNOH; Lucas, Dawn, Barry, Gardenia, Fantina, Volkner, Cynthia, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn
     HISUI; Akari, Rei, Cyllene, Laventon, Kamado, Adaman, Arezu, Mai, Melli, Irida, Palina, Ingo, Volo & Cogita
     UNOVA; Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, Cheren, Bianca, N, Hugh, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, Elesa, Skyla, Drayden, Iris, Marlon, Grimsley, Alder, Ingo & Emmet
     KALOS; Calem, Serena, Alain, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Viola, Grant, Korrina, Clemont, Valerie, Olympia, Siebold, Malva, Diantha, Sycamore & Alexa
     ALOLA; Elio, Selene, Hau, Lillie, Gladion, Kukui, Burnet, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Olivia, Kahili, Guzma, Nanu & Lusamine
     GALAR; Victor, Gloria, Hop, Bede, Leon, Sonia, Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Oleana, Marnie, Piers, Bea, Allister, Gordie, Melony, Raihan, Peony, Klara & Avery
     PALDEA; Florian, Juliana, Nemona, Arven, Atticus, Brassius, Eri, Giacomo, Grusha, Iono, Jacq, Katy, Larry, Mela, Ortega, Penny, Sada, Turo, Ryme & Tulip
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↷ What I Write
     Forms Of Writing; Imagines, Textfic, Crack, One-Shots, Headcanons, & Songfics
     Relationships; Romantic ( s/o, crush, etc. ), Platonic ( friend, family member, rival, enemy, etc.)
     Genres / Types; Fluff, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Rivalry, Character x Reader x Character, Jealousy, Isekai, Forbidden Love, Crossover, Darkfic, Alternate Universes, Unrequited Love, & Hurt/Comfort
          ↳Note; Other types of genre may be unlisted.
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↳ Work(s);
     KANTO; None Yet
     JOHTO; None Yet
     HOENN; None Yet
     SINNOH; None Yet
     HISUI; None Yet
     UNOVA; None Yet
     KALOS; None Yet
     ALOLA; None Yet
     GALAR; None Yet
     PALDEA; None Yet
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↷ ‘ ‘ Now get on out there, trainer! ’ ’
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v3n33rs · 1 year
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Hi I'm a Transgender (FTM) fanfiction writer and I'm here to make people happy
Anyways lets get to the good stuff
And for !'s: F! = Fem M! = Male NB! = Non-Binary T! = Transgender(FTM only) P! = Platonic
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
M! Reader
T! Reader
Smut(I'm bad but hey, it's something)
Ask for specific kinks(I'll tell you if I'll write them or no)
AU's(Ex: Animal world, Mythical creatures, ETC)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑑𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Pregnancy(Ew children)
Incest\Tcest(Requeat this and I'm blocking you)
Pedophilia (Minor x Adult)
Scat or Piss(Ew)
F! Reader or NB! Reader(Sorry NB's)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
If you're Trans\Homophobic, Racist or a Pedophile Leave, Now.
If you have a rude comment keep it to yourself
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
COD(Call of Duty)
ROTTMNT(Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
MLP(My Little Pony)
HP(Harry Potter)
MID(My Inner Demons)
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
HTTYD(How to Train Your Dragon)
DS(Demon Slayer)
The Maze Runner
Sonic The Hedgehog
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
John "Bravo-Six" Price
Simon "Ghost" Riley
John "Soap" Mactavish
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Alejandro Vargas
Roldolfo Parra
Valeria Garza
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
Casey Jones
Splinter (P! Only)
Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Discord (P! Only)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ronald Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Arther Weasley (P! Only)
Molly Weasley (P! Only)
Mrs Oates (P! Only)
Helluva Boss
Moxxie (P! Only)
Millie (P! Only)
Hazbin Hotel
Angel Dust
Husk (P! Only)
Cherri Bomb
Lucifer (P! Only)
Ash(P! Only)
Marnie(P! Only)
Allister(P! Only)
Bea(P! Only)
Kabu(P! Only)
Opal(P! Only)
Bede(P! Only)
Melony(P! Only)
Hop(P! Only)
The Twins
Nezuko(P! Only)
Any of the Hashiras
The Maze Runner
Chuck(P! Only)
Sonic The Hedgehog
Tails(P! Only)
Blaze(My bbg)
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Request anything I'm bored as all hell
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ourvanishingghosts · 2 years
Can I req raihan x reader where he proposes? <33 fluff plslslsl
Certainly. Soft Raihan is wonderful thing.
