#nerzugal's dungeon master toolkit
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lumendelmari · 8 months ago
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Krom, the half-giant zealot barbarian who originally hailed from the Northlands, but now assists the Circle of Swords in Neverwinter Wood. This character is from "Zelyra Erenaeth: Origins," the prequel to "The Grey Warriors," a retelling of a completed Out of the Abyss (Dungeons and Dragons) campaign.
You can read both stories here:
3 notes · View notes
kenkuarchive · 6 years ago
Massive DM’s Toolkit (Online Resources)
This post in based on a post from reddit by u/Apollonaut13. They’ve collected a shit ton of helpful DM sites and you should definitely check them out when you first start DM’ing. Links and other things under the cut. 
System Reference
SRD version 1
SRD version 2
SRD version 3
D&D Next Index
A Guide to Skills
Simple online DM screen
Complex online DM Screen
Spell List
Written Advice and Guides
The Ten Commandments of GMing
Matt Colville's written advice to new GMs
So You Want to DM: Advice for New Players
Geek and Sundry's Basic Tips for a Novice DM
GoblinsComic Dungeon Master Tips
NewbieDM 87 GM Tips
Kassoon DM Lessons
Making Meaningful NPCs
Help with Religions
Comprehensive Guide: Let's Build a Fantasy Setting
Medieval Inns and Taverns
The Alexandrian's System-neutral GM tips
Dungeon Mastering Video Guides
Matt Colville's Running the Game
Matthew Mercer's GM Tips
Making Dungeons
[Simple but Effective Dungeon Building Guide] (http://roleplayingtips.com/readissue.php?number=156)
[The Rusty Battleaxe - Dungeon Design] (http://therustybattleaxe.blogspot.com.br/p/dungeon-links.html)
Comprehensive Collections of Information
[Google Drive Dungeon and Game Master Tools] (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bwe9mtdZ7AWXa0d5TDJGSXlpV3M)
Reddit The Complete Hippo
Farland DM and Player Tools
Nerzugal's DM ToolKit
Campaign Management Tools
The GM Binder
[Kanka Campaign Manager] (http://www.kanka.io/en)
[Online 3rd-party webapp for D&D, under development] (https://adventurerscodex.com/)
[5E Database, Homebrew Tools & Campaign Management] (https://bluedragon.io/)
[Trello] (https://trello.com/)
[EverNote] (https://evernote.com/)
Shops and Equipment
Shop Catalog version 1
Shops Catalog version 2
More Market Details
Homebrewed Magic Item crafting/selling rules
Mundane Goods and Martial Equipment
Shop Names
City Places
Alternative DM Screens
[Online DM Screen] (http://www.5edmscreen.com/#News)
[Alt DM Screen Version 1] (http://imgur.com/a/IXjjg)
[Alt DM Screen Version 2] (http://mojobob.com/roleplay/dnd5e/Fitz%27s%205e%20DM%20Screen.pdf)
Alt DM Screen Version 3
Alt DM Screen Version 4
Alt DM Screen Version 5 (landscape)
Alt DM Screen Version 5 (Portrait)
Unearthed Arcana List
List of Unearthed Arcana (UA)
[Trapmaking 101] (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDBehindTheScreen/comments/5r3pzg/traps_101/)
Traps Revisited (Unearthed Arcana)
[Trap Collection] (http://www.farlandworld.com/files/trapcol1.pdf)
[http://www.thievesguild.cc/traps-and-tricks] (http://www.thievesguild.cc/traps-and-tricks)
On Tricks, Empty Rooms, and Basic Trap Design
Compilations of Multiple Generators
[donjon.bin.sh] (https://donjon.bin.sh/)
[AutoRoll Tables - Github] (http://autorolltables.github.io/)
[BehindTheTables Giant Generator collection] (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/452r6r/a_massive_and_growing_resource_of_random_tables/)
