#nerf gun review
smartnerf · 9 months
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“Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” is now out, and I’m seeing it this weekend! I need this movie. I NEEEEEEEED IT! And so, to keep myself from going completely bonkers (more than I already have, I mean), I am pleased to present the last pre-movie review: “Nerf Transformers: Rise of the Beasts 2-In-1 Optimus Prime Blaster!”
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Box art taken from Amazon because I lost the pic I took of mine in the packaging
All of you know who Optimus Prime is and what Nerf is, so we’re just gonna skip the info dump. Instead, let’s talk about what exactly this toy even is. As the name of the toy obviously states, this is a Nerf gun styled after Optimus Prime. The thing that got my attention about this toy, though, is the fact that the Nerf gun also transforms into an Optimus Prime toy. It’s such a neat concept, and one I think kids will really like.
Now, before we get into the review proper, let’s address the elephant in the room. A lot of people got really pissy about the fact that this is an Optimus that turns into a gun instead of a Megatron that turns into one, since turning into a gun was the original Megatron’s whole thing. Well, there’s a few good reasons this toy isn’t Megatron, so let’s go through them.
Many American states have laws restricting or banning the sale of toy guns that could be mistaken for genuine firearms. Megatron is traditionally grey, silver, and black, and occasionally shades of green. It would be really easy to mistake a Nerf gun Megatron for a real gun, and that’s one of many ways kids get shot by panicked cops or other trigger-happy people in this country. Optimus, meanwhile, is predominantly red and blue, so a kid playing with him has a somewhat lower chance of being shot at by cops or anyone else. A lower chance, but sadly, not a zero percent chance.
Good guys sell better than bad guys. Financially, it makes more sense for Hasbro and Nerf to team up to make a toy of a hero like Optimus than it does to make a villain, especially since Optimus is the most well-known character in the entire franchise.
Megatron has not been confirmed to be in the movie. All the Megatron toys released for this movie are re-releases from previous toylines, but with the “Rise of the Beasts” logo on the packaging. Since this toy was made in a collaboration between Hasbro and Nerf, meaning the profits have to be split between the two companies makes more sense to make a toy of someone actually in the movie than it does to make one of someone not in the movie, because kids are more likely to buy the toy of the guy they just saw on the big screen.
In robot mode, Prime’s looks and articulation both suffer from the fact that he’s a working Nerf gun first and a toy robot second. From the front and top up, Prime looks good. He has the looks you expect from Optimus Prime by now. And then there’s the rest. Since his legs become the barrel of the Nerf gun, he ends up with cartoonishly long legs. Compared to the normal proportions of his top half, it’s a little jarring to suddenly see those super long legs. It’s like he’s wearing some sort of stilts and trying to hide it, and it is not going well.
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...I just realized how awkward the orange barrel looks in robot mode.
The issues that come from being a Nerf gun become even clearer when we look at Prime from behind. Due to how a Nerf gun works, there wasn’t a way to make this toy so the gun’s handle could be folded down or removed without jacking up the price. So as a result, Prime has this giant blue growth sticking out of his back.
Robot Mode Optimus Prime has very limited articulation, as you would expect from a toy that’s meant to be a gun first and foremost. He has ball-jointed shoulders and elbows, and that’s really it. Since his legs are the barrel of the gun, they’re a mostly solid piece, with the only exception being the end of his long, solid leg part, which folds out of the way to not block the barrel for the gun. He also can’t hold anything in his hands, which is actually a letdown for me. I would have loved for him to be able to hold his own tiny Nerf gun.
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Optimus Prime would go on to develop severe back pain.
Transforming Prime to gun mode and back is a pretty straightforward process, where the hardest part is just getting his arms positioned for gun mode, and even that’s not really a challenge. The whole transformation is quick and easy, which is partially caused by the fact that the entire body is a Nerf gun and the robot mode is the Nerf gun with limbs and a head, so transforming him is just getting those parts out of the way. My one issue is that, when putting Prime in robot mode, the barrel of the gun can sometimes make Prime’s legs not want to come together fully, which can make him fall backwards if you’re not careful, so do keep an eye on that.