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Raihan was nothing short of nervous. He loved you more than trying to beat Leon in a Pokémon battle and probably more than Dragon Pokémon. Dressed up in a suit that is in his gym leader colors he waits for you outside of your front door.
“Inteleon you are in charge. No, Toxtricity you cannot play your music past 10:00pm tonight or else the neighbors will fill a complaint again. Dragapult please keep the pranks to a minimum of 3 to 4. Appletun and Yamper don’t eat all of the food and share with everyone else. Finally, Thievul you are second in command and please help Inteleon to best of your ability. I love you all and I will be back by 11:00pm. Bye.”
You close and lock the door. Hearing a low chuckle behind you and you jump to turn around in your outfit.
“Really? Theivul is second in command?”
“Well to be fair he and Inteleon are like the parents of the group. Anyways, you look handsome.”
He blushes
“And you look absolutely stunning. Ready to go?”
You nod and you two are off to your date. You guys had dinner and decided to go on a walk. You notice that he is super nervous about something.
“Hey, sweetheart?”
“Are you alright? You seem nervous.”
“I am nervous. I just don’t know how to ask the question that I want to ask.”
You stop and he looks at you.
“Just focus on me and I promise that I won’t react negatively.”
He nods and takes a deep breath.
“Y/N, I have known for four years now and we dated for three of those years. You are the number one greatest people I have ever met. I love you so much. More than battling Leon and possibly more than Dragon Pokémon. Don’t tell my team that though.”
You laugh and nod.
“I promise I won’t tell them.”
“Thank you. I can’t imagine my life without you. I want you to stay by my side forever.”
Saying that he gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring. You let out a gasp.
“Will you marry me, Y/n?”
You nod
“Yes! A thousand times yes!”
He puts the ring on your hand and kisses you. Leon and Hop are your best men with Milo, Bede, Allister, Kabu, Piers, and Gordie are the rest of the best men party, Sonia, Marnie, Nessa, Melony, and Bea are the bridesmaids (Sonia and Marnie are the Maids of Honor), Opal gives you away, and both of your partner Pokemon were the flower girls/boys. Piers was the music man and even Gordie performed with him for a song or two. Melony caught the bouquet of flowers and looked at Kabu.
In the end everything went smoothly and everyone was happy for you two.
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nanayuz · 1 year
( updated ) ship list ?!
bold  =  i think about them more than myself. and i’ll talk abt them!! more than myself ! italic = i made that. the name. that was me. or oomf made it and it's very much canonical.
otpz :
shigesatogou / ash x gary x goh cinderblastshipping ( shigegou ) / gary x goh journeyshipping ( satogou ) / ash x goh palletshipping ( shigesato ) / ash x gary originshipping ( mikudai ) / steven x wallace trustedpartnershipping ( satoglad ) / ash x gladion zringshipping ( kakisato ) / ash x kiawe moonbloomshipping ( kohahika ) / chloe x dawn omochiri / geeta x rika ignitionshipping / flint x volkner rintokio / rinto x tokio
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luvz :
namelessshipping ( reguri ) / blue x red eternalhoneymoonshipping / burnet x kukui ribbonshipping ( kohasere ) / chloe x serena jellowshipping / lillie x mallow battleroyalshipping ( kakigura ) / gladion x kiawe kakisatoglad / ash x gladion x kiawe preciousmetalshipping ( goshiru ) / gold x silver timelesspromiseshipping ( tokigou ) / goh x tokio shigetokigou / gary x goh x tokio appealshipping ( nozohika ) / dawn x zoey nozohikakoha / chloe x dawn x zoey roinoirshipping / calem x hilbert waterwarriorshipping / lana x misty bittersweetshipping / lana x mallow blueangelshipping ( satosui ) / ash x lana kakisui / kiawe x lana truerivalshipping ( kibadan ) / leon x raihan icebloomshipping ( chloe x regina / koharegi ) crimsonvelvetshipping ( may x serena / sereharu ) fondantshipping / miette x serena boutiqueshipping ( sanasere ) / serena x shauna fightyfireshipping / mela x eri phaesporiashipping / cynthia x diantha rosequartzshipping / steven x diantha neochampionshipping / lance x steven incombustibleshipping ( daiala ) / alain x steven lance x diantha
