#nerris got her sass from her mother 100%
mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
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i can just imagine how this happened. (calling nerris' parents stella and griffin because those r my hc for their names and i am. not going to call them nerris' dad and mom this entire thing)
griffin: you know how we've been thinking of baby names for a while?
stella: yes, i'm very aware.
griffin: sssssssssssssoooooooooooooooo i was thinking-
stella: oh my god, if this has anything to do with lord of the rings, i swear to christ-
griffin: it doesnt! i swear!
stella: proceed.
griffin: what about naeris? i mean, think about it! it's such a cute name, and-
stella: and where is this name from?
griffin: i mean, if you want to be technical about it-
stella: griffin.
griffin: ....d&d.
stella: absolutely not.
griffin then proceeded to pester her until she finally relented and nerris was born. (stella only allowed it if the spelling was changed)
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loveshotproductions · 8 years
CampCamp Dimensions AU
***Forgot to post this on Tumblr, so here you go***
FINALLY I got this mess down on paper Hope you like it, and it's readable!! WARNING: Suggestive Content(ex. mental illness, self-harm, abuse) Setting/Premise: This AU's premise of this is centered around multiple universes, including the main canon universe. In terms of universes, labeled under CC-036, this world, in particular, is a bit more "flexible"; because it functions solely on Cartoon Physics. This means no one can truly "die"; in fact, death has their very own set of rules and mechanics. the Respawn Mechanic: The "Respawn" Mechanic is a large set of conditions to ensure the safety of the people. Like the name states, if a person manages to die, or in the condition of death. When the old body gives in, a new copy will take their place. This new copy has all old memories prior to the accident leading, literally able to learn from their mistakes. The only way a person can actually die is if the person's heart is damaged beyond repair. If that happens, they are able to die normally. There have been instances of people surviving will semi-damaged hearts, but they usually do not live as long.   Character Bios: The Main Three:    Max: Max is widely known for a multitude of reasons: aside from horrendous cat allergies. He's one of the few people in the Camp that is aware of the Alternate Universes that exist. This is the reason he is often viewed as on edge and paranoid, having a strong fear of dying. To add insult to injury, he's is schizophrenic and will hear and see nightmarish versions of his friends. Despite everything, he tries to keep somewhat of an optimistic attitude, though he's still smug and sarcastic whenever he wants to be. He is Neil's Nurse assistant and has a knack for making cat plushies          Neil: Neil, on the surface, seems like an okay kid, but he is practically the least sane of the bunch. As the Unofficial Official Camp Doctor(after accidentally killing the previous one), he's widely known for going a bit overboard on "Surgeries" which often excuse to brutally mutilate fellow campers and David.(But mostly David:l). Because of these sudden outbursts, Max is often the only one that helps him not go too far, who he often see as a little brother. Aside from his job, he's often viewed as tired, mature, sarcastic as hell, prideful of his work, but can be delusional at times. He's the oldest of the Main Three and feels the need to take care of Max and Nikki as surrogate siblings.    Nikki: Nikki is still the same extroverted self, but still, has a lot of drawbacks. Born with Chromesthesia, Nikki can not only perceive sound as color but people as well. This color perception has let some of it surrounds her in a color wildfire, but it can only perceive herself as monochrome. But, she is able to find solace in communicating with the wildlife that surrounds her. Having a rocky past with the Flower Scouts, she's often viewed as an outsider and, to put it bluntly, a freak of nature. Despite this, she is widely accepted among the other campers and especially the Main Three. Counselors:    David: David is a series of bad habits and regrets. He's been trapped in an abusive relationship with Campbell since he was a kid, has huge emotional problems, and has the unnerving feeling of being watched. Due to the years of torment, spurred by a rough household, he also has the tendency to cut himself to calm his nerves. David, of course, keeps this all locked away in a long list of repressed memories. With the only person knowing this is Gwen.    