I really like how the gun mode looks. It’s got a lot of visible Optimus details, such as the wheels his traditional truck mode has and the chest windows, which all make for a very stylized toy. It’s a really neat design, which at this point, I expect from Nerf after seeing some of their other Nerf guns. I’m very pleased with this look.
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Turn him upside down and you can claim he’s a submarine or spaceship
Since Prime’s a Nerf gun, one thing we should definitely talk about is his fire power. After all, the point of a Nerf gun is to shoot your friends with it, and it would be kinda sad if the Nerf dart couldn’t even clear the couch. Well, I’m pleased to say that Prime has what I’d call decent range. He’s a smaller gun, so he won’t be hitting people across a field, but his power is good for his size. And remember, it’s not the size of Optimus Prime, it’s what you can do with him.
Optimus comes with two accessories, a pair of Nerf darts. Considering he’s a Nerf gun, this shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone. What I do like is that he has a place to store the Nerf darts aside from just loading one in the gun, which would impede Prime’s ability to transform. Prime has a pair of dart holders that unfold on his back/the end of the gun, which do a very good job storing the darts, I haven’t had any issue with the holders being too loose or anything, which I admit was a concern of mine. As a bonus, when the darts are stored, they do a decent job emulating Prime’s smokestacks from his truck figures, albeit in bright Nerf colors.
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The film’s epic climax: Unicron chokes to death on a Nerf dart.
“Nerf Transformers: Rise of the Beasts 2-In-1 Optimus Prime Blaster“ is available at mass retail and can be found with the action figures, not the Nerf guns. He goes for about $20-$25 at retail, which is a little much, but a lot of online places are starting to carry him for about $17, which feels much more reasonable. While I’m not enamored with the legs and how he has a giant gun handle sticking out of his back, I do understand that those are sacrifices that had to be made due to the fact he’s a working Nerf gun. As is, I actually would recommend him for kids old enough and responsible enough to play with Nerf guns. I would also recommend him for adults responsible enough to play with Nerf guns. Basically, use good judgement before buying this for someone. “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” comes out this weekend, so this is the last Transformers review for now, and next week, we’ll be looking at toys of another beloved franchise that’s getting a movie soon, so come back then! This is JS, signing off and  wishing you Happy Toy Hunting!
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blasterjunkies · 4 months
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devildeals1 · 2 years
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jmrothwell · 7 months
Can’t stop laughing to the point of hiccups / Rulie
Julie adjusted the items in her basket, making sure they were all hidden away under the reusable shopping bag as she approached Reggie near the checkouts. His own basket equally disguised. 
“Hey beautiful.” He greeted with a smile and a quick kiss, as if he hadn’t seen her barely 15 minutes ago. “You find everything?”
“Pretty sure,” she laughed, reviewing the list in her head again. She could always pull up his text again, rewatch the video he’d referenced for this date idea. There weren’t that many items if she remembered correctly, favorite color, favorite food, favorite drink, thing to do, and if she missed one well she’d just be prepared for some teasing. “You?”
“Yep.” His smile was bright as always if a little smug, and for the first time she sensed there was a level of competition to this particular game. ��You ready to go?”
“Actually, can we make a quick detour?” She asked, as she checked her phone and the new text from her dad. “Apparently, dad can’t find the vegetable peeler and asked if I could pick one up.”
“Sure thing.” Reggie beamed, as he began to swing their joined hands between them during the short walk to kitchenware.
“Why do so many of these look like they belong in a torture chamber rather than a kitchen?” He asked through a slight chuckle, pointing to a metallic looking hammer Julie’s seen Tía use a number of times. “What even is that?”
“That’s a meat tenderizer.” Julie stated flatly, quickly returning her attention to the small array of peelers trying to figure out why one was nearly three times as expensive as another one.  “You use it to beat your meat.”
“What?” Reggie nearly squeaked, through a somewhat nervous laugh. His face was a confusingly bright red when Julie glanced over. It couldn’t have been that confusing right?
“Yeah, you take your chicken or your beef or whatever meat and you pound it–”
“Oh my god, Julie, stop.” He said between wheezing, hiccupping laughs, throwing a hand over her mouth for good measure. Her confused glare did little to calm down his laughter. “Do you even know what you’re saying?”