[Red Kat Art DnD5Tools] (http://redkatart.com/dnd5tools/)
[RP Tools] (http://www.rptools.net/toolbox/)
[Chaotic Shiny] (http://chaoticshiny.com/)
[Abulafia Generators] (http://www.random-generator.com/index.php?title=Main_Page)
[d12dev] (https://www.d12dev.com/en/welcome/)
[Weak Magic Item generator] (http://www.lordbyng.net/inspiration/) provides flavor for items weaker than +1 but so much more interesting
[Sane Magic Item Prices] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8XAiXpOfz9cMWt1RTBicmpmUDg/view)
[Effects for Magic Weapons] (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm)
[Inspiration for Magic Item Sets] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By3AkfMY8wwpZUxJOUlVUDBDX00/view)
[Some Homebrew Magic Items] (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BONVbAJzybPvQomDr3uNuabyqVCEylNLk3GEAo7lJYk/edit)
[One Loot Table to Rule Them All] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lIKwMVNbJLTE8b5iHbhEMFef8o7WuVsy1s0-I0k3ohA/edit#gid=0)
[Quick Dungeon Map Generator] (https://davesmapper.com/)
[Megadungeon generator] (http://therustybattleaxe.blogspot.com.br/p/megadungeon-links-ii-maps-tables.html)
[PolyDungeon] (http://polyrogue.com/dungeon/)
Towns and Villages (see also: MAPS AND MAP-MAKING TOOLS)
[Town generator] (http://www.rdinn.com/town_generator.php)
[Demographics] (http://www.mathemagician.net/town.html)
[Town Notice Board] (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/BkwZYf2V) (d100)
[Point-Buy calculator] (http://1-dot-encounter-planner.appspot.com/point-buy-calculator.html)
[Dice Roller] (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm)
[Encounter Calculator] (http://dhmholley.co.uk/encounter-calculator-5th/)
[Detailed NPC StatBlock Generator] (http://rpgtinker.com/index.php?template=Spy&race=Wood+Elf&radioattribute=Good+Array+%2816%2C14%2C12%2C11%2C10%2C10%29&numberofhitdice=7&hitdice=d8)
[NPC Generator (more RP focus)] (http://npcgenerator.azurewebsites.net/)
[Name Generator] (http://www.behindthename.com/random/)
[NPC background generator] (http://www.drlverse.com/gmrt (characters).htm)
Memorable Mooks and Minions
[Random NPC generator, not for 5th ed] (http://www.lastgaspgrimoire.com/generators/npc-birthing-sacs/)
[Drugs for D&D] (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/rJ10BMsH)
[Poison Generator] (http://orteil.dashnet.org/randomgen/?gen=vMMEtKRA)
[Riddle Collection 1] (http://www.farlandworld.com/files/riddles1.pdf)
[Riddle Collection 2] (http://www.farlandworld.com/files/rid1.pdf)
D100 Riddle Table
Other Tools
[Initiative Tracker] (http://improved-initiative.com/)
[Critical Hits and Critical Fumbles] (http://sbm.elagplus.com/index.php?f=gch)
[The Great List of 5e Adventures] (https://merricb.com/the-great-list-of-dd-5e-adventures/)
Tomb of Annihilation
[Tomb of Annihilation DMs Discord Server] (https://discord.gg/pTajjWg)
[Tomb of Annihilation DMs Facebook Group] (https://www.facebook.com/groups/458806661178505/)
Lost Mines of Phandelver
[Lost Mines of Phandelver tips] (https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?739599-5th-Tips-Advice-Warnings-on-running-Lost-Mine-of-Phandelver)
[Using LMoP as a Sandbox setting] (http://my-realms.blogspot.com/2014/07/starter-set-sandbox-0-introduction.html?m=1)
[Quest Cards] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e_B77Pun-W4ltAOMfkI6GS-ilt9_xy_h/view?usp=sharing)
