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Do you have some spicy fic recs? 👀
Hey Anon.
Oh, do I ever! 🤭
Here we go...
Love Bites by KinglyYato (aka @devastatedloyallute)
Pursuit, We Got Time, Revealed - all by @sloanedestler (she has more, but these are my top 3!)
Golden Hour, There's No Use in Trying to Fight It - both by NerveEndings aka @a-dose-of-comatose
Preening Gone Wrong, Desk Job, Mile High Club - all by MagusThree
Changing of the Guard by InconspicuousBosch (for the love of god please check the author's notes on this chapter because I totally jumpscared Nerve with it lol whoops)
These are some that came to mind immediately, but if I remember any others I'll update this list for sure! <3
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Sometimes I’ll be lounging around just scrolling my phone or reading and I’ll start to feel really bad. Like. I won’t know why so I’ll start trying to focus on my leisure activity even harder because I don’t want to focus on not feeling good.
The feeling will intensify and I’ll start to get stressed about how bad I feel, almost nauseated but without any clear source. My body is just communicating wordless wretchedness and I won’t know why but I’ll get even more distressed until I’m doing my activity so fast.
I’ll be scrolling like I’m trying to outrun the meltdown of every nerveending in my body, the complete revolt of my nervous system, the utter hopelessness in every cell, and my thumb moves faster and faster like death will catch me in its jaws the moment I slow down at all because something is Wrong!
And then I sit up. I burp for a solid 30 seconds. And it will turn out my body was trying to communicate the concept of gas.
#ramblies#I never learn from this experience because my body only ever communicates in existential dread for a lot of problems#but I did tell my betrothed to make me sit up straight any time I tell them I feel sick cause I never think of it in the moment
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Whumpcember2023 Day 24 - Bullet
Tw: being shot at, gore
You would guess a bullet entering your own flesh and ripping through your intestens would hurt. The very moment the metal piece penetrating layers of skin, burning through muscles and blasting through your organs would be the most present overwhelming senses you'll ever feel. It's not!
The actual moment of the bullet opening that hole in his belly and ripping his insides apart, moving on to exit through his back, he felt nothing but a little dull pressure swiping him of his feet. He didn't even feel his shoulders bluntly crushing into the pile of hardwood boxes. He didn't feel his left wrist breaking, when he reflexively tried to stop his fall.
He did hear the discharging gun, his friends yell, a sickening moist sound, being under the impression it was his friend who was hurt.
Than the rushing in his eyes started as if someone that flipped a switch. His own heart was suddenly beating up to his neck frantically.
He was laying on the hard concrete floor of the warehouse, his hands tightly pressed against his belly without even noticing at first. They felt warm and sticky. His mind was crystal clear, but kind of disconnected.
His friend's scared face just above his own. "Oh God, oh God." The friend whispered, but looking up at him, he didn't understand why.
Another switch, more like a dimmer, was operated and the dull pressure in his belly, he thought was coming from his own hands pressing down on it, got worse, much, much worse.
Suddenly all his nerveendings started firing at once. All his senses on high alert. 38 seconds after the bullet ripped him apart, he finally got aware of what happened. A deeply painful cry dislodging from his bloody lips, filling the nightair of the warehouse, echoing from naked concrete walls.
whumpcember masterlist
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Anxiety pals,do yall ever get SO much anxiety You can like physicaly feel it in your nerveends of your hands?,and if so how do You mitigate it?