It took a second for his question to unlock the correct section of her brain. As soon as it did the tips of her ears began to burn, the fire quickly spreading across the rest of her face. Which she quickly buried into his shoulder torn between equally strong urges to hide and run away.
The choice was taken from her as he wrapped her up in a tight hug. Though it provided little comfort with the way he still shook with laughter. 
“Stop teasing me or I am putting the lightsabers and Nerf guns away.” 
“No,” he playfully whined, no doubt sensing the playfulness in her empty threat. His laughter greatly diminished though he still shook with an occasional hiccup. 
Gently he released Julie, pressing kisses to her forehead as he gently coaxed her to stop hiding behind her hands. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll do something equally embarrassing in no time.”
She finally got her heart to settle, with his hand reassuringly wrapped around her waist as he guided them back to the checkouts. It was quite the way to start an evening filled with laughter.
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The Halo Chief Collection review that no one asked for because I just finished Halo 4 and need to dump my thoughts!
Reach: Good time
First Halo game I ever played and kinda just tossed me into the ringer and I got a little lost but I think that’s more my fault than the game’s. That being said, love the game mechanics, especially the enemy AI. I knew it was smart, but I was woefully unprepared for how they could plan for me just as easily as I could plan for them. C’mere, c’mere you little shits I need to put a bullet in your head.
The guns were also fun and sounded amazing (sniper is always my favorite, human or covenant addition) and I like how each gun has its own perks and disadvantages, makes me think a little harder to which gun I wanna bring into a level.
The characters were also super great and I enjoyed listening to their dialogue and, even though I had been spoiled to the ending of the game, I got really attached to them (especially Jorge) and had a fun time following the story. Also, Kat’s death was so shocking I had to pause the game to process it like what the fuck, why am I so heartbroken. All of their deaths hit me in different ways but holy shit that one scared the life outta me. 
The whole atmosphere and how the enemies are treated are also super well done, you really feel the scale of the world and the threat of the covenant. Going onto a covenant ship for the first time scared me because I had gone from a pretty open and familiar space to completely unfamiliar enemy territory, it was a really good shift in atmosphere. 
Overall, it was really fun and I enjoyed the story, the gameplay, and the campaign as a whole. I wanna go back and play it again now that I know what I’m doing and see how differently it plays out for me game wise.
Halo CE: Frustratingly awesome time
For a game that’s as old as it is, Halo holds up really well in my opinion. First off, it has the best feeling to its guns of all the games. Something about the sound and the way it moves and the reloads are just perfect in my brain. I was always a little disappointed to load up the other games and realize the guns don’t shoot, sound, or feel the same way they did in this one. 10/10
It took me so much longer to beat this game than Reach, both because the campaign is longer and also because of the stupid motherfucking flood. 
Honestly, when they first appeared I thought I was getting into a horror movie because holy hell the devastation they brought to the ring and everyone on it, goddamn. Also, that one scene with the soldier who had a psychotic break and shoots at you is insane, like how do you think of that? I shot him the first time out of instinct and I felt so bad I restarted the chapter to see if I could save him (spoiler alert, you can’t) and it was at that moment I realized what kind of game I was dealing with because that small moment completely shifted the tone. 
Anyways, the flood sucks and I spent over an hour just on the beginning part of the library trying to get past the first wave of zombies. Like, literally couldn’t get into the next room. I then had to come to the unfortunate conclusion that you cannot outrun the flood, you must instead take all of them out one section at a time or else they will surround you and run you over like a stampede. Once I figured that out I got through the levels a little faster, but I did die a lot. I had fun though and the whole twist with both what the Halo weapon was and what the monitor’s purpose was still made me gasp in excitement and betrayal (Fuck you moniter I never trusted your ass). 
Very fun game 10/10, will not be replaying it until I recover from dealing with the flood. I might have trauma from that.
Halo 2 anniversary: HOLY FUCK THAT WAS GOOD
First off, the animation was gorgeous, going from Halo to Halo 2 Anniversary was a shock to my systems but goddamn was it pretty. 
