hiddlesworth69-blog · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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headfullofpotter · 11 years
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4000 followers tumblr crushes appreciation post <3 love you all so much >.<
potter-headiwg (4%)
nerdyspecs-and-baskerville (4%)
nerds-are-cool (2%)
marauder-moose (2%)
trust-me-im-satan (2%)
superwholock-is-the-new-sexy (2%)
foehammerbrightasdaylight (2%)
the-sourwolf-in-baker-street (2%)
sherlockedcannibal (1%)
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epicness-defined · 11 years
whats-a-whore-youre-nothing-more 's questions for me
1. What's your favourite book? The Fault In Our Stars. I love it SO much
2. What is your favourite song? I Won't Give Up ~ Jason Mraz It always makes me cry :')
3. What is your favourite Chocolate Bar? The new Cardbury's Marvelous Creations, the Jelly beany popping candy one.
4. What is your favourite subject? CHEMISTRY also biology
5. What is your biggest OTP? My question... JOHNLOCK!!! also Destiel
6. Black or White? Black...
7. Dawn or Dusk? I'm really not a morning person, but Dawn, weirdly enough.
8. What languages can you speak? Ein bisschen Deutsch, et un petit peut Francais. Also English. I'm going to start studying Russian next year on top of that.
9. If you could marry anyone, who would it be? Benedict Cumberbatch. I would give him so many children...
10. How many children do you want? Much as I love them, maybe only one or two. I only have a boy name planned. My baby boy would be called Anthony. If I'm not with my girlfriend when children become a part of my future, 'm going to name my baby girl Francesca, after her :P
I'm not going to tag anyone else, but if you want to answer the questions I was asked, send me a link to your answers!
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magicsarona · 12 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
le-nuage (11%)
one-dreamy-wanderer (6%)
nerdyspecs-and-baskerville (4%)
whenyoureolder-youwillunderstand (4%)
that-drunk-sex-feeling (3%)
ugottalovetlorgtfo (2%)
i--hate--every0ne (2%)
look-behind-these-hazel-eyes (2%)
mint-fl4v0red (2%)
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half-assed-hades · 12 years
Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
I was tagged by the amazing youmovedmedoctor
my questions:
1. which hogwarts house are you in? are you satisfied with it?
Ravenclaw. Yes, I am very much satisfied with it, as well as being very proud! ;)
2. sweet or spicy?
That depends. Are you talking about food? If so, sweet- spicy food makes me and my mouth sad :(
3. what is your otp? why is it your otp?
Johnlock- because asdfghjkl they are so cute! What with their red and purple shirts and all that sexual tension ;)
Sodo- Hobbit on hobbit bromance= asdfghjkl YEP!
bili (that's bilbo and kili)- CAN YOU EVEN? YES? THEY'RE JUST! AHHHHHH.
Finally, Borin- because despite the disrespect Thorin shows to Bilbo at the start, through the journey he gains so much respect, and ends up making beautiful peace on thorins deathbed :}
4. favorite flower?
A rose- they're just so beautiful and symbolise so much!
5. favorite musical?
Hairspray- it stands for so much.And has some rockin' tunes ;D
6. tacos or pizza?
Pizza. All the way. Though I thoroughly support all you taco eaters out there.
7. favorite harry potter book/movie?
The prisoner of azkaban 
8. where were you for halloween last year? if you didn’t dress up, what would you have been?
I went to my friends house I semi dressed up with her as Thor and ran around her house with a hammer for a while :')
9. favorite sport?
Sport? The work of peasants! Haha, joking ;) I enjoy hoceky, and Netball ;)
10. do you have a crack ship?
jean. Or John and Dean ;D
11. favorite word?
Sherlock. ;)
Ok: my questions are: 
1)Who do you ship?
2)What are you afraid of?
3)Who is your favourite character in The Lord Of The Rings?
4)Who is your favourite Dwarf from the Hobbit?
5)What is your favourite book?
6) Favourite film?
7)Celebrity crush?
