tolkhien · 10 years
So i've been reading Celestial Touch and i just came by 1. to say that it is totally awesome wow and 2. to ask no pressure if you're still writing it and if you are will it still be a while to the next update or not? cause i'd really love some more but obviously you have your own life and problems so you might not want to and i appreciate that amazingness takes time to produce but yeah if i know it's gonna be a while i might be able to stop refreshing the page so often:) stay cool okay bye
Haha thank you very much for the compliments :))
I actually have the next chapter already typed up and sent off to my beta, she just hasn’t responded yet. I sent it last… Tuesday, I think, so if she doesn’t respond by this Tuesday I’m just gonna post it un-editied (yikes). I’m sure she’s just busy with end of school year stuff (I’m already out YAY) so we’ll see :)
So yea, it’ll be up by Tuesday at the latest :) Thanks for being patient with me!!
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sherlockible · 11 years
Tumblr media
I hit 100 followers yesterday, which has been a goal of mine for a while, so to celebrate I'm doing a mini follow forever with a few of my favorite blogs! Check out these fabulous people. Bolded=mutuals. Love you all!
My favorite cookies:Eve, Haley
a-m catch-221b, consulting-deductive, deducemedoctor, dramatisecho, ewmartin, iambatchlocked, lestrvde
n-z marrymattsmithmanytimes, sherkeys, sher-tea-loki, the-art-of-fangirling, theraggedymadman, trenchcoatandfreckles, wintermindpalace
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ugh-grody · 11 years
1. favourite book? ~The Book Of Lost Things
2. America, Australia, England, or…Cananda…question mark?? ~Australia
3. do you love me? ~Yes!!<3
4. what are you eating? ~The organs of my enemies
5. can i has some? ~Well idk man sure if you're in the mood for fried kidneys and chives
6. i like you. <3 ~thAT IS NOT A FUCKIN QUESTION BUt i like you too
7. middle name? ~something??
8. favourite type of chocolate? ~Dark<3
9. otp? ~Us
10. forever lover? *glances around* um... its... come here and i'll tell you. *whispers it in your ear*
11. if you could choose one celebrity to marry who would it be? ~How famous do they have to be to count as a celebrity?
(tagged by: http://startingwiththeridingcrop.tumblr.com/)
Rule 1: Post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer all of the questions the tagger has asked, and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them falling-ends questions
1. WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIGHT AT THIS VERY SECOND?! 2. Favorite thing about yourself? 3. Favorite movie? 4. Favorite band? 5. What has changed your life? 6. Name three people who have made a positive difference in your life. 7. What country are you in? 8. Who is your favorite Youtuber? 9. Tell me your hobbies. 10. Best book you've ever read? 11. Who is your hero, and why?
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jeveuxaimer · 11 years
Awesome blog and awesome fandoms.
thank you you have such a lovely blog as well!
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pilotshara · 11 years
by grapeofwrath
Rule 1: Post the rules. Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger has set for you in their posts, then make 11 new ones.  Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them in your post. Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1.If you could live inside any t.v. show,what would it be,and who would your character be?
Doctor Who. I'd be one of the people the Doctor would take on a trip or two and then I would probably die in some alien attack because I would be useless at the running thing but at least I got my adventure.
2.What song do you HATE with a fiery passion?
Do you guys know Blackmore's Night? Because my mum listens to that stuff all the time and I wouldn't hate it per se but just because it's the only thing I EVER hear when she decides what to play I could just take their entire catalogue and burn it so it never sees the light of day again
3.(Since literally all of you are cumberladies) What is your favorite thing about Benedict Cumberbatch?
That he's genuinely a nice guy or at least that is the impression that I get from watching his interviews and stuff. He just seems like someone you would get along great with.
4.I know  this is a hard one,but what is your favorite food?
Spinach with mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs. It's delicious when you mash it all together. Though lately I also appreciate cauliflower a great deal. My favourite foods make me look like I'm a healthy person but I'm really, really not.
5.If you could transform into any animal,what would it be?
A cat. Cats seem like pretty chill creatures and people want to make you like them and I can ignore people and just sleep all day and sit in dark places. Cats are cool.
6.Who is your role model?
I don't really have one and isn't that a horrible thing to say. I have people I admire for their talent (John Lennon, Marie Curie, Benedict Cumberbatch) and these people inspire me but I don't want to BE like them. There are so many great people walking around this earth and every single one of them somehow influences me in one way or another. So I guess my role model is a compilation of all these people. I just want to be able to live with myself and the choices I made. That's literally all I want from my life.
7.How long have you been on Tumblr?
About a year and a half now. I have only started posting around November of last year since I thought reblogging was tedious in those first few months (I still think that to some degree. Thank god for xkit)
8.Marry,Murder,make love: David Tennant,Benedict Cumberbatch,Martin Freeman.
Marry: Martin Freeman
Make Love: Benedict Cumberbatch
Murder: David Tennant (sorry David)
Martin and I could be grumpy together forever. This only applies if Amanda is completely out of the picture because these two are just too adorable together and I would never do anything to disturb that no matter how fictional.
9.What are you most proud of in your life?
That I didn't fall asleep in my German class after I handed in the essay in grade 12 that we had 3 months time to work on and I started and completed it in 3 days before I had to hand it in. I didn't sleep and drank a lot of red bull during that time and German is the dullest class you can imagine
10.Lastly,You are stranded on an island.Name only three things you can bring with you (and do not say a boat lol)
iPod, duct tape, a knife
My questions:
1. Can you drive a car? Stick or automatic?
2. Hottest day of the year: How do you spend your day?
3. How long can you endure a repetetive task like putting stamps on letters?
4. Country you would give everything for to visit?
5. Can you moonwalk?
6. Know how to tie a tie? What about a bowtie?
7. The song you dramatically lip-synch to?
8. M&M Peanuts or Chocolate?
9. Favourite Beatle? (if you don't have one google them and tell me who you think looks the cutest)
10. Messy or clean room?
11.  Any posters in your room? What of?
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