Was a little disappointed with the guns and I don’t know if I just got better at the game or if the AI got nerfed but the levels felt like they were quicker to beat and not nearly as time consuming as Halo (maybe it was just because there were a lot less Flood to deal with, could also just be that). BUT it was still fun and getting to shoot aliens in actual space was cool, plus the cutscene of Master Chief dropping a bomb on the covenant will never not be cool.
Story was fucking awesome, Master Chief really had his time to shine here with Cortana and I love it. The Arbiter was also really cool and I remember I was watching his cutscenes and thinking “man, wouldn’t it be cool if I got to play as an elite? That’d be sick” AND THEN LITERALLY THE NEXT LEVEL WAS ME PLAYING AS THE ARBITER it was sick. I was on the edge of my seat whenever I sat down to play and completely lost myself in this world and the characters in it. 
Overall, really good game and I had a fun time playing it even if I had to download a different app just to play it because of how laggy it is (a common problem with Halo 2 Anniversary, I found out). Super worth it, love all of these games so far.
Halo 3: Good time, Good ending
Again, a little disorienting going from updated animation from Halo 2 Anniversary to the original graphics in Halo 3 but I got used to it quickly. Again again, the gun function was a little disappointing (except for sniper which is always a win) but it didn’t affect my gameplay and it definitely wasn’t bad, I just really really like OG Halo’s guns. 
The story started off a little meh for me, but it quickly gained traction and got me invested again. It wasn’t quite as stressful and need-for-complete-focus as the first one nor was it as gripping as the second, but Halo 3 stood really well among the trilogy and the ending was very satisfying. (Also, fuck you moniter I never trusted you).
Overall, I think this is a great trilogy and I adore the story they told here. 
Halo 3 ODST: Not bad at all
I’ll be honest, I was hesitant when I started this game. The characters weren’t as compelling as in Reach and I always roll my eyes at the “We used to date before but now our relationship is strained because we have to have some kind of drama to propel the plot” trope that writers love to use for heterosexual relationships. BUT I did end up coming to like them (still not as much as Noble Team) and Rookie is fucking awesome, I loved playing his bits while he was trying to figure out what happened to his team.
Speaking of which, very clever to have the gameplay go back and forth from Rookie roaming the empty streets all by himself to the more livelier streets the rest of his team are fighting in. Also, the engineer is cute. Very adorable design and his scene with Sargent Johnson made me smile (Rip Johnson, you were one of the best). The story overall was pretty good, even though I wasn’t really sure what they were doing half the time (Veronica, what are doing hun, c’mon) but I had more fun than I thought I would and enjoyed the game thoroughly. 
Guns were wack again though and I mourn the loss of my OG Halo guns. 
Halo 4: Surprisingly good
From what I heard off hand from other people, I knew Halo 4 was not as loved as the last 5 campaigns and playing it for myself, I can see why. The forerunner guns are wonky and the shoot weird; it took me forever to get used to them (except for the sniper because I will always be a pro with a sniper) and I tended to avoid them when I could. The look of the new enemies was pretty cool and they have some cool game mechanics like how you have to shoot the turret things so they don’t revive the prometheans again, but the prometheans themselves were hell to fight and I got annoyed with them, especially since they seemed to have endless health that the forerunner guns did nothing to. But I digress, they were fine and I got good at shooting the dogs(?) heads off. 
The story itself was okay. I don’t really love that they brought the forerunners back, especially since from what we learned from the monitor in the first game, they purposefully killed themselves so that the flood wouldn’t spread, right? Also don’t really like the bit where they devolved humans so they wouldn’t take over? Idk, the lore kinda confused me sometimes and the librarian still doesn’t make sense even though I had gone out of my way to collect the extra cutscenes throughout the game. Like, what did she do to Chief? Make him an unkillable cockroach? He was already that before! What did she do?!
That being said, any scene with Cortana and Chief was a win. Cortana’s slow descent into rampancy was so well done and you feel Chief’s worry for her and his insistence to make sure she’s okay. Chief also got a lot more dialogue and we got to see more of who he is as a character and how much he loves Cortana. I adore these two and their relationship and I got emotional in that end scene with them. They have my heart and I love them. 