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likez :
hanamusashipping / delia x jessie rocketshipping ( kojimusa ) / james x jessie pokéshipping ( satokasu ) / ash x misty rollerkarateshipping ( saitokoru ) / korrina x bea contestshipping ( shuuharu ) / may x drew technoshipping / sophocles x kiawe elio x hau x gladion skullshipping / guzma x plumeria darkparadiseshipping / kukui x guzma eloquentremixshipping / giacomo x atticus aquaheartshipping / nessa x sonia paldeashipping / arven x nemona pinaplesandwichshipping / arven x giacomo aperillashipping / arven x atticus carmen x eri technowizardshipping / ortega x penny ephemeralartshipping / brassius x hassel carminemo / carmine x nemona bossbattleshipping / nemona x penny danika x quillon diodeshipping ( shitosato ) / ash x clemont kalosshipping ( karusere ) / calem x serena marissonshipping / alain x mairin bloomewshipping ( goukoha ) / chloe x goh hoennshipping ( yuuharu ) / brendan x may newreplacementshipping ( kotokuri ) / kris x lyra fancyfashionshipping ( serehika ) / dawn x serena serena x lisia
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uncategorized hz ships :
furiame / amethio x friede capncrunchshipping / friede x murdock mollie x orla ann x liko
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uncategorized RARErarepairs :
cherryoakshipping / chloe x gary gladion x serena lillie x serena gary x gladion cynthia x geeta wallace x harley arven x gary lisia x miette alain x quillon calem x elio
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cyanslushies · 5 months
Pokemon Ships ~☆
(and my unofficial shipnames)
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Pokemon Anime
▪︎ Ash x Goh ☆ Satogou ❤️🖤
▪︎ Goh x Horace ☆ Gorace 🩶💚
▪︎ Chloe x Dawn ☆ Dloe, Chawn 🩷💜
▪︎ Chloe x Sabrina ☆ Chlorina 🩷💓
▪︎ Sabrina x Lisia ☆ Sabrisia 🩷🩵
▪︎ Mallow x Lana ☆ Mallana 💚💙
▪︎ Kiawe x Sophecles ☆ Sophawe ❤️💛
▪︎ Misty x May ☆ Mistay, Maymist 🧡❤️
▪︎ Korrina x Bea ☆ Korribea 💛🧡
▪︎ Orla x Mollie ☆ Morla, Orllie 🧡🩷
▪︎ Dot x Liko ☆ Dotko 💜🩵
Pokemon Games
▪︎ Lillie x Elio ☆ Lillio 💛💙
▪︎ Lillie x Selene ☆ Lillene 💛💓
▪︎ Lillie x Hapu ☆ Hallie 💛💜
▪︎ Gloria x Marnie ☆ Marnia, Maria, Glornie 💚🖤
▪︎ Hop x Bede ☆ Hopede, Bedehop 💜🩷
▪︎ Klara x Klara t-shirt girl ☆ KlaraX2 💓💚
▪︎ Klara x Marnie ☆ Klarnie, Mara 💓🖤
▪︎ Milo x Piers ☆ Miers, Pilo 💚🤍
▪︎ Milo x Gordie ☆ Mordie 💚🩶
▪︎ Sonia x Nessa ☆ Sonessa 🧡💙
▪︎ Bea x Peonia ☆ Peobea, Beania 🧡🩷
▪︎ Leon x Raihan ☆ Leehan, RaiLeon 💜🧡
▪︎ Rose x Oleana ☆ Roseana 🖤❤️
▪︎ Kieran x Florian ☆ Kierian, Floran 💜💛
▪︎ Mela x Carmine ☆ Melamine, Carmela ❤️💙
▪︎ Arven x Giacomo ☆ Giarven 🩵🖤
▪︎ Ortega x Kieran ☆ Kiertega 🩷🖤
▪︎ Eri x Carmen ☆ Cari 🧡🤎
▪︎ Katy x Rika ☆ Rikaty, Karika 💚🤎
▪︎ Brassius x Hassel ☆ Hassius, Brassel 💚💛
▪︎ Jacq x Briar ☆ Jacriar 💜💛
▪︎ Dendra x Miriam x Tulip ☆ idk 🧡🩷💓
That's all for now I'll update if there's more 👍
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yeeters-muse-archive · 8 months
Muse Bio’s
Incomplete Tags
research pending: haven’t gotten to reseaching the character to do them justice in asks or rps
denial of research: In some way or another such as overwhelming amounts of research needed, I can refuse to do research and try and do asks with them the best I can. Just don’t ask about anything in terms of their world.