Curse of Strahd
[Merric's Musings] (https://merricb.com/2016/04/12/running-curse-of-strahd-part-1/)
[Full Campaign Guide and Resources] (http://thecampaign20xx.blogspot.com/2016/03/dungeons-dragons-guide-to-curse-of.html)
[Notes from a DM who's run CoS twice] (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDBehindTheScreen/comments/4hkmut/modules_what_i_have_learned_from_running_curse_of/)
Tyranny of Dragons
[Merric's Musings] (https://merricb.com/dd-adventurers-league/tyranny-of-dragons-season-august-2014-march-2015/)
[So, you're running Tyranny of Dragons?] (http://koboldpress.com/tiamat-tuesdays-so-youre-running-tyranny-of-dragons/)
[Full Campaign Guide and Resources] (http://thecampaign20xx.blogspot.com/2014/10/tyranny-of-dragons-guide-to-hoard-of.html?m=1)
[Tyranny of Dragons Review and Rebuttal] (http://www.starwalkerstudios.com/blog/2015/2/23/ygs4p90jb1dlkoqe0r9f5tqatvxsgx)
Princes of the Apocalypse
[Campaign Resource] (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tc3Vyacw63QeMz5ZqRq3kZWPTugAzEbRVvHTaYSDS3k/edit#)
Mulmaster & Arcane Magic
[The State of Mulmaster] (http://dndadventurersleague.org/state-of-mulmaster/)
[The Arcane Edict in Mulmaster] (http://dndadventurersleague.org/the-arcane-edict-in-mulmaster/)
Storm King's Thunder
[Full Campaign Guide and Resources] (http://thecampaign20xx.blogspot.com/2016/08/dungeons-dragons-guide-to-storm-kings.html)
[Some Roll20 Sessions to watch] (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKqUU-qMCsP6V8MrGoZWRWg/videos?view=0&live_view=500&flow=list&sort=dd)
Suggested changes or errors in Adventure League modules
[[Zip File] Default 5e character sheets] (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/211221926570360832/218841351658143744/5E_CHARACTERSHEETSV3.ZIP)
[Class-Specific 5e character sheets] (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dls227qhq2mk48v/AACW8sPWR0eJPvO6VXyIy-Kaa?dl=0) (IMO the best character sheets for 5e I’ve come across)
[[DiceCloud] Simple Character Manager webapp] (https://dicecloud.com/)
[Google Sheets] Automated character sheet - Right-click, Make a copy, it’ll go to "My Drive", where you can then edit it
Form-Fillable PDF Character Sheet (also automates calculations)
[ForgedAnvil D&D 5e Character Generator] (http://www.enworld.org/forum/rpgdownloads.php?do=download&downloadid=1234)
[Pre-built Character Sheets] (http://www.digitaldungeonmaster.com/pre-made-dd-5e-character-sheets.html)
[Pre-Generated Characters] (http://www.squaremans.com/PreGens.zip)
[/r/DnD Spotify Playlists for atmosphere and mood-setting] (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/595zc6/my_curated_spotify_playlists_i_use_for_dd/)
[More Spotify playlists] (https://open.spotify.com/user/scrptrx)
[Free RPG Music] (http://gaming-music.obsidianportal.com/wikis/free-music)
[Environments Music/Audio - Ambience] (http://rpg.ambient-mixer.com/)
[http://phanary.com/] (http://phanary.com/) search for any sound
[[TabletopAudio] Customizable Tabletop Soundboard (advanced)] (http://tabletopaudio.com/custom_sp.html?Universal%20Ambience&4,0.10,1,&5,0.20,1,&1,0.35,1,&38,0.40,1,&40,0.40,0,&41,0.40,0,&42,0.20,1,&44,0.40,1,&103,0.50,1,&104,0.20,1,&109,0.40,1,&114,0.20,1,&110,0.10,1,&169,0.20,1,&168,0.50,1,&200,0.40,1,&194,0.40,1,&195,0.30,1,&257,0.40,1)
Try clicking on "Universal Ambience" on the top right. You can make your own soundboards too!