Overall, the game was fun and I think Cortana and Chief really carried the story and made it enjoyable. Lore was kind of meh, but I might try to rewatch cutscenes to try and piece together what was happening.
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metawatts · 1 year
What are your thoughts about the fight of Ironwood vs everyone in vol. 8? I was so annoyed by it. I felt like they nerfed Ironwood so hard. Oh, and the writers decided to NOW use Marrow's semblance to stop characters before they can start fighting (the Ace Ops). Would have been nice to have consistent writing and have Marrow use that in the fight against RWBY. (Loved your review of JLxRWBY, btw. You put exactly how I felt into words.)
Well the reason you feel like Ironwood was nerfed was, in fact, because he WAS. I pulled this fact from the rwby wikia because I don’t have it in me to actually hunt down the quote, but, according to the Director’s commentary on episode 12, ‘the reason that Ironwood lost was because the writers felt that Team ORNJ deserved a win after losing to Neopolitan in Volume 7.’
So don’t worry, you’re not crazy. Ironwood absolutely got nerfed so MKEK could make sure JNR didn’t look like the jobbers we know they are. That’s plot armour, deus ex machina, and hand of the author at work, straight from the horse’s mouth. No one is allowed call MKEK good writers ever again, do the words 'kill your darlings' mean nothing anymore?
Anyway, this fight. It’s crap. Honestly a lot of the fights in vol8 are just really bad, that volume was just a disgrace in every way. Personal gripe: the song that plays over it, ‘Be Strong and Hit Stuff’, is probably my least favourite song on the entire vol8 album and considering all of them on the whole suck except for the one that was not written for the show, that’s a low bar. Most of why I hate this song is because Nora is without a doubt my absolute least favourite character in the whole show, but it’s also just. I’ll do song rankings one day.
It's just the same style of formulaic combat that rwby does in every fight of the entire volume. It’s just JNROW mashing their attack buttons until they get a decent combo. And the qrow and robyn and marrow vs the other ace ops scene? Don’t even talk to me about that, so Marrow suddenly has the guts to stop fighters in their tracks when it’s his old team? Vol8 really took every character I vaguely liked and put a gun to their likability (except you Watts you kept slaying, I named this blog for YOU).
I mean, real quick combat breakdown: Emerald rips off Mercury’s kick and then does nothing for the rest of the fight. Jaune and Oscar trade off ‘whack ironwood with my bladed weapon/cane’ before Ren does his stupid rope trick and decides he wants to try whack at Ironwood. Ironwood is doing great here honestly, he’s just in full boxer mode, his guard’s consistently up, he recovers quickly and adapts, he lands some good blows. Jaune and Ren also quietly drop out of the fight here, because Nora is getting powered up by Winter, somehow, even though she’s never been shown to use dust ever she suddenly uses it all the time even though her weapon lacks the same sort of dust casing as Weiss so where’s this come from you’d think she’d have used it against Cinder when she was literally getting killed but WHATEVER-
Anyway Nora gets the first major relevant hit on Ironwood because literally of course she does, we cut off to Marrow being a turncoat, and then cut back to Winter and Oscar riding a Manticore while Nora joins Jaune and Ren and Emerald in ‘not existing in this fight sequence anymore’ land, and apparently they just decided after getting one hit in they’d pause to get on an animal instead of continuing attacking, this fight makes no sense.
Anyway, Ironwood destroys the Manticore barehanded, king shit, Winter hits him with the ice dust she suddenly uses, Oscar poke attacks, and right when ironwood’s about to knock this kid out of the stratosphere, Winter uses some sort of flashy finishing move that is literally ripped from Kill La Kill I see those studio trigger sparkles. Again, also makes no fucking sense either, what even is this, and don’t tell me ‘rule of cool’ because it wasn’t cool, it was lame. And also, so much for ‘give JNRO a win’, they can’t even stick to their own favouritism because Winter does all the actual fuckin work here.
Overall scores
Story Context: 4/10
Fight Choreography: 1/10
Authorial Bullshit Intervention (Plot Armour, this time admitted to): 10/10
Emotional Investment: 4/10 (but only because I wanted Ironwood to at least megaton punch Jaune or Nora into outer space)
Deserved Outcome: 1/10
Also, thank you!! I ended up having a lot of fun writing out my JLxRWBY review, even if a lot of it was tempered by Seething Rage. Being a miserly grump sometimes is good for the soul, after all.