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FAV. ARTISTS: ||d4gm4rs||tikhondownichi||kimik0hippie|| ||dedmerath||katyasair||lucdoodle|| ||devilsroost||
FAV. WRITERS: ||deadgirlwalking91||mistystarshine(MUSEFLIGHT)|| ||branded-rose||a-dose-of-comatose(NerveEndings)||hellisharchive|| ded.acc;||hazbinwhoree||callmerainman||
MY ARTWORKS: ||Personal Sketch||April Bullet.J||They'll come for ya!||Hey, babe!|| ||Guitarspear 2024 Week - Celestial||Lingerine Store|| ||Cactus Master Award!|| ||SHE KEEPS ME UP! - low Q storyboard - 1 / 2 /3 /4 /5 /6 / 7|| QUOTES: Profestional||Relationship 50/50||Slushies Bath Lute (Venom.ch.4) "You're so tense, babe" (Venom.ch.7) "Give me a call if you need a hand..." (Venom.ch.16)
Thank You for the Venom / Hate to love story / pięknie uchwycone charaktery / slow burn / AKTYWNE (ROZDZIAŁ 17)[RE-READ 3]:
Angels Make Mistakes Guitarspear 🎸 / Multi-chapter / from brandedrose / skaczemy między czasoprzestrzenią / expirience ) AKTYWNE (ROZDZIAŁ 18):
Staring at The Sun / Extermination aftermath / Lute and Adam stuck in the hell / maybe lovestory(?) / zgubiłam się i pora się odgubić / AKTYWNE (ROZDZIAŁ 1 (re-read)):
Northern Star (Guitarspear 🎸 / one-shot / tak-zajebiste-że-ląduje-w-sekcji-do-powtarzania / this one sinner Adam that I like the most! / omg, no smex, but still love tension / Museflight robi swoje) [do narysowania: Adam!Sinner]
TO-READ: Bad idea, right? (reader x Adam / human AU / omg, finally found all chapters! / nsfw!) There's No Use In Trying To Fight It (Guitarspear 🎸 / Multi-chapter / OMG so good smex in 3chp. that makes me "woa" / nsfw-duh! ) Stupid, Beautiful Cause (Guitarspear 🎸 / multi-chapter / coś mi świta, ale nie wiem w jakim kościele / Lute chce wyznać uczucia Adamowi / pisze że sfw? ) We Got Time (Guitarspear 🎸 / One-shot / I think readed, but dont remember) From Eden / Breaking a Sweat After Training (same autor / 1st Akcja Edenu po tym jak Adama opuściły żony. Lute podziwiając kreacje człowieka zeszła do niego / 2nd siłownia theme(?) / 1sfw 2nsfw Just Want To Rock (Adam Sinner kolejny upadek i wybór życia na przypale / multi-chapter / czemu tagi zaprzeczają same sobie xD / wygląda na sfw? ) Hellfire (Guitarspear 🎸 (?) / multi-chapter / długie bo ponad 9 rozdziałów na antualizacje) Memories From The West (Guitarspear 🎸 / oneshot / Western AU(?) Talk to me baby (reader!3rdWife x Adam / Oneshot / idk, just found it not even checked) Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (brzmi jak love to hate story / multi-chapter XXL / z polecenia!) Hunt You Down (ciekawa abominacja fuzji AdamsApple z Guitarspear? / lets find out! / z polecenia!)
ARCHIWUM - Wszystko przeczytane i poukładane / odrzucone i zawieszone / Private Post!
Re-reading from archive: ⭐ Wine, Whining and Drunken Cuddles (psychologiczny meltdown Adama / Lute przychodzi na ratunek / sfw)
DEDMERATH art / comic - totalnie nie Adamsapple guilty pleasure kontent: AKTYWNE (lepsze aktualki na twitterze)
Like a fallen angel / comic - Adam!Sinner / Adamsapple(?): AKTYWNE (part 12)
Aktualizacja z: 6/11/2024 - notatka - zostało ci jeszcze rozpierdzielić post z lutego na prywacie. Tutaj ... tam jest jeszcze wiecej... - notatka - pora zrobić oddzielne posty i poprowadzić sieć hiperłączy, zapierdole się z tak długim postem, a master musi być krótki!
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closed starter for @whisperstemptations
she hadn't intended to erupt the way that she did, but scout had always been impulsive. perhaps one of the only traits that hadn't changed throughout the years. she was a lot more guarded, but the notion that her husband was cheating on her with his assistant, was enough to have every nerveending on edge. she needed to confront her. now. she had anticipated, when climbing into her car and being driven to the building her husband spent the majority of his time, that she would remain cool, calm and collected about it. however, once she sees the woman, once she gets an opportunity to talk to her alone. all of the mental work she'd put in, disintegrates. "are you fucking him!?" the words fall hurriedly, but the fury is still potent, still impossible to dismiss. "are you fucking my husband?"
#speaks: scout phillips.#whisperstemptations#we needed wlw so !#let me know if this does not work <3
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Forhuden: et kontroversielt og misforstått stykke mannlig anatomi
Forhuden er et tema som har skapt betydelig kontrovers og debatt gjennom historien. Denne hudfolden som dekker hodet på penis, også kjent som prepuce, har vært gjenstand for kulturelle, religiøse og medisinske diskusjoner i århundrer. I denne artikkelen vil vi utforske forhuden, dens funksjoner, dens plass i historien og noen av kontroversene rundt den.