[ASoftMurmur] Ambient Noises (simple)
[[MyNoise.net] Another Soundboard] (https://mynoise.net/)
[Music, Images on DropBox Matt Mercer’s playlists during Critical Role] (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2xoluskqpqc1l0t/AAA2ygcXLmH5lCD67fr3MIvha?dl=0)
Map Collections
Google Drive Map Collection
[Dyson’s Dodecahedron free map archive] (https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/maps/)
[David Rumsey Map Collection] (http://www.davidrumsey.com/)
Real City Maps throughout history
[Coastal Battlemaps] (https://imgur.com/gallery/2NZ5V)
[/r/BattleMaps] (https://www.reddit.com/r/battlemaps/)
2minutetabletop BattleMaps
[[Cartography Guild] Tactical Maps] (https://cartography-guild.deviantart.com/gallery/24517984/Tactical)
[Google Image Search] Small Area Maps
[[Google Image Search] Large Area Maps] (https://www.google.com/search?q=D%26D+encounter+map&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwip_aSNo4bRAhUBV2MKHaXjCK8Q_AUICCgB&biw=1920&bih=1061#tbm=isch&q=fiction+world+map)
Random Generators
[Medieval fantasy city generator] (https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator)
[Random City Map Generator] (http://inkwellideas.com/free-tools/random-city-map-generator/)
[Another City Map Generator] (http://inkwellideas.com/worldbuilding/roleplaying-city-map-generator/)
[Inn Floorplan Generator] (http://inkwellideas.com/free-tools/random-inn-generator-floorplan/)
[Planet Generator] (http://www.diku.dk/hjemmesider/ansatte/torbenm/Planet/)
[Random Terrain generator (advanced coastal algorithm)] (https://mewo2.com/notes/terrain/)
Continent with Named Provinces Generator
http://worldographer.com/ (AKA Hexographer II)
There are free versions (both online and download) and pay versions with more icon sets and whatnot.
[[Stanford CS project] Polygon World Map generator] (http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/game-programming/polygon-map-generation/demo.html)
Map-Making Tools
[Inkarnate] (http://inkarnate.com/) - Comprehensive in-browser map-making software
[Hobbyte] (https://hobbyte.net/) - Isometric map-making software
[Dungeon Painter Studio] (http://store.steampowered.com/app/592260/Dungeon_Painter_Studio/) on Steam ($14.99 USD)
[Pro Fantasy Software] (https://secure.profantasy.com/default.asp) (expensive)
[http://fantasticmapper.com/] (http://fantasticmapper.com/) - Hex Mapping
[Illwinter's Floorplan Generator] (http://store.steampowered.com/app/630900/Illwinters_Floorplan_Generator/) - Terrain generator on Steam ($5 USD)
Map Assets
[Giant Collection of Map Assets] (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6KuLQg6iTG3Rl94Q1lzaUNSZDQ) (for Roll20 and similar)
[10x10 modular map tiles] (http://madcowchef.deviantart.com/gallery/48647465/Free-Map-Tiles)
[How to Draw a Map Using Photoshop/Gimp] (http://www.fantasticmaps.com/2015/02/how-to-draw-a-map/)
[Map Maker Forum] (https://www.cartographersguild.com/content.php?s=a1be452ae15187f2d2a7b2ebfda7b5e6)
[Hexcrawl campaign guide] (http://www.welshpiper.com/hex-based-campaign-design-part-1/)
[Goblinist Encounter Builder] (http://tools.goblinist.com/5enc)
[City/Town Encounters 1] (http://roleplayingtips.com/readissue.php?number=500#tips)
[City/Town Encounters 2] (http://roleplayingtips.com/readissue.php?number=501#tips)
[City/Town Odd Encounters] (https://retrorpg.wordpress.com/2011/03/14/30-odd-random-city-encounters/)
[Some random road encounters] (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/2sl94j/random_road_encounters/)
Travel Sights
[How to Build F$&%ing Awesome Encounters!] (http://theangrygm.com/how-to-build-awesome-encounters/)
[The Homebrewery - Make your own Homebrew!] (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/)
Detect Balance: A 5e Homebrew Race Guide
Dark Souls D&D homebrew monsters
The Bloodborne Armory - Bloodborne Weapons for 5e D&D
[Monster Module] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-g9vLTX0eHKWDZHZ05QWkVNZVU/view)
[Gunslinger Homebrew option 1] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4fgrcv8-6IKaHZtbXRiOW8zQmc/view) with an Expansion
Gunslinger Homebrew option 2
[Google Drive] Massive Character Art folder
[Male Character Artwork] (http://imgur.com/a/526Vx#0) Album
[Female Character Artwork] (http://imgur.com/a/6F0Xz#0) Album
[More Female Character Art] (https://imgur.com/a/Mg4jQ)
[Character Art Collection] (https://imgur.com/a/a2LVL)
[People Part 1] (http://imgur.com/a/CklIw)
People Part 2
People Part 3
Character Tokens , and [More Character Tokens] (https://mega.nz/#F!44JyDYCb!ABcBU4cHGkQMEaMOznQcvw!lwoSABja) and [more of the same] (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dx-F9vFRL7MG9BYWlSQndWcHM)
FarLandWorld Gallery
Token Maker
/r/worldbuilding/ - SEE SIDEBAR for more links
/r/DnDBehindTheScreen/ - DMs helping DMs
/r/BehindTheTables/ - Chance Tables for many situations
/r/LongDistanceVillains/ - Let someone else run your Big Bad Evil (person/monster/thing)!