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theworldbrewery · 1 year
In your opinion, would a ranged battlemaster fighter work well mechanically? I'm aware that many of the Maneuvers are for melee fighting, but I've been toying around with an idea for a crossbow or gun wielding battlemaster. Tbh the only reason that I'm concerned about the "functionality" of it is because the rest of my group minmaxes like crazy and I don't want my character to die cuz it can't keep up with the rest of the group. Not to yuck their yum or say I'm not having fun in the group! I just wanna know if this is a build that will hold up.
I am pretty much constantly thinking about Battle Master maneuver strats, so you came to the right place!
A few key points:
The only Core Rulebook maneuvers that require you to be in melee when attacking are feinting attack, lunging attack, and sweeping attack (pushing attack is in a grey area; I would rule the "pushed up to 15 feet away from you" as being up to 15 feet in a direction away from your location, not that 15 is a limiting distance from your character--but another DM might not agree).
Parry and riposte involve an enemy getting into melee with you, which is possible even if you're a ranged attacker, but not necessarily ideal.
Disarming strike, distracting strike, goading attack, menacing attack, precision attack, and trip attack are all delicious options for a ranged attacker to take. (Ambush, from TCoE, is another good choice)
Basically, you should always have *some* means of melee attack if you're going to choose this subclass, because you can't guarantee that your enemies won't move around the battlefield and Get You. But in general, focusing your skillset around ranged attacks is perfectly possible.
Battlemaster mechanics are made for manipulating your enemies' and allies' options. A disarming strike gives an ally in melee a chance to steal the enemy's weapon, for example. Other options mentioned above might give your allies' attacks advantage, put the enemies at disadvantage, or impose other conditions (frightened, prone) in addition to more standard effects like dealing extra damage or boosting your own rolls.
With that in mind -- if you have a caster-heavy party and they also enjoy these types of strategic moves, you will want to choose your maneuvers with care. Nerfing an enemy will always feel cool, but with AOE effects, they can often hit multiple enemies with their effects at the same time. Assuming you're playing with people who aren't all about hogging the spotlight, though, you can just tell them this is a mechanical role you're planning to take, and they will likely not step all over your fun.
Now, as you've noted, the Battle Master isn't built with ranged combat in mind. There is another option: the Arcane Archer. It works in a similar way; you get a limited number of special effects you can apply to your ranged attacks. These effects are explicitly magical, but they are not spells. The main caveats to this proposal are as follows:
This subclass calls for a high (or at least decent) Intelligence score, since the save DCs are calculated using that ability.
You get fewer uses per short/long rest. When you take the subclass, you get two uses of the special "arcane shot" effects per short rest, instead of the 4 you start with in Battle Master.
This is likely negotiable with the right DM, but Arcane Archer is dedicated to archers specifically -- no firearms allowed, RAW.
With that information at hand, I really do recommend reviewing the list of Arcane Shot options -- they're long, so I can't recap them all here, but they tend to work more like particularly beefy cantrips with multiple damage effects and an additional, usually single-round debuff, e.g. reduced speed, banishing an enemy for a round, or limiting the enemy's field of vision.
To me, this subclass needs some reworking (a core subclass ability shouldn't be a two-and-done, IMO), but it has a charm of its own. In many ways, these two subclasses are mirrors of one another. I just think that structurally, Battle Master is more mechanically sound -- and therefore, unless you have a homebrew-minded DM, you should probably go for that one.
(Also! If you're concerned about the so-called "caster-martial divide" or other "power creep" issues, talk with your DM about it! They ostensibly want you to have a good time and not feel left behind, so if a liberal hand with martial-oriented items you can use to offset some of those power gaps.)