reference image: basically what it says on the tin. I normally try finding ones that have the character fat, but not with ones with this tag on them
reaction images: This only has happened to two of my OC muses. This is due to them being very gimmicky in nature. It’s because of this that I have to refrain from using them.
List is shown below. Have fun! ^v^
Original cast:
Kasandra, from Xenoblade Chronicles 2= Incomplete (reference image)
Fuyumi Todoroki, from My Hero Academia = Here
Bea, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Melony, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Zinnia, from Pokemon ORAS = Incomplete (research pending)
Mannequin, an OC = Here
Yugaami, an OC = Here
Elma, from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid = Here
Modeus, from Helltaker = Here
Muse Recruitment 1
Samus Aran, from Metroid = Here
Nessa, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Tifa Lockhart, from FFVII = Here
Cynthia, from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl = Here
Yu Takeyama (Mount Lady,) from My Hero Academia = Here
Rumi Usagiyama (Miruko,) from My Hero Academia = Incomplete (research pending)
Muse Recruitment: Males
Lavernius Tucker, from Red vs Blue = Incomplete (denial of research)
Kyojuro Rengoku, from Demon Slayer = Here
The Scout, from TF2 = Incomplete (reference image)
Astolfo = Incomplete (denial of research)
Milo, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Shulk, from Xenoblade Chronicles = Here
Muse Recruitment: Furries
Isabelle, from Animal Crossing = Here
The Cheetah, from the DC Animated Universe = Here
Lola Bunny, from Loony Tunes = Here
Vanilla the Rabbit, from Sonic the Hedgehog = Here
Rouge the Bat, from Sonic the Hedgehog = Here
Margaret, from Regular Show by Cartoon Network = Incomplete (research pending)
Muse Recruitment: Original OCs
Gabriella Teho, an OC = Here
Avery Salazar, an OC = Incomplete (reaction images)
Trish⍺, an OC = Incomplete (reaction images)
Tristin Baker, an OC = Here
Ashlee Philips, an OC = Here
Retta ‘Whale’ Joshua = Here
Muse: Recruitment: Mun’s Choices
Mio, from Xenoblade Chronicles = Here
Steve Tholomule, from The Owl House = Incomplete (reference image, research pending)
Melissa Shield, from My Hero Academia = Incomplete (research pending)
Arezu, from Pokemon Legends Arceus = Here
Yor ‘Briar’ Forger, from Spy x Family = Here
Grusha, from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet = Here
Muse Recruitment: Villains
Monika, from Doki Doki Literature Club = Here
Jessie, from the Pokemon Anime = Here
Lust from Full Metal Alchemist / Brotherhood = Incomplete (research pending)
Android 21, from Dragon Ball Fighterz = Here
Lady Dimitrescu, from Resident Evil Village = Here
Charmcaster, from Ben 10 = Incomplete (research pending, reference image)
Muse Recruitment: Milfs
Sadayo Kawakami, from Persona 5 = Here
Rosalina, from Super Mario = Here
Chi-Chi, from Dragon Ball = Here
Nemuri Kayama (Midnight,) from My Hero Academia = Here
Akane ‘Sato’ Taylor, an OC = Here
Baiken, from Guilty Gear = Here
Muse Recruitment: Muscles
Bria Hancock, an OC = Here
Hilda Valentine Goneril, from Fire Emblem: Three Houses = Here
Mikasa Akerman, from Attack on Titan = Incomplete (research pending, reference image)
Nana Shimura, from My Hero Academia = Here