/r/DMAcademy - general DM questions
/r/DndAdventureWriter - for building adventures to share
/r/DndMaps - nothing but maps
/r/DMToolkit - multimedia DM resources
General Tabletop/Role-Playing - Large Server (>1000 members)
[Matt Colville’s Discord] (https://discord.gg/QRe5WfQ)
[Discord and Dragons] (https://discord.gg/7pfAK8c) - PG-13, keep your language clean.
[Discord Tabletop] (https://discord.gg/nn74dwz)
[Discord of Many Things] (https://discord.gg/ZrDhU7X)
[/5eg/ 4chan's 5e-general Discord] (https://discord.gg/HzAfUGt) - enter at your own risk/discretion
General Tabletop/Role-playing - Medium Server (~500 members)
[DM Mentors Guild] (https://discord.gg/H5QuRMc)
[Ludum Studios TTRPG Community] (https://discord.gg/VuFNfPt)
[RoosterTeeth Community D&D & Tabletop Games discord server] (https://discord.gg/gGZr67n)
General Tabletop/Role-playing - Small Server (~100 members)
[D&D One-Shotters] (http://discord.gg/QTJC2A2)
[D&D 5e] (https://discord.gg/WfM5pw5)
[AD&D 1e and 2e] (https://discord.gg/UnBUpG8)
[/r/Worldbuilding Discord] (https://discord.gg/worldbuilding)
[/wbg/ 4chan's worldbuilding-general Discord] (https://discord.gg/ArcSegv)
Non-D&D Servers
[Org Play Online] (https://discord.gg/wyYGtJY) StarFinder/Pathfinder Society Online
[Dungeon World] (https://discord.gg/2ABstpB) Simplified RPG system
AvraeBot - A great D&D bot to invite to your discord server
[One Page Dungeon 2017 Entries] (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1b_U-BZcCD7Y0YxaUo3dU4xcEU)
[One Page Dungeon 2016 Entries] (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1b_U-BZcCD7MGZEdV9OWVpKZ1k)
[One Page Dungeon 2015 Entries] (https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B1b_U-BZcCD7SVFkUGlRcnJVSWs)
[One Page Dungeon 2014 Entries] (https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B1b_U-BZcCD7T3V1U25lVlpwSnc)
[One Page Dungeon 2013 Entries] (https://campaignwiki.org/1pdc/2013/)
[One Page Dungeon 2012 Entries] (https://campaignwiki.org/1pdc/2012/)
[One Page Dungeon 2011 Entries] (https://campaignwiki.org/1pdc/2011/)
[One Page Dungeon 2010 Entries] (https://campaignwiki.org/1pdc/2010/)
[One Page Dungeon 2009 Entries] (https://campaignwiki.org/1pdc/2009/)
Pre-made homebrew campaign settings
[Consensus Ranger (Better balance between UA ranger and PHB ranger)] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw4_sxykbTWcWWxHaWFXX3Y5TFU/view)
Checks and Combat guide
My preferred online role-playing game-hosting service: https://roll20.net/
Also available: [Fantasy Grounds] (http://store.steampowered.com/app/252690/) and [Tabletop Simulator] (http://store.steampowered.com/app/286160/?snr=1_7_15__13)
[Tumblr Out of Context D&D Quotes] (http://outofcontextdnd.tumblr.com/)
[Cool Virtual D&D project] (http://bouncyrock.com/)
[Printable Character Minis] (https://www.patreon.com/PrintableHeroes)
[Printable Heroes] (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9wKLjixK7DHd3pMZk92Z2xhdVk)
[Printable paper models from Wizards] (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fpm/archive)
[Fantasy Botanist's Book] (http://imgur.com/a/j99c9)
[Printable Hex-grid Graph Paper] (https://incompetech.com/graphpaper/hexagonal/)
[Damage descriptions based on type] (http://i.imgur.com/0WVKE2W.png)
[Bard Songs] (http://www.farlandworld.com/files/songs.pdf)
[Guide to Thieves’ Cant] (https://imgur.com/a/dDgpo#zUuuhDj)
[All-women D&D] (https://www.girlsgutsgloryrpg.com/)
944 notes · View notes
tearablemonsters · 5 years ago
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We had some stir crazy adventurers at tearable monsters HQ, so we ran "the Ritual" from @Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit book! The ranger lost a pinky finger to a cursed ring, and adopted a 6 year old girl who's parents turned out to be bad news. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-qHSRhuz6/?igshid=1bvrowwkh651z
0 notes
x-enter · 5 years ago
Any DM Can Find Something Useful in NERZGUL'S DUNGEON MASTER TOOLKIT 3
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Steven Williams has released Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit 3 on DMs Guild. This unofficial supplement is designed to give DMs for Dungeons & Dragons a variety of new tools to have on hand. The tools available in this third toolkit include 100 monster stat blocks, 100 trinkets, 20 merchants, 10, puzzles, 6 adventures, and over 30 pieces of artwork. This is perfect for any DM. There’s always something that a DM needs and this toolkit covers just about everything.
