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stargirlfeyre · 9 months ago
Something about Nesta’s fanbase being filled with white women and them wanting her to leave her mate who’s a man of color and get with a white man who has not only shown that he doesn’t respect women, but he’s also prejudiced towards the race her mate is part of…
But let me not get into that.
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queenlachimolala · 5 months ago
I'm looking for someone to co-write a Valkyrie Modern AU inspired in "Sex and the City"
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- Nesta:
Love interests: Cassian, Eris, and a female OC
Job: ballerina or figure skater
- Gwyn:
Love interests: Azriel, Balthazar, and Tarquin
Job: she works as a librarian, but she goes viral on TikTok for doing a song cover.
- Mor:
Love Interest: Mor, female OC 1 e OC 2 (don't have names yet)
Job: Fashion designer who just opened her first boutique/store
I want to include them having a book club together and them having discussions about sex and relationships. I want a fun and dramatic fanfic.
Who is interested?
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stargirlie25 · 9 months ago
Guys i feel like crackships are the most fun part of this fandom so ima share my favs
Azris (this would be hilarious)
Eris x nuan (That acowar scene lives rent free in my head)
Nesris (My misunderstood older siblings :()
Nezriel (Az is sweeter to Nesta than cass is)
Feycien (would have been hotter then feysand and feylin)
Gwynlain (just to spite their haters)
Tamlin x Eris ( i don´t know i just thought of it but i like the vibes)
Jassa (only reason this is a crackship is because they have not had scenes like gwynriel or elucien but they have lots of potential)
Emerie x balthazar (we need a poc couple also just like eris and nuan that scene in acosf? In my head always)
I have more but i´ll let this sit
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goddessofwisdom18 · 11 months ago
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My interpretation of the Archerons
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seihdacalling · 8 months ago
The Klance/Allurance situation? Yes.
Allurance and Romelle? Very cute.
The Elriel/Elucian situation? Would be great, probably healthier for all of them.
The band of exiles? Im pretty sure they're already together.
Nesta/Eris/Azriel? Nesta would bring them both to their knees.
polyamory would not always fix the love triangle. sometimes it would make it much, much worse. but they should do it anyway
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highladyofterrasen7 · 1 year ago
The craziest thing nesta stans did was convince themselves Eris would be better for her than cassian
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damnedfm · 14 days ago
location : outside / inside the main entrance of the night court status : closed ( @tomwrites )
nesri  dismounted  asele  outside  of  the  wall  of  the  night  court  before  she  made  her  way  towards  the  fake  entrance  they  seemed  to  have.  she  told  the  dragon,  a  modest  hundred  year  old  black  swordtail,  to  make  herself  available  if  needed.  growing  up  in  the  spring  court,  the  brunette  had  access  to  dragons  but  never  once  did  she  think  she  would  become  bonded  to  one.  her  father  had  told  her  it  was  fate,  he  had  seen  it  in  a  dream,  that  she  would  bring  their  family  great  honour  or  great  destruction.
she  shook  off  the  memories  of  the  past,  the  war  had  made  her  become  more  nostalgic  for  her  family,  despite  their  mistakes.  she  missed  them  deeply.
the  archer  had  only  been  to  the  night  court  a  few  times  and  it  was  before  the  war  even  started.  now,  it  was  a  fortress.  she  had  heard  of  the  recruitment  the  high  lord  of  night  was  conducting  to  attempt  to  bring  the  courts  together  again  and  she  wanted  to  put  her  name  up.  with  spring  gone  and  mostly  forgotten,  except  those  who  were  its  residents,  she  was  determined  to  help  overthrow  the  king.
nesri  adjusted  her  pack,  alongside  her  bow  as  she  made  her  way  through  the  crowds  of  people  who  seemed  to  be  seeking  refugee  at  the  night  court.  she  made  her  way  through  the  crowd,  careful  not  to  disrupt  anyone  and  glanced  around.  this  was  not  the  night  court  she  remembered.
right  now,  it  looked  grey,  dark  and  bland.  she  had  heard  rumours  of  the  secret  city  but  as  she  continued  through  the  main  streets,  no  one  seemed  to  want  to  converse  with  her.  she  sighed  deeply  and  attempted  to  approach  a  young  fae  about  her  age.  "do  you  know  where  i  can  find  the  high  lord?"  she  asked.  "i  must  speak  with  him  at  once."  nesri  told  her  firmly.  the  fae  shook  her  head  quickly  and  scurried  away,  which  only  caused  the  mercenary  to  grow  more  angry.