Hildryn, from Warframe = Here
Chun Li, from Street Fighter = Here
Muse Recruitment: Indie
Natsuki, from Doki Doki Literature Club = Here
The Dryad, from Terraria = Here
Neon Red, from Neon White = Here
Miriam, from Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night = Here
Julianne “Jill” Stingray from VA-11 Hall-A = Here
Abigail, from Stardew Valley = Here
Muse Recruitment: J/RPGs
Mesa, from Warframe = Here
Pyra, from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 = Here
Purah, from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom = Here
Mad Moxxi, from Boarderlands = Here
Hinako Kujou, from Devil Survivor 2 = Here
Sheena Fujibayashi, from Tales of Symphonia = Here
Muse Recruitment: Pokemon Trainers
Klara, from Pokemon The Isle of Armor = Here
Shelly, from Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire = Here
Drasna, from Pokemon X and Y = Here
Sonia, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Professor Sada, from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet = Here
Skyla, from Pokemon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 = Here
Muse Recruitment: Males Round 2
Shadow the Hedgehog, from Sonic the Hedgehog = Here
Juan Teho, an OC = Here
Noah, from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 = Here
Kakashi Hatake, from Naruto = Here
Raiden, from the Metal Gear Franchise = Incomplete (research pending)
Kratos, from the God of War Franchise = Incompete (research pending, reference image)
Muse Recruitment: Super Smash Brothers
Shantae from the Shantae franchise = Here
“Cereza” Bayonetta from the Bayonetta franchise = Here
Wii Fit Trainer from the WiiFit series = Here
Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 = Here
Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom = Here
Lady Palutena from the Kid Icarus franchise = Here
Muse Recruitment: Fighting Games
Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers = Here
Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury = Incomplete (Research Pending)
Cammy White from Street Fighter = Incomplete (Research Pending)
Bridget from Guilty Gear = Here
Elphelt Valentine from Guilty Gear = Here
Mileena from Mortal Kombat (MK1 timeline) = Here
Special Reward Muses (Muses added for people who help me with problems I announce:)
Mitsuru Kirijo, from Persona 3 = Here
Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim = Here
Lady Nagant from MHA = Here
Tae Takemi from Persona 5 = Here
Camilla from Fire Emblem Fates = Here
Alisa Ilinichina Amiella from God Eater = Here
Part 2 Here
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Andrew Minyard Character Playlist
Hello, my loves! Some of you might know that I'm a huge music nerd. I have approximately eight (8) different AFTG playlists, and I decided I wanted to share some of them with y'all.
My Andrew playlist is my pride and joy, my baby, the love of my life. I spent multiple days cultivating this bitch.
For this playlist, I drew a lot of inspiration from Andrew's meds, his apathy, his general vibe, and his relationship with Neil. I relate to his character a lot, so I'm very proud of this one.
Andrew Minyard #3
“Andrew Minyard didn't look like much in person, blonde and five feet even, but Neil knew better. Andrew was the Foxes' freshman goalkeeper and their deadliest investment.”