Gwen: Gwen is the last person you expect to be a camp counselor. Actually, the only reason that she is one is to get more credits on her resume for community college. She usually doesn't care about the young campers, leaving them to do what they want, but tries to in spite of everything. The only reason she hasn't decided to bail out is to make sure no one dies, especially David. Being the only person who knows of his abusive relationship, and tends to his wounds after a session, and constantly tries to make David stand up for himself. In a way, Gwen is the driving force of the camp staying afloat.   Other Campers:    Preston: Preston is not the nicest person in camp. He more known for being a recluse, and bitter towards anyone and anything. He has an exceptional talent for making costumes and the traditional voodoo doll. He's more widely known for having a small grudge on Max, for ruining an old play of his. He has created a doll of virtually every camper and believes that they're for their protection. Harrison also takes advantage of Preston, not really, as a "henchmen" for his ideas. Usually ending in failure. He proclaims to be the sanest in a world full of morons, though Preston has little to no sympathy towards anyone.      Harrison: While normal looking on the surface, Harrison hides something darker. Due to a freak encounter with an artifact at a museum, Harrison is actually a human fused with a trickster coyote demon. He tries to hide this by constantly claiming that he's normal, and goes into panic attacks trying to defend himself. Even though half the camp already knows, aside from Nerris and Space Kid. He's roommates with Preston and uses him as a ploy to explain his "conditions": suddenly spawning coyote ears and tail, eyes glowing red crosses, and speaking in Sumerian when angered. You know normal people stuff, Right?!        Dolph: Dolph prides himself in his art skills, sometimes. When he's not constantly drawing to improve, or throwing away a current painting he was working on, Dolph is, well, a mess really. He often puts a lot on his plate and stresses himself to exhaustion. He is a pure perfectionist, and anything that's not up to his standards immediately, Dolph basically shuns in disgust. In addition, he takes the position of a professional organizer, mainly to disguise his OCD.            Nurf: Nurf is more of a mixed bag of other characters and personalities than a kid. Diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder, Nurf isn't exactly the same person more than once. He's mainly seen around Dolph, acting as a Leo Bloom to Dolph's Bialystock.    Ered: Ered may look tough on the surface, but on the inside acts as a mother to the other campers. Being the oldest of the campers, she takes responsibility towards everyone. However, you almost never see her without a cigarette in hand. Ered is widely known through the camp as a constant smoker and is somewhat rude towards given sass. This is especially true with Max, as the two constantly fight with one another. Despite it, She deeply cares for the others and even carries around a first-aid kit around just in case.      Nerris: Nerris is questionable when it comes to facts. Having some knowledge for the extended universes, Nerris is a person of wide knowledge. But not all of her facts are true, they range from slightly true to completely false.      Space Kid: The youngest of the campers, Space Kid is the most innocent, and the most killed offed. He shares a bond with Nerris and often believes everything they hear. There are no threatening monsters in this AU, the only "monsters" in this world are Ghosts/Spirits. Ghost are people who died violently in obscure conditions; People are still unsure how this happens, and research is still conducted.    Jasper: Little to no one knows what exactly happened to him to result in this fate, but he watches over a certain person, feeling a need to protect him; despite playing a role in his death Outsiders: Flower Scouts: While innocent on the surface, each member of this camp is actually a part of an elitist cult. Cult activities murdering animals as the sacrifice, and demonic communications.    Erin: Second in command; loner at most, and a tsundere at best; fond of watching the world burn from a distance    Sasha: Main leader; psychotic; determined to continue the legacy; Wishes to rule the world    Tabii: Romantic of the group; 100% yandere for Neil, Will meet with a terrible fate Woodscouts: They are technically the same as their counterparts, except less aware of Max's illness Alternate Dimensions(as of now): "Caterland"/CC-603 A sadistic alternate world compromise of individuals having cat ears and characteristics.The citizens in this world enjoy elaborate parties and murdering one another for fun.  "Dollhouse" CC-025 A strange alternate dimension in which all of the campers are living dolls, created by David as a commission for small plays and shows. The adults(I.E. David, Gwen, Campbell, etc.) are all human. Another lesser known dimension. "Prime" CC/001 The main canon universe
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