"of  course  .  .  .  his  royal  highness  is  probably  hiding  in  his  cave  .  .  ."  she  muttered  quietly  but  loud  enough  to  see  a  few  people  turn  their  heads  in  her  direction.  the  rumour  of  the  recruitment  was  probably  just  that,  a  rumour.  she  had  flown  all  this  way  for  nothing.
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concealeddarkness13 · 1 year ago
My OC Poll Tournament Round 2 Poll 3
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Information below the cut:
Picrew 1, 2
Nesri (she/her): Nesri is from Bring Me That Horizon. She is part of Triel's crew, and she is also dating Triel. She was taken when she was a child by the Shades to give her the crystal magic, and the Shades tortured her. She was able to escape, but the Shades kept pursuing her until Triel found her and protected her. She didn't trust anyone and hid away for a long time before she opened up and became the Nesri we know and love today.
Nesri is bubbly and constantly smiling, always finding joy in life. She loves being the muscle, the one to protect the crew, and she will constantly ask to spar with the others. She still has nightmares of what happened to her at the hands of the Shades, but Triel comforts her whenever that happens. She's scared the Shades will still come after her, and she'll be forced back to them.
Liam (he/him): Liam is from the androids, vampires, and werewolves story. He is a vampire (who have evolved from cats in this universe), and he lives an extravagant lifestyle. His parents were wealthy, and they wanted him to continue what they were doing, but he said fuck no and left. He always dresses stylishly, and he...might not have the best control over his appetite. He's working on it.
Liam is stylish and extravagant and is always covered in glitter (so he sparkles in the sun!). He isn't used to being on his own, and has kind of gotten out of control, but he'll figure it out. Don't have much on him either yet.
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arcturustarlight · 7 months ago
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@nerisweek Day 5 - AU Day ~
Nesta Archeron and Eris Vanserra as Christine Daaé and the Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera!
Rendering this piece was actually the most fun I’ve had. The lighting was intimidating but I love how it turned out!
Hope everyone enjoys! Happy NerisWeek!
(Credit: myself, @autumns-high-lady)
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shvdwscng · 1 year ago
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STATUS : closed ⟳ @ofdieus ( nesri ! )
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𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄  𝐎𝐅  𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐍,  as  it  was  with  all  high  rulers,  alina  had  worked  with  all  sorts  of  skilled  fae  anywhere  from  spies  to  mercenaries,  and  even  an  assassin,  though  the  latter  was  a  last  resort  and  one  time  occurrence.  some  more  memorable  than  others,  and  it  came  as  a  surprise  when  her  latest  hire  (  still  years  into  the  past  ),  was  a  cauldron  fae  with  exceptional  skills.  now,  alina  would  have  much  preferred  she  remained  in  the  summer  court,  but  she  learned  quickly  nesri  wasn't  one  to  remain  in  one  play  for  too  long.  seeing  her  now  was  a  surprise,  but  not  a  unwanted  one.  the  high  lady  of  summer  had  no  need  to  make  any  further  friends,  she  had  a  few,  though  the  word  was  used  loosely,  but  it  would  not  be  so  out  of  the  realm  if  possibility  to  consider  the  young  mercenary  something  of  the  likes.  naturally,  her  guards  up  as  nesri,  last  she  learned  had  remained  in  the  night  court.  "now  there  is  a  face  i  was  not  sure  i  would  see  anytime  soon."  her  copper  orbs  finding  the  other's  as  she  settled  on  the  plush  seat  across  from  the  brunette. "tell  me,  should  i  take  offense  you  chose  the  night  court  over  mine?"  despite  the  blunt  words,  there  is  a  hint  of  pleasantness  lacing  her  tone.
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stargirlfeyre · 7 months ago
I don’t think it’s wrong to ship Nesris but I do think you have to be mindful of what you’re shipping.
Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of Nesta fans and Nessians in particular upset about the shipping surrounding Nesta and Eris and in response shippers are saying “let people ship whatever they want, it’s a fandom”. And while I do think that’s correct, I also think it ignores what people are actually saying. The problem isn’t the fact that y’all ship them but how you ship them.
A lot of Nesris shipping is done at the expense of both Cassian and Nesta. Cassian is blatantly lied on to make Eris seem like a better option and Nesta’s growth is ignored to lower her down to the level of someone like Eris. Eris does not respect Nesta and he would not help her grow into a better person. He is someone her mother wanted her to end up with and if Nesta had gotten with him, she would have regressed into the person she was groomed to be. That’s just a fact. He does not see her as an equal because if he did he would have asked her to marry him instead of asking her brother in law to sell her to him.