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arcane-strangeness · 7 months
had a beloved irl ask me for writing advice and like
i love you
but i don't know how the fuck i do it either i'm sorry
it caught me off guard to the point where i started kind of rambling lmfao @theratshaveinvaded heres kind of a basic summary? of what i did for that spite (and love) driven piece i wrote for @flunkett? below the cut
ok so basically here was my thinking process for the post i wrote here, i basically picked out specific events that came from the prompt, storyboarded the main scenes out in my head, and fleshed it out from those scenes until everything fell into place
jinx needs to die
vi needs to directly kill jinx
vi has no ranged weapons, so it's not gonna be a oops trigger finger slipped, it needs to be intentional
but vi would never intentionally harm jinx at the time when i'm setting the story (3 months after the council blew up)
how the fuck do i do that
think back to when i chase my younger brother to terrorize him (my duty as the oldest sibling, i have plenty nerf guns and a hockey mask for that exact purpose)
one of my favorite things to do is to loop around (the ground floor of my house is just a circle of rooms so if i can quickly double back around i can get in front of him) and slam an arm against the wall to scare him
vi has gauntlets
i can use that
Jinx has to want to die
she's already sooo mentally ill that's not difficult
throw in a little bit at the start about the many people who want her dead and the (implied) guilt she probably feels
hint at it throughout, she doesn't want to hurt anyone this time, and makes an effort to provoke but never actually harm anyone this time
she just needs vi and cait to chase her :)
simple as that :)
as for actually writing it idk man it just comes to me. (not to sound cocky or stuck up i still don't think i'm good at it lmfao) 90% sure it stems from a literal lifetime of being a big old nerd and watching too many video essays and media/literature review analyzing what makes something "good" and stealing little bits of style that i like from my favorite authors (and fanfic writers)
its like making an artstyle for yourself except with words
honestly this piece was probably a lot easier because #1 i had established characters that i only had to emulate instead of establishing a brand new personality and appearance and whatnot #2 same goes for setting and all that jazz #3 i had a set prompt and events that needed to happen, everything fell into place around those key points like a puzzle
and that's that, i wrote 1.2k words in a little over an hour out of spite because flunkett made me feel things :)
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milkyteadrops · 2 years
I'm in an advanced class for language arts and the course I'm in is about film and reviewing, except part of it is that we have to make a short little scene from something, and me being the gremlin addicted to ace attorney I am, I decided to film the end part of turnabout goodbyes with two friends; one who said yes before I finished my sentence, and the other who was interested because I said something about a dead man in it. I'm also inviting my parents to join and help because why not.
This has lead to some amazing moments, including one friend saying Georgy Eggworth accidentally and asking me if they can keep it in, I reluctantly said yes. Also the same friend not being able to say von Karma correctly and saying it like von Karm and von Com. That friend also stopping at "come" multiple times. Friend calling the judge daddy. Finally, dad Karma doing some arm movements that are so out of character but I liked so I kept in.
Update: We finished filming today and I just gotta say, everyone was confused by von Karma's weird noises he makes when he realizes his defeat, so the person playing Gregory was dying today. Then, when we recorded the fighting lines, that one friend from before wouldn't stop interrupting with "come" jokes, so I banished them. Also, we messed around with a nerf gun today because it was gonna be used as the actual gun. (Side note, the teacher let me do the idea, and the only thing she was concerned about was if I was using an actual gun because she didn't want me to accidentally shoot someone, so yeah)
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vespertin-y · 2 years
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#dr - 1,259 posts
#maddy tag - 312 posts
#genshin - 279 posts
#mem says stuff - 278 posts
#saioumatsu tag - 223 posts
#fnaf - 189 posts
#utdr - 170 posts
#pokemon - 83 posts
#dice tag - 79 posts
#toh - 77 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#he's only acting like that 2 protect himself! no point in killing one of the easiest manipulated jury members! go for the detectives instead
My Top Posts in 2022:
the description of the mondstadt mansion is HYSTERICAL to me specifically because of how background it is. no you will never ever get to see xiao and venti interact on-screen. yeah they have a house together. stop asking questions.