feel something ~ Bea Miller
Numb to the Feeling ~ Chase Atlantic
Twisted ~ MISSIO
Happy Pills ~ Weathers
xanny ~ Billie Eilish
Cigarette Daydreams ~ Cage The Elephant
Arsonist's Lullabye ~ Hozier
I Hate Everything About You ~ Three Days Grace
I Found ~ Amber Run
love song ~ YUNGBLUD
Happy Face ~ Jagwar Twin
die first ~ Nessa Barrett
Aimed to Kill - Chill Version ~ Jade LeMac
It's Called: Freefall ~ Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Bang Bang Bang Bang ~ Sohodolls
Riptide ~ grandson
Angry Too ~ Lola Blanc
Ain't No Rest for the Wicked ~ Cage The Elephant
Twin Skeleton's (Hotel in NYC) ~ Fall Out Boy
Kill Somebody ~ YUNGBLUD
parents ~ YUNGBLUD
Happy Little Pill ~ Troye Sivan
True Love Is Violent ~ Allie X
I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) ~ The 1975
Boulevard of Broken Dreams ~ Green Day
Medicine ~ Daughter
Love Me Like You Hate Me ~ Rainsford
Drugs & Candy ~ All Time Low
Strawberries & Cigarettes ~ Troye Sivan
Tag, You're It ~ Melanie Martinez
Teenagers ~ My Chemical Romance
Afraid ~ The Neighbourhood
Monsters ~ Seafret
Broken ~ Lund
pretty poison ~ Nessa Barrett
The Beach ~ The Neighbourhood
Lost It To Trying ~ Son Lux
High Enough - Slowed ~ K.Flay, xxtristanxo, Slowed Radio
Little Dark Age ~ MGMT
Hellboy ~ Herizen
My Stress ~ NF
Smother ~ Daughter
Devil May Cry ~ Mako
Feel Something ~ Jaymes Young
Triggered ~ Chase Atlantic
for him. ~ Troye Sivan, Allday
Overdose ~ grandson
drugs ~ EDEN
Mouth Of The Devil ~ Mother Mother
i wanna die ~ Nessa Barrett
Numb ~ Linkin Park
Medication ~ YUNGBLUD
madhouse ~ Nessa Barrett
forever fifteen ~ MOTHICA
i Don't Even Care About You ~ MISSIO
Body Terror Song ~ AJJ
Mr. Forgettable ~ David Kushner
Body ~ Jordan Suaste
Broken Crown ~ Mumford & Sons
Mind Is A Prison ~ Alec Benjamin
One Day ~ Lovejoy
Call Me What You Like ~ Lovejoy
Brother ~ Kodaline
Imaginary Illness ~ Call Me Karizma
Eat Your Young ~ Hozier
I Did Something Bad ~ Taylor Swift
Brother ~ Madds Buckley
You First ~ Paramore
Mama ~ My Chemical Romance
Blood // Water ~ grandson
Me and the Devil ~ Soap&Skin
Mum ~ Luke Hemmings
We'll Never Have Sex ~ Leith Ross
Villains Aren't Born (They're Made) ~ PEGGY
Jesus in LA ~ Alec Brnjamin
Neil's Playlist
Kevin's Playlist
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fierykitten2 · 1 year
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complete-idiot-inc · 2 years
So... I remembered my scrapped Galar fic story.
Just to let you know, please do not expect anything to come of this, this is just an incomplete framework for a scrapped story. And nothing more.
a variation of these events occurred in the pasio fic, which release has been delayed, but will be here shortly, I promise.
things of note: the twist initially was going to be that Rose was Ash's dad, which I changed because Peony is more fun. Also, the story was going to reveal that 2 years had passed since Ash left pallet town, hence all the hints towards it, and Ash just forgets his birthdays.
What if Ash got a genuine Galar journey, without ‘hey remember this?’
Galar, and like in every pokemon anime timeframe is non-specific (for now heh heh heh)
Main characters
Ash - 10(?) years old, similar to how ash is in the X & Y anime, not immature but still young, has lots of experience (Spoilers: About 2 years worth), and is willing to pass it on to others.
Gloria - 12 years old, forced by her overbearing mother to wait a couple of years before she can start her journey, so naturally, she's very passionate about the sport, starts out iris/misty-like before character evolution hits and becomes the in-between of Serena/dawn and iris/misty character types
Hop Dande - 10 years old, young, and very similar to Ash when he started, but even more headstrong if you would believe it, he let being the champion’s little bro go to his head and thus thought he was champion material himself. Leaves at some point to truly learn how to battle and makes his return during the Galar conference.
Allister Nion - replaces Hop after he leaves, his arc is just to build confidence in himself.
Secondary characters
Marnie Nezu - ash’s rival (14) is pretty much the same in-game, the only difference is she and Gloria were once friends. 
Bede - Gary but worse, belittles Ash any chance he gets 
Leon Dande - is less stupid than his in-game counterpart, and is quite similar to Ash. 
Sonia Magnolia - introduces him to Gloria and hop
Prof. Magnolia - a wise old lady that gives our heroes their starters.