En kort oversikt over forhudens anatomi
Forhuden er en naturlig og integrert del av det mannlige kjønnsorganet. Den består av to lag: et ytre hudlag og en indre slimhinne. Når en mann blir født, er forhuden typisk festet til penishodet, kjent som glans, og tjener til å beskytte den følsomme glansen mot friksjon og irritasjon.
Funksjoner av forhuden
Beskyttelse: En av hovedfunksjonene til forhuden er å beskytte glans penis. Dette delikate området er følsomt og kan bli irritert hvis det utsettes for konstant friksjon fra klær.
Smøring: Den indre slimhinnen i forhuden produserer naturlig smøring, noe som gjør samleie mer behagelig og reduserer risikoen for friksjonsrelaterte skader.
Sensasjon: Noen hevder at forhuden inneholder mange nerveender, som kan øke seksuell nytelse. Imidlertid har vitenskapelige studier om dette emnet gitt blandede resultater, og omfanget av forhudens rolle i seksuell sensasjon er fortsatt et spørsmål om debatt.
Historisk og kulturell betydning
Forhudens historie er sammenvevd med ulike kulturer og religiøse overbevisninger. Omskjæring, kirurgisk fjerning av forhuden, har vært praktisert i tusenvis av år og har dype kulturelle og religiøse røtter.
Religiøs praksis: Omskjæring har betydelig religiøs betydning i jødedommen og islam. For jøder er det en pakt med Gud, som dateres tilbake til Abrahams tid. I islam regnes omskjæring som en tradisjon, men ikke en religiøs forpliktelse.
Medisinsk og hygienisk tro: På slutten av 1800- og begynnelsen av 1900-tallet ble omskjæring populær i USA på grunn av opplevde hygiene- og helsemessige fordeler. Disse inkluderte forebygging av tilstander som phimosis og balanitt.
Kontroverser rundt forhuden
Etiske betraktninger: Den viktigste kontroversen rundt forhuden er den etiske debatten om omskjæring, spesielt når den utføres på spedbarn. Kritikere hevder at fjerning av en sunn kroppsdel uten samtykke vekker etiske bekymringer, mens talsmenn nevner potensielle helsemessige fordeler.
Medisinske debatter: Det medisinske samfunnet er fortsatt delt om nødvendigheten og fordelene med rutinemessig omskjæring av spedbarn. Mens noen studier antyder potensielle helsemessige fordeler, som redusert risiko for urinveisinfeksjoner, seksuelt overførbare sykdommer og peniskreft, hevder andre at disse risikoene er relativt lave og at prosedyren ikke bør utføres rutinemessig.
Forhudsrestaurering: Noen individer som ble omskåret som spedbarn føler at de har mistet en verdifull del av anatomien. Forhudsrestaureringsteknikker har dukket opp som et middel for å gjenvinne et utseende av forhuden, både av estetiske og funksjonelle årsaker.
trang forhud
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Zoneterapi er mere end bare en simpel massage
Det er uheldigt, at de fleste forbinder zoneterapi kun med fodmassage. entspannungs massage Det er muligt, at dette essay vil få dig til at genoverveje din holdning. De efterfølgende afsnit vil give information om zoneterapi. Hvis du er på udkig efter fakta, der vil sætte rekorden på almindelige misforståelser af zoneterapi, er du på det rigtige sted.
Inden for zoneterapi anvender en uddannet professionel tommel- og fingertryk til bestemte områder af hånden, foden eller øret. Kroppens reflekspunkter er placeret, du skal bare finde og få et effektivt resultat. Når disse reflekspunkter masseres, lindres det ubehag eller ubalance, der har påvirket den forbundne kropsdel. Calcium, mineraler såvel som urinsyre kan ophobes i reflekspunkterne i en dårligt fungerende organisme, hvilket hindrer blodgennemstrømningen. Aflejringerne kan nedbrydes af en professionel zoneterapeuts massageteknikker, hvilket giver mulighed for at genoprette normal funktion.
At få nok søvn og slappe af er den første forsvarslinje mod stress-relaterede lidelser. Det er her zoneterapi kommer i spil. Zoneterapi er mest effektivt, når patienten er afslappet, hvilket kan opnås ved at koncentrere sig om bestemte pletter på fødder og hænder.

Mange nerveender i dine fødder og hænder giver dig mulighed for at mærke fornemmelser fra hele din krop. Du kan stimulere de beskadigede dele af din krop ved at finde og massere visse fussreflexzonenmassage punkter på dine fødder og hænder. De fleste zoneterapeuter fokuserer dog på fødderne, da de er større og nemmere at massere end hænderne. Det er derfor, den brede offentlighed har en tendens til at tænke på zoneterapi som intet andet end en fancy fodmassage.