“Everyone loves a trilogy! Welcome to Nerzugal’s Dungeon Master Toolkit 3!”
You can purchase Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit 3 from DMs Guild for $14.99.
source https://geektyrant.com/news/any-dm-can-find-something-useful-in-nerzguls-dungeon-master-toolkit-3
0 notes
aaranotang · 6 years ago
Misfits & Monsters UK Punk D.I.Y D&D 5e CURSED Test Episode 16 (16-16-16!)
Wherein: The Misfits must survive the curse of 16 (16-16-16)! Could this be where it ends for these miscreants?
*deep breath* After mithering about giving the 'Omniark' over to the Hags, Nev' (the half-elf prisoner they released) grew impatient, snatched the artefact from them and attempted to escape with it through one of the many window-like portals lining the walls of their lair. A struggle ensues where Ela (Kaeyla's former rival and the Faceless Lord's Herald) gains the Omniark, flies through one of the window-portals and attempts to deliver it to her master (Juiblex). The Misfits escape the hags & pursue her back to Faerun, finding themselves emerging onto a blasted landscape that lies beyond the mountains bordering the High Forest. An ominous towering citadel stands in its centre, wreathed in roiling green-hued clouds, its spires disappearing into an equally tumultuous sky-storm above. They fight with Ela over possession of the Omniark, as the looming monument begins to transform into a gargantuan humanoid colossus that strides towards them. *phew!*
The incredible works of other far more talented people being crammed, mangled and malformed in this episode were:
• "Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth" by James J. Haeck from Kobold Press' superb Eldritch Lairs (get it: https://koboldpress.com/kpstore/product/eldritch-lairs-5th-edition-dnd/).
• "Carrionholme" by Jonathan Ely from AAW Games brilliant Mini-Dungeon Tome (buy here: https://adventureaweek.com/shop/limited-print-books/5e-mini-dungeon-tome-hardcover-pdf/
• The absolutely stonking "March of the Colossus" by Imogen Gingell (that can be procured here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/259998/March-of-the-Colossus).
• Steven Williams’ fantastic “Living Colossus” from 'Nerzugal’s Extended Bestiary' (available here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/205000/Nerzugals-Extended-Bestiary) that is also part of the superlative 'Nerzugal’s Dungeon Master’s Toolkit' here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/188626/Nerzugals-Dungeon-Master-Toolkit)
• The "Alkilith" from 'Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes' by Wizards of The Coast (buy here: http://dnd.wizards.com/products/tabletop-games/rpg-products/mordenkainens-tome-foes
• The "Herald of Darkness" from Kobold Press' beyond awesome 'Tome of Beasts' (that should be bought immediately by any & all DM's here: https://koboldpress.com/kpstore/product/tome-of-beasts-for-5th-edition).
• The inspired (& beat-me-to-it) "Ooze Dragon" by Beeholder Press (S.G.Tillings) from 'Monsters of The Guild' (giddit!: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/234150/Monsters-of-the-Guild) & also featured in 'Monsters Without Borders' (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/238261/Monsters-Without-Borders?term=monsters+without+borders).