Rose Patak - is near 1 to 1 but seems like he’s hiding something. 
Oleanna Olive - fakes being motherly but is very very rude and angry underneath
Team Yell - is just a bunch of street punks that interfere with anyone they perceive as a threat to Marnie.
Gym leaders
Milo Yarrow - the stereotypical kind farmer’s boy 
Nessa Ruina - ash’s cool big sis in a metaphorical sense
Kabu Hibana - gives ash a mentorship program (tony stark peter parker-esque)
Bea Saito - antisocial but very kind also being mentored by Kabu (might become ash’s companion during the isle of armor)
Opal Poplar - kind old lady who mentors bede (being his reminder to be kind)
Melony Makuwa - kind and motherly off-field, an ice-cold battler on the field.
Gordie Makuwa - overconfident almost to a fault and really rude sometimes.
Piers Nezu - snarky but somewhat kind, and very protective over Marnie, but still her brother.
Raihan Kibana - I can't put his personality into words but he live-streams his fights.
Ash lands in Galar and is introduced to Sonia and Leon
Sonia then takes ash to Professor Magnolia to get his starter and he meets Gloria and Hop
Leon then takes him to Motostoke to announce the start of Galar’s gym challenge
Our heroes go to budew inn and meet Marnie.
Battle against some team yell grunts.
Our heroes than just hang out and bond
Milo gym fight: ash wins, Gloria wins, and hop needs a rematch.
After hop’s rematch milo teaches ash how to cook curry.
Gloria and Ash get into an argument over methods of travel.
Team Rocket gets the focus in this chapter James catches a galarian Weezing and Jessie catches a sandaconda 
Hulbury but Nessa’s gym is closed.  
As it turns out Nessa's prized Drednaw is very, very sick. Which ash cures with some herbs.
Nessa Gym Battle: Ash wins, Hop wins, Gloria rematch.
Gloria catches a Yamper.
Gloria's rematch.
Our heroes then go to motostoke
Before any of them fight Kabu the first team rocket clash happens
It's a near standstill, but team rocket blasts off due to Gloria’s Yamper and Ash’s Pikachu.
Kabu introduces himself to Ash and the two have a “Queens. Brooklyn.” moment 
Grooky evolves into Thwackey during Kabu’s fight. 
And ash loses but he’s not upset given both Thwackey has evolved and that Kabu is really respectful to him.
Ash goes and trains with Kabu and the two bond a lot.
Ash accidentally calls him dad and kabu is kinda flattered.
And a great surprise occurs Pikachu can Gigantamax!
Everyone looks on in aww.
Ash wins and Kabu gives him the most dad-esque interaction ever.
“That was some real fighting, ash, great job!”  
I'd like everyone to note that this was my very first time ever framing a story.
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oyasuuh · 2 years
In the world, 1 person out of 4 is part of the LGBTQ+ community, and in the Pokémon world there are 248 trainers (main ones, like gym leaders etc.). We can write this equation:
1 : 4 = x : 248
x = (1 x 248) : 4 248 : 4 = 62
62 queer trainers. But who are they?
To calculate I will not consider the ninth generation trainers, we will stop at the eighth.
62 : 8 = 7.75, so for every generation there are about 6 or 7 queer trainers.