Patienter, der ikke kan lide at få deres fødder masseret eller undersøgt, kan finde lindring af håndgener som gigt eller karpaltunnelsygdom med håndzoneterapi. I modsætning til fodzoneterapi, som kan føles ubehageligt og pinligt i offentligheden, kan håndzoneterapi udføres hvor som helst, uden at det forårsager nogen forlegenhed. Desværre kan effektiviteten af denne form for zoneterapi blive reduceret, hvis dine hænder er blevet mindre følsomme på grund af brug.
Det er muligt, at den voksende popularitet af zoneterapi og andre alternative behandlinger i de senere år skyldes, at de ikke har nogen kendte negative virkninger. Det kan tage nogle flere sessioner med zoneterapi, før du begynder at mærke dens fordele, men du vil hurtigt komme til at forstå dens mange fordele. Zoneterapi illustrationer og diagrammer kan hjælpe dig med at lære, hvor du skal trykke, og hvilket fußmassagepunkteto mål. Det anbefales dog, at alle seriøse med at lære zoneterapi tilmelde sig et program eller kursus.
Du kan prøve dine nyfundne færdigheder på dig selv, men en professionel zoneterapeut kan få det fulde potentiale af din krops naturlige helbredende evner frem og hjælpe dig med at slappe af i processen. Der er et væld af ressourcer til rådighed for at hjælpe dig med at lære de rigtige zoneterapipunkter eller det passende pres til dine egne hjemmebehandlinger og personlige sessioner, eller du kan deltage i aftenseminarer.
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I like the idea of Lute being curious about Adam's life as a Human, as she was never one herself and has only known the perfection of Heaven. She wouldn't be too intrusive, always staying within his comfort zone with her questions. It would be adorable to see them having a conversation where he tells her the specifics of hunting, how to track, etc.
Lute seems like she'd be super into that aspect of it. Adam might even take her on actual hunting trip, the old fashioned way. Or Lute watching a shirtless Adam door outdoor bushcraft and she's all squirmy and blushing.
Hey Anon,
I really like this too, and I also think she wouldn't be too intrusive. I imagine she'd ask a fairly open question, and then let Adam take the lead on the direction of the conversation.
There'd be an interest from Lute, for sure. Especially if Adam is shirtless and I dunno, chopping wood or something. Fantastic opportunity for girlthoughts 😂
I do have a fic rec actually which ties into this somewhat—'There's No Use In Trying To Fight It' by @a-dose-of-comatose aka NerveEndings aka an all-round legend. The fic itself is a canon-compliant take on Adam and Lute's relationship in the lead up to the episode 8 extermination. Chapter seven specifically explores Adam taking Lute to Earth, and while there's no bushcraft or anything like that, there is a lot that she discovers (like mud, berries, water...)
It's also highly NSFW but a personal favourite of mine 🤭
There's also a Youtube series called 'Men With the Pot' which is about two dudes who make food out in the bush/forest. A lot of it is super unhealthy, and Adam would totally make Lute watch it with him.
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There are many areas on the body that can still be sensitive to sexual stimulation. 🖐️😍🖐️ pc: @voodoo.vibe
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JUST ANNOUNCED! New Jersey's @SchoolDrugs LIVE @ #TheMilestoneClub in #CharlotteNC on Saturday January 8th 2022 along with Bristol's @HeyNerveEndings Rock Hill's @telepathetics.exe & Charlotte's own #MutantStrain TICKETS ON SALE TOMORROW! #CHARLOTTE #NC #MILESTONE #MilestoneClub #SchoolDrugs #NerveEndings #telepathetics #theMilestone #worldfamousmilestone #worldfamousmilestoneclub #carolina #carolinas #theqc #theqcnc #crowntown #bankertown #cltnc #clt #tuckaseegee #enderlypark #westcharlotte #westclt #thequeencity #thequeencitync #charlottesgotalot #clture #qc (at The Milestone Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV0tcGFJ4ZQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#eagulls #s/t #nerveendings https://www.instagram.com/p/CEFhDUmhfp5/?igshid=117c10t1gadzj
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I've known for a while about your Sex Ed tag and I have questions for it, but before I start with the questions, I just want you to know how much I appreciate you having something like this to reassure or teach your followers 🤗 it is so useful and important so I was shocked when I realized there weren't that many asks on it!! But thank you so much for having something like this!! ☺️ my two questions are:
1. Is anal for a woman actually pleasurable? Can just anal do the trick, or is it anal + rub rub 🤔 Also in your ogc drabble, I forgot what it's called I think it's like "First time" or "First time for everything" idk but is that actually possible, like near the end, where jk angles himself to stimulate ocs g spot while in the other hole? Eww that sentence sounded so weird.. sorry 😅