Painting him out to be the “better man” who would defend Nesta against anyone and respect her in ways Cassian wouldn’t is silly because not only is it false but also…you don’t have to do that? You don’t have to paint him out to be the better choice to ship him with Nesta. You can literally just say that you like their tension and keep it moving. You don’t have to rework everything about these characters to justify why you’re obsessed with a crackship😭.
You’re not on trial, just say you like the idea of Nesris and go. Disparaging everything that makes her happy, including her mate, because you want her with another man isn’t very pro Nesta of you.
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vague-humanoid · 4 months ago
Even in my own mind, I can feel cultural contours blurring as physical architecture disappears. And with it, so many other things are being erased – a sense of rootedness, of continuity, of a future. I look at my children and am chilled by the realisation that the very topography of Sudan, and the Arab world as I experienced it through literature, art and travel, is something they will never know. For them, the ties that bind them to their parents, as they bound me to mine, are being severed.
I sound like an old nostalgic woman now, I know. Singing the blues of exile, idealising a past that was always far from ideal, ready to annoy a new generation and tell them that it wasn’t always like this. Because I was once that new generation, listening to elders smoking Marlboro Reds and drinking tea and telling me it’s a shame you never experienced the heyday, when we used to study medicine in Baghdad for free, go to the theatre in Damascus, host Malcolm X in Omdurman. When we had behemoth publishing houses and a pan-Arab solidarity. I used to think, well, isn’t that failure yours as well? Because your class didn’t manage to translate that into a political project that wasn’t constantly hijacked by military men and dictators.
As the centre of political and economic power in the region shifts to the oil-rich Gulf states, which are becoming concentrated expressions of hyperconsumerism and modernity, I can hear myself also saying: “It wasn’t always like this.” It wasn’t always fashion shows, such as the one the Lebanese designer Elie Saab held in Riyadh last month, which dominated social media with videos of J-Lo and Céline Dion belting out their hits to domestic and global influencers. Or high-octane sports events and extravaganzas of glamour, as orgies of violence unfold elsewhere. It wasn’t always this urge to define our status according to how closely we aligned with superpowers, or this thirst to demonstrate our global tastes.
I am more forgiving now of those elders, and also want to tell them: you didn’t know how good you had it. I can see now that what I thought of as their failure was something far bigger, far more related to global alliances and domestic ones that prevented the emergence of popular uprising, or crushed it when it did rise up. Every protest was pitted against proxies.
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ataraxiaaaaaaa · 5 months ago
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👀 👀
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nikethestatue · 8 months ago
So let me get this straight. Elain returning TT to Az “ended Elriel” but Bryce leaving starsword AND TT behind in prythian AND NOT LOOKING BACK to start her new life doesn’t end brycriel?
The cherry picking, distortion of canon, lack of reading comprehension audacity of it all. Anti elriels just keep stepping in it. They have literally no argument that holds any water.
Bryceriel is a different beast that I don't even touch.
To me, it's like Nesris--I don't get it.
At least as nutty as Gwynriel is, you could say, okay they are both single, they aren't mates (presumably) to others, and they are in the same world.
With Bryceriel, you have Hunt who was 'made' especially for Bryce, who is her mate and whom she loves. She is disdainful when it comes to Prythian and it's 'backwardness' and her whole family and friends and everything is in Midgard. But hey, she got a sword and Azriel's got a dagger, so obviously they are mates!
It's kind of wacky to me, just conceptually. Again, the same with Nesta and Eris--she is in love with Cassian, she is mated to him, her life revolves around him, but hey, she danced ONE dance with Eris, and consequently she is going to leave Cassian and do what? go live in Autumn? Leave Cassian, Gwyn and Emerie, leave Elain and Feyre and Nyx, leave Azriel, leave Amren, and run into Eris's open arms because....?
Yeah, there are certain things in the fandom that I can't waste my time on, and Bryceriel and Azris and Neris are some of them. Like you can enjoy them as personal crackships, but again, treating every crackship as gospel is just dumb.
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sarahnotjmaas · 2 years ago
Okay I did it Here are my notes for the tandem read:
Tandem Read
Empire of Storms:
Manon’s crown helmet sounds really cool
These mother fuckers don’t wanna recognize her as queen!?!? She literally can and will protect you from EVERYTHING. I hate men lol
No they cannot kill Asterin. It’s too early in the book I can’t take that
The way she burned that soldier from the inside out with just one little blow of breath was so cool
Omg Manon attacking her grandma!!!