47 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
yknow as horrible as early undertale fandom ship culture was, literally NO ONE does ship kids like them 😔 not even current undertale fandom can match that energy. every time i see a ““fankid”” that’s just a clumsy fusion of their parents i want to bang my head against a wallll it’s so irritating to me
56 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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83 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
silly saiou headcanon i have: whenever shuichi gets kokichi a gift he does the thing where you wrap it to look like something completely different. kokichi gets what is very obviously a tightly-wrapped chair for christmas and when he tears the paper candy comes falling out. he gets a gift shaped like a nerf gun for his birthday and it’s a hammock inside. he thinks it’s the funniest thing Ever because he was genuinely shocked the first time it happened and now shuichi can never ever stop no matter how many paper cuts he gets.
88 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ah yes, tumblr’s favorite ship dynamic: short stocky green-haired person who is so sweet you don’t realize their murder potential until it’s too late + tall thin boy with a facial scar relating to familial trauma who finds their first real friend in the green-haired person
132 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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smartnerf · 9 months
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d0ntw0rrybehappy · 4 months
Literally two teenage boys snuck up on me walking around my neighborhood alone at 10pm last night and shot me with a nerf gun. Reading these Honor Levy reviews that don’t reference real race or gender politics at all just VOG blah blah blah, dimes square over, neopets slang, blah blah blah. My review is not like that it’s so mentally ill and vulnerable lol. I often feel like I’m speeding through life without a helmet on — or more likely, jumping up and down at a busy intersection, naked and chanting. It’s only fun to strip your clothes off in public when it inspires other people to strip off their clothes too. If not they just ignore you, call the police. Boom naked revolution, or everyday crazy homeless lady ugh so sad ugh quit shouting. I’ll do it anyway whatever fuck it
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blasterjunkies · 4 months
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tonmoyiou · 6 months
Top 3 Best Nerf Guns For Christmas Reviews In 2024
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Overview of Apex Legends Latest Season
Introduction: I have been playing Apex since season 2 and consider myself a veteran of Apex. And so, with this season some major changes were implemented which is probably not optimal for new players. From new guns, new legend, weapon adjustments, this season has kept players on the edge of their seats. Let's delve into the highs and lows of this comprehensive review of Apex legends season 20.
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New legends: One of the most anticipated aspects of any Apex season is the introduction of new legends. Conduit has joined the roster, bringing her unique playstyle to the battlefield. Conduit is a new support that changed the meta especially in the pro scene. Her abilities saviour's speed which grants her a speed boost if she is out of tactical range. Whereas radiant transfer gives teammates and herself temporary shields. Her ultimate is an array of shield jamming devices which slows and damages enemies.
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Weapon Balancing and Shields: Season 20 brought significant changes to the weapon meta, with adjustments made to several weapons to promote balance and fair gameplay. While some players were initially skeptical of these changes, overall consensus seems positive. The tweaks have resulted in people using more guns instead of just using guns like the r99, peacekeeper, flatline, havoc, etc. allowing players to experiment with different loadouts. Additionally, players can no longer pick up shields from ground loot and instead have to deal damage to players, opening special bins, and use evo harvesters in order to upgrade their shields. Not only that but now you have to select between two upgrades at level 2 and level 3. These upgrades are essential and game-changing if you want to survive. Apart from this they slightly nerfed armor swaps where you could just grab the enemy’s armor regardless of how leveled it was. Now it is temporary, so you have to use it wisely for when the 3rd parties show up.
The ranked system has undergone numerous changes, sparking intense discussions within the community each time. While not all changes have been universally praised, especially among solo players, the developers persist in their efforts to cater to and satisfy their player base. Season 20 introduced several changes such as resetting everyone to 1 RP where the player will have to climb to the highest rank. The new system also features ways for players to earn more points for kills, assists, and placement for each match. The devs also acknowledged the unfair matchmaking, sever stability, and cheaters. Unfortunately, they are still working on fixing these issues, however it has gotten better. This revamped ranking system, improved matchmaking, and new rewards will hopefully retain more players.
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Conclusion: As Season 20 has just begun there is still a lot to test out. Each match has been a testament to the dynamic and ever-changing battle royal. With new legends, weapon balancing, shields, and ranked system, Season 20 has offered something for everyone, ensuring that the excitement never dies. As we eagerly await the dawn of season 21, one thing is certain: the future of Apex seems like it’s far from over. Stay tuned!
Emily Sierra
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