2. Does anal just feel like pooping or something?
Sorry if my second question is really weird I'm just curious though 😅 love this tag btw 🥰💖💗💗💖

I'm happy you like my Sex Ed tag! You are so sweet hehe, I'm always happy to help and give lil tips & tricks 🥺💜
Now to answer your questions.
Is anal for a woman actually pleasurable? Can just anal do the trick, or is it anal + rub rub 🤔
Well I would first answer this with it all depends on how into anal you are. If you aren't into it at all, you won't enjoy it. But if you are really into it, it's the best thing ever. Because for me solely anal is enough to make me literally see stars, solely because I enjoy it so, so much. Now, rubbing your clit most definitely makes it even better, but tbh? Just getting a big cock or veiny dildo shoved up your ass is 100/10 and the ultimate feeling.
So I would say it all depends on the person and just how obsessed with anal they are.
It's also very important to mention that anal sex ONLY FEELS NICE WITH LOTS OF PREPARATIONA AND LUBE. Anal sex isn't something you can do as a twenty minute quickie in a random backalley. Proper anal sex, where the penetrated part actually and truly enjoys it as well, takes hours because of the cleaning out, the getting used to, stretching out process. But it's that journey to getting there which is just *chef's kiss*
But is that actually possible, like near the end, where jk angles himself to stimulate ocs g spot while in the other hole?
YES OMFG I learned this one night when I was fucking myself with a big dildo. I was legit going like ":O i have learned". I don't know how well it would work with an actual cock (because he would have to fuck very fast for a long time and we all know how well that works lol), but with the right dildo it is very possible.
Does anal just feel like pooping or something?
I wouldn't say it does? Maybe a little? The going inside part definitely doesn't feel like it. And the going outside part depends on which kind of toy you are using. Anal beads, structured buttplugs, any toy which has a mixture of thicker to thinner parts on it could feel similiar to it? You know it's that change between feeling your hole stretch out and then press the toy out which could feel similiar to pooping. A smooth dildo (or cock yk) feels better. lmao listen, how do I tell you that I lowkey enjoy the feeling of taking a good poop so I CAN'T TELL YOU IF IT FEELS LIKE POOPING BECAUSE I ACTUALLY LIKE TAKING SHITS? ahahahah tmi but I don't care because it's the truth.
But I would say that yes some sensations could definitely be compared to how taking a good shit feels like. But I wouldn't say they are the same. Because with anal sex you know that you are clean and the toys are clean as well AND you can stretch out the sensations by going as slow as you want to, which you obviously can't do when pooping.
Also really quick, deep penetration just feels like deep penetration except that it is in your ass. AND something else is different too. One has the most nerveendings around the rim area, while the vagina obviously has nerveendings further up as well (the g-spot) so getting fucked the traditional way makes you feel the cock go in and out everywhere. While getting fucked anally concentrates 99% of all the sensations on the rim which just bro 🥴 bro I'm telling you, anal orgasms are a different breed of orgasm 🥴
I hope this could answer your questions. This is obviously from a standpoint of someone who really enjoys anal sex, so my best tip here would be to try it out yourself. To clean out beforehand and to TAKE YOUR TIME stretching out. 💜
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Find out about Cat Whiskers
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Going barefoot helps a child develop body awareness.
The sole of your foot has over 200,000 nerve endings - one of the highest concentrations in the entire body.
One of the simplest ways to motivate proprioceptive development is to let our babies be barefoot as much as possible
#mstt #barefoot #sensors #feet #foot #shoes #human #babies #kids #development #nerveendings
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imagine like.....having emotional supports.....ppl that like, touch you? that let you lay your head on their belly while they breathe. or just toss your legs across their lap while ur sitting next to each other. can you imagine? a good person who you like and likes you and doesnt ask too much or too little. imagine a reason to go in pubic, a reason to make myself look good, a reason to preserve health and seek to live a long life. silence? talking? softness, roughness, interest, engagement. eyes on me. fingers, nerveendings, attention, prideless, shameless, power? yea.
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