Starting with the 1st gen:
Blue (Gay)
Misty (Bisexual)
Erika (Lesbian)
Sabrina (Asexual)
Jesse (Lesbian)
James (Gay)
2nd gen:
Bugsy (Gay, not really sure)
Whitney (Lesbian)
Jasmine (Asexual, not sure)
Karen (Lesbian)
Lance (Gay)
Janine (Bisexual)
3rd gen:
Roxanne (Bisexual)
Flannery (Lesbian)
Wallace (Gay, trans)
Phoebe (Lesbian)
Steven (Gay)
Winona (Asexual)
4th gen:
Candice (Pansexual)
Maylene (questioning)
Flint (Gay)
Cynthia (Pansexual, won't admit it)
Roark (questioning)
Gardenia (questioning)
5th gen:
N (Gay)
Hilbert (Gay)
Elesa (Bisexual)
Skyka (Lesbian)
Burgh (Gay)
Rosa (Bisexual)
6th gen:
Calem (Pansexual)
Shana (Bisexual)
Viola (Lesbian)
Valerie (Asexual)
Diantha (Lesbian, won't admit it)
Wikstrom (Gay)
7th gen:
Lillie (questioning)
Mallow (Pansexual)
Olivia (Lesbian)
Kahili (questioning)
Acerola (still too young to know, will be probably asexual)
Lusamine (questioning)
8th gen:
Nessa (Lesbian)
Bea (Asexual)
Allister (non-binary)
Melony (Bisexual)
Piers (Asexual)
Bede (Asexual)
Honorable mentions:
Red (Gay)
Silver (Gay)
Professor Elm (questioning)
Iris (Bisexual)
Leon (Gay)
Ghetsis (Gay, doesnt realizes it)
Hilda (Probably bisexual)
Cress (questioning)
Liza (still too young to know, will be probably bisexual)
Shauntal (Bisexual)
Caitlin (Asexual)
Colress (questioning)
Gladion (questioning)
and thats all lol just remember these are just my headcanons and nothing is true here!
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littlemxhoney · 5 months
Doing my first Pokemon Nuzlocke! And I have no idea what I'm doing!
I'll be streaming on Twitch using Pokemon Sword between now & June 9th!
The rules...
You must catch the very first Pokemon you see in a route. Every encounter must be found via a '!' encounter in grass, so no overworld selection is allowed. The exception is when going for a water/cave encounter, in which case either pick the first one you see, or close your eyes and whistle and it'll come to you!
All Pokemon must be nicknamed.
Any Pokemon that faints cannot be used again, and must be either released or stored in a box in the PC. You are not allowed duplicates, you can find another pokemon if the first one you see in a new area is one you already own.
If you find a shiny Pokémon, you are allowed to catch it and replace your encounter with it. It is not an additional encounter.
You are allowed to use items in battle, including held items, but no reviving any Pokémon that have already fainted. The only exception this this is you are not allowed to use 'X' items (e.g. X attack, X defence) as they are too overpowered!
You are allowed to play on ‘shift mode’ and switch Pokémon when offered.
You are allowed to dynamax. You are not allowed to trade in Pokémon from other games or have someone give you access to a high level dynamax raid.
You are allowed to nominate a route encounter to use a dynamax raid instead of one time per attempt (but you cannot have caught the encounter first), but once you view a dynamax raid den, you have to go for that Pokemon or you lose the encounter. You are allowed to grind using them too, but if you lose a dynamax raid, you lose the Pokémon you took in
Level Caps -> Milo: 20, Nessa: 24, Kabu: 27, Bea/Allister: 36, Opal: 38, Gordie/Melony: 42, Piers: 46, Raihan (gym battle): 48, Raihan (End of Elite 4): 55, Leon: 65 Level caps apply until the start of the gym leader battle and you can go over the level cap during the fight.
Participating as part of WizzlerPlays Nuzlocke & Load event. See you on Twitch!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months
The Bat And Loud Of Galar
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vY2uVA3 by GeneralJaguar Batman/Bruce Wayne is dealing with an issue when Mew kidnaps him, and another to the Pokemon world. Now in Galar, Bruce Wayne and Lincoln Loud must work together without their memories to become Pokemon trainers, as the only way to get their memories back is to take part in the Gym Challenge! [Batman x Huge Harem] Words: 1994, Chapters: 1/55, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Loud House (Cartoon), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Totally Spies, My Little Pony Generation 4: Friendship Is Magic (Cartoon 2010), Ever After High Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Leni Loud, Carlota Casagrande, Sam (Totally Spies), Clover (Totally Spies), Alex (Totally Spies), Princess Celestia (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Princess Luna (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Applejack (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Sonia (Pokemon), Rurina | Nessa, Saitou | Bea, Kurara | Klara, Apple White, Raven Queen (Ever After High), Madeline "Maddie" Hatter, Briar Beauty (Ever After High), Blondie Lockes, Cerise Hood Additional Tags: Harems, Pokemon Battles, Memory Loss read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vY2uVA3
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