• The gnarly "Earth Elemental Lord" from the 'Boss Monster Token Set'
by David North (that can be procured here: https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/set/771/boss-monster-token-set).
• Multiple character & monster tokens by Devin Knight whose canny efforts can & should be acquired here: https://immortalnights.com/tokensite
Now, if your own colossus is rising due to our clumsy meanderings, then please share-like-subscribe etc and feel free to commune with us, as though we were your dark patrons, on our various social media sites to help us become more esoteric and powerful elder-things.
Join us live on Twitch every Tuesday at 8:00(ish)PM GMT (12:00PM PDT).
Until next time, keep your clammy mitts off another cult's idol, be nice AND PLAY D&D!
For our stream we use the following amazingly useful apps that make our lives easier and our fumbling efforts seem a lot more professional than they actually are:
Last but not least; THANK YOU, the watcher/reader/follower (especially if you've made it this far, scrolling through this blather, perhaps in future we will put little gifts here for those that have endured & persisted).
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lumendelmari · 7 months ago
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Above: Art Credit: /u/elella on Reddit
Below: a quick Midjourney render I made. Not perfect but pretty creepy.
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The Gol'Goroth's stat block, borrowed from 'Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit'.
This character is from “Zelyra Erenaeth: Origins,” the prequel to “The Grey Warriors,” a retelling of a completed Out of the Abyss (Dungeons and Dragons) campaign.
You can read both stories here:
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lumendelmari · 8 months ago
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Zelyra Erenaeth, half-elf druid.
This character is from "Zelyra Erenaeth: Origins," the prequel to "The Grey Warriors," a retelling of a completed Out of the Abyss (Dungeons and Dragons) campaign.
You can read both stories here:
Read the story here:
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lumendelmari · 8 months ago
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The human wizard, Erstod. Keymaster of the Cult of the Gol'Goroth.
This character is from "Zelyra Erenaeth: Origins," the prequel to "The Grey Warriors," a retelling of a completed Out of the Abyss (Dungeons and Dragons) campaign.
You can read both stories here:
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lumendelmari · 8 months ago
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Varan Fenhirel, half-elven ranger of the Circle of Swords in Neverwinter Wood. Also featuring his hawk animal companion, Ambrosia. These characters are from "Zelyra Erenaeth: Origins," the prequel to "The Grey Warriors," a retelling of a completed Out of the Abyss (Dungeons and Dragons) campaign.
You can read both stories here:
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lumendelmari · 8 months ago
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Arlathan Addar, moon elf druid of the Circle of Swords. Also featuring her wolf companion, Hayth, and her enchanted flask of mead. These characters are from "Zelyra Erenaeth: Origins," the prequel to "The Grey Warriors," a retelling of a completed Out of the Abyss (Dungeons and Dragons) campaign.
You can read both stories here:
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aaranotang · 6 years ago
Misfits & Monsters UK Punk D.I.Y D&D 5e Test Episode 15
Wherein: The Misfits dither over an artefact and infuriate some hags.
After scaring off an aggrieved purple worm and avoiding the clutches of a field of grabby hands, the Misfits then have to outrun some maddened elementals made from the earth and corpses of a mass grave, escape the caves and return to the hag’s demi-plane to deliver the Omniark to them.
The mini-dungeon mutilated in this episode is: "Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth" by James J. Haeck from Kobold Press' Eldritch Lairs (buy here: https://tinyurl.com/ya86b23p).
Featured a Young Purple Worm spawned from Dragonix’s super useful Monster Manual Expanded (5e) that you can get here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/267678/Monster-Manual-Expanded-5E
With a surprise appearance of Steven Williams’ “Living Colossus” from Nerzugal’s Extended Bestiary (available here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/205000/Nerzugals-Extended-Bestiary) that is also part of the superlative Nerzugal’s Dungeon Master’s Toolkit here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/188626/Nerzugals-Dungeon-Master-Toolkit)
If your stones are rolling due to our glitching physics then please share-like-subscribe etc and feel free to reach out and fondle us on our various social media sites to help us become better and more successful murder hobos.
Join us live on Twitch every Tuesday at 8:00(ish)PM GMT (12:00PM PST).
Until next time, think twice before helping a hag AND PLAY D&D!
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