8)Which celebrity would you most like to meet?
9)What is your career aim in life(if you have one)?
10)Sherlock or Doctor Who?
11)Do you play any instruments?
I tag: baggins-shire, nerdyspecs-and-baskerville, yesterdayisadisgrace, kilis-little-fangirl, pippins-merry
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mrdistracted · 12 years
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Tumblr Crushes:
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phanesphenom · 12 years
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nerdyspecs-and-baskerville started following you
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potter-nerd started following you
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I want to thank you because now I have over 75 followers
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(I know that's nothing but I DON'T CARE BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL)
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hiddlesworth69-blog · 12 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
thethreetoedsloth (2%)
superwho-potterlock-fan (2%)
nerdyspecs-and-baskerville (2%)
stilesandkili (1%)
imdatinglucifer (1%)
deducemedoctor (1%)
morehiddlestonforyou (1%)
carry-on-my-wayward-nights (1%)
hiddlesleftmyheartanopenwound (1%)
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bexism · 12 years
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nerdyspecs-and-baskerville replied to your post: Hello! I was wondering... Are you a partner in...
How much do you have for your vids now? I heard you were letting people bid?
I think the winning bid was $16
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half-assed-hades · 12 years
1. Hello, there! Did you have a good day?
2. Winter or summer?
3. Plane or car?
4. Would you rather have an adventure with Sherlock or the Doctor?
5. If a demon posessed someone of your family and the only way was to kill them, would you? (omg sorry…?)
6. Can you swim or ride a bike? Or both?
7. What’s your favourite song? I mean, a song that touches your soul…that makes you fly and feel like you’re floating looking at stars. You know…THAT song.
8. If you could be inside of a movie, what movie would that be and what character would you like to be?
9. Your actual celeb crushes, please:
10. Ever travelled far to see a band or want to?
11. If your nº1 celeb crush asked you directions to somewhere (imagine they’re visiting your city), how would you act?
So, I'm not adding any questions or anything. And i've already done this thoroughly but my computer died and it didn't save so... Don't expect miracles...
I'll tag: jornwortson, sherlockedforwho, baggins-shire, nerdyspecs-and-baskerville, hohofuckingholmes
Mainly because I really like your blogs, but also because you all came up on my dash ;)
1)Eh, it was ok... I had 8 hours of work so it wasn't great :P
2)I like both. CAn I say Autumn, just to be awkward? I really like wearing jumpers in winter as well as sitting by log fires with unlimited tea/hot chocolate, but I really like going for long walks in the heat wearing shorts in the summer...
3)Car. While I like flying, and my head is usually in the clouds, I prefer to keep my feet on the ground.
4)asdfghjkl You're mean :( Probably the Doctor, because I'd get to see worlds and times that I had/never would get to see.
5)Yes. Probably. Maybe... I suppose it depends who it was :/ Would I have to do it myself? Or could I get an assassin or something?
6)Both. Though I'm better at riding a bike ;D
7)asdfghjkl I have so many D: But right now, probably Fun.- Carry on and Taylor Swift- Begin again.
8)It sounds annoyingly stupid but either the lord of the rings trilogy (for a specific film, The Fellowship) as Pippin, because guys, it's FRICKIN PIPPIN!
Or The Hobbit as either Kili or Bilbo's pony (Because, hey, who wouldn't want Martin Freeman on top of them all day ;D) 
It's only cause I'm a major fan... :}
9)Martin Freeman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Elijah Wood, Aidan Turner, Matt Smith, Jared Padalecki, Billy Boyd, Dom Monaghan... They're main :}
10)No... I travelled an hour to Birmingham to see Taylor Swift and also Ed Sheeran, and a bit over an hour to Wolverhampton to see Mcfly... I can't really go to concerts, as I have epilepsy, you see....
11)Have a mini fangirl session, then gather myself and give the directions so they don't run away, then quickly proceed to tell them how much I love them etcetc. Before finally either ending up having had a successful celebrity encounter, or a restraining order...
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