I cannot belief Rowan told Gavriel about Aedion like that!!!! There were much more sensitive ways he coulda said that shit
So Aedion meeting his dad went well😂 “I didn’t expect to say any of that” lol Aedion and Aelin are really the same person huh
Okay Manon and Dorian is way hotter than Aelin and Rowan I don’t even care. Fight me.
Also I feel like if Aedion and Lysandra got more attention they could’ve been *chefs kiss but we get Elide and Lorcan instead. Don’t get me wrong there okay but I think would’ve preferred more focus on Aedion and Lysandra….
Okay I lied about that^
The liken?? Crazy! Aelins power goes stupid hard! I love how SJM describes her power and how she burrows down into it!!
Ansel is back and remind me why we trust her. She’s a known traitor…..
Excuse me??? Dorian or Aelin have to give their life!?!? No. NO!!!! IF SJM KILLS DORIAN!!!!!!!!!
THAT FUCKING BITCH MAEVE!! THEYRE MATES!! I knew it! I didn’t know how but I knew it! This also only gives me more hope for Azriel and Elaine in ACOTAR.
They’re married 😭😭
Tower of Dawn:
So Chaol is acting a little ableist and I low key hopes he learns to be a warrior from a wheelchair. I don’t see that happening but…..
So he’s gonna walk but what are the dynamics here I’m confused
The healer from the womb being found dead in the library is low key scary. I’m glad I didn’t read that at night hahaha
I stand by my statement from the last book that I don’t like Chaol and Nesryn together. They don’t spark anything in me but Nesry and Sartaq, Chaol and Yrene?? Now that intrigues me.
The acolytes gushing over Chaol, CUUUUUTEEE!!!
Him telling Yrene, ‘I didn’t want you to show them’ made me tear up
Ooooooo laying in that bed with her made his toes curl, me too Chaol
Damn Nesryns note was kinda cold. Her and Sartaq are kinda cute though. And like it do be an adventure lol
Chaol and Yrene one a date 🥹🫠
I don’t care about Nesryn lol. Hope she gets the bird people to fight in the war but 🥱
CHAOL IS WALKING my heart is soaring!! I loved everything about that. Yrene tugging him into a corner to make out! Yes!!!! She better get some dick on her birthday! That better be Chaols gift
Okay so the locket was precious but the birthday sex was better hahaha
When is Yrene gone meet Aelin!?!?
Omg SARTAQ!!! I fucking hate spiders wtf
Does Rowan know?? How could he not?
Yrene said “I thought the sex was good before but now that he’s fully healed !!!!” Good for you sis
It’s wife right. Her place is his wife. I stg
So while all his friends are facing war and death, Chaols falling in love and getting sloppy toppy lol good for him
Duva is the valg??? Didn’t see that coming
NOOOO CHAOLS BACK! My man got to walk fully healed for like a day! He only ran once
Aww him and Yrene are bonded like Rhys and Feyre!
Sartaq!!!! Omg Nesryn and Sartaq! That was so hot “never from you” 🫠
Chaol and Yrene are married 😭LADY WESTFALL 10/10
Unpopular opinion: tower of Dawn might be my favorite book in the series lol
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sharksscripting · 1 year ago
ACOTAR Masters-List
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— Singles ⤵️
Bondage || Azriel Shadowsinger x F!Reader
Wax Play || Eris Vanserra x F!Reade
Shower Sex || Eris Vanserra x F!Reader
Hair Pulling || Eris Vanserra x F!Reader
— Relations ⤵️
Hate Fucking || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Nipple Clamps || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Exhibitionism || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Mutual Masturbation || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Spanking || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Cum-Locking || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Stomach Bulge || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Food Play || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Mirror Sex || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Dacryphilia || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Disobedience || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra (+Cassian)
Autumn Fever || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Brusque Brute || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Defiance || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra (+Cassian)
Spring Traditions Pt. 2 || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Brawn Wings || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
The Vanserra’s first real Solstice || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra (+TamElUcien +Nessian +Feysand)
Baths and Breakfast || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
I Choose You || Azriel Shadowsinger x Eris Vanserra
Edgeplay || Tamlin x Lucien Vanserra
Cockwarming || Tamlin x Lucien Vanserra
Spring Supper || Tamlin x Lucien Vanserra (+Azris)
Spring Supper Pt. 2 || Tamlin x Lucien Vanserra
Spring Traditions Pt. 1 || Tamlin x Lucien Vanserra (+Azris)
Privacy || Cassian x Eris Vanserra
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The High Lord and The Courtier || An Azris Story (Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